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Pellaeon-class Edition

Previous thread: >>93870636

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TQ: What is your favourite Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer scene or moment?
>same Pellaeon-class Edition as before
>same Pellaeon-class image as before
Dark hours and cancer upon you, Op.
I hope you die a slow painful death. I hope Ventress-bro makes the next thread
Ventress-God here. I insist that the PellaeonChad makes the thread every time from here on until forever.
Kyle Katarn.

he banged Jan Ors constantly.
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Elite P-38 and Blood Sport, common and uncommon respectively.
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fuck you larper, you aint me
Easy. /40kg/
Has anyone actually played the star wars skin for 53? How does it stack up? I've never played 5e, I hit 4e and ran squealing to pathfinder.
Dorsk 81 managed to annihilate an entire fleet through the concentrated power of his balls (and the rest of the new temple, but let's not think about that). Gantoris told Exar Kun to shove it to his (spiritual) face. Sure, he got annihilated for it but goddamn, good show.
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5e, not 53. Christ.
Visit other boards, holy shit.
any thread with disneyfaggots like you.
>false dichotomy fallacy
>schizobot who spams random shit
For example?
Subhuman creatures like you who whine and complain about anything and everything. I won’t be surprised if you visit every board and it’s general and start your daily whining all day every day.
Matt Dillahunty?
he's currently doing it on /v/ in a jedi survivor thread
>Pellaeon-class Edition
day quality significantly degraded
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I was hoping for more Vader, or at least, Father and Son
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TK troopers for legion when?
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Never. They are fucking ugly and retarded.
TK helmet is repurposed phase 3 apparently
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Fit Kisto, red rare
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No, it's not. It's just a discarded McQuarrie stormtrooper design, and they gotta take it for no reason other than reddit sois jerking off to McQuarrie, even though it was discarded for a reason and it looks ugly as shit and doesn't mesh neither with clones nor with stormtroopers. It just shows that people working on these shows don't actually think with their fucking heads, they just want to shove in a bunch of retarded, nonsensical references. OOOOHHH I RECOGNIZED THAT HELMET FROM EARLY MCQUARRIE CONCEPT ART AND I CLAPPED!
>APhase III clone trooper designfor theclone trooper armorwas considered at one point during theClone Wars, but ultimately canceled. With the rise of theGalactic Empire, however, the Phase IIIhelmetwas repurposed for thearmorof theTK stormtroopers, the first generation of recruited troopers fromProject War-Mantle.[1]

[1] being "dawn of rebellion: the visual guide" which released last year

now, wookieepedia isn't fully reliable, so if someone has a copy and would like to share what the book actually says, please share
I love it when they use rejected McQuarrie designs that were specifically rejected for looking like ass
TK trooper with poncho is /fa/ as fuck though
Anytime SW draws on winter and rain uniforms looks good.
Fuck you. At least use a different image of the fucking ship.

I don't even think you like the Pelleon class; you're just an ass.
I hope you burst into flames the next time you take a shit
Easy anon.
EU supremacy HURTS the disneyfaggots
Alex Jones
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Fuck Disney and fuck you.
Don't post my wife along with your shit opinions.
you can't fool us disneyfaggot. your hatred of EU shows that you're a cut. pretending you like fan works like the TIE fighter short doesn't deceive us.
I gave two opinions:

1. OP only using the same Pellaeon image is lame and gay.

2. Fuck Disney

You are actually insane or lack reading comprehension. That might be redundant
no you didn't

NEITHER of which are 'fuck disney'. you're a disneyfaggot. you seethe with hatred of the EU
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Congratulations on getting 2 (You)'s out of 3.

1 is covered in >>93910053. I'm not the biggest fan of Legacy ships but I like the Fel Imperium. In this post I request OP at least find a new Pellaeon image to post.

2 is covered in >>93910477, which you even replied to (presuming I'm not speaking with an anon collective), says "fuck Disney"

You're full of shit anon. Stop being too stupid to not antagonize other Eufags
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and your 'fuck disney' is a LIE, shill. to covering your disneyfaggotry.
You have evidence of my Disney-loving or just trollin'?
and he still has no girlfriend
your hatred of the EU. DUH. you out yourself as a disneyfaggot
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Bossk won a 260 person spanish tournament recently
I figured it out!

You are projecting and trying to make EUfags look bad
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>fell to the dark side because his master killed herself as a test
Who was in the wrong?
Staining another's hands with blood to see what happens seems pretty evil
unrelated, but what the fuck is with that proton bomb(?) feed? Why do you need to feed it into the box to rotate it 90 degrees, just feed them down the chute in the correct orientation
He asked Jan to have a family with him and she said "fuck no."
Honestly can we just let this general die and maybe just topic post about actual game news every so often (if there is any actual news.)
>if there is any actual news
The tcg is the only genuinely active game line.
It's sad. I don't even care for TCG's myself but that's all there is. Smfh
In his defense, there aren't very many Pellaeon-class images. Maybe I should see if I could commission Fractalcringe for one, then I could post that and generate heretofore unseen levels of seething.
I know, that's the problem, no one seems to be running games or creating game content here. Gaming feels like a dream at this point that's passed everyone by.
Yeah, but there's more than the 2 P-fag has ever used. I got to 15 before I stopped caring.

>commission Fractalcringe for one
Dew it
I like it.
This thread is 4chan's Star Wars general, its not really about games anymore.
If there aren't a lot of images of it, it means it must not be very good. Looking at your's, it just looks too bland to me. Its like a low-poly take on a Star Destroyer.
If it makes you feel any better, at least it's a good tcg.
All the ship designs from Legacy are dogshit.
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The legacy TIE fighter reminds me of something I'd shoot in one of Namco's old space shooters, so I'm somewhat fond of it. But I wouldn't call it good, no.
Why is this even up for debate? Even people who liked Legacy's story (like me) found their ship designs to be absolute shit.
It has been /tv/lore for ages. I'm a bit demoralised and don't bother posting about games anymore.
Putting this general up on /tv/ would be shit, although I agree its really gone down in quality. We used to have people writing decent fanfics, sharing actual insight into lore that doesn't just go
>lole disney is shit
>lole EU is shit
And in general shitposting. I don't know what happened, but since at least 2019-2020, the general's declined big time.
>Putting this general up on /tv/
Not saying put it on /tv/ just that it isn't that different from a /tv/ general. /trek/ /got/hotd/ are mostly the same stuff. Meme, lore, shitposts, culture war. Generals attract same personalities and same narratives. It's not just about decline of the franchise, but anons that care stop caring.
You whine about this every other thread, just leave
Speaking of which the new B-4RB Haunter has a namco protagonist ship-like silhouette desu
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I'd say TROS being a mess and the migration of swcofags were definetely factors
Because Pellaeonfag and those accused of being him (like me) do enjoy the ship's design.
What is a swcofag?
Going to share my big list of SW beverages to help folks with the cantina experience in their games:

Blue Bantha Milk
Spiced Nerf Milk
Ambrostine (upperclass alcohol)
Accarragm (wookie fungal brew)
Garrmorl (wookie protein brew)
Jaar (milk and fruit wookie brew)
Gralinyn Juice (fermented, wookie)
Aitha (hot protein shake for spacers)
Kri’gee (Mandalorian, oft aged)
Cassandran Choholl (fermented Hafa liquor)
Durindfire (glows when reacts to Oxygen)
Mantellian Fungolager (cheap)
Breath of Heaven (strong cocktail)
Huttese Hangover (cocktail)
Corellian (cocktail)
Corellian ale, whisky, wine, brandy
Johrian Whisky
Kalsunor blend whisky
Avedame (Drongar fungal-fruit wine)
Bothan Grain Wine
Mandalorian Wine
Zakuulan Wine
Twin Sun Plum Wine (rare, from Tatooine)
Veronian Sweet Berry Wine
Daingen Melon Wine
Alderaanian Honey Brandy
Cassandran Brandy
Vasarian Brandy (rare, from Talus)
T'illa-T'iil (sparkling Twi'lek wine)
T'ssolok (Twi'lek liquor)
Imported Utozz
Boga Noga (Huttese Ale)
Alderaanian Ale
Tarisian Ale
Adumari Beer
Jawa Beer
Old Janx Spirit
Sullustan Gin
Somnaskol Red
Plooey-Sap (Akivan fermented beverage)
Mek-sha Rotworm Rotgut (strong ale)
Bantha Blaster (cocktail)
Coruscant Cooler (cocktail)
Mek-Sha Meltdown (cocktail)
Pneumatic Punch (cocktail)
Onderonian Punch (cocktail)
Tatooine Sunburn (cocktail)
Mad Mrelf (cocktail)
Eyeblaster (cocktail)
Desert Bloom (cocktail)
Bantha Blood Fizz (cocktail)
Sonic Servodriver (cocktail)
Starshine Surprise (fruity, burning cocktail)
Gatalentan Tea
Jawa juice
Soz Juice
Ruby Bliel Juice
Lopez Softdrink
Elshandruu Pica Thundercloud
(Strong, radioactive, would kill most sentients)
Ithorian Mist Whisky
where is coca-cola, dasani and sprite?
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Kek, I'd never been to Batuu, so...

