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"Boycotting MTG until they bring back block constructed" edition

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Can it be unbanned in the current year?

>white card
Without even reading the text I know it deserves it
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I will enjoy playing Agg-AACK
>Can it be unbanned in the current year?
What? Intangible Virtue? Is it even banned? WTF?
>2 mana sorcery
You're already dead lol
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In response, I pump my creatures and you die
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>mfw people are starting to realize that UB opened the doors to allow these hodgepodge of references, memes, and tacked on parasitic one set mechanics sets to exist and it is only going to get worse.
Actual previous thread
>red agro deck holding back mana and not pushing damage on t2

game 2?
If by UB you meant Innistrad, then yeah.
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rumao why would it be banned?
when they have taken so much from you that you don't even remember block constructed
respectfully, you're both tarded
either HH is a 1/1, you are on the draw
then it dies and opp takes 1 damage or HH is a 3/3 already and pyro does nothing
Other way around, it's the success of theme park sets that's made Wizards bolder in using other IPs.
It was actually Portal Three Kingdoms
actually it was arabian nights
That's less references and more directly copying media.
i can't wait for all the aggro decks to eat each other up so i dont have to lose to them anymore
>Wanting to play either RW humans or WB sorin spirits
It can stay banned in block constructed. Also BC was only a thing while the set was in extended.
>all of the full arts are sold out already
>yawgmoth knows the germ theory of disease and artifice
>urza figures out how to clone entire armies
>the thran have a fucking death star
>simic can directly manipulate genomes
>karn builds an entire mechanical plane
>ravnicans have public sanitation in a worldwide metropolis
>kaladeshis build robots and aircraft
>every household on fiora has an android servant
>the invasion was fought by nine mecha

>noooooo you can't have a TELEVISION in my magic the gathering
>cast this
>opponent responds to ETB trigger with lightning helix
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>lists a bunch of science fiction concepts
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why would i cast that?
am i playing edh or something?
Yes. If you can't have firearms, flint pistols, etc then you can't have television in magic.
>enchant heavy set
>ethereal armor

ruh roh shaggy
yes though i think kaladesh is kinda lame too and vehicles are stupid
>>ravnicans have public sanitation in a worldwide metropolis
Do Russians really believe public sanitation is high technology that only a few advanced societies can accomplish?
I'd be fine with them having a television if it was just a television, instead of a magical spirit box that projects visions of the ghost dimension through the power of an entrapped demon which just so happens to look exactly like a television.
Why must you keep doing this? You clearly don't know how to threads so just stop.

Previous Thread>>93803995
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Love these 3 new lands
They're very good and fit the assignment. Plains, Island and Forest that still feel like they're inside an endless mansion.
Good work, artists, I will be adding them to my collection
Great card Curious Cadaver needed to cost less to be good.
I guess I'm just done with magic: the gathering

this is the worst set ever printed and there's nothing here for anyone who cares about the game at all.
sorry couldn't hear you over the sound of me grinding turn 2 wins in standard with leylinedotdec :^)
nice art , reminds me of american mcgees Alice.
Does anyone know if this is called a rokurokubi in the Japanese version of the game?
But anon WAR was 5 years ago
>this is the worst set ever printed
Dude we JUST had Mandarins at Koolio's Manor come on
The difference is that the former are all 'it's magic, it just works'. Even Kaladesh which would be 'pushing it' has a strong theme of arcane energy powering everything. The televisions don't even make an attempt to appear like magical artifice, they're just straight rips of past century TV sets ported into a fantasy game.
the racing set is only four months away, can't wait that long for this kind of shitpost?
>turn 1 enigma jewel
>turn 2 legion extruder, kill one creature
>opponent attacks into my tapped down board with his 2/2
>I already have another enigma jewel in hand anyway

honestly they never see it coming
Which was worse, MKM or OTJ? I heard the former at least had a decent draft experience
When Death Race or whatever it's called comes out, I'm making a vehicle cube. Best case scenario it's a disaster but in a funny way
MKM was extremely low powered so nothing in it matters and I never need to see it. OTJ was extremely powercrept so we're going to be stuck seeing it for the next 3 years in Standard. Therefore OTJ was worse.
MKM draft was just Khans but again and worse. And Khans already wasn't a great set to draft beyond the 3 color gimmick
I actually had quite a bit of fun with OTJ draft. I feel like several different play styles each had a fair amount of representation
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>MKM was extremely low powered so nothing in it matters

