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Work in Progress, Cyberpunk Anime Grill Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Everybody's goin' off the deep end!

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

Previous threads
How are scale75 paints? I’ve been wondering about getting some of their metallics
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Finished the Rubric from last thread and an anon suggested taking a group picture, so here they are. In the order I've finished them, from left to right
Their metallics are supposedely very good but have a different consistency and take a bit of getting used to. I never tried them though
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Took some pictures of the fully based DG Marines, prepare for an image dump.
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Their metallics are great for brush on painting, but will usually need two coats to cover fully. They can be thinned with medium very well as well. You can airbrush them with little issue, but the result will still look grainier than brush on, as with all acrylic metallic. As with all their paints, they seperate very quickly.
Normal paints are nice for blending, dry matte, and thin very well, but absolutely suck for basecoating or drybrushing.
The contrast alternative is generally weaker and, just like contrast, very hit and miss. Their dispel medium for them is good though.
The drop and paint range is kinda good for airbrushing, but the new bottle caps break too easily. Can't put them on a vortex mixer upside down, even sideways is risky. You can drop them right in the airbrush without thinning, and they clean easily for acrylics, but they are too runny for normal brushpainting, at least for my taste. They cover very well when airbrushing though, too well for a zenithal to really do mush.
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The Inks are fine, behave much like other inks.
The Flours are used on these guys here. I don't have any other flour colours to compare them to, so I can only say I like them better through an airbrush than by brush.
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And the last of the set.
they are pretty unique i give you that
what made you choose pink for the sludge/water whatever
oh and before i forget i would have gone with clear, blue tinted soapy water with a little yellow rubber duck on each base
they look great anon
t. >>94027905
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I started out wanting a paint sheme similiar to this pic, but the colour I grabbed for the armour turned out greener than expected. I liked the result and just ran with it.
They look very good anon. Nice volumetrics.
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Don't get touched by the aids knife
I really like your dudes. My only criticism is that I think the eye lenses and plasma coils could be brighter. It would look more like OSL if you brightened those areas with some white ink.

I like the basing and conversions too. You've got some really unique-looking plague marines.
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Proper dirty. Hail Nurgle.
Thanks. The camera somewhat diminishes the variation in brightness on the flour red, but only minor. The eyes at least look like the brightest point in person.
I din't go in with a white ink, becuase it caused the glow to appear less "sinister", so I'd have to be actually carefull when placing the white to keep that feel. I'll likely do it for character models, but I build 40 unique marines, the basic sheme had to work fast and sloppy.
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Couple threads ago I asked for advice on some brighter robes for my plague monks, ended up using Mantis Warriors Green and Moot green for the highlights and I really like how he turned out. Stupid phone camera makes him look a lot brighter than he really is but the gray primer I used made the contrast paint into a more foresty green which looks very cool. I'm going to test out white primer and I might actually just do half white half gray primer for variety.
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WIP of a trio of Yoke Fiends, and a "pit locust" in the background for my Faewild themed Warband.
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This was my first time trying to paint stripes and I think I did alright.
I am coming to realize that painting in an entirely dark room with only a single drafting lamp may be having consequences however.
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I need input on this fur sculpt, it's been a couple days since I did it and I can't tell if I'm happy with it or not
Looks good to me, but consider running chain across the front to keep it in place. Otherwise it'd just fall off
I like it. Obiovusly you could make the "hairs" thinner to make it even more detailed but once you paint it I don't think anyone will be able to tell it's a sculpted element
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I hope the Glow effect is OK. Difficult to tell.
Duncan's flesh wash doesn't exactly look like a direct clone or possibly even an attempted clone of Reikland Fleshshade.
I could be wrong though because I've never used reikland fleshshade.
I don't like citadel products because of paint pots but if this marine juice wash is as good as it is said to be then I'll concede and buy some.
I did some googling on the marine juice and according a Sonic Sledgehammer video:
You can just take a large container and dump the contents of all three into one large dropper mix it up and it will work.
I might volunteer as tribute for testing this.
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I just hit the jackpot at my local meetswap

I paid 140 for spacehulk new in shrinkwrap, always regretted not picking it up

And 175 for necromunda and mordhiem, mordhiem is complete NOS and necromunda is mostly NOS

Insane so happy
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The effect is nice...but the warp stone on the base is too basic. Needs some darker greens/blacks. Look at the warpstone on the plague monks' staff in pic related.
Wouldn't the hoof on the crystal block some of the light on the leg? That's what looks off to me the most, also I feel the glow on the ground is too close in color to the crystals. I could be talking out of my ass though, I'm really not big on osl
pretty cool and welcome to the past anon, happy painting
also what does NOS mean i dont speak yard sale lingo
New on sprue
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What are your favorite reds? I like vmc vermillion through the airbrush , but when edge highlighting it looks pinkish.
Nice! I had that space hulk, but had to sell it to my LGS years ago for $60 because I was a broke grad student. I’ve regretted it since.

I really like Khorne Red, Mephiston Red, and Bold Pyyre Red (spelling? Pro Acryl’s bright red paint). I’ve heard Kimera’s The Red is really good
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Congrats you lucky bastard! Seriously I'm happy for you that's a fucking haul brother.
scale 75's mayhem red and pro acryl's bold pyrole and burnt reds
That's actually pretty useful. I'll try to implement it.

