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Give praise to Blake
There is nothing wrong with being a meanie poo.
So, Liam dies at Courchevel fighting against the Cats and this Drac bondsman dude become the Star member?
Gabagool online.
Manson lamps online.
Pool cue online.
All systems allegorical.
Why would anyone play a game where you main as Smoke Jaguars? The Smoke Jags lost to the Kuritas, a literal NPC faction that only exists to get jobbed by white Lyran and Davion men. They can't carry a game on their own. There's nothing heroic and no protagonist energy about the whole faction.
Probably because they don't want the players to win or feel good about what they do. The clans are chuds and you should feel bad for wanting them.
Mr Regan I know the last years of your life and the recent resurrection were disorienting but the battletech lore has changed a lot since you last followed it.
>the screaming lunatics descended from a brain-damaged megalomaniac are... le bad guys?
>The clans are chuds
Why do you think I'm buying the game? It's about time I get representation in Battletech media.
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I killed some dracs yesterday. Will kill some more today and the next day. No Wolcott for you this time.
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I can only hope that pgi remembered the wisdom of Lincoln Osis when making the story.
So no Day-1 patch?
I vaguely remember some in-depth talk some months back about Zellbrigen and how to work within the system to get the upper hand (might have been NEA?), does anyone possibly have screen caps of that or a link to an archived post?
iirc it's just about gaming the other force with a clan honor > individual honor argument. You can also do cheesy shit like keeping an enemy in targeting range with one mech while he's in a 1-on-1 duel with one of your allies, waiting to fire the moment their duel is over.

is it really that bad? been trying to navigate the steam reviews but the defense force is in full swing
>is it really that bad?
Seems like it's only works with DX 12.1
The Panther PNT-10K2 seems like the best of the
true panthers, but is a 4/6/4 that can't take a gauss or CERPPC anywhere still viable in 3074? Is the Panther still the Combine's main mech post jihad?
If you're approaching it as a purely tactical exercise, the key to zel rules is controlling the duels, ensuring favorable matchups at favorable ranges. However, the Clan incentive structure emphasizes not simply winning, but winning with style, preferring that duels be matched up by weight class, damage level, and even bidding away weapons to even the odds. Essentially, the ideal Clan engagement is decided by piloting and gunnery skill levels plus maneuvering, rather than by setting favorable conditions for the duel. How important this is ultimately ties into the overarching structure of Clan politics. Nicky K won Clan Wolverine's Trial of Refusal by dropping a pair of King Crabs within 3 hexes of McEvedy's pair of heavies, and that was entirely legal by Clan standards, but it was also a shitbag move that directly contributed to the shitshow that followed.
>is it really that bad?
Shader compilation failures are Fatal.
>How important this is ultimately ties into the overarching structure of Clan politics
Yeah it's been long enough since zel was established that it really depends on what clan your talking about and who their opponent is. Its all based on their history and perception of one another.
There's also the nature and stakes of the trial to consider. If two warriors are having a minor trial of grievance because one of them keeps boasting about how he can kick the other's ass, then anything other than a mirror match is going to defeat the entire purpose of it. On the other hand, trials of possession over major strategic resources tend to be Win At All Costs events, and a trial of absorption or annihilation is all but guaranteed to dissolve into a full-scale war. And, of course, there's always the stories about young Clanners taking a Hunchback IIC to their trial of position so that they can nuke the first guy, and to hell with trying to get the Star Commander position.

In the end, you can't really do zellbrigen "right" without getting deep into the RP weeds and establishing a lot of larger-picture context.
>Be fencer
>piss clanner off until he challenges me to a trial
>I choose to fight unaugmented and according to formal fencing rules
>i naturally kick his ass because he doesn't know how to fence
Is this the system working as intended?
No, because you are not a warrior. Ne has the right to beat you senseless for disrespecting him.
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>too much of a pussy to accept a genuine batchall
>against a spheroid lmao
you're getting your head shoved in a toilet after class
That's what Sheliak tried to do with Ghost Bear, and they accepted, so yes but you better hope you win.
>genuine batchall
>from a non-clan non-warrior