Surveil lands
Vein Ripper
No More Lies
Pick Your Poison
>they're bringing back delirium for BG
>after multiple sets where BG has a tonne of cards focused on exiling stuff from your graveyard
>in the same set that brings leyline of the void back into standard
>shortly after bringing rest in peace back into standard
Delirium is going to be dead on arrival.
Doesn't really matter since the meta is probably gonna be RDW variants vs Sweepers.dek
No one really cares about lands since they don't have the gay fedoras and pop culture references.
>vein ripper
Only a problem when paired with Sorin, who's now banned in the only format he mattered in.
Yeah, leylines are gay and should have never been made.
>no more lies, pick your poison
Two cards is basically nothing, you'll barely ever see them.
This is like the ultimate /mtg/ "I've lost the argument and I refuse to admit it" post
It should be immediately obvious than when someone says "nothing" in a context like this, they don't literally mean "nothing at all, not a single thing, absolutely zero things". Please google what "hyperbole" means.
I don't think MKM is a fantastically powerful set, but it's not THAT weak. MOM is arguably worse since it's got jackshit besides, what, Sunfall and Knight-Errant?
I know it's hard to believe, but it's possible to play Standard in paper. It's not a digital-only format. In fact, BG is the most popular color pair when played this way.
It's just crammed in between a bunch of very powercrept sets. Definitely one of the weaker ones in standard right now.
Just between the lands, leyline, and Pick Your Poison it had more of an impact outside of Standard than a lot of recent sets
Case of the Uneaten Feast
Novice Inspector
Case of the Gateway Express
Doorkeeper Thrull
Not on My Watch
No Witnesses
Behind the Mask
Case of the Filched Falcon
Proft's Eidetic Memory
Cryptic Coat
Reenact the Crime
Conspiracy Unraveler
Case of the Stashed Skeleton
Long Goodbye
Deadly Cover-Up
Vein Ripper
Outrageous Robbery
Felonious Rage
Fugitive Codebreaker
Pyrotechnic Performer
Case of the Crimson Pulse
Lamplight Phoenix
Torch the Witness
Analyze the Pollen
Pick Your Poison
Aftermath Analyst
Archdruid's Charm
No More Lies
Gleaming Geardrake
Ill-Timed Explosion
Assassin's Trophy
Insidious Roots
Urgent Necropsy
Break Out
Worldsoul's Rage
Lightning Helix
Warleader's Call
Buried int he Garden
Kellen, Inquisitive Prodigy
Repulsive Mutation
Voja, Jaws of the Conclave
Push // Pull
Cease // Desist
Leyline of the Guildpact
Scene of the Crime

I only play Limited, Standard, and Commander so I'll admit, I don't know how sets impact those formats.
Luv me case of the filched falcon
Simple as
the surveil lands were revolutionary for graveyard-centric decks in modern, you cannot comprehend how hard I nut my pants when I fetch at end of my opponents turn and I get a free entomb when playing living end or esper goryo

seriously, they're insanely good, I cannot go back after getting used to them
My friend thinks people should Path of Exile their own creature for sick value but are too cowardly. Please help me understand this madness.
There's some real gems that haven't even had time to shine much like Break Out
absolutely busted if the format had combo creatures at 2 mana like collected company decks, or real snowball attacking creatures at 2 instead of just ETB

