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Hedge Shredder Edition

▶Bans (NOW)

The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


▶Current meta, complete with deck lists
▶Build and share casual decks

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▶What is E D H?

Favorite vehicle? Alternatively, favorite artifact?
Your mom
What does it take to crew her?
Favorite vehicle?
Choo Choo motherfuckers
6 black creatures
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this amongst others in fun "road rage" greasefang feck.
It's shit but I love the art and the concept.
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what if every standard deck was $25
wouldn't that be good for everybody
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Vehicles are still a very confused subtype and I am still not sure what they are supposed to be or what wotc wants them to be.
They always are completely unplayable or completely meta warping, with very little in between.
They, and energy, are the unwanted children that were left out of the original Mirrodin block. Shock of shocks, they are both very easy to make unbalanced.
it's kind of gross how mainstream this meme is. even high school students know about it
Your Mom
Legendary Artifact - Vehicle
As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may sacrifice any number of Foods. This spell costs {1} less to cast for each permanent sacrificed this way.
When Your Mom becomes crewed, for each creature that crewed it this turn, create a token that’s a copy of that creature, except it’s 1/1 and it’s a Human Sibling in addition to its other types.
Crew 6
Do you think porn is some secret niche hobby?
The only vehicle I've ever used was Schooner so it's that by default
>I'm going subterranean!
>I'm gonna Schooon!!!!
>I'm Schooonnninggggggg!!!
I doubt that many people have actually watched the video. People know it more through derivative memes.
Yeah, so why would it be weird that it's gotten mainstream? Especially among high school students, edgy memes are their bread and butter.
Sorry, I'm actually in agreement with you. I was just making the point that most people know it secondhand, rather than actually knowing the porn it's from.
My apologies, years on this site have left me instinctually primed to assume people are disagreeing. I should probably see someone about that.
Idea: New Policy at Wizards
If you waste great art or a terrific concept on a shit card, 5 lashings in the town square
They're supposed to be a way to circumvent wraths and sorcery speed removal while still having a creature feel. On paper, it's a good idea. They apparently have trouble with the execution.
hello I hate vehicles
I love pirates, they never quite made it but I had fun anyway.
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I'm actually surprised wotc reprinted one of my favorite cards
vehicles were kinda fun but are too slow, they would need crazy support cards to make it at least playable like say what skellies get with tribal enchants to give them haste or menace, or in the case of vehicles things to get past the inherent weakness of needing a pilot, at what point do they get so many boosts to make them viable that they just become defacto normal artifact creatures with some flavor.
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Vehicle adjacent
I've always wanted a durdle archetype that's themed on setting up a trade empire. Converting resources, bargaining for deals, creating trade routes, that kind of shit. Revel in Riches obviously gets reprinted as the wincon.
How long until next spoiler season? I'm really anxious to see how they fuck up Standard forever with Foundations.
The one and only
Heart of Kiran. Love it as a card and the art. The art direction in Kaladesh is my favourite of all Magic planes, so I generally like pretty much everything from that set, but Heart of Kiran in particular.
I forgot to mention Aethersphere Harvester was so good in standard. I miss that time.
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Duskmourne?! More like duskSHIT!
What is this!? The worldbuilding is awful! Valgavoth doesn't even make any sense! Who thought of this, this year's winner of the worst woldbuilder in the universe award?!

And look at this! Basebal?
Baseball?! So what, is Babe Ruth running around Duskmourne?! Is Valgavoth draining fear form the damned Pittsburgh Pirates!?

And it's all so broken and hideous! Card design is so lazy, and the flavor text makes me want to puke!

This set fucking sucks!
It sucking fucks!
I'd rather spend my evening going to an escape room with my friends than play this shit!
I'd rather huff donkey farts out of the Jolly Balloon Man's balloon animals!
I'd rather manifest my own death!

Fear of Missing Out?! More like Fear of Not Being Absolute Shit!
Or how about Fear of Good Designers?! Oh! Or Fear of Spending Money on Quality Control!
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>Favorite vehicle? Alternatively, favorite artifact?
This, but unironically and with additional criticism for the uninspired designs of Manifest+, Constellation+, and Suspend+
Reckoner Bankbuster
Oni Cult Anvil
I, for one, appreciate that Wizards has finally entered the design space of "Directly insulting your customers."
It's a refreshing twist from the usual crypto-corporatist cash grabs and uninspired derivative slop.
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... Standard?
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>Directly insulting your customers.
Standard is a turn 2 format now. Nothing that costs 3 or more matters, and God help you if you lost the coin toss.
BO1 is not "Standard", nor "Magic" at all.
Our meme !
Arena isn't Magic to begin with. I was talking about how your local FNM is soon to be buried in Red Deck Wins.
The card already does nothing, why restrict it like that?
so nothing changed
>not the one with the flavor text reading "I have seen you"
>grindpiler whinging
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>Favourite artifact
I have a cat
I make a pie
Simple as
Unironically playable in rdw
How did this card survive the wizard woke purge??
Anon, Leyline of Resonance is garbage and reduces consistency of already good decks outside of BO1.
Its shit design, makes rdw decks even more of a lottery machine resulting in salt on either side
You play a mountain? I scoop, fuck all degenerates.
maybe commander would be more your speed
Because the original is a sorcery dumbass.
>Mountain enjoyer
And then some people wonder why aggrotards are the most retarded players.
why, because i enjoy decision making instead of just chucking mythics at each other after 5 turns of doing nothing??? lol
oh it's a reference to vindicate, very funny
>Should i kill oppo with Slickshot or just hit with HH and sac it?
Really the galaxy brain kind of decks
yeah that's what happens in matchups with durdling grindpiles, it's not what happens when your opponent is actually trying to play the game
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>Vein Ripper no longer exists to brick creature decks
>Now we get to deal with the same cat/oven infinite blocking loop that has been spewing vomit all over the game since it was introduced
>Except now it's in the same deck as Kikki-Jikki infinite blocking loops.

