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Work in Progress, "Horsin' Around" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

>Previous Threads:
Could disinfectant be used to strip primer?
>Could disinfectant be used to strip primer?
back in they day long long ago people used all kinds of goofy things to strip their models and hand sanitizer was the one that actually worked
mind you this is only for metal models, sadly it wont strip primer from plastic
Shame guess I will look for other methods wich dont stink up the entire room.
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Reposting for feedback and tips
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Simple Green or similar in a closed container.
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Where do i go from here - into washes for more depth or try stubble?
Use a fine grain flexible sanding file. Primer is a bitch to remove. Or just prime over the previous prime, if the first layer didn't leave some shitty texture.
Pick up a pot of blood for the blood god, anon. It's a technical paint that has a slight shine to it, and it's pretty good for depicting blood and gore.
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Worked on my Kasrkin Sarge today. First time painting a guy without subassemblies (barring the base) and I gotta say, never doing that again.
Also tried freehanding a chaos star on the cape. It's rough, but I kinda dig the ghetto DIY heresy vibe.
Still needs some cleanup but I'm all out of juice for today.
is there any wet palette paper that doesn't wrinkle like hell when wet?
It has enough shading. Maybe stronger highlights, but it's fine as is. Stubble is optional ofc, as are eyebrows.
parchment paper
lex luthor looking ass
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haha - my friend said he was approaching Horus but now im gonan name the captain Luther. ty anon .

also full pic now hes been glued - i know the sword is dog , currently trying to think of what i want to do with it
finished the standard!
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damn it
sick af
the blue lenses are super well done, I tried doing blue gems like that for my eldar once but didn't quite get the depth you got there.
corax white base and tallasar blue contrast - i use a wet palate so i cant recall if i watered it down or not
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I'm trying to figure the best eyestalk to eyebeam ratio.
this is fucking incredible - well done
I love 10 mil, way more efficient use of space, looks good
Would. I love blindfolds
Good technique
Wtf? Scary
Love it, eye wicked
So nice
Looks good to me
>>93810157 >>93810171 >>93811514
Looking rad
Pretty horses
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The purple blue, and green were cool. I'd skip the fire dildo.
Rubbing alcohol, isopropyl alcohol same thing will eventually strip a model but it takes a while as will windex since it contains small amounts of acetone, hand sanitizer contains alcohol but not in high quantities and it contains gel so might not be best but will work, it would take a day or more and would dry fast so you'dwant to apply andput in small jar, if you don't have miniature paint stripper try acetone free nail polish remover from grocery or drug store as best second solution, toothpick for getting into corners, follow this process,first video in the list http://embscomputerart.com/miniature-painting-instructional-videos/
I found a disinfectant that's 60% ethanol, 35% IPA and 5% benzyl alcohol. Strips primer just fine.
Love the horn
All will wrinkle, must smooth down with credit card or something, but it use tracing paper, works better than parchment paper, and it's cheap, remember wet both sides and wipe off with card to smooth
Color is nice
>>93812253 >>93812269
Haha nice saying, love it or leave it boyz
I’m not a skin expert but I don’t think there’s much you can do. Like the other guy said, highlights would go now, but his skin tone is already too light. I think I read that you’re supposed to always go darker than the purposed skin tone and then use the highlights to make it look lighter.
Idk this skin shit is too complex for me.
I laffed
Apoxie sculpt or milliput, /wip/'s thoughts?
prefer apoxie for like larger less detailed sculpting personally, i like the more tacky/slick stuff for small stuff
Do you mean pure GS, or milliput as opposed to apoxie?
i actually havent used gs or milliput in particular before but yeah i like any 2 part epoxy putty that hardens a little faster/more quickly takes to like poking and prodding and contouring more than apoxie and how it starts off more like clay, though that does make it good for like the base of a multilayered thing
How does metallic medium work ive never used the stuff before but my lgs gave me a free bottle of the stuff so now im curious
I think you should choose at most two. Otherwise it looks sick as fuck.
i think one fire one ice/lightning whatever is fun enough
I have one from a set but I still have to try it because usually if I need a colored metallic I just glaze/ink/contrast over another metallic.
im pretty new to painting so ive not messed with anything other metallic paint
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If you live in the US this shit works gangbusters on metal, styrene, vinyl, and resin. I haven't tested it on siocast yet. It's a mix of lye water and extremely potent detergent. Usually lifts a couple coats of paint after a few minutes, primer takes another dip or two. Apply it straight, then scrub with a toothbrush, no rinsing until you're done with the pass and then let it dry before you put it back into the soup.

Works fast when it works. Several paints seem ti just flat-out ignore it, especially old Citadel Dark Angels Green and Chaos Black primers. Can damage phenol resins, polyester (AKA almost all clear resin), and some urethanes.

Will absolutely destroy anything that isn't metal or rubber in minutes. Fastest way to strip Hot Wheels. It also doesn't dissolve some vinyls immediately, slow and careful scrubbing with small amounts of acetone is the only way I've found to consistently get paint off of some of those old rubbery pre-paints from the 3e D&D skirmish game. Particularly potent pigments can "burn in" on the surface on metal, like pthalo green, but it doesn't affect the finish and you can prime back over it. You can get acetone in a spray can from most auto parts stores as a paint remover.

>Non-acetone nail polish remover
I've had very mixed results with this, and it's damaged some of my plastic models. Never tried getting it anywhere near resin or siocast, but if you want to try be my guest. Still works extremely fast, you basically just wipe it on with a q-tip and the paint comes off. It also takes off enamel paints.

They changed the formula and got rid of most of the turpentine and pine tar. It no longer strips very well, and what it doesn't strip tends to burn into the model. Especially on plastic. Smells fucking awful.

>Simple Green
Also changed formulas about 10 years ago. Works very poorly, on part with dettol or cheap mouthwash. At least it smells better than Pine-sol.
The ethanol based stuff, yeah it can but will have varying results based on how concentrated it is. Better off just getting regular metho to use instead and is usually sold in the same places you would get that disinfectant.
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A bit more work tonight, not a lot. Got my demi-sections Sergeant done, and the foundation for the base for everyone else done. Staff Sergeant, mle 1897 75mm, a truck, and some guys who will be senegalese tirailleurs. I always start with the basing, as I like to work from the bottom up when painting a mini.
what does the frunt ov flag look like?
So cute
Smooth as fuck, what's the armor for the dude, if the anon is in this thread?
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thank you
its retributor armour with reikland fleshshade and runefang steel
How much should I water down the paint on varnish before applying, and should I do one or two thin coats?
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Watering down varnish makes it weaker when it dries, it kind of misses the whole point. Treat it like a gel medium and put it on unthinned, well-shaken, and let it dry very well before you decide if you need a second coat.
>shake well
>weaker when diluted
Well fuck, that explains it. Didn't shake the bottle that had been in storage for years. It was years since I painted anything, was OK with my painting results before the varnish went wrong. First coat goes on diluted, dries three hours, small chunk comes off. Well obviously it's not enough, so second coat goes on. Goes from unnoticeable matte finish to obvious lacquer satin coat.

