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Work in Progress "Ric Flair Cape" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

Previous threads:
Rip Darren Latham
His videos are on Bilibili.
but he's not dead...
Better do this now, before I forget like last thread!
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Reiver kill team coming along pretty well. Never going to prime with Army Painter spray again, there's definitely some graininess but oh well.

Got the green base coat and the base blacks done for all of them, now doing the metal. Have some custom transfers coming in the mail too. Mr. black helmet will be the sergeant with a yellow stripe on his helmet.
>first video is y*utube garbage
Were his videos good at least or was it the same clickbait garbage as everyone else? I never watched him
The new ones look really good, huge improvement.
I would tinker with the AP spray before swearing off of it, any spraycan can get a grainy finish in certain conditions.
first post*
He was an ‘eavy metal painter doing actual ‘eavy metal guides for free.
Well why did he leave youtube then? I'm sure a lot of people were interested in these guides
>‘eavy metal
That style is very niche, mostly meant to accentuate box art models. Why would you want to learn that unless you work for GW?
You almost had me there.
>eavy metal
vast majority of people that paint warhammer aim for box art results anon
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I think I might call it quits on this little heretic. First model in months, I'm really rusty but happy to have forced myself to paint again.
Looks good
GW didn’t want a Duncan Rhodes 2 situation.
I sure hope not, the style is made specifically for box art, not for table or display.
Well, that's not true either, box art is very intensive and only like Infernal Brush teaches that way.
The looser definition of 'eavy metal is just the GW technique, like Duncan does most of his tutorials, a lot more people paint that way.
oh yeah I guess you're right, eavy metal is gw style pushed to the limit. My bad
Was he still bound to them somehow? I assume he was painting gw minis so he was still promoting their products though?
Oh shit we gots us a Master Artist ova here!
Huh? I don't think I implied that, and even if I did, why would taking mini painting seriously be a problem in a mini painting thread?
I never looked much into it but he was called at WD as one of the judges in an internal competition some months ago, it's not like they just told him to fuck off.
>Was he still bound to them somehow?
He's a miniature designer these days. But GW could be selling those painting guides I guess. As soon as his channel would be monetized you got problems about competing with your employer and whatnot. Originally he was only posting on Instagram, but people kept asking for more elaborate content so he made the move to YT before GW caught wind of it.
>I assume he was painting gw minis so he was still promoting their products though?
Oh yeah, and the best part of that story is that GW noticed it because he did a series for painting one of those fat nurgle heroes people could follow along with. That thing sold out so much GW had to check what is going on. Apparently selling more of your products if it isn't planned is bad thing because they were running out of stock and it makes massaging the numbers for shareholder reports difficult. You want slow quarterly growth. If you got a spike and a drop afterwards it's a bad thing if you are publicly traded I suppose. At least that is how I understood the explanation on why selling more minis is a bad thing for a company selling minis.
GW is a peak example of enshittification. The funny part is that they still have an absolute treasure trove of great people working for them which is pretty much the only saving grace.
Sorry if this is int he PINs, but I could not find it. I'm looking to buy up some supplies to assemble my Necron Warriors - my first warhammer kit. Can you recommend nippers, glue, and primer? And anything else to help? I've heard "just get brushes" from the dollar store and thats fine, but everything else seems more up in the air. I mostly am interested in the newer models whihc I believe the entire Necrons line is resin/plastic? besides the old c'tan so I was eyeing up the Tamiya Glue since I hear thats great. I had an old pair of nippers but I feel like they didn't really do a good job when I was putting together gunpla kits so I'm curious what peoples experiences are and what gear they use. Also best way to prime? Is it just something where you slap down some cardboard in the parking lot and spray over your assembled minis?

Thanks for any help.
Oh so he's still employed by gw? Yeah well that makes a lot of sense, I thought he left them to do youtube or something
No he's a lifer. He just posted to YT due to popular demand. If the had been smart they could have harnessed that. Latham had a pleasing video presence and the channel was growing like crazy. Probably because he's been long enough with them that people also still recognized his name before it all went to "stuff done by GW design team - (fuck you, if you try to apply somewhere else)"
If the bean counters think the spike is a new trend (pod people get brain rot too) then they'll get screwed over when it goes back to normal. Anyone who bought the spike is fucked.
Or they could use their brain cells and DO THE SAME PAINT-ALONG WITH ANOTHER MINI but it wouldn't be GW without weird business decisions.
Yeah, I was surprised by that as well. They could have paid the guy to do what he was gonna be doing anyway and sold a different mini each month. Put the videos on their own channel or even their paywalled bullshit. But like you said, GW just being GW.
I don't know who told you to skimp on brushes but they're terribly wrong. Your brush is your rifle. I recommend a #2 and #4 golden taklon round brushes to start with.
My nippers are from Army Painter, they generally have a decent price on hobby tools compared to GW while still being functional.
Primer is a real (spray) can of worms, if you're really not sure what you're doing I would recommend GW or Army Painter spray cans. Gray and black are easier than white. If you go for hardware brands make sure it's just primer and not paint + primer.
There's also airbrush and brush primer, as well as more obscure options like acrylic gesso or craft paints, but while you're new, a hobby spray can will remove that variable.
>cleaning mold lines off of spears for victrix normans.
>woops. Broke that one. That's okay I have plenty of spares.
>woops. Broke that one. That's okay I have plenty of spares.
>woops. Broke that one. That's okay I have plenty of spares.
>woops. Broke that one.
I. Hate. Mold lines.
Frankly I hate everything about the hobby.
>not phoning in cleanup on infantry chaff
I'm not gonna tell you to be lazy, BUT...
Fiddly ones like that get a light sanding then smoothing it out with some plastic glue. Anything left after that just adds character.
Are they made of river clay?

