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"Sorry nerd, in the real world, the nurgling gets the girl" edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
Is there any Nurgle character you'd consider "relevant"?
Seraphon have too many dinosaurs and not enough lizards
what is your favorite model, /aosg/? And why?
Wait until you discover what saur means
I'm a big fan of the humble hobgrot.
Lots of personality in the base builds and easy conversion
do show. as a krulboy beginner with little to no hobgrots i would like something to inspire me.
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I'm getting ready for this thread to flip when rumours get confirmed and Soulblight gets another names character unit
Who cares about that enough to flip out
Some people here get seizures from the very existance of named heroes
Ngl, it would be kino if AoS had no big named characters rules/lore wise
Would've at least encourage lore crafting more
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Was pic related ever relevant to AoS lore ?
I don't get why he wasn't made a generic hero like some other whfb characters were
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I like these fellas. So far only built 3 and working on putting together 3 more from recasted bits I made with blue stuff
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Parasite engine back on the menu boys
sort of not really

all he was a leader of one of Nurgle subfactions "the Flightbringers" much like how Changeling & Gutrot spume got his own crew. Most of his lore is just him running around in the realm

of the warrior of chaos the only one that got actual AOS lore was
>Gutrot spume

worst has to be Scyla who entire lore was that he got lost in Tzeentch labyrinth till 3 edition where they retcon him leaving it during the age of sigmar
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The Abhorrant Archregent is pretty much the reason I picked up FEC.
How are the Fyreslayers doing?
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Hobgrots are dysgenic freaks. Wish we got Hobgoblins chads from WHFB. Just call them Hobgoblynz if it’s a trademark thing ( it is )
Because GW purged all the resin unless resin made up a huge part of the army or at least was too much of the army to remove. Keeping them to WHFB as to not confuse people. GW will just make new stuff.

But I also thought that Throgg the Troll King should have been renamed as Troll King and Troll Hag renamed Troll Queen. But again we know why. GW wants to purge all old WHFB stuff from AoS. Which is why all the FW stuff doesn't get rules any more. Why they can't just keep putting out pdfs I don't know.
Because those are competing games within GW’s archaic business structure of pitting departments against one another.
I mean, if he's cool I guess i don't really care. If it's just a new wight king I already have underworlds stuff as an alternative
I'm working on turning the ghoul from the terrorgheist into something equivilant to one.
What are you on about? Dinosaur means dread-lizard/reptile. Dino = dread, saur = lizard/reptile. Why are you surprised that a faction full of lizards has a lot of dinosaurs? Like, every single one is a lizard. Including the dinosaurs. Like what more do you want? Anything you'd get is going to be a reptile at best or a lizard. Turtles were once upon a time a thing in Lustria but IDK got those (not that GW seems to care about giving factions visually similar things). Coatl are still flying lizards/reptiles.

Now I could agree with you they could have a giant snake creature, or snake riding skinks or something and have them called Avatar of Sotek if it's a giant snake or Riders of Sotek if cavalry. But, again, could step too much on other models/units that have snakes. The only time that Lizardmen didn't have an out and out lizard were the culchans which were giant predatory birds. GW then went with Raptordons instead.
Yeah that's my point. But putting out a pdf for Legends for Mournguls or Skin Wolves or whatever hardly hurts. Think of the poor sods who bought a Dread Saurian (me) or Vorgarath who now don't have rules to use their models unless they homebrew them and somebody goes 'OK'.
difficult one, I think either Belthanos or Olynder
>Is there any Nurgle character you'd consider "relevant"?
Your mom I guess, she's relevant to me at least.
That’ll teach you to buy GW. The only limited refuge of the churn cycle in GW is specialist games. If you’re playing 40k or AoS the business model is built around fucking customers over time to encourage new purchases.

>walk into Warhammer store for the first time ever
>walk the 40k shelves while I chat with the manager
>see AoS
>see this fucking dude
>buy it and a paint set, start building and painting on the spot

Made me do CoS as my first army too, but I have Slaanesh now and I'm not really enjoying Cities - skill issues admittedly, but I'll stop before it turns into a bitchy blogpost.
Have you tried CoS Dawnbringers in Warcry? Might be a good way to get use of the models even if you don't like their AoS rules. Not 100% sure on their playstyle but I've heard the warhulk is an MVP unit for them.

I haven't played Warcry yet, but I do have a box of The Unmade for it. Working on some Killteam stuff in the meantime alongside finishing big units like Sigvald and manifestations.

Warcry is definitely on the list. I'm starting to think I should sell a lot of shit off and just be a specialist gamer.
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Clan skurvy. The yellow is averland sunset with 2 thinned down nazdreg yellow coats as a wash.
Agreed we need more lizardmen
The nature of warcry means they have a lot of playstyles depending on the specific units you're fielding, generally they're geared towards the same fantasy as the tabletop with being able to hunker down and be hard to remove but obviously they can do a lot more. Brethren of the bolt give them some silly stuff they can do with outputting insane damage, and i'm partial to a silly build where you take flagellants + the guy who gives you extra dice for each injured/dead fighter, then ally in the fyreslayer guy who buffs allies when one of your units dies.

Warhulk himself is a little weird because he's so expensive and his shooting can't be good because it'd be oppressive, but he's a solid piece who's difficult to kill and who dishes out a lot of melee damage. He synergizes well with the beefier guys in the warband because of their faction reaction. but can also just be a big hulking threat in a warband otherwise focusing on ranged or agile stuff.
Uniforms and heredity of the Skaven was such a good book. My dudes are based on Volkn
is Chlamydia a nurgle approved std? You get it banging sluts
So how is 4e so far? Been out of the game for a while and thinking about jumping back in. What should I expect?
I was scared of using tamiya extra thin cement for gap filing but it really does work. No damage to the surfaces that the brush touched, perfectly closed seam lines between pushfit rat halves.
I actually really enjoy eating plastic minatures.
Didnt cities of sigmar also have dwarf units? I cant find them anywhere.

They got "pulled" from the AoS webpage. They're in the TOW section now, but still have Warscrolls in AoS proper.
Do you remember which ones in specific it was?