That's artistic Freedom for the rule of cool.
In a completely realistic setting you would be right, but that wouldn't make an interesting figure.
I mean I think it would've looked really cool if there was an inverted triangle with no osl in the middle of the guy. It's your piece obviously so go about it any way that you like, just giving my thoughts
Thanks that's helpful, I've had some jeweler's chain lying around trying to figure out something to use it for for a while so maybe I'll mess with that on this
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are you trying out different primers or is that just the light making some look different? I'll be interested to see how they progress.
>are you trying out different primers
Lmao I wish
I think I either just held the can too close or didn't shake it enough.
This is my first time and I probably shouldn't have picked the Sons but I like the colors so oh well.
what made you prime the models into the rim color instead of just painting the rim after normally
Nta but rubrics/tsons have so much trim it's usually faster to spray the gold and then fill in the turquoise panels
I did Chaos black then Retributor
As a blood angel painter the favorites are Mephiston red, ES Scarlet, and Vallejo air red.
When I got my airbrush a friend gifted me a set of Vallejo air colors, and I’ve been extremely impressed by how useful they are out of the bottle with a brush. Air black and air red are two of my absolute favorites to use
is it really that much easier to spray the gold first
i mean that blue paint will take atleast few coats to cover the gold and its almost as much of a chore
even worse if you drybrush the turquoise then you have to fix all the gold around anyway
god I fucking hate spray cans so fucking much holy fuck just reading this makes my jimmies rustle a little. such a fucking dogshit technology, but there isn't really a good alternative, so fuck me I guess
>doing it by hand takes a million years, and is approximately as enjoyable as running your balls thru a clay roller set to minimum thickness
>airbrushes cost like 5-10x as much to start, even though they save you money in the long run, it's a big jump for someone who might not even be sure they'll paint more than a dozen models before fucking off
>now we're stuck with these fiddly piece of shit rattlecans for the rest of all time I guess
>is it really that much easier to spray the gold first
It seemed like it, majority of advice I saw was to do gold first then fill in the blue.
I got em all shaded now but the store didn't have Thousand Sons Blue so I got Deep Sky Blue vallejo instead but I tested it and definitely seems too light.
nothing wrong with rattlecans when you find your brand
i have succesfully primed in -40 celsius and +35 celsius alike and never had any problems other than my lack of mouth protection
i have this vivid memory of priming pewter bloodthirster around 1999 with citadel brand chaos black rattlecan i think and i can still smell it, i really loved that distinc smell for some reason
sorry for the blogpost ive had few beers
worth a try i guess but to me it feels like painting all that elaborate trim after is way easier than going around it with 2-3 coats
good luck
Mantic Evil Dwarf Anon here. Life got busy but I plan on still doing a photo comparison for the thread in the coming days. Apologies for the delay.
How the actual fuck do I get myself to work on these fucking models
I have literally nothing to do today, no responsibilities or hangups, and I have unfinished models within reach but I just can't compel myself to grab the knife and file off those fucking moldlines
>-40 celsius and +35 celsius
What was the humidity though? I tried to prime a model in maybe 65% humidity the other day and ended up with some really nasty texture in the primer.
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Sounds to me like you don't actually enjoy it so why are you trying to force yourself? I don't understand some people here
Because I want to paint models, not spend hours trying to orient a large triangular knife into the 0.05mm armpit of a tiny model to poorly scrape a moldline from a ribbed surface and then clean up every little hanger-on that it produces and gets stuck into the crevices
You remove them before assembling right?
I am mentally incapable of assembling anything until every single piece is clean.
>looking for a substitute for kabalite green that's less transparent
>everyone says artist acrylics are super opaque, let's check michaels
>get the perfect color, exactly what I want
>so transparent it takes 8+ layers and clogs detail
back to the drawing board, at least that was a test model
I used a painting stick for priming my minis and for some reason the double-sided tape glue was extremely sticky. What's the best way to remove it from the edges of bases without damaging the paint and bases themselves? I tried to rub it with IPA but it didn't work.
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I‘m on a finishing halfway done models binge because I really want to start a new army. Here’s some progress on these admech boys I will finish tomorrow.
what does it say on the tube
Oil based solvents (or just oils) probably. try mineral/baby oil if you have something like that. Just be careful not to contaminate the rest of the mini.
no idea about the humidity but few weeks ago i primed some models outside when it had rained 3 days straight and again i had no problems
best answer i can give is to use a piece of sprue to test it out before moving onto your actual models
i use cheapest paints available to me called maston
Golden Fluid Acrylic, Phthalo Green & Turquoise (two separate bottles).
For what reason did you buy the models in the first place?
If you bought them to play games with, then when in your next game? How long will it take you to paint them? Can you expect to have them painted before the next game, if you delay cleaning them any longer?
Are you willing to sit out of the game if they don't get painted at all, or are you willing to paint over the mould lines to participate?
If they're just for display, then why do you feel the need to force yourself?
Answer some of these questions and set yourself milestones and time limits to reach them, accordingly.
I fucking despise working on hobby shit with time limits, but sometimes having a hard deadline between now and then (like an upcoming game) is the best kind of pressure needed to kick my ass into gear and get minis painted.
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I checked back and yeah that's the book I was looking for, thanks! I went with the Emperor's Hand for one of my Veterans
air conditioners also dehumidify, just open a patio door and do it just outside. rattlecans are great theres just like a handful of extreme things you cant do with them
it says on the bottle that they're transparent
Not on the bottles I have it doesn't.
Does anyone know where I can get a bunch of the 4th edition Black Templars upgrade set for a reasonable price? I need a lot of those bits for a project, but Ebay prices are insane
Good light is important
I prefer them, and have a few ABs and a big yard/garage
just takes a minute to shake and spray and zero prep and clean up
None that I can find have them, even those with other BT stuff from the era.
i know this is not the thread for it but surely you know someone who knows someone who owns a 3D printer because its that common these days
Well, I’m not entirely sure about how happy I am with the end result, but I tried my best. I’m not quite certain what is bothering me so much, but considering the broken melted messes my Tyranid Warriors were in general due to being put together by a five-year-old I suppose there’s only so much that I can do to fix them up now.
Hopefully I’ll be more focused tomorrow and get the second one done; once all three are finished I’ll base them and decide what to do next.
Who's got good eyes?
I'm looking on grabbing some paints for my White Scars Bladeguard squad. Does anyone have any idea what the tabbard is? It kind of looks like Zandri Dust with Agrax.
Thank you all.
It looks fine as a game piece. The number one thing that's going to help you improve is practice, so keep putting minis under your belt instead of stressing too much about each one. Do your best, be mindful of what improvements you might make with the next one, embrace the fact that you can strip minis if you feel like it down the road. Maintain forward momentum
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It looks more like a brownish ochre to me. Something like XV-88 washed with agrax and highlighted with lighter ochre/cream. Eavy metal do a lot of mixing to get what they want so it's rather difficult to figure out which exact paints were used
Based Rin poster.
I feel like I'm gonna base my next color scheme off something Yuru camp related.
it looks good
leviathan is pretty challenging theme to pull off and makes you wonder why did they even make it the poster child of whole tyranid faction
your paint is pretty thick so you might want to take that into consideration when painting next ones, remember these models are supposed to be looked at half a meter away on a table anyway
Seconding this. Base color looks like XV-88 or Balor Brown, washed with Agrax, highlighted with 1:1 Balor Brown : Screaming Skull or similar
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Go for it my man, I might do something similar when painting a fitting model. Yuru Camp is peak comfy, I love it so much
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Rattle cans are fine if you're not a retard and actually use them properly
I summoned the willpower to clean up one chaos cultist...
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Started on a blocktank

