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Van Zandt edition

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How would a BT frontier colony world run by /btg/ look?
Autism projects never work out
a burning dumpster fire having a civil war.
it'd have to depend upon immigration for growth
Midjurney is not good with mechs like these, too much random details or they end up boxbots. It's much happier doing mechs that hold guns like people do, but that is heavy gear territory.
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Mechs that hold guns like people has always bothered me from a practicality standpoint. Especially since it usually results in guns held at hip height, so you have to expose more than half your machine to fire over a hill.
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I can tell you play too much MWO. Friendly reminder that lore accurate mechs can do running leaps, somersaults, and climb over objects more than knee height. Going prone to stabilize your weapons is also novel canon.

All of these things mitigate if not outright solve the problem you are experiencing.
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I figure that it's not the gunholders that have issues, but moreso stuff like the Warhammer. The majority of mechs with proper arms could reasonably outstretch and fire, but the Warhammer's a case where the weapons are almost always hung about waist-high and it doesn't seem designed to be otherwise. Just can't picture it reaching out.
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The Icon thinks fisticuffs are for fags, but is totally down for kicking if it comes to it
This is why I look forward to Leviathans. We don't have to have these conversations about "are these machines built in silly ways?" because the answer is always Yes.
You say that and then the Marauder is better at both fisticuffs and kicking.
Marauder was designed with those in mind; Warhammer is a gun mech first and foremost.
What do they mean when describing Warrior House paint schemes when they're talking about X-Gold color?

Like for Kamata, they are "tan and reddish-gold" but what the fuck is reddish-gold. Here, it just looks orange on an official mini. But on others it just looks like a dull red.

Ditto for when they say gold-green, what do they actually mean? Am I just mixing gold paint into my other paint?
>it usually results in guns held at hip height, so you have to expose more than half your machine to fire over a hill
hi anon, that's not how that works, that's also most mechs
most mechs have weapon arrangements like that, a lot have the guns built into the lower torso, some even have guns in the legs
....you're implying the Marauder isn't a superior gun mech as well?
Base coat in gold and wash with whatever color they say. Varnish with a gloss to get the sheen back.
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That's strictly an vidya problem. The warhammer(and most other mechs with lower arm actuators) can actually stick their guns out straight. We rarely see them posed that way for some reason, but their joints should fully allow it. There are some that have issues with it, but most can handle it.
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Today's long weekend adventure, chopping up a brand-new kickstarter piece like the mongoloid. Blood Asp D, which actually wound up being a fun build despite my fears about assembling the triple UAC mount. Tried some posing with the legs as well, it... kinda worked. Had to do a lot of heating and rebending to make it not lean too far forward. Hope yall enjoy it!
Monkee's Home

No roads and liquid projectors hooked up to every home's septic tank. Any invader will be hosed down with fermented excrement at every step. Suicide poop trucks (strong) protect the local spaceport.

The main civilian mode of transportation are bears, which are freely available all across human neighbourhoods.
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Hey, /btg/
Design a mech that only has weaponry in the legs
I'm implying Marauder was purpose-built for every form of combat because that's what the client wanted and that's what the designers aimed for from the getpgo, whereas Warhammer was made almost strictly to move-and-shoot as a pure gunner because its predecessor designs Battleaxe and Hammerhands fell short of the imagined end goal.
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>No roads and liquid projectors hooked up to every home's septic tank. Any invader will be hosed down with fermented excrement at every step. Suicide poop trucks (strong) protect the local spaceport.
Quad version of the locust, just put all guns in knees.

There is a chance for a random septic tank in any hex adjacent to a building unless one already was found.
Septic tank is [empty] is treated as a -1 level water hex, septic tank [full] as a swamp hex.
Yes, they drink raw milk.
Isn't that basically a Wasp? The only thing worth doing with it is kicking.
The Wasp has an SRM2 located in its left leg. It's the one bug that doesn't want to kick.
Out of curiosity, why does the Goshawk 1 get touted over the 5? Sure you drop the LPL down to a fourth MPL, but you couldn't exactly jump and fire all your pulse lasers on the 1 without eating 3-6 heat, and upgrading the SSRM2s to an LRM20 w/ Artemis seems like it more than makes up for that.
Any suggestions for civilian models? Be it people or vehicles, anything that looks good against mechs? Preferably in the 6mm scale.
CLPL jump sniper is the MOST optimal way to build a mech. That's why.
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this set of civilians from spacegondola on cults are a personal favorite, though they are scaled for 1/144 scale, so you'll have to resize them to around 50% to be at 6mm scale.

>I'm not sure where the tradition began, but somewhere during the last century of conflict the color became synonymous with non-combatants. There's various stories about who or what inspired it - depending on who you ask it's their great grandmother dashing across lines the night of the Tuesday Sprawl, child in hand, or maybe some other forebear holed up in a crater. Regardless, for the last few decades Central has been distributing the now ubiquitous yellow slicker with a flashlight on a necklace, the latter creating a very characteristic sway when worn that's recognizable for miles.

>If you see yellow in the streets, something terrible has happened.
If a mech got stuck in one and then was shot to death, would it even be worth salvaging?
looks like the gear those blakists getting flamed by a sunder are wearing
As has been discussed before going by tabletop rules very few mechs would survive ten battles let alone centuries. Is this just a thing where mechs are far more survivable in lore or was everybody in the succession wars blessed with some divine luck?
The Clanner L-Pulse is basically a PPC with no minimum range, extra reach, and a -2 to hit. M-Pulse versus L-Pulse, the range bracket goes from 4/8/12 to 6/14/20. An LRM goes 7/14/21.

While an LRM20 has more damage potential, the CLPL will more reliably score solid direct fire hits with no ammo concerns, especially because in the long range brackets the CLPL nudges down to +2 against the LRM's +4 range modifier, and that's not even considering how pulse lasers downplay all the attacker movement modifiers. Put more simply, what >>93773288 said.
I think you have to remember that most mechwarriors( clanners excluded) would probably withdraw once they lose an arm or something. Even if you can still fight, if that mech is everything you own, or if it's some priceless family heirloom or something like that, there's nothing to gain from fighting to the death. Also, I think the old factoid that most factories were only able to produce a handful of mechs a year during the succession wars probably needs to be revised, because you're right, with an attrition rate like that there would only be a handful of mechs left in the entire Inner Sphere within a couple generations if the Amaris Civil War.
So the Goshawk should just be sitting at ~14 hexes and plinking with the LPL and 1-2 MPLs? That seems like a waste of the firepower you pay for with the Goshawk, and a Peregrine with Gunnery 3 would do the same thing for cheaper.
Pilots and techs routinely have to clean out cockpits of their former inhabitants from headshots and then make sure it's all in working order, I'm sure they'll grumble but they can deal with some shit.
>So the Goshawk should just be sitting at ~14 hexes and plinking with the LPL and 1-2 MPLs?

>That seems like a waste of the firepower you pay for with the Goshawk

>a Peregrine with Gunnery 3 would do the same thing for cheaper.
Don't think about it too much. Game designers start with a premise they think is cool and then work backwards to justify it, but most people have a problem with the logic of scale when it comes to worldbuilding so we get settings riddled with contradictions. It doesn't matter. Robots are cool.
The armor meta was so severe that they had more mech than gun, so a lot of mech survived.
Honestly this is probably the best answer. You look and see how undergunned a lot of introtech mechs are, it's no surprise that so many survived.
The difference is that a Goshawk can survive a fair amount of incoming fire. The Peregrine can't. It doesn't have 3025 light mech armor, but it still has light mech armor.
I would assume there is a difference between being destroyed for game purposes and actually being destroyed in the sense of having been irreparably blown to bits.

Like, with IRL military vehicles, tons of vehicles that suffer a "mission kill" can be put back in action easily enough if they're hauled back to base and fixed up.
Most mechwarriors withdraw long before their mech is destroyed, and mechs are continually repaired and salvaged. That 700 year old Awesome has probably been completely rebuilt more than a dozen times over.
It's also why these relic mechs don't have the legacy starleague tech. Hard to have a gauss rifle or ERPPC after 300 years when the mech's been all but cored a dozen times over.

