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Werewolf Boyfriend Edition.

>Previous Thread

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>Thread Question
Tell us about your favourite NPC and how are they currently in your game.
New W5 book shared? Couldn't find in NV nor share thread.
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>Tell us about your favourite NPC and how are they currently in your game.

A 9 year old Widderslainte girl with red hair as a BBEX (Big Bad Evil X for gender neutrality) who gains power by walking barefoot through blood and filth and humming
>Tell us about your favourite NPC and how are they currently in your game
Lots of options, but thinking back that woukd be a Strix going by the name of Fu Ling Yu, who, possessing an asian body, walked straight into the parties sires haven and no one got the pun until it was to late.
Not much to say otherwise as was a throwaway bbeg and crashed a helicopter (including sire) first into the side of a skyscrapper and then into a crowd of people.
Currently i don't ST, but he might be back in the future because i realy like that name, and technicaly no one saw him die.
>Thread pic
And then he vored her.
women only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting (hot)
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Is there a breakdown of totem costs for WtA? I want to create my own but I'm having a hard time grasping how much each ability and bonus should cost.
>This goetic-ass nigga just tried to unlock your phone
I was talking about Shattered Nation. It was shared a few weeks ago.
I tried to go through Shattered Nation, but it's too bad. Even Loresheets sucks. Why did Renegade nerf one of best WoD5 thing?
Fuckers are criminally incompetent.
I imagine the writers are barely a step above Chrischan.
>Why did Renegade nerf one of best WoD5 thing?
Because most of their game design philosophy is retarded. They want the PCs to experience the downsides and lower velevls of the supernatural but fail to provide a satisfying to do so.
>They want the PCs to experience the downsides and lower velevls of the supernatural but fail to provide a satisfying to do so.
But even OPP managed that.
>They want the PCs to experience the downsides and lower velevls o
You WILL have a dead end job.
In my experience, the difference between Paradox and Renegade writers is that Paradox is like this:
>We hate the wacky high magic supernatural elements of World of Darkness so we're going to ground everything and make it more mundane and street level and human-centric.
while Renegade is like this:
>We actually like the wacky high magic supernatural elements of World of Darkness but we either misinterpret them or we only allow the players to experience them as an outsider or observer, they're not allowed to actually use the cool shit.
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Paradox: LGB
Renegade: TQWERTY+
Wow, i really should take a nap if I'm typing like that. Se y'all soon
HATE that Garou remember Yuri Konietzko as wyrm-tainted. He was a SAINT.
Also, did they mix up him and Albrecht at some point early and development and never correct it? Seems odd that the one named Albrecht is Polish, and the one named Konietzko is German.
Surely, there must be a middle path where you can put the fantasy in urban fantasy without going full retard with it, AND let the PCs engage with it.
Yes, it's called the original World of Darkness, in the 90s and early 2000s.
And they did it better
Reminder that if you think that the embrace breaks blood bonds you have literally never read the book
>That hunger could lead to violence, and so it is likely that all Hungry undergo the blood oath before the Embrace or as part of the process.
Reminder that if you don't think the embrace breaks o-rings you have literally never read the book
It's everything WoD pre-5e and probably the new OP game
... Who the fuck ever said that was a thing?
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>so it is likely that all Hungry undergo the blood oath
>The Hungry
>blood oath
Is this Curseborne shit?
I dunno, oWoD often went full retard. It is still infinitely preferable to WoD5 blandness, but let's not kid ourselves about how dumb the old stuff could get.
>manliest thinbl**d
I mean, in places, but I wouldn't say it's true of the whole. In that case you probably just want CoD and the new thing. CoD was always more "serious" and Curseborn seems closer in tone to that than oWoD or 5th. Other urban fantasy things exist too like all the GUMSHOE ones which would probably work for you.
The level of full retard varies from splat to splat for sure, though in my estimation the whole (the every splat is canon with each other approach) is actually more retarded than the sum of its parts.

CofD is fun too but I don't see why it has to be an either or. I can enjoy the non-retarded parts of oWoD.
It's not either or. CoD has plenty of wacky bits it's just never fully committed to that tone.
If it doesn't have to be either or why bother saying
>In that case you probably just want CoD

I can appreciate both. I don't just want CofD.
Does anyone know the source where it mentions Marconius joined the Camarilla?
Because you can't play both games at once and you were complaining about WoD? I don't care what you do though.
V20 dark ages

Like four retards argued it until they went blue in the face in spite of all mechanical evidence and every story element implying the opposite
Lore of the bloodlines, maybe.
That's pretty retarded, why did you bring it up?
Had an idea, a Blood Sorcery 4 + Auspex 4 amalgam that allows you to take life energy from breath for a Rouse Check. Too OP? Should those disciplines give that power?
that was part of the charm tho
No, it sounds fine.
Gotta love how that little Anne Rice detail is still around.
Just saw the line in dark ages and it reminded me. 100% chance those faggots are still in the thread.
Who eats garlic knots after the pizza? Those are the appetizer for fuck sake.
Werewolves aren't even real shapeshifters. They're abominations, the result of Ennoia's bestiality.
Animalism clans were a mistake.
No, they're the best.
>Werewolves aren't even real shapeshifters
By what metric you fucking retard?
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>not having Animalism, Presence, and Auspex to 95 IQ vibesmaxx
>Like four retards
I’m assuming you were one of the retards?
>The Gangrel, Nosferatu, Ravnos, and Tzimisce say FUCK YOU
>The Gangrel, Nosferatu, Ravnos, and Tzimisce
You are just making my argument stronger.
vampires as ugly monsters
vampires as nobility
vampires as animals
What are lasombra supposed to be? of all the clans, I don't want to say I understand them the least but I don't "get" them
Vampires as Catholics
>Check on the C*rseborne thread
>They’re just discussing WoD
Vampires as the vampires with no reflection
>ars magica tremere
>wod tremere
>cofd tremere
>curseborne: no tremere
Dead on arrival.
Still waiting for you to explain how the embrace totally remove bloodbonds even though every book and every piece of media where it comes up very clearly says that it doesn't
You’re barking up the wrong tree, ma’am.
Sexy Gangrel women prove that you are irrefutably and objectively wrong. And that you are a charlatan, a dweeb, and the mayor of Loser town. Checkmate. End of discussion.
I use Dementation and Chimeristry to gaslight mages into believing I'm a marauder, for sex.
>curseborne: no tremere
Ascetics? They're even in a pyramid scheme
Magefags gotta magefag
>curseborne: no tremere
Oh, thank go-
Vampires are just the carriers of a blood-borne Wyrm contagion. Noddism is just cope.
>favourite NPC
A lot of great NPCs, so I'll cheat and pick two.

First is D'artagnan, my PC's human best friend. Dart has been interested in cryptids for as long as my guy's known him, so it was unfortunate that his first direct encounter with one was when several young werewolves had their First Change. He can't quite remember what happened or how he lost his leg, but he's driven to try and figure it out. Also to figure out why a giant white-furred wolf saved him when the school suffered a fire, chemical leak, and localized earthquake. After that, he's developed some survivor's guilt and a determination not to flinch from his memories anymore. This makes my PC very, very nervous, but also proud of him.