fuck my life
Lovely flag, anon
> Accidentally sanded off details I thought were defects
Well, shit.
That's just free battle damage.
dat lil guy
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those stripes look really nice, good job
looking spectacular, do you have a group shot?
>want to paint my minis
>dont want to completely destroy any resale value, should i ever decide to stop giving a shit about warhammer or need like 50€ to get by another month, both of which seems likely as of late
Any tips or advice?
Can't I just paint them and, should the need arise, strip them clean with alcohol, reprime them and tehy are as good as new or does it not work like this?
If you're at that point you'd probably be better off selling anything you're not going to paint immediately anon, expecially if you're also losing interest in the game side. Painting models for profit is not a worthy time investment, value usually goes down unless you have a catchy style or something, but we go back at it not being worth your time. It's even less worth it if you then want to use even more time stripping everything. Current models lose value, your only chance is keeping sealed boxes of now OOP stuff in your backlog to sell later, otherwise you're going to lose some money for everything you sell.
40k is not an investment anon. You want your minis to retain their original value? Leave them NOS in a wrapped box. And even then if you try to resell at store prices... people would just look elsewhere for a better second hand deal.

>OOP stuff
Not even a thing anymore. All my oop fw IG stuff is more or less worthless to anyone but me. Half of it doesn't even have rules anymore.
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Painting up my BGV. Feeling ok with my red now. Blocking in gold areas. But realised probably should paint the tabards first.

Going to try and gloss varnish before lining them for once. Joined a escalation league, happy with my 1k list. These guys will drop in a 2k.

I can finally paint at a relaxing pace
>Half of it doesn't even have rules anymore
That is not necessarily a problem when people are willing to buy 100 bucks for some metal OOP that hasn't had rules for a decade, it's mostly up to what you have. Nostalgia bucks usually flow for stuff like old metal models. Do check ebay before selling anything, seeing your situation I'd say it's worth to look into it so you don't make bad deals, you need all the money you can get.
>Half of it doesn't even have rules anymore.
the people buying oop stuff does not do it for the gaming part, or at the very least doesnt care about latests rulesets
I honestly don't care anons, I'm not the guy freaked out about keeping the value of my toy soldiers and reselling then. I lost interest in 40k a long time ago and sold my collection off except for my OOP, because no one wanted to buy them. "They have no rules" was the boiler plate response I got from all the flgs that resold minis that I approached, and they sat on eBay for months before I gave up and put them in storage. If you've had better luck, great. I've moved onto other things.
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Taking a break from my templars to start (badly) painting the leviathan nids.

Trying to decide a style for their eyes, I tried yellow with black pupil, pinpoint white pupil over black or just black eye

Which one is the most ominous looking?
How do you paint this 80 times for an army without going insane?
I like 2, 1 looks too detailed for the rest of the paint job and 3 makes me think undead.
Yellow looks more malicious, white pupil has a deep sea monster vibe and right looks quick and easy in a good way, still looks good. If I had to pick the most "ominous" I'd say mid. These are troops anon, you're going to have to paint a lot of them, so choose the one you like painting the most. They can all work.
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>tfw only into the painting side of the hobby, maybe with some surface level fluff sprinkled in
feels good to not give a fuck about retarded rules or some female custodes retcon
Well I'm batch speedpainting them at the cost of quality, which is how I managed to paint 8 of them in less the time that it takes me to do a single decently painted marine.
yeah, I'm not spending a year over a gaunts swarm

I'm thinking 2 as well, first one is probably not worth the effort either. Thanks lads
He looks great. The horn is amazing. I'm really looking forward to seeing your full team.

If i would change something, its the colour red for Lenses, Plasma and Cable of the Chainsword. I think it would look better if those 3 things would not have the same colour (especially if the armor is dark red also)
Think I can make a white version of the Tamiya Panel Liner by mixing ProAcryl Titanium White with Tamiya PaintThinner? Is that how it works?
Tamiya Panel Liner is enamel anon...
I think the tamiya paint liner is a derivate of an enamel-based paint. Being solvent-based, it wouldn’t react well with a water-based acrylic.
But try testing them in isolation if you have the means, maybe aim wrong about the formulation. A good alternative would be to just use oils for panel lining.
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right. maybe I'll just look for some oil paint. thanks
And you haven’t even seen the ghamak termagants yet. They look cooler but they are sooo bad to paint. So many unreachable nooks and crannies.
Also, don’t bother to add in a black wash like that anon. Just base coat and add a magenta wash. The recesses look good and the staining is just part of their natural coloration. No need to cleanup.
Yeah, oils are the play. Also consider using something other than white. A very bright yellow or blue, perhaps. Using a very harsh white can throw off your highlights if you have them.
This is a DIY heavy hobby so if you're gonna set NOS you are going for a niche customer base when 95% just buy the cheapest used and badly painted models with intact models they can find.
Canonically the eyes of Tyranids are a deep empty black that becomes illuminated with a bright glow once controlled by the Hive Mind (except for synapse Tyranids, like Hive Tyrants, who will always have glowing intelligent eyes). This is generally why they're usually painted with pure bright colored eyes. They do still have pupils, but they're small and faint.
The first one looks too 'normal' oddly enough, and the last one looks like it has no eyes at all. The middle one perfectly captures the look of the default Nid; in fact in artwork showcasing them with their normal eyes (I can't find it online but the 3rd Ed book has a good picture of Warrior and Gaunt for this) the middle one is exactly how they look! Beady and lifeless, with only their pupils reflecting light to let you know they're there. I personally prefer the illuminated hive mind look as I'm a huge fan of that part of the Tyranids, but if you want to do their eyes any other way, it ought to be this. Well done.
Ironically, while I was painting him my Hive Tyrant actually did somehow wind up with pupils and like a few other parts of the guy I'm still not really sure how I pulled that off. They look totally killer though so I'm more than happy that he has them.
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Thank you! Yeah, I'll have to fiddle with the colors. Maybe make the plasma more purplish or something. Definitely keeping the red visors because I already did 4 and squeezing a brush in there is a pain in the ass.
>full team
I'm also working on those 2 shmucks, but honestly I'm struggling with including the chaos without compromising their elite soldier vibe too much. Character design is hard.
2 is fantastic. perfectly alien and ominous
Thanks man, I didn't know that piece of lore, always nice to learn these things!
And yeah, I'll definitely go with 2.
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Calling him done - wanted him done before work over next week. plan is to go back during next week and add in some seal text and some highlights on his inner cape
What does wip use for green basing flock?
Cheap and in bulk
Go outside, touch grass.
Unravel twine, cut it very thin, mix with green dollar store paint and let it dry, done.
Bros i fucked up. Never painted a dread before and i just now notice that i have no idea how to actually highlight big panels lmao. (I don't own an airbrush). Any pointers?
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Primed and basecoated. I’m still new to airbrushing so I missed a couple spots. Should be fine and fixable on the cleanup, right?
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You wont get a super smooth gradient like you would with an airbrush, but you can modulate with rattlecans and/or stippling with a brush or sponge if you like the rougher finish it gives you
wich dread version is this?
Its the Ballistus that came with leviathan
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Done. Will be teh center of a cult in OG Necromunda.
Looks good, anon. You did an especially fantastic job on his head.
Which one is the right one?
Whichever one you like the look of the most, obviously
Tried to apply decals after 2 coats of Vallejo gloss varnish which dried for 24 hours, but the water makes the varnish peel up. What am I doing wrong?
Looking for answers anywhere cause i think it might be a scam now, but anyone know if Alpharius is still selling resin? Havent ordered from him in a while and I paid over a month ago with nothing so show, though he did email back after order was placed.
Zenithal is best for larger scale models and diorama pieces.
Panel/Modulation will make a smaller model look less flat and thus will seem more detailed, even if the color you're painting should be a matte flat color.
that paintjob and the photo without the legs almost makes it look good
I don’t want to agree with the schizo, but…
white eyes is the way
there's your problem
Should I switch to Tamiya?
Aren’t all hobby varnishes made out of polyurethane?
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you should switch to acrylic varnish
polyurethane is oil-based acrylic is water-based
I goofed and posted the wrong type - I'm actually using the Premium Color acrylic gloss varnish. That's the one that peeled when a bit of water got on it
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2 done with base colours, I still don't know what I wanna do with the domes, I want something more than just silver, but then again I really like the look.
first thing tomorrow morning i will go get my paints from the post office so i can finally start painting something completely new so i dont have to paint all these multiple armies i ihave laying around already
many such cases
lol thanks fren
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you could do some scratches with a darker silver color
you should switch to a pure acrylic one, acrylic-polyurethanes have a high degree of failure
I'll do that, thanks anon
How did you do his skin?
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>What does wip use for green basing flock?
>Cheap and in bulk
Woodland Scenics sells bags of the stuff. I've been using the same bag of flock since Third Edition.
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go to yout nearest woodworking shop and ask for a bag of free sawdust
sieve it
get the cheapest (green) paints you can find