Jesus. This is really nice and clean
And printed some balls
Nice balls.
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Bezerker kit is pretty easy to de khorne and are much more dynamic for CC chaos chuds
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Finished 10 more bloodletters yesterday which brings the total to 28 with just the banners left to do
Between them and the flesh hounds I'm nearly done with the infantry and I'll move on to the characters and big models next
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I've got a dumb question that i've somehow never considered, but do lightning claws have effects that I should be painting?
What's a filling material that's easily sandable? Like I'm thinking of a drywall compound consistency almost, but maybe a little more flexible to avoid flaking and chipping.
Does that even exist or do I have to go with a plastic putty, or a super hard epoxy putty?
I like Millput
It's just very hard to sand after cured.
I've heard people have mixed milliput and green stuff and got good results.
They're like power weapons
You can paint them activated or not
I guess my question's moreso what kind of pattern should there if I painted them activated. Is just like a glowing powersword? Is there some sort of lighting effect?
You can go either way
Most people for power weapons use blue, but you can go the extra step and paint them up as "crackling"
You can do it however your imagination wants you to paint it, anon!
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Basecoated my termies with the airbrush
Brush your beard man, you've got beardhairs on the powerfist and boots
Only 4 pubes? Running a little low?
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Trying to prime with rattle cans. Is complete coverage expected or should it be polished up by hand with drybrushing and/or basecoat? Regardless of how I go angling my models on the spray stick - doing five at a time with some sizeable gaps, all of these recesses and whatnot are annoying, that a can seemingly won't reach.

Bits of grey are apparent on my SoS's weapons, legs, and especially cloaks. On a unit of Custodian Guard, it's apparent on the bevors and some of the arms. Stuff like that. The can also feels that it's depleted a bit, so how much to actually go spraying is another. I take it that airbrushing doesn't have the same issues?

Im in the process of moving and my airbrush station is fucked i just laid them on the floor of my garage

Whose pubes we dunno
Might be cat hair
Alright, i'll think more on it then

I don't want to accidentally make something hideous in my idea hubris
Ive got 2 cats and the floofiest dog
>I don't want to accidentally make something hideous in my idea hubris
Things can always be fixed and adjusted. I have faith in you.
I've read that some people will take a picture of their mini and load it into some software to give a sort of map to where strongest highlights and shadows should be. Do you need something specific or can you use a free program like gimp to do it? Thinking about pai ting up something then looking at what the computer said I should have done to see where I need improvement.
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Enough colour? Does it 'pop' enough?
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I don't use software, but I do usually take a photo of a model after it's primed (or just whenever) so that I have a reference for the general idea. How well I use that reference is up for debate though.
I just realized looking at this that I might have painted the skin above the left eye as hair thinking the partial eyebrow line was a hair line. I may have to fix that, the left eye has been weird looking for a while now
Thanks, I always try to have this mindset but I do want to make each mini look as good as I can.
Having thought about it now, I think the problem has nothing to actually do with the paint job, it was just brought to my attention because of it: due to how poorly I used the plastic glue when I was a kid a lot of the Tyranid Warriors had melted or fused parts (arms, heads, etc) that were one of the things I had to work on when I was trying to refurbish them. However this particular one had a more subtle example as the overuse of glue melted his neck and head together, and only once it got painted did it stick out to me because I kept feeling the head was off and it was due to the fact that he has no neck and his cranium just melds into the body.
I can't really do anything about that, but I can live with it. I'm pretty happy with the ribcage and Deathspitter especially.
I was taking care to keep thinning and re-thinning the paint, but either my brush needs to be replaced or some parts just had a rough edge that added up over time. Hopefully the other two will be smoother like my other Tyranids are. I'd love to try them out with my Hive Tyrant to stack key words on the guns.
If you wonder why they made Leviathan the main fleet, I'm very confident it's due to color theory and them wanting each main faction to have a unique color associated with it. Purple wasn't taken, and Leviathan does fit the Tyranids unique traits the best as the intelligent, psychic fleet, so it's a logical choice.
They are vallejos, just more gel like medium, so they have more body and have to be thinned more on wet palette but go on smooth if you get it right
Yeah i like it
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I just noticed that Vallejo primer smells really similar to some of the Game Color washes and I'm not sure what to make of that.
Looks good, what next step?
Whats the darkest fucking black paint I can get for my miniatures. I want it to look like the void
Polyurethane. Vallejo is obsessed with it
Looks great on a tabletop, your white is thiccc find another way of applying it (airbrush or 9000 thin coats)
The way you get a deep looking black is to make it as matt as possible. The less light reflected, the darker it appears to the eye.
Are there any particular "super matte" varnishes to get then? Or will my standard vallajo matt varnish get there well enough with enough layers or something
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God DAMN you were right.
Went out and bought a new lamp today, it turns out my previous one was orange as hell and not the best.
I did picrel in 2.5 hours (and it shows), but I think a lot of it beats the fuck out of the previous one which took ~4 hours. Still working on faces, I might need a new detail brush or maybe to throw my Bugmans pot in the trash.
Also, I might need to get some better thinner, the wet palette flips between too thin and too thick pretty easily if I'm not paying attention or rushing.
>Are there any particular "super matte" varnishes to get then?
>Or will my standard vallajo matt varnish get there well enough with enough layers or something
You'd be better off using matt varnish on the black sections, and gloss/satin elsewhere to exaggerate that contrast as much as possible
boy, you gon learn sum brush control too day.
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Just finished this, made a lot of mistakes but it was fun
Looks pretty good anon. I hate it because it's a Kroot, but the paint job looks nice.
Does it have a little white square on the label?
>little clothing seams and buttons painted
Never ceases to amaze me the amount of detail anons put in their mini paintings, its insane
I can relate. Even with just one cat. This fuckers fur is everywhere.
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Middlehammer army project
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Cross post from /hwg/, figured I'd ask here too. I have this pile of 3D printed 15mm terrain to paint and I'm not sure what the easiest process is here. It's in roughly four categories, wooden buildings and fences, brick buildings, stone buildings and walls and plastered/whitewashed buildings.
I'm thinking I need white, black, dark brick red, light brick red, buff, dark and light brown and stone grey paint. Spray primer, spray varnish, oil paints for washes, akrylic texture paste, clay and flock or static grass for the bases.
I'm not sure what colors the interiors should be or if there are more colors to paint the stone and plaster buildings in to make them more varied. Is there anything obvious I've missed? Maybe more colors (that can't be mixed from the ones I got?)
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Haters will say its photoshopped
It came from the septic tank.
Them's some bright ass bases.
What you describe sounds basically like milliput. It has some slight bendiness, but not a lot and is quite sandable if used as a filler.
I like their metallics a lot. The coverage isn't exceptional, but their finish is pretty great and they have some very interesting colours I haven't really found elsewhere (Decayed Metal and Necro Gold both own). Rest of their paints are supposed to be kinda trash.
The bloodletters look great but the bases clash a bit unless you're intentionally going for an effect.
You can just mix some black or white into a color to get a variation. You don't need to be able to replicate it, because it's a variation.
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working on this IF sarge. probably gonna finish him tomorrow since I want to play vidya and nap today.

