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Giant Communist Wasps from Space Edition

>Reveals are Coming Soon™

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
What is your favorite model in your army and how did they do in the last game you used them in?
My EC (Not this one). Last time I used him as such he single handedly slaughted a squad of TWC and almost killed a gladiator lancer before finally going down.
Also the Vespid as wasps thing looks so good I may paint mine that way when I start on them. As it is I’m not sure how to paint them and my farstalkers.
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Retard alert
I'm going to create a daemon army based on the 69 chosen sonichus
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I like the little diorama models
I do not use them in my current list

>Post models
Where is harsh critique anon when you need him?
Vomiting in a bin over certain individual’s terrible painting choices.
Has anyone ever tried to use real bullets for the battery of these? Just in case you are losing as Guard.. you pull up a Cadia Stands move.
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Dudes i need your help, anybody has the WE meme where they are rubbing their cheeks saying stuff like, i think i heard them surrendering, i even killed the mold in the basement? my life will not be complete until i see it again.
Eeeyyyyy you just gave me ideas to glue some spent brass on my basilisk, the 9mm casing should be the right size for the Earthshaker breech
spend 22lr casings are popular as spent artillery shells
Should I have bought highlights paints? I only bought base and shade
Self bumping my question
Some base colors are highlights for other base colors, like white for gray or yellow for orange.
In a pinch you can mix white with the base color and use that for highlights, but that brings down saturation and is not ideal.
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Best detachment for spooky marines?
like.. for competitive? raiders. long war or pactbound can work in a pinch.

but if you don't use dread talon are you really playing spooky marines?
Raiders advance and charge is nice on raptors + lord w/ jp...

but Dread Talon looks fun, it just sucks that you have around a 50% chance of doing fuck all. It'd be nice to have the reliability of something like Raiders.
Sallyanon is king
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I change favorites pretty often but for a while it's been the gravis apothecary. Never used him in a game though since I don't really play 10th.
I was looking around at different editions and saw that the World Eaters codex for 9th edition came out 5 months before 10th edition and I was curious.
Did WE players just have no idea what new shit they had for the entire of 9th edition or was there like a shitty webpage that gave them a quick summary of what's new?
Didn't get the response to your bait that you wanted last thread huh anon?
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Someone has to play the villain.
You're models and basing suck ass, do you feel better now?
Redpill me on callidus assassin
Alright, I'm gonna make the wrong move: How is that fucking bait!?
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>Redpill me on callidus assassin
uuuuuuuuoooooohhh latex mommy sexooo
do action, jump off table, never get killed. its good in a competitive sense because its hard to interact with from the opponents POV.
I dunno ask /hhg/
NTA but try to point out what about the paintjob is lacking and how you could fix it. A score for the model is also fun. Give it another shot with the models in the thread.
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Right now? Erasmus. He and his acolytes killed an Exocrine today in a 1000 point game and I love him for it.
0/10, paintjob is lacking effort, I would fix it by trying harder
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>That TQ
Harsh model reviewer-anon, we need you.
Funny guy
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Being battleshocked is pretty crippling to most armies so it would be too fucking powerful if it was a reliable debuff - but when it actually goes off and the opponent has already blown insane bravery, it's not good.
>tq involves both models and games
>nomodels feel left out and cry for harsh reviews of existing modelposters
I see through your ruse tourists
I just think it's fun to see reviews dawg. Didn't mean nothing by it.
Anyone has the ability to be an unlikable cunt, even you. Maybe if you want nasty reviews you should post your models and make shitty reviews of others within the same post
Genuine critique helps improve models, I didn’t water down my shades and my agrax left a very glossy finish. I’ve also been told to do more highlights and it helped me alot.
My colors are now less flat and not as dark.

I feel sorry if your ego can’t handle it but you cannot improve without someone pointing out flaws.
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Fave has gotta be the Ironkin Assistant that tags along with the Iron Master. Last time he was on the battlefield he cored out a battle sister with his 6 inch range, AP -3 las cutter.
does anyone have a problem with nipper wrenching a chunk off of the model instead of getting a clean slice
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Are combibolters that much worse than combiweapons on CSM terminators? It really annoys me how uniform combiweapons aren’t compared to the combibolters. Also is the Heavy Flamer good or not?
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this guy entirely because he's my latest finished model, and I finally locked into the gimmick I'm gonna write on weapon/pauldron scrolls with him
I've yet to play a non-combat patrol game with a loaner WE army so I can't answer half the question :^)
Based I once wrote a short story about some Scions thru warp fuckery get sent back to 2022 where they find out Chris Chan is actually a warp demon. They keep shooting at Chris but he regenerates. They think the medallion is the key but one of them figures out it’s actually Chris’s duck that is the Chaos source and Chris takes a Melta shoot to the balls. It ends with them living on Earth of 2022 and trying to find the Emperor.
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Would it make sense to have a "Mobilization Army" set in hibernation ready to be awakened for extra manpower in reserves?
It would be kind of retarded but it isn’t without precedent. See: primaris
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Probably my Lib dread. Last game he ran forward, got shot by a shadowsword and exploded. Wish he had deadly demise d3 or higher cause I secretly always hope for all the dreads to explode in a chain reaction for peak tragedymaxxing
Always loved your gold recipe sallyanon
Your apothecaries are prolly my fave stuff you've done so far anon
The fatigues look really tidy, good stuff.
What metallic recipe did you use on the sword blade, I like the greenish sortve hue it has going on
I don't think I've seen muted green votanns but it works pretty well for them
I've always thought the helmet stripe you do on your guys really ties the scheme together. The gold Aquila turned out pretty spicy on this dude too
there are several space marine chapters that already do this.

