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Work in Progress "Manic Monday" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

Previous threads:
Secret Santa from previous years:

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Note to self: don't fucking plastic glue guys to bases anymore.

Cutting these off with a hobby knife and spooked it's gonna slip and slice a finger up
I'd just like to say "thank you" to all the people who are being constructive and supportive ITT. It really helps me to get positive mindset about painting, even if 99,9% of the time it concerns somebody else's work.
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I attach most minis to their bases with plastic glue right after assembly
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I usually do but I'm putting these guys on cork to give the bases a bit of extra height. I think maybe a tiny dot of superglue in the future would be enough to hold them while I prime and paint but much easier to separate later on when I'm basing
If you're consistently using cork base-toppers, couldn't you drive pins into the feet in addition to the superglue for extra stability.
How about drilling feet and inserting tiny brass rod? That's how I hold them to plastic bottle caps for easy hand picking.
Just using a knife and brute force to pull them? I have old Chaos Bikers on cavalry bases I want to rebase, but used plastic cement.
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Sure. But this is only the second squad I've used them on, and I built them ages ago without intending to use the cork.

That's what I did, but it involved a good amount of force and I was just scared the knife would slip. Worked out fine though.
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Repostin' for the new thread. Did the sword.
Say I want to make a floor for the new kill team terrain, what material would work best without elevating it too much or being unable to stand some basing work?
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Tearing flesh
Red looks a little flat despite the highlights. Black panel liner could help a lot with the definition of individual elements.
i like the cartoon look
extruded polystyrene if you want something somewhat thicker, foamex if you want something thin but hard (but still workable with a knife)
Any Florida /wip/ Anons in or around Tampa, you have to pack up your army guys, and your supplies and get out of town. Everybody in Tampa is going to die and the emergency response will be bad because it's already stretched due to Helene.
Good luck to you. I need you to be alive to send me SS gifts, so make sure you don't die.
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That's just me and I know gw does this but those dot highlights look really off. If you're dead set on keeping them I'd use a darker color at least
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>painted today for the first time in months
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Really like the skin, and print lines make for a cool effect.
And you won't even show us what you did? Come on anon don't blue ball is!
Is there a main seller of extra tau bits? Like you know how space marines have tons of extra little shoulder pads, helmets, weapons, etc. that you can buy or print? How can I find like a tau bitz pack?
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Painful because it's 3 types of red through an airbrush then highlighted
I'm kinda set on the pink but I may keep it just for battle scars.

This was the initial test model which I feel has better depth. Gotta practice with the airbrush

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