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Previous: >>93781798

Eternal Skullbriar edition.

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Thread Question/Prompt: What was the most enraging game of edh you've ever played?
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>What was the most enraging game of edh you've ever played?
A guy who took 10-20 minutes per turn using a pre con.
>takes 5 minutes to pass on turn one
>most enraging game of edh you've ever played
I don't get angry about a card game for fun.
Gay Bolas
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Is that Talion behind?
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Bisexual Ugin
How gay?
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Straight Bolas
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I'm getting tired of cards designed for commander ruining the fun of making synergies out of random stuff from sets...
Thinking about proposing my vat of using the Modern banlist as reference
Ral once called him a faggot.
But only to get his attention so he wouldn't be killed by a falling rock
If Ral shouts "Hey, faggot!" and that gets Bolas's attention I think that's a good indicator.
Who did the clone archetype best?
Is every format but commander still on suicide watch?
Used to get mad when my friend's skullbriar killed me. I pack more interaction and he gets bothered when he has to cast it 4+ times. From here it looks like a build issue to run out commander t2 every game and pack too much synergy/too little protection to threaten voltron as archenemy.
This guy
I like Jaxis the most of the ones in your image because the card cycling is surprisingly useful and she isn't a must kill half of a combo like Kiki-Jiki and Rionya
Saheeli having blue probably makes her pretty good as well.
My LGS gets pioneer nights going pretty reliably with 20-30 players at a time. But they're all awkward and kind of sad.
Nah there's cautious optimism in legacy after the bans, but you pretty much have to play on mgto.

>didnt post my favorite
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Post a card you run in your deck just because you really like it
my lgs has dozens of full commander pods every day but when we do our yearly standard night we're lucky to even have enough people to have a single 2 person match. even when we do its just best of 1 because theyre too used to arena.
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Lets keep talking about art
no one specific time but off the top of my head there was one time where basically three people locked me out of a match with stax effect and I couldn't get any lands off the top of my deck.
I love this guy. One of my favorite cards ever printed.
I like the alt frame and art.
Best girl
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Your opinion is wrong and you should feel ashamed
>I dislike current thing
It's not great. Better than those weird profile cards, but they look like shitty android netrunner knock offs.
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Explain your post.

Anons age at that time: 12
*st skullbriar decks.
>the guy who randomly mentions stranger things
Best to ignore the nutcase
>Thread Question/Prompt: What was the most enraging game of edh you've ever played?
Not so much enraging as disappointing. I brought a precon to casual commander night, joined a random pod of 3 people looking for a 4th player. Turned out two of them were new as fuck, running completely nonfunctional jankpiles. Third guy seemed to have at least played before, but he got manascrewed hardcore and basically wasn't able to play at all because of that. It was my first time using the precon, completely unmodified, and I ended up taking out all three of them before any of them managed to do anything. I still dont know what any of their decks were meant to be.
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Unironically an amazing card with him.
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Pic related.
This is genuinely one of the only commanders I will flat out refuse to play against.
Like I will actually pick my things up and leave the table.
Man there was a horrible stretch of like 2 months where three different people at my LGS built these jackasses. It was awful.
Thankfully everyone else basically just bullied them until they each gave up on it.
I'm building Trostani as a group hug/politics commander and I wanted to see what y'all thought I should include in the list (I trust this place way more than EdhRec)
>Made for Commander Card
>Ward; Pay 2 Life
Why even fucking bother? That line of text might as well not exist in about 99% of instances.
If it was a STANDARD card sure, but this seems incredibly pointless.
If your opponent doesn't notice it only says on their turn then it's really good.
So wait
Ward provides protection that you can decide to get around by paying some kind of cost? Holy shit guys they finally fixed it
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>cards that retards thought were good
>first time
>their turns
Omega level cEDH commander bros
>opponent targets valgavoth
>triggers second ability
>go up a card if you send him to the command zone
>remove "from cast"
>change "mana value 2 or less" to "power 2 or less"
>make it a 2/2
Now I will play it
Once per turn effect anon.
Yep. They finally made a protection ability that both does something and doesn't completely remove all counterplay. Only took 'em 25 fuckin' years or thereabouts.
That'd be halfway decent if it had flash.
Correct, it's essentially Hexproof with a "but" attached to it.
While mechanically it's a great keyword, I have come to despise it as WotC randomly throws it on cards that really don't fucking need it like Miirym or Roaming Throne
I like the unique costs a lot more than "UH PAY 4 EXTRA MANA!"
Whcih card site tends to have the lowest prices? I wantto order a large numver relatively low value cards for EDH/pauper.
>Play Valgavoth
>Gets PtE'd
>Opponent pays 2 life on someone elses turn
>Dont even get the trigger
>My 4 mana play got ousted by a 1 mana removal spell
The card is unbelievably shit vs. anyone who can read
shitty 0 rep sellers from tcg player. You'll end up with like 300 dollars in shipping though
Wizards also did that with shroud and hexproof too. You just didn't notice it as much because those two mechanics were limited to mostly simic, as opposed to being 5 color.
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Any time you want to activate an ability more than twice per turn cycle I like having this around
I'd rather pay an extra 2 mana than be told to sacrifice a legendary permanent or eat shit.

start with this.
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How often do yall get drunk on a weekend and make a big order?
You see, the humor is derived from a deliberate misinterpretation which inverts the original statement, thus producing a comedic effect.

Firstly I post a comparison of 2 artworks for the card "Demonic Counsel".
Anon infers, or perhaps remembers from the previous thread, that the point of the comparison is to suggest that the alternate art card is the worse of the 2.
In his reply to my post, he wittily uses green text to (a function typically used to quote another person) to summarise the point of my post as "dislik[ing] the current thing"
In his view, the "current thing" is the latest upcoming Magic the Gathering set, Duskmourn, and its associated stylistic choices.
I riposte by quoting his use of "current" derisively, attaching a screenshot that denotes the release of Stranger Things as being July 2016. The implication being that the Duskmourn set is merely an imitation of that television programme, and, the show being some 8 years old at time of writing, is not "current"
Clean the pubes off your screen
It's just more creative and interesting.
Don't tell me what to do
Anon pls. I'm drunk and trying to start a PEDH meta
Never spent half my monthly money on a drunk order.
The ward doesn't matter, it's there to sometimes get free value off of his second and more important ability.
I bring home just under 6k a month, this is like 2 days of work for me.
>drank all my alcohol yesterday
>it's too late to buy more
Fuck. What are you drinking and what did you buy?
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Goes all the way back to regenerate really, Wotc's always given out self protection to cards pretty randomly.
yeah ignore this, looked at search after hitting post, fucking hydrocodones got my brain fucked right now.

start with the dictate of karametra and work from there, the curse of spells are also good for putting targets on people but not actually doing to dirty deed of attacking them yourself curse of bounty and curse of conformity are fun ones

