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Dawn of the Final Day edition

Previous thread: >>94031027

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Are there any BL donut steels you actually like?
First for the Mechanicum
honestly, i cant think of any off the top of my head really.
Saul Tarvitz. He has a great, closed character arc that ends with his death in a way that befits a 'hero' of the setting.
Pic related. BL should've been more like it, rather than just marketing material for the latest products.
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Picked up the DG praetor to make a Dreadwing praetor but Dreadwing seemed like a boring pain in the ass with too many tanks so he sat in the pile of shame for a while. Now, he's going to be Deathwing Paladin/Librarian and head of my delagatus's bodyguard, but I'm not quite sure how much or where to paint the deathwing bone colors. I know I don't want all the companions to be all bone colored. Do I just bite the bullet and go full bone? An arm? The partial coverage seems kind of goofy
maybe decals but I want to finalize a design first
the idea is the personal heraldy of a centurion, but has turned away from the legion and become a blackshield

might make something wholly original though, like that one guy who has the custom raven skull or whatever it was
Barrington J Bayley was great, read his other stuff
I just read the Angron novel anon posted and, not to sound ungrateful... I'll shut up. Thanks anon!
It's just such a pity that Angron is so irretrievably insane due to the nails. Nails that we see more of in Master of Mankind, actually.
Rest in peace Oenomanus, we hardly knew you
>Are there any BL donut steels you actually like?
I actually really liked Garro and Rubio.
I especially liked when Rubio got recruited and was told that basically he had to give up everything from his past legion, his honors, his markings, everything and he was super bummbed about that.
But then as he was getting his equipment garro had gotten him a gladius sword like the ones the ultra marines used so he could still have some sort of personal connection to his chapter.
Go with what you feel, you dont need to do the bone white, thats really only for deathwing companions.
You can just do them all black.
Saul Tarvitz and Rylanor are my favorite Emperor's Children characters, to the point that I've actually toyed around with making a 40k chapter that's descended from loyalist 3rd legion and their battle cry is either "Remember Isstvan!" or "The Ancient Awaits!"
>making a 40k chapter that's descended from loyalist 3rd legion
They're all dead, Anon.
the ones at isstvan did, mine were gonna be ones that quietly fucked off from the main legion after seeing what happened to tarvitz
>Saul Tarvitz
>BL oc
u wot m8
Fellers, should I go for a 3d printed Mastodon off etsy or a recast? The 3d print will probably be more fragile because etsy printers are jews who prioritize speed and cost in over durability , but the recast is probably going to be awful to build and have to half be carved out from the flush resin before I can start building.
Do you want to spend more effort building once and only have chipped pai t to worry about after, or have to spend time repairing shit every other time you transport the model?
Blackshields who didn't side with chaos and ended up siding with the imperium after isstvan would have been absorbed into legions like the ultramemes.

But only like 4 people knew that Rylanor was in the ruins of Isstvan.
Recast 100%. Seconding >>94051116 I can't imagine it'll be much harder to build than the real deal, while the 3d print would be more fragile like you said.
>But only like 4 people knew that Rylanor was in the ruins of Isstvan.
then the cry could be "Honor the Ancient" as Rylanor was a beloved figure in the legion
Still contains my favorite HH-era battle, as well as possibly the only time armor autism has actually mattered.
>it'll be much harder to build than the real deal
That's exactly what I'm worried about, the mastodon is apparently a horrific kit to build only behind the storm eagle in terms of difficulty, and that's from the guy who owns a legit one at our store.
Why not go for option 3 - find someone in your local scene with a printer and pay them to do it for you with quality resins.
You are gonna be fucked no matter what.
This kit as a reputation of being ass to build. It ranks up there with the OG metal thunder hawk and the thunder fire canon.

The thing is notorious for having really badly warped panels, even the FW one has this issue bad.
So you are fucked no matter what, i would go with a 3d printed one.
I hope so. If they're really trying to do Rogue Trader nostalgia, they can't overlook the dreaded kung fu marine.
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Building my world eater as massed assault squads and rampagers running at the other side of the board. What armour or other shit do I take to support them?
cant go wrong with a land raider to drop them off imo
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NTA, but i tell you what, i was never a fan of LR, until i found the MkIIb kit, that shit is comfy, pic related, i have 2 of thes bad boys. I like em.
if you cram them into a land raider it renders a target all the more concentrated
backing them up with the likes of a kratos or fellblade or falchion could be more in line with the oomph you might be wishing to project concerning a wave of dudes moving up
one can also readily screen units with regards to line of sight with giant tank hulls
Well the thing about the land raider is what i call the predator problem.

If you take 1 predator, its gonna get popped because its an easy picking, if you take 2, you are going to proabbly get one killed and the other survive, at which point, you might as well take 3.

The trick when it comes to big threats like a LR, or a spartan, is you need to lean into them and force your opponent to pick a bad choice no matter what.
In my list for 3k i run 2 LR, a 9man jet bike squad, and 2 speed squad that Outflank and an assault suqad that deep strikes so the idea is, if they shoot at one thing the other thing is gonna come up the baord and fuck them.
Take empty land raiders, run them like they're carrying something important, and hope the opponent forgets they're empty.
i think it would be neat if the rules prescribed surreptitiously assigning units to transports and revealing them upon entry into the table w/ the flipping over of a sticky note or tokens
hardly something difficult to bolt on top though
sort of like Battletech Blind/double blind rules?
i like the sound of it, anon. but i also loved bringing alpharius in 1st ed only to never reveal him until forced.
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The September White Dwarf had a section of 30k armies, here's a short pdf if anyone wants to take a look. The Iron Hands army is kinda based.
it would take a minimum of two tanks with capacities and intercompatibility in order to invoke it as the opponent would be otherwise aware of what one is fielding, just not necessarily which unit is in which tank
>Saul Tarvitz is known in Imperial texts as "the Honour of his legion"
By his Honour, death to His foes
What are these double blind rules? Also yeah, both players always know where the other faction's minis are, what the other army is made of, and what they are keeping in reserves.
You'd need a third player just to keep track of it all. That's too autistic, even for Warhammer.
This. If the enemy list has one termite squad and one Land Raider, you know who's in it.
Yo that one bitch is fat as fuck and needs to lose weight HOWEVER she has a glaive and a termite in her list. BASED but cut back on the snackies girl
I've got a kytan and it pulls fire amazingly.
long ago deployment used to be done "in secret", I think 2E actually says put the game's box between the two players during setup, maybe the Epic box games did too

it never really worked and was onerous to do properly, besides not making sense - these armies are already lined up metres from one another, they would definitely have some pre-battle jostling for position/rivalry

Hidden used to be a setup state too around the same time - you put a token next to some cover and the unit that was Hidden there couldn't be targeted until it did something or someone closed the gap; that too was both onerous and broken, because usually only Infiltrators would do it, and they'd be the ones with the OP guns, and the only way to counter them was bullshit like Purestrain spam

i have no problem with the 30k battlefield being mostly transparent to the commanders, drones, planes and satellites already mean you basically know in real-time what's going where if you have enough analysts keeping an eye on it
The militia rules for morale and third line really kill the enthusiasm I have to play them on the tabletop. Wish we got army rules that fucked that shit off
I suppose you could easily ditch Third Line and just play without it. What about Militia morale? Maybe their lower Ld is penalty enough lol
I don't mind third line personally but the morale rules where the unit just instantly gets fucked when it drops below half is pretty annoying and makes playing the army feel less exciting I agree. Doesn't really add anything for balance in a game with sweeping advances, low leadership would already be thematic enough
I mind about third line personally. I don't even play Militia. It's just a thing I mind about
how would you guys feel about primarchs being rebalanced to be reasonable to play in most battles? this one 40k guy kept arguing with me that it was bad game design to not make every unit playable in standard battles and how it's bad for pickup games, but I think it's fine to make them more focused around dueling each other only for the narrative oriented ruleset
Don't worry, Anon. 3.0 will remove militia entirely
Exactly. Getting fucked for managing to survive is shit. I mean most of the time they fucking die anyway but it making it ass that they start running and can't come back
I believe you can both have the Primarchs be rebalanced, have them be useable in regular pick up games, AND have them be good for something besides mere duelling.
Even Angron, epitome of individualism, is to be a force multiplier beyond the edge of his axes. And so it is, that his WT gives you extra Advance reactions.