>digs SIX cards deep AND gives haste
>sees zero play in standard because all the value is disproportionately at 1 and 3 mana except deep cavern bat
It's a good mana ramper but an even better removal spell that you have to use it as removal except in edge case scenarios.
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>non green colors
>1 mana ramp
Please keep coping
Is that what you think people's complaints are?
I think someone saw the argument about the infinite potential in the multiverse and is now attempting to shitpost with it as a false flag to discredit it. As someone who supports that argument, Duskmourn looks like trash for completely unrelated reasons, namely that it's not even internally consistent. I don't care if different planes don't fit each other's aesthetics, they shouldn't fit each other's aesthetics, but Duskmourn can't even keep its own shit straight.
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I don't like it when my fantasy game references the modern world. The fantasy is also not generic or particularly medieval, but it has been MADE generic by people who don't understand why the world that existed before steam power captures people's imagination.
These three cards put together are so fucking funny when they work but I just haven't been able to build a deck for it. Although I have very little experience building outside aggro and midrange so that's probably why.
But still
>why yes I will be hitting you with an effectively hasted evasive 7/7
>and yes I will hit you with an effectively hasted 8/7 that gives me free shit if you try to removal it
4x enigma jewel, you're welcome
>this is the worst set ever printed
Nothing will beat Ikoria for that prize.
Murders at Karlov Manor was particularly atrocious too. I'd put DSK at MKM level and not IKO level.
>banned in VINTAGE
>worse set ever
>Too stupid to parse worst as in quality from worst as in power level.
Drink less tap water, my guy.
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Yes, that is correct.
Giant mechanical death machines are not boring ass regular ass boring ass normal ass literal earth technology.
I wish the 4 mana land base was more forgiving because this would be great with break out and saturo
You better have some removal in Limited or this is going to get BIG real fast.
DSK is more like ELD with all this brazen power creep
Well that's a nasty card
Karlov Manor was the worst for me because it turned an entire plane with a long history (both in-universe and out) into a really fucking corny Sherlock Holmes knockoff. Duskmourn sucks dick in terms of flavour and aesthetics, but at least it's not wearing another plane as a costume.
A fine assessment, but ELD had at least pretended to have worldbuilding.
>Duskmourn sucks dick in terms of flavour and aesthetics, but at least it's not wearing another plane as a costume.
Now I hope Duskmourne is revealed to be the far future of Innistrad ala Neon Dynasty so that it could be as truly atrocious as it deserves to be.
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The worst set printed so far.
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>turn 2 hallcreeper
>turn 3 make it a 3/3
>turn 4 draw a card
>turn 5 copy your 5 drop with +2/+2
why are you so emotionally invested in it?
cryptic coat again?
Cryptic Coat but worse
Cryptic Coat but we forgot that this is the FIRE era.
I really fucking hate the half-and-half approach MTG is taking with modern objects. I would actually find a varsity jacket less offensive if they didn't add glowy bits and a skyrim mage cowl to it.
this is a value card for niche strategies that both utilize equipment and care about cards in the graveyard, rather than a 'make dudes' engine or 'true-name nemesis at home'. i agree it will likely always be worse than cryptic coat but may see play in fringe decks.
Cryptic Coat was good because it won games in control stalled mirrors full of sweepers and removal, kept making 3/2 blockers vs aggro, triggers synthesizer repeatedly, etc.

This makes a single 3/2 flying for 3
>Now I hope Duskmourne is revealed to be the far future of Innistrad
this is going to happen, i just know it
>Isn't that a time paradox since the WAnderer was there?

>"WotC already said that Valgavoth made everyone forget all the missing time!"
The shills will say. I can hear their cries already.
>Yeah, leylines are gay and should have never been made.
The old leylines were cool. They were just little bonuses that weren't completely game-warping except blue, of course
>This makes a single 3/2

Actually it's just a 2/2 since it doesn't give +1/+0 like Cryptic Coat
WotC you fucking morons, you're supposed to be power creeping the game, not fixing it!
>Sorry, here's more T2 kills in Standard
That's better.
oh come on how bad can it really be

>turn 1 leyline scamp
>turn 2 turn inside out, felonious rage, your go
Is it really any worse than what we have now?
>T1 HH
>T2 MM, HH hits for 4
>T3 SSS, MR on HH, SSS hits for 3 in the air, HH hits for 12, MM hits for 1. HH explodes for another 6 if you happen to kill it
>Is it really any worse than what we have now?
Yes, in fact it is 33.333...% worse.
When this kind of retards will leave for good and shut the fuck up?
I'm on the draw, untap and get lost into temporary lockdown
die before my 2nd land
Where can I get images like this one with square corners without the rounded edges. Scryfall is inconsistent some images have rounded corners some are square. There used to be a site that had everything, rounded and square, but it's long dead and everyone has stopped updating the card images.

I know there's a proxy guide in the OP but I want the pre-squared images without having to crop every single one. I don't know why Scryfall isn't consistent about this the image quality is all over the place.
Fuck this card can be very strong, unblockable, card adventage, grows and can become another better creature. Cool shit.
Leyline of Resonance will get emergency ban.
Remember this.
We don't need to remember that because we already had the blessed quints that said the same thing.
>Leyline of Resonance will get emergency ban.
you're being too optimistic
>Leyline of Resonance will get emergency ban.
Next B&R is December friend.
You vill die on turn 2 and you vill like it.
I'm slowly realizing that Leyline of Resonance isn't even a dead card late game.
It's actually the EXACT card you want if you're trying to put together second wind to secure a lethal you couldn't get out the gate.
Leyline on turn 4, a haste creature + combat trick on turn 5 will oft en be more than enough to close out games you would otherwise not be able to secure.
It feels like Strixhaven was just 6 months ago, and then I see someone asking "I haven't played since Strixhaven, what's the meta like now?" and it just fucks me up, I look it up and sure enough Strixhaven was 3 years ago. God, where did the time go? How does time just fall away into dust?
>God, where did the time go? How does time just fall away into dust?
Anon, your memory hole is leaking.
That time was stolen, it didn't fade.
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Commune with Evil (?) - 2B