Second is Larry Hart, Kinfolk father of the pack leader. He's got a complicated past and good reason to be bitter or distant with his family. But he chose to be a good father and a stalwart protector instead. His daughter honored him by giving him a trophy from one of the first shifter foes she defeated, a gold-plated AK-74 loaded with silver bullets. Larry has mostly relied on a straight razor, though.
So Brujah and Malkavians are the two Clans that will Embrace literally anyone, right?
Most Brujah avoid those with IQs higher than 110.
We don't really know much about Ascetics honestly, I was mostly just making the pyramid scheme joke. Which is one of three things we know about them. The other being they eat knowledge and are knowledge hoarder/brokers.
>Post from thread about how a Hermetic and Ecstatic go about summoning a storm
>Must have pissed off a terminally online Virtual Adept from lack of attention he decided to summon TWO storms as a “Fuck You”
This guy needs to get a life.
Even the Brujah only target exceptional people, it's just that instead of basing their choice on merit they go with vibes, selecting people who share their passion, anger and ideology even before undeath. Angrily tweeting about orange man bad isn't enough, we're talking about genuine activism and willing to risk one's health, finances and liberty for the cause, which disqualifies 99% of the population.
If only.
>but let's not kid ourselves about how dumb the old stuff could get.
Yeah, but they at least let you join in on the dumb shit unlike Renegay's NO FUN ALLOWED UNLESS YOU'RE THE ST approach
The Avater Storm was pretty bad.
>No hotheaded mewtwo-build Brujah gf who will literally rip off your head in Frenzy if you so much as look at another woman
At least it's not as bad as the striges.
They didn't prevent you from using your disciplines, so they weren't as bad. I'd compare them with DSotBH. Unlike GtSE2 and PtC2, VtR2 was an improvement over 1st edition.
At least the Tal’mahe’Ra aren't owls.
They sprouted from Ennoia's loins not Gaia's. That's why they're fake.
That's an adequate explanation for the origin of lupines in a VtM game where you want to include werewolf antagonists but don't want to deal with WtA baggage.
That's what you have a problem with?
It's the icing on the cake. While the striges have myriad issues, the owl-like appearance is the most apparent and easiest thing to laugh at.
They're worse: may God forgive me, antedeluvian-worshippers and feminists
PtC 2e was a huge improvement, you're tripping hard
Why? Owls are intertwined with vampire myths and are a top tier spooky animal in general. If they've got to be vaguely shaped like something owls is a great pick.
You're the first person I've ever seen say this and PtC1e had excellent mechanics, though nobody should ever want to play it, so I'd like to hear this reasoning.
The only 2e games that where huge improvements were VtR2 and WtF2 (and even WtF2 suffered from a lack of Lodges).
It's largely a refinement on 1e with better mechanics, a better sense of what it wants to be, and it's not a total misery sim. I'm a little shocked you've only seen me say it when I'd say it's the prevailing opinion.

Can't say I agree. Although IDK why you'd have stopped using 1e lodges. That's stupid as fuck IMO, 2e is built to be used with 1e.
How about bats?
Vampires are the bats
The prevailing opinion that PtC2 really limited the scope of what characters are supposed to do. In 1e, it was common for Prometheans to switch Refinements, in 2e it's a sin to not do so.
1e has a perfect sense of what it wants to be, it's a combat roadtrip game
>a better sense of what it wants to be
1e nailed it perfectly, not sure how this could be possible
>better mechanics
Such as?
You can get over the imagery if you are able to immerse yourself in the setting but from an outside point of view, it's a little silly. These natural predators of vampires, the potential source of the curse of vampirism, the great foe that the Kindred fear most is... demonic owls. Of course there's more to the striges than that, there's the fact that they possess corpses and vampires which helps them get around this issue, and it certainly helps to make VtR2e less generic than VtR1e was. However, it's still a silly image for people who aren't already deep in VtR.
Bats would also be silly, as would wolves, as would any animal. Making the ultimate predator of vampires resemble any sort of animal just makes that predator seem a little goofier. All versions of Vampire are primarily anthropocentric so the introduction of striges as a primary antagonist just comes across as silly. This problem could be solved by giving them another name and removing the owl imagery and making striges something else in the setting that is less impactful, though the other non-surface issues would still remain.
If you say so but it doesn't align with what I've seen. Not that it much matters. My opinion wouldn't be swayed by others'. I also don't think the scope narrowed any and the pilgrimage only got more flexible so as that's the whole point I'd argue it's scope widened somewhat.
As it's a roleplaying game and immersion into the setting is the point, I can't see why the outside perspective should bother me when that's basically irrelevant to the game. They're presented in-setting as being in-setting. So it works for me. But even without that owls are spooky on their own, shadow monsters are spooky on their own. I just don't really get what's silly. No dumber than goths with pointy teeth. Also IRL owls eat IRL bats.
Core systems, the Template, Refinements, Transmutations, the Pilgrimage. The only thing that's considerably worse are Anathors IMO.
I'm just pointing out how people aren't as invested in VtR as you might view the game, when they are looking into it. The realisation that the greatest threat to vampires is evil shadow owls, even if that is reductive, is enough to make some people giggle.
I'm not particularly invested. I've played half a chronicle. I just read what the book said and went "those are cool". Okay, I guess reading the book is actually more work than most players do put in but still. If your opinion of them is based on a sentence description that opinion is worth shit.
But the greatest threat to a vampire is another vampire.
This. The point is the intrigue, politics, and conflict between the vamps.

There's also worse threats like VII and Belial's Brood. The Strix are there to be a haunting threat used sparingly.
>The point is the intrigue, politics, and conflict between the vamps.
Which is what you use them for
That's the most common threat, but striges are much more severe and dangerous than almost any individual vampire and also pushed by the Strix Chronicle. But there's not much more to say regarding that particular issue, other than the fact that the inclusion of evil shadow owls as a major antagonist makes it harder for some people to take VtR seriously. It's a little bit of WoD gonzo and goofiness, which is out of place in the more serious and staid CofD.
>Of course there's more to the striges than that
Yeah, it's way fucking worse. If it was just silly it'd be fine. It's totally fucking retarded and completely undermines the settings. Might as well play OWoD, complete fucking garbage. How can you make eddimu-but-worse? How is that possible?

It's not though, it IS gaynigger shadow owls and faggot vampire tapeworms and blood parasites other retarded shit that just randomly possesses someone because WW can not fucking help themselves.

It's not just silly, it's awful. Why is VtR, some social focused political game, now just a shitty ghost hunting possession chronicle? What the fuck?
>the Template, Refinements, Transmutations
These are all worse
>the Pilgrimage
These changes are universally reviled. At this point I'm pretty much convinced that you're trolling.
If you say so.
>universally reviled
That would require people to actually care about Promethean.
>VtR Kindred are getting fucked up by gay-ass shadow Owls
The Lasombra and the Tr*mere would have made the Striges their bitches by time the Dark Ages rolled around. That's nothing to say of the zealous Assamites or Sabbat, either.
>*modern nights Sabbat
Before some smart-ass brings that up.
I think the only real problem with the Strix is them being set up as the "bigger fish" central villain in the 2e core, rather than one of many vampire or vampire-adjacent threats that lurk in the night. As just another threat out there, with unique strengths and weaknesses they work fine.
If we're talking strix basically everything about them is rad and them make all the strengths of Vampire better
As the guy who first brought up the striges in this thread, I can agree with this. I can accept the striges as a more general threat and entities of lesser importance.
They're a greater threat than vampires alone but they're not more important than them, you're supposed to use them to enhance all the vampire shit you're doing not just make it a strix gangbang
I guess OPP saw the complant of some people that the nWoD lacked direction and tried to introduce all those "chronicles" to the games. Stuff like the Idigami and Striges can easily be ignored, it's mostly Geist2 and Promethean2 (which should have been calles Pinochio Chronicles instead) which are hamfisted about this.
GtSE and PtC don't have chronicles though. The only reason the others do is because they weren't allowed to make 2e for a while and that's the only way it was allowed.
For those who seek SOUL
For power-creeping, white-rooming cocksuckers
For genuine noobs (V5) or tasteless faggots/those whom masturbate to Outstar (the rest)
For those who refuse to move on from CofD's heyday
Idigam are from 1e and they're fine, though. They're just an unusual antagonist that you can throw at the players, perfect night horrors materials which is all they ever were. Giving them so much space in the 2e core book is dumb (hosts and spirits and pure and wound stuff desperately need that fleshing out) but the idigam themselves are perfectly congruent with the themes of the setting and don't intrinsically disrupt and devalue the game like strix do.
I was going to say that those "chronicles" were the worst part about second edition, but then I remembered that they put the rules in each of the lines instead of just the blue book.
And they repeated that decision with TCF, but that's less of a problem as noone plays that line.
PtC2 had the "Firestorm Chronicles". I can't really say what difference it made, but that's what they called it. And even HtV2, the last CofD KS they had, contained the Slasher Chronicles. Because a hunting supernaturals really needs to focus on serial killers (getting revised rules for slashers wasn't bad, though).
If a tourist was Embraced by a Tzimisce, would their "homeland" be where they were Embraced or where they're actually from?
The stuff that got space was generally the stuff that needed mechanical updates. When werewolves and spirits are already in the book idigam are probably the best thing to update. The Pure also had a book to themselves and didn't need the space. Strix are from 1e too though.