All of it. Dwarfs are an army in TOW now, so it has its own webpage.
have the skaven anvil of apotheosis rules leaked?
That's just a regular goblin
The entire model line awoke some sort of flashback I had to first seeing fantasy as a genre as a kid, half considering wearing big buckle pouches like this guy irl
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This dude's got it all: brute force, raw magikal power, and a bit of butt sex appeal.
>a temple made of compacted filth
Did they build a poop temple?
Got any more?
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>I cant breathe
Are those officialy in the "too big to get a model" category?
based sons of behemat player
Seeing a lot of leaks from the Skaven battletome. Did someone get their hands on the entire thing already?
Is there a link?
its been on man reads book for over a week.
Katakros, not even close.
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Wings done I think.
Katchup or raw?
congrats from page 0, that looks like a shit ton of work. I'd probably have a hard time processing how it could be painted if I saw it irl.
It's a combination of progressive washes and very light dry brushing. I'd highly recommend people learn how to dry brush properly its a valuable technique that lots consider basic and bad.
How viable is it to not glue her together fully? I'd also like to get Tahlia, but it seems like a massive pain for transportation, unless she could snap together well enough when playing. Perhaps 1 part Manticore, 1 part wings and saddle?
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The surfaces are so uneven that I get confused. There are many ltitle bumps and ripples and veins in random areas. I'm in the middle of putting a lighter layer and i have to go around it like a line of ants walking around a rock.

At the same time, I'm not sure how to paint the veins and scars. the little pink lines on the right thigh are just tests. i was thinkning of using more green but i want them to be a pale pink like a scar. I also fucked up while airbrushing the horns and got some on the upper parts of the skin.
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While agree that this guy is an almost perfect sculpt that "tells a story" subtley and differently than other characters,
I think whoever did the paintjob on him deserves credit too. The colors are work together perfectly with smooth transitions. everything is exactly where it needs to be (at least from this angle).

I think AoS in general has very few "bad" models if any. So it's hard for me to have a favorite since I really think they all look great even if I personally dislike the asesthetic/faction. The first ones that come to mine are the Lord of Plagues...
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and the shroom-mancer since picking the whole of gobbapalooza would be cheating
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It will be fun, if regular Chorfs will look worse than BB ones
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Hanna Barbera fans will likely be disappointed bu the future hat change
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Are we talking models that we painted or in general? For the former its my mangler squigs.
And for other and it may be recency bias, but probably ushoran.
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I like this one, I use him as a Lord Executioner
Has there ever been an attempt, in AoS or FB, to do a sea-mini range? Small-scale ship battles could be kino
Back in ye olden times there was Man O' War for naval battles in Fantasy. Near the end of the wargame's lifespan there was also Dreadfleet, which was kind of like Warhammer Quest or Underworlds, but with ships.

Nothing like this has been done for AoS, though I think the setting definitely has good potential for it.
Dreadfleet was such an infamous flop that I wouldn't be surprised if it made GW swear off boats until the end of time.
Personally i never liked vehicle based games, hich is why i was mad the Star Wars game based on the actuall characters faded away (the WotC one, not the new one), while the X-wing shit held on for much longer
>BB chorfs look like THAT?!

I am not buying any new models and working on my backlog in the hope that chorfs come out next spring/winter and they have some cool shit
Great work
We've got STD, Warclans, Gits, and probably Vampires coming up first, I think the soonest we will see Chorfs is summer next year.
For most part the game is very fun, probably the most engaging it's been with all the reactivity, and things like all over 3 inch combat range and getting rid of battleshock making the game just less of a pain in the ass to play, but that comes with a BIG asterisk

The army building fucking S U C K S and while I'm not sure it's bad enough to ruin the edition, it's close
I'm just going to piggyback on this guy and say I agree on all points. I hate the list restrictions. Actual play feels real smooth. A couple of wargear combinations actually helps keep things moving nicely as well, even if I still begrudge the loss of options a bit
>The army building fucking S U C K S
its only a problem if your expectation is to be able to do literally whatever you want.
It varies by faction but the power of the 2 drop army usually getting to choose priority means a lot of lists are horrifically restrictive on how many heroes you can bring. Not to mention the stupid seasonal rules and battle tactics actively discourage you from filling out your General's regiment, even though it gets an extra slot.
well I guess that's better for me since I'm a hobby fag who has only played like 2 games and there's plenty of other stuff I plan/must paint
Leaving your general slot empty is a bonus for going 3 heroes that allows it to be played. A list wanting more than 3 and then not having the fourth be a bonus hero is a corner case. I've only run into it with Ironjawz list building.
Double turns fucking with list building because of priority isn't new either.
No it's a real problem for some armies with low value utility heroes that for whatever reason didn't get the bonus hero rule, the murknob with betcha banna comes to mind. There are a lot of cases of heroes that you might take if it didn't increase your armies drops and lower your chance of roll off for 1st turn, but they've really flubbed it kind of all over the game but not uniformly. Some armies like fyreslayers are much more forgiving in list building with almost no restrictions
Its an annoyance, its not a "real problem" that belcha banner goes from c tier to d tier. KB isn't fighting for 2 drop anyway almost ever.
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If we're not talking big centerpiece dudes I really fucking love the beartrap crossbow ogre.
I play Idoneth and having 4/6 of the army being gated behind a single generic hero, two 300+ points behemoths and Volturnos suck ass
I mean, after Volturnos and Eidolon who you need for the army to function where do you even fucking go? You basically have to have a Soulscryer for casts and 7" reserve deployment so now you're at 3 drops minimum and it just fucking blows.

uh huh >>93910070 its not like idk list look any different than the last 6 years, or play lotann then.

If I had to pick one I'd say Cabbage, because it's both silly and terrifying, perfect for what it is.

But I'm gonna name some others that I love:
Slaughter priest with chain
Mangler Squigs
Belladama Volga
Bastian Carthalos
My Sacrosanct dracolines + Longstrikes list is going up against deepkin tonight.

