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Where are the companions?!?!
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gil is more powerful than pca
pca is sexier than gil
BMA destroys them both.
with his penis
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straightest cyoa author?
I am no scientist. I cannot figure that out!
So they're all gay?
Yes, most authors here have varied stages of gayness. Tok is the gayest one.
When is ultimate god coming out? I must kill all these mortals.
After you go take a shower.
>never ever
It's terrible having a lot of cool ideas for CYOAs and not being able to make them all.
Ideas like what?
loli picker
power picker
hag picker
would you rather x or y
choose your ball worshiper
None. All have gay/troon shit in their cyoas. You can't name a single author who has 100% straight cyoas.
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I have a concept of a CYOA inspired by Magic the Gathering and League of Legends where you are one of few to awaken to a rare innate ability anyone can access if they could awaken like yourself.

Due to the innate ability you are hunted by multiple vying powers that wish to use it for their own reasons, while you are traveling to uncover the reason why you awakened the power and confronting the enemies of the previous holders of your ability.
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>I have a concept of a CYOA inspired by Magic the Gathering and League of Lege...
>I have a concept of a CYOA inspired by Pillow the Slumbering and League of Narcoleptics
Tokhaar Gol already did M:tG and LoL cyoas
Low quality posting.

I don't care about Tok or what he does in his life.
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Waifu picker, but all choices are builds from be the girl cyoas.
He already made your idea, but better.
Tok has still not made a single good cyoa
>what is Dragonfall
>what is Nemesis
>what is Overpowered Isekai
>what is Warden
>what is World of Warcraft
>what is Princess
>what is
>what is Warden
post it
They're all generic, boring, and of mediocre quality at best.
Tok having another melty.
>Magic: the Floppening
>"better" than the shit I took yesterday, let alone a new, actual CYOA
Tok never mentioning Magic is funny as fuck. And rather it was posted he goes back to Dragonfall.
Just lol tok
Post the Lord of the Mysteries CYOA
Post Dragonfall.
It's almost as bad as his attempt at a superhero CYOA. That was so bad reddit of all places panned it.
You now remember how Tok hyped up MtG against Shitalics Magi Case. Claiming he would have a better magic system and Shifalics stuff would be forgotten if it ever released.

Tok got offly quiet since both CYOAs dropped and Magi Case turning into a success.
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A few short ones
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>read a book during the last month
oh fuck oh shit
do webnovels count?
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What counts as a book?
Traditionally: A book refers to a written work which is distributed physically.
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It counts if its mostly text. A webtoon would be stretching it, but it's not too late to fetch your copy of the hungry hungry catterpillar.

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Dragonfall and Princess were successes yeah.
It is porn
He said good
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Successes are good tsundere anon!
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Fucked the last post. Certified Retard here, make way.
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And that's all for now. Thinking of making a new CYOA soon, if you guys have ideas of themes, let me know, might get inspired.
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d6)

I believe in the heart of the dice!
I guess I'm only taking Probability
why would you pick a jobber jump like that and then kill your own kind
wrong thread lmao
Hey, I'm here for the CYOA?
no, this is my home, i'm only over there as a part time thing, you don't need to be jealous
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don't be like that babe, the sex didn't mean anything, when it comes to emotions i'm all yours
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Yeah it would be one of the most dangerous worlds available.
I'm thinking about ehat kind of rewards con be worth the trouble
Why are you flooding this place with reddit cyoas multiple threads in a row?
I TOLD you to post Dragonfall but you prefer redditslop.
So tok is flooding this place as punishment. Checks out
Isn't Dragonfall 'redditslop'? All its versions are on reddit, and Tok frequently talks about how much they love it there.
Well a bit of spoilers 2 ideas I have are that:
All the "humans" from this world are naturally just ubermench and highly adaptable able to survive all kinds of enhancements much easier
The other is that the remains of the monsters living here retain capabilities of the mosters they came from if worked in the correct way.
The companions would be a shapeshifting creature and the chief of a tribe
Yes, tok is peak reddit
>successful author is reposted on reddit
>this make him reddit somehow
lmao what a retard take
Yes. Dragonfall is in Reddit's Top 15 CYOAs of all time AND it's in the Top 5 if you ignore pill shit and 1 pagers like a million dollars or br a tranny cat girl.
Tokhaar Gol never reposted his cyoas in r*ddit.
Lmao, lying for Tok is sad
Because a certain author turned this place into redit
oh no anon! seems like you are getting sent to the grimdark totally medieval kingdom of rapeland where everything sucks! however the Evil God of Evil felt a slight twinge of pity for you and will give you one of the following things:
1. you become 10x stronger, faster, and endurer than peak human performance but your pp falls off and no you can't regain or replacing it (you still have your balls btw)

