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Work in Progress, "It's not the weekend, sir, but I can see it from here" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Everybody's goin' off the deep end!

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

Previous threads
I never see you guys painting Malyfaux minis except for that one anon who posted like 2 months ago and didn't reply to my post
Setting seems kind of disjointed and uninteresting. Not that I delved into it much.
The card mechanic is cool, but no one in my area plays it afaik
They're nice but too expensive for me to collect them as proxies. I'd like to collect the yokai.
I looked at it a while ago. Just didn't really like the look of any of the minis, and I don't really care about whether it's a good game at all since I don't play any TTGs.
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Finished my 1st company dread. One more squad of jump pack marines and then I move on to something else. Finally.
Thanks, mate. Those are really cool.
Not him. But I think setting expectations for airbrushing (especially with acrylics) can help. The truth is that you're not going to be able to just jump in and paint your models with them first try, and it's going to take some time and practice learning how to get it to work the way you expect.
Thanks. I'll take proper pics of the rest, once the resin is set and the waves are applied.
im taking little creative break from painting
just a week mind you, so i dont lose my drive
its not like that pile of shame is going anywhere in my absence
This looks fantastic. I have so many dreadnoughts, but so few ready to fight on the battlefield. Your model inspires me!
My area had a local scene... that was invite-only requiring an existing player to vet you and no way to actually meet any of these supposed players, so nobody new got in for a long while. It ended up falling apart over dumb nerd shit, unsurprisingly, and none of the shops here stock it so nobody outside that clique bought in.
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Tomorrow I'll be able to finish this board, just need to wait for the acrylic medium to dry and paint the water-shore contact line
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Just came in the mail. How small are these guys? Tinniest box I've ever got
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I've really enjoyed painting these. One, if not the best terminator design gw has come up with.
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They're pretty fucking small. Not particularly hard to paint, but the sculpt is kind of shitty in some spots. On at least one of them, the pants leg blends into his foot.
I should prime mine soon and get them ready for the diorama I'll *eventually* make.
They're fun. Positioning the helmets can be a little annoying, though.
Still struggling with getting the focus to paint unfortunately so I took a break to fiddle around with some of my other models that are next on the line.
I remembered that I wanted to have a small GSC child hitching a ride on the back of my OG Carnifex and doodling on its carapace, but I was unable to find a mini that I liked and couldn’t sculpt one to my standards, and ultimately ended up finishing my Carnifex without them. I felt kind of bad about not fulfilling that, but since I’m still working on my Moloch-Inspired MonsterFex and it ended up using some spare tactical rocks I had lying around I figured if there’s any one miniature I ought to go all-in on it might as well be that one, and so I have decided to fulfill the spirit of the idea by adding in a traditional feature of Moloch’s bases: terrified children fleeing from Tyranids.

Decide the Boy’s fate, /WIP/.
Checked. The Malifaux community seems to have a bad rep for cringe shit, you're probably lucky.
I wanted to try something other than warhammer so I bought a couple of cheap kingdom death recasts, any resources or tips for painting skin? My only experience is just using guilliman flesh for the marine faces
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How should I do this?
Should I paint it first, then attach the arm and clean up the seam, or clean up the seam and try and paint it with the hand in the way of the face a little bit?
Thanks anon! Yeah I never want to build another one of these things but good look with yours!
reposting from last thread:
The advantage of an airbrush is speed. You can get nice gradients with a normal brush if you want to take the time to do so. You can just do that much faster with an airbrush (once you take the time to learn how to do so). A higher quality airbrush will generally be easier to use in this regard, as opposed to fussing with a shitty airbrush to get comparable results.
Airbrushes aren't magic, they just let you do some things faster and easier than you could with your bristle brush. The better the airbrush, the faster and easier it can get (diminishing returns apply at the tippy top of the scale)
The white-on-white decals kinda hurt my eyes to look at a little bit, but the model looks dope af overall
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That's not how boobs dent. Either way, as much as I hate sub-assembly, this might need it.
Yeah. I think I'll probably just really record my skin recipe base and just paint the body, and then airbrush the 1 arm again with the rest masked in plastic wrap or something.
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Would it make sense for feudal Guardsmen wearing (presumably plasteel) plate to have shiny, polished armor, at least on parade? Varnishing a test guardsman and I like how it looks with a satin/gloss finish, but undecided. The visor caught a little stray matte I need to touch up either way.
Yes, I've already gotten "runescape rune armor" and "Minecraft diamond armor" jokes, I know.
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Pre-varnish for comparison, matte ends up looking roughly like this.
gloss looks like shit
gloss looks like Star Wars armor
Yeah, probably right. Matte it is.
It doesn't make any less sense than the eight foot superhuman completely encased in brightly burnished golden armour, hooligan fungi, combat strippers, etc... but I too feel the matte version looks better.
I prefer matte, personally.
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Finally started on a kitbash last night. Decided I'd use up all the spare bits the official kit has to do the classic "Wulfen parts on intercessor bodies" to make something more akin to the classic 3rd edition models.
Still have some work on the backpacks to make them less obviously primaris, as well as better connect the frag launchers and perhaps some extra space wolf gubbins.
If you want a lacquered look, I can recommend using contrast over metallics. It turns out slightly satin but it's quite kino desu senpai
What's the whitest white you've come across? I'm beginning to get interested in the idea of doing a sister of battle squad with a mother of pearl colorshift armor
there's white 2.0 as well but that's for fags
I bought some pigments from that guy and they're total shit. Not any better than any other generic fluorescent paint, and all his blacks are much worse than musou black. I doubt his special white is even better than white scar.
wow that's big, how big are each tile?
looks great
good idea, they are frens
general rule is to at least do the base coat and initial washes with part detached and avoid the areas that are going to be glued and puttied because paint on paint glued together doesn't make a good bond so do the backside of the arm and the area underneath the arm on the body hair, clothes and those beautiful titties but don't do the groove the arm sits in, blend that out with glue and putty/greenstuff when you glue it on, then do the rest of the model after gluing and doing your putty. And scrape any primer away from the areas that will be bonded together. Pinning might be a good idea, but with triangle joints on that arm it's probably not necessary if you use good super glue since you have the joint and the breast as a gluing surface which is quite a bit of contact surfaces.
those will be great! fur frens :)
We are not frens! We are fierce warriors!
( > 〰 < )
>how big are each tile?
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This one?
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I can't really start painting yet till I finish some other things, But now that I have a plan I'm at least going to prime these 2 this weekend
3d prints or did you get them from somewhere?
Really cool anon! Would you mind sharing how you did the base?
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it was technical paint (plus 2 little rocks) and drybrushed.
Finished painting my trolls, gonna have a night goblin vs night goblin game soon so these guys are ready to smash fellas.
looks like a texture paste, maybe AK fire land
those look great. and being original sculpts that's amazing. we need more sculptors like you. You should seriously consider having molds made of those and selling resin or lead casts. That's TSR level stuff.
Sure anon
>glued on two rocks i found on the side of the road
>apply AK dry earth texture paste
>spray AK hull red
>dry brush AK deep orange
>lighter dry brush of AK ice yellow
>apply various rust pigment powders using darker ones in the shadows of the base and feet
>paint rim black
>seal with matte varnish

The only thing I'll do differently next time is drop some smaller rocks into the still wet texture paste at the base of the bigger ones since they stand out a little too much on their own.
They're from Neko Galaxy miniatures. Along with >>94008600
They're casts but the master was definitely a print. You can tell from the sounds they make. They're good quality though, and minimal cleanup.
almost forgot, between the hull red and deep orange there was a dry brush of scale 75 kalahari orange. 50/50 hull red and orange would probably work too
thanks, will probably check them out in the future
imagine someone using texture paint taking the big step and actually drybrushing it
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>You can tell from the sounds they make
many thanks! I'm trying to go for a scorching orange desert so I was hoping you'd list the colours. Appreciate it!
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>hungry as fuck
>painting to take my mind off the hunger
>open up Agrax Earthshade
>it smells fucking delicious
what the hell are they putting in this paint?
to be fair I only sculpted the guy on the far right! The middle is an old citadel troll and the one on the left is an old ral partha troll.

