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Work in Progress, Mid-Week Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

>Previous Threads:
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Taking suggestion for the wip and the dagger
>Finish painting for the day
>Look at models
>Went too heavy on shading, so now the highlights contrast way too much
>In a bad mood for the rest of the day
I hate painting fabric the highlights always fuck me. With a blocky thing you just do the edges and top but with smooth fabric it never looks right when I try to highlight along the creases.
Fabric is a lot more fun when you use line texturing/stippling instead of trying to block on highlights. This video is specifically for leggings but the technique can apply to any fabric highlighting:


Or try playing around with oil paints.
I've had the GW sprue snippers that came in a starter box with paints and a brush for years now and it's finally chipped and blunt as fuck, so I wanna get some nice ones. Are the RedGrass ones a scam? They seem pretty pricy, but I have their wet palette and I like it. Army Painter is a third of the price but I know how their shit is kinda hit or miss.
I know that feel. I drybrushed too hard on my last mini and completely fucked the tone I was going for.
With cloth, the other anon is right about texture, but another thing is that glazing is your friend. A razor thin glaze of your midtone would probably cool off those highlights.
It might not need it though. I read this recently and I'm trying to keep it in mind. https://birdwithabrush.com/2018/09/27/compare-and-contrast/
A miniature is not a photograph and colors that aren't "realistic" might still look really good.
Micro Mark has some really good ones, they're on par with godhand for about half the price
Sprue snippers aren't really a bottleneck, you're going to need to clean up mold lines anyway so you don't need the world's cleanest snip, as long as it actually cuts and doesn't damage the non-sprue parts of the mini.
Trying to learn to paint one handed is kind of hard.
Doing a Terminator Chaplain kitbash after seeing a couple posted here. The pillar will be his corzius.

1) For the other hand, scroll with scripture on it, or storm shield from repurposed land raider door?

2) I added a hilt to the previously empty scabbard (the original model wields a power sword), but I'm debating if I should just carve the whole thing off altogether.
That's what you get for picking Slaanesh.
Nah, I actually worry about this, I might have shoulder surgery soon. My hand will still work so I might be able to make it work, just at an odd angle. What happened to your hand?
Pretty sick anon, definitely do the scroll. Will help sell him as a Chaplain really well.
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gutrot spume is born of the brine. he wants to know where the pussy’s at.
seconding the scroll, the shield variant doesn't look very good to me
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Finally done with Kurdoss and his cuck throne.
what copper paint is that
How many paints is enough to be in the comfortable zone? I keep buying noname, chinesium paint to reduce the cost, but these no names acrylic paints are just mostly end up being worse than Valejjo. And for the total cost of all these no name paints combined, it end up being more expensive than a Vallejo 72 colors set...
VGC Tiny Tin with agrax wash, then Brassy Brass for highlights
This is a brand that I used when I was trying to get away from citadel paints but there wasn't much else on offer in my local hobby store yet. It is a craft paint and you can get a whole bunch of it for the same cost as your regular 17ml miniature paint tube. It is not as good as something like AK or Scale 75, but it is more than good enough for miniature painting and very cheap compared to miniature paints, especialy when you get a big ol 100 ml jar. It's a German brand so you should have no problem finding it in Europe, but I don't know about the US and other places
These guys have such cute helmets. ' . '
Just buy what you need for the project you're working on.
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I would say a couple dozen can be pretty comfy if you make a decent selection, and mix a bit.
>generic rainbow + black, white & medium grey (10)
>generic highlights, warm and cool (2 each)
>your dudes main colors: base, layer, and chunky highlight (3-4)
>some fuggin washes (3-4)
>a few metallics (3-4)
>some browns/skintones (3-4)
Some paints might fill more than one of these categories at once.
Forgot to explain pic lmao:
this is what I bought to start, and didn't find myself wanting for much.
Oh also their metalics are shit
All their other paints are exactly the same so if you like how one of them feels you will like the rest, it's not hit or miss like valejo is.
To actualy anwser your question on how many paints you need.
A bright silver, a bronze, a bright gold. Magenta, cyan, deep blue, pure red, yellow, beige, a green, dark blue, dark purple, orange, dark brown, mid brown, orangish brown, black, white and a skin collour. So those 19shades would be all you need in my oppinion. You would of course need to mix some colours but I think with those 19 you would have everything you need straight out of the bottle 90% of the time.
Can i use lacquer thinner to clean acrylic paint in my airbrush?
Does anyone have any good suggestion for Kits for kitbashing primaris character models etc ? so many look like absolute dogshit (primaris chaplain/judicar look like the sculptor played too much bloodborne and aged awfully` )

I was thinking Sternguard Vets / Company heroes might be good. Thinking sword brethern but potentially to much effort taking off templar logos ?
What chapter? Might want to look into Dark Angels. Also isn’t there a newish captain model with lots of weapons?
I've been drybrushing the jacket these models wear (WA Pathans) but the cloth below I've been trying to highlight. I forgot stippling was a thing to be honest so thank you for reminding me
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for weapons, i usually dig through my old assault intercessors bits. the box comes with plenty of melee weapons and pistol (flamer, plasma, heavy bolt, t-hammer, p-swords, p-fists and chainswords)

company heroes are all p much monopose except for the captain, who gets a fist or p-sword and a grav, plasma, or scoped heavy bolt pistol. he has more options than the generic captain kit, but he doesn't come with the one-armed bolt rifle that the generic captain has.