the dirty little secret of the sword.. its just three AP speedpaints thinned down and wet blended together along the plain leadbelcher blade.
>carribean ocean near the hilt
>prismatic bolt in the middle
>splash of zealot yellow near the fire at the bottom
why are there no techmarines in terminator armor
we have every other specialist HQ for marines in terminator armor and it seems like tech fetishists would be chomping at the bit to wear the fanciest marine gear
>its just three AP speedpaints thinned down and wet blended together along the plain leadbelcher blade
Kino, I'll have to give that a shot some time thanks anon
for somebody to take the time to weather up a leather holster so cleanly yet go on to leave the belt unpainted is very disappointing
What base size would you use for a trukk?
I dunno ask /hhg/
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Hold up. Can a plague marine champ not have a power fist anymore?
because chapter leadership usually doesn't trust tech marines who might be more loyal to Mars than their brothers. but there isn't anything saying you can't kitbash your own tech marine wearing it.
You've never held a paintbrush before let alone painted a model
it's a bubonic weapon
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Because GW hates us. Retvrn to 2E and you can give any generic SM character termie armor, even techmarines
Power fist was rolled into the other plague weapons.
Webstore says the speedfreaks cars are on 170mm ovals. Not sure how much bigger they are than the classic truck but I'd prolly start there and adjust accordingly
But you can't attach a tech marine to Terminator squads can you
No need to get so defensive you painted it well otherwise, it's just a strange detail to leave out when it's so visible
I'm not orange and Teal anon, but you're still a faggot
Cheers, I always enjoy getting to paint on those sergeant stripes too
And thanks but it's literally just skeleton horde over a silver metallic lel
I'll be honest it wasn't until recently that I realized their belts are even leather
I don't really look at storefront/boxart paint jobs on marines so I kept flip flopping on how the belts should get painted lmao
Techmarines wear artificer armor with an iron halo, their armor is already equal to or even better than terminator warplate.
You can't call others faggots while posting goonhammer
>Standard marine armor better than tactical dread armor
This is why crunch being canon isn't a thing anymore
Artificer armor is the mark of excellence and craftsmanship that shows off the decades of training and dedication a techmarine takes to become a master of his craft. It’s as standard as a relic of the chapter wielded by ancient heroes is standard.
Since when do they have an iron halo?
They might not, it’s been a while since I’ve read loyalist statlines but I swore that they had an invuln save.
t. Chaos Worshipper
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>is the heavy flamer good or not?
read dark pacts and then read torrent
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I don't play tabletop unfortunately because I have no friends but Cawl is my absolute favorite mini in the entirety of 40k
Eat this gooberkino fagget
spooky tober begins
>skeleton horde over a silver metallic
One of my fave contrast uses hands down
Lovely stuff as always mechanicanon, what's next on the painting bench for you?
Power fist more like power shit lmao
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Busty Bolter Bitches
And I supossed to recognize the guy Next to Fillon?
can i use small knights in both imperial and chaos knights?
You can use helverins and warglaives in chaos knights but you can't use war dogs in imperial knights
>posts terrible artwork of stupidly proportioned women in a thinly veiled attempt to convince everyone that he's not the ghey
Anon. No one cares.
Nigga read the datasheet, notice any statline that's similar to a power fist on it? Hmmmm
Cheers, no admech unfortunately. I'm painting some aos rn and finished 2 tsons lately. I'll probably do the dunecrawler for my next admech mini
>typed short reviews for every mini posted so far
>4chan eats the post without saving the text
oh well, I'm not typing all that shit again
is chaos cringe lads?
In a more peaceful galaxy, sure, but we're told 40k is pretty much always at war so there's not a big point in letting your dudes sleep.
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Would it make sense if a few marines to have older marks of armour from the HH as relics in 40k or would they simply be in the chapters museum and not used.
Did anons really get mad at these small changes in armour design>
Chaos that defines itself as opposition to the Imperium is cringe. Chaos fo chaos' sake is based.
Probably because terminator armor is a treasure of their chapter due to their rarity, and while valued, tech marines are often distrusted because of their dual loyalty to their chapter and their forge world.
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If the Milky Way galaxy is so awful why nobody leaves it?
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>Would it make sense if a few marines to have older marks of armour from the HH as relics in 40k
Not only does it make sense, it's literally what happens in art and fluff.
will james workshop beat me up and steal my lunch money if i play 30k marines in 40k
No although you may run into a bit of trouble at events because all the HH era tanks and dreds got sent to legends. People won't give a shit at casual games but a lot of TOs bend the knee and ban legends stuff
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I think there's two answers for two different groups.
Some people like the aesthetics and how evil and brutal they are. Liking then models and stuff, and in lore finding fun in seeing their favourites interacting with the heroes. For example I play Tyranids and Necrons mainly, but in a story I will root for the human side and enjoy seeing all my cool units clash against whoever and interacting with the world.
The others are actual contrarians with the opinion of imperium bad and chaos good and justified in every atrocious act in the name of killing the imperium.

I personally don't agree with the second opinion, but whatever people like or think is not my concern most of the time.
Anyone got any experience melting models? I want to melt a psyker to a baneblade hull. Should I just cut it (the psyker) in half and use acetone, heat, or any ideas?
No. Contrary to popular belief James doesn't send armed Pinkerton goons after you if you proxy things.
Plastic glue works pretty well and is controllable
I'd probably just sprue goo and uhu glue to make it look like melted flesh
Just run them as tacticals and noone will care
No, and it's optimal for monetary expenditure (unironically cheaper despite what "5 poses" anon will say) and immersion, as marks before X enable you to think of armies belonging to anywhere between M.30 to M.40
Termagants or hormagaunts?

Termagants seem to get a lot more buff support with the tervigon but hormagaunts are like at least twice as fast and look cooler
I'm going to paint that part of the baneblade black, hollow it a little and try and model some chains, as though he's chained to the tank. The full model pressed against the hull seemed excessive. Never done a rework of this scale before.
I mean, I'll always assume anyone who plays Death Guard thinks getting you to pull their finger is the peak of comedy and that's pretty cringe.
Yes, and that’s what makes it based.
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Fuck it. Fuck "which army is good" or "which army is fun", which army is EASY TO PAINT? I'm sick of getting mogged by slightly better painters.
The one player who has Death Guard & Salamanders in my lgs is a diaperfurfag and has tattoos of dragon wings and a tail so yeah DG players are cooked in that regard
stop comparing yourself to others and paint whatever the fuck you find cool
Does anyone know how More Gits Over 'ere works with aircraft? Do you have to move it like an aircraft or do you have to scooch it only 6" like the strat says.
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>The one player who has Death Guard & Salamanders in my lgs is a diaperfurfag
I’m not sure I want to know how you found out he was a diaperfur.
you can hear it crinkling as he walks
Daemons, Custodes, and Orks are easy to paint to a good standard for someone with zero experience.
Any flavour of space marine is also easy to paint because there's a billion tutorials out there for them.
SMs but you should really just be patient with yourself and paint an army you actually like.
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>See his name on discord
>Meet him irl
>Balding neckbeard with furry shirt
>Look up his name on FA and twitter
>Diaper stuff, mlp cosplay, pup mask, etc
>mfw I was beaten, rules lawyered, and possibly cheated by a guy whose dragon fursona wears big puffy diapers and who for all I know is wearing a pair of adult diapers whenever I see him
He also offhandedly mentioned that story about a diaperfur who microwaved used diapers once.
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grab tyranids, make a dark colour scheme with a few pale skin spots and arbitrary patterns, use contrasts, washes and colorshift paints, plus gloss for the carapace and slimy bits.
That was under Kirby's benevolent ruling. Now they summary execute you in the street.
heat just burns rather than melts gw plastic
>look cooler
You've answered your own question
Anything where the models texture will do a lot of the work for you. Smooth sleek models like space marines, tau and eldar will make mistakes and lack of technique glaringly obvious. Organic, detailed armies like tyranids, genestealer cults, death guard, and orks can hide a lot of that just using the models natural texture and simple techniques like shade and drybrushing which are idiot proof. I would say sisters of battle also fall into this category but their faces are a challenge so maybe use all helmets