Idk what specifics you have in mind, but at the very least I would:
>1. Make duels need a Ld test. Whoever wins gets to either pick who is called out to accept the duel, or can refuse the challenge without penalty. Primarchs can simply ignore the test, unless challenged by a fellow Primarch
Not only would it prevent Primarchs from being duel-locked, but also help lone killers like Kaedes Nex, Saboteurs, Sigismund and solo Moritats etc from being singled out by a Sacrificial Sergeant

>2. Primarchs become an exception to the Retinue rule, and can abandon them at will. But if that happens, the designated retinue MUST move towards him in an effort to reach him
"They go where their will takes them". You cannot forbid a primarch from leaving slowpokes behind lmao

>3. Contrary to FAQ, rules like Preternatural Resilience and Pythian Scales remain active even if the Primarch is in a unit, but they only affect the Primarch.
You'd still follow majority toughness/save rules and all that, but say, a Precision Fleshbane shot targeting the primarch would be affected by their rules.

>4. Ferrus' hammer becomes Brutal 2, Perturabo's Unwieldy hammer Brutal 3
It's just mega retarded that the very same hammer gets worse for no gain on Perty's hands lmao. He could gain Blind and Concussive like in 1.0, but Primarchs are immune to all of that in 2.0 so it'd be the same
>this one 40k guy kept arguing with me that it was bad game design to not make every unit playable in standard battles
That guy is wrong, and the reason everything about 40k is wrong. Warlord Titans should never be playable in standard everyday battles for example, because in the lore they're also not used in every battle.
Neither should primarchs be played every single battle. They're singular characters of which only 18 existed in the entire setting, it would be retarded to see them fight in every single little skirmish.
>1. getting to pick who you challenge
Would just lead to people challenging the apothecary/primus medicae/chaplain in the enemy squad every time.

>2. Primarchs being allowed to leave retinue units
Nobody is taking retinue units with their primarch anyway, since the FAQ that said the retinue also counts towards the Primarch/LOW points limit.

>3. Preternatial resilience etc. still working joined to a unit
Then people just start allocating hits that are affected by said rules to the primarch again, and make the entire unit immune to shit as a result. This is even more cancerous than artificer armour tanking.

>4. Nerfing Ferrus' hammer
No no, it makes a lot of sense from a lore standpoint that Perturabo just ruins stuff he received as a gift out of sheer spite and arrogance. Maybe give it an extra special rule like Shock Pulse instead.
If Truman had his own show, it would be retarded to not have a camera crew following these 18 beings 24/7.
You see them in every skirmish because this is the legend of these galactic heroes
Here's a way to play primarchs that satisfies both your needs
>instead of being represented as a model, each primarch has a token, either attached to a their unit or on their own
>while represented by a token, primarchs contribute their warlord trait, leadership, and other army affecting rules, but can't be allocated wounds not specifically targetted at them (FUCK character tanking)
>Primarchs tokens can only attack or react to "big" targets or units containing a big target (their unit can still attack/react as normal, and attack different targets)
>When a primarch token ends a movement within 12" of another primarch token, they are both removed from the board and moved to the showdown space, a 12" by 12" space set aside for the purpose of primarch duels. They are removed from their units and effectively treated as if they are on a transport while in the showdown space.
>When beginning a primarch showdown, place each primarch in opposite diagonal corners of the showdown space. After each of their army's turns, each primarch gets to do their turn, within the showdown space. Primarchs cannot voluntarily leave the showdown space until at least one primarch is reduced to half or less if their total wound count. While in the showdown space, primarchs can react to each other using their own reaction allotments separate from their army and they must attack and attempt to charge each turn if possible. If one primarch is reduced to 0 wounds, the showdown ends. (This applies even if the primarch has a way of returning to life, like Horus Lupercal's A Dark Fate)
>When the showdown ends, either do to a half dead primarch leaving the showdown space or a primarch dying, each remaining primarch is placed down back on the board as close to their original position as possible, now represented by their full models, and can act as a primarch normally would. (But still can't be voluntarily allocated wounds, FUCK CHARACTER TANKING )
No it isn't. The tragedy of the HH is how it affected the entire Imperium on every level, and games should reflect that at least in some way. There were countless more fights without any primarch involved than battles where one or more were present. This isn't Marvel, with everything always revolving around the same handful of characters. Get the fucking capeshit mentality out of here.
3.0 rules remove dice rolls entirely, it's all about pleading your case to a third player who takes the role of "Imperator" a little like a traditional GM

players are advised to hire counsel to help them prepare
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how are your land skimmers coming along anons?
going with one, two, three, or six?


Legion Land Skimmer Squadron - 115pts

Legion Skimmer M15 BS4 AV 11/11/10 HP3 Capacity -

Unit Composition - 1 Legion Skimmer

Unit Type - Vehicle (Skimmer, Antigrav, Fast)

Turret Mounted Predator Cannon
Pintle-Mounted Havoc Launcher

Special Rules:
Legiones Astartes (X)
Deep Strike
Skimmer Squadron

A Legion Land Skimmer Squadron may take:
- Up to 1 additional Legion Skimmer - 100pts each

Any Legion Skimmer may exchange its Turret Mounted Predator Cannon for one of the following:
- Turret Mounted Gravis Melta Cannon - +10 points per model
- Turret Mounted Gravis Plasma Cannon - +20 points per model
- Turret Mounted Volkite Macro-Saker - +20 points per model
- Turret Mounted Gravis Lascannon - +30 points per model

Any Legion Skimmer may take:
- Flare Shield - 15pts
- Searchlights - 5pts
- Up to two Hull (Front) Mounted Hunter-Killer Missiles - 5pts Each

Skimmer Squadron:
When deployed onto the battlefield (either at the start
of the battle or when arriving from Reserves), all models
with this special rule in a unit must be placed within unit
coherency, but afterwards operate independently and are
not treated as a unit.
>Would just lead to people challenging the apothecary/primus medicae/chaplain in the enemy squad every time.
If a Centurion goes after the Apothecary he can reach him, should he win the Ld face-off. Should he lose, the sergeant gets in the way. Or worse, the accompanying Praetor.
As for Chaplains, they are Ld10. NO ONE YELLS LOUDER THAN HIM.
>Nobody is taking retinue units with their primarch anyway...
Yeah that's a problem. It should be back in the menu
>...since the FAQ that said the retinue also counts towards the Primarch/LOW points limit.
Add this to the changes
>Then people just start allocating hits that are affected by said rules to the primarch again...
Can't, because I would also disallow Artificer Tanking. Not even "up to the character's initiative". It will be majority Saves just like it is majority Toughness. Majority Profile, really. Only in Precision shots (or where the Primarch is the only model in range) would his rules be accessible. But the point is that they would be available, unlike now, where giving Mortarion his Deathshroud retinue it severely detrimental.
>No no, it makes a lot of sense from a lore standpoint that Perturabo just ruins stuff he received as a gift out of sheer spite and arrogance. Maybe give it an extra special rule like Shock Pulse instead.
Brutal 3 & Shock Pulse then, as compensation for Unwieldy. The hammer gets bigger and thus more unwieldy, but no less deadly. In fact it becomes *too* deadly to be wielded comfortably.
I swear it had Blind or Concussive in 1.0

The Devastation of Tallarn book reintroduces this for LI, with the assumption that massive clouds caused by virus bombing are obscuring enemy movements.
>There were countless more fights without any primarch involved than battles where one or more were present
Are you not having those primarchless fights? Does your LGS have a Primarch-only rule or something?
And yet, some people brought the Primarch minis and want to use them. Seems like the very notion of it offends you
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I'm sure the amount of time spent on these tacticals and their rides will translate into how long they'll be on the table
I just wish that they could use the cavalry unit in ZM. I want bikers tearing down the hallways of ships.
Leman Russes are 20% cheaper than the SA equivalent and 12% cheaper for the second and subsequent tanks in a squadron while only being marginally slower (like that matters at all for a Vanquisher squadron) and having to buy smoke launchers and searchlights if those are things you think you'll need

Malcadors are 20% cheaper and only lack the squadron option, the flare shield option and smoke launchers and searchlights as stock

I'm almost expecting a plastic Gorgon at some point given how obnoxious it is to face an AV15 super-heavy transport as a Heavy Support choice rumbling along filled with frenzon-huffing chainsaw-wielding ogryns, Third-line on that is absolutely the right thing to do
how could you live with yourself if your line troopers weren't able to die with total dignity?
Anon their night lords. Not much dignity to lose in the first place.
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Mods are asleep. Post models.
You're lucky you caught me right as I was getting ready to put them away and go to bed. Got the red right arm down on the vets, now it's just cleanup left to do and I can move onto shading and drybrushing.
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Can't believe time traveling woke interns put a black man on the cover
Is this the one when they make booze out of people in some planet in the Eye of Terror?
>20% cheaper than the SA equivalent and 12% cheaper for the second and subsequent tanks in a squadron while only being marginally slower
Oh, so we're just going to ignore Outflank? That's just free.
I mean, we're already ignoring the fact that SA Russes can react by the tercio using a single reaction. That one's free.
Or that you can bring up to 10 SA Russes as a single heavy choice while Militia MUST get a specific provenance if it wants to bring more than 1-3 Russes (allied FOC has only 1 HS choice). That one's free too.