Sorcery (Uncommon)

Look at the top 4 cards of your library. Put one into your hand and the rest into your graveyard. Gain 3 life.
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4 heartfire hero
4 cacophony scamp
3 rotisserie elemental
4 monastery swiftspear
4 slickshot showoff
4 turn inside out
4 monstrous rage
4 felonious rage
3 dreadmaw's ire
4 leyline of resonance
4 callous sellsword
Again, the rest of the plane's flavour seems good, but the survivors just seem like highschool characters in horror movies and not, you know, desperate survivors in a post-apocalyptic hellworld.
Ah yes, the draft-to-budget-EDH pipeline
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i am not ready for this hell
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Ah, there's "Slasher Movie Villain".
>half their life, rounded up
The fact that generic slasher movie baddie is anything other than an unapologetic Phage clone is a disgrace
Is it healthy if I see a Limited bomb and instead of being excited to play it I sigh at the mental image of being BTFO by it?
No that's the common MTG experience since Wurmcoil Engine.
White woman being evil - check
White woman dying - check
I love how the collective unconscious is turning against the allies of the good cause.
Card is ok, at 3 mana it wont see play if there is a cheaper option, but if it was 2 manas it would be FIRE good.
This card is ok. I don't mind much the word slasher being used here (would prefer "killer" or "maniac" but slacher doesn't break immersion as much as I thought)
I think it would have been cooler if he came back with +1/+1 counters instead and lost one at the start of his turn.
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it has nothing to do with paper vs digital, it's all about people trying to play the best deck in the format or not
why is blue u
that's not when emergency bans happen
because black is b
and you can't have two b
classic leyline player copium
well, if i didnt have removal for this I was already conceding on principle to avoid giving my opponent the rush of dread win
black can be a
i hate white as u so much it infuriates me
I just pull from scryfall.
not an instant kill but still pretty nasty
Explain the need for rotisserie elemental, please.
is it based, podbros
a is artifact, l is land, and c is colorless so the only way to have blue as B would be to have black as K
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I played 4 matches on MTGO tonight with UG iroan games midrange.

I won against mono white humans, lotus field, rakdos tree and BG midrange. I won 2-0 against mono white with iroan games value and bigger guys and beat lotus with stubborn denial and otawara alongside a fast clock. I also beat cauldron 2-0 in two close games by scrapgorgering their stuff and outvaluing them with walkers and the games. BG midrange went to game 3 because I lose to sheoldred after getting my tiderbinder on it killed game 2. I played turn 2 games, turn 3 games, turn 4 games game 1 and they couldn't beat that so they brought in pick your poison which was funny but it wasn't enough for them to win game 3 where they had a bunch of interaction but no sheoldred to beat my big guys.
based simic chad
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darksteel citadel with filched falcon and ensoul artifact is better. Just pad the other two artifacts out with some cheapo equips like bonesplitter darksteel axe etc that you can slap on soon after.
Seems cool to me. How is your skeleton matchup?
we've had a kor spoiled already, this is probably zendikar.
ahh good old count blackula.
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What do you mean you don't want a definitely-not-stranger-things unset in standard??!?
we are all just waiting for the wotc reveal of the crying room//safe room.
>wotc cocksucker
>is mexican
every time
>we've had a kor spoiled already
That doesn't really mean much since Omenpaths can now just dump literally anyone from the multiverse anywhere the writer wants them to. Fucking Norin the Wary is in this set for reasons unknown.
>there are worse things here than vampires
Yeah basketball americans.
skate uphill
this guy is about to get an entire draft archetype to himself

and he will still suck
Am I IP banned
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as far as I can tell it's just GW value splashing for shardless agent, the fun part about pod is the combo potential
This is good with Split Up
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The trailer was on a tv; it's a modern slasher film with mtg characters.
Wouldn't it have a tombstone symbol next to the mana cost, since its mechanic relates to the graveyard?
Thriller-ending motherfucker
>blue gets the most interesting, properly on-theme, playable (but not broken) card of the set so far

Its an abstract kind of feel.
I think this is one of those cases in which the people making something based on the theme doesn't really like/understand/gets the theme.