Firestorm Chronicle was basically just a subtitle IIRC as the format of it is pretty different. It was just a standard antagonist chapter. I had forgotten about HtV but I'm going to guess that was more of a "We won't ever get to update those rules unless we do it in core". The writing was on the wall at that point. Slashers are supernatural though and with how build-a-bear the monster rules are I can see the utility in something in addition to those.

I 100% agree that not making a core blue book was a bad move in the end with how the line turned out. Although think that's only good for a collector and the actual best play was more page count. CCP kinda fucked them at every turn there though so I'm not really sure what the writers could've done about that one. It seems very much a case of what we got or nothing.
WtO is peak fiction, and I'm tired of pretending its not.
But was it a good game?
Striges are from 1e, too (Requiem for Rome).
what are some blood sorcery paths that should 100% be banned on the table?
And Night Horrors The Wicked Dead
Speaking of random CofD non-template monsters, am I the only one who thinks the Geryo are really interesting? I love the idea of a failed first attempt of Werewolves, sealed away for being too fucked up and twisted.
Geryo are great so long as you ignore the retarded beast crossover sidebar option
>ignore the retarded beast crossover sidebar option

I tend to ignore Beast in general.
wise of you
Beast should have been less apologetic about their behaviour. It's written like some satire on the portrayal of "marginalized groups" in modern media.
Are they even failed or sealed, though? I thought they were just old and waking up now? Father wolf having many bitches (heh) makes sense since he's just the top dog spirit anyway.
Do Cainite women really?
If you really think about it the dog is a cainite too
>Beast should have been less apologetic about their behaviour
It's because Matt McFarland was writing about himself.
>Nooo, it's in my nature! Maybe those kids should just get over it!
Woofs? Absolutely not. However it is a well established fact that vampire women prefer warm blooded virile mortal men.
Beast isn't just "it's in my nature", it "I'm teaching them important lessons (even if it kills them)".
I recall it being said father wolf was disappointed in them, sent them to the border marches, and put them under an enchanted sleep. I'd consider that failed in the eyes of the creator, and intentionally put in a place where return would be difficult.
Anyone excited for the upcoming Mage5, considering that M20 was a disappointment compared to the other anniversary editions?
Ha ha, good one anon. Excited for M5. Classic
They keep producing those games, so clearly someone has to like them (unlike the CofD).
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I've have an idea for a WoD campaign

>The days once began to grow shorter and shorter
>'The Dimming' they called it
>Soon, the sky itself became perpetually black has the void with the moon being a very dim source of light
>The last bastions of humanity now hole up in cities that are lit-up perpetually, waiting for the day the sun may rise again
>Some of the supernaturals have moved into the cities has the wilderness itself has become hostile to anything that thinks.
>And an extended blackout can be a death warrant for a city of millions
Sounds kind of lame. Part of the appeal of WoD is being a supernatural being in THIS world instead of YA dystopia one. But you do you? Also,
>AI Slop
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I took your advice and asked the homebrew thread how to share it. So without further ado-


To the rest of the general, this is a fan project I’ve been working on for about fifteen months now called the Shrouded Earth. It’s a love letter to old school White Wolf in its dorkiest gritty black and white comic art, trenchcoat and katana incarnation, reimagined as an action-horror game about feuding supernatural Conspiracies. Think Hellboy, Devil May Cry, Type Moon, Underworld, the Matrix or similar works for look and feel. The game features twelve playable Types of supernatural beings; Vampires, Shifters, Magicians, Faeries, Demons, Ghosts, Mummies, Psychics, Heroes, Hunters, Constructs, and Scientists each of which can represent a number of more specific supernaturals. It’s about 95% completed but is in a fully playable state.

>Why are the margins/formatting so shitty?

Because Word costs a subscription now and Open Office sucks. This is an alpha release, I’ll fix it later. Expect a plaintext in the meanwhile, eventually.

>Why is there AI art?

Because this is a free fan work and I wanted to better ape the aesthetic of old WoD books. Expect a plaintext eventually.

>Isn’t this just like Urban Shadows or Curseborne?

Urban Shadows was part of what inspired me to attempt this project, as I wanted a similar vibe with a crunchier system. I know nothing about Curseborne.

>Can I share this?

Go nuts, just don’t claim my work as your own or alter it without permission.

>Does this belong in the general?

If this garners more than passing interest, I’ll give it its own thread. Till then it’s WoD inspired so I’m putting it here.
>Go nuts, just don’t claim my work as your own or alter it without permission.
You filed a copy with your patent office?
Hey guys. I have a session coming up on Friday and I'm a bit stuck on how to handle it for my players so I thought I might ask and see if anyone else had any ideas.
So, this is the SF chronicle that some of you might have seen me do storytime of here previously (I have 2 sessions worth to post later once I have my notes straightened out) but I've hit a bit of a sticking point.
My players have managed to track down the hiding place of some killers, a pack of young, bragging vampires who are living in the basement of a converted church which is being run by a Pigment cult (of which the Vampires are former members and now "reborn" as the inner circle/goons of the ones running it from the shadows). They managed to get the Sheriff involved and one of them wants to join in on the raid the following night, while the other two don't. So I'm stuck with what's going to necessarily be an extensive sequence of knocking over a cult for my Brujah player while my Tremere and Daughter of Cacophony twiddle their thumbs. I need to loop them into this somehow without it seeming forced but I'm not sure how to.
I've dabbled with the idea of the Tremere using Scry to provide intel but it doesn't really work well. And I'm tossing around the idea of a bunch of ghouls tracking them down after they were tracked out of the place by a Specter after their infiltration and confirmation of the place as their target. Any other ideas that storytellers or anons here might have for squaring this circle to give my players something to actively engage in would be an amazing help.
And yes, I'll post the results here afterwards.