bladeguard also come with a lot of p-sword and pistol bearing arms. they have a thundershield that can be stuck on the back of a primaris dude's backpack. you can build the whole 3 man kit and still have a few unique sword and pistol arms left over

deathwatch veterans also have LOADS of customization options but you're dealing with manlet proportions and some bits that might not be legal on a primaris captain (like the power mace or combi-weapon). they come with 5 power sword hands/arms and each of the veterans almost looks like a character model even though they're all 5'11
so either get ready to chop off an replace a lot of primaris hands or find somebody who doesn't care about wysiwyg
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I know, i know... but consider getting some printed bits. greytide for example did extensive primaris upgrade collections. Pic related is from their BT range, but should work for other chapters too, some of their other ranges (like SW or DA) are not as "generic" but still worth a look in my opinion.
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sometimes I really really wish i had a 3d printer for printing little fun models of puppies or superheroes to give to my friends and coworkers, and also to print custom heads and swords to make my dudes unique

but then I remember that I don't have the space or patience or time to devote to 3d printing.
There's plenty of printshops anon, just pay to print the files.
Basically this. Check etsy, it should be full with offers.
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Almost done with my mob of eshin clanrats. What do you think of the colours? I added some green and red to avoid making their clothes entirely dark. Proper gutter runners and assassins will wear grey and black.
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Took inspiration from pic related.
Looks good, nice and messy.
Losing feeling in my holding hand that comes and goes. Like I'll be holding a glass or something with my left and won't realize I dropped it until it hits the floor. Have dropped a couple minis while I was actively painting them, shits annoying.
High contrast is good, anon. These things are very small, they're much easier to read with high contrast.
Evil green dagger. For the whip, either normal with a khaki tip, or glowing white hot tip fire whip. Right now, I would push the gradient further near the base of the whip
Good luck, guys. Hopefully it's nothing serious and you both get better soon.
Scroll for sure. The emperors light will protect him.
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Damn, that skin tho. I wish I was capable of putting that much time into a single mini.
>How many paints is enough to be in the comfortable zone?
However many paints you need to not feel frustrated by the process. I like having tonnes of options ready to go, so I like a lot of paints. Other people get overwhelmed when they have too many choices and prefer to only have their absolute favorites. You gotta find that breaking point for yourself
Why, you got 24 hours left to live?
We have a painter at my lgs who lost his hand to a dog attack a few years back, and he attached the top of a painting handle to a cheap wrist watch band so he can still move it around and isn't having to paint with it on the table surface
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Vanguard vets come with a lot of cool bits and weapons.
I-I'm sorry, I just thought the way anon phrased that was exaggerated so I wasn't sure if he actually liked it or was making fun of it
I have literally 0 artistic talent so if I can do it anyone can with enough practice
that is a really cool scheme
last (you) obviously meant for >>93427828'
Serious question. Is there a tutorial for converting female Stormcast Eternals to males with green stuff? I swear I can remember someone posting one before Or was that just a weird dream I had?
>verification not required
>roll a gs noodle and two spheres
>stick them between the legs
Don't know about a tutorial but you can change the heads. The girlcast have different chest armor though, so that would be tough.
I imagine it would involve covering the chest/torso with the green stuff to make them more boxy? Applying Thin planes of material to change the body shape(s)
If I am plan on airbrushing at my kitchen table with no reasonable access to a window to run a vent hose, can I just spray acrylics and primer into a cardboard box? I used to airbrush outside but my current environment is not suited for that. I don't feel like spending $100 on a booth with a hose I can't use and I don't feel like buying all of the requisite parts and tools to create the ventilated cardboard spraybooths people DIY
i did few days ago and now my ceiling fan has pretty cool cadian fleshtone blades
also coughed up paint until this morning
In 2024 some would consider that a woman still
Is a respirator really that difficult to get a hold of in your country
Those look awesome.
I spray into a cardboard box. You still need a respirator but I haven't painted anything outside the box yet, I don't know WTF >>93434571 did.
Are hand sculpted prototypes still a thing at all or are any minis and figures you can buy today going to be computer designed, 3D printed slop?
You forgot the parts where the two headed eagle flew in and perched on your compressor and everyone clapped.
>also coughed up paint until this morning
Were you drinking it out of the cup or something?
We shall see, could be from old injuries to my neck when I was crushed, one of the times I was electrocuted, or could be autoimmune (they're leaning towards MS, waiting for test to come back). The adapted watch handle sounds intriguing, will definitely think about how I could make it work. I never realized how much I relied on being able to spin my painting handle in my palm while I was painting, especially shit like trim its real noticeable where I start and stop a brush stroke.
lovely little ratigans
Le slop™ is the way of the present, you gotta get over yourself and come to terms with that.
You will find more miniatures - just as shitty "janky, wholsome, soul, etc."-looking miniatures as the old ones you remember, - out there for free on the purple website, than you ever will hitting up individual sculptors.
For the last 20 years, anybody who's anybody in the miniature making world else has been making rough miniatures at three times actual size and scanning/shrinking them to add details on a computer, or doing the sculpting 100% digitally (with a scary digital stylus and tablet that require hours of work and the use of your hands, which I'm sure is in no way analogous to the "real thing").
The odd indie literallywho that hates making money might still be sculpting minis from boat sealant and electrical wire solely by hand, but if they're worth a shit, you can expect a year of waiting for an opening in comissions and then expect to pay the price of an small army for a single guy.
There's still small companies doing hand sculpting. The Perrys still produce their plastics the 'old fashioned way', starting with hand-sculpted 3-up greens and then producing the moulds via pantograph