Feels way too superficial, much like MKM and OTJ.
Cryptic Coat is Modern and Legacy playable.
This is just a Wind Drake with the godawful DSK forced 80's aesthetic.
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Eh, I think the problem is more that they have this very well-realised world in lore, and MANY of the cards fit well enough into that world, but then a few just seem completely incongruent and only exist to be the trope the set is pastiche-ing. Like, some of the trope-y cards are perfectly fine, see >>93816224 that at least fits into the setting. The "high school protagonist"-type characters don't fit unless there's some OTHER 80s plane we know nothing about that Duskmourn has poached a remarkably high amount of people from. It's not like every survivor is even that bad, I think the Storyteller one looks perfectly fitting for example, that feels more like "desperate survivors" in atmosphere and design. I'll admit the only one that's really broke me is the cheerleader, though, because there's NOTHING about her that fits, she's just a cheerleader. The Egoist is at least something that 'works' in setting (one survivor abandoning another supposed friend for their own sake works just fine), but it's just sort of piling on.
any good legacy/vintage cards spoiled yet?
I mean more in terms of atmosphere and what slasher/horror movies are. The literal fear walking around isn't that creative when you could just have people becoming the embodiment of those fears instead. Like how the Praetors are supposed to be different aspects of phyrexia's perfection. We could have more characters like the Jolly Balloon Man, that are these weirdos that the demons is influencing to make things worse for everybody else. Horror/slasher movies like that are about people losing their minds/giving in to their urges and either reveling or suffering because of that.

Having literal spirits representing specific fears feels way "lazier" than just creating legendary creatures that are supposed to be such fears. Which I know they have no qualms making, with dozens and dozens of new legendary cards every set.

A matter of taste and focus, I suppose
Not unless something weird is found with the Leyline, which seems unlikely.
I dont see a lot of playable pioneer cards anon and 0 new archetype
new kaito fits nicely in legacy ninjas, I think I that's about it so far
When I came back into MTG during Arena's open launch, every new set was a big event that I could tie in together with a moment in my life. Guilds of Ravnica, Ravnica Allegiance, War of the Spark, Eldraine, Theros Beyond Death, Ikoria, etc

Then I just started paying less attention to MTG and just playing it more on the side instead of it being the main thing I played, so every set started blending in together. If you asked me to order New Capenna, Kaldheim and Strixhaven together, I would have no clue, yet one of these sets is a whole year apart from the others.

Looking back at the list of sets and god damn, I loved Neo Kamigawa. What a fucking set.
the LIDL brand demonic tutor has a floor of getting a grieselbrand at worst on show and tell and a ceiling of being an actual demonic tutor. Storm can also easily turn the demonic tutor on so I'm hyped to see if it's actually good
At least it's only the Survivors that are odd.
With this one, the only thing that looks out of place to me is the flavor text. That attire is Magic enough to me that it feels like those are two women from some weird plane that happened to get lost in Duskmourn.
Insanely good art
Eh, we had something similar in MKM. The set story was a single focused murder mystery, but the cards were all over the place in tone and had to introduce a bunch of never-seen-before detectives having wacky hijinks.
This is definitely nowhere near as bad as that
MKM is the one that felt most incongruent from these last few sets.
With this one it's just some of the survivors that are odd.
It's a credit to the designers of the plane that they managed to come up with a very neat concept for a plane that would fit what they were loosely going for with the theme, and a discredit to the artists/card designers that just completely ignored it and went fully based on the theme rather than trying to tie it in together with the plane first.
so basically kill it or die?
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These are the only cards that have bothered me so far.
The other survivors look fantasy enough that it doesn't bother me.
I wish these two TV cards had art more in line with Cursed Recording. Make it a "TV" but not actually a TV. And the flavor text in Trapped in the Screen sucks.

Overall, I'm really digging the set, not gonna lie. But I've always been a big fan of these kinds of sets. I still love Innistrad as a plane. And I got around to liking Theros when they returned to it on Beyond Death.
Duskmourn is almost out and Azorius control still hasn't decided what its wincon is. You see Jace, Teferi, Elspeth, Caretaker's, no Caretaker's...
We'll get lands at least.
I hate the tv theme. Apparently you can't have guns in mtg but can have tvs.
I wander if the television is literally television "vision at a distance" rather than a television set.
Anything on what The Wandering Emperor is doing in the spooky horror house or is she just there?
nothing except for, you know, the main plot point
She's there with Kaito to bring back Nashi, who was kidnapped, because they promised Tamiyo they would watch over him.
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mtg now contains the word "bestie". We can finally quit the game forever and touch grass.
Work on your reading comprehension

You fucking retard
Cheerleader is the only one that really strictly bothers me in that it fails on about every possible level I can think of to be interesting.