M5 is gonna be absolutely suffering to read. They're gonna do something unfathomably stupid like making Technocrats into an unplayable Designated Evil Faction like the early Mage 1e days or something. The only game I am more worried for is the inevitable Wraith 5e because nothing they could do to that game in the 5e mold would do anything but make it worse.
futanari metis
The monkey's paw curls and she has a micropenis. Still cute though.
Nothing a little banefire can't cure
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Striges were cool in Requiem for Rome 1 because they were hinting at things and often stated Ventrue were NOT dead Julii ( which sprinkled in maybe rhey are-s).
Blood and Smoke and CofD ruined it and made it fake and very gay. Hint. Show, don‘t tell.
>nWoD and not CofD, ok? Praise Longinus.
Why the hell do they say that they those games are 5th edition when it's not 5e compatible at all but some weird shit with multiple d10s. I thought playing a Vampire Warlock or Werewolf Barbarian could be fun, so I bought the books, but those are utterly useless. Who has the time to learn such a confusing system when we already have the solid 5e (even though the new revision made it even more perfect). I hope Wizards sues them for false advertisement.
Hard to say who my favorite NPC is so I'll go top 3.
>Frank is a Malkavian who acts as a bit of a "fixer" in my chronicle. He handles and hands out odd jobs and sells guns from a 24/7 army surplus store. He's a vet and keeps a flamethrower in the back of his shop. He's got an OCD type derangement so he get very upset and has a tendency to frenzy if people don't put things back in the right places or mess up his clothes. Generally a chill character though.
>Michael is an Anarch baron holding down most of Oakland. He's a caitiff cast-off of the Toreador Primogen who still views him as 'hers' and meddles in his unlife to her own ends which he despises. When one of the players started getting close to him she sent a mortal hitman with a gun to shoot them as a friendly reminder to keep their distance. She's magnanimous like that. I always like to describe him as a bit of a greaseball whenever I talk about how he looks. He's scum, but dependable scum.
>Oscar Wilde. Look, if the books are gonna give me vampire Oscar Wilde owning a club on a boat in SF I'm damn well going to use him. He's only been used in like 2 sessions but its a ton of fun to play as this ultra confident high-generation vampire who acts a bit 'above it all' to the neonates while getting them to fetch his mail or something. Also his bartender ghoul makes a mean "bloody mary".
idc if it's ai or not, that art goes fucking hard
If that's how you want to run an apocalyptic scenario, it is your table and there's enough theshadow lore to justify it.
My expectations are low but I'm sure there will be something worth scraping for parts.
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>tithe to our elders!
>they call us witches!
at least they have some nosferatu stuff with their addiction to all kinds of knowledge and Information is currency! but they might as well put "if you want to be tremere" under Play an Ascetic if you want to
It was a real bad idea on early 2e design try to get an antagonist and make them "The Default Antagonist". Thank God this was only for Vampire and Werewolf.
I thank God that Idiagam didn't catch. It would be easier to put Maeljin as their default antagonist because Idiagam are supposed to be lovecraftian horror-like that are extremly hard to defeat in 1e. I don't know whose idea was to choose them for that matter.

I know this is bait, but you mentioning Outstar reminds me there's a brazilian girl (Leticinios) that's working for Paradox as some sort of influencer for WoD in Brazil. Makes me wonder how much they're paying her 'cause after those brazilian-related issues with Paradox, I can't believe someone would sell themselves out like that.
It was also done for CtL2.
>Tell us about your favorite NPC and how are they currently in your game.
Nos that resembles a pug that has reached a Golconda-like state from raising pugs and stray dogs
They gift blood infused protection hounds to a good home and loving owners, the Sabot and Cammies are blood hunting him for giving hounds to hunters, werwolfs and mages
>+one friendly mummy that misses "IwIw" her dog when mortal
That was a half assed rewrite to make the lore more palatable.
Anons what set of circumstances leads a frat boy dude bro Venture to become the leader of a cities Venture population and maintain his position while acting like a skirt chasing stoner?
They are pretty neat, I just haven't gotten around to using the bastards.
But it made it worse. They should just have made them unapologetic monsters. Or at least go with "I might be an evil bastard, but there's even worse monsters out there that I protect you from".
He is the seat warmer/bait until the group can decide on who should become the leader or the previous one returns from torpor.
In other words, copy paste from exalted.
*Shrugs* it is what it is. You can tailor the lore to your tables taste but that splat is a clusterfuck at its very core.
And worst of all, they failed in their deconstruction attempt and made the Heroes far more interesting and sympathetic than the Beasts.
Has anyone ever tried to pull a beat farm in game? Like having frequent sparing scenes or one of the more exotic options like the abortion demon/werewolf.
Yeah, they are just a more interesting take on the imbued even if they feel a bit to close to the victims of fairy molestation.
>"I might be an evil bastard, but there's even worse monsters out there that I protect you from".
Average government goon.
>Average government goon.
They aren't wrong, though.
Not really, they just keep things the relatively stable so they can benefit from the population. Afterall it's pretty hard to make the dead pay taxes.
>Afterall it's pretty hard to make the dead pay taxes.
Not really, that\s what estate taxes are for. And some unlucky vampires have to pay taxes before faking their deaths.
Goatboy will commit a hate crime if he is not consulted for M5.
Why weren't bog mummies the European ones instead of the Cabiri? It would better benefit their role as the passive-aggressive nuisances, considering their preserved death is either a punishment or an accident
because before revised you only had 1 spell of life and one origin for mummies the point of the cabiri was not be the european mummies (that they only became later with the arcanum) but to be a reference of greeco roman cultures stealing shit from egypt (often after conquering it)
Fair enough
Still want my bitter, cynical mummies burdened by powerful, undying memories (as an inverse to other mummies, and a reference to their extraordinary preservation)
then do that! making up mummy dynasties is fun you have quite a bit more leeway than you would have with a vampire line just because well mummy has barely any content you have to keep in mind not to contradict but is still functional as a splat and has examples for no egyptian mummies to base our on
i personally made draugr as bitter cold scandinavian mummies that hate the local gangrel and become blue if they are low on seithr/mana
Do they scream alot?
excuse me! it's called runesinging! but yeah yeah they do
Hmm... I guess, for better and worse, it makes sense that bog mummies have some overlap with Wraith because of their preservation. They're physically and spiritually marked by a taboo that conveys something about their first life and death. One boggo might have permanent rope marks worn into his neck as he was dragged to the bog, and may have a strong attachment to guilt and secrets, and he wears a scarf most of the time to hide it. Unlike all other mummies, they have the weakest connection to Ma'at, and often have no concept of what their role should be. They must often dabble in many fields and skillsets, both mortal and magical, to begin to understand what they should do with their new lives. That dabbling gives them great breadth in knowledge, because they have perfect recall across all lifetimes. Otherwise it is a curse, horror and sorrow dragging them towards Apophis. They have a deep inner struggle to connect to their cults as a buoy within the abyss of memory, even as that abyss deepens from that relationship.
Brujahs are selective.
They have the highest knack to only embrace FAILURES
ALSO they hate Gangrel and Tzimisce due to their connection with the Baltic Sea, water magic, and a mystical connection with amber. The violent and cruel werewolves native to the region mean that they evoke great malice within the bogoids, either in sympathy or antipathy.
To the extent they're aware of them, they probably have even more extreme relations with the kith of the Baltic. Whether worship or hatred, their origins are deeply tied with the fairy domains of the region. They're another part of the Amber Road clusterfuck in WoD.
>still no garou bf irl
its over
Sorry, Hedgefag, looks like you will have to settle for one of Germany's many fursuiters.
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>no get of fenris pagan larper garou bf because they were removed in w5
why must I suffer
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At least we will always have Sophie from the Get of Fenris tribe book.
and you are mostly done already, if you want to make them playable on the same level as revised mummies makes the other cultures mummies then if i remember this right then you remove Nomenclature and one other heaku and replace them with "magic" based on the culture and theme you want to add

also you don't even need to have the ma'at and Apophis if you don't want to: the Wu T'ian are fighting yama kings and wu kuei (yama king bane mummies) instead and see themselves as the superiour replacement to the kuei-jin and have to go before the Eight Immortals instead of the judges when they die, and the Teomallki don't even have any authority figures... in fact that's their problem you see they know they had powerful gods around, in the underworld mostly but around nonetheless, however for some reason they are all gone now and a lot of them don't know what to do
they had a furry convention in germany last month so perhaps it's not hopeless for you although all the german furries i know are glasswalkers as in they all work IT
Omw of my PCs actually had a werewolf boyfriend in a geist game I played years ago. That game was probably the most fun I've ever hac with a white wolf system. Including the time another gm let me get a bunch of m32 rotary grenade launchers in a hunter game.
He's insanely charismatic, in a city with few Ventrue and things Ventrue would want (politically and economically unimportant) and by complete accident has every elder convinced he's a secret genius hiding under the veneer of "dumb frat chad".
Thats fucking brilliant. Thank you anon.
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>Tell us about your favourite NPC and how are they currently in your game.
My favorite NPC currently is Captain Petersen, the ghouled police captain of the city who became a ghoul when, as a police officer, he threw himself at the sheriff to save him from a car bomb, without even knowing who or what the guy was

