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Dancers of the War variety

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WM: https://pastebin.com/EsDAgeba
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread: >>93922653

What's your plan for the rest of the year regarding your army?
Any 2e starting campaings or one shots for newbies that include Skaven or Vampyres you recommend?
I promise some guys at U that I would GM them a session this saturday and I really want to hook them with something interesting
Repainting my knights and some more warriors, finally getting the paint off of even more 1997 warriors and then painting them, then maybe some marauders.
Probably convert some vargheists into ogres.
Really wish highlands did wood elves first, i get that high elves needed their core updated ALOT more, but wood elf stuff is kinda in a weird spot and i would have liked to see them all consolidated (especially like the preview of the glade guard) with some more modern tree stuff that actually matches the older aesthetic
>What's your plan for the rest of the year regarding your army?
Finish what I have. I've already done either half or a third of every box just so I can field them. Might still get a box of boar boys once I'm done with the rest but in terms of acquiring models I have everything I want for my current army. Then it's just playing and waiting for the next thing to be released that I want to paint up.
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>Red looks good on the mage, how do you do it?
Brainmatter Beige primer + Poppy Red speed paint + a diluted Dragon Red to clean things up with Hoplite Gold on the details
i fucking hate elves so goddamn much
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Gassing up this thread
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Forcing myself to paint 30+ peasants.
Cute blorbo
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Get my Expeditionary Force fully painted.

I did take a break to work on these, though, because absolutely adore the sculpts.
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...I think I'm starting to prefer AoS as a setting
That’s just the estrogen pills. Stop taking them before it’s too late!
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All of Warhammers settings are dogshit.
Fantasy has heroes though, anon. Every army has great men (or elves, or dwarfs, or lizards...) doing great things by the strength of their bodies and the force of their wills.
That's what the game is all about. I wouldn't call it a cynical game at all. Sure, it's also got wizards and stuff, but the warrior-hero is very prevalent. See chaos lords.
*fails to inspire troops and kills himself*
I can't hear him. Wht's he yapping?
I just don't think the excessive historical adherence is helping warhammer in some places, is all.
my brother in christ, go play one of the non-historical armies then
chaos, lizardmen, high elves, dark elves, dwarfs, chaos dwarfs, skaven, ogres. You've got options. Reducing the game down to the empire and brettonnia is reductive and gay.
This is bait or why are you even here? Fantasy was created by history and archeology grads. It’s made to be loosely grounded by real cultures and peoples. If you prefer the corporate trademarkable slop of AoS then go and enjoy it, no one is stopping you.
Warhammer isn't historical. It's a grab bag fantasy setting spread over a historical pastiche. There's familiar historical elements scattered across various armies, but it is, was, and will always be fantastical at heart.
It's more historical reference than adherence. The main difference between the two really is that wfb feels like a world where people live fairly ordinary lives with occasional low magic or orc/beast man raids and the rare incredibly fantastical battle, while AoS feels like a world which is incredibly fantastical to its core, where even the most common cities have some wild premise around which it's built and the land itself is shaped by magic.

If you prefer AoS, that's fair enough
The geography and """history""" are negligible at its best if you try to look at it with any scrutiny. Also the setting changed it's fundamentals with retcon after retcon for 30+ years so those degrees ultimately weren't well focused.
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Finishing the basing on my empires and adding some pistoliers.
Might add some odd bits to my skaven or paint some dwarfs.

Good thing I have my gasmask!
that's the thing, even when I do that, bretonnia and empire drag down everything
Are these prints or just ogres on toys and green stuffed clothing?
Well, sounds like you should fuck off then. What is it the /osrg/ anons say? Get ye gone?
You might find something in aos to resonate your mental illness with.
Bretonnia is a magical army of Knights with mythical creatures as mounts and genuine magic at work. King Arthur and his Knights is a magical tale. Their historical elements exist just to emphasize how magical they are. In a setting with guns, cannon, twisted monstrosities, wizards slinging fireballs, and demons, these dudes on horses from the 10th century are able to hold their own solely due to their fantastical nature.

The Empire has steam tanks, tangible divine powers, mythical creatures, and a damn wizard school. They are fantastical as fuck, too.

Tell /his/tards to fuck off and wank to their dioramas in their own thread.
Terror in talabheim for Skaven I guess
There are other games for you to play, if you play anything at all (I doubt it).
>mocking Mishima with facile cynicism
Uh oh ... Let's see that physique
Why did GW give us rules for Thorgrim, and yet did not release a model of him?
Because they want you to convert/kitbash up your own version of him, of course. Or, you could just use one of the dwarf hero models to represent him on the table. Not every named character should have a model.
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Paint/repaint elves now my ogres are done
can i get a redpilled answer is aos or tow more popular? my LGS plays 40k and aos but i dont know if I should pick up aos minis or not.
Well well well, look who's suddenly a main game and not hidden under 'More'...
Does it matter? If you already know what your LGS plays
Why doesn't matter? Taylor Swift is popular, that doesn't mean her music is good.
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Got new movement trays so you guys would stop bullying me
>cynicism is for weaklings
>kills himself
checks out I guess
>still just dunking his models in vats of contrast paint
>still hasnt based them
You fell for it, least he got some new material
sorry man but I always thought you were black.
Redpill me on Mousillon?
i dont know if they're going to change
in a perfect world it wouldnt but the future hinges on whats popular. Games Workshop wont make models for all their stuff and eventually what does not sell will crawl to a drip feed. They are a shit company.
>he actually wants new models
>Because they want you to convert/kitbash up your own version of him, of course
Modern GW wants you to buy overpriced single models, or multiple, overpriced single models in the far and few times GW wants "kitbashing". It is not a hobbyist company anymore.
Looks great, who makes these?
Last consumer report had ToW as the 6th best selling game in the US, with AoS placing 4th. I don’t think there is any risk whatsoever of Old World going unsupported.
>Last consumer report had ToW as the 6th best selling game

consumer report?? link?
love this little guy. how'd you do your rust?
There is no link, it’s paywalled behind an extremely expensive subscription that publishes sales numbers for independent retailers in the US. Some autist anon is a subscriber and posts the screens each quarter.
Also for further evidence of its health. You can go to GW’s investor site and read their quarterly report where they state that Old World brought in new and old players and that they massively underestimated consumer demand. Also the community articles where they said that due to the scale of the success the scale of the project will be expanding.
IvC2 but it a paid subscription to see the sales list which isn't any meaningful numbers just a numbered top 10 list of games
The top 10 selling games were all midwit pop culture normshit, GW, Star wars, Marvel, etc.
Yes it stands to reason the best sellers would be the most mainstream brands. GW took 1st, 4th and 6th on the chart.
Yes, thats what the best sellers generally are. The best selling games will be COD and fifa, rather than some brilliant indy game.
>like fantasy
>all the factions I like are unsupported legacy armies
Is it worth getting into or are legacy armies destined for the garbage as time goes on?
They were good Bretonnias, before they decided to go after a false Grail; and which TOW currently takes place. Afterwards however... They generally became less lively and more bloodthirsty.
Vampires and Dark Elves perform pretty well on the backs of some specific op stuff, Ogres, Lizards, and Chorfs seem functional, it's just Skaven that are genuinely atrocious. Legacy armies on the whole are fine, just don't play Skaven.
The internal leaker, who is 3/3 so far said that legacy armies are going to be slowest brought back, those are the plans now with the bigger than expected sales of old world. When/how long that will take is anyone’s guess. As for rules, all of them are decent to amazing except for Skaven, which are just bad.
Frankly if you enjoy them you’ll have fun, but you will be limited. I play ogres and if you were playing to win there’s maybe 1 way to do it
>bigger than expected sales of old world
Whose expectations? If so, what proof!
I think when Empire comes out next year, my next project will be an Exiles army. I really like the "edgier" black knight/brigand flavor of Bretonnia and the Border Princes stuff with the cannons, brigands, and hedge wizards are super flavorful.