Chaos marines and world eaters are middle ground somewhere Imbetween the 2, but a lot of less experienced painters also find their trim to be hell to paint
Necrons are all metal dudes that you could do an entire army with a few cans of silver spray, a couple pots of nuln oil, two splash colours + a highlight for each for weapon casings and glowy bits, and some basing paste.
did you just put space marines, eldar and tau as harder to paint than chaos marines? lol
That's what you get for playing with subhumans in stores
>tfw want to paint up so many marines
>but only chaos ones
Kill me
I didn't give a shit about these fucking things, but that scheme is so fucking rad it makes me almost want them
Not yet you need to have fun painting cool ebil space guys
I do have fun but my issue is I start thinking, “Yeah painting a squad from this warband would be cool” and keep wanting to do it
Do you think GW will ever revive Inquisitor in its true and proper 54mm scale?
Paint black legion and do their arms in their warband colours or some shit
There is AI in the base of this pic.
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How much time until GW uses 2nd and 11th Legion as female marine based release?
Let's hope you think wrong.
No female primarchs
Kill yourself
I thought they were used as custom SM and CSMs legions, do GW actually intend to use them for something?
No I don’t like black legion
I want to do themed detachments of all the funny little warbands I love
Cannoneer Khornates of The Harvest
Sorcerous Schizophrenics of The Scourge
Dangerous Daemoniacs of the Word Bearers
Crazed Cravens of the Night Lords
And more!
Deciding next project
Do I paint 600 pts of Tyranids or the SoB combat patrol?
And HH used to be a mith. But GW will use anything to get more money from marines.
>do GW actually intend to use them for something?
No. Anon is just trying to feed off of any emotional responses to his hypothetical.
>as custom SM and CSMs legions
Honestly, I've never saw ANYONE in 25 years in this plastic adiction using the lost legions as GW intended.
Old dreads were a delight to build but the new dreads are cock and ball torture to build.
Custodas worked fine, so is just a matter of time. At least SM2 shows that the 40k public is 99.9% heterosexual teenagers so they will delay releasing space marine models.
Here's my reasons for liking Chaos:
-We're playing a dice based game where horrible things happen to little pretend people. Chaos kind of fits the theme
-I can sculpt what I like and not worry about it looking cool; Chaos is inherently broken
-I can use any bit of any model kit I fancy
-Corruption and resistance to corruption is fertile ground for storytelling; I've always been a fan of zombies, Alien, all that kind of thing
-A few powerful, heavily converted dudes are both cheaper and more satisfying for me to model and paint than a larger force coming out of the box
What scale is 40k modelled at? 28mm?
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Never say never, anon :^)
Dark people wish I more liked Eldar
more like 30 now... leading to 32.
>I don't like the mutated, grimy aspect or the "oh boy, I can't wait to go slaughter civilians" thing (not that stuff in the Imperium isn't like that, but I tend to not enjoy those sorts of things even in the Imperium)
So, you dislike brutality, but can overlook it when it's committed against an other, or for a "good" cause?
Heroic scale. Close to 28mm or 1/65, but heads, hands and weapons are significantly oversized.
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The Hospitaller
I love how GWs went out of their way to make this little vignette of this saintly figure compassionately attending to a dying sister, a beautiful faux centrepiece.
And it's a 50pt medic.
I almost always run at least one, mostly in squad of Sacresants. She really helps the longevity of her fellow sisters.
I hate how GW paints female faces.
I like the metal one more. Too bad I can't find it anywhere.
thoughts between enforcer vs coldstar tau commander? i thought maybe coldstar because the minigun looks cooler
>enforcer vs coldstar tau commander?
I think that any other army looks better except votan so switch to other army instead.
I'd like a variant that functions like the marines' gravis apothecary.
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not a marine
not even a miniature
Completely missed the second part of the question.
Last game her, the Palatine and the whole Domnion squad they were in got flattened before they did much of anything. My opponent really didn't like me trying to claim that particular objective.

Coldstar is better at tank hunting. Enforcer is better at deep strike.
>not a marine
>not even a miniature
and still manages to piss you off
Yeah, me either. I guess it's hard to state "Unknown founding" and imply it one of those two, but you can't also just outright say "Yeah, they're 11th legion genestock!" because literally no one knows about it.

I think the current choices are enough, and mutated geneseeed gives enough options.
How does he differ from their normal one?

Coldstar is the fast one. Gains an extra wound as well as M12" - that speed is now shared with any crisis suits they join on top of gaining Assault on their guns so everything will always fire on the move,.

Starts off with the High-Output Burst Cannon, which is a burst cannon with double the attacks, but the whole point of this Commander is that rather than Deep Striking, you can scoot a minimum of 13" into position to shoot, so grab triple fusion and a shield generator.

Enforcer is the tough one. Slower at M8" but gets a 2+ save. The best to hit any high-powered forces as the AP of any guns that target their retinue worsens by 1. This makes anything like imperial plasma guns a lot less effective in taking your guys on, even with the overcharge. This is where you might contemplate a Shield Generator, if you want the Commander to tank hits for the Bodyguard, but that's a dumb choice, don't make it. This is the Commander for placing all your bets on Deep Strike shooting, which is maybe not the best choice ever made, but still means you want maximum guns.
Behead chatGPT posters
He instructs his bros to hit the enemy weak spots and collects the loot after they're done.
>chaos good
I have never actually met someone with this take. Yeah, Imperium is obviously bad, it's in the settings tag-line. But Chaos is unjustifiably evil and the destruction of the Imperium is more a secondary goal to the majority of warbands, murder and looting being the primary.
>Absolvor bolt pistol
Is that a typo and it's meant to say Absolver, or is it just stupid?
a retcon that undermines sos? yes

why do you defend it on the other hand?
?Ladystodes are blanks?
Wanna get into THIS again (and by again I mean I built and painted some random shit for fun throught the years) but I don't really want to spend the money equivalent to multiple ps4s to do so
So... what's the best way to go about it bros? Looking for sales sure ok, but 3D printing maybe? Sounds hard
Proxy models?
Play killteam.
It's very important that ladies only be in one ultra specialized role per army. The idea of a gender integrated military disgusts and angers me. I'm very normal by the way.
2 big knights and 6 small ones or 3 big 4 small?
New to this entire thing, picked up a box of dark angel combat patrols because I was recommended them as a relatively simple intro to building/painting
Why shouldn't I paint them as blood ravens
the less big knights the better
Are there any other sites besides Etsy where you can buy already printed bits? eBay is not a good option. I don't have a printer or know anyone with a resin one.
>why do you defend it on the other hand?
Where did I defend them?
Also I really don't care that much about 40k to be salty about its fluff.
>if you want the Commander to tank hits for the Bodyguard
you cant do this unironically you are a no games faggot
Check your local library if you're in the United States. I found out mine got a grant for a 3D printing program and residents of the county can get things printed for free, once a week. I just email them the stl, and they send me an email when it's ready to pick up.

