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Work in Progress, Taco Tuesday Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

Previous threads
OP anon I didn't mention this last thread but when making it I removed the dead Darren Latham(or whatever his name is) link, I hope you don't mind
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Secret Santa Signup is live
>I hope you don't mind
Not at all! Good spotting; I hadn't noticed that link had died.

For future reference, all the meaningful links in the OP also appear in the full-on /WIP/ pastebin - even some of the dead ones.
Do any NC anons need their SS santa early? I can send you some drinking water or something.
Done some more to the Dropfleet stuff I've been working on.
When painting in sub assembly do I really need to pin the paper clips or can I just superglue them to a tip of the sub assembled model part?
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just painten sum hoarse
Pinning will make it hold better, since you're painting the bits the contact area is probably rather small so you'd be at constant risk of having it fly away while you paint.
Is there any issue with pinning resin bits? I don't want to drill right through the bit I am trying to pin
I tried with resin only once, it depends on the resin. Assume that it's going to be more brittle or softer than plastic, just in case, so that you work very carefully. You don't need that deep of a hole to pin, I was trying to pin the hand holding the banner to a resin model, and was surprised to find that the bit, that previously couldn't hold together no matter how much time I held it while waiting for the glue to harden, stopped giving me trouble with just a millimeter of clip between hand and wrist.
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Every year when I see a damned yellow leaf on the ground I want to paint a treeman. For the last few years I could resist but not this time
I like it, reminds me of a birch tree
Or an oar
Holy fuck another person with dropfleet. I've got a shit ton of PHR ships in a box somewhere I painted
I've had the box sat in my backlog for many years, figured I should try and get it done before the new edition comes out and I can continue to not actually play it
Ok, took me a bit to work out the link because I was dumb
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I'm already excited
>mfw I just saw a dude with orks during our local GW Age of Sigmar meetup... and they were NOT painted green (they were dark red)
It feels so wrong... but I like it!?
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I’ve got a dumbass question, is there a red gold paint out there or have I just deluded myself into thinking that it’s not just copper? I’d love to have a red gold paint to used on my minis, but I also REALLY don’t want it to come off as copper
Colored orcs have been a thing in AoS for a while, you see them quite often on WD.
Has anybody ever put a reducer like Createx 4011 or Vallejo airbrush thinner into a wet palette? Or flow improver? I mean directly into the water in the sponge, not thinning paint above the paper.
I'm trying to use mediums and additives more, I'm aware that putting a medium into the sponge would be shiggy diggy but additives don't dry so it might work.
The alternative is putting flow improver and retarder into the paint water. I'm pretty sure 4011 would evaporate out.
>paint the forest goblins red
>banned from LGS
I saw a video of vince venturella using GSW gold pigment (I have that stuff by the way, really good) to make a nice red gold paint, didn't look like copper, just very red.

I do not know if there's any good one out of the bottle in the market.
Copper is more of a red-brown, NMM copper can be made with burnt sienna for instance.
If you're thinking of it as a single color, red-gold is sort of an oxymoron too, gold is yellow hued. The closest you would get is iridescent warm red.
Like >>94049508 says, mixing gold pigment into red would work, or you could glaze/wash red over gold, it would be like candy apple red but warmer and golder on the raised portions.
>autumn birch tree dudes
always lovely to see
If putting decals over brown paint, does black show up, or am I better going for white?
What if the model is just too small for pinning? For example the Swordmaster Standard bearer's hands holding the banner? Could you use a putty or something similar instead?
Depends how light the brown is. What do you have in mind?
Birch please
sort of medium, chocolate brown. Like GW mournfang
I'm not familiar with the model, you seem to be working on the same type of bit I mentioned. How small is it? Why do you say it's too small? Try a different drill head, or use wire instead of a clip.
Never tried that, but I think I saw people using blutac for stuff like that. The thing is, even if it's good enough for painting, you're probably going to have to pin the bit when assembling.
Yeah that's a bit dark.
White's probably best then, yeah?
In general. It doesn't get any clearer than black lines on a white background.
You could definitely get away with it on XV-88 or lighter though.
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Just finished my night lords champion.
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Looking good anon

I’ve just finished my 2nd termie , 3 more to go
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Finished my Ultra. What a pain.
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Looks nice. Why was he a pain?
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Next up, an Imperial Fist.
I'm only just noticing the ridge on the helmet, I wonder if I can just edge highlight the lower part and it'll be passable.
Whatever white primer I used, it just doesn't grip the paint well. I believe I used Tamiya white. The paint would rub off really easily, and I did the shield arm in a sub-assembly. I probably touched up any edges on the red 1000 times, and I was using a painting handle.
Next time I'm using grey primer and a different red, if I ever paint another Ultramarine.
>Why do you say it's too small?
It's only the standard itself and his two hands. This is a fantasy model as well so these aren't chunky space marine hands.
Also if I am using superglue why would I need to pin when assembling?
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Working on some nuCryx. They're pretty fun minis to paint, even if they have some layering issues still.
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My fish died today, he was almost 3 years old. I was expecting it as he'd been doing poorly for the past 6 weeks, but it's still crushed me. I hope I can distract myself with some painting tonight. It's going to be hard as his empty aquarium is on my desk.
Pretty Beta, Anon. Sorry to hear he passed. How long do they normally live for?
Sorry to hear that anon. You should try painting a mini with his colors! Lovely deep blue.
>even if they have some layering issues still.
but the loud shills on the internet said that was just the early releases and the models were fine now
Thanks anons, betta live to between 2 and 4 years. So he lived to an average lifespan but I'm still sad though. I might have to paint something with his colors, that's a good idea, I just don't have any projects that fit that build right now.
Losing a pet is always hard Anon, but you probably gave him a good life and a lot to watch as you painted in front of his aquarium.
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There's various ABS tubes, sticks, square-straws and the like, and they're all incredibly useful for making things with, but they're freaking expensive as hell where I see them at like Hobby Lobby and the like.