Does anyone have advice for fighting deepkin?
All I know is that they get strike first army wide round 3, which is a game over state if I'm unprepared.
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>Slaughter priest with chain

But how about aztec death priest?
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He's very cool too but doesn't fit the overall heavy metal album cover vibe of Khorne.
This guy though is great, so great that I can overlook his overly large lower half.
Nah that's fair, he's a classic. Reminds me of that old boss from Scarlet Monastery that dropped the cool axe.
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anyone seen good ideas for spiterider flight stand alternatives?
Yeah, dumb of me wanting to try something different
Oh fuck! Yeah those guys were doing a whole wow range weren't they. I remember I picked up a few of their troll files since no one made any good troll shit ever.
> people choosing to forget that BT are still, and so fucking omnipresent that if your army can't do seize the center or take the flanks you have to be 2 drop to try to go second
BTs still shape army building
>or play lotann then
Is this supposed to be a joke?
It’s amazing how there’s always someone willing to slurp corporate dick no matter what a company they love does.
GW could piss on his face and he’d comment on the pleasant rain today.
They did.. sadly, for some reason they stopped doing the generic player characters, and so there is no Warriors or Rogues or Paladin Tier 2 set wearers. Feels like a missed opportunity.
Lord of Pain
He lives up to his name
Once upon a time we used to call them shills, when we were optimistic about the world and thought that in order for someone to be a corporate bootlicker he needed to be paid for it.
That’s the end result of drawing your identity from the brands you consume. You lose your humanity and become an advertiser for a soulless entity that exists to extract as much capital as possible from you.
I hope this isn't a too stupid of a question from the noob, but do the good guys ever win in the setting? Or do they keep losing all the time. Are there any good stories about epic heroes achiving victory. I am new and the Community site, plus the few starter and books I read has the humans and elfs, even dwarfs get punked all the time.
Actually one of the reasons why AoS actually exists. Internally, GW thought that 'good guys (or less bad guys) losing all the time' was pretty boring in BOTH settings. 40k is meant to be '1 min to midnight' and AoS is meant to be '1 min after midnight'. Still bad, but a little bit of hope. WHFB literally opened with "Yeah Chaos wins, you're just fighting the inevitable". 40k is specifically about raging against a fate that is overdue.

As for AoS, good guys do stuff, bad guys do stuff. You're unlikely to have any 'good guys' winning something that will actually mean ultimate victory (aka Chaos, Death and Destruction totally defeated) and defo not at this point.

In terms of stuff in the setting so far, the 'good guys' have won stuff. But also lost stuff.
Which ones were those? I haven't read anything with the protagonists losing. The Dawnbringers campaign series was significant in pitching a loss for one of the two storylines in it
When the 1st starter box released Sigmar's forces held literally 0 settlements outside of Azyr and Sigmar didn't even have his titular Warhammer.
Now you have dozen grand Cities of Sigmar scathered around the world.
Conclusion of the 2nd edition storyline, Soul Wars, was elves defeating Nagash and stoping his evil ritual.
Warhammer has a lot of misary wank, because hacks writing it think grimderp is a needed component, but good guys have objectively been wining since this game started
okey, thanks. It feels a bit odd. But I am new, so being perplexed by something is normal.

I read short stories on the community site. All of them end with gigants, orcs or chaos or undead winning. And then I read some books for armies and some stuff is just, I lack the words to describe it. There is some big war, the good guys have supposably won something and then the very next sentance I read that evil rat people have bombs under every good guys base and their cities are infilatrate with chaos, vampires etc.
Warhammer is enjoyed because it isn't always about the good guys winning. It's varied and sometimes victory looks like a defeat or vice-a-versa. Also, it's to help you form your own narratives in game. You're not going to win every time as the good guys, so you can tie it into a narrative.
I just don't want to play the side that is losing. A lot of the stories seem to end with some deux ex machine with the evil guys having the plan to lose all along, because now the place is unfit to live or "radioactive" or milion demons pop out and kill everyone. But again I am new, I have to just get used to this type of lore.

People here have been losing for the last few centuries, I guess we don't like having losing in our fiction too. But from what I hear the sci fi Warhammer is even worse with the bad guys litteraly winning all the time and humanity being turned in to some sort of abomination
Warhammer 40k is basically about how humanity has avoided destruction by turning extremely draconian and 'ends justifies the means' evil. But the alternative is even worse. The bad guys win because for some reason GW thinks 'dude raging against the dying of the light' is great. And writers like ADB telling everybody that Chaos won 10,000 years ago and essentially every faction bar Chaos are just pointlessly flailing didn't go down well but GW kept going and kept listening to that clown which is why we have female Custodes now.

But AoS is meant to be a bit more hopeful. It's grim as shit but there are sparks of hope firing in the darkness and the question is will it turn into a flame? You're now not sure who will win or how stuff will go, whereas WHFB was, as I said
>Chaos wins, you're just delaying the inevitable, enjoy lol
He got Ghal maraz back until uhhh, my Abhorrent Archregent took it....
There is a writer called ADB , funny.
Maybe I just read too much of the new starter lore. It is like the best of the good guys are falling apart, some get changed in to women or don't remember if they are women or men. It is super grim and not in the ,my positions get hit by a rocket artilery barrage, but rather then I came back from war to see that those that didn't go to fight got rich, married etc while I lost a hand and half a leg, type of grim.
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Logical progression of AoS's metaplot basicaly forbids Chaos from winning.
They blew their load and failed another try would just be pointless repetition.
The stakes aren't if the good guys can live, but rather what kind of life can good guys live.
Well ADB stands for Aaron Dembski-Bowden and the guy is a twit. Sadly too influential in the company and forces his shitty political opinions/social issues into the setting.
I still have yet to really get too attached to the setting, it's a bit all over the place wherein Warhammer fantasy was just inherently grounded in "It's earth but magic". I'm sure there's lots of cool shit, admitedly i've only read one book and it was some lame ass one about the gloomspite gitz that felt more like an advertisement for the range than a well put together story. Supposedly soul wars is pretty good but I haven't touched it yet.
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Personally i've never touched Black Librery sludge.
I enjoy worhammer lore the way it's intended: By knowing what my guys do and arguing with random people that my faction would totally beat their faction, learning about their faction in the process
The only Bowden I know of was a british officers, who defected to Israel after sending them weapons, ammo etc But I don't know the guy personaly or from his work, unless he writes short stories for the community page or the one in the Skaven Tide box or the army book for Elves and Sigmar knights.

