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No Rest for the Living edition

Previous thread: >>93949359

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『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
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>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Who are your dudes closest allies, and how did they become best buds?
Vallejo Model Color 70.811 Blue Violet might be quite kino for this
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my dudes don't even like each other
>Loyalist UM
Outside the militia and solar aux cohorts under their charge, their closest "allies" would be the knight household they've found themselves working with multiple times thanks to their coincidental shared interest in killing my traitors
>Traitor UM
The Mechanicum forces of Forgeworld Atracia, the praetor and head archmagos have known each other for some time thanks to his chapter being heavily skewed toward armor and once he went renegade in the early stages of the heresy she gaslit him into following her down the path to damnation

Mid-Heresy Death Guard, devotees of Ignatius Grulgor. Closest allies are dark mech skitarii who look even closer to full on robots than usual as any organic components rot away too quick when operating in the same warzones as Grulgor
Man I did the math, and there's really just no way for me to play my 11k points Dusk raiders Armored company in any GW system without ignoring a lot of rules - which I completely understand, the game was built for much smaller army sizes
...but I'm still a little sad I'll never get to put this all on the table
>Rhino A: 10 Tac A, 5 Las Heavy Sup A
>Rhino B: 10 Tac A, 5 Las Heavy Sup A
>Rhino C: 10 Tac B, 5 Auto Heavy Sup A
>Rhino D: 10 Tac B, 5 Auto Heavy Sup A
>Rhino E: 10 Flamer Tac Sup, 5 Plasma Tac Sup
>Rhino F: 10 Melta Tac Sup, 5 Plasma Tac Sup
>Land Raider A: 10 Vet A, 5 Auto Heavy Sup B
>Land Raider B: 10 Vet B, 5 Las Heavy Sup B
>Land Raider C: 5 Las Heavy Sup B, 5 Auto Heavy Sup B, 2 Master of Signals
>Spartan A: 7(14) Term A, 7(14) Term B
>Spartan B: 7(14) Term A, 7(14) Term B
>Mastodon: 10 PA Command, 5(10) Term Command, Term Praetor(2), Term Librarian(2), Term Champ(2), Term Forge Lord(2), Term Medic(2), 5(10) Nullificator
>Escort: Pred Squadron A (3), Pred Squadron B (3), Vindi Squadron (3), Kratos Command Tank
Thanks for the recc, I will buy tonight!
Solar Aux assigned to Alpha Legion and then being gaslit to follow the AL into dickery and bullshittery.
WOW that’s a lot, got a pic of the full force?
Seems like the only issues are the force org chart and/or the one-unit-per-transport rule.
Bro just play apocalypse! That simple. You bring all your shit and I’ll bring mine. Sound good?
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total wall rat death
Anyone got any dead/dying custards or sisters STLs for basing?
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No, I've tried, literally not even my (albeit pretty cluttered) bedroom floor was enough for all the infantry and tanks. Here's a shot of about half of the infantry in the force along my blood scorpion and certus tech thralls.

Yeah that's what I meant by ignoring a lot of rules. I guess I could make up custom scenario where I split it up into 4 3k forces and it's the opposing sides objective to stop the Dusk Raiders from getting off a smash and grab on the local population center.
No put it all on the table after a certain point, it doesn’t matter. Just make sure the table is big enough
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>Perturabo narrowed his eyes, nodding. He’d calculated that the Devastation would attempt an attack after their compatriots escaped. There was a level of predictability when considering the tactical strategies of the Emperor’s minions; they locked themselves into restrictive shackles of banality. Perturabo wasn’t afflicted with the disease of normalcy. His intelligence was unmatched and he relished toying with the insipid hordes of grunts incapable of basic analytical reasoning.
Just get more rhinos for the extra squads?
I can offload Cybertheurgic feedback wounds on Guardian subtype units, right?
>Things do taste how I imagine
>I eat salt sometimes (yummy)
I NEED help dude
Please sire, I can't slam in another Rhino backplate
>Not using the superior mars pattern Rhino
Only got yourself to blame.
>>94013923 #
Well just how do you write the cleverness of a smart character then? I know it's silly to look for graceful prose in the Bolter Porn series, but still. The reader would need to rely on either other characters piecing together the Smart Guy's plans, or rely on the narrator to tell you:
Abaddon on Saturnine ends up realizing Perturabo let him claim ownership of the plan just so he wouldn't be blamed when it failed.
And besides your example, on Hammer of Olympia the narrator tells us Perty disagrees with the Magos Temporal to make him prove he isn't just another Yes-man, and wounds up creating the Time Disruptor to counter the Hrud.

How would you write a smart character? If he really were smart, we wouldn't even know it was him in the first place.
nice thralls
>Well just how do you write the cleverness of a smart character then?
Having them be eloquent rather than seem like theyre grandstanding would be a start. Clunky text (restrictive shackles of banality) just makes him seem laughable.

If I were writing a scene supposed to show that pertruabo is a smart man who can predict his opponents I would simply have him predict their movements. Maybe provide him figuring out and exploiting the train of thought of his opponents, he figures out what they will do even before they do it - and circumstances later prove him correct.
Keep flowery speech/prose to a minimum since it obfuscates what is happening and makes the person seem like theyre full of themselves/full of shit

Writing smart characters is hard, but theres imo two key things you can do. Either "show the work" (explain their thought process and have it be clever) or "get the right answer" (have them prove their intellect somehow, get results and be effective in the story).
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>insipid hordes of grunts incapable of basic analytical reasoning
accurately describes every wall rat
Arbites solar aux anon here, got new ideas for stuff to convert. As a reminder:
>Running penal colony rules
>Basic Arbites: rifle section with shotguns
>Shield and Maul Arbites: Veletaris Storm with Axes
>Palatine Subjugators: Lifeward
>Sanctioner Automata from Necromunda: Charonite ogryns
>Repressors: Aurox

New ideas:
>Palatine Tauros (longer and wider than original resin) with added weapons strapped to the side like the hunter killers on the old one: Carnadon
>Spare Dogs from Arbites Kits with melta mines strapped to their backs: Cyclops Demolition Vehicle
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they've spent a lot of time around word bearers and sons of horus by virtue of circumstance prior to and after the events at istvaan, enoughso for this and that to have rubbed off on them concerning mannerisms atop their reverence of angron
friendly with their mechanicum support elements besides that
they would probably get along well with some iron warriors
>Arbites solar aux
Idk why Solar Auxilia have a criminal pattern force, I thought they were all stormtrooper-like professional soldiers. Sounds more like an Imperial Army Penal Legion thing
That would be cool. I’m thinking Arbites for Militia.
I tried playing around with militia rules, but it was just too many hoops to jump to not really get what I wanted. Solar Auxilia just felt like it first them better, they're easier to fit in an allied Detachment, and the Arbites are said to have their starts in the Great crusade policing conquered anyway.
Its not "solar aux police patter" but "police who are best represented by solar aux"
They aren't as elite in fluff anymore.
Having them do clever things sounds like a much better way of doing it
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>Writing smart characters is hard
Trying to write for mechanicum characters in my own fluff/lore stories and I feel that so badly. Having to not be a retard and try to walk in the shoes of geniuses can feel impossible sometimes, feels like I need to read more and watch more and just consume knowledge.