2. you transform into strange snail-man hybrid and can retreat into shell that is like modern luxury apartment where the electricity and water still works

3. you get a chest full of gold coins worth 1 million money (which makes you the richest man after King Shitsmear himself) downside is that it's a chest full of gold and is heavy as fuck and people can still steal it

4. you get a knight in rotten armour that smells bad all the time and will attempt to rape you atleast once a day but he will fight to the death to defend you and your honour
1 or 3.
I don't care for my weiner, so being the mightiest is cool, but having the funds to change the kingdom is also interesting.
Third option. I cosplay as a pirate and hide the treasure in the ground, then take 100 coins with me (which is worth 800 quadrillion money due to purchasing power and other economy shit), buy myself a house, buy myself some satanic literature and become a master mage so I can find the CYOA author and rape and kill him.
>4. you get a knight in rotten armour that smells bad all the time and will attempt to rape you atleast once a day but he will fight to the death to defend you and your honour
Grim-sama will protect me by slaying everyone in his path.
Oh no, anon...
You'll be robbed and killed before you buy jack shit.
Won't happen because this is grimdark rapeverse, meaning I can bribe a fat ugly bastard into raping anyone trying to rob me. After that, I'll bribe the local guards into raping people for me, and then I'll bribe gods into raping King Shitsmear.
>I can bribe a fat ugly bastard
>the fat ugly bastard rapes you to death and takes all your money
Then I'll have to rape him myself.
You simply have to make it advantageous to side with you. Instead of taking 100 gold coins, take like 1 or 2. Offer them to the ugly bastard to get him to rape someone, if he instead says he'll rape you tell him that he can either accept the job, get 2 gold coins, get to rape someone, AND get a source that will give him more gold coins in the future to rape more people, OR he can just rape you and only get 2 gold coins instead of the dozens down the line. The math says he should accept the deal to maximize both raping and profit.
>thinks he can convince anyone that he can withhold information under rape torture
>Nah, this is perfectly fine. It's a background that'll mostly be covered up by options, I assume. So it doesn't need to be perfect.
That's what I was thinking, but I'm not sure of it.

>Horror cyoa?
That depends on your perspective, kek.

>Kind of jarring, but not horrible, I guess.
I agree. I've tried messing with blur to deal with the edges but it's been no help.

>Weird that the resolution is so low, but the file is 5.33 MB.
Yeah, I had to stretch the initial pic somewhat. It's not too useful.

>Try to find something else for the background.
I'll do some digging. It's tricky but I want to do something besides a solid black or gray background.
Where is my catofagotto and his boyfriend?
Italics doesn't use furry men or gays in his CYOAs. Unironically
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Did he actually do anything wrong or was all the hate just an overreaction?
Is this 'successful author who doesnt post on reddit' in the room with us now?
As with most things italics posts about magi case, the more he talks about it the worse he gets. Hunde is basically irredeemably a piece of shit.
>Italics posting cope
No one cares about your shityoa.
>piece of shit
Hunde haa never actually harmed anyone though. He got married, got divorced, moved somewhere else, and started a new life for himself where he became successful and remarried.