Anyway, looks like some Outer Rim generic brand version of Corelli-Cola. I wonder if it's even safe to drink?
>imperial army and imperial navy both use the EXACT SAME RANK PLAQUES

Retard who has no understanding of what rank indicators are supposed to do.
On behalf of myself and my wife I accept that I was mistaken.
Sorry anon.
Apology accepted, anon.
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>my wife
is she a biter?
Don't start this discussion up again or I'll get my 'tism out of the cupboard and start posting my rationalized rank system again.
Look, i'm gonna be honest with you, as a massive fan of EU... Legends was not as good as you remember. Oh yes, there are fantastic stories, Heir to the Empire, Dark Empire, KOTOR... But for every Heir to the Empire, there are 25 Jedi Search, for every Dark Empire, there are 60 Yuuzhan Vong novels that make no fucking sense because they are written by different writers that are not communicating with each other and have no cohesive idea on who or what the fuck the Vong are and what their powers, motives or goals are.

Honestly, this hard reset was a necessary evil. Yes, we lost some VERY good stories, but the amount of shit it cleared out far outweighed that... Now, granted, Disney then shovelled a whole new bag of shite into their places, but at least we aren't getting any of that "Jango Fett had a Nogri bestie, despite the Nogri not discovering space travel until 5 years after Jango got fucking killed" bullshit.
>Honestly, this hard reset was a necessary evil
The hard reset shit now is:
>Lol Vader knew about Exegol between ESB and ROTJ and they were constructing the ships then.
>The theys of ABC Squadron.
>The New Republic completely demilitarised just because lol.
Is the Genesys Star Wars system any good? Those fucking dice look like shit and can't be used for any other fucking game and are also now rather expensive so i'm reluctant to invest in the game, especially if it turns out to be shit.
What part of:
>granted, Disney then shovelled a whole new bag of shite into their places
did you not understand? But that doesn't change the fact that getting rid of all of the bloat wasn't necessary. Just because they fucked up every stage of a plan doesn't mean the plan itself was flawed. The major flaw was putting mongs like Kennedy, Abrams and Johnson in charge of it.
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>Getting rid of the bloat was necessary.
I'm just gonna go fucking kill myself, thank you autocorrect.
>did you not understand
I did understand it anon, I just think it needed more context, that's all. Resetting everything is like buying a brand new set of bedsheets that you swear you aren't gonna stain with unmentionable degeneracy. It's getting stuff on it. Extended universes have never had consistency or decent plans, they have always been pic n mix sweets. It was a flawed plan. A good plan would be just getting decent writers.
just use an app
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>Use a dice rolling app
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then use this shit
Become a conversion wizard and just use the material for d6. How under the sun doesn't have a d6?
well help us make sense of it then
There's a table in the book on how to use regular dice for it. Or you can use an app.

It's a pretty good system. It even manages to integrate force users with regular characters, though it isn't very good for 'high level' play. I might get a game once a month - and since I'm in this thread, it's star wars - but I've played a full campaign in it before. It's a lot of fun and pretty smooth. The biggest issue comes from spending your advantage symbols, it can slow things down if you're very new to the game and aren't sure (but you can always just inflict/heal strain). It's a good way to get the group in on the narrative part of the game and take some strain off the GM for literally everything without actually doing his job for him. It's also (reasonably) complete, and there's lots of fan stuff out there.

I will say it's a game about clever resource management - as time goes on, your strain becomes more important. Usually. For some trees.
I feel like you've already assumed your opinion, but I really like it. The advantage/threats of the rolls let you get away with murder sometimes, and I know GM's in my group like to 'bank' despairs for big session moments
Only if you insult the TIE Bomber.
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I wanna hear this. Gimme the autismdump, anon.
>rank is vice admiral
>2 blue, 4 red, 1 row
>cut to rae sloane announcing that she is currently a vice admiral
>5 red, 5 blue, 2 rows
There was a reorganisation after Yavin
fair enough, i'd have expected some change pre and post OT just because of the inconsistency
Obviously the colors just indicate commendations and not rank.
He was a sociopath in EU works, same as his late father Cradossk.
You’re a mentally ill paranoid mess.
Fuck your dumb games, nerd. We talk about topics we love.
>not heroic
this is weird, Ki-Adi was a stretch now Kit Fisto? I get its the Jedi being manipulated and neither side being good by why the fuck is Anakin heroic then?
I hate this smug fuck so much it's unreal. On top of having the worst name in the entire setting known for stupid names
What's wrong with Fisto's name? That he doesn't fist anybody? I think you have to give the dumb name crown to Sleazebaggano, even if I think it's so funny it comes back around to being great.
Cards are meant to represent a specific moment for that character, not the character as a whole.
I 3d printed a bunch of them, its easy to find files for
I only dislike him because the name makes finding my niche new Vegas porn harder
That kind of goes for all Trandoshans. Their culture is obsessed with increasing their game score by picking fights with anybody and everybody all the time.
Vong are about 20 times better than even the Mandalorian Season 1. The NJO was universally beloved when released. The people that riff on the NJO series, did you even read them?
As someone who was actually around when NJO was released, this is a lie. A big fat colossal pants on fire lie.
The vong were utterly reviled and njo was the absolute nadir of the franchise at the time and that includes the Kevin J Anderson trilogy.
As with the Prequels, mostly Gen Xers hated them. And OT Gen X kiddies have needed to vacate this franchise since the Special Editions. We don't want you.
>still whining about your gen-x strawman
Anyone with a brain fucking hated the prequels for good fucking reason. They were terrible fucking movies.
Same thing for the NJO. They were fucking reviled for being so fucking awful.
Go fap to RLM some more. The Star Wars franchise has not been about the OT and even under Disney, will never be about the OT. And that's a good thing. When they tried to rip off th OT, we got the Shitquel Trilogy.
>gets called out for gen-x strawman
>immediately moves on to RLM strawman
You'd be funny if you weren't so pathetic.
rejected concept art is rejected for a reason
Yes, that's what anon was saying. It helps to read the full post before responding.
Its not a strawman, its reality, and it seems like you're deeply affected by it.
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That's one thing I hated about Rebels was that it felt like one big pile of rejected McQuarrie drawings thrown together just because they were rejected McQuarrie drawings
Now don't get me wrong, I love looking at McQuarrie's work and I won't go so far as to call the (published) ones outright bad, but I'll just say that what was actually used was better.
Maybe I wouldn't hate rebels so much if its writing wasn't so on par with the prequels.
grow a brain
Grow some pubes first.
please retire, you're the boomer of the current decade
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>prequel schizo is back
The emperor's hatred cannot be stopped. If he succeeded and dominated the galaxy, imagine the raw horror that was UNLIMITED BUREAUCRACY.
>TIE Bomber
You mean the Slow bus?
Since you and I aren't idiots, we can imagine that there are trandoshans that don't follow scorekeeperism, or are the equivalent of the people that celebrate Easter and Christmas but don't have a church, or hold a desk job and pay to travel to a hunting reserve once or twice in their life.
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All righty then, you asked for it.