The artwork is a very very fucking literal cheerleader in the most plain "Cheerleader Outfit" imaginable. It's not even ambiguously 80s dated.

Oooh Flying Counters on a White Common 2/2 for 2. This ones really one for the record books. Its not Blue~ wow~!

Flavor text is actually more boring than plain. WOAH CHEERLEADING IS HARD. See and here I thought being trapped in worse-than-hellworld might grant some perspective; but nah. Lets see you do a 'triple somersault' into 'dies to removal'.

Sprinter would probably bother me if it's not just mediocre execution of what's otherwise acceptable art. A zombie booking it down/up an endless nightmare stairs at you works great as a concept, I just wish he looked a bit faster. Think the flavor text could have been better with a "dead last" pun, but whatever.
Trapped in the Screen doesn't bother me as much, it looks more like a magitech TV than the others.
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ngl, if the cheerleader wasn't a nigger I wouldn't mind
Neck yourself. If this was the hill you wanted to die on you're so behind you that in the matter of races I'm certain you're in dead last.
>Tamiyo's scroll ends up in Duskmourn
>Val fucking loves having a tome of lore on other plans he can eventually expand to
>uses the scroll to lure Nashi and some of his friends to Duskmourn
>uses Nashi to lure Emperor/Kaito/Zimone/Niko/Tyvar there on a rescue operation so he can vore them for their power/knowledge of other planes
I'd touch grass with this rogue.
I'll also fix the horrible perspective on her chest if high-res art shows up.
Can Rollercrusher be playable?
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-Go first, controlling the tempo of the game and can freely drop Innkeeper's Talent on Turn2 to an empty board while the opponent doesn't have their 2drop on the field yet. I proceed to generate infinite value and win.
-Go second, enemy plays their 2drop. I waste my turn playing Innkeeper's Talent and they proceed to hammer in the face damage and kill me by turn 5.

This game is such fucking dogshit. Everything depends on who goes first.
You know you get to find out who goes first before you settle on your mulligan.

If you're going second don't count on it to carry your fucking game, pick a different plan.
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>Go second
>Play Temporary Lockdown on turn 3, killing their 2 drop and their talent
At least I seethe about the culture war, not about some random anon's posts on /tg/
>Seething about culture wars
I agree with that anon, neck yourself.
will do. keep consooming, friend
I haven't bought a single MTG product since Ikoria, but sure, SJW.
The cheerleader should at least look like a survivor. Give her a fucking weapon. Make her look like she's part of the House. Give her magic pom-poms, I dunno.
We still have no real idea as to how Valgavoth got the scroll, but it's possible a cultist snuck out a door to grab it or something. He probably has a really limited ability to influence the areas around the doors, but I imagine he can probably snatch objects.
there's plenty of other ways to support wizards without giving them money
Perhaps build your deck to not die if you're on the draw
what do we do once cut down rotates
Name 5.
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Friendly reminder that this sociopathic highschooler can also break demonic contracts
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New player here, thinking about buying one of the upcoming commander precons. Someone fucked up on picrel, right? This is supposed to be an official product image.