I have some other trolls I'm getting cast by ramshackle in resin, here's a pic along with the sprue of optional troll balls.
No worries!
be glad they don't smell like the old inks, you'd have downed it like a 2oz shot during happy hour
>cast model sounds
>printed model sounds
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I’m new to the hobby and was hoping someone could help me.
The guy on the left was my first mini ever, made a few mistakes but I’m pretty happy with him. I had to take a break for a few months and only started painting again this week with the guy on the right. Dude in the right isn’t finished but what I’m looking to get help with is my application of contrast paints. I think it’s most noticeable on the boots, on the left dude it is extremely smooth and clean, on the right it’s splotchy and looks like ass, what did I do wrong? I have no idea what I did different.
The formula was zenithal black->white primer, wylwood contrast with agrax earthshade on top.
Same issue with the coat but idk if that shows as well.
Also if anyone knows what color I used on the mask on the left please let me know because I couldn’t figure it out and just did a few coats of agrax shade on the right mask
Nearly all color choices were mimicked from this video https://youtu.be/coghJV5ye-c?si=DuGbl-62hVrmGSIF
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Sorry that original photo sucked, I wanted to show the full mini but that kind of just fucked the photo. Hope this better shows the issue I’m having
Are you sure you used contrast paint on the left? Right looks like the intended effect of contrast paint, left looks like a basecoat.
The ones on the right are still better overall I think.
Contrast paint is too thick imo, thinning it 50:50 with contrast medium and then only doing multiple coats when and where they're needed is better than just sloshing on 1 flat coat straight from the pot.
I'm not a fan of them in their intended use if I'm being honest, but something you do need to do when using them is control the pooling with your bush and not just trust the medium to put it where it should go.
>do 1 50:50 thin layer over the brown part of the boot - go very fast, overlapping your brush, I usually try not to lift the brush at all and just zig-zag it around the piece before any of the layer dries
>After it's completely dry, in the areas where it did pool, and/or you want to increase the shading/contrast, go back in and apply that 50:50 mix again to and apply it sort of like regular paint to darken those areas
would be my recommendation. And then also some kind of drybrushing or highlights would be nice.
>left dude it is extremely smooth and clean, on the right it’s splotchy and looks like ass
are you mixing up your left and right here? cause I like the righthand dudes boots way more. left is too flat and kinda grainy, while the right is getting closer to looking like real leather
Still have to drill barrels and do eyes. Few more of these guys to go.
Left seems to be suffering from a shit primejob. I can see his complaints with right.

When you apply a contrast/speedpaint, you should try to follow the contours, then be ready to soak up any pooling with a slightly damp brush. If there are mistakes, a second coat is better than trying to brush before it dries, it gets patchier.
i really like that crusted rust you have going on
hopefully you can transfer that same style into your traitor vehicles too
100% sure I followed nearly everything that guy did in the video I posted like a drone.
The only difference I can think of is that I was using a shitty $5 tamiya detail brush on the left and used a da Vinci. 2 brush on the right and when I did the left I put the paint on a wet pallet (paper towel + parchment paper) and the right I just put the paint in a plastic tray because I read that you don’t really need to use a wet pallet with contrast paints
Plasma gun could do with some more highlights
You need to rinse your brush more often is all and run over a damp sponge or damp paper towel and shake your contrast paints more before use, brush should be slightly moist but not wet and should be rinsed and wiped often to keep fresh.
What am I supposed to be taking away from this exactly?
Thanks! I most definitely will. So far I only have a bloat drone. I want one of the old forge world nurgle dreadnoughts though....thinking of going recasted
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I have gone mad.
This is the second space marine I have ever painted, and the first in more than 20 years.
Got to do some panel lining highlights next, then some clean ups now I took a zoomed photo of it and can see where my brush wandered.
Then try to work out how to make LT Titus's head look like Lt Titus.
Man, my desk is cluttered now I look at it
Copy, I was thinking it looked off. Like some white highlights?
I just watched it at 2x speed, the mask should be wraithbone with an earthshade over it. Looks like your snakebite leather turned out brighter on the right side, did you forget your nuln oil?
Nah, just a lighter turquoise.A white drybrush might provide a half-assed version, but you're better off making a lighter blend of your original color. Painting along the lower edge to about halfway up the coil should work.
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But if it's a casting made from a 3D printed master, it should still sound like any other cast model?
Also your gloves should be grey and you probably put the oil too thickly on the helmet and shoulderpads, you've lost the metallic effect. Thin it with medium if necessary to preserve the edge tones.

On the left side you went off-formula on the pants and boots, they're totally different tones. Could be that the left had worse adhesion on the primer though, so it's greyer and more washed out.
Sorry, I wasn't clear and cast vs 3d print was a bad way to phrase that.
Injection molds made with stuff like EDM what can leave perfectly smooth surfaces, vs 3d prints, either recast or straight from the printer.
Even high quality ones - even if you can't see the print layer lines, you can hear them.
Speaks to the quality of a recast though that it's picking up invisible to the eye print lines.
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What do I put on his banner?

This is the banner for the 4th company, in case that matters.
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anyone got tips for brush on primers? I've seen people here talk about using a dome brush instead of round to get a nice smooth coat, but I'm a but unclear about how to go about doing that.

Generally, with a dome brush, I'm drybrushing and pulling paint from lines on a texture palette, so it seems weird to take the fucker and dip it in a well of paint.
cat in pot will not work, uneven coat, need to use this guide instead, second video http://embscomputerart.com/miniature-painting-instructional-videos/
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a wiener in a bun
Copy will do thanks!
trips of truth
Tried something different with the Assault Cannon, content with how it came out, not happy but also not hating it
What color basing for yellow models?
Doing grass and don't know what to order
a big ol four
I remember a month or two ago some anons were painting some pig-faced orcs, does anyone remember the brand? Were they the kickstarter kev adams ones, or from elsewhere?
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looks gud like the checkered pattern too
kek. let's goooooooo!
great paint job. He matches my tau army, but is a little better painted.
minty fresh
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Finished these guys today, took long enough. Might try Belthanos next. We'll see.
really nice
I'm going to assume that anon is probably me, sorry if I missed your post.
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Do you guys think I could pull off grassland bases by just squeezing as many tufts as I can onto a base, or will that look weird?
I'm considering ordering a ton of plastic grass.
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Some stuff I've worked on this week.
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might as well just start chopping up shag carpeting at that point.
Or cutting your minis in half and using plastic grass. it would save you painting half of them.
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what do you guys think?
I dont know how to make the cloak pop like it does on the box
show box
All very nice. Beak bird brain creature interesting, never seen before
okay, just mix some gray and blue together to make a color to edge highlight with and blend it out into the bottom of the cloak too, on the edge of the cloak use a little red or brown or a nice purple or something to make the trim distinct and add silver spikes.
Dark Reaper for highlights?
Thanks, man. That's a Grell from AD&D.
Ill see if I can figure something out. thanks for the tips
but for the rest im REALLY satisfied with the green shades I got under the cloak

Post the end result when ya get to it. I've got some Exaction Squad to paint so seeing how your highlights turn out will be immensely helpful to me too.
Dang OP, I'm honored.