Does anon know alternatives or a cheap place they buy their supplieyjx8ws?
Pretty Betta. I like the one red fin that he has
I'm sorry anon, but at the same time I can't help but think losing a fish can't possibly be as traumatic as losing a dog or cat
Yeah, I've heard people say it's not a "layering issue" but some other made up 3d printing term.

Potato-potato in my book.
>easily 100 stands of infantry and 50 vehicles unbuilt for flames of war
>easily 4 entire age of sigmar armies unbuilt because of stormbringer magazines
>an entire ork stompa for 40k unbuilt
Can't build em because I physically do not have space outside the storage bins I have the sprues in under my bed because I already have an ork army for 40k and a soviet army for team yankee taking up my limited shelf space.

Fuck I'm annoyed. I wish I had like a closet or something but moving out of my parents is too expensive.
My second Tyranid Warrior is completely FUBAR.
I painted this group of three first because the second and third ones in it were the ones I always had the strongest attachment to as a kid, but due to respiratory issues forcing me to prime and basecoat everything by hand I have come to realize that the ‘second’ one was not only the most fragile of the six but due to poor attempts at converting it when I was younger combined with the sloppy assembly it has a significantly larger number of problems that went unnoticed until the paint brought them to light. Already while trying to add the recesses in the flesh part of the tail broke off when I was trying to reach the inner legs, and large portions of its scything talon arms and the sides of its body have either lost detail or acquired a rough texture when I tried to fix them. On top of that attempting to dry brush the face to pick up the textures revealed that it’s eyes had completely melted away and the sides of its face lost muscle definition in the jaws. Attempting to neatly and thinly do the flesh on the gun resulted in it getting too much into the recesses and removing a lot of the detail from the purple, and going back over left the paint looking like it had far too much build up and was starting to lose detail entirely.
The left scything talon hand snapping off while I was trying to angle the brush in a way to pick out details on the inner gun was the final straw. Even if I stripped this thing, it would not be able to fix the fundamental issues at the core of the problem. The prior Tyranid Warrior I was happy with the paint job, and it’s model issues I was able to overlook because of it, but for this one the model is just too badly warped and damaged for me to get a good paint job on it. I ended up doing the purple wash on the third one instead and I’m probably going to try and finish them first before deciding what to do with this one, but I might have to cut my losses and just replace it entirely.
>trauma dumping about fucking up the paint job on 'nids
Have some tea or something, relax.
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Jumped the gun a bit and got these guys based up. Still need to do some more highlighting and cleanup I guess but wanted to get them ready for the new edition since I won't have much time for the rest of the week.

Not quite as clean as I wanted them but considering I've only really painted like 10-15 other models all the way through I think I did okay. And I really like how the bases turned out.
It’s not so much the paint job, it’s just realizing the model is totally screwed over in the process of the paint job.
>hoof smeared into base
>broken tail
>melted gun
>deformed arms and hands
>left hand broke off
>no eyes or jaw muscles
I haven’t even really started to do the paint job so I can’t even really say I screwed that part up, but I don’t think a good paint job can save the poor lad.
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hot. skintones could blend a little better though, I imagine this might be a WIP, I recommend cosmetic sponges and makeup brushes to help with that.
It looks clean, you did a really good job on the wreath on the shield. touch up the omega on the backpack.
These look good, I like the bases and kaskin models just go super hard. I don't like that the uniforms are exactly the same shade as he armor. did you use two different colors and the lighting doesnt show it? i can see small details on the armor its self that i like tho.
he said he was done in the last thread. those toe nails look like shit.
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Is it too much yellow on the belly belt? Should I have gone for incubi darkness instead?
And the gun arm looks big cause it’s meant for the nob.

Skull looks like it could use a bit more shading but that’s just me. Looks great
Not a huge fan of grey models on grey bases they are painted well.
Can i make wash if i don't have ink?
i like the belly that color. if you put some like metal or rust effects on the bolt heads there it could take away some of the yellowness. The skull on the gun being so bright really makes it look more orangeybrown which looks nice.
The fatigues are skavenblight dinge and the armor is mechanicus standard grey. They're different, the lighting isn't the best.
Moving to this thread
Washes are just really thin paint, so yeah, sure. You don't need the whole "translucent' feature of some inks.
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>want to do ss
>not sure if I'll be in the same apartment next month
>not even sure if I'd be able to afford to send anything then
haven't been able to paint in months, chemo saps my energy and cant plan ahead to how I may be feeling later. and if anyone asks again, no gofundme or anything, I detest that shit. if anyone puts up a link begging for donations that isn't me and should have their balls in a vice.

I still need to finish the sniper and spotter, then I can do transfers, weathering, and finishing the bases. These are the last ones I worked on ages ago, I've since repainted the bases a dark red in prep of finishing them.
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Here, this shows the difference a little better
ah i see its a bit more brownish
when are you gonna die?
Good luck, Anon. Shit sounds rough but I hope you pull through.
Gonna play some old 40k with frens. What are some suggestions you guys have for chaos-ifying some regular old Space Marines?
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New squad on the way
drill little holes in them and glue pieces of paper clips in. use greenshit to make horns and spikes and shit. put little oil stained fabric cloaks on them. chaos symbols and shit.
What a good brush-on varnish you can find easily in Burgerland? It's been raining for nearly two weeks and I'm sick of waiting for the weather to seal my models.
proppa lads
>Magnus The Red
>Paint him blue
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Homie in the middle is so scared haha
This is my favorite part about mini army collecting. I stage my little mans and then laugh at them as though I were a god at their impending doom which I can absolutely control, but will allow them to suffer none the less.
>open facebook
>see s-tier camo
>close facebook
Do i need dish soap, matte medium with water too?
I like 'im
Tested out a asphalt effect. I think I should go more 3d on the lines. I used a little masked off section with putty and then cut some cracks and stuff into it and it's edges. Looks alright though.
I have a 28mm metal model that's hand with staff keeps falling off. I'm unsure if whether this is because I got a bad batch of CA glue (Gorilla glue gel if that matters) or if I didn't do anything right with the model such as removing all of the release agent.
I'm going to strip the model and wash it again with dish soap and instead of hand soap and water and then rough up the wrist with a few cuts with a hobby knife for it to hopefully work better.