He enjoys helping fledglings, especially since he can afford to joke around with them “First crime scene clean-up is free,” and all that. But he genuinely feels sorry for them. From his perspective, they’ve currently have it worse than he does: they have to leave their old lives behind, drink blood, deal with the beast, can’t be out during the day, have shit for powers as well, have follow orders just like he does and don’t even get to feel good about it because of the blood bond!

There was also a really cool scene where the coterie couldn’t make it home in time, so they went to his apartment and when they got there, they found it completely empty except for a chair, an ashtray, a TV, a bed, and a cabinet full of riot gear so all three of them had to sleep in that cabinet which showed nicely how despite him thinking that he has a better life than young vampires he also had his whole life absorbed by his role as a ghoul

fun guy to play and he allows me to have a camarilla guy around who isn't too highranking for some scenarios
So I've been trying to read on Mage. It seems the coolest of all splats, I'm mostly familar with vtm.
I find the technocracy the coolest, but kinda find the gadget thing a bit meh. I like their style, the consensus idea, the more sciency approach to magic.
But needing gadgets to do anything seems a bit, I don't know, lame? Could vague concepts act as foci and allow the technocrat to cast spells via thought patterns, training, theories, etc, etc?
i know the etherites can get around that by claiming that they are using psionic powers, but as far as i know the union sees even linear psyonic users as reality deviants
That's a pooka.
I ove you.

So the Black Furies allow men if they're Metis.

But what do Metis dudesin the Black Furies actually do? All the Camps seem geared towards women and standard Black Fury activity.
They do what Black Furies do. They fight alongside the women of their tribe against the Patriarch and they serve alongside the women of their tribe as the defenders of the Wyld and its sacred places.
I mean, they would consider it science, I'm thinking like. The "gadget" is the trained mind able to understand the nuances of the universe and affect it. Too far?
It failed deconstruction in multiple fronts, to the point that beasts simultaneously deconstruct and do everything it critize about the monomy.

It is a weird meta contextual deconstruction of itself, bordering on satire.
Wont touch W5 because Forsaken 2.0 is cool and censors can go fuck themselves.
>why must I suffer
Just play W20 and older editions, little bro. They are there for you. They were always there.
Also, nice drawing. Source?
Yes, the whole point of the technocracy is that they are descended from the Order of Reason. It's not like the goddam Akashic Brotherhood where a punch can travel halfway around the world because you aligned your Yang Ki with the passage of sunlight. That's not science. The Technocracy is where you build a rocket fist missile to punch your enemy instead
Yeah that's completely different magic paragrim that's more likely to be a akashic with mental primary
I see, I see. So where does the "magic" (even if they don't admit to themselves it's magic) of the technocracy come into? In the inspiration for designing this super tech stuff? In the super tech stuff working even if by conventional science it shouldn't? In what way is a technocracy gadget magical that an actual rocket isn't?
>So where does the "magic" (even if they don't admit to themselves it's magic) of the technocracy come into?
Same as other mages, splinters of sidereal essences.
The Technocracy is sci-fi. That missile and launching device can be kept within your coat pocket, even though that amount of fuel shouldn't allow for such a thing, you (using the sphere of Primal Utility) created a fuel which is impossibly potent or it's going through a hole in Dimensional Space and back out again to Reality.

The magic comes from them doing impossible shit with science that can't exist, but they think it does. To us, anti-grav fields are impossible, to them, anti-gravity generators are possible, because they can control the influence of gravitons and the higgs-boson to lessen the impact of the earth's gravity in a localised area. They've made a magic carpet, but it's from science.
>So where does the "magic" (even if they don't admit to themselves it's magic) of the technocracy come into?
>In the super tech stuff working even if by conventional science it shouldn'T
they then try to water it down so the linear techno sorcerers can use it who then try to do the same things for scientists

so as far as technocrats are concerned they are scientists 2 steps above the guys you know as scientists and nothing else
I'm not sure they're that close to them to be honest with you. There is overlap but I don't get the same vibes from them as I do Tremere they give me more Ordo Dracul than they do Tremere
>linear techno sorcerers
enlighten a newbie
techno sorcery is mostly sadly just a theme for a sorcerer and the union calls their "extraordinary citizens" they mostly just do the same thing as their big brothers but you know with linear magic and lower pay
How did things get bad enough for the First Anarch Revolt if blood bonds could be defeated by just... hittin' da bricks? Am I missing something? Did embrace blood bonds last forever? Did elders in the dark ages spend every waking night giving out more blood for the blood bond so none of their childer would rebel? Did the blood bond in DAV just work different?
the bloodbounds where the sames a lot of the politics been the same on a city level the domains just didn't have any laws that supposedly protected them and because the anarch wasn't around yet elders just been even more asshole-ish and these assholes needed canon fooder against the inqusition and because the of how good the (shadow) inqusition was at killing supernaturals throwing neonates at them at shovelhead speeds did not work, but it was the only tactic in the book of elders at the time because alot of these assholes also been complacent because of their previously unchallenged centuries of power

and then you also have to remember that the first two clans that revolted been the lasombra and tzimisce two clans not known for treating their younger members well and they showed even the neonates of better behaved clans that a revolt was possible
I understand about.
Half these words.
The blood bond is just one factor of many, and traveling as a vampire took significantly more effort before the modern nights. While absolutely doable, you either needed to have powers well suited to the wilderness (so gangrel) or enough social pull (natural or through disciplines) to have a large enough entourage to protect you during the day and discourage attacks in general. The latter is easy for a more powerful elder to shut down, trapping you in their domain. Not to mention a sufficiently bound vampire may not want to leave, becoming a horror story other neonates can point at.

There was also a general trend to treat neonates as disposable until they hit their first century in many clans, and many of the elders of that period were kind of idiots who thought creating fledglings to throw off the witch hunters was a good idea. Which is probably the dumbest thing about the entire revolt imo, throwing freshly sired vamps around to slow down hunters is probably the worst thing you could do, since it at best gives them something to experiment on, refining their ability to kill your kind, and at worst the childe knows enough about you to put them BACK on your trail. It also varied from clan to clan. Consider how the Lasombra, Tzimisce, and Brujah were the biggest contributors to the revolt, whereas Tremere were pretty much unheard of and Ventrue were pretty rare, the handful that joined in the Revolt usually doing so because of a very specific wrongdoing by a few elders (mostly Hardestadt the Elder).
So with Onyx Path’s usual slipshod editing with CoD, is the errata compiled anywhere?