Though I feel like an idiot in general compared to most people so maybe that might be the core issue.
The way I understood it is that they were basically Penal Legion SA, but I really like your take of them being the police instead.
And the Dracosans are like mobile precincts yee
No way bro. If they were any better, they'd have to be marines lol
I think a common "mistake" is needing smart characters to be wizards. A smart character can be smart in a very common, down to earth way and still be very clearly "smart". Basic logic and deduction can get you a long way in establishing intelligence, that and basic competence.
I'm not sure Perturabo knows what logic is. Even if he does know, he decided to invent a new kind of logic that only applies to him, different from other forms of logic.

>Perturabo silently unleashed a torrent of violent condemnations towards the delusional followers of the Emperor’s will. Not because of their convictions, but because he’d allowed them to inflict a considerable amount of damage against his fleet. He’d considered multiple combat strategies and implemented those he believed would deliver a ruthless, ferocious victory.

>That’s what he was known for. His trademark. His legacy. His pride.

>Perturabo was also known for his unassailable logic. Not the textbook definition of logic – but Perturabo’s logic: an almost purely mathematical application of brutality, bloodshed and slaughter bolstered by a fearlessness of consequence. Perturabo was not careless, he simply believed in winning at all costs. Some dubbed it ‘The Art of Siege’.
>If I were writing a scene supposed to show that pertruabo is a smart man who can predict his opponents I would simply have him predict their movements. Maybe provide him figuring out and exploiting the train of thought of his opponents, he figures out what they will do even before they do it - and circumstances later prove him correct.
pert does that all the time. like in saturnine when he was sick of abby and fulgrim being annoying retards he tricked them into suiciding into saturnine and even made abby think it was his own idea.
>Keep flowery speech/prose to a minimum since it obfuscates what is happening and makes the person seem like theyre full of themselves/full of shit
pert is full of himself and s very petty so him being arrogant is intentional, doesnt mean hes stupid.
Thats great, but what is being mocked is that particular passage, not saturnine.
the passage of pert accurately pointing out that the imperium is retarded?
We do not want great deductions being made by low knowledge folks. Let that be the bread and butter of the studied people like enginseers, wizards and strategos.
If I wanted to see an uncultured person come up with a successful battle plan, I'd root for the World Eaters, who prove you don't any strength is fine as long as yourr enough of a brute.
Not the SW though, those guys got fucked lel
The passage reads like a farce, between the redundant and outright broken language and the complete lack of substance it has the opposite effect to what was intended in regards to pertys IQ
>he tricked them into suiciding into saturnine and even made abby think it was his own idea
He does a bit of trolling
expecting BL to write above a 4th grade level is expecting too much
Are world eaters known for their plans and deductions? I feel like the opposite is true.
Regardless, my personal belief is that "simple deduction" fits a mechanicus character just fine.

Imagine if you will, during a battle a Magos and someone else are discussing what should be done and responses, signs indicate one course of action, but the Magos deduces that something is up because the enemy performance is different to predicted by their simulation, they should have taken the 2nd line of defense within four hours of the initial assault but they havent yet at the bottom of hour five, which means that there is a reserve force being used for some other purpose...

I feel like this makes the Magos seem intelligent, or at least knowledgeable, without needing to be anything particularly 5D gigabrain. They simply looked at the available data and identified a simple discrepancy that someone else might overlook because they arent looking at the big picture.
Pro tip: don't ever write "restrictive shackles of banality" unless it's meant for comedy purposes. Just don't do it. Seriously, it doesn't work.
I don't see why you shouldn't, but it's not explicit that you can because of the way Cybertheurgic Feedback is worded to require those Wounds to be allocated to the Cybertheurgist first
>Heresy event at LGS failed to fire
>Used ticket refund on Archmagos Prime
Any recommendations on a decent "all rounder" loadout to use while I figure what the fuck I wanna do with mech?
Maybe, but that just means that when BL attempts to write about how a character is actually very smart they fail and make them look like a dipshit.

Another issue with Perty and making him seem smart is that perty does not get spectacular results. His way of war is blunt and brutal and costly, and by the nature of the story the loyalists give the heretics a lot of pyrrhic victories if not unforeseen defeats. So its hard to simply rely on him "defending on the court". Its not impossible to write a very clever character and have them fail and be set back, shit happens, but when the character is written in the BL sort of way AND they keep getting set back and winning due to overwhelming resources? Then it harms their reputation/gives a bad impression of their ability
every time I have my mech characters speak I always just input lorem ipsum into multiple ciphers
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I think it's ready for varnish and a wash
Cybertheurgy does say that, but Guardian says wounds have to be allocated on them, even Precision shots
>Are world eaters known for their plans and deductions?
Neither are Orks, and they're kunning. Kinda meant it more that WE can defeat the enemy's plan through sheer violence and speed. They are effective despite also being mindless.
Smart characters aren't that different than other ones, they just are better at coming up with solutions because they have more experience or skill. They have motivations, flaws, rules and stuff like the rest. Don't make them omniscient or the smartest individuals that ever lived and you will be fine. Just write these questions on a file or a piece of paper and answer them for yourself.

>What forgeworld are they from and/or where did they serve before?
Most taghmatas and mech formations aren't mono-world and cults like cybernetica, reductor or myrmidons are mendicant ones for the most part so they might not even have one but would have spent their time in the great crusade fleets. There are also a lot of smaller cults too to take inspiration from.

>How does being from there affect them and their psyche?
A reductor magos first line of thinking would be destruction/removal or studying how to better destroy something. Did something his/her past make your character insane? How much do they stray from their cult's dogma?

>What role do they currently have?
Not just cult/rank, what do they do in your taghmata? Are they part of your warlord's diplomatic entourage, the guy checking that tech thrall conversions go smoothly, etc..

>What is their end goal?
How does their side of the heresy reach that goal? Is it the death of all life? Or researching the forbidden, revenge, a rivalry with their faction with another that joined the other side, greed, etc...

