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Sorry if I did it wrong Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

>Previous Threads:
Did it right from what I can tell. Good job fren. Your flanges were well lubed.
Old painting guide. If you master reading you can use this. https://ia801605.us.archive.org/33/items/white-dwarf-present-the-citadel-miniatures-painting-guide/White%20Dwarf%20present%20The%20Citadel%20Miniatures%20Painting%20Guide.pdf
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Sorry, missed the reply before the thread fell off. Paint doesn't seem to adhere to the new stuff quite as well, the primer is adhering to the model itself fine. Just taking a bit longer to get basecoats down since I'm not getting as even of coats. Left is the old can, right is the new can, just bare primer. I'll make it work, just disappointed since I've been using Camo Flat Black for years without any issues.
Im not sure if I should ask here or the main 40k general but I wanna start work on my chapter codex and an anon a while back posted a guide on how to make a borderline official looking pdf I was wondering if anyone saved that information or knows how to do that themselves?
Does anybody have a recommendation for an iridescent black paint? Thinking about doing a black dragon with with it, but don't have any.
there's glossiness around the recesses, that's probably an excess of enamel in the oil or more solvent causing that effect, try spraying from a greater distance to allow the particles more time to dry as they pass through the air to create more of a frosty effect. It'll help if the air temperature it higher so midday.
It's not a strong iridescent, but coat d'arms has a black iridescent called magic metal. It's a semi-gloss finish like a weak metallic with a dark black having just a few sparkles in it, very subtle. Mixing any metallic color in with black paint will probably also work.
Does it have that kinda rainbow sheen that something like an oil slick has?
nta but for an effect like that maybe you could look into those colorshift paints that gsw makes? I never used them though
no, it's not that strong at all. it's just a very dark metallic. There may be a color shifting paint that if mixed with black could achive the kind of effect you are looking for, or black first, then color shift, then a black on top of that might work
what the fuck is wrong with gw metallic medium? It dries out and becomes a goopy mess much faster than any other metallics I've used, even on a wet palette
Try adding a drop of propylene glycol to the tip of your brush as an extender, gw in general dries faster than most other brands.
try caking less of it on that palette
its not some magical device that bends laws of nature
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And tips on getting this kind of camo to look good?
Make it less busy, base grey and then use a few black and white splotches/stripes to make it more readable, otherwise it's going to do its job and look like a blurry mess at more than a few inches away.
practice on scrap plastic, don't dilute your paint very much, just enough to get it to flow. hold model directly underneath brush and draw with brush pointed down so gravity can carry it and tip only contacts model. let dry between colors, do background color first obviously. for large panels you can use masking fluid to make shapes and peel off layer
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Testing to see whether or not the cheap-ass light box I bought is worth anything.
looks good, very clear image
You're either going to have to supplement with more light or upgrade that camera.
I actually can't tell which.
>otherwise it's going to do its job and look like a blurry mess at more than a few inches away.
That is the point of camo.
The best lightbox is a piece of paper.
No shit, that's why I said it would do its job. But that's usually not the point of painted miniatures.
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this thing is stupid large
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Lighting in my apartment fucking sucks, and I'd have to order online to get any lights that are decent for photography. Not that my camera is very good, I'm obviously using my smartphone, but this is still a lot better than the pictures I'd get if using my spray booth like I normally do.
Honestly, I don't get the appeal of giant centerpice models. i don't mean like a stormcast dragon, I mean MASSIVE models like nagash or the Tomb kings skeleton dragon or even archaon.

The ghosts look good though. The color and swirls make it look like chinese jade. I would shift the color on the horses a little bit more to help them stand out, either darker to make them look more coalesced or lighter so they look like they're fading.
Is it true that there is not such a thing as a decent airbrush primer? Anons in /40kg/ keep claiming that airbrushing is only good for basecoating but using a rattle can primer is the *only* way to prime your minis. Talking heads on youtube and twittex seem to think otherwise. I keep seing people primering their minis with Vallejo surface primers all the time.
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Today I primed pic rel after getting it months ago and putting it off. NGL I'm kind of intimidated seeing as it's the biggest model I've ever done.

Do I airbrush this? I want it to be a blue-ish green instead of purple/green like the box art. think the Simic guild from magic the gathering. I have a lot contrast paints that I can use but I can dry airbrushing a strong emerald color and then drybrush.
Anyone have experience painting this big lad or any other fat nurgle models/demonds? I've never done anything bigger than a boxnaught.
>Is it true that there is not such a thing as a decent airbrush primer?
>Anons in /40kg/ keep claiming that airbrushing is only good for basecoating but using a rattle can primer is the *only* way to prime your minis.
They're wrong.
>I keep seing people primering their minis with Vallejo surface primers all the time.
Don't use that either.
What should be my go-to airbrush primer then? I used white Vallejo surface primer on a test batch of old Marines and it worked perfectly fine. Paint is not rubbing of and it is taking paint nicely. Is there any issue I should expect to surface kek over time?
I don't get if you're trolling, a newbie, or just a retard.

I'll humor you. Yes you can prime with an airbrush fine. With rattlecans you risk the can clogging and costing you more money depending on what kind you use. You also can't use them if the weather isn't favorable. I use vallejo surface primer but straight thru my airbrush and it works fine. They changed their packaging with the release of the new game color and mine has the old packaging so idk if they changed their primer formula or something but I've had no problems.

Mr Surfacer 1500 in black is also good for priming. I still use a rattlecan if I'm doing a ton of guys at once and the weather is good. I just stick them to an old sprue and spray them all down outside since there is less wasted primer.