Never in a format's history has a B&R update made a format this much worse than it was before. How has cat/oven not been nuked from every god damned format it's such a design fucking abomination.
>Vein Ripper no longer exists to brick creature decks
how do you explain rakdos aggro being the best and most popular deck in the format in the last 7 days then?
>modern without MH or UB when
>how do you explain rakdos aggro being the best and most popular deck in the format in the last 7 days then?
Anon you need to ponder your inability to comprehend time as a linear construct.
If I’m trying to integrate myself into an lcg is it better to first time a prerelease or a draft night? Sorry for the stupid question I’m shy and socially retarded
I'm just glad Treasure Cruise will be sticking around for at least another 6 months, there's no way they hit anything from Phoenix given the current meta.

Prerelease usually has more new players so you'll be in good company.
Hows type 2 these days? I played a bit on MTGA both BO3 and BO1 during ONE and MOM and it was alright besides Unending Despair and stuff, but when they announced the change to set rotations I just lost interest and quit during Eldraine spoilers.
I imagine art and expansion themes have both been getting worse and worse, but how's gameplay and balance?
I'm playing Lizards and having a good time. Excited to try some form of Delirium after Duskmourn drops, but I am worried about Foundations fucking everything up.
Prerelease. Its about half commander people usually that just go there to get new cards. Nicest mtg setting i can think of outside of playing with friends.
Jund sac is far from a dominant deck, Azorius control and any deck who can establish a clock can dight it pretty effectively
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-3 Death Baron
+2 Vorpal Sword, +1 Shadowspear

The amount of times we ever actually attacked with Death Baron was so close to zero, that it was literally actually zero. Noting that the Deathtouch aura was still potent, I went digging for alternatives and found one that is proving mighty fine: Vorpal Sword.

Deathtouch enabler, fills a similar 3cmc pump slot (B + bB to equip = same "Mana value" as Baron) while also being more versatile, and more difficult to remove. The added kino of simply butchering someone from any life total once you get enough mana is the real juice.

As it would turn out, equipments are really quite good in a deck with so many recursive threats. If we don't have a body for them, we can usually find one.

I've opted for 2x Vorpal and 1x Shadowspear, though. Vorpal + Spear combine to effectively blank all attempts to block, and I think the rare lifelink from Spear plus its occasional protection stripping will come in handy more often than a third Vorpal Sword.
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>art direction in Kaladesh
Agreed, it was fantastic.
One dude was suprised I'm using Magda to tutor Skysovereign, Consul flagship during modern evening instead of some finisher, as if I needed any reason other than that beautiful art.
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Enchantress beatdown: winmore or what the deck wants to do?

Can't you just kill the oven? There are so many cards with Shatter as a mode at least one has to be mainboard playable.
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It was at this moment Jeskai energy player knew, he fucked up
>I always have it!
>Enchantress beatdown: winmore or what the deck wants to do?
Pump Auras are not the way.

If you want to do Enchantress beatdown in Pioneer, you're probably going ton want to lean into Auras as removal (Like Ossification) and cards like Katilda to back it up.
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TQ related
My friends told me that Thalia wasn't out of my league and that there was a chance I could have been with her. Now she is with a man I see as less than me in many ways. and their suggestion that I could have been worthy of her made me angry. It made me angry because I know I'd rather be dating Thalia than my current girlfriend. But it's too late and another man has won her heart. So being forced to confront that my relationship is basically bullshit and even if I leave it I will be stuck pining for Thalia as another man makes love with her. I think that's why I lashed out at my friends and why I don't talk to them anymore. It makes me angry to think about. I honestly want to fucking kill myself. Soemtimes I pinch myself at work really hard jsut trying to cope with what I feel inside. I am really fucking SICK of feeling this way and I fucking HATE Thalia for existing but if she didn't I never would have met girlfriend.

It does both. Removal, protection, and if the board is clear it gains you life. Really the pump effect is the last important part of the card.
I meant to imply, you don't want to be sticking your removal onto your threats as it lets them BTFOing you do double duty.
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>Who thought of this, this year's winner of the worst woldbuilder in the universe award?!
Why did this make me laugh?
Fair. My one argument is that enchantress is already a high-risk strategy since it hinges on sticking a below-rate creature. Doubling down on the "all in" aspects might be worth exploring.
>Option A
Make five Enchantment Lands that each tap for their respective color.

>Option B
Make one enchantment land that is an unplayable pile of flaming shit.

cat has always been gay but it gets beaten by trample effects aka the thing rakdos plays 8 copies of
I'd add more Saga Lands but make them not format warping this time
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My house burned down can I stay here for a while?
>silver at this point in the season
pathetic, i started a week ago and i'm diamond
Option B, artifact lands were a mistake and enchantment lands should be smothered in the crib.
cranial plating affinity was more fun than any currently viable modern deck, so A
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no, go back to vg you must
the unplyable shit. Artifact lands are powerfull and the only difference between artifacts and enchantments were supports and wotc are so out of ideas that they are making enchantment matter in the same way they did artifact matter.
>Now she is with a man I see as less than me in many ways.
You are delusional. Your best bet is that Jin the goat is confirmed as dead dead otherwise she is will always crave for his big shrimp d. Your gf is not as hot as Thalia and will never be.
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Is it ok if I bring my cat
if you rope im going to rape you
why would it be okay to bring your cat?
https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/making-magic/duskmourn-house-of-horror-vision-design-handoff-part-1 Vision Design Handoff Document for Duskmourn.
Manifest Dread used to be Manifest Evil and was looking at the top three, one becomes a 2/2, the rest go on the bottom of your library.
A completely scrapped mechanic was Possess, whereupon a creature, upon death, would come back as an Aura enchanting another creature and giving it the abilities the creature has, sort of a Backup style approach, but the mechanic felt too narrow and ended up being turned into the Enduring Glimmer cycle.
My home is gone dude it’s fucking gone over on vg. It just happened this morning and I don’t know what to do?
>the actually interesting mechanic got scrapped for shiny pokemon
>actually interesting mechanic
It's just haunt + bestow.
yeah which befits the set
So the words evil and possess were too problematic to use as mechanics? What is this? 1994?
Sounds more like disturb without the extra cost. Missed opportunity to reimagine this cycle too.
>Modern horror is a new trope space for Magic. We will look to reference pop culture movies and games to satisfy both fans of the genre and set ourselves apart from our other horror setting, Innistrad, which looks more to gothic horror literature.
fuck this shit
they're saying it OUT LOUD
Hahaha, had a good laugh. Classic format.
Pauper Cube update!