According to you, Militia should be thanking SA that they get a 5-20 pts discount, all at the discount price of -1/6 M and effectively -1AV all around. Why thanks! The Militia thanks you for these crumbs they are allowed to have.

Breadcrumbs you claim they shouldn't even get to have, since you'd nerf Gorgons if it was up to you.

Bunch of crap it is.
man, I have a primal urge to build a Fury army with nothing but boxnaughts with flamestorm cannons and fists
How well do power maul vets perform?
Do you use them for wiping out 20 man tac squads
Yup, their main job is bullying tac squads off objectives after their land raider blows up their Rhino. Fair warning though, I play blackshields, usually pride is Our Armour (can give vets line, heart of the Legion, and Fury of the Legion for 50 points) with one full maul and bolter vet unit in land raider with the upgrade and 2 bolter and chainsword vet units either walking behind or in Rhinos as a second wave also with the upgrade. Painting these guys ip because while bolter snd chainswords have performed about what id expect for the cost, i want to try running two melee units with the bolter guys bring run as seekers instead.
Why are the new ultramarine joy toys based on numk3?
>bell bottom legs
>extended chest/loincloth flap
>boobplate chest
The only thing that's actually good about these is the old kneepads and the ultramarine details covering up the worst parts.
because neuemk.3 is fvcking zased
astartes bombsuits bro what's not to like
wtf are you talking about anon. it's pretty much one for one to the FW models
lads, I need a nice blue for Ultras. Macragge Blue ain't it.

pls recommend
Well, that would be the ultimate donut steel, wouldn't it? Taking the original heresy character from Space Marine 1st Edition and claiming it as Black Library unique creation.
So it was explained to me last game that I can't run jump pack companions without having a pretor level character. Now I don't have a jump pack pretor, and I do want to run the companions with jump packs. So how do I arm a non cataphract armour space marine character? I am worried that, if I give him a hammer, he will just die squished by str 8+ stuff. giving him a great blade sounds nice and I do run foot characters armed with them, but those are running with units of 5+ thunder hammer armed terminators.
Plaguenarr has a tutorial for Night Lords but the blue he does I feel would fit UM's pretty nicely
He does a mix of abaddon black and vallejo royal blue for the base, mid tone highlights with just royal blue and then highlights with teclis blue, but if you wanted them to look brighter you could probably start with royal blue, go to a mid tone with royal blue + teclis blue and then highlight with teclis
the iron hands army is indeed based, cheers
Paragon Blade/Terranic Greatsword, a pistol of your choice, meltabombs, and the jump pack.
man it is nuts that in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty-four the best way to run troops is to make troops run. That goes for irl and heresy if ukraine is anything to go by, troops are saying they prefer to walk than ride in deathtraps.
thanks. I was thinking about twin claws, but I guess they are just bad. Guess I have to buy another box of grey knight infantry.
Did he write anything other than a few short stories?
Among other things.
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My first unit for heresy
Lovely looking unit!
It should offend every right-thinking person. Special characters *of any kind* used to be by opponent's permission only, nevermind some of the most special characters in the setting. Now some drooling fuckwit with all the creative impulse of a Disney executive buys himself an overpriced Action Man dolly and feels entitled to plonk it down whenever they want, with zero consideration for anyone else? Fuck off. Some people's lists aren't tuned to deal with them. Some people's background explicitly marks their army as being some no-names from Warzone Bumfuckistan who're never involved with the kind of major events that a Primarch would participate in.

Maybe if there weren't so many sad little manchildren who want to play dollies with their Saturday morning cartoon character action figures just like they read about wooowee! it wouldn't be as big of a deal. Running into a Primarch *very occasionally* might even be a refreshing change of pace. But they aren't rare, retards like you infest the modern hobby community, and practically every game in every system involves people using shitty named characters so they can feel like their army is the important one. Sheer fucking narcisism.

>Verification not required.
Damn right.
He far predates BL
Excellent work. What did you do for that green?
> only the IH player is BASED enough to run multiple 20 marine blobs
The Flesh is Weak.
If you don't run 20 man blobs in every HH army, you are some WAACfag cunt who should go back to 40k
Good work anon. Having even a single painted unit outs you above a solid 60% of HH 'players'
>If you don't run 20 man blobs in every HH army, you are some WAACfag cunt who should go back to 40k
But anon...I'm a Mechanized force.
Are 15 man blobs as an interim measure acceptable? Working on 30 tacs (from the mkiii box) and 30 assaults currently, only way they cleanly divide for now.
You have heavy support slots. Buy a spartan for each of your compulsory 20 man tac blobs.
>have a blackshields idea
>bad at writing

thousand sons equipment and pride is our armour traits
ZM force

heres a summary, may need help
>company made entirely of terran vets
>ran away from the burning of prospero as their commander saw it as a lost battle to which he had barely any loyalty towards the side he was fighting for
>commander died in the escape
>command now falls to the highest ranking officer left, a praevian
>also a terran vet, he has now retrofitted his attached castellax-achea with standardized castellax equipment and weapons due to the lack of supply
>while the force has an excess supply of asphyx bolt ammunition (as the ship they used to escape was a cargo transport loaded with ammunition) they are severely lacking in ammunition for other weapons
>this forces them to attack individual ships of either side and board them in the hopes of securing equipment
>they will also lend a hand as mercenaries if the person hiring them can resupply them too

"but why TS equipment! you cant use achean plasma weapons or power weapons effectively due to no psykers!"
dont care. fluff>>>>crunch
although the looting stuff on a 4+ trait is being considered instead of the TS equipment thing
"dollies" don't cost two monthly salaries plus to buy and an investment of another month of two of either your time, or salary to paint them.

If specials help you win, then people will use them.
>waacfagging so hard that you must insert your speshhul space daddy even in places where it doesn't belong
>of course I should win, I spent more for my army
Nta but /40kg/ is two blocks down. I'm sure you would enjoy that game way more.
What if my legion is noted for using minimum size squads?
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What did he mean by this?
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You think my HH isn't only a thing, because it was legended in w40k¿¿¿
This man is not an armour autist.
He is a failed armour autist.
The Synod has excommunicated him, and do not wish to associate with his kind.
So if you aren't joking you learned an entirely different system whose setting you aren't even that interested in just because GW put some of your units in one pdf instead of another? Because as far as I understand legends still means they have rules.
>don't cost two monthly salaries
this anon doesn't know about ball jointed dolls
I actualy work at a factory that makes silicon doll. Or rather I worked there, before because of war and embargos it got closed.

Marines are bad and unfun, if I want to play in tournaments HH is the only other option. And I like it. I just wish I didn't go with the legion I picked, but I am a casual, wanted to play White Scars, because they look Tadjik.
Were techmarines sent to mars prior to/during the heresy, or was there more local/in-house training?
hard to imagine a techmarine specialists like the ones interfacing with large machines, robots etc learning it without the Mechanicus.
I am of course talking regular legions. AL was being trained by Melcador and the Emperor himself. IF were terran based and had access to old night tech. And DA had been given access to golden age technology.
How are you running 40k units in hh tournaments? Can I see the models you are using because now I'm pretty curious.
They were definitely trained by the Admech, it's even mentioned in the libers with the trimmed-down fluff. It doesn't specify if it was Mars only or if it was just "any forge world".
Yes and the apos on Luna. One of the books has a group of techmarines see the civil war kick off.
Oh, I know it would be the mechanicum, it's just which ones in particular. Getting legions worth of marines to and from mars when graia or metallica are right next door - or when there's mechanicum elements with your expeditionary fleet - feels a little excessive.
local gaming store still has a mechanicum battlegroup... ive already got one but do i buy another?

im still not fully sure what i want the army list to be
You always want more Thallax, you probably want more Castellax if only so you can make 2-bot teams with the same weapons, you may or may not want the tech thralls, and the transport is cool enough to justify it on its own. Go for it. They're all useful core units. Much better than the Auxilia box.
>Doesn't equip his Dark Angels IC and characters with terranic greatswords or calibanite warblades by default
You are doing DA wrong. The fact you even ponder equipping a DA praetor with a hammer sickens me.
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If you don't know the list you want to build, then I'd recommend holding off.

Plan your list, play test with Proxy models, before dropping any serious cash on something that you may not want.