as for /40kg/, they have a lot of retarded lies a handful of trolls like to spread just to derail ever thread. They live to turn the thread into more of a cesspool that it already is.
>I don't get if you're trolling, a newbie, or just a retard.
A newbie but I assume it doesn't make much of a difference for you.
I simply heard that airbrush primers are not as good as rattle can ones and tend to rub off on plastic and resin minis and chip off more easily on metal minis. I hadn't had this kind of issues myself but I only primed like a dozen of minis for now.
Mr. Surfacer 1500 Black Finishing Primer, thinned with Mr. Leveling Thinner, shot through my airbrush will forever be my go-to primer when I can find it. It's toxic and not good for you but I will welcome lung cancer when it comes with open arms.
Primer will rub off your minis if you're a retard and use shit like Vallejo. It's also true that rattle can primers are more durable because they deposit a fuckton more paint on the model than an airbrush.
The problem with the vallejo primer is that its tends to clog the airbrush (as its PU-based) and doesnt stick well to some surfaces/doesnt take sanding very well. If neither of these are a concern, whatever.
But the best primer is always going to be some lacquer stuff like mr. surfacer. It doesnt clog, sticks perfectly to the mini, cures fast and you have the extra precision of the airbrush. But you are going to need a respirator and other solvents to use this one.
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I use this with an airbrush straight out of the pot and I've never had an issue.
Honestly seeing how weird people get about primers I seriously wonder what they do to your minis. Are you leaving them in sandstorms usually? Do you like to see how they will endure 5 minutes of microwaving? I swear I've never had paint just fall off them.
Never listen to people who spend the majority of their time posting in /40kg/ the vast majority of retards in there are not even secondaries. Most of them have never rolled dice against another human and very few have put paint to plastic.
> Are you leaving them in sandstorms usually? Do you like to see how they will endure 5 minutes of microwaving? I swear I've never had paint just fall off them.
someone making a statement like that has either never player warhammer in his whole life or is just starting out and plain lying
40kg has dogshit opinions on almost everything and probably has the most people that don't actually paint or play on this board. Don't listen to literally anything they say. Vallejo primer is supposedely bad but I've been priming with it for over a year and didn't have any issues with paint chipping. I do varnish most of my minis though so that probably helps, too. Rattlecan primers, at least the GW ones, have acetone added into them so some retards claim they chemically bond with plastic but since IPA lifts it off like regular paint I'm fairly sure that's bullshit and the acetone is added for a different purpose. There's also always a risk with lighter colors that the surface will be grainy if used in bad weather/humidity while airbrushed primer always gives a smooth, clean surface if you apply it correctly.
I've played plenty of games and the only miniatures I've had paint flake off of are the ones I didn't varnish, and that's the whole point of varnishing. Surely you don't need industrial grade car paint primer to move your miniatures around.
Do you play with unfinished minatures? Because I've never had paint chip off normal play.
truth is you wont be handling your models with silk gloves all the time every time as romantic as it might sound
you will grab them forcefully by the handful, sometimes you will store and transport them in a big pile, they will topple over rough terrain not counting the normal wear and tear
and those things are completely normal
thanks anon
Anon. I play games. Do you play with unfinished minatures?
I've never had paint chip off in normal play, transportation or even being roughly handled by friends.
For me it only happened with metal minis back then when I was playing Infinity and still using rattle can paints.
>Vallejo primer is supposedely bad but I've been priming with it for over a year and didn't have any issues with paint chipping
There's too many people who report issues with it not sticking well for it to be a meme. It probably has to do with how people cure them and maybe the humidity during the process.
>Rattlecan primers, at least the GW ones, have acetone added into them so some retards claim they chemically bond with plastic but since IPA lifts it off like regular paint I'm fairly sure that's bullshit and the acetone is added for a different purpose
Yep, that's my experience with them as well.
If you prime you don't need to varnish at all. And idk. I was trying out some paints in sprue bits just the other day and I've had paint scrape off the bits just by touching them a full 24 hours after the fact. It probably depends on the roughness of the surface.
>you don't need to varnish if your prime
Perhaps you should start since you are having paint issues.
>with how people cure them
You mean how long it cures?
>If you prime you don't need to varnish at all.
That's not true in a bunch of cases. Pretty much only rattlecan primer on a plastic mini gets that kind of adhesion.
Besides, varnish protects the paint from hand oils and gives it a uniform finish.
I'm not having paint issues because I prime lol.
>You mean how long it cures?
I think it has more to do with other variables, but I haven't tested it myself.
>Pretty much only rattlecan primer on a plastic mini gets that kind of adhesion.
Not really. My airbrush primer works just fine. If your airbrush primer isnt sticking, I think you have a problem...
>varnish protects the paint from hand oils and gives it a uniform finish.
I dont care too much about that. I only use a varnish when I want the matte effect from it. But I will start doing gloss ->matter varnish in a project soon because of panel lining so we will see if I change my mind.
Everybody primes or else the paint doesn't stick.
There are no other variables to "curing" vallejo primer, let it fucking dry then it's cured.
I think we're being trolled.
Some primers do cure. With some Tau I was doing a few months ago with tamiya extra fine it was very visible that the panel lines got more defined a day after priming than 15 minutes after. But yeah, painting on raw plastic/resin just makes the paint run off if its thinned.
>If you prime you don't need to varnish at all
I don't think that's true. It's definitely not true for metal models.
Do you deep-clean your airbrush after every use or is it something that can be performed once in a while? Disassembling the whole brush whenever I use it feels like a hassle but I'm ready to do that if it's necessary.
at the end of the day varnish is just another coat of paint nothing more
you might do 1 or 6 coats and it keeps oils from our grabby fingers out from the original paintjob while also protecting it, some hate it others dont care
>just another coat of paint
Based retard.
To the guy that asked what colour I used for the green on these in the last thread:
It was a mix of pharaoh guard (warpaint) and carribian turqoise (valejo ink)
Man it feels so strange looking at HH marines. On one hand, the ubiquity of beakies and bayonets of various types seems to be a stylistic choice that only exists within the tabletop, as i’ve never gotten that from the books i’ve read. But on the other hand, I really like the aesthetic, it looks really good. It looks good enough that i’m willing to ignore the stylistic differences between the novels and the tabletop, which is a strange feeling
I use two sheets of black paper as a light box

one day I'll get a nice diy one done with a nice musou black background

Can't take new pictures right now, but it's basically this

I couldn't get my white oil paint right this time so I used an acrylic white ink which was fine