As for rebuilding mechs? Basically so long as you still have internal structure in the CT, you can rebuild the mech. Everything else is repairable with enough time, effort, and parts.
Also production numbers seem to have been absolutely nuts.
The real issue is that they made CT destruction a total loss. If you detonate a full MG bin in the CT, both side torsos, legs, and head would basically pop off and be undamaged, but you cannot repair that mech ever because CT structure cannot be created, only repaired. As far as the rules are concerned, it "is" the mech and all parts and other locations just attach to it. It makes some amount of sense, it prevents you from starfishing your mechs, but the all or nothing nature of it doesn't really make sense when you can rebuild a mech that's lost everything else, but not that one simple structural element.
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I always just assumed that was a game abstraction and not something actually supported by the fluff, but BT fluff is a clusterfuck, so...
in such a scenario, presumably one could build a new CT and attach the other parts to it instead of building an entire new mech
We had a mission where we killed an enemy archer so hard that all that was left was the head, the CT and one side torso. we still put it back together and sent it on up the supply chain as salvage. From then on, that was always referred to as the incredible torso boy.
how well do model railroads like ho scale or lower scale in with BT? you could use sce very and figures from those
Logically yes and as a GM I would allow it, but per the rules, you cannot fabricate CT structure and that would be the only way to rebuild it from zero. You can fabricate side torsos and any limbs, but not CT. A CT with nothing in it or attached to it is a (very broken) mech. A side torso or limb with nothing attached to it is just a part.
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Introtech being undergunned? Did you mean the Age of War? Cause those mechs are really undergunned. Like look at these mechs. The Wasp had a single medium laser. The Commando was exalted because it carried a single large laser. The Shadowhawk had an AC/5 and a Medium laser and that was considered acceptable for a medium mech back then. Damage was dished out slowly back then.
Mechs could still crush infantry and tanks just as good back then though.
Age of war mackie is also hilarious. 1 ppc, 1 AC5, and 1 LL.
And he was the king of the battlefield back then.
>slow light with mostly cluster weapons
why should i take this over any other light.
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Didn't the Mackie introduce the PPC in the first place along with BAR 10 armor?
RAT gave it to you?
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>what is forced withdrawal rule
The rules discourage damaging mechs to the point where they can't be fixed. Headshots, amputated legs, KO'd or dead pilots, and shutdowns via engine hits all result in a mech that can be repaired and returned to service.

The only real killer is coring out the CT and that hardly ever happens except with ammo explosions before CASE...so basically, during the SW. You know, the era when, according to the lore, everyone was running out of mechs.

Fuck that. The "snipe from 14 hexes" meme is for when the initiative rolls are fucking you over and/or your opponent is playing like a bitch and clumping everything up. It shouldn't be your default action. You're paying a premium for a mobile medium that can cancel its to-hit penalties from jumping with enough armor and speed to tank a turn or two of shooting from mechs far larger than itself, so abuse that capability. Jumping pulseboats didn't get the reputation that they have from being used as subpar snipers.

I actually don't use them anymore unless my opponent is because of how unfun they are, but when one of them is plinking at me from extreme medium LPL range, I generally just ignore it. A fairly reliable LPL hit with the occasional MPL tossed in isn't shit for decent mediums and heavier during the CI and later. It'll fuck up a light, but lights tend to die pretty quickly during the CI anyway. If I've got nothing better to shoot at and I can spare the heat (or I'm boating LPL's myself) then I'll take some shots at it because why not, but usually I just get on with the game and smile because my opponent paid that much BV for a fucking LPL, even if it can't be hit.

>Peregrine with Gunnery 3
Is a steal for what it does. Use it just like a Vapor Eagle, but resist the temptation to backstab assaults (most heavies you can get away with it) and for God's sake, don't go near other pulse boats.
The Commando? It's all about punching up. It wants to stay hidden for the first few turns, then, once someone has a few holes, dash in and pepper him with SRMs to score some cheap crits. Works well against mediums and skinny heavies. Also good at engaging vehicles.
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There is some very early fluff somewhere - the source of which I cannot recall, and my books are still boxed from moving house - wherein, for a very large portion of the 4th Succession War, MechWarriors would withdraw from a battle after taking a single serious *hit*. This was back when Mech production wasn't, and Dispossession was very literally a fate worse than death, instead of the overlooked joke it is now.

As in, when you were fighting in a raid, which constituted the most common form of combat during the period, most combat would occur at long range. Assuming both combatants were roughly equally capable of giving and receiving damage (ie, Marauder vs Warhammer, Warhammer vs Thud, Shadow Hawk vs Wolverine, etc), it was entirely within reason for one combatant to withdraw after taking a single unanswered major hit. So the MAD and WHM spar at 15-18 hexes for a few turns, someone finally lands a PPC hit, and doesn't get hit back. The guy who got hit then withdraws, because the other guy has the advantage, rather than risk losing the Mech. And it was expected under the ROEs to let that guy leave, because if you got a rep for not letting the enemy withdraw, eventually it would be you on the other side of that equation, and you didn't want to get dispossessed either.

Exceptions still existed. If you're defending a critical installation from a raid, you don't just throw in the towel. Defending against a planetary invasion also. And if there's a big mismatch in Mech capabilities, the fight will attempt to come down to close shock action; a Warhammer pushing against 3 Stinger, for example, isn't going to withdraw after taking an ML hit. But these all tend to be exceptions to how combat worked in the 3rd Succession War *in the fluff*.

Also note that this was never the way gameplay actually worked on the tabletop. This disconnect has been present in BattleTech forever. But under those ROEs, Mechs surviving that many battles makes a lot more sense.
>this was never the way gameplay actually worked on the tabletop
Easy enough to rationalize as "we're always playing an important battle both sides need a win on"
>for a very large portion of the 4th Succession War,
*3rd Succession War, obviously. Apologies, just woke up.
When were the various star league era wars first mentioned?
There's gonna be Industrial mech destruction derbies after work. Cash only. Don't tell your friends.
Pretty much this. Consider it like trench warfare or even modern combat where soldiers would be in a combat zone for sometimes weeks without seeing "real action" with shelling sometimes hitting, killing or maiming or occasional potshots and night raids resulting in casualties. For a game, most people would prefer to abstract and roll past these quiet violent times on to the big climactic charges and dramatic confrontations.
Is there a reason to use LRM 15, SRM 6 or LRM 20 for smoke rounds? SRM 2 and LRM 5 create light smoke, SRM 4 and LRM 10 create heavy smoke, is there any benefit to using heavier smoke launchers, or is it just wasted tonnage?
Was there any 'voice of reason' subfaction inside the WoB that was not ultra fanatic but more rational and practical side??
yeah, they got genocided.
Saves you from having to reconfigure a whole mech just to mount smoke.
So, no?
>No roads and liquid projectors hooked up to every home's septic tank. Any invader will be hosed down with fermented excrement at every step. Suicide poop trucks (strong) protect the local spaceport.
>The main civilian mode of transportation are bears, which are freely available all across human neighbourhoods.
Hey the Bears voted for gravel paths!
>" For every 10 points of damage a Smoke Missile would deliver as a standard missile volley (rounded up), the radius of the smoke-filled area increases by 1 hex"
LRM 5: 1 Hex Light Smoke
LRM 10: 1 Hex Heavy Smoke
LRM 15+20: 7 Hexes Heavy Smoke
>"Smoke generated by Smoke LRMs will linger for a number of turns equal to the half the rack size of the launcher used (rounded down) before dissipating in the End Phase of the final turn. "
So LRM 15 cloud lasts 7 turns, LRM 20 cloud lasts 10 turns.
Those are the old smoke rules. LRM15s covering the whole damn map in smoke was obnoxious, so they nerfed it to the more recent version where it's just a single hex.
Yep. If you want 7-tile smoke now you have to use artillery for it.

Ah, old rulebook? That would explain. I'd have thought they'd let you "walk" the smokescreen to cover, say, one hex per 5 poins of damage. Less obnoxious than seven hexes but still a reason to use a smoke-LRM20.
huh, is this real?
You're right, I was reading the old Wizkids TacOps. Damn, 1 hex is pretty worthless.
CGL really can't help but fuck everything up, can they?
Fuck it. I'm giving up on trying to understand what is or isn't a good mech I'm just gonna take whatever the fuck I want and if I lose I lose.
It's a pretty clear mismatch between the game and the setting.
TACs are apparently vastly less likely in the setting, as no mech with ammo would survive more than a couple battles in the succession wars if they were as common as in the game, it doesn't matter if they were light hitting skirmishes or not.
Ammo detonations without case mean total destruction of the mech.
Sort of. On the front arc hit table, 8 of the possible 36 dice combinations result in leg hits, while on the side arc tables, 9 combinations result in leg hits. So the difference is between 22.2% and 25%, not 20% and 25%.
14 hexes of smoke per turn from a Catapult was absolutely obnoxious and we both know it.
At last you truly understand Battletech.
Just play with mechs that look cool and your good.