another anon told me to use the model color blue for the crest. it's either gonna be that or a grey color
>>94033226 >>94033229
Very nice, classic
A few washes will improve it, it's splotchy, love the figure though, ewoks are based teddy bears
Beautiful yellow good work
All you have to do is increase contrast to see which parts would be bright and dark. Even phone cameras have that option.
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thank you anons
I want to do some military tarp or canvas cover to lay on top and partially cover some shipping containers I have (because they don't look "that" good).
What material would be easy to use and looks good? I've seen tarps made from green stuff, paper towels soaked in thinned wood glue and actual cloth (also with wood glue).
Has anyone done something like that and can recommend a specific way of making those things?
Thanks brah
What's your process for these?
I'd use a material called muslin available at fabric stores it's a fine weave cotton similar to canvas but finer look it up
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I'm doing the whole army like this. It gets me fake grog points and I'm lazy and don't enjoy basing
i swear to god, you /wip/ niggas are the only thing keeping me going at times
absolutely, but I would need colors to mix with too. I think the ones I've mentioned should be enough for variation though
Experience new things and people.
Had a busy weekend and only had time to get one base done. Either way, I'm happy when them still. My Cazadores squad is almost done, one more base to go. After that, another squad of Riffians. Back and forth for even until they're all finished.
It has a half black, half white square. Which isn't exactly very clear as a "transparent" marker in that case.
In any case, back to finding new paint candidates.
Sure, if you like
For those that have the new terminators at hand, how do their arms scale with the older kits? Thinking about getting some BA claws if they aren't too short.
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I don't have any irl friends that are into this hobby so being able to hang out here is really nice
the only thing that's really different are the head sizes, the heads of the new ones are slightly smaller to make everything else appear bigger
Good to know, thanks.
you could use the old metal parts on the new ones and it wouldn't look weird outside the old weapon designs
You mean the ones from the ancient terminators that had "posable" arms?
please don't say ancient, old will suffice
I'm older than them, I call them that because now the "old" ones are the ones in plastic from the other kits.
Will one of those $80 airbrush booths on amazon and an air purifier do the job of keeping paint dust off furniture and models properly? I've been airbrushing in a cardboard box in the garage for a while and I'm tired of it, not getting good results from it.

Personally, I'm a Nadeshiko guy.
> "posable"
The metal lightning claws were posed okay.
best girl is Aoi, I need to go through the show and grab some reaction images
How high up do you guys keep your desks?
Normally i’d get my motivation from my friends at the lgs, but i’ll probably be leaving this town relatively soon so i’ve been trying to quietly distance myself from the place like a cat fucking off to go die somewhere unobtrusive
Hugs and kisses to you and yours Anon, we're all gonna make it.
Whats a decent enough but cheap respirator for dealing with lacquers?
>please don't say ancient, old will suffice
But anon!
I’m not scared of your little hiv shiv
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Left is white primer and right is gray, both with mantis warrior green contrast. I really like how bright the left one is at the moment, but i also like how the edge highlighting on the right looks aside from the big splotch on the shoulder where I fucked up. I'm gonna apply a wash later to hopefully kill some of the more solid edges of the highlights but so far I'm lovin these little guys
For the love of god please clean these mould lines, at least the big easy ones. It's only a minute top per model and it removes a huge visual wart.
The grey you should use for speedpaints is pretty bright, the color is so dull on your right mini I feel like you used some medium grey.Try to put some more effort into building next time though, the contrast-type paints make them a lot more visible
fucking ate the sentence, clean the mould lines because speedpaints make them a lot more pronounced
>Personally, I'm a Nadeshiko guy.
I couldn't pick between Rin or Nadeshiko.
(technically my favorite girl is Nadeshiko's sister)
I have 2 unrelated girl busts to paint that I'm planning the color scheme for now. Maybe I'll make them Nadeshiko and Rin. The color palettes are a little desaturated for minis though, so idk how they'd read. Could be inspired by them though.
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Feels good finishing minis
wew all the radiation must've distorted my pic
3M 62023
This works, you guys take Rin and Nadeshiko and I'll go with Aoi. I have 2 or 3 Kingdom Death coomer minis, maybe I'll try to incorporate some colors of YC girls into their paintjobs. Make sure to post updates on those busts when you do get around to doing them. Don't know if any of you collect weebshit but there's a great 1/7 figure of Rin on her scooter with Nadeshiko next to her up for preorders right now
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It's gonna be a while I think, I'm generally very slow and I wanna paint some 32mm scale stuff after I finish the figure the OP posted before going back to the busts. It's these ones I posted before. Not very yuru camp coded but maybe the colors could work.
Gaslands is fun and cool
I could get my army project half done if I set the airbrush up tonight. But I won't
Do it you... double nogger
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I forgot, I also started working on these tiles.
>friend asking me about getting into 40k and wants a crash course on painting.

Holy shit this could finally get me back on the paint table regularly if he wants to get some combat patrols and give me a real goal to work torwards.
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I wish my "lot of mistakes" looked that good.
Rude thing to say about your kids..
Love a white mage robe, nice.
I just dropped my dreadnought in the garage after priming and his kneepad popped off into the beyond. How are other anons' day going?
So, I ordered some laser-cut MDF bases, but got cut-by-a-different-non-laser-machine MDF. The edges are clean and they look OK, but I'm sure this means that the MDF might split much easier, will this be a problem in the future even if I paint/varnish the base?
Last time I dropped a model was a Forgeworld Blood Slaughterer and all his legs snapped off. That was years ago and I have never dropped a heavy model since.
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3 different shops didn't have any Thousand Sons Blue so now I gotta wait till Wednesday and hope the GW store has it.
Guess I'll try doing some details in the meantime.
If any of the stores carry Duncan's range his Cursed Blue is a very close match. I use it as midtone for mine >>94027678
fug I mean Sentient Turquoise, the darker one
if i cant find it in a localy owned hobby store i buy online, ive never had a good experience in a GW store.
The GW clerk I met was cool so I'm fine with it
Fair warning - I used Thousand Sons Blue for a kill team and after every model I wanted to throw the pot out the window. It's an awful paint. Highly recommend finding an alternative. Heard good things about the TTC color another anon mentioned. Just don't subject yourself to this stuff.
How bad of an idea would it be to use them for ramshackle mkV wearing loyalists
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Just primed this lady
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Nice, I always enjoy minis of attractive women. What's that mini in case I would want to get her?
I think you'd have to do a lot more work to get the legs and the helmets right... maybe even need to add more cables to the torso!
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Here you go