He does have a big red cable going around him, otherwise he's okay with being extra grim dark
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Well, can't do stuff I would like so been sitting in a corner playing with bits of metal and kitbashing this demonic dragon fellow, was fun, gonna try to prime him tomorrow and see how he paints up eventually. Due to life getting in the way built up an annoying backlog of primed minis I couldn't paint.
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First time trying to do powerswords.
Do you guys have anything similar to basing guide/vademecum? How to do it well and cost-effectively, how to make it last etc? Especially greenery, grass tufts, and such.
Thanks anon.
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has anyone else noticed that if you pause a Duncan video at any moment it will ALWAYS look like he's baked out of his mind
lmao it's true. His formula and voice is super comfy though, I often watch him before sleeping I even subscribed to his website to have access to more videos, call the cops I don't give a fuck
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Big models are easier, but yes, use an airbrush. Here's mine, I did it a long time ago now, not thrilled about it anymore, but I learned so much doing it. I think if I was doing it again, I'd lay down purple shadows and green mid tones with yellow lights, and then go in to add texture and definition with a brush. One thing I recall is that there's so much space on the skin you can make really interesting color transitions on the skin really easily, since the blending is easy over a whole inch or something like that. It would be a waste imo to have the skin all the same color. If you want, say, the tentacle to be a different color, set that with the airbrush at the beginning.
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I want plasma to go on the bent arm. Where would you place the cuts to minimise the chance of destroying the arms?
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looks way good, even gooder I'd say maybe set the model back a bit though
biggest problem with acrylic primers in general is durability, they do rub off with too much handling, a varnish layer after helps a lot, matte of course
Depends on how much thinner was used and all that, just use your best judgement. If you backwash some water and alcohol in the cup and dump it that's usually enough, but that's assuming you use a little flow improver (drops of alcohol or some propylene glycol or both) during the process and not much has dried inside the airbrush. If you've been using it fairly dry it's a good idea to disassemble at least enough to wipe off the needle with a moist paper towel. Some artists use aggressive flow improvers that are basically like brake fluid. That seems insane to me. Way too toxic. A little drop of acetone in water during a water rinse cycle (which you should do often by the way) might help break things down, but it doesn't really, it just helps it peel off in flakes. I would at the very least backwash the water and wipe out the cup with a moist paper towel every time and maybe clean it every other time or maybe every third until you get more experience and know exactly how wet the paint should be to get minimal build up.
White ink is superior in many ways to oil for plasma effect fren, it's gud! White ink has higher pigment concentration and less diffusion for sure.
tbat's cool. Awesome concept and nice metals!
Looks good, but pump up the brightness of the effect a bit, make the fucker glow like a CIA agent on pol!
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Second guy's freehand didn't go as well as the first, but at least making progress. I just wish studs were easier to paint around.
I've literally never done a deep clean. I've heard it can do more harm than good because paint can get into areas it doesn't usually get into, or you could remove the lubricant from the o-rings.
Flush with water after every paint, flush with airbrush cleaner after every session. If shit goes down break out the iso.
Bri'ish move their faces weird, I can tell on mute if somebody has a Bri'ish accent.
Don't worry about slight imperfections, that's going to look sharp as a unit. Might want to thin the highlights just a little bit more, they should self-level enough that you don't get the streaks like on the helmet.
Why not just paint over the studs and then paint the detail on?
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so I got a little bit too much into playing with those enamels and ended up just rusting almost the entire thing. I kinda like the look though, feels pretty real
hello little scarab
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Vallejo metallics (what I have & was using) are super runny, so trying to put them over a finished red results in it spilling over onto surfaces that shouldn't have any metallic on them, so I have to paint around them no matter what whether it's cleanup or just doing it right the first time. I normally do the red, then the metallic, any cleanup, and the wash; it's the cleanup that sucks. No solution I've found so far other than "just don't use Vallejo metallics".
And thanks, I'm hoping they'll look good all together. Posted the first guy last thread I think.
>little bit too much
No such thing, lots of metal completely rusts through, especially on terrain.
Yes I have random rust inspo images, I'm not addicted to weathering, I can stop any time I want!
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>that beautiful dynamic pose
>dangling items flowing with the movement
Same sculptor, maybe? Might just be me grasping at straws desu, because I absolutely adore the dark imperium plague marines, and want more from whoever sculpted them.
Makes it look more real actually. Like a little overspray or they used to be red and it's worn off.
This model's a hybrid of the plastic Assault Intercessor kit and 3D prints from at least 3 different sculptors.
O rings? You don't lube your flange? :(
Looks perfect. Matches the color of the soil. Good job.
>trying to put them over a finished red results in it spilling over onto surfaces that shouldn't have any metallic on them
Are you wicking the brush off? #1 solution to runny paint.
The red might still show through though if it's in thin layers like that, maybe underpaint the silver with black first?
Don't let me mess up your process though, if it works it works.
did you use that anon's tip about dripping water on the model? did it work?
Ah, I saw the HH(?) helmet, and figured it was some HH kit I'm not familiar with. Stunning work, anon.
Yeah, I have paper towel on hand to try and get the runniest parts off. It's just very, very thin paint out of the bottle - meant for airbrushing more than regular brushes.
The good news is that's the only model with studs in this 10 man lineup, I think.
Thanks. Yeah, they're MkII helmets from a pack on Cults.
ain't he cute?
yeah it's close to the images I was looking at in the beginning so let's just say that was the plan all along
the soil is gonna be black actually... I'm waiting for pva glue to dry
nah I didn't, I used enamels so there was no need since you can play around with them just using white spirit. That moisture on the node is left over from cleaning a brush slip that I noticed too late
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>downloading random pictures of rust on run down buildings
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>>93766687 >>93766666
satan digits, do I have them too? :(
There will literally be a hundred posts with 666##, that's not how digits work.
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cereal bases
I don't understand what you mean by Vallejo metals being too runny, but I think you're using them wrong. You can definatelly use them as any other paint. You might not be taking the excess paint off your brush enough. Vallejo metallics are very strong, so you might get away by almost drying the brush on paper towel, use the tip of the brush and you shouldn't be spilling the paint out.
>based quints of using reference photos
I find that some VMC colours are indeed very runny. There's also different logos on the bottle, maybe the new or old formula is slightly thinner.
That's evil!
Yes, new formula is much more thin, well not thin, more fluid for longer. Extenders galore. You can get a REALLY smooth finish with them though because they are self leveling, but you need far less water.
Would eat!
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I'm liking how these are turning out so far
great color combos. love the crystals. so luminous. would eat.
Welcome to artfaggotry. I have a massive collection of images ranging from cute dresses to brutalist architecture.
Oh damn, I didn't realize you're the same anon. Incredible.
How did you attach the skirt thing to the despotek? Mine is a bit bent so it doesn’t follow the angle of the arm very well.
thanks anons : )
hmm I don't remember having any issues with it. I'm pretty sure I just put glue on the contact points on the thingy and held it for a moment before the glue bonded. I do use tamiya thin though, now that I think of it I can imagine this being a bit of an issue with regular plastic glues since those take longer to keep things firmly in place. I don't really know if you can straighten plastic without breaking it. If it's really noticeable/impossible to attach correctly I'd just claim it's faulty and contact the place I bought it from
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Old metal fellowship
>Legolas, what do your elf eyes see?
>there's a fly on my nose
Usually im okay with eyes, but these lotr models being smaller than most gw stuff made it difficult
>Ahh, time to paint
>First I'll mix this paint with that paint
>Huh, this paint pot is almost empty
>Oh, the other one is too
>Oh no.
This is what I get for using Rakarth Flesh for skin, clothing, and basing but goddamit it works.
How do I know if I applied too much water to my DIY wet palette?
Me with yellow ochre and mahogany.
very nice
what did you actually do in that game by the way, just play out scenes from the movie or were there actual battles too
new to this warhammer and mini painting in general. can any anons tell me if the guide still holds up, or anything worth adding to the guide? thanks
those paints have been renamed some 12 times since then
Needs to go a bit further to bright yellow and maybe a speck of white, like give them their own clean brush and water pot to avoid tinting
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Practicing NMM, ended up liking the BT icon freehand better
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I have an addition for the Johnny collage.
Behold! Wishing Well Statue Johnny.
Plenty of advanced techniques and new methods nowadays, but the basics haven't changed much.
Nice, originality bonus.
Not sure if it reads like metal, but it looks good.
Might not be able to get a good answer to this, but can anon recommend me a GOOD set of snippers to get models off sprues? Something thats wonderful but maybe under 20 usd and can be gotten in the states online?

Im using some gnarled up snips and trying to clear up nubs with a hobby knife for now.
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>just go to a local painting competition bro they are mostly amateurs too
>the competition:
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Posting my WIP night lords kill team! Call them 3rd claw of The Gore Crows
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The squad leader, Huntmaster Karoth Pergeraz. He’s a chosen in 40k
If the paper is floating or water is getting on top of it from the sides, then it's too much.
I use electronic wire cutters, which work fine and are widely available. If you want something GOOD, you're gonna have to shill out for Mr.Nippers or some other gunpla autist stuff.
Pretty mid as far as competition painters go.
I mean if it's like a big comp then yeah but I'd be impressed if I saw those at some noname lgs
You mean on the nodes/round thingies? You got any tips on making that somewhat smooth? It always ends up looing either rough or like colors just stacked on top of one another for me on round surfaces like those. That's why I ended up doing something simpler which is pretty much just varnished tesseract glow
Pretty sure the dakka wagon won a golden demon.
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Project for today. Gonna turn up the chaos on this guy with some greenstuff chaosy bits.
Any tips for the spikes? Didn't find much online.
i like your enthusiasm and nice night lords
keep it up
Get the colors looking stacked on top of each other and then cautiously glaze them back together. You can always add another a dot of white and glaze again if you go too far. A medium might help.