Rudimentary fluff I'm thinking of is a noble falling in love with his liege's girl and choosing exile rather than death. He takea it pretty hard and tries his best to play up his exiled dark knight image, but he's too squeaky clean and noble for it to be convincing. Think Silverbolt in Beast Machines, an honorable warrior trying and failing at being an edgelord.

I'm thinking of doing nothing really out of left field, just a monster slaying Pegasus Baron, a BSB, some KoCR, obligatory peasants, Pegasi, the cannons, and brigands. A level 3 with the falcon horn and silver mirror seems useful for defense/tech, and I really want to run a level 1 with the flamestrike wand and ruby ring and fluff him as a hack fraud playing himself off as a mighty wizard.

Converting the brigands and cannons and finding appropriate wizard models is something I'm looking forward to.
GW’s. Their quarterly investors report that they wrote themselves.
what was 2nd and 3rd?
Also, if you want to know more about them - from its inception, through TOW, and until the previous "current" timeline - then here's a WHRPG supplement about them :

I want to say the d&d miniatures and battletech? Not sure, it's been a while since I saw the chart.
I thought the shitposting thread was this thread
Just as an attempt to make what I think half of Heralds of Darkness was intended to be - the alliance of the different chaos gods - actually work, how do you feel about these rules?
>marked units in this army must be matched by a marked character, and vice versa
>you cannot include a 2nd set of marked unit/character until all marks are represented, e.g. to include 2 mark of khorne marked units in your army you would need to have 2 MoK characters AND at least 1 each of matching MoN, MoT and MoS units and characters
>all marks in this army cost 1pt less for units and 5pts/10pts less for hero/lord level characters
>units with different marks must test for Stupidity when within 8" of each other. If they pass this test they reroll 1s on hit, wound and charge rolls until the start of your next turn
>chaos undivided units are not subject to the rules above

I could also see a theme rule about rolling twice on eye of the gods but having to randomly pick which one to use (letting your opponent choose which die without seeing them or something) to represent the chaos gods interfering with each other on the battlefield.
>where people live fairly ordinary lives with occasional low magic or orc/beast man raids

In very specific areas of the world? Yes

In the majority of it both population and geographic wise? No
You made heralds even worse, goddamn.
If youre going to put so many restrictions on marks make them free at the very least.
so that warpfire dragon is kinda busted
It's a level 2 wizard and a stone thrower that can move and shoot and a dragon. For 435 points. You can run it in a 2000 point game. Why?
>if you want to take 2 units with the same mark you need to take 5 characters
>in WoC
this would be a high tax for SKAVEN, let alone warriors. The amount of buffs and incentives you would need to make this viable is astronomical. "units with a mark are unbreakable while next to a character with the same mark" tier bullshit, or in other words the sort of nonsense you cant do.
WoC will not and cannot spam characters, a character tax of 4:1 is beyond the pale.

If your goal is to encourage mixed mark armies then you already have the base army without any restrictions and therefore with total freedom to mix and match.
If your goal is to have units accompany marked champions as retinue then you need to provide some benefit to the associated unit (because you can otherwise just do it in the grand army).

For 435pts it costs just short of a lord on a dragon (and might actually be about even with some of the cheaper ones). Which should give you your answer. Its essentially a character in your rare slot because its priced like a character in your rare slot.
Well a basic stone thrower is 75 pts, a level 2 wizard is 90, and a chaos dragon is 285, so it's not that crazy
Yea, basically this. The warpfire dragon is good, but its basically just the sum of its parts in terms of its price. Its a very expensive toy.
Very expensive toy with a beautiful model.
I think the dragon is good but the stone thrower part of it is probably overcosted and the level 1/2 upgrade is just not worth it. It will struggle to cast and knows 2 spells: why would you bother?
>no way to fit two 3+/5++/5+++ chaos dragonlords into the character limit in 2000pts even though the AJ gave you the items to do it
Character allowance needs to go up to 60%.
Just play at a slightly higher point value
The Talisman of the Carrion Crow is also funny in that you have to buy an extra nonmagical weapon to even make use of its poison attacks.

Don’t be ridiculous.
Yea, sexy thing that.
>y in that you have to buy an extra nonmagical weapon to even make use of its poison attacks
No? Ensorcelled weapons arent magical weapons, they benefit from poison.

Cant have two chaos lords, theyre 0-1 per army
Fucking RIP how could GW do this to me.
Character allowance needs to stay capped at 50%. Core tax needs to go up to 50%.
I think rather than being turbo restrictive, you just incentivize people taking marks. Units with marks joined by characters with matching marks or above a certain unit strength get super marks that provide additional benefits.

Run a US20+ Khorne unit and you get Fights in Extra Ranks, Nurgle gets Regen, Slaanesh gives Strikes Last to enemies in base contact, Tzeentch gets a bound spell or makes units in base contact flammable.

You get a reason to run larger units, more characters, embedded characters rather than riding monsters, and then tack on more Chosen and Chosen Chariots. Maybe give the chariots the option for banners or shrines that provide aura effects.

0-1 magic items per 500pts
0-1 wizard level per 1k
0-1 monsters per 1k
Fuck off, tourist
Just copy warmaster here. Some units have a minimum requirement, others are unlimited, and others have a hard cap.
Warhammer Fantasy used to have units with minimum requirement. You don't need to look to a different system for that.
That's literally how it works right now in TOW

Maybe actually read the rules before you make suggestions on what yo change nogames
Is contrast paint not a valid method? His dudes look pretty nice to me
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Units with a 1+ requirement, not a 25% core requirement, anon. I won't stand for being called a nogames.
Haven't some tournaments capped at 25%?
I'd be down for some Basic Hammer
Saurus too.
I think Knights and peasants in Brettonia too.
Probably others.
>0-1 Magic items per 500
That only really stops people from buying cheap non-meta magic items in addition to problematic ones.
Oh. Well, I stand corrected. My bad, anon. The warriors of chaos don't have any of those mandatory units.
I think it encourages heroes to lean more on their normal gear.
Sure, it wont stop people taking their talisman of preservation or ruby ring of ruin, but it does mean you arent taking much beyond that. Especially since magic banners would be included in that.

>I'd be down for some Basic Hammer
yea, thats the goal, I think it would make for an interesting ruleset
Heralds of darkness has chaos knights as 1+ and I think sea wolves also has a 1+ option but im not sure.

In general I feel like the requirements/limits were too lax for most armies. Its only with the legacy factions like demons, VC and skaven that it feels very significant.
Decoupling strength and - to armor saves was a mistake.
With all this talk of the chaos AJ any tips on improving my list?

++ Characters [997 pts] ++
Chaos Lord [532 pts]
(Hand weapon, Full plate armour, Shield, Mark of Chaos [Mark of Nurgle], General, Chaos Dragon, Crown of Everlasting Conquest)

Galrauch [465 pts]
(Wicked Claws, Dark Fire of Chaos, Fumes of Contagion, Full plate armour (Draconic scales), Dark Magic)

++ Core Units [500 pts] ++
6 Chaos Warhounds [41 pts]
(Claws and fangs (Hand weapons), Vanguard)

6 Chaos Warhounds [41 pts]
(Claws and fangs (Hand weapons), Vanguard)

8 Forsaken [152 pts]
(Mutated weapons (Hand weapons), Heavy armour, Forsaken by Khorne)

8 Forsaken [152 pts]
(Mutated weapons (Hand weapons), Heavy armour, Forsaken by Khorne)

6 Forsaken [114 pts]
(Mutated weapons (Hand weapons), Heavy armour, Forsaken by Slaanesh)

++ Special Units [126 pts] ++
1 Dragon Ogres [63 pts]
(Great weapons, Heavy armour)

1 Dragon Ogres [63 pts]
(Great weapons, Heavy armour)

++ Rare Units [375 pts] ++
Warpfire Dragon [375 pts]
(Wicked Claws, Warpfire Blast, Full plate armour (Draconic scales))

I agree

Unrelated to that
Anyone have an ogre list that's fun? Looking at a new army that is "elite"
>I think it encourages heroes to lean more on their normal gear.