Reasoning: I'm trying to represent all the on-screen badges we've seen in any canon but if Dcanon contradicts it going forward IDGAF(giving Pelleon a fucking red primary four block badge ffs...). I'm also trying to reconcile the careless fuckery surrounding ranks & titles associated with the badges, but I am not above handwaving things based on my own personal taste - I don't claim this is the Correct way just the one I can live with. A good example is the profligate use of "commander" as a term of address right from the beginning of the OT up to now, and the fact Dcanon can't make up its mind what badge means a Navy captain should wear. I make that one of those quirky "we should really fix that but everyone's used to it by now and the Marines would chuck a hissy because it's their tradition now" things that all militaries are afflicted with - Captain is an Army rank and a Naval term of respectful address for anyone in command of a vessel, while Commander is a Naval rank and an Army term of respectful address for anyone in command of a unit regardless of rank. Is that what was intended? Don't know, don't care, it stops me wanting to strangle the screen when Vader refers to a Stormie with a white pauldron(ie, a Sergeant) as "commander" in Rebels and similar.

The basic idea is that the plaque communicates where you are in the hierarchy and broadly what your area of service is: a Stormtrooper serving in the security detachment of a Naval garrison would wear blue/yellow, the same officer when his unit is on campaign as part of an expeditionary force would wear red/blue; you would find the red/yellow track in use by an Army Intelligence officer running encrypted comms or managing some shady black op, or a Naval Intelligence officer overseeing some Advanced Weapons Research tech test. It can't get more specific than position/general role without running into explicit on-screen contradictions. cont...
Intelligence using red/yellow is a complete shoulder-shrug incidentally. The track exists, but its usage so far has been both rare and eclectic so there's no pattern to be found, but "spooks doing spook shit" can kinda sorta work if you squint at it just right, so it'll do. Some at Lucasfilm are apparently still insisting the old single row pre-yavin/double row post-yavin convention is still in effect, but that makes even less sense than it did the first time around after Rebels and Bad Batch explicitly showed double rows right from the beginning of the Empire, so I borrow from Himser's efforts and designate the double rows as "appointments", given to essentially put someone outside of the normal chain of command for the purposes of accomplishing their assigned goal whatever that is; Navy officer commanding a landing force, Star Destroyer on detached service, heading up some special project or black bag organisation, bridge officers on larger vessels/fleet command ships where there would be loads of higher ranks wandering about etc.
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I really like it. I'm a fan of the dice system and the system in general has tons of material that make the whole experience a complete experience.
Genesys has a ton of different hacks out there that let's you play all kinds of other games too.

If you don't want to pay for the dice you can use the free app or print stickers for regular dice.
>Since you and I aren't idiots,
What about me? (Bossk-sociopath anon)
I hate you as well you angry bitter fuck sperging basically for nothing.
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No, right.
I don't know who thought to base the entire Trandoshan culture on pvp gamers obsessed with their ranking, but it's hilarious. Bastards go around ganking Wookies since they give the best honor point gain per kill.
Removing bloat is only necessary if you have a logical plan to replace it.
Party's over.
I think the best they could have done would have been a "it's still canon unless new stuff contradicts it" approach. Decanonizing bunch of the old stuff was almost certainly a necessity since otherwise they'd have been beholden to doing nothing but 100% loyal adaptions of old Bantam novels, and if they wanted features the original actors in the films they'd have had to jump somewhere way after the Vong invasion to account for 40+ years passing in the real life since the end of the OT, which would have been confusing as fuck to the majority of the moviegoers. Being able to retool details and make new stories or adapt existing ones with changes to make them more filmable or not as reliant in knowing about all the plot points of a 30 years old novel series, while still maintaining previously established background details so we don't have to wonder if all the history of what was supposed to have happened before the era the films take place still happened or not would have been the best compromise (for what it's worth, they've been introducing ship classes and background details from the old EU frequently enough that I am assuming that all the EU stuff that doesn't contradict with nucanon is still canon, as it seems its only a matter of time before it gets referenced in nucanon again).
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rank them based on armour design

count season 2, season 3 and season 3 black armour too if you want
They all get mogged by phase 1 clone trooper with poncho
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My man!
Hey, man, I post about my semi-weekly RPG game on here after just about every session. The last one had us investigate an ancient ship factory that out big bad stole a Sith Interdictor from. We did some exploring, exploded a fuck ton of battle droids and the teaser for the next session was our gunslinger getting jumped by "me." I'm assuming it's a doppelganger, but we'll find out tomorrow, God willing.

It ain't my fault you no game having schmucks don't post about your shit engage with others.
Who’s unit do they belong?
S1 Hunter is good because it's just commando armor painted black with original Triton Squad Phase 3 clone helmet. Crosshair is okay, both S1 and Imperial, but Imperial armor was better. The rest are shit. Echo looked better pre-Disney with ARC pauldron and a fucking hand.

Overall, they are mogged by classic clone commando armor. Mogged hard.
Well, they did have a logical plan. I mean, doing a sequel trilogy was a logical move. And with everything that happened following the trilogy in Legends, it was much easier to go "Let's just ignore that" than try to fit it all into the opening text crawl:

>"30 years after the Battle of Endor is an age of peace for the New Republic. LOTTA shit happened in the meantime. Han and Leia had a bunch of kids, 1's dead, one's a Sith Lord and killed the youngest, the other is now learning from Boba Fett how to kill him. Chewie got a moon dropped on him by a bunch of Cthulian Horrors from beyond the outer rim, Luke got himself a QT wife by fucking one Palpies assassins good. Speaking of Palpy, turns out he's got a shitton of clones, that keep crawling out the woodworks to bite our heroes on the ass, also his illegitimate son is running around with a suit that has Lightsaber Knee's... Anyway, our story begins on Jakku-"

Yeah, i think it's better to just say "Fuck it, yeah, none of that happened, we'll figure out what happened in the meantime later."
What system you playing?
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>Running Saga Edition
>My party are playing as a bunch of Jedi
>I give them a squad of pet Clone Troopers called "Misfit Squad"
>Joke is that they are all slightly mutated in subtle ways that only other Clones really notice and treat them as if they are freaks
>Hightower (1 Inch taller than the rest, all the other clones keep asking him how the weather is up there)
>Blaze (Red hair, the other clones keep making jokes about his lack of soul)
>Ocean (Blue eyes, commander. Anyone who makes fun of he just gives them lavetory duty.)
>Crosshair (Has a birth mark over one eye that looks like a sniper scope, the joke is that he's actually a Demolitions expert who's not that great at shooting)
>Eleven (Superfluous 5th finger on his left hand)
>The party has fun RPing each of the clones.
>Bring Misfit Squad back several times over the course of other RP's set in Clone Wars era.
>Bring them back just CWS7 is shown.
>"Bro, we get it, you like Bad Batch"
>MFW i can never use these beloved pet characters again, because everyone thinks i just stole them from Bad Batch.
George Lucas, famous filmmaker

known for taking inspiration from dune, kurosawa movies, and anons 2008 saga edition star wars campaign
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here's something for you