I'd also increase the surface area given to the darkest green of the sphere to make the bright pop more.
>blue orks
no way too off-brand
Aight, thanks. I'll give it a go when I'm doing the next guy, right now I'm going back to the shitty grainy saurus lol
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Big one was simple enough. Can't get the small ones right. I think I'll just roll them out, let them set and superglue them on.
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>rearrange my paint rack cause I got a couple new pots
>have to repogram muscle memory cause I keep reaching for wrong bottles
feels weird man
>eventually it gets better
>you forget about it
>one day your brain just glitches tf out and you reach for where the bottle would have been years ago
it only gets weirder
i still store mine in a cardboard box and sometimes spend a minute or so looking for paints
paint racks seem to be the thing these days but i cant really see myself tucking a huge rickety thing like that into some cupboard if i need my table for something else
I have wall mounted one(s) and it works great. Sure, it clutters the room a bit but nobody comes here anyway so I don't give a fuck
why not make some inserts for the box to organize them at least? just rip some strips of card/matboard and hotglue them in the mf. It'll save you so much time over having to rummage around in a pile of paints.
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What are you favorite color combinations, /wip/? Must be gold+turquoise for me
Checked, thanks anon! I’m passionate about this project, I wanna make them look good despite being quite rusty in my painting atm
Bronze and purple.
wall mounted sounds pretty nifty to be honest
hard to explain but when you have done it like this for few decades and gotten so used to it that you dont really want to jinx it when you have a good thing going
sometimes you dont really feel like painting but there is always that rummaging trough that big vat of paints that feels like home and never changes
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It's pretty comfortable too since I have it on the right side of my desk so everything is nicely within reach. Plus it's satisfying to me to look at the colors organised like that. If you have the space it's an idea worth considering I think
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Uhm how do you paint transparent latex like this?
mix some skin tone into the basecoat I think
I dont know I just wanted to paint up the fellowship
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Green & purple
Transparent paint over skin color.
I got one of those from GSW a while back. No problems at all. Tried to order more, no go. They wanted me to sign a bunch of customs documents to receive the package. Sent it back, ordered again, same shit. I'm not signing anything. Are there any local suppliers? The shelves are really good. I need moar!
Spikes? You mean the tips of toothpicks cut off and blended in with green stuff? Sorry no tips for those.
I'm in EU so I didn't have any issues, I got them on sale in an online hobby store I buy from. I'm assuming you're in US so maybe some other anon can help you out
those are nice. I like the dappled light on the merlin. And fuck... why can't my cod piece be bigger?
Throw a coin in for good luck at the Johnny well. :)
Looks good fren. I think it's in good balance and has a nice old school model look. Really classy job. I think most people overdo the NMM today. Real metal isn't all chrome. It has many types of finishes.
>I'm not signing anything
Combination of good highlight placement and glazing.
Beautiful. I love them.
Same basic ideas. As fren said color names have changed, but it's the same basic bitch approach. The good thing about the old color names is they are easy to interpret. Skull white is... white. Woodland green is a lush green. Etc. Then citadel went nuts because they realized they could copyright names of colors and started using names that meant nothing Corax white. WTF is that? It's just a very slightly grey white. It means corax (raven black) and ceramix (ceramic) white mix, but most people except autists that see abstract relationships between naming conventions would understand that right? So shit like that is confusing now, but the way you paint is the same. You need to clean the model with a soft toothbrush and soapy water, rinse, dry, assemble (if the model is the kind you assemble) which requires cutters, knives, glue, sandpaper, shit like that, and then you paint (or you can paint some parts before you assemble since it's easier to reach certain places that way). Now the painting process is simple. Prime the model with paint that will stick to plastic, either spray primer, brush on primer, or a good base color paint (Citadel/Games Workshop sells paints labeled as "Base" colors for this purpose), and then add either midtones or shadows (depending on how dark the base coat was), and then add highlights. Done. It's like 1,2,3 base which is dark, then a mid, then a high. Or Base which is a mid, then a shadow, then a high. Simple as. Like if you start with a black base tone you have your shadows already so you need your midtone and your highlight, but if you start with a mephiston red that's a decent midtone base color so you need a shadow and a highlight. See? not hard. You always need 1,2,3. Dark, medium, light. If you start with a white primer you'll need to apply all three. If starting with black you only need two, problem is black is hard to cover up so you need to use a base color after the black for the mid...
... tone because covering black say with yellow doesn't work so well because yellow paint is very transparent. It'll look all streaky and the black will show through or you'll need a bunch of coats to cover it up which makes your paint look too thick and globby. And with the black showing through the yellow the yellow will look too green (since black and yellow make a muddy green color). So what do bros? Oh well Citadel makes a yellow base color called "Averland Sunset" that covers better than standard yellow. It's labeled as a base color so you can use that see? It's not as bright as your standard yellow, but it'll cover better. Now after you use that you can use a standard yellow or a standard yellow with a little white mixed in for the highlights (the edges and the tops of things where light would hit and such). It's confusing at first, but you get used to it. As long as you have 1,2,3 you are good. So Citadel sells three basic bitch type paints. Base, Layer, and Dry. Base is good coverage for the base layers, layer is meh coverage for your mid tones, and dry is paint that is literally more dry (less water and medium in it) so it's easier to go along the edges of objects and add highlights). They also have shades (a little more medium to flow into cracks to do shadows easier). And technical paints for special effects like blood, snow, sand and rocks etc. And they have special paints that are kind of like acrylic watercolors or inks that stain or dye the figure as you paint called "Contrast" paints. Because they are very transparent contrast paints only work if the base color is white or very light like maybe a light grey or tan color or something. And citadel isn't the only company out there, they are just the most well known. There are literally dozens of companies that make paint, but most are the same two companies that make paints making certain paint lines under different labels. So don't worry about mixing and matching acrylic paints. You can...
... use any brand paint you want and mix the paint together. It's all acrylic paint and will mix just fine. Now today we make a lot of use of something called a wet palette which is just a moist sponge in a plastic box with some thing parchment or tracing paper laid over it. As the water evaporates it helps to moisten your paint and keep it wet longer so you don't waste as much paint and so you can apply a thinner coat without having to thin your paints down. Thinning your paints is super important because acrylic paint dries fast so you want your brush to always stay moist, but not wet. That's the hardest paint for beginners. Getting the moisture level right for whatever they are doing. The process is like this. You have a short cup of water, maybe a short glass jar or something, and that's your rinse water. You rinse your brush out by swishing your brush in it. Swish swish. All clean right? Okay but now brush it too wet. What do bros? Dab on paper towel. Good. But now too dry. What do bros? So dabbing on a moist sponge or moist paper towel is better. Now moisture level perfect. But paint in pot is drying :( What do bros? Ah. Put some paint from pot on sponge? No. Can't get paint off sponge :( What do bros? Ah. Put tracing paper on sponge and paint on paper! :) That's a wet palette. Paint stays moist, easy to blend paint colors together on paper, brush stays moist with swish and dab on sponge. Brush stays clean wiping on sponge. Everything good. Before invention of wet palette we old school guys just used a moist paper towel to do same thing. Saved money. But other than that painting is the same today as when that old guide was made. Just the quality of the paints is a little better (although that's arguable). But same basic approach is used today. More use of airbrush now I guess, but airbrush comes with a lot of other problems so most painters avoid it. Everything can be done with brushes. Airbrush is just faster for certain things, but...
... again arguable because you have to clean and maintain it. Now after painting is done and figure looking bussing what do? Well we like to apply a clean matte varnish layer to protect the model better. We also like to do decorative bases. The word bases here is not to be confused with base paint. Here it means the base the character/figure we painted stands on. Most bases are either round or square and about 1 inch in diameter or 1x1 inch if square, but some games we play have different standards depending on the scale of the model, but that's general. And we want our bases to look cool so instead of plain plastic we want rocks, and skulls, and grass, and leaves, and mushrooms, and broken walls, or snow or water or metal pipes or whatever looks like it comes from the world of the game. So basing is part of the art in itself. Lots of room for expression and creativity when making cool bases. So we use different kinds of epoxy clay, glues, rocks and wood we find, cat liter, little pieces of metal, whatever we want to build our bases, we prime them and paint them just like the rest of the figure. And there you go. That's miniature painting and the world of 40k. 40k is just one of a million games that are like this. Called "wargaming" or "miniature gaming" or "tabletop gaming" more generally. They've been around since at least late 1800s in various forms. First book written was H.G. Wells "Little Wars" published 1913. Hence 4chan's topic section "traditional gaming." https://archive.org/details/littlewarsgamefo00well/page/40/mode/2up
hobby zone makes similar stuff which may or may not be easier to get your hands on
Super nice! For years now I want to make a diorama of the Battle at Balins tomb for my dad as a christmas present but I never can bring myself painting the frickin minis...
Thank you fren. I'll check that out. I want to shelf everything. I have a huge collection of paints numbering in the hundreds and I don't use most of them because I can't get to them.
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all character models elevated yea or nay
inb4 that /WIP/ anon who hates cork
I do it because I need the extra space for skulls.
if they in't bigger, 'owz you gunner know 'oo's in charge?
Stick some arrows in the cork too so it looks like the other army's been taking pot-shots at him
Sure, but I'd make the transition from the smooth base to the cork a little more natural looking obviously, other than that go for it.
Oh good idea!
Neat idea, what did you use for the fountain base?
Damn that is pretty cool anon. I need to get around to hunting for a Johnny myself
I don't think I've seen a single mini that pulled those colors off without looking dumb as fuck.
Is that a challenge?
I'm going to be very impressed if you can manage it, not going to lie. Don't think I can offer anything other than that lol
This picture makes me feel comfy and happy
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Finished another snagga (finally)
really nice anon, I like the skin and highlights on the trousers
Why did you think this was useful enough to post? It says nothing at all.
I'm not even that poster, they went on way too long, but I'd rather have wip full of wordy advice than useless slop "summaries" that excise all the advice in favor of a word count that fits in a tweet. You should be disappointed in yourself for thinking "this needs AI hands on it!" and especially disappointed for posting it for everyone to see that you're illiterate enough that you can't even tell it's useless.
Almost done with this guy.
I'm neither of those anons.
Please choke on your own vomit for posting such useless off topic A.I. drivel.
>want to prime the models black
>want to do snow bases
I'm a noob, will priming just my bases white and priming my models black be a huge pain in the ass?
It's not irrational if A.I. just does shit job of it
Shouldn't be that bad, it's pretty easy to keep most minis seperate from their bases. What's your scheme though? Maybe you could just prime everything white
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>tfw I use AI as help when creating color schcmes
>most of the time it does a pretty damn good job
If you have an airbrush it's dead easy. If you don't, just make sure everything dries hard before you start gluing models to bases
I'm uncreative, it's literally just stock Dark Angels on snow bases. Baby's first Marines, although I did paint some Necrons half-ok over the last few years.
hey don't say that we all start somewhere and that is a pretty sexy scheme. You should definetely prime the guys black though. Since those are marines you shouldn't have any trouble painting/handling them seperate from the bases
That can be really replaced by a dice and a chart, or with all due respect, color pickers and colour wheels are ancient technology. This is really just skill issue on your end.
fyi, that's a different anon. I'm getting too wasted to argue, and my girlfriend doesn't like it when I post here instead of paying attention to her.
The point was more directed at how one could find color schemes the old fashion way...that works.
Yeah fair enough. Anxiety is probably getting the better of me. I'll just keep the models off base, spray against a rack on a tarp, flip, spray, and let them dry. Repeat with the bases.
A.I. as a rule doesn't help anyone, it just makes you missunderstand things or do them wrong, if you ask A.I. to help you strip models it will ruin your models, because it will say to use acceton on plastic minis.
It's a tool same way NFTs were a tool, in that..it wasn't.
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Random question, but any /wip/ers use a prism in their glasses?
I've double vision but it only really affects me when I paint minis.
Outside painting ended up being kinda comfy
Forgot pic
Doesn't that become a dust and grit issue pretty fast? Fresh air sounds nice to paint in to me too but breezes aren't clean.
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Pretty happy with this beard. My eyes aren't good enough for doing strands but the wash separated them well.