Here's a terrible photo of the first base of Cazadores finished, alongside their commander. This base has the squad leader and their company standard.
Just a little detail on the banner.
4? Great looking brushwork on the mini but the green kinda throws the color scheme off, not to mention the orange to yellow on the banner number.

Here's the Apothecary Biology's I painted up tonight. Only went for tabletop level as I start to lose hobby motivation when I spend too much time on a single infantry model.
Why did you paint him sideways?
For some reason even though my photos are taken in portrait and show up in portrait before I post, they always end up sideways unless I slightly change the rotation and save a copy.
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I used the same method for painting my infantry on my vehicle and I kind of regret it
how do I make it look less artificial?
everything about the base colors feel bland even after I did all the chipping
Cool. Good work. Very clean.
dunno how you did it but it almost looks like NMM
How close to reikland fleshshade or ArmyPainter's discontinued mid-brown wash is Pro Acryl's flesh wash paint?
I want to mix up some marine juice without buying GW products.
I can't find a picture of the proacryl washes being used over white painted or primed miniature parts.

If you crop even a hair off your photos, it will align itself properly when posting. It's a weird quirk of mobile photos.
White is very smooth. Which paint did you use?
Does anyone know if there is a significant difference between the Army Painters Speedpaint 1.0 and 2.0?
Wouldn't Duncan Rhodes' TTC paint flesh wash be a better choice as Rhodes' paints are essentially Citadel copies?
Speedpaint 1.0 has a reactivation thing going on with it, while 2.0 does not.
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Never using sticks, stones and sand from the outside for my bases ever again, I got a fucking silverfish infestation at home now.
How is this even possible? Did you bring in sticks and sand and then like, dump them in the corners under your sink?
You should always bake anything you plan to use though - even just to make sure it's dry more than sanitizing it.
Silverfish take a long time to infest, they aren't a sudden thing. Usually from desert sand piled against your house. Sweep around the outside of your house and then use silverfish bait. It's available.
As fren said the old speedpaint formula if you wet it again it'll reactivate and you can move it around again a bit and it'll lift again, a varnish layer prevents that, but people complained so they made the new medium harden more and it doesn't do that. That's the only real difference.
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Getting close to being finished with her!
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skill issue
Whenever your objective is to make something "gloss", your best bet is to look into specular highlighting and then - IMO - brush on a satin topcoat. Gloss varnish only really works at miniature scale on something like polished bright metal, on everything else it creates to many reflections that don't match what you would see on a "real" version and so confuses the eye.
>handful of sand gave me silverfish
Doubtful. Also, you put the sand in the freezer for a while first, to kill any hitchhikers.
Preddy good, anon.
Silverfish aren't hostile tho. They eat away the actually pests
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I'm really sick of using washes which just make my minis look muddy and often don't even shade the recesses the way you want them to, but base>wash>layer>highlight is how I learned to paint.

Are there any good sources for learning to paint without using washes from scratch?

Pic is an example of the type of painting style I'd like to achieve.
You can just layer without using washes, paint the recesses dark or build up from there.
archive's how to paint citadel is a good start, a lot of the stuff there predates the wash era
There's not really that much to learn, you just layer and/or blend instead. Basecoat your midtone and then gradually add your shadow color for recesses and highlight color for the raised areas. It's actually really simple and enjoyable to do.
thanks, I suppose what I would consider to be a barrier is actually the placement of shadows. I guess I'm just used to washes working out where shadows need to be for me.
Washes don't actually go where shadows need to be, they go in the recesses. Those are usually shaded, but they're not the only parts that are shaded. The result is what you call "ambient occlusion".

If you want to see where to put the shadows, shine a light on your model and take a picture, then use that as reference.
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I tried something like that for this gnome here, and ended up removing a number of the tall tufts again, as it didn't look all that good.
>shine a light on your model and take a picture

that's a good idea, thanks!
I really need this to be a good painter
Sorry, forgot to post the pic
>thanks, I suppose what I would consider to be a barrier is actually the placement of shadows
Light travels in straight lines*. If you can't see it from where your light source is it's in shadow.

*As far as it is relevant here, don't @ me
Just buy Vallejo Model Color Black
>the worst black paint on the market
>straight lines
last time i checked it traveled in waves
Anon, just get some models (I save up my GW miniatures of the month for this) and practice a bunch if you want to learn a technique. I recommend you just get stuck in instead of going for a tutorial first. You can figure it out!
>he still believed a word (((scientists))) have said
Good fucking god I remember trying to airbrush it to find some use for the leftover pot I had and I remember it would clog the thing even if thinned way down. Applying by brush is torture too because it's so lumpy. Fucking useless paint. Guess they need to keep the quality of it shit so it can fit into their profit margins
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Finished this guy. Somewhere between shading and highlighting I must‘ve snapped off the sword pommel. It’s gone now.

why the fuck would you use regular paint for airbrushing
are you fucking stupid
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is this guy for real, I really can't tell at this point
the pigments are too big, it's why it's clogging your airbrush
it's why they have separate paints for airbrushing
you must use expensive airbrush paints for your terrain too instead of cheap craft paint
because airbrush is not just a tool among others its an extension of miniature painting industry
texture rollers for bases are great
all the materials to use for those texture rollers suck ass or are prohibitively expensive
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oh I see, I see. okay buddy thanks for the heads up
Retvrn to toy soldier style
Gloss rules
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An update on a model. I got anons to give me feedback and I didn't respond in time but I did lightly paint over the eyebrows to make them less sharp even though they were meant to be temporary. I also got a suggestion to dot the eyes with white point for that shine. I'm still practicing eyes and having an actual Windsor Newton feels like a game changer.
You're supposed to lightly bake dirt and rocks a d sticks from outside to kill microbes and pests
Honestly people can control a wash with medium and flow improver, even wicking it off with a brush wet with medium lightly
This link in the OP seems to be dead.
>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success
I'm a newb but I'd like to try painting this blue steel armor. Would this work; a Leadbelcher or someother metalic primer/base, a bit of shade like Nuln oil and then diluted splotches of an aquamarine color almost all over?