>EA gives an update about EA star wars games at their investor day
>EA star wars games have earned over $5 billion
>40 million+ people have played the jedi games
>the 3rd installment of the jedi series will be the final chapter of the story well RIP Cal I guess
Fun fact: George Lucas is inside your walls right now.
>Do not accept unsolicited gifts from George Lucas
>He is not your friend
>He may be outside your window right now, watching your every move, waitng for you to make the fatal mistake.
>I mean, doing a sequel trilogy was a logical move.
That's an idea. Not a plan.
>you get to do Rebel things in the time around 3 to 1 BBY
>one of teh chapters is helping the Rebels set up shop on Yavin
>last mission starts with a scramble to help a Rebel strike team on Scarrif
They had a concept of a plan.
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You're giving them a weird amount of leeway that it almost comes across as praise? Yes, ignoring the EU books was what they were always going to do to make sequels. That's not the issue, Lucas would have done the same thing. Declaring EVERYTHING non-canon to make your new canon series and then constantly fucking up or making bad content is the problem. Not paying old EU writers their contractual obligations because you don't think they count is the problem. Heck, copying plenty of concepts and characters from the EU but slightly changing it so you don't have to pay is the problem. They drew this big line in the sand that they would reset everything and make a consistent universe going forward and didn't do it. I don't understand why you're acting like them drawing that line is something that needs to be praised or calling it a plan when it's clear it ended up all over the place.
whats the bet Cal will be yet another Jedi running around during the OT
This is what will happen:
>Cal and Merrin are now surrogate parents to Kata, Bode's daughter.
>Rope the player in with that relationship, because it can't possibly go badly?
>Tanalorr is now the main base for the Hidden Path protecting force sensitives.
>Kata will probably be threatened or kidnapped at some point (modern games sure like their dads or surrogate dads protect kids storylines).
>Cal will sacrifice himself in the end.
It's funny because the Obi Wan show took a lot from Fallen Order with the Inquisitor who turns (Trilla in Fallen Order and Reva in Obi Wan Disney+ show), Fortress Inquisitorius, etc and this last game will 100% take from the Obi Wan show with the Obi Wan/Leia relationship being replaced by Cal/Kata. You know I'm right.
The whole Tanalor shit was retarded. They can't just stay there forever. They need to fly out for supplies and shit. Their only way to get through the abyss is the compass. They just ambush them on the way out near Koboh and take the compass and fuck over the place. The whole premise is stupid. Luke and Obi-Wan chilled for two decades on Tatooine and no one ever found them. Yoda was chilling on Dagobah. This idea that the empire is so vast that it covers literally an entire galaxy (I doubt they have an understanding of the sheer scale) is blatantly false. They couldn't even find Cassian Andor, who was literally in their fucking custody building the death star. Tanalor was a stupid MacGuffin. High Republic stuff was lame as fuck and nowhere near ad interesting as Zeffo. Villains were lame, and Bode being le secret uber powerful Jedi was retarded. Survivor was just so much worse than the first game.
I agree, I hated the plot of Survivor for the most part. My speculations on the next game will probably be accurate.
>Bode betraying you was telegraphed by your literal first introduction/interactions with him.
>But hey we know you guessed that so we will twist the twist with him as a Jedi and ISB!
>Why is Tanalorr special? It's never really mentioned.
>High Republic, yawn.
It was a mess.
>Their only way to get through the abyss is the compass
Cal used the force to do it without the compass didn't he? Ultimately though you still need to go to the Abyss entrance, aka a fucking choke point for your hide out. Anyone could wait out there and the Empire is on Koboh.

I just know the next game is gonna tease more Merrin and Cal. Kata daughter stuff. Hidden Path was set up right at the end and was mentioned in Obi Wan show so will be in it.

It's a weird overall narrative when you think about it? In Fallen Order they destroyed the Holocron otherwise the Empire would keep chasing them. Then the next game sets up some hide out and ends with him contacting people about the Hidden Path to hide force sensitives, you know those force sensitives you could have found with the Holocron? I get it sure, but still.
No, they didn't really have to nuke it and they're realizing their mistake by incorporating a lot of EU stuff, just retooled slightly. Some of the recent books, the Ahsoka series, all implies that the events in-between the OT's end and the ST's start follow the exact same outline. What they should've just done is what Lucas would've done, ignore it but not say its gone outright, and have their books work with them.
>Sequel Trilogy takes place post-Crucible
>Luke is a hermit fits, because that's literally what he ends up becoming post-Crucible, or at least a role they were leaning him towards
>Han and Leia have retired and had another kid somewhere during the Vong War (Ben, who grew up not only on Vader but his brother Caedus)
>The NR/GA has greatly downsized its military following the Second Galactic Civil War, empowering sector forces instead
>The First Order is a radical force that took over the Empire of the Hand and Imperial Remnant
>What happens to the FO post-Exegol? Well the Moffs just retake control and crown Fel Emperor.

Incorporating Legends post-Endor as the Sequel Trilogy's backstory actually helps a lot in making the ST's premise a lot less fucking retarded.
Its far easier for a Jedi avoiding the Purge to fly around and not keep to one place, or to hide in plain sight. That weird 60s hippy Jedi from KOTOR2 knew what's up. Hide in a crowd, and they won't find you. Its essentially what Cal was doing at the start of these games.
>High Republic
You know, it would've been very interesting to have a Jedi from the Old Republic, and see how they handle seeing everything they worked for get undone by a Sith infiltrating, taking over and corrupting the Republic they swore to protect. But that's not what we got. Dagan Gera very quickly just became another stand-in Dark Jedi/Inquisitor/Sith. His lightsaber just turned an evil color, too, just in case you weren't exactly sure where he stood.
>they're realizing their mistake by incorporating a lot of EU stuff, just retooled slightly
What a crock of shit. They aren't reusing ideas because they accept their mistakes and realized that, they are using it out of desperation and appealing to audiences as well as not wanting to pay for new or old ideas by just taking and changing them.
>Dagan Gera
Dumbest character ever. Tanalorr is special and we had to abandon it because Nihil and shit bro. Imma bleed my saber as soon as I wake up.
Its because they got rid of the old continuity, but had literally nothing to replace it with. Its been nearly 10 years since TFA dropped, and we still haven't seen any of the post-Endor continuity in its full extent. Compare this with the Prequels, where we knew EVERYTHING we had to know about the war. Things like Labyrinth of Evil and the Clone Wars cartoon led straight into Revenge of the Sith, seamlessly.

You could've had similar in regards to the Sequels. Even if they scrapped the original Legends content they could've done something, anything to replace it. The Mandalorian is a meandering fetch quest after fetch quest only doing the very bare minimum to establish the lore, and often contradicts its own post-Endor lore (why is the New Republic on Coruscant?)
Imagine if after waking up, he used that surplus Droid Army of Battlefront 2 assets to protect what he sees as a Jedi remnant, but winds up not much different from the Empire, possibly worse in some areas. Instead we got
what a fucking waste
>winds up not much different from the Empire
Weirdly they kept implying that in game? That somehow him on Tanalorr would be an amazing base from which to build his own Empire? It was stupid. It was half baked and then he just dies lol and then it's all about Bode who I didn't care about.
Yeah its great when they tease a far better plot and then proceed to not do anything with it only for some sub-par Jedi Purge story. You had an unique idea going, it could've worked out really fucking well.
I'm not praising what they have done specifically. I'm just sick and tired of people treating the EU like it's holy fucking scripture. Yes, there was some of the best Star Wars stories out there, but there was also some of the worst shite beyond any Holiday Special that Lucas could dream up. Every time people say "EU was far superior to Disney canon" is forgetting that, ultimately, EU has the exact the same success rate as Disney canon. 1 banger for every 10 fuck ups beyond belief. The only difference is that Disney Canon's fuck ups are in a more public forum. Remember that time the Dark Horse comics established that the reason that Jedi aren't allowed to fall in love is because one time 2 Jedi fell in love with the same girl and they fought each other until the planet literally fucking exploded? I'd argue that shit is equally retarded as The Acolyte, it's just that it happened in a comic that people could ignore, as opposed to a highly publicised series that people couldn't.