Ghost Bear accepted it because it was fucking hilarious. The force of will to keep the shit-eating grin off their faces must have been tremendous.
>Ironically, the consequences of planet’s peaceful conquest still plague it to this day: the famous football game was repeated by friendly matches and historical rematches, with similar results: the warrior caste amateurs repeatedly trashed Sheliak's civilians, even when bolstered by Elemental washouts. However, hooliganism and poor sportmanship are chronic problems
What are clanner football hooligans like?
>I'm s-s-s-cared of the freebirth in a combat sport abloo bloo
I challenge you to a trial of possession for your dignity since you clearly aren't using it
>noooo you have to treat the laborer like your peer
Wolverine paws typed this post.
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>tries to beat a man with a sword senseless
>gets stabbed
Should have just taken the trial.
Does anyone have the MW5: Clans artbook they can share? Loving the game on PS4, only a few missions in but it's actually not bad at all, finally, better than MW5 any day.
they still makin ps4 games? man consoles are fucked, but good for the end user so lmao
Holy Blake teaches that in order to cleanse the sacred robes we must first insert the most noble capsule into the lesser draw, and then conduct the ritual of bleachification whilst pouring the most sacred liquid into the adjoining compartment. Finally one turns the most righteous dial to the "30" symbol and enacts the Holy pressing of the button whilst reciting psalm 40, "by his finger the laundry is done". The mystical machine will then inform you when it is done.
Toast is easy by comparison, simply follow the commandments of "slightly browned and buttery" and you will be fine.
I have never utilized MegaMek in port sharing mode, and I have a busy remainder of the week ahead of me, but far be it from me to utter such a word without the will to back it up. I will be glad to answer your Trial of Grievance at a time of mutual convenience. Perhaps you might even loan the laborer a 'Mech, since you seem so insistent that he deserves the right to enter the Circle of Equals.
Yeah he does look kinda like big pussy
All of you are fucking fags holy shit
> is it really that bad?
I haven’t run into any crashes yet, so it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever played.

But the menus keep glitching out making you have to spam click. Which is annoying.
And the joystick mapping is….lackluster. And rests every time you launch the game. So that’s REALLY annoying.
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my dude
Regarding MW5 Clans
That people are having a hard time running it is absurd. It's running on UE 5, even a 5 year old graphics card should hold up okay to it. What seems to be the case, yet again, is that the devs cannot into optimisation, or fir that matter, finishing the game. It's a very annoying trend with modern game devs, especially when they then rely on the modding community to fix issues they should have sorted before launch. It's still laughable that you cannot actually change your lance formation in Mercs, something that was available back in MW2, and that the AI and mission design are both worse than MW4, despite all the advances in technology. Used to be you purchased a game, it came complete and ready to go, these days only indie devs seem to make the effort.
So has the game implied/stated the sibkin have fucked?
>he doesn't know
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Blake Eleison brother! Gas the Clans!
Explicitly and constantly, also involving instructors as an avenue of fostering further division and competition through jealousy and sexual confusion. Clanners are aliens in human suits.
Wouldn't choosing officers based on how many they can kill instead of how well they can command their unit lead to problems on the field?
Anyway, four c-bills a pound.
yes, but counter point: clanners are retarded grugs hard carried by their tech
I imagine they charged onto the field and challenged the refs to trials of refusal over calls more than once per game.
Silence, freebirth.

Unlike your corrupt officer corps of the great houses, Clan officers are expected--rather, demanded--to lead from the front, where their individual skills may serve both as a direct tactical implement, and as an inspirational tool to their subordinate warriors.
ok, WITHOUT the autism and 20 years of baggage, is having alpha strike as an option worth it? like if I have a friend or two that would politely humor me an unfamiliar game like BT but would suffer with combat math™, or even just a cheeky quick game whenever
also I assume there are no rules to granulize the weapons, given the name
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Was that the one that mentioned positioning maneuvering unengaged mechs to constantly threaten engaged mechs with the possibility of breaking zell? If so, that was me.
If you want a quick game without the granulaty that makes BT BT, then yes, it's an okay game. Individual units but generic damage. It's a bit like CAV, but personally I think CAV is better for this scale, but obviously CAV doesn't have BT units.
But if you're happy with that, it's okay.
Then that officer was a fool and will be replaced by a more worthy one, thus improving the martial capability of the Clan overall.
Fuck off manic
Ask the Malthus bloodhouse what happens when a warrior makes a mistake that dire.
I'll be honest, I'm skipping on MW5 Clans, maybe I'll pick it up later, but I've already picked up Sparking Zero and I've got a couple other games I still need to go through.
I'm gonna be honest, getting thrown in a Lyran drunk tank for attacking a judge during a defamation case isn't really typical for failed clan warriors.
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I finally became no longer a nogaems and played my first game.