I'm on Dr. pickle. Dr Pepper, rum, pickle juice and some pickle garnish. This is most clue shocks and mh3 fetches, fancy assassin's creed ezio and cavern of souls, some stuff for nekusar, oil slick plains and norn.
About once a month, but at the strip club.
Buy me a foil xiahou dun please. In return I'll give you ideas for new movies, horrible recipies for your enemies, elaborate revenge schemes, and autistic knowledge about random topics you could easily google. Also, fuck cao cao.
reply linking, brains really fried right now. It's what I get for getting my thumb to close to a table saw.
Every game where someone plays a precon and they have to read a short story upon casting every card.
>he actually bought that meme ezio instead of that beautiful plains
Sasuga. Also, the fuck is that drink? I just buy a slushie at 7/11 and dump a bunch of gin in there.
I wonder how many people are gonna just swap him with the mogis that will inevitably be included in the 99
Not into group hug but I'd suggest:
duelist's heritage
Odric Lunarch Marshall
holy day/ fog effects
ghostly prison effects
plenty of naturalize and disenchant effects (you'll be wanting to hold up mana anyway, might as well have different ways to use it)
instant speed creature removal
bloodthirsty blade
the GW Vow and Impetus enchantments
immortal obligation
the worst part is that since he's group slug he's gonna draw ire
That one actually makes sense. That was part of a... not a cycle but a group of slivers from Time spiral block that gave the abilities of old cards to all slivers. That one is Sedge Troll, trolls being the poster type for the regen mechanic
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Game comes down to me and one other player. He has lethal on board, but I'm holding open mana and bluffing that I can survive and kill on the crackback. He plays this. I "win." Two hour game, and in the end none of it mattered and it all came down to a coinflip.
forgot to mention garruk's uprising and other ways to give trostani trample
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It also creates a design space issue because some ward costs disproportionately impact some decks.
Looking at the history of non-mana ward costs, there's a rather alarming trend towards becoming less affordable.
>Begins in strixhaven with Ward - Pay 3 life
Very notable for 1v1 formats, but not very important with EDH. Not an problem yet but poses the potential for one later if this cost is reprinted on something too cheap.
>Ward - Discard a card
Arrives in AFR. Generally affordable but taxing for any deck. Still acceptable.
>Ward - Pay 9 life
This set was printed directly to Legacy so contextually this mostly matters for Commander, where it eats 25% of your starting life. Already we're at a point where a ward cost could reach the point where paying it consistently loses someone the game, although again, it's not too egregious at this point.
>Ward - Pay life equal to this creature's power
Arrived in Brothers' War, needless to say this effectively becomes Hexproof at the point of the game where paying the cost is most important. This is the first ward cost that was a complete design mistake.
>Ward - Sacrifice a creature and Ward - Sacrifice a permanent
Also introduced in BRO, this is where we begin seeing ward costs that disproportionately impact some decks more than others in a way that encroaches on enjoyable game design. For some decks this is a trivial cost to pay because that's a 1/1 or a treasure token, while for others that's a 3-mana permanent going in the bin. The worst part is that the best type of deck for paying this ward cost is also the type that mandates boardwipes over spot removal in the first place by itself, so in any situation this cost is being paid comfortably, there's an external factor discouraging spot removal anyway.
These cards should not have been printed. Regardless of flavor these ward costs are devastating.
He wouldn't even be playable in Standard. Draft bomb at best.
>Very notable for 1v1 formats
Not really. There are 20 life formats where people gladly pay 4 life to cast a free kill spell.
he's easily a top 10 all time commander
>Chris Cold
That's a bad ass name.
Adding 15% of your starting life to the cost of Fatal Push is fairly notable even if it's consistently affordable. Cheapest creature that ever saw it was Amalia which was really just icing on the shit cake because she really didn't need it, which is a growing trend with Ward.
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bro you pay 2 life and it triggers him and you draw a card. Basically cEDH
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No. Not even close.
Kitchen table cEDH. He'll be Timmy's nightmare.
You're right. He's too good for CEDH.
Your favorite isint a commander
Bruh. Like 90% of the removal in EDH is boardwipes. Shit like this is only good in 60 card.
No. Best I can give you is "a precon commander that exists". Especially considering how fucked main set winter is.
People ran Kiki-Jiki in Modern as a Splinter Twin replacement despite him being a 5-mana card that died to Bolt. I don't think any other card on that list met that bar.
I will be sliding him into judith, carnage connoisseur. But that's because he fits the decks theme of single target f#ck you gimme an imp I can sack. He synergizes well in that deck and card draw when my imps go boom.
Orvar the all-form does cloning best.
What's the meanest most cutthroat deck I can make for 50€? I got a Prossh foodchain one but I was looking at Abdel+black background for the insane Animate dead combo
in cedh why would I target him on my turn? tht's retarded casual shit, I either kill him on your end step or I don't fucking care about you getting a card or two while I setup my thassa's oracle doomsday combo with protection.
Good night anons. I found some liquor and I'm going to drink in bed and watch anime. I wish all you guys the best, even the faggots. I'm sending good vibes; something positive will happen in your life in the near future. I'm hoping to dream of donuts if I'm lucky.
>something positive will happen in your life in the near future.
I wish
chatterfang. All the infinite combos are cheap as shit to buy and low cmc with green to protect and black to tutor.

Nadu or Stella Lee
It will. You need to really look for it, bad things will still happen, but I promise something positive will happen tomorrow. Ganbatte kudasai, I believe in you.
What in God's name is a "Wonut"
And where are the Paczki?
Different format but interesting point especially considering kiki is the least built commander on this list
He's a different strategy entirely
I also like Jaxis a lot with the card cycling, it's incredibly useful
Wtf is kitchen table cEDH?
It's called PreDH
A waffle donut, apparently. Doesnt look anything like the picture. And you're absolutely right, that one's missing, but I'd call it a powdered or jelly filled.
huh? orvar in play, cast clone targetting whatever, cast buyback and single target spells that self replace. End up with loads of clones. Can easily infinite with cloud of faeries if that's your bag as well.

You zoomers think the clone archetype is something different than what mtg historically had defined as the clone archetype. It's litliterally thing enters and becomes a copy of other thing. Orvar lets you make clones out the ass easiest.
Can be built with the change under your coach and you will be going for the jugular by turn 4. Plays effectively through interaction and isn't easy to pin down because haste and trample make it a threat the instant it's back on the board even if they chew through your protection. People can't use the cards you give them if you kill them while you draw 20+ per combat.
Cronut is goated.
Now that you say that I can see it, but they covered it in cream or frosting so you can't see the waffle pattern. Cretins.
As for Paczki, they're for Mardi Gras.
best donut is glazed covered in crushed frosted flakes.
Just stop posting
Yeah, no thanks, I don't take suggestions from people who are wrong and fail to realize it.
You're literally retarded though
>come back to the game after years
>don't know what ward is
>some retard tries to tell me it counters your own cards too, like shroud.
failing to explain how you think I'm retarded for understanding what a clone archetype is just makes you look dumber and dumber, keep digging that autism grave.
this world is fucked with you people as the next generation.
I'm older than you , dumb fuck zoomer
Just Kiss already
No you're not dumbfuck. You have no clue what my age is, and trying to call me a zoomer after calling you out for being a zoomer just makes you look even more idiotic.
Grow up and learn that if you don't like an answer just move along instead of telling someone they are wrong because it didn't fit whatever made up narrow definition you internally made for an archetype older than you.
Statistically you're both 30ish.
I wish I still was, the shit I could get away with if I had my knowledge now but a body in the thirties...........
We're all in the 60's
No I just get excited off dopamine when I buy cards for a deck I really really wanna play but when it gets to like 3 days later and it hasn't arrived I just go like "Man why the fuck did I spend money on this I should be saving it up I'm such a retard"
Then the cards arrive and my dopamine comes back and I stop regretting it
>using ellipses like a 13 year old fucking girl
Good thing this board is anonymous you fucking pseud, shut the fuck up.
You are literally a retard and you have no reading comprehension if you think orvar has anything to do with the image I posted.
>You have no clue what my age is, and trying to call me a zoomer after calling you out for being a zoomer just makes you look even more idiotic.
This is the most pathetic thing I have ever read. "N-no I'm not the zoomer you are!" You don't know my age either you fucking idiot. But the way you type and reply and the absolute autism and arrogance in your posts reveals that you are the cringe zoomer. Just take the L faggot.