When you look at it. He never personally wronged anyone
Things that never happened, for 100, Alex
>Ex-wife is insane and toxic
>Her daughter is also toxic
>Nooooo you just can't leave her.
Spotted the domestic abuse enabler.
Italics keep shooting down the more benign interpretations, so mild distaste slowly morphed into overt antipathy.
All because of Italics can't shut up and MUST defend his husbando.
>instant samefag italicsdefenders
>Man hunde is shit
>No you don't understand he was ALWAYS a deadbeat dad so that makes it ok right?
That fucking back and forth was so funny.
how come no one picked the snail-man hybrid
Dognigga is italics way to cope with his own father leaving so he has to rationalize how he's not bad.
>Ex-wife is insane and toxic
>Her daughter is also toxic
So this is the finished version of the CYOA?
Post benign interpretations or you are making shit up?
>daughter is toxic
Since his new daughter is on the cusp of womanhood or older, Hunde wasn't there during her formative years. You can't pretend she was toxic at, like, three years old.
Probably since apo hasn't worked on anything since tentacle realms or whatever the fuck it was. They're abandoning all their good wip it seems.
He just give more context to avoid operating on bad data (see monstergirls)
>anons: having fun
>italics: actually its supposed to fucking suck
Every time.
He needs to stop doing this since it does nothing but make his setting worse.
>Neve4 happened
Kasai is literally insane what in the fuck are you talking about? She thinks Hunde is coming back to her even after 20 years. She COUPED an entire family wealth, power and influence using her daughter while banishing her brother-in-law to a shit position in life. She rejected getting remarried to the detriment of her family. She hates Ford and blames him for everything while going "Trust the plan. Two more weeks."
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>Isn't Dragonfall 'redditslop'?
No it is 4Chankino, posted it here and nowhere else

I would say number one, Dragonfall is just that good that even a reddit retard can recognize it

>Lmao, lying for Tok is sad
I put lolis in my CYOAs just to make them harder to steal for reddit, I fucking hate reddit, so why the fuck would I put Dragonfall on their shit website? pic realted
>Makes the setting worse
Italics putting Gooners and Retards in their place is based especially as Anons peddled their MGE fantasies.