I did read a fun book though. My aunt borrowed it for me. Was a hard read, because german isn't even my third language, but it was very fun. It was about a dude and his dwarf friend beating goat people.
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I mean I'm glad you enjoyed it. There are a few good books out there, despite people's reticence to say anything positive about BL. ADB has good prose, but he has fetishes that he cannot avoid stuffing into his books and it is irritating.

You found a faction you like yet or you still browsing so to speak?
First, you have to understand that right now we are in the
>The old threat was finally vanquished, a new threat is thus emerging
phase of the narrative. A new edition started and Skaven are the big antagonists, so for the next period they are going to be built up as a very big deal, otherwise there would be weight when at the end they get stopped.
But how else would I have found out Arkhan the Black got his name not from being an evil wizard but from smoking so much opium his teeth turned black?
I probably don't know enough to be 100% sure. I do like how the elves that live in the woods and ride dragons and eagles look and I like everything knight looking. I even got a few models. My riend bought 5 boxes of starters and couldn't sell someone of them, so I got a lot of models with shields and hammers, two handed hammers, like 3 guys with sword and torche, 3 "anachorite" ( I don't know if sigmar has ortodox monks, but we call those that) dudes with big brazier and flaming sword. It would probably be the easiest to start playing the dudes , I already have models for.
I know that I hate the animal people , especialy rats. rats kills pigglets and rabbits. Hate their very idea.
Oh that is very cool, so there are going to be more and new stories.
Hmm that is an odd naming convention. All "black" here would either have black hair or be evil. I think the only The Black dude that wasn't named that because of his hair was a Vareg war war leader of st Olga, who was called that either because his armour was black or because he was evil (liked killing children, women etc) and the blood and tears of his victims made his armour black.
>I do like how the elves that live in the woods and ride dragons and eagles
Those don't exist in aos anymore, if you want to play those models you'd need to play TOW which almost noone plays
>My riend bought 5 boxes of starters and couldn't sell someone of them, so I got a lot of models with shields and hammers, two handed hammers, like 3 guys with sword and torche, 3 "anachorite" ( I don't know if sigmar has ortodox monks, but we call those that) dudes with big brazier and flaming sword.
These guys you can definitely play though, those are stormcast and it sounds like they're the new ones so they'll be supported for quite a while
I already admited i barely read
I'd suggest starting here
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Good to know the name. Right now I am at the point of pondering what kind of a monster decided for the models to come in so many parts. After assembling one of the "anachorite" dudes I wanted to throw out the model. Those things are build for people who have been building models probably for years.

I am sad about the forest elfs. But it is what it is.
Now I am far away from starting to learn to play, but is there a legal way to mix models or armies up? Like could I have stormcast army and a contingent from another one. There is a model I rally like, but I am not sure if it is a stormcast one.
Wood elves are part of the season 1 tow, but not until the AoS equivalent get a replacement for the midllehammer dryads.
I expect them in 2026, many aos factions still have remants of warhammer that need to be purged.
Skavens were until 4th edition the biggest offenders.
Jumping in to the lore discussion as another noobie. Isn't the new lore now that instsad of Chaos inevitably winning like in WHFB its going to be Nagash? From what I heard he reshaped the realms from a balanced cycle into a hourglass where all the energy will inevitably end up in his domain. Isn't that kind of an implication that everyone is completely fucked unless the Realms get reshaped again? But I also heard that Nagash was bonked on the head by the elves rather hard and is basically a non-entity for some time until he recovers.
Nagash tried but failed. All he's done is change the Realm of Death to flow inwards. So instead all of the real dense and dangerous magic being on the outside, it is now flowing to the middle part of the realms. Middle part of the realms is where it is stable and people can live relatively normal lives. Further you go out, towards the edge, the worst shit will happen. Stuff will happen that will likely kill you. Of course, several factions are able to survive there. Seraphon can because they're powerful in magic and have technology that can help, but so are OBR's Null Myriad legions, which are extremely resistance to magic, so the two factions are often fighting on the edge of the realms over control of the powerful nodes and nexuses of magic that exist there.

There was a line very early on where a Stormcast says Nagash will ultimately win. That eventually everything will die, Chaos Gods, Sigmar etc and that in the end, even Time itself will die and then and only then, will Nagash be left and at that point he will finally die as well.
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wight king on skeletal steed
>Those things are build for people who have been building models probably for years.
All those models from starter boxes are what is known as "easy to build" and are in fact much simpler to construct then models from standalone boxes. Biggest piece of advice for easy to build stuff is to clip the posts down slightly so they fit together tighter, and don't go crazy with the glue as you can always apply more if things aren't super tight, but it's hard to remove fingerprints and smudged details from excess glue spilling everywhere
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Mangler squigs are kino
The cities of sigmar are now lead by strong black women. Defeat isn’t a possibility anymore.
WHFB never opened with “ chaos is going to win you’re all fucked “. This is smegmarist revisionism.
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Drycha fits with so many colour schemes. Plus she is fun to paint.
I went to tournaments with some black people and they are in deed very strong.
thanks for the advice. they are often a problem. same as the heads.
pretty sure there were multiple army books that hinted that chaos was always going to have an inevitable victory at hand.
Should have had security walk you to your car, now you know for next time.
No anon. There weren’t. Don’t make me go grognard autism on you. I played every edition from 5th onwards. There’s a reason why the end times was received as badly as it was. And the stink of it remains on AoS to this day.
You could say the same about sylvaneth in general. I think it might be genuinely difficult to pick a bad color scheme for them.
Shut the fuck up retard. If you're going to shitpost and pretend you're epib grognard oldfag, don't argue with me, an actual ebpicccccXDDD grognard who knows you're shitposting.