I searched and it's somewhat common.
>why shouldn’t you
Because Dark Angels are cooler and red armor is a bitch to paint
>why should you
Because Blood Ravens are cooler and red armor isn’t actually that bad to paint

I dunno do you got any other chapter ideas you wanna do too? That box is pretty generic afaik.
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I'm a sucker for my new models and kitbashes so my favorite at the moment is my new snazzwagon. I can't stop looking at it.
We'll see how it does tonight against DG probably poorly
You can use a knight base, which all the speed freeks models come with. A trukk is bigger than the buggies but that base suits it well.
If by DG you mean Death Guard, it's already over unless he gimps his list or gets a streak of bad luck
They're even more cock and ball torture to paint if you don't do subassemblies.
Never again.
i love how fuckin crips these marines are, its actually unbelievable. one day i might be able to paint white like that, but i doubt it
My only other idea is something original, but I haven't really put any thought into it
Honestly, lurk a little more and create your own dudes, it's the most interesting and fun thing in this hobby by my experience.
Yeah it'll be Death Guard. It's against a close friend who got me into warhammer in the first place, though he doesn't play that much anymore.
I don't mind losing against him and because of the WS/BS debuff I expect to, but he's usually pretty fun to fight against. It'll at least be interesting to see how Kult of Speed plays. First time I'll actually play Speed Freeks earnestly since starting the game.
I’d say open up your space marine codex/go on lexicanum and look at lists of successor chapters to get inspiration for color schemes. Maybe you’ll like Blood Ravens the most, maybe you’ll like Dark Angels the most, maybe you’ll like one of the Unforgiven (Dark Angels successor catchall) or maybe you’ll like some other random chapter, or maybe your own idea’ll pop in your head and you’ll like it even more than any of those! Long as you have fun with it, anon.
i do like this snazzwagon, how did you go about getting so many spare parts to make it? do those kits some with heaps of extra shit? im yet to build one
>>Look up his name on FA and twitter
Damn, you looked into the fucking abyss on that one.
A lot of the older Ork vehicles like the trukk and battlewagon are joyous kits with lots of bits to work with even once you've built the functional model. But the newer buggies have only enough bits to make 1 model out of, with extremely little posability, variation, or extra pieces. It's why they were pretty poorly received despite looking quite nice: ork models need to be customizable arguably more than any other faction.
I built that model mostly out of a spare trukk I had from a bulk buy and then took some bits (the front, the top, and the gunner) from another snazzwagon kit I'm splitting up to make 2 out of. And of course, plasticard.
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no, the blanks were the ladystodes already
making more ladystodes undermines the blanks because they're even less considered now that they can simply take a cuntstodes
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>i love how fuckin crips these marines are,
>Where did I defend them?
here >>94044194
why project that sentiment if you didn't care at all?
>enter blood angels
If I'm mixing mk3 and csm, which is better:
>old armor was found in the storage and is given to new recruits, chaos trim is aquired over time
>mk3 is worn by the 10 years old veterans who remember heresy
Either or works. Or you could also say they stole it from loyalists.
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Guy drops down whole army looking like this.
Wat do?
Pointing your autism is not defending anything.
I don't care that much, is not the same that doesn't caring at all.
Do you collect IW?
Suggest he gets a resin printer and then continue with the game.
this >>94044427 100%
>He bought?
It's a twitter and Reddit opinion
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It’s not a material problem.
That's clearly not the same file.
Even if this was the model, I will suggest him to get a resin printer.
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Not the same guy, but you are part of the problem. You wouldn't happen to be part of that lefty discord attempting to undermine the hobby specifically on this board, would you?
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>Sisters of Battle order that believes it's their mission to terrorize their fellow human beans
What's a thematic army comp for that? "Oops, all arco-flagellants" with a side dish of mortifier & penitent engines?
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You need to know it's true name to defeat it, why wouldn't anon go through any apocrypha he could find?
I'm not convinced this is optimal.

Is Titus going to become the next Emperor's Champion and cuck the Templars?
Nope, I'm 10 years to old to have discord.
>GW are going to be dedicating an amount of their finite plastics production capacity to this shit
Yes. By the end of 2025, if a Black Templars player wants to run the Emperor's Champion in their army, they will have to use the bespoke Lieutenant Titus model painted in Ultramarines 2nd Company colors. At this point it's inevitable. For real though your question is retarded.
God I want more Necrons with non standard bodies
This but eldar.
are you telling me that if i play in a tournament my name will be available publicly and i’ll be doxxed forever?
No one, literally no one cares about your dox
It's one of the great appeals of the necron model range imho. The sculptors are clearly conscious of the fact that alien robots can look like whatever so long as it's cool, giving the sculptors license to create a great variety of different morphologies across the army. It's been really cool to see the model range and its design language mature since the early 2000s.
Yes, your life will basically be over. In fact, just by posting here we are able to access your IP and get your personal data during our yearly doxxathon in December. You might want to just lleave here for good if that bothers you.
My top men are already finding you as I type this just from your post. You're so fucked
Your days are numbered, Greg.
>Pointing your autism
what autism would you say you're underlining and if you care about it, to whatever extent, why?
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He only wanted to dodge taxes...
Unironically did nothing wrong
Can you not buy Corvus anymore or is the Warhammer site being a bitch?
Not even.
He just wanted funding.
Hello, i have been sent from GW to ask 40kg to brainstorm a new xeno faction for our game. The only criteria is that they MUST rape people. We've been thinking of Space Fimir.
Being a retard and falling to chaos.
He could have salvaged his chapter if he hadn't made so many marines and didn't let then drift to chaos in the closing days of the war
What's he doing after the rift?
Some side company in some forgotten province of China that specializes in this kind of crap will be making it, damn idiot. Tired of all the cretins here who know nothing but must make themselves heard.
>blanks were the ladystodes
But I thought the blanks were the sisters.
Are you sure you aren't the confused one here?
Tax evasion is a crime anon.
what the FUCK is the point of null maiden vigil
I mention it's an interesting design, ask where they got it from, and proceed with the game.
Paint them up like stone or bronze and you have some statues to decorate terrain with.
>if he hadn't made so many marines
The ACs would've been ruined if he hadn't done that. The Imperium was pressuring him to keep doing a peacekeeping job over an area his Wardens never managed to fully cover, frequently dismissed his pleas for additional resources, admonished him for building up his himan armies and then also kept demanding ridiculous gene seed tithes on them. If he hadn't put marine production into overdrive the Astral Claws would've just gone extinct over the next century or two due to attrition.
to make incels like you seeth!
i don’t care i like women
what is the point from a gameplay point of view
>meanwhile the SoS girl in the Tithes plays a far more important role than the ladystodes who was there to just posture around
Sisters of Silence are a better foil to Sisters of Battle than they are to Custodians.
But the number he made is what actually gave it away and condemned him in the eyes of terra and the inquisition.
I'm not saying there was a way to safely get out of there. But he fucked up.
It's of you are playing an SoS army without bananas.
It has the foundations for giving the sisters a proper identity, rules wise, but it seems to be either rushed, incomplete or both.