pic related is a mix I made ~12 years ago and still use today, you can make it the color you want

still have 1 more to paint and finish the bases
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gonna have to do some cleanup tomorrow but I pretty much basecoated the stilts boy today
Look at his little (big!) legs!
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The squads coming along. The pearl armor is more impressive IRL, but you can see it a little bit in pictures.

I think the weathering is what really makes little tanks look good. That or a really quality camo with vibrant paints that stand out from each other.
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Mle 1897 painted. I might add some chipping on it's gun shield. I'm really happy with these pendaken minis.
Skipped leg day everyday
Nice camo
Looks great
Love the old school vibe
Yeah just hand brush it to fix no problem
Don't cut me bro. I have a family
Landmine all mine!
Just brush your damp brush across a bar of ivory soap before you paint acrylic, now your paint acts like panel liner, pro artists know this old school trick, surface tension decreased
Super smooth, very good fren
That one guy all alone on his base, he doesn't need a weapon or a emplacement to hide behind, just a moustache and his middle finger are enough to repel counter battery fire.
to me it looks like he's giving a thumbs up
>Last night was great, I built models and watched weird old TV and it was very relaxing
>What's on the hobby docket tonight?
>Well, there's something you're supposed to do after you build and prime a model
>What was it again?
Oh no.
Lol he's actually unrelated to the field gun. He's the Staff Sergeant, the 2iC for the French Foreign Legion Infantry Section I've made. I painted him in tandem with the gun, so he's just watching the show.
Probably around the halfway point in the Carny’s body; the carapace will be finished first and then I will go back over and clean up anything that happened to get on the skin since I don’t want to do it twice. Been struggling to focus on it but the more I work the easier it’ll be. The head will definitely be tricky, and it makes me glad I decided to not glue in the heads of the other two: with this guy he was like that for years so I didn’t really have a choice, and it’s probably what I will need to do last.
Once they’re painted and done it will all be worth it.
Lovely little Hetzers. Anon.
RIP Anon. Nice knowing you.
The bottom one. Nothing looks worst to the human eye than uncanny osl. That’s why NMM is so hard.
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dis me when I finish painting and have to b*ild another model
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Still gotta sand down the milliput but I'm calling the Leman Stug done. Don't know if I want to add the filtration system to the back grill like how I have it on my other tanks, since it'll mess with the flow of the armor's slope in the back. Might just find some mesh wire and glue it underneath the grill and give it more of a texture.

>captcha: ST2GS
>Leman Stug
Hey, there's precedent for it.
we should team up. I'll build a bunch of fucked up kitbashes that you can't use in any ruleset and you can figure out how to paint them
is he giving a thumbs up or a middle finger though?
Any good guides on getting started with air brushing? I am tired of having to varnish my miniatures by hand brush
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Skin hard.
Also face hard but ignore that because I haven't worked on it yet. I'm jumping around, don't worry I'm gonna go back and try to fix the hair again. I do like how the stockings look more or less though.
I can't decide if I like the idea of the driver laying on top of the lascannon and peering out through that slit or just being totally blind and having to rely on the TC more
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My friend introduced me to turbo dork paints. They're pretty rad.
It’s Friday! Can’t wait to get out of work and put some serious time in at the paint desk. I’ve cut back on the drinking, got a new wet pallet and some brushes. I don’t have dnd for a couple months due to scheduale so I don’t have to paint this shitty fucking player model and can do something that actually interest me!

What should I work on bros? I got a Marid fish genie looking thing I bought while camping for skaven clan rats I can start to build and make bases for?
nice color selections
would. I love feather sex.
Great figure. Dark theme.
Glad about the drinking fren. Congrats! I want to see the fish genie thing with some color on it :) He'll be your reminder to wet your lips with water and not alkie.
Bros I love enamel washes so damn much. Is it worth it to go a step further and give oils a try?
Oils are fun. I’ve only ever done them once though, on muh Johnny because I wanted him to look dirty and going insane after being the sole survivor of a crash landing in a remote area.
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I bought some of those on a whim at a convention back in 2020.
Only ever ended up using Mother Pearl but i am quite happy with how the effect turnned out
Yeah I’m leaning to the fish. Can only find a handful of pics online and they are all box art color schemes. Need to look up some ugly fish or gungans from star wars to get some ideas.

Anyone know an easy way to make some bricks for a mordheim looking base for my skaven? I’m considering cutting up my thickest plastic card but that might look too fine, idk
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>I’ve cut back on the drinking
Don't highlight with white in most cases. It desaturates.
Yeah. Unlike premixed enamels, mixing your own oils allows you to control their properties as you wish. I find oils more delicate on acrylic than enamels as well, plus while their long drying time can be detrimental if you're trying to work fast, the fact that you can keep getting back on them working, removing and adding on an extended period of time can be quite useful. Enamels either build up or ruin the paintjob, cause of their aggressive components and relatively short drying time.

