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Mike Tzeentchowski Edition

>Reveals are Coming Soon™

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
What could James possibly announce on Saturday for chaos that would make /40kg/ happy? What do you actually expect will happen?
>make you happy
red butchers
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I would be happy with darkmech, Forge of Souls/cyberdemons or just a refresh of the big 4s units.
I expect its a character or 2, maybe an underwhelming unit like Khornegors for Aos and 40k
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TQ: Chaos specific, tournament enforced, silly rule triggers. Expectation? Pockets turned out and further trauma bonded to media property.
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>What could James possibly announce on Saturday for chaos that would make /40kg/ happy?
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post kitbashes
I dearly hope you are right and this is the name they run with. The memes will write themselves.
khornegors are already a thing
I want Thousand Sons, World Eaters, and eventually Emperor's Children to receive a proper model range. I expect an Underworld's skaven team with an exploding rat, a tzaangor kill team upgrade box that no one wants, and maybe a preview of a single noise marine a year out from release like we got with khorne berzerkers in 9th at the end of the show.
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Saw this comic and I think I get why Tau are so unfitting for this universe and its fans are so gay
they really are just the Space Communist Good Guy factions who are misunderstood in this evil universe by those darn humans, if only they would let us help them. Except thats completely unironic and they genuinely want to help everyone no ulterior motives (I have seen Tau fans get actively upset over the brainwash shit as if it ruined Tau for making them even slighly more in line with the universe)
none of this has a basis in reality
now go back to tiktok
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>Tau are Space Communists
Tau are Space NATO with Japanese mechs (another US ally).
Hence why there main colour scheme when they were added was the US marine desert camo
sneak peak at ec/fulgrim models
world eaters pt2
eldar maybe
Their ideals are communistic in nature
They look like NATO but act like a college libs idea for an ideal Communistic utopia
ok homo
>Chaos focus reveal
>Anon wants eldar
Chaos eldar anon? croneworld eldar?
nope, stop getting your lore from 1d4chan and tiktok, little zoomie
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>look 50 people on reddit agree with my tourist viewpoint that means I'm right
>Their ideals are communistic in nature
>caste system is communist
You have to go back
>What do you actually expect will happen?
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Its a Tau subreddit
this is what they genuinely believe and act like
Its why Tau is such a dogshit faction, theyre just literally the good guys
Both the major Communist Regimes of history (China and Russia) had Caste Systems retard
Even 1d4chan (1d6chan) explain how they're not communists, not even as stand ins. Purely sloptubers opinion.
Last thread had fun schizo discussion, this thread has the discord faggots trying to troll
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>Their ideals are communistic in nature
>caste system is communist ideal
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Not an ideal but it is a byproduct
Idk, 40kg is pretty diverse when it comes to their opinions on what's hot and what's not. If I had to guess? Some more Xenos content, maybe, will make 40kg the most happy.
I think we'll see one or two models for the TC commemorating Space Marine 2, then a couple of SM models (because that's tradition at this point) and then some AOS Stuff.
Biggest blackpill for me would be a femstodes model but that's only because I'm hyper-aware of the machinations behind it
lol, Tau aren't that altruistic. At best they're treating you like an African colony in the 1800s.
>Some more Xenos content, maybe, will make 40kg the most happy
Why on earth did you come to that conclusion
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It was foreshadowed all along. The Pillarstodes meme influenced Games Workshop and now we have female Custodes.
The Tau are not the good guys
They aren't even /ourguys/
But I would be lying if I said I would bury my face in between some Water Caste Bahonkers.
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They should never have left the palace. I really couldn't care less they're women in their ranks now. They're the golden freaks who guard a corpse all day. Best human warriors in the galaxy guarding a man who died thousands of years earlier is peak 40k.
Pillarmen meme only took off because custodes were half naked in mourning within the palace in their first presentation
meant to reply to
that is a giant grenade
Why is that eldar wielding imperial weapon?
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>girl: accepting kind happy accepting of Xenos (on what is probably a fucking Imperium planet)
>evil boy: cruel brainwashed, ruined it for everyone with his evilness look at his dark hateful eyes
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>only 80k followers
>only 15 people online
>I-I swear this is how they all think!!!
coming from a real taufag: kill yourself tourist
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>Why on earth did you come to that conclusion
It's a bit of a guesstimate but the logic goes like this
>There's a notable population of 40kg that has marine fatigue, there is also a notable population of 40kg that would like more/updated models of non-SM Imperials and/or Xenos Factions
>There are also a sizeable portion of players who would like to see chaos factions get more attention, who don't neccessarily care about the Imperial/Xenos factions
>And then you have the Marineplayers who want more marines (for their bits if nothing else)
>Napkin math the ratios of each group, accounting for +/- 10% overlap.
>Realize that "the most happy" is probably only a 5% difference at best between the general groups.

tl;dr: Educated Guess. And even then I'm not even certain it's a solid enough margin.
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>At best they're treating you like an African colony in the 1800s.
Valdor should genocide all but 3 other custodes, just a reference to battle tendency and because it would be funny.
Get this man an Orca
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N-No! They're supposed to be a Necron only thing AIEEEEEE
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I don't think the artist understands the setting
>n.. NO yyy you tourist it doesnt matter what youve seen online from all corners of the internet [insert no true Scotsman fallacy]
k what does a "real" taufan think faggot
I dont think Taufags in general understand the setting
uh oh secondary melty
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as a taufag
tau are best as the hilariously naĂŻve quasi-slave drivers they are in the canon, with splinters of goodie two shoes like farsight
your fancanon and redditor opinions do not matter
Uh oh uh oh [blank] melty melty
Are deldar still fairly cost-effective to get into with combat patrols+scourges or is there somethin that can get to ~2,000 cheaper (while still functional)? Know a lot of their range is kind of overpriced+dumpstered/oop otherwise, but I'm mostly into base kabalite stuff anyway.

Not interested in grey knights or bananas despite the point efficiency, they smell
sorry people didn't just play along with your low effort repost about what taufags think :(
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They also have an element of being the Imperiums chickens coming home to roost in terms of the genocided minor xenos banding together to oppose them.
I really want a canon artwork of Kroot, Vespids and a few other tau mercs standing shoulder to shoulder
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Wish I could afford Kill Team to get into the hobby already
Real Taufans are all horny for busty Tau women.
Every single Tau fan I've met wanted a busty water caste GF.
Every. Single. One.
I thought they were just doing it for the meme at first.
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>to oppose them
Why not first purchase a couple of models so you can understand how to paint them, anon?
Hooves are inherently sexual.
>with a caste system

Tau are Fascist (actual 1920s Italy Fascist, not the 'everything I don't like' fascist)
because for the same price of getting one model I could get an entire 2 squads + rule book + set
It's a kid.
Where'd you get the helmet for the Chaplain, anon?
I don't think you do either, since that shitty comic shows the aftermath of them introducing their peace to humans by force in the background
Dark eldar more like fart smelldar
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Tau auxiliaries
Do you mean the gaming side or the model-hobby side? S-Tier poorhammer can be played with paper cutouts glues/taped to card stands since the rules are free online.
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Theyre communists, im not sure why you try and gaslight this
It's just the US invasion of Afghanistan but with blue aliens.
If you can't afford a single box of guys then this isn't really a hobby you're ever going to be truly happy partaking in
It's from Kromlechs Seraphim knights.
Not the best sculpts honestly but they work for chaplains.
I like the glow effect on his hand, but cork is stink
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>become a client race for Tau
>get used for kauyon bait when deldar raid the planet
>fire caste take a liiiiitle too long to attack
>"Damn what a tragedy, entire population is either dead or kidnapped! Would be a shame for all this infrastructure to go to waste though, Por'El import the Tau colonists."
fuck off destinyfag
Tau are literally picrel
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I hate these
Primaris Chaplains didn't get the best of heads of the model line, so any help they can get is welcomed.
Noone knows or cares about whatever you're talking about rn
t'au are cool
>ochre anon putting secondaries in their place again
I kneel
>we’re communists but don’t expose us as communists
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where is that guy who is supposed to exercise everyday for EC?
Busy shattering his boyfriend's pelvis
He became too buff and the universe erased him from existence.
You mean the guy larping that he's working out? Probably got bored just like letteranon
Tau are cool, they make the setting and I think its okay they attract the kind of person who wants to be goody toeshoes

But holy fuck they look stupid. I wish tau looked as cool as their coomer fanart, not the ugly bald prunefaces GW push. I understand british people like ugly things and faces, but it would be nice if they toned it down alittle
New to 10e, picked up some orks today since I've wanted to paint a gazghkull for a while. What detachment would you guys run this as? Was originally thinking dreadmob but without the meks maybe warhorde or bully boys would be better.

Not trying to win any tournaments, just want a fun junkyard Ork list to play on Friday nights that will win at least some of the time.
Tau would be cooler if they removed like almost all of its mechs. They dont scale well with the setting and I don't like British mechs.
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Come on, skeletor is based
>Not trying to win any tournaments
Then who cares, just run what you like. There's no way to have one foot in the door of being a metafag and having one foot in the casualfag area. Your list is either meta shittery or its casual
Posted today
T'au are being split into three parts:
1. The Ethereals.

2. The Enclaves.

3. The emerging Tauva religion.
why is this shit so damn expensive?
It's really not. Just don't be stupid about what you buy and from where you get it.
looks like a war horde list desu. having to foot slog all of that with no transports will probably hurt you, even if you are running a casual list
because you don't have a real adult job yet
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Skeleton is based but I could do without the robot chicken smiling skeleton. Same reason why aos OBR are lame imo. The cartoony smile takes away from the cool skull aesthetic. Cool chappy tho anon
A hobby for 20 yos who still have the childish fascination with cool space soldier mans, but have reasonable amount of disposable income AND no heavy financial burdens like kids or mortgage.
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>tfw got called scum for stealing shit from an lgs when i was a kid a few threads ago

tends to happen when shit is too expensive
Because you don't make an adult wage.

>inb4 I'm actually over 18
Not the same thing as making an adult wage
its more overpriced than what it should be. At least overseas.
Newfag(ish) here,
I've been into 40k for decades, but never actually played it. I've just read the books, played vidya and ttrpgs.
I've always wanted to get into the actual game, and now that I can afford to, I want to make a genestealer cult army. Previously, I had gotten a 2000p Deldar army that I unfortunately never finished painting, let alone played, so I'm still a game virgin.
Genestealer cults seem so fucking cool though, right up my alley with their playstyle. The deployment mechanic(and the drill transport) is fucking great for big brain strategies that I love in games, but also their aesthetic is neat as hell, what with the repurposed industrial equipment. I particularly love the Twisted Helix in terms of theme and aesthetics. I've got some great kit ash ideas for them.
So my question(s)
What's good for genestealer cults?
How should I build my army?
And post sick-ass minis while you're at it.
I don't care if they're not top tier or whatever.
theme: https://youtube.com/watch?v=2MvZdMbpr3o
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think I might add more fur to the terminator at the back of the hood, the divot looks a bit off when viewed at tabletop angles right now
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Why not just use free 3D printers they have at library's and shit and slowly build an army that way
Stealing shit that you need to live is one thing, stealing shit to sell so that you may purchase the things you need to live is one thing, stealing toys because you are too poor to afford to play with toys is just sad
Paypigs are very loyal indeed.
what library has 3d printers?
those helmets look fucking nasty aside from the beaks.
>engaging with a frogposter trying to beg for more attention from a post he made days ago
Because then you'd have to go to the library as an adult which is shameful
we were kids anon we didnt give a fuck

>grew up in a very popular tourist destination
>would always steal shit from the local caravan park / camping area during summer

just part and parcel from where i was from
Dont give the haemonculi new ideas
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Damn thats crazy
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So by virtue of the imperium magazine, I have acquired not one, but two Roboutes. Which is interesting, cause I dont have ultramarines.