Mostly it's GW trying to bandage over the fact they have completely forgotten the sisters and a likely just buying time till they get to them in HH in a couple of years.
I have a Carcharodons one.
its a new way to play that allows custodes players to expand their collection or for custodes players who already have a lot of sister models to use
Their VA in SM2 makes them cool somehow
Was it the carcharadons or the minotaurs that spared the Lamenters?
its half assed because GW didn't want to spend any resources on new units for the SoS. A proper list would need a kroot sized expansion.
Minotaurs, the Sharks were brutalizing the Mantises
This dude is straight-up primarch sized.
>described as moving like a blur to other space marines
This guy could probably do well against a Custodes ffs.
It's just artistic liberty to show his imposing aura over the injured and terrified MW. He's described as about a head taller than the average marine, also javing the additionalbulk froom Termie armor.
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I love this gigantic asshole of a chapter master.
Hope he gets an updated model sometime. Or that a 3d artist without "must cover ever mm in details" syndrome designs an stl for him
A sect of Eldar who have fallen to Khorne as he protects their souls from She Who Thirsts. They go on an insane crusade to 'save' their race by butchering Aeldari and Drukhari alike in the name of Khorne.
Tau'va leaks warp stuff which let the Tau also fall to Chaos

The faction name? Chaos Xenos. Wraithknight-style Hellbrutes, Avatar of Khorne, Tzeench Riptides.
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It's a drill.
I'm pretty sure he's like 2 heads taller.
The thing with his armour is that it's Dreadnaught plate.
she doesn't
she gets separated so she contributes less to the fight and the other members of the imperium get dumbed down so it's the custodes alone who communicates
even the fucking black ship shepherd was made ignorant of sign language despite their fucking job putting them in close coordination with the null maidens
what was announced as an episode about the sister of silence turned out to be wank about custodes and how they can order around marines
Not too familiar with the tau.What are their plasma, melta, lascannon, and so on equivalents for weapons and what do they looks like?
I could've sworn GW had absorbed all plastics production, including hobby tools like this and the painting handles and the likes, into its expanded Notts facilities in the last few years?
Speed Freekz buggies aren't actually on knight bases, they are on 150mm X 75mm. I think they share that size with the GSC buggy and the Votann buggy.

Knights are on 170mm X 75mm.
>Those printlines
inb4 some rat thing for AoS
It's for Blood Bowl.
Oh shit my bad
Skaven drills always have warpstone tips
It's a conch
Every termie is dreadnought plate. Tactical Dreadnought is the official name for them.
>mole mortars never
That's not true. The Sis neutralized the run away psyker that was sperging out and then killed a Lictor on her own. That's pulling her weight more than the Custodian, who killed some Leapers.
>Big drill
Say it with me.
Yes but that's not the point
His is terminator armour with actual Dreadnaught modifications so it fucking fits him.
He's a big dude, abnormally big.
Do Eldar have wraithbone prosthetics?
Nah, this palette will push the new aspect warrior sprues by another decade. Priorities.
He did nothing right.
Eldar don't even have medics. If one of them loses a limb they're toast.
ok that makes sense, ive only built the battlewagon and trukk so far (as i dont really have any use for many other vehicles) and do have quite a few spare bits but some parts i just didnt bother using (like that roll cage bit on the trukk, etc). thats what i enjoy the most about converting shit for orks, its doesnt look too out of place regardless of what it is, you definitely couldnt get away with that in marines or tau for example

makes me think about all of the random shit ive got in a box somewhere, bought a pile of orks and it came with lots of weird shit ive never seen before, theres even a trukk that doesnt have the bottom back section on it at all (wheels, axel, etc) and was thinking of turning it into a snagga themed trukk, maybe by just chucking the old fantasy ork chariot as the back bit (with the wagon wheels) and having the trukk pulled by either the boars that came with it or two large squigs. the possibilities are endless really, and id like a trukk for my snaggas
I guess. I don't think it's come up. Craftworlder cripples aren't really a thing that's ever been spotlighted. Maybe they just get whole replacement limbs instead of prostheses.
I like the script (or illusion of script) on the chest and the lantern is done well too
Love the computer screen - i feel like you've left detail on the table and could do more with the tyres
Incredible shading and highlighting, these models "pop" in a way most don't. Very crisp as the other anon said.
Truthfully I don't like the used toilet paper purity seals but the robe is excellent - have you considered trying some OSL on the burning book?
Simple yet effective. I would give those tools a wash if you haven't already.
Again I agree with the other anon, the stripe on the helmet does wonders for your colour scheme. I like that you've done the lens on the bolter scope, most people don't do that
Now that's a dreadnought that's seen some shit. Love the checkerboard pattern on the shoulder. If I could criticize this I'd say the blade of the weapon doesn't really stand out.
Incredible work. The bright colours you've used draw my attention to every part of the model and I notice new detail every time I reexamine it.
Now this is proppa orky. The flames in the front are simple yet work well and your highlights really make this model stand out. I like the checkerboard pattern too - the imperfections make it look more orky and I mean that as praise.
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100% a mole launcher projectile. The question is if it's for Votann, or the coming plastic Krieg.
>Acheran lost over two thirds of his company during SM2
What the FUCK is wrong with this jobber?
beautiful, i saw my typo before and was waiting for someone to pick up on it
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Thank you reviewanon
I'll give you a warpstone tip
>eldar corsairs with wraithbone peg legs
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they don't have lasers as far as I know, just pulse weaponry, which is a different kind of plasma but for their basic infantry rifles and pistols
All the Eldar kill teams have medics in them.
The Dark Eldar have an entire third of their faction dedicated to mad doctors who defy death.
Techmarines have never used iron halos.
That happens a lot more often than you would think. Not usually to the second company though. Marines are constantly getting promoted from the reserve companies into the higher ranks of the active ones and scouts fill in the reserves as they get their carapace.
>happens a lot more often than you would think
Shut up Acheran.
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Has anyone played this in 10th?
Is it any _fun_?
Seems like a pretty great ratio for what they achieved in defending a System from a Tyranid fleet + Chaos invasion. That's the shit a task force of a few companies would be pressed to deal with. Marines aren't all-powerful anon, they're just reliable shock troops.
Might be a mole launcher but it looks like it's attached to a gauntlet or something to me
These vespid models are the first 40k models in a long time I've really liked. Is a vespid heavy tau army possible?
a company is only 100 marines. Look at the shit they were up against, the only reason they werent wiped out with little effort is because they were doing targetted missions rather than a straight brawl with the tyranids and chaos
Just use them as firewarriors
most likely not, it's one unit