Direct color mix recommendations are welcome because I really dig this paint job and want to get as close to it as possible.
a blue/turquoise wash or a contrast type paint would work better. It's not "all over" too, he put the shade in places that would get less light. It might be a bit too difficult for a beginner, if you want a blueish hue to your armor just wash it with with blue/turquoise and maybe add some black to deepest recesses, then relayer the flatter parts with your original basecoat
I just don't understand how they made a black that covers THIS poorly. It must have taken actual chemical engineering to accomplish desu
Thanks for the wash suggestion I'll probably just stick to that, but I'm curious how you think the blue shade was applied? I'm willing to try a technique, if nothing else just to try it.
You need a transparent turquoise, or it will take away from the metal's shine. So, a wash, a speedpaint/contrast, or preferably an ink.
You can mix inks or contrast paint into metallics to tint to colour directly. My guess would be a midtone silver mixed with a blue ink.
I'll give that a go, it's definetly more interesting than just a plain metalic grey so I think I'll be satisfied no matter what the result.
It's pretty subtle towards the bright parts. My guess would be he thinned the wash/speedpaint something like 1:2 and slowly glazed it towards the recesses while applying unthinned version or a straight up black wash as a panel liner. That's how I'd do it anyway
Probably something like this https://youtu.be/mWOWe9yh8Ks
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Fuck Coat d'Arms paints. Their coverage is dogshit. Might just stick to Game Colour once this unit is done. I know where I am with Vallejo.
uh oh you're gonna trigger our resident coat darms shill
It's very much paint for people who got started in the '90s and still stubbornly refuse to change their methods. Be thankful you had the foresight to start from a white undercoat, or you'd still be there a week later trying to get an opaque basecoat
Though their metallics are pretty good, credit where it's due
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is brand loyalty a thing when it comes to miniature paints or are those just the people who like to paint just for the sake of it and dont make a big number out of their paints
feels like every year the number of people complaining about variety of paint brands keeps growing and growing in this thread, is it due to guerilla marketing or are some anons just that fickle
I mostly stick to the same few brands, but it's less "brand loyalty" and more "only a couple brands are sold locally and I don't want to spend the shipping on 8 different sites for 8 different ranges every time I want a few new paints". No problem with all the ranges existing, but I just use Citadel, Vallejo (both sold locally), and PA (worth dealing with ordering) for the most part.
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Bluestuff molds for the badger knight came out good enough i think. Gonna consider It a success all in all.
I don't really think so, people just like to complain. I bought citadel when starting out like most people probably, tried new formula Vallejo, AK and TTC. Made my own judgement and I'm sticking to AK and TTC now. I might proacryl a go at some point but they're pretty hard to get in my country and the weird bottles won't fit in my rack
Its a 5 minute walk to pick up Citadel AP or ProAcryl for me and an hour drive to pick up Vallejo, AK, TurboDork, TwoThinCoats, or normie paint at joanns fabrics. I'm just lazy and don't trust the post to deliver my paint intact
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Continuing my Traitorous Kasrkin. I did managed to do one per day this week, to my surprise. Decided they were too clean and slathered them up in Nuln Oil. I should have used thinned down Agrax Earthshade. Nuln Oil is too powerful. I have some cleaning up to do now.
Also got enough dudes to play now, so that's nice.
use lego frame and a weight to press the mold to increase the detail
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Touched up Screech a bit and finished the smug elf. Not sure which photo angle looks better for the elf tho, if you guys wouldn't mind giving feedback
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And it's done. Now on to the buildings and then I can finally play something
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Can anyone recommend a satin varnish to get a finish like the black armour here? Picrel is Mig lucky satin varnish but that’s not the easiest for me to get.
amazon prices are really bad for paint, try local game shop or miniaturemarket online
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anybody have recommendations on how to paint a brown orc skin like the warcraft maghars?
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Trying to make an Archon based off Hannya masks. Should I make the head blades black?
maybe try making the flat parts black while keeping the edges metallic?
looks really good
First make sure you turn the pot upside down for at least 15 min to half hour before painting so the heavy titanium white pigment can come to the surface again. Then stir with a toothpick or use a shaker ball. A nail polish shaker can really help too. Coat D'arms makes real paint, not a super new chemical suspension from super light pigments so you really have to mix them well, also that grey is a light coverage paint on purpose, they make a lot of greys, that one replicates the elf grey from the original 1988 citadel boxed sets best. It's perfect for what you are doing which is building a grey over a white, mix in black if you need a darker tone or use one of their other greys. Uniform grey is pretty good for medium-light tones. This General Lee is done with a few different greys. Gives you an idea of what can be accomplished just in grissaile. Now if the paint is just too thin you can leave it cracked and it'll thicken up in a half hour or so, but with coat d'arms I General Lee, uh I mean generally don't have that problem, but when the paints are very new sometimes the medium is a little thin and needs thickening especially the P3 paints which are like fucking water now because they wanted put them in dropper bottles to make youtube talking head faggots happy. But even coat d'arm paints will vary a bit from batch to batch depending on humidity levels when they packaged the paint and all that so it can help you if you let it thicken up, but like I said that grey is light on purpose.
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>>94021236 >>94020083
here's the general, forgot attachment, used a lot of elven grey and uniform grey on this guy, he's ready for color now
try just acrylic medium mixed with a touch of water brushed out very thin, it'll go on milky but with dry clear, don't touch it until it's dry, at least a day
oh and by the way you are using way too much water with coat darms paints, a common mistake, it's real acrylic paint, it'll break if you have too wet a palette or brush. But like I said turn pot upside down to let heavy pigment come to the surface again and shake the fucker good with a shaker ball or stir with a toothpick (best).
>be me
>beginner painter
>get adeptus mechanicus minis cause they are cool
>an absolute nightmare to paint
I don't want to buy Space Marines man they are too boring
Ooh interesting, I’ll give this a try. Reckon a similar mixture would work through an airbrush?
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Oh boy yeah picking admech might not have been the best idea. Try to power through it though, they look really cool with all the detail and shit and you'll get better at brush control whether you like it or not
that's adorable, he's fierce
still looks good