Im definitely gonna paint one up in ultramarine classic style, but Im curious what should I do with the second? Kitbash it into some cool DAngels character? A demon prince? What do you guys think
Sell him.
Sprue glue
Nah I dont mind. I love cool models and painting, I have no reason to sell.
Speedpaint it and sell it on ebay as propagated, then use the profits to buy what you actually want
Thousand Son Daemon Prince
Propainted *
>"painted to a high standard"
>done all with speedpaints

saw an ultramarines seller with an ad on marketplace like this. contrast over power armour looks fuckin hideous
>using low-end fdm printers for your army
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>contrast over power armour looks fuckin hideous
genuine skill issue
Fill your barrels
Ironically enough, the Tau have far more in common with classical fascism than communism. The caste system is effectively just a corporatist system where the castes (corps/bodies) each represent an aspect of Tau society and the Ethereals (state) mediate between the castes and dictate how to best utilise them for the sake of the Greater Good (nation).
Prove you're not a SPEHSS MUHREEN cultist.
>no soul gems
>no Eldar markings
>normal ears
idk how you see Eldar there anon
what did you use for the white armour?
dunno ive only ever played xenos
grey kniht
seraphim sepia over wraithbone primer and highlighted with white scar
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best contrast for ork skin?
Dunno the pose and cape just makes me think gay ass knifeear.
love handles
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I painted kroot
These will look awful in your orange and teal contrast sloppa
If you are struggling to buy a kill team starter box, you might want to consider if this hobby (Warhammer) is the right one for you. There are cheaper alternatives like frostgrave/stargrave or mantics firefight
It's a thing in bigger cities
>regular game designed for 2k
>boarding actions designed for 500 points
>killteam designed for 100 points
>combat patrol designed for retards

need a specialized game for 1k
what is the current state of 40k? I played one test game of 10th and stopped paying attention for a while. do bad moonz still have no detachment to represent them? did retaliation cadre end up meta or meme?
Play 40k with 1k lists. Done. Why do you need to be spoonfed by gw?
One day I'll have one of those bastions in the background and my life will feel less empty.
This bait is almost perfect, have a (you), you earned it.
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Tyranids vs Custodes today
I lost
looks great anon, didnt realise sepia came out that dark
These look great
Very cool but I'm going to need an explanation on what this is depicting
Giga psyker inquisitor or what?
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Tell me about Chaos and heights
tell me the name of your homebrews that your friends play with you anon, and the last time they did
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If you actually stop to see the ethereals actions instead of their propaganda, you quickly see they care nothing for aliens, they are basically cattle and the pretention of care is only temporary and pragmatic while they are small and weak.
Tau are only alive due to luck and writers needing kids gloves when threatening them.
Based kid dying on his feet instead of rotting kneeling to aliens
You the nids or banana boys?
That nid scheme looks sick
Correct. Mostly taking inspiration from things like Eisenhorn and the Dark Heresy books where some inquisitors are described as having personal void shields and psychic wardings etc. I imagine her mask as being part psychic hood and part miniature Iron Halo for example. The "cloak" will be painted as cloth fading into smoke.
>darkmech, Forge of Souls/cyberdemons
Only in our dreams.
dang those nids are fucked
Very very cool.
Although it looks so strong in the psyker aesthetic I was leaning her also being a daemonhost
its a female rogue trader or inquisitor. same gear usually
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Pretty good anon, nice sculpting on the legs. Personally I would redo the sides and turn them into tubes to hide the fact that he is a bit skinnier than his fellows, that way you don’t need to blend the curves in the armour. He is missing a waist too. But nice job working in so many of those chaos lord bits, he is going to look rad next to his buddies.

Here is my last (and best) terminator conversion using the old 2004 kit before I swapped to using the new 2019 chaos terminal kit. It’s similar to the chaos lord. I added some spacers between the front and back halves of the torso to bulk it out as bit. Dealing with those chicken legs was just too much work though.
Does purity seal wax have to bed red? Is that a lore thing?
na they've been shown as red/purple/pink/orange all that kinda sunset range
It can be any color that compliments the main color of the mini. Blood angels use green or purple wax, for example.
Yeah, some kind of chemistry that goes on between the two that causes the red to want to fuck the shit out of wax.
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I think the Eldar r a pretty cool guys. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.
What should the Gue'vesa look like?
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>Based kid dying on his feet instead of rotting kneeling to aliens

This. It is better to die for the Emperor than live for yourself!
why are they trying to make 40k woke?
>shooting massive fucking explosive rocket bullets basically right at your own feet, along with your teammate
>the tech priests head is already probably concave from the dude punching his shit in
Okay, the way the tech priests vision of the warp is portrayed is fucking awesome, but this is also dumb as fuck.
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Good bait, almost took it.
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>redditor trying to appeal to popularity and authority with reddit updoots on fucking 4chan
>when he gets called the dumb gorilla nigger he is, starts talking about fallacies
Jesus fucking christ go back.
>secondary newfriends who unironically identify with the Imperium can only post same shite from yt cartoons and old same catchphrases from the setting
Don't you have people like Arch or Gamza to orbit?
Damn those nids have some seriously fresh pva I'm surprised they held up for a game
gotta completely destroy the body when a psyker gets possessed, heave caved in doesnt matter when the body could bring something over
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Since we're getting no codices for the rest of the year, what MODELS would you like to see refreshed or added until then?
Can have them be any colour and just claim the wax the used is magic by alien space bees
Normal earth bee wax isn't red naturally either...
40k isn't getting anything new unless you count bangels standalone releases in december
Tau are fine as the good guys.
It just highlights the other factions for how evil they are.
Yeah but it's cooler if the bees on /yourdudes/ homeplanet make blue wax or some shit
Sealing wax isn't naturally red retard, it's pigmented.
This, it's about the contrast. Nids, Orks and Death Guard particularly benefit from that IMO but also crons and DEldar
See the post above
Combat Patrol [$168] (450pts)
Combat Patrol [$168] (450pts)
Combat Patrol [$168] (450pts)
Scourges [$37] (120pts)
Scourges [$37] (120pts)
Scourges [$37] (120pts)

That's only 1710 points for $615

The other 290 points could be a Voidraven bomber [$92](215pts) and a few enhancements if you want to go cheap or Cronos($62.5](50pts), Mandrakes[$80](130pts) and Lelith [$45](85pts) if you want something more competitive with more utility.

So you're looking at $707 for option one or $802.5 for option two before discounts. You could easily find 15-20% off on that.

Note that if you want to optimize the list even further you would need to drop one of the combat patrols and try to acquire a Beastmaster and a Court of the Archon which are both out of print resin units as well as some Venoms and probably build one of the Ravagers as an additional Raider.
>>There's a notable population of 40kg that has marine fatigue
It's 2 faggots just bitching.
It's already confirmed that there is a discord server that exists only to raid this place and make it insufferable.
And the said fags are 2 eldarfags who bitch over marines constantly because GW gives them more attention because they sell better.
mkX Centurions
>>>There's a notable population of 40kg that has marine fatigue
>It's 2 faggots just bitching.
>he thinks more anons aren't unhappy marines always get their equal attention cake
Give IG. Give Necrons.
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>Primaris tacticals, just take ints and shove a flamer and a plasma dude in the box
>Veterans in gravis armor
>more upgrade sprues
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how's my fist lookin?

JFC just go on ebay and get some cheap push-fit space marines or tyranids or whatever faction you like.
get the vallejo paint bundle off amazon/ali express
get some shitty brushes from walmart or w/e discount dollar store they have in your country.
You have water, a cup, and some napkins or paper towels right?

That's all you need. the models are the only expensive part and you'd have to be a fool to not buy them secondhand from people who are trying to offload their pile of shame.


veteran guardsmen

If you STILL can't afford GW miniatures then get frostgrave, DnD miniatures, reaper, or get some 3d prints off etsy and only-games. hell, get some miliput or greenstuff and make your own shit.
For me, it's Cabal.
i like custodes, is it over for me?
He cute, I don't like the mint green hoses but your yellow is nice and bold. What's your basing scheme going to be like?
>>he thinks more anons aren't unhappy marines always get their equal attention cake
Because they shut up.
Even then I don't care if necron or IGfag wants less marines.
I want marines because I like them, xenos be damned.
GW could go for an entire edition and not update the xenos and I wouldn't care.
Cool blogpost bro
Collect what you like, pissbabies gonna throw little meltys regardless of whether you have the faction they don't like, or someone else does
What's a cool update/release you would like to see for Marines and what's another one you would like to see for something that's not Marines?
Try basing with a dark orange or reddish brown, then move to orange-yellow, then limited highlights with light yellow.

The power pack nubs look pretty good.
New character dread multikit like chaplain, tech marine, or Librarian for everyone. And for non marines I think more eldar planes or ork trucks would be cool.
>i want the standard thing the company shills
The aos community has more balls than us. When sigmarines came out, they pushed back at them.
Wrong thread faggot, get some 40k models or gtfo
When AoS came out there was no AoS community but WFB community - and sigmarines were the face of AoS. There was no AoS without sigmarines.
And when AoS community finally emerged, it was made of the most castrated people you could imagine. I mean GW cut off something like 1/3 of their (QUITE FRESH!) sigmarine range - and there was barely any reaction. They are NPCs and golems.
I think the coolest shit they could do is a nameless Chapter Master for /yourdudes/ with insane levels of customization.
This, one for each armor
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Less for the show itself and more just what I hope/expect we'll get next year in general.
Ideally, a large demon refresh/new models for each god that can actually work in all the settings not just AoS. As well as an Emperors Children release or at least Dark Mechanicus.
AoS gets Chaos Dwarfs, which in turn have a model or two that can be used in 40k as demon engines. Maybe if we're lucky a demon refresh of the four main baseline demon units (Bloodletters, Plaguebearers, Daemonettes, Horrors) or a new unit per god. 40k exclusive nothing, or again maybe if lucky, a small refresh for Thousand Sons/slightly larger release for (a) Chaos Marine armies/army. Honestly hoping for at least one of the hopes to come true, Emperors Children seems like a "safer" bet even if still a reach. But Nurlge be damned if I don't want an update to the Plaguebearers or at least my adorable plague toads.
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So is there any truth to the whole Badab rumor thing?
>I mean GW cut off something like 1/3 of their (QUITE FRESH!) sigmarine range - and there was barely any reaction
Why are people trying to peddle this as an argument? Sigmarines are a relatively fresh faction which wasn't a tremendous success and their designs were divisive, which is why they are getting a refresh/redesign with the newer, less bulky and less spacemarine-y armour.
How is it different from 3E nids moving from their goofy 2E designs? Or Crons moving from White Dwarf egyptcrons sculpts?
It's like you don't understand WHY the ste have their models axed.
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>and sigmarines were the face of AoS. There was no AoS without sigmarines.
GW employee, I am not buying your Marine product. If I buy, it will not be Marines.
>drive 65 miles to scoop a rescue army off a guy on Facebook marketplace or cheap
>drive back another 65 miles
>spend so much on gas it actually wasn't saving me that much money anymore
I played myself
I've got to get me a more fuel efficient vehicle
>a large demon refresh/new models for each god that can actually work in all the settings not just AoS
>for each God
Ew no
Daemons need to be either axed as a playable faction or revamped from the ground up
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erm...I rarely base my guys. All I got is pic rel and I was thinking I could just use it straight up and drybrush it with something or let it dry then paint it brown and drybrush it with skrag brown.