Oh look at that, you're wrong lol :)
Oh look at that :)
I mean I could go fishing for the offhanded quote here and there, but I guess its as concrete of a statement as how custodians were the sons of the emperor.
Anon that’s flavor text for an army book. That’s like saying taking a bit from the Bretonnian army book about its unstoppable Knights and claiming it means that objectively Bretonnia wins the setting and non can stand before them. How many other prophecies can be found in the lore that directly contradict that section? Mountains, because it’s not meant to be objective foreshadowing.
Lorelet? Which Dawnbringer Crusade failed?
So... wait, the cosmology remained the same - all 8 realms in a circle around Eight Points, but now the entire setting is slowly getting destroyed by destructive magics encroaching from the edges of each realm towards Eight Points, is that right?
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you're as mentally ill as the groups you have coveted.
You're weird.
I mean I was and still am on my countries weight lifting team for under 21y olds. We generaly don't need security.
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Oh fuck off retard. You made an objective statement that it never said that Chaos is going to win and I proved you wrong. For some 'epbic grognard who has played since 5th' you baffling forgot the 5th fucking rulebook.

And it's mentioned again in Darkness Rising book which is written IN SETTING.
shitposter bros wtf do we do now?????????
Moulderport seems fun.
>this is not ironic shitposting
yes it is, fuck off
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>moulderport allows the other clans free passage
>except they have to pay for it
then it's not free, innit?
Seethe elsewhere /pol/ tourist
desu I'm not sure what problem it's solving. Before 4e launch I thought it would be a way to encourage bringing those shitty combat heroes and a downside to some unique heroes, as well as a way to stop spamming.

It made bringing those special heroes even better and made spamming the best warscrolls even easier.

It's lopsided on a faction per faction basis and is confusing. They should just drop it with the next ghb, alongside the drop race as a concept.
Hey anons I played my first spearhead (skaven vs seraphon, I played skaven) and that was a lot of fun. We didn’t really know what we were doing at first so the game took 3 hours but we got the hang of it halfway through. My Clawlord on Gnawbeast completely shredded the Oldblood on Carnosaur with the help of a couple shots from the Warplock Engineer, and the Clawlord lived until my opponent’s round 4 fight phase where a single remaining Kroxigor smashed his head in. But I won the game decisively, so much so that we didn’t bother tallying the points at the end. That 5+ ward save enhancement for the Clawlord is very powerful, the Oldblood lost their duel because of it. Anyway, I like the game it’s very fun.
So where are the new giant rats/wolf rats?
the rumormonger probably took them for granted after he saw the gnawbeast, which is a mistake that happened with kruleboy cavalry and chaos dwarfs too at the time of the dominion rumours because the leakers had seen the killaboss on warg and the hobgrots and assumed shit must have followed immediately.
Anon I don’t know how to tell you this but canonically the storm of chaos that says in your writing was to be the end got smashed by the forces of order. As I said, in universe proclamations and prophecies mean nothing.
>The army building fucking S U C K S and while I'm not sure it's bad enough to ruin the edition, it's close

Mind elaborating on that, please?
NTA but you aren’t so much as building an army of soldiers and leaders that you equip you’re instead building a deck. AoS list building has been turned into an MTG style deck builder and it’s fucking lame. Inb4 you say the retarded other games have imbalanced items that leads to optimal selection, well the exact same thing happens with AoS deck building, rather than items/loadout you have optimal cards to put into your deck/army.
Its no more unbalanced now then its ever been. Listbuilding has always been pick the best units to win, that's the fundamental definition of it. You're comparison is complete drivel. Internal balancing is not a priority in this game.
You not being able to comprehend an argument doesn’t make it drivel. It’s not about competitiveness, it’s about the complete lack of choice and reducing army building to the mechanics of building a deck to play Friday night magic. Corporate dick gobbling retard.
That sounds dumb. Are we sure its a permanent thing and not some temporary measure until later into the edition?
I really hope so but with the direction AoS and 40k are taking I would venture that this is a permanent conscious decision. The best we can hope for is an overhaul in 5th if enough people make a fuss. Hopefully I’m wrong.
not my fault your boss baby vibes comparison in nonsensical retard. Just say you're stupid and don't like it for reasons you can't express instead of even trying to join a mechanical discussion.
>can’t even formulate a response
>resorts to zoomer tranny insults
Kek. Thanks, I wasn’t trying to convince you, just the other people here that haven’t tried it yet. You made yourself look great keep it up.
i am kind of getting into age of sigmar, i mostly play total warhammer, but lately have the itch to paint minis. Initially I was thinking 40k but no one faction really stands out. I've turned to sigmar but im wondering if theres a way to tell which factions have new models and which ones are outdated? I only ask because in 40k I was interested in Eldar but apparently they have old stinky models that suffer from issues. In AOS some factions just look very old like Seraphon despite the new name. Any factions to avoid?
anyone elses LGS have a mountain of skaventide boxes
Seraphon just got new sculpts last edition that are all phenomenal. Only thing I'd say is good to avoid from their range is saurus guard as it seems like they're one of the few things still due for updates
At this point most factions have a good mix of old and new plastics, with a couple still stuck with a few finecast models (Ogres, a couple of the godmarked chaos armies, CoS I think and maybe one or two others, with Ogres having it the sorst) and a few armies that are 100% new plastic. The only armies I'd really avoid are ones with finecast (Though they can be built without it, except ogres)
Skinks, and a lot of the actual dinosaurs are also older models but they still hold up well.
I used to play lizardmen all the way back during whfb days, before they even got the bite attack, and I swear infantry sauruses look just the fucking same than back then but with slightly more dynamic poses
They're not the same. The new models are also a bit more hench
No I know they're not exactly the same, but they sure LOOK like it. Blue nigga with red shield all the way down
Anon you’re aware that Old World exists and it’s literally just the total Warhammer setting right? If you’re cool with DEI black women leading your armies then sigmar may be your game, if you want proper Warhammer then this isn’t the setting for you. This is high fantasy.
...and it's also dead as fuck. 'le old warhammer for oldheads' being back is worthless if no one is willing to play it
Yes, and I cant buy one cause its in FUCKING FRENCH
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>before they even got the bite attack
But they've always had a bite attack
Huh! Then they lost it for an edition or two at some point, because I do not remember mine having it
Anon it was the 6th best selling game in the US on the last independent retailer market report. AoS was 4th. It’s not as popular but to say it is dead is silly.
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Not mine but they are pretty different looking from the old ones. Warriors share more in common with the plastic oldblood on carno then the warrior design of yesteryear
Saurus having 2 attacks is basically just their way of having bite/shield attacks, since like 99% of infantry only had 1.
I read that Bretonnian novel about the duke that goes into Athel Loren and time travels while befriending Wood Elves; it had the bit about the End Times being inevitable as its opening scrawl too.
Most people that came from Warhammer Total War don't care, anon. Well, at least once they get past the "AoS killed Fantasy" phase. I can attest to that bit myself. Warhammer Total War has Wuxia Cathay and Kislev Hussars on Polar Bears and shit. It may as well be AoS with how High Fantasy it is.