Meanwhile, Italics confirmed OstaneCHADS get Homunculi cunny and whatever else we want to make
>Kasai is the most devoted wife you could possibly think of
>describes how much she loves him and their daughter even after he became a dead beat
He really never deserved her in the first place. It should have been me.
>pick knight
>have knight rob anon
>now a quintillionaire AND I have someone that can defend my money
my genius... it's almost frightening
>Tok here
Makes sense why there is so much anti-Italics and Magi Case posting.
>OstaneCHADS get Homunculi cunny and whatever else we want to make
>the cunny in question
You lost as well.
Starting to buy into the 'Tok is Italics' biggest fan' theory.
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She's a controlling evil bitch. At least his new wife seems like a huge upgrade and looks nice.
You are correct my friend. Italics loves to suck the balls of this character in specific for some reason.
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I liked Magi Case enough to make a image build for it, I think the CYOA could use some improvements but overall I don't hate the CYOA and aside from Niggtalics being a furfag I don't hate him either
>She's a controlling evil bitch.
>new wife
>We havent seen them
You're either italics retroactively changing stuff now which is hilarious, or you're making things up, which is also hilarious.
>the hunde defender is italics
Nah. Italics confirmed normal Homunculi are RE tier BOWs to be practical. But we can custom make them like the guy in one of the case questa who was illegally selling them or like that one companion who is a confirmed Homunculus Mage.
Your are so fucking stupid. You made a character a turbo asshole yet want to gaslight everyone into believing otherwise. Of course, being the retard that you are. Your explanations just showed that he was even more of an asshole. So what now? Changing the story in a last pathetic attempt to salvage it? Holy fuck, you are sad.
Monstergirlchads also won since you can make them as well so both sides of the coin won.
>A-At least his new w-
Irrelevant until Magi Case Redux.
>italics still samefags about monstergirlshit to make it seem that people care about his cyoa
Every. Time.
Hunde is Italics selfinsert
>one of the following things
Your genius is frightening indeed.
His cope for Hunde is so pathetic and just shows he knows nothing about what being a good husband and father is like. Which makes sense if we consider what italics is like irl.
>We haven't seen them
What? Iyalics talked about her in a bunch of archive posts. Hunde profile even mentions his wife being good and since their daughter moved out super horny for him.
>Italics wasn't GODkuna but COGji
It's all so clear to me.
We haven't got hardly anything on her or a picture. Until now assuming its italics.
when jjk cyoa? i want to see Tok make a build about being a little girl just to get eaten by sukuna
I wanna ask: where is the "adventure" in these "CYOA" diagram things? They seem like the beginnings of a CYOA-formatted adventure, but the adventure never happens. Stuff like Fighting Fantasy or Deathtrap Dungeon. Is this some sort of extremely watered down form of it where people just fantasize about what powers or abilities they have? I'm curious
Never understood why people take Italics clarifying stuff as a personal attack. That said fuck Hunde
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Italics posted pictures of her as far back as 2021 and talked about her being horny for his doggy.
They're flowery writing prompts, yes.
He only does it when someone does something he doesn't like. I.e. engage with the cyoa.
If it's not in the CYOA I don't care.
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Bitch please I would drop kick Sykkuno to the moon, just like I fucked up all the Sons in Entropist
You one allotted post for the day has been reached, flesh slave. Back to the mines for your master sovereign.
So is Hunde Italics fursona then?
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You are not the boss of me!
Well if the thing you're trying to do WOULD work then obviously there's no need for clarification.
>t. shitalics himself on damage control
Please stop engaging him, you're only turning him on.
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enough of this tokalics diarrhea, post me some sloppa!
CYOA: Monsters are evil assholes that murder Humans on instinct. The smart ones kneel to mages only because they are strong.
Italics: If you aren't careful, there is a chance for them to murder you since they are evil assholes and only kneel because they fear the strong for now.
Anons: What the fuck. Stop ruining our fun.
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>and talked about her being horny for his doggy.
>he also seems to hate being around her
At this point i'm convinced hunde is just a closet gay. Explains why not matter how devoted his wife(s) are he doesn't want anything to do with them or the kids, and how he loves ford.
>Italics is an overworked glowie that abandoned his wife and child.
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I only come to /tg/ for niche things like CYOAs and other non-board-game content, so those are the coolest dice I've ever seen. It's impressive that those are actually just mid/standard like you said
Can you link me to the coolest dice you've ever seen? Pic unrelated
>abandoned his wife and child
Checks out with what we know of italics.
Nah, but honestly, tok. One of your worst retard moment recently is thinking your flesh dancer has any opportunity because the fake bessing gave x2 in speed buff of physical empowerment. Which is dumb once you start calculating how much stronger is a single death lord with 1 soul worth of power.