I plan on using a debonder on the contact points and then a hobby knife to scrape away the softened super glue in the wrist and on the hand with the staff.

Is there anything else I should be aware of before undergoing this? Maybe a better method for fully removing cured superglue I am not aware of?
Stormshield and Ardcoat are fine if you really need a varnish

Vallejo matte and satin in the little bottle are what I used before I started using an airbrush to varnish.
Beware of the polyurethane versions of their varnish as they can reactivate Vallejo’s own fucking speed paints and cause them to tear or rub off. It’s a tougher coat but it’s hard on the paint. Never had a problem applying them over citadel but I don’t even test it anymore. Vallejo’s matte varnish out the big flip cap dropper bottle is my go to.
Uh, based?
I am sitting in front of my Kill Team for a solid 40 minutes now, unable to decide a paint scheme. Fucking hell, I didn't know it would be this hard.
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try blocking out paint schemes on paper. It's helped me in the past. It's easier than trying to mess around in photoshop or whatever with colors that won't even look the same on the model.
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>how it started
>how it's going
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When I looked at the picture I realized that I was missing some road crack filling and shit like that, so I added some of that.
Maybe bits of tire tread left on the asphalt as well?
Coating them in grime can help, my method would be varnishing them in gloss varnish and then giving them grime down with black, brown or red oil wash.
Wasn't he blue in official OG epic depictions?
great painting but you deserve to be shot for this awful, american-football-team color scheme
you're anti-purple psy-op won't get to me, anon.
Fuck, maybe it's getting to me already.
just because orange, purple and green are triadic does not mean it looks good
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Something kinda weird just happened, greentext format for convenience
>prime mini as always
>attempt to speedpaint it
>the paint doesnt really stick
>it's almost like trying to paint on an unprimed mini, it's a bit "oily"
>normally have really good experience with speedpaint, one coat and done is not just a marketing gimmick
>this time have to pass it like 2-3 times
>still looks very uneven
>if I apply any pressure at all, I just smear off paint
Anyone knows what might've happened?
For now I just prime it with a different primer, I guess, hope it doesn't obscure any details.
Except for in this case where it does.
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>acting like official 40k color schemes aren't goofy af
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How to highlight my thallaxii, they are of serviceable tabletop quality, but I feel like they're a bit bland and flat.
these don't look good either!
clean the mini with soap and water
You're just in the pocket of Big Purple and you're too blind to see it.
>T. paints his models in drab brown green cammo.
Finished up these guys and a terrain piece in time for October. Tried some new techniques that I'm quite happy with
Pretty good. Where are they from?
Thank you anon.
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>mfw i spend 4 hours meticulously painting every mini to the best of my abilities but then play against an astra militarum player who painted 20 units in a 2 hour slopjob speedpaint but they look roughly same quality at tabletop distances
>Anon comically missing the point
I'm sorry for your loss, anon. What was his name?
love the birch tree paintjob
RIP lil nigga
He is eating fish feed in the big aquarium in the sky now
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every fall i feel like adding new units to my lizardmen army
I am utterly called out.
>at tabletop distances
This is what a lot of people forget. Unit readability and all that are important, some don't even look at single squads when designing a scheme, they look at how the army will look like when put together. Nothing wrong with wanting everything at display quality, but it's not the only way, and the faster method allows for a good looking table while you play, that will beat a grey tide any day of the week.
>Primed a mini with Citadel (tm) Chaos Black (c)
> It still smells 4 hour later
This isn't normal, right?
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My units are camouflaged which will give them an advantage in the battle field while your clowns are spotted from a mile away
it's not them looking like they share the same quality, it's knowing yours are better painted
Having myself lost minis on battlefield and had someone lose entire vehicle for a week, ya, clown colours are great because you will not lose them on the field
I don't really think spare marines or terminators especially are too concerned with camouflage or cover at all really.
you're supposed to do it outside or in a well ventilated area
not your bedroom
I went out to the balcony to prime it, then took the miniature back inside. It's roughly 60cm away and smells to high heaven, even after all this time. I normally just use radiator primer, this is the first time using specifically miniature primer.
That's great and boring as fuck. It's a fantasy game, not military angst simulator Iraq war edition.
I recommend we all paint tribute minis in remembrance of this guy's fish.
>he has to hide from the enemy
show us, let us find joy in your misery.
Awesome. The NMM could use some smoothing out in a couple places but it looks great
New fren
Let the mini outside for a few hours then?
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Working on my Angmar and watching some Yuru Camp
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Been doing that shit since 2016, bro. It gets better over time, until it gets worse. Then it may or may not get better - but nobody really knows, especially the docs.
It's not your fault, it's not anyone's fault.
I haven't participated in the secret santa here yet, but had a few questions.
What've people usually considered great gifts in the past?
What's an average budget look like?
Is it ok to send finished minis even if you're newer to the hobby?
>Is it ok to send finished minis even if you're newer to the hobby?
I demand you send me a golden demon ready mini or I'm asking for a refund.
Your match will have a list of likes and dislikes. If they don't want finished minis, they can say so.
Hard to further highlight something so bright overall. I'd rather go for depth by applying some black liner

I'm about to start some goblin warg riders.
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peak comfy
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>painting orks
>not proudly displaying your gaudy colors so the enemy can see you from a mile away and preemptively shit their pants
You're doing it wrong
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>imagine a Terminator in camo
The emperor does not approve of such cowardice.
Look at the galleries of the last year's and decide for yourself.
It's also for posting good looking high-res picture. If you paint mainly to play, the fast methods are completely valid.
I am older (but really not grog) hobbyist and I generally go for 20-40 euros for gift by buying minis my match wants, then if I can include bits, goods, extra minis from backlog and usually some painted miniature. Hand made cards and models are always great fun so from new hobbyist it's the best
Thanks anons, his name was Midnight. I taught him to jump for treats, he'd eat off my finger tip and I could pet him. I've had several fish, and have two aquariums total one on each corner of my desk. My older Betta Mischief died earlier in the summer, they both made it to about the same age. It never gets easier losing them, people misjudge fish for being stupid and mindless, but they're not. I always train them to a degree, and they always recognize me, and unlike a dog or cat they never shit on the carpet.