>archetype older than you
Orvar doesn't fit that archetype either retard so this is just a double L for you. Stop arguing over literally nothing and things you clearly don't understand. Grow the fuck up.
>no, I'M more decrepit and senile than you!
>nu-uh, I'M less continent than you!
Oldfags are so embarrassing.
last time we polled about ages I was the youngest here at 25 so who fucking cares
>make a token copy of pic related with anthika or w/e the abzan lady from commander masters
>keep paying W to draw a card and make a new class token (also a zombie)
>eventually make all of your tokens gigantic if you find a way to make tons of mana
Seems fun
woah there be careful posting this offtopic in this /pissingmatch/ general
Yeesh you dead ass right
The wisdom of youth.
Buttermilk > cronut > everything else
>combine the card pool and ban list of X format with commander ban list
>standard edh
>pioneer edh
>modern edh
>legacy edh
Brewer's get more formats to make jank
Spikes get more formats to optimize and can play a lower power format without giga fast tutors and mana if they prefer that
UB Haters have avoid UB by picking standard or pioneer edh
Noob retards and complete beginners can use the cards they pull from their 6 random packs they bought without getting reamed by crazy turn 2 combos or hate pieces
60 card enjoyers will presumably get more players in their formats as the pioneer edh enjoyers realize they might enjoy 60 card pioneer
Evil corporate overlords sell more packs and fat sweaty gay FGLS owners sell more bulk singles that would otherwise sit on shelves for years
The 4 dudes who have the absolute perfect EDH playgroup in their perfect EDH bunker are completely and totally unaffected (and deserve to be bullied if they whine)

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Is this auto include in any deck running blue?
>it's been 17 years since we had female nipples on a Magic card
You ain't skibidi bussin
Keep non fantasy/magical shit out of Magic!
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Why would you ever play this over Ob Nixilis?

Real disappointed in him
I've played worse things just because they had neat art.
I hate the armored tux look he's got going, shit looks silly and tacked on.
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>those dark nipples visible through her top
Dont get why people get pissed about off color fetches
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What all did you get?

The most I think I can ever recall spending on magic in a single order is like 250 ish dollars and that was when I was buying a single Revised Badlands
Other than that the most I have had sent through the mail is like a 200 ish dollar order of fetches and edh staples and shit
There's a difference between running a single arid mesa in a red/black deck that doesn't have a bloodstained mire because those are the cards you happen to have, and running every fetch you can to have six copies of your surveil land in a two-color deck
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>Six copies
A two color deck can utilize 7 of the ten fetchlands, so it's 8 copies.
I love it that you can't even get its trigger off when you attack with it. It's still the precon I'm getting, since I'm pitching in with a group order. Too bad the only interesting commander is the simic one, but it's also kinda crappy.
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Today I will play Uril at my lgs
got some constellation and bestow cards in that deck? looks like a fun casual commander
Player playing The Twelveth Doctor
>insists his deck is just a fun pile
>Bitched and moaned and bitched and whined whenever someone attacked him
>Bitched and moaned when someone else blew up a signet
>Successfully bitched and moaned and pleaded into being ignored
>Farewells board turn 9 with shiteating grin
>Proceeds to Seedborn Muse and Venser lock
Genuinely fuck him for exploiting vibes and good will. The bitching and moaning is annoying enough coming from weaker decks people take pity on, to let them do something cool. But being an asshole for an hour just for strategic advantage is super annoying and gross.
>dr who deck
first red flag right there
>wipe on turn 9
Do people still shit their pants when they see Uril at a table or are those days long gone?
There's a reason I only play Magic at home with my friends and stopped going to game stores. There's just something fucked and insufferable about 90% of magic players. There's a huge difference in player mentality and personalities compared to other hobbies I've had. There's just something about Magic that attracts these types of people. Fucking insufferable and childish.
Local troon moved away, feels good bros
It was a fun grindy match between the remaining 3.
You got outplayed in the social game.
>super gross
Do you think talking effeminately makes you less threatening and more pleasant to be around? It doesn’t.
Post IRL decks!
>Go to lgs with a friend to play commander
>All tables/players are occupied except one with the most annoying regular at the lgs
>Play a 3 player round with him
>I do pretty well and I'm about to make a winning move. It's just a casual game so I show the others what I'm about to do (I was playing Inalla wizards only slightly upgraded from the precon, annoying guy was playing mono red Norin something)
>Annoying guy begs me to pass the turn. I mean really "please please please pass just one more turn!" shit
>Does some long ass combo that kills me and my friend and then proceeds to, unironically, boast to everybody in the room "My deck is still undefeated! haha it's still undefeated!"

Shit like that just gets on my nerves. He wasn't joking about being undefeated or anything. Also one of those types to always pretend to say "it's just casual haha", but then does a death stare if you question anything even slightly or has any kind of setback in the game. He's the same age as me too (early 30's at the time) but so many of those guys are just mentally stunted in some way. I think a lot of them have that "I have a shitty life and no confidence, but here is the only place where I can win something so I'm going all out no matter what!" shit going on. It's so fucking grating, I mean just fucking relax. All that passive aggressive "laughter" and bitterness coming up if it's not 100% going how they want it to.

The annoying dude from the game also looked like an 80's eastern European henchman. He also, no joke, had an English girlfriend who was at least in her mid 60's. He'd sometimes have hickies all over his neck and say stuff like "haha we did some vampire role playing haha"
One of my other friends once asked "is that somebody's mom?" and people got real quiet lol.
I'm done playing at game stores. Too old to deal with people like that.
>Autists or straight up pricks occasionally dwell in every LGS.

Wow who would have thought?

>I'm done playing at game stores. Too old to deal with people like that.