no. not at all. I have paints from almost every company, but basically the two major brands people use are just citadel and vallejo, almost all dropper bottle companies are secretly vallejo, so they think they are buying a competitor when they aren't, but anyway I prefer coat d'arms paints, but I have a shit ton of vallejo (fuck them for changing the formula), citadel, warcolours, scale75 (which is vallejo), old P3 (again fuck them for changing their formula), wizkids (which is vallejo), and even craft paints that I use and I make my own paint, etc. Sometimes a paint from one company has a better finish or coverage or whatever, but usually it's just that a particular color in my collection is best so I use that. There's no reason to be loyal to a brand. Acrylic paints are a bit difficult to mix because of the fast drying time so if you can find a color that meets the need it's way better to just use that than mixing your own so acrylic painters tend to have a much bigger collection of colors across various brands than oil painters or watercolorists do. Plus we're just greedy and want all the things. Also the fact these stupid companies keep changing their lines around means disloyalty to a brand is much more likely than loyalty. These companies literally fuck themselves hoping to bring in new customers with a bunch of youtube product launch videos, but in EVERY case they end up losing once loyal customers that just wanted them to keep making the same freaking paint they always had. A company that can make basic bitch acrylic paint that is thick and creamy good for both impasto and for thinning down to do regular painting and glazes year after year after year without ANY change WHATSOEVER is the best company. And the most consistent company I've found for that is coat d'arms, it used to be vallejo and p3 but they both screwed the pooch.
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Playing around with a moonstone effect
you'd have to thin it down more from an airbrush, and thinner medium isn't as glossy, the gloss comes from the fact there's a lot of medium that creates a uniform layer without surface texture, thinning too much causes surface ripples and breaks the bond of the acrylic medium, so if you want to try it through an airbrush I'd recommend thinning with propylene glycol rather than water, one or two drops only since it's pretty strong, but the dry times will be very slow and it might pool if you don't spray from a distance since propylene glycol tends to cause paint to bleed a bit and without pigment there isn't a lot of surface tension, but you could certainly experiment. But personally I've always had good results brushing on varnishes, except the vallejo polyurethane varnish, that stuff bubbles if you aren't careful so that's the one varnish I'd say works best airbrushed, but I've used it as a brush on many times. Another alternative to using straight medium is using coat d'arms matte varnish, it's slightly satin, a drop of regular medium in with that would also do the trick, but you'd still have to thin it the same so there's no reason to try it first other than getting a harder surface when it dries. But personally I'd just brush on the acrylic medium thinned with just enough water to get it to move into the corners of the model when using a small soft fuzzy brush. Now if you feel the medium start to get tacky stop and let it dry and try again, a tacky feel will dry mostly matte, you want to stop stroking before that. You can control the gloss a bit that way even when doing regular painting.
they look really nice
Oni masks are cool
prime white, glaze yellow ochre, then sienna, then burnt sienna working towards the shadows, then a wash mix burnt umber and black with straight umber in the cheeks and under the lip and under the chin and more black under the eyebrow ridge line and nose and in the inner ear.
thanks anon for the info and I appreciate your pun
So cool
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Daily reminder Historicals and Alternative lifestyle Wargames pls leave. You're not welcome here. You have your own containment threads.
lmao I don't paint either of those but fuck right off you gigantic cunt
Kek, I get the Cerberus hate but what did the history nerds do?
>>94020835 >>94020818
so freaking smug, he detests me and I detest him, who does he think he is?
so cute!
Yeah that's just called layering, aka basic bitch painting technique, it's actually the best way but you have to know two things.
One: which way white man?
This means are you moving towards the highlight or towards the shadow with each layer you are laying down? if you've primed black you are moving towards the highlight, if you primed white towards the shadow. Since some paints have poor coverage you don't necessarily want to paint them over black see? so like that red probably wasn't painted over black, not directly, blacks and browns were mixed into the red or a layer or brown was laid over the black first to give a base color that red can cover easily, and the reds were built up through the black-reds, to brown-reds, to medium reds, to orange-reds, to the yellow-reds working towards the highlight, then a wash of black was probably can be reapplied only in the recesses to black-line certain areas to create emphasis. So the process is not linear, at any point you can change direction, you can build up color towards the highlight and then suddenly change and start working in the other direction depending on the need, so which way white man?
Second: Learn to mix colors. You'll need strong primary colors, red, green, blue, yellow, black, white, a few shades of brown, a few shades of grey, a silver, and a gold/brass, and a basic flesh, also it's very good to have a yellow ochre, a purple, and a dark violet, from these basic primaries all colors can be mixed, but you'll want a wet palette because acrylic dries so freaking fast it's hard to mix the colors, so that slows drying time a bit, but if you thin the paint too much with water it'll break and you'll get poor coverage or it'll just run down the model so it takes practice. What color is the light? What color is the shadow? What color is your midtone? Red highlighted...
...with white light looks pink, with purple light a fuchsia, with violet a purple, with green a brownish color. The farther away from the original color is on the basic color wheel the more neutral the color becomes. So mixing with adjacent colors gives you the strongest effect. So which color white man?
Now if you can ask yourself which way white man and which color white man you'll be good to go.
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Last in progress I’m posting of these bastards. Just need to finish spears and bases and I’m finally done.
wow, really pretty, I think you sold the effect.
Hey they have their own threads. This thread is almost completely Warhammer 40k, it's time it became completely 40k. Even all the links in the op, and traditionally the OP pic is 40k related. It's time we purge the mutant and the heretic and kick out the last few to secure the purity of our thread.
I didn't expect that sudden flash of color. Interesting. The pearls look real as do the other gems. I'd love to see them in person. The pearl effect is probably even better in person.
Why tho? I get you would not want flag agitators in here but Sigmar models are just models anon. Not sure why they would set your autism off like that
GW sales down again huh? Well if they apologized for violating the free speech of their fans rather than insulting them and telling them they don't want our money that would go much farther than trying to censor us here too. Capisce?
oh lmao you're that same humongous faggot that shits 40kg sometimes. Fuck off back there posthaste, your shit tier baits will not fly here.
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I just kitbash shitpost models everytime they fuck around
Ok awesome. Thanks for the detailed explanation anon! I will run some experiments and see how it comes out.
It's a backhanded insult to every hard working cleaning lady in the empire. I love it.
I don't even paint alternative war gaming stuff, I just paint random minis.
Reckon I could use Blood for the Blood God to paint Blood Angel gems? If so, It’d save me going out to get Tamiya clear red.
That's neat.
I did a similar style of modular board, but in the style of Afghanistan/Iraq using 1x1ft tiles for my 15mm ultra moderns a few years ago.
I used to do this yh. Make sure to basecoat white first
yes, absolutely, I used to use an enamel to do both that was very similar. I would recommend priming the gem with black first, then a very thin coat of silver, then thinning the blood and applying as a glaze one coat only. That'll give you the most transparent gem like appearance. If you want a harder opaque red gem like carnelian you can just layer the blood up in a few layers and let it dry as a dollop hard on the surface.
Ooo silver is a good shout, better than white I reckon
She is a strong independent woman who takes pride in her work. Pass her the detergent
theres spirit stone red that's meant to be used for red gems
She can clean my lower deck anytime if you get my meaning. Wood. I mean would.
A tip I learned from GW website tutorials I hate to admit. It's what they recommend for their gemstone paints.
Anon, she has a jaw squarer than Calgar's
Brilliant. I’ll try both a thin glaze and a thicker pass over a bright silver and see what looks best.
I’ve had a look at that paint online and it looks ok, not quite the deep red I’m after. I will try BftBG first as I own it and see where we go from there.