Enough sad posting though, on to minis. I got some work done last night, finished the last base for this first squad of Cazadores. The three round 40s are the squad, the smaller 25s are support. I have another squad primed, I kinda want a third.
Doing some decent progress on my first ork, almost done, but I absolutely need a break. Speedpaint my ass, I needed 4 hours for this, I must be doing something wrong though, that's gotta be on me. It turned out rather dark and muted sadly, without perfect lighting the colors don't really pop.
It's fun, but it takes so long, I'm not aiming for a Golden Demon or nothing, I just apply a coat or two of paint...
Oh yeah, I still got a full sheet of those stickers that came with the Kill Team, apparently you just cut them up, make them wet and then can stick them on the minis?
Does anyone here do that, I don't remember ever seeing it.
those are transfer sheets, everyone who aren't golden demon artists uses them
You'll get faster. Batch painting also speeds up the process a lot.
Could you achieve this kind of airbrush work on a cheaper $20 airbrush? Could you do even smaller transitions than this? I am not apposed to getting a good airbrush, but I don't really want to spend $160 if I don't have to, but I still want my models to look fantastic. This is what I have currently:
https://www.amazon.com/GotHobby-0-3mm-Gravity-Dual-Action-Airbrush/dp/B005H3FMBW/ (or atleast something very similar)
Ignoring the fact that that paintjob looks weird as fuck, I'd get a lil bit smaller needle if you want to do detail work, something like 0,15. As long as you have a compressor that can provide enough pressure to properly spray the paint I really don't see why not. Being this precise requites a bit of practice though
Thanks anon. now that you mention it, that does look really weird, but Its a decent example. I got some $80 compressor, hope that's enough.

I wonder though, if anon has a good airbrush recommendation for if I ever decide to get a fancy one
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>dont have white primer
>prime black
>paint it completely white
same effect?
I'm using a H&S Evolution and I never ran into any problems, everything I wanted to do I was able to do with this thing. I got it as a gift though, I don't think I'd splurge that much on an airbrush. Maybe some anons can give more input but I think I've heard that badger airbrushes are also good and not as expensive as H&S
>go to H&S website
>evolution unironically has squidmar and a.giraldez editions
absolute cringe
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>everyone who aren't golden demon artists uses them
There've been plenty of GD entries in the past using them. They just put in a lot of extra work on top, like pic rel which used transfers for the chapter icon, but then with highlights painted on top to match the main armour paintjob. I'm honestly surprised that I don't see people shading/highlighting their transfers more often
If this isn’t bait then don’t try it broseph. If you’ve got an airbrush then maybe it would end up looking okay, but otherwise it’s going to take you thirty coats of the chalkiest, shittiest color of paint to get it where you want it. If it’s a small portion of the model that’s ending up white then maybe you can build to it without losing your mind, but otherwise just get the white primer
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>found a can of 2.57€ radiator primer at home
Wish me luck, bros
genuinely curious how will it work
There was a nice selection of all manners of spray cans at a nearby hardware store but I was hesitant to get some of them because there's little that actually call themselves a primer, and of those few say they're fine for plastic, and even then I wouldn't know if they'd be good for models. Does radiator primer work?
I can't fucking do it anymore
I been using car primer for years now and it's been better then top of the shelf expensive stuff to be honest, and costs like 3-4 euros.
I could see this stuff working well for terrain if all else fails, it's where I used my bad primers.
Ok so, my Gel Superglue leaves some very faint white marks *around* the area where I applied it, as if something was aerosoled on top. It has practically no texture but isnt exactly removed with a damp paper towel or the such. How much of an issue will it be after priming?
While it didn't have 100% coverage, I don't see it fucking up extremely intricate gill/vent structure on nid limbs which IMO is a litmus test for how bad/good primer performs. I think it might turn out alright with a full basecoat of white/grey on top.
Thanks anon. I've been using Mr. Super Clear Matte but like I said, sick of waiting for the weather to collaborate. I should definitely be able to find GW's goo somewhere around here. There's a local little scale model shop I've bought paints from, I'll check them for the Vallejo stuff too.
it won't be an issue, it's just how gel superglue works, it always discolours the area, even more so if there's poor ventilation