Ironic that the most "AoS" WHFB video game is the most popular Warhammer Fantasy video game out there.
To be fair it took Fantasy and 40k how many decades until they got a decent videogame out?
I'll accept your concession, anon. And enjoy your future DEI game. GW is already gearing up to add women in Bretonnian knights and queers to boot.
There's actually a really high chance it could avoid that fate.
By dying again.
Those do look similar enough, the silhouette is pretty much the same, all the bits are there, it's just been given a HD upgrade along with a bit more of a sci-fi thing to link to the Old Ones.
The new face on this one is better, has more of a dynamic pose and personality.

>Warriors share more in common with the plastic oldblood on carno then the warrior design of yesteryear
This happens a bunch with GW, where an older range gets a few or one new model that looks quite better, but acts as a kind of harbinger for what will come down the line years later. The wave of Lizardmen models from 2013 is where we can see the future direction of the model range go.
The (still sold, game legal now) Saurus Oldblood model from 2011 still has the elongated mouth that all Saurus model heads had, but just 2 years later they were using the new (kinda draconic?) Saurus head.

Interesting to note that the Skink design hasn't changed. The Skinks from 2003, 2013, the Underworlds warband from 2021, and 2023 models all share the same head design.

I guess they wanted the Skinks to have the longer snouts and bigger eyes, while the Saurus get the opposite make them look different. New Kroxigors and the Chameleon dudes also have their own visual identities.
It took 40k about 17 years to get Dawn of War.

It took Fantasy about 32 years to get End Times: Vermintide, which was the first ever decent Fantasy game. Total War came out a year after.
It's also slightly hilarious that there's a REALLY good chance that the only reason the decent WHFB vidyas exist is BECAUSE it was destined for the dumpster. Like, setting aside that vermintide literally has "End times" in its fuckin' name, TWWH was something CA had been trying to get the rights to make for ages, and it just so happens that when they finally do, the the IP ends at around the same time the game releases. It definitely wasn't a coincidence, especially if you remember the CEO at the time all this happened basically viewed computers as witchcraft
>TFW you played CoS 2ed
>Liked the Triple Alliance style
>Fast forward to 2024
>Can't play TOW
>Dark Elves hate my filthy humans
>Can't play AoS
>Race riots and Tall Trees incoming

What a horrific timeline. I honestly wish GW squatted CoS a year ago like BoC and launched Dawnbringer Crusades as a new thing. At least then they wouldn't pretend.
NTA and I don't want to sound like a grog because those fucks annoy me, but part of me misses aspects of older rulesets such as lower wound counts across the board and some of the granularity that came with the way unit profiles and special rules were set up. Granted, my experience with "older" rulesets started at 6th ed 40k, so it could be rose tinted goggles on some things, but other things I definitely miss.
You do understand warrior cultures of Men oftentimes have a high rate of homosexuality? Maybe not always physical, but emotional romances pop up as well.
It’s been a thing forever. When there’s no women around being idiots and whores, the brotherhood and emotional bond between a warrior brotherhood often becomes gay.
How viable is a Troggoth army nowadays?
Kek Janny is fast to protect his favorite IP
Cities of Sigmar more like Inner Cities of Sigmar am I right
these discord raids suck. i have seen better from less organized anons.
The strongest way to play gsg right now
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basecoating this rat
I like your rat, friend.
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I've been wondering why I've never seen blizzard sell miniatures since Warcraft is the perfect IP for it and I like the artstyle (before Warlords of draenor) and certain characters from the MMO.

Thanks for posting this, hopefully they can ship hard prints to my country so I can get off the GW tit
Good God the old warriors look so bad
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>Interesting to note that the Skink design hasn't changed. The Skinks from 2003, 2013, the Underworlds warband from 2021, and 2023 models all share the same head design.
So you'll find that new skinks have a much more defined upper lip and nose, whereas the old ones are much more lizard like and smooth towards the snout
Despite being one of the oldest still in production, they're still some of my favorite models
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the good guys already took a massive L at the beginning of the setting. Dawnbringer crusades are kind of their huge collective offensive campaigns to start new cities. massive mortal armies and civilians venturing into the wilderness to put down some castles and shit like they're starting a new base in Age of Empires or Starcraft. Sometimes they fail and sometimes they manage to gain a foothold.
Places like Ghyran and Aqshy are especially contested.

At the current moment the skaven have made some significant gains.

Pic rel is a good reprsentation
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And the picture I meant to include
The og skinks are so good, even the skins on the dinosaur howdas are great
skinks are one of those models like plaguebearers and stabbas where you really can't improve much over the current model. It's just not worth it for GW to invest time and money and not worth it to the consumer to paint another horde of them when they already have the same dudes for 15 years ago.