This is the natural course and I have never looked back.
Last I played at an lgs was pre covid. Only play with my friends at home and I've never had more fun playing magic than now. We just play, laugh, talk, listen to old music and usually cook up some nice food too.
Most people don't know about Uril anymore but he just got reprinted so they will.
I love it because I enjoy when I use my pet banding cards and Uril can't get trample damage in and have to dig for unblockable instead.
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Too lazy to lay out my Sidar Jababy deck, so I'll just repost this
Reminds me of the shitty Fallout-themed frames and those were fucking trash.
Zimone seems pretty good. Just for playing a fetchland you can bring out a powerful creature for free.
There's so much wrong with this I don't even know where to start
got u
>no Mox Amber
>no Mana Crypt
>maybe 2 infinites
>no Memnite
>Snow garbage
>Mirrormade in 2024
>Storm Elemental
>Mycosynth Gardens
>Darksteel Citadel unironically
>Assert Authority over a good counter
>Marit Lage
>proxy Basalt Monolith
>almost no removal
>almost no interaction
>cards that benefit other players like Genesis Chamber and Howling Mine
>one flicker card that can't be tutored
>Cyberdrive Awakener
It's amazing how much of your deck ISN'T real magic
>Forensic Gadgeteer
>Thassa's Oracle
>Pollywog Prodigy
>Cybermen Squadron
>Displacer Kitten
>Cyberdrive Awakener
>Auton Soldier
>Sicarian Infiltrator
>Rhystic Study
>The One Ring
>Crystal Skull
>UB Mystic Forge
>Cyclonic Rift
I go to the LGS to find the few people that aren't crazy, then just invite them over to home for games.
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>forensic, thassa's, pollywog, cyclonic, rystic
>not real magic
if you think Rhystic Study is actual magic then you're a miserable cedh faggot
>if you think a card printed 25 years ago is actual magic then you're a miserable cedh faggot
rhystic study is the card you play in blue when you dont want to play actual magic and just want free wins
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this guy actually worries about rhystic study
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Well I did edit it to have a bunch of silly snow shit two days ago, so that's probably what's setting off your radar
>no mana crypt
I'm considering putting away $50 each paycheck until I can afford to buy either the purple one from Ixalan or one of the originals that came with the book
>maybe 2 infinites
I can only think of Basalt/Gadgeteer and Hullbreaker + Urza + two low cost artifacts so yeah something like 2 or so
>no Memnite
I keep considering Memnite and then figuring that I prefer the 0 cost ones I already have and don't know what I'd cut for it
>snow garbage
snow is FUN
>Mirrormade in 2024
paying 2-3 for an extra copy of any of my important artifacts seems fine to me, especially for a second copy of Simulacrum Synthesizer
>Storm Elemental
This one is purely because the art is good and the card is old and weird, letting me pay a blue to throw away cards from the top when I have Reality Chip, Crystal Skull, or Mystic Forge on the field and really need the card selection
>Mycosynth Gardens
see Mirrormade, making it an extra copy of something I like feels good
>Darksteel Citadel unironically
what's wrong with Citadel???
>Assert Authority
Dude I fucking love this card and I have a NM foil from old Mirrodin, and on top of that while it does sorta suck early once the game is rolling it's just fine
>Marit Lage
more like BASED
>proxy basalt monolith
dude this is like the 20th time people have called that a proxy, it's from the OG International Edition from like '93. Square corners, gold border back, feels the same in a sleeve
>almost no removal
Yeah I do frequently fret I may not have enough
>almost no interaction
I mostly carry counters, which seem to serve fine-ish for now
>cards that benefit other players
while untapped, Urza can tap them for mana you silly goose
>one flicker card that can't be tutored
okay so this one I feel a little bad about, I ended up cutting Deadeye Navigator for Rimefeather
>no argument
>spam reaction faces
rhystic is for fags thats just how it goes anons
Just pay the 1 LMAO
>just play with a no effort less interactable onesided sphere of resistance
how about you just stop playing cedh??
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Feels good to be a green CHAD to beat the fucking SHIT out of the extra turn spamming BITCHES that are blue decks. Congratulations you can untap again and your weak ass merfolk can tap to draw you a card, a green GOD will just BLITZ you without even thinking.
>onesided sphere of resistance
so literally just a lodestone golem
>Post Skullbriar decks
Ok, here's mine:
I never get drunk, because I don't drink, so never. Also, paying for cards is only for retards or those that, either ironic or not, want to support Hasbro.
Wouldn't Conan the Barbarian be Red?
Based on the movie I'd say he's more Green than anything.
Red/Green actually
When are we finally going to get a back-to-the-roots classic barbcore fantasy set again?
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group slug is cool, art is cool, finally a decent rakdos commander that is not MUH CAST FROM EXILE shit, big badass of the set that can get up to a 7/7 with flying in a single rotation and draws you 3 cards, no rakdos commander top this shit, kys
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I always thought that Kresh is fitting best as Conan.
never. conan is a product of a better time. modern writing is all corpo-slop, regulated and robbed of all soul to fit the narrative of the eternal ruling party.
Abdel+candlekeep is absolutely top tier in a 50 usd meta (here is my deck if you want some ideas https://www.moxfield.com/decks/HfoNnfgOKkGOjC2S7jjZ5w), your other best bet would be NADU if you are a fag or vadrik, if you like spellslinger/storm. No other commanders can top them at that budget honestly
The Arnold movie got a lot about Conan wrong.
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Wouldn't hold my breath for one. There hasn't been a good mainstream Barbarian franchise in forever to get them to think it's a trend worth chasing (Primal was the last one I can remember and it wasn't that big.) The best you could hope for would be a secret lair with some classic art, which frankly you could proxy on your own anyway.
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Yes, I'm a weeb
disgusting, no one wants to read your moonrunes anon, imagine playing with you and having to open scryfall to read every fucking card
attention whore faggots like you with a name should be banned from this general, you only post stupid shit and your decks sucks, kys
>verification not required.
Nice deck, but>>93788569 has a point.
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Same vibes
Oh look it's this post again
Yeah, a Conan the Barbarian Secret Lair would be fun. Other than Conan himself what could we get?
Never gonna happen. We'll probably get some weird fart fetish SL before we get anything actually cool.
this. there are tons of lesser-known shows featuring conan-inspired meathead-characters, usually comedy, but none of them ever really hit mainstream.
>Other than Conan himself what could we get?
conan movie licensed characters and nothing else
Conan himself, King Conan, Red Sonja, Belit, Valeria, Kull of Atlantis, Thulsa Doom, and Kulan Gath would be cool.
>no one wants to read your moonrunes anon
No one CAN read my moon runes and understand Splice into Arcane.
oh look, it's another
>character holds up glasses (or something around their head) while reaching out with their other hand and looking with amazement at some shit
artwork! glad wotc is still playing it safe!
Howard's estate actually doesn't have the rights to Red Sonja for some reason.
Anybody built a new deck from Bloomburrow?
Does it upset you?
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I built Kastral for birds but it was kind of boring aside from putting infinite feather counters on og Kangee so I took it apart. Now I just have a cancerous Glarb deck (not a ton of wincons but lots of annoying cards like Rhystic, Titania’s Song, Zur’s Weirding) that somewhat balances itself by using Keruga as companion, ensuring I do literally nothing until turn 3 unless I was lucky enough to get Elvish Spirit Guide in hand.
No, just repetitive and boring.
I stopped magic for 10 years and restarted with Bello, Bard of Brambles and a Ms. Bumbleflower. It's not really the set that make it the timing instead.
Eluge, baylen, and Bria. I'm not really about the tribal stuff but the set has some fantastic designs and a great vibe
I don't care, was asked a question, answered.
Nobody asked
I built Bello and Helga. Bello is about what you expect but I'm not entirely sold on his play pattern.
Helga is a hybrid between +1/+1 Counters and Dragon Tribal and I'm having a blast with it.
Dragon tribal in bant?
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That is a lie, anon. Why would you lie?