Green gets a massive needed boost, more mana fixing, all around looks great.
That was never... Secret?
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Another Ghostbusters Secret Lair, based on the animated series. I don't... Think these are screenshots, but rather just art that's meant to look like that?
>So the words evil and possess were too problematic to use as mechanics?
It doesn't say that anywhere, you're literally just making shit up to get mad about.
>Modern horror set is based on modern horror media
I'm shook
I can see why they changed evil to dread, though, because dread evokes the fear more overtly, that the mechanic is meant to kind of play into the suspense (or the dread, dare I say) of it. Evil is just kind of bland to use there.
MaRo has always been open about how they design sets based on tropes and pop culture references. Are you new?
>It doesn't say that anywhere
Does it have to?
We know where the idea of manifest evil came from, until they decided to change the theme to "fear of shit we can't even translate mechanically most of the time."
Unless you're retarded or schizophrenic, yes, people do generally have proof for their claims.
hear me out: the fear ofs should've been nightmare tribal whose effects pile up and are shared by all nightmares (like slivers) and have the majority of them be debuffs for the opponents and their creatures
>Your gf is not as hot as Thalia and will never be.
I know and the fact that I feel that way makes me want to FUCKING KILL MYSELF knowing my feelings for my girlfriend will never be as intense as they were for Thalia, I wanted to marry Thalia I would have done anything for her and everything feels like a whisper after that and now she is with another man and I can never ever speak to her again. I should have NEVER fucking talked to her again I should have NEVER fucking let this happen but if I hadn't I would have never had my girlfriend, it's all inextricably linked and I will be trapped in these feelings for ever and I HATE IT I FUCKING HATE IT I HATE IT I FUCKING HATE IT
You're naive as fuck, anon.
That's a pretty good idea. But anything would've been better than what we got, might be one of the worst cycles in the history of the game.
"Dread" definitely makes more sense than "evil" for a horror themed set, that was a good choice. Manifest evil also wouldn't really make much sense flavorwise when you're flipping over survivors and good guys, meanwhile dread still fits because there's suspense while it's face down.
Now that the dust has settled, thoughts on Bloomburrow?
I loved duskmourne. can't wait for the next set spoilers to start
Horror movies occasionally even did the "suspense but it's actually a good thing causing the suspense", so flipping a survivor or whatever still 'fits'.
Probably one of the worst limited sets in a long time, drafting was so narrow it often felt like a coin flip.
You sound undermedicated.
You're too underage for this discussion anon, come back in ten years.
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We've had modern horror tropes sprinkled in Magic as early back as 1994.
he has a point tho it's not hard to guess why literal demonic possession was replaced by faggy light animals
The mechanical side of it was repurposed. Glimmers were likely in the set relatively early-on, flavour-wise.
Horrible set. Not even the art can save it.
A month after DSK bullshit no one will even remember cute animal shit.
Yea, it's because possession was a bad mechanic. There are no image/PR problems with demonic possession. You're being dumb.
To appease his demographic and its hordes of evangelical parents, no doubt.
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>it's another 'wotc apologists denying reality' episode
No niggers though.
Damn! Why would there be Wotc apologists here, in the thread about a Wotc product, where wotc customers are talking about the latest wotc product they bought?
You see yourself as wise and cynical, but you aren't actually doing the work, you're just mindlessly going through the motions.
>There are no image/PR problems with demonic possession
forgot this was coprophile general now my bad
bootlickers and sycophants
it should not be accepted
Kys faggot
You don't even know what these words mean.
insert a funkopop into your anus and burn in a house fire
I know right, the 80s are over, sometimes I can't believe it myself.
Low-IQ hipster.
>braindead wotc shill can't look at post times
color me shocked
>retard only just noticed how bad things really are
>gets called retarded for taking this long to notice
>assumes the people calling him out are actually saying things are good
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No I;m criticizing the fact they said this is new territory for Magic: the Gathering.

Most zombies and horrors in MTG are modern incarnations of zombies, not haitian voodoo slaves, and the horrors even back in the day were definitely modern inspired from film.

The fact they were able to do this without it being Radioshackmourn is telling about how much they've lost their way, and how uninspiring it is.

The worst part is, the idea of plane that is effectively a haunted house, controlled by a IAM like figure isn't a bad idea, and could have been really good if the execution wasn't total shit.
The new territory is the explicit modern horror tropes, come on.
Good point there about the 80s being over. You should try watching some horror films from the past decade to see how watered down and family friendly the genre has become.
Anyone know a good way to get German language cards in the US? I really want pic rel but cardmarket needs a euro address.
Manifest Dread is the best and most flavorful application of the Morph mechanic ever.
It depends on what you mean, the actual horror tropes are mostly well-establishd in magic and they fit, it's all the t.v.s and the soda cans and the highschool culture references that bring it down.
Say it with me anons:
That's not exactly a high bar, to be fair. They didn't have clear flavour to them in their original depictions, nor did they in Tarkir.
They sure have now.
RDW would be ruining BO1 standard even without Swiftspear dude
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There aren't. You think soccer moms would look at this with nuance and go "actually she's not possessed by a demon, she's a naive character who felt alone and bullied so she fell victim to a manipulative demon that pretended to support her"? No, they see it's called Demonic Counsel, the art shows a girl looking like she's possessed, and they cry about satan again.
Disguise is about as good on that front, then.
Nah, disguise was gay.
Damn they really are just printing demonic tutor again, huh?
Yes. Find your local quality print shop.
There’s not a high res scan online. Why do you think I’m asking
But that's the exact problem? You posted one card the soccer mom can already bitch about, imagine it as a core part of the gameplay. You'd have the kids talking about possessing this and that or manifesting evil constantly while playing, and the soccer mom won't approve of that language in her kitchen.
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Literally nobody is complaining about it. That's why they're fine with printing it. Those soccer moms are from decades past, can you actually show a single post or conversation about someone crying over this card? If wotc actually worried about those people, they simply could've not printed a card named demonic counsel.
The only way I've gotten international cards is through ebay. It costs a fortune to ship if they even ship to North America but that's how you get it.