Honestly the meta side of BT is cancer and should be avoided at all cost.
Its just too much stress to try and be optimal. Fuck it. Just gonna do things. There will always be another game. Can't be too attached.
You are assuming the battles are roughly equal BV vs BV like the majority of tabletop play. In reality most warriors are padding out their battles with battling planetary militias, pirates, backline garrisons, etc that are not very well equipped. 4/5 pilots are assumed to be troops good enough to qualify for an established mercenary company or regular House military. If you are 3/4 piloting a humble Rifleman and most of the mechs you encounter are bug mechs piloted by 5/6 asshole rookies you are going to walk away from most battles with only a couple hits to your armor. A stock Banshee with just the AC/5 and PPC is legitimately dangerous if your mech has 10 armor on it's side torsos and has to close in to hit with medium lasers.

Clanners can survive because their weapons are so fucking deadly that just being the first one to shoot has a decent chance of ending a duel immediately. If you have better reflexes that 99% of the other warriors then you are going to have a shit load of successful trials under your belt.
This game is far too easy to bend over and break so doing what's cool instead of trying to turn this into 40k is the right choice.
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yeah, no one can stop me from putting a steiner variant mech, marik variant mech, dragoons exclusive mech and an extict mech!
I played a game today. With real people. It was nice.
Check out GHQ. They do Micro Armor that is the same scale as Battletech. They've got vehicles, infantry, civilians, etc. Here is a pic of their modern French infantry with some mechs.
Battletech is 6mm or 1:285 scale. Closest railroad scales are Z at 1:220 and ZZ at 1:300. Should be pretty easy to find ZZ terrain with the proliferation of 3d printing.
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your mech's going to explode after a few battles by introtech rules, it doesn't matter what you're fighting, something's going to TAC your ammo in an opening salvo
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Seconding GHQ, it's good.
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I did as well. It was pretty ok. Not great.
That doesn’t take into account the probability of rolling each number. Not every hit location is equally likely.
I broke down probability across all 36 equally possible dice outcomes already but here's some spoon feeding.
Front Arc leg hits: 5 and 9, each of which has 4 possible dice combinations. 8/36 = 22.2%
Side Arc leg hits: 3, 6, and 11, 2 and 11 have 2 possible combinations, 6 has 5. 9/36 = 25%.
>2 and 11
Sorry, 3 and 11
How many of the smaller vehicles like motorcycles do you think you could fit on a standard hex?
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>Any suggestions for civilian models?
Pretty sure these guys are about the right size relative to Battletech minis.
wonder how much difference 2.8% would make
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>with money, you can buy anything you want, the steiner pilot said to himself, out loud
very cool set up
"CLANNERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this system before. There could be CLANNERS anywhere." The coolant vest felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE CLANNERS" he thought. Der Kommissar reverberated his entire 'mech, making it pulsate even as the 9 C-Bill Timbiqui Pale circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of Jade Falcon mechwarriors after dark. "With a supercharger, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
Are any of the alternate LRM types worth a consideration or is it just slap an Artemis on and call it a day?
John MechWarrior returns!
Not enough to justify increasing your AMM by going from a walk to a run or a run to a jump, or messing with your positioning if it means you need to spend MP to rotate before you move on the next turn. It's worth keeping in mind if you're already jumping, though.
Semi-Guided are Narc are great if you have a good tagger.

Thunder is okay.

Swarms can be okay.
I barely lost third place in our local 5000 BV Battle Royal.
A bit sad because I was the only 50 Tonner in a game of 7 or so Assaults and a single Heavy.

...And I just got a bag of Micro Machines/HO scale tractors for $4!
The latest revivals Military set is a pretty BattleTech as well.
Fair. Mine was a scrum that ended before we could finish with a guy who can't into basic addition. It isn't his fault. But I admit it does make the game a bit less fun for me.
Dead fire rounds are like MRMs but good. My pirates enjoy them
Is Thunder really only OK? I don't have any experience with them, but I'd have thought that locking out 14 hexes right in front of the opponent's movement with a CPLT-C4C would be pretty good, especially in a number of mission scenarios.
Scenario's? What's that?
I got 12 mechs primed and drying. It's amazing how much more drive I have to paint now that I found a gaming group.
I was thinking about joining an alpha strike pickup game tomorrow, and wanted to ask you guys a question. I've got some of the LRM carriers, and they can have an arrow 4 variant. I remember back in the clickytech days, artillery was a must-bring, how does it perform in alpha strike? Good, or just light mech bait?
Well, no one in the Alpha Strike group I play in has ever brought any. My guess is that they are kinda shit. Lemme go look at the card and I'll give you my opinion.
I think my issue with Thunder is that they're supposed to be area denial, but against mechs they only really threaten lighter ones. Tanks and Infantry need to more careful though.

I think I'd rather just dump 20 missiles into someone than scatter 20 mines in a hex and HOPE they walk through it.
This is really the thing about Thunder rounds. They're decent, but they're very situational, and the opportunity cost makes them an iffy proposition.
They get better if there's obviously better and worse positions that the enemy could reach. Now the good ones are full of mines, or at least the most direct TMM friendly path to them is.
It's extra funny if you're using thunder augmented round and you just drop the mine field on top of them. Sure they can sit still and never trigger any mines, but that just just means you spend more time making the field bigger, and if they try and move, they risk setting them off.
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Now all I need is a fuckton of stingers and chameleons to match my company's history.

And a Scarabus.
I'm not really adept at battletech lore or the setting but I noticed that in MW5 your loadouts are pretty limited in the years leading up to FedCom and cl*n shit, then everything slowly gets powercreeped with fancy structures, xl engines, double heat sinks and better weapons, it's neat fighting with total scraps and anything more advanced being lostech, like SLDF shit that gets unearthed periodically.
Why scarabus? Just 'cause it's awesome?
Just say your game is taking place within a computer simulation at an unnamed military academy. Perfect lore explanation for a game that completely disregards the normal force building rules.
It's interesting like once. Maybe it's just me but every time I play one of those games where I'm limited to 3rd/4th succession war tech where not even Helm Memory stuff is available I keep thinking about how severely limited my loadouts are.

People can call it power creep but it's just a lot more fun to blast someone apart than chip at their armor forever. Maybe it'd be less infuriating if enemies actually made tactical retreats instead of fighting to the death. I imagine that's how a lot of old mechs survived so long.
I guess some things just translated better to the simulation games, I can't imagine it's very enjoyable doing turns where you attempt to poke each other with 2 medium lasers for hours on end. At least in the video games it'd be a little more involved with constant movement and trying to keep your aim on the enemy doing the same to you.
Partially that, partially because I like my scout lances to all have an ECM to hide under. Also fits the Lyran RAT IIRC.
After looking at the card it seems ok. Not like great, or a must have, but not terrible either. Does good damage at long and medium range but its made of tissue paper and has no TMM so it'll die really fucking fast if anything draws a bead on it.
>XL Engine
>20 tons
>10 speed
>4 medium lasers

gg ez
The easy answer is just using a quad with the torso slots reserved for stuff like frame slots, armor, utility like an ECM suite, etc.
How much damage does an arrow 4 do? Also, can an arrow 4 reach far enough to leave the launcher all the way at the back of the field, or does it have to get closer?
Does 2 damages to everything within 2 inches of a blast radius, its got 2 of em so 4 damage all together.
SW games only look like that for players new to that era. Ask someone who plays a lot of SW games and they'll laughingly tell you all about the turn 5 shin kicking competetion in the middle of the map that the game inevitably devolves into, assuming that you want a conclusive end before the FLGS closes.

It's actually not wasted time for a newer player because you *will* thoroughly understand PSR's and falls very quickly. You'll also learn the importance of not standing next to terrain 1 elevation level higher than yours if it's within moving distance of an enemy mech after that Ostsol kicks the fucking head off your Atlas.

>you're still going to be doing a lot of kicking during the invasion, although instead of the enemies coming out to meet you, you'll have to run the fuckers down
>peak 31st century combat involves giant robots kicking each other in the knees
>war, war never changes
Interesting. So, how long does an alpha strike game usually last? I remember playing clicktech the games never lasted long enough to fire more than one, maybe 2 pogs and get them to actually land. Would you expect an alpha strike arrow 4 to be similar?
yes but what do arm it with
But quads don't have arms, anon.
arms are legs
I did a Company on Company game and it last about 3ish hours.
Kicking damaging more and falling because of missed kick totally make sense, but I'm not sure why would kicking be easier than punching another mech, given how upper torso have more surface area to hit
>So, how long does an alpha strike game usually last?
I did a 2-lance vs 1.5 lance game in 2 hours.
Most games I've played last 8 to 10 turns. Or they end in like 4 if we all just charge the center.
Yeah I've heard that the mechs can do a lot more in the tabletop but I didn't know kicking was this relevant, incidentally I had a single encounter with getting the American History X treatment in MW5, I don't know if it was the physics engine or what but a medium mech landed on my head with jump jets and instantly killed me.
Don't think too hard.