>Do they have enemies/rivals?
Bonus points for putting here characters from /your friends' dudes/ and why they earned that spot. Doesn't even have to be a specific one, organizations like the magisterium, marine legions, etc.. are fine too.
90% of the time you probably want to cast cybertheurgy instead of firing so melee but it depends on your arcana.
I like the fact that they can take termites as DD having two attachments with termites makes me hard. Little guys with shotguns and two meltas backed by big guys with Volkite and flamers. Hhgghhh
Why didn’t it fire?
yeah I'd come down on the side of it being fine, but it's really more of a coin toss if the other guy disagrees
That's actually a huge help, thanks mate
New LGS, little advertising, 2-3 weeks notice, extremely basic rules pack. I might've been the only ticket sale
>Kinda meant it more that WE can defeat the enemy's plan through sheer violence and speed
I see. Honestly I think thats just "wank" 80% of the time, rather than some sort of "its a brutal and straightforward plan, but its actually effective and is just something riskier than what someone would normally try"

Its like with black templars or dark angels or space wolves or custodes or whatever, its less a plan and just "hahaha theyre so good at fighting they dont need plans they just run in and win"
>decent "all rounder"
Kinda tricky, since the different orders want to do different things. Can't go wrong with a power- or chainfist, but beyond that it's really up to your plan.
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>he simply believed in winning at all costs
>rage-quit the Siege of Terra instead of winning at all costs
Sons of Horus and WB. They got lost in the sauce together.
>>rage-quit the Siege of Terra instead of winning at all costs

He knew Abnett was writing the trilogy and deduced that the siege was mathematically lost, so he pulled out with all his remaining forces.
they hate perturabo for his prescience
Gotta say, if I knew I was in a BL book series I'd quit too.
My LGS did NOT have it :(

Online ordering it is!
Just noticed how purple it is, might need to mix in Vallejo's Imperial Blue in... maybe
There are no infantry in the legions with T6 or T5 with battle hardened right?
What for, anon? There are some with BH T4, and IH get a similar -1S to incoming fire.
There's also outright T5 Thallax
I'm thinking of shenanigans with a suicide mechanicum knight with overrated reactor.
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I know people have been complaining about it but I just read Martian Civil War and holy shit that was bad. For starters it was called Martian Civil War and none of it is about the factions on Mars fighting each other in a civil war.
Ogryns are T5, Thallax

think that's it for general infantry, there's some individuals who are T5 in Mechanicum
Shamefur dispray GW
It's beyond a shameful display like this shit is not even proofread.
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>so bunk no one's even bothering uploading it on the book tracker i use
>I just read Martian Civil War
>none of it is about the factions on Mars fighting each other in a civil war.

can't you even put effort into shitposting? ffs sake I'm embarrassed for you, not reading a book that short before posting this obvious bait
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i am academically curious. explain the idea
I like the little bit at the start describing the loyalist mechanicum tech thralls and cybernetica automata opening fire on the saturnyne rams because their programming mistakes them for intruders.
plastic vorax fucking when????
Actually looking more at superheavies, it's weird how they might as well have wounds if not for the explode chance. You'd think they could at least have immobilized/weapon destroyed count as crew stunned/shaken.
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You can use the eyedropper tool on your browser to just check the colors. Then you just compare to available colors. Online stores usually have like a little circle with what the color is supposed to look like
>Plastic Vorax
>Gorillion pieces each.
Command squad Caliburn, led by Delegatus Palomedes. Renegade Dark Angels picked up on a backwater world near the edge of the ruinstorm, became the shadow ops squad for whenever the Dusk Raiders need a more sensitive approach.
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God I'm tired. Post without image once, wait an eternity to delete it, post again still without image
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>One last squad to finish my army build
>Fresh out of brass rod for my vexilla pole conversion
>Order more
>4 weeks shipping
>Decide to add bits & bling to my dudes in the meantime
>Rifle through bits box
>Find a perfectly sized piece of brass rod I'd pre cut for this exact purpose and had simply forgotten about
Is this an acceptable 1000 point starting point for Mechanicum?

Archmagos Prime on Abayant
Cybernetica Techno-Arcana
MC Conversion beamer, photon thruster, paragon blade, archaeotech pistol, rad grenades, cyber familiar

2 x Castallex Darkfire cannons, searchlights
2 x Castallex Bolt Cannon's, flamers, searchlights
6 x thallax, 2x phased plasma fusil, meltabombs

Archmagos is just going to buddy up with the Darkfire castallex, whilst the other two will stay within range of him, and try pin squads. Thallax will just be a mobile harrassment unit.
You gotta stick with ADB until you get your waifu, then bail.
Do cults or SA have an option similar to an esoterist? Kinda wanna run some daemons and other fucked up weirdos with my Aux
Cults has the rogue psyker and that's it. Maybe they will add rules for a cohort that's corrupted with possessed and stuff one day.
(he also has support squad so no allying one in)
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What a bizarre choice of legions to get bespoke leviathans
DA kind of makes sense, being the super Terran legion with secret Terran weapons, but the rest are weird. Why would three of the GO FAST GO SPEED GO GO GO legions want the biggest, clunkiest dreadnought? It's like the WS praetor being in cataphractii plate despite not having a single cataphractii unit in their list.
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It’s a good starting list to get into mechanicum with on the cheap I think, but if there’s one critique I have with your list it’s that you’re front loading LOTS of weaponry on your archmagos. He can take lots of stuff but he’s very likely not going to use it a majority of the time since he’ll want to use his cybertheurgic rite which requires him to not be allowed to make shooting attacks. Conversion beamers are really cool so I don’t blame you for wanting to take one but I’m a 1000pt game you’re very likely not gonna get a chance to use it to it’s full power either.

If you strip basically everything on him except the photon thruster and cyber familiar I’m pretty sure you’ll have enough points to get a magos dominus, who you can then attach to the second castellax squad, meaning you also have a second source of cybernetica buffs and a cortex controller so you can clump up less. You can keep the photon thruster to fish for blinds or to fuck up enemies who charge you with an overwatch, that or you could swap it out for a paragon blade + rad grenades so that if he does get into melee he’ll be able to swing his weight around a little. If you want to use things like conversion beamers and have a more combat orientated archmagos I’d recommend taking a look at the Reductor and Myrmidax techno arcana’s.
So I have two predators and two rhinos, one each of Deimos and Mars patterns.
I'm making two army lists, one space wolf and the other pre-heresy world eaters, the core of these will be the same; a preator+command squad, 3 ten-man tactical squads, a predator, rhino and a ten-man squad of termies.
I was wondering if i I should give the wolves the Deimos pattern boxes or Mars ones, the wolf terminators are tartaros while the other army gets the cataphracti.
The WS praetor was released in 1.0 when ebon keshig could be cataphractii, but tbf ICs can't join ebon keshig anyway so idk

I just want some legion specific deredeos honestly
I assume all legions would have gotten one before they pivotted to all plastic. Truly a cursed timeline desu
Thanks senpai. I’ll probably just homebrew up something like a regimental advisor for my SA dudes
Kinda makes sense, they were the book 8 and 9 legions.
I mean you can drop pod leviathan units in, and nothing says shock assault and terror tactics like dropping in a big ass death machine directly ontop of your enemies. The act of also using a drop pod could be argued to follow the WS philosophy of war (striking first before your enemy can strike you)
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Nice rod bro
what green is that? nice model
WS had notorious issues with their supply lines, it makes sense that their access to newer tech like tartaros would be hugely limited.
No, I don't know why their disposable suicide shitters would get the latest armor. Stop asking questions.
Fluffwise either works, Deimos-pattern might be marginally more at home with pre-heresy WE, but it's really a wash.
Mechanically the wolves really prefer the cataphract armor though.
>Who are your dudes closest allies, and how did they become best buds?
alpha legion "loyalist" force who have been fucking around missing before the heresy broke out
engaged ashen claws and brain washed ex delivers back into their loyalist origins

planning on adding a ts allied force for mobius config, fluff will be after the heresy broke out some kind of sleeper code told them to meet up with an order of the blind chapter who also are doing sneaky things
I think there's a bit of fluff saying that the wolves preferred Mars pattern vehicles because of their increased reliability.
>Who are your dudes closest allies, and how did they become best buds?