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Finished the first of my squighog boys. Very happy how the color scheme turned out.
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From the other side.
the skin could use a little more contrast I think but it's very nice nevertheless, good job anon
>The odd indie literallywho that hates making money might still be sculpting minis from boat sealant and electrical wire solely by hand
That kind of thing was the shit though. Hobbyists creating figures out of whatever materials they had on hand back in the 80s and 90s, making molds and casting them in their garage, and selling them at small events never expecting to make a huge sum of money.
Anybody know some brushes that handle similarly to army painter's? I got a base coat brush for free with a wash set I grabbed and really like how it handles compared to the 10 cent brushes I normally use but I don't want to pay the premium they charge for their brushes
You mean the triangular handles? I'd probably look into just customizing other brushes with milliput or something or maybe looking into those triangle grips for pencils.
You're just nostalgic.
There are 3D sculpting tools that are close enough to sculpting with actual materials, but I think haptic feedback VR will be our future, we just have to deal with the growing pains of new tech.
>spending a whole episode of breaking bad painting only the wing membrane of the shrooom
Why is spending so much time on such little details so fun?
Because quality > quantity.
It's the little things that make life worth living
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Because you actually enjoy painting. Cherish that feeling anon, you're in hobby nirvana
Why is this post so salty?
Not every CAD mini is slop, but every slop mini is CAD.
>every slop mini is CAD
>sat here trying to devise a way to ask some dumbass questions
>realize the answer to all my bullshit is to just test on some sprue
>redirect to thinking about how to do this shit scientifically
>feel the strain of the disused problem solving skills reawakening
>lament that I've become so brainrotten
...and yet, I will till this rot into compost, and fecundity will be found there.
Fecundeez nutz lmao gottem
Oh no I meant the feel of the bristles, they've got some nice spring to them and keep a tip really nicely, holds plenty of paint without overflowing too
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I'm reaching the end of my patience with this unit.
Uhhhh well I've never used hobby branded brushes but I'll always recommend Rosemary ordered direct from their site, easily some of the most pleasant brushes I've ever used.
>Blood Knights
But they're so contrast + dry brush friendly, what seems to be the problem friend?
There's nothing stopping you from doing brushwork over a workflow that gets you 80% there regardless of what retarded name YouTubers are giving it these days.
An edge highlighted mini takes a while but a drybrushed mini is ugly forever.
That's only true if you're shit at dry brushing, which if you're one of the like 70+% of painters that doesn't see the point in texture palettes or moisture stamps describes you. Surely you're aware that dry brushing doesn't have to leave a dusty or textured finish, right?
I'm working on a big shit right now.
Alright, show me that great unclean one
Yes. I even have the "right" brush for it. Layering is just better.
>you can't layer with dry brushing
wut. You can also layer over dry brushing.
You know what I meant.
I don't. Dry brushing can be layered with itself using less paint/lighter strokes or layered with traditional brush strokes for more intentional results, producing basically the same effect with less effort. If you meant glazing that's just layering with thinner layers which takes much longer for what I should hope is a better result for the time invested, though I doubt many of us are competition painters in the same way I doubt most wargame general frequenters are official competition participants.
>using drybrushes and rounds
filbert supremacy
Is there a significant difference between filbert and angular because the cheap makeup brushes I bought have an angular bush and it's ass.
I'll look into them, do you just get the acrylic brushes? Any suggestions from the ones available?
/wip/ I need some help. I bought some minis off Ebay and they were assembled with superglue. This is normally good since freezer trips can weaken the bond. The problem though, is that it was liquid glue and not gel, so they have glue residue on the plastic. Is there something I can soak miniatures in to dissolve or break down the hardened glue without destroying the plastic? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Totally different, as a matter of fact a filbert is pretty much the opposite, the whole point is it has no sharp angles. It's good for basecoating, blending, drybrushing, basically save your rounds for highlighting.
You mean like frosting? Anything that will dissolve superglue will dissolve plastic. If it's what I think it is, you could polish it with a cloth to make it less visible.
You probably won't be able to see it under primer anyway.
It's glue that was applied incorrectly or pieces where the miniature was not glued right and part of it has glue. It was a cheap as hell buy and I'm beginning to see why, now.
Sounds like it's time for sandpaper and files then. Treat it like a manufacturing defect.
The good news is it will upgrade your kitbashing skills.
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Finished my very first mini, going to put varnish on tomorrow. How do I know that my paints are thinned enough? The blue that I used left visible lumps/streaks even with a ton of water, the retributor armor flew pretty much perfectly as far as I can tell.
>texture palettes
>moisture stamps
is this post sponsored by artis opus or something? even with those or dyi alternatives up close it will still be obvious the mini was drybrushed and my autism can't handle that
Never underestimate the power of battle damage and heavy weathering to cover up a mistake. But I feel your paint. I just bought some minis that reek of cigarette smoke. I am having success cleaning them with palmolive and a lot of scrubbing. Still irritating, not something I had ever thought to ask about before.
The paint consistency should be the same as with milk.

Are you painting blue on black? For lighter colors its better to use a lighter base coat like gray/white.
The best I can say is practice and keep painting and eventually you'll know by instinct if you thinned it well!

Other than that you could give one small stroke and see if you find it too thick or thin then compensate.

Good job on that mini anon!
>Finished my very first mini
Never repaint it or get rid of it.
>How do I know that my paints are thinned enough?
Watch paint thinning 102 in the op
>how do I know my paints are thinned enough
I would just get a sketchbook and practice until you get a feel. Test how the paint behaves at different consistencies (this may change depending on brand and color!), use it as a swatch, play with mixing your colors.