as long as you use it and let it cure before using paint there are no problems whatsoever
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>I think it might turn out alright with a full basecoat of white/grey on top.
I will try it
Thanks santa!
I made double sure I entered properly this year so you dont have to smoosh me in last minute again.
Do any of you guys have recommendations for minis to buy to like practice painting on? I know I can just strip whatever guys I paint if they’re bad but i don’t know it’s like a mental thing for me.
Go to the Warhammer store and ask for the miniature of the month to get one for free. This month it's a chaos warrior. Alternatively, some cheap ETB space marines on ebay will do as well.
whatever you like
How cheap do you want to go? There's several options. Historicals, like those from perry, are usually on the cheap side. Reaper has some lines that come cheap as well if you want fantasy. Frostgrave kits are plastic multipart and are quite affordable. If you want to go even cheaper and you just want to practice brush control and techniques you can even find some green army men or something. Toys are often enough a good source of terrain or vehicles, but there's some stuff that can work if the scale is right (assuming you then want to play). Or you can 3d print.
I like Ork Gretchin for that because some of them are a single piece and feature metal, flesh, and cloth.
>posts screenshots of his photos screen instead of just posting the picture directly
>doesn't even include any dick thumbnails
It's like, come on.
Paint it black and drybrush it white, twice for opacity. Zenithal if you have an airbrush. It will look better than white primer anyway, your transparent colors will be visible but have shading.
Frostgrave/Stargrave miniatures are 25-28€ for 20 miniatures
I've got a frostgrave knight with shoddily attached arms that gets used as my test subject routinely. He's nice cause he's got some cloth, some leather, some metal and some skin showing
Go on ebay or whatever local equivalent (Vinted is great in my area). I got just got 20 tyranid termagants for 22 euro.
maybe month ago some swedish anon ordered bunch of these dirt cheap maston primers i use and swear by, sadly i havent seen if he had any luck with them
apparently they are sold in 40 countries so by all means give them a try
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and here are the the rattlecans i was talking about
you could always look into something like victrix, one box has some 60 small napelonic dudes, and if you like it you can use it for shit like turnip28 where model doesn't even have to look pretty.
What I'm working on right now, I needed a little project to decompress from painting 20 -30 model units, and this was perfect.
Love it. Gobbos are so fun to paint.
I was doing some archeology and I found out we used to have this rating scale.
Before anybody spergs out about how art is subjective, I don't think this is good for rating how good the mini looks but it is a pretty good objective metric for what standard the mini is painted to, in line with battle ready vs parade ready. I say that as somebody whose minis are mostly a 5 or 6.
I think this is a decent rating scale for judging technical skill
It's true, I kind of want to add a unit of steppe gobbos to my army now
It's alright, don't like how 7 is the middle though.
5 is literally described as average, and is probably above average on a hobby-wide scale. If "significant effort, good detail and shading" is middle of the road to you, your LGS must be a painting utopia.
most of the stuff posted here is 4-6, don't know how the fuck you came to the conclusion that 7 is the middle of the road
Behead all faggots who insist on turning "WIP - Work In Progress General" threads into painting contests.
C is the minimum passing grade, a B is a comfortable pass
Yep, my brain fell out.
I think I'm going to pass on secret santa this year to save some money.
A is the big good, B is good C is average D is below average F is awful
Hope that clears things up for you :^)
My minis are always a 10. because they're all 10mm, it's a bad joke
Where's E?
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Just found out these MDF tiles were only 10 euros cheaper than GW plastic tiles. Well, they’re done now.
First (Nuln Oil) + second (Agrax) washes.

Still undecided which color to paint the truck.
they are very pretty but what do you do with them
Dollar Tree. They've got their Fairy Garden stuff, plus you can buy little one inch figures of a bunch of different stuff from the toy section.
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Aaaand, done!
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I'm new to this whole painting minis thing and I was wondering about airbrushing. I have a small furnished apartment and I can't really get paint everywhere. Is it safe to airbrush on a small desk or will get paint aerosol everywhere? Is pic related enough protection?
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>Still undecided which color to paint the truck.
Gee, anon, I don't know ... isn't there some Ork proverb ... "sumfing sumfing go fasta"?
Red it is then
paint wont dissipate into thin air and disappear if thats what you are asking
unless you are basecoating 50 whole models every day you wont notice the difference in your normal weekly cleaning
You will die if you do this.
I airbrush in my 3x3m bedroom, no paint residue to be found.
Does anyone know what the fuck are those supposed to be? Flames? I think I like that variant of the staff more but I'd rather visualize how I'm going to paint it and since I don't know what it is I don't know how to paint it. Its the tsons termies kit btw
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I am retarded
warp flames, i guess, yeah
You could probably get away with painting it any colour or gradient
Not on the list, in general.
I don't get the problem. It's the Tzeentch logo.
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I airbrush in a closet and my spray booth is a piece of paper taped to the wall.
This could be useful to us but I don't really understand it desu. I understand the idea that colors have different values at max chroma, but anything more than "lighten with yellow for more chroma" isn't making sense to me.
Why not just add less yellow and not have to add the red? Would this work with less opaque yellows since I don't use cadmium?
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that's what I thought initially
I mean yes that's the shape but what is it made of? It looks kinda like flame but up close there are holes which make it look like a tentacle of some kind?
Flaming tentacle
It's a spooky mutated thing that represents change.
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thats the thing
its magic and it can he whatever you want
aight fair enough. I'll just figure out how to paint it later. thanks anons
Anyone got the link to the secret Santa catalogue?
It is in the pastebin of the OP
You can use them as boards for Necromunda or OPR Gang Wars.
>why not just add less yellow
because you want to keep the intensity and depth of the colors
yellow lightens it but shifts the hue
red deepens it conserving its intensity
using both together means you can fine tune it keeping its intensity while controlling the lightness
if you were to only use yellow it makes the color washed out ruining the intensity. adding a bit of red brings the intensity back
but usually, with mini painting, we don't have to worry about this because we have such a wide variety of colors to choose from. we can directly see where the lightening and intensity goes as all tutorials instruct us to use the colors involved (blues with blues, greens with greens, reds with reds, etc.) when darkening and lightening them and to not use blacks and whites
hope it makes sense
Neat! I like them, good stonework and blue for the ithillids
Got a black dragon to paint, what should I add to my highlight tone? Blue or green?
go for green, gives it a more earthy tone, blue would make it seem metallic and cool
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Gonna use this guy as a necromancer for aos once I paint him
really nice, it's kitbash?
One of the cities of sigmar command squad models with a bird on it
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damn he looks cool as fuck
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Does anyone else get solicited for tips on painting IRL, provide the tips/recipes, then get disappointed that the guy who asked would proceed to use none of it?