I play a late heresy calibanite DA army. They have no friends or buds, just like me.
TTCombat Delectable Indigo.
I thought this might be of interest to some anons in here. French reflects a bit on his body of work from these past eight years.

Any advice on a basic complement of daemons to take with an esoterist or rogue psyker? Just brutemax?
Yup. They will hit decently hard in melee and eat up some hits meant for your relatively squishy infantry.
Would someone be kind enough to share the Titanicus weapon cards for the Conversion Beamers and Graviton weapons?
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I can't find the card for the reaver carapace graviton weapon right now.
deciding if I should paint strip my alpha legion and re-do them with kroxigor scales contrast instead

any tips for contrast paints through an airbrush?
and should I use a gloss varnish afterwards to make them shiny?
I don't own an airbrush, but I've heard someone say you want 5 parts contrast medium to one part contrast to make the effect work through the airbrush.
Legend, thanks.
Honestly Ive never had an issues just using contrasts with a lil bit of airbrush thinner.
Spraying reikland fleshshade is a giant pain in the ass for some reason though.
>and should I use a gloss varnish afterwards to make them shiny?
If you want them shiny then probably yes
Satin varnish is more than enough for metals. Gloss usually looks like it's wet, not shinny
thanks, can you recommend a decent airbrush?
are gut plates exclusive to the death guard? If so, did they only have them after getting NURGLE'd or were they present before?
Source? I was asking about none gw options for gut plates a thread or two ago.
The DG began using those gut plates to keep their innards inside after being "blessed" by Nurgle, but not even all DG have them (as can be seen in their 40k minis).
Normal marines don't get fucking fat.
Love this dude's hh gear
so no one else just welded more armor to some mark 3 when they ran out of options?
What's stopping you from having your guys wearing them? Just say that the batch of armour they got was faulty and they decided to weld the plates to their armour as a stopgap or something
Do you wear JNCO jeans or something? Why would a normal marine use those gut plates without need ? They were created by the DG for their plague marines, that's all.

Don't be one of those idiots looking for cheap excuses to use bits from a legion in another where doesn't belong unless you're playing AL.
Some marines can survive S9 Lascannon, but S10 is beyond them. Only Sigismund and Abaddon (T4 BH1 -1S in melee) could survive it. Or Thallax.
Anything bigger, use Dreads; they're T7
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The plan is simple.
We punch the thanatar in its stupid fucking face.
Sir, with all due respect, the thanatar is faceless. The plan cannot be executed.
Sounds like quitter talk to me.
2bh not really, I use an Iwata eclipse but I havnt used enough brands to recommend one over another, slighty more expensive ones (more than the $20 amazon ones) do feel like they run longer before clogging, but even the chinashit ones are fine for modulation and stuff
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I found a solution.
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>the thanatar is faceless
Not true
>rapier squadrons sold out online

This means we're getting plastic ones soon, right anons?
Only if it's down as "No Longer Available". Tale as old as time, I wonder how many of this kind of question has been asked on the internet regarding GW/FW and people who don't understand their practices.
>loyalist TS
Ultramarines and Iron Hands, they kept their distance from most loyalists and usually worked with ultramar auxilia instead but their efforts against word bearers despite being persona-non-grata earned the UM’s respect. They later worked closely with Iron Hands in the bitter war and became the founding cadre of an Iron Hands successor using IH gene seed because their own TS stocks were too unstable, they intentionally buried this legacy and pretended they were always iron hands after the scouring.
>traitor scars
Big fan of the sons of horus and world eaters, not much more to them because theyre an early WIP project
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>Can give you a BJ and armpit job at the same time
Man, who knew mechanifags were into such degenerate shit.
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thanks anonicus

the mechanicum had almost rused me with that bronze contraption
>normal marines don't get fucking fat
In the Ragnar Blackmane books there's a space wolf stationed on Terra who's gotten so fat he needed to have his armour modified. It is possible for space marines to get fat.
That marine could only become fat due to an issue with one of the marine implants he had. It's specifically clarified in the book that he's an exception due to a rare, unknown issue.
Brother Omnio ain't fat. He's just a wide stronk boi. Demolitions, heavy weapons, tech... He can do basic anything short of fitting in tight spaces
Haegr is also not just fat he's explicitly huge all around, towering over even other Astartes. There's a reason they call him The Mountain.
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He makes individual marines be like twigs. But he himself? Mighty faggot
Delectable indeed
>Hung, Sweaty Space Marines
Yeah 40.000 Iron Hands Marines pulling up in black Rhino Advancers APCs
Thunderhawks landed
Isstvan V is under siege, under lock down
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I cut the bayonet off to make it rules proper but it kinda looks weird without it.
An oft over looked paint ranged, but very good.
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Anyone have a detailed breakdown what the icons on the mech transfer sheets in the new plastics mean? I don't see anything in the liber.
Any good recommendations for somewhere to make a survey? I'd be interested in seeing what legions hhg plays
You could just ask.
the big symbols are covered in Liber Mechanicum, on p143

the little ones that look like hexagrammaton marks are probably derived from alchemical symbols or the Lesser Key of Solomon



(the lesser key's symbology is probably closer to the circuit-diagram spam on the robot on p134 of Liber Mechanicum - it doesn't have to mean anything, just look like a cross between magical alphabets/symbologies and circuit diagrams)

but used in the manner of charaktêres, ie, they are just kind of placed without any meaning other than "magic word"; although alchemical symbols like "fire" "melting" etc can be used appropriately the way you would use them in any other appearance ("fire" and "water" are both just deltas - equilateral triangles - pointing up or down respectively) and anything that looks like a hazard symbol (triangle with writing) probably is


some new symbols have been created by superimposing alchemical symbols - I see "fire" and "lodestone" (a magnet) as one symbol there, which I would guess is intended to mean "phosphex"

some of it is probably from theurgy, specifically Golden Dawn hermeticism (probably as an in-joke)

some of them are just straight up Greek symbols like Xi/Chi, Pi, Sigma, Theta, Upsilon etc; though I would suggest that the footed "P" is also "prime" as in "prime numbers" mathematically speaking and as in "most important" in symbolic usage