I use enamels for parts I want to get done quickly and don't need lot of nuances, oils when I want to control the shading and coverage better. And I still use acrylic washes a lot as well; it's really about choosing the technique that fits better your current need imo.
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Working on my freehand banner skills, please provide feedback. Theme was something along the lines of "hope" of restoring Sylvania to its former glory. Skeleton super WIP so ignore him.
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embarrassing sideways photo correction -_-
>I’ve cut back on the drinking
Good on you anon! I quit smoking recently myself. Several minis have unfortunately paid the price for my "itch". Keep up the good fight!
You've got a similar purple to what I want, is it anything special?
negative, just game color purple with a GW purple wash I can't recall. Light pass over wraithbone primer, wash, highlight etc.
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One more model to go and the unit is done. Then onto the cultists
it looks nice. great job with the sunset sky
>chaos ringwraiths
This is the best face ive ever done and my best model to date. ty anon
Duncan rhodes face tutorial. the intermediate but not the pro recipe. Bugmans, reikland flesh shade, then glase on cadian flesh tone and then a final glaze on of kislev. The eye was black base then two dots of white. Eye felt like doing brain surgery and i had to hold my breath but honestly worth it
really like this
Looks rad. I bought a few I'm trying out. Using them for some funky beetle shell nids.
Looks good. Very dramatic. He's proud of his house as a new home owner.
Based purple.
Should I glaze the skin with a more saturated color to bring it back up? If so what color? She's supposed to be pale, but I'd agree she's a little desaturated.
Has anyone here gotten into 3d printing? Is it worth all set up and learning curve or should I just keep buying custom models from etsy?
Pale skin is orangish red with white and slight yellow overtones, so you can glaze with a yellow ochre to create a warmer light or with a pink made from red-orange for something a bit cooler or with a magenta for something very cool indeed.
there is 3d printing general for this discussion
but imho hardest part is deciding if you want to use water washable or regular resin, its that easy
It's very toxic, way more than ANYBODY is willing to admit. You need a dedicated space detached from the rest of your house and a special ventilation system and that is dark most of the time since the resin is light activated. You also need special chemical goggles to protect your eyes and nitrile gloves which you have to change often and a really really good mask for the fumes. Also toothbrushes and lots of isopropyl alcohol for cleaning the model before final curing. You can't get any of the resin on your skin because it's plastic that hardens your skin as it embeds into it and because it sensitizes your skin to light causing burns and if you get it in your eyes you'll probably blind yourself almost instantly. I have a major reaction to the fumes of the resin. Most people do and if they don't they ALWAYS develop one in time. It contains polystyrene and epoxy. It absolutely REEKS and gets into your nostrils, clothes, and into the walls and ceiling of the room. It made my tongue swell and my nose bleed. I tried 3 different kinds all of which claimed to be low odor and they were ALL horrendous. I use a special resin that's difficult to work with now, but which is non-epoxy so it's much much better, but it's still a pain in the ass and the same precautions have to be taken, but the fumes don't make my tongue swell or anything that extreme, but I still don't use the printer in the house (I have a separate detached shed I use) and I don't stay in there long and keep the windows and door open and only print at night so no sunlight gets in while I'm removing the model from the printer and cleaning things. So basically resin printing is not worth it. Now FDM printing is a lot easier and a lot less toxic. It uses a filament roll and melts it. It's a lot stronger too, but the details just aren't there for doing miniatures. It's okay for scenery or tanks and such, but for figures it's not up to snuff. I have both kinds for different...
...things. Like for minis I use the resin printer. For making replacement knobs for my dresser or whatever I use the FDM printer. In either case it helps if you know how to 3d model in Blender or whatever or you'll only be able to use the models you buy or download. On the plus side there are a TON of free models. But if there's something wrong with the model it helps a lot to be able to fix it yourself in the software. The printers are to be used with their own software too which allow you to build the supports you need to print models that have overhangs (basically anything that isn't a simple cube or cylinder derived shape). So you have to have a PC or MAC to be able to use a 3d printer effectively. A lot of people only have phones now so you have to take that into consideration also.
>water washable
Never use water washable. It's crumbly shit and poisons the wash water. You also can not just dispose of it in the trash or pour it down the drain like the pictures show.
Attention >>93828920. Be aware that
is a well known fearmonger from the /3dpg/ thread. He's either anti-printer or a Redshirt is the current guess. Resin printing is not some new, magical thing. Resin has been used for decades for manufacturing, you just need to use common sense when working with it, like you would anything else.
Be aware of... I'm the only one who will NEVER be intimidated into silence about the risks and health problems of resin printing. If you don't like it asshole invent a non-toxic resin. Until then you won't be able to shut me up. I've experienced the detrimental effects myself and I know for a fact I'm not the only one. Until China stops poisoning us I'll keep warning people.
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I think this is a little better. some super thin orange and magenta layers. I'm a little paranoid about pushing it too far (idk why I feel the need to preserve the bad gradients on the chest). other one included for reference.
The contrast between the thighs and stockings is definitely better now though.
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I'm most proud of the toes
yes that looks much better. A lot more subtle.
Beautiful toes. Don't give me a foot fetish.
That reminds me I really want to get some Pathfinders and do them up with like camo and ghillie gear.
Nice clean paint job though.
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I finished up the hypnotoad and the bloody shroud! I also touched up a succubus from a while ago.
C&C always welcome
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>Wet both sides
(Got the redgrass palette and paper, dunno if it's universal so i'll try)
>you just need to use common sense
NTA but you can fuck right off. You sound like every Boomer supervisor who tells his subordinates to ignore OSHA because he's got a quarterly bonus to collect and doesn't care if accidents happen because he's not personally at risk.

>resin printing is not worth it
>FDM is better
3D printing Resins are worse than a lot of other industry resins, but lots of industries and at home DIYers work with Resins. You do need a dedicated area with a proper consideration to ventilation, temperature control, cleanup, etc, but it's smooth sailing if you have a garage or a shed or something and use the safety equipment with a brain and not like some Boomer. Real people handle nuclear waste with safety gear, you can too.

The actual detail I consider Resin printing less worthwhile than FDM is the calibration. In my experience, FDM will generally stay calibrated, while the Resin printer can spend as much time being calibrated as actually printing. They've been a huge timesink, but I suspect someone with a higher end resin printer will jump in to tell me their 1,000$+ model has no calibration issues.
love this lil dude
eye is looking great
where's the mini from?
Pretty sure I got it from diehard miniatures (good skeles and snekmen and wizards too). That's a coke bottle lid he's sitting on for size ref
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Its not strictly WIP anymore because I just finished it, but I turned this badly mangled chimera (hence the tarp) I acquired into a bit of necromunda terrain
Longest keyboard in the world/10
Looks awesome, anon. The tarp does a lot in selling it being out of use for a long time. What did you use to make it? Looks like hemp.
looks really nice and how did you make that tarp
im guessing pva glue and some tissue paper
>help me I'm being intimidated inot silence the scary boomers and the chinese are out to get me and will LITERALLY KILL ME with their lethal photoresin handling abloo bloo bloo
>you MUST wear a mask and gloves and a hazmat suit in your own home like you're dealing with nuclear waste or else you endager us all OVER THE NOSE IT GOES CHINESE BOOMER ACK
Do us a favour and die already you massive pussyhole retard
oh look one of the schizos is back
Ok, this is fucking incredible. Shame availability is pretty piss poor in the UK, I'm doing rime of the frostmaiden and skyrat or wavelength would look incredible on the chardalyn dragon
Ty lads, went with babywipes because I imagined they'd be more durable, but more or less yeah.
>The tarp does a lot in selling it being out of use for a long time
Had to be done because the previous owner cut a huge chunk out of the front and badly glued a defiler torso in there, it was so fucked up with plastic glue Id have struggled even to make an ork vehicle out of it
New to the hobby.
I'm compiling a list of safety gear I'll need before I even clip my first sprue. If I'm missing anything obvious please let me know.
>chainmail cut gloves
>UV protective safety goggles
>M15 gas mask + CBRN filters
>Level A hazmat suit
>Chem resistant shoulder length rubber and PVC gloves.
>Atomikair purifier Pic related
trying too hard
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Good man. Been sober 18 years. Gets easier every year except when it isn't.
Enjoy your fishman, I'm doing a liche right now. I'm using a classic dark purple, scarlet, and gold fringe theme because I caught it in an old beat-em-up. Also gonna try to sneak glowing jeweled eyes onto him. Pics later once the kid is asleep.