>How often do yall get drunk on a weekend and make a big order?
He asked right here.
Based. Alcohol is bad for you.
>t. alcoholic
Why not?
There are quite a bit of dragons that care about counters and/or card draw. Tanazir Quandrix being one of the better ones.
>hogaak deck
>it's just generic black and green goodstuff
Do people even have any shred of originality here?
Post your deck anon.
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I already posted it some threads ago, but sure, here you go, a cool looking BG deck with hogaak in the 99, gl hf
I've been enjoying Ygra. Turning artifact removal into creature removal is fun, and his ward cost is both pretty fair and very thematically appropriate, compared to a lot of the other ward costs we've been getting recently. I run him with a bit of a drain subtheme, lots of Blood Artist style effects to ping people whenever stuff dies, so that even when he's not on the board I'm still doing something.
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It's an old classic.
you are very unique and quirky anon
been gooning too hard and bought this deck
only women allowed except for dune chanter
i know its fucking shit but just how shit is it
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Ob Nixilis at home.

the design is so boring. would've prefered the leaks interpretation of cmc 9 with mana cost reduction on opponent damage with some insane on cast or comes into play trigger.
So it looks like the UR Draft archetype will be "Rooms matter" and not instants and sorceries. Interesting.
Does anyone here actually play this ob nix? Can they vouch to how powerful it is?
>he thinks that's a cool deck
Embarassing. It's not very good, you have barely any neat cards outside of puppeteer clique and the old border victimize, and you're acting like a amug retard makes it obvious you're insufferable to play with. Apply yourself.
NTA, but you basically run enchantress effects, auras, and ramp. Heliod's Pilgrim is crazy good when you have ramp, removal, card draw, wrath protection, and actual win the game cards for it to fetch. I personally have Hellkite Charger + Bear Umbra/Sword of FaF as an alternate win con.
UR enchantress lets go
I played him and he clapped my casual pod. remember he has double evasion and grows out of control quickly. one rotation is usually enough to kill a player. two and I win the game.

>but interaction
I mean yeah but guess what casuals lack. non-boardwipe removal at the right moment.
Makes sense because this set will have less instants and sorceries than usual, they'll have a bunch of Enchantments with ETBs that do the things instant and sorceries usually do, some even with Flash.
>Trosten, the satyrs
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literal crop circles kek
>there's a house in the house
Most people haven't seen a single card from Alara in their life.
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>the monkey paw curls
>the legendary izzet creature only cares about rooms instead of enchantments
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you were saying?
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>whenever an enchantment enters, if it's a room
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R8 M8s
What else goes in?
Unplayable in Commander, but still interesting.
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unironically thought torsten was a woman
satyrs are the orgy mates for uhhhh the crackhead satyr enabler

give me replacements for torsten i dont want that shit polluting my deck
i guess i can snag a trade at a mates but fuck utility cards
picrel would be good replacment?
>Our house, in the middle of our house
I like everything about that commander except the lack of black in his identity.
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Here's my casting couch deck. White and Green has a lot of cute girls.
This followed by Tainted Sigil is great
>wotc now wants to destroy pauper chads too
it's over
o fuck anon, that shit looks delectable
very nice deck, i hope i can sexgrade mine into something as good
thanks, ill look over your enchantments, but i stake more on counters and beatings
Eh Dee Ate
Do you think that Victimize looks better in the old border or in the retro border?
Thinking of which I should get.
You'd be suprised how many people dont know the mechanics in the game they play
What's more surprising is how long they've played the game.
I've seen a judge that doesn't understand how deathtouch works.
Yes, that's how it should work, but magic's designers are hacks
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Now that I think about it, the old art is great, even though it doesn't have a foil since its from Urza's Saga.
Maybe I could get that one instead.
I once had someone think using pic related on my attacking creature would stop the attack.
I stand by what I said, most current players have not seen a single Alara card in their life.
How did you go about building Ms. bumbleflower, or is it stock?
He should have done it before all the attackers were declared.
An excellent explanation, I applaud your effort
Nashi sounds like a faggot
You might want to read the card again.
>getting tired of cards designed for commander ruining the fun of making synergies out of random stuff from sets...
yeah. same here. like 4/5 people at my locals shamelessly netdeck their 99 after they've chosen their commander and just pick whatever cards what either EDHREC or archidekt offers. I guess this is because they don't want to bother with building and just are there to play. most of them don't have binders or if they do the cards are just scrapped cards from previous decks.

So for them it doesn't matter if WotC prints more powerful cards as they are going to buy them as singles when they see it being at 70-99% recommended rate as the best possible card for the deck. Also for the 4/5 people it's the same decks that keep rotating, like Kenrith, Yuriko, Isshin, new set of the month, precon of the month and tribal decks that either goblins, dragons or humans. Which sucks as WotC clearly knows that an average player doesn't like chaos or randomness element of the game and are there to just play. Like the amount of knee-jerk reactions when someone plays scrambleverse or possibility storm to spice up the game is unfathomable. Funniest one being when Kenrith player just scooped and left the moment someone played quickened thieves auction when they had spent near-infinite mana to get their board on the board.
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Got hammered thursday at dragoncon, finally sobered up this morning with a fist full of artist proofs
First group hug and politics faggots get the rope, but you're next on the list.
redbros... i dont feel so good...
Couple months back, troon control. Maybe it’s just the autism, but trannies seem obsessed with playing control decks but get pissy when you interact with their stuff
Never play with troons
please respond
How many of you own a fully foiled deck?
I have one, with its own custom deckbox.
>there were 25 precon commander decks in 2023
This cant possibly be sustainable, right?
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My ajani is fully foiled, even the wheel of fortune is foil.
No, that would be a hedonistic waste of money.
The time I played against a tranny he was on storm and conceded after I killed his commander twice
Easiest FNM win of my life
The commander boom and its consequences have been a disaster for the game.
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so rooms do have their own constellation mechanic
Wait, does it count if your true dual isnt a foil because they dont exist?
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Let me know when someone has a fully oiled deck indead
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How do you do it? How do you sit across a table with a man pretending to be a woman and play a card game for an hour or longer without berating them to tears before turn 2 and getting kicked out of the store for your troubles?
>clone archetype
>no Simic card
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Proof nobody asked for, and yes some are overlapping and i dont care.
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>This can't possibly be sustainable
WotC hasn't exactly been known for long-term planning capability since 2008.
I'm sure there's some kind of aristocrats deck that this would be good in.
This is the 1qset everyone was shilling for
Plenty of aggro decks want it, aristocrats its like a worse version of the annual 2/1 for B you can recur from your graveyard if you meet a similar condition
Based, I'm Jealous of that wheel
>being jealous of a nonlegal proxy
Thats a 1999 DCI judge promo
Its not just real, its like 6 revised wheels
>proxying a judge promo
I lost track of who I'm agreeing with, but the alt art, especially the frame, is shit.