One thing that I think actually fucks up beginners is OVER-thinning. They get constantly spammed with "thin your paints, 2coats" but over do it.

- watery layers have poor coverage, so instead of 2 coats you're now looking at 3-4 if you went too thin which is killing the advantage
- watery layers take a longer time to dry, and beginners will tear the layer with their brush before it's finished by playing with it or trying to apply another coat
- too much water can separate certain pigments

The end result is a splotchy uneven mess that looks like overly thick paint anyway.

Basically find a good opaque paint, and try to get good at applying a strong consistent basecoat in 1-2 coats at most. Also use different water and brush when switching between regular and metallics.
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Just unsatisfied with the speed painting and the RoI of the time. I particularly needed to adhere to the box art scheme and I'd have preferred to do something more modified from it and I got tired of the moderate amount of edge highlighting I still did instead of doing some candy metal red or something. Just contrast colors weren't quite enough and dry brushing/stipping wouldn't have looked as neat.
>needed to adhere to the box art scheme
What is best for highlighting balthazar gold?

Pic related it's a skelly with balthasar gold armor.
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Naturally I forgot pic
Bright silver?
A mix of both. While Kingdom Death will use 3D printing, some of their models are still done by hand. Good example is their monsters.
Plastic safe glue removers.
I think IPA softens CA glues? I'd give it a go, it might soften it just enough to remove without sandpaper
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Dark Sword still does all or nearly all of their masters in gs. This is one of their newest ones.
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Test model for new Eldar army, did this guy rough and fast but the lightning effect is lot harder on the smaller bits than was on my Night Lord kill team
I use a kolinsky sable designer size 3 for detail work and cheap no-name synthetics for everything else.
Would getting into KDM be a mistake if I really like the aesthetic of its minis, both the monsters and the booba
I've read somewhere that the game is really cool, like tabletop monster hunter or something. I'd be interested in checking it out but I have no irl friends to play with so if you can I'd go for it
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i made chariot bases
I'm more so worried about availability, I hear the game has a lot of limited FOMO releases and "missed the kickstarter, tough shit" kinda deals
I think you missed /bgg/. KDM is a great painting project and really fun as a game if you like XCOM, or really frustrating if you get butthurt over a dude dying from rolling a 1 at a bad time.
Poots is an obsessive artist/designer and literally allergic to good business so yeah production rarely meets demand and the Kickstarter deals when they happen are absolutely insane, like a couple hundred bucks for what eventually bloats to $1k+ of retail products kinda shit but it'll take 5+ years to actually arrive. You can always buy everything gameplay relevant eventually and there are yearly Black Friday deals so it's not like nothing's ever discounted.
The game as a whole or just the minis? Fortunately the minis can be enjoyed independantly but my God, the price and the FOMO.
How's the quality difference for the resin minis vs the plastic ones?
Mostly interested in the minis, I wouldn't have anyone to play the actual game with in person. I already play it with friends on TTS though.
The stuff that's on Kickstarter will eventually be released in the future. I'm not sure if there was ever a KS only miniature. The FOMO stuff is "out of canon" so they aren't important to the core game and may get reprints out of nowhere but they never say when. Pinups and Echoes are the sets that will get reprints barring any supply issues. They clearly have a bias towards booba over monsters but I agree, they are rad. I heard one of the artists, Lokman Lam made some 3D sculpts separate from KDM so you might want to check him out.
I haven't noticed much of a difference, the big quality difference depends more on the age of the sculpts. All of the newer stuff is great but the oldest ones like Gorm are a nightmare of gaps and seams.
>nearly all
AFAIK the Dragon of the Month and Deepwars models are CAD. They're still fantastic models.
> mistake
You should familiarize yourself with how the store works. They do monthly releases mixing new and old models and a seasonal if appropriate. You can sign up for their newsletter to keep track. Two things you can always expect is 1) they are pricey 2) disapointment when the model you want sells out and you have no idea if there will be a rerelease.
you made good looking bases, while also a bit boring to look at

if they are for charriots you can add the tracks from the wheels, add some debris or critters...with so much space you can go wild,
also consider some variability in rocks/dirt tones and colors
Stop this. Gold does not turn silver when brightly lit.
Poorfag detected.
I'm okay with pricey, $500+ resin models have destroyed my sense of value long ago.
Gritty. I assume some sort of primer fuckup or you're mixing sand in with your paints
Get stacking pleb, maybe you'd know what almost pure gold looks like then.
That has nothing to do with it, retard. If you have a yellow gold, it won't have silver highlights.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Feel free to point out the silver in that picture.
Go on and paint white highlights on metallic gold then.
Imagine being poor AND blind.
He's just poor and stupid.
NTA but the brightest color in that picture is FFFFFF pure white and the next brightest is FFFF98 ice yellow, which is actually what's used for highlights in NMM gold. TMM highlights should probably be a really pale gold like fanatic Tainted Gold or the like.
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Perhaps an obscure/weird question, but anyone has any experience or has any high res detailed pictures of Gale Force 9 - Alien Warrior xenomorphs?
I could get a good deal on those and would work as sweet conversions, but all the pics I see online are fairly blurry so it's hard to judge the fidelity of the sculpt. The fact that they're painted as, well, pitch black xenomorphs also doesn't help.
Yes, there's zero metallic colors in that photo either, colors don't come in metallic flavors.
That's why you either don't highlight metallics and let the glossiness do the work, or you find a lighter version of the metal you're using. You don't smear silver on gold and pretend that's how anything works.
Every guide online I can find references white, silver or a silver-gold combo for highlighting depending on your preferences, maybe you should up your painting game a bit.
It's a pretty good option for showing gold plating wearing off of extremities if not general highlighting
silver on gold has better contrast and thats what most people are after
truth is realistic painting styles have very little to do with anything when all the models are usually looked at from half a meter away
I've seen miniature paint triads pushed a lot recently, from Wargames Foundry paints to, the New Vallejo game and model color to Two Thin Coats and ArmyPainter too.