I fell in love with their dark rose to royal purple shift.

Wear a fucking Organic Vapor mask and gloves, ventilate your room, or you're gonna have a bad time down the road. It's not hard. The risks and controls are well-known. The MSDS is literally right there, don't fuck with your lungs.
>but it's used in industry
Yeah, and people use appropriate ventilation, masks, and gloves when they're handling liquid and keep the dust the hell out of their lungs. Two different terrain youtubers and plenty of special FX guys have run into it, and it sucks really really badly to now be allergic to a major chunk of your hobby.
shaming tactics don't work here, this is 4chan. we are immune to propaganda
We're also shameless.
>you pussy retard
No seriously there's a shitload of Boomers who sound exactly like this, then bitch they can't keep a trainee and that "nobody wants to work in the Trades". I once interned with a 65 year old who refused to retire and insisted you don't need a mask when grinding carbon fiber but took it like you'd insulted their mother when somebody insisted on wearing one.
That goes without saying. But thanks for saying it. ;)
I haven't been keeping up with Hasbro. Are they Autobots or Decepticons?
This reminds me of one electrician who worked for me who refused to turn off the circuit breaker because he trusted that the RCD would stop him from being shocked. When I asked him about it he just said “nah, it’s fine” and slapped his finger on an open circuit and tripped the breaker.
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cereal bases
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How can I improve these lenses? I'm happy with the blue ones but I'm not sure if I've gone too heavy with the reflections on the rest
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I wonder how long I can spend on this before I have to look at my 40 basecoated goblins
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try incorporating a bit of black underneath the white dots
sorta like this
meant for >>93830874
Nice swirls in the eyes
i have no idea what this is but it sure is neat
Its faction terrain for the Goblins in AoS. Rules wise its projects moonshine, which buffs the gobbos and you can replace destroyed units once with it.
i think 8th edition starter came with something like that too
it was night goblins vs dwarves and gobbos had a totem like that only much smaller
Thanks, I'll give that a go
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>first time painting a vehicle
>figured I'd go for this mf cause he's smaller than most
>it's been a fucking struggle and a half so far
>dry brushing going either streaky or dusty every other minute
>first time using an XL dome brush, and had a hard time controlling the how saturated it was (fuggin square cube law and shit man)
>did a shid job of defining the volumes (damn it's a jump and a half from a pauldron to this mfs carapace)
On one hand, I kinda wanna scream and yeet the mf out the window, but on the other I feel like he's kinda cool.

Anyone got thoughts on what to do with his mandibles? I'm tempted to go for some sort of purple-red scheme to contrast the greens more, but I also don't really want them to attract that much attention.
I knew a boomer that worked with fiberglass, he wore a mask but still ended up getting cancer. A lot of the time he sanded with an old mask and should have replaced it each time but he wanted to save money.
We're putting together a team.
Do (You) have what it takes?
if by 'what it takes' you mean a physical mutation, then only if you count degenerative heart defects.
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you just fucking know their noses look like this lmfao
Very nice anon. Excellent job on the sunset sky, grassy plains and the cliff face. Adding warm hues to the stone was a great idea. It does make the castle come across as very bland tho. I assume the castle is still a WiP?
Hobby magazines online bros, have at it https://archive.org/details/mischobbymagazines?page=4
Freaking cool freaks, good job
Should have given the crypt horrors orc heads.
Paint them that pink color then sponge on the green from the rest. It'll look like they painted them and it's chipping away to reveal the tendrils.
I can bent the tip of my thumb backwards to a 90 degree angle, does that count?
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I absolutely forgot to post WIP updates on my current mini. I'm trying out painting bone because I don't think I ever did it.
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Working on my space wolf dudes. I gave a couple of them squirrel friends and one an otter friend.
>114° today
soon...soon I can paint. trying to paint in this heat fucking sucks. wet palette dries out quick, paint dries faster on the brush, can dry weird on the model, etc.
I bought a window AC for 150$ like 6 years ago and it's still chugging along. "Standing"/"Portable" AC units aren't as efficient or effective as a proper split unit or window unit. Made a frame out of 2x4's, thick insulation panel, and primer spray that matched the outside trim, in an afternoon because my window opens to the side. Works great. Keeps my room so cold in the summer I take off fleece pajamas to exit.

Figure if you get 1 or 2 heatwaves a year it pays for itself in 4-5 years.
>cereal bases
tell me more
is that resin anon delusional? I don't smell like resin! Resin doesn't even smell bad
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I have just the men you need
Yeah, but i'm smell blind
Nah, after a while you just don't smell resin any more, it's your body adapting to strong toxic smells.
>Has anyone here gotten into 3d printing? Is it worth all set up and learning curve or should I just keep buying custom models from etsy?
Yes, I have both kinds of printer. It is a question of whether you are going to use it frequently enough to justify the investment. It is nice having the freedom to be able to print models/bits/bases etc if I need/want them, but I generally don't recommend people get into it unless they believe they will get serious use out of the thing.
has anyone here used the static grass applicators you can find on aliexpress? They seem to be much cheaper than the alternatives
I assume they're the same as any other. it's pretty straight forward tech.
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First base of senegalese tirailleurs done. 6 more to do. Easy.
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Really goofy idea of taking some 3D printable trenches, that are sci-fi ones, taking some balsa wood sticks, cutting them up and making more "proper" trench with help of some plaster and sand mix to make texture "paste" of sorts.