You can try and find a forwarding company that will give you their address for cardmarket to ship to and then they will ship everything to you, but you're going to be paying as much as if you just bought direct on ebay.
They can't stop printing demons without disenfranchising the playerbase. They can, however, walk on eggshells while designing the sets, both mechanically and artistically. Remember that cunt complaining about too much gore in the Phyrexia sets? These people exist and businesses are prioritizing pandering to them. The S in ESG isn't just shoehorned brown skinned characters.
>Hey you know what this game needs?
>MORE tools that help you win after going first!
How am I to print a proxy without a HQ scan
i just want to play real magic anons with me and my opponent playing cards and casting spells... nowadays this game seems like yugioh, someone cast a mountain and the game is over for me or him...
How did this survive the racism banwave?
eldrazi planeswalker idea (survivor of a suicide cult)
>They can't stop printing demons without disenfranchising the playerbase
What kind of retard logic is this? There's plenty of sets that don't have demons at all, they could've just kept printing Bloomburrows if they wanted to pander to those types. Do you seriously think the playerbase will revolt if wotc didn't print a set featuring a demon?
>Remember that cunt complaining about too much gore in the Phyrexia sets?
They are clearly not "prioritizing" pandering to these people that much, given how the sets shipped despite those people still complaining.

You seem to have made up a conclusion and then tried to twist all observations to support that conclusion. Businesses doing things not exactly to your liking isn't because of some ESG boogeyman, it's just how things go.
i felt lazy, okay?
IMO they should use obscure terminology like to mega therion and immanentize the eschaton so that parents have no idea what their children are talking about
here, i fixed it just for you
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>plenty of sets
>a set
Your reading comprehension is abysmal.
>ESG boogeyman
Bluepilled or on their payroll?
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*Unzips my own rancid dogshit concept*
>We can't have demonic possession in MtG because ESG prioritizes Christian soccer-mom values
This is wild. Do you think it's a bad actor trying to tilt the conversation or do you think it's a natural evolution of the ESG mythos?
Sup Maro
No good.
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Now it's banned.
>wotc shill gets btfo
>starts talking to himself
That doesn't mean "literally no body horror", just "we're not leaning TOO hard on the grotesque and the gory".
Just watch any Blumhouse movie and stop trying to find excuses, anon. You don't even need to check out if he's an early lifer.
Yes, and no one was talking about *literally* no demons and no possessions either.
Demonic possession doesn't offend anyone. You're dumb. I think you're the same guy that kept calling everyone a shill up-thread.
>Your reading comprehension is abysmal.
If you think my reading comprehension is bad, then explain my mistake so we can discuss it, instead of just making a baseless claim.
>Bluepilled or on their payroll?
Again, this is just parroting memewords without any actual argument.
What is that supposed to prove? Yes, wotc obviously wants to appeal to more people, all businesses do. They've clearly come to the conclusion that a card named "Demonic Counsel" and shows a girl more or less being possessed is fine and appeals to more people than it drives away. How the fuck does that support the idea that mechanics get axed because they're appealing to squeamish people? If you want better reading comprehension, you should realize that he's talking specifically about images creeping people out, not even mechanics.
it offends those who think "what about the people that worship evil and WANT to be possessed?"
Anon I believe the word you were looking for was "exile"
I honestly can't tell if you're a bot or a skitzo, but you've gotten 6 or 8 (you)s from me so I guess you win either way.
I think you need to take your meds and leave your mother's basement a little bit.
Most players will still be good consoomers and keep buying their shit regardless of whether the mechanic says possess or not, it's the soccer mom who has to be convinced that buying cardboard with demon possession for her kids is okay. Reducing the instances of controversial subjects helps them achieve that goal without excluding said subjects altogether.
Why instant?
Prowess is fine. The problem is when you go overboard and bundle together prowess (or super prowess), haste, and more on a cheap, mono-color body.
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>not explicit modern horror trope

>imaginary friends
>Not explicit modern horror trope

>Technological horror
>not explicit modern horror
>mana cost
Close but no cigar.
>Most players will still be good consoomers and keep buying their shit regardless of whether the mechanic says possess or not
So you're saying wotc could've simply not had cards related to demons at all and people would still buy cards, yes? Why would wotc keep printing cards related to demons then?
>it's the soccer mom who has to be convinced that buying cardboard with demon possession for her kids is okay
They could've easily done that by not having a card with demonic possession, yet it's still in the set.
>Reducing the instances of controversial subjects helps them achieve that goal without excluding said subjects altogether.
That's a direct contradiction of what you said in the first sentence. Why would wotc need to maintain a small amount of controversial subjects? Are most players mindless consoomers who will purchase cardboard no matter what, or are they sticking around because of certain elements? Make up your mind, anon.
>So you're saying [things I didn't say at all]
They're really not sending their best.
Elaborate what you're saying then, instead of trying to dodge the topic.
Are you esl? Genuine question.
I accept your concession.
I'll take that as a yes.
>the soccer mom who has to be convinced that buying cardboard with demon possession for her kids is okay.
She's a grandma now. You're dumb.
>still deflecting
That trick might work when you're 10, it's not very good after that.
Is "she" in the room right now?
crap its mana value isnt it?
damn this shill is mad lmao
That's right!
This thread is in shambles
Possession is thematically still on a single card in the set anyway.
Unwilling Vessel is a nice euphemism.
Christ this set is gay
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>art shows a MAN getting RAPED by an evil spirit
Someone alert WotC, the soccer moms won't be happy about this one.
Men can't get raped
In the future, if someone posts a dumb take and then says that everyone who disagrees is a shill, maybe just don't reply to that guy.
>tribal set is shit limited set and underpowered constructed set
wow who coulda guessed? ixalan 2.0
Why are you talking about yourself as if you're multiple people?
The modern look on the house doesn't bother me as much now but every single survivor is visual/design vomit/crap. If it wasn't for the survivors aesthetic (actually everything about the survivors suck, the clothes, the mechanics, the themes, etc). I didn't like all the technology as well,wouldn't mind if they had magical tvs (that didn't look like real world tvs), wouldn't mind the walkietalkies if they weren't 1 to 1 equal to real ones, etc
Liked half of the monsters.
The set theme looks like stitched together without much thought.
This set could have been kino if made the themes and art direction right.
This year is a disaster for magic, so many shit sets, I guess they will further increase the cost per pack next year.
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Pretty much the only reason is Intuition and Gifts Ungiven putting this effect at instant speed.
Maro is still looking for validation after that post failed
innistrad wasn't tribal you butthole, it wasn't see a merfolk pick a merfolk
You're dumb. Buy product.
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Why are you acting like Bloomburrow is that way?
your shading is fine but I'd focus on general shapes to be more dynamic on organic parts like hair and more static with objects. for example how her hair piece is kinda wonky really pops out in my eyes
because that's what all tribal sets are like
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Then why are you acting like Innistrad wasn't like that?
because i remember at least one archetype that wasn't tribal, that weird flashback insects thing
What if instead of everyone in Duskmourne dressing like it was the 80s they dressed in corsets and no shirts and they were all pretty?
It's probably a yuropoor, they're completely out of touch with how religion works in America.
Innastrad limited was sweet what the fuck are you on about.
Sure, and most decks in Bloomburrow are not "see a mouse, pick a mouse". At common and uncommon, there's exactly 3 cards that mention "mouse" at all in their abilities, and two are the uncommon lands that work with multiple tribes. Most of the synergy is based on their respective mechanics, like valiant. Compare to Innistrad, where you have cards that straight up do nothing unless you have a specific tribe.