Again, i do not Stand the Mouse, i'm just saying that if we are being honest with ourselves the only difference between EU and Disney Canon is that DC is shooting bigger and advertising bigger, so their fuck ups are far more publicly visible. And yes, Disney should be reeling their people in more, they should be vetting who is writing what more, but Lucas didn't do terribly well at that either. The only difference is that Lucas' fuck ups were a lot more private, with the exception of everyone hating the Prequel Trilogy on release and Filoni having to patch it into a coherent state.
Disney canon has no bangers. Go ahead and try to claim one, I'll wait.
>EU has the exact the same success rate as Disney canon
No, it had highs and lows. Disney has lows and below averages at best.
>the exception of everyone hating the Prequel Trilogy on release and Filoni having to patch it into a coherent state.
You can impose your retcon as much as you want, but the opinions of Gen Xers have never been relevant. You literally ruined entertainment, so you have no arguments to hold.
What are all these allegedly good Disney canon works?
I'll accept this claim, but go further and claim that the EU's bangers would also be poorly received if released today.
Andor is better than the entire EU.
Jedi games are better than any Lucasarts shovelware.
EAFront 2 is better than the old Battlefronts.
I'd say Andor is above average. That's about it from stuff directly from Disney, though. There's some decent videogames that have come out after Disney bought SW, but they haven't really been directly involved in them.
Yeah, I actually agree. Because Disney lost any good will, even if the greats of the EU were released today under the Disney brand, they would be lambasted, even if Filoni didn't ruin them with his OCs.
Andor's only good scenes are the ISB and Mon Mothma. Everything actually involving the titular character made me fall to sleep.
>Jedi games are better than any Lucasarts shovelware.
Star Wars Podracer has more of an intriguing set of characters than Cal Kestis.
>EAFront 2 is better than the old Battlefronts.
In terms of graphics, sure.
The only useful thing about Andor is everything that has nothing to do with the main character. It's mediocre even if you're a Disneyshill.
>but they haven't really been directly involved in them.
"Disney" is not directly involved in anything. It's Lucasfilm. Disney gives money to Lucasfilm, distributes content, builds theme parks and makes merch. Same with Marvel. It's curated by Kevin Feige, not "Disney." Lucasfilm and its story group were involved in everything, including the games.
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The closest thing I've found recently to the Blade-32 description is this. Remove the propellers and make it a glossy black (Cartann) or red (Yedagon), and it's almost a Blade fighter. Is solid fanart around of this dork-mobile? Starfighter of Adumar is my fun Star Wars read and, like the Clawcraft and Turbulent Star Destroyer, I would kill to see any and more good art of them. I know the Clawcraft has some models, I also mean the Hand of Thrawn duology "scout" which read more like a Clawcraft-TIE Hunter cross if I remember the book. Completely memory-holed on the wook.
I hate the world building the prequels introduced to the OT (mainly to the jedi, the force, and the recurring characters), but the lore introduced by Filoni is even worse.
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Who asked?
Cry and whine more little anon.
I dont get why jango wanted a son via an identical clone

why not just fuck someone? is he bad with women? too autistic?
In shatterpoint I have a squad consisting of Luke, Ezra, Lando and R2. Was thinking of proxying Ezra as someone else for casual games to be more thematic, any ideas? Maybe Mara Jade
Then his son would be tainted with genome of some random w*man. Or maybe he was sterile.
>noooo my son needs to be 100% pureblooded mandalorian so this is the only way
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He was not a mandalorian.
based george, I will never forgive f*vearu and f*loni for changing that

>almec tells obi-wan that jango wasnt a mandalorian
>almec has no reason to lie to obi-wan about this
>at this point, almec was not written to be corrupt or a deathwatch sympathizer
>obi-wan is a jedi and could probably sense that almec was lying
>satine is in the same room and would correct almec if he was lying
but oh well, the damage is done now

we should get more scenes of characters "correcting" boba in that jango isnt technically his dad, like what bo-katan did
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Mando became more about marketing than the story. It was never particularly deep in the story department, but it became so much worse in S3. It succumbed to its own iconography of le iconic boba fett helmet and nothing else is there. That's the difference between George Lucas, who was telling the story of a society and culture - its evolution and downfall in historical context (which made some low IQ braindead fanboys of iconography recoil when presented with something more intricate), and Favreau/Filoni, who are making a commercial about Boba Fett helmet and Baby Yoda for braindead fanboys and normalfags. Mandalorian could have been so much more. Yet Satine was not even mentioned once, despite direct relevance and importance to S3 as they walk through the ruins of the city that these animals have themselves destroyed. The very fundamental destructive nature of Mando culture was never addressed. It was all reduced to
>m-muh helmet can't remove the helmet, removing it was bad ackchyually (because Pedro Pascal was busy with the last of us, so we have to write around that), duuuh need to bathe in da waters hashtag dis is de way!1!1!!!1 baby yoders so cute!
And now Mandalorians are nothing but a bunch of retarded shallow Boba Fetts again. How very "interesting". Bleh.
>mando and bo-katan go to a planet
>its cities are domed, like sundari
>the ruler of the place is called the duchess
>absolutely 0 reference or mention of satine by bo-katan
>bo even says earlier in the season that she's the last of the kyrze line, which is indirectly killing off korkie

mando feels like its intentionally ignoring TCW
nobody references bo being a terrorist, the pacifists and satine are never mentioned, jango is retconned to being a mandalorian again
probably because neither filoni or favearu wrote those episodes of TCW
>I'm not praising
Sure, but like I said you give them a weird amount of leeway with these comments of "plans".
>EU like it's holy fucking scripture.
It is annoying when everything is a single grand narrative of "old good, new bad".
>Every time people say "EU was far superior to Disney canon"
The old newspaper strips and comics weren't written with knowledge of the sequels and the story changed, e.g. Vader became Luke's father. Many of these stories are average and about just having fun with the small amount of stuff the writers were given. A lot of the content is "extrapolate a story out of a background character or one detail" but the truth is so much of fiction isn't planned and stories are developed over time. Many TV shows were like that and many multi-season narratives can fail to land. I think people felt better about it when fear of missing out wasn't as much of an issue and entertainment was mostly single serving stories. The amount of actual "planned" fiction is very slim and even major works have retcons (e.g. The Hobbit was edited when Gollum's ring became the One Ring in LOTR). Some have always complained about retcons but in the internet age with this FOMO push (which is in part a corporate push to turn consumers into fanatics) people seem deadset against them. Now what does any of this have to do with SW? Well when you said:
>the only difference between EU and Disney Canon
I feel I need to add something. The real issue is that the SW EU was messy for all the above reasons. From making products without future knowledge etc. The real reason why people are so angry with Disney Canon is they had a chance, via hindsight, to overcome all these issues with one of the biggest franchises in the world with all their resources and said they would then didn't. It isn't that they made more public fuck ups, it is that they learned nothing and ended up in the same mess only their mess doesn't have the old excuses and neither does it have the same charm.
>Jedi games are better than any Lucasarts shovelware.
EA have massively mishandled the license.
>EAFront 2 is better than the old Battlefronts.
Do you forget the whole scandal regarding unlocks with that game?
>Mando became more about marketing than the story.
Mando was only ever a vehicle for potential spin offs: Ahsoka, Rangers of the New Republic etc. It just hooked people in with the most basic of plots. SW fans were literally so fucking starved for content that "Mando protects a village" or "Mando does a prison break" were considered great content.
>Yet Satine was not even mentioned once
To be fair, the Mando stuff in TCW/Rebels is all over the place. Satine managed to make the planet sort of stable and people act like it has been like that for a long time, but then it seems everyone was just hiding their family armor in the back of the closet because then everyone is a warrior again. I know what themes Lucas/Filoni were going for but they missed a bunch of stuff to make it work. At one point they all look Nordic, then you have Asians in Rebels. One part warrior creed, one part an actual panet of people. Now I know what you'll say that these issues can be rectified, and sure they can be, but this whole thing always felt rather messy in how it was executed and displayed. I can't fault them for just having wandering bands of Mandalorians having adventures, it is a perfect vehicle for the show and as soon as they had to tie it back to TCW/Rebels arc the show died for many people.
>And now Mandalorians are nothing but a bunch of retarded shallow Boba Fetts again
All they ever were and all they ever would be.
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Rebels is irrelevant to TCW. Rebels was Filoni's retarded fanfic that greatly deviated from Lucas, like everything else made under Disney. That's why there are discrepancies, narrative, visual and thematical. It was portrayed well and executed adequately by Lucas, and then gradually "tweaked" by Filoni after the Disney acquisition to please the retarded fanboys.
>Andor is better than the entire EU.
Andor is 100% cut from the same cloth as the EU and fits it like a glove. Specifically a lot of the plot points are taken directly from the old West End RPG games and books based on the same vibe like Stackpole and Zahn. The only difference is fewer aliens, but that's how any live action tv series would look.
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No, not really. EU had shit writing and terrible dialogue, and was more concerned with autistic, irrelevant """world-building""" circlejerk a la X-Wing specifications, than actual themes and a good story. In no way it is similar to Luuke Skywalker and Thrawn, who used his "art deduction" ability as outright magic. The very first pages of the very first novel, Heir to the Empire, way back in 1991, establish this blatant superpower - Thrawn deduces the precise behavior of a New Republic fleet based on the fact that it came from the Elomin system, and since Thrawn studied the visual art of the Elomin species, he correctly predicts the behavior of every single ship in that fleet and destroys it utterly, despite having no knowledge whatsoever of the specific officers commanding it or the people crewing it. EU was garbage. You trying to compare Andor to it is merely wanting to belong and associate with something good. Sorry, not sorry.
its just simply not a good show
the writing is ass, half the characters are bad, the artstyle sucks and the shows budget is so low that they quite simply have to reuse assets half the time or have the weakest action ever