Like, how much more detail can you add to a tiny green midget with a trashbag robe, dinner plat shield and a pointy stick? Skinks are just cute little lizards with a frill and frisbee sheidl
>how much more detail can you add to a tiny green midget with a trashbag robe, dinner plat shield and a pointy stick?
Quite a bit if you make sure every new grot model is riding another critter or has a staff that you can stick 10 sculpted details to
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>og skinks
Correct, but unrelated to the picture you're replying to.
Those are cool too, and I have a bunch of them, but I do like the sculpt that came after those guys a little more, especially when paired up with the newer dinos. I think they fit with the current line almost perfectly whereas the old bow skinks are very clearly from another era when put next to the big dinos
What the fuck is wrong with modern GW designers? Is it suits telling them if they look more human they will sell better or something? The older more lizard like face is immeasurably superior.
Fair enough, yeah if I didn't already have 50+ of the little bastards with shortbows and an old pewter Stegadon I probably would have gone all in on the newer Skinks, there are really no bad Skink models.
What the hell are the Idoneth up to
As far as I know, nothing in particular. Which sucks. Even Volturnos has been sidelined a bit because he started going a little berserk at times.
It’s Lurien’s time
Inb4 he gets offscreened by a rat.
Swimming prolly
I want to know what’s the point in torturing their animals to ride them. I forgor
I was hoping he’d go out like the father in Oedipus Rex
I've been awol from Aos for some time and noticed that all the dwarf units like Ironbreakers are gone from Cities of Sigmar on the webstore.
Did GW really commit Dwarf genocide and only keeping humies and dark elves in CoS?
No, the rules are still there
>modern GW designers
They hired furries.
That's why the dragons have massive bushes of pubes.
Killing Teclis
It's like a Netflix subscription i guess.
Yes But GOOD GOD was the starter box a great deal. You could buy 3 or 4 and you dad the army for a prixce of 4 carnos.
Feels like they won't be around for very long though
GW going full ethnostate with the CoS is definitely something.
Rumours say the 4e CoS relas will be basically just dwarfs.
>I just don't want to play the side that is losing
are you a child?
>Isn't the new lore now that instsad of Chaos inevitably winning like in WHFB its going to be Nagash?
Yes, but in a "heat death of the univers" sort of way.
Do you warry about the fact 13 trillion years from now there will be nothing but a ball of iron floating in darkness?
Nothing of value was lost
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>Half of the Stormcast battleline and general grunts are women
>All the leaders, and almost all the elite troops are all-men
You know, that makes perfect sense since most of the leader and elite models are older, often predating GW's current initiative to represent women more in their games.
>I just don't want to play the side that is losing.
Join Tzeentch, then.
i-is we gettin wolfrats boss...
That was all Anon
In warcry
>watching a WAAC-list kill the entire AoS scene at my LGS
>Spearhead dead, Warcry was never popular, but the few that play it always down to play

>quietly continue to paint and pretend my other army isn't just gathering dust now
Brutes You Messin? ability is so rough for GSG
what are you painting?
how can one list kill an entire scene? just dont play the waac-fag.
He's the owner of the store and you need to battle him to enter

Slowly plinking off Sigvald, but hurrying a Killteam for the new edition. Anything to put off painting 20 more Blissbarbs and clan-rats.

LGS is mostly dads or dad-tier players. Busy and casual. They ended up moving off of AoS anyhow.
>go to LGS
>have enough time for a game and some socializing
>dumpstered off table, unable to dent army and simply pull models as their score is 5x mine at the lowest
>pretend I had fun being a low level MMO mob

Everyone moved on to Hive Secundus anyhow. I’m just going to skirmish games for a bit.
so why dont they play each other instead of the waac-fag? you didnt answer my question.
How good is the CoS Command Corps, both for AoS and Warcry? I was thinking of getting of more CoS units, but I'm not sure as them as they seem to have lost a lot of functionality from 4th edition and now synergize with Marshall-Envoy who I don't have.
Lol based
they play with each other after chad's had his way with them.
>Local homeless person makes list of warhammer players he will stab one day
Shrimple as that
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Refresh when holy shit
they dont look as bad as the other old stuff tho. kinda helps they dont have an emphasis on their faces.
they're exactly the same as gutter runners? Only using the hooded heads doesn't even count
>clanrats refreshed twice since the first plastics
>nah these first wave plastic plaguemonks from 2000 are totally not out of place
Lmao, how is his store even stay afloat?
>quietly continue to paint and pretend my other army isn't just gathering dust now
My KO army isn't getting off the spruces anytime soon either
Local Peruvian mafia uses it as a front to lounder fentanyl profits
>Every kit over twenty years old needs a refresh
Let them die so that other new kits may live
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It took 4 editions of whfb and 3 editions of aos to refresh these guys
Either be patient or 3d print
That guy living the dream
Eh. If I had a nickel for every time a LGS in my area turned out to be a front for money laundering connected to drug trade I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that happened twice.
new sculpts are great but these were pretty good looking minis
I dunno what a ogre update would even look like...
Probably overpowered, compared to limp dick that's the current index
please understand the billion dollar company can't maintain the kind of standards of quality even mantic manages
its just funny because anyone who actually wanted new or different models already got them for rats, years ago. from guys who just have a 3d printer in their garage. and if i compare those to GW's new ones, they're still neck and neck.
why do we need new kits when they can't make rules for what's already there worth playing.
I think the degree gw cares about the game itself as a product is questionable, its at least the 3rd priority. You don't see Conquest shitting out 3 kits, calling it an army, and then moving on and letting it rot for 10 years.
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I like the knoights.
CoS are such an aesthetically displeasing army
When do you think the first point adjustments are coming out?
After rat and SCE tomes releas
>SCE tomes releas
They're being very rude by making me wait for it.
should have bought more skaventide and voted for the golden boys
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So is there any more where that came from or is it just the single page?
No. Furries/scalies wouldn't have made them look so weird and ugly. I can assure you that furries find these less appealing.
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Someone's getting a scenic base.
thats a sbgl endless spell
I'm gonna wild guess a Nurgle character with a swamp theam

I'll not elaborate further
Doesn't look like his model we saw
Festus 2.0
That was tyrion, not malerion
Katakros. I love the diorama feel of it, all the little different dudes with their own personality and Katakros' own pose, surveying the area around him. It's a perfect centrepiece of an army that's supposed to be super well-organized and disciplined.
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I'm glad they've given some focus to katakros' little command squad recently
I don't want to use faction terrain or manifestations...
Faction terrain I get, but manifestations are sick. Kitbash your own thematic ones, make it fun, half of them you can cobble together your leftover bits
Endless spells is a great concept. Faction terrain is stupid and should cost points if they really wanna sculpt the damn things.
Really a lot of things in 4th should just not be free, but they are.
They all seem pretty boring. They're all either niche and weak attacks, buffs that hardly apply to my army, or Morbid Conjurations (which I refuse to use).
If you think they suck ass then you have no reason to use them, what’s the problem

They play Necromunda together. I assume the new(er) edition for it and the lack of overlap helps.