That box will still be available at other shops.
Don't impulse buy
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you used my pic so I am compelled to respond. Got busy with school the last few weeks but I got most of the stuff I need. Can't find my predator autocannon so looking into other options like the cannon in picrel
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How should I kit my castellax? Are any of the melee upgrades worth it?
not with maulers thats for sure, and the power array is a choice between neer hitting or never hitting but killing a marine when you do hit.
>awful to build and have to half be carved out from the flush resin before I can start building.
I mean, that's also going to be case for the 3 printed one. Something of this size is bound to have a million supports. If they remove them themselves that's still going to be a fuck ton of clean up work unless the model has been split into parts and supported in a very masterful way so all the supported surfaces and up covered. This is very unlikely to be honest
Also, resin kits might be a pain in the ass to assemble but you can at least bend the parts if they warped a bit. If the print has warped parts you are fucked.
Do you have a reference for the printers work? If not, I would probably not go with this as a first purchase. Too many ways to fuck it up desu
>Special characters *of any kind* used to be by opponent's permission only


late RT onwards you'd face an army that was mostly special characters

cannot remember not facing SW without Ragnar, Njal etc all showing up back then
like 15 novels or something, but just the one 40k
RT got nuked for a reason. Starting in 3rd edition and up to somewhere into 6th edition bringing any named character without agreement beforehand was heavily frowned upon, at least in the communities that I know of.
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Even in 2e books it said you should agree with your opponent. Think 5e onward it was free for all and name characters just became army modifiers.
A primary Militia detachment can hold up to 30 Russes, an allied Militia detachment can hold up to 18

at 125 points for vanquishers that's 3750/2250 plus HQ/Troops tax for 60/36 vanquisher shots/turn

equivalent SA detachments cost 3915/1305 for 27/9 Russes plus HQ/Troops tax for 54/18 vanquisher shots/turn, even more if you want 1/3 of those vanquishers to shoot at BS4 and get a flare shielded command tank to soak up return fire, you guys talk about parking lot editions but you don't seem all that committed to it


good luck finding space to outflank into I've got 30 Russes on the board, you'll be lucky if there's anything left

>infiltrate 50 point reconnaissance squad next to your outflank marker
>if I don't get to move the marker close enough to the parking lot there still won't be enough room to bring anything on
>you no longer have outflank
>or tanks on the board
>i have 30 Russes

everyone's always "interceptor this" and "augury scanner that" but nobody's asking the real questions about why Infiltrate breaks Outflank so readily

are AL players really not Infiltrating cata squads out next to the markers just to make them worthless and table you that much faster?
>are AL players really not Infiltrating cata squads out next to the markers just to make them worthless and table you that much faster?
Nobody actually plays alpha Legion, it's just a meme Legion.
Would some sort of "weapons upgrade" system for weapons be cool or nah? Sort of like master crafting, but rather than rerolling a miss you can give your characters chainsword deflagrate or something.

Something to give the shittier weapon types more prominence rather than just paragon blades and thunder hammers.
So do you think GW knows that when we say "we want a box of Melee weapons", they understand we're asking for a box of 20+ Chainswords, at least 10 of each power weapon, and extra things like 5 Thunder Hammers and ornamental blades to be used as Paragon weapons.
Or do you think we'll get something like a box of 5 of each power weapon and then they'll call it a day?
For starters, there's precious few people that use Outflank specifically because of the issue you just pointed out. Out of all the deployment options for reserves, Outflank is easily the worst because you have to telegraph where your shit arrives from before the game even starts. And then your opponent can just block it with a tactical squad in a conga line. For example, the times I've played against somebody who outflanks units in HH 2.0 can be counted on half a hand.

And for AL not infiltrating cataphractii: AL have a lot more restricted access to infiltrate this edition. You need to field either Dynat or Alpharius, and there's lots of people that don't want to play with named characters.
But even infiltrated cataphractii is far too slow, still need a transport. And proper cataphractii squads cost far too much points to just be babysitting an outflank marker. Much better to use tactical squads, or any of the units that come with infiltrate baked in.
>Each power weapon
you know they'll forget spears, and all the claws (if we get them) will be right handed.
Calibanite warblades are kind of shit desu

+5 points for +1 strength power sword, when a power maul costs the same as a regular sword. Is it worth paying 5 points to trade 1 strength for rending(6+)? Idk

That doesn't stop me from taking them on everyone who can tho cause they're cool
Yes they are, but it's mandatory from a fluff perspective. Besides, DA are overtuned enough that a few over expensive power swords barely has even the slightest impact on their win rate.

>That doesn't stop me from taking them on everyone who can tho cause they're cool
Good work!
And +1 to hit. Going with a maul loses the Deathwing buff.
Was gonna say, DA are fucking strong becuase of how versitile they are, and that shit is crazy how much you can min max it.

I almost wanna say a good bandaid fix to that is limit it so that you can only ever have 2 wing types in your army at once. Unless you take The lion.
What size magnets are good for deredeo arm weapons, the plastic one, incase it matters.
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Slowly making some progress on my Vanus. I should probably be working on my Custards instead in order to have a workable army at last, but fuck it. Those sexy skinsuits are always a pleasure to paint.
There is no such thing as a plastic magnet
Plastic deredeo, on the off chance you're actually retarded.
Damn that looks good anon, good job.
Very nice work!
Just when i decided my AL scheme, I find out what "amaranth" means and realize I have screamer pink and how cool that would look on the shoulder pads on a bronze marine.
I'm away from home so I can't check the exact sizes, but I remember that a bunch of them were 0,5 mm thick.
Guys, can you give me some advice please?
There is now an affordable way to collect admech in HH which have some of my favorite minis and so I've been thinking about dipping my toes into HH.
However there's also admech in 40k and there are several models I like from that range (electropriests, kataphons, wonky 50s robots and the spider like walker).
How are the admech in HH? Are they fun and can they be played in pultiple ways? If any of you play 40k admech can I actually make a workable army with the units I've mentioned?
I feel like going HH is the best idea since I like 100% of the range and I already have some 40k armies while HH is going to be a whole new system which is a plus.
Thanks for the anons who helped me with the mastodon question, decided to go to a friend with a 3d printer who'll help me out with the build (I pay for resin costs, he prints washes and cures, we take care of supports and assemble together) as a birthday present since it's my birthday tomorrow. Yeesh, the resins expensive though: from our research on the files we found from a guy named solutionlesn, it take 4000g of resin and he wants to use a 75/25 mixture of siraya tech fast and siraya tech tenacious for a total of about $150. Does that sound like a good idea? And honestly is there any reason why we shouldn't just do 100% tenacious, tougher sounds better even if it takes longer and is 4x the price.
There's very little overlap between the HH and 40k admech ranges. Really, it's just the techpriests themselves, the rest are system specific.
Honestly I wish the Eternal Vendetta wasn't just Legiones Astartes. Let me have my Daemon Hating, Flesh is Weak Blackshields who survived a warpstorm by heavily augmenting themselves and dulling their souls in the warp.
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Shamelessly stolen from the space marine 2 general
>Emperor gives Horus a ring with a Sagittarius on it
>You're a centaur, Horus
Plastic Legion units might be in the pipeline for a rumored 3.0 release? I could see them do something like Calth themed box with plastic Suzerains and Gal Vorbak
Oh, damn, did you uncle who works at GW give you a box early?
Militia has more overlap with admech than mech has. Which makes sense considering skitarii aren't part of the cult and the mech list is meant to represent the various cults while the admech list is an explorator fleet one.
I really like the red in the crevices of the helmet, anon. Is it slightly fluorescent, or are your highlights simply that good?
You're replying to a guy who wrongly said the joytoy isn't the forgeworld design, citing a 3.0 that there's no hint of, suggesting legion plastics that we've been told are years away in the best case. There's nothing in what you said that's even close to plausible.
I don't understand this trend of pr00ntfags complaining about how expensive the resin is. A 150 bucks is nothing compared to the full price of a Mastodon.
Having it printed by a friend is a good option, worst case you get to punch them in the face for screwing you over.
I mean… call it a non-solution if you want but can’t you just ask your opponent to forgo doing that? It’s a pretty game-y way to stop a reserve, I’d assume most people play at stores where you can talk through things with your opponent.
Thanks anons!

No fluorescent, though I wish I had some to make the job easier. It is not that hard if you follow the following steps :
>Paint a first layer of red in the crevices and the surface right around
>Add some white in the crevices on the spots you want to be highlighed
>Put a very thin layer of the same red mixed with a bit of tan or yellow (depending whether you want your light to be a bit more orange or not) over the white part.
>Repeat the 2nd and 3rd phases with less red if you want a brighter light
And that's it. I barely highlighted the edges around the crevices, most of the job is done by the white layer over the red base. After that, all you need to do is glazing another coat of slightly clearer red and you got enough contrast to emulate a low-intensity, glowing light. It's way easier than stuff like OSL since you simply need your last layer to be very liquid and guide it into the crevices.
would it be easier to use a white enamel to paint in the recesses via capillary action and then just glaze red over it?
That is a possibility, and I don't do outflank denial myself. But having to rely on that for a rule to function is just terrible. I mean, there exist event organisers who consider playing non-marines in HH WAACfag behaviour. Imagine having to play against somebody like that with an outflank list.
You can absolutely do that if you quickly want a more uniform shade of red everywhere, but IMO you will still need a layer or two on some spots to make the light look more contrasted and realistic. It really depends on the degree of detail you want for your model and the time you're ready to spend on it.
I'm surprised we don't see more improvised equipment in the heresy, I'd expect some desperate marines to replace the lascannons of their predator with twin autocannons or replacing a broken heavy bolter pintle mount with two rotor cannons bolted together.