I participated in secret santa last year and checked the coomer box, received a kingdom death pinup from an anon, sat on the sprue until about a week ago but now im hooked on painting big tiddy women
uhh I don't know about this one anon
Thanks. I'm definetely participating in secret santa this year, it seems super fun
you guys are p cool, ive only been here a week or so but this is one of the chiller 4channel spots ive hung around
not like I can stream painting though otherwise id try to
I airbrushed a heavy coat of matt varnish on a mini I had finally finished. Looking over it and a hair had been hidden out of vision and was varnished onto the side of the face and chest. Was able to take the hair off the face with tweezers luckily but pulling it off the pectoral it lifted and tore up the coat of varnish with it. Attempts at multiple "quick" fixes failed and escalated the issue till it was pretty fucked. Went nuclear and sanded the pec with 1000 grit and just repainted that area and revarnished it.
wip is unironically the only thread worth participating in on the entirety of /tg/
Necro Gold is mostly what interests me, but I was also thinking about dwarven gold for a more red gold.
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Don't worry, Anon, that's what Kitbashing is for!
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Didn't have too much time to hobby today, all I managed was some basecoats for this guy, I'll spray some transitions on the bug tomorrow. Yes I know I need to clean my fume hood and change the filter, I already have it ordered and I'll clean it up after tomorrows session
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One of four, kill me
That’s enough terrain it might be worth thinking of taking the plunge on an airbrush or asking to borrow one from a friend. It really does help with terrain, and you can use cheap craft paint (properly thinned) if you need more colors. The craft paint can also do double duty as washes if you mix up some Future-based magic wash mix; might be less fussy than oils.
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after the hurricane I went out to get some twigs for basing. Is there anything I should do to them? I think one is growing mold now (pic is a few days old)

Also any anon have any tips on how to get twigs that are curved or in more interesting shapes?
weird question anon, but do you have this model and can tell me about how your plaguemonk compare in height?
In a previous thread anons told me to dry them in 50 degrees celcius for an hour. I did that in an oven and they're fine, no mold or anything
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Initially i had the green red but she looked like wonder woman and thats not what im going for

Painting up fast
left is dynamic and all, but EVERY one of them looks like that when i go to the FLGS, the guy on the right looks standard, but because its not trying to look cool i can easily ignore that when there's 5 or 6 of them in the same pose on the board.
left is designed to be cool by itself, which causes issues when theres more models around.
right is designed to fit really well with 50 mates and only draws attention from the other termies because he has a cool guy flag.
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If I want to add nice-looking ropes holding small trophies like in pic related, is using greenstuff pretty much the best way to go? Any other ideas?
am I supposed to shake up ultra matte varnish or just use as is
it doesn't say on the bottle
How many people usually participate in the secret santa? I wanna do it this year.
shake the living fuck out of it or it won't be properly matte
Shake it first, the matting agent is prone to separating so you need to shake it up to make sure it's properly, evenly redistributed throughout the bottle
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Not that anon, but I found a pic of him next to the new sorcerer.
>when you drop a tiny piece while dry fitting it and you spend the next two hours meticulously cleaning your floor finding bits you dropped and lost months ago but you still can't find the piece you need
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>letting your place become such a mess
Without trying to sound like a coomer, well done on the nips it's genuinely impressive
If she's so shy why isn't she wearing any clothes?
Excellent question. She has a cloak and a sword, but nothing else? Clearly there is witchcraft at work here.
Because coom
first dry in an oven, then you can steam or wet them again for bending, you need something to hold the sahpe until they cool off, look how boat model makers do theirs
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should I do something to add to these asphalt paste bases I'm doing for this killteam
I added divider lines to the oblong base for the long gun dude but it feels silly to put those lines on every base like they're walking single file down the center of a road
I don't really care much about basing but plain asphalt kinda feels like I just left the base bare when you look at it on the table
Looking into picking up a box of marines to start a collection. Any idea on where I can find transfers for Space Wolves? Seems like all the boxes have Ultramarines shit.
Anon as a fellow admech enjoyer i'm in fucking awe of the design you've got on that cloak. I've never even attempted to freehand that sort of thing, great work
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Alright so this is my abomination.
This was one of the ones I sprayed way too hard with the primer so I figured I'd sacrifice him first.
All of the details were completely obscured anyways.
I used a vallejo Deep Blue sky base then covered it in Ahriman blue cause I couldn't find Thousand Sons Blue.
Mainly disappointed in the eyes cause I couldn't find the right green so I used the gem green and it came out like cataracts.
Also completely fucked the tabard cause again I couldn't find the right colors.
I tried thinning my paints but I never felt like I got it right.
All that being said I actually had a lot of fun doing this and I liked the way it looked up until I took the photos.
The rest of them should come out slightly better because the details are actually legible.
Meh you can always put the divider line on one side but I don't think it matters much.

Could do some white gravel, or add a tuft pushing through cracks. Could also do sealant line or a fresh oil stain (not too different to muzzle burn tutorials), but these might show up better on a light grey asphalt.
looks like he's actually quite bigger than he looks, the plump fella