Also which deck should I buy
You guys know that the technology in Duskmourn is powered by unwilling demons siphoned from a parallel level of reality, right
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door.
We talk about Magic the Gathering here.
Don't play cuckmander. In fact, don't play magic at all, many of us have dropped the game, it's become a shitshow.
Damn this community sucks. Thanks for the tips y'all. Quitting the game now
Smart guy.
This community is based, it's the game that is shite.
I just wanna have fun with my friends :(
Nah the community is pretty trash too. That's why less and less people talk about Magic and this game is dying. Boomers are as cancerous as Cummander Crew.
Don't bother. Modern audiences care only about the aesthetics. They simply don't have the imagination to differentiate between two things that look similar but have different lore, or vice versa. They think scifi = tech, fantasy = magic, without ever realizing it's all the same thing. They see something that looks like a TV, they cannot see anything other than a TV. The only difference between the retarded consoomers and retarded anons is that the former likes this, while the latter hates it.
Are you fucking stupid? I just told you where you have to go to talk about Commander.
This is the Magic the Gathering general.
build a cube
use only cards printed before 2007
Of course I'm fucking stupid. I'm in a magic thread on 4chan.
This thread is based, the "community" is consooming manchildren.
Do something else, commander is trash. If your friends started doing coke would you do that too?
Play cube or play premodern with them.
It was I who sold them coke in the first place.
My friends do coke, because most of them aren't magic nerds. I don't because I don't find it very fun. Magic is just as expensive a habit, but a bit more fun. Except Commander, which I have learned is trash.
>No you see the lore actually totally justifies including the 2025 Honda Civic Hybrid with integrated Google Assistant and Bose Premium Sound System, you're just being a shallow lorelet if you don't like it
Then go buy some boardgame, even if you really want to use cards there are plenty of good deckbuilding games out there where the winner isn't decided by who paid the most, and most of them are actually balanced instead of being a 30+ years mess
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Who had the Green Leyline as being Fist of Suns?
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Also this... Might see some work?
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Also, dog.
Hm, same mana value and similar function to Mayhem Devil. Mayhem Devil lets you ping anything, not just the opponent, but this gains you life which can help you stabilize plus it can protect itself.
Sorry boss, this is Magic: the Gathering Genera. Take your board game talk to /bgg/. Also, play cube.
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And at least they're making the bugs look fucked up.
Retard. It's a function of how far removed something is from current life. As soon as something is old, futuristic or different enough from our mundane lives we can perceive it as "magical".
80s clothes, toys and tech are too close to or even still part of the zeitgeist and western cultural awareness.
If they wanted to have TVs they should have just done TVs. This is Flintstones-tier worldbuilding.
might put this into a sealed deck but I wouldn't be happy about it
Honestly, I thought Capenna was already pushing the limit going so hard on the 1920s aesthetic
They're still televisions by and large, it's just instead of being powered by physics and science, they're powered by demon magic.
>all these insects
>no synergy from BLB
At least Grist enjoyers are eating good
>Green Leyline is shit
Like pottery.
Holy shit, they avoided having a "heckin' doggo" or cutesy junk flavour text for once on a dog card.
>Boycotting MTG until they bring back block constructed
Now that's something I can get behind. I'm boycotting it for many reasons anyway, but return to blocks would definitely make me reconsider.
I feel like this shouldn't surprise me considering everything else in this set but somehow it's the worst part of it all
Is Back to the Future a scifi movie?
>flavor text
Aren't the laws life follows... the natural order?
It's deliberately twisted and corrupted life because of Valgavoth's influence. It's different from how it USED to be.
>Reading comprehension
same, between that this and neo cyberpunk kamigawa i'm just getting numb to it all
No, it's a fantasy epic as far as MtG players should be concerned
That's the intended effect. Strip away the pretenses bit by bit until you're barely even fazed by Universes Beyond in Standard in a couple years.
>Everything I don't like is a sinister ploy
What kind of shitholes do you hail from?
If Magic is a habit then drop it, it's not healty. Anything that has power over you is bad.
the problem with their gameplan is that it doesn't work if I bail out and stop paying, which already happened
sales have been doing better than ever, so they don't care
Hanlon's Razor is an adequate explanation, but it's still very possible WotC is doing it on purpose. We all know they'd fucking love to be able to do UB all the time. They just need to acclimate the players to it more.
Your autism has immense power over you, anon. What are you gonna do about it?
Every sale lost from a disillusioned veteran is 2 gained from some EDH newbie who gets drawn in by the new toys. The big question is the player retention with these new tricks. The grognards were repeated customers for literal decades. How long does a newbie who says "Oh I love Fallout! I'll buy a precon!" stick around as a customer?
yeah, that's the thing anybody saying "they don't care" doesn't get. I mean, I'm sure they're right and hasbro/WOTC doesn't care, but they should. you can't replace established customers with fleeting ones and expect it to work out long-term.
Fortnite became one of the most profitable games in the world through appealing to fleeting customers and they're still going strong. You need to stop coping.
Theoretically, if you keep getting crossovers, you can keep plundering outside fanbases for sales for a long fucking time. Fallout showed you can bridge to basically any genre. We've got Marvel and Final Fantasy coming down the pipeline. Nothing's stopping you from doing, say, a Naruto set someday if you can get Shueisha onboard.
Hasn't Fortnite been on the decline for a while? It's still big and isn't going anywhere, but it's not a model for infinite growth like Hasbro needs MtG to be.
Executives don't care about long-term gains because the moment profits are down they jump ship with a golden parachute.
The thing I hate the most about commander-centered design is the escalating level of guaranteed value cards are gaining. Why are cards allowed to go positive even when immediately Fatal Pushed, and win the game if you untap with them?
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Also obligatory Shining reference.
Capeshit tier quip.
They already did this one in Innistrad, no?
>Meme design
>Dogshit effect for cost
Checks out.
Did they? They did Evil Twin, but that's a more generalised trope riffing. They also did pic-related, but that's more just "child vampires" as a 'thing'.
this is the difference between "making a reference through the lens of magic" and "thing, but magic"
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why is wotc still printing such objectifying artwork? i didn't know they were a chud incel porn addicted company
Guys, I have a rules question.