>not treating every miniature in your army like a tiny piece of art
Society is over.
>Can you recommend nippers
>I had an old pair of nippers but I feel like they didn't really do a good job
Any nippers that still nip are fine. Replace if you are starting to struggle to actually cut the sprue. Mine are from BOYES, about £5.
>I was eyeing up the Tamiya Glue since I hear thats great
I like Tamiya, but its cement, so just be aware of the difference. Any superglue should be okay
When I started I used plastikote, just because it was on my shelf for a car project I was already working on. Just check its for plastic, not wood or metal or something. If you're necrons are metallic I'd get one that's black, but that's not mandatory.
Arguably the best primer is an airbrush or something but I wouldn't buy one if you are brand new to the hobby.
>I've heard "just get brushes" from the dollar store
Pretty much, you don't need fancy brushes, maybe later get some if you start painting characters. Since its necrons and you might be drybrushing it might be worth getting an old makeup brush. You'll go through them fairly quickly so better that they're disposable.
Also I would get a hobby knife to help scrape of mold lines, or you can bulk buy surgeon scalpels on amazon.
Sanding sticks like: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09JWFL6J6 with a grit more than 400ish if you're really anal about mold lines.
May be a hand drill too if you care about drilling barrels. The set I got off amazon sucked though, another win for BOYES.
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>treating every miniature in your army like a tiny piece of art
They don't want people finding out the "secret of 'eavy metal," because its not the same as their designated system of painting. To GW it's as if he's selling proprietary info.
No. They must be clean. They must be perfect. All of them.
>are they made of river clay.
No, but I have what my mother affectionately dubbed "retard fingers".
Nta but does cement work at all for resin (3d printed) or just plastic?
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First box is finished.
Still got a lot of touch ups to do but they're basically done.
Also need to come up with a color scheme for the flamers and maybe add some more color to the banner.
Overall it was a lot of fun.
Scarab Termies are next
Apparently not, I'd stick with super glue
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>Necron Warriors - my first warhammer kit. Can you recommend nippers, glue, and primer?
I have (not pictured here) Ruitool sprue cutters. They're very nice and not too expensive on Amazon.

The entire modern Necron line is indeed plastic. If plastic Necron Warriors are your first Warhammer kit, you're gonna want some plastic cement to do almost all your gluing with. Revell Contacta is good (I actually use their cheaper stuff in the black and red bottle -but there's a trick to that), as is Tamiya.

You have a good sharp hobby knife with plenty of extra blades? That's required. You can use it to clean mold lines, too - the specialized tools for that aren't really gonna help with plastic Necrons that much; definitely not worth your money.

A pin vise will come in handy, although not as much for Necrons as some other armies. You can get decent ones from Amazon. Be sure to buy one with a rotating handle on the end and not the double-ended one pictured here if you value the flesh in the middle of your palm.

Almost forgot the glue trick! Storing the bottle upside-down makes it come out easier when you're finally ready to use it, and having a box of cheap wooden toothpicks on hand to put tiny amounts of glue in hard-to-reach places without getting it on your hands is a no-brainer.

>Also best way to prime?
Priming Dante and my Sanguinary Guard with Retributor Armour spray made painting them so much easier. If you want silver Necrons, you might look into getting a can of Leadbelcher from GW.
>No, but I have what my mother affectionately dubbed "retard fingers".
Ah, I can't relate. I have what my sister calls "soft woman hands".
They never seemed to mind Infernal Brush. He does show how different the box art is from how they tell you to paint it though.
We just had a big debate about it, apparently plastic cement has big benefits but it doesn't work on metal or resin.
post hands.
I've heard there's this paint additive that makes acrylics dry slower.. does anon know what its called? And can give any insight on how it performs?

I'm hoping that it can help my shakey hands a little: Trying to do fiddly parts (like chaos trim), where it will slow drying enough that if I make a mistake, I can quickly use a wet brush and swipe the mistake away from a panel that's been had special care put in it. Would this work?
>Protip about glue:
Buy one bottle of Tamiya Extra Thin Cement so that you have it. Along it, buy one large bottle of Tamiya Airbrush Cleaner (picrel). These two are exactly the same thing, so you can just replace the thing when you run out. For much, much cheaper.
>Protip about nippers:
Get Tamiya 74123. They are great and will last you a long, long time. If you want to get the best there is (and there definitely is a noticeable difference), get DSPIAE nippers. Don't listen to people who tell you that nippers don't matter, good nippers are amongst the greatest time savers there is.

Cement is plastic only, and it is also the best thing for gluing plastic. Especially if it is the cement I mentioned above or Mr. Cement S.
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haven't seriously picked up the brush for 6months. it could be better, but i don't rush as much as before : progress !
It's literally called retarder.
Yes, it helps with cleaning up an errant line like you're describing, also great for feathering and blending.
No, but she's right. Her hands are like sandpaper and mine are soft, slender, and good at finicky little tasks.
called what? And why call me that when I'm just asking a simple question?
Do the trim first, it's easier.
You know that's a good paint job, stop negging yourself to fish for compliments
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treating every mini like a tiny piece of art is the ideal every beginner starts with. After you've done a couple of hundred models just getting shit from your backlog done is reward enough.

>I've heard there's this paint additive that makes acrylics dry slower.. does anon know what its called? And can give any insight on how it performs?
It's retarder. You can get it from most companies. As far as performance goes...it has stuff in it that dries slower. Yeah.
Quickly wiping paint away is something you can do with regular acrylics as well if you are fast enough btw.
Maybe oil paints could be interesting for you. Those can take several days to dry and can be removed almost entirely with the appropriate thinners.
It's dumb but I laughed.
Hey dude how are you doing? Loving your new work and hope everything's much better my man
>treating every mini like a tiny piece of art is the ideal every beginner starts with.
I've been doing this longer than you.
can't (easily) if you're airbrushing the basecoat, and doing gradiant highlights during that step
Is this passive aggressive shitposting or are you serious about a dickmeasuring contest about something this arbitrary? We are moving through so many layers of irony and idiocy these days I genuinely cannot tell the difference anymore.
Fair. Magnifying glass and shaky hand measures from OP video?
I've been painting for a while and I still have that mentality. I don't buy more shit than I am capable of actually painting though
thanks, and am considering oils for some things, since they're so forgiving and I know some painters use them exclusively

yeah, I don't know if some alcohol would help jitter some as well
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you're right. this is good, and is on its way to become the prettiest dwarf i painted so far.
earlier today i spent an hour or two trying to figure the beard ornaments. i wasn't too satisfied. a few hours and booze later i did the crown. i have trouble figuring out the phone camera so the pic is rather blurry but i think the crown has worse transitions.
might be me and the booze talking tho.