Thanks for the tips, anons. Here is my WIP Dante for the model tax.
What can I say? I'm into dudes. Really tiny miniature dudes that pretend to be ladies. With mop swords. It's a thing. Don't judge me. Harshly.
beautiful. Toll paid. Now you can burn the coal.
It's OK anon, my Dad left as well
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Behold, a Johnny!
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Working on the new Astaroth, I’m enjoying it
Looks amazing, anon. The ghostly green axe blend is so fitting.

He definitely looks better with black trim instead of gold. Can’t wait to paint mine.
Love the black and red over the red and gold
Had to go look up the official scheme, wtf. For some reason I thought he was always black and red.
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Obviously the weapons still need work, but I’m wondering if the red need brighter highlights to add some contrast? Maybe some scarlet red highlights on the laurels and the chest to keep the focus there?
blood angels have traditionally been done with an orangy red so maybe try that
I would do less red here, ironically for BA. Axe blade, laurels and cloth in something else.
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I was considering doing the axe in something close to the box art. Like the lightning axes from valheim if you ever played that game. Think it would work? Or would it make things look too blue-y? Considering the black highlights are slightly blue
I’d add some deep red/purple shadows to the red then see how far orange you want to take the highlight. Black armour Dante is cool, any fluff reason for the choice?
I’m still undecided I’m how I’m going to paint the Aquila on my Dante. White is the obvious choice but I don’t want it to overpower the NMM.
really nice. Black and red is popping
>rediscover obscure brushwork technique
>I might genuinely be the only miniature painter who knows this
What do I do with this forbidden knowledge?
>any fluff reason for the black Dante
Im doing a “Blood Hand” kind of theme with my BA chapter. Nothing concrete yet but I always liked the savage/noble duality of the chapter so I’m imagining theyre like a chapter of brutal executioners. They’ll go and allow themselves to push the boundaries of falling to the thirst when doing the imperiums dirty work, then cycle out that group and go back to their isolated home world to ensure they don’t go completely mad. Like the Xforce version of Xmen, only less Flesh Tearer-ish. I was gonna kitbash Dante into a new character and just use the rules, but I really like his model so i guess it’s just “alt Dante”, or “when in Rome Dante hanging out with the chapter”. I wish GW made more generic centerpieces to lead armies, but here we are.
>your Dante
Love your axe, might use that for inspo when I fix mine. I was gonna try to put some rubbing alcohol on a qtip so I can start over on just the axe.
You can't do anything with it. It's forbidden. We all know about that, but... it's forbidden! Sheesh.
Lay it on us, anon.
If I get a phone call telling me I'll die in 7 days afterwards I accept that.
Call it slapchop, start a trend.
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>With practice he becomes skilful, and one of his earliest pastimes is using the chop-sticks to pick up single grains of rice and other minute objects, which is no easy thing to do. It requires great dexterity. He is insensibly learning how to handle the double brush (ni hon fude) with which an artist will, among other things, lay on color with one brush and dilute or shade off (kumadori) the color with another, both brushes being held at the same time in the same hand, but with different fingers.
>On the Laws of Japanese Painting: An Introduction to the Study of the Art of Japan by Henry P. Bowie (from Project Gutenberg)
Holding two brushes like chopsticks makes wet blending so easy. Yeah everybody knows about two brush blending but they make it look difficult. It's really, really easy this way.
I’m bamboozled how that would work. So you have a set distance between two brushes? And just switch between them? Why wouldn’t someone just make like a pitchfork brush then with two heads?
Love the lore, anon. Definitely agree with focusing on the savage/noble qualities of BAngels. I’m waiting for the army box to arrive so I can make a death company focused force.
>I wish GW made more generic centerpieces to lead armies
I’m with you there. The new BA captain is a decent start.
>Love your axe, might use that for inspo when I fix mine
Thanks! I’m not 100% happy with the blends but it’ll do for now. I always pictured power weapons as glowing ethereal white as opposed to blue lightning so exaggerated NMM is the way to go for me.
NOOOOOOOO! That is... FORBIDDEN! You'll destroy... us... all!!!!!!!!!!
>So you have a set distance between two brushes? And just switch between them?
>other question
Delete this and patent it lmao.
I question how useful that would be on a 3d surface
No silly, that's for making stripes. Instead you have two colors one on each brush, brush with one to apply the initial color, the other to add the additional color (or use just a moist brush to fade out). The reason you hold them at the same time is speed and simplicity. We're talking about acrylics and lacquers after all. They dry rather fast so you don't have a lot of time to do your blend. I'll demonstrate.
It's the same as any other two brush blending except you're not fumbling with the brushes or holding it in your mouth like a pirate.
you gonna get the sanguinor? Id say thats a perfect example of how they could get away from herohammer, instead of having the same handful of named characters in every army. The only thing is... the sanguinor is like the one new BA model im not crazy about, hoping some great kitbashes start coming out and i can find a way to customize it
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>make a video
>this forgotten painting technique totally reinvents painting for warhammer 40k!!!
>thumbnail: you making an exaggerated perplexed expression looking at a pair of brushes being used as chopsticks holding a piece of sushi
>frame it in cherry blossoms
>text on thumbnail: chopstick blending?!! (embarassed/shocked emoji)
>thought i wrote down the scheme for my bases in my paint scheme doc
>go and check 2 weeks after the last batch I did
>the scheme i wrote down is wrong enough i can tell without even trying to paint it
wtf did i do last time
in that case it actually does seem useful to have a double pitchfork kind of brush. Or just two brushes held together with an eraser and some rubber bands, like they do to teach kids how to use chopsticks
>except you're not fumbling with the brushes
I just can't imagine that having them both in the same hand together is going to be anything but prohibitively awkward when you're then having to account for the shape of the model. I just can't picture it working on spherical or cylindrical areas, or even just fairly small areas where there's hardly room for 2 brushes. It just seems like a far worse alternative to the loaded brush
Poast a pic and the recipe, and what paint brands you have.
lol this dumb shit could actually launch a semi-successful YT career. All those dork YTers would make a video trying the technique with a similar thumbnail, and youd off to the races and halfway to a raid sponsorship
I can't see the eraser working out desu, and it's really not that hard to learn to use chopsticks, anyone who self-taught painting can definitely do it.
Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut and started a channel lmao.
Still, I would be happy if this helps people with wet blending or makes the technique more common, if it turns out to have some reach.
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I know I started with Mournfang Brown for the under layer, used either black wash or Black Templars contrast to shade the recesses, and there was a Vallejo Exhaust Manifold drybrush involved at some point. I've got a good chunk of the Citadel range and a handful of Vallejo and Proacryl metallics on hand, and I haven't put away or gotten out any paints since I worked on these.
The original recipe was Rhinox Hide, sponge Mournfang Brown, wash black, drybrush Vallejo Steel, drybrush Runefang Steel, but that comes out with a silver base I have on another mini here, so I know that's not it.
too late, I now demonstrate, snooze/lose says master brush blender. It is forbidden. https://litter.catbox.moe/o42my4.mp4
Interesting idea. I can definitely see how it could be at least an option if you practice. However being somewhat decent at chopsticks, I did just try that and my main note would be that the brush/stick held on top has way more dexterity than the one just kind of resting against your ring/pinky fingers, But I guess you don't really need that much dexterity for situations where you are wet blending, and at least you would still have the 1 brush you could be dexterous with.

Also, my skin has melted off. Why would you do this to us. aaaaaaaaaa
thanks, it's been a fun project even if it took a while
Lol, nice.
>that comes out with a silver base
Could you not have just used the steel and runefang in those tiny areas on the corners? It doesn't seem absurd to me, although trying to tell you how you did your own paint job is inherently silly.
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>I Found A Lost JAPANESE Technique!? Paint Like A Ninja!
Checked. My sides.
It's possible, though I have a base that I know was done to that scheme on hand and it's very silver all over.
I'll just have to experiment. Worst case there's some variety.
DO IT! DO IT! You'll easily garner a million views. Wouldn't it be funny if /TG/ on 4chan corners the youtube miniature painting video market and gets rid of the all the GW shills?
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>anyone who is self taught can learn it
True, I remember being a kid and going out to dinner with my dad’s business clients who were from Japan. In between telling this 50 year old businessman how cool my newly caught Articuno was, he showed me how to use chopsticks. If you’re a kid or have bad dexterity and can’t hold it well you can put something between the sticks and a rubber band and it helps you hold the distance but still be able to adjust them a little to open/close.
>back to the eraser
If people started making videos about this method like they did the slapchop shit you could get something like pic related from China for a penny each and sell them as “mini blending brush holders” for 5$ a pop.
Sold off my backlog of orks to a guy at the LGS for a good price, likely wouldn't get around to painting them. Chemo is fucking expensive man.
I'm so sorry about the chemo fren. Do you have a go fund me or paypal set up?
Could've just gone into medical bankruptcy and kept them.
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I don’t mind the new Sanguinor and will probably get him down the line but my focus for now is the Death Company. Thinking of reposing Lemartes as a start. But yeah, I don’t love herohammer either and that is a good point about the Sang.
Like that video of the woman singing her ninja song
>iiiiiii want to paint like Nin-ja
>i will thin my paints
>they will look real great
>nice sharp point in brush
>between layers will not rush
>chopsticks for blend-ing
>johnny would be happy-y
I liked the posing of the old Lemartes more, seemed to be more inspired by like renaissance sculptures which fit the BA vibe.. until I saw a kitbash of nu-martes with wings. That model looks so good with wings, like he’s about to jump at someone and bite their jugular vein out.
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bro is ready for transfers and basing, gonna do that tomorrow
so beautiful
You should do a group shot soon.
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Progress is being made. Did the first two on their own but decided to batch paint the rest, got the fatigues and the blacks done today. Excited to go into the new edition with a fully painted and based team.
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Wasn't really in a painting mood today, so I started working on a grungy sidewalk diorama/stand for the girl
that looks great, mount a overhead pale blue grey LED street light or something and you'll be rocking.
Good job, they'll be an army soon. Bases look great.
I thought about lighting but I worry it'll fuck up the lighting so baked into the model.
Damn that's neat, are you using a reference or just winging it?
I'm glad you like him
that's a good idea actually, I'll do that tomorrow once I finish this guy
Trust me, once you get it together a faint led will make the piece. a cool light above as though from a distant sign or street light, an orange light around the wall's base from behind lighting up the wall. You'll have an entry level piece for competition.
oh and I didn't even notice you did the hair, looking good
If I do I think my plan would be to get a short cold-white/blue filament LED and run it horizontal under some kind of cover directing it downwards right in the center of the wall behind her.
I'm mostly winging it. This is about as far as wanted to take it. maybe I'll put some trash on the ground or something at then end but not now.
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Does the slapchop method work with models that have more metallic surfaces or things that are wearing black?