Has anybody here actually used a triad system when painting and how did it work?
What size of filbert brush should i get? Size 1 and 2 like normal brush?
It was a commission.
The ones that tell you to use silver are objectively wrong.
True, but that's a rare case.
Highlighting red with green is also better contrast, but no one does that, because it's stupid.
>looked at from half a meter away
That's only for gaming pieces, in which case you can do whatever and it'll look fine.
That looks sharp! Very nice. Can't wait to see a bunch of them painted up together. (Just remember that newly painted units always perform like crap on the battlefield their first couple of games.)
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You might try Castrol Super Clean. It's available in the automotive section and used to remove grease from auto parts. It does a fine job of removing various types of paint from plastic and metal minis. It also has the added bonus of weakening super glue bonds. Try soaking the minis a in a glass tray or better still a glass jar with a lid. I've left (forgotten...) plastics in this stuff for over a month without any harm to the plastic minis. You do want to wear gloves and eye protection when scrubbing off the paint with an old toothbrush as the stuff will dry out your skin and you don't want it in your eyes either. To remove the glue a small metal or plastic pick might be needed.

People used to recommend DOT3 Break Fluid to remove paint. DON'T!!! That shit is incredibly toxic and you can get cancer just from reading the label on that shit. Not to mention that if it's spilled it ruins: clothes, car paint jobs, carpets, personal relationships, etc. Just don't.
>today the schizo is denying decades of metallic painting tutorials
I use a size 6 for drybrushing. Smaller ones are better for basecoating and blending.
Filberts don't act like rounds, it's hard to explain but the smaller sizes aren't that good. You can use the side for a smaller surface anyway.
>today the schizo is denying decades of metallic painting tutorials
You're diluting the schizo term at this point. Explain how highlighting gold with silver makes sense or cry more.
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The game is fun with friends and solo, but if you already have friends to play with on TTS I couldn't see a physical core set being worth it unless you really want the minis (which are amazing, especially the pheonix).

The plastic models are really high quality especially compared to GW and some of the other major mini companies. The resin models are also fantastic but quite fragile, so be careful with them if you have sausage fingers. Keep in mind a bunch of stuff will be half-price for the black friday sale too, if you don't mind waiting.
people used to use all kinds of weird stuff for paint removal and swore by them
brake fluid, oil remover, fucking windex, vinegar, hand sanitizer, weird poisonous homemade coctails and gasoline until basic IPA took the crown
granted most of those was for pewter and white metal and would not strip primer from plastic models if not melt them
Use your eyes schizo kum
>One guy on 4chan says everyone else is wrong
Where have I heard this joke before...
No anon, you use yours. Look at the picture that guy posted and show me the silver. You can't, because there is none. That's not how gold works.

Not everyone, only the ones highlighting gold with silver.
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holy fuck you autist it makes sense because it looks good on minis, makes the metallics pop and will not look perfectly silver when next to the gold. It makes perfect sense to do when you're not aiming for display quality paintjob, jesus christ
alt wargames thread got nuked
that was my main source of random minis
what the fuck
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>it makes sense because it looks good on minis
Except it doesn't. It looks stupid as fuck and doesn't give enough contrast to pop in any way.
You're the only one arguing against it amd instead of stopping when encountering contrary infotmation and just accepting you make boring lazy gold paintjobs you're just doubling down.
Sure. Polished gold is very reflective. The color of that light can be anything, gold being gold doesn't change the light source.

In the case of a neutral white light or moonlight, bright silver metallic paint can be used. You can also use white gold or platinum, it doesn't matter, pigment color and material are the important part the name is arbitrary and often inaccurate.
>don't highlight metallics at all or only use metallic paints with gold in the name
This is the mentality of a hobbylet and small child whose understanding of color retarded in elementary school, stay in 40kg where you belong.

Granted using glorified glitter paint to represent metal is already inherently infantile as a concept.
Edge highlighting buckbroke this poor anon so much hes having a mental breakdown over gold not being finished with a basecoat and wash.
post models
2 for tight areas but a 4 is better (6 for vehicles) for general use. The filbert is shaped like a flat with rounded edges, so like a finger. They're great for volumetric painting, more pressure covers more area making them good tools for layering. Spin the brush so the bristles form a "line" and you can paint sharp lines so you dont need to switch brushes halfway through a step. They're great for the base coat and layering part of the paintjob before you need the round for details, so a small filbert is less useful than a larger size.
>>93443806 or opinion disregarded
>glitter paint
Use better paint then
Piss lizards
>encountering contrary infotmation
What contrary information? That there's a bunch of people who think "hurr, silver ligher metal than gold, I highlight gold with silver"? Yeah, I'll keep it in mind.
>This is the mentality of a hobbylet
Correct anon, because you strawmanned me. I said nothing about "gold in the name". No amount of white light will turn gold silver. If anything, it'll turn it white, but never silver.
cool stuff, always love a strong red army
>Hes still at it without posting his models
Anon, what colors are in silver paint beyond the metallic flakes?
thank you
track marks and such would be cool but pointless because chariots are usually so large you only see small part of the base anyway
None, it's metallic flakes in medium. Assuming you mean the metallic flakes themselves, the answer is grey. Ever seen grey on gold?
What is gray made of colorwise?
Black and white.
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Which style of cloak does look better

left looks very mild but it's like +10 mins of wetblending, right is 2 mins of oil wash