I also got some vallejo rust pigment powder but idk how to use and it always falls off the model.
I mean, daemons work very well in AoS where they aren't meant to be a soup faction and each has their own mortals to support their model variety.
It's never going to work out cleanly as a 4-armies-in-1 combined force codex.
>less bulky and less spacemarine-y armour.
You mean they are more like space marines in phobos armour??
I'd prefer 40k EXCLUSIVE daemons, to give each god some futuristic flavor.
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I was talking about model basecoat, the base should not be yellow.

Could add some green and red pigment powder to make the mud more interesting, I think AK also sells pigment fixer.
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What paint should I pick for the pale albino skin tone of a Nostraman Night Lord?
Chaos in 40k isn't allowed flavor outside of power armor.
So daemon engines, or something? Because otherwise the point of daemons is that they're timeless (which is in turn a cope just to field them in both settings)
Can't go wrong with Pallid Wych Flesh imo.
Me want Chaos Xenos but I know that will never happen and become the neglected beastman 40k equivalent.
I say purple purity seals are criminally underrated
>I think the coolest shit they could do is a nameless Chapter Master for /yourdudes/ with insane levels of customization.
Should be one of these for every army.
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You are bit obsessed aren't you?
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Honestly doing bases isn't hard and improves the mini so much. I batch made 10 of these in about an hour with AK Desert Sand and Agrellan Earth.
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Daemon fluff-to-tabletop is just completely fucked and HH - even if I'm not a fan of HH as a concept overall - was the only one that came close to doing them right. A testament to that is how people STILL argue about which Aetheric Dominion corresponds to which god (even if its obvious by their placement, I still see people claim Formless Distortion is Tzeentch lol).
You can't have Daemons be this supposedly mysterious eldritch force and then have them at the tabletop AND fluff with clearly defined ideals, clearly defined coals and clearly defined abilities/stats/etc. It's so fucking lame. No, writing that something is "unknowable" and "beyond comprehension" is not fucking enough to make the said thing actually live up to those descriptions.
Also pardon me but aesthetic direction for the daemon models simply doesn't live up to their descriptions or some of their art, which I find is less accentuated with other factions. The fact that all Slaaneshi daemons are different forms of daemonetters, daemonette mounts and "what if centaur made from daemonette and daemonette mount" is a travesty of its own. Syll'Esske & fat daemonette are steps into the right direction I guess, but not nearly enough.
It's like daemons narratively and model-wise bit off more than they could chew.
Rolling daemons into their god legions & mortals is kind of a fix but also makes mortals look even sillier in comparison to me, since they worship and venerate forces with pretty poorly written fluff.
It's particularly sad & bitter to me because I find the sculpts and some concepts really cool, but I can't look past all the problems above.
Putting a spotlight on the timelessness is also been a terrible fucking mistake.
I'm out of the loop, when did they remove the grill mouth on SM helmets?
Titus looks ugly, can't even get the icon of the setting right.
A full, complete release of Emperor’s Children with a satisfying array of new and unique units to pick from. I think they’ll probably announce a new character or something.
Because they were ugly
Too intimidating for the investors.
Needs bland aesthetics to not be scary
No, it's just faggots wishlisting because they are mindbroken by primaris existing.
I'm not buying ec if it's outside of a starter box
What's the badab rumor?
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>literally just glue aquarium rocks to your nases
I've always been skeptical of hitting up the aquatic section for my materials, but fuck I've never made a passable base so quickly and easily before. Literally a minute of work.

Anyone got advice on whether to go over it with a shade or dry brush, or leave it as is?
Bad aesthetics
Bad models
Bad lore
Bad for the hobby
Cope more corpo boy
>Bad lore
Terrible lore.
I like how he has the chainsword in his right hand on the box but in his left on the model
It's not welded to his hand, anon. Besides, all marines are ambidextrous.
I've shelves my Vashtorr army until more support or Dark Mechanicum. Anything to do with Vashtorr and I'll squeel.
Mk7 was just a blatant Darth vader rip off.
>all marines are ambidextrous.
I have been playing 40k for like 25 years and did not know this. Wtf.
>Bad aesthetics
>Bad models
>Bad lore
The lore is good
>Bad for the hobby
Onky if uou are skillet hobbyfag that can't do anything
>Cope more corpo boy
Mk7 has arrived.
It doesn't look good. No natural terrain looks like uniform size and shaped rocks. You should either mix different kinds of sand or use the bigger pebbles as details
do you think they'll let world eaters use that new lord on foot model
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An anon after my own heart. I totally agree. Frontline god troop demons looking the same can be forgiven if GW bothered to make minor god with their own deamons and independent deamons to compare them with. One of a kind chaotic design with just a guideline of what size base it is and weapons like HH Aetheri Dominions along side monogood troops that look like. Also giving the baseline troops some variety, guns/ranged weapons like pic related for instance
Suck more primaris cock corpo boy.
Slurp the bland models nobody wants with p2w rules that will make you buy the meme release (now with NO options!) to then get duped again and you will love it.
I don't care. This isn't a display piece. It's for play with a quick and easy base.
Its preferable you go outside and get some playground sand or something like it, a good mix gives you a less uniform look. You can even sieve it to classify by size the sand, pebbles and big pebbles.
And remember, use pva for the base AND water dilluted PVA to set it and make it very resistant
>Corpse on throne fags still can't get over the fact there's a genuinely good faction in game
how self-sufficient is a space marine chapter? if they're limited to 1000 marines, are they limited similarly in regards to the quantity of support personnel as well?
somehow managed to get

>2 metal shokk attack guns
>8 squighog boyz
>beastboss on squig
>10 grots
>20 beast snaggas
>burna bomma

all for 70 freedom dollars. i wont use half of this shit most likely but it was a decent find
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I miss the age of good artists.
Quick contrast fix really makes it pop even more.
>if uou are skillet hobbyfag
Post ur amazing primaris conversion, James
I dont remember if they are, but aside from marines their bigger limitation is ships, good luck getting replacements and god forbid you want more.
But chapters can rule over several planets/systems, so the upper limit seems to be very high, and that's not considering deals with other factions like the mechanicus
What are DA like?
Are their specific units and detachments worth it?
Stop replying to obvious bait and trolling.

I'm of the opinion that technical limitations forced the artists to get creative, whereas now they're stifled with analysis paralysis - everything has to go through iterations and so many committee changes that little of the original idea remains once it makes the print.
Should one bake the sand in oven to kill microorganisms?
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Imperial Guard WILL get a new detachment that reclassifies Valkyries as dedicated transports, and they will be reduced to 150 pts from 190.
Not a bad idea. I went for a walk last summer and scored some nice rocks, boiled them for a couple of hours and let them dry on a towel.
No? Unless its wet I guess.
I got my sand from a public garden, it's been sitting in a tub for a couple years and no mold or bugs have developed
>imperial gua-
First off, Astra Miliatarum. Secondly, no one cares for you until we get traitor guard.
Marine chapters are mostly self-sufficient. They get materiel support from admech in the form of weapons/ammo, armor, vehicles and starships but other than that handle everything independently. Even for materiel, chapters have their own Forge - a giant manufactorum that can produce most if not all wargear they need.
The 1000 marines limitation only applies to full battle-brothers. Scouts and initiates are exempt, command personnel is exempt and all the specialists (librarians, techmarines, chaplains, apothecaries) are exempt as well. It is meant to be a limit on a chapter's large scale fighting strength, not it's ability to do its job.
Uh oh, eldarfag meltie
Bit of a retarded question, lads. I'll be painting some Death Company later this week, but I've never painted majority black models. I usually prime black.

If I prime them black, do I need to paint them again in black, or can I just paint the details on the black primer?
i appreciate you :3
probably use a dark base coat and drybrush different greys over it so it kinda looks like ruins or something, dunno if a wash would work. usually with a base like that you would spray the entire thing black and go from there. maybe chuck some bits of sprue or whatever in it so it looks like city ruins
>can't write
This is the Guard son...
The commissariat has been notified.
>First off, Astra Miliatarum
>no one cares for you until we get traitor guard
Don't you mean Tratorius Millatarum Extemis?
Uh oh, james cock sucker mad
Necrons, Tyranids and Marines fyi.
nah you dont need to paint them again unless you are using chaos black and what a matte black instead.
>This is the Guard son...
*Astra Militarum
>uh no actually
I already know you are lying.
Yeah, just leave em primed, how you're going to paint the shades?
Completely self sufficient with exception to the usual relationship to a forge world that makes their armor and weapons.

Some Chapters are completely self sufficient like the Carcharodons who take scraps of other armor and weapons

Chapters are limited to 1000 BATTLE BROTHERS. This does not include initiates, serfs, and sometimes speciality units. I believe for instance the Sanguinary Guard does not count towards the total limit. I know Tech Marines don't count.
There is no stated limit on the number of support personnel a chapter is allowed to have.
Most menial tasks are performed by chapter serfs - either initiates who failed to become marines or people chosen from the native population of the chapter's homeworld. There are combat serfs as well, expertly trained and well-outfitted, who help defend the fortress-monastery if it is ever sieged. They also serve aboard the chapter's fleet vessels.
Flat black armor looks boring. Try this:
Afaik if a chapter has too many initiates the inquisition gets pissy
>chunks of sprue
Ah, that's a good idea. I've got another dreadnought to paint and I'll definitely do that. Thanks!
I think you might be thinking of neophytes.