It doesn't. people aren't taking 5+ magic items in most lists unless they're trying to fill points
Well, you should really have some warriors in there. It's kinda gay to have a chaos lord of nurgle with no nurgle warriors to fight alongside him.
>people aren't taking 5+ magic items in most lists unless they're trying to fill points
I am confident that between banners and magic items a lot of lists go well over 5.
My sorcerer lord alone usually takes 3, 4 if I give him a power scroll. My bsb takes the blasted standard and daemonic splendor. My regular sorcerer takes 2 magic items as well.
If you have a fighty character they will often have the ogre blade. You will also almost always take the talisman of preservation and more often than not whatever your factions defensive magic item is (trollhide trousers/rejuvination bead/etc), you will then more often than not take a ruby ring of ruin, and many armies have "must take" arcane items, if youre bretonnia theres also the falcon horn
And then you have magic banners, of which most armies are likely to have at least one.
Did the cult of Sigmar know that the real Ghal Maraz was missing, and that they were using a Replica between the reigns of Sigmar and Karl Franz?
GW might just retcon it so that's it the real ghal maraz at this time( I think the Core rulebook has a sidebar that completely contradicts TEW) though I don't really know why it's not like Magnus is shown to have used it.
however in WFRP lore the Arch lector and some scholars knew it was fake but basically everyone else was perfectly willing to see the lie instead
>it was le fake all along
Why do they keep doing this?
What does this add really? "Oh, the thing you believed was the real thing was actually NOT!"
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It's not much, but I made this Man-at-arms, might use it as a drawing reference.
this cannot be happening, sigmarbros....We are in charge here
Run the forsaken in smaller units to fit some marauder Horsemen.
Agrax earthsade followed by watered down skrag brown focused toward the middle, the trick is to kind of dabbing it on and leaving it giving you those nice tidemarks that you build over,
then adding some fire dragon bright, and if you want a really nice effect use pure fire dragon bright or troll slayer orange and dab some small dots on there.
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Quite the twist, wouldn't you say?
So it just happened to be a gigantic, magical, golden incredibly powerful warhammer... ... ... just not Ghal Maraz? who asked for this.
WFRP isn't canon unless it's cool.
This. It's below most fan fiction to be honest.
if GW considers it canon then it canon
there even pricing the WFRP writers to make a TOW RPG
God I hope it's flexible
I want to be able to wiggle rules to make a Skaven suicide squad
just use 2e for that i'm pretty sure that still the only game with official Skaven PC rules
How would one go about building a Laurelorn army?
im not one of your original detractors but i must say that youve done a really nice job for the time spent on them!
Definitely up to a lpayable standard and also i must commend your terrain aswell
Im hoping that the next highlands set has a hero since i feel like elf heroes can look mighty ornate and im hoping that the prince has quite alot of options since he does in TOW as well
What are you hoping for in the next highlands release?
Any chance you have a mega or something else with a pdf?
shouldn't it just be be in the WFRP pastebin?
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Grail Knight rescues from Europe have arrived.
Very nice, anon. Rescuing old models is always a fun time. Good luck with stripping the paint off those dudes and please post them when you finish painting them.
Bloody blasterd sell me your grail knights
Lmao those weapons, looks like it's designed for Hasbro children's toys
>one guy blowing on a Fleshlight
>one with with a 4 foot long "lance"
>double headed "flail"
Finally build and paint my Screaming Bell, and paint some Stormvermin as Albino Stormvermin.
I know we're supposed to be stupid here, but how does HH and TOW both being seen supposed to be a win against AoS again?
Go back to your thread.
I don’t know anon, I did a quick google because my usual advice is to recommend a related 2nd edition WF Roleplay book for lore but google gives me no hits about wood elf focused ones.
My plan is getting everything painted.

Also i really dont want to wait untill next year to be able to buy High Elves and Wood Elves normally
My LGS plays 30K and Old World mostly. Every hobby night theres always 3/4 tables old world or 30k out of the 5 tables we have.
What's a good name for an Ogre pirate ship?
Well, this is just a shot in the dark, a guess really, but you could try using wood elf units
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you might be interested in using or adapting this 6th ed thing from white dwarf
That's not what low fantasy means.
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Trolls done, or done enough for me to call it a day. Wonderful sculpts!
>If you have a fighty character they will often have the ogre blade. You will also almost always take the talisman of preservation

Okay you just capped out your character's magic item budget

>your factions defensive magic item is (trollhide trousers/rejuvination bead/etc),

With the five points you have left over?

>you will then more often than not take a ruby ring of ruin,

Okay now you're fucking with me, the ruby ring is terrible, on average it only does like 3 wounds to goblin tier targets a turn on average assuming you don't get dispeled.
>gigantic, magical, golden incredibly powerful warhammer... ... ... just not Ghal Maraz?

Idk why you would think there's only one warhammer like that, dwarves make a lot of them
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Thanks, the game got postponed anyway so I have an extra week. I'd love a lion chariot or a skycutter but in November (next month is the undead update) we will probably get a lord and the swordmasters/sea guard
please gw release beastmen i want to give you money
yes it is
>most taken magic item for wizards in the entire game is terrible
Do you think you need to roll to hit with it or something?
square bases make me mad
next year anon
They are fairly reasonably priced too
Character allowance needs to go down to 40%. Or maybe even 30%. No more one-man armies.
>roll a D6 to represent tens and another D6 to represent ones
That's not how you roll a D66.
You can go to any general that deals with games played on non-square bases, then.
haha my vampire lord wouldn't even be capable of being fielded on foot as a wizard I think.
Enlighten me.
You think there's a lot of hammers out there with an almost equivalent power of Ghal Maraz?
Should rather be divided between 'lords' and 'heroes' once again. So you wouldn't have overpowered one-man-army lord choices, but armies that need a lot of support characters would still be able to bring them.
yes, it is.
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Has the dust settled on how TOW is?

I'm thinking about getting some miniatures possibly third party and basing them up before the base change and just use basing adapters. Is this the best way to handle things given that I have plans to use my future WFB minis in other games?