i'm quite good so far. last months have been a wild ride. i'm sailing in calmer waters now
>yeah, I don't know if some alcohol would help jitter some as well
Maybe if it's neurological?
Lmao how? I scrape them off with the back of my knife and they don't get close to breaking, recast resin harlequin's? noe they need care and a different approach, you are just a heavy handed tard
>good brushes
In general what you said is true, but any one new to the hobby is going to ruin their first few brushes so its better imo to wait a bit.
>how ruin brush?
By getting paint into the ferrule. Dont do this.
Decent, if this was warhammerslop you'd have a billion comments
You made a passive aggressive argument, I made one back.
>He's a miniature designer these days
Must be in fantasy seeing the shit 40k is coming out with
even with gw shit it needs to be marines for people here to actually give a fuck
McVey invented "EM" to get around the reprographics limitations in WD specifically (box art was drawn, photos were b&w forever) that made everything look shit unless you amped the contrast through the roof. Originally it doesn't look that extreme on the page which is the point. An even more exaggerated version of the aesthetic rules now of course, it isn't really how anyone was painting miniatures before then. The other advantage of it is that it suited acrylic paints. Before then Geedubs for years were painting in oils and claiming it was their own acrylic. Can't blend acrylics like oils? Skill issue bro. EM does at least play to the advantages of their product.

t.older than gandalf
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More progress on Klonk and his blue sidekick
40k is their cash cow and has a really, really strong identity.
AOS is still young and they are figuring what work (not stormcast and dwarfs).
make sense to sell cool designs when you can't do a 5rth version of calgar, only this time in Centurion armor!!1
Any small nippers, glue for plastic is called plastic cement, and get a spray can of primer -watch a vid on how it's properly done
After that buy a start painting set with paints and a brush
Also you don't need small brushes for small minis, you will find a size 3 will do everything you need and hold paint without it drying instantly like on a 000
you will need a hobby knife, it's what people use for 90% of things like cleaning mold lines and drilling barrels
No, you are just a butthurt bitch. I said getting stuff done can be it's own reward after a while. If you feel slighted by that you need to do some introspection and figure out what crawled up your backside. As a "grizzled hobby veteran" you'd expect a more mature reaction than "i have been here longer". So what? Doesn't have anything to do with what I said.
You got your feelings hurt about something I didn't say, while I wasn't even talking to you.
I would have a hard time believing this but we know the box art paint recipes were fake so...
A hobby knife does everything all those other tools do
Golden taklon isn't exactly irreplaceable, it's better than buying a crappy brush and getting frustrated when you try to edge highlight or paint trim.
>not using a sharpened rock
Kids these days.
NTA but
>treating every mini like a tiny piece of art is the ideal every beginner starts with. After you've done a couple of hundred models just getting shit from your backlog done is reward enough.
sounds pretty condensending to me. Not everyone hoards a backlog that he has to speedpaint through instead of putting his all into every mini
He does all lines, I'm assuming he's working on the space wolves update since he did ragnar
>I said getting stuff done can be it's own reward after a while.
No, you said this condescending shit:
>treating every mini like a tiny piece of art is the ideal every beginner starts with.

>Doesn't have anything to do with what I said.
You made an appeal to seniority, that's what I replied to. You fail to see the connection?

>You got your feelings hurt about something I didn't say, while I wasn't even talking to you.
You're sounding pretty emotional yourself, and you quoted me with that post, so you were talking to me.
>just drill with your knife bro
>just glue with your knife bro
>just prime with..
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He quite often posts on his Insta to highlight minis he was
>part of the team
that created it. Because it's all teams now, no one just goes off into a corner and gets on with it, they all work on little bits of a kit while a gormless line manager gives them feedback
back in grugg day grugg only have rock and stick and grugg mini look ok
>just drill with your knife bro
>just glue with your knife bro
is there glue in that pic?
>just prime with
or primer?
2/4 isn't that great
he's also prob that line manager
>he's also prob that line manager
What a horrible thought
NTA but I I agree that painting 20 of a similar unit will cure your delusions of grandeur real quick.
>condescending shit
Get off your high horse and show us those 10/10 infantry, Michelangelo.
it's not meant to. It's my own perspective shift. Had the same mindset then, now I'm happy to finish a project and move on to the next.

i was talking in generalities. An appeal to seniority and whatnot is a phrase that belongs into an argument. I wasn't arguing with anyone. I was replying to the sentiment expressed here in general >>94092311
There is a happy medium. Especially when painting armies.

I may have quoted you, but the sentiment was directed at people with that mindset obviously. Just because I implied that you usually start with that does not mean you can never approach a project like that again in your life. Unless you are autistic this should not need to be explained, really. You appear in this quote chain because of the original comment, but if what you say is true and you are a wizened old painter and the why would you feel a comment about beginners is aimed at you?
My emotional state is boredom. I'm waiting for my food to be done cooking. So yeah. Apparently I can crush an old mans ego while cooking my chicken simultaneously.
Are you the old couple and infinity dude? Glad you're back m8.
>feigning indifference after posting
Nta but you seriously should just stop posting.
You all should. Hug and kiss each other, preferably in another room.
my chicken will be done very soon. Don't worry. I'll stop posting.
An appeal to seriority on an anonymous image board about painting toy soldiers? I mean seriously. There are a some fragile people here right now.
You only looked at the picture?
No he just says part of the team because geedubs doesn't want individuals taking credit for their product, he made all of those by himself
How about everyone can just agree that it's down to personal taste if you want to highlight all your Termagants or give that Kroot the rack of BBQ Ribs or just speedrun your way through infantry
20 units are just one big unit made of 20 individual parts. I give them the same care as I would a centerpiece. My skill has nothing to do with the argument.
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>won't post models