I would like to make a few comments to show my disgust over some of the treatment of the Imperial Guard. First the characters and officers have lost their value. Captains are very experienced officers. They've fought many campaigns and have access to better armour than other Guardsmen. They know how to fight and their BS must have improved a lot.
Giving Colonels a WS and BS of only 4 not real. These models may not be superhuman Space Marines, but they wit have fought in more battles than most
And all Imperial Guard officers are officers in the name of Adeptus Terra, and should be treated in that way by the whole Imperial system, including those superhuman perfect Space Marines. In the battle report in WD 231 the Imperial defence force, including a Colonel and a Commissar, were inspected by a Space Marine sergeant, and even though the Imperial Guard were only volunteers and the battle was fought on Ultramar, there no way an Imperial officer could have been inspected by a Space Marine sergeant. The Imperial Guard form the bulk of the Imperial army and they are just as important and combat worthy as the Space Marines because of their numbers. They deserve some damned respect!!!!!!!!!

There is no army in the world where an elite and better trained officer can command a higher ranking officer who is not an elite. And in most armed forces, the highest ranking officer will not be an elite one. Under the Emperor, there will be a High Lord Commander of the Imperial Armies which includes and rules the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard, showing they are both on the same level.

Well that's it, Sorry for getting so upset and personal about the Space Marines but someone needs to stick out for the Imperial force.

P.S. Space Marines are really cool especially when they fight next to their Imperial battle brothers
I'm a new player and want to learn. Played all the 40k games since dawn of war 2, and recently decided to get into tabletop. I've been looking around for where to get started. As far as learning to paint, I'm thinking to get some space marines open box on ebay and just start practicing

Any tips for beginners? Picking armies, building, painting, general stuff. Anything. And sorry if there's some beginner faq in the OP that I should look at before shitting up the thread
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pick an army, first. heres most of em
Dios mio, mucho texto autismo
I've always liked necrons so I think that's what I'll go for
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unaligned isnt an army, just ignore it
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I might stick a couple big rocks done before applying paste but that's just me. You could prolly drybrush that paste with a bone once it dries and it'll look pretty good
Start with Space Marines, and search ebay (model) NoS (new on spree). I'd recommend a Combat Patrol or Kill team though, as they have game formats dedicated to their size and you can know pretty quickly if you like it.

I recommend Space Marines as they have many ways to play, while a lot of factions have a very niche playstyle.
Ionrach skin highlighted with deepkin flesh with a super thinned purple wash would be nice for albinos
are there any ways to play a stompa and not eat shit
Play against another Ork player using it.
If you're playing a friendly match, just ask your opponent if you can buff it because you really like it and want to use it.
I started with AdMech and my brother started with Dark Eldar
Word of advice: Don't do that. Either of those.
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>What do you actually expect will happen?
skaven warband for underworlds (against stormcasts)
chaos sorcerer as a limited model for this year
another sorcerer model for aos slaves to darkness
kill team ratlings (and ogryns) vs tankbustas
ruinstorm demons for legions imperialis
the kriegers army box for 40k
Mek is an auto include if you are running a stompa
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I actually honestly 100% hope the krieger box is next year because I am NOT financially recovering from kill team fast enough to preorder it
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>ruinstorm demons for legions imperialis
God, imagine if they made a plastic range of undivided ruinstorm demons for HH
>What could James possibly announce on Saturday for chaos that would make /40kg/ happy? What do you actually expect will happen?
Big chaos knight, maybe?
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Since you posted the 12 -xii card of the Emperors Tarot I'll once again ask if any anon made the completed version of pic related
Yeah, in ten years maybe.
used to do something similar as a child

>hey since i just got this predator tank and its my firs battle with it can you please not shoot it on the first turn
>second turn, hit it with a fire prism and destroy it

i was a dirty eldar waacfag
What is it about Space Skaven that makes people so upset? We already have Space Elves and Space Orks, what's the big issue?
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you can complete it yourself
the associated furfags

buy mortian models and use gsc rules
thank you anon!
>reprint never
I bought a Titus recast for $10.
Sorry to be this guy, but I'm just getting into 40k and I like the Necrons. I'm about to buy some second hand cheap warriors to start with, before I splurge out and buy a big old army, just want to ask, can I spam warriors? I want to have a lot marching forward, I think it'll look sweet on the table. Not sure how army building is in this game whether there's restrictions on how many of 1 thing you can have in the army
>What could James possibly announce on Saturday for chaos that would make /40kg/ happy?
A regular reminder of the availability of new preorders. I don't know what else you'd expect would happen tomorrow.
Silver tide is playable and has some combos, you will need some heavy support at some point but there's nothing that makes me happier than infantry heavy lists when the game is so fucking vehicle focused right now.
And as for the limit, warriors have battle line, which means you can take up to 6 squads of them (of 10 to 20 warriors) so you could theoretically bring up to 120 warriors to a single game and have points to spare for a couple characters
Oh that's fucking awesome hearing I can bring 100+ of these Chads. Thanks for this anon I'm going to buy 20 now to paint up, they look easy enough to paint I'll get through them fast. Does Necrons have any anti vehicle weapons I should consider?
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why the bread?
This is the peak male body, you may not like it, but this is what real brotherhood looks like.
They certainly do.
Heavy destroyers have nice big cannons that can do anti-tank or anti-horde while mounted on essentially a jetbike, then you have the doomstalker tall war of the worlds motherfucker with a massive cannon, the doomsday ark with the biggest cannon, and then ctan shards (they are all beefy as shit)
do orks have any anti tank
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Redpill me on 4th thru 9th editions. I'm only familiar with the first three and the current one
I like the idea, but where would they come from? Also a lot of armies don't have anything new. The Eldar range is absolutely ancient, and we STILL have no lore for the Votann.

I think people don't want another army that either won't get updated or if it does, takes resources that could have gone to updating a current range.
That war of the world's doom stalker is what helped sell me on the army, so I'm very happy to hear this. Thanks for the help anon, I'm pretty excited now getting an army sorted. I may buy the book this weekend now to start planning and reading the background of these guys
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got a secret monke
nice post
Well I don't. Elucidate.
Women love bros so much they do this gay art.
Men draw girls kissing all the time.
girls kissing isn't gay
Which is exactly what you should be wanting mr. grimderp, a poorly planed and justified invasion that killed astounding numbers of cocilians made bemt unawaee people who genuinely don't see the problem because they helped distribute water and food to the people theee (after bombing their families).
Seconded for admech
Starting with the worst dollar to points army that's also a bitch to paint was a bad idea. Marines have lots of nice smooth surfaces and are the easiest shit to find used. Still luv me dunecrawlers though
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What chapter is this
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I like him. I did the opposite on this one by adding some bits from the terminator lord to a regular new terminator. The cape is greenstuff.
How much would the setting change if the Emperor was a woman?
I'll just caution you on not making your scheme overly complicated or it will make advancing quite hard.
we're not even sure if the Emperor is human, being a human (women) would change nothing from him being a human (man)
The Mean Greenies
Chapter XIII
Can't you read?
Triple checked and noted. I haven't started thinking of scheme ideas yet but they definitely won't be plain old chrome
Would make her obsession with making big men with no genitals a lot weirder.
kult of speed looks fun
>bullgryn is stronger than vitrix honour guard
I wish we would get more about various attempts to make Ogryn more intelligent
Based, don't be dissuaded on using normal colours on your necrons.
But remember to keep an eye out for colour theory, checks a colour wheel and all that.
The emperor is definitely human, a giga psychic evolved form of human, but still human in the broadest sense of the word.
I want more ogryn units.
It'd be nice if GW made ogryn gunluggers a thing.
Remember when some random psyker on the run from the law on Necromunda cooked up some drugs that made ogryns psykers??
good times
The Emperor is actually more human than most of the baseline humanity in 40k because they are a genetically modified line from the dark age of technology made by the men of gold to supercede the men of stone
I like something like pic related, I think I'll put my own spin on that. The white and black look fine, but I don't think I'll use them, not sure what I'll do but there's plenty of time to think and trial
Oh, giga caution on doing just the joints in metal, it's tedious after a few times and I hate it
>>Remember when some random psyker on the run from the law on Necromunda cooked up some drugs that made ogryns psykers??
>the ogryns just used the magic powers to materialize rations from thing air
While it does look nice this is actually a much harder paint scheme to pull off than you might think. White is a bitch to get smooth even coats with and if you spill even a little bit of black over it you will have a hell of a time cleaning it up again. The metallics and green bits are easy enough, but you'll want to prime in white and then be careful not to cover up that white in the recesses with the black so the green will pop when you paint it over.
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Anybody know if I can build 5 heavy bolter dudes out of this box?
you will struggle to make even 2 of them, maybe kitbash/convert the rest but they will be ugly.
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To follow on from the other guy talking about doing the white - use a light gray instead. DO NOT use Ceramite White or whatever they call it now (did Corax White replace it completely?). Awful paints. I use Celestra Grey for white on my minis (example attached), and while it's not perfect it goes on a lot smoother with a lot less headache.
Since they are a 1 special person 5 squad I am going to assume the sprue only comes with one of each special weapons, including the heavy bolter. Haven't checked the sprue myself though.
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I don't paint because it worried it will look like shit and you guys will laugh at me
I don't want to paint it white, I like the black more than the white but I haven't thought of what to use instead of white, I've been a bit too focused on buying some models. It went from just 10 warriors, to 20 warriors, 6 skorpekh destroyers, doom stalker, reanimator, Illuminor Szeras, and an Overlord. And the book because it's ÂŁ10
Buying second hand models which are already primed in a chrome colour so I'll just paint around them but I can absolutely see it being a bastard
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>bro all the casual shitters will refuse to play if youre using knights

So should I buy a custodes combat patrol box for 80gbp so I can instantly do 1500 games?

And by 1500 I mean 1050 custodes and 2warglaive 1helverin armigers.