Also, should I play NWoD (1E) or CoD (2E)? I hear that 2E tended to be more focused but had fewer books and tended to unground the setting.
Bloodlines 2 while nuke the entire IP, mark my words.
I'd just play 2e, because the rules are way better, and use whatever you want from 1e. That's how the books are designed to be used and you don't have to update much mechanically.
Okay, I've worked out an idea.
Their stats and morality are based on four stats: Fire and Water, and Summer and Winter. Fire and Water are two separate tracks: Fire is the element of the sun, and reflects their conviction and vitality. Much like the Teomallki, this conviction is not necessarily righteous, and may lead them towards hubris. Water is the element of their native sea and the abyss, and represents their memories and magical intuition. Too powerful, their Water may make them appear ill in spirit or body, and pushes them towards nihilism.
As naturally-occurring mummies. the bog mummies are beholden to the turning of the seasons and tides of fate. When in their Summer aspect, they seem to burn brighter and faster, as if a great burden has been lifted from them, and they must outpace its return. They are stronger, healthier, and more passionate; but they rush towards tumult, adventure, and doom. Their Winter aspect is hidden, controlled, and preserved. They withdraw from their ventures and quests, protecting themselves because they never had gods to guide and protect them. In this aspect, their inborne mastery of flesh and spirit rises to the fore: magic is easily harnessed, and their bodies recover beyond all expectations.
Which game do you want to play?
Their structure and society resides entirely in this world. The world of spirit is where they intervene, not conjoin. When they die, their bodies are rigid and unchanging, to be held by their cult, while their spirit drowns in the waters of the spirit world. It may feel like a moment or a lifetime, but the immersion is an experience of the most absolute silence for all but the mind. When the spirit rises from the waters, it bursts back into the realm of the living to continue from the last moment of reality it felt, often a scream or exertion.
This duality is their understanding of reality, and reflected in their magic. As immortal shaman, passing between both realms, they divide their skillset between the world of the living and the world. Their Life Works craft fetishes, preserve items, and utilize the magical potential inherent to water and amber. Their Spirit Works make pacts, arrange possessions, and allow insight and presence into other dimensions.
>It's been in development a very long time, but we are starting to see the game shape up to be something we can… we think it will be a World of Darkness experience.
The whole situation makes me sad.
WtF VTR and HtR
DtD is always hovering around as an option.
If only paracucks sold the ip to someone who cares.
DtD only exists in 2e and so for that alone I'd say go with 2e for the rest so you never have to learn a new system. However WtF and VtR had some of the most major improvements in 2e and are probably some of the weaker games in 1e. So that's a no brainer IMO. HtV is pretty even in both editions but 2e has some really robust monster creation tools and 1e focuses on player splats way too much for my liking. If that is a thing you'll want all the 1e sourcebooks focus on that stuff which means going with the 2e core book just gives you the best of everything.

VtR 2e also has a really strong set of third party releases supporting it. A group called None More Dark are basically carrying the whole thing. Both updating 1e material and adding new stuff with chunky high-quality books. Some of the writers working on that stuff wrote for it officially and even the line dev for it contributed in places. No reason to go with 1e when you'd only be missing out on so much extra stuff.
i wish i were a vampire :(
Too early to post another roll, but I predict you are gonna get shovelheaded soon.
oh god not like this
What? You thought you would get to know the clans and choose which one you got like in First Night Last Night?
Shovel + head is the way.
Who knows, you may actually get a cool clan.
Here's a vision of how a small adventure could go down:
>Mummy finds a pack of 5 Black Spiral Dancers in a forest on the border between Finland and Russia
>Being both strong in his Fire element and aligned with Summer, he chooses decisive action and immediate results. He plans a daring nighttime raid on the hive with several members of his rural Finnish cult
>He casts possessions by wolf spirits on four of his group so they shall be savage, ruthless, and coordinated. He immerses their silver-headed axes in a ritually-prepared mineral bath, granting them the endurance to withstand hair, hide, and bone in wild melee
>He blesses his own sword in turn, and commands a hawk spirit to reside within it, guiding it to strike true
>in the combat within the hive cave, his wolf-warriors bring down three Garou themselves while he duels the Alpha to the death, sliding his silver blade between its ribs, into its heart
>His final warrior, the rear guard, is ambushed by the pack Beta, takes a grievous wound to the neck, and falls to the ground
>the amber ring the guard wears flashes with hot light, and its twin does the same on the mummy as he howls with sympathetic pain and rage; he charges wildly into melee
>the beast notices the rings, glances at the mad mummy, and cackles: it sees the two are lovers
>The monster has discovered the mummy's secret! The spiritual rope around his body tightens, dragging him to the ground, useless to stop the carnage
>At this critical moment, the bear spirit inhabiting the guard takes over and regains the strength to draw a blessed flare gun, promised to be able to break stone, and fires into the werewolf
>It explodes with salt rock and blood, leaving the werewolf broken, but still living
>the bear-man fights to the last, dragging the mad beast to the ground with him, clawing at it and biting into its hide, to buy the master time
>The mummy crawls to a nearby underwater lake, performs a ritual to link the two worlds through water, and falls in
>He rises from within the water of his cult sauna, barely able to move, and is carried to his prepared resting place, to rest, hide, and heal until the seasons change again...
Play 1e, definitely. If you want to increase the power level then crib 2e's mechanics but don't touch any of it's original content with a ten foot pole.
I'll second the 2e recs.
Requiem and Forsaken really hit their stride in the later stages of 1e and that momentum carried through to 2e. I also think there is a load of truly boring game design in both those games with anaemic powers and a lot of time talking about pretty flat mechanics instead of just making fun ones.
I never played any Hunter but Demon is maybe my favorite nWoD game and it's only 2e so I can't suggest you do anything to miss out on that,
>I also think there is a load of truly boring game design in both those games with anaemic powers and a lot of time talking about pretty flat mechanics instead of just making fun ones.
For 1e I mean. 2e probably doesn't have quite enough fluff in places but the powers are more engaging and fun so it's not a big deal.
1e also has predator's taint, no one should have to deal with that.
You are going to become a malk soon. Enjoy.
Not as bad as touchstones.
I can't see how. Touchstones are fine, something you should have had in 1e already, and have approximately 10% of the impact predator's taint
oh what the hell why not
I'm curious. What were you hoping for?
What did we to do deserve Paradox? Why has God forsaken us?
Who's next? Paradox bought it to capitalize on the enduring fanbase of Bloodlines. Now they've poisoned that. Redemption has been getting more video essays lately, and it has some visual overlap with BG3. As well, the live roleplays have been successfulish. I could see someone try to DnDify it.
If none of you say something positive or constructive about my bog mummies, I'm gonna scream.
Okay, post your bog mummies so we can read about them.
I did
Would you consider "Creativity probably isn't for you" to be constructive feedback?
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Hard to tell what it actually means for us. Seems like they'll still hold the license. What would it mean for TTRPGs? Keep the WoD brand team around? Let other companies like OPP use the license and publish stuff?

2025 is going to be interesting. Hopefully we'll get to see some moves from behind the curtain. Or maybe it's just be that finds the whole history of White Wolf / CCP / Paradox / OPP / Mophidius / Renegade / [others] fascinating when it comes to WoD.
Please be so god awful the IP is killed completely. If it's dead, nobody can ruin it any more and fans will be free to do whatever we want.
No one can ruin it anyway.
>acquire IP with a fanbase
>kill it
but why?
Because they had no idea what to do with it, just that it was popular and CCP was selling.
Just roll around in mud.
They wanted to release Bloodlines 2 because the first one became a cult classic.