Use any other build but flesh dancer is unironically a jobber
>t. italics last desperate cope
Hunde profile says his wife is horny and to avoid sex he sleeps at his office AND she married a dog man. She might not be like a normal woman and into freaky shit. Like that 4pm babe meme.
Nah hundes deadbeatism definitely stems from his closeted gay tendencies. The best explanation is often the simplest one.
He doesn't have to have sex with his wife if he doesn't want to. He runs an entire intelligence agency while tardwrangling a Mage God.
Sorry, but your self insert is gay, italics.
Did you forget about something? Flesh Dancer isn't alone, the entire League of Tok is backing her up and a Death Lord is like an ant to the mightiest of Toks, pic realted
>tardwrangling a Mage God.
You mean his work husband.
>Admits Flesh dancer is a jobber
>Has to use meta to save the jobber
>Dies to my meta build that is above fiction and reality and renders all toks powerless jobbers
>the entire noncano-ACK
>Everyone shitposting about Hunde
You know it's fake because no one is talking about the NTR companion or Ford 's relationship with his wife.
can anybody explain to me why tok made a cyoa with every single one of his builds banding together into a league like a capeshit movie
>work husband
Work husband implies both of them work. Ford founder is sus as fuck though. He saw Hunde and then went out of his way to buy him against Hunde's will.
Totally against it! I promise!!
tok is working toward surprising you with his last move
I mean him and his wife tried to get a powerful member of the clan to stop it until it was found out their founder sold him.
I'm sure all the robo dickings hunde's received from his real husband have been 'against his will' too. It all adds up.
>Hunde hates both his wives and children
>fords wife is extremely jealous of fords male friends
>Hunde hates his wives and children.
Please stop posting without your trip so I can go back to those halcyon days where I don't have to be exposed to you.
you sound like the horse that says "Juan"
Ford's wife is a batshit yandere that thinks about murdering everyone in her Clan to have him to herself.
What in the fuck is the point of the Malivent Clan?
big tits
For you to raise them to greatness.
No its just straight canon.
He doesn't deserve her. Italics greatest sin is giving her to the gay dog.
biggest tits in magi case?
If a CYOA can be described as having canon, it's automatically shit.
Nah my monster wives are the good ones.
? Wait are they?
One of the most flavorful clans for sure.
To my mind, they are the Jesse Pinkman of clans. A new clan, kinda pathetic drug peddlers, nobody respects them.
Ford's wife is the one who got dismembered.
You lost, italics. Just stop.
I read ford as hunde since that was the conversation. Fords wife is just jealous of hunde getting more ford dick than her.
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I buffed the four base powers and the extrival section, how do they look? One of my main goals in this UG update is to buff and properly balance all the powers, as well as remove arbitrary restrictions on ultima.
Ford has two jealous wives. The evil one and the criminal one.
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>how come no one picked the snail-man hybrid
They fear the wrath of Snail Lord, the supreme gastropod! :)

(One of the companions from the Wild West cyoa)
Realistically no one is going to not be fluent in Extrival, you may as well make it free
2. Snail time.
Why shouldn't i make everything free, in that case?
Why do people act like Italics care about Magi Case when he's been PUSHing for Lamentation 2 and more HMoFA content.
I can't tell what is different.
>italics is pushing good content for monsterchads instead of trying to keep them down in a different cyoa
idk, i am asking
you are at a cookie shop and can afford 1 cookie

1. chocolate chip cookie

2. Parmesan Cookie

3. Italic Cookie (made of 100% italic meat)
secret rape cookie? I'll allow it but what would describe the taste as
Kemomo wives are nots Monsters and too based to be caught in your faggotry.
Nah kemonos are monsters and are perfectly within my faggotry. I'm the most based poster after all.
No one can.
Kemono aren't monsters
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Because people aren't going to take everything regardless?
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victory and the cries of lesser "people"
Ok but what does it taste like.
your best memory with syrup and a pat from mom
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>Puts lolis not because he likes lolis nor because wants to give anons who likes lolis something
>Instead is because site bad
Inferior author
Except it is not false you contrarianfag. Cope and get over it.
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I can do both, I did not have to put Lolis in Dragonfall because it's not a lewd CYOA, I did it because I like lolis
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>mini-section of a CYOA is kino.
Why did Italics do it?
>tfw the DLC is better than the main piece
Autism done right.
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Yeah. Comrade DLC has some great power choices and makes all races viable. None are completely broken.
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How do human women compete?
For me, it's Salamanders, Wendigos, and Llamhigyns.
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>How do human women compete?
By not looking like absolute walking garbage
My brother...
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Remove the Llamhigyn. I like the Salamanders because lizard/dragon girls are always best and probably have soft bellies and skin that you can touch.

Wendigos are great because they are cute lamb girls and I'm pretty sure Italics ripped part of the Wendigo race from Kindred/Lamb from League of Legends.