Damn a shitter giving painting advice?
I'm shocked
aaand we're down to /40kg/ level, nice
This is a matter of mindset, not skill.
It's just weekend posters shitting up the thread. They'll be back to school tomorrow and we can go back to posting minis
>my stupid shit post i typed out about how much I hate mold lines torpedoed the thread.
Mama was right. I do have retard fingers. They ruin everything.
Claiming that only beginners view individual units as art pieces is wrong and dumb. No one's ego was crushed, you just used an appeal to seniority to strike down an argument. That's what your argument is called, I didn't make it up to sound smart. No go eat your chicken, give your fingers and mouth something to do.
The DSPIAE 3.0 seem to actually be cheaper or same price as the Tamiya nippers you recommend
I didn't give any form of painting advice, what are you on about?
>retarded egoposting
>I'm ruining the thread

Calm down anon, you're taking this way too seriously and tanking the thread.
I would still get both. Tamiyas for all the rough work, and DSPIAE (which are a lot more fragile) for those nice, clean, exact cuts.
We're just having some lively discussion. It keeps the thread alive while we wait for someone to post wip.
you are. leave forever.
Do you often blame others for your own acts?
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As far as I'm concerned this is all just kind of silly.
I'm absolutely going to paint all the highlights and extra details I can onto everything I do from Hive Tyrant to Termagant even down to the nails on the Fleshborer guns but I can't really begrudge anyone else for understandably not doing that for all of however many infantry they own.
I'm just browsing the thread to chat about painting and look at models, you guys have been going on long enough.
I've been here every day for like a year, but only some days is someone a twat.
This is chatting about painting.
>how dare you ask someone to post their work in /wip/

Enjoy my last (You) larper.
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>After you've done a couple of hundred models just getting shit from your backlog done is reward enough.
So, basically, you consoomed too hard, and now you do slop paintjobs to try and catch up? Quit trying to drag the rest of us down to your level.
just in case
That's not the argument though. According to this guy, that must mean you're a beginner.
No this is bickering about perceived slights. Some anons like to go for quality on all pieces, others favour speed. There's nothing to argue about.
No, he said that every beginner starts with that ideal.
Again that's not the argument.
Implying that's something you lose with experience, to which I replied that I have experience and didn't lose it.
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ok nobody was particularly interested when I was posting this is a wip but I finished this guy. At least it's a mini instead of arguing, right
>I have experience and didn't lose it.
Ok, good for you. Is this worth derailing the thread over?
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I sure do love miniature painting.
Nicely done, the base is especially lovely.
Not really a fan of the staff and arm being the same color, but wel executed anon.
I'm the argue anon and also the one who responded to your last post. Is the basing new or did I miss it? It's very nice. If I had to criticize it, I think the carapace of the bug could use a little more highlighting, it seems a bit flat.
Are single pigment paints a gimmick?
Decided to go back and spruce up the Tyrant Guard after I did my Hive Tyrant, it was simple but minor stuff for the most part but I really liked how the Spineshield came out so I figured I’d share it.
The amount of shit posted here today is unbelievable
Took me an entire evening so I'm glad you like it
Fair, maybe I'll glaze a thinned contrast over the staff to differentiate it? What color do you think would work here?
Last post was without the base, so you didn't miss it. Again, good point about the bug, I sprayed most of the highlights with an airbrush to try and be smooth about it but maybe some starker edge highlights is what this needs.
I'll go back tomorrow and try applying you and the other anons feedback
Part of me would want to say something that pops like magenta, but that's not ideal. I think you can go a long way just using a slightly different shade to make both more distinct.
Looks minty. I like it.
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>should I make the blade a sci-fi matte black thing except for the edge, or all steel?
I'm going to try and finish up the yellow fabric bits later on tonight which should be the last major thing I'm missing.
Post her panties again anon.
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I think you have enough black on the mini already, I'd go with steel myself. Looks great by the way, the hair and face are fantastic and the background really tops it off. One thing you could do is maybe some more blending on her legs to smooth it all out a bit.
Not really, they've got a particular purpose (letting you know exactly what you're getting for colour mixing) and they do it well. The purpose won't be relevant to everyone, but it's definitely not just a gimmick
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i think that's it for tonight.
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I waited so long just to get this garbage...
wait are you the one that posted another dwarf a couple months ago? Or was it the same even, I can't remember
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you can all paint however you want bebes, you're all valid
Looks great, dude.
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Sergeant stripe came out great.