Also have a pic that made me giggle.
It's not perfect but it's fun. Sadly doesn't seem to have gotten a big playerbase
it's not as good as (your favorite older edition)
>Sadly doesn't seem to have gotten a big playerbase
I still blame (in part) GW for that; or at least its two branches Black Library and White Dwarf, for lack of TOW content and exposure to the game/setting.
who the fuck reads bl and or white dwarf
Are you running a level 2 count at 500 pts or what?
Hey, the army needs a wizard to lead it, and Necromancers are gay.
it's fun, but has too many vidya kiddies
You can thank dwarf autism for that
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>Has the dust settled on how TOW is?
legacy armies look like they're one lap behind in terms of balance.
the freedom of army building can easily lead to mixmaxed lists where people take as many ridden monsters and multiple small fast units instead of proper army lines.
some combinations of protective gear make ridden monsters gamebreaking elements, while cannons still present the usual problems that made all other monsters get ignored during listbuilding.
the magic system essentially takes for granted you take a lvl4 wizard for dispelling purposes, no other choice is valid.
the way special rules are distributed through the book makes the system appear clunky, there's always something you're forgetting about how things work.
the new combat system adds very little on the back and forth of units while slowing things down during the minimal repositioning and is reliant on the placement of scenery for it to not get abused by long and thin lines of melee infantry.

overall, with minimal gentlemanly agreements and houserules, it's a solid alternative to a similarly homebrewed 8th, or 7th ed with 6th ed armybooks.

using the old base sizes just placed on unit trays with slightly separated slots is ideal if you plan on trying other stuff, yes, the extra base size is not nearly as integral for the new models as it usually is in aos or 40k.
If you roll a D6 and a D6 it's not possible to get:
>who the fuck reads bl
Some people do; including blokes who do YouTube videos for the secondaries that don't even read.
>white dwarf
Again, some people do.
Black Library already fucked up with the book with female Bretonnian Knights
Can anyone give me advice on building an Ogre list for TOW? What models to bring etc
Eh? What do you mean, the ruby ring of ruin is terrible? It's the best enchanted item in the entire game. It gives you an extra fireball. Put it on a level 4 chaos sorcerer, give him the lore familiar and battle magic and you'll get fireball, fireball(2), pillar of fire and 2 other battle magic spells.
Fireball hits automatically, anon. 2D6 S4 AP-2 does not cause only 3 wounds against goblins, and even if it did you get to cast it every single turn on top of all your other spells. Hell, if you really wanted to get retarded, you could give your level 4 sorcerer the mark of tzeentch (or the tome of the dark gods and the spell familiar instead of the lore familiar) and then he'll have blue fire, fireball, fireball(2), pillar of fire and one more spell from BM, probably Arcane Urgency.
There's a reason why the chaos AJ added a not-ruby ring of ruin that has The Summoning as a bound spell. It's also going to be used a lot.
Add some more troops to give me a bigger flexibility when making a list
Huh, never realized that chaos sorcerer model had an exposed back. Thought he was fully armoured
A lot of girls read BL.
Level 4, Ironblasters, and Mournfangs are all great. The rest is mostly up to you.
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I think cannons could use a buff, but I don’t think they are as bad at monster killing as people make them out to be. You can get 4 great cannons for the price of a dragon lord. If you concentrate their fire on said dragon lord he’s going to be statistically dead on the second round of shooting.
I think 2D3+1 would be too big of a buff, but I think D3+2 would make cannons a force on the field again without venturing into the territory of older OP artillery.
Pic unrelated. Extremely pale but definitely normal damsel from Mousillion.
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WIP old plastic clanrats for an Eshin army.
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Bought Questing Knights 3 days ago because the command came back in stock for half an hour. It’s been 3 days and the order is still processing…is it over? I’m expecting them to tell me that they made a mistake about availability and refund me.
I think the problem with tuning cannons to kill dragonlords is every monster without 2-3 saves becomes collateral damage.
Sneaky! I love the old monke rats, and yours look cool. There's a cartoonish element to your style which fits these minis well
>Fireball hits automatically, anon. 2D6 S4 AP-2 does not cause only 3 wounds against goblins, and even if it did you get to cast it every single turn on top of all your other spells.

2d6 auto hits is 7 on average, str 4 wounds goblins on a 3+ meaning you're getting ~4.7 wounds, a 6+ save reduces that to ~3.9. At power level 2 and needing an 8+ you'll only successfully cast 72.23% of the time, further reducing average wounds down to ~2.8.

And again, this isn't points efficient at all. Spend the points on paying for levels for another wizard instead.
Goblins get a 4+ armour save? How? They get heavy armour and shields these days? If AP pushes your armour save higher than 6, you don't get a save.
Fireball doesn't have ap
I think if you were going to buff cannons, they need something that actually deals with dragonlords. That is something that deals with the stacked sakes.
If Cannon's just had " Wounds caused by cannons ignore Ward and regen saves" there would certainly be more threatening to those dragonlords while not posing any more threat to a giant or blastidon.
Oh. Fuck. Mea culpa, I'm retarded.
Does that not still work out to ~30 points of goblins slain over an entire game? I'm not a math guy, but surely there's a reason why people are taking it all the time.
>the ruby ring is terrible, on average it only does like 3 wounds to goblin tier targets a turn on average assuming you don't get dispeled.
This is completely a question of Target priority.
Killing nine points of goblins a turn is probably not a good investment. But even then, the ruby ring is only 30 points if you manage to get it off four times it's probably paid for itself. And that is targeting the cheapest non-resurrecting infantry in the game.

If you fire that same ruby ring off at a war dancers. You're going to kill the same numbers as you would goblins. But you make back your 30 points after killing just two Wardancers.
That guy is bad at math. Yes even shooting goblins you will make your points back with RRR
>With the five points you have left over?
Anon people take more than one character.

>, on average it only does like 3 wounds to goblin tier targets a turn on average
Yea, killing 3 fast cav per turn is very good and worth 30 points on some random dude
Yeah, if you target some lightly armored Cavalry you're probably making back Ruby rings cost every turn.
Some of the specific choices there are retarded (spawn higher tier on the "magical" scale than outright demons? cold one knights before witch elves and bolt throwers? terradons higher than salamanders? maneaters as medium fantasy?) but yea, its a good thing to look at for ideas.
The problem is that, whenever you trying to make restrictions like this it it becomes difficult to match all the edge cases.

Like say we have the three character, no rares, no specials, no magic items, no model over 250 points rules.
That would mean I could still bring three troll hags.
I don't know how much I like the rest of it, but I really like these army lists.
You can squeeze a lot of big blocks of infantry in when you're not spending half your points on characters.
>goblin great shamans are low fantasy

But I can appreciate the spirit/the idea, especially since this shit is clearly half baked "made in an afternoon" stuff balanced with duct tape and on the fly decisions.

Being able to damage targets with weak defenses isn't a feat worthy of taking up your magic item budget on a character, being able to deal slightly more damage than goblins with shortbows isn't anything to brag about.
30 points for an extra magic missile is worth it, anon. What else are you going to give to your wizard?
Well for one they could take a spell familiar since it's half the cost which also gives an extra spell but you can actually cast it at your wizard level.
You can take both.
>being able to deal slightly more damage than goblins with shortbows
It would take quite a few goblins to match its damage output, certainly more than its points cost.

And yes actually, the ability to threaten any chaff, light cavalry, ranged unit or skirmishers is good and valuable, and 30pts is easy to fit on basically any wizard or auxiliary hero.
Are they not releasing Azhag and Savage Orcs?
I was just giving one suggestion, but if you want a whole list

Flying carpet, lore familiar, arcane familiar, spell familiar, talisman of protection, healing potion and wand of jet are all better options than ruby ring, and that's just the core options, most armies have better options in their lists as well.
It wouldn't 10 goblins also kill 2 wardancers at 40 points and you're also getting a unit that would take a lord focusing them down with a ruby ring to remove lol.
>10 goblins
10 shots hitting on 5s wounding on 4s
7 hits wounding on 3s
Oh wait, war dancers are skirmishers. Hitting on 6s at long range (so most of the time) lmao.
I don't know why you're assuming it'll be long range while not assuming you're Fireball wion't be dispelled if the enemy has a level 4 wizard they're going to be dispelling it more than you're casting it whole there's plenty of opportunity for gobs to get within half range considering shortbows don't have a move penalty.