What ad-hoc/improvised equipment do you think should be present? either for rules or fluff...
There's no ____ like Horus____
Sends my _______ into shock
Fuck I know that one
Maybe not even ad-hoc, but I'd like more weapon options on the land raiders.
Rite of War: Last of the Serrated Sun
Aetheric Dominion: Heedless Slaughter

HQ - 840
Zardu Layak, 2x Blade Slaves, Warlord: Eater of Wisdom - 300
- 5x Tartaros Command Squad, 5x Thunder Hammer, 4x Combi-Bolter, Legion Standard (EoW #1) - 270
Centurion, Esoterist (Breach the Veil), Force Axe, Dark Channeling - 135
Centurion, Esoterist (Breach the Veil), Force Axe, Dark Channeling - 135

ELITES - 375
9x Daemon Brutes, 9x Infernal Armaments - 375

TROOPS - 1785
10x Gal Vorbak, 10x Tainted Talons, 10x Boltspitters (EoW #2) - 550
10x Gal Vorbak, 10x Tainted Talons, 10x Boltspitters (EoW #3) - 550
20x Inductii, 4x Power Axe, Legion Vexilla, Power Fist - 245
20x Lesser Daemons, 20x Daemonic Armaments - 220
20x Lesser Daemons, 20x Daemonic Armaments - 220

How cutthroat would you say this list is?
This is giving me a panic attack
I've had the though for a blackshield force to be so banged up alongside their Auxilia that marine would catch rides on or in the auxilia transports or riding on tanks to provide anti infantry protection. Similarly the fluff would be that this mixing of units created a strange brotherhood between astartes and baseline human, which often resulted in the mixing of squads and role for a more flexible force. Example being a group of three marines draws fire from a tank while the auxilia sneak up and plant charges on it.
zardu layak was not part of the serrated sun
maybe he just wants to use the profile as a proxy for his /owndude/ uwu
not something i'd turn my nose up at personally
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Working on despoilers and a metal box for red butchers.
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Wednesday night and time again for another OC heresy art dump to mark another week of classes on the books.
>Part 34: We have heresy at home edition
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Here's another free chapter header for anyone writing up their own campaign. I left the banner blank for your use
Last pic
>Dawn of the second day
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warry monger
first pass at debriding him of icky l*yalist symbols just carried through
>maybe he just wants to use the profile as a proxy for his /owndude/
That was exactly the plan, I've got two of the greater Possessed from 40k and I'm thinking of a conversion with a master of possession with some of the more ornate chaos details to better ground it in 30k.
Honestly sometimes I get tired of horus heresy list building. It feels like I'm forced to spend 500-700 points on a deathstar in a land raider to match the opponents death star in a land raider because putting those points into guns to just shoot them off the table is considered wrong or mean. My favorite list so far involves 20 cataphractii Terminators deep striking with Warmongers into their squishy backline with tacticals moving up the board in Rhinos and a nemesis seeker squad, an autocannnon heavy support squad with master of signals, and two deredeos on fire support, but apparently that's too strong and I need to cut some stuff.
Add more deredeos
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>putting those points into guns to just shoot them off the table is considered wrong or mean

And you give a fuck about that? Fuck the haters, they should try and improve their tactics and armylist instead of whine and seethe. Your list doesn't even sound that strong, you got a lot of points in reserves and anybody worth their salt knows how to deny deep strike placement near their important stuff. Your only reply to their demands should be 'Get good.'
Anyone have the betagarmon pdf?
Check the OP
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>complains about how you can’t put points into guns because it’s considered mean
>favourite list involves almost no shooting and two mini deathstars
Anyway, anybody complaining about a list like that probably isn’t really worth abiding too. Just make whatever army you think is cool and go with it.

Heresy players are really weird when it comes to list building and tactics
>most players throw a hissy fit over lascannons but meltas which basically do the same thing but with a shorter range are considered fair because they “need better planning to use”
>people complain about WS5 terminators because they keep trying to knife fight and shank them instead of blowing them to smithereens (vets are okay because they die more easily though even though they cause the same root problem)
>ranged combat is considered boring or annoying when melee basically means whoever has the best WS will just instakill whoever they fight because of sweeping rules so it’s super predictable
>taking a primarch or a specific amount of dreadnoughts is considered a taboo and is unforgivable, but taking a knights list unprompted is actually okay because most players know knights are shit so it doesn’t matter for them :)
Ask whoever it is you’re playing with what it is they don’t like about your list and just point out a whole bunch of ways they can fuck you over
>instakill units with augury scanners for the terminators
>a master of signal or command rhino to fuck with the deep strike
>an imperial navigator to make the scatter worse for you
>WS5 units on standby to counter charge the terminators when they come out of deep strike
>Seekers to counter snipe and assassinate your autocannon squad
Don’t be a pussy and spend money changing your army if people aren’t willing to do the same, and don’t be a fag and bend the knee to these weirdos that want to play heresy in one specific way because they’ve convinced themselves it’s the only way to play it
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What should I ally with my mechanicum
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not entirely finished by slow progress on my mechanicum box
iron hands, company of bitter iron
or your favorite flavor of astartes
Emperor's Children. Each side has a begrudging respect for the perfection of the other.
Solar Auxillia. Hit them with the double whammy of thanatars and vanquisher cannon leman russ.
It depends on what your archmagos is gonna be
>archimandrite or lacyraemarta
An ally that’s sworn brothers so you can utilise the movement or BS improving abilities of the archmagos and dominus. SoH and IH work particularly well in this instance.
RG or AL; infiltrate them up the board to wreak havoc and sabotage your opponent’s key units while you position your secutors, destructors and line providing thanatar
Custodes; they’ll protect your castellax and support units from getting into melee scruffs and you can even give a shield captain a guardian unit to make him a true menace
>reductor or macrotek
Solar Auxilia, IF or DG. Shape the battlefield into an ideal kill zone for your firing lines to decimate.
I hadn't thought about this. The list I've been working on is mostly thallax and castellax backed up by a thanatar and moirax so some melee punch and distraction bait isn't a terrible idea.
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still have to do lightning and I'm waiting for a second set of doors
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Blackshield Oath: In the Company of Heroes
>Many officers and specialists have gathered in this particular warband, contributing either the warriors they command or themselves. Many others have taken to learn from their new leaders, understanding their victories can now only be obtained through individual ability. Or perhaps jaded, rejected, and isolated commanders have rallied what loyal retainers they could muster to burn their mark on the galaxy before their final day
All three HQ slots become mandatory. Any unit besides command squads may replace their (Character) with a legion centurion for +50 points (veteran squads may replace their veteran sergeant for +30 points). This Centurion loses the Independent Character special rule, may purchase equipment normally, and may only select a breacher shield, jump pack, bike, or jetbike if every other member of the unit already has one. Centurions purchased in this way may purchase consul upgrades so long as the upgrade would not prevent them from joining that unit (e.g. no mortifactors or praevians, a centurion in a destroyer squad must be upgraded to a mortitat). Terminator squads may upgrade their sergeant to a terminator centurion of either type, or may pick a standard centurion.
Any tips for the traitor arcana’s from the mars book?
40k admech has no crossover besides magos and techpriests and technically skitarii vanguard and the marshal.
don't take any of them unless you have a theme in mind for your army
they're all universally just not worth giving up a techno arcana
Even Nekrotek?
Any predictions for today now that Heresy thursday is back?
would you rather your castellax have IWND or Line and -2 to cover saves?
also would you rather your archmagos actually be able to join his robot buddies?
Looks interesting, I would reword it so it's a bit clearer on replacing just sergants (Unless you want Apothacaries and Techmarines to be upgradable and have 3 Cents in a unit), and make it exclusive with the "Oops, No HQs" Rite.