Can anyone give me some tips for shading/highlighting? I like the way his armor looks so clean now and I feel like when I shade I get more detail but it makes the armor look messy. Do I need to shade and then base coat again?
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that could definitively be me.
i'm very fond of angry beardy midgets
try to wash only the recess of the armor, no need to do the entire mini.
Yeah there are 2 ways to go about it, either you just slap the wash over the entire miniature and then apply your basecoat over flatter areas where the wash didn't settle. Or you can just be precise and paint the wash directly into recesses. Supposedely the first way is faster in the end.
I don't know what level you are or what you're aiming for but for highlighting you can always just highlight the edges that you can reach with the side of your brush. Those will be very neat and will actually add to the clean look that you have.
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Make it red.
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Building a gang of inquisitorial style nonsense with some options for space weirdos and maybe some inq28 type stuff, not sure what else to make, probably a few normal Guard bodies for rifle options
Okay, I have an idea. I'll get back to you.
Look into marine juice from last thread. It is THE easiest way to shade marines. Panel lining and oil washes are also good options.
Don't fall for the "wash and restore basecoat" meme, it won't be as smooth as the original base coat.
Make that the thread before last.
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I saw some video of someone using a coke can, cutting it carefully to make an oldschool type of banner. Looks fun and cans are easy to get, but are there better options? Or any advice to doing a nice quality banner? That one would intend to freehand ontop of
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How do you guys paint your black? Trying to stylize mine but christ almighty it is much harder than white
I watched that video too.
I tried it, my attempt failed (due to my only paints being speedpaint.) but I could see the potential.
Probably would want to spray it with something to make the edges less of a cutting hazard.
like a varnish after? I think thats a good idea regardless, but hopefully it dulls the edges a bit too.
Do sand the edges - also probably sand the surface while it's still big and easy to handle.
You'll want to prime it with a real paint, and not acrylics.
No clue. But I know how had a cut can can slice up skin.
Less is more. You made too big of a value jump, your current highlight should be half as bright, and your dot highlights should only be as light as the current mid edge highlights.
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depends of what i'm trying to achieve
if it's "get that army on the table now" it's grey blue highlight (tron deathwatch; fun times)
if it's for my 30k dark angels; a zenithal of dark grey blue will do (i don't highlight 30k minis much)
if it's 30k iron hands; it's really painful and the reason why i stopped the project instantly
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and of course the pic i chose is badly highlighted and 30k dark angel.
These men were not fun to paint, turns out 5 dudes a base makes painting very cramped and getting the brush in on some spots very problematic. Either way they're done enough. I may go back and touch them up I may not.
What's the best way to find a paint or mix a paint that matches specific colour tones a model gets when a wash affects it?
Sorry about the odd question. I feel like it is just a guessing game at this point, but I am wondering if there is a way.
I applied a wash over my model but I want to keep the colours on specific parts the same post-wash colour tone but paint away the tide marks and pooling I didn't notice.
Huh I never had such an issue. Painted everything with an 00 brush. But I do appreciate that you bother to paint metal barrel bands and such on the guns
I've done this. Perfectly fine to paint on with some spray prime. My issue was that it looked unnaturally flat. I tried pushing some folds into it and it didn't really work out. I think some greenstuff cut into a rectangle and left to semi cure and then folded a bit and then let fully cure would be better, but I have yet to actually do that myself
Maybe I should flatten some greenstuff and attach it to the front of the can-banner shape with a few drops of CA glue for extra strength? The back would look smooth but maybe the front would look more natural?
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plasticard ? i made titan banners out of them, pretty sure you can shape them with some heat
My speedy version of shading/highlighting marine and armored troops is: Prime black, use a large makeup brush to drybrush a darker shade of armor color all over, then drybrush main armor color all over using downward strokes and making an attempt to miss the deepest parts. Then use black panel liner (not nuln oil but panel liner used by anrmor modelers) applied with a small brush to bring back out lines where needed. Then manual application of highlights on edges and points with a certain light source direction in mind (this means not just tracing every hard edge, but actually thinking about how light should fall). Apply up to taste, up to white in the points gives a very shiny look, dialing back mutes it so highlight to taste.
I'm by no means a competition winning pro painter, but my technique is quicker than you'd think and better than 90% of people in a random game store.
nice, though it'd be best if you could paint then bend, but I guess the heat would ruin the paint if you did that first
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I usually paint guard/skaven but I painted this recently and I was told that it looks like shit and I just wanna know if its that bad? I know there arent alot of highlights I am just not sure how to highlight non-organic things.
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Maybe I'm just senile, but I finally bought an airbrush a few months ago. I wanted to keep up with the times. I've ended up barely using it. I played around with it for like a week but since then I've only used it for priming when weather was rainy. For things like applying fast basic shading to loads of troops I've found big drybrushes to be preferable. The asspaint of setting up the airbrush, getting my mask, and then cleaning the brush after to ensure it won't clog seems so much more work than just dry brushing. Am I pretarded?
It looks above average to what I see IRL, but below what painters on the internet consider basic.

The red bits to me should really pop. No wash on those cloth bit but manual highlighting from a deep rust red up to bright points of highlights.
The chest shield thing is really streaky. Needs more layers to even it out.
For my taste black armor shouldn't actually be black for the midtone, but a "German grey" with true black only in the recesses, and lighter tones (mix in some blue) in the edges.
To me it looks like you used some kind of black contrast paint which doesn't really give the depth of doing blacks with shades of blue and then even up to white (for pinpoint highlights).
Your mini isn't in any way laughable bad or anything, simply it isn't eye catching,
it is absolutely priceless when it come to vehicules and large flat surfaces overall
It is alright for high table top standard though? I am just a busy student who wants nice game pieces and not slop.
IRL tabletop standard, yeah it's fine. Completely unnotable one way or the other.
There's a lot to improve, internet painters tend to have a higher standard, but IRL most people slap a few shades of contrast paints on minis and call it a day
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You got a little red on the skull shoulder pad and a little white on the front collar. Beyond cleaning it up it looks very nice.
What was your gold recipe? Did you just prime gold and fill in the blue or prime blue and fill on the gold?
I love the subtle shading on the carapace but I agree with the other guy that the staff and arm being the same shade is odd.
I love the skin on the squig but the dynamite seems too close to the skin tone to make it pop. I'll do orange hued skin on mine with dark red dynamite.