I did forget about the skirmisher penalty tho
Savage Orcs are racist, chud.
As a chaos player, nothing is better for a sorcerer lord in the enchanted item category than the ruby ring of ruin. The flying carpet is good for some armies, but putting your sorcerer on a daemonic mount is generally better, because he'll have an extra wound, comparable movement and he'll be better in combat. Flying is pretty nice though, it can get you out of a bind and it's definitely worth 5 more points, but spending 40 points out of your magic item budget for movement is questionable.
Getting an extra spell from your lore can't compare to guaranteeing a magic missile spell, even one cast at power level 2 instead of 4, so while the spell familiar is excellent, it should be taken alongside the RRR.
The arcane familiar seems a bit crap to me, instead of having better chances at getting the good spells from one lore you have worse odds at getting spells from 2 lores.
The lore familiar is broken, I won't even bother arguing against it. Much like the spell familiar, the RRR pairs extremely well with the arcane familiar. Hell, you could have a sorcerer lord with the RRR, the lore familiar and the spell familiar and your sorcerer would have 6 spells. Imagine that! I'm not sure how the lore familiar interacts with the chaos lores rule though. Can you swap out a spell you've chosen for one of the chaos spells? This is also why I think the tome of the dark gods is going to be better than the lore familiar, since it lets you get the spell familiar and access to acquiescence and the blue fire of tzeentch.
The ToP is useless for chaos, the healing potion is nice to have but if your wizard is getting shot at or attacked he's probably going to die immediately instead of staying alive on a single wound.
The wand of jet is interesting, but also crap. I don't think paying 45 points for a +1 to cast that goes away if you ever roll doubles is worth it. A wizard level costs 30 points, you're paying 15 points extra for a bonus that can go away.
Right now it's just a "normal" wretched hive of scum and villainy and not a full-blown quarantined enemy state yet. It's populated by necromancers, zombies, vampires, smugglers, and the most miserable human populace in the setting. Affair of the False Grail is gonna be kino.
>I don't know why you're assuming it'll be long range
Because most of the time the range is going to be longer than 9", or there will be cover in the way (sort or hard), or youre standing and shooting (because elves(for example) will charge you from further than 9" away).

>while not assuming you're Fireball wion't be dispelled
It dawns on me that you arent very clever. But ill explain; the range of fireball is 24", the range of dispelling is 24", fireball is cast after your movement phase. Staying out of the level 4s dispel range (because chances are there is only one, and theyre going to be more concerned with keeping YOUR level 4 in check) is actually quite easy.

Things that are plausible/likely can be assumed, while things that are unlikely (like no modifiers shooting) cannot.

>whole there's plenty of opportunity for gobs to get within half range
No. Infantry does not have "plenty of opportunity" to get within 9" of the target it wants. That is precisely one of the biggest issues with infantry, that theyre very slow and lack the ability to decide what and when they engage.
To add to my post, because it was getting too long:
>Much like the spell familiar, the RRR pairs extremely well with the arcane familiar.
typo, replace "arcane" with "lore" here.
I also want to say that when evaluating a magic item you should also consider opportunity cost in terms of points budget and by not being able to take another item from that category. Getting the RRR for 30 points still leaves you with 70 points to work with, which you can use to get items that make your wizard even better. I was a bit harsh on the wand of jet, as you'll get to keep the bonus 35/36 times you cast with it, but 45 points is still expensive for what it doe and if you take it you can't take the lore familiar, which will let you choose the good spells from your lore. For example, battle magic really only has 3, maybe 4 good spells. Fireball, Pillar of Fire, Arcane Urgency and Oaken Shield (and that one's kinda crap on a sorcerer riding a mount). I'd much rather be able to guarantee my sorcerer will be able to cast the good spells by paying 30 points instead of giving him a +1 to casting whatever spells he rolls for 45 points.
Your concerns about the spell getting dispelled are valid, but that applies to any spell. At the end of the day, whether or not your opponent's wizard succeeds at dispelling is out of your control. The only things you can do to prevent a dispel is either positioning your wizard 24" away from your opponent's level 4, improving your wizard's casting bonus and/or casting more spells and hoping he fails. The RRR doesn't do those first two things, but it does let you do the last one, even if it's only a fireball cast at +2 instead of +4.
Also, you shouldn't really be casting fireball on goblins, or other cheap and crappy models. It's a shame, but that's the kind of stuff you send your chaos warriors to kill. Save your magic missiles for softening up stronger regiments or for killing characters.
Think the fundamental problem is that you're bad at math.
It'll be at long range, because otherwise you are going to be charged or fuck up your impetuous and charge them.

Assume you spend 60pts on bow goblins
Five wide, that means you are getting 14 bs 3 shots, if you don't move. Assuming they oblige you and hang out in short range but also outside you potential charge range your hitting on 5+, wounding on 4+, and beating the save 5/6 times. That gets you a similar damage output (1.94 wounds) to Ruby ring, for only twice the points, IF you get a good set up.

And most armies don't have cheap point archers.
>The wand of jet is interesting, but also crap. I don't think paying 45 points for a +1 to cast that goes away if you ever roll doubles is worth it. A wizard level costs 30 points, you're paying 15 points extra for a bonus that can go away.

It's not just +1 to cast, it's +1 to dispel as well and it makes a huge difference when you and your enemy both have level 4's since you're both more likely to beat their dispel and dispel them in return.
Oops, it's actually worse than that. Bows are a one-point upgrade, so 20 goblins are 80 points.
And short bows are range 18, not 24 like I thought. That means if they are in short range, you will have to take impetuous check. So 50% you charge in instead of shooting. Lol

But you could go skirmish mode for more shots. At the cost of having to impetuous in every direction.
You know, I had completely neglected that. That is actually really good. I still think that guaranteeing good spells is still better than gambling for spells that you then cast better, but I can see your point. a +5 is better than a +4, for both casting and dispelling. You're trading quantity/quality of spells for better casting/dispelling. A sorcerer lord with a spell familiar and the wand of jet would still have 40 points to spend, as well as their enchanted item free for a ruby ring of ruin... That's not bad at all! I severely underestimated the wand of jet.

It dawns on me that you arent very clever. But ill explain; the range of fireball is 24", the range of dispelling is 24", fireball is cast after your movement phase. Staying out of the level 4s dispel range (because chances are there is only one, and theyre going to be more concerned with keeping YOUR level 4 in check) is actually quite easy.

If you're staying back as far as possible while barely staying in fireball range than you're also losing out on casting an second magic missile which is likely stronger than fireball. It will also put you out of position to cast command phase spells during your next turn.

>No. Infantry does not have "plenty of opportunity" to get within 9" of the target it wants. That is precisely one of the biggest issues with infantry, that theyre very slow and lack the ability to decide what and when they engage.

Shortbows ignore the move penalty for shooting and gobs move 4". If you are within 13" (outside of a wardancer's charge) of a target, you can get within half range of it.
>I was a bit harsh on the wand of jet, as you'll get to keep the bonus 35/36 times you cast
It's any double so a 1/6 chance every time you cast. If you're a level 4 casting 3-4 spells a turn, is got a good chance of happening.
>If you are within 13"
It still requires you to be within 13 but outside of 10
>If you're staying back as far as possible while barely staying in fireball range
You only have to stay back as far as possible, if you were unfortunate, or unskilled in deployment and got your Ruby Ring holder directly across from their level four.
This is why I am not a math guy. That's true. Maybe I wasn't being harsh enough. It also breaks on a dispel double too. Damn. My initial thought was right.
+1/+1 to cast and dispel is still strong though. It's risky and expensive, but I can see it letting your sorcerer lord dominate the magic game if he's lucky enough.
>Your concerns about the spell getting dispelled are valid, but that applies to any spell.

>Also, you shouldn't really be casting fireball on goblins, or other cheap and crappy models. It's a shame, but that's the kind of stuff you send your chaos warriors to kill. Save your magic missiles for softening up stronger regiments or for killing characters.