I bought some orks that I need to paint, and I'd like to get them done relatively simply/quick, but I wanna do them as Goffs which is a lot of black/metal surfaces.
You guys know a good place for paywalled painting tutorial stuff? Kemono isn't updated for most people
slap chop isn't a technique, it's a term meaning fast and shitty, so yeah you can paint anything fast and shitty.
It works as fine as any other slap chop - which is to say mediocre.
Black Legion is good, but it's so opaque that I usually just use it as a normal black paint so you'll have to dilute it, or expect to need to highlight anyway.
Wait... people pay for porn? Why?
idk it's the only place i found patreon stuff from painters on
I wouldn't pay for anything, there are a lot of free youtube videos on painting, juan hildago and bruce venturela is a good place to start.
Duncan has a paid video tutorial for Gazghkull which I'm tempted by since I have him in a box next to my desk and really want him to come out good but idk if it's worth it.
one company does metallic speed paints, I think army painter? Never used them though, no clue if that works.
For black I have the same experience as >>94023635, Black legion is very opaque and black templar is often not dark enough. Maybe black templar with a black wash afterwards might work?
>Black templar
I haven't used it much since switching to black legion, but isn't it also kind of blu-ish or greenish? I remember it having a weird tint to it that black legion doesn't have.
up to you, kind of a specialty case for you to have the kit he did
I didn’t have much time to paint today unfortunately, as I had other things I needed to do, but I managed to make decent progress on the first Tyranid Warrior. Once I finish the carapace I’ll go back and add in all the other little details like the eyes and claws and tubes before tidying up the skin to clean up any mistakes.
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Newest addition to the mud gang
we get it, you own sex toys. stop putting them in the background of your pics, you freak.
The company fucked up bad on an edition release about three years ago and drove off a lot of the playerbase they had built up. Tried to start memory-holing sexy minis, jacked up prices, shifted focus to a larger-scale game and neglected the skirmish one, IIRC shifted around what minis were in each faction, a lot of the usual fuckups. The remaining players kinda finished the job for them. Managed to kill the general because the playerbase wasn't large enough to take the hit. Although the OP pasta should still be in the sharethread archives.

There are a whole bunch of tutorials in the OP. I recommend RobotJones' stuff, though, he's the one who makes a lot of the stupid-sexy Infinity and KD stuff.

Delightful lads despite looking so glum. I hear the ramshackle guy is pretty good to work with, I'll snag a couple when they're out
>sprue of nuts

The old dark brown used chocolate powder as one of the pigments.
Did the hurricane get everybody? The thread feels a lot deader than usual.
Yeah. Not much time to paint unfortunately. It's a LOT worse than the media is saying. Katrina level stuff over multiple states. Check out the threads. We're trying to gather intel and coordinate responses and support a few evacuations >>483169415
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Could I get some advice on how to improve these two colour schemes? I'm worried that they're too basic/boring, but I don't want to make something gaudy.
carry the brass through the piece, belt buckle, top of knee armor, etc. then vary the main color into two tones so some plates are a warmer/lighter or darker/cooler version of same color
I like left. Pick a complementary accent color for the purity seal wax and eyes, and something else for the bolter.
I think the pink ones look cute as fuck
I can only care about Florida so much. F to any hobby anons there.
paint the bolter red, and the base goblin green.
Anon what year do you think we're in?! One of the fun, good ones!?
its always 3rd ed on my kitchen table.
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not just florida, nc, sc, georgia, all SLAMMED, pol getting information that makes us estimate thousand dead or more, three entire towns at least wiped out and it's been kept quiet for the elections, national guard has shut down the stateline borders in some areas so no crossing over, evacuation in some areas only by helicopter because all the roads are gone, the locals are completely overwhelmed. So painting isn't high priority, but it's bad. Power outages alone in South Carolina 948,898 customers, Georgia 693,164, North Carolina, 564,810 Florida 256,525, Virginia 138,491, etc. 2 hospitals we know of are gone. Just gone. Here's what I've been working on. I'm going to flock and leaf the base around the elf archer
I'm not going to engage with ppl ramblings, but thanks for posting models. When are you going to paint the bust?
>Pol* ramblings
Phoneposting, sorry.
And I see the bust is actually already painted so I guess you're going for a marble statue look?
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So something like this? Not sure how I should go about adjusting the tone on the right one.
I'm not sure what other colour would work well for the eyes.
It looked more desaturated on my phone to be honest, wanted more wine less pink, but of course I can only do so much with this app.

Oh and for some context, these are two separate chapters that i'm making paint schemes for simultaneously. My general inspiration is the varengian guard for the left one, and egyptian mortuary vibes for the right one.
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Picture fucked up
probably pretty soon, I've got work this whole month, but then I'll do probably oil washes for the face, I've already done the grissaile for all the grays and I'll leave the outfit that color, but the buttons are going to be brass, General Lee deserves the shiny.
Yeah that looks good, and maybe around the sole of the foot too. That'll tie it all together. Give balance to the piece.
Don't worry it comes off as a wine or burgundy. I probably wouldn't do the gun the same color though.
Not crazy about the belt buckles myself. Like another anon said though you can really make a simple design pop with basing and weapon colors. If you’re doing a custom chapter a cool way to differentiate from the pack is to do more than paint inside the lines, something like a stripe on the helmet, or a metal hand, or heraldry on one entire pauldron
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I dig it on the right one, not sure how I feel about it on the left one
Thats good to hear, after staring at really similar colours long enough my eyes've just kinda stopped working right
Im also unsure about the belt buckles, so I left them out of this draft to see how they'd be without it.
>If you’re doing a custom chapter a cool way to differentiate from the pack is to do more than paint inside the lines, something like a stripe on the helmet, or a metal hand, or heraldry on one entire pauldron
They'll definitely get some chapter symbols at least. I did consider trying to do some "sacred geometry" type stuff, the kind you see on word bearers stuff sometimes, on the right one, but i'm not sure I could ever pull something like that off.
this is all color i have
i refuse to buy more, i already spend way way way too much on tabletop
countless euros
how far will i come with this
i will have to mix colors to get those i dont have
i should not have bought this stupid expensive terrain and the way too much miniatures
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Speed paints do not mix well in my experience. Neither do metallics. You don’t necessarily need more colors tho, just depends what you’re painting. If you want to keep things cheap tho a Vallejo paints starter set is only like 30$ for 16 paints. Can’t be that much in euroland either I’d imagine. That would get you all the basic colors and be a lot better for mixing
That's a fine starter set. Remember because speed paints are transparent you want to start with a white or very light grey priming layer and then you can put on whatever color to tint your figures. Base colors cover really well, layer colors less so, speed paints and contrast paints are like inks so they are to tint the figure in colors easily without a lot of effort, so you are fine with that set, but like fren said saving up for a starter vallejo set will put you over the top in the future but you are good to go with what you've got, do you have a brush and primer?
Let the joke die already it was barely funny the first time around. It's just cringe now.
It's actually got a dual nature, both waves and particles at the same time.
Isn't physics fun?
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I've ordered the filament LEDs I want to try but I can just work on it before those show up since it's going to take 2 or 3 weeks. I don't know how I'm going to power them yet, I'll probably need to make a bit more of a base to hide a AA enclosure or something. I still have to finish a couple of paint areas on the model though, still need to clean up and shade the yellow coat accents, and figure out how I want to paint the sword.
>Alternative lifestyle Wargames
Literally what.
Also daily reminder that you should STFU & GTFO you colossal faggot. Go and create a containment thread for insufferable cunts such as yourself.
can't wait to see it finished
looks great
>This thread is almost completely Warhammer 40k, it's time it became completely 40k
Nice try geedubz. Now fuck off.
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Thanks for posting all the progress, it's been really fun watching this come together. This is what this thread should be about
This would unironically work and that fact makes me sad.
yeah, it does have that tint. As long as it's used straight out of the pot I haven't had issues with it, but it's basically unthinnable if you want to keep the color
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the fact that this would unironically work feels me with insatiable rage
So what do I do with the dozens of shoddily painted minis I painted up before I became halfway decent at painting?
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Doing it, but lots more left to paint.
Strip and repaint them if you don't have other projects going right now. Take pictures before and after to see how much you've improved. Or use them as game pieces?
>I just paint random minis.
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You keep them as a memorial to your progress, and occasionally repaint one to compare your current skills to your past skills.
Should I give them black fingernails?
looks great fren, really amazing
so creepy, you nailed it
I'm thinking... heck yes!
And you're welcome/thank you based Nadeshiko poster. I may not be the best artist but I hope some people have liked the little experimental projects I've posted about here over the past year-or-so and I appreciate the feedback.
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Primed with white on the left and grey on the right. Didn't think the difference would be so dramatic
That's it, I'm buying white primer.
No wonder all my paintjobs look so dull and muted. People who enjoy the "grimdark" aesthetic can continue priming black, but I want my colors to pop, so that I can actually see my minis in dimmed light
What white? The ones I have used are awful and chalky
What models are these? Could be good for Necromunda
could be wrong but it looks like corvus belli
cheap hardware store primer of course what else is there
>german amazon