I finally finished the first of my kommandos after three nights of working on it.
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Here's the back.
Excellent squib, love the orange spots on his skin.
Nice boy, really like the light magenta on his elbows and knuckles. Skin tone is very lovely. My bomb squig is going to be vibrant blue.
>What was your gold recipe? Did you just prime gold and fill in the blue or prime blue and fill on the gold?
Retributor primer with reikland shade
>that mold line remover
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Is this look like Reikland fleshshade yet?
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check em boys
things lookin p gud I think
Can somebody tell me how the dedicated mold line remover is better than just scraping with the back of a hobby knife?
GW's primary target demographic are moms and getting something to more or less safely remove mould lines for little Timmy is gonna sell well.
That and I think UK knife laws. Which probably contributed to GW even making the mould line remover in the first place.
It's literally just a tool for removing excess material from cutting aluminum extrusion, but sold as a plastic scraping tool. It's insane overkill. The back of a hobby knife works identically.

t.somebody who snagged an aluminum scraping tool from a shop as a hobby tool .
The good guy company doesn't want their underaged goys getting hurt by the evill sharp knife
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Orktober Day 6. I'm glad I've kept the streak going but I'm starting to run out of assembled and partially painted models, I'm definitely going to have to assemble some Trukks in the near future.
That's honestly a fair reason, despite the price tag associated with it.
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We do cyberpunk glowing hot edge.
Mix and try out on some sprue?
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Guys, pls help ;_;
Wasn't there an anon that painted some amazing banners for his nurgle daemons? Did he have a tutorial for them?
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Hehe, if you combine them you can make like a full lighting setup.

Hard to gauge color from random pics, but I would say probably a tiny bit redder, and a bit darker.
>Hard to gauge color from random pics, but I would say probably a tiny bit redder, and a bit darker.
Should i add more purple to make it a bit redder and darker?
Holy shit how is every single decision you make on this mini and its execution perfect? Do I need to get the inquisition to look into slaanesh corruption or something? The only way you could possibly improve this is by adding a glow effect from the blade on to everything around it.
>GW's primary target demographic are moms

Sauce for this BS?
Target audience obviously is 30+ year old little Timmy. Not his mom. Because he has plenty of disposable income
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That might work. It's just a tiny amount though. saturation seems fine where it is, to get to what I'm roughly approximating by eye to my pot of reikland flesh, it was -10 degrees hue, and -15% brightness. So a tiny bit of dark purple might work. I would also say that I think your wash looks a little thick in comparison to GW washes.
Left hand is a bit wiggly but it’s staying on now; unfortunately a drop onto carpet was enough to snap the other scything talon and at some point it probably is more worth it to just get a new one, but I do really love this guy and I’m glad that he’s close To being complete.
Even if he drives me completely nuts.
It's mostly luck, and copying the super aesthetic black/yellow color scheme. And skin anon helped a lot.
If I hear the word plasticard one more time I'm going to go crazy.
What's wrong with it? Seems like a fine word.
It's a piece of plastic!!!
A piece of plastic...shaped like a card!
It's definitely not quite the same as a space marine model.
But you're free to call it a plastic sheet, or whatever you feel like. I'm sure people will know what you mean.
How do you get parts to snap off like that? Doesn't happen to me, and I play fucking Deldar.
It's cardstock, made from plastic
>the staff and arm being the same shade is odd
In my defense sylvaneth bodies and weapons are both supposed to be spirits or someshit. They have the same color in most box arts, that's probably why it didn't occur to me to try and differentiate it. It's a fair point though, I'll try working on it a bit when I get back from work today
I'm going to repeat myself and tell you that you could keep the theme and make them distinct by changing the shade. You can have the weapon be recognisable while still having a ghostly effect.
>I love the skin on the squig but the dynamite seems too close to the skin tone to make it pop. I'll do orange hued skin on mine with dark red dynamite.

yeah that's my main gripe with it too, I tried texturing the sticks to separate it but it doesn't work that well. I'll try again with a more purple-ish red hue
You're just copying the box art?
>3D print model I want to paint
>print is whole but has some fuck ups on the surface
>don't have time to print another one today
>decide to just test out my paint scheme on the fucked up one before I print another
>actually really like how the paint job is turning out
>have to force myself to stop painting since at this point it's just wasted effort on a model I'm going to dispose of later
Extremely specific and unusual feeling.
You paint for fun anon, why stop? It's all practice.
I totally get this. I still try and finish the first model as a learning experience, but it can be hard not to get bogged down, and then that burn-out carries over into when you get to the good version of the model which can be a problem for sure.
Adam knows the truth...
True but I have so much other stuff to paint that I want to.
I am on the way to my local Warhammer store
Quick! White or black primer to use with my Army Painter 2.0 (tm) speedpaints?
Pink primer
Isn't Wraithbone primer recommended for contrasts? I would think it's the same for speedpaints.
water based acrylic is the future
paint doesn't need to kill you to be good
Are you trying to kill him?
Nobody could survive that.
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I don't think they have that bro
>Mr.Finishing Surfacer
Both. Do zenithals. And don't buy GW stuff.
But i'm 35 years old and stil alive
>Sauce for this BS?
Right here. Target Demographic was not the right wording. But the biggest customer base was or might still be moms.
It might have been that way in the early days and especially in the UK, but that is certainly not the main audience elsewhere.
And your source is?
It was revealed to me in a dream
Cool, I'm glad for you anon. Painting the guys themselves isn't the problem, it's trying to maneuver a brush around 5 minis on one base without the minis getting in the way of the brush that's the problem. I've seen that a lot of 10mm painters paint their guys separately and then glue them down and base them, I've glued these down and based them first.
If you don't realize that the main audience is upper-middleclass teenage boys spending mommy's money, idk what to tell you dawg. This is a franchise for children, we're just living in it
Did the guy bring up any actual statistics though? I think all I remember him saying is that's what they're aiming for without mentioning how much exactly of the consumerbase is actually like that
I admit I'm rarely in an actual gw store, but all I see there is university students (20-25) and "dad"-types who might have been "little Timmy" back in the day themselves.
In the lfgs I usually visit I have never seen a mom buy Warhammer, and the main audience that buys gw and other wargaming miniature are adult men.
Those teenage boys exist here too. They buy trading cards and anime stuff.