Kinda fond even if it quite rough it works for terrain
What’s the craft store that sells mini stuff now like reaper minis? Was is Joanne’s or Michael’s?
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get a beefy 'ion generator' from aliexpress and make your own, the cheap ones are probably complete shit
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I think I've gotten the hair off to a much better start now.
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Moron question incoming:
How does dried UHU glue look? In large quantities?
I dont have any clear epoxy resin so I thought maybe I could use it for like, "water" effects. Or rather, I wanna fill a clear piece of hemispherical plastic and make a "pustule" of sorts. It'd be fine if its cloudy (in fact, I'd prefer if it was opaque) as long as its at least somewhat transparent and can have the general shape of what I put inside visible
From memory it will look like a cloudy glob. Also depends on how much it melts/deforms before drying. I think what you are trying to do could work, but it is definitely a less than optimal way to do it. You could probably also consider a PVA glue solution too.
Should look better with paint over it.
They just look like dirty walls tho, alleys even, and don't look like trenches at all.
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Pretty alright I‘d say, considering GSC can be a nightmare with the official schemes.
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those look great and probably even better on the table
Those look nice. If that's your "pretty alright", what's your "really good"?
these look great man i like your scheme
pretty new to painting minis. got some old world orcs n gobbos, would a zenithal highlight with white scar n death guard green spray cans look good? or should i get black/gray instead for zenithal?
Cheers, I think they are some of the few minis I painted that look better off camera. I don't know what it is.

To be fair (tbf) I don't do really good.

Thanks, it's stolen.
Thought I fucked up my test models with pic related, but I think they'll actually be fine now that the stuff is drying. Seems to shrink a lot. Immediately after spraying the glossy surface made them look like shapeless blobs.
Can you mix brands of paint on the mini? I bought some AK, PRO Acryl, Vallejo, and citadel.
No, that makes mustard gas
You have to thin the paints with alcohol first so that they're really drunk, then you can use them on the same model. If they're sober, they'll start fighting and trying to peel each other off. Don't use alcohol with Scale 75 paints, though, they're mean drunks.
What's your goal, a nice base skin tone? Standard orcs and goblins are only about 50% green
i don't even know man desu. i just want models that look good
Some of you ever used valhallan blizzard?
Bought a pot and it looks totally different from the video I saw when I open it... do I need to shake it or something?
I had a similar experience. I still don't think I'll use it again, but I almost feel like mine reacted weirdly with the resin I used it on. It was tacky for up to a week even but did eventually cure and wasn't quite as blobby. I'll stick to other paints though since I have the option.

No. Makes nerve gas.
I would still stop using it. When I used it, anything more than a razor thin zenithal of it would become glossy and hydrophobic. It's just bad.
You can mix anything acrylic, almost anything waterbase even. As an experiment I mixed fountain pen ink with acrylic medium, it worked but most dye inks aren't lightfast so I'm not making a habit of it.
It does get frustrating when the paints have different finishes, if you're used to layering matte paints glossy paints might be a little weird, but acrylics stick to each other very well so the toothiness doesn't matter that much.
Guess we’re going with a goldfish vibe. Might glaze it back down a tad bit, already seems bright as fuck and highlighting might look silly.
looks sick, what's this for?
Highlighting might reduce the saturation actually, unless you're highlighting with lemon yellow or something.
won't look as bright when you add the shadows. Do the rest of the outfit first and then see how it looks.
Looking great. Would.
Nice. They are a desert people.
Really cool. Nice wufs.
Bone looks good. Red is popping too.
No. You may not use Citadel™ Paint System© paints with inferior brands. Any attempt to do so will cause the pH level of the paint to rapidly decrease, melting the mini to slag in seconds. Consider this your final warning.
Yeah, I don't think I'll use it again. The gray is good, although I think I may move permanently to brush priming for anything smaller than a tank. No need to wait for the weather.

On that note, does anyone know any good off-white brush-on primer? I've been looking at Scale 75 but can't really find any reviews.
I think this is looking a little better. Gotta call it a night here.

Dnd group is leaving the dessert and heading for the coast, problebly come up as an NPC or something.
>leaving the dessert
Didn't have room after the starter and entree? He's looking good.
Mine is very clumpy and dry feeling but it works fine. Mix it with gloss varnish for something slushier.
Use toothpick to stir. After good stir you can add a drop of propylene glycol to make it more slurry if you want, but probably fine after stir.
Rat boy

I used newsh and dirty down moss and rust, first time trying
Nice. What mini is that?
I brush prime sometimes but I don't like how it's always uneven and transparent. Makes base coating more of a chore.
>does anyone know any good off-white brush-on primer?
You can brush just about any primer. Even lacquer surfacers (although the change of something going wrong with this one is quite high). I do use a brush-only craft paing primer and imagine the scale75 one is a lot better. Just remember to thin it as they are very viscous and rubbery out of the bottle and will ruin all detail.
Ideally you would just move to airbrush priming, though.
Alex Blake vibes.
My go-to for airbrush and brush is vallejo mecha. The standard grey vallejo primers are imo light enough to work as base coats for stuff that's supposed to be white as long as you highlight them up a little.
Works fine as brush or airbrush.
What are some of the mediocre to bad paints to replace in the Citadel range? I currently have a pretty healthy selection of Citadel paints but I want to swap out some of the shittier colors. White and black I know for sure, and I've heard good things about Vallejo's gunmetal as a replacement for Leadbelcher. The store I'm buying from carries Pro Acryl, Vallejo, and Army Painter.
So far I'm looking at picking up Vallejo black and gunmetal, and Pro Acryl Titanium White.
>What are some of the mediocre to bad paints to replace in the Citadel range?
All of them that arent contrast or technicals. Retributor armor is also okay if you're not willing to go into lacquers or pigments.
>The store I'm buying from carries Pro Acryl, Vallejo, and Army Painter.
Kinda rough selection. Pro acryl has a few really good paints but is otherwise weird imo. Like, their medium behaves poorly and never thins very well (and has a ton of paid shills, if you care about that), and most of their paints have a weird white balance which makes them more useful for highlights. Vallejo is worthless and AP is decent but only preferrable if you're getting the set with the triads imo.
So, if that's all you have (with no way of getting AK, atom and scale75) , get the nicer pro acryl paints (whites, pale yellow, ivory, royal purple, bold pyrole red) and go with AP for the rest, ideally from the warpaints fanatics line. Some people really like the vallejo 70.950 (not the 76.518) black specifically but I dont want to deal with the bubbling, separation, alcohol intolerance and spotty pigmentation of that brand to find out. I think Citadel is pretty deficient in pinks as well.
>So far I'm looking at picking up Vallejo black and gunmetal, and Pro Acryl Titanium White.
If you're gonna go with vallejo metallics just be 100% sure that they have been made recently as the earlier batches of the game color revamp (I think they are from that line?) break apart even easier than the new ones. And the titanium white is really good in terms of coverage but won't mix very well (too strong), so be aware of that.
>Ideally you would just move to airbrush priming
That's the dream, but I just don't have the space right now.
Thanks for the tip. I mostly just want something that can work with speedpaints, so that ought to be fine.
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Second rat boy