best thing you could try is converting a shitload of vespids to count as other units and roles in an army, but you either need to make some wingless worker vespids for some basic infantries or look up a better army to count your bees as
Anyone who has the blood angels codex, who can lead a death company with jump pack squad? Besides named characters.
Hell, I'd say you would normally have multiple chapters supporting an operation like that if they had the correct Intel to coordinate against it. Even the Ultras call upon their successors for aid at times.
They have two plasma analogues: Actual plasma (which is basically just better than Imperial plasma because it doesn't overheat), and ion weapons, which shoot more and weaker shots, and can overcharge. Their melta weapons are fusion weapons. They don't really have anything like lascannons.
Vespid getting the Kroot treatment would be hilarious but it will definitely never happen.
Would make Tau look a lot more like a coalition army though as some people claim they want.
>or look up a better army to count your bees as
Bee themed lost legion that fell to chaos with bee daemons it is.
Which is the correct way to show space marines being deployed. Targeted strike force operation while the Guard holds the line and the Imperial Navy blockades and bombards.
>If, when making a Normal move... it cannot move a minimum of 20", that model’s move ends and it is placed into Strategic Reserves.
Did this come up in a game or are you just wondering
Oh yeah, definitely. It wouldn't even matter if Marines were THAT powerful, with there only being arouns a 1K of the fuckers in a chapter there's just not much they can achieve in a straight up fight. You can only spread yourself so thin when there's so few of you around.
Where did you get the idea that the Astral Claws were on the road to becoming extinct before they started withholding tithes? Huron himself didn't put that argument forward.
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is this melta or plasma tech?
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>contributes less to the fight
The fight was irrelevant silly.
The key was to secure the titular Tithe (of psykers) and she was playing the core role in that, because surprise-surprise, Shadow in the Warp drives psykers to degrees of instanity & instability that could jeopardize the whole retrieval mission.
Her job was more important than killing some T5 ambush nids, which is something that a bunch of veteran guardsmen/marines could probably do.
Anon, what happens when you're forced to spread yourself thin, be constantly fighting with dangerous elements like Chaos and Orks, never receive reinforcements and have you lifeline be always drained away?
>Pressure chamber
>Augur or coil
>Heat sink
>Untitled barrel
>Spark plug
Das plasma ya git
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vespids don't even warrant the kroot treatment

kroots were included into the tau codex and received multiple units at the very start because it was a close tossup until the very end of the creative process as for whether the new alien army gw wanted to have would be something conventionally advanced, to create a contrast with the unconventionally sci fi setting, or kroots, and even when they agreed the advanced army allowed for more and more flexible designs and less redundancy with stuff like orks and nids, they still added in the kroots because they didn't want to give up on a concept the studio was very in love with behind the scenes
so the fluff about the tau empire being friendly to other alien races and integrating them into their empire was made a part of their identity, all to not throw away the idea of the kroots

vespids were added later exclusively because an alien empire that preaches integration of numerous vassal races showing up on the battlefield with only 1 allied race was silly
and for the same reason adding more vespids instead of adding more alien races as one-off units would be silly
There already is a bee themed chaos legion
>killing a Lictor
>successfully recovering a rogue psyker
That's gonna be a nuh-uh from me
it is completely true

the sister killed one leaper
the custodian killed multiple leapers and lictors
I know what you mean but my first thought reading this was null maiden krootox cavalry.
there's a guy at my LGS who is an apiarist and he plays tyranids, all painted like bees. they're based on fields of flowers and his hive tyrant even has a beehive modeled on its base
i wish i loved anything as much as this dude loves bees
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What the most reposing you've ever done for a model?
10-15 Catachan could probably take down a Lictor no problem and they would probably cost Imperium far less than a Custard, and I am very pro-Nid and anti-Custard in these kind of arguments.
>successfully recovering a rogue psyker
Exactly, which is why they have taken a null.
>The key was to secure the titular Tithe (of psykers) and she was playing the core role in that
And yet the episode did a bad job at emphasizing her importance and the importance of the task and most of both the screentime and of the gravitas was about the custodian, it hijacked what would have otherwise been and was announced as the sister of silence episode.
Do you really think anyone here plays the game? Ask reddit
>And yet the episode did a bad job at emphasizing her importance and the importance of the task
Maybe if you're not familiar with nids? But the general paranoia and soundscape used in the bunker scenes made it pretty obvious, the masked PDF/arbites girl couldn't hear jack shit meanwhile the psykers were heavily freaking out while still inside a giant metal box.
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Oh nyo, heretics! Where will you go?
krieg mole launcher
No, I get it, but I also get that it was handled like shit and the protagonist and point of the episode were relegated to an accompanying character and a subplot.

The episode was almost completely stolen by the custodian, its fight and its interaction with the marines.
It’s from the same designer/player.
>The episode was almost completely stolen by the custodian, its fight and its interaction with the marines.
She didn't do anything much impressive that couldn't have been done by a kitted out Ordo Xenos inquisitor. It was just brute force combat & some political posturing. You don't exactly need a Palace Janitor for that
>The episode was almost completely stolen by the custodian, its fight and its interaction with the marines
>the character who can't talk got to talk less than the speaking character
>the character who is not an insanely augmented genetic work of art did less killing than the character who was
>this is a shock
No one said that anon, at least not me.
Huron witholded tithes because he was not getting the support to achieve the mission the warders had been given, and using his rights to self governance and the fact that the zone was an autonomous zone enabled him to declare not tithing legal because the imperium was not holding their part of the deal.
The thing about the marine production is that he got cocky and hubris got to his head after seeing the results of getting that one extra company of their descendants and the results of the fleet reclamation program.
He could have been more subtle about it but he made too many marines and used them in a way his sin became apparent.
The irony is its difficult to replicate what should be standard on the table top.
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Post grimdark food
Because it's pretty much impossible to travel to another galaxy due to the distance. Someone who knows space and physics stuff can explain it better than me.
Nids did it
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Warp being the main form of travel nobody ever developed sufficiently advanced FTL to make reaching the nearest galaxy (2.5M light years away) realistically feasible.

I could see Necrons having the best shot, but even then their thing is that they're byband large attached to this Galaxy.
Thats irrelevant when you establish faster than light travel. Also even when the warp isn't involved, the 40k universe treats physics as non-relativistic.
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Is this grimdark?
>Nid try to eat the guard
>Guard eats the nids
Probably some deranged necron cryptek has already built a techno goon cave in Andromeda
Bait used to be believable
It's a dog eat dog world out there
Could you eat nids or are they full of nid bacteria that melts your guts out?
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Some forms of tofu are very spicy. I'm not man enough to survive them.
You just nid to cook them well.
I'd eat that
They are filled to the brim with toxins and deadly microbes.
i love the emperor
simple as
Yes, it is a shock that the character who's meant to interact with the black ships as its main job is unable to communicate with the black ship's shepherd, and it is a shock that the anti-psychic character was unable to showcase its utility against the psychic coordination of the tyranids, and it is a shock that episode presented as being about the sister of battle was actually about wanking a custodian with a fight scene and by ordering marines about.
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The squats turn planets into booze. Is that grimdark?
nid prions, nid virus, nid bacteria, nid spores, nid parasites

it's deadly shit all the way down
orks eat them anyway, I think
the rest of the universe is shit too
leaving isn't easy
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I know just the lads for the job.
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Guilliman should create ways to cook all the enemies of the Imperium. They already eat corpse starch, what would processed Ork meat be in comparison? Soon the Imperium will see themselves with eased logistics lines, and troops charging into battle for their next meal. Desertion and cowardice means starvation without any need to enforce it.
Are ogryns good these days?
yeah, they could eat them probably

trolls too, their stomach acid is impressive
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We did it 40kg
Good, not like aeldari fake fans were rushing to buy the new kits (striking scorpions are standing on a small rock, dark reaper helmet not to their liking)
This is the one, i love you dude
True, I forgot about that.
I love the one really fucked-up head in that kit.
>they'll make a servo skull fucking painting palette
>they don't put some servo skulls in the skulls box
I hate it here.
Is 40k more fun with 1500 pts, 1000, or 500?
Again, that isn't even the argument Huron made. If there was a perennial threat to the longevity of his chapter then he never made a point of it when making his case to the rest of the Imperium. And it's not like he didn't have time to come up with this excuse since he refused to pay his taxes for a century and a half.