Not even complicated stuff like "add a glaze of red to provide flush to the areas around the noses, ears, and elbows" or "Vary the intensity of brightness of your edge highlights when painting NMM." Just basic stuff like "use a wash," "paint a white/pink/brown undercoat before painting yellow instead of going over black" or "dry brush the basing" when you were specifically asked for such advice.
I have 5 of these things I just can't sell because GW flooded the market with them in every re;ease.
you can't sell them even now with the influx of people from sm2?
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Finished this guy. Somehow thought this was the default scheme too, but that’s red and gold. Maybe I subconsciously got it from the Chaplain with jump pack or something.
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Had one guy ask me how I did my shadows, then told me I was wrong since I didn't use the "correct" shadow color.
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nice blend on the axe
what was the correct one?
I had a friend and his GF over for their first-ever mini painting. They followed instructions easily, had a blast and left with a very decent tabletop-standard knight each. Sorry that you didn't meet people like them yet.
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It was that I used a generic purple instead of a named purple paint.
This weekend I am going to get my shit together and start painting again after 6-months break. I will!
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start now anon, what's stopping you
>generic purple instead of a named purple
>what's stopping you
Having to get up for work in 7 hours. I am *really* slow at painting
Oh, and irrational anxiety. That too.
I've reserved entire Saturday for it. I have the mini, paints and music selected. It will be great.
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i don't understand
Where's the anon that was painting the girl from last threads OP? I want some progress pics
I'm going to remember that and if you don't post some pictures on saturday I'll find you and shit in your paint water
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Well this year was low on Ork nonsense, orktober is here, thus I take out this unfinished stompa and now been contemplating if I should work on it this month.
While playing with part I was gonna use as the back realised something, I could print parts to speed up the process but now I am thinking if I should fit some rocket engines to the back of this and make stomps that looks like it's all about going fast in flight
I shaded with a vallejo purple instead of slaneeshi nutsack or whatever the "real" purple was.
>slaneeshi nutsack
I can totally see geedubs adding that to their roster
most of gw paint names are so stupid, god
A flying brick. Absolutely no aerodynamics, terrible weight distribution, no way to land in one piece let alone safely. You are insane.
Go for it!
No, not really. If they're asking those kinds of basics (and I wouldn't give unsolicited advice to beginners) I would be more interested in them just following their own timeline rather than mine. I'd only be annoyed if they kept asking the same questions over and over again, but it'd be a lot because I'm perfectly happy to autistically tell people about my painting stuff if they wanna listen.
>I apply a basecoat with Daemonette Nipples, followed by two thin layers of Hedonite Scrote
I found a local print/signage company who sell giant sheets of ABS plastic for very little cost but so far haven't found away around the more specialized shapes
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look to my posting at last light on the third day
...goddamit lol
Oi, its not flying brick, it's flying bucket! Whole different shape!
I hope my SS picks a coomer model that I'll like. I have faith in them.
I've taught two friends to paint. One will only follow my instructions, double checks every next step with me. Takes his time and does things slowly but competently, lots of glazing and blending. The other does the opposite of any advice he asks from me and paints almost completely out the box of "normal" despite being exposed to all the usual methods and styles. Wetblending zenithals with two different brands of spraypaint "cuz I like the way the chemicals separate on the surface" Refusing to paint any base materials, like crushing up bricks instead of painting dirt red. Buying a box of 40 superglue tubes to assemble his plastic models and never buying a bottle of plastic cement. He confounds me but he paints super quick and loose and his stuff looks good in a forest for the trees type way.
I'm envious of the second guy. So unfettered.
Last year was a good one, so I'll have another go at it.
Also remember, anons: I'll know if you've beennice or little shits this year.
I'm definetely sending my match a painted coomer mini, maybe you'll be in luck
Plastic cement is overrated.
Thats how i paint and i love it but people shit on me here

>Plastic cement is overrated.
well this is a dedicated wip/painting thread, nobody is going to applaud you for barely putting any effort
>Plastic cement is overrated.
Naw, stronger than superglue and easier to apply.
>Plastic cement is overrated
plastic cement is mentioned in almost every conversation about plastic vs regular super glue
but what is plastic cement and why is it better than normal glue, what does it do better and is it cheaper
>Plastic cement is overrated.
You fucking take this back
show us some plastic models you've built using superglue instead of plastic glue
Anyone got tips on what to use for shading a bright-green and salad-green details? Cloaks and metals in particular. I' mixing my own paints, so a general color for the shade or technique would be best
>Naw, stronger than superglue and easier to apply.
Welding plastic together is good, but I like being able to change arms/legs/etc if I want to, and without getting the saw out.
The mass reply isn't working, (you) know who (you) are.
It appears my superiority has caused some controversy.
Super glue gel:
>can kitbash with any material
>has a decently long open time for if you need to adjust it
>can be accelerated if you really need to
>can be made brittle in the freezer for disassembly
Literally why use plastic cement? Are you saying superglue hurts models or gets a worse finish or something?
a darker green(duh) with a touch of purple or blue mixed in
Plastic cement usually means a stronger bond and that's important on the table. After a while you get tired of having to put together models time and again.
bitch are you throwing your models around on the table for
So, something more emerald and not too soviet-tanky?
it is a solvent that partially dissolves the plastic of the surfaces to join, so when it evaporates you only have one piece of plastic

better? that depends, stronger? probably yes since it fuses the parts while regular glue just stays there and can crack, easier to apply? in some cases, for pieces that cant hold themselves you have to hold them for a while o rest them somewhere in place so it can dry, with superglue you only need a few seconds
cheaper? talking about the tamiya quick type at least, definetly, you can buy literal bottles of the stuff or even make it yourself, its just acetone and butyl acetate 1:1, you could make a liter of the stuff for the same price as ~40ml of ca glue

another use is making sprue goo to fill gaps by just dissolving in it some sprues, or just brushing it on a surface you have carved/sanded/cut to smooth it