Yes, and so is Bloomburrow.
It's a shirtless dude, I blame the woke lib ESG wotcucks.
Innistrad was worse, totally tribal but with half as many tribes.
Everybody likes to see shirtless dudes though
ok it's a synergy focused creature set like ixalan where you stick to an archetype from pick one or lose
Okay, what the fuck happened to the planeswalker cards and is Bloo,burrow out yet? Took a few years long break and the animal fable set looks fun
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How dare a limited environment focus on creatures and synergy between them. And you know as well as I do the pick one thing isn't true.
idk i don't play limited
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So you're either a troll jumping into a reply chain or you're trying to put out asinine claims about limited formats. People can like or dislike Bloomburrow (or Innistrad), I'm just here to point out blatantly false statements. Innistrad has more cards that specify tribe compared to Bloomburrow, even despite the latter having twice as many tribes of focus.
>what the fuck happened to the planeswalker cards
After March of the Machine, they arbitrarily desparked a bunch of them for reasons that are as yet inadequately explained, in and out of universe. This came alongside them limiting themselves to only 1 Planeswalker card per set, for again unclear arbitrary reasons.
>what the fuck happened to the planeswalker cards
If you mean the lack of them, wotc decided to limit them to one per set outside of special cases. If you mean the furry ones, that's because they did "what if" alt arts for a bunch of characters showing what they'd look like on Bloomburrow.
Make Ninjas Great Again fags.
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>mfw I see people talking shit about BLB limited
I will play this with 0 ninjas maindeck and like 2 mutavaults
BLB as a whole in every single aspect but art was shit bro, DWI
>Card that will enable ninjutsu shenanigans
>0 ninjas
>2 manlands that could be ninjas
>Still 0 ninjas
Why? Why are you like this?
>3/4 during your turn
>cant use a planeswalkers abilities when its a creature (to my knowledge)
you literally cant use his planeswalker abilities right?
also in case im wrong, how does this ability interact with damage... does he still lose loyality points from damage during your turn?
>that pic
>those Satanic trips
Really makes you think...
>Why? Why are you like this?
I feel like the card is good enough by itself (and the mutavault syngery) + I can't think of a single ninja I want to put in my deck
to clarify: I'm not saying you can't build a ninja deck, I'm saying I won't be the one doing that
Planeswalker abilities are just activated abilities, you can use them regardless of the type of permanent it is.
Shut it down
It was alright. Not fantastic but more good than bad.
No to losing loyalty from damage.
Nosewater actually posts here, it's not a meme.
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It's real
can't believe you script for digits maro you fucking jew
Fuck. They got my ass. RGB was my fucking LIFE as a kid.
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>Fuck. They got my ass. RGB was my fucking LIFE as a kid.
This is getting spooky
>liking things is onions
Holy fuck the brainrot is real. Go touch grass kid.
>reach diamond
>everyone starts playing monogreen and other grindpiles that lose to monored
and that's why they're still in diamond halfway through the season
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Anything to a deck like this? Aven Interrupter and Splash Portal are a cute little synergy.

Nevermind, Splash Portal is a sorcery. But I'll still post this so you experience my disappointment too.
The art and flavor were good but limited sucked.

an interesting look at Duskmourn design. I like how the part about Possess shows how something that can look good on paper can show flaws once playtested.
Caveman set when
God, ghostbusters is so lame
Muraganda is a 5 on the Rabiah Scale so there is hope
always been
>mana cost
Even using the old wording is correct as its converted mana cost. Mana cost is the literal symbols not a number.
People drafted Bloomburrow as a tribal set and suffered because of it.
Skill issue.
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Ah, but Scrollshift is an instant.
>mtg arena general on /vg/ dies
>/mtg/ suddenly becomes schizo central

really makes u think I think
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Easy to explain
/vg/ is one of the worst boards on the site. It's so fucking bad.
Mount Gag is such a shitty place specially with the die hard resident schizo there that i can understand why threads usually die. Not a single Magic discussion is worth having there
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I wanna build a standard deck around this. Do it for me.
Tbh I’d rather have a more muted caveman plane without dinosaurs but I know that sells sets to whales like nothing else so I’m in the minority here
containment board after all, imagine if all those people were loose on /v/ and other boards
this is a pretty epic troll youve got going very cool!
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Caveman fantasy sound gud. After all
>Other prehistoric animals
>go on big hunt for stuff like mammoth or whatever
>aside from winter climate, most people barely wear any clothes, perfect excuse for cheesecake and beefcake.
>ongoing situation with plane is simple: Food, water, natural disasters, predators, or even mix of those.
>weapons would just be clubs, spears, torches maybe bows