Even then, his tax evasion didn't turn into a war until after he had started blockading all trade through the Badab sector, destroyed three different fleets of tax collectors, killed inquisitorial representatives, openly seceded from the Imperium while promising to continue his mission of defending the Imperium, declared that the people he blew up should be put under investigation, and then started attacking neighboring Imperial worlds and trade routes outside of Badab. And even then it didn't officially become the "Badab War" until the High Lords (who recognized him as the lawful governor of Badab and were sympathetic to his claims of requiring the tithes to secure the Maelstrom Zone) sent a delegation to order a ceasefire followed by peaceful arbitration and investigation of the people Huron had demanded be investigated, and Huron also destroyed that delegation.

At no point in the whole drama did he ever take a reasonable position. He escalated the conflict at every turn.
>what would processed Ork meat be in comparison?
Pork and shrooms hash
Didn't someone in the imperium report that an eatin' squig was the best thing he'd ever tasted?
Definitely not 500. Balance is way out of whack at that level. 1000pts is debatable but if you play on the size of board that it recommends you feel way to thinly spread with some armies and can't really play objectives properly. This would probably be fine in a smaller board, but then melee rush down and getting boxed in to your deployment would be bigger problems. 1.5k is a very reasonable size to play at and runs quicker and smoother than 2k and forces people to make more tradeoffs in their list building.
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Anything edible is best thing ever for someone starving
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check this out
>Yes, it is a shock that the character who's meant to interact with the black ships as its main job is unable to communicate with the black ship's shepherd
I'll give you that one
>and it is a shock that the anti-psychic character was unable to showcase its utility against the psychic coordination of the tyranids,
These are animations to help sell plastic toys. Sisters of Silence can't actually disrupt synapse on the tabletop, and the psychic disruption shown in the animation is too short-ranged to disrupt synapse in any case.
>and it is a shock that episode presented as being about the sister of battle
Of silence, please
>was actually about wanking a custodian with a fight scene and by ordering marines about.
Please show me where the episode was presented as being about the Sister of Silence.
Because Warhammer Community on https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/TBbxxG5O/the-tithes-episode-2-custodes-dont-ask-twice/ talks about seeing five sections of the Imperium interacting, and it talks about how cool it is seeing a Custodian in action and bossing around Space Marines, but it never says that it's about the SoS- just that the SoS is in it.
Thanks for taking the time to reply to every model. I liked the actual critique in the previous reviewanons posts though, this feels hugbox-ey
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Week 4 of rewatching painting videos to decide which one I'll copy for my army.
Oh right I forgot to mention that he got away with unilaterally enacting exterminatus on several Imperial worlds because pirates had temporarily made port on them. Like he didn't just demolish a few dockyards, he deleted the biosphere. Frankly it's ludicrous what he got away with before he started the Badab War.
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Uh, I guess Aeronautica Imperialis is alive again? Kinda, not really?

Not that anon, but thanks, this shit is fucking great.
Wish they wouldn’t just shaft armies with shitty army rules that don’t get changed. Looking at shit like
>Agents, literally don’t have one
>Admech, dogshit
>Nid, completely irrelevant to what the army does. Pointless when you’re playing against marines 90% of the time
Then I see shit like Thousand Sons which combined with their detachment is amazing and fluffy
>Hey guys, what if we made numerous offshoot 40k game
>But then didn't include half of our playerbase in any of them
Pro-tip: Those rubber bump-poking stim toys do the same thing as this for faaar cheaper (although frankly I don't really see the utility of using a flexible dry palette in the first place, since any dried paint that won't scrub off isn't going to interfere with your painting anyway).
Anyone here used enamel washes before? What do you think of them?
Cool kit. I like the orks with the bolted plates.
>gw could give us new models for every faction in the game
>cut the price of everything in half
>and not even see a significant loss in profits
>instead we get a funny plate
nids are just straight fucked for the next 5 years
I hate that all of this is true.
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>Investigate my enemies!
>and so we went to war
Sorry Nidbro even though we could move to digital codexes and help you, we won’t.

Guess you have to pirate or have a shit codex for years
I'd say the Tau Lascannon analogues are their Railguns
Your army only has potential to be fixed while they are still in their index. Just look at what happened to Deathguard, Drukhari, Votann, or Imperial Guard. Huge changes to their detachments.
AdMech did actually get an army rule change six months after their codex though, which is highly unusual but was massively cried out for that AdMech was horrifically fucked.
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are 3 eyed lizard frogs good for you?
you mean the sauce is spicy
Love the patch. Would I impress my crush who is a cashier at my local supermarket if I showed up wearing ray-bans and a flight jacket with the patch?
You get the jump pack death company captain and the vanilla jump pack chaplain that will surely be squatted next edition
Psychological Projection is a serious mental pitfall one can fall into, anon.
But it's ok. I understand.
sexier tham my gf.
The physics of this scenario are perplexing me.
I don't know are you sixteen and are they sixteen?
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warp shenanigans
I get they don't really work balance wise but are people generally willing to do a short 500 point game just so I can learn the basics? It's going to be a while before I have a full 1000 points and I'm sure I'd make a fool of myself managing so many units on my first game.
I'd forgot how much of a shitshow this was. I mean holy hell Lufgt what the fuck do you think you're doing.
Good one anon
There's always people happy to run into games at 500 at any local, just don't expect to get a lot of repeat offers and expect it to be a learning experience more than a game
>people generally
The only people that matter in your case are the ones you'll actually be playing with, I'd ask them
For what it's worth I'd be happy to, but who the fuck am I
I need him
what you really need is to wash your ass
>Verification not required.
>sanguinary guard preorders go on preorder without any major changes to the kit following customer feedback announced
Bangle bros… did we lose?
The initial attacks on shipment were an Inquisition false flag on behalf ofnthe Karthans
you lost the moment you picked any marines as your army
Why would I choose an npc army?
I guess they're easy to find and cheap? Plenty on the second-hand market since they're in every starter
Lots of models to pick from, easy to paint, lots of options for doing basically what you want with them
Forgiving army to play, not too pinishing when you make mistakes
That's why a lot of NPCs play them I guess
>playing some SM2 on my laptop in the common area at uni
>girl walks up and asks "is that a Warhammer game?"
>"Ew, why are you playing as a space marine?"
>Walks away
Most bizarre interaction with a stranger I've had in a long time
Black Legion CSM are the main characters of the story
Imperium is just there to be the villains
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Is air force stuff in 40k fun? I've never seen any discussion on here about aeronautica so my impression of it doesn't go beyond "it's like x-wing but 40k."
Aaaaand of course it’s some ugly dyke.
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As much as I love my VRB, aeronautica and its models have had disasterous effects 40k.
You need conversion therapy
I'm confused. You thought GW was just Not going to release the kit?
The Aeronautica game is pretty meh and I remember people had some strong opinions on flying units back beforethe soft reboot.
Flyers/Aircraft all got shoved into the rules for 40k in 5th/6th edition and they have never worked properly and have always been either mega busted or completely worthless.
Models are made years in advance, you can't change shit on a whim, even if GW wanted to.
Love the models, but I wouldn't call the Aeronautica stuff "fun"
>n-no u
pathetic xenostranny
Yes. Surely we did not collectively send GW enough letters
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We need more pirates in this setting. Pirate Eldar, Pirate Orks, Pirate CSM. They're all there in the lore, they just need more models.
What would be the practical Aesthetical difference between a Piratical CSM and a regular roving CSM warband?
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so is this for Votann part two or something for Krieg?
Tricones, eye patches and peg legs, duh
Its part for your mom
It doesn't really match the Votann aesthetic. It's more likely to be from Necromunda.
That's just Freebooters but with more spikes. Somehow.
I haven't really paid attention to a Warhammer Day before, are they gonna be announcing what the Christmas battle boxes will be?
probably not, they are usually announced in November.
NTA but weren't they announced really soon last year? Like october soon?
Krieg. Votann mole launcher looks different.
Unless they want to give bigger mole launchers to votann, that's possible.
More of an irregular and rag-tag look. Less direct Chaos iconography or religious/corrupt overtones, but lean in the direction of wealth, status, looted finery, battle trophies, almost a bit Apocalypse Now, men gone rogue on the frontier. They're here for the glory, the hunt, the filthy lucre and for themselves. A general sense of irreverence in the kitbashing.
Last year it was Necrons and AdMech codex and models, Kill-Team Salvation box, and AoS stuff like CoS new models.
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How based of her.
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The fact that she knew what a Space Marine was should have clued you in to try and talk to her more.
You fumbled, anon.
>24 USD for 3 sprues of skulls
Granted its like ten pennies per skull but still
>why are you playing space marines in space marines 2?
Yeah, why?
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>space marines 2
>there are space marines too
It just doesn't make sense, it doesn't add up
What's the deal with Killteam? Is it just Necromunda but with special forces instead of gangs? Is it good? Are the killteam models useable in full-scale 40k? How different are the rules?