Interesting. Not sure if it would get use, but interesting.
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Putting some work in on my LI transports. I already have over a hundred bases of infantry, they gotta ride in something.
these are so cool anon. love the weird looking legionary with the plasma
lovely colour scheme! what will the basing be?
those dozer blades are so kino... could use some smeared viscera on them imo
The only arcana that is so terrible I would advise against using it, however if you really want to use it, I'd say it's most useful as an allied detachment as opposed to a primary detachment. Likely best taken with sworn brothers like SoH's so you have a way to bring a good unit to keep your archmagos safe, bring a full thanatar maniple and upgraded MSU castellax to use as gun platforms with little need for baby sitting. The SoH's can focus on melee while your automata provide the ranged firepower. The MSU and isolated automata means your opponent will have to split fire everywhere and use excessive force to take out somewhat minor targets
IW. Bring a warsmith and some techmarines and use them as ways to make the automata truly unkillable by constantly topping up the automata's wounds.
IW, TS, DG. Use the ranged superiority of these legions to cover for your vorax and arlatax that advance up the board
Traitor RG. Infiltrate and take out big guns that would maim your corrupted engine units and then by the time the RG are killed the corrupted engines can destroy the enemy
It’s interesting because a while ago I remember asking what exactly the benefit of being a loyalist is when traitors seem to get lots of extra stuff, but then I realised that the things loyalist get access to are
>Specialised assassins that can fuck shit up
>Custodes who are powerhouse melee threats
>sisters of silence that can infiltrate and fuck shit up
Being a loyalist ain’t so bad after all. Loyalty really is its own reward

The designers also tend to make the loyalist legion abilities and special units better due to bias.
Gal Vorbak are much weaker than you'd expect without Argel Tal giving them a 5++. Making them M9 and S6 is cool and all but they can very easily be shot off the board by most opponents, especially without using the drop pods your rite of war makes available. I'd seriously consider dropping the inductii and taking a pair of dreadclaws in their place.
Your NL are gorgeous, anon.
Are blood slaughterers good?
They were alright when the cybertheurgy to buff them was available to non arch-magi. Now they are a bit too pricy when comparing them to other things.
Unrealistic hopes: mk3 breacher upgrade kit and melee weapons upgrade kit, in the style of the special and heavy weapons kits
Hopes: melee weapons kit
Expectations: mech tank
Fears: more ligma

would a melee weapons kit even be that useful now? I assume pretty much everyone that wanted to run despoilers just proonted some bits, since the new edition has been out for over two years now
The new IF character from the Martian Civil War book
Are we gonna get just more detail on LI Mech for this Heresy Thursday, or are they just gonna forget about it entirely?
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fuck you're totally right
I-I guess we'll get to see the BA character too...Might make for some good conversion fodder...
Melee weapons today, it has to be.
Honestly at this point it's actually too late. I'm done with all my marine infantry, equipped my 60 combat Troops with 3d prints. My next army is going to be finishing up my mechanicum, and the next one after that is going to be Word Bearers using the old mk4 anyway. They've lost their chance.
LI imperial fist characters in resin.
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You are the dude with pimped out nmm custards?

good to know you are still around.

I like your autistic dedication to that project, but i know how long it takes to paint in that standard (ive decided to tt+standard). Do you actually played a game with those models?
Melee weapons for Ligma Mechanicum tanks and some fucking “cheeky” joke about people hating these releases / wanting other releases

Alternatively, more Kromlech looking slop characters.
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Ah ah yup it's me. And I'm not going anywhere, it's nice to see people here making progress with their projects and starting new ones, it provides some much needed motivation and ideas. Beside it, I would miss the 'tism about rivet counting and all that stuff after a week, never change /hhg.

>Do you actually played a game with those models?
I played a small game to initiate a buddy to HH lately, but not so much beside a few games of 9th and 10th edition 40k. Which is a bit weird since I'm not a big fan of Custards being a regular faction in 40k, but beggars can't be choosers and garagehammer nights with beers and pizzas are an opportunity not to be refused. I've always been more interrested in the painting side of the hobby anyway, so it's no big deal.
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>I've always been more interrested in the painting side of the hobby anyway, so it's no big deal.

Getting more and more of the same attitude, but I am a slave to "thinking" about games

Case in point, I was fed up paining power armour so I've picked up an assasin as well

Painted it in a week or so, and after that I was angry that I did not made additional glazes, contrasts or some osl from skull crystal on the head

Why I've painted in in simpler way? Because there is a mental taskmaster upon my back who forces me to paint models for wargaming....

I might be retarded, i dunno lol
Anyone print this model?
Is this Thursday a Heresy Thursday?
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a buddy of mine did, but with only the lascannons and volkites, since he already had the autocannons
Doesn't look too bad, was worried the ERA plates would make it look too goofy. I wanna try a ma.k-ified SOH deredeo with it
really lovely paintjobs :O
not usually a fan of custodes but that nmm is crazy good

do you post these on insta or anything?
Yes. I hate dealing with Etsy sellers, the people who print locally have terrible printing setups, refuse to take feedback and overcharge like hell, and my apartment can't fit a printing setup - perfect target demographic. Besides, extra options never hurt as long as existing options aren't discontinued first.
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I like the combo of black suit and mutated flesh, it looks definitely better than the FW paintjob. Great stuff anon!

>Painted it in a week or so, and after that I was angry that I did not made additional glazes, contrasts or some osl from skull crystal on the head
You shouldn't. It already looks really good if it's your tabletop standard, and you can easily improve it later one detail at a time. I'm trying to do the same rather going autistic on the same model for months. I was working on some "tabletop NNM" for my Saggies before I got distracted by some Assassinorum latex booty *sigh*.

I don't know for the other anon, but I don't. I'm planning to make some one day get I get a sizeable collection and a better camera, maybe.
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Named Blood Angels character from Martian Civil War book
They confirmed today's reveal will be for Horus Heresy, not Legions Imperialis
>Named Blood Angels character from Martian Civil War book
Please make it Kaedes Nex instead
But anon, that would break the 12 year long no-RG-named-characters streak. Can't have that, now can we?
Does GW do Christmas boxes for HH? I can’t remember what happened last year.
Nope, sadly.
They already do the Battale Group boxes, which are basically the same thing but all year round
Anyone wanna bet they leave it as late as possible just to be assholes?
All on black
imperial fists character reveal, mark my words
IF do have a unique praetor so it will come down the line, plus there's an IF character in the new martian book

The risk is never 0
Castellan is a consul, not a praetor.
But yes, more Fists is inevitable.
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>tt standard

jfc man dont make me wanna kms

We already spoked like year ago, love your work but the amount of time and effort required to paint a consistent army in that standard is insane.

Granted, custards are a treat to paint and they are few, but still

Anyway, this is my tt standard for my basic mooks atm.

Good to see your work man again. As always, inspirational. Keep on winning, King.
No IG atm, I am a humble hobbyist with heresy autism.
making the lances and hammers two-handed when they don't have those rules seems iffy, but this is more than I'd hoped for.

Bloody hell they actually went the extra mile...
>2x power lances
Fucken A
holy shit, this actually looks great
The only things missing that I was hopeful for are one-handed power lances & mirrored pistols (though those may exist in the actual box, we'll see). But I was expecting a lot worse than this. This is great. Cue the inevitable issues keeping it in stock.
Thankfully the hammers at least look like they'll be easy to trim down.
Ah good to see your SoH again. I recognized your style, really like the dusty finish and desaturate tones you go for your models, it fits the atmosphere of the setting nicely. Keep up the good work in the name of the Warmaster.
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jimmy workshop... I kneel...
Now all we need to do is wait for the fat retard to criticise this perfectly good kit for literally no fathomable reason.
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Looks like Plastic Despoilers are finally feasible. Guess I should actually plan that Luna Wolves army.
I would liked 20 Chainswords & 20 Bolt Pistols in a box, but never mind.
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I think making the power lance be in the alpharius pose is a valid criticism.
Do we know how much this will cost?
Actually if I want to equip 10 EC inductii with charnabal blades I'd need to buy 5 of this kit.
It'd have been better to have more than 2 or 4 of some of these weapons, making multiple kits instead of cramming it all into one.
Plus the 42 (FOURTY TWO) arms are a bit dumb, should have made the arms in the tac squad work for ranged and melee

I don't care I can buy bits or mix armor marks in units to fit the various bolt pistol patterns,
I wouldn't mind getting multiple of that kit honestly, so it's pretty good.
Halleluja! And they look by and large great, too. It's a miracle!
Time to make a unit where 6 guys aren't holding weapons other than grenades
Think of a number
Double it
Add 25
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So that's how they look.
It's a power sword without power.
And librarians have power swords without swords.
If it's like the Special Weapons kit, around £30/$47
Fucking finally. Bit annoying they didn’t include equal numbers of left and right handed options, but oh well. Will buy two.
This head belongs on a big guy.
For you

>Raven guard Bane
I'm actually surprised that they didn't redesign the tigrus pattern much. We haven't seen the proper tigrus boltgun yet, only the pistol, but it doesn't look much different
>Underslung bolters and gesturing hands for converting characters
>Bare heads that don't look like complete shit
>More power mauls in a box then power swords
>Fucking POWER lances
>All of it modular
It's actually a fucking miracle, it's beyond expectations
About the only weapon of the set I don't particularly like is the maul, the FW one looks better. But everything else is aces. Like, fucking hell, they even included lances.
A hint towards new a MkIV kit, hopefully?
>even though he ate the whole preview box they sent him, he hasn't lost weight

:( thats annoying, I always felt those where over priced.