The ability to take a whole company is AS selling point IMO.
Kicks really are hella important. Suprised me too, but now I'm always thinking about kicking whenever I'm moving a mech.
I know offboard artillery takes a long time to come down, but is on board artillery fired and resolved in the same turn?

Longer than i thought, interesting.
Also, a friend of mine told me that when you buy a vehicle, you're actually buying two vehicles for the price of what's on the card, because they come two to a "unit" like they're doubled up in the kickstarter boxes. Buy one get one free. Is that actually true, or is my friend trying to cheat me out and bury me in free extra vehicles?
My LAM run in BTA is slowly turning into that. I've realized every turn I move close to enemies and I'm realizing I might as well kick them while I'm at it. The last mission I was doing had all 5 of my LAMs surrounding some poor Second line clanner stomping him. Imagine how angry he was.
It took a bit longer because we modified it that for each damage your mech can potentially do you roll that many dice.
So the hatchet can be fixed with either the hatchet using the punch table or it weighing 0 ton IMO. How can the DFA be fixed/made more useful?
My vehicles don't arrive until Tuesday, I cannot confirm or deny that. All my games have been 'mechs vs 'mechs.
Your friend is either retarded or full of shit. You get what's on the card and nothing more.
I think none of the MW games until 5 had actual melee, I knew it existed but just as mechs punching each other or something like the Axeman running around chopping limbs, honestly I'm content with being a secondary.
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Sneaky Catalyst burying the Hatamoto-Chi in the 1st Somerset Strikers Forcepack, but your perfidy is revealed and the Dragon will reclaim its own!
NATO 3 tone camo or Wehrmact ambush camo for mercs fighting insurgents?
I still say there's opportunity to have a VR MW game where you can actually move around more. The problem was always doing that sort of fine tuned control without a million keybinds.
Parade colors. Let your enemy know you're there and fear you.
Wehrmacht would be tight.
Nato. It's more appropriate.
Let me read these anons.

Clanner or Davion


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>>>93777231 (You)
Who is the coolest non-ROM "black ops" guys that use mechs?
I want them to never see me and die screaming
the controls are pretty straight forward in the modern games, to the point where you can easily play on a controller if you're willing to forego having binds for stuff like switching on the headlights - not sure how VR would work to where it allows you more freedom of movement whilst retaining the weight of a mech, they should just make a VR addon where you get pounced on by your batshit insane clanner gf in your barracks
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DEST. They're trained mechwarriors but do most of their stuff in custom ninja power armor.
Best era is First Succession War because the battles represent the era.
>Start off with mechs with top level SLDF equipment
>End the game with no arms kicking each other
It never got to kicking. Nukes were authorized 30 minutes into the op.
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I meant the war as a whole, not individual campaigns.
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Thats Kage Battle Armor that was developed with the combine help of both the Mustery and DEST. But your average DEST specialist looks like pic.
So, mechs like the Atlas, the King Crab and other AC20-centric mechs are more viable in SW era games because the opponent will have to get into kicking range eventually?
Clarification - when he says 'buy' a vehicle is he talking about the BV value or purchasing minis from IWM/CGL?
That, and also there aren't any pulse weapons or targeting computers or Artemis or anything in that era so it's harder to actually kill an assault in the first 2 turns. As the to-hit numbers go down, games get a lot faster, but short-range weaponry becomes a lot less viable.
Yes, and because the AC20 is the only weapon that does a whole bunch of damage at once.
He was under the impression that since a lance of vehicles is two vehicles or something like that, it meant that you were paying say, 30 points for a vehicle card, representing two models of 15 points each. It didn't make a lot of sense, but also vehicles seem really expensive for how fragile they are compared to mechs, while still being comparable in cost and damage output. In clicktech, giant vehicle swarms were very possible, but in alpha strike you can buy something like a manticore for the same price as a medium mech, which presumably has a lot more battlefield flexibility with near equal firepower.
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Dark Shadows are cool. They even have some purpose built spookmechs.
Not only AC20, but also the Discoback and other ML-spamming mechs too I guess
Such as?
ok, Alpha Strike point values are per vehicle, so for example the 30 PV Manticore (HPPC) is 30 points per tank, or 60 for two. I don't know how Alpha Strike represents vehicle fragility, but in the main game you pay a medium 'mech's worth of BV for a heavy tank because it brings a heavy 'mech (or more) of firepower but gets immobilized or killed outright more easily. Vehicle minis are typically sold two to a pack though, so maybe that's where the confusion comes in.
Also (in most militaries) a lance or platoon of vehicles is four vehicles, same as for 'mechs. There are exceptions but organizational differences don't factor into point values.
Yeah, I knew the part of CBT where vehicles bring big boy firepower for cheap like what you're talking about, that's what threw me about AS. They didn't seem cheap enough for what they brought, compared to mechs. Not efficient enough to really deploy, basically. I had heard rumors that Catalyst really doesn't want vehicles to be viable in AS though, to discourage the game shifting away from mechs ruling the roost at all times.

Maybe that's it?

Gorgeous cockpit jeweling and the weathering on the leg is very nice. Also what are the odds, Im painting up a lyran guard madcat right now. Well its playing the roll of a rakshasa.
Hermes II 2M "Mercury" and 5ME "Mercury Elite". Also an Emperor-6ME "Mercury Elite", which is listed as a custom, but has its own variant designation which makes me think it could have become a production model if the first unit hadn't been vented into space with the rest of Dark Shadows during the Jihad.
Cockpit jeweling terrifies me. It's what's holding me up from finishing multiple companies of 'mechs.
The quick and easy method is darker base, lighter bittom left corner and upper right corner, then a little dot of white on the upper right corner. It doesn't have to be full volume reflections to look okay from the middle of a table you're standing around.
>Emperor-6ME "Mercury Elite"
I am going to cum this is the best mech I have ever seen

From digging around in the forums I believe vehicles run about a 25% discount for armor vs mechs. You have to roll on the mobility table any time you take damage with modifiers for locomotion type (vtol, hover, tracked etc). There was a price increase based around high tmm values as well so that screws with the pricing on hovers and vtols as well.

I agree that vehicles in Alpha Strike seem to be a rather poor return on point investment. I think the best example of the flaws in the pricing system is the Rommel vs the Hunchback 5m. Same PV, same damage in the same range bands. The Rommel has 1 more armor, has to roll to see if it turns into a bunker every time it takes any damage, and if you close into melee with the Rommel it cant do anything. It has a turret which the Hunch does not.
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Some WIP on two units that I am adding to my house forces. Orloff Grenadiers and 2nd Mccarrons armored calvary. Blackjack is probably gonna end up being stripped, not a fan of the cockpit. We will see what happens to the Flea
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uh... ok?

nicely done
I mean if they're using the capacitor nonstop it means they're only firing the erppc every other turn. That seems like a pretty okay tradeoff, especially considering it makes itself and the ppc explosive.
You are the reason I won't play a game past 3050 tech level.
You are not worthy.
How much of a pain in the ass is a battalion of jump infantry in martins to field? Assuming in this instance they don't count for init.
I don't need Win button tech in my mechs to win games. Stay trash, prole.
If you see an ERPPC with a Capacitor as an 'I win' button, you wouldn't make it anyway.
I want to get an air brush just for primer and base coats are those $50 allinone China specials on Amazon going to be okay for that?
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WIP. Going for a lance of Knights Defensor. Next project will be doing up a Regent as the popemech.
You should probably ask that in /wip/

They actually paint models over there.
Probably not, it'll die real fast.
Depends on how much use you expect to get out of it. One of the shitty ones will probably live long enough to prime and one-coat your entire KS box or some bulk job; PROBABLY if you do it all at once. I wouldn't trust its longevity.

Still, if you're not willing to shell out for a badger or another big brand, just be ready to shell out for a second one and make sure you baby it because it will probably fucking die.
Yesterday(last night) i was asking a bunch of questions about how Clan Mechwarriors relate to their mechs: can they get new ones, can they upgrade them etc. And a couple kind anons were patient enough to humour me, but that got me thinking, since the Clans seem to resolve every single dispute with a Trial, is there ever a time when a Clan mechwarrior will issue a challenge to somebody or anybody, and the Clan leadership just told them to "knock it off, not now"? Like if a challenge or a Batchall or what hace you would make an already precarious poitical situation unbearable for the Clan as a whole, would the Clan leadershio step in and tell the mechwarrior to straighten up?