Would you recommend playing Kill Team as like an entry point into 40k before expanding out to a full army?
I mean the citadel skulls box is 40 dollars for only 100 more skulls
Kill Teams is more like Warcry than Necromunda. It's pretty fun if you like skirmish games, most of the time you can use the models in 40k and the rules are much different in that the unit profiles are way different compared to 40k and even Necromunda.

40k Necromunda was called Shadow War Armageddon.
>Kill Teams is more like Warcry than Necromunda
I'm not familiar with Warcry either, unfortunately.
I wish I could play something like 40k Necromunda without being attached to a particular world or even a particular Campaign Book (looking at you Malstrains who are only playable in secundus scenarios)
>you play as a Space Marine in Space Marine
>you play as a Space Marine 2.0 in Space Marine 2
But thank you for the information as well! Sorry.
>What's the deal with Killteam?
Skirmish 40k
Is it just Necromunda but with special forces instead of gangs?
Somewhat? it's much more technical but has no narrative rules
>Is it good?
Yes, it's honestly much more fun than 40k, you make a lot more decisions, the game is decided by strategy instead of listbuilding (though there is almost no listbuilding, sadly) and games are way shorter
>Are the killteam models useable in full-scale 40k? How different are the rules?
yes, except Gellarpox are legends. Generally you ignore most of the model specific wargear, so units feel like infantry with one or two distinguishing features in 40k
>Would you recommend playing Kill Team as like an entry point into 40k before expanding out to a full army?
Spike boyz are notoriously jealous of orky power.
That's alright. Typically models will have more granular stats such as having up to 7 or 8 wounds on human models and it's more of an "I go/you go" thing where your models do all of their stuff as per their activation.

Me too, I really really like the idea of laying out a game like that with more crunchy rules and everything. I think you could use something like Shadow War Armageddon as a springboard for it.
>I think you could use something like Shadow War Armageddon as a springboard for it.
I'll keep it in mind anon, ty
Would've been based if it'd happened.
I haven't played since 6th ed. Are all vehicles running Monstrous Creature rules now, i.e. super high toughness with a lot of wounds and a save, and now anti-tank weapons deal multiple wounds at once?
I was always let down by how shitty Dreads were but with these new rules the Dreads seem good.
>dad does scale model stuff
>talking to him about upcoming hobby projects
>mention building a kill team board for the new edition
>he says he might want to try playing
holy fuck its finally happening
Pretty much, yeah
be sure to give him a simple but strong team, maybe angels of death or kommandos, or if he wants to use historical models, kasrkin, they are super simplified now.
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>Space marine 3: Assmarine
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I'm cleaning up and repairing this model I got from someone who found it while cleaning their house, I got it 90% cleaned up but unfortunately the little support rods that connect the breastplate to the back of the jaw of this royal warden were snapped off when I received it. I decided to just trim them down completely as I didn't have any bits I could have used to mimic them, do you think it looks okay as-is or does it look a little bare?
>dad goes to the shops for hobby supplies and milk
>ready at my desk for when he returns
>its only been 11 years
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Regular royal warden for comparison.
Looks good
If you're super anxious about it (personally I could barely tell before you provided the other pic), you could maybe buy a pair of mechanical pencils and disassemble them for tiny mechanical parts to stick in.
I feel like Necrons are perfect note wise except for the crypteks. I hate their stupid chins
Thanks, I won't worry about it for now, then. It'll probably bother me less once everything is primed and base coated.
Damn, that's so much better. Are Redemptor Dreads as good as they seem then? A big tanky unit with shittons of ranged firepower.
How dare you insult the slop of my homeland. You've sowed your last potato and shat in the blue cupboard.
>Please show me where the episode was presented as being about the Sister of Silence.
>These are animations to help sell plastic toys
which is why they're about lore dynamics that have nothing to do with the tabletop, like herding people into the black ships or retrieving the geneseeds of the fallen, or delivering cargo to the administratum
It's the classic meme man, Mark D. Saint Cyril. You should make more memes featuring him using this image.
>To most of the Imperium, the Sisters of Silence don’t exist. They’re no longer a formalised order in their own right, the hidden survivors work in the shadows as members of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, and as silent emissaries of the Custodian Guard. That means they often lean on others to enforce their authority – and when accompanied by a towering, golden Custodian, that’s easy enough…
Oh look, the article you quoted explaining that the episode is going to have a Custodes bossing people about because the Sister of Silence doesn't have the authority on her own.
>which is why they're about lore dynamics that have nothing to do with the tabletop, like herding people into the black ships or retrieving the geneseeds of the fallen, or delivering cargo to the administratum
And isn't it funny how all those episodes feature the characters getting into fights where all the combatants happen to be conveniently available to purchase from Games Workshop in the form of plastic model kits?
That's probably the only way to use a psyker in a super heavy company - stick him to the hull like another gun. There's probably a very lucky psyker in a baneblade regiment who is desperately hoping nobody thinks of that and ruins his comfortable gig.

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