The Llamhigyn (and Imps) don't look like they belong in Lamentations setting because everyone else is very Japanese-like for races.
T. Tok
it doesnt have to be tok, just anyone that isnt that level of furryism, like me. If you ask the whole poblation, the majority will tell you normal women are much much better than whatever that is. I am telling you this someone that also finds gross feitshes of Tok like those disgusting close ups images of women that looked ugly af
Lamentations was a mistake.
>Remove the Llamhigyn
No. Frog women are a must. Also, I just now reverse image searched the llamhigyn picture and realized italics managed to blend his coloring of the porn bits so well I never noticed until I just looked up the original image, which shows the nips and coochie. Bravo.
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I would take a human woman any day over THAT, pic realted

Rent free
>being able to accurately tell when you're posting
>rent free
No you're just obvious in your retardation and bad takes.
>Lamentations was a mistake

It's over.
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Noooo this is a fetish aieeeee Help HUMAN WOMEN AIEEEEE
It led the furries out of the basement.
JRPG Traitor...sisters...
I really need to do my lamentations build at some point.
CYOAG (and Humanity in general) has always been furry. You just pretended not to notice. Hell, 3 of the most successful billion dollar entertainment media franchises prominently features furry characters.

Humanity just likes their anthropomorphic talking animal people.
Bumping this question
>The ugliest possible picture of midna
Why did italics do this?
didn't he have a limited amount of pictures to use for races?
Retards can't tell the difference between example images and what one would actually look like in-universe.
It's not ugly, it's on-model.
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This is what they would look like, pic realted
Shut up Italics, no one cares. It looks bad.
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Wrong image
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this is how all his CYOAs are. There is typically one really solid section that is set up by good landscape or object art and is almost completely tangential to the rest of the work
I am not Italics, I am an actual Midna enjoyer, unlike you, poseur.
Example images ARE what it looks like in universe???????
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and by good writing, I should say. If Italics CYOAs were less long on the exposition and packed in more choices they would be among the top 5. The skill is obviously there, it's just turned to the wrong ends in my view
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Silence faggot.
Yes??? The point of an example picture is to give me an example of what they look like?? What are you not understanding????
Oh okay, that makes it not ugly anymo-
Heeeyyy, wait a minute...
Were posters just bored? What in the hell happened?
Italics tried his best but he was unable to come up with good arguments.
Come up with good arguments for what?
For why he used ugly artwork for the races.
Why is tok such a bad author?
Why is aro such a bad author?
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They're the same
Tok is Swedish.

Aro is a woman.

And both posters didn't stutter.
how did you know it was me
She stopped caring. Now she only comes to drop her 1 image slop and shitpost.
Hard to choose between Stalker and Swampy Manor

>Waifu (male)
>Bro (Big sis)

Rolled 15, 6, 1, 4 = 26 (4d16)

Rolling for you know what, don't mind me.
tok isn't even worthy of molestation
That's too far. Don't say that.
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Gooner Groomer Goddesses
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>Remove the Llamhigyn
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Would Ruler of Fate and Legendary Bookworm let you use a Guild Creation scroll repeatedly through guaranteeing that the scroll is not consumed when used?
Still waiting for that anon to release his overlord oc.
Which anon?
I dont think he ever gave his name, but he was unsure if he would ever release it.
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I assume he meant something like this.
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A criminally underrated waifupicker btw.
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>>94170462 intro, list of cans to pick
>>94170466 cans 1..10
>>94170470 cans 11..20
>>94170473 cans 21..30
>>94170475 cans 31..40
>>94170482 cans 41..50
>>94170484 cans 51..58
>>94170488 cans 59..60 and final note
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Rolled 54, 14, 53, 46, 53, 44, 53, 60, 49, 58 = 484 (10d60)

I'm not an amurrican so I don't know most of these.
Then picking from the limited selection would be lame, so I roll.
>Roll Mode
4d60, with extras in case of repeats. I will select 1 for waifu (and will probably take all 4's powers).
The intro doesn't say whether I get the portal with the power or with the waifu. I assume you get the portal in all cases then.