buy your stuff elsewhere:
kutami, taschengelddieb, radaddel, games-island, miniaturicum, fantasy-kontor, fantasywelt

ALL of them are cheaper than that.
In case you just wanted to show off the stupidly high price: Its the amazon algorythm, not someone doing it by hand. Its only one left, this means its rare, so price goes up. Its pretty much automatic if the settings are like this for the product.
Used to be for Infinity. I say 'used to' because Corvus Belli became cucks and 'cleaned up' their act. They no longer have cheesecake miniatures and that's probably why no one gives a shit about them anymore.
Why is it that violence, blood, skulls and all that shit is a-ok but a woman in a slightly revealing outfit has to be "cleaned up"? We really have our values backwards
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i just looked at the store page of my lgs and they still look very incel coded to me
go back
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all the female characters are like the one i posted while all the male are like pic related
and? again, go back
I hate the cutesy shit they do. Am I supposed to take it seriously or have a laugh? Terrible vision for that brand.
go back where, your mom's bedroom?
Men enjoy sexy women, women enjoy sexy women. Men enjoy men that kick ass, women enjoy men that kick ass. I don't see the problem. This is not supposed to reflect reality, it's a fantasy.
women don't like mech shit, they like men who look and act like astarion
Is there a trick to creating a tight bond between two small narrow bits? I'm trying to place a halberd head onto a staff, but I'm very worried that it's going to snap off in a stiff breeze. Later down the road, I will need to cut the pole in half to sandwich a hand between the two halves. How would I go about ensuring that they're level, most easily?

Pole diameter is ~1.6mm, and the base of the blade head is ~1.65mm, for a 25mm scale mini whose hand measures ~1.4mm high by 1.6mm wide, for the frame of reference.
drill a hole in both and insert a metal wire
personally i cut up pieces of metal paper clips and insert them into the holes
Show pic
no use trying to be rational with an npc redditor
Well, models don't "act" and the number of female players is low.
Shaming men for desiring the primary goal nature gave them in life is sexist.
>>well models don't act
Marky Mark proves the point, he sure does try though
I have no way to get either a wire or a drill thin enough to be able to do that. I opted instead to just rawdog them all together. It's easier to use a dremel tool to knock off excess glue later. I will likely have an easier time simply using green stuff as well.
Get used to the sentiment. Just earlier today I saw women complaining about men who draw sexy women as a way to motivate themselves to learn art, and how disingenuous it is to claim it's 'female anatomy' practice and not just porn.
That'll work fine, it's small anyway not a lot of stress
There's a difference? I guess I'm doing it wrong. Art i mean, not the porn.
Zoggin’ beautiful!
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None of the 3 miniatures in >>94025019 are in production. That Guijia pilot and the Oyoroi pilot were sculpted pre-N4. N4 is when CB shifted their designs toward safer and more generic shit for mass appeal. Infinity was sold as THE scifi cheesecake anime game. Pic related was the tamest it used to be. Now they all look like shit, the females have garbage dyke sidecuts, all the ass are conveniently covered by a mountain of pointless equipment or sheaths for pointless CCW weapons in a primarily shooting game, capeshit references, etc etc. That said, I'm hopeful CB will come back home. There's been some signs with very recent miniatures they're returning to form. But we had to wade through 3-4 yrs of pure fucking trash to get back to Infinity's core anime aesthetic and identity.
i see
They tried marketing to the mainstream through influencers, that's a surefire sign they're looking to expand their audience to the famed "modern" one. If anything that will most likely lead to the designs being even safer so I wouldn't get my hopes up
Generally speaking 'modern' audiences don't actually care. What they do care about is the only sexy kind of women being just generic girls in lingerie. Just look at overwatch, it's the most coombrain r34'd thing in history, but if anything most of the flack it catches is from chuds when a new character ISN'T a super hot girl, except they then proceed to make porn with her anyway.

The unfortunate part is that a lot of companies making decisions based on their idea of focus testing and not actual artistic intent to make sexy characters who are also cool - believe what you're saying. And instead of making sexy girls who are also not JUST sexy girls, they do away with the sexy girls altogether thinking that was the goal.
i fucking hate working with super glue
You're cherrypicking. They mostly all look like your pic. Mix of combat and pinup poses. Also that pilot pic isn't even bad or overly lewd. The game used to be over the top with showing a bit of skin because the the universe everyone is beautiful and youthful, and can get 'ressurrected' if they die in combat. N1-N2 had a handful of pinup miniatures. Not a lot, but they were way more overty cheesecakey with nipples painted under shirts, asses in the air while riding a motorized unicycle, nuns bent over exposing a thong leotard, etc etc. N3 they openly said they're going to keep the pinups but tone it down. The miniatures had sex appeal but were tasteful about it. N4 did a 180 and was completely devoid of character or fun. Coomer minis aside, out of 4 years of miniatures in N4, I think only 1 or 2 stand out (excluding MAF and SP which stand out for how utterly shit they look). I recall a very autistic infinity thread that traced all the sexless ugly designs to a more recent tumblr artist hire.

I know....But I'm an optimistic person. Yara and 1 or 2 other recent models give me hope. And someone at CB cares enough to at least throw the good minis in limited edition releases or kickstarters. If they don't I'm dropping what little care I have left for the game.

Overwatch has a lot of porn, because the characters are visually appealing. I can not even begin to describe my frustrations with CB when it comes to Blizzard. CB is constantly trying to copy them. Take a look at pic related and tell me they don't look like rejected blizzard characters, and yet they're hamfisted into infinity. Infinity does not do focus testing. Instead they read FB comments and copy Marvel, DC, and Blizzard
Yes, it's sexism against men's nature. Yet they dare complain about fat shaming, like obesity is an inherent state of being. I sucks that men are such weak communicators and happy to attack each other, because we can easily use their shitty type of rhetoric against them.
What color should I wash a sand texture terrain paste with?
brown and/or sepia, I use a 1:1 mix
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I’m working on some blood bowl Orks, but I can’t decide what color to paint the hair on the blitzers. I’m thinking yellow, purple, or teal. What do you all think would look best?
Pin vise and PCB bits. Do it.
took the liberty of making a new thread since we're about to die
Yellow is good because it returns in the eyes. I do enjoy red+purple though.

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