Then they decided to release a new edition of the actual game, so they cancelled the 4th edition that was being worked on by OPP and made the 5th edition. It blew up in their faces with like Muslim Chechen murdering fags...

In hindsight, dismantling White Wolf and not letting them write any more stuff, then outsourcing all books to third parties was a good thing. Getting rid of OPP and allowing WoD team to write new stuff was a mistake.
I still don't know why OPP isn't allowed to make more WoD 5 stuff. Those books always seemed to get the best reviews
Internal competition.
I'd say: ego. They though they don't need them and can write stuff better.
Paradox doesn't even write that shit. It's all just another company they work with or own.
And now instead of Paradox getting a cut of CofD sales from the license, OPP is just going to launch a new competing product entirely from in-house.
I think the mistake was with launching a new edition in the first place. V20 was selling quite well, it didn't need an "updated setting" or anything like that. It did all that was needed, it facilitated easier playing of VtM for new players and old. While one could have made a better constructed new edition than paradox's 5th, you were always going to divide the fanbase by making a new edition whole cloth.
They saw the success of D&D and wanted some of that, so they decided to dumb down rules and setting to appeal to a broader audience. The oWoD had more public recognition due to the video games, so they went with it instead of the nWoD but at the same time tried make it more like the nWoD.
I disagree. The more stuff that is released for 5th, or god forbid another fucking edition if someone else buys it, the more effort you have to put in with new players, because that's just more stuff you have to say "No, we're ignoring that plot element" or "That didn't happen in our game" about. It's the problem the metaplot of Revised created but so much worse.
Why can’t Paradox just admit they were wrong and they fucked up? They put people who don’t respect, no, don’t even love WoD in charge of it. What the fuck were they expecting? Their own DnD where the fanbase just buys any slop they churn out?
>No Verbena gf to have primal, animalistic sex with in the middle of woods during a full moon
Thinking about killing myself.
>at the same time tried make it more like the nWoD.
I'd say that's rather unfair to nWoD, as someone who likes parts of both. They tried aping the better mechanics of nWoD in places, but often made unnessecary changes or added entirely new systems that made such improvements a marginal benefit at best. They then wrote a setting far more restrictive than oWoD at its worst was.

I view it as a legitmate worst of both worlds, whereas a full on conversion of Masquerade into the nWoD 2e system would've been perfectly fine, as long as they again did not fuck with the lore in any way.
Modern company 101. Never admit mistakes, it might cause some investors to bail on you.
>Florida about to get fucked up by an Ante
Bets on which one?
Just fuck a g*ngrel.
They could have done so a few years ago. Now it would not make any difference. Even OPP has moved on.
I didn't they that say succeeded in making it like the nWoD, just that they tried.
>I didn't they that say succeeded in making it like the nWoD, just that they tried.

Fair enough, I get defensive of nWoD getting compared to WoD5. It has legitimate merits on its own, and a Masquerade conversion is actually pretty damn fun if you are willing to put in the effort. Whereas I think 5th is the worst aspects of each put together with an aggressively modern spin on everything.
>Why can’t Paradox just admit they were wrong and they fucked up?
>Bets on which one?
Ennoia or Absimiliard are the rational options, Ravnos would be funnier tho.
5e has very little in terms of "why would I play this iteration of the game" outside of V5 or W5 at the very low levels of power. The problem is that you don't get to enjoy learning about the same big things every chronicle because most people don't have that particular flavor of amnesia.
Will work for Sidhe pussy
That's why CofD's sandbox approach works better for that kind of thing. VtR2 and WtF2 are also great for street level play, it's just that they also work on larger scales.
>implying you'll get anything more than feet in less than a century
Hell, I'll go one further. V20 was successful because it had very little metaplot or hard "this happened" material until BJD. It was the most toolboxy of any Masquerade release, and sold very well as a result.
Well, the anniversary editions were done by people that loved and understood the games and Brucato, so they tried to cover as much stuff as they could, including splats that were killed off or memoryholed, in Revised. They weren't intended to have a constant stream of supplements, so there was no point in having a metaplot.
BJD was supposed to move the game over to V5, so of course it was full of metaplot.
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>A second Ravnos has hit the metaplot
yeah for some reason a lot of wod fans claim to want metaplot and then talk about nothing metaplot related and instead talk about wanting worldbuilding

it's more on the onyx path forum and something awful then here, but it's still weird how common it is
[Lasombra] is gonna pull florida into the sea and we are all gonna be grateful for it
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If only there was a WoD game with actual support for worldbuilding.
>Why can’t Paradox just admit they were wrong and they fucked up?
Once again: ego. "We are right, everyone who disagrees is wrong."
>BJD was supposed to move the game over to V5, so of course it was full of metaplot.
Technically BJD was supposed to move the game over to V4 that OPP was working on. V20 wasn't recognized as a full VtM edition. Real new edition was announced at Gen Con 2015 in July. In October 2015 Paradox acquired White Wolf and in December announced V5, effectively turning V20 into 4th edition and burying actual V4.
Honestly BJD is probably my least favorite VtM book ever released, so it's sad to hear that the (lore at least) of OPP's 4th edition was going to be total ass. Probably less ass than V5's, but not by as much as you'd hope.
I think it's because metaplot is a great way to hook in new players, and talk about, but can quickly become more of a hindrance to actually running a game, or more importantly, multiple games that exist in continuity with each other. a big appeal of the setting of WoD and specifically VtM with its unaging central characters imo

It's cool to talk about the war for new york, or the week of nightmares, until you start knuckling down to write a game and find the official material gets in your way. Of course, that's why pic related is the correct approach and even endorsed by the writers of said metaplot, but then you've gotten people excited for something that actually gets in the way more often than it enhances what you are trying to do.
Look bro, she got arrested because she cut the heart out of a guy the last time they did that. You dodged a bullet with that one.
I actually really liked BJD, but I came from a different angle. I never got into V20 (and nWoD/CofD), I was aware of it being oryginally released, skimmed through the pdf "Cool, all those clans and bloodlines in one book" and "It looks weird in color, I liked when I was black and white more." I was doing college + miniature wargaming + depression + work. No VtM at all. Then I've noticed that this V5 thing is doing pretty well, they have this LA by Night show, Bloodlines 2 is rumored to be maybe announced... So I jumped straight into V5.

Only way later, after seeing people commenting that BJD is a good read I decided to pick it up. I enjoyed it at lot. It reminded me that VtM had all this stuff in it that was missing from V5. It made me appreciate classic WoD and made me despise V5.
While I can understand that perspective, my hatred of BJD comes down to two factors
>I hate pretty much every plot point it introduces, and am at best neutral on a given point. So nothing in it is worth including at my table.
>It was reintroducing metaplot when I felt that V20 had proven that you didn't need metaplot to make Masquerade work.

Of course if you like it, that's absolutely fine, I'm not one of those guys who thinks my opinions are objective and everyone else is badwrongfun. I'm also a highly critical person in general and could go on for hours about all the metaplot or official lore stuff from VtM I hate, while still loving the game with a passion.
Why do you think that BJD is the worst VtM book if you the VtM5 stuff even less?
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Because I do not consider V5 as VtM.
How do I replace Mage's Gnostic Trappings with a Catholic one?
just go with celestial chorus' paradigm but only the catholic one
Ascension or real mage?
What was there left to write for V20 anyway? They pretty much covered all the different parts of the setting, including even the true Black Hand.
They could have done KotE, but for some reason people have a dislike of the game, despite it being more interesting than VtM. It's the same problem Revised had toward its end. Anything worthwhile had already been described, so you end up with more and more pointless supplement. VtM just isn't that interesting, compared to Werewolf, Mage or Changeling which offer far more potential to branch out.
Setting books, focus on special eras or locals. I liked the bits they did for dark ages for some locals.
Yeah, who doesn't need a book about an assamite living on an aircraft carrier.
So "The Night Land" but with WoD-monsters?
I like some of the ideas the book has, but I treat it like "these are some cool scenarios to use" more than it being cold hard facts. Then again, I also really love Orpheus so my taste in books is questionable.
There are two kinds of magic that baseline humans can do in Wod.
True Magic, which is powerful, but has backlash in the form of paradox (Curses, injury, exploding, that sort of thing). Only Awakened Humans can perform it, which is a general term for mages.
Then there is Sorcery, or Linear Magic or Hedge Magic (all the same thing). It is weaker, relies on logic and already existing supernatural materia, but cannot ever incur paradox. Both rely on a way of understanding reality called a paradigm in order to actually work. In WoD, science is one of these paradigms.