A&W Cream Soda
Pibb Xtra
Orange Fanta

I take all 4 powers. I take 53 Pibb Xtra's Sodador for waifu. I will stay on IRL Earth, so I can most easily experiment with 53's powers because the different sodas are most easily accessible.
Benefactor: Quincy, Somebody (100)

Benefactor's Power Level: Above Average

Nature of Power: Potential (40)

Appearance: Unchanged
Int: Unchanged
Cha: Improved (-5)
SP III (-30)
Longevity I (-10)
Durability II (-20)

Quincy Powers:
Spirit Weapon I (-10)
Blut II (-20)
Kirchenlied II (-30)
Shadow (-10)

Fashionable (-5)

Scenario: Beginnings

Not too knowledgeable about the setting. Anyone want to tell me what my chances are or what options will be open to me? Any tall mommies?
>Nature of Power: Potential (40)
Awakening (in case you decided your predecessor had the same powers as you) is strictly better than Potential. It also gives 40 points, but gives you all your powers immediately, whereas with Potential you need "time and effort" to get the powers. I think the author just messed up there.

>Benefactor: Quincy
I haven't read/seen much Bleach, but I know the outline, and if you're a Quincy then the most powerful character in the setting will fuck you over. The other 3 options are probably safer.
You won't be going toe-to-toe with the big name combat monsters (barring further power ups during the adventure), but you'll do okay against most of the named characters.

A lot will depend on (your) early choices, though. At the Beginning, the Quincies are more or less scattered around the world, with limited communication between them. Other than your benefactor's immediate family, any other Quincies you run into will probably just assume (you) are from a distant branch of their extended family, one that they haven't spoken to in a few centuries.

(You) might get pulled into fights with some of the local Hollows (proto-Arrancar), as (you) aren't a mundane and would smell extra tasty. But (you) probably have enough power to win a fight, barring some freak encounter with one of the major characters.

Whether (you) make friends or enemies of the Soul Reapers or Fullbringers will depend a lot on (your) actions, and who they are.

The big catch with the Quincy is that about two years after (you) arrive, (you) are going to get drafted into the Quincy Emperor's army, for his war against the Soul Reapers (and ultimately the Soul King - basically God). Turning Yhwach (the Quincy Emperor) down is grounds for immediate execution, and the "invitation" will be delivered at a time and place where (you) can't quietly slip away.

(Welcome to the army, soldier!)

One question - what did (you) pick for a Schrift? It's a unique power Quincies get free in the cyoa.
>I haven't read/seen much Bleach, but I know the outline, and if you're a Quincy
Just target YWACH as your benefactor
Hey anon, thanks for the info. Doesn't sound too bad.
>join army
>make friends with people who knew my benefactor

ngl anon. I couldn't be bothered going to the power generator.

Oh I'm sure I could power game the shit out of this. But it's just not in me anon.
>The other 3 options are probably safer.
There is nothing safe about Hueco Mundo, even for a top-tier arrancar. The only person who could relax there (in the Hollow afterlife) was Coyote Stark . . .and that's only because he had a permanent insta-kill field that immediately nuked anyone* who got within a couple hundred feet.

(*excluding Lillynet Gingerbuck, whom he he made from a piece of his own soul to deal with the crippling loneliness.)
>Just target YWACH as your benefactor
>the prophecy still resurrects him at the time anyway
>anon loses points
>anon's power can be "taken back" now

Genius move, what could possibly go wrong?
Your Benefactor: Shinigami, Nobody, War Factor, Awakening (Shinigami)
Yourself: Attractive, Smart, Charismatic, Spiritual Pressure III, Longevity III, Durability 0
Shikai: Colt Pixie Physiology (I'm a fairy horse)
Perks: Hogyoku
Drawbacks: Danger Magnet
Time: Beginnings
I really do not get the 'nature of your power bit', why does taking the same option as your benefactor GIVE you points?
Regardless I have a Hogyoku and the potential plus intelligence needed to use it properly so I should be fine.
>Longevity III

Do you even need it with Hogyoku?
Maybe? I might not have the strength to live forever without it. It surely can't hurt at the very least.
>why does taking the same option as your benefactor GIVE you points?
(You) are more compatible than some random guy off the street, and thus the transfer works better than expected. Maybe a little too well.