I'm really struck by how changes I can't even perceive really change mechs.

Like I new the AC5 was considered a bad gun to build a mech around.

But my Shadowhawk was overall a massive disappointment, shaming me and his lineage with his shittiness and contributing basically nothing.

Meanwhile my Wolverine, which also had an AC5, was a giant chad, doing bold and excellent work.

Is the SRM 6 that good? The LRM 5 that bad? I almost got the feeling it was the jump jets, letting the Wolverine have more options for shit to do.
Pretty sure it wouldn't work. Zell isn't a contract; if you're obviously waiting to violate it at an opportune moment, the Clanners are within rights to conclude you are dezgra and stop giving you the honor of a fair fight.

Lorewise, of course there's a use for a light jumping mech with a sniper weapon. On the tabletop, a sub-1000 BV ERPPC with 2 SRM4s can pad certain lists as fire support or even a light bodyguard for a more serious sniper.
It plays like 10th edition 40k. It plays fine, as like a popcorn game. But it's hard to say it's battletech when every aspect of simulation has been removed to help it play faster.
Wolverine has better mobility from jump jets and has a loadout more focused on short-range combat (with the AC just letting you plink at enemies as you close in), while Shad tries to have a more even split in firepower in short and long range, resulting in it being lackluster at both.
The really good Wolverines are the ones that drop the AC for a large laser, though, making them much better brawlers.
5/8/3 is kind of weird, but the shad is just too schizo. Dropping the srm2 to make it an lrm10 would really help it out.
SHD-2H has a long list of things wrong with it, not least of which is that it's a pain in the ass to use. WVR-6R isn't ideal but at least it's simple.
I think the Shadow Hawks 5/8/3 moveline is leagues more limiting than it looks. A good rule of thumb is "am I getting more of an accuracy penalty than I'm giving my opponent?".

On paper, that 3 jump is for some minor repositioning to get a +2 TMM (+3 if you find some partial cover or terrain). It costs you a +3 AMM, however. Often, you can get a similar TMM by running which impacts your accuracy less. It turns out a lot more situational than it looks.

3 jump is a lot less limiting on slowbois whose walk/run isn't gonna get them the same TMM.

A 5/8/5 on the other hand, with a max jump, is starting at +3 TMM. At worst, your accuracy is impacted as much as your opponent. And with a jump radius of 5 hexes, it's gonna be easier to find partial cover or terrain to swing the pendulum in your favor.

Take the SHD-2H, drop a heatsink and add two jumpjets and you'll see it's vastly improved (though still not good). There are very few 5/8s that I would slap only 3 jumpjets on.
>I assume there are no rules to granulize the weapons, given the name
I may have not been smart

Shadow Hawk is a generalist in a game that's usually defined by roles. If you needed a mech to fight through a variety of enemy types who were all much weaker than a mech, a generalist might work OK, but these situations just don't really exist in typical tabletop scenarios.
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It's two things, I think.
First, shad tries to do a lot of things at once but ends up being shit at all of them. ML and SRM2 pair well enough but that's only a wasps' firepower. The AC5 and LRM end up being like a second long-range wasp. The closest to a 'sweet spot' for all your guns is 6 hexes, but you're still getting a +1 minimum on your LRMs, and a +2 medium on your Laser and SRM.

The other key takeaway is that 2-column on the cluster table that also makes ultra ACs rather unpopular. Most cluster weapons average out to 66-75% shots landed when you roll the average of 7, but the 2 column means only 50%.

You compare that to the wolverine, and the SRM's reliably hitting with 4 shots, and the 3-6 hex window will let you hit your target pretty reliably, only really suffering with the AC.