Tbf I kinda want to make some silver/black knight themed custodes too
>not sanding your proonts
>not thinning your poonts
How would you fix [FLY]?
Just paint and don't post it, then. Don't let anonymous internet people get in the way of enjoying your hobby.
Give it back ignores vertical movement and just shorten all the movement by an inch or two. Or make all vertical travel cost a flat 2" of movement for them like pivot now does. The current rules just make it a headache to actually measure how flying units move and most people just don't even bother and treat them like they don't even have it except for jumping over unit.
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I'll laugh at you for your choice of pictures instead

post those damn minis
Most people confident enough to post are on the higher percentile of painters.
But in normal games with normal people you will see very normal paintjobs, and besides when at game distance every imperfection will be hidden
>1 turn to land/takeoff
>cannot be target by weapons without [anti fly]
>requires a character to pilot, that character cannot be deployed
>all rolls involving units with [fly] must use 3d6 then gets divided by 3
>smaller bases for when in the air, larger when landed

Tau are faggots end of story
>make all vertical travel cost a flat 2"
Seems like a good compromise
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How do we fix them /tg/
This vexes me
The only people who will make fun of you for posting models on this Thracian basket weaving forum are no models secondaries.
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I've long since forgone GW paints, I don't play 40k but I did play a lot of MESBG and just mini painting in general, so I'm unfortunately aware of how absolutely shite some of their paints are. I dig the effect on that gun, anon
Doesn't the Imperium leave non threatening aliens be?
Why do you want 5 heavy bolter intercessors if you can't field them that way anyway? Is this just for diorama/modelling purposes?
This nigger has made this exact post before. Stop looking for attention you absolute faggot
Not even during the Great Crusade.
Gravis is mad gay when terminators fill the same role canonically and termies look way cooler.
Lmao, even
What do you think they are, the fucking Tau?
It's the Imperium of MAN.
Yes, but temporarily and/or as a matter of pragmatism. If the gain is not good enough it's not worth the resources of an eradication.
It's called being based, Xenos scum.
Unironically make the 8bound horrifically mutated like the regular possessed.
Also fix their lore from being retarded mary sue shit where a single marine fights 8 daemons at once while they are trying to fuck up and take over his body.
It depends on who you're asking, great crusade policy was most xenocidal, but nowadays the imperium simply can't afford to wage war on every species out there.
There's been a lot of retcons in 40k but that has never been the case in any version of 40k
I can't blame you. I'm replacing my Citadel stuff as it gets used up or dries out too much, I just already had two pots of Celestra so it's going to be in use for a while. Not sure what's great from other lines, I hear a lot of good about Proacryl white paints but haven't used any of them except Bold Titanium. And I got a bad batch on that one.
Thanks. Just a couple of overlaid washes, but it looks good as an end result imo.
Just have them be Possessed by Bloodletters, easy enough. Also call them Hatebound instead.
Based means temperamental and thin-skinned?
I've been using it wrong all along.
It was more likely to happen during the Great Crusade.
Modern Imperium? Not really? Unless you count alien fauna that Imperium just uses like any old regular live stock.
The Space Marine kill team is getting a bigger roster including a heavy bolter gravis dude.
If I could make 5 heavy bolter dudes out of that box I'd just grab one and sell the other 4 to other KT enjoyers.
Sanguinis will return in 3 years
I don't like my Pro Acryl white, I'm using AK white but even that's not the best.
I don't mind the design of the eightbound but it would have been nice if their kit had more options.
I bought a box of the AoS Skullreapers/Wrathmongers to try and squeeze out different looking squads (haven't gotten to it yet though).
Deathshrouds have this same problem and it bugs me because they are both $80 boxes.
Give me your best 11th edition predictions
>I don't mind the design of the eightbound but it would have been nice if their kit had more options.
Considering the eightbound lore their design is dogshit.
They should've just been bigger space marines lore wise and that is it.
Making them into some retarded space marine getting posssessed by 8 fucking daemons at the same time and somehow not horriblly mutating or horribly is unironic mary sue shit.
The Us
prepainted minis
Astartes specifically are very pragmatic, and if they have been made to verbally confront an eldar in that manner he would probably just answer with something along the lines of "I understand, but I don't care, you are a failed empire and we refuse to become like you"
>Yet another 40k new unit looking new identical to AoS stuff
The anon who made this was dead on
Like what?
Like the starter box? Well, it'll have primaris that for sure.
As for events happening in the editions? GW will probably wank off and shill Vashtorr more.
And Russ or Sanguinius returns.
just fix the fluff by saying that they're not truly possessed in the same way, they just got 8 bloodletters inside their mind
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Make the parts compatible with regular CSM models, so people can use them for pimping other kits or mix and match parts to get the desires look. GW also needs to learn to make corrupted metal. It's all just CSM with flesh and spines coming out of it. Go back to RT, where CSM were all armoured up, but the armour began to take an organic look to it, forming ribs and skulls. They weren't all bloated with flesh spewing out from every part (ok, one guy has tentacles on his arm, but that could just be some tyranid weapon as he also seems to be holding a tyranid gun in his other hand). I'd love to see more of that with CSM, not just flesh.
when resources can be better spent elsewhere and there's no interest in theri planets, yes.
but they're still going to be racist towards them and expect the worst of them.
>prepainted minis
So they can charge even more because they did the work for you I bet.
>tzaangors look like tzaangors
no shit, it's the same kit with an extra sprue of 40k weapons.
>>"I understand, but I don't care, you are a failed empire and we refuse to become like you"
>"we refuse to become like you"
>already responsible for the other 3 chaos gods existing
>constantly dying empire that is year by year canonically shrinking and losing more and more territory everyday with humanity eventually going extinct
Imperium is a worse version of the eldar and have been for the last 10 000 years.
40k Tzaangor are just AoS Tzaangor with an extra sprue containing pistols and chainswords.
Do they need to justify the prices?
Is a single 6-7 cm tall plastic miniature worth 40 bucks?
>Retarded lore
Chaos gods predate everyone and got roused in the war in heave, gtfo.
You can't tell me that the HH would have a bigger impact than a cataclysmic war of antihalation on an actually galactic scale
When Emperor fought Horus at the end of the Heresy their battle shattered reality and time and space, which caused all the anguish, horror and suffering from Siege of Terra to give birth to Khorne, Tzeentch and Nurgle in the begining of the universe.
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>>already responsible for the other 3 chaos gods existing
that's literally never been true

>mfw misconceptions about the fluff are only going to get worse from now on
>mfw people are already regarding the deathwatch as the "chapter for penitent marines", ripper swarms as "rats", and termagants as "ranged hormagaunts"
my autism cannot stand it
that's so retarded it's wrong on principle
Sanguinius, Lorgar, and Horus will return. Horus will not get a model.
Starter box will be Marines vs CSM.
Marines will get Tactical Intercessors and Assault Terminators.
There will only be four free-to-download Codices; Space Marines, Chaos, Imperium, and Xenos. The individual factions will receive Supplements instead of Codices, cutting out Lore segments which will instead just have been put in the broader Codex.
Instead of doing lore via Codices or Crusade books, GW will instead put out a multimedia project with animations and books which follow characters central to the plot of the Edition. These will be handled mostly separate from the Supplement releases.
We will see the Second Siege of Terra, with Roboute, Lion, Russ, and Sanguinius facing off against Fulgrim, Mortarion, Magnus, and Angron respectively.
Horus will reach the Throne Room, but he and the Emperor will disappear in a flash of golden light. The Astronomicon will mysteriously keep functioning though, allowing the Imperium to continue working.
This will lead into 12th where the big mystery is now "Where did the Emperor go?", with the only ones who know of his disappearance being the Custodes and the Loyalist Primarchs.
Citing that retarded book only makes your argument worse.
Again, I don't give a shit what diarrhea Abnett pours out, the war in heaven is more consequential and bigger in scale than the entirety of the Horus heresy.
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The problem is the design studio obviously wanted to differentiate the WE possessed from the CSM possessed but also keep the WE design elements like the nails and wicked weapons. So they couldn't go all out with bestial demonic dog faces or claws and the like.
The lore seems like a big hang up for people so I'd just dump that but keep them as possessed. part of that issue is 40k writing, the writers couldn't just make them regular possessed, they had to go over the top with the idea which is why we got what we got
We have been over this.
The Chaos Gods compressed time in the Sol system. Future, present, and past ceased to be. Everything become now. the pain, despair, rage, and hope of the Siege of Terra flowed into the Warp and seeded the Chaos Gods at the dawn of time.
When time returned to normal after the Chaos Gods retreated from Sol, the Chaos Gods have been always been in the Warp.

That's why there is the lore of the Old Ones clashing with the Chaos Gods before the War in Heaven and how Aeldari mythology mentions the Chaos Gods' involvement in the War in Heaven.
This new lore is a consolidation of the older lore from 2nd ed about humanity being responsible for the awakening/creation of the Chaos gods.
Anti human writer slop.
Doesn't this effectively mean that Slaanesh wasn't actually 'birthed' by the Eldar, and instead just massively fucked them over?
It's not wrong. Before the War in Heaven, the Old Ones largely contained the Chaos Gods and their daemons.
They created races to combat Chaos such as the Aeldari and they even allied with the Necrontyr dynasties against the forces of Chaos.

However, when the Necrontyr turned on the Old Ones, the barriers that kept the Chaos Gods out shattered and they flowed into reality. The Eye of Terror, the Great Rift, and many WArpstorms are not new creations but the consequence of the Chaos Gods breaching into reality during the War in Heaven. The Necron Pylons shut them close the same way a doctor stitches a wound shut but it never healed.
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Excuse my reddit screenshot but is it true that GW threw away the "Chaos has some good aspects" thing?
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If they wanted to sell the idea there are eight bloodletters deamon within eightbound but beaten in will by the berserker the berseker should have a combination of a human/astartes and bloodletter head. SInce they're more daemon than human maybe goo further with the 'gladitor' look and discard the power armour around the torso or entirely. Give them some maws at their stomach or on their arms.Make them look more naked than astartes but more powerful than them you know
>Necrontyr working besides old ones
You can just fucking kill yourself for saying something so massively retarded.
Retarded fanfiction from BL, breaks the universe. Ignored
I am not reading that but I will answer you. It's largely a yes. The Chaos Gods never had strong lore saying that they have good aspects. Just throw away mentions or sources with weak canon value. Most lore doubles down on how they are irredeemably evil.
Recent lore clarified what the Chaos Gods are about. For example, it's said that Khorne has no honor in his heart.
MK9 armor is revealed to have been made for female astartes, and initiative started by the ecclesiarchy to double the recruitment pool. Cawl refuses to create primaris organs that work for women nor MKX armor for women. First born female astartes models join the ranks of the grey knights
Saying that makes me think they should be more like big fucking marines, taller than primaris maybe, but barely armoured, with only some the armour plates still on them and have them with disfigured heads and maybe red colouring towards the ends of the arms but retain a human figure to represent their control
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>This idea that the Chaos Gods were also the embodiment of virtues was a very brief experiment by GW during the early editions before they'd really found their footing.
>It was actually an element inherited from the plagiarised material of Michael Moorcock.
To put it simply, humanity impregnated the Warp with Slaanesh. The Aeldari gestated to Slaanesh and birthed him.

Phil Kelly a year ago said that Slaanesh in the dawn of the Aeldari Empire was in same spot that the Greater Good Goddess is currently in. Basically, not born yet but extremely powerful and able to influence events to ensure her birth.
the issue when you start dumping the power armour is you start swerving straight into aos/fantasy territory with the concept
IMO it's better they also represent the less extreme parts of their incarnations as a warning that everything in excess is dangerous and damaging
Rules are a "refinement" of 10e. All 10e Codexes will still be valid and all 11e Codexes will be ADDITIVE giving more detachments as well as new and updated data sheets. Every faction will be guaranteed at least one new model with each codex release.
Major core rules changes include a return of battle formations with a special bonus rule for your army meeting all the requirements of the regiment and a new psychic system as well as more core strategems to react to the opponent more during their own turn.
Starter box Ultramarines versus Drukhari
Initial Warzone and box set is "Nihilus" with the Drukhari and other raiders (notably a Fulgrim led Emperor's Children) assaulting Imperial worlds all across the isolated sectors of the Imperium across the rift.
New units include updated Assault Terminators, Grav Canon Primaris Interdictors in Gravis Armor and a Gravis Techmarine for the Marines with a unique box-locked Lieutenant and new Court of the Archon and Trueborn for the Drukhari with a unique box-locked Archon sculpt.
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>I like the idea, but where would they come from?
The thing is, they were always here.