it seems obvious enough but you can only use it for plastics (and not all of them, it wont work for eps or pvc), so no resin or metal
I like it because it's stronger AND faster at the same time. CA is weak and also slow and fiddly. Cement just instantly bonds whatever I'm doing.
Depends on what you're going for, I guess? Emerald will be more vibrant while a desaturated green will be colder and more muted
Why? Also there's no way to keep the paint job in tact when you do that.
Personally, I found that plastic cement isn't that good for small weak points. My Cities cavalier bannerman exploded a bunch of times, and the trustiest re-gluing was with instant glue. Maybe plastic cement bonds better in theory, but the process to get it to stick is waaaay worse and results in poorer bonding over all.
No, only been asked paint recipes. I had one guy get upset about my pricing on FB marketplace, from my local scene, and he sent a long msg to me on. He said because I haven't won a golden demon, I can't charge as much as I was charging. "I can get an entire combat patrol painted for 110USD," he also stated. The miniature sold the day after this rando messaged me, I lmfao after that interaction.
I love those "I can do it cheaper" posts. Ok then, what are you waiting for?
What are your favorite red and purple contrast/speed paint/etc paints?
what mini was that?
Shit happens when you move models around.
Baal Red is the champion of red contrast paints, I don't even usually buy Citadel.
I unironically don't use purple.
I use every purple paint that GW sells and they're all important to me.
Odd question, but are we able to sign up for stepping in if someone gets grimaced without sending a present? Funds are tight this year, but I'd like to help out anyone who gets got.
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thank you for the comprehensive answer
i cant really fathom why would anyone want to fuse their models together so they cant be separated again
its different for people who have been in this hobby for 20 years who know what we want and how models should be and what expect from them
but i think teaching young people and and everyone who has just gotten into the hobby to straight up permanently fuse their parts together when most of them will be stripping them and taking them apart again in few years is wrong

drop of superglue is all you need, you will thank yourself later
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Redbrick number 2 done.
This guy was still kinda smothered from the primer but I could actually follow most of the small details this time.
Got the Tsons blue and still trying to get the right mixture for thinning.
Very happy with the eyes this time, headpiece is still difficult.
Still not happy with the tabard colors so I think I'll try red for the next one
So you don't know what plastic cement is but that last line makes it sound like you have experience and recommend superglue. So which is it?
>when most of them will be stripping them and taking them apart again
Why taking them apart?
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Taking the gobbopill for the next few days.
Keep at it mate
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Still rough around the edges but it's definetely a step up from the previous one. Keep painting anon, also
>998 sons to go
good one
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>still trying to get the right mixture for thinning
are you using a wet pallet at all? At the very least you can probably rig one up with stuff you have around the house; though, honestly a stawet is like $20 and will probably make your life a lot easier. Maybe also try wicking more paint off the brush before applying it to the model.
>think I'll try red for the next one
>already using blue and yellow
putting all 3 primaries in a single composition is like... a cardinal sin or something. I'd be much more inclined to go orange.

ngl fren you've definitely chosen a baptism by fire to learn on tsons, but keep at it and I'd bet things will start to click for you soon
Thanks anon
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most people will eventually strip and take apart their first armies because they are either gotten way better at painting or aforementioned plus they noticed they have been built the wrong way

i already posted all of this and everyone can relate to it
I don't mean to be a dick or anything but that headpiece is begging for a nice dark wash and some highlights. 90% of focus is on the face and that is technically part of the head, should benefit from the extra love.
>built the wrong way
No such thing.
And no, I've never taken apart an army. Stop projecting your personal way of doing things onto other people.
Stripping and repainting, sure, but not disassembling. Do you struggle to follow an instruction manual or something?
>i already posted all of this and everyone can relate to it
Not me, mang
>most people will eventually strip and take apart their first armies
>take apart
lol what?
I can not relate
I imagine Warhammer players might need to take miniatures apart to swap weapons for point reasons. I still have my first CSM that I removed the plasma pistol hands from, almost twenty years ago.
Having a fully magnetized necromunda gang would be a dream
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you are telling me there is no such thing anymore as wrong built models because every single kit comes with instructions these days
i was not aware of this new thing, it was not always like that
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>there is no such thing
I'm sure they exist, but I don't think it's charitable to assume everyone is as retarded as you.
I've never built a model "wrong". I don't even see how.. put the arms on backwards?
All about making more "interesting" colors for our eyes. Like everyone knows the trick of painting yellow by undercoating with pink then white zenithal before the yellow to get orange shadows. You can do that with lots of things. Like mixing green and magenta to get a chromatic grey, work that same green into the shadows of the base and such and it will help ground the mini in the scene. Or using a bright pale yellow over indigo to get a desaturated grey that leans blue in the shadows. Lots of similar things you can do, just takes some playing around and experimentation to see if it compliments how you enjoy painting.
NTA but WYSIWYGing an impossible loadout.
Did you watch the video? It's about chroma, it has nothing to do with optical blending.
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sure they are many reason how you could built youre models wrong
make too many chamoions, too many heavy weapons, too many special weapons and overall fuckery that some underage people tend to do with their toys that have to be rectified when you are more familiar with the rules
im not trying to be a dick about this im just telling how it usually is
Army men. Cheap, several poses, and pretty disposable.
I'm using a tupperware cover. I think my brushes might be kinda shitty (Army Painter starter Kit) but I also might be being hard on them.
I saw videos someone doing Scarab Terminators with red tabards and really liked them so I figure I'd try it.
And overall it's difficult but I'm having fun.
Absolutely disgusting
Nobody gives a shit outside of official GW events.