whenever anyone talks about iconic things in the show, 90% of the time its to do with TCW characters
the legacy of rebels is just TCW nostalgia and failure that you're forced to watch to understand live action shows
Comparing a $250 million dollar show to a comic or a novel is the not big own you think it is.
The other retard did it first.
Hello trying to talk about games
>was more concerned with autistic, irrelevant """world-building""" circlejerk a la X-Wing specifications

Anon, this is tg where many of us engage in ttrpg's. You've just described good, helpful content
you could commission it from bing ai and have the same effect
>Every time people say "EU was far superior to Disney canon" is forgetting that, ultimately, EU has the exact the same success rate as Disney canon. 1 banger for every 10 fuck ups beyond belief.
and up until NJO you could ignore all of it and it would make zero difference to the part that you enjoy
>Rogue One
>Resistance (I admit this one has a really terrible fucking start, first 5 episodes are nie unwatchable, but once it gets going, it becomes a pretty solid show.)
>Bad Batch
>Vader Comics (Got highs and lows, but the highs more than outweigh the lows)
>Zahn's new Thrawn novels
>About half of the video game library

Go on, let's here why i am a plebian who needs to become an hero for the audacity of thinking Rebels is good enough to justify its existance.
not him but rebels, mandalorian (judged as a whole, otherwise just S1 is good), ahsoka, tales (outside of the dooku episodes) are all shit
The true canon starwars is Rebal Assault played on dos. You are not a true starwars fan if you don't remember flying your skyhopper through beggars canyon and the tragedy when the Empire destroyed your air traffic control buddies and chasing them through the canyon. Who the fuck is this Luke guy, blew up the death star you say? No I fucking blew up the death star on an attack run in the trench at the end of the game, just one not two, how retarded would having two death stars be. Yep, Rebel Assault on dos, the true canon starwars. Played it before watching some movies.
>not playing X-Wing instead
Andor is fucking shit. Referencing certain things from the old EU and having certain good visuals does not make it good. Its just inoffensively bad, rather than offensively bad like Ahsoka.
Opening crawl of tie fighter is why I became an Empire fag for life and an early dominio that lead to my terrible decision to attend USAFA.
>Referencing certain things from the old EU
how do you wind up thinking this is what andor was about?
>>Rogue One
Fucking awful.
>>Resistance (I admit this one has a really terrible fucking start, first 5 episodes are nie unwatchable, but once it gets going, it becomes a pretty solid show.)
No, all bad all the time.
Starts good. I didn't mind the memberberries of season 2. Season 3 was dogshit.
Had potential. Ray Stevenson and Shin Hottie were the only highlines of this trash heap.
Some good shorts. Lots of bad ones.
Mostly bad shorts,
>>Bad Batch
Season 1 sucked. S2 had some good episodes. S3 was just mediocre. Ending didn't actually conclude much.
>>Vader Comics (Got highs and lows, but the highs more than outweigh the lows)
>>Zahn's new Thrawn novels
>>About half of the video game library
Not a single good star wars vidya has come out since the disney takeover.
He's mentally retarded and trying to sound cool and contrarian without actually having watched Andor.
>Not a single good star wars vidya has come out since the disney takeover.
I'll amend that by saying not a single good non-LEGO star wars vidya game has come out since the disney takeover.
Hawkbat Battalion
>>>Zahn's new Thrawn novels
I liked the first one well enough; went to shit after that with all the theme park and Rebels tie-ins which felt forced
True. Everyone worships at the throne of Skywalker Saga but even though the open exploration and humor is fun, the main levels are mostly inferior versions of the original trilogy-based Lego games.
The bossfights are a lot better at least
The ship might sway so they’re on a chain. Also, with the low survival rate, noone really cares.
I just assumed that it was a somewhat spontaneous decision during contract making. "Yeah I'd like a kid why not this way?", and had it added to the terms. As far as I know Jango wasn't infertile or anything.
How do you know he wasn't? Did he cum in your bussy and you gave birth?
>alright tyrannus I want an unaltered clone to raise as a son and do not under any circumstance make a daughter too
Ah, so it's another episode of Troll Or Tard? is it. Can we play a different game? This one's gotten kind of boring.
>nooo everything I disagree with must be troll!
>Interesting storytelling angle where Jango deliberately left the Mandalorian culture because it was suicidally self-destructive, and he wasn't gonna be the guy to fix it
>Some brainless faggots on /tg/ trying to stir shit for (you)s.
Note that Boba still doesn't identify as a Mandalorian in Mando or his own fucking show, but I guess even basic media comprehension is beyond the actual retards who frequent this board after driving off anyone with a braincell.
Don't be so upset, sweatheart.
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Childhood is idolizing Fives

Adulthood is realising Echo makes more sense
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Too bad they turned him into a background prop and a shell of his former self. Many such cases.
you mean made him the MVP? only at the very end to the point where we were all asking "whats his specialization" until its shown to he infiltration lol
TBF anon admitted they may also be retarded.
Not that the two are mutually exclusive.
Thanks I hate it.
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Even if you disagree with some of anon's opinions, none are especially uncommon in and of themselves
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No, she is a totally legal mining station.
Perhaps you could fund some research, oh great leader?
Yeah, but this is 4chan, where most people will tell you "Hey, you know that thing that's popular, it's shit. Hey, you know that thing that everyone fucking hates, well they are retarded. Shit's kino!" To the point where i now just assume that everyone on 4chan is just a hipster fuckfence who hates things because they aren't cool enough to go against the flow and admit that there are some things that are popular for a reason and not just because they are a billion IQ points ahead of the masses.
I always kinda liked Jerec and his "Dark Jedi"
Especially the guy who was cut in half but survived, powered by pure spite.
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every day I get reminded of how shitty star wars fans can be

normally i'd ignore it but you can't go anywhere without seeing some retarded opinion from someone, or a retarded opinion from someone who follows that person and sucks their cock for free

should something be done?
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Maw was a trailblazer for Darksiders surviving otherwise fatal wounds.

Sure, I don't see any possible way this could go wrong.
>The ship might sway
where are we, in space or on the fuckin ocean?
>with the low survival rate
incredibly gay. Can we please have threatening and competent Imperials.