Not happy with the base, though. Doesn't look like the official scheme.
we once played outside i think 40k 3rd edition and it ended up with local playground kids toppling our table over and stepping on my friends freshly finished land speeder
if you think gamestore kids were bad try playground kids
would not recommend
That looks super comfy anon, glad you had a good time. Do you have the whole set of the TTC paints? cause that looks like a lot
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Do those feathers look good and fit with the rest of the scheme? I couldn't decide between orange and purple, went with this but now I'm not sure anymore. Also you guys were right, with the other basecoats the grainy undercoat is not that bad. It looks kinda jarring on the gold since you expect metals to have a smooth surface but it's acceptable
I keep ending up going with blues, greys, and whites.
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Primed over 20 models and still failed to not have bubbles appear on half the models. What can I do to avoid that. I only used dabbing motions and spread excess primer around yet it still happens.

Btw bow much does the primer need to cover. Is it a any grey isnt enough situation or what,
you didnt shake the can enough and no you dont need 100% coverage unless that primer is one of your main colors
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My mistake I should have specified I am priming with a brush and not a spray can. Hence why I referred to dabbing motions.
Re-read the post
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Oh you meant the primer bottle. That makes alot of sense considering how often I forgot to shake it before refelling the painting tray. Thanks anon.
not sure who is drunk anymore so im just assuming all 3 of us are wasted
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Absolutely smashing, anon! I will be sure to include him the next time I edit the collage!
Green and purple zombie. That will be my goal. Maybe I'll have time today.
Cute. Is his final color also going to be green?
Outside painting comfy indeed! Figure looks good too. Father taught me sunlight reveals colors best. He said if you ever have a hard time telling what a color is go into the sunlight and you will see. The sun reveals all.
Looks great. Nice earthy colors. Trad as fuck. I lack a beard. Mostly because I shave it :(
Make center of feather, the quill same color as lizard man. Again lizards don't play drums. Not ever. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tg0HxtFgJdg
Shake can much much more. And spray from farther distance. Very light pass, let dry and do again. You start spray offcenter and pass across the model and then stop spraying when pass is done. You don't spray directly onto the model. Think frost, not paint.
Too much water then. When priming paint should be mostly dry and powdery, not bone dry, but like regular paint, not watery paint. Light coat one area. Let dry to powder finish. Do next area and so on. Too much water or too thick it will bubble. Especially vallejo game color because of the cursed new formula.
Does no one in this thread read, seriously
first thing I tried, but the toothpick tips were huge and not very sharp.
Whittle and sharpen picks with knife and apply watered down glue before you cut them. :) Make them hard as an American on day of the rake.
Fixed Read here and >>93775502 follow this guide... second video in list. http://embscomputerart.com/miniature-painting-instructional-videos/
Shaking the primer will mix and agitate it, stir it a bit on the palette and let it settle. Do not overthin.
You do not want to use dabbing motions, dabbing or stippling will create texture, apply in smooth strokes. If it starts to appear streak you are overthinning or spreading too little paint over too much surface.

For now you should strip those models and try to paint foregoing primer entirely. Primer is not as essential on soft plastic and I doubt the end result will need to be preserved for antiquity anyway. You will be able to develop layering skills needed for brush-on primer without feeling like your model is sabotaged from the onset.
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I wasn't sure about this when reading your post but it does look pretty nice. Thanks, anon
Does look good. Welcome. Lizards still don't play drums.
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That does sound better than whatever this is. It's been 12 hours and those horns are floppy as hell I'll try again tomorrow.
meant for >>93775621
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What primer are you using, specifically? I brush on pic related, and it goes on great with no thinning at all. I just slop that shit on with a decently large filbert brush, and one coat is mostly fine, maybe going back over to touch up a bit here and there.
>bow much does the primer need to cover
less is more. if you don't have quite enough, it will be fine, but if you have too much the details get gummed up and the model looks like shit
Thanks for the tips anon. I get what you mean but currently Im more doing this to learn since Im in now rush to play this year.
I am using vallejo primer grey but am thinking about switching.
>vallejo primer grey
pretty sure that's the same as the stuff I've got then. a larger brush and less thinning might help. I know it looks streaky when you brush it on normally instead of dabbing, but in my experience that doesn't really end up having any texture once dry. Alternatively, maybe try gesso?
It seems very runny, I would shake it and use a makeup brush.
It's the lid of a supermarket iced "coffee" cup.
You should be using microballoon snow + gloss medium for snow and that has no problems covering even over dark ground.
I've got a genuinely crippling phobia of birds so I could never do that.
Little birds can't hurt you. Only vultures cause they are big and mean. But sparrows never hurt nobody.
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>>93772530 quick color washes to show green and purple can work fine pic 1 of 2
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Oh I know exactly what that is, brilliant. Tempted to make one for terrain now.
I've gone outside all my life, and a bird has literally never touched me. Going outside is so loosely related to being attacked by a bird, it might as well not be.
Bird feet typed this.
>posts on 4chan
>"I've gone outside all my life"
you're not fooling anyone brother
Good call anon. Look at the beak on that bird, a parakeet if If I've ever seen one.
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>I've gone outside all my life, and a bird has literally never touched me. Going outside is so loosely related to being attacked by a bird, it might as well not be.
This is a very specific question but I've honestly not got an idea for a better place to ask
Is there a good streaming setup for painting? The best thing I can think of is somehow putting a webcam above my desk
Also to be clear this isn't for twitch or anything like that, it's just so I can share with friends so it can be fairly cheap
Fug, it's flover!
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Yeah i use pic relatedhd pro webcam c920 logitech attached to my lamp as pic related to get vid or images like pic related >>93776455
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Fuck it. Bigger mark 3.
What can I say, Tzeentch is a generous God.
Nice fren
I honestly didn't expect to get exactly what I was looking for this quickly
Thank you a ton!
I have not had a good experience with the Vallejo White, Grey, and Black Primers. Of those 3 Black was the least bad. Their German Panzer Grey or USN L. Ghost Grey though I have found work well, and are the better alternatives for Black and Neutral Grey respectively.
Thanks fren
No problem, camera software allow upside down and backwards, auto or manual focus, logo text or none, manual or auto white balance and one blue or green screen mix, you can do more with ows or whatever that thing is called but I use the logitech software for basic stuff, works fine, you might want separate boom arm for camera to give more options to position and something more secure, mine is kind of unstable mickey mouse solution and camera expensive so you want good way to mount on posable arm, I just squeezed the built in monitor clip around lamp, not best way, i need to 3d print better solution
Coat darms grey brush on very good, its a light grey, for white use citadel corax white it's slight off white, used to come in spray but they have a brighter but inferior white spray now, or just mix any white with coat darms grey primer to make offwhite primer or any white with any tan or brown paint, general rule for primers is mixed colors prime better than white alone, white is too slick so needs a more gritty paint like black, yelliw ochre, dark brown, just something less smooth mixed in, if you mix small amount of cheap acrylic black or grey with your vallejo white it should improve, generally cheaper paint has more grit so sticks to model better, in mini world any base paint will work by itself or mixed with vallejo primer like averland sunset mephiston red
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>I'm totally going to paint
>I'm going to finish my current projects
>I'm going to clear out my backlog
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I tried oil washes for the first time and I'm super impressed with it, I wouldn't use it for a single model, but i can see it being super efficient for painting an entire army quickly.
Why isn't it a more commonly spoken about technique?
What's the catch? Are the fumes gonna give me cancer or something?
It can't be that easy?
>Why isn't it a more commonly spoken about technique?
Presumably because it would break the laws of physics. It was THE meta a few months ago.
>What's the catch?
Drying time, cleanup, fumes. If oils aren't part of your workflow it's just a hassle.
I've seen flow improver and medium used to do a similar technique on acrylic washes, personally I just add a little water and medium to washes so they don't stain.
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>i will get a fine point on my brush
>i will disregard youtube
>i will finish all my models so i can finally play this stupid game i forgot even existed in the first place
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people (here at least) use it all the time.
It's one of those things that every hobby sloptuber makes a video about because most people are still washing the entire model with agrax earthshade only to paint over it all again with the same color.
>Why is NOBODY using this technique?!!
>This ONE product changed my painting forever...
>How I painted 100 space marines in ONE week
>GW doesn't want you to know about this method...