You mean 1995
>yeah bro i went on a bender and bought almost $30 in magic cards I was out of control
Out of curiosity, how often do you add new cards?
>verification not required
Even the website agrees, very based. Though I do find the deck actually works pretty often, I DO fear not casting Urza on curve though as that sends the deck directly into a freefall.
>post-8th edition border
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My favorite deck is fully foil except for either the cards that don't have a foil, or if it has an art that is so good, I prefer it over the other arts that does have a foil.
For example, dark ritual has a couple of foils, but this version of Dark Ritual is my favorite and doesn't have a foil. So I choose to run this.
I just added cards with mh3 and changed the commander, avacyn simply doesn't have enough words on it to be good.
Is the "their" plural or singular?
It's still a shame it doesn't trigger on your own turn but does it only trigger on the active player's turn or all opponents turns
Plural or singular doesn't matter, it only triggers if an opponent loses life on their own turn.
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It actually does have a foil but it's a Japanese only insert for the Destroy all Humanity manga.
Extreamly based. What made you pick Ajani?
>No foil stamps
You made proxies and doodled on them and expect people to be impressed?
Looks fun but you should probably cut some of the weaker creatures for more instant speed removal
also you don't have to run every single desert that exists
haha literally describes this schizo at my table who counters everyone's spells like a faggot but God forbid you use assassins trophy on his commander a single time and he just scoops
or you play smothering tithe because you can recognize that the control player will draw tons of cards. He just concedes and he's like
>cards bullshit bro I don't want to play against that
control niggers will literally sit there and act like nadu or even thoracle are the problem in edh when the problem has always been counterspells that enable these degenerate strategies in the first place
What a shit card.
Ward essentially only punishes sorcery speed removal on him
what's a really great "leave me alone" deck? I'm tired of retards tunneling me but I'm also tired of retaliating and having to destroy the whole table just to stop one annoying retard
so what is a deck with tons of life gain that heavily discentetivizes interaction while also not being a massively oppressive deck that people are compelled to focus down anyway
Ajani is strong and enables so many strategies in boros. A token producing cataclysm with mld and smokestacks is good. It helps having manacrypt, mox diamond, chrome mox and stuff.
>You'd be suprised how many people dont know the mechanics in the game they play
just a few from the top of my head that I encounter over and over again
>trying to remove a creature after the controller has paid its ability activation cost to counter the ability
>trying to interact with a sac ability target
>trying to break an opponent's instant speed chain with an instant
>trying to fizzle a multi-target spell by making a single target illegal
>trying to fizzle a "choose target" spell by making a target illegal
if you use a multi target spell and hit something with ward and don't pay, the whole spell gets countered. That's why it's confusing, because there are times where you can ruin someone's spell like that
Pillowfort stuff like Ghostly Prison with payback instants like Inkshield and Boros Charm
Mardu Marchesa or the Jeskai wall as commanders.
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>be me
>browsing cheap vintage booba art
>30 copies of picrel added to cart
>ff to 2024
>birdo commander drops
>picrel skyrockets in price
Let your dick be your guide to wealth, anons.
>and Boros Charm
Meant Deflecting Palm, brain autofilled Boros because it's RW
Theres a guy in my area that thinks its optional to declare abilities and spells and if you dont hawk his shit hell try to say missed trigger to things like rule of law/aethersworn canonist/reidane.
pillow fort esper with stuff like ghostly prison, propaganda and no mercy work very well in my experience. a lot of decks have little to no answer to this, and even my stronger casual decks can be easily held back by that for a few turns.
the other thing you can do is just build a large board of non-threatening, weak setup creatures, and then go for some grand finale finisher. everything together with green works very well for this.
that's kinda my point. the deeper you get into mtg, the more exceptions to rules you will encounter. judges getting called over at cEDH tournaments is completely normal. hell, I have seen people arguing over the correct rules application of fireball at a casual pauper cube tournament.
I like how they said they drew the zombies and stuff to look like old school practical effects.
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insanely powerful, I ran him with a very budget list and he was still pretty much kill on sight or I storm off and kill at least one player. The fact that you can cast the cards until your next end step makes draining your opponents with little life taxes insane quickly, not to mention that spells that go for 1 life tend to be 1 mana and thus it’s very easy to go net positive on cards and mana by having shit like urabrask, birgi, or storm-kiln out. When I build a cdh deck just to have it’ll definitely be this nigga, even if I’ll have to move away from the storm angle
Randy indeed
This is just another reason why Fallout should be the only legal UB set to play with
Thread is about to die but the worst game I can remember is the whiny bitch who threw an endless tantrum after I copied his MOM Elesh Norn.
Nonstop bitching about how "now I can't do anything!" as if he wasn't the one who put the card in his deck to begin with.
Eventually he bitched enough that someone wiped the board just to shut him up and surprise surprise he combos off and wins his next turn.
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>One of my other friends once asked "is that somebody's mom?" and people got real quiet lol.
I had to look at his abilities again and yeah, he's just value all the way down. Seems like a fun Boros Control deck.
>I really hate this one guy
>I don't care about winning
>so I will help him win
>he reacted annoying like he always does. why does this keep happening to me?
all you had to do was not make his day, but you, once again, made his day, and now you are mad. anon, what the fuck is wrong with you?
>"No I won't let you get an extra turn. It's disrespectful to the spirit of the game to sandbag."
>Necropotence into my 50 cent dual land
Holy shit ez
>that shot of him on all fours looking back over his shoulder
His voice is actually cute I thought it would be grating or "WHAT ARR YU DOING HEAR" Japanese Engrish accent bordering on stereotypical
I actually really dig these aesthetically and for limited
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Wait... is the elder demon where niggermoth gets her powers from?
Wait it's all 10 color pairings as dual lands at common what that's based
Playset here I come
Any random golgari commander can pull off the rattlesnake strategy pretty well. Either version of Glissa just executes 90% of the creatures in the game if they swing into her. There are lots of efficient spot removal engines like Attrition and Gravepact. Ophiomancer is an endless supply of deathtouch tokens. Sadistic Hypnotist can nuke someone's hand. Depending on who the commander is most of this stuff will also contribute to your value engine in some way (I run Maren, so sacrificing creatures powers up my free reanimation trigger).

Just develop your board until someone decides to start some shit or telegraphs that they're close to winning and blast them with radioactive anthrax into a puddle of green goop.
Still waiting for them to finish the tangoland and dual cycling cycles.
Most based lands we ever got.
There's someone in my area infamous for pretending "deal damage to target player" or "deal damage to target creature" says "deal damage to any target". No matter how many times you tell him shit like Blood Artist can't target creatures or that shit like Abrade can't target players, he'll keep trying to sneak it in.
>like Blood Artist can't target creatures
That's pretty based ngl
Azorius control because if someone ever interacts with you, you can stop every card they play for the rest of the game from resolving.
Inform him chalice checking was made illegal specifically because of the shit he's trying. You can no longer "miss" detrimental triggers or static abilities.
I'm between the Rakdos and the Golgari, but I like the thought of Skullbriar n Grist in the Golgari deck, so here's hoping the decklists don't suck.
i really dont like how theres no reason to not play eldrazi in any deck that can afford them
What commander wants this
What do YOU think dude my word >>93792016
The one referenced in the post ^.^ nadu! Can target your entire board for big gay triggers
I don't have any in any of my decks nor have I ever felt the need to include them into my decks, even my Goreclaw deck.
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Idk retard. What do you think?
fuck, I lost
This makes me sad because I wanted to buy this card a few months ago because it has a naked lady on it with belly rolls I didn't realize it got so damned expensive. Fuck
Umm that's not niggermoth retard
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W____ card, B____ character
at least it's "only" $45 instead of the $97 peak
>arrive at LGS for commander night together with a new guy, get instantly invited by LGS friends
>let the new guy take my seat because I know he will have a good experience with my guys
>take the last remaining empty table and goldfish my new deck for a while
>two more friends arrive and sit down with me for a 3 player round
>friend 1 is doing pretty well and explains how he will win this round
>try to be cheeky and jokingly ask him to pass the turn
>the madman actually does it and enables my stupid jank combo I have been practicing for the last few days
>stand up to proclaim in jest how my new deck is "still undefeated" and that I'm now going to retire it from playing as undisputed champion
>ask for a second game
>friend 1 is staring at me like I just killed his favorite pet and leaves shortly after
>he never came back again
every time I think back about the experience I get angry at myself for not reading the room better. I miss friend 1.
what the fuck is a niggermoth
a dark-skinned moth, a moth that steals light, or a moth that's drawn to niggers?
You both sound incredibly autistic
Let's be real, what could you even do to withstand the onslaught that is this deck? Undefeated at the LGS
anon, we play magic at our LGS. every day thank god I'm not full chris-chan tier autistic and just play fantasy card games while being perceived as annoying sometimes.
I use my mill deck :)
That would be very retarded and nonsensical on a bunch of cards. Also makes no sense with the name of the effects. Wards aren't used to fuck yourself over.
>don't play creatures
>get attacked because I'm free
>play creatures
>get attacked because I'm the threat
can't win
Bro if your opponent is retarded and kills him with sorcery speed removal then you get ONE WHOLE CARD BRO!
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I only use sexy goblins for my goblin cards
he also gets a counter
I'd toss his cards across the room and then leave content in knowing cops are extremely slow and also not going to bother searching for a non-crime in a metro area of 6 mil.
Plenty of other stores. Benefit of not living in the sticks.
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Pictures are hard to take.
>disgusting, no one wants to read your moonrunes anon, imagine playing with you and having to open scryfall to read every fucking card
Lobby for Yugioh rules then. Doubt WOTC will listen.
>skeleton randomly has organs in it because the artist wanted gore
Just...don't use skeletons.
The set kind of sucks, so, no.
>gang sign
>it's a literally sign
>Oh neat I wonder what cardboard anon has!
>Dr. Who
Not being mentally ill like yourself, anon. Also realizing life is not 4chan and being stupid in real life can easily lead to incarceration, injury, and even death. And screaming "YWNBAW! YWNBAW!" won't stop a cop beating my skull in with a baton.
Very useful when he's literally dead.
But think of the value
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Here it is, here it is.
Fun commanders are fun.
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Vish Kal should be in his own seperate tier above the rest because he is cooler than the rest of the orzhov options.
Alright once Yggdrasil is in, I'm not sure you wanna do that
>Want to build Ratadrabik
This card is so fucking stupid and braindead with ring tempting and goes infinite at the drop of a hat.
i do hope nothing happens to ruin my fancy modern tournament
Thats true, but I lose the retro border in exchange for the ugly new border which in my opinion isn't worth it.
kruphix is ass idk why i bothered building this
I was just excited to look at cardboard then very disappointed that it's some bullshit I dont care about. Like I'm not googling what your two faggy brits do to figure out how a deck works.
nta but it's probably time to quit the game if you're still hung up on Universes Beyond.
What's the likelihood of ever getting cheapest Elesh Norn from a Phyrexia play booster?
You either get it or you don't. 50% chance.
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Just double my shit up.
very good, but the white background kills it. all mono-colored backgrounds with nothing going on in them are peak soulless.
>this card is $60
is it time yet to build a "nothing but doublers" deck?
Sup leaf bro.