I wanted to use a spare plaguemonk rat body to make my own nurgle sorcerer
You could do paint stripes/blocks of differing designs or even colors. Like some white paint to indicate they’re on the side of the road, or “hazard” stripes like they do for a fire lane. Assuming it’s a futuristic road system right? So the symbols and schemes could be whatever, there could be a hover lane next to a carpool lane all with different paint and spacing between… which could also be painted
Nylon string or thread. You might have to braid it to make it heavier. You could also use florists wire if you need to make it appear in a dynamic pose.
Along with the other ideas, you could break it up with sidewalk or road "wake up" bumps on the side.
For the yellow stripe, it looks slightly off to me cus the chipped yellow would have deeper gouges with the asphalt. I'm pretty sure that paint gets real deep in there
How did you do the texture of the street lines? I need to do something similar.
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I remember your cool terminators.
Make sure you're getting the right cartridges as well. If you're going with 3m brand their gme-p100 are good (combo voc cartridges with dust filter). Put a plastic bag (or covers if they come with them) on the cartridges when you're not using them to keep the dust out. With how little vocs you'll be filtering the filter medium will last for years.
Shake it in stages, the medium separates and takes some time to really work back together. Shake for a few minutes while flipping the bottle in your hand, set it down for 5 minutes, repeat a couple times. It should look uniform in the bottle with no color variations. If it isnt mixed enough you can get frosting or the varnish never really drying and staying gummy.
Etsy for printed stuff, ebay for classic transfer sheets.
cheers I appreciate it, didn't want to just do the basic mars red and already have an orange project so the voss prime paintscheme seemed fun, pretty happy with the cog trim overall
thanks all, these are helpful
gonna fuck around with them more tomorrow
just used masking tape, painted a thick layer of pro acryl white then averland sunset and AP strong tone over that, pulled tape and used xacto knife to gouge out some weathering
For what game?
Basecoat iron hands steel for metal, deathworld forest for fatigues. Slop on typhus corrosion. Dry brush ryza rust over typhus corrosion. Douse in agrax earthshade. Drybrush some nurgling green to finish.
>How many people usually participate in the secret santa? I wanna do it this year.
Do it. Santa would know for sure - our Santa from last year is returning again and he has the exact numbers - but I know it's well over a hundred... mostly us here in Burgerland.

>Any idea on where I can find transfers for Space Wolves?
Yeah, I have a box of transfer sheets on the floor behind me and - this may come as a surprise - I haven't used any of the Space Wolf ones. Both the Dark Imperium and Indomitus sheets featured Space Wolves.

How many do you need?

>Seems like all the boxes have Ultramarines shit.
Surprised? What blows my mind is that the fancy sheet that comes with the new 10th Edition Sternguard Veterans includes transfers for the Imperial Fists, Raptors and Salamanders, but does *not* have any Blood Angels insignia - despite the fact that there is a Blood Angel pictured on the box!

It's probably because they knew they'd be releasing Blood Angel-centric products shortly afterward, and figgered it'd be redundant then.

It looks like shit. Someone did that and their models looked like they were made of felt. Varnishing solves that issue, but the gloss ruins the whole point.
The effect I want is for the main body to disappear behind the gold trim. If it looks like felt, that sounds like the varnish just wasn't matte enough, although i'm not sure if you can get better than that. I'll just have to experiment

I don't think he ended up varnishing it, and the primer just eventually started flaking off. It wasn't a great thing all around.

No clue what primer he used, otherwise I'd tell ya. Close to Vanta Black though.
>new 10th Edition Sternguard Veterans
Looked those up with some excitement, only to realize they are Primaris.
yeah, they're much better
I have my jump assault intercessor squad about 95% done. I love that they don't have the silly clear flight stands but wish the box came with more rubble sections to scatter on their bases. It'd make the tactical rocks they are skipping on seem far less awkward.
they look cute as fuck
I've tried using a non-water thinner for the first time today, but I also use a wet palette with water on it.
It worked beautifully for about 40% of the miniature I was working on, and worse than ever before for the remaining 60%
any tips?
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Working on on my bird dudes. I need to figure out how to paint the eyes then add snow and some tufts to the bases, but I'm getting close to the finish line.
Pretty blues
You really should've picked something else at a beginner level, tsons are notoriously difficult and time consuming to paint. You need a lot of patience and decent brush control to pull them off. I don't know how much of the texture is from the fucked up primer and how much from incorrect paint consistency. Try watching the paint thinning videos from the op and maybe some stuff directed at beginners, Duncans are easy to follow and not overloaded with cringe
Maybe it’s time to clean your room?
Imho all their gold and bronze paints are worth picking up. People slop retributor armor on everything and it’s just the most boring gold colour
Goddamn very nice
I dropped a needle today and just gave up
gonna be a scary surprise unless I happen upon it
i really dig the realistic style. can you tell me about your paint scheme?
Yuru Camp is the best. Considering if I want to rewatch from the beginning or from s3 while I paint
>It's /wip/. Of course we love Symphogear
>It's /wip/. Of course we love purple
>it's /wip/. Of course we love Yuru Camp.
You got any magnets to sniff it out with?
I dont really care for moe shit
for me its shojou and the incel romance type anime
im always surprised when i come across symphogear. its an autism that has claimed my mind to a degree i cant escape.
Do you hop between projects or do you focus on one army till it's done?
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would explain why this thread is so comfy
I'll literally jump between kits if they have multiple miniatures. I don't think I could avoid hobby fatigue if I tried to paint an entire army without touching anything else
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I hop between projects like a tick and finish them 2 years later because I'm a retard. Right now I'm painting an Ahri mini, 4 months ago I started a hell pit abomination just because I liked the mini, and 9 months ago I finished the fourth guy of my night lord kill team. Pic related is the last project I finished, a kill team of traitor guards.
The terrain is not from me but from a German anon during the Secret Santa, 3-4 years ago, Thanks again anon, sorry that I never sent you back a good Christmas card, it's in my pile of projects, I swear.
Yuru Camp gave me the dream to (solo!) winter camp and paint some models while doing it. One day, bros..
i like how it makes him look like he is going to throw up
Jesus said “Let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.” but she already had a sword so she got confused.
>one of these is not like the others
>incel romance type anime
The unlikable nerd randomly gets a harem of cute girls to fawn over him, including his little sister? Can't stand that shit. It reeks of desperation and is so unbelievable it immediately kills any immersion.
Don't paint on heroine.
no not the harem one I hate those
more like the autistic/stupid mc gets crushed on by one girl and they get together in 100+ chapters kinda shit
>is so unbelievable it immediately kills any immersion
Those are also ALWAYS unbelievably trope ridden so once you've watched one you pretty much watched them all. CGDCT is great though, tt looks like we should make Yuru Camp our thread anime. I'm now even more determined to paint something in colors referencing the show
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What do you guys think would be the best way to attach a shardnet to a corsair body? I'm using the corsair kill team box to make custom Wych and Kabalite units for my Succubus and Archon who will also be using corsair bodies. That being said the shardnet arm is bare which I don't mind to much, but I was wondering how I would transfer this weapon to my Wyches. I plan on using this Wych unit as a possible half of the commorite kill team so it matters that it is a shardnet as a possible weapon to use in the kill team.
Is this a yama no susume sequel?
Don't mean to be a penis but those lines are too close and thick. Also, remember the lines extend beyond what the base captures, because the road extends beyond the base.
Okay, but why does the hot girl even look at him?
Some of those are alright, most of them are very braindead though.