I personally like streaking grime and panel liner. haven't tried making my own though.
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I think I found what I'm going to use for my glottkin.
I want the tentacle to be a blue-green getting darker towards the tip, and the res of the body to be regular green with yellow highlights. here are the paints I'm going to use with splinter green being the universal basecoat. what do you guys think? may or may not use the sybarite green.
>most people are still washing the entire model with agrax earthshade
those chestnut and black inks with all their new variations have pretty much kept this hobby afloat since the beginning and they still do
if you were planning on painting him green from the start you should have gone with white or grey primer instead of black
other than that sounds good and good luck anon
Layering up from splinter green to sybarite would have the recesses be warmer right? I did a similar gradient (turqoise and blue though, wasn't maggotkin) and I didn't use a universal basecoat, the blue and the green used entirely different basecoats but since I applied thin coats I could overlap them and feather them together.
yes, I want the recesses to not necessarily be warmer but certainly darker.

I did consider white/grey but I have bad experiences with hard-to-reach areas sticking out because they're lighter than the rest of the model. I'm fine doing more coats with a dark primer
hmm actually after thinking more about it, I think i'll do what you suggested and do splinter green for most of the body and then do warpstone for the left side of the chest, shoulder, and tentacle then go from there. Then maybe cut out the ogryn camo and stop the highlights for the right side at elysian green
It does get talked about a lot more than it did some years back. Most people don't consider it or want to try it given the investment and learning curve. And to be honest most people don't need it since it is an intermediate thing.
>still washing the entire model with agrax earthshade only to paint over it all again with the same color.

And there is nothing wrong with it, especially since you don't have to deal with any kind of thinners or anything.
Are these AL? Or SoH?
What body is that? Mirin the Flagellant head, goat choice
Big is beautiful, big is best, stunning.
Slow dry times and gummy glossy finish and fumes from thinners. Also higher viscosity makes it hard to paint details, so it has limits. Not everyone can use thinners. Also war. Blood for oil
Sons of Horus
Literally the first technique I used on my Heroquest skeletons when I was 10 years old, taught to me by my dad. This technique is fucking ancient.
I have a retarded question. When should I use IPA alcohol for cleaning? Is there any case in which I should use it over the standard Airbrush Cleaner? Is it okay to spray it into a cup for the cleaning at the end of the painting session or is it possible that such strong alcohol will damage something?
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>that image again
the fact that youtube still didn't change the algorithm to not reward this kind of bullshit fills me with uncontrollable rage
some say it damages the gaskets or rubber seals whatever those are in english so that might be worth considering if you have really expensive one
i break mine down and just leave the parts in ipa for some time when i feel like cleaning it little better
does greenstuff never fully harden? my cloak is still bendy after 24 hours.
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I stupidly didn't fill two very small and shallow pin holes in this hard resin sister proxy before I started painting. I'm still pretty new to mini painting and didn't have anything to fill it with so I got impatient and figured I could make it into battle damage but now I kind of regret it.
Is there anything I can do now that won't also completely wreck it or I'm I sol.
RobotJones posted a guide a few years back for his stockings, seems relevant here.

Royal blue and white. Rust, charcoal, and pthalo green. Yellow ochre and scarlet. Bronze.

Homegirl's got an all-beef quarter-pound patty with secret sauce and no mistake. Also just slap some filler in the holes and dab unthinned paint on it, they're gonna blend in perfectly.
please for the love of God hit that with some black or mahogany ink on the gold at least.
Thanks, I'll give that a try.
I going to shade her I just haven't yet.
Acetone works better and quicker, just don't put it anywhere paint doesn't go
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Need to redo the bases I think. Maybe just keep them grey without the brown pigment? Suggestions?
Paint rim
Add grass tuft (purple)
What do I think of scale75?
I have no idea what you think about it man, you tell me
No. You tell me.
You'd keep them that color?
Yes i think they look good as is, simple and effective
Also dont actually do the purple joke tuft thing
I'm done with the first wave of priming my minis white with an airbrush and Vallejo Surface Primer. I knew I will need to go with 2-3 coats per mini but I'm surprised how mediocre the coverage is on coloured plastic. Is it a better idea to buy a black primer for the first coat and then follow up with white one? Even if the white primer doesn't cover the black one totally it's still better to have black paint in recesses, at least for my desired paint schemes.
I'd just add more color variations with brown black grey white and greyish blue to make it look more natural, they look fine but color is just too plain, nature has a lot of variations within whatever range
Some colors great, didn't like one of their reds but that's true of any range, they're just vallejo anyway, the caps suck though, they split so i keep a few extra caps on hand, but overall I like them.
their metallics are supposedely really nice but I don't see the regular acrylics mentioned ever
Yeah that's basically how zenithal highlights are done, just white highlights over black from a highish angle all around the object usually to simulate sunlight, if it works for you go for it
Between color changes when not doing a blend or when session ends or when you have to walk away from brush for a while, keep some in a dropper bottle just like your water and spray water and then water and ipa, then just ipa into nearby bucket. Clean, i wouldn't use acetone myself because fumes are worse for me, but either way it's just drops of the stuff, not buckets or anything, 1 or two puffs and you're done, you can use 70 percent alcohol or 90 if you are needing stronger or just use more drops
Sometimes takes long time, if mixed good blue and yellow sides it should harden eventually, usually after 24 hours if used a lot of Vaseline may take long time
Yeah fren is right you can fill holes now and blend paint to conceal, if you don't have green stuff a touch of superglue mixed with baking soda gets super hard super fast, apply with toothpick, wait 20 minutes and file or sand snoothish and paint over to blend
Damn, I'm leaving for my holidays in 3 days so it's unlikely I will get my package with black primer on time even if I order it today. Will thinned down Model Color Vallejo paint stick well enough as the first coat on bare plastic?
The metals are good. The regular colors have zero coverage but the consistency is very thick. If you want the same finish just get kimera instead or apply a varnish because the paints just suck.
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how can i make the horns look more gooder?

should they even be a light colour, or a darker one?
Terrible for base coats, good for glazes, NMM, and TMM. Inks aren't bad either.
maybe little more dark brown on the horn roots
lovely model and decade appropriate base, would love to see full army of these
>*drum drop*
Priming doesn’t do anything for the thin layers of colour on top. Your highlights are adhering to base layers not the primer, you must be doing some finger painting level shit if you think primers are going to protect your top coats.
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Any idea why a drop is collecting inside of my nozzle cup? It's doesn't matter if I pour paint, water or alcohol into the cup, a drop is collecting there shortly after. A nozzle cup deformation perhaps?
most likely slight deformation on the finish and surface tension forces it to gather on that one place, nothing to worry about
I don’t think the pressure difference created by a deformed cup would cause that. Maybe poor alignment between the needle and the nozzle. Something that is to be expected with cheap $20 chinese airbrushes.
Who makes the best colour shift paints? Want to do jazzy Mechanicum
I wouldn't recommend either of them, if you want a color shifting effect do something like in this video (for the purple armor pads):


Or just non metallic metal with color shifting colors. Like yellow and greenish blue or whichever.