I'm fine with UB if it involves properties I like being treated with respect, but dr. Who is some gay ass woman's shit.
This already slots into my "nothing but clones and doublers" miirym deck.
Post the list
I thought it would be funny to make a list for this jackass with all the doublers but nothing to actually double.
>but dr. Who is some gay ass woman's shit.
Is this like how 40k is only liked by weird nazi people saying the humans are right?
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>mfw I play this with Clara Oswald, The 6th Doctor, Annie Joins Up, and Roaming Throne
doubler tribal
40 lands, 30 clones, ramp, vegetables.
Yes I want to see the list I'm genuinely interested.
One thing I like them doing with the Omenpaths is "casting" pre existing characters into new sets.

So instead of making OCs for the horror gang of this set, they can use charactothat naturally fit the archetype (Wandered as the Final Girl, Zimone as the Nerd , Tyvar as the Jock, Nico as the leader.)
I think it was better done here than in OTJ, which I felt had too many legendaries in it with little apparent justification.
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A couple of cards are still in the mail, so I'll replace them when they get here but this is how it is currently played
I don't know if I'd say I like it but I guess if they do mix things up enough in the long term it's better than Jace/Chandra/et al. forever
>fell for the Dawn's Truce meme
The issue here is they chose them to fill tropes rather than based on who'd actually have interesting dynamics within the plane, and also that it lead to it being a bunch of random overpowered characters blitzing through a plane that obviously wasn't equipped to handle such powerful characters. We needed more survivors and more actual horror, there's no tension when you've got someone as powerful as Tyvar or the Wanderer involved.
>generic esper knights
>not haakon monoblack knights
These permanents? On my side of the table? They ain't going nowhere. Go draw a card, kid.
>giving your opponent card advantage instead have just using a better card
>expecting a namefaggot to do anything based
>better card
Name a 2 mana heroic intervention in white then that's better than dawn's truce
Aminatou's powers are apparently similar to Valgavoth's in some unspecified way, but they're not from the same source. Aminatou's powers are just a thing she has.
Thoughts on this little goober?
Noncanon joke character, who cares.
If I did that, consequences will never be the same
Dawn's Truce is fucking awesome, not the best in slot or anything but being able to weather an extra boardwipe is always a plus
I already have And They shall know no fear, Teferi's Protection, Guardian of Faith, Flawless Maneuver, and Akroma's Will. I'm aiming for quantity since my deck isn't about tokens, so I want to keep my board from getting cleared out, even if I can recover decently with Sidar.
Pure and unrepentant evil
it can even be better than heroic giving yourself hexproof
I can't believe there's no NSFW of this chad
>better than heroic
fucking lmao
Teferi's Protection, ignored the 2 mana part because 1 more mana is better than an opponent drawing their wincon or another board wipe
She's literally present in Duskmourn's story, she's canon now.
Now we just wait for Estrid to be canon, right?
>keep your creatures
>lose the game to what they draw
>wincon or another board wipe
Are you retarded? Why would you play it if you're not avoiding a board wipe or wincon? The whole point is to interrupt a potential game-winning play
>Keep your creatures
>The guy thats the hardest down at the table got to draw another land
Gg no re
they just draw another so you still lose
>t-theyll always topdeck a land!!!!!!
this is retarded and your a bad decksmith
Ah yes because after casting a huge boardwipe they're surely gonna drop 10 mana on another combo
At that point it's not that the card is bad, you the player are bad that you let it get out of control
You know you get to pick which opponent draws the card right?
board wipes are like 4 mana anon and almost no wincons need 10 mana your bad decksmithing is showing
>let another guy draw a boardwipe/wincon
wow! you did it!
And yet you spam the Farewell card here all the time you fucking schizo, you can't count 6 mana costs apparently
A deck is almost always 35-40% land
How much of your deck is wipes and "wincons"
This deck has two board wipes and the rest is WinCon
>t-theyll always topdeck a land!!!
If you ever played a real format Bob has proved that this will happen, every single time
>wow your cards are so expensive anon
>i'll bet it took hours to make your deck
>i've just got this squirrel precon, it's got cute animals
>sure we can play again, you'll win one eventually
More like Chadfang.
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"ooo a hydra tribal"
every single time i bring it out
>he's is always going to stopdeck a land!!!!
stop posting
commander is the only real format the others are dying
I run 7 one-sided board wipes because I count them as wincons in my combat deck.
>Winter Moon
I would take you out first every single time you bastard

Valgoth is OP as fuck. the only reason anyone is even alive in the house at all is so he can feed on there fear. The entire main cast died multiple times and had to be rezzed by Aminantou.
Valgoth on Duskmourn may be the single most powerful character in magic since the old walkers .
>winter Moon
Based, make the 5c faggots shit and piss and cry.
i have to speak fluent stack in monogreen i deserve a handicap
Gavin spoke about them going a little too hard on ward. they are toning it down.