the important thing to remember is that even if it's gibberish to you, it can be inscrutable code to your Magos, who can totally name their robots PHOSPHEX-9001 just because it's cool
This but require timestamped photos of models.
Unassembled models = 1 vote
Assembled models = 2 votes
Painted models = 3 votes
Models used in game = +1 vote (yes, even unassembled because you have to respect the commitment)
>paint votes not
Ah, somehow I missed that page, I may be retarded.
Interesting, seems they're not actually forge world icons though, but almost squad markings. I can use this.
I really like the Auxilia models but I have no idea how I want to build them. I love the regular little lasrifle guys, so I thought two full tercios and a malcador because they're cool but it seems kind of funky. Cool army, very awkward to build and seems to have been kind of gimped by change to 2e
>How I want to build them
I can't decide how to kit out command sections/retinues/lifewards so am currently just grinding through painting the rifle squads until inspiration strikes. Malcador options are weirdly written/pointed so that you'd only ever take the vanquisher. This is a failure of rules writing
Malcador is expensive and kind of ass but its so cool. I am hoping the Vanguard veletarii in the second wave aren't as derpy as the regular storm section. I have 2k of Firewing DA right now and everything in the list is either infiltrating or deep striking, a tercio to sit on an objective at home is probably the way to go
It'll be hard to say no to a bunch of mooks with rotor cannons when those come out. They will reuse the same static poses from the first box though.
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Any titanicus bros in the house, can I get some opinions on the LIgma warhound weapons? I'm building a pair of warhounds right now with the default AT weapons but I'm curious if I'm missing out on anything.
The best weapons are vulcan mega bolters and plasma blastguns. Inferno guns and laser blasters are fine.
The LIgma weapons are kinda meh. They have a bunch of downsides, the missiles are probably the best out of that sprue but that's not saying much.
The resin weapons are neat but not really a good idea.
I see. I'm building one with blastgun and megabolter, the other with dual laser blasters (both are magnetized of course but that's what I'm painting atm). I want to get two more warhounds at some point since fureans fluff has them using a lot, but I wasn't really looking forward to just making two more blastgun/megabolter dudes and was curious if the LIgma stuff had anything of value. Thanks.
If you do corrupted titans the volkite and melta become valid but you're paying points for an obvious ploy that you could do at longer range with the basic blastgun/vulcan. It's almost boring how ideal that combo is but if you're only really worried about utility that's the way to go.
>It's almost boring how ideal that combo is
Yeah thats the impression I get. Pretty much every scrap of info I've read online about AT says to just take warhounds with that loadout. Sad.
Pretty much. Corrupted warhounds are just basically unstoppable.
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
Link says it's corrupted/deformed. Is it dead or am I just doing something wrong?
You have fifteen minutes.
Whoever copied the links in the OP did a really shit job
Much appreciated to you both. I knew something was off about that link.
>pdfs for shadow and iron and defence of ryza
fucking finally, thanks anon, I'm adding them to the AT MEGA folder now.

Also >>94024591 is correct, the link to the AT folder in the OP is bad. Not sure who did that but fuck you for trying to keep our titanicus bros down ;_;
>trying to keep our titanicus bros
yeah all seven of us
Hey, I’m seriously considering a second warhound and a warlord for Christmas, and then I’ll have an actual full maniple to play with!
WALK, motherfucker.
This was one of those moments when you had to control your wysiwyg autism.
It happens, there's thousands of pages of rules fluff and imagery for this game now.
About to varnish so I can start on my decals, oil washes and weathering. I enjoyed putting this kit together - it was very bitty, but not frustrating to build.

What are you lads working on?
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Building the remaining half of an old MK III tactical squad. I was gonna paint on Friday but my friend called to go hang out and pick out his birthday present (a kill team box) and then I proceeded to sleep 17 hours so I couldn’t paint anything saturday… and now it’s 3:12 am Sunday. I’ll paint today if I don’t sleep all day again
>I’ll paint today if I don’t sleep all day again
No promises, I hate priming and my airbrush isn't here yet
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Do any of you other homebrew/house rule guys ever get the feeling of "Fuck it, im gonna make my own ruleset for heresy, i can do better than these GW hacks." ?
Do you have an IQ higher than room temperature? Then yes, you CAN make better rules.
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>tfw too windy for priming over the past month
It's too humid where I am thanks to a passing hurricane which didn't even hit us (Florida)

I guess it's more accurate to say it's been more humind than normal

anyways, priming with a rattle can is always miserable, and I don't have anything that'll let me prime more than 5-6 infantry sized minis at once, hence wanting an airbrush
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Five more!
I suppose my case, what's to paint isn't too large, but I've been considering an airbrush if even just to future-proof painting a force that'll likely outnumber my current work in progress. Lest it gets inconsistent or something.
In my case the airbrush is basically just for priming, basecoat (maybe), and vehicles. Going outside just to shake a rattle can and prime 6 guys and waiting 15 minutes before I can take them off my GW™ priming stick (I bought it when I first got into Warhammer thinking I needed it) and then repeating that processes is not fun, makes me never want to paint, and the flies devour me. I’ve literally only painted 7 minis this year cuz of how much I hate this. I also get extremely frustrated while painting cuz I have a short temper, so the process itself is really tiring in the morale sense. Honestly I’m hoping this airbrush gets me painting more or else I’ll honestly feel defeated. I have so many unpainted miniatures cuz I get so many painting ideas and then I remember how much it makes me mad when I finish building them
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I'm not fixing that
God, old make 3 is so good. Nu mark 3 is so fucking busted. If you use mu mark 3 you have brown eyes black hair and brown skin. You’re white if you use old Marks.
>You’re white if you use old Marks.
I'm not, but I'm honored
I never liked FW mk3 but I think nu-mk3 looks decent as a seperate mark from mk3.
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Oh no
Does anyone know some good minis to use for Imperialis Militia? I want to run some alongside my Word Bearers so they have some converted masses to fight with them i think that would be neat.
The issue is usually finding someone to play with.
I understand people’s apprehension to homebrew, i’ve personally met WAAC assholes who try to sneakily ”game the system” by introducing homebrew rules that would only benefit their army under the guise of ”general improvements”, though that was in 40k.
Based my niggah
Ok... not THAT brown
Vixtrix, Perry, wargames atlantic, alternative armies, warlord games, scotia grendel maybe?
There’s an insane amount of manufacturers you can turn to for militia.
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I'm working on some feudal guard for 40k, but I think the models would work well for Militia. I've considered using them with my overseer until I get auxilia models put together.
Melee... Weapons?
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Sure, champ, you can find plastic melee weapons in this box
Ill check some of them out.

I remember there being like actual renegade guard models or something but i cant seem to find them on the warhammer webshop.
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Unless you mean the traitor guard kill team, it's been a while since Renegades and Heretics/Lost and the Damned have been gone off of Forgeworld
One of the main complaints about GW is that they don't playtest their rules enough to catch all the dumb little mistakes, the notion one bloke in a basement no matter how autismo can create a whole ruleset from scratch that will work better is comedy.