Main reason I ask is a society that treats every greivance as fully legitimate until resolved seems just as bad as one mired in endless bureaucracy.
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>Main reason I ask is a society that treats every greivance as fully legitimate until resolved seems just as bad as one mired in endless bureaucracy.
Clan society is that senseless.
You're catching on. Clan society is completely nonfunctional and it's honestly really surprising it lasted as long as it did before needing to return to the Inner Sphere for much-needed resources.

A good analogy would be a tantrum spiral in Dwarf Fortress. Clan society is like that, all the time, forever.
Yes, there are circumstances when Clan commanders will step in and either tell a Clanner that their challenge is retarded and shames them and their clan for pointlessly wasting everyone's time and equipment, or that because "hey surat we are in the middle of a combat operation, hold your shit till later" is also valid. Grievances can always be voiced, and technically you *can* prosecute a Trial for literally any dipshit thing, but if you challenge too frivolously or disrespectfully, you'll find yourself counter-challenged at every turn and ground into the dirt, if not killed outright as removing a stain on the Clan.
It's not surprising. The clans were the writers' pet and the clans work as long as the writers say they work.
I'm gonna be completely honest
if I asked someone to find me the least interesting way to play a battletech game, rocket jumping around as an elemental and bullying the mentally challenged would probably be it
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We are already here, freebirth, and we choose to stay. Know this.

Master Airbrush G233 and a cheap amazon compressor (pic related) will get you a robust setup for priming and base coating for around 100 bucks. Plus with a solid compressor you can always upgrade the brush later.
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I just think they're neat
Also important to remember that trials aren't always hopping in mechs and duking it out. A lot of minor things are just going to be resolved with a hand to hand fight or even just arm wrestling or something.
Half the art of trialing is manipulating the other guy into demanding a trial so you can stack the terms in your favor
NTA, but as a poor renter the biggest worry I got for the airbrush is that compressor making noise, neighbors complaining and the landlord kicking me out

I gotchu senpai. Consider the decibel levels no worse than a vacuum cleaner. Vibrations for me are the biggest concern, A small heavy bench or solid desk should cut that out. This model works off a reservoir tank which should cut down the time the compressor is on. You could repurpose a foam cooler to set the compressor in, add airflow holes and that would muffle the noise further.
>I want to get an air brush just for primer and base coats are those $50 allinone China specials on Amazon going to be okay for that?
Anything tankless is garbage; other than that you should be fine for airbrushing your dudes. If you have an excuse to buy a big boy compressor the smaller Fortress models from harbor freight are insanely quiet but you'll want to get an aftermaket regulator and gauge because the pressure adjustment is a bit coarse.
Erm what the sigma?
The Clans really should suffer more because of their societal retardation. Not even the Spartans were this retarded, not even the inner sphere as retarded as the clans.
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Faction picks are in for five players, dunno if #6 will be coming.
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Good luck to the Explorer Corps
If Clanners are seen as cowards for living past the age of 30, how are basically every single member of every Clan's leadership like in their 50s? What's the distinction?,
It's not actually age. It's the fact that you failed to earn a bloodname by 30 that's so disgraceful.
>60 ton mech
>3 medium lasers, LRM10, hatchet(12 damage)
>8 tons of armor
The new hatchet wielding Quickdraw from FM Kurita might be the best Quickdraw around.
What the fuck does this even mean and why the fuck would anyone say it? Are you literally retarded?
Zoomer brains are full of microplastics and CCCP propaganda. Best not to engage with them.
I fucking love the Fireball. It's such a goofy little shit, but damn if he doesn't piss my opponents off and do great in games with objectives. The movement profile is worth everything it cost.
Quickdraw's been kind of a tacit fave of mine after I salvaged Grim Sybill's in HBS Battletech and catapulted myself into having a bruiser for early game missions. Glad to see the Dragon sees virtue in it.
A question that has likely been around for every generation when language and slang evolves and in some cases regresses
I like Wraith for that same reason. It's a sneaky sprinty little bastard.
Normal force building rules are "Bring whatever TF you want provided it falls under the era, tech level, and bv cost agreed" what anon suggested doesn't disregard that at all
extinct mechs don't fall under the era do they genius
otherwise they're not extinct
Who are misspelled Cthulhu's Horde? Sounds Capellan. Is that why they're green?
>is there ever a time when a Clan mechwarrior will issue a challenge to somebody or anybody, and the Clan leadership just told them to "knock it off, not now"

I'm almost certain that commanders are allowed to tell their soldiers to leave it for later, though I don't remember where I read that.

Like, imagine that you're in combat, a Star Captain dies, and then the two Star Commanders fight a Trial of Position for who gets to be commander now. In the middle of a battle. The Star Colonel would tell them to knock it off.

The Ravens have a mechanism called "the List" which is a list of literally every officer, in order of seniority, to make it clear who gets command when that sort of thing happens.

...Except for their general officers. Galaxy Commanders and Star Admirals are intentionally not given any order of precedence in order to encourage them to squabble and plot.
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Here is a WIP of my Kurita battalion's IRL shitpost at the Clans. A captured Mad Cat, a Sunder, an Avatar, a Black Hawk-KU, and a BJ2-O. I'm not buying the metal versions of those IS omnimechs so I'm proxying the Clan omnis they were reverse engineered from. I was originally going to proxy the Mad Cat as a Rakshasa, but it's not an omni and, more importantly, it's a fedrat design. Sunday afternoon these gits will HONOR THE DRAGON in a 300 point AS fight against my friend's teenaged kid.
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Trim your mold lines.
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Finished my Goliath Scorpion Star outside the bases which I'm not sure what I want to do with atm. Might do more or a galaxy from Nova Cat
Remove or offset the +3 to hit modifier for using jumping MP. The only modifiers should be terrain, TMM, and the difference in PSRs. The +3 modifier is simply overkill; the amount of fire you attract and all of the assorted effects for missing (or even hitting) are punishment enough for trying a DFA. The +3 to hit penalty on top of all that makes the entire attack mode completely pointless.
Extinct 'mechs are very rarely truly extinct. "Extinct" is the same as "Unique", except that it hasn't gotten some writer to write about his special mercenaries/house spec ops force/Anime protagonist finding the thought-extinct 'mech and going to fight with it.

If you want to bring a group of extinct 'mechs against me in the late succession wars, sure, we can do that.
>But your average DEST specialist looks like pic.
This is actually what you see after having been captured by the DEST operative.
It would have been better if either LRM10 got dropped instead or 1 rear ML got faced forward, but still an improvement nonetheless. The hatchet Grasshopper seems really good as well, while the Archer is... ok? Given that it couldn't fire the RA LL without cooking itself so lost nothing and net plus with close defence headchopper? Hope CGL uploads the official RS pdf and I could run those someday
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Funnily enough, the Archer is very close to one I used in my last campaign, except mine was built on the 5R instead of 2K. Same basic idea of "swap a laser for a hatchet since you overheat anyway"
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trying to make the melee variants from the new book, but for some reason the meklab won't me add the hatchet while other weird shits are add-able. can someone guess why it's not working?
Change the "Year" entry on the first tab to when the hatchet was invented
holy kerensky thank you
Theodore Kurita had the hottest friends.
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Are you aware of the concept of "operating as a lance". Anon?

Good man. Try everything. Some of them will "click" with you and you will likely become a vastly better player as you slot into a preferred playstyle. I discovered long ago that I'm a fast-cav commander and can manhandle the fuck out of people who theoretically outgun me by 25%. Also, there are a lot of very good mechs out there that look bad on paper. And quite a few optimal mechs by the numbers that still suck shit when you have to throw hands.
>"holy kerensky"

Does not compute.
I just can't unsee 40k bits. You do know abominable intelligences are heresy right? That'll get ya blammed.
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Kurita Berserker Lance canon refits - dump incoming
Doing this since I gather CGL won't bother
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This one's interesting, but I think I'd rather have the SRM4 most of the time.
This one's a little confused on what it wants to do, but it's a Quickdraw, what do you expect?
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Not sure what to think of this Thunderbolt, I'd have to try it out.
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And this Wolverine...questionable decisions went into this. Has potential, though.