Also, neither of those address my main point, the turn.
Wasn't there also a Jedi survivor of the clone wars who was also literally a nugget?
Poor Jedha. I actually liked the idea of the Messengers of the Cold Moon surviving to the current day and just having sort of flourished, splitting, becoming the inhabitants of the temple city on Jedha. Just this massive, bizarre, quasi-exalted/Great Forks shitpile.
Bait. McQuarrie is amazing.
>normally i'd ignore it but you can't go anywhere without seeing some retarded opinion from someone, or a retarded opinion from someone who follows that person and sucks their cock for free
And you're saying this doesn't happen with every single other thing people talk about online?
Do TIE bombers even have a low survival rate? They're more valuable and generally have wingmen to make sure they can at least drop the payload before getting blown apart.
Is that a Space Ace reference?
Which one? Their are several Hitchhikers Guide refs so it's possible
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Nobody of sound mind and body who's ever lived nor anysuch yet unborn has seriously and sincerely believed that Cuck Kekstis' games are better than *anything* from the literal, universally-agreed golden age of SW gaming. So yeah it's one of those two things.
"Wookie Protein Brew" sounds sus.
The old star wars general on /co/. It was decent when new /co/ Star Wars was coming out, but you know how these go when the material dries up.
>golden age of star wars gaming
>it's all just shitty low effort shovelware, when lucasarts took better games and simplified them for SW babies, and released as an advertisement for the movies
The only good games of that time that still hold up are Jedi Outcast and Academy. Everything else is shit, and you are a tasteless faggot who hasn't grown up mentally. Just because you experienced them as a toddler and have the thickest nostalgia goggles possible doesn't make any of that crap good. Cal Kestis games are objectively better. Oh, and they also sold more than all that shovelware combined.
>implying Empire at War is shit
>implying lego star wars is shit
>implying republic commando is shit
Kys, disneyfag
Rebellion is kino strategy, you zoomzoom.
See your problem is you're too obvious man. If you'd have just picked KotOR or something to shit on you'd have easily spun up some genuine outrage and been able to farm countless (you)'s, but you got too greedy and now you're just embarassing yourself.
>>implying Empire at War is shit
It is. Gets stale after an hour, and ground battles are utter slog.
>>implying lego star wars is shit
Not even among the best Lego games out there, lol.
>>implying republic commando is shit
Utter garbage. 3 hour long corridor shooter with bullet sponge enemies, shit gunplay, faux "tactics" that amount to pressing F on scripted positions, supposedly specialized teammates who are no better or worse from one another: explosives expert Scorch is as good at sniping as Sev and vice-versa. The game was shit on release and was brutally mogged by Halo that came out earlier and Half-Life 2.

>Rebellion is kino strategy, you zoomzoom.
>The game received poor reviews according to the review aggregation website GameRankings.[2] Next Generation stated, "LucasArts should start looking more closely at what it slaps the Star Wars brand on, as consumers will be less likely to forget or forgive."
>The game won the award for "Most Disappointing Game of the Year" at GameSpot's Best & Worst of 1998 Awards.[14] It was also nominated for "The Underachiever Award" at IGN's Best of 1998 Awards, which ultimately went to Trespasser.[15]
lmao even
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KOTOR being shit is a given. Neverwinter Nights for babies with a story that rivals JJ Abrams and his The Force Awakens in its lack of creativity, originality and its shittiness. I didn't think it needed to be specified. Which is why it was said: "Jedi Outcast and Academy are the only good ones."

Funny, how none of you were able to refute a single thing. Well, you can't, because I am right. Concession accepted.
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KOTOR is so fucking good
I'm in awe of the anti-general fag. In like five threads every time we get a little normal discussion going he waddles in and starts smearing shit everywhere.
Sex with Padawans?
He's a sequelbaby, they're all manchildren without strong parental figures.
KotoR 1 is "Good enough" and for the time was a really ambitious and fun game, the setting was different enough to make it unique. But it is a game that has aged like milk. The gameplay is clunky and especially tedious in places, the story is very cut and dry, the "Interact with your companions to influence the story" advertisement was a lie... But i would never have a go at anyone for liking it.

I do however think that KotoR2 was a far superior game. A lot of the clunk is fixed, the characters and equipment have a lot more optimization, you are actually rewarded for treating different party members differently and you need to learn each ones foibles (Certain characters actually respond well to you being asshole to them and hate you when you're trying to be nice. Kreia hates you being either Nice or a Needless Prick, she just wants you to be dismissive and manipulative, especially towards her.) as opposed to them just dropping random bits of character development after enough time walking around has passed.

Also, KotoR2's companions are deconstructions of the Star Wars tropes as opposed to a reconstruction with the first one.
i'm willing to bet he's the same guy who keeps on screaming about ventressfag
The problem is any combat section in KOTOR 2 is a shitty grind and the game is way too easy, plus %100 randomised loot sucks ass
I mean, I'd argue it's an even shittier grind in KotoR1, At least 2 gives you access to better crowd control and better weapons upgrades making fighting way easier.

Although i do agree that the randomized loot is a bit crappy. The amount of games i've only had 1 regular Lightsaber being the one i built and every single other being either Short or Double is a pain in my ass At least they haven't patched out the Lightsaber Duplication bug.
>What the fuck, why is this Star Wars game ripping off Star Wars!
t. Very Intelligent Individual
The random loot can be abused pretty wonderfully if you know how.
What are you on about? I criticised the general threads earlier, I think we should just have threads about game content every so often if we can't sustain proper game talk. I still occasionally post about games too and try to push discussion of it. I am not behind the trolling ITT, that's someone else. Weird you'd assume I wanted to shit up a thread when I want the complete opposite, aka good threads. If anything this just proves my point.
Being a videogame doesn't give its story a pass for being a vapid drivel that lacks any creativity. JJ gets rightfully criticized for TFA, but KOTOR gets a pass? I don't think so.
its always the case

if someone likes something but is then they're told that there is something retarded about it, they will make any excuse for it despite how hypocritical
doesnt matter if its EU, disney, or filoni star wars, its always the same defense if they like it
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KOTOR was made to give the player a classic star wars experience with some twists here and there in regards to the story, but there was enough cool worldbuiling and uniqueness that it wasn't purely a ripoff. It was also fun to play which is important, had some banger quests, great planets and got even better when KOTOR 2 expanded on the lore.
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....coming to shatterpoint when?
I'm not a giant KotOR fan myself, but people who suggest that TFA was only bad for copying the plot outline of the original movie I suspect of arguing in bad faith.
TFA's primary issue was that it was Star Wars made by and for soiboys who do not understand the series at even a fundamental level. It set out to recreate a meme instead of a movie and the final result is essentially a mockery.
yes more fucking clones is just what we need, I'm dying for some Rebel Mooks commandos are all we have
Why don't the empire wipe the memories of every stormtrooper as part of their indoctrination process and then test it by having them kill a family/friend?
Never. They're ugly and retarded.
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Following up

We fought the dark timeline psycho rangers version of our crew. The ultimate result of which was a few bits of foreshadowing and my character admitting that he doesn't doubt his crew's commitment to "The Quest," but his own ability to hold onto them. After the psycho rangers dissipated, I got punched in the face by my best friend for that one.

It was honestly kind of surreal that I had other players at the table talking up the adventures I'd lead them on as part of this game. Partially because it was really cool in the narrative, but also because I'm normally the GM for our Star Wars games. I've literally sent them on adventures as the universe before. Kinda meta.

It's given the character an extra leg of confidence to stand on, which is important because it seems that my lightsaber master has gone nuts and kidnapped our boss.
probably too costly and would kill a bunch of troopers as part of the process
Mando S1, Andor, Rebels S4, Solo are good no matter where you look them from.

I'd put Acolyte there but it's... 7/8ths good.
/tg/ has been a general board for nearly a decade now.

If you though it's bad today, you should have been there during the heyday of quests.

Appreciate what you have now because it rarely gets better.
I've been here for a long time too and it goes through peaks and troughs sure, it's not always good. But now we have a case of franchise problems, games being killed as well as a complete breakdown of anons trying too (some of that is naturally connected and some isn't). We used to have effort in spurts and it feels completely non existent. That's all. It's pointless discussing it further to be honest.
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Can someone legitimately tell me what anyone saw in Ahsoka? It felt like a hollow show. Even Shin and Baylan felt the same, and they were a better part of it. It just feels like Rebels shit shaken up with some EU stuff. The characters feel rather bland and the plot went no where. Once I saw Rosario Dawson walk a bit and cross her arms, I had about seen her entire range as Ahsoka (and I don't mind her as an actress). Were a few visuals and new places really enough for starved people I guess?
Stormtroopers would mostly enlist from loyalist backgrounds and there are tons of them. Imagine thinking gunning down one or more Imperial loyalists per stormtrooper during training wouldn't cause problems. It's cartoonishly evil to the point of idiocy even for Sheev on a bad day.
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Ray Stevenson was cool as fuck, Shin was a hottie. Some cool designs, like Marrok, Enoch, Nightroopers, Elbseth's gas mask troopers, HK droids with capes and spears, those WW2 styled fighters were pretty cool, Sabine's ass, crypto-lesbian dynamic between her and Shin, which gave food to the shippers and artists. The show was pretty shit and it drastically butchered a lot of characters, but it had some neat designs and cute girls. That's pretty much it.
I dunno, /tg/ lost me with quests but as far as I remember, "/tg/ - tabletop generals" has been the standard for the board for at *least* half a decade, if not more.