If I've used Eriette the Beguiler to steal a creature and I block with that creature what happens if the enchantment is removed during combat?
If the timing of removing the enchantment is under my control (Say it's Shimmering Wings and want it back in my hand) can yhe creature deal damage and I still get my enchantment back?
Sir, with greatest respect, if you have a fetish for skull heads they can hardly be expected to stop printing cards like that. What's next? A bam on tentacles because that's my thing? No, a line must be drawn at nipples or we enter a censorious kink spiral.
A creature that changes controller during combat leaves coming.
Ban art of dragons because whenever I see a naked dragon, or one in crotchless armor I get horny.
nice try, but sideboob and exposed thighs are absolutely in "watch porn instead" territory.
I just wanna play a fair winner deck anons..m
if a creature changes controller it's removed from combat. unless it has first strike, you cannot do the thing you are describing, you can bounce the enchant either before damage is dealt (in which case damage is never dealt at all because the creature is removed from combat) or after damage, but only if the creature survived
look at what porn can do to a human brain.
But the creature it blocked remains blocked still and won't damage me?
that's a male dragon, sexy males are 100% woke and DEI, so you don't need to ban them
correct, once a creature is bl9cked it mantain the "blocked" status for this fight even if there isn't anything blocking it anymore
unless it has trample, in which case you will take full damage
Thanks guys. I think I understand what I can do and not do now. I guess if I've stolen something by putting Simmering Wings it surviving and going back to its owner is probably preferable anyway because I can steal it again next turn and block with it again.
Is sad that the most funny/interesting references are also completely unplayable like the jolly guy or the fear of the dark
Do they need new art for Centaur Glade?
>nice try, but collarbones and exposed ankles are absolutely in "watch porn instead" territory.
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Explain this one, chud.
Are Eldrazi male?
holy shit this is busted
Yes, because the Shining girls were giant bugs
You can buy any of the precons theyve printed before. Also dont let the people on this board who still just exist so they can complain that the game isnt like they remember it discourage you from having fun with your friends. Commander is the best way to do that too since it's the most casual and laid-back format plus its multiplayer
So I've been thinking. Pioneer Slivers?
I see more chances for Pioneer Ninjas honestly.
I just tried to imagine what an ideal opening hand would look like and then I remembered that you will never get your ideal opening hand so imagining that is pointless
It's cute, I feel like a deck that could really take advantage of it is probably already winning the game by the time it gets to 5 mana
we have 3 kaitos, silver-fur master, bitting palm ninja, thousand faced shadow, 2 satoru umezawa, kotose and nashi. something should be able to wrap all this together
Let me guess: commanderfags think this is op?
Well at-least it wasn't the white leyline.
this fucking thing was a 3 drop 2 sets ago
Why are you such a failure anon? Why can't you do a simple thing right? Even Concord was a success compared to you.
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Felonious Rage and Turn Inside Out give a 2/2 creature when their target dies. The only red 1 drops that can actually sacrifice themselves post-combat are cacophony scamp and rotisserie elemental. If you have turn 1 leyline and turn 2 pump spells, scamp is just immediately lethal due to double damage, but rotisserie elemental at least makes 2-4x 2/2 creatures when it sacrifices itself

if you went heartfire hero -> 2x pump spells, all you get is +1 damage and keep the heartfire on board as a single 2/2. Its better with fling or suiciding into blockers, but worse if its just on board
>Not Human Horror or Human Demon or Human Nightmare or Human Spirit, etc
With the name Leyline of Mutation I totally expected it to give +1/+1 counters to creatures. WTF is up with those shit names?
Leyline of Proliferation {2GW}
If Leyline of Investigation is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield.
At the beginning of your upkeep, populate
>noooooo you can't have a TELEVISION in my magic the gathering
I started then. Started a taste for mill in standard the last time it was regular. Imagine how bad I was playing STX draft, let alone still am. At least Embercleave left too.

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