Houseruling works because you're taking a fundamentally sound foundation and tweaking it to work better/more to your taste. Homebrew units work(if done right) because there's a massive number of points of comparison that lets you get the units you make into the same rough "balance" as the official material. Writing a whole set of rules from scratch isn't even the same sport nevermind the same ballpark.
I would accept the nu-marks if they were sub-marks or alternate patterns, had better sprue construction, and didn't cause the removal of better kits.
>if they were sub-marks or alternate patterns
NTA but I was under the impression they *are*

the rest I agree with though
There's not a single line in any book to suggest it, and every single model since has been in the new marks, including characters known to use the old ones. All the evidence points to retcon and replacement
>There's not a single line in any book to suggest it
Don't they call the nu mk III """Mk IIIb""" in Siege of Cthonia or Battle for Beta Garmon? Could've sworn they did
Wow you're right they don't I just checked both books... must've dreamt this and it overwrote my memory as per usual
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what color should I paint the helmet crest? I am thinking a dark grey or bluish grey. I like the way all these blues look with yellow but I think it would be too tacky and stick out badly.

would be weird to paint the top part of the shoulder trim in a silver color or would it just be beter in black? And how am I supposed to color those bombs at his side? I just attached them case they looked cool but idk what part is which.

I'm also open to changing to color of the metal part of the crest.

I'm trying to finish the rest of these 10 mk3 guys. I think IF look great in mk3 compared to other legions and the kit also came with a bunch of transfers.

With the remaining ten I still have in the box I might do smurfs or IW. I would have to get some IW decals from somewhere but I have lots of UM transfers including the ones from leviathan.

I think your bots look sweet. what metal colors are those? it looks very real

the base kit comes with chainswords? I feel scammed. I bought the new kit and it didn't come with as many special weapons. The poses look better too

what's wrong with nu-mk3? they both look good IMO

why is the paint so thick just below the gorget and around the rivets? were you fixing some mistakes?
So whats the deal with Thallax, lore wise? How do they fit into the basic structure of the Mechanicum? Are they like a part of a certain sect, or just the general lackeys of any Magos?
>the base kit comes with chainswords? I feel scammed. I bought the new kit and it didn't come with as many special weapons. The poses look better too
They attach to the power packs
Also 70.753 Azul Verde
If I remember correctly they're like Skitarii but for the Ordo Reductor. I could be wrong joebeit
I believe the armour timeline in the core rules mentions 'rtb01' sub-pattern mark 6, but isn't clear what this is or what other patterns exist.
That's just a reference to Rogue Trader, nothing more nothing less
I'm fairly sure that's what the imperial marine is supposed to have

Rtb01 being rogue trader ??? 01
>Rtb01 being rogue trader ??? 01
RTB01 was the first plastic marines boxset
Isn't this model meant to have the 'Imperial' pattern armor mentioned in the armor through the ages article?
Rogue Trader Boxset 01
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"Mk IIIb" appears in the AoD rulebook, but it seems a reference to the differences between resin and plastic Mk2-3 AKA Mars pattern backpacks.

Anyway, the old mk3 design still appears in recent art and minis, so it's ambiguous if nuMk3 is a variant or we are suppossed to squint our eyes and pretend all the old stuff actually looks like it too
>AKA Mars pattern backpacks.
There's a difference between the resin and plastin old mk III???
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Yes, the original design was broke easily, so they reinforced it for the plastic version, and following FW minis used it too
It's not just a reference. Lion El'Jonson is a reference to Lionel Johnson, that doesn't make him not a primarch. A reference is only 'just' a reference if it's not literally something else, which this was.

Wasn't that the 'Imperial Pattern' earlier in the timeline?

That mentions a power pack, not an armour.
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>Khorne berzerker
>FW Mars pattern
>GW Mars pattern
>Nu Mars pattern
I have a few of those zerker power packs... somewhere
Very slight, but the resin and BoP MkIII are virtually identical, so are clearly the same sub-pattern.
The new MkIII is a different sub-pattern.
>the resin and BoP MkIII are virtually identical
Have you looked at >>94026677 and >>94026690?
Couldn't it be 'imperial' in the same way standard mkvi is 'corvus'?
I’ve had good luck with the melta lance from LI. Getting a warhound under the shields of a titan with two of them will cause some absolutely serious damage.
It could, but I don't see a sub-pattern of mark VI being developed between mks II and III
That's just the power packs.
The rest of the armour looks almost the same.
Is it not the power packs we're talking about?
>MkIIIb enhanced power pack
I thought the FW and Plastic old Mk III were identical and anons pointed out the power packs were the difference is all
Oh fuck you're right, just read through armour through the ages
Surprised they haven't re-released this guy in plastic, given they went so far out of their way to give him rules and references in the core book.
I swear Night Raptors are kinda useless compared to a regular assault marine squad. Its more cost effective and they're just more value. I suppose Bloody Murder and Sudden strike are nice but as soon as you're running Curze they become obsolete because he gives everything Bloody Murder.
The ordo reductor is the only one that knows how to make them and they are used as their main troops. They are tech thralls like the adsecularis but way more advanced, under their face plate they have a piece of tech that makes them "see" things through different means at the same time like heat, sound, etc..(so they can see through walls), their armour is an offshoot of marine power armour so many components inside are either the same or interchangeable(at isstvan decima uses that to repair his thallax), it also composes the majority of their body as the fleshy bits are reduced to less than robocop. There is a reactor inside that powers the armour and their guns which is why they mostly use energy weapons. They are in-setting very customizable and they had rules for 1.0 augments that reflected that. Oh and the upgrade leaves them in so much pain that they had to have that part of the brain removed.
Ws5 and blanket access to power weapons is huge compared to an assault squad. Are you high?
Is there any official way currently to access the old black books? I know we have pdf scans, but id love something a little higher quality.