Might be different in other towns, and maybe those teenage boys go to the GW Stores whenever I'm not there (or buy online exclusively), but in my experience the main buyers/whales are 30+ adult men
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Update on my inquisitorial agents. Got the basic guys finished. Honestly a bit of a rush job on the painting, but they're just backline units and i need to finish them before the weekend so i've giving myself some leeway. Pretty happy with them overall. Now the two servitors and they're done.
Common sense. If kids would be the main audience, they would flood the stores to play, wouldn't they?
It's also worth noting that he left GW in 2016, right after Tom Kirby finally left and just at the dawn of the apparent re-orientation of priorities under Rountree
Nah, the middle class kids play on their dining room tables or in a basement after school rather than in store. That was always the case for me and my friends.
Playing in store is for people without friends and playspace at home
No, the point is that they buy some form of starter package with a paint kit, get bored and drop the hobby. Those people are GW's biggest income. Those couple nerds that keep at it, are not the majority of their income.
Very doubtful, because then dominion and skaventide too would have actually sold fast.
Assuming teenage boys give a fuck about fantasy/AOS when 40k is right there with guns and shit. Fantasy is there for the kids to call gay while they buy more space marines
without any actual, reliable data it's utterly pointless to speculate, why bother? It's also not exactly wip related
Because we're basing this off an ex-employee, which is better than pure speculation. We have no reason to not believe his claims.
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What do you think about Harder & Stinkbeck™, /wip/?
Behead YouTubers and screencap posters.
I own one and I like it, but you need to fuck off.
Why does GW put way more effort into AOS minis than the 40k shit then?
They make good stuff. Ultra 2024 is probably the best starter airbrush out there. A bit pricey, though.
Faggot shilltubers need to fuck off. You need to fuck off.
That's probably the best idea to start with, I'll give it a shot later
I'm not particularly creative so I often fall back to safe schemes, yes. It's more enjoyable for me to focus on the technical part of painting, I don't think there's anything wrong with that? I was just explaining why it didn't occur to me to do that, I'm not claiming it looks better this way or anything
it also makes sense, if you look at gw decisions, dumbing down the hobby and the rules, making everything easier and simpler, tools for kids, and models that don't even need glue to assemble
I have Evolution and it's a good airbrush. You can fuck right off with your shittuber slop, though
Also I forgot, Harder and Steenbeck was bought by Iwata some time ago. So, you might just save more bucks and buy Iwata anyway.
You do you. The creative aspect is very important to me. Recreating the box art is pointless to me, as it already exists.
or save even more and get a gsi, some ppl say they are made in the same factory as iwatas
Except they don't. They abandoned the dedicated "easy to build" sets already. New models have more pieces than ever. Instead of having legs, torso, and head for your average human mini you have several pieces for legs, sometimes more than 3 pieces for an arm and weapon and several details to be glued on.
There are exceptions, but in general the average mini gw sells is more complicated than their older stuff.
Fucking shills
I'm hoping it doesnt so I can get a deal later just like the dominion box, picked that up for $120 including tax after a couple years being out.
>makes retarded fucking shitpost
>gets btfo like a retard he is
>reee shills
Please go back to /v/ or some other board full of drama-addicted retards.
the starter boxes are the one smarketed for newcomers and those are still push fit (also heroes gachas, collectible issues and boxes with paints), those then get chopped up for the mainline boxes
Behead Squadmar viewers
Because they can do what they want with AoS while 40k is an obligation 9/10 times
Good luck buying a 40k Starter Box mid season. If those boxes where indeed their important bestsellers, they would keep them available until the very last day.
And yes, they sell in huge numbers, but once sold out, they are usually gone and that made to order run like with indomitus was certainly not aimed at mom's or kids (because they would never learn about it in advance).
They go to a store to buy a box of minis. And guess what box is usually not in the store?
Why is it an obligation if the biggest target audience is kids or their parents who know next to nothing about the old fluff and could not care less about the correct shape of a mark 3 helmet or mark 10 gorget?
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I mean it's not like I'm trying to replicate it 1:1, I try to avoid going full GW style. I do try different schemes like with these kroxigor that I think turned out pretty nicely. I did have to strip some minis a couple times because what looked good in my head was awful on actual models though so I'm not super confident in my color choices. I can appreciate your approach though even if you don't agree with mine
What a fool you are, posting updates on your minis in the hobby marketing and psychology general.
They look pretty good to me. Post the servitors when they're ready.
One more for the little house of horrors
yeah what the fuck is with this thread, we don't get so much bullshit usually
Yeah, fair enough. I always test my schemes digitally in photoshop. I think confidence can be gained.
That's a good idea, how do you go about that? Take a picture of assembled mini and put colors over it?
I can relate to that, my backlog is there because I buy faster than I paint usually, I may have to go several months without holding a brush, then the stars align and I put out a hundred models in a month (obviously not all at display level), so I'd rather spend a few bucks now and have the box sit there than having to deal with scalpers that sell now OOP shit at triple the price. That said, we paint for fun mostly, so don't feel it's a job you have to do. Being regular is one thing, thinking you have to check in on time is another. You're having fun painting that and are sorry to stop, don't stop. It's better than not painting.
Take picture load into photoshop, make a copy of the bg layer to preserve the original in case of mistakes, color in the picture with a separate layer for each color, set these layer's blending mode to "color", magic wand a color, switch to the picture layer and bright/darken that part of the picture. Without the last step, everything will have the same value. That's about it. You can highlight and such if you want a more precise test, but that takes more time.