Getting the hang of newsh and dirty down
This is probably the most helpful answer I've gotten to this question.
>Vallejo is worthless and AP is decent but only preferrable if you're getting the set with the triads imo
I was always the impression that it was basically the other way around, with AP paints being shit and Vallejo generally being reliable. I know AP got a new range that's supposed to be much better than it was, but I've never heard much of anything bad about Vallejo.
I could get others, just the store I'm looking in carries these. My lgs has a pretty good selection of paints as I recall, but I haven't been there in a few years since I always went there on my way home from my then job.
Little rough up close, but on a table from 3ft away the strong highlights will look good
Looks good. He's a dirty boy, like me. :)
I haven't had great success with maragge blue from citadel. It's a beautiful color and smooth. Too smooth. It's a little difficult to get to stick to the model, so any dark ultramarine blue like that would be good for you to have from another company maybe.
Looks good. I like the dirty. :)
>I was always the impression that it was basically the other way around, with AP paints being shit and Vallejo generally being reliable.
Both changed their formulas relatively recently. Some people get assblasted over the new Vallejo paint's medium, because it can bubble a bit if you're aggressive with it. Conversely, AP released their Fanatic paints, which claims to have way more pigment than the old range, but they also added a bit of white/grey/black to help their coverage, leading to the entire range being very slightly desaturated. Both are fine.
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Started painting a space marine
>I was always the impression that it was basically the other way around
It used to be. Army painter used to be garbage craft-paint tier (which is still usable, mind you, we obviosly exaggerate the differences here as these paints all cost the same so you should strive for the best) but after the new range they are among the best. Conversely, vallejo had a revamp and has kinda gotten worse. Objectively it's still better but some of their colors look worse and the competition has long surpassed them. Same kinda happened to pro acryl.
>but I've never heard much of anything bad about Vallejo.
There's a GW-to-vallejo pipeline that their marketing teams instilled in the community, but the current vallejo paints have some issues compared to its peers. Part of this is also due to inertia as vallejo 10 years ago was indeed the best, so people are used to liking it.
>I could get others, just the store I'm looking in carries these.
Well, I strongly recommend AK as your generic paint brand. They are just very consistent across the board. They are all quite matte, cover well, are highly pigmented, self-level and don't have too much medium weirdness. The gold standard.
Among the other 2 I recommended, I've been trying out atom recently to some very nice results. Their main draw is that they are similar to AK in terms of consistency but are a bit thinner and try to use as little pigments as possible (same gimmick as kimera, better for mixing). Its main downside is that its range is a bit limited in terms of color. Their greys and pinks are outstanding but there isn't a single green I like. Blues (except uniform blue) are also kinda whatever. Lots of them are desaturated shades meant for vehicles, which makes the miniature selection a bit limited. And, like AK, it's just a bunch of random colors bound to a range, it doesn't have any internal organization like Army Painter and two thin coats, for example.
Scale75 is for the weird stuff. Metallic, effects, mediums, contrasts (arguably not as good as citadel).
Scaleforce is their main color range and it is quite old by now. It's from, like, 2016. Lot's of people don't like how it flows but I think it's black is kinda neat. Dunno if I would get it over AK, though. The metals and alchemy range is their metallics and fluorescents range and it's pretty great imo.
Oh, if you want inks, go with either AK or Liquitex. Whichever's cheapest. I can't tell any difference between the two.
Don't buy Scale75, they're basically out of business at this point. Their last batch of paint pots they produced have defective caps that spontaneously break (even if you don't touch them) and they lost their shirt replacing them. On top of that they're in kickstarter hell, needing new kickstarters to fund the fulfillment of old ones.

They were a good company while they lasted but they won't be around in a year or two for sure, and if you buy stuff now there's no guarantee you'll get non defective product and have no way of getting replacements for the defective product if you get it.
It's a succubus from hassle-free miniatures, pretty decent with little clean up
Has anyone else had to wait a long time to get stuff shipped from the UK to the us atm? I've been waiting a hot minute a lot of packages and not sure if Iceland mucked everything up
Well, it's finished and it's painted within the lines. I wouldn't grumble if you put that down on the table. You really need to work on thinning your paints and brushwork, though. Not to be a dick but come on, look at it.
Anons, please give me your recommendations for paints for average caucasian skin tones. The ones I have at the moment result in either a shitty orange spray tan or an anti-Japanese WW2 caricature.
For some reason the paints marketed as Caucasian skin tones tend to be a little too pink or yellow but if you mix a little desaturated green into it for the highlights it'll look much better.
>tfw pale ivory
15mm bolt action?
we already saw this on reddit
Kislev flesh from citadel.
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Really, things are that bad? That's a shame. That's a fair point, then.
Scale 75 is just vallejo. I keep trying to tell people this. My caps broke. You know what I did? I bought new caps. No big deal.
Caucasian flesh can be made with any yellow ochre or raw sienna plus white. If you want a more tan flesh tone it's burnt sienna plus white. If you want a sickly green flesh tone it's raw umber and white or preferably raw umber greenish shade plus white. If you want an mild irish skin tone it's burnt sienna plus white, this produces a medium pink. Use any strong red and white for a very reddish pink skin tone. To create a pure medium skin tone for caucasians use a strong yellow at plus a strong magenta at a 50/50 ratio plus 3 times that total of white. That'll get you the color you see there as rose beige. Using yellow ochre and white alone will get you warm ivory or pale ivory depending on how much of the white you use. Remember all skin tones are variations of the color red-orange, so your starting color should be some kind of pale orange with more or less of the red. As you use more yellow ochre you are moving into the asian tones, as you use more of the brown you are moving into african tones. White people are red, what we call "ruddy," but they are pale so you just need a reddish color of any sort and white. It's just that trends pink and is best for highlights when under cool lighting like a moonlit night, in the sunlight skin gets redder and reflects more of the yellow tones so burnt sienna is a good starting place since that's a reddish orange to which white can be added. Straight raw sienna isn't bad for sun tanned flesh without any white and can be used as a shading color for a bright scene. If the scene is dark you have to start moving your shadows into the more magenta and purplish reds like indian red and turkish red. Source: professional artist here.
looks really good. grime well done, plus verdigris on the bronze. looks good.
No single color can do skin quite right. Even if you forego all highlights you still should do something like ivory over umber, following the colors in that chart.
If you do another one gyarados colors would be sick.
Fuck, that’s a good idea. I got some skinks from an old secret Santa I was thinking of painting aquatic to go with the new setting. Maybe I can add some catfish/dragon whiskers and try the gyarados colors
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>Bone looks good. Red is popping too.
Thanks a lot! I'm honestly really loving this model. God bless for 3D printing.
>Scale 75 is just vallejo
Do you have a source on Vallejo buying Scale75? I can't find any evidence the two companies are related.
Look at the bottle, made in spain. There's only a few companies that actually make paint and vallejo is the spanish one. I've tried explaining this again and again and nobody believes me. Vallejo makes virtual all the paints that come in dropper bottles under different labels. There are some exceptions like Warcolours which are made in Cyprus. But all the others are Vallejos.
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Eyes are in place.
Anon, yes, it's made in Spain but that does not make them the same company. They're registered under different entities and compete with one another in the market. They're two separate companies.
Very nice, anon. Very nice.

Several (hobby) paint brands come from spain. Vallejo is among the first and certainly biggest of them.

There are several possibilities:

Vallejo produces the paint for other brands in their factory, due to size/experience, but its the other companies recepies/mixtures. (Scale75 for example behaves completely different than Vallejo paint, so saying "its the same" would be outright wrong. But maybe it was made by them).