>how it usually is
Yeah, that's where you're wrong, most people are not retarded. Your advice not to use plastic cement might be good for little kids, but not otherwise. Nobody cares if you have the wrong guns on your models, as long as you clarify what they're supposed to be ahead of time and aren't trying to cheat.
You can also go on amazon for some decent deals. "Wildspire" has some good collections/sculpts for not much money, and I've seen a few others.
do you even play in an enviroment where anyone gives a shit?
All this seething because I use one adhesive instead of buying one for plastic and one for metal/resin.
I give a shit. I fully acknowledge it's a touch of the tism but it's irritating to have the wrong configuration.
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>ITT anons who dont check if someone is using capital letters and replying to whoever they feel like
you still haven't posted an assembled model, I want to see if they're clean and don't have gaps or overspilled ca glue
>resin or metal minis have never been competently assembled, since that requires using plastic cement
Based retard.
So, nomodels it is. Now fuck off with your shitty attempt at derailing the thread
I will do the needful and buy GW plastic sement at MSRP saar.
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Was fucking around painting the little slugs and was like no thank you and just snapped her off the base. Fast and loose boys fast and loose. And thats why superglue is superior to plastic sement
>the workspace is the palette
I do that too sometimes
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The Thicctor is coming together nicely
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After months of procrastination I finally got a single space marine done
>next up, Chapter Master Vinyar and his Tyrant Guard
>only 6 thousand coats of yellow left but I have faith in the Emperor
lmao is that a kitbash?
I understand this. I have seperate bags of heads, shoulder pauldrons, weapons, and armor details, and I spend multiple hours staring at, building, ripping apart, and rebuilding a space marine until I’m happy. Sometimes Ill array them all, see one that doesnt look right, and rip them apart until i can make them better fit my vision, maybe seeing a head or an arm on another one that looks better, or ill empty out my collection of heads and sort through until I find the correct fit
I would NEVER.
Keeping track of your progress is important. Plus, new minis aren't actually that expensive.
Nah, it's a 3d print, tough I have thought about kit bashing some stuff on to it. Mainly from the norn emissary, and turn it into something like a norn avatar, but it would be a bit pricey to do.
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Reminds me of Knights of Sidonia.
not my proudest fap, but a good one nonetheless
Good stuff, I love termies myself.

Cool conversions. Thought they were some sort of renegade chapter, then I read Vinyar and saw the yellow and understood.

Is there any kind of assurances that my secret santa won't murder me in my sleep after learning my address?
The contract stipulates that they won't get their present if they murder their recipient.
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... or you could meet them in person and become friends!
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Number 3 done.
Absolutely love the red tabard, I used three different colors but honestly I liked it with just screamer pink fine.
Took me about 3 hours so slightly faster then number 2.
I did fuck up on putting the gun in his hand but oh well.
And the sigils are finally visible on the bolter so I have to ask what's the best way to try painting them?
The gold spray is coming out a little grainy, is it really sunny or humid where you are?
Not really, I think it may have been because I didn't shake the can long enough
>I advised against the red cloak
>it looks great
my bad bro. I'm glad you stuck with it. looks way sharper than the last dude overall as well.
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Made some Marine Juice. The 60ml bottles had to arrive first.
Pic related shows the shade of marine juice, the recipe and the before, moist, and after drying of a pre-primed DnD miniature.

This is me basically making the Sonic Sledgehammer Marine Juice mix and showing it off.
Have fun with it if you think it looks good. I like it.
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Thanks man.
I was a little worried the red might encroach on the Sorcerer's fancy duds but I think they'll look fine. The red highlights look bad in the photo but I like them irl.
And the rest of them should all look a lot better on detail besides some of them being grainy and some not.

Is liberator gold a better choice for doing edge highlights on Retributor? I've been using stormhost silver and it's probably just cause I'm bad at it but I'm not crazy about the way it comes out looking.
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I was playing around with undercoating and realised a lot of this preshading is going go go to waste because metalics are inherently opaque. Is there anything I can do to save it or should I just use this as an opportunity to learn NMM?
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dug some old reivers out of my pile of shame and painted one up today as a Raptor since I can run them in the new edition of kill team and only need 6.

Coming along pretty well, I gotta pick up coelia greenshade tomorrow to get the armor shaded then do some final highlights but I'm really proud of how it's going so far, especially the face.

What kind of a base do you all think would look good for these guys? I might go get some of those pre-made industrial bases since this is for kill team. But a jungle theme is also kinda speaking to me.
>trying to find hobby information on something
>find video testing or comparing something
>it's done by a cute girl and not a troll
I love when this happens.
One anon last year got a visit from Angry Santa and he lived to tell the tale. And he got cheese.
put it back in the pile
It would be interesting to see it right next to pure Agrax and pure AP/Vallejo etc brown wash.

Because on your pic, idk. Sure, it works but it just looks like a brown wash.
>everyone can relate to it
Lol no
>im just telling how it usually is
Your insistence on spewing retarded nonsense when so many people called you on on your BS is kinda adorable
Glory to the fapmind
Nothing to do to save it. It is a fairly simple shape for NMM.
Whoa Mama
Athonian is probably better for that shade of green
Anon, as a fellow autist I can tell you with 100% confidence that the desire to endlessly redo projects until they are “perfect” is the siren song of the ‘tism. Leave the old projects be and move on to new stuff, unless you’re out of new ideas or money
Your wash recipe please? no ink please
it's cool to see how every next guy is looking better than the previous one. Keep at it anon.
>3 hours
that fucking feel when I probably spend like 15 hours on a single rubric
paint, water, flow improver
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>want to start a speedpainting project for a squad as a way to learn a new way of approaching batch painting
>wait this looks like shit
>let's wash this again
>let's put an edge highlight
>not good, let's blend that spot
What about Matte Medium???
Wait, spending less time lowers quality?
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dude no way
Surprising, right?
Imho the trick to speedpainting is to:
1) do many testers so the scheme has the perfect speed/quality ratio you want before you start the main project
2) leave the rework and touchups for the very last
Ok serious question now: are they better than GW?
yes, a lot better
New thread


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nice, was about to make a new one myself
God I love the animation style of this.

Has the studio done anything else?
if you paint is not matte enough yeah sure, but is not a must
That looks great, I like the scheme and kinda wish I had painted mine like that.
They've made a lot of smut.
since or prier?
I dunno. I'm not intimately familiar with all their stuff.
Fair, fair. Thank you for indulging me, anon.
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Any suggestions on a colour scheme for my Marshall? I'm going for a french blue for the army but I want him to stand out from the rank and file.
I use purple washes more than the average person and I've come across this experience.
Purple washes are great/underrated but for some reason gets seen as "wrong".
And the giant banner on his back doesn't make him stand out?

I'd opt to make the over-cloak white then.

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