You strike me as the kind of guy that folds a full house because the dude across the table may have 4 of a kind
Same but probably for different reasons
Run winter orb, pussy
And yet he still got his ass kicked.
And I just want to play 2 color without bricking on flooding 1 type of basic but whatever. I'm surprised you don't run Bitterthorn
only boomers and fags play poker
cute but probably never wins
stupid excuses dont give opponents draw you probably dont pay the 1 do you cedh rejects?
>r-rhystic study is fair
>dawn's truce is good
>The only card game I play is the big wheel mtg fun containment zone
>Take me seriously!
>Stromgald Cabal
>Dauthi Mercenary
>Headless Horseman
>Haakon, Stromgald Scourge
Absolutely based
I can tell you get kicked out of every single playgroup you're in because you are just an unbearable schizo who probably has a mental breakdown every time someone draws for turn because "they have one more card than I do now so unfair I should have drawn first the turn order is overpowered and needs to be fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
>projections and crying
can't hear you over you being wrong
dawn's truce = bad
rhystic study = unfair
it just is how itis
>card advantage for opponents good
tell me how i knowyou dont win much?
My guy you have started bringing up other cards out of nowhere and cEDH to try and circle back to "letting one of my opponents draw a card at my discretion is worse than losing several of my own cards"
You arent just bad at the game, im 90% sure you just dont play the game
>calling a card unfair
not an argument, guy
Go home anons, your drunk.
Im not drunk your drunk stop playing pretend cedh
Where's the Ward cost to get this guy to shut the fuck up, am I right guys? Haha
there's a banlist for a reason in every format it just needs more like rhystic, sheoldred, and thassas
>giving my opponents draw is good
>not just using better ptotection cards
your so fucking stupid and dont understand the argument
giving draw is bad, rhystic is another excample of bad ays to give opponents draw. if you dont 'pay the 1' then you make your opponent draw into better cards and ifyuo dont """gift"" the card then dawns truse is fucking unplayable are you not l;istening??
kill youreself
Shut up satan you probably play modern
The triumvirate of man. Kiss and make up, it's too nice a day for such autismal ramblings.

No one plays modern.
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>one sided sphere of resistance is fair
ok you dont play mtg
There's nothing stopping you from playing it. Or removing it.
your so fucking stupid i actually dont get it, giving people draw ends games more thananything elkse
I think everyone so far who responded with a deck has been insulted now lmao
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>i lose every game where someone draws one more card than me
The other troons at your LGS laugh at you behind your back.
I remember asking for points on a token based Satsuki deck and getting insulted an entire thread for asking. Why would someone try to be original here? lmao
your "original" idea is bad
>giving your opponent cards is good
justadmit you dont fucking play okay?
The foil of this card is so fucking nice. I'm glad I splurged.

Where do you think you are? If we didny care we would say nothing at all.
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>giving draw is bad
Some cards have downsides, yes
Half a white Heroic intervention when you need it, sometimes downside if you can afford it.
Letting someone you know isnt a threat get +1 card is worth saving your stuff at your discretion
Its not a trap card that you play the second something gets removed, you decide when its worth it silly billy
Dont worry, Im sure nobody will insult this immaculate pile
>teeth anon is back
Welcome friend! What happened to giest?
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My turn? I untap one forest.
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>check deck
>teeth on lands
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>static orb
Brother! You're a cool guy.
shit deck but fun idea
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Just pay the 1 and stop crying. You're embarrassing the other players at your table.
>he likes the redditsona
She will never be canon.
He is still there, got some artist proof sketches to add to him this weekend
Took it apart last year because it was ass to play
Who could have guessed a BUG deck that takes 10 minute turns wouldnt be fun?
the point is that the card is insurmountable advcantage for almost no input or cost
dawn's truce on the otherhand iks dogshit for the cost and giving draw means your opponents are more likely to have more removal more draw more board wipes and wincons youre literally trhowing if you just gift csrds
Why you're so mad. It's a casual format of a children's card game, anon.
How many times have you had to pay the 1 that you're this tilted over it? lmao
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>ur mad
>i-it's casual
>k-kid's game (even though kids literally are not supposed to play it and it's too hard for kids 2 play)
>how many blah blah blah blah
fuck off and just ban the rcad
>your "original" idea is bad
All original ideas are bad, anon. If the idea was good it wouldn't be original. Millions play this game. There's no hiding ebin hogaak deck better than the standard top one. You're just making a shittier deck to be special. His gaak deck is almost objectively superior to yours.
Neither will Bolas lol
MOM AND DAD STOP FIGHTING. You are making me and macaroni sad.
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>in my restless dreams, i see that card
>you promised me you'd stop making me pay 1
>but because of my seething, you were never able to
>Americans waking up
>Thread goes to shit
Like clockwork
Anon it's anywhere from like 4 to 9 PM in the US.
dude it's 6pm at the earliest in america rn
The European mind cannot comprehend time zones.
Hawaiian time is like one to two hours behind Pacific. Depending on DST shit.
>American "players" are the ones defending Rhystic Study and Dawn's Truce
typical mutts
Feels like the last week or so has been even worse than usual for nonsense schizobabble.
Oh yeah... Hawaii counts..
Wtf is deck even legal, how is this power level 4?
I'm only here waiting for one of you to post spoilers for Meathook Massacre 2.
>3 mana for one of the strongest and most broken effects i nmtg history
I never even see people run this at my LGS and if they do it gets removed before it draws them more than 3 cards.

>Dawn's Truce
No clue what that is
I've never lost to someone running it. Skill issue.
>imagine paying the 1
shit card in shit deck>>93793146
gives opponent a draw for bad tegeris protection effect when you can just use better cards, gives away draw and probably the match
>letting your opponent use their unfair shit to win
>lucky enough to have never seen it before irl
What are some good creatures that get bigger when you gain life?
Nah it's been fine other than whatever the fuck is going on from 12-3am.
Ageless Entity used to be the frontrunner of a friend's deck back when we played 60 card. That and Wall of Reverence.
That poster claimed

>lead to it being a bunch of random overpowered characters blitzing through a plane that obviously wasn't equipped to handle such powerful characters.

That is not what happened. They didn't blitz through the plane and they had multiple parts deaths. I don't think the five could take Val 1v1.

Also Val won in the end.
>Ageless Entity
>not exclusively using dawns truce to force the thoracle player to draw a card before the etb trigger
Shiggy diggy
I'm convinced this general doesn't actually play the game at all, let alone play with the cards they talk about.
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I'm just here to complain about too much text and appreciate old art.
There's no such thing as an OP card because everything can be answered for 0 mana. If you choose not to remove a card and lose, that's your fault, not the card's.
Why play the game correctly when you can cry about "unfairness" on 4chins?
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I play the game and use the cards I talk about. But I'm mostly here to argue about art with my useless credentials and make fun of people who dont play magic, but pretend to.
It's pretty obvious half the general dosent play, and even less are good enough at the game to have an opinion worth a damn.
>not an argument
I wasn't making an argument I was stating a fact.
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Prove it.
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>my what a big graveyard you have
>make a general statement
>anon takes that as a direct attack
No games
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you stupid fucking retard
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Are there any other cards with really fun effects like this to play with my commander group?
What is a good reasonably priced booster/collector pack with good chances at cards for green/blue? Or just expensive cards in general.
I've never seen this as anything but "6B: two target players are now on a team against you"
Pair the Ad Naus fans together.
Lending your commander to the other people because we are generous
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Buy a premium foil shards of alara booster pack, pray for best land.
>do 100 damage to an opponent
insane burn
I think this would be really funny with a maskwood nexus and 0 actual eldrazi

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