Yet how will they fuck up simple thing beyond diverse?
>esl still butthurt
You mean the goyim scale?
Makes sense the noses would use an Arabic setting for a scale of OyVey/10
I'm guessing the board wipe of the set would've been Wrath of Settlements
>about to buy a certain card
>see a bunch of stores in washington state list 20+ copies of the same card at around the same time
it's about to be reprinted isn't it
if its not a RL card and it costs more than 15$ you bet your ass WoTC is getting in on that reprint equity
Just watch for the WPN premium stores and what they do. It's how anyone would know the 1/1 Ring was guaranteed to be found at a shop and not some hanger pack in a Walmart. Jotc and certain stores are all in a fucking conspiracy with each other to jerk the other off and make money.
Tbf cavemen were highly mobile and had a lot of mixing going on. Genetic evidence showed they’d fuck like crazy then walk 100km and fuck like crazy again. Diversity in skin tone wouldn’t be that weird (Results may vary based on band society)
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We need to bring back the color pie as originally designed. None of this "black can destroy enchantments now" bullshit.
>Green ramps and blows up enchantments (not artifacts), payoff is a 4/4 vanilla that cost 6 mana
>Black searches their library instead of drawing for turn
>Red blows up anything colored blue anywhere, including players wearing blue clothes
>Blue does everything
>White has Swords to Plowshares
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Agreed. Duskmourne sucketh to hell. It killed Sailor Jupiter.
Soul Cauldron deck that makes it so Sunspine must be blocked.
Me understand that. As I feel genetic mix, not as big thing to worry about and explicitly wanted discussion beyond that. More so contemplating how they could drop the ball with a simple concept. Personally think they will try to be "extra" with it, mix plane with other themes where they feel prehistoric world not engaging enough by itself.
Eh, if they don't block they are on a pretty fast clock.
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Coming back to mtg and standard after having not played since khans, and looking at all the sets currently in standard (why are there 3 blocks, this is retarded), this is the kind of power level a set in standard should have, I was hopeful and disappointed with duskmourne so far
>liking gay things is ummm akshually baste! I swear!
everyone who complains about muh low power level needs to go back to wherever they came from
Power level has nothing to do with it
The problem is Standard becoming a faster and faster format because Wizards thinks winning fast should be Red's only identity
Didn't maro mention something about testing a new mechanic for red that was more than just "win fast"? When is that happening?
There's, broadly, some sort of work being done to expand Red's colour pie because it's easily the narrowest of the five right now, but they've not given details on what or when.
what happened to /mtgag/? it was doing fine and now it's suddenly dead again?
>it was doing fine
it hasn't been doing fine since mid/late 2022, the general used to get multiple threads in a day, now it can last almost a week (if it doesn't get archived first)va
Wanna know how I know you're underaged?
Get fucked kid.
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There have been too many sets where Mark said "Color breaks are cool and produce desirable cards, break it again", and we've lost the breakable identity.
>There are things some colors can't do
>Every color does everything, but mostly focuses on their own thing
>Every color does everything, but some are more efficient than others
(We are here)
Every color does everything, but not in every set
>Every color does everything, but some cards do it with extra upside
>Every color does everything, and mana fixing is easy because missing a color in a WUBRGC pile is a feel bad
>Every color does everything, and you are punished for running less than 6 colors
>Color doesn't matter at all, since we aren't paying mana for the best spells in Pioneer Horizons 6
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You are already at the point of colorfixing being so easy that 5c domain piles are rampant in every format. A color being bad at something, by this point, functionally only matters for Commander where you are literally not allowed to run cards from other colors to fix a weakness. Until WotC prints Leyline of the Ghostly Prison it doesn't matter that red can't remove enchantments because it blows you up on the second turn. The real bitter pill is that the color pie doesn't matter at all with it being so easy to splash into a color that fixes any problem you might have.
>5c domain piles are rampant in every format.
whats your definition of "rampant" here? because the most popular 5c deck in pioneer doesn't even break the 4% barrier
>Leyline of the Ghostly Prison
Stop I can only get so hard.
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>Leyline of the Ghostly Prison
Leyline of Sphere of Safety
They're not the premier deck because the decks that want to be more versatile tend to be slower decks, which are bad when the premier decks will consistently kill you on turn 3. Decks fewer colors not because they can't afford to, but because they see literally no benefit from it.
>Gruul Prowess doesn't need more colors because it ONLY needs what it has for a t3 kill. It can safely ignore basically anything you play because even if it had a counterspell available it wouldn't run it due to it not being another combo piece. However Domain still exists at 8.8% meta share.
>I find it hard to believe Izzet Phoenix is aching that badly for Fatal Push. Hidden Strings is a deck that actually uses all 5 pips and guess what? It's bad because the best deck aims to blow you up on turn 3 before you can even can have access to 5 different pips at once.
>Boros Energy in Modern doesn't need more colors. But guess what? Domain Zoo is sitting pretty.
>Eldrazi in Legacy doesn't need anything but Green, but Beanstalk Control comfortably runs 4c sometimes with a random mountain for Leyline Binding.
>New Lightning Bolt
>Deal 3 damage to any target
But what if they counter the second half!? Or the first!?!?!?