You can simply paint the bare parts black and pretend it's leather or fabric. You won't see the difference from even a small distance.
usually cause he was nice to her in some innocent instance and she obsessively attached herself to it
Sounds unhealthy and implausible as fuck. Can't watch it.
If misting from matt varnish happens because a little bit of vernish dries before hitting the miniature, will paint retarder medium help with that? I always have fucking issues with varnish. It's always misty when airbrushing and if I just brush on it can get glossy and yesterday even fucking clogged up some detail.
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I've been trying to come up with a logo other than the cadian gate for the shoulders. Is there already a guard unit with snake emblems? which one of these looks the best ?
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>eyesight apparently gets significantly worse at 40
Anyone here over 40 that still paints? Didn't realise I only had a couple of years left...
Thanks, I tested it out on the free Marine they give you and thought it looked good enough but I do really wanna see what the Tsons Blue comes out like.
Besides the brush strokes and the headpiece lines being uneven the majority of the shitiness came from the primer. I originally compared it to the rest and the sigils on the bolter were all illegible, the helmet's face looked melted, and the backpack was completely gooped up so trying to paint inside the lines more or less was difficult.
my grandma is in her 90s and she can still sew with incredible precision, it just takes a bit longer and she squints at it like crazy. I'm pretty sure we'll be fine, fren
Simplify it more. You want to be able to see what it is at 10% its size.
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Oh dude, you make me very happy.

t.Krautkun, your old SS match.
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I'm 47, how bad am I?
theres these things called spectacles, apparently they can help people see better
did you start painting yesterday?
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>tfw -6,5 diop. and <10% vision sharpness at 23
it's over
Just get your eyes lasered
Oh nice, thanks again for your package. It was great gift and I'm slowly using it. Would you happen to remember the name of the candy stick with chocolate and almonds?
Love from frogland
You paint like you haven't read a tutorial since 1995.

I like it. Pure oldhammer.
cardiovascular health improves vision outcomes in older age. Hit the fucking treadmill.
That's about right.
Well, that's how you painted in the yesterdays.

hmm, these?
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>got 2 weeks off work because my doctor attested me severe mental health issues and alcoholism
>my big ass order arrived earlier than expected
Life is good sometimes bros
Nope, was a long stick
I said nothing it was that thank you very much
How does that work?
Your eyes don't just instantly fall out of your head the moment you hit 40.
Have fun anon i hope everything works out and your 2 weeks off are restful and healing
Have a drink to celebrate!
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Thanks a ton my man, I really need a break, you know + I can't wait to get into it!
You already know, chief!
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How does anything? The surest predictor against dementia is grip strength.
That doesn't mean improving your grip strength or cardio will fight off dementia or vision loss, it just means that people who happen to do those things also happen to have lower chances of dementia/vision loss. Probably an overall healthy lifestyle or being outdoors more.
Those are fucking dope. Who made them?
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I think it's going in to the right direction, but still needs to be smoother. Feedback wanted.
My glasses are already telescopes. If my eyesight gets worse, I'll probably have to resort to cybereyes.
Your eyes are highly vascularized organs. An eye doctor can accurately assess your risk of stroke by looking at the veins and arteries at the back of your eyes (retina)
Yeah, obesity ruins your veins, people who do cardio are less likely to be obese, therefore people who do cardio are less likely to lose vision. Not being a fatty is the important part here.
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Eh, I just checked the fotos from back then, I guess it was this.
Nougta+Marzipan log.
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Ty. Those are the GCT Studios Bushido tengu. I have more in various states of not done.
Ah, thanks again anon, I'm going to order a lot of them for this Christmas
Well done, really like the color choices for the blue and khaki clothes complimenting the white/grey/yellow of the feathers and beak.
Two ongoing projects and some one off or practice minis. I dont have a ton of space to keep multiple in progress projects so two is the limit. If I really dont feel like working on either one then a practice or solo mini will fit the bill without taking up more space than a painting handle.
What's a good saw for making accurate straight cuts through thick plastic?
Cutting up two Leman Russ dozer blades to make one superheavy sized one
>Not being a fatty is the important part here.
It has never been so over as it is right now.
razor saws, or hobby saws in general. You also might just have to whittle them down and sand them flat
I mean, isn't that the solution to a million different problems? Relationships, health, self confidence..
How about hajime no Ippo, one of my comfort shows. Got the wife to watch and she loves Volg, that was the catalyst to get her to watch live boxing with me. Comfy shows like ascendance of a bookworm is also fun, I really enjoy slow burn world building shit like that.
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>try these
>can't focus due to diplopia that's not bad enough for prisms and only badly kicks in when mini painting
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You can always strip the paint.
Itll be easier to tell once you have the mini in place, but that's in a good spot I think.
Transitions look fine to me.
>fuck up
Its plastic and paint friend, nothing that you cant fix.
Good news. I found it.
After restarting my search in the morning, I located the missing piece.
It had landed on the carpet section on the other side of the room behind me somehow, and being the same color as the carpet, I only found it after putting the torch down on it by accident while moving other things.
On the plus side, the space under my desk has never been cleaner. I also found a knife and shield from other minis lost to time, a 1ltr water bottle I didn't know I had lost, and a dried out pot of Stirland Mud, all while evicting 3 spiders.
Took me 4 hours in total over 2 days.
>Relationships, health, self confidence..
I don't give a FUCK about those, I just wanted to paint tiny spacemen
Ah fuck I dropped it again.
And now, you're going to clean your room?
You need your health to paint tiny spacemen.
good lord I've had some real bad experiences with that vodka, just seeing that bottle makes me uneasy
Somehow, it's National Taco Day today. Who comes up with this garbage?
Uhhhhh... taco salesmen?
All vodka is just watered down alcohol, what could possibly go wrong?
>good lord I've had some real bad experiences with that vodka
Just normal alcohol stuff or specific to that bottle, like it being ultra low quality or somethign?
Well where I'm from vodka is what is usually drunk when you're young-ish because it's cheap and gets you fucked up quickly. That particular one was one of the cheaper ones when I was in high school so we'd get wasted on that very often. So the usual alcohol stuff, hangovers, throwing up, doing some dumb shit etc.
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I really enjoyed painting these guys, but I might have gone overboard with the white drybrushing on some models, have to be really careful with it.
The guy with the sword looks shorter than the others.
>basing going over the lip
I'm from a beer country, but I hate beer, so vodka was usually my thing. Sure, I got wasted on it a couple of times, but I've been shitfaced on wine before as well.
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Started collecting Sisters of Battle recently and I painted up a test model to see if I liked the color scheme. I wanted to try some metallic paints and chromes I got in the mail for this shiny and gaudy look. While it's basically what I had in my head I feel a bit like a sucker for going with a typical blue/orange scheme. Now I just gotta get some tan paints for the purity seals, come up with a color scheme for the guns and worst of all actually learn how to paint faces.