But your other spells are getting cast at you wizard level and they're not stuck at two, meaning the RRR is going to get dispelled way more often.

The issue is with no ap and only str4, that's the only thing it's going to be effective against are thing that have very weak defenses to begin with. It's not going to be good at weakening stronger regiments or killing characters. Even a mid range defensive stat line like t4 5+ save it's only doing ~1.5 wounds.
Midrange infantry costs 12ish points. You don't have to do much softening to make it worthwhile.
How do you figure that? 2D6 hits is 7 on average. T4 means 3.5 wounds on average and a 5+ means you’re getting 2.31 through. That’s 65% more wounds than you’re giving credit for.
I assume anon is accounting for the spell potentially getting dispelled?
Dude's bad at math.
>If you're staying back as far as possible
Anon there are such things as flanks. They exist, they can hurt you. It is possible to go forward while staying out of 24" of their wizard - or alternatively they put you in a position where you cant really do that, in which case your level 4 is now uncontested if you want them to be because your enemy is forced to move a several hundred point character to deal with a 30 point item that cost you very little in terms of lost opportunity.

>If you are within 13"
So still very close? 13" is well within the charge range for many units.
Many such cases. My play group has a VC player who's convinced screams are bad.
I am not interested in convincing him otherwise.
Hes factoring in the odds of casting the spell, except he did the maths wrong
Autohitting a unit of chaff or light cavalry is super valuable.
>make high fantasy game
>twist into low fantasy through hackeneyed, retarded extra rules
Sasuga GW.
I would have to crunch the numbers but I think most artillery are out performed by a cheap hero with a Ruby Ring.

Like a captain with ring is 75 pts. A hell blaster is 125, Assuming no misfires, it kills about one more goblin a turn.
my opinion on artillery is heavily skewed due to my sorcerer lord getting instakilled by one on the first turn of my first game of TOW, but you're probably right
I remember a game from my teenage years. Massive 7 vs 7 at my GW. First turn we had Teclis standing on the battlements of the Fort, he was skewered and insta killed on the first turn of the game by enemy artillery, before he had a chance to do anything.

Maybe just make the Dragonslayer sword better so it actually does it's fucking job? Like, give it a +2str and -2ap for a start? Or make the Monster-Slayer rule innately ignore Ward saves as well as Regen?

What about the new Magic Missile Rod they get in the AJ?

Hold up. Isn't the Infernal Puppet straight up and down one of the best Arcane Items in the game for making sure your opponent's wizards have a wretched fucking time?
The hellblaster is going to be a lot better into armor. But yes, the ring is very good for light shooting at a cheap enough price point to find its way into most lists.
>Like, give it a +2str and -2ap for a start?
If you make it "not bad" as a generic weapons option you remove the associated opportunity cost.

>ignore wards
Why would they do that? The whole point of a ward save is that its not affected by basically anything. "No saves of any kind" stuff is incredibly rare, HKB never had it.
>If Cannon's just had " Wounds caused by cannons ignore Ward and regen saves"
lmfao, those saves exist specifically to work against cannons you retard

>cannons ignore regen saves
>only works vs dragons
How many dragons have innate regen saves vs how many monsters have a regen save precisely so they dont get blasted apart by a cannon while they get to the enemy?
Any thoughts on Troll Magic? I was just looking at it and Foetid Whirlpool seems like an.. interesting Vortex Spell since it apparently only damages enemies. D3+3 4 hits at AP-2 makes it quite tasty. The smaller blast radius of course can suck but the lack of friendly fire makes it quite compelling to me.
And that's not even the only thing that outperforms artillery.
Dwarf Cannons (100pts) get outperformed by Trollhammer Torpedoes (96pts at MSU).
And a 131pt Thane with gun runes outperforms 2 cannons by himself.
I think that just makes it a dominant decision over any other magic weapon. Cutting the defensive abilities of the dragontimmy is probably the way to drive it with the least unintended consequences.

Wasn't some TO's thinking about bringing in a 500pt limit to single units to combat that?
>Like a captain with ring is 75 pts. A hell blaster is 125, Assuming no misfires, it kills about one more goblin a turn.

No even when calculating for a potential misfire causing -1 to hit 50% of the time, it's still killing ~5.2 goblins where as the RRR is killing ~2.8.

I suppose the chance to not shoot at all due to rolling two misfires is about 7% tho so that should reduce the hellblaster to about 4.8 on average?
40 points is a bit steep, but summoning is pretty good. I expect magic-focused lists to take both the RRR and the Rod of the Damned. Getting a guaranteed spell is just too good to pass up.
The Infernal Puppet is very strong, but 50 points makes it too expensive to have on a sorcerer lord. It's extremely powerful on a second, level 2 sorcerer. I think it's better to have your sorcerer lord be focused on actually casting though. Investing in making your opponent's wizard worse isn't as much fun.
I genuinely love this setting and have been a WHF fan since I was a kid, but I can't stand how poorly written and unfun the rules are. Is there any hope with alternative rules or am I doomed to just be a collector/painter the rest of my life?
The rules are well written and fun. You type like a troll who's been infesting these threads for months. Go away.
I felt this way too when I started taking my estrogen pills.
Never bought minis before but I've been looking into Fantasy and 40K. Went into a store today and was surprised by how little Old World stuff they had. How is Old World not more popular with it having so many major video games like Total War and Vermintide?
Hello black library fan!
I don't read GW slop, sorry
It’s the 6th best selling game in the US. It’s limited shelf space is because it’s not considered by GW to be one of their main games, it’s a specialist game like Horus heresy, and they limit their shelf space.
Fell for the bait
>Getting a guaranteed spell is just too good to pass up.

You say that but you could just take the familiar that lets you choose your spells
Average is 15 shots and 5 hits. Idk how your getting over that.
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Play AoS it has better ruleas and midels you can still get the skaventide boxshet but be quick is selling fast
GW did not expect TOW to be as successful as it was, as such their retail strategies reflect this. They still have yet to shift it to reflect TOW new success, I would expect this to change whenever we get past their current roadmaps.
I wasn't trying to bait, I genuinely want to play TOW.
You can do both, as was explained earlier in the thread. It's even better if you do both, actually. RRR, Lore Familiar, Spell Familiar. That's the meta for a level 4 battle mage. It lets you get 2 fireballs and pillar of fire. If your sorcerer has the mark of tzeentch, it lets you get fireball, another fireball, pillar of fire, blue fire of tzeentch and 2 other battle magic spells.
RRR is an enchanted item. The lore familiar is an arcane item. Taking one does not prevent you from taking the other one.
? It hits on a 4+ base
Sorry, I should also clarify. RRR and the RotD let you cast an additional spell. Even if you already have fireball/the summoning, these items let you cast them again, at a +2 instead of a +4. That's why they're good. They're a guaranteed additional spell.
There's a reason people are running RRR on their main wizard. It's a great item that gives you a great spell at a great price.
Then find your local community. TOW dragged out all the former Fantasy guys in my area who didn't need to buy anything
Would you accept these lads being used as counts-as Gnoblars for a pirate-themed Ogre army?
Maybe with some headswaps.
>Assuming close range
Lol good luck with that
>Assuming your level 2 spell isn't dispelled by a level 4 wizard

Yeah good luck with that
We get it, you're bad at the game. Lol
>assuming your level 4 wizard will be so uncouth as to position himself within the dispel range of the enemy wizard
c'mon now anon
>what you think your warmachines always going to be the optimal distance

>actually my caster is going to be outside all dispel ranges at all times

Okay nogames
The convo was about a empire captain with the ring, not a wizard.
>40 points is a bit steep, but summoning is pretty good. I expect magic-focused lists to take both the RRR and the Rod of the Damned. Getting a guaranteed spell is just too good to pass up.