[spill]they come from the underhives a communicate with warptech shenanigans [/spoiler]
>greater good goddess

When was it stated that it was female?
give them the metal bolter thingies or whatever. Space marines also have multiple hearts right? showcase them being carved out or something too.
I totally get your point but I think if you do as this anon said >>94010394 you can avoid that.
They should be smaller units and be like mini bloodthirsters. Perhaps you can keep their iconic astartes powerpack but make it fleshy and the bits that stick out are deformed limbs? like a demon trying to physcially claw its way out.
They should tower over primaris and be big lads
That's up to designers.
In my head it makes sense, you would need to place elements to make it very clear they are SM
Keep the black carapace ports, maybe ruined vambraces or pauldrons, parts of the lowr armour and give them bolters or very obvious 40k weapons.
Also no helmets and all symbols of khorne should be etched into the skin and the pose should be like menacing walking, not flailing like your pic
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They fear the power of the ratfags
The Shadowsun novel, I believe.
>All the anons knocking down Dan Abnett
What happened? You guys used to love his work.
Blades of Khorne are radical in the old nineties' X-treme sense. World Eaters could do worse than try to emulate that.
40k writers being good is a meme. Warhammer ever having a good foundation is also a meme.
>portal opens up in 40k
>aos skaven pop out
>they immediately start making new tech out of 40k materials they can scavenge
would be very on brand for skaven to just show up out of nowhere.
They should add termies as a class to sm2
>They were living underground the whole time
Unfortunately the Necron already took this idea.
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I like this meme.
He wrote about women and they've been told that writing about women is bad, so now Abnett is bad.
He's fine. Upper half of the BL author stable, not in the top few but good enough for most people.
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I fucking hate you people.
He's gotten worse.
He's very much into making shit up, and before it worked most of the time, but introducing Erda and the end and the death were not good.
Honestly he's better when making more "grounded" stuff like the inquisitor series or Gaunt
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The Tau empire will be destroyed and its survivors will flee through the startide nexus to the Nem'yar Atoll
>Verification not required.
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>big streamers like penguin0 said they got hooked into 40k and have bought 40k model sets
>he admitted he watched fucking Luetin and Bricky for lore intros

Silly anon, who do you think is triggering their awakening?
I don't even know who you are
I would love it for the aesthetics and for shits and giggles, but the niches of the Skaven are covered by every single other race, so it would be kinda pointless story wise
Good lord, nice model
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What happened to the Death Guard invasion of the Tau empire again at the end of 8th? Was it even explained why they just... stopped invading? Was there any follow up?
Where's the CSM rats anon when you need him? Those models would be the kino needed to drive back the anti-ratfags
qrd on erda?
Skaven have no place in 40k and all their niches are already taken.
Also all skavenfags are just thinly veiled furfags and furfags ruin anything they touch.
Buy 3rd party skaven models and use GSC rules.
Bricky is among the worst for secondary shit. Someone should throw a brick at him, ha get it?
No bit seriously he gets the fundementals wrong and seems to get his info from other secondaries and not fucking codexes
men bad so she threw the primarchs into the warp
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Supposedly the Tau won which is ridiculous because, I mean, just look at this shit. What would you even do in this situation
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Chaos Squats when?
>We have been over this.
shut the fuck up carnac
>“The warlock engineers soon discovered the Device of the Great Beyond, a communication apparatus that spoke to beings from beyond the stars. As they swirled its many dials, a querulous voice spoke through the stone speakers. That voice, fair and clear caused the Skaven to bolt away. The device was something like the far-squeaker, but the melodious tones that issued forth were, if anything, kin to the despised speech of the elf-things. As they did not understand the alien language, nor how the arcane contraption worked the warlock engineers pulled the device apart and shot it with warplock pistols until it stopped making any sounds.”
Immortal superhuman mother of the primarchs. Showed up for two or three scenes during the Siege of Terra. Killed by Erebus with a magical knife of super death.
Even in the earliest conceptions of chaos there was nothing good about any of them. Khorne was explicitly someone who valued the skulls and blood taken from the weak just as well as from the powerful. His "honor" was based around strange geises he'd hand out and punish his warriors for breaking. So honorable to never use magic, oh but let's go ahead and nuke this planet from orbit. Chaos being virtuous was only ever latched onto by weirdos who for whatever reason looked at the evil faction and said "yes this is for me but it's too faggoty and doesn't affirm my masculinity enough".
Le mom of primarchs and the retard that led to scattering them.
Another super special perpetual that was the foil to the emperor. Glad she got killed in I think the next book. Written by other author btw and made Abnett really salty.
>consolidation of the older lore from 2nd ed about humanity being responsible for the awakening/creation of the Chaos gods.
that's never been true
>the biological mother of the primarchs
>a perpetual like emps, 2nd most powerful after him
>gets pissy at emps because he would've used the primarchs, their sons, as general in the Imperial Army as generals
>then gets the hare brained idea of opening a warp rift inside the lab and throwing her infant kids into it "to save them" (ignore that this subjected many of them to fates worse than death)
He got too fond of the smell of his own farts.
The suits gave him too much freedom to fuck with foundational events of the setting, and he went nuts.
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>qrd on erda?
Karen took the kids and which ultimately resulted in the Heresy and the reason why the galaxy is in shambles.
>made Abnett really salty
This part you made up.
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wash my ass.
Eldar please go
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The 10th ed Tau codex just said that the Death Guard just decided to leave all of as sudden...

That's it. No final battle or anything. A few death guard ships got through and the rest just... went home
If she didn't like Emps plan for them why didn't she just, y'know, talk to him and voice her thoughts?
but 40k has plot progression? IT has STAKES!
you don't talk to chuds! you hecking punch them in the nose!
And people say Tau don't get treated with kid's gloves.
That's embarrassing
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Holy fuck. This may actually be a plot device that GW will use in the future.

Those few Death Guard ships that got through will disperse a super-virus that will devastate the Empire. It will happen at the end of 10th ed or maybe at 11th.

Screencap this!!!
Presumably she knew him well enough to understand that he's not going to just give up on a 10k years long plan to save humanity.
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>death guard were quite literally winning and had an opportunity to gradually fuck up a foe who could do next to nothing to them
>then they just leave lol
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I think its revealed in a BL book that either the fleet that got through was part of the invasion of Ultramar or was destroyed by the Greater Good goddess
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>The Chaos Gods compressed time in the Sol system. Future, present, and past ceased to be. Everything become now.
That means fucking nothing and if anything it points to how absolutely pointless this is because your entire argument is about causality and who did what and your only way of explaining it is by throwing linearity out of the window.

Not only you have shit taste and can barely read, but you're maliciously hypocritical to boot.
>Another super special perpetual that was the foil to the emperor.
Isn't Emps special bc he's a mega psyker with 10K shamans fusing or some shit? How did these other perpetual dudes come about?
KMBs should be s12.
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>actually saying what they think and not expecting you to read their minds
I can't suspend my disbelief that much.
Because she's a woman which is a condition that gives her a debilitating retardation.

Jokes aside, Abnett is just a shit writer.
Erda's motivations were paper thin and also plain terrible when you scrutinize it for even 1 minute.
Only reason why Erda exists is to be
1. to de-mystify the whole infant primarch scattering event.
1. and exposition dump, John Grammaticus goes to meet Erda during the Siege of Terra in the Saturnine book (book she 1st appears in) and he wants to ask if there's a way to get inside the Imperial palace, Erda says she has no knowledge of any secret backdoor or access. Erda still exposition dumbs to John she is the mother of the primarchs and who scattered them all.
Grammaticus accurately points out that she is completely fucking retarded and the reason why shit is hitting fan currently because of it.
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>John Grammaticus
Literally who?
>Dr. Roborknik pumping himself up to fight White Scars
Right after chaos Orks, chaos Eldar, chaos Tau, and chaos Tyranids. All of which have been hinted at existing about as much as Votann.
Shaman thing has been retconned
I don't know where emps comes from nowadays
why does every guard list run 18 bullgryns UGH i hate them
I'm relatively sure shadowsun's novel adds some details (or tries to justify it at least):
the fleet was led by a chaos lord following the visions of a sorcerer, when close to the portal the sorcerer got a vision saying they should leave this path because there's only doom ahead and instead join mortarion on whatever shitfest was going on with the plague wars in ultramar.
most of the fleet agreed to the sorcerer's new vision, while a few, mainly the chaos lord's and most closest pushed through and challenged the vision.
those ships got wrecked by the tauva warp entity.

would the tauva have been able to deal with the entire fleet if it moved through the portal? would the tau empire have actually survived against impossible odds? we can't know and I don't really care.
That Virus?
The Terminus Decree
A bioweapon created to wipe out all the Astartes if ever needed
And it will work but only on the Firstborn
Another perpetual character.
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Chaos squats existed when squats were still the squats. Minis and all
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Are dark angels currently more ungabunga head clubbing friendly than custodes?

>3x deathwing knights with chaplains(900)
>3 armiger warglaives (450) or canis rex
>hellblaster with asmodai(335) -or -300ish points of intercessors or variety of pointmonkeys+ half of it guards home objective
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Fuck u

I love Krieg. It's Cadians that are overrated
In her own words she tried to make him see her point of view, but he would not be reasoned with. Presumably she conveyed her misgivings at some point or other.
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makes me laff because I think back to when Guard were called top tier and the IG community was shocked but that was with lists running mass bullgryns and most guard players were spamming cadian infantry and leman russes and losing all their games
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Loyalist Psyker Knight when?
He's a Dark Age experiment on human ascension being handled by Malcador and trying to upscale it
I cannot like krieg because the army that emphasises the role of the common man cannot have its men dehumanised via gasmasks

you're essentially playing a poor man's skitarii army!
Even without the brainwash shit the tau are slimey faggots. They've never been the good guys and I'm saying that as someone who collected them from release. Go read the original codex. They're a
fucken caste society with a "first among equals" mindset with other races. The etherals have always been dog cunts who exploit the other tau. They've never been good.
Lucky for you, you are getting a release
>Chaos Squats when?
Already exist.
Chaos votann (squats), even if rare, exist. Their very own codex says this.
She probably gave him the silent treatment and he asked whats wrong and she said nothing and he asked again and she said nothing again and then she went on to scatter the primarchs. On a more serious note is there anything on how the Emperor reacted? Did he know she did it or did he think it was just an accident?
all of guard that is not traitor guard is overrated.
Even without the brainwash shit the humans are slimey faggots. They've never been the good guys and I'm saying that as someone who collected them from release. Go read the original codex. They're a fucken caste society with a "first among equals" mindset with other races. The Elite have always been dog cunts who exploit the other humans. They've never been good.
Buy a printer moron. Check Facebook marketplace for a second hand one.
The T'au are actually the best faction
Tau are disgusting.
The T'au suck poo poo
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As this anon says they did exist in the past and continue to exist with their new identity as LoV. There are no chaos tyranids. But chaos eldar, orks and Tau do exist.
>On a more serious note is there anything on how the Emperor reacted? Did he know she did it or did he think it was just an accident?
Erda tells Grammaticus that the Emperor did find out about the primarchs scattering and Emps did 100% know Erda was the one responsible.
But whatever reason, even to Erda's own confusion, Emperor never did anything to reprimand her even though Emps 100% knows where she is living while hiding.