In tandem with a NARC unit you might be able to make the SHD perform a little better, or you might swap the SRMs for infernos if you are using fire rules, but until you start seeing Rotary ACs or VSPLs, the SHD's not in a power gamers' roster, that's for sure.
>The LRM 5 that bad?
I've seen some math arguing that massed LRM 5s can outperform an equivalent in larger LRM weapons. Can't speak to it personally, but even if it's true it's probably only true for multiple LRM 5s not a single one.

Frankly, anytime I've run a SHD-2H I've just used the LRM for smoke which gave it a great way to contribute with a weapon I find lackluster.
>Most cluster weapons average out to 66-75% shots
A gaffe on my part, but that minimum is lower than even that, at 60%. Regardless, it's still better than 50% damage output.
I can see multiple 5s being better at critseeking, which is an improvement because typically LRMs are neither piercing nor really critseeking.

Cluster2 makes up for it by only requiring an 8 to do full maximum damage. I've heard it said that on average it does a higher % of its maximum damage than other cluster tables.
But the unreliability is just too much, and getting only 1 hit on a 7 just feels bad.
Shad sucks because it’s just got a huge list of issues that combine to make one of the shittiest mechs in the game. Each of its weapons can do 5 damage max, even in a best-case scenario you won’t ever be able to force a PSR from weapons fire since you can only do 19 damage if everything hits and rolls max on the cluster table. All the guns have conflicting range bands, where the LRM and AC5 have a minimum range that starts penalizing them right when the medium laser and SRM start to hit short range. And the jump jets are enough to soak up some important tons, but not enough to really help it do anything much better. It basically sucks at every range and has no gameplan that would let it play to its strengths.

A 55-ton mech that only does 10-15 damage on a VERY good turn just feels like a huge waste.
The multiple chances to hit plus damage is not concentrated into set packs of five, which might mean better crit-seeking. (4 damage from an LRM10 compared to across 2 LRM5s, if you get my meaning)

In terms of heat efficiency it's the same per missile as an LRM10, no savings over 5 racks until you reach 15 tubes. In terms of tonnage, 5 racks weigh 2 tons, while a 10 rack weighs 5 tons, so you pay more weight for what is effectively the same.
A Malthus did take Kai Allard as a PoW, unaugmented, so they have that going for them.
Basically, it manages to be worse and less focused than a Dragon, which is a challenge.

the main problem I ran into with the 3 jumpjet is that it removes something i realize is important for medium mechs - the ability to easily jump behind cover when in a bad situation. That escape button I imagine isn't as required on big mechs
I wonder between the Shad and a Quickdraw, both in their standard forms, which would be the more popular choice. I'd guess quickdraw but only just.
You just won the Kyeinnisan centennial mega-planetary jackpot, and you've naturally decided to set yourself up as the head of a new periphery state. Your accountants figure that after initial investments and a couple years of work you'll have an industrial base that can support six proper mech factories (swappable for one aerospace or battle armor factory or two vehicle / infantry equipment factories each). Assume drop-ships / jump ships are taken care of. What sort of choices are you making to have a viable doctrine with minimal variety?
If I was going to 'fix' the Shad, I'd probably give it an AC/2, invest the 2 gained tons into a medium laser and 2 more jump jets, and turn the SRM/2 into an LRM/5. It ends up gaining mobility and firepower while still keeping a distinct-ish identity. And it isn't just a Wolverine but worse any longer.
People still lean on jump jets on bigger machines, it's just that the weight of jump jets ramps up to a full ton after you start getting into heavies, and 2 tons starting at... either 85 or 90 which makes Victors more viable.

Jump jets are handy for sure but I know some players start to use them as a crutch in the game, then complain that they can't hit anything. On very broken maps jump jets are definitely something you want, but being able to plan movement and positioning to get the most distance out of ground movement (and therefore movement mods) is a skill that should be learned early. It's one of the reasons I liked the 2003 version of the quickstart rules over the ones in the new beginners boxes.
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>*Glides Into your rear arc on partial wings because quad lams are illegal designs*
Light throw LRMs are best for move checking fast movers that usually don't have the armor to ignore a pelting, as well as griefing vees generally. Once alt ammo is in play, they're very good for sharting mines, laying smoke to cover approaches, and occasionally doing fringe stuff like starting fires or fragging infantry. I'd almost always rather have an LRM/5 than an AC/5 or /2 ( the Warrior is one exception ).
How are IS/Clan joint militaries organized in the ilClan era, specifically regarding their available mechs? Like the Rasalhague Dominion is Bears + ‘Hogs, do you ever see a Star of Bears rocking up in an Atlas, or a Lance of ‘Hogs with a Kodiak? Do the clans mostly segregate their military structures from their IS hosts, or is everything kind of co-mingled together? Would you expect to see IS mechs filtering into a front-line galaxy, or do they still compose those of omnis, clan warriors only, and if you want to use the IS mechs you just make an IS lance? Same question for the Ravens too, are they following the same doctrine or is one nation better at integrating their military than the other?