(In the anime, an injured Soul Reaper named Rukia Kuchki tried to transfer some of her powers to the protagonist as an emergency measure. However the transfer triggered his own latent Soul Reaper abilities, and he accidentally drained her dry.)
>>Longevity III
>Do you even need it with Hogyoku?
Considering the Hogyoku is a dangerously experimental artifact, and the only complete one known to exist drove its user mad with power? A little immortality couldn't hurt.
:) You're going to change the whole plot of the series. :)

The entire first arc was a convoluted plot by the first major villain to get both incomplete Hogyokus into his greedy little hands. Why bother with all the conspiracies, murders, and frame-ups when (you) - a rookie Soul Reaper -are right there with a complete Hogyoku?
Midna is ontologically perfect and therefore yes, the picture being on model definitionally means it is beautiful.
>war factor
>charisma unchanged
>spiritual pressure II
>longevity III
>durability II
>fullbring (https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Omnilock), the object it binds to is my room key
The other 4 rolls were:
of which Chakram Manipulation is meh and the other 3 are bad, so it was an easy choice

>awakened fullbring
>bringer step ii
>perk (family ties)
>drawback (form lock)

As a Nobody who can run away at lightspeed with Bringer Step II and make myself invulnerable with my Fullbring, I'll avoid all fights forever.

The Form Lock drawback looks like the author messed up: you get a new slightly unruly ability, but as long as you never use the ability you just get 10 extra points.
Niasu builderu
Also thanks for including the link. Has enabled me to roll, >>94170852, >>94170635

Pretty neat. Could be useful with a lot of my chosen abilities. Thematically would have gone really well with Vollstandig
The ever useful power of friendship.
I'm sure it would have gone really well with Technology if I had chosen it.

Probably going to have to go with the power of friendship and hope that the connections I make through my benefactor pay off.
Meh, I can take him.
damn this is one of the worst threads I've seen in a long time
As written you get form locked even if you don't try to use the ability.
of cyoag or tg in general?
My reading is that you only enter that form when using the ability, but when doing so there's often a chance you get stuck against your will, because the
>, but you often get stuck in that form against your will
part comes directly after describing you using that ability. So that seems like the more literal reading to me, even if it makes it silly to give you points for picking it.
I agree it was probably intended as you describe (the getting stuck is unrelated to the ability to switch forms), so I'll interpret it that way and remove it. Also, Healing seems almost redundant with Durability II -> Durability III, so I'm switching them.

>war factor
>charisma unchanged
>spiritual pressure I
>longevity III
>durability III
>fullbring (https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Omnilock), the object it binds to is my room key
>awakened fullbring
>bringer step ii
>perk (family ties)
Go do other things then. Why are you here?
I have no other things to do
and I enjoy annoying you ;)
This is what they wanted, all those retards that will whine again if a popular cyoa appears because they won't be able to talk about how Tok is bad and uhh... why aro and italics too? got what they want. They wanted shit and got shit, next time some genuine conversation appears and people start ignoring their shit they will start whining again.
>I have no other things to do
That's just sad.
you were supposed acknowledge the bottom text you big meanie :(
she has low standards, it makes her not care about quality and lets her just gigachad mode dump complete garbage into her work and feel okay with that

that implies she was ever good
shut up gil
silence woman
Why can't a lot of Anons understand. Just because you are the strongest (especially in 1v1), doesn't mean you cannot lose especially when you are jumped by an army of people.
Anons literally cannot imagine a situation that is not an arena 1v1 which is why you can't listen to the retards here when talking about balance.
Never ever.

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