>This spell can't be countered.
And also
>A player dealt damage this way can't gain life for the rest of the game.
To make sure we don't have any feel bads.
Would unironically print in some UB product and watch eternal burn
bro you could've just said
>yeah, they're not rampant in pioneer, my bad
instead of writing all of that, it's ok to make mistakes when generalizing sometimes, it happens to everybody
It only came back during BLB, it's been on life support for years now thanks to nonstop schizoposting.
Where’s the domain pile in pauper
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Technically, since [CARDNAME] is a parameter that shifts according to which card it is on, such as when a create gains a self-referencing activated ability, and Hold for Ransom grants the ability TO THE CREATURE (Typically this effect is handled with the "any player may activate this ability" clause.)
The activated ability of Hold for Ransom results in the CREATURE being sacrificed, and its controller drawing a card. At best, at worst it simply doesn't function.
Importantly, an object can never self-reference an object that it isn't. [CARDNAME] only ever refers to the card itself, except when specifically coupled with the "A card named...." / "Cards named...." clause.
Nobody tell this guy about Pauper.
Pauper is a fake format that WotC uses to justify pack filler.
There has been only one set where color breaks were cool.
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What the fuck are you talking about, it grants a creature an activated ability that refers to the source of said ability, that's been done multiple times before.
>not giving it split second and impulse draw
Also, the activated ability of Hold for Ransom sacrifices the enchantment, so you're... Just wrong?
Idk, pauper MTGO and in-person metas vary too wildly for me to think it’s a coordinated effort by wizards to sell packs
Pauper is great.
In retrospect Hamas did nothing wrong.
Even then, only some of them were cool. Unfortunately, Planar Chaos block got used as justification for a LOT of bullshit.
>the activated ability of Hold for Ransom sacrifices the enchantment, so you're... Just wrong?
It does not.
It grants an ability to a creature that says "[CARDNAME]'s owner sacrifices it."
The CREATURE gains the ability, thus the ability refers to the creature.
Moreover, you can't really grant an ability that references a different card's in such a specific way. It would need to be extremely specific for this ability to function, something like "The owner of the permanent that granted this ability sacrifices that permanent."

There is a reason most Auras that do something like this simply use the "X: Destroy ~. Any player may activate this ability." templating.
And that reason is because that templating functions, while the one on Random does not function.
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No, it grants an ability that says "Hold for Ransom's controller sacrifices it". The creature gains an ability that refers to "this enchantment", ergo, Hold for Ransom. Again, Equipment does this all the time. Old auras granted abilities that referred to the auras, too.
It's gonna get printed into a commander group hug deck
>No, it grants an ability that says "Hold for Ransom's controller sacrifices it".

>t. man who doesn't understand MTG syntax
Go be a retarded layman bloviator somewhere else.
he said ergo which beats bloviator
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>Again, Equipment does this all the time
>Literally two ever in history.
>Only one of them has the broken templating
ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The [CARDNAME] on Hold For Ransom refers to Hold For Ransom. The enchanted creature has an ability that refers to a separate object, which is defined by being the source of the ability. The syntax works completely fine. Again, Blazing Torch also grants the equipped creature the ability to sacrifice Blazing Torch. You're just NOT acknowledging that this is a thing the game can do and has done for years. Other equipment exists that lets the creature have an activated ability that affects the equipment.
>Technically, since [CARDNAME] is a parameter that shifts according to which card it is on, such as when a create gains a self-referencing activated ability, and Hold for Ransom grants the ability TO THE CREATURE (Typically this effect is handled with the "any player may activate this ability" clause.)
You never finished this sentence.
It finishes in the next line, my illiterate individual.
How long for a The Song of Ice and Fire colab set? And how would WotC fuck that up?
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>creature walks away when ransom is paid as expected
>this nigga thinks it should be sacrificed
More things that need fixing.
Thank you for sharing, WotC should get on that.
In fact, a counter-argument. This card grants an ability to the creature to sacrifice said creature, and it does so by NOT using the name, because that's how ability-granting effects work.
The next line is a new sentence. You can't even finish your sentences, no wonder you can't read a card.
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>How long for a The Song of Ice and Fire colab set?
>And how would WotC fuck that up?
Black Lannisters
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Good thing GRRM invented black Targaryens so they won't feel out of place.
>the Council of Colors spent time in meetings brainstorming what spaces red could explore

gee thanks guys, giving more cheap gas to burn sure helped red stretch its identity more wide
What could red possibly do besides random effects like dice and Chaos Warp?
They're talking about stuff in the future, anon.
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Just use this.
You just know any new effects they add are going to be
>Fucking retarded
>Blatant color pie breaks
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>If you controlled that permanent
>you control
that's the wrong person, friendo
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Can't shit on my universe if I shit on it first
>BEEG MEETING to figure out red's new idenity

>Okay what about first strike?
>"We should add a mechanic that's impulse draw, but better!"
>Okay but First Strike is a great defensive ability that could help red lean more into value-oriented comba
>"That's genius! We'll let you play the cards for two turns instead of one!"
>Yeah but, that will just make burn more effecient... but we already have First Strike in read, it's perfect for more midrange-y strate-
>"How about a card where when you burn something, you exile that many cards from the top of your librayr, and cna play them until end of turn!"
>Yeah but, like, we already have a keyword that solves the exact problem we're discussing, and what you just proposed doesn-
>"Genius! Write that down, the exile burn one!"

Ahhh, I can see it now!
Why do you want your opponent to draw a card?
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I played a bunch more games with dragon company today, it's good enough to make the entry fee back in leagues but I need a better sideboard to actually trophy. Unlicensed hearse seems like the ideal card right now but I can't easily play it alongside silumgar's scorn and company. Are there any creative sideboard creatures to use against phoenix and sac?
John Magic: so about first-
Dave Magic (no relation): hey what if red had enchantment removal?
Bob Magic (no relation): brilliant, ship it
>complain when things stay the same
>complain when things change
This is why nobody listens to you.
Energy or something similar. Should be primarily in Red anyway and solves the problem of the color being narrow by frequently adding an extra layer of resource management.
We're back
Why would you suggest I complain when things stay the same, when I do not?
You wouldn't be a disingenuous liar, would you?
If >>93915024 and >>93915095 aren't you, then I retract my statement.
... sorry, what about hating impulse draw (nuMagic slop garbage effect) and advocating for First Strike (Literally existed since alpha) is somehow complaining about things staying the same?
That is me advocating for them to stay the same.
I didn't like energy much back in Kaladesh
but after playing with Amped Raptor I started liking it a lot more
>Are there any creative sideboard creatures to use against phoenix and sac?
I don't think so, you could try cage but it doesn't stop phoenix from delving
this guy jus came out, maybe give him a go
Impulse draw is over a decade old, people have nostalgia for sets younger than it. Red still gets plenty of first strike, so I don't know what you're ranting about on that.
>Impulse draw is over a decade old,
Wow I don't care.
>muh first strike :(
Frenchvanillafags are the gayest fags holy shit
take it easy maybe have a nap or something
Hey I know what youtuber you took that from
Pretty sure that's older than your youtuber
>Impulse draw is over a decade old
Fuck you that's so dishonest
Frenchvanilla is such an old term in mtg's history.
May 2014 is already over ten years ago. How could it have been word more honestly?
>How could it have been word more honestly?