Also do we know WHEN this is coming out or have I missed something?
A full autism-spectrum of newscaled MkII->MkVI plastic kits seems to be a long-term goal for Heresy, so probably
Although I'd hope a new MkIV kit would be further back in the pipeline than MksII and V, they need to be freed from their resin prisons
Why no chainaxe?
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Geedubs-Sama, I kneel!!!
>Brother, no you may not use my mask as a collander
It’ll come on the WE resin weapons pack mark my words
I wonder of these arms work with the MKIII vambraces to produce a decent looking MKIII arm.
They actually did a really good job. I thought there was no chance these would be worth the wait but I gotta give credit where it’s due. I would’ve liked maybe one or two one-handed thunder hammers but this set looks great.
Yes and no
I'd be fine with MkV, I suppose, but my darling MkIV needs to be scaled up sop it doesn't look so utterly out of place next to the new versions of MkIII, MkVI and the blindbag MkVII.
MkII I have no love for, so that can stay resin.
Having pistols for both hands and the hammer/spear not be two-handed would go a long way to improving them.
The MK3 base set comes with extra vambraces. You just add them to the arms just like on the heavy weapon sets.
I wish they'd cut out the heads for more weapons like some right handed pistols, but I really like this kit.
But chainaxes are not reserved to WE :(
This is really my only complaint.
I'd have preferred 4x normal power swords instead of 2/2 but other than that and some minor nitpicks about quantities this is actually a goated kit
After the decidedly meh stopgap despoiler set I had feared the worst, but these are actually really good. Color me impressed.
>2x power lances
>2x heavy chainblade
>4x volkite serpenta
Uh, I'll need 5 boxes? Fine, I guess I can live with that.
Your gonna have to keep nicking those from 40k it seems.
Well, that and the kalibrax pattern claw being ugly as fuck.
I mean nothing can top the power claw where the claws are the fingers, i forgot which pattern that was, but that thing outshines every other variant.
They basically are. The number of units able to take chainaxes outside the WE is miniscule.
Only two legions get access to them outside of ICs, and they're a very rare pick on ICs. I'm not surprised they got skipped when they were already hurting for space (only two lances).
They'll come in a future WE upgrade sprue. In the interim, recasters have the old FW ones that I use for my WE, and they're cheaper than plastic would be and still fairly good quality.
I don't think it has a name, but it's the Mk III/Cataphractii one, yeah. Still looks amazing. But it can't be added as a cheap upgrade to a fist, so they had to kill it.
Only 10 chainswords per box is kinda rough but some of those are nice
Mah faking despoilers :(
As they said it the article, their mindset for that kit is: it's for vets and one (1) despoiler squad
Well they are super common in 30k and 40k kits so it's not that bad imo.
Wait, hang on a minute, is it just my eyes playing tricks on me, or is the Power Lance being held point downwards, for some retarded reason?
True, but I’m probably on the money with how GW thinks
Like I've been saying, it's the same pose as the alpharius model.
You don't need to buy 5 of this kit, you and your local group simple need to sell each other the spare bits from their boxes untill you have enough.
It’s the absolutely dumbest way to hold a spear that completely negates its advantages and makes it a worse offensive weapon than a normal sword. Why the fuck do they keep messing it up so badly.
Only enough chainswords to equip half the 20 model tactical marine box. No love for despoiler blobs
Because they're removing options and customisation in all cases, It's not enough to have the same 5 bodies, your unit will have the same spear pose too.
I don't think it is.
Thumb in red
>I don't care I can buy bits
Kit would be pretty much perfect if the spear and thunder hammer had one handed sculpts and variant arms with open hands to allow you to model them two handed if that's your thing. Still a solid 9/10 kit based on stuff they've been putting out recently.
It would have been better if they did several boxes, so one with say 10x chainswords 10x charbanal weapons and so on, and then one with 10x power fists/LC and 10x thunder hammers...

But I suppose if they do one box then a big grab bag of everything is the best practical solution
>Give 10 dudes chainswords and bolt pistols
>Give 4 dudes two handed power weapons (power lance, power sword being drawn
>Give 4 dudes gesturing hands and grenades with holstered bolt pistols and chainswords
>Give 1 dude the sergeant weapons
>Give last dude the augury scanner + boot pistol
>You can optionally swap some bits out for plasma pistols since you can take those in a squad
The potential is technically there
Never mind me, just seen the big pic.
Doesn't look too hard just to turn the hand around though.
It's all about shelf space. GW must know that most stores can only dedicate a small amount of real estate to HH, and filling it all with five different upgrade boxes would be ass. They learned their mistake from splitting up the heavy weapon sets and decided to make everything like the support weapon sets to maximize available space.
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>0 x Chainaxes

Not bad honestly, but some of these numbers are kinda retarded.
Sure, I can understand that theres practical upsides to how they did it, but it does make getting a bunch of one weapon hard.
Its good for what it is, but what it is isnt the best it could be.
not enough holstered chainswords for that suggestion.
Good try though.
They should have made more boxsets with greater quantites of all these weapons like they did with the ranged weapons.
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>person complains that the thunder hammer is 2 handed so he cant take a lightning claw on the same model
>say thats WAAC
>he gets pissy and tries to justify the loadout

what do?
I have a feeling that they'll both be made two-handed for non-Terminators next edition.
They dropped them along the way
Real talk though if you’re taking despoilers you’re most likely taking assault squads so you should have 5 spare chainswords from swapping out to get special weapons in those squads anyway
Take two heavy chainswords instead. Done.
Not ideal, I realize.
Have you considered killing him?
Don’t play with him
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I honestly can't tell if I want 2 of these or 0 of these.
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Damn this kit is actually pretty good
Call him a racial slur then move on
Given how many points that is on a single HQ or Veteran Sergeant, you’re better off letting him take it, then blasting it apart with Recons/Seekers.
Second Edition problems require Second Edition solutions.
>though those may exist in the actual box, we'll see
If you take a look at the image in >>94062486 you'll notice that everything is in a multiple of 2, and the words '2 of each variant' occur numerous times. Clear indications that it's two copies of the same sprue, so there aren't going to be any other variations of the lance or hammer (or several other things, for that matter). There could be a couple of versions of the axe, maul, and chainswords, but I wouldn't expect much more than maybe a couple of different wrist/hand placements.
Not tell him that he can clip off two of the claws from the MkIV or Tartaros sets and it will fit perfectly on a power armored marines forearm.
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What if the kit was like that (delusional)
I want to take an entire heavy support squad and replace their flamers with assault cannons (IF)
How dumb am I?
Implying that getting thin bits like that to stick perfectly aligned is an easy job.
It's doable, but fuck GW for making it neccessary.
>I want to spam my OP special weapon
Yea? Whats supposed to be unique there "how dumb of me is it to have lots of cheap versatile firepower that can kill everything"
there's five chainswords on every assault sprue, unless you don't want jimpanzee squads or went all-chainsword on them, you'll have spares

have you ever tried swinging a sledgehammer or anything larger than a handaxe one-handed

anyway it's not like anybody but Horus can pick and choose which weapon they use for each Attack, the bonus attack isn't lost because of how the weapon is modelled and to be honest it's kind of mystifying why having a bolt pistol and power lance would grant an extra attack without some needlessly complicated thing of well, the dude stabs but then you also get a free pistol shot, but it should really be a snap shot...

other than the ludicrous idea that a guy with claws that cut through armour and a hammer that smashes through armour would want a full-haft hammer there's no problem

cut down the shaft of the hammer and replace the end on the cut-off piece, making it one-handed

he'll have to swing it harder, that's all
I didn't know it was good, I just have a boner for rotor and assault cannons
I'll do that, I'm not a smart player, plus I don't mind losing
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>How dumb am I?
>hey I want to take this good unit and replace their meh weapon with give them one of the best guns in the game that they hit on 2's with, its this stupid?
>would it be gay retarded and stupid to do this and take the IF deepstrike row?
>would it also make me a gayretardedniggger to get a castellan and put him in the squad?
>I just don't know!
They'll be really good and your friends will be annoyed
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>How dumb am I for wanting to run one of the most broken bullshit things in the game right now?
>have you ever tried swinging a sledgehammer or anything larger than a handaxe one-handed
No. But given that the vast majority of if not every model of those weapons up to now were one handed, I feel like it's fair to assume a marine can.