This model is 3d printed (duh) but it's like 25% larger than a normal sister so it should be a little easier to paintbrush but now that I can zoom in on the picture I can see so many spots to touch up. I should get some more tiny detail brushes too.
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>I just gotta get some tan paints for the purity seals
I like to use Citadel's Skeleton Horde Contrast Paint over a good bright white.
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October here. Where santa?
Get help mate, it feels good to be clean
>t. 3 months sober
/wip/ seems to have a greater proportion of (former and current) alcoholics than any other thread on the site
I wish I could be an alcoholic. I just have to go to work everyday and shit. I bet getting blotto everyday rules
From what I've seen there are a few anons with wives and children, maybe the stress of family life is getting to them
Yea, I've been noticing that as well. It's pretty disappointing, frankly. I hope they can get their shit together before they become completely irredeemable.
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finished airbrushing, pretty happy with how it looks so far
>October here. Where santa?
Santa said he might not be able to start October 1st because of work commitments.

>From what I've seen there are a few anons with wives and children, maybe the stress of family life is getting to them
... or maybe they will smite the foes of The Emperor and Mankind!
I'm completely irredeemable without even being an alcoholic.
I'm gonna guess because this is a relatively friendly long term thread, people are more likely to talk about their personal problems.

/wip/ has helped me a lot with improving my technique and coping with my divorce.
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One anon said it nicely some time ago, this thread gatekeeps itself. Secondaries don't flood in because they have nothing to do here and most schizos will stick to more populated generals. wip is like a cozy corner of tg and I'm glad I found this place
>hasn't been to the /tv/ /druk/ threads
Those guys are nuts.
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i love models that you can sometimes get lost into painting the little details
>i love models that you can sometimes get lost into painting the little details
When do you plan on starting said details?
>i love models that you can sometimes get lost into painting the little details
My bladeguard captain is like that. I'm wasting so much time on it, lot of small things I'm not satisfied with, others I really like how they're coming out. I'm even painting two helmet options for him.

Cool rat anyway I like the metals.
How does the secret santa normally work? Would people be sending painted stuff, or in-box models? Is there a suggested price limit? I assume people also send little silly extra stuff along with whatever main stuff they put in?
pretty sure that's a wip anon, chill
I was mostly referring on the rider's face, the rusted armor and warpstone.

I mostly just paint the first layer then inmediatly apply a wash and do really basic highlights.
Seconding this. I'm broke RN but plan to slowly build up a nice gift to participate next year
People can make requests, like what they play or are interested in
No one who plays Necrons wants Space Marines

You can send painted stuff, I like to include something I did that matches the theme of what they are asking for
Spend what you want, but maybe a kit or a couple characters (most people requests GW stuff) but you can go a 3rd party route which is substantially cheaper

>Silly extra stuff
There was a desiccated lizard that got passed around for a bit
No, it's just more like an actual community that offers understanding and support, so it's easier to come out with issues while at the same time focusing on something positive. I'm mostly lurking but WIP helped me a lot with my anxiety
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Here we go. Thanks for providing me a picture to use.

I went the lazy route and re-used the form of last year. It worked and covered all relevant info. so here it is.

The only change from last year is the option to send your own response to yourself if you want to do that, to double check later if everything is correct etc. Its optional tho.

Link for the sign-up is in the picture, as usual.
I will continue to use the old email address from previous years, it is also mentioned in the google form.

As usual, i'm lurking here as i always do and try to answer when i see questions regarding the secret santa, but i will try to keep advertising it to a minimum to not derail the thread too much,
Feel free to just write an email if i miss something or if its urgent.
>How does the secret santa normally work?
If you want an idea of what people sent, here are the galleries for the past few years:

You left out state for US and I assume other countries have provinces/regions
I just added the State to my city
Los Angles, California
Thank you for your service
You should paint Pathfinder iconics sometime.
>most people requests GW stuff
I don't do Warhammer. Is there a non-Warhammer bracket?
there's a wishlist box where you can type in what you'd prefer
Thats what the post code is for Anon. But feel free to add it like that: >>94048072
Ooooh, this looks like fun. I'm gonna either go way overboard or last minute send somebody a bladeguard captain and some extra tau bits or something.
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First time I participate, very excited for it.
Thanks for organizing it.
>or last minute send somebody a bladeguard captain
I knicked the head from the Bladeguard Captain to put on the Sergeant for my Bladeguard Veterans squad (c.f. >>94000822).

So, this year, 4chan's birthday falls on "National Taco Day"? Who woulda thunk it?

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W-what happened?
I will sign up after I create a new throwaway email.
I be dumb then
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>W-what happened?
I didn't start maintaining imgur galleries for our Secret Santa until 2020. The anon who put together the 2019 gallery took it down; I have the URL, but it doesn't go anywhere meaningful any more.
Maybe it was nsfw purged when Imgur did that? If there was a coomer model or something.
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I just realised Plush Dread never made it in because canuk anon can't afford a camera and his maple syrup addiction.
this reminds me...I still got maple syrup from last year in a fridge, I never opened the bottle...not sure if it's good or if I should throw it away since I was told it was way too sweet
>in a fridge
>never opened the bottle
You're good to go, Anon. Have a plan to use it after you open it. Invite friends for pancakes or something.
Worst case is it's crystalized a bit
That shit is almost like honey, which never perishes. They've found unopened jars of honey in Egyptian tombs that was still okay.
There is a company that turns PNGs into shoulder decals for guard. I was gonna order like 200 of those
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Shes done

Painted up pretty fast over yesterday and today

Im happy with her
>Painted up pretty fast
Yeah it shows.
I'd like to see one of your models

You know its shitters like these always posting shade but never models
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What color should I make the shoulder pauldrons if I intend to make the armor and helm red?
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Okay. Here ya go. I don't paint coomer garbage.

I like it, nice job

I paint fast and loose, i'd bet i spent half as long on my sexy babe model then you did on your tank and I'd bet I enjoyed myself twice as much as you did

As far as it being garbage, being elitist about your toy soldiers is such a loser move, be positive or be constructive cuz ur just kind of an ass
If you want to do blue you need to darken it so it looks like a darkened metal treatment. it should be more translucent with a darker base. Right now it lookse like a disney princess.
the painted nails are fucking disgusting.
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