I guess that perpetual pussy really is something that changes a man.
For the last time:

It's fucking TAU not "T'au"
And it's also ELDAR not "Aeldari"
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never, imperial knights have canis rex as its parallel already
the more the chaos knights and the loyalist knights diverge, the better
imperial knights keep the castellan knight
chaos knights get a battering ram knight
imperial knights get a flying mech-damsel
chaos knights get a hound demonengine

I can agree on both getting kill teams of squires and banner bearers
>And it's also ELDAR
it's space elves

also if you say orks instead of orcs, or daemons instead of demons you should get slapped
but they arent indian anon
aeldari sounds cooler suck my dick
I love these little guys that provide bodies to cover titans like you wouldn't beleive
Whoah what the fuck, when did this come out?
they've got a caste system
why would they add psykik when the game has actively killed it.
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Absolutely based comment.
I love giving my special weapon troopers and squad leaders unique head bits so when I saw Krieg with their faces hidden and helmets it was that much easier to pass on them.
However the truth is that GW will never make those factions a thing. Like chaos orks, chaos votann, chaos eldar etc. etc. Even Chaos sisters exist.

But the reason why GW doesn't bother with making ranges for these is purely because there is no reason and incentive.
Making stuff like chaos orks would only really appeal to people who collect orks, and specifically a small niche subset of ork fans who want chaos orks.
It's basically a niche, within a niche.
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Knights should get "dismounted" Knights on foot or on robo-horses like Leontus. Lorewise they should kinda be like how Tau Fireblades are qualified to wear battlesuits but choose to remain on foot with the troops. Plus men-at-arms.
Did the emperor kill horus or did he kill sanguinius who gave into chaos
Meh, Astra Militarum vs the T'au is a good match up and fun in the lore.
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That's not a passable base that looks like absolute trash. Fucking kill yourself. Texture paints exist and you do this?

Quit 40k and stop playing.
Orks are actually the best.
*Imperial Guard
>emperor becomes a skelington
>attains even more power than he did before
Skeleton chads just cant stop winning
I would like a silly kill team boxset that's just chaos boys vs bugboys

add them both to the roster of ork subkulturs and into their respective chaos, gsc codex
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>someone did this to the full price redemption kit
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>It's basically a niche, within a niche
Sounds like a great reason for GW to make a Xeno Menagerie/Mecenary codex
>Chaos minor Xenos
>Chaos corrupted major xenos (orks, eldar, Kyn, tau, kroot)
>Xenos animals (Ambulls, Ur-Ghuls)
>Other solo xenos (Zoats)
>Tau mercs
Lots of little niches that could be a kill team but not fit into wider 40k could get a place here
dunno, go ask /hhg/
Erda said he raged for a long time after he found out what she did, but that he never tried to pursue or punish her for what she did. She's not sure why.

Tangentially, not long after the whole incident Malcador was surprised that the Emperor called the primarchs his sons. He didn't think the Emperor was still capable of that. So that's one of the Emperor's closest and oldest friends being surprised that the guy might view the primarchs as anything more than lab rats or battle robots. So it might not be so strange for other people to think the same.
My tip is don't play, faggot.

Obviously get a starter set moron,
It's Orks not Orruks!!
It's Ogres not Ogors!!
It's High Elves not Lumineth Realmlords!!
It'a Wood Elves not Sylvaneth!!
the galaxy is so full of other alien races to have some chaos xenos weirdness without having to resort to [this existing thing] but chaos!
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>I've never made a passable base so quickly and easily before
And you still haven't nigga lmao
*green army men

*grey alien commies
I dont see whats bad about this. Its just another marine dreadnought.
true but its never ever explored by GW. Chaos xenos and other cool xenos get mentioned and often never get a description of their apperance. Or if they get a name and artwork and basic background of their species they're never touched again
People bitch just as much about custodes. Imo custodes are 10x more annoying to play against.

Get custards if you like them. I think they're a nice army but with GWs policies in 10th you can say goodbye to half your range.
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>It'a Wood Elves not Sylvaneth!!
These look like elves to you? Will you die on this hill?
play guard with your knights.
The guy who killed Martin Luther King...

I am not joking
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in both cases we would be talking about more or less literal faggots
I'm not sure either but it is rare I ever touch the bases at all so any effort spent on it seems neat to me.
Point to doing that in Kill Team either.
Mainline 40k and Kill Team's player base already overlaps a ton.
The same issue would still persist because you're trying to appeal to a niche within a niche.
People who want chaos version of [insert faction here] are unironically better off making the said army/kill team by themselves.
This thing would just suffer the same exact fate as the Agents of Imperium codex GW released. Utter irrelevancy because in reality 95% of people don't care and the rest 5% isn't large enough group of people to cater to.

Nevermind that the Agents of the Imperium codex was just GW intentionally making a soup codex where they could shove bunch of their miscellaneous Kill Teams that couldn't be added into other codexes.
And said miscellaneous xeno shit doesn't exist in model form meaning GW doesn't care.
That's a different guy, not John.
>chaos Tyranids
Buzz off, even Crons have more of a leeway (and even then its not really needed and other things like C'tan Curse-Viruses and perversions like Empire of the Severed)
>All of which have been hinted at existing
There hasn't been a single proper mention of a chaos tyranid
Krieg is what's overrated.
Another storyline that went into nothing. No consequences, no nothing.
Would you play a real-time version of 40k tabletop?
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>There hasn't been a single proper mention of a chaos tyranid
Chaos genestealers are a thing. Meaning chaos tyranids are a thing.
No because I care more about custom paintjobs and conversions and other mediums don't allow for that
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You now remember Yvraine

Say something nice about her
Of course no
tanky units that aren't the size of a brick probably
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I agree
Like Dawn of War but more accurate or something?
>literally just reduced another conflict into "it didn't matter and nothing happened"
Bravo GW.
The only thing that would match it would be some matrix style vidya where you get to literally be some field commander.
Her outfit big ponytail are sexy.
What are the chances of the knights codex coming wih a new armiger set?
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GSC=/= Tyranids
A group of genestealers acting away from the Hivemind being corrupted by chaos isnt the same as proper tyranids being chaos
this might be the related to the deathguard who went NIGGERMAN when the tau entity decided to kill them.
>GSC=/= Tyranids
You really are retarded.
Well you can always try another franchise
She's the best thing that ever happened to the Imperium
GSC is a broodmind which is easier to corrupt than the hivemind which is incorruptible
anon they act seperately from the hive fleets as a vanguard. Tyranids bioconstructs disconnected from the hivemind can be overtaken by chaos.
Tyranid bioconstructs connected to the hivemind cannot be corrupted by chaos
>Chaos genestealers are a thing
They really aren't and RT ones have been retconned.
In over 20 years there has been exactly ONE mention of anything close to that and it was 8th edition codex, where Cult Tenebrous got stuck in Nurgle's Garden and were turned into a bunch of poxwalkers.
>Meaning chaos tyranids are a thing.
Closest thing you could have is ancient BFG module that has a giant Warp Beast (which aren't Chaos, but are Warp fauna like enslavers) that has evolved from a tyranid bio-experiment on Spore Mines. Chaos Tyranids aren't and can't be a thing because you'd have to somehow "corrupt" the entire Hivemind which is as silly as "Chaos Gorkamorka".
Not to mention that in terms of worldbuilding itself its obsolete and pretty asinine, they wouldn't become scarier/more capable/more powerful at all, just like a Khornate Enslaver wouldn't.
>rogue trader lore
Genestealers are still tyranids.
Chaos corrupted genestealers are chaos tyranids.
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>People who want chaos version of [insert faction here] are unironically better off making the said army/kill team by themselves.
Sure, but I'm not proposing entire armies of spiky [insert faction here], just a kill team and hero model at most
In the case of chaos orks and genestealer orks it's a homage to their past and an opportunity to add more weird subkulturs to their melting pot of units and themes
In the case of chaos eldar it would be a weird exception to explore in terms of relations between crone worlds, ynnari and dark eldar, and to have something even less standard in their aesthetic, something melding slaanesh, ynnead and the visarch
needless to say I wouldn't approach chaos tau or chaos tyranids not even with a 10 foot pole

and the final iterations of chaos xenos would be occasional token miniatures thrown in inside other normal chaos units: say chaos marines get a demonic artillery piece, a squat-like crewman would make perfect sense there; imagine another unit similar to the dark commune, but instead of normal cultists is darkmek guys, I'd see perfectly in-between them a xenarite heretech with weirder weapons, a floating eldritch xeno artifact, and perhaps something like a yuvath
or say one day chaos gets a unit of brutish things, like chaos ogryns, I'd argue it would be cool if one guy in the unit wasn't an ogryn but an alien fucker with similar physiology pushed into the same battlefield role

I'm the kind of guy who defends a jokaero model but not a jokaero codex, if you get my point of view.
Doesn't matter, they are still chaos tyranids.

if it's digital I'm pirating it at best
ah its the discord trannies shitting up the thread again.
Here's some cool old art
>Sure, but I'm not proposing entire armies of spiky [insert faction here], just a kill team and hero model at most
Which you aren't getting either.
You want chaos ork army? Use basic rules and convert the models yourself. Same for your ork kill team.
>Tyranids bioconstructs disconnected from the hivemind can be overtaken by chaos.
A computer without software and electricity is just a hunk of metal. You need the operating system to run all the symbiotes under the skin.
Show me a single instance of a stable chaos corrupted genestealer that isn't just a Chaos Spawn (because everyone can be Spawn'd).
Can you form a single coherent argument that actually cites things?
did attach art and thread hit image limit, ah well
Why does every 4chan general have it's own discord boogeyman?
those tanks seem cool
Because faggots congregate on discord and legitimately shit up everything
>Show me a single instance of a stable chaos corrupted genestealer that isn't just a Chaos Spawn
we have run out of bread
no, the chaos stealers war will resume unimpeded

let it waste itself here for the next hour or so and then mock them if they try to bring it up again in the next thread
There is no war, there is actual fluff and then there is wishful thinking & appealing to retconned irrelevant shit
> let it waste itself here for the next hour or so and then mock them if they try to bring it up again in the next thread

Uh oh, tyranidfag meltie
>Which you aren't getting either.
would you have ever expected kits dedicated to snakebite orks? or eldar corsairs? or an entire plastic krieg line? or genestealer cults returned as an army? or squats returned as an army?
>appealing to retconned irrelevant shit
It hasn't been retconned.
>de-mystify the whole infant primarch scattering event.
I love this shit
GW's attempts to 'de-mystify' the ambiguous elements of the 40k lore has only ever made 40k more boring, shitty and stupid.
>would you have ever expected kits dedicated to snakebite orks?
No, because I don't care about.
>or eldar corsairs?
They had models, it was inevitable
>or an entire plastic krieg line?
They had models it was inevitably
>or genestealer cults returned as an army?
They had army and once GW updated SoB, it meant they were going to make GSC as well
>or squats returned as an army?
People have been begging them back for 30 years.
It's not surprising at all.
I don't like Jeans

Slacks > Jeans
>They had models, it was inevitable
So you're expecting space zoats, space slanni, exodites and enslavers?
You must be expecting Zoats any time now
Not him, but I am.
I have 2 zoats, I don't want more zoats, they're the best zoats I could have asked for, but I want to see more zoats.
How is it that all of the most expensive armies in the game are also the worst fucking armies in the game competitively? Shouldn't GW be pushing that shit as much as possible? Or is it literally dumb luck what ends up overpowered because GW has no idea what they're doing?
Do they make slacks in your size (7XL)?
How come you guys are lagging two years behind the lore?