>the bonus attack isn't lost because of how the weapon is modelled
Not really the point. I'd prefer not to have a squad of vets who are all doing the same alpharius cosplay pose. two-handed poses are always more restrictive than one-handed, and limits what you can model much more. It's fine as an option, but I intensely dislike it as the only option.
Drill and pin with a bit of wire, EZPZ
they're kind of short ranged and on a HSS slow to move around, Angel's Tears are the way to do it

the advantage of asscan HSS is that you can mix them with heavy flamers in the squad because the asscan is an optional per-model replacement, so for ZM or other close-range fighting it's strong - ignoring cover on half the squad's shots to flush out the guys the asscans can't fully see
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>Anon does believe that Militia Russes being -1AV and NEEDING a Provenance to use in any meaningful way is comparable to SA Russes having the benefits of Tercio, normal AV, and Outflank
>Because Militia Russes are 130 pts and consecutive SA ones are 135.
I guess you really think that.
That's a very thin bit of drilling.
The other alternative is to scrape and file one of the hands off, but then you'd need to sculpt the grip back onto it, which would be quite the undertaking.
I was thinking of taking the templar thing instead, I don't want the deepstrike
I was thinking of taking the castellan, but that's because he's the unique praetor and I'm trying to make armies that emphasise the unique options.

kek, love this fucking gif
Do you not have a very thin drill bit?
Perfection is the enemy of good enough. We’ve waited this long for it, and it’s certainly good enough even if it isn’t perfect.
I deal with that by outflanking a bit forward, the marker at about the middle of the map.
I wish all the telegraphing was merely which side you'll come from, not which point specifically. I don't agree with Outflank be blockable either.
That guy did have infiltrators, but I put the marker in a very exposed location desu. He knew I was baiting him.
I'd prefer the alternative where GW didn't put us in this position to begin with, which is my whole point. Yes, there are some options, but we shouldn't need them.
Not that thin, I don't think. thinnest I've got is for bolter barrels, which is maybe 1-1.5mm.
Worth having a 0.5mm in your arsenal, you can use it to drill a little pilot hole for barrels to make sure that the bigger hole is centred properly, and it's a good thickness for pinning small things.
I'll see if I can find some, cheers.
>Tigrus Pattern
Well obviously. It and the Thunder Hammer are easy enough to make one handed too, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t choose the absolute worst pose for it as the default most people will end up using.
why does the AL sabouteur consul model have a cameleoline cloak if it's a raven guard option?
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He stole it.
Can AL characters take options from other legions?
As I recall, one of the newer books confirmed the alpha legion stole schematics to the darkwing storm eagle to make their own "Alpha wing" storm eagle.

Which is funny, because in 2.0, RG don't even get the dark wing anymore.
>lets make a kit that has little bit of everything but not enough of one thing
>lets also throw in random bits we didn't include in any of the other kits
I'm glad it's happening, but it's the execution I find wanting.
In lore, yes.
Otherwise, no, only legion specific units.
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That's actually quite a neat kit. There aren't even any combat shields in it, well done GW.
>but apparently that's too strong
The only crime for a warrior is cowardice, anon
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Just picked up the starter box last week and was going to hold off for a while before biting the bullet and getting some 3d printed bits for a 20 man despoiler.
It's just a cloak anon, doesn't have to be cameleoline. Not every cloak on a marine is automatically cameleoline. And it isn't even a RG only thing, in HH 1.0 there even were legion agnostic units that could take them. This edition most instances of units with cameleoline seem to have been replaced with the Skirmish unit sub-type.
This, also the power swords and slung boltgun being included is just a fucking waste of sprue
Anons you don't understand. The wall rat is worried it just isn't OP enough, you know?
Speaking of Saboteurs, what is actually the point of taking one in 2.0? False colors sounds neat but i dont really see a decent use for it as the guy can still get charged (as afaik there's no way to give seekers or headhunters the special rule for the whole unit to have it so this guy is likely to just be running around solo?).

Am i missing somthing that makes this worth eating up an HQ slot?
If you can stay away from melee units, it'd be pretty useful. A saboteur with a power weapon is probably gonna beat a HSS in melee, and vehicles can't charge, so as long as you avoid melee units, you can do decently.
Saboteur has the potential to be very dangerous, thus it's easy to fuck psychologically with your enemy. You can bet your ass they will divert resources from fighting your forces just to keep an eye on him.
Saboteurs are the ultimate form of distraction carnifex. Even with a bunch of equipment they can still be a mere 100 points or less, it's basically impossible for an opponent not to over commit to deal with one.
>both partly concealed beneath his stealthy cameleoline cloak.
I want to be autistic and the store is on my side
>assembling the resin rotor cannons with backpack ammo feeds
>cleaned the gun, belt, and backpack thoroughly
>the belt refuses to stick on either end no matter what I do, after 20 minutes, with superglue I just assembled another 15 or so models with without issue
i don't remember the other backpack ammo feed weapons being this miserable
what am i doing wrong /hhg/
do I just need to find superglue activator or something
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The store also says there's only 1 hit symbol on the scatter dice.There's two hit symbols on it. I've checked.
melee weapons in spring
Could be the casting release agent having been absorbed into the resin. When that happens parts will stay greasy no matter how often or properly you clean them. If paint also refuses to stick to it you can be pretty sure that being the case.
Could maybe try mixing a little greenstuff with the super glue on the contact areas, sometimes that creates enough contact area to stick.
>Am i missing somthing that makes this worth eating up an HQ slot?

if he's in the enemy backline where he's meant to be, they have to divert to deal with him by melee before he strikes

most tanks aren't going to be able to bring more than one weapon to shoot him when he charges, if any (and even then he's still 2+/5++, and Template weapons can't physically reach him because the minimum distance he can charge from is 1" away and his LA:AL rule plus shroud bombs means he's never less than 9" away for shooting at the start of his charge unless the firing model has Night Vision) so other than Tercio he's free of Overwatch risk when he goes after a tank, and a tank is going to cost 2x or more what he costs, so even if you lose him you've got a pretty good chance of doing significant damage to enemy armour before that happens - at AV14 it's 1/6 to onebang the tank with melta bombs, AV13 is 1/5, AV12 is almost 1/4, AV11 is 1/4, and AV10 is better than 1/4

so as an example use case if you position him properly next to say a Scorpius squadron, he's got a solid chance of destroying the first Scorpius without even being shot at, surviving the shooting from the second during its own turn, and then taking that out too (or forcing it to move, which drastically reduces effectiveness) and if the other guy wants to deal with that he has to either hold a screening unit back (which means Scout moves or in-game movement, since this is an Infiltrator and everything else is placed already) or move the vulnerable units out of the way

if you want a troll unit to just move around making your opponent nervous, take a Callidus to stand outside his tanks telling them they can't go that way mate
Because it wasn't a RG only thing in 1.0
MkIV confirmed. MkIIlets SEETHING.
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You forgot the tech thralls.
I forgot the tech thralls.
I'm still mad about the SA, give me time to grief
Do you think we're going to get any more original design vehicles, knights or titans? Surely the warmaster titan and the kratos won't be it right?
I have the old ones.
Who knows, though what ever it is they come up with, im sure is going to be an over designed wacky shit show of a vehicle like the Kratos.

GW is creatively bankrupt and lost the understand of, simple is beautiful. Every new thing they have come out with is over designed shit, that is way to busy for a model.
We got a tigris pistol in the command squad. This isn't new.
>meltas which basically do the same thing but with a shorter range are considered fair because they “need better planning to use”
Meltaguns are almost unusable without a transport, and Multi-meltas are unusable by infantry without DG geneseed, so, yeah?
But Predator melta cannons are 36" master crafted, and people do reccomend them, don't they?
>>people complain about WS5 terminators because they keep trying to knife fight and shank them instead of blowing them to smithereens
"Killing terminators at range" is what makes Plasma Deredeos, Scorpii and Melta Preds so good. And they all share the same Heavy Support
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Hey, /hhg/: What armor mark is this?
Thats either tartarus or indomitus(?) terminator armor.
Indomitus, duh.
Honestly, are gravis Plasma Cannons that bad? I'm picking up word bearers and I kind of want to just have one of my contemptors with twin plasma Cannons for bullying tacticals on an objective. Won't be warpfire because GW is made of hacks and won't give me gravis waprfire Cannons, but it's about the idea.
Carab my beloved
On the contemptor? It's fine, it's not ID but it's still a large blast with good strength and a good chance of AP2.
Indomitus with mk4 cues
Bespoke suit of Indomitus-pattern tactical dreadnought armor.
Mk X Maximus.
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I'm making a small 1k AL list for fun, and I wanted to give all characters (including sarges) a power dagger and venom sphere.
Is it a good idea? Is it fun?
I've never played AL before and I want this to be a fun little army to play casual with friends, something they can use too when they come visit, is it a good or bad idea?

TL;DR: Venom sphere and power dagger on all praetor and sergeants, yes or no?
indomitus terminator armor with mark 4 style legs since red scorpions love mark 4 so much. I guess it'd be classified as relic/artificer indomitus terminator armor?
Maximus Ettu, the Bane Guard

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