If you want to be quick about it, you can skip all this and just make a simplistic drawing with the desired colors.
I like his metal chicken feet. Where are they from? I have some ugly robot dudes in need of new shoes.
Good shit, anon, I'm going to steal that idea.
Nta but I find myself on the same boat, I think normal delaque are lacking something, but I wanted to get a box to kitbash some necron cultists as one of the factions for a skirmish campaign.
Gellarpox infected, they are part of the stock model
Nice fren, and i just had the same exact issue with army painter white primer, graininess. Im not the most knowledgeable so i googled it, what I came up with was adjusting spray distance, more time shaking the can, and to heat up the can to room temp (i just place the shaker in my shirt/belt for a bit to warm it, might sound dumb but it worked)
Getting "Destro Finance Director" vibes. Absolutely love it!
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Nowhere near done but i FINALLY after maybe 8 coats got a consistent yellow coming up from black primer (only primer i had) without adding texture
>model quality was pretty good for a russian recast, dude cost like 10$ new on sprue
>doing it the hardest way possible because that's the most straightforward way
>it works
Based Imperial Fists lol.
Nah it doesn't look like 10 coats so you did good I guess, you could totally have undercoated with wraithbone or something though and saved yourself a few coats.
it looks pretty smooth all things considered, did you just apply the yellow multiple times or go through something like browns and/or mustard yellows?
captcha: ASS4
NTA but undercoating yellow with averland sunset doesn't appeal to me, if the brightest yellow has opacity problems it will take on the orange tone of the averland below it. Put yellow over a lighter color and it will be saturated yellow no matter how transparent it is.
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Im not going lighter im gonna take it a lot darker, heres a completed Intercessor/veteran I did
Thanks frens, i literally just thinned down a pot of averland airbrush until i could paint straight from the pot, and would just do a layer and wait, do layer and wait etc. what really screws me up is when i accidentally get black/metal over the finished yellow and have to start layering all over again lol
I live in germany and H&S is cheaper than iwata here
I live right next to you. But not all itt are blessed like so, hence my recommendation.
Most of my Tyranid Warriors were in such disrepair they needed replacement parts outright, but I don’t have the money to afford buying them. So instead I used apoxy to try and repair them, and the majority of that time was spent on making replacement scything talons using one of them as a template. This guy in particular had a lot of other pieces that were broken though, like his tail and gun arms, and also had a hoof melted into the base. I managed to get around his eyes being melted by painting in new eyes on top of a differently colored base and then letting the yellow shade them to match the rest of the Tyranids, but the rest of his model’s problems I can’t really bypass like that.
They probably told him to skimp because if you are first starting out you are likely to ruin the brushes anyway. So just get some army painter cheapos, learn how to take care of them, then invest in something more permanent
Is this a fat finger fat ass problem or something
Right, so it's resin of questionable quality?
Not op but ive worked with non gw plastics a few times, they can be a bit more fragile, but i dont see why you couldnt glue it back together carefully and just sand down the glue point
Any tips on hiding / fixing minor print lines on resin miniatures? Maybe using a very thin layer of milliput then sanding it smooth?
Yeah a big mistake on my part. I often forget what this board is. Cheers


Thanks, they're pretty versatile kits for kitbashing, these only required a little bit of greenstuff to raise the heads but other than that a pretty painless process
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Slapped some paint this weekend, figuring out color placements to translate my scheme lots of work still to go
I don't recommend sanding 3d printing resin. Milliput can be thinned down to a wash, one or two applications of that will help with print lines.
Depending on your primer you wouldn't be able to tell anyway desu unless it's really bad.
It’s clay, and to be fair this stuff is pretty great clay for ordinary putty use, but it probably wasn’t intended to be used like this.
I'm going to be airbrushing a kinda zenithal as in I'll be spraying a basecoat and then a shadow from below and a highlight from above. Is doing a zenithal prime in this case worth it or is it overkill
If you're already doing it after, it seems like a pointless extra step to me.
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Oh my goodness, I love these little leaves I bought! I know it's silly, but they add a lot of life to the basing.
Man I wanna get some little leaves so badly.
yeah they're pretty cool, I added those to the spiterider I posted earlier and it really helps the forest feel
His channel didn't become an issue until Warhammer plus was about to be released, which is in a different division of the company, so he was told he had to shut it down before it came out inorder not to violate the Non-compete.
Want some advice for grey hair. I tried doing it as pure black and then drybrushin white, but it ended up rather dusty, and while it does fit grey hair, I'd like it to be more vibrant, as the rest of the model is like that. Do I just repaint in white/grey and add a pure black glaze for recess shading?
They look cool, you could have gone for a brighter red tho
I haven't painted grey hair yet but I think like going pure black is too much, a medium-dark grey should be enough, I think? If you want more vibrancy you could mix a touch of blue into your shadows
you'll probably want a really light grey, highlighted almost with white, and shaded areas to be maybe like a 50:50 grey at the darkest.
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Posting again even though I have no new progress
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I'm calling it done.
I kinda regret selling my oop metal catachans and cadians. Always makes me happy to see some. I do not regret quitting 40k though.
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I've been putting the metal catachans in modern guard vehicles too.
Excited to get around to making them into one of those bombard artillery teams
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Here's the main WIP right now
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in my defense i was drunk as fuck
I decided to go back and try and improve my Hive Tyrant’s Bonesword as well, since it’s always been one of my favorite parts of him but has been the most difficult one to get right.
I’m trying something new that I learned while painting the scything talons on the Tyranid Warriors to try and achieve a nicer looking gradient effect; here’s what it looks like so far. Anyone have advice on how to improve it?
I like the texture because it makes it look more like rapidly grown chitin to me so that will probably stay for the most part.
Hey if you're happy with them that's great. I only like the old oop metal guardsmen and old kits, I really strongly dislike the new guard stuff. My time in the guard was back in 3-4e. I tried to get back into it in 8 but just can't anymore. If it works for you keep it up.
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Ok so I darkened the staff a bit and added some highlights to the bug. Took a picture with better lighting too, I didn't realize how bad it was in yesterdays for some reason. Is this better? Didn't want to go too hard on the staff right off the bat because I feel it will stop blending with the skin but start blending with the bug instead
I think you've done a great job, fuck the nitpickers. My advise is to paint for yourself. It's a lot easier to know when to stop when you are happy with something than trying to paint for someone else's eye or taste.
All the anons were nice though. I chose to try and apply their advice on my own, no worries.
Nicely done anon, it may also be the lighting but it looks much better.
No one pointed a gun at him m8.
New thread:

Nice. Did you mix speed- and traditional paints?
always wetsand resin with a mask on

you are not going to get silicosis from it but it costs nothing to not have that shit in your lungs anyways

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