...aren't both of those in the same catagory, meaning you have to choose between them?
I think he's referring to taking them in the same list, not the same character
You would give one sorcerer the RRR and another the RotD. Hence "magic-focused". A magic-focused list would obviously take more than one wizard.
125pts for 5.2 goblins vs. 30 pts for 2.8, using your math. That looks like value to me. You're already going to be taking at least one character, you can't include the cost of the character in the comparison.

Oh, I thought you were doing the Sorc Lord on a Chariot Drive-By shooting build, where you just pile Magic Missiles onto a guy and watch as he finger-guns an entire regiment of Halberdiers to the shadow-realm.
Rent free situation, the problem is you.
Mathhammer is indeed cringe. Averages don't actually matter when you're playing the game, but I wanted to use anon's math to explain why he's wrong.
An average result only matters over dozens and dozens of games. Go for the extreme highs and extreme lows and you'll have way more fun.
You certainly could do that. I prefer the daemonic mount battle magic sorc lord with spell familiar, RotD, lore familiar because it lets you save a good amount of points, which will let you bring a level 4 daemonology sorcerer who can carry the infernal puppet, another spell familiar and the RRR, but a chariot would be good too.
Bringing two level 4s (and bringing the infernal puppet at all if I'm being honest) would be very rude. A real faux-pas. There's only room for one sorcerer lord in my army.
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All this talk about chaos magic items and nobody has mentioned the sceptre of power.
It only costs 10 more points than the wand of jet and it's significantly better because it doesn't break immediately when you roll a double. Sure, it kills your sorcerer lord after 3 (4 if you have him on a daemonic mount or a chariot) doubles are rolled (though it should be noted that S10 only wounds your T4 sorcerer lord on a 2+ and you do get to use your 5+ ward save, which is nice. Someone else can figure out the math on that, I can't be bothered.), but that's nothing compared to having all the power of the wand of jet with none of the downsides.
Also, just look at the tome of the dark gods. I'm considering stripping the paint off of my sorcerer lord and converting him to have a book in his hand just so I can use it without feeling guilty. All that versatility for 35 points is a steal.
Even with the very generous 5.2. You're looking at 3.12 vs 2.8. that means even if you count the whole points of the captain, he's putting out similar damage for his cost as one of the better war machines in the game. Better damage outside of a 12-in range.

So if you had a hero with 30 points you might as well take it, because it is cheap value.
A hit causes 5/6 * 2/3 wounds to a wizard without a regen save, so it causes around 0.56 unsaved wounds per trigger.

A 3 wound wizard without 3+ armor or a regen save would need 5.4 hits to die. A 7 wound chariot wizard with a regen save would take 23 hits
That's insanely good. That's the kind of arcane item that would make a guy consider not taking the lore familiar. Maybe chariot sorcerers are the way to go after all. Sceptre of Power, Crown of Everlasting Conquest add up to 95 points, put your level 4 sorcerer lord on a chariot for 110 and that'll add up to 440 points. It's very expensive, but it might be good. You'd have to take a risk by actually rolling for your spells for a change, but give him the mark of Tzeentch and you'll at least be guaranteed a decent magic missile no matter which lore you pick. Give him Diabolic Splendour and he'll have a better chance at not getting shot to death too.
If only there were a myriad sets of rules to use fantasy figures ranked up for mass battle simulation.
Alas only workshop of James writes such things
Finally bought Brettonian knights.
Time to paint them the ugliest most flamboyant colors I possibly can.
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what the fuck does Bugman (as in Joseph Bugman) mean?

is bugman akin to "Jameson"? is "bug" a name? is it an adjective? does it relate to a job?

shoemaker's name
Gun thane is pretty comparable to a ruby ring isn't it?
>This is not meant for Tomb King players
Well shit.
Don Fornido del Barbaroja and his Three Amigos, pictured here on a raid in Nehekhara looking for delicious bones to suck the marrow out of

They'll be run as counts-as Maneaters or maybe Leadbelchers
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Dang forgot the pic
I think the beards could use a dry brush or wash to pop.
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Agree with the other silly billy, a little highlighting and weathering would go a long way here. Looks sick already though
I've given them a pretty heavy drybrush, maybe they need some more though?
The bizarre thing to me is that this is presented - then and now - as some special Thing that people should try. That's just how literally everyone I ever knew played Warhammer except for a couple of guys at the local store who were universally regarded as reeking rancid WAACy cheesebeards who mostly played each other because nobody else wanted to associate with people who actively enjoyed Seal Clubbing the newbies if they could lure them in before someone warned them off.

Sure maybe you'd see a wizard or monster unit now and again, or someone who spent a lot on a blender character but the idea you'd see AoS-style minmax armies designed to pack in as many characters, monsters, and ultra-high fantasy units as possible never even occurred to me until I ventured online to find a mixture of other people like myself being baffled by a handful of people screeching that Warhammer Fantasy always was what AoS is now.
I've seen this said by a few Anons. Why no green?
Is a chaos lord on manticore worth taking? Is it better to just go with a dragon?
Honestly gnoblars already fit the theme quite well. Maybe give them some tricornes or bandannas, but their swords and bottles would be good for pirates
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Today I will remind them
Looks cool, so yes. Mine rides one because my army is just a dark version of knights/Brets.
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Any campaigns or one shots that take place at The Moot? One of my players wants to become a fieldwarden as second career and the party will go with him to The Moon to complete her training (they needed to go through there to arrive at Sylvania anyways)
Eat a dick, I play exiles.
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Too late.
If green is a colour associated with the lady and the green knight, I would've thought it'd show up on grail knight heraldry at least
May your baron suffer the fresh paint curse for all his life
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If you're naming them the Three Amigos you should give them sombreros.

> One character
> No magic or magic items
> Core units only (No Chariots)
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finished my blood knights, and thus my vampire army.
4 stirlander greatswords left and I'm done with fantasy for this year (going to paint some vespids, orks and 40k terrains, alongside some heroquest figures from a friend)
Are rangers just thunderers with extra points? With extra points? Planned to build 18/9/9 out of the box, but no clue how much bits I need to swap on the models. And before someone says proxy or counts as, sorry but I have modeling needs I cannot turn off
Are there any recasters that have full FW Chaos Dwarf range?
>aos knights