That's all the canon kurita hatchet refits. 6/6
The Archer and the Panther lack hatchet
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Guess who is in fact fucking stupid tonight. Yep. It's me. I'm gonna blame Davion sympathizers.
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They probably committed this vile act of sabotage while based out of their listening posts disguised as orphanages. The fiends.
Think the Quickdraw is an improvement over -4G because now it's 5/8/5 8t with a headcapper. Might even been great if it was -4H or -5A based, firing 3~4 front MLs at heat neutral after jumping 5 and then chopping
What I want is simple, and elegant, and keenly hateful towards that which offends.
This is specifically not true. Mechs are deployed in lances of 4, you don't get 4 mechs for the BV. Shit like this is why you ask to see the rule they're referencing.
If you go the sword-shaped hatchet route, a 27T that drops the right arm PPC for a hatchet has one ton left over. Its weapon heat is only 16 and it has 20 heat sinks at that point, so you can feel free to slap an extra medium laser on there too.
If this isn't Gundam, I don't know what is. I want one,
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I just want a command lance of sword-wielding pimp mechs that turn into a buzzsaw for anything that manages to weather the fire enough to get close, or will rush in and plug a line break with furious hack-and-slash if need arises.
The No-Dachi actually has a true Sword
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I didn't stutter.
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Seems unlikely.
This is related to Battletech how?
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Cranky because your mechs don't have fire support from a Paris class battleship aren't you?
No, I'm just questioning why you are talking about this in here, the Battletech thread? Don't you have your own thread to discuss this game in?
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>Premium BL-9-KNT
>House Kurita Lance Pack 2 (Q1 2025?)
Well, you'll just need to find one more mech with a sword
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Swords as a different item than sword-shaped hatchets were a mistake.
Really should've been just a Battlemech Physical Weapon
I'd love a sword-bearing Akuma, but that's like 90 tons of probably too scary already.
Though good luck getting those POS Premium 'mechs outside of the USA.

This. There's really very little reason to give them different weapon types instead of just calling it a Battlemech melee weapon or something. I had a friend throw a semi-autistic fit at me at how fucking contrived the whole "sword-shaped hatchet" thing is.
I think infantry is the only unit type that isn't priced in singles.
Someone who has a fit about that would probably have a fit about specific melee weapon shapes needing different rules if they went with a generic melee weapon.
Suddenly Clanners having an autistic bitch fit and going out of their way to target every LAM factory they can makes a lot more sense.
It's kind of weird how the only sword-wielding Hatamoto is a unique custom, while Charger has two different sword variants.
Very weird, and something that ought to be corrected as a matter of course.
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I've done it. I've created peak.
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There was a potential Flea among the Original Harmony Gold Robotech designs all along.
Looks like a salvage attempt from a trashed Zentraedi battle pod.
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Reposting Cyclops.
The Pepsi symbol on the back is clever product placement. Sponsor for Your Guys?
Infantry in AS is priced in singles. Usually very, very cheaply. They make for great initiative sinks and anti-mech traps.
Favourite Firestarter Variant? Be it battle or omni mech
I painted it in the colors of my brother's OC for his birthday, and Pepsi is said characters drink of choice. But I did consider adding that same logo into other 'mechs too, since it's kinda easy to freehand. Maybe for my Solaris lance?
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I forgot if I posted my assault lance here before So, uh, here.
I say go for it. Enough modern corps managed to survive through the Succ Wars it wouldn't be surprising Pepsi Co did as well, still making sodas and sponsoring sports activities.
I like the -9S series. Also the -9A.

And i like almost every single Omni variant.
"PPC" can easily be said as "Pepsi", too.
Easy to imagine them marketing an enhanced Pepsi flavor as "ERPPC", with more caffeine than Jolt mixed with 5 Hour Energy.
Any SRM longbow variants?
Almost as popular as the more sought-after 14C, this upgrade of the 12C mounts six Doombud MML 7s, each of which is tied to an Artemis IV FCS. Six tons of CASE-protected ammunition supply these launchers. Three Diverse Optics ER small lasers provide paltry backup, though massed short-range missiles coming from the multi-missile launchers are sure to deter smaller 'Mechs. A larger engine brings the 13C to a speed that matches that of the 0W. BV (2.0) = 1,397
Damn, this is written almost like it's from an easily-accessible online source, listing all of the canonical variants of every 'mech chassis that anon could have checked out himself! If only such a resource existed for us poor Battletech fans.
If only
That's just the closest variant I could find to an SRM Longbow. I think you'd need an entirely different mech to accomplish that degree of variation.
Or make your own. Took me all of two minutes to make a variant of the LGB-0W with 6 SRM6's instead of the LRM's with Megamek.
there aren't really "SRM mechs" at all, unless you consider the equivalent of only being equipped with four medium lasers a "laserboat"
that atlas with four SRM6s is has the most SRMs of any mech in battletech, and it's a relatively recent addition
*five SRM6s
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>there aren't really "SRM mechs" at all
Can anyone identify the pair of vees?
There's even a Zeus with three SRM6, and I think one of the Atlas goes whole hog as well.

Arctic Wolf.

x6 SRM-6, x2 SRM-4. If that isn't an SRM Mech, then what possibly can be?
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yeah, that's what I meant by "unless you consider the equivalent of only being equipped with four medium lasers a "laserboat""
battletech doesn't have an SRM mech equivalent to something like the UAC2 or LRM kraken or the heavy gauss fafnir
there is no SRM carrier on legs, almost everything that's mostly armed with SRMs doesn't have that much weaponry overall
>A light 'mech with only SRM weapons isn't an SRM 'mech
this is two posts in a row now that you've failed to read and it's getting tiresome
>He doesn't consider the Jenner a laserboat
>heavy gauss fafnir
>Only two Heavy Gausses
I consider it technically a laserboat, but it's probably going to be a pretty disappointing recommendation if someone's asking for laserboats.
I think you've also failed to understand what I've said for a third time in a row.
the guard has two MGs, that's all it's armed with. does that make it an "MGboat"? I guess. usually the spirit of a boat is having a lot of the same kind of weapon or dedicating all of its weaponry tonnage to a few of the same very hard hitting weapons
heavy gauss weighs 18 tons, the fafnir is carrying a few medium lasers and 36 tons of a single kind of weapon.
as NEA points out, there is the extreme exception of the arctic wolf, but that and the atlas variant are pretty much it. most weapons have a number of boats in a range of weights, clantech and IS, to choose from. a lot of weapons have mech variants that sacrifice a lot to bring their chosen weapon to the field, like the hollander, SRMs don't have that. the kintaro 18 for example, you can lean way harder into SRMs at 55 tons than that, you can lean harder into SRMs at less than 55 tons than that.
>there aren't really "SRM mechs" at all

The fuck? There’s an Arctic Wolf out there with like 40 SRM tubes and another one with like 24 streak tubes, and that’s just going from memory. How is that not an “SRM Mech”?
Shut up, namefag. No one cares about your opinion. Clanshit doesn't count as legitimate Battletech.
>the kintaro 18 for example, you can lean way harder into SRMs at 55 tons than that
Let's see. If you remove the LRM-5 and ammo, you can put in another SRM-6. You now 11 rounds worth of ammo for your 4 SRM-6 launchers, and can fire two of them while running without overheating. You could remove both medium lasers for heat sinks, and then you could fire three of your launchers while standing still without overheating. I wouldn't exchange armor away, nor would I reduce the ammo much, so at 55 tons, you really can't go much further than the KTO-18 already does on SRM6's.

Unless, of course, you start using some faggotry like Double heat sinks, but those weren't available at the time of the KTO-18.
>"I'll take what is the Mad Dog A for 1000, Alex"
>Clans not legitimate
Sir, if your ass has been inflamed for 30+ years, you really need to be seeing a doctor about that. You're not getting any younger.
>Unless, of course, you start using some faggotry like Double heat sinks, but those weren't available at the time of the KTO-18
but they were available when the kintaro itself was made, the kintaro having a royal variant with DHS and an XL engine, and they were making lostech upgrades pretty much as soon as lostech started being reintroduced, the kintaro 18 being a downgraded variant that makes due without lostech
that mech dedicates as much of its weaponry tonnage to weapons that aren't SRMs as it does to SRMs
you could easily cut out all that other stuff and cram in even more SRMs
I'll see your Mad Dog and raise you a Crossbow B.

Yes, and? Those weren't available at the time of the KTO-18
and that means you can lean more into SRMs at 55 tons
it doesn't matter that the kintaro 18 can't, it was easily possible both before and after the kintaro 18
Okay, design me a 3025 55-ton 'mech without using lostech that efficiently uses more than 4 SRM-6's.
What are you removing 10 tons for to achieve this?
I feel like you're allergic to reading and understanding what people say to you
I just want to know what would be enough for a medium "SRM boat" during the Succession War era.
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This argument is now the NEW DESIGN CHALLENGE
- 55 tons (or less)
- Introtech
- must have at least 4 SRM-6s

My submission is attached.
four SRM6
three SRM6 is also quite doable on a light mech, not to mention what you could put on heavies and assaults
though I don't know why you're so insistent on restricting it to the succession wars
Not really much of a challenge, man. Once you've added in 4 SRM6 launchers, that's 12 tons. Even if you only put in 2 tons of ammo, assuming it will be a Hetzer type ambusher not seeking to stay in the fight for more than a few minutes, that's 14 tons.