The real colorshifting paints require a lot of coats and they only work out of an airbrush if they work at all, and even with all that their effect is very subtle.
Thanks for the top anon. Gonna try out panzer grey next time I go to the LGS.
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Thinner little stripes between the tones, both to hide the transitions and give it more of that striated look
Wash/glaze a dark brown at the tips for some more variation
>if used a lot of Vaseline may take long time
ah, so that's the issue. I did get a little sloppy with it.
>trying to glue a model to its base
>only surface area is a single foot
>won't stay upright
>won't harden even after a minute of holding it in place
>hand cramps start after a minute
i'm getting really frustrated by this. is there a better way to glue a model to a base? I'm just using army painter basing glue rn, the lgs had it for $5
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Red and black
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>single foot
classic issue. this is the reason why pinning exists. you drill a hole in the foot, stick in a straightened out paper clip with some glue on the tip and then thread it through the a similiar hole you drilled in the base. then you bend the rest of the wire flat against the bottom of the base and slather it up with glue.
at least that's what you should do, I'm far too lazy and just glue them straight on anyway. if your superglue isn't setting it's because your surfaces are too dry. cyanoacrylate binds with water. wet the base a little bit with some water or spit, put glue on the foot and set it down. should be set within seconds. breathing on it like if you were trying to fog a window also helps.

Okay I only now realised you were talking about basing glue. That stuff is for decorating the base with rocks and shit. For attaching minis you want superglue.
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The grainy saurus drummer is done. Turned out fine all things considered, I think
i usually balance mine againts paint pots and there is always blue tac
people tend to laught at old miniatures with their slotted bases until you have to glue and position new non pewter models
better yet figure how to rank and file a whole regiment of models without slots
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Clean as hell, anon. Love how vibrant the colors are.
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I'm trying my hand at some scenic unit bases for Kings of War. It looks a little better in person, but I'm still rather disappointed with my results so far. Any advice on how to improve?
Did a gesso/modge podge primer, a few oil washes of different colors, some dry brushing in neutral tones, and a light black oil wash.

I've only worked on the rock so far, obviously.
fuck sake, that would make sense. I'll switch out the basing glue for super glue. Does Tamiya cement work for attaching minis to bases?
dont sell yourself short that saurus looks great
Yes but it sets a bit slower than superglue.
Ah okay, I'll stick to superglue for this then.
It does, but only if there's nothing between the base and mini. If there's any paint or decoration it will fail. Also it's dangerous, sooner or later want to remove a mini from its base and Tamiya really doesn't like that.
Much love anons. I'm just still a bit salty about the grainy texture, I'll get over it. Pretty happy with him otherwise. Especially since the drybrushed scales look better than I expected and didn't require a couple hours of edge highlighting like on the other lizards I did so far
this looks like someone pulled it out from the back of their fridge
not sure if that's what you're going for but if so, congrats?
Think I managed to diagnose my airbrush problem. I think the end most cap has seized onto the larger tip, I am assuming there is dried paint in there that even a few nights soaking won't get to.
The airbrush will spray water just fine, but the moment I put paint it won't spray. By rocking the needle back and forth I can get bursts of paint to spray when I push the needle forward, but it is not smooth

Previously I stripped the whole airbrush (minus that seized tip) and deep cleaned it, so I am confident there is no other place for paint to reside. Now I have to figure out how to get this stupid tip off
> By rocking the needle back and forth I can get bursts of paint to spray
thin your paints
I've thinned it basically to water with the same results, I'm talking 1 drop of Vallejo model color to 4 drops flow improve +10 drops water
maybe try using dedicated airbrush thinner instead of water?
Like I said, looks better in person. All I've got is a shitty phone camera and a desk lamp.
Just spent four hours painting the scatter terrain from the kill team starter box
I fucking love leadbelcher so much bros
now imagine how much you'd love an actually good gunmetal paint
Like what?
Leadbelcher is not too bad. It's one of the few good GW metallics. Iron Warriors is probably their best overall, covers very well and it's very smooth.
how can you even screw up applying metallic paint unless you are trying to cover white with it
there is that meme about using metal paints with wet palette and other one about citadel metal paints being bad
i never had any problem with them either way
Just take your tamiya extra thin and brush out the bubbles. Super easy.

As a fellow brush primer, my current method of priming involves laying on primer super thick straight from the pot with no water added except to make the brush wet, then blowing it really hard to blast away any pooling. Makes a bit of a mess but so far its my best way for least bubbles.

From my experimenting, bubbles seem to be because of adding water to the primer. I am currently using badger stylylrez grey. But I have also tried vallejo grey.
>army painter basing glue
bro there is your problem, that glue is for gluing dirt and rocks to the base. Not minis. Its just white PVA glue, and has a cure time of like 2 hours. You want to use superglue to glue your minis down. Get yourself the blue cap gorilla glue, you can find it at almost every hardware store for a good price.
nta but damn you know your shit
yeah, i realized my mistake and borrowed my dad's superglue. it's staying up now, stashed it in the cabinet to let it set, gonna check on it tomorrow
Great work. Perfectly balanced colors and the plant is just right for the subject. But fren... lizards don't play drums. Not ever. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z3RJ6hl69Vw
Looks really good fren. Maybe a little more texture in random places on the smoother parts of the rocks. Take sand from outside, mix into white glue to make a rough clay and stick bits on and smooth in, remove excess with corner of sponge and water. It looks really good already though. But where are the skulls? ;)
Just use cloth to grab tip and twist off, they come off fren. Inside is a little cone that goes around the end of the needle, very small so don't loose it. You can clean inside of cone with sharpened toothpick, but it's easy to deform so be careful. Youtube videos will show how to do full airbrush disassembly.
Thank you fren. I recorded process, but it's not exciting so pics enough I guess.
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Surprisingly happy how this turned out considering I fucked around with enemals.
Should I even highlight this? Or just start with the shrooms.
i will now order bunch of paints online
some to replenish the ones im runnin out and some new ones to try out and to fill my ever growing paint box
wish me luck
good luck anon, try to not get too many unnecessary ones like I always do
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2nd take on the cape and fur for my Kasrkin sarge. Got rid of the tiny spikes on his shoulder and just covered it up with fur. Still getting the hang of this greenstuff thing, but so far it seems vaseline is more trouble than it's worth.
I wouldn't highlight, the tone is light enough. I'd add more interest to the shadow textures, like under the mushrooms and on the top of them you could have more streaks and splotchiness, more color variation. same with horn area the cages hang from, a green greyish or copper color streaked on the metal bands holding the statue together, touches of purple there too maybe, down by the base introduce more cool green and dark violet splotches to keep interest up high but still having variation, just stuff like that, but no, there's no reason to highlight, the tone is pitched high enough already.
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Also his footrest marine. A bit rough but hopefully Astrogranite will cover up the imperfections.
looks great fren. yeah vaseline should be used in extremely small amounts, just enough to lube and smooth out the most difficult areas most people starting out use too much. you can also use olive oil but it runs a little too much. if you are able to achieve the smoothness or texture you want without it skip it
Is he.. is he gonna make it fren?
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Not perfect, but my goal is "tabletop standard" and any better than that is great in my book. The freehand still looks like an ork drew it but I'll live with that while I'm getting better. Experimented a bit with the visor and like how it turned out.
good luck fren. buy it all and make the late comers cry.
looks good. the red is bussing.
Thanks. It takes a while to get right but I like how it turns out when it's done. One of my favorite colors to paint.
not enough greens, use more greens
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Yes, I'll really need to add more texture on the next one. I have some grass tufts, but some rocks and such would look good.
Definetely great for tabletop. The visor is really nice, don't be afraid to try new things or you'll never improve. The red really pops, too. Nice work, anon
It will cover.