I could push the contrast on left but at that point I'd rather just do the oil wash
Is silver more of a black dominated gray or white dominated gray, or is it neutral tp you?
Left is more realistic, right looks better on the table.
I'm gonna be honest anon I don't like either of them. The left one needs more contrast and the right one has too much to the point it looks very, I don't know how to call it, fake?
Silver comes in several shades of grey, but no matter how light they get, you don't want to highlight cold with a grey. Not only does it make no sense, it will dull your gold. Perhaps there's a metallic white available somewhere, that would be the solution.
you didn't answer the question anon
Yeah, the left looks great, but the right will be more readable on the table. If you're painting mostly for display, definitely go left. If you want to make it more punchy and spectacular (but more stylized), I'd put some purple in the shadows.
Left is super smoof
There is no one answer to that question anon, as I said, silver comes in several shades.
Left looks very mild because you aren't adding any orange or yellow to brighten.
Right has the contrast but it's just a red basecoat with a heavy black oil wash. It would look better if it went red - dark brown - black or red - dark purple - black.

Basically push contrast and create a gradient by utilizing other colors. Avoid only doing your shading with monochrome.
>wake up, feeling good and excited for getting some painting done this weekend
>some fucks are unironically having a shitflinging contest about how to correctly highlight anything when they don't even know how the difference between neutral grey made from primaries and medium grey made from black and white
I am depressed now.
neither of them posted their models which makes it even more depressing
Appreciate the feedback lads. I'll leave right as it is because the terminators are very grim dark dudes with grim dark cloaks, but I'll go with the blend for the sword bros I guess, and push the shadows a bit more

Left actually has a bit of orange in it, but it's probably lost in the blend or picture.
>the difference between neutral grey made from primaries and medium grey made from black and white
Enlighten me?
/wip/ used to be an oasis away from the nomodels secondaries but now it has its own resident spergs who just sit around all day regurgitating things they heard from YouTube videos and picking fights over painting supplies/techniques they've never used or tried before. Best way to use /wip/ these days is to ignore 99% of text in the thread and just enjoy the pictures of people's cool painted stuff
>people discuss painting in the painting thread
How dare they. If you want a safespace, reddit is a click away.
Coward, and you know exactly what kind of "silver" everyone is talking about.
I hatecwerblending with sa passion. Could you achieve that effect with layering?
How dare people discuss painting, you just want asspats dont you?
I'm sure it's a light one anon, but it won't be a white one.
>sperging about anything and everything without posting models
you're one of the people he's talking about and you're the one that should get the fuck out of this thread
No one's sperging out anon. Sure, the topic of discussion is a detail, but this is a mini painting thread, it's literally all detail.
And shut up about posting models, appeals to authority are bad arguments.

>you're the one that should get the fuck out of this thread
No. I'm having an on topic discussion, you're having a cry because you don't like it when mom and dad fight.
Why do you hate wetblending? Also no, not with layering, but you can with glazing.
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Working on a regular Chaos Lord for my Slaanesh warband. Waiting for the putty to cure before I doll up the empty space on the chest. Anyone have ideas for what to do with his other hand? Thought about maybe giving him a whip or something, idk.
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Finished Gundalf
An obscene gesture. Preferably this one.
There's a difference between a discussion about painting and just having screaming matches where both sides are calling each other gay because they picked product A over identical product B.
So you agree it would be a white dominated pigment correct?
I like his staff.
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You are the Angels of Death! No matter what comes through those gates, you will stand your ground!
>calling each other gay because they picked product A over identical product B.
None of that happened. Are you just projecting past grievances onto me?