A 5/8 55 tonner without jump jets, with full armor, and without extra heat sinks only has 16.5 tons available. If you slow down, you can add in support weapons and such, but then the spergs start whining about not enough SRMs.

Basically, the weapons payload you've specified eats up so much of the available tonnage on a medium or light, the mech comes close to auto-designing itself, with little wiggle room for anything beyond minor tweaks, and not much interesting going on in terms of design variance. You can always build low armor suicide machines, but its kinda whatever.
>I'm just questioning why you are talking about this in here, the Battletech thread?
It's a sister game to battletech

>Don't you have your own thread to discuss this game in?
No. there's only a handful of people who even know what Leviathans is.
If the hunchback gets away with being a 4/6 50 tonner that relies on an AC/20 and ten turns of ammo, it can get away with relying on a bunch of SRMs.
See, now that wasn't so hard.

How is it a sister game to Battletech? Is it set in the world of Battletech?
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SRM Carrier or bust!
That hunchback exists, it's called the 4SP, and it's a pretty solid deliverer of specialty SRM ammo.
That hunchback doesn't exist.
Tell that to my ATB campaign.
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Played a game last night, 2v1.
Mechwarrior 2 had a good soundtrack.
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What does TMM mean? Is it eh same as the GATOR?
Target Movement Modifier, it's the 'T' in GATOR
Jenner IIC
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AK Interactive's basing stuff is pretty okay, easy to work with and looks good enough for me. Time to apply that green to 35 other bases now.
Oh okay cool thanks.
Are there any Tripedal Clan mechs? Or are they all RotS?
Tripods are a RotS thing. I think they have a low opinion of tripods too seeing how they weren't able to save the RotS from clanner aggression.
That's a shame. They're cool and I think it'd be cool of the clans adopted them, bit That's mainly because they feel so alien. Generally they seem slow and lumbering, and like you said, the association with the limpwristed Republic would kill any intrest or enthusiasm for the design.
Yeah. It doesn't help that in terms of movement and armament, the Triskelion is basically a Mad Cat, even down to using clan spec engine/weapons....
>but you don't get your ERLLs
there is the star league tripod
and the industrial tripods
Inspecting lam urban prints for mold lines...

>The lam urbans have an anus
Please do not fuck the Urbanmech LAM
Didn't plan on it.

But to completely hammerfucks my beige/sand color scheme since the jump jets are red/orange and everything gets a dirt drybrush...
A rpg guy with a rule question: are there special rules for mixing inner sphere and clan tech and if yes in which book?
>the PCs got attacked by a small Dark Caste ambush, two Elemental stars and a Grendel
>they took out the Grendel, grabbed it by it's legs and bolted out of there before any other Claners could arrive
>struck a deal with transport captain: they get to keep any remaining weapons, jump jets and the one DHS that survived the fight while he keeps the rest to sell as salvage
>now they want to stick the lasers and streak SRM into their mechs
Campaign Ops IIRC, there is a penalty to maintenance checks.
Tech manual(construction rules) and battlemech manual(general mech rules). For RPG play reference tac ops and strat ops for use cases and situations involving equipment.

In general, putting Clan weapons on an IS mech is fine as long as tonnage and crits allow.
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Young urban mechs in your vincinity
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I'm game- here. It's better in Alpha Strike then Classic Granted.

In practice, it's the SRM Hunchback but more of a Zombie.
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And here's the Alpha Strike Card. It's really durable for it's cost/speed/damage profile. Comparable to the LBX Manticore.
how the fuck are alpha strike figures calculated?
Esoteric phrenology.
Jesus christ so many books. Can I get like the basics?
>use clan stats
>maintenance penalty checks
Do they need clan missiles and ammo for their non-energy weapons? They scavenged a streak srm-6 with no remaining missiles, will the inner sphere ones work?
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I get the intent to powergame, but that thing will never hit anyone.
No, Clan weapons need Clan ammo and vice versa.
It's not even about clan/is. Streak missiles are not the same as regular SRM's. Streak's require USB-C head to ass charging ports, and normal SRM's use firewire.

But otherwise, yes, clan tech = clan ammo.

>so many books
It's really not. It's like 10 pages max from each and they're well organized. The pdf's even have working index hyperlinks.
Read bitch. Read.
So it can't be IS streak SRM ammo, it must be Clan streak SRM ammo?
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She stops your car at the intersection, what do?
Correct. You cannot use IS ammunition with Clan weaponry. You cannot use Clan ammunition with IS weaponry.
Profess my undying, eternal love for the Panther and abscond with my lovely 35 ton 4/6/4 wife.
I think the big parts are that each MP equals two inches of movement, total armor is divided by 30 and rounded up, and structure is based on a chart and affected by engine critslots. Damage requires a chart but at face value, every ten points of damage in a given rangebracket is one point in AS. Heat output and heat dissipation are also done by range and there's some math involved to curve the damage based on heat efficiency, determine the overheat value for bonus damage, and rounding to the nearest number.
Man, that will probably dampen the spirits at first, but I'll give them a chance to raid some armory for those missiles during their next mission or something.

Alright, I'll try checking out those three(?) books, but wish they would just put those related rules into one book.
Tripods are actually star league and the one they made, the Hedgehog, is actually fairly okay. It was okay enough that they got used up and spit out in the succession wars rather than scrapped or left to rot on distant garrisons.
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fucking panthers
Explain to me why I should the TDR-5S. The srm 2 rack and machine guns are a major turn off
They are in one book. The Tech Manual. You're just not thinking about references from the right perspective.

The rule is there. The explanations and examples are in campaign ops. The amplifying information is in various other sources.

The reason it feels janky is because it's RPG. The books are all written with CBT as the game. The RPG just modifies the existing rules to try and make it playable. So you're doing something nonstandard from the start.
Load infernos to be a chad and start fires for smoke cover, dump all the MG ammo on turn 1 to assert dominance.
Have you run the mech yet? The Thud-5S is a great filter for people who have and have not played the game.
The edition I'm playing uses BT rules as they are for mechs and mech combat, no modification.
>Penalty to maintenance and, IIRC, fitting. Might be wrong on the latter
>Cant use regular SRM ammo, has to be Streak ammo
>Cant use IS Streak ammo, has to be Clan Streak ammo
>Depending on their work area and method of mounting (replacing like for like, replacing a different system, cutting holes in the mech and mounting fresh), it may be impossible or extremely difficult to actually mount the weapons in the first place.

Big game at my FLGS today, will post some pics, including the two Thunderbolts that got Casting Couched.
>this is your daily reminder that mg ammo reduces BV more than it boosts it, thus providing a small discount for optimization of lists.
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...should what? Should what?
Unoptimized mechs are the only cool mechs in the game and if you don't play them, you aren't a real person.
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>dump all the MG ammo turn 1 to assert dominance
>"Absolutely, sir. I'll spend the next 7 hours tonight making sure you're fully loaded for battle tomorrow. Honor the Dragon! Cuz it certainly doesn't honor the budget or workplace climate"
the hunchback is 4/6/0
and the hunchedoverback is a meme
>talking back to your Ue-sama
uh oh playing with fire there anon. Remember that bushido allows him to humble you with no loss of honor to himself
>implying MG ammo costs money

>implying that displaying your contempt towards the enemy, while also kindly supplying the humble infantrymen fighting alongside you with impromptu grenades and mines, isn't supremely honorable
Attempting to insult someone while posting extremely glitchy AI slop along with it? How brave. How scathing.
>they say sanctimoniously until it's their friday night before the holoshow and the mechwarrior decides to go on a weekend training tour that wasn't scheduled
The voices of people that have never inventoried a munitions shipment.
it was a joke. Mechtechs aren't people.
>The voices of people that have never inventoried a munitions shipment.
That work is beneath the dignity of a Samurai.
That poor, armless tech certainly isn't.
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You don't say...?
Played quick game of battletech today. 3v3.
VND-1R, CPLT-C1, AWS-8T vs HBK-4G, TDR-5SS, BLR-1S. We stopped to have burgers but the hunchback survived 3 turns of getting focus fired to deliver an AC/20 hit that knocked the awesome down. Then my Thunderbolt ran up on the vindicator and punched it in the head twice to remove liao.
>why I should the TDR-5S
Great armor, adequate speed, effective at any range.
>srm 2 rack
Infernos, or just dump the ammo. You're not going to miss 4 potential damage.
>machine guns

Alternatively, talk to your opponent and discuss partial ammunition loads. Most people seem to be okay with it around here. If that doesn't work, bring up the idea of starting the game with no ammunition. If they're being completely unreasonable and won't go for that either, just dump all your ammo on turn 1 and don't play with that individual again. The Tbolt is still pretty good without the MG's and SRM, although I find that in SW era games you're going to use those MG's more than you might think - hence the suggestion to see about a partial ammo load. 200 rounds is way too much for a single game, but 10 shots is great and won't get you killed if you get TAC'd in the ammo bin on a 1st turn fluke roll.
the numbers get fucky for damage because you have shit like the LRM carrier with only 3 damage, when it should average 36 per volley which should round up to 4, or the King Crab only having 3 when it should really be at least 5, more probably 6, and the fucking VICTOR, with less than half the firepower of a King Crab in real Battletech has a 4.