Also, similar to Notthingham, and how Ex-GW employees created other companies its probably reasonable to assume that people working for AK, MIG and all the other spanish paint brands, did also work for Vallejo at some point in the past.
So even if Vallejo is not officially involved in making paints for other companies, their ex-employees are certainly involved in at least some of them.

>dropper bottles
Not made by Vallejo or any of those companies, but bought in bulk from a factory that makes plastic packaging items.
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What do you guys use to magnify your vision? Reading glasses or maybe those magnifying panels on a bendable arm you attach to your desk/table? My eyes aren't what they used to be.
Some generic pair of magnifying glasses that flip up/down and can change the lenses out from 1.5-2.5x. They have a little light on them too but it's not particularly useful.
Are you talking about the type that jewelers and whatnot wear, with the headband and all, or actual glasses?
So it's Vallejo like I said. Got it. Thanks for the confirmation.
Gorgeous eyes. Would
Metal looks so good.
These https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08M5VCF4M/
But these are also useful for checking your work and holding certain things, but they have other things that are better for holding, but if you have the head mounted glasses above you don't need glass below.
I doubt the meme that vallejo makes all the other paints is true. Their head production facility is a tiny warehouse smaller than AK's. I highly doubt either company is verticalized to the point of manufacturing the raw pigments and chemicals necessary to make the paint, so it's highly likely that they outsource the materials from other, larger companies to their specifications and just mix it all together and peform some other smaller manufacturing operations in their facilities.
But yeah, even if it is, it doesnt matter. If anything it makes them look worse because it proves that they know how to make good paints but willingly sell crap.
Nigger if you want to talk about serious paint manufacturing (ie. a company that does the heavy manufacturing in terms of pigments and chemicals) look at BASF Coatings near Madrid. That single plant is larger than all Vallejo, AK, GW, AP and all other hobby brands put together. And there's probably even larger plants from other companies around. All these hobby brands are at the tail end of the supply chain and at that point there's little need to outsource what remains of the manufacturing.
Not the jeweler's type, just something kinda like picrel.
Thanks, I appreciate the info. Have a good night.
Like I said they are Vallejos. WizKids, Vallejo. Scale 75 Vallejo. Noctura Vallejo. etc. Just different labels for the same stuff. Mediums a little different, pigment concentration a little different, etc. but it's ALL vallejo. They want you to think there's more competition in the market than there is. We've gone over this again and again.
>We've gone over this again and again.
And every time you bring this up it makes no sense given the physical space owned by vallejo. Why does this one company who manufactures all paints in spain have a warehouse smaller than some of their competitors? And how do they manage to handle the logistics of shipping from Barcelona to Logrona (AK), Navarra (Ammo), Madrid (scale 75) and to the rest of the world with a single truck bay?
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Forgot pic to Vallejo's headquarters.
Same paint, different labels. It's not rocket science buddy. Did you know almost all of EVERYTHING you buy is made in just a few factories? You know the generic breakfast cereal is made in the same factories as the name brand stuff or that the animal antibiotics you don't need a prescription for are made in the same factories as human antibiotics you need a prescription for? Grow up and learn how the real world works. Paints are made in just a few places across the world. It's cheaper and easier to produce them that way. Slap a different label on them, or use a different cap (which by the way all the caps for ALL the dropper bottle companies are compatible with each other having the exact same pitch and thread size), and make some bottles super small, some super big, etc and you can fool people into thinking this brand is better than that brand or that this is premium paint and that's for kids. Turns out... it's not true. It's just fucking paint. The pigment is the same. The medium varies. That's all. I make paint and can make perfect clones of anything you need. Can you?
>start painting
>Look at clock
Huh okay
Well, I am keeping them painting like this because when you overdo the painting with bright colours on terrain you lose minis on it.
>Did you know almost all of EVERYTHING you buy is made in just a few factories?
No shit, but which factory, dipshit? A huge 10 square mile facility with oleoducts, cooling vats, recycling pools, thousands of employees and hundreds of truck beds or some tiny warehouse on the outskirts of Barcelona? The point is that vallejo is not the main manufacturer of the other companies. It buys shit from other companies and do the finishing touches, same as every other brand.
>which by the way all the caps for ALL the dropper bottle companies are compatible with each other having the exact same pitch and thread size
Because it's the same factory in gookpingpong, Huwan, China that makes them. And the dropper bottles of 500 other brands of completely unrelated products.
>The pigment is the same. The medium varies. That's all.
And vallejo makes neither of those. It's all outsourced from companies worth billions of euros.
Thousands of employees? You really don't know about paint is made do you? It's put into a machine that has a couple of rollers that is smaller than a coffee table and it mills the pigment with some water until it's smooth and then acrylic medium is added and it's poured into a dispenser unit that squirts it into bottles. It's easy as fuck. It takes 3 people max. The pigment is made elsewhere. No actual chemicals are manufactured on site. Also billions of Euros? Please. The entire economy of Spain in GDP is only 1580.70 billion. You have no idea how cheap paint really is before it's marked up do you?
>The pigment is made elsewhere. No actual chemicals are manufactured on site
Which is what I've been saying the entire time. All of these companies buy their shit pre-made.
>It's put into a machine that has a couple of rollers that is smaller than a coffee table and it mills the pigment with some water until it's smooth and then acrylic medium is added and it's poured into a dispenser unit that squirts it into bottles. It's easy as fuck. It takes 3 people max
So, why would the other companies outsource this admitedly simple process to vallejo? And if they did, why would they have their own manufacturing facilities?
>Also billions of Euros? Please. The entire economy of Spain in GDP is only 1580.70 billion
BASF is worth almost 80 billion euros and is very likely the company who makes at the least the pthalocyanine blue of these paints.
This entire convo does not matter
Why? Because farming out labor and machinery is cheaper than doing it yourself and easier. Do you think for example all those artists labels for proacryl are made by those artists? No. The company slaps an artists name of it FOR MARKETING PURPOSES, but it's the same damn paint they would be making either way. You think Vallejo Model Color was any different whatsoever to Game Color? Nope. It was just a different label. You think Nocturna paints are different? Nope. They are EXACT matches for paints that have been around for years under different names. Guess who makes them? This is basic shit man. I'm tired of explaining this to you. Buy expensive paints if you want but you'll end up getting the same stuff with a few additives you should have at your work bench already. A little more polyurethane, propylene glycol, acrylic medium, soaps, gelatins, a little emulsified oil, vegetable oil, gum arabic, honey, all this shit is found in any real artist's cabinet. Want more gloss? Honey. Want a smoother stroke? Vegetable oil. Want to thin your ink or acrylic? Wine, vodka, or any alcohol will all do the trick. Clean your brushes? Soap. Make a wash? Soap or acrylic floor polish. High gloss? Galkyd. It's not hard. But putting into a bottle is a bitch so farm it out.
Keep in mind you are discussing with mentally ill people here from time to time.
I understand, but I can't assume they are crazy just because they disagree with me or want to be argumentative. However I will keep that possibility in mind. Thanks.

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