But I think your gripe is more about 4chan becoming a content aggregator and not a content creator, and it's not just /tg/ in that regard.
Seeing Filoni stuff on camera was novelty enough.
>it felt like a hollow show
it feel like a scared show desu. Filoni knew he wrote a love story for Ezra and Sabine but didn't have the balls to actually go with it. remove that from the equation and all other characters are decent, if not great.

I liked it, it felt like the start of something. But the de-balled approach and the death of the start actor killed it's momentum.

>Once I saw Rosario Dawson walk a bit and cross her arms
That's just par for the course for TV shows senpai. They are an inherently inferior medium to cinema AND animation.
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While at work I drafted a table of “lightsaber combinations” for dual wielders based on how good the colors look when combined. I also added a sub chart for my headcanon rarity for each saber color
I intentionally ignored colors like white / black / silver since I prefer a simple “You’re either blue green or red, or sometimes yellow / orange, or rarely purple” approach that the EU + Canon sort of had. Kind of.
Percentage shows how much I like the specific combos. Thoughts?
Boredom but yea that too
Do you think they held hands?
What about the Starfighter Corps?
Honestly, Thrawn was good to see in live action. Something i've been dreaming of for 30 years. Skoll and Shin were fun characters. I'm a sucker for anything with decent Nightsister stuff, seeing old and busted Hydra was pretty cool. Ezra is a fun character and he was nice to see, although i felt they didn't go far enough with him. I wanted to see him with a wild and wacky Lightsaber.

Either that, or i want to see them go the exact opposite way with Ezra. Give him the Inigo Montoya route.

>Ezra: "I'm starting to think you're better with a Lightsaber than i am."
>Skoll: "Then why are you smiling?"
>Ezra: "Because i know something that you don't."
>Skoll: "What's that?"
>Ezra: "Lightsabers just hold me back." *Throws it away and just starts using the Force itself to block Skolls Lightsaber attacks and throw him around like a boss.*

Point is, Ahsoka delivered what i wanted it to deliver, but it also left room to deliver even more afterwards. I'm hoping for a big ol' Avengers Endgame style "All of the Star Wars Shows team up to defeat Thrawn" big blow off mini-series.

It's not a masterpiece, but it was good enough and set up for even better.
It was the Chimaera, you uncultured swine.
>Point is, Ahsoka delivered what i wanted it to deliver, but it also left room to deliver even more afterwards. I'm hoping for a big ol' Avengers Endgame style "All of the Star Wars Shows team up to defeat Thrawn" big blow off mini-series.
That's what it felt like it was building up to but then Gina Careno had to go run her mouth and have Disney not renew her contract and cancel the Rangers of the New Republic series and then they pretty much wrapped up the Mando storyline with S3 (which was also just plain bad).
So they've written themselves into a corner with no good launching point for a big desperate battle of the New Republic against Thrawn. But I'm sure they'll do something anyway. I just hope they take their time and don't shit out another Acolyte.
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I think some of it is the last bit of star wars tabletop being that 5e skin and I think that's fan only. The guy who wrote an autistic breakdown on the seven lightsaber forms in FFG isn't coming back. Or has moved on. I actually liked that breakdown, even if it could be summarised from 5 pages to "For a lightsaber combatant, pick ataru or soresu for offence/defence, and follow it up with niman if you've got experience enough, otherwise just take niman if you aren't going full force retard".

I remember him.
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Bad roll?
wasnt there a shitpost where jango used special sith bullets or whatever?
(Janny dont ban me for posting a mean greentext thanks)
Reminder that the EU explained this all perfectly for you yidsney cocksucking nuwars faggots
>Jango Fett is using a secret Sith blaster technique taught to him by Darth Krul in the year 34BBY
>Jango learnt this technique after failing to capture a Jedi by the name of Planka Jinguash, a student of Frink Bungo the legendary dual saber wielder Jedi Master
>Darth Krul imbued Jango's blaster with ancient Sith magic as well as using a Sith Amulet in its construction
>the technique allows Jango to bypass a Jedi's ability to black blaster shots which lead to the killing of Jedi Master Coleman Trebor
>in order to maintain the efficacy of the Sith Magic, the baster would have to be periodically stripped and polished with Woodoo hide
>the Sith magic finally wore off at an inopportune moment in 22BBY when Mace Windu overcame Jango's technique and decapitated him on Geonosis
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The difference between this and, say, TFA, is that in this summary I'm seeing scenes borrowed from all three films. Put together, this creates an admittedly derivative but still distinct story. By contrast, TFA is a point-for-point rehash of a single film, with a few names, roles, and other assorted details tweaked to make it feel less blatantly like a ripoff. The only reason to watch TFA, unlike the other two sequel movies, is to enjoy A New Hope but with more advanced special effects.
I know you are, but what am I?
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Jedi girls… OT’s only failing was never giving Leia a lightsaber when she was still sexy
>sith magic
>okay this will work and it will be fantastic
>except if you fuck it up, then you'll die if you're lucky
>and if you're very lucky you won't keep suffering after you die
>and it'll wear off at a moment when it thinks it's funny
>or if a jedi turns himself into a glowstick/tuning fork nearby

I genuinely don't know if this is a shitpost or some bit of weirdness in eucanon I missed anymore.
tl;dr sith magic has a shit sense of humour
Starfighter Corps would use Army or Navy insignia depending on which branch their unit was assigned to. Lucasfilm have repeatedly insisted they have their own unique ranks but since they refuse to put in the effort to actually define what those are and tell us, they can fuck themselves with a rusty R2 appendage.

They're presumably thinking of the British system, but the RAF is an outlier really most countries just use ranks derived from their army, or from their navy when a nation has a military big enough for the navy to have their own airmen. Also it makes more sense under my rationalisation for rank and position to be separated, I suppose we could speculate on how that would be laid out. I'd probably place the basic hierarchy as Pilot Officer > Flight Leader > Squadron Leader > Wing Commander, with the latter two meriting an actual Appointment with appropriate double-row plaque and the lower two just being terms of address. What rank any of them holds would be dependent on experience, the prestige of their squadron, the prestige of their posting etc, so your "average" TIE unit aboard a Star Destroyer would be Lieutenant-heavy and the highest rank would likely be Lieutenant Commander(as the captain of the ship would very likely be a Commander and no Imperial is going to have some up-jumped rocket-jockey strutting around on their ship with the same rank by Jove etc). By contrast an elite unit might be really "flat" with lots of Lieutenant Commanders and a Commander or Commodore leading them, still using the same basic fighter unit structure.

Regardless it wouldn't fit nicely on the graphic.
Im 99% sure its a joke. The woodoo hide part was from an RLM episode where they did a bit on stupid wookkiepedia entries
EU was, indeed, a joke.
Agreed, everything past the Original Trilogy is a joke.
I don't think the EU was a joke, I just think lore/explanation stuff was poor compared to characters just having adventures. Secret origins of random shit isn't interesting. It's just stuff and names.
Nothing's a bigger joke than Reddit Letter Media
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Has anyone ever used the Star Wars setting for specific types of rpg other than just a "Star Wars" campaign or at least considered it?

You could probably run interesting cyberpunk games in the Corporate Sector, Nar Shaddaa, or lower Coruscant.

You could run a vintage sword & planet game on Shiva IV.

You could likely do so thing akin to more traditional fantasy on Weik or a number of other minor medieval worlds. Perhaps even a fantasy campaign on Endor would be doable.

Take some limited inspiration from Cult & Supernatural encounters and you could run cosmic horror to a degree.

By default Star Wars has a place for westerns, espionage, organized crime games, various modes of sci-fi gaming, noir, pulp adventure, etc.

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