Alpha Strike is retarded. full stop.
>Alternatively, talk to your opponent and discuss partial ammunition loads. Most people seem to be okay with it around here. If that doesn't work, bring up the idea of starting the game with no ammunition. If they're being completely unreasonable and won't go for that either, just dump all your ammo on turn 1 and don't play with that individual again. The Tbolt is still pretty good without the MG's and SRM, although I find that in SW era games you're going to use those MG's more than you might think - hence the suggestion to see about a partial ammo load. 200 rounds is way too much for a single game, but 10 shots is great and won't get you killed if you get TAC'd in the ammo bin on a 1st turn fluke roll.
I never understood why you couldn't just load a partial amount of ammo into a 'mech for a mission. That, or ask if you can start the game on turn 180 after you've spent 1800 seconds firing your machineguns.
All the ammo is crit padded, you've got one of the best armor slabs of an introtech heavy, and you've got solid firepower at every range band.
Victor has more than half the damage of a KC.
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i didnt get the right paints. i didnt thin my paints well enough im not nearly as skillfull as i tought and i choose the hardest begining paintjob possible with too many little details for someone that never painted before

but FUCK ME am i proud of this little fella
>I have no wash and I must shade
That supposed to be Megas XLR?
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okay, it has BARELY more than half. It still should in no sane universe have higher numbers than a fucking King Crab, at any range.
Big game was fun! Whilst it was a shame that infantry were banned with 16 people playing we only managed 5 turns and so infantry would only have slowed things down more desu. The scenario turned out plain but perfectly functional for what was needed.
Bringing a swarm of cheap gauss vtols, that was a dick move from that guy though
>dump all the MG ammo
Load the SRM-2 with smoke or infernos. Dump the MG ammo on turn 1.
King Crab has 3 + Overheat 2. It does 5 damage if you want it to, it just heats up doing it. Victor has no Overheat so the 4 is the most it can do.
Alpha Strike is still messed up but quite as much as you think.
are the mechs from Matt Mason / Syllogy in scale with their CGL equivalents?
playing MW5 right now, the usual mods - YAML, etc
PPC-X my beloved
at all times I have a strong urge to seethe about how battlemechs are not walking tanks and actually move more like early UC mobile suits
Walking tanks are for fags, megarobos are sick and cool.
They absolutely are walking tanks. They wouldn't show them like that in the vidya of it wasn't accurate to the fluff. This isn't a game about weebshit.
>This isn't a game about weebshit.
Hello newfriend.
Low quality bait.
>Mechs are walking tanks and the game isn't weebshit
I'll point out all the Unseen were weebshit.
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...but they are the property of the Harmony Gold company, which is italian-american.
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And don't you forget it!
Nope. Harmony Gold lost all rights and with prejudice. They can never bring the case again.
... Which were liscened to be localized for the US version of Macross.

The Harmony Gold rabbit hole goes deep and I'm glad they lost the lawsuit.
fucking potbellied archer has me in stitches.
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I had a real fucking double take moment a while back when I was reading about the deepest mines in the world. Turns out it's an unrelated company, though.
I mean would it really be that out of character for them to have an African mine?
General lore question: I know the Republic Era is supposed to be this unified time of peace, but isn't the Free Worlds League basically a balkanized free-for-all clusterfuck between the Jihad and the Dark Age?
They ARE a real estate company that does IP trolling on the side.
Had the writers ever cared about the FWL they might've done something with that.
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Gotta use all that money for something.
>Republic Era is supposed to be this unified time of peace
In the same way the world has been at peace since the 2nd world war. There was still low intensity conflicts going on and yes the FWL was shattered and fought amongst themselves.
Cranston, i uploaded the last of Young´s hog-wash.

MapAnon, i tested one of your missions. The bomb one is funny, but a PITA to play if you only have light mechs. All ended up allahuackabring....
>PITA to play if you only have light mechs
...what BV were you playing at?
Wrong, you can use Clan Ammunition in Inner Sphere weapons and vice versa but its quality B if its not modified by a tech team.
I dig it
The violet really draws the cover together.
you got them coping brah, though not hard when all yhey can go is "MuH UnSeEnS" which are the only weeby ass mechs besides LAMs
Don't you have a batchall to be cowering in fear of?
Coolio thanks for the donation.
So how bad is it? The book I mean?
The TW rules aren't even true to fiction, so why would the videya be?
Why does everybody say this even though no one uses infernos in 3025tech
Right, the SS tbolt is damn good
is the uac20 a meme? It's obviously terrifying to be in its range bracket without TMM, but it's heavy as fuck, gets jammed, has mediocre range, and the only things that field it can barely move.
its only effective if you put it on a 0/0 urban mek
The Clan version is kind of a no brainer. It doesn't weigh any more and can double shoot. I've always valued being able to punch someone twice than cluster ammo. But compared to other weapons or on Inner sphere units? Gauss is probably better, little less damage but much better range brackets.
Wish the crossbow was available in 3025 instead of being locked to age of war and jihad
They fear the UAC20, but they underestimate the UAC10.

Also Blyatkrieg gonna blyat.
Which one?
They're actually a front for the Sicilian Mafia that does real estate and IP trolling on the side.

And no, I'm not being hyperbolic. Their founder went to spaghetti prison for it.
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>tfw no crew of giant QT MechTechs and AsTechs to maintain and repair your Longbow
This is the one thing that is wrong with BT on a conceptual scale: No Meltrandi
Well there's nothing saying you CAN'T have one, just it'd be hard to repair and maintain if you use those rules. It's got E availability in succession wars so it's not impossible.
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>50 ton Hovercraft
>10/15 movement via a 265 Internal Combustion Engine
>Drone Remote Operating System
>4 tons of standard armor
>Booby Trap: https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Booby_Trap

>Zoom next to target, detonate
>265 engine inflicts 133 damage to an adjacent target in clumps of 5, like artillery, bypassing to-hit rolls because it's an AE detonation
>232 BV
>991,667 c-bills

If you take this, you're a bad person, but it's funny that it's possible and so ridiculously cheap.
I bet that can is actually full of skub
Face the wall.
What again does the a-b-c availability mean?
Hmm. Maybe I should stop considering COIN contracts.
Short of it is that it'd be Rare but not impossible to find. Probably a hand-me-down or a cache find.
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You don't get a choice, Pipsqueak
A is most common and F is unique. I'm pretty sure there aren't any mechs that are better than D.
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The fuck I don't
Vallejo US Olive Drab or Viet Brown as base layer for tiger stripes?
What's the upper layer color going to be?
prepare yourself
Black stripes and some brown in between the stripes. I got to s of browns probably a medium one.
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The implication that I am ever unprepared has earned you a punishment worse than death
Either defend yourself by returning to monkee or just deploy a machine with ECM.
Olive drab, then, otherwise your stripes will just drown in the browns.
>deploy a machine with ECM.
Warcrimes are back on the menu boys. Gonna need some static replacements for the base. One of these going off by the barracks would be less than ideal.
8k BV. I was using a meme list of 5 Star Pythons. Mofos hit way harder than their weight.

My pleasure Cranston. Always ready to share CGL stuff for free.

No idea, havent read it yet. And i fucking HATE Young way of writting. But a pal reading it tells me is "aceptable for Bryan Young".
Thank you.
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Can anyone in The Sphere stand against the Giant Woman Threat?
I'm Taurian, you're not a threat
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why not ballista?
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you faggots need to touch grass and touch bush, it really shows when you post this shit frequently that you've done neither.
Well, they could have introduced the Society's genetically modified monsters, including hyper-Elemental giants size of a light mech. Missed opportunity.
Big talk from a fifteen year old with no car who's still cowering in fear of NEA's batchall half a year later
new thread: >>93784549
The LB20X is the thinking man's AC/20 variant, especially when paired with C3i like on the King Crab 005.

nobody expects to get smacked in the face with 2 short range bracket 20 damage hits at 12 hexes away, much less the follow up cluster shots at 7 hexes.

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