The Quickdraw is absolutely better than the Shad, its no contest, and the Quickdraw isn't even a good mech.

But it at least has 2 medium lasers that are usable instead of one, and an SRM 4 instead of the SRM 2, so its already outdoing the shad in one role. And it can jump enough to properly be evasive in bad terrain, so it beats the shad there too.

And unlike the Shad for whom the introtech other option is the horrid Davion version, the 5A exist which at least slaps the Quickdraw upside the head and tells it to focus and stop fucking around.
Cluster 2 does 50% of its damage 60% of the time, 4 is more likely to do at least 75% damage.

Yeah, I agree jump jets shouldn't be leaned on. But the two extra hexes can often make all the difference in situations where you're trying to get over a hill or a building, which can be, in emergencies, the difference between life and death.
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Six mech factories seems a lot for a new periphery state. Unless you meant six mech LINES.

An aerospace factory is actually very useful here because getting butt-raped by pirates is a major periphery concern.

For mech factories I feel feasibility is better than trying to staple together a doctrine. I'd say pick a rugged heavy mech and build around that.

Two vehicle factories actually lets you skimp out on mech production a bit for certain roles that you don't want to waste on mechs. You can have something fast for scouting, and the other for LRM carriers because fuck you.
so the shad is the worst thing since herpes
can you just, like, take a variant?
20-55 is 0.5 tons
60-75 is 1 ton
80-100 is 2 tons for standard jump jets.
Most of the variants aren't super great.
The QKD has the dubious honor of having more rearward firepower than the Shadman has total, so maybe QKD? I'm not sure that makes up for it being a million C-bills more expensive but it's something
Some of the 5 and 9 series aren't bad, but a lot of variants end up costing more than I'm comfortable spending on an IS medium.
The 5D doesn't look too bad, but I've never used it so idk if it's good
What's crazy, you can give shadowhawk AC20 and still maintain 5/8 speed.
I don't really use it unless it's my Republic era variant with a Light Gauss and some Clan Mediums. I love the mech, but it's unironically the worst 55 ton in the game.
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>jump into rear arc
>roll to hit
>get gangfucked by the enemy team
It's an ac/20, just walk up and shoot from the front.

For introtech, the other option is the SHD-2D which is somehow even worse.

Or the SHD-2K which is just a sad Griffin.

Then in 3049 you finally get the SHD-2D2 which... is basically an awkward Quickdraw that can't jump as good.

Then the Mariks make the 5M which is at least stumbling in the correct direction by getting an LRM20 so I guess thumbs up there.

Then there's the niche Tukayyid SH which... yeah sure, i'd fuck with the 2Ht its pretty funny. But its a Com*/WoB exclusive.

There is also the super-secret Lyran 5S which weirdly just turns the Shad into a modded phoenix hawk so yeah I guess this is good.

Then there's more going on after, but the main issue is that you have to wait until the cusp of the Clan invasion and after to get anything really workable, and they're often obscure faction locked stuff.
What is the worst introtech 3025 mech in each weight class?

Ignoring stuff like the hornet-151 or other downgrades.

I'm saying Wasp-1K, Shadowhawk-2H, RFL-3N, and Zeus-6S.

I know people will keep insisting that the Charger can punch, but id still rank it lower than the Zeus. I'd also rate the Cyclops as worse than the Zeus.
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Here’s a hot take I just thought of:

The Nova/Balckhawk Prime is the Kylo Ren of mechs.

It was built by violent edgelords, Kylo Ren is a violent edgelord,

The Nova has the option to go full tantrum mode and alpha-strike with all 12 ER medium lasers, likely with the pilot screaming “more! MORE!” As he tries to channel more power into the lasers in