>not Warcry answer:
Very neutered compared to 3rd, but not too bad. You can be a funny guy and run a Brazier of Holy Flame to revive d3 models of them every end of turn. 3-9 wounds for “free” can be fun. Mixed results with mine - even the Command Point ability is watered down, but there are 2 good weapon profiles in there.
I was just addressing the response that they're "sick".
that paintjob is doing some heavy lifting
Greywater Fastness seems like a monkey-paw victim with its transfers
>Cool lore
>Cool aesthetic
>Amazing colour scheme
>Fucking awful, boring heraldry with off-colour stickers
Look, I don't even really subscribe to all of the "muh DEI" shit. I was just talking shit to piss him off desu. That being said, that's a misunderstanding of ancient culture; homosexuality in the past was mostly based on dom/sub with it being fine for someone of influence to fuck anything as long as they're the dom. That included grooming the young. Ancients didn't really have a concept for homosexuality.
That's basically jsut hellens. Desert people always shuned it
It's more like Mediterranean culture. That includes the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Greeks, Romans, Carthaginians, and more.
Most of the cultural “pillars” of the west did that Anon
Underworlds nurgle shit probably.
one of the best kits they ever put out. full of character.
Holy shit I didnt notice the guy on the left hasa. Little baby bird about to eat the worm on the rock. That's great.
it's a kit full of nice details
are boltboyz new? I really enjoy their model, but the difference between how they look and how brutes look is so stark different. It feels like they are completely different game
They debuted three years ago in the launch box for the previous edition. And yes, they look wildly different from what the army and most of the game looked like before then.
My guess is they will double down on bull imagery as seen with their warcry band, so less historically inspirited and more bull stuff everywhere alongside maybe more combined race stuff auxiliaries
Boltboyz are from a different species from brutes
On a tangent, I despise boltboyz. Not because of the figures themselves, but for what they're emblematic of.
They should just have been a normal unit of 10 dudes, but GW artificially boats their price with rules as the excuse.
No they shouldn't they're elite fucking snipers and had one of the best shooting profiles in the game.
They aren't a mob of peasants throwing rocks
Nothing prevents them from being elite in the rules, it is just done as an excuse to give you less than a third of figures for full cost.
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AoS needs more of this energy and less mudcore.
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AoS needs at least one sculpt of a woman character who isn’t hideous. Just one. The directive of only ugly women in AoS needs to stop. Racist GW making every woman look like a British woman, either brutally ugly or black or both. Where’s the diversity.
Go back to warmachine
those mountains must be really small if they're dwarfed by a warlord titan which is canonically only 33 meters tall
Warhammer scale is retarded. You’ll read about these epic planet spanning battles and then they will say something stupid like “ over a million souls perished in the fighting “. Then you look at battles like Stalingrad with over 4 million combatants fighting over one city.
Forget Stalingrad, battles of the classical period in our history over small towns involved tens of thousands of soldiers on either side. Canae for example was 85000 Romans vs 50000 Punics, a total of well over a hundred thousand men fighting in a small area. And that was only one such battle.
>classical period
and you're going to trust classical sources about those numbers, aren't you?
Aye, my point is. The GW writers are retards who don’t know what 33m looks like or enough history to properly size their “ epic “ battles in the lore. I miss old GW writing where everyone was a history or archeology grad.
Those are modern estimates that vastly downplay the sizes of armies, not the "Xerxes invaded Greece with a million men" contemporary sources.
Even then, an army needed baggage, camp followers, and was almost like a moving city.
Help me Anons, I'm looking for an Ogre model with particularly large manboobs. I'll paint it and I'll be claiming there's no visible difference between male and female Ogres and these manboobs are simply boobs.
ogre maneater (female)
the model had both a female head to represent a female ogre and an optional beard to represent a male ogre in drags

the ogre butcher also has very flabby moobs
I was excited but it's fucking forgeworld just like every other star playerrrr.
Fuck forgeworld
why did 4e flop so hard? why are we still so dead? wheres all the newbros?
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Palladors with shock axes or javelins?

i like the fact that old skaven sculpts got update but i'm sad to see that they are all missing skaven SOUL, no more crazy faces with tongues on their cheeks, no more bullied skavenslaves holding a pavise for a jezzailer, no more crazy expressions on the face of the weapons teams while they unleash their invention on the enemy

new skaven sculpts are trying to be taken far too seriously for what the skaven are, modellers really dropped the ball on this update
they dropped the ball because its not your particular cornball redditor taste, I don't think so.
>Warhammer scale is retarded

but warlord titans are still only 33m tall
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Warhammer Fantasy was inclusive before inclusivity was cool.
it wasn't about inclusivity, it was about harmless jokes
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Bloodbowl ogres exist
what if Ironjaws got ork slingers?
Any kind Anon has White Dwarf issue from March 2020 or at least Warscrolls of Squigapalooza and is willing to share?
Wahapedia has the Squigapalooza warscrolls under 2nd edition
Actually wait I have the genuine articles here
Which one would you recommend for an elite infantry army, Ogors or Troggoths?
This guy was so strong of a design he inspired the entirety of the maggotkin line.

Gloomspite are some of the best additions to the game.

that has been an issue since the beginning.

I like troggs, but i'm biased. they have some real nice kits. the ogors have nice lore, and if you can find some decent looking prints for the troops it'll be a better looking army in the long run than what they made decades back
40k is down the hall, bud. you can go be boring and serious there.
They are pretty great.
Half your army is a brick 8 Ironguts and 12 Gluttons who will tear ass
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make it a catapult and we're go
I think its not always the same guys in his squad. they got at least killed once in wrath of the everchosen and I think its stated Katakros can move his soul from one his bodies to another to appear on different battlefields.
if underworlds dies, they should keep making named warbands but put them in warcry.
They turned the pestilance on into a generic unit
i dont like that. it takes away character.
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wonder if I should trade my obr for some ogres.
yeah, i am thinking it might be a model for da Retch
Ossiarch's souls are just little gemstones inside the golem bodies, you just plug them into another one when the body is destroyed. That short story you're replying to is from the POV of the samurai body guard guy who talks about how Archaon killed him once before, it's why he shares the visions of the coming vermindoom that Katakros sees
They're all already in warcry, most of them are pretty good there

They taunt us by showing the ruffles and feather hats... this is what they took from us
A new realmgate yawns open

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