Sure, I agree.
So the brighter silvers would be more of a metallic white oriented color more than a neutral metallic gray correct?
Yes anon, but they would still be grey.
No more questions your honor, the prosecution rests.
Okay, if that satisfies you. It never looks good though. You're better off using straight up white.
How often can I strip a mini with 99% Isopropyl Alcohol before I will see lasting effects?
Thinking of just setting up a bath and stripping them if I don't like the result
More times than you'll ever need.
I just cant get it right
Have left models in iso for actual years with zero issues or changes
>None of that happened. Are you just projecting past grievances onto me
You haven't been here very long if you haven't watched a /wip/ thread devolve into shitflinging and calling each other retards or redditors or fags or <insert buzzword here>
I'm pretty sure artists have gotten physical over more retarded minutia of details when it comes to painting or color theory than the proper highlights for gold, this is some medieval Christian Church autism here.
>want to try some of those solvent based paints for airbrushing that the scale and mecha guys use
>need a proper exhaust hood, which I have to DIY because good pre built ones are only sold in the US and Asia
>most of the good paints are illegal here so I'd need to import them from china
Maybe I'll just stick to waterbased even if it's worse
Water based acrylics if you can get gud with them do 99.9% of whatever else is available, it can be fun when you get to the point where even sub dollar craft store paint can be viable in cases.
>most of the good paints are illegal here so I'd need to import them from china
Honestly, that's the biggest pain in the arse of it all. I *could* get some Gaia Notes or Mr Hobby imported from Hong Kong, but the shipping would cost as much as the fucking paint. Tamiya at least tend to have pretty good distro in Europe if you're really keen on giving them a go
A good trick is to paint a line on the top of your hand. If you can't see your skintone through the paint, but can still see texture of your skin, it's perfect. And not bad at all for a first mini! Welcome to the hobby, have fun!
Yeah, I'm using blue on black, every guide I read said to prime the figures with Chaos Black
But am I correct in assuming that if in doubt I'm better off over-thinning than under? As long as I don't pick at half-dry layers and just let things sit I should avoid lumpy finishes right?
Thanks! So always aim to cover up tone, but not texture on my hand.
And thanks to all the anons with kind words, already starting on my Kill Team Veterans right now
Mr Hobby is available in the EU, it's all the other brands that you have to import. The prices aren't that much worse compared to what the US guys pay, but waiting a month for shipping sucks.
Priming with black makes basecoating some less opaque colors pretty difficult. The better universal choice id mid grey. No reason to get another can if you already have black though.
If you put too many very thin layers they will start clogging up details as well, you really just want to have the correct consistency or at least be fairly close.
That anons tip with skin is actually really smart but I'd still advise you watch the paint thinning videos from the OP to have a visual feel of what you should be aiming for.
Remember anon, the most important thing is to have fun. If you post here some schizo will inevitably try to bring you down but don't mind them. This is actually a really comfy thread most of the time
For minis, yeah, but in scale models and gunpla and such they do make a pretty big difference. Better resilience, gloss finishes without varnish required for decals, much shorter wait times to achieve solvent resistance to work with enamels and oils over them, airbrush primer that doesn't suck...
And that's before you get to edge cases like having to paint over resin without a regular primer. I'd say they're pretty well justified in sticking with their lacquers.
>if in doubt I'm better off over-thinning than under?
NTA, but there can be too much of a good thing. If you overthin your paint it will have a hard time sticking to larger/flatter surfaces, and it will flow into/cling to details and recesses more like a wash. What ends up happening is you will take many layers to get good coverage on the majority of the model, but end up clogging the fuck out of all your details.
I've found that losing control of thinned paint is just a matter of having too much on the brush, if you wick it on a paper towel there is no functional limit to how thin your paint can be. You would never want to do that unless you're glaze blending or filtering though.
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Hey anon, having some trouble deciding here. Which do you think would look better, bright green or yellow for skin?
>Mr Hobby is available in the EU
The lacquers? I know the aqueous stuff's quite easy to get, but I don't think I've seen the real nasty stuff before
They're widely available, and also not really very nasty at all. They leave out the nastiest solvents that other lacquers have.
This also makes them worse than other lacquers.
Anyone have the old grimdark compendium mega? I have a load of it but I'm missing some of the stuff
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it's never pointless if you have fun
Which VMC colors should I get for a nice clean metal for things like armor and swords? My local store does not have the paints in stock and Im having a hard time telling the difference between the colors via online swatches.

I'm thinking dark steel, dura aluminum and platinum?
based base enjoyer
I count at least 8 points per base
My favorite Vallejo metal is their model air aluminum, 71.062. It applies really nice and flows well while leaving a good finish.
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Skaventide bros, how your box is doing ?
Finished the scenery and my first test clan rat.
Sorry I should have specified, VMC = Vallejo metal color, I'm referring to that range specifically

This is the first time I've heard something positive about a non metal color metallic from Vallejo tho
Going to finish building mine tonight then I'll paint the test model tomorrow. I'm thinking I'll do either the warlock engineer

Yours looks great, I love the green emblem on the shield. How did you do it?
I finished the Clawlord, Grey Seer, and Rat Ogors and the rest has been sitting fully base-coated on my desk for a week. Can't seem to find the motivation to finish them.
>I love the green emblem on the shield. How did you do it?
Thanks ! Nothing fancy, just white base, with some yellow green ink, and some black lining here and there.

Terrible mistake to begin with the best models first ! May you be blessed by sudden burst of motivation (or discipline, coward !)
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As the other anon said, glazing is probably better.

Cool templars, fellow croosader

That's a good looking rat, nice job

I find dark aluminium very versatile and definitely one the metallics I use the most. I have also steel, but I don't really like it. Compared to the former it's much thinner and with less coverage.
Honorable mention to gold, even if you're asking for metal colours. It is one of my favourite golds- but that's because I like non orangey golds
Peak sovl right there.

What model is the Saharduin made from?
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a lot more in the end
Absolutely amazing project anon. Genuinely couldn't pick a favorite, there's so many good ones there
Every single one is so great, I like the detail of having someone called "General" Krzykaz, you know his deal as soon as you see him.
Fantastic work!! Inspired me to pick up my old INQ28 project, can't wait to see more!