The Shadowsun novel explains everything that happened in exact detail.

The Death Guard armada fought their way to the Startide Nexus. The T'au were stretched fighting the Imperials, GSC, and works so they couldn't their full fleet to fight the Death Guard. But even with a fraction of their fleet they managed to bloody the Death Guard but they couldn't stop them.

Shadowsun who (re)discovered the existence of the Greater Good Goddess has the human populations pray to the goddess and then leads an alien Kill Team on a raid against the Death Guard capital ship. Shadowsun managed to inflict damage on the ship and wound the Death Guard Lord.

The sorcerer who is the second commander of the Death Guard fleet sees that Shadowsun's attack is a bad omen and decides to retreat rather than push ahead warning his Chaos Lord that proceeding with the crossing risks repeating the horrors that fell on them in the HH.

The Death Guard sorcerer flees the battle with the majority of the Death Guard ships. The Chaos Lord capital ship and his escorts enter the Startide Nexus. Instead of arriving at the mainland T'au Empire, the Greater Good Goddess snatches them from the Wormhole and brings them to her realm where she keeps them there as her prisoners. The Death Guard Lord sees the goddess and is driven insane.
Wrong. There is mention of the a Chaos GSC cult in the new Necromunda game.
>space zoats
They used to have only 1 model and GW only updated 1 model for them.
That is all they'll get.
>space slanni
WHF/AoS called dips first on the fat frogmen, you're never seeing them in 40k because GW is actively removing cross-system compatibility
Only existed in epic, not mainline 40k. Which back then and even now is an irrelevant side game.
They've never had models for themselves.
They are never happening.
>you must be expecting zoats
I'm not, because I don't care about them.
>>The sorcerer who is the second commander of the Death Guard fleet sees that Shadowsun's attack is a bad omen and decides to retreat rather than push ahead warning his Chaos Lord that proceeding with the crossing risks repeating the horrors that fell on them in the HH.
>repeating the horrors that fell on them in the HH
>the Greater Good Goddess snatches them from the Wormhole and brings them to her realm where she keeps them there as her prisoners. The Death Guard Lord sees the goddess and is driven insane
So we'll be seeing cured Death Guard marines in the future that are tau aligned?
im happy for you or sorry that it happened.
Chaos GSC is kind of a misnomer if anyone bothers to actually read the article. They're just tapping into the Chaos Gods as a source of power, and occasionally the patriarch chooses possession to further fuel it's needs. A side effect of this is that mutation starts to become frequent due to the flow of more unstable warp stuff through the conduit of the patriarch. But they're not actually chaos worshippers, and they don't act to further the desires of "their god".
>They used to have only 1 model
They had more:
one with rifle, one with heavy gun, one with two pistols, one with fist and flamer, plus 2 dominators.
and they had to represent the majority of a tyranid army back then too.
>WHF/AoS called dips
because that meant a lot for tzaangors, right?
>Only existed in epic, not mainline 40k
models are models and they had rules in mainline 40k
>They've never had models for themselves.
the only reason why enslavers exist was because gw had a model to sell, it just so happens that model was a beholder
>mary sue bugs
So you can point towards something tangible then and not RT model?
It's not even remotely a thing anymore and all ammo you got is replying "uhhh, yes it is" without even giving me anything to bounce off
>Space Communist Good Guy
they are literally a Caste society. I know you're probably borderline retarded but there are more government systems in the world besides democracy and muh gommunism.

the Tau have more influence from imperial Japan (GREATER EAST ASIAN CO-PROSPERITY SPHERE), Indian/Mughal empire, Ottomans (especially with regard to auxiliaries/janissaries) and modern neoliberal whitewashing of war/neologisms designed to soften the blow (it's an "expansion sphere", not an invasion, it's a "security force", not a colonization fleet)

the only faction with anything resembling gay space communism are some Votann leagues who donate everything to their AI overlord for collective ownership and are so fanatically egalitarian even the robots get full rights equivalent to humans. There's nothing remotely communist about the Tau, the only reason they have that association is because they have some propaganda that's reminiscent of maoist China, but the chinks have been using that same kind of propaganda for millennia it's not a commie thing it's a chink thing
How did all these perpetuals pop up?
uh oh, carnac meltie
I like her feet cat. Moodel would look better without the boddy flove, though, and not even for coomer reasons.
>They had more:
>one with rifle, one with heavy gun, one with two pistols, one with fist and flamer, plus 2 dominators.
>and they had to represent the majority of a tyranid army back then too.
Doesn't matter you're only getting the 1.
>because that meant a lot for tzaangors, right?
GW shoved into 40k because they weren't selling in AoS (they look like shit, giving them autopistols and chainswords didn't change that)
>models are models and they had rules in mainline 40k
Doesn't matter, they were epic only.
>the only reason why enslavers exist was because gw had a model to sell, it just so happens that model was a beholder
So it wasn't an enslaver model at all and just a beholder.
Enslavers never had models.
How the fuck does that make them Mary Sues? Why is Chaos so hard for people to understand? They were still more mutated than 8bound, too.
>Greater Good Goddess kidnaps Plague Marines
>Nurgle is extremely displeased with this
>Inflicts numerous horrendous plagues upon her for her transgressions
>GGG will rot and splinter apart
>This will have a volatile effect in realspace, as many Tau auxillaries will begin go succumb to myriads of horrendous diseases
>Tau respond with mass-scale purges, wiping out entire races of auxillaries to keep themselves safe
>Kroot and Vespid are the only two aux. races that appear to not be afflicted, and are allowed to remain
>Massacres of Gue'vesa lead to many worlds that previously left the Imperium to beg the Imperium for forgiveness and safety
>Demiurg purges leads to Tau drawing the ire of the Leagues of Votann
>>How the fuck does that make them Mary Sues?
>we just use the power of the chaos gods
>but we aren't corrupted by them
>we can just stop whenever we want really
This is the same shit as Abaddon.
The lore calls the T'au equalists and it describes the T'au doctrine of the Greater Good as a collectivist ideology.

The Fire Warrior novel states that in theory all castes in the T'au Empire are equal. The lowest Earth Caste dirt farmer is equal to the highest Ethereal council member. The Caste system is based on the function of the members, not worth
>only chaos is allowed to be powerful and have aces in their sleeves
>if something is resistant/immune to the more insidious chaos corruption for valid reasons it's Mary Sue, chaos is le spice le warhamms gr8 and anything less is infringement onto rightful Chaos clay
Unironically stop thinking other people's having toys makes your toys less good somehow. Fucking kindergarten mentality
Sorry chud, they're the good guys in this story those DG are enjoying vet retirement benefits rn.
>>Inflicts numerous horrendous plagues upon her for her transgressions
>>GGG will rot and splinter apart
This never happened and neither will happen.
Sorry you spent your time and effort on a mediocre fanfiction.
two possible ways to reach that:
>They're expensive because the rules are shit
if the rules were properly written then the models would be appropriately powerful and you would need less of them to make an army
>The rules are shit because the models are expensive
in this case there's a rules writer whose autism makes him categorically refuse to make a unit appropriately powerful so the only way to balance the codex is to somewhat make the units cheap, but then that contributes to the army becoming expensive

a lot of problems would be solved if armies were balanced around their price as if it represented their point cost
Chaos is ever pervasive, there is no safety from it.
Being an alien wont change that, not even for tyranids.
The Emperor and the Chaos Gods are the only Gods allowed in the setting. Enjoy being the new Ynnead.
Bugs don't have wills or desires, they're just psykers. The "god" of the Genestealer is literally just a drive to survive and propagate. There's nothing there to corrupt.
Anon it's rogue trader retconned fluff still, so you're screaming at like, double spooks here
New thread:
>what is the shadow in the warp
>Doesn't matter
>GW shoved into 40k because they weren't selling in AoS
Tzaangors got released for aos and 40k practically at the same time, hell, the kit was released for thousand sons a few months before the proper release for the disciples of tzeentch.
>So it wasn't an enslaver model
Yes, it was, the point of the enslaver as a unit was to sell that model in 40k
>Bugs don't have wills or desires, they're just psykers.
It doesn't matter. There is always a human element in the GSC.
That never happened.
Just because something isn't mentioned in a long time doesn't mean it stops being canon.
Ynnead and Zoats are a perfect example of this.
>human element in the GSC
Yes, they believe they are helping to empower and worship the chaos gods. They are completely unaware they are worshipping a bug. Go read the old Chaos lore, Chaos will actually make sense to you then.
zoats kept getting mentioned in the fluff
>There is always a human element in the GSC.
So they're not chaos tyranids, they're chaos human cultists infilttating a genestealer cult led by apurely tyrannic organism (which isn't really corruptible since it has nothing to offer to Chaos and vice versa). Got it.
>Just because something isn't mentioned in a long time doesn't mean it stops being canon.
It does because it isn't a factor in a setting. It's creators acknowledging the idea is not fertile and they don't wana iterate on it.
For an example, see Vampires on Necromunda.
>T'au doctrine of the Greater Good as a collectivist ideology.
The Indian caste system with fucking untouchables and brahmins is also collectivist, all that means is society prioritizes the collective over the individual and cares more about harmony and efficiency than individual freedom or liberty or happiness. Japan is also a collectivist society, "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down" applies to the Tau where if you try fixing your mech or making improvements to your guns as a fire caste member you're gonna get fucking publicly humiliated and ostracized for not staying in your lane.

The Tau are an authoritarian caste system with a mix of biological subspecies and straight up forced breeding/eugenics. There's nothing fucking commie about them. The Earth Caste manual laborers aren't given collective ownership of the fucking Crisis Suit factories.
Tyranids are Hivemind and Hivemind is Tyranids. And Hivemind is Gork/Mork and Eldar God tier entity, more than just "lots of nids together".
It's a joke retards
100% of all the people who call t'au communists are saying that unironically.
>complain about Tau being noble bright and space communist
>communism the one system of government that has always resulted in re-education camps, starvation induced cannibalism, mass censorship, and secret police.
>communism is somehow not grim dark
Still huge
Ogryn grenade?

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