An" extraordinary citizen" is a scientist sorcerer who works for the technocracy, he can't do as much, but his magic is much safer to use out in the field. Thus, Techno-Sorcery.
>Somehow, Zapathasura survived
My headcanon is that when he 'died' he used Chomerstry 10 (AKA Plot Device) and removed himself and all Kuei-jin from the existence. That's why there Kuei-jin are no longer around. Yet is this forever? I feel like that would make a good plot for a story, Kuei-jin slowly... leaking back into reality.
you don't need gadgets for everything. a NWO black suit can just straight up use the voice like in dune for example because it's just le skill and le psychology after all.

a Syndicate enforcer could just pay you a 100 bucks to fuck off and you'd do it without even realising it

a progenitor could use "advanced medical knowledge" to put you into sleep mode with a few light taps

the iteration x guy calculates every action you will take and then calculates the mathematically perfect counter against it.

a void engineer goes full tychoidian and just materialises an anvil above your head
>The Ravnos of generations 7 and below are all stuck in the dreaming as per their ante's wishes after the week of nightmares
>After the apocalypse is over, changelings finally start to relax, the proliferation of the internet with the smartphone 10 years later introduces a surge of glamour as more storytellers and creatives are able to flex their muscles than ever before
>This opens up new trods, allowing more and more Ravnos to escape as time passes
the technocracy knows what the consensus is because they basically discovered it. they know that reality is shaped by belief which is why they hate reality deviants so much because they weaken the consensus the technocrats want to create. The magic is your ability to impose your own belief onto the consensus i.e reality deviance. a progenitor could create a miracle pill that cures all ills but no one would believe it so it won't work and.tgey know this which is why they must do all the science to convince people, said progenitor for example could probably cure your cold with an injection if he wore a lab coat but not if he wore a dirty graphic t-shirt

so to them a technocrat being able to invent something that blatantly breaks the laws of physics isn't weird at all because those laws are more like suggestions.
Ok but how dope would it be if someone made a Dark Ages OWoD conversion for Crusader Kings 3?
it already exists and is called Princes of darkness
In the context of a VTM game what sort of sorcery would hunters have access to and what sources do I read to learn more about it? got one autist in the coterie who keeps going ''But what about sorcery?'' because he watched one mage video and now things any mortal can sling fireballs. (Spesifically sorcery, not mage stuff)
Or create a Jagged Alliance style WoD game where you have to take over a city.
Sorcery is taught by other sorcerers, the average hunter's not going to know shit. To read more, open the mega in the OP and look for "M20 Sorcerer". There's a specific Sorcery Path for elemental magic called Hellfire, additionally, there's a Psychic Power called Pyrokinesis.
Why did OPP ruin Geist2? Geist1 wasn't broken (except some power combos), so why change the whole game? Its biggest problem was being released when the financial crisis hit Iceland and White Wolf stopped releasing more books, but even with just the core and BotD, it worked.
They would have done the same to Changeling, we got lucky that Hill left.
Awakening is the one with Gnosticism right?

>Paradox wants to get out of the RPG business: 'If Bloodlines 2, God willing, is successful, Bloodlines 3 [will be] done by someone else'
>It's time for someone else to shoulder the World of Darkness curse.
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>It's time for someone else to shoulder the World of Darkness curse.
sadly they are only talking about the videagame
Hunters Hunted II if you're playing V20 has "Numina" (what Mage refers to as "Linear Sorcery"). If you want to completely fuck up the balance of the game, you could also just let them play a Mage character in VTM, but that is a horrible idea.

There's a few other Numina scattered between other books as well, if you're willing to go digging.
>financial crisis hit Iceland
How? There's only a bunch of people living there and one of them is Björk. How do they let this happen?
But there's less people living on that island than there are in your average American city. Besides, they're Icelandic. Don't they spend all of their time lounging around in saunas, eating rotten fish and hitting each other with coniferous branches?
Thanks, anon! It's pretty rare to find WoD fanarts and I'm always happy to see someone producing it. I know VTM has lots of it, but other splats don't have that much.
The dude has fortitude and chimestry 10. That's how he survived the world's most intense tannin session.
I like linear sorcerers who are just "I make REALLY good drugs" because that's a lot more entertaining than most of the pretentious bullshit try to convey with their PCs.
Awakening is the one who ripped off matrix harder.
>NWO black suit can just straight up use the voice like in dune for example because it's just le skill and le psychology after all.
Afterall what's the difference between mind control and being really persuasive?
I think it's more than the NWO poses as government officials and men-in-black and uses that authority as a cloak for their mental manipulation. After all, when the secret service turns up at your door and starts barking commands and asking questions, you're not about to go full sovereign citizen, ask for their ID and declare your rights. Unless you're mentally ill, you kowtow and do as you're told.
In most circumstances people will follow what an authority figure says because there is a certain level of default trust that takes a lot to get rid off.
Yeah, and they use that to their advantage to make a lot of their magic count as coincidental. It's not mind control, it's just people doing what the authority figure tells them to, right?
In most cases you don't even need magic. Imagine someone shows up at your door and say that they are from the Missing Persons Foundation and try ask you for a copy of your porch camera footage to help out an investigation. It's hard to justify saying no unless you are really paranoid and even then you might just give them a pen drive with the footage if you don't want them inside.
Now imagine how much harder it would be how much harder it would be to ignore something like that if there was literal magic at work to lower you defenses just enough to do what they need you to do.


Ignore this. It's a troll thread. Someone make another and report this one.
Can you show us on the doll where Curseborne touched you?
I like Curseborne. I did all the blog roundups and I'd be happy to role Curseborne into this general. That thread is clearly trying to start a flamewar though
>Tell us about your favourite NPC and how are they currently in your game.
Biased because I'm romancing them, so they end up having a lotta screentime, but the Ananasi siblings that run a quasi-Elysium club in downtown while doing vigilante work in the city (they're Hatar). They've been a big help in Coterie affairs, offered a lot of knowledge for my dummy neonate (I've purchased an Occult dot after an infodump regarding changing breeds), and they've, like, a mummified Euthanatoi in their basement as part of some elaborate security system.
Hart Wardens or Silverfangs?
What the fuck is a Hart Warden?
Hart Wardens, because they love spirits and aren't Ir*sh-Am*ricans
Depends on the character concept.
Are small cocks a common werewolf problem?
Well all the times I've played werewolf, nobody ever specified their characters had a sizable dick. Vampire on the other hand...
>Werewolves don't need to prove anything
>Vamps are constantly posturing and trying to out-status each other
Do you think hanging out in Enoch was comfy before the spirit nuke? I imagine the gardens, the libraries, the pools, the comfy swamp arab architecture, all while plotting how to kill all other vampires with your mummy and mage bros, and getting Bahari pussy/bussy/thussy

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