Kickstarter project from an ex-Forge World sculptor

The Saharduin is the only non-GW thing thing there, its from Dead Earth Miniatures
They look killer anon. Really like the tau operative. I really want to see your hobby setup and bits organizers, there is so much here. I want to know what went behind the scenes in creating these.
How do I paint the skin and faces of 300 or so 28mm miniatures in a quick way which looks realistic? How do I add variety to the skin tones (all Europeans) with minimal effort?
Use contrast-likes with your palest flesh mix/paint first then do a few and refill with a darker tone and repeat until you're done or you've gotten as dark as you want and reverse the paint order.
Do you guys glue the mini and then use texture paste or just use texture paste and press the mini into it while it's wet
This looks great brother
thans dude!

i just opened two of the bins as examples to show their contents, in this case the "Inquisition Necromunda Misc" bin which has mostly sprues in bags, and the "40k astartes" bin which is all bits
As someone with ADHD I can't tell if this is the power of someone with a neurotypical mind or autism.
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I saved this in my porn folder cause of how much O jack off to it.
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Hey /wip/, I have an idea - probably a stupid one, that I would like critique and opinions on. I have a lovely metal Necron lord like in pic related and I play OPR, which allows Necron Lords to take a flight upgrade. I was considering using the Triarch Praetorian back piece, or some sort of wings, but instead I was thinking of taking a transparent, green 25mm base, turning it into a slotta base and using a flying stem or spare Necron rod to attach it to a standard 25mm base. This would allow me to simply slot the lord on the energy disc base when he has the flight ability, or just pop him back on a normal slotta base when I do not take it. Is this a stupid idea? Y/N
the candles seem like nice touch until you realize keeping dust off them will be pain in the ass
Don't you know know the rules around here? ESL's are prohibited from trying to make jokes
Transparent acrylic bases fucking never
Just use magnets, it's easier and won't break your pieces. No need for a slot either.
>dusty candles everywhere
Actually gross
It's just for the hover-y effect. An energy platform attached to a perfectly good, solid black base.
The miniature itself still has the slot for a slotted base and I would prefer not to circumcise such a nice, old piece of pewter.
In that case I would just use one of those 3 legged pizza saver things.
That could work, yeah. Cheaper as well. The transparent disc was an idea because I'm swapping the newer Immortal and vehicle Gauss weapons molded grey rods for the older, transparent green rods that were hip and new when I started playing Necrons back in I think it was third edition when the first codex dropped. Transparent green plastic solidarity and all that.
>It's just for the hover-y effect. An energy platform attached to a perfectly good, solid black base
What part of fucking never is so hard to understand
>the dusty candles Muslim is inquisition anon
Does your mom know you're painting women with their faces uncovered
>What part of fucking never is so hard to understand
From what I have seen, transparent acrylic bases are an issue when being pushed around. This base will have a mini on it, with a stem connecting to a solid black base on the ground. I'll spray and maybe paint it a bit too, if that prevents the acrylic from getting dull/going bad.
Very cool setup anon, thanks for sharing! How long do you think you spend planning these minis, or do you just kinda dig around hunting for parts until you find the one that strikes your fancy?
How many quarts of bits storage are you at now?
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oh hello dont mind me im just doing some basecoating
>dusty candles muslim
can someone explain
Thanks ! Doing base first then sticking it, but do forget to check where you mini will stand before it dries when doing base.
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I know you will hate me for this /wip/, and I'm sorry but I have tried (for literally decades now ;_;):
I can't paint and frankly I've given up. I run OSR games so I use miniatures sparingly, but I would be up for some barebones minis, at least for player characters. Maybe painted/colour-coded in one colour, think HeroQuest (pic related).

Nothing fancy, more along the lines of army men. Except fighter, wizard, thief, dwarf, etc, possibly 1-2 of each gender for each. I've seen individual bulk sets of cheap plastic minis on eBay and Amazon - I have also considered picking and choosing some Reaper Minis. Any other ideas? And how would I just paint something a singular colour, is a primer + base coat enough?
>And how would I just paint something a singular colour, is a primer + base coat enough?
If you're that fucking lazy just get colored primer, spray them and you're done.
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You could always just drybrush some colors. Maybe even block in one color you want to stand out. Pic related is dark brown, light brown, gold and silver drybrush, and wine red basecoat for the weapons. Give it a wash and it looks gud enuff for gaming.
i wonder how good painters those chinese or sub saharan african child laborers are who make those prepainted minis you sometimes see at store shelves
some 20 years speedpainting in a sweatshop and you must try something else than just staying inside the lines for a change
I am that fucking lazy and yeah that's not a bad shout anon.

Army Painter Colour Primer looks fine but if I want to be even cheaper, would standard primer (from DIY places) do the trick? Half the price online, seen them cheaper IRL. Or even just ordinary spray paint?
Seen a few of them that claim to work on plastic or 'any surface' as opposed to just wood/similar.
Why do you even want to prime them if you have no interest in painting?
>(from DIY places)
they are called hardware stores and yes they work just as good while 1/3 cheaper than brand rattlecans
quality and availability will obviously vary depending on your country, there are good dirt cheap ones and bad ones you just have to find them
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I got 4 more anti-vaxxers to paint but I'm unhappy with how the spewy-vomit-stuff on the axe guys has come out. Any advice on what colour to paint it?

I was thinking of going back to white and washing it with yellow.
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Considered this too: a two-tone brush if nothing else. I did one of those Reaper starter kits and ended up doing this with some extra minis I bought.
Made it easier to avoid blotchiness but at some point the limited palette reminded of an NES game or something. Goblins with green skin and brown armour, weapons, shields...gets to that point of 'why not add some silver?' and then that's just painting.

Would rather just take my goblins and make them 100% green. It's an upgrade from pawns/counters, just goblin-shaped.

Alternatively are there any toys that could work? Pic related: from those Japanese tiny kitchen dollhouse sets. Search Amazon for 'resin ducks': hundreds of ducks in 5 colours each, dirt cheap, for some reason. Also butterflies and bunnies - sadly not dwarfs ;_;

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