Are they in the warhammer plus archive?
Cost of the units goes up too far if you give them all power weapons. Imo its just better to run Assault Marines with some power axes and a power fist sergeant.
Yeah I'm pretty sure they're accessible through the WH+ vault.
If they are they'd have their rules gutted and removed since GW only wants you to play what's current
Let's see. For 12ppm with an 85pt unit tax you get:
>WS4, 1W, chainsword base, 1 power weapon per 5 guys + sergeant fist or other weapon
For 25ppm with a 60pt unit tax you get:
>WS5, 2W, chainsword base, 1 power weapon *per guy* plus sergeant stuff, access to special weapons if you care about those, Sudden Strike, Fear, and Bloody Murder
I think WS5 and an extra wound alone would be enough for me to be willing to pay the 13ppm extra. As a point of comparison, Veterans pay 8ppm over regular Tacticals for their WS5 and +1W. For that extra 5ppm you're throwing in Fear, Bloody Murder, and Sudden Strike. Plus you're doing all this on a platform that can actually get into melee reliably.
I don't see the issue. There are many other squads I would point towards first for "this is overpriced and useless" before Night Raptors.
Also not many people run primarchs all the time so the obsolescence is less important most of the time.
Sorry, crossed some wires, point tax on the assaults is 25, not 85.
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>RTb01 Sub-Mark mass issue by Siege of Terra
to me this is a signal that the new mark 6 kit is a sub-mark, especially since there's a separate entry for the late-crusade prototype issue
I didnt see the 2 wounds i guess that might make it worth it then. The main issue i had with them is that if i ever run Curze i didnt really see the need for them. Panoptica also makes them 150 points base cost for the unit and my lgs plays with Panoptica.
That's a fair point. The crunchy portions wouldn't be there, and any fluff therein would also be omitted.
Not really, I searched them on the vault and they aren't there. Even if GW uploaded them it would be at half their size anyways with all the rules being removed.
How disgusting
Yeah, I can't comment on pano since no one here uses it. Night Raptors are definitely expensive, but another way to look at it is Veterans who pay a 70pt squad tax + 7ppm to lose a bolter, gain a chainsword base, gain Fear, Sudden Strike, Bloody Murder, and jump packs so they don't need a transport (which takes up a separate slot most of the time since they have no native assault DT). Plus 5 more max guys. YMMV on whether you want to spend two slots to bring a Land Raider along, or would rather have 5 more guys in the squad; "all power weapons" on each option is only 25-50 points apart depending on what you give the vet sergeant. 15 Night Raptors lose some durability against anti infantry fire on the way in + the Land Raider's guns, in exchange for deep strike options + more mobility after the initial charge.
Im not bringing a Land Raider along but im running Terror Assault so i think the nightfighting will help out alot with getting them in there. My heavy slot is already taken by a scorpius. I should prob put a praetor or centurion in the squad with the Flaymaster warlord trait.
>Kaedes Nex ventured out into Isstvan V's wasteland on his lonesome to fight traitors
>from there nobody knows what happened to him
>somehow evaded all Loyalist reconnaissance to show up in the Martian outback fighting a one-man guerrilla war against Kelbor-Hal & Co since before Corvus Corax even made it back to Terra
>similarly leaves the planet with no record of his egress
>reappears on Cthonia in the final months of the war
>nobody is sure how long he's been there or how he got there
If a Scouring book reveals he somehow survived the planet blowing up I wouldn't even be surprised.
It seems logical that RTB01 is a stripped down, universal design that everyone (somehow) got access to, that requires less material to create and could meet the demands of both sides, but it was overall not as good as normal MkVI that the Raven Guard and Alpha Legion got hold of.
It would then make sense that after the Heresy, the MkVI suits that the Raven Guard have became the standard MkVI suits that Imperium produces en-mass with MkVII after the Heresy, while RTB01 is phased out since they have the time and breathing room to a make MkVI properly.
Wow a raven guard character is a bunch of retarded nonsense, whodathunkit
As long as you don't think that the non-prototype look significantly different, like I've seen some people claim, then sure.
So resin mkvi is standard, plastic is rtb01
How do you go about converting nullificators?
30ppm for a power-weapon, WS5 jump pack unit is pretty standard. You also get sudden strike and fear.
also, a 5-man squad of raptors with power weapons is only 20pts more than an assault squad with 2 axes and a fist. It also performs better, and can do it's damage before taking damage thanks to sure strike.
Don't forget that the only reason he's even part of the Raven Guard is because Corax trusts him.
and then in Martian Civil War, it says Corax is surprised he stayed loyal.
>and then he miraculously survives things that should kill him to be in places he shouldnt be able to be and do shit he shouldnt be able to do!
>repeat x20
welcome to loyalist character writing
Terminator + mace + disintigrator gun

Add some mystic doodads if youre feeling insecure, whether thats chaos gubbins as a traitor or some imperial iconography for loyalists, or maybe some random tech stuff.
Whats the point of rhinos? Im not trying to do a bit or whatever, but it something I never got in 40k either, why would you put your shooting infantry unit in a box where it cant shoot anything, which isnt actually very tough? And its not like its even good for melee units because its not an assault vehicle.
Triplets they were, in truth.
Maybe speed and light cover?
I've never used them, they seem to clog up the board when my opponents bring them. This there is some value in blocking line of sight and forcing shots that could be spent popping priority targets.
It's only 35pts, m14 and can take some alright things too if you really wanted them like a searchlight, a multimelta, etc even if you really shouldn't because the price starts racking up fast. So the same reason it always had. Cheap, fast and common as a DT option. Or you are militia with Survivors and want to spam rhinos with multi melta because they can actually hit shit compared to most other things on the list.
Because the metal bawks doesn't die to fucking Str 4 shooting, like the marines inside do.
Rhinos also ad a lot of mobility for the unit inside. For units that can claim objectives or have short range shooting having a Rhino is a must.
Then there's the fact that people generally focus on bringing down your spartan, scorpius whirlwinds and other vehicles (dreadnoughts too) first rather than wasting their anti-tank on a fucking 35 points box. And Rhinos are quite easy to hide behind terrain.
>why would you put your shooting infantry unit in a box where it cant shoot anything
Shooting weapons have this thing called Range that limits how far away they can shoot stuff
So, you know, they might benefit from a way to get 'in range' quicker than just walking there...
Rhinos are cool
>they seem to clog up the board
If you think Rhinos clog up the board you should see what one or two 20 man tactical squads do to board space...
How do i do disintegrator guns?
F/S are immune to S4 weapons; even the R isn't likely to take a huge amount of damage until you get up to S7 and the average AP roll sits between Glancing and Penetrating; that makes it very good infantry protection against bolters and volkite but lets it feel like a low priority target for the other guy

M14 lets you reposition a unit 21" in from turn 1 to turn 2 and still disembark, minimal shooting (other than pintle weapons) means you don't lose firepower by doing so (and pintle weapons can react at full BS)

it's mobile cover - taller than the infantry it carries so they can't be targeted as easily/at all if you position smartly because unlike infantry you can't draw line of sight through its legs

it's 35 points and doesn't take up a FOC slot

there are some Legions for whom it's less important for various reasons eg SW can run 20 man blobs and still shoot with them (as snap shots) so they'll probably be larger than 10 men when they get to the objective and still cover about as much ground in 2 turns; IH treat S5 shooting at S4 and S4 shooting as S3 so lose fewer bodies while advancing more slowly with larger units; RG/AL can (conditionally) infiltrate infantry closer to the target area etc etc
Cheapest way is probably 3d bits, either that or converting, iirc the only official model is from some custodes terminators.
he was plastic, and CAD to boot