Looks great Anon. Cant wait to see the rest of the squad.
looks good to me, nice job
love the colors, very real looking, would eat also
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Can't decide what symbol to use to replace the sull in Ryza emblem or just use the skull.
damn this thing is cool as fuck
i have no idea what you are talking about but that thing is still the cleanest hand brushed tank ive ever seen
I hope not! He'd rip that kasrkin in half with his bare hands. But it's gonna be an ultramarine, you can never be sure with those.
Any suggestions for a good beginners airbrush setup? Mostly so I don't kill myself when trying to do large flat surfaces?
How does one find motivation?
I've been trying to build an army for more than half a year now and just barely assembled a single model yet i really want to build one
It's like I'm just scrolling through my steam library when it ry to start
If you're afraid you're going to blow up your apartment you can get some cheap chinesium shit to practice on, it will be more than enough for priming and basecoating anyway. I bought a decent-ish airbrush but because I'm not a fucking retard I've had no issues with it. Airbrushing is really not rocket science despite what people often seem to believe. Just keep a couple things in mind and you'll be fine. Oh and get a cheapest compressor with a tank, that will be more than enough for hobby purposes.
Lube your flanges. Many have died that did not.
this might not be for you in case you are talking about your first army ever but i usually paint so i can hopefully play again some day but because i never actually get to play i just paint some more and the cycle repeats
Motivation is the opposite of scrolling. Turn off internet. Then you will do and not imagine doing. The powers that be want you to experience life through a screen because it changes nothing. Turn off the screen and turn your life on full blast.
Stop trying to paint an army, try painting a single squad, or a vehicle. An army sounds daunting.
Also sounds like you might need a painting spot that's not in front of your computer.
This is good advice. Just take it one mini at a time. Also don't fucking fall for the multikit boxes and don't buy too many kits at once. That's a good way to get overwhelmed and find it difficult to start. Then again if I didn't feel like painting for 6 months I'd just move on to a different hobby desu
This is the key, and it's how I've made my stuff work. I try to only buy what I'm actively working on. I still have a backlog, but most of it is stuff I already owned or was gifted. Keeps some of the stress away. I'm still not fast and I don't paint enough, but more than I would if I was trying to go for a full army.
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Thief duo. Not really happy with the crossbow dude, the leather seems a bit off not sure if that's it.
What army?
i hear the face collage calling for you
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Never thought about just popping the bubbles. Dont have a tamiya extra thin but I can look for a alternative so thanks for that anon.
Question about blowing really hard. You mean with your mouth or something more extreme?
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Making a shield strap for this guy, does this look a little too thick? I think the placement might be good, but I'm not sure either
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Back shot
It will never look right with that fluttering cloak, anon. The weight of the shield would pull it tight, maybe try the other shoulder? Also yeah, it's too wide. Looks like a sash. Try removing 1/3rd of the width.
put some studs on it to cheat eye from conentrating how large and even it is
or really big belt buckle in the middle
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so close to finishing this big retard. fuck those finicky reins, amazing model but holy shit that was frustrating to assemble, even after sub assembly
see his belt? make it at most twice the width, also what he >>93782818 said
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>Tfw girlfriend paints my grey plastic for me
bad posture
fuck you and your happiness I'm happy for you anon, wish I had someone like that
>tfw mine is even worse
nice paintjob, she's very lifelike.
Cozy mushroom wearer.
Thx, frens. Maybe I should just remove the shield since it doesn't seem like the cloak would work with it? Do you think if I set the shield resting in his knee that would look dumb or workable?
>Also sounds like you might need a painting spot that's not in front of your computer.
I live in a tiny studio apartment so that's not really an option I'm afraid
That's sort of what I'm doing since I have a very limited budget, I guess i should put some stuff ons higher shelf for a while
Thousand Sons and some allied demon units for funsies
buy her a better table and lamp, she looks like golum painting
honestly if you absolutely must put a shield on him put a small buckler in his forearm
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>mfw I'll never get savagely paintmogged by a 3.14/10 qt
why do I even life?
captcha: MYWAP
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Used this but with blue, white and black for my squig team six kommando orks. I practiced on a a spare bit of warhammer box. Tldr is start with your middle color (blue in my case) everywhere, then black, then white. The white and black you form by drawing sort of melted sideways y shapes, you want to not overlap TOO often but occasionally works. Sometimes rotated left, sometimes rotated the other way. Practice the pattern firs tso you find out what your eye likes.

Pic related, only have my shittiest example on phones camera role, the rest was more successful. But from a normal playing distance it still works.
cant honestly see much from that angle and with that lighting but looks good
Its less about popping the bubbles, and more of melting them away. For clarification, do this when its all dry.
I dont have anything else so I just use my mouth. I suppose you could use compressed air or something. Try it out, take a model you dont care about so much, put a big blob of primer on your brush and apply it to the leg or something, then try blowing most of it off.
So I’ve traveled, painted outside, visited the local game store near my campsite. I love visiting and atleast buying something from a tiny local shop. Place kinda sucked and was full of very loud screaming spergs playing magic at 11am on a holiday. But I picked up this fish genie looking mofo. Next “season” with my dnd boys is gonna be ocean and ship sailing focused so I figure it could get some use.
not_darren_latham is gone
He's cool! Perfect for camping trip. Water power.
Is Vallejo US Olive Drab 887 a suitable base layer for painting a tiger stripe camo scheme?
Sure. Olive drab is a olive green with a touch of reddish brown in the undertone making it slightly more neutral, lots of old military uniforms were olive drab so it should work out fine. You can mix with tan to make a neutral brighter green, with yellow to make a more intense yellow green, with aqua greens to make a more cool green or black or a dark red to make a very dark green
Thank you!
No problem, also remember if you want your stripes dark and the color is too dark, add just a little tan and white to the base coat and that'll give you a lighter more faded version of the color which was like the WWII uniforms that were canvas.
They are fantastic for layering and highlighting due to their nature. But they have a learning curve to them given they go on brighter than they end up, and blend into the previous layer really well to the point where you will sometimes start questioning yourself as to whether you actually put on a layer/highlight of if it is a false memory. As others have said there are better options for base colours which will require less layers for reaching opacity, which personally I use Vallejo Extra Opaque for the first layers and just mix in a different colour for the next layers if I want to finish as a different tone. The metallics are the best I have used though, highly recommend if that is the only S75 you get. S75 didn't get talked about a lot simply due to not being very proliferated until the last few years when they became widely available.
I've found you generally need 2 coats of Vallejo surface primer if using an airbrush. Don't worry about reaching opacity with that first layer though if it is a light colour. You'll get it on the 2nd easier without risk of flooding.
>Going outside is so loosely related to being attacked by a bird
Come to Australia in swooping season then and we'll see how that opinion holds up aye.
Danger territory. Fucking drop bears killed me brother on holiday and I nearly got buzzed by birds meself.
Australia doesn't count. Unless you live there.
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Not really satisfied with this guy, but I didn't particularly enjoy painting it so I'm not going to redo it

This was the last SM of my leviathan box, maybe I could try and actually build some nids now or do sword bros
What's wrong with him? He looks good to me
mainly I could have put more effort on the nid plates of armour on his arm, give them finer details and make them look more organic. plus some more little things here and there that I don't like.

I'm glad you like it though anon, ty
Analysis paralysis, more than likely afraid of "ruining something", which is silly. Just start, perfect is the only of progress.
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Working on skin and fur. Going for a grungy/matted fur
How do you get through the awful slog that is assembly? It makes me never want to paint.
New thread:

swordbros ploxxx
He look so comfy under those covers

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