>"The rare appearances of impulse drawing over the pre-FIRE eras of magic are entirely not equatable to the massive trash heap slop shovelling of ceaseless impulse draw into every single set nowadays."
And how exactly were we suppose to know that? We aren't mind readers. You should be more exact on what you want.
>And how exactly were we suppose to know that?
Good language comprehension and the ability to infer things.
AKA having an IQ above 85.
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*doesn't tap serra angel*
*flies over your first strike blockers*
*cracks monster*
ahhh... those were the days...
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It's not French Vanilla if it's from before the ability was keyworded.
Then it's just an ability :^)
>where it all started...
>the moment when spiders were forever condemned to be nothing more than shitty, over costed pack filler with reach...
Breaks my fucking heart, man
Such combat. Such defensive ability.
Imagine being this new.

I heard of the term in the late 90s
>what about hating impulse draw (nuMagic slop garbage effect)
What could be infered is that you're an old man that makes up less than a percent of all players so now your angry the wotc is now using mechanics that young adults remember as ancient rather than repeating your 30 year old nostalgic memories.
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>he can even block my first striker if I attack back!?
I kneel, vanilla-sama
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>*mogs you're waifu*
>act on impulse was M15
>commune with lava and a bunch more cards from Tarkir
>abbot of keral keep in Magic Origins
>none in BFZ
>stromkirk occultist and some others in Innistrad 2
They pretty consistently had it even from the start. WAR and ELD were peak FIRE, and there's only a single impulse draw card between them. There's definitely been more of it recently, but it's honestly very recent. DMU had one, BRO had one, ONE had one, MOM had four. But then WOE had zero, LCI had one, and MKM had one.
>Black Lannisters
Incest, morally gray guy and evil woman and mini-snoop dog, house manipulate others into helping them and keep shaming to get more control.
nah, but I could see black starks.
Every thing wotc do looks retarded.
How about trample burn?
Anon, get your custom cards out of here.
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>They pretty consistently had it even from the start.
>the start
>the start
>first strike
what the fuck we've been robbed redbros
I clearly meant the start of them using the mechanic, you ESL.
was this thing really a gorillion bucks when it first came out?
Alright, I guess Chandra was actually the first one, in M14.
It was. And it was beautiful.
Posses is a great example of a mechanic that looks good on paper, but that playtesting shows issues with.

>The first problem was that the design space was kind of narrow. You wanted the creature and the Aura to feel connected. The easiest way to do that was for the creature to have an ability that would then be granted by the Aura, but there's only so many keywords, and not all of them make for the best Auras. We also experimented with ones that had a negative ability that you granted to your opponent's creatures.

>One of the reasons we playtest mechanics is to see if the hype lives up to its reality. For example, a lot of evergreen creature keywords act as evasion or something that dissuades blocking. This meant the possess creatures rarely died, so mostly they were just french vanilla creatures in the set.

Look at the examples in the document, a flier and a deathtoucher. A creature with flying will die infrequently because its harder to block.
A deathtouch creature will die less often than average because players don't want to block it or attack into it.
Most of the evergreen keywords are like that. So their solution was to drop the Aura bit and have them die into static enchantments.
There were other ways to polish it, but the cycle we got was a valid one.
I could see another set making them all have combat damage triggers, but that's pretty thin design space as well.
It was. You had maybe one turn to kill it if he tapped out, and if you didn't he would untap, brainstorm with Jace, crack his fetchland, and counter anything that might kill her. You can no longer attack him or his Planeswalkers, so he builds up and kills you at his leisure.
>act on impulse
>commune with lava
"maifest dread" is also a pre existing phrase
Noise. Make more like picrel.
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>A completely scrapped mechanic was Possess, whereupon a creature, upon death, would come back as an Aura enchanting another creature and giving it the abilities the creature has

>Directly stealing from /ccg/
>Knowing WotC literally stole my mechanic, but their implementation was clunkier and worse.
>Knowing my mechanic is good enough to not fit into FIRE era.
Your mechanic is just disturb.
Possess is haunt.
Your version of posses is closer to disturb.
They already did that though.
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>anon accidentally makes FIRE design, while crying about FIRE
lmao, this shit writes itself
What happened to CCG?
Little wonder /ccg/ died
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FIRE killed all authentic interest in the game, which includes custom cards. Threads were just too slow to keep going.
Collapsed under the weight of its own autism
Wizards poached all the posters and forced them into slave labor in the Commander mines
I think you accidentally a word, anon. You can see contents of the Bloomburrow kits here: https://wpn.wizards.com/en/products/bloomburrow
Thanks, I found the duskmourn kits online and basically they say the same thing.
My nearby shop is going to sell these for about 45 leaf dollars on pre release and wanted to know what I was getting.
For some reason I thought i'd get a collector booster so maybe I'll get one while im there
Actually his version is triggerless haunt + auraless disturb.


The Nightmare Bundle for Duskmourn that's coming out next month has two collector boosters and some other bonuses if you want to wait for it and pay a bit more.
Nosewater has literally NEVER said that White breaking the color pie was ok. It's the only color he openly and vehemently despises doing anything remotely out of pie in his biased dogma.
Blue creature exile removal?
>Oy vey, very kosher!
Black enchantment removal?
>Meshugganuh, its alright!
Green stealing everything from White?
>They overlap!
Red gets free +1+1 counters?
>Totally a mensch!
White getting treasure tokens or card draw?

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