maybe they're saving his design for RG special units
>plastic, and CAD to boot
Anon all plastics are CAD...
>'Perturabo, this will anger you, but you never truly grew into a man.'
How do you respond without sounding mad?
rape is the only correct response
you must be under 30
How to best load out a Cybernetica Archmagos? I'm totally lost with all the optionsgr28hm
Really simple: you don't give them any equipment, because the only thing they'll be doing is buffing and repairing thanatars.
Mk IIIb is the nu Mk 3 plastic model. The enhanced power pack refers to the large one here >>94026690.
Anyone got suggestions on where to find 3rd party bits, specifically for IH?
>Cyber Familiar
>Servo Arm
That's it. You will be primarily buffing units, so there is no need for extravagant guns nor even a machinator array for battlesmith tests (a machina dominus dedicated to the task of repair is much more suitable). Taking a servo arm is optional, but I find that the benefits it gives (extra attack, ap2 melee weapon) are worth the price. The cyber familiar is nice to have as an extra layer of protection for when the time comes that a WS5 unit bares down on your warlord and you find your castellax cut to ribbons.
Thinking about doing cults and militia for the DG, but I'm not sure what to go with. My idea was plague zombie horde, but I saw that you can go with horde and ferals so failed aspirants seems like a cool idea. Anyone here run militia?
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I can already tell the black squad is gonna be a pain to highlight.
At least I get to paint the trim tommorow, to that will cheer me up.
Not HH related but maybe the fellow grognards here can help me out - does anyone here have links to Imperial Armor 8?
thank you GW for finally confirming that Primus is indeed Eidolon's first name and not his title, as i've been saying for years
How do I access the downloads? Are they on Mega? Google Drive?
>Primus is indeed Eidolon's first name and not his title
That's almost as gay as giving Emperor Palpatine a first name.
I thought the consensus on "Sheev" was overwhelmingly positive?
"Sheev" is an excellent name for an esoterist
Formerly Chuck.
How much do these limited editions usually cost?
I think they accidentally omitted Lord Commander at the front of the paragraph, but if it turns out his full name is Primus Eidolon, I will be making jokes about it.
>The text formatting on the new site
Very professional GW.
Is Leman Russ the Bejita of the Heresy?
Seriously, what the fuck does he accomplish besides jobbing in every fight he's in and being retarded?
Looks to me more like a fuckup by the person writing the article.
Did Russ ever manage to kill a single named Traitor officer? The Prince of All Fuck-Ups at least has Jeice, Dodoria, Zarbon, and Android 19 on his scoreboard.
Well that person is probably fired tomorrow.
Russ did more to aid Horus' cause than most of the traitor primarchs.

No, the only confirmed named character kill Russ has to his name is Magnus. And nobody is impressed if you beat up a nerd.
His actions in the Battle of Tresolian did end up being a positive to the loyalists, but the outcome still fell short of what he had set out to accomplish, and he made himself look like the galaxy's biggest retard in the process.
didn't he delay Horus by wounding him with the weird spear?
Not really. The traitor advance wasn't delayed because of it. All that it did in the end was make Maloghurst sacrifice himself to reboot Horus.
>Russ did more to aid Horus' cause than most of the traitor primarchs.
nah russ totally annihilated the ksons, a retarded traitor legion.
He’s the reason they became traitor you brainlet
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Is it fair to say Konrad was a goober?
ksons were always retarded traitors.
On Mega. Figure it out from there.
That's because even Nex is aware that Corax is the only person that he can count on to not kill him on a whim or out of fear. If he went traitor, everyone would be a potential threat.
Peak bitch behavior.
IH rhinos are arguably even more useful for being able to get 5+ IWND for cheap, meaning your opponent will have to dedicate disproportionate AA shooting to remove it as a LOS wall.
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>Don’t see anyone running SoH in my area despite them being the poster boys
>Look at their rules
>Can take two handed power axes for free on terminators
>Now all I can imagine is 10 cataphractii terminators stomping out of a spartan and chopping down waves of marines and solar auxilia
Why didn’t anyone tell me Sons of Horus were so cool wtf
>t. Leman Russ
SoH tartaros terminators are busted in melee.
AoS called, they want their axes back.
That's even more reason for Corax to know he won't go traitor?
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Is it because of their -1 to wound thing combined with the ability to sweep? I could see that being pretty influential for clearing out troublesome units
The immunity to instant death really helps them. It means the conventional best answers (power fists/thunder hammers) are a lot worse, so theyre much better in the mirror/far less vulnerable to a lot of common answers.
Exactly. That also makes one of the legions in which a tartaros praetor is worth bringing. SoH indomitus aren't bad either.
I always thought it was odd that a legion that made a point of recruiting from noble families and prided itself on the pedigree of its legionaries seemed to have so few guys who kept their family name. Eidolon is just Eidolon, Fabius is just Fabius, Lucius is just Lucius.
If you can tough it through the first round, they become much more killable.
Emphasis on "if."
Sure, but by that points its like a 50% advantage in a terminator vs terminator slug fest. Instant death thresholds are pretty big. Having essentially Battle Hardened(1) on your dudes (but better) in the first round of combat really helps when you go fight the big dudes
He'd make for a fun HQ or something
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He does - even if the disintegrator is hit-and-miss
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I want them to make a Imperial pattern squad complete with a sarge wielding a wrist mounted horse anus and basic weapons being space arquebuses with large bayonets.
Is this what the retards mean when they post about SOVL?
This looks metal
Don't get me wrong as I love the Black Books and think they're great but at the same time I think they went too far, much in the same way the Black Library shit did. Especially Black Library shit. I think, maybe, that one Black Book about the Horus Heresy would have been enough, not that that would be be very monetarily beneficial for GW now, of course, but still. Thinking of our modern knowledge of, for instance, the Roman legion(s) has quite a lot of gaps and has to go on something like Trajan's Column (which was propaganda) among many other sources and all that but anyway. My point is that a pseudohistorical, single book that mixes the "fact" and "myth" of the HH should have been all their was. How long after the HH did A.K. write it in universe? It should have been, if it wasn't, maybe about 5,000 years later. Which is a long time. Leave out quite a lot of the detail, mix it with heavy propaganda, add in the mythological foundations from prior, and remove the fucking tourists in Prospero. Don't go into overt detail about primarchs, or armor, or "canonize" anything. Fuck. Leave more in-depth stuff for Imperial Armour, and bring back Imperial Armour.
Do what your heart tells you anon. Put soul into your minis
Is that Vraks?
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Honestly? Fuck the rules at that point. When it comes to FOC anyway, and the 1-per-transport rule. If someone is willing to play a game that size then seriously bend some of those rules to allow those minor things while still sticking to the other stuff and don't worry about it. Remember pic related and let it guide you.
the MEGA has that one in the imperial armor folder
Does flight of the eisenstein get good? I'm a quarter of the way through and it's been a really long boring poorly written slog
>Are world eaters known for their plans and deductions? I feel like the opposite is true.

They could have been if the writing for them hadn't been so, pun aside, hacked. It's like they wanted them to immediately be their 40k representation which doesn't work very well because they've been Khorned out for at least let's say one thousand years. The Butcher's Nails shouldn't make you into a slobbering retard but instead just removes all instinct and thought of self-preservation and still leaves you with your wits and the ability to command/control. Or, in addition to that, affected the most bloodthirsty psychopaths in the RAAAAAGH KILL EVERYTHING way and these would have to be controlled sort of like the Death Company for Blood Angels. Put into special units with the discipline officers like the SW had. Red Butchers would be good for this, where if you take them you have to take a centurion with a "discipline officer" Consul or whatever they were actually called. But no, they have to be BERZERKERS AAAAARRRRRRRGHHHHH from the get-go. You can still have them be the eaters of worlds but not fucking retarded.
did the MK VI even had a resin tactical kit? or the only modern minis were from plastic 40k boxes?
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yeah there was/is a resin mkVI, from 2016
None of the Nathaniel Garro stories get good.
Butthurt Grulgor typed this
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agreed brother, IFs and IF players are genuinely the most insufferable faggots to exist.
>TFW can't phosphex everything as a solutio.
i think you should paint it a superior iron with gold ridges and hazard stripes

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