they seem to rank better than the old ones for some reason, tho
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This is why he was exiled.
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Weekend work
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Use the cloaked bodies for rangers.
Rangers are just quarrelers with BS4 and scouts
The original bugman rangers do not have any cloack on them.
It is not necessary. They do have a nifty two handed axe.
Tkae a look at the two version of metal bugman ragers to get an idea.
So AoS killed WFB and nuked all the old models and squares to hell only for them to bring them back with Old World? And what happened to that nonsense of “we can’t have Bretonnia and Tomb Kings because copyrights”?
Those look great. I love the sandals on the ninja rat.
Anyone have any issues with those round to square adapters? Particularly with ovals and big center pieces.
Factions were too dependant on the old world setting to cross over I guess.
Its good, but its not infernal puppet good.
>And what happened to that nonsense of “we can’t have Bretonnia and Tomb Kings because copyrights”?
They walked it back because they realized they were leaving money on the table.
They get scout, skirmish, move through cover,+1BS , +1WS for 2 points.
Maybe it needs a lighter/different color..
I would say yes. If for no other reason then you are more likely to play it than a dragonlord. If you make the game unfun for your opponent then you will find yourself with a lack of opponents.
But the manticore is ugly as fuck.
Noice. Did you sculpt the socks yourself?
How would you go about modelling undead tree monsters?
Thank you. The models are a mixture of night runner and clanrat bits, and the lower bodies of the night runners have shoes and sandals whereas the clanrats are barefooted.
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I agree. It's ugly but not in a fun way.
Luckily there are dozens of alternatives because it is a staple fantasy monster.
It's also your chance to sculpt your own fucked up monster. I would lean into the whole human face thing and make something disturbing for my chaos Lord to ride.
I would use a normal tree monster without leaves. Give it a spooky paint job and you're pretty much set.
You could hang gibbets or dead bodies from the branches.
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Probably make a very twisty tree out of wires or pipe cleaners, you could find a tutorial online. To decorate it, add skulls or bodies grown into the trunks and roots, then add chains, paper seals, or nooses in the branches. For the base, you could do a dark forest or classic autumn Halloween theme.
>Stirland Infantry made using MaA shields, heads, etc
Thoughts? I want to lean into the idea that Stirland is a poor and traditional province and that maybe their equipment would be more akin to Bret equipment, idk if it'd just look stupid though
they look a little too competent.
if you hate gnoblars, there's precedent for ogres enslaving other small populations of wimps like halflings. you could make some decent halfling pirate scrubs with the WGA plastic halflings and the ghost archipelago pirate upgrade sprues.
I can't help but balk at the 50 point cost for it. It's definitely good, but I wouldn't put it on a level 4. Maybe it'd be worth giving to a level 2 on a chaos steed? It's too expensive to put on a sorcerer who actually wants to cast important spells, at least in my opinion. I want my main sorcerer(s) to actually do stuff instead of making my opponent's wizard (because almost no-one brings more than one) worse.
>, but I wouldn't put it on a level 4
You dont often have a choice, and in terms of mathematical impact its stronger than basically any other alternative.
Inflicting a -1 to -5 malus to an enemy wizard's spellcasting is incredibly strong, I will not deny that, but you always have a choice. It's not like exalted sorcerers are in limited supply. If you're only bringing a level 4 to dispel & maybe cast a few spells (probably with daemonology, as that's the best support lore chaos has access to) and you see the sorcerer lord as a tax you have to pay to deal with your opponent's spells, then I can see why you'd give him the infernal puppet, but it just seems boring. Then again, I like to run multiple sorcerers, so maybe I'm just looking at it the wrong way. Instead of making your magic phase better, you're making your opponent's magic phase worse. That's not as fun as having an insane magic phase, but I can see why it's good.
>It's not like exalted sorcerers are in limited supply
Points, especially character slot points, are.
A chaos sorcerer lord and a chaos lord together will already eat most of your point budget. Chaos has expensive characters, even if you can manage a "puppet-caddy" its going to be one expensive tax.
Yeah, Rangers rule
You have to roll to cast it genius. You're only getting your auto hits ~72% of the time and if there's a level 2 wizard in dispel range, you're only avoiding a dispel 58% of the time, far less if it's level 3 or 4.
Anon, for god's sake, read the rest of the thread. We already discussed this. It's a whole extra, guaranteed spell for 30 points. There's a reason a ton of people use it. I'd be glad to argue the point again, but it's already been discussed. The ruby ring of ruin is good.
Ruby Ring of Ruin is in every list for a reason
Ignoring the mathematical reality of using it doesn't help any discussion on it lol.
How much did marauders cost before leaving aos
probably less but the TOW release will probably come with more minis
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>no forsaken
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Not in my list
A lot of Empire equipment is standardized, so weapons and armor should be normal. You could make their clothes different, though.
Any troll horde army pics that aren't using AoS trolls?
i'm guessing the mold is destroyed or not repairable since the lack of them is a rather odd omission
How the fuck can the Ushabti be twice as expensive as Chaos Trolls and Ogres? It can't be the amount of metal because the Ushabti are pretty thin and it can't be the age since Chaos Trolls and Ogres were released after the Ushabti.
Anyone have the proppa WoC Arcane Journal pdf/epub?
Higher demand

>it can't be the amount of metal

Obviously, the materials is smallest expense that goes into industrial miniature manufacturing
How's this for a basic concept for a Greenskin collection?
>A nomadic Common Goblin warband, who's equipment is primarily scrap and looted from Imperials, Brettonians, Tileans, and Estalians. Rusty and cracked halberds, big noses sticking out of the visor of a bascinet or frog mouth helmet, etc. Half the warband marches on foot, the other rides wolves. The warboss has his own chariot that he takes great pride in.
>A war party of Forest Goblins who wear nothing but furs and feathers and bones. Half the party are on foot, the other half ride spiders. Their war leader probably rides his own big ugly nasty mean spider.
>A warband of Night Goblins, marching on foot and riding squigs. The warboss has gotten his hands on some dwarf goodies, maybe a weapon and a shirt of chainmail?
>A warband of Common Orcs with typical orc equipment and aesthetic, but with looted equipment from Imperials, Brets, Tilea, and Estalia just like the Gobbos. Some ride boars, and the boss himself rides a big mean boar too.
>A war party of Savage Orcs, who wear nothing but war paint and bones, carrying equipment made of bones and rocks. Some ride boars, and the boss himself rides a big mean boar too.
>a small regiment of Black Orcs who's armour is a mix of typical Blorc heavy scrap armour as well as armour salvaged from human nations, dwarfs, and elves.
>a small herd of Trolls.
>a train of catapults and ballistas on wheels or fastened to wagons
the idea is that it's a bunch of individual warbands that came together for a WAAAGH, maybe at msot 1K points per warband. Probably 15 to 20 models per regiment? probably an anorexic amount for gobbos, tho.
Yeah but it doesn't help when you only talk about the statistics that are misleading or wrong. Statistically even against the cheapest infantry in the game it makes its points back. Statistically, it is outrageous value compared to any other shooting in the game.
That sounds fun. You could differentiate the bands with their own paint schemes and tie it all together with a unifying stripe of color matching the Warbiss's personal colors. Building the army in chunks means you can build it in chunks, too. Your allied contingent can be a nomadic Waagh.
It's expected demand.
Once the 100 worldwide tomb king players have their minis, you are never selling another.
The price was set when they imagine tow to be a a mediocre success with very poor sales.
And they never lower any prices afterward.
Statistically any shooting in the game can make it's points back if you only consider the most optimal use of it against the softest target. Assuming getting 4 turns of uninterrupted shooting due without getting into dispel range, having uninterrupted LoS, the target not being in melee, you not being in melee, or even considering that many lists won't even have such targets is far more misleading.
As long as your shit is painted, you do you.
is the artwork on pages 2 and 3 of the chaos arcane journal new? I really like it, the sorcerer on page 3 looks sick as fuck
also it feels very weird actually being able to buy chaos warriors for a semi-reasonable price again. It's fun to support my lgs instead of buying old models off of random people online. I don't think I'll need any more chaos warriors for the foreseeable future.
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Karak Dum is way further north on the new map than is was on older ones. I guess we won't get a campaign for it to fall if it's already enveloped by chaos
1/35 or 1/72 for leaves for Warhams?
Perhaps we get one for Karak Vlag or the War in Kraka Drak
You're big dumb.
I recommend playing the game more.
always smaller
It sucks they didn't update their on-line map tho'.
>is the artwork on pages 2 and 3 of the chaos arcane journal new?
I can't read shit on this
Yeah sorry it's a tiny screenshot. Karak Dum is the top middle city in the chaos star right on the edge of the wastes.
1/35. They need to be big to be viewable on the table top.
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Ugh guys it’s been 4 days and my order is still only processing. What is going on?
paypig more.
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Excellent idea sharing your order number
Someone should bake a new thread.
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it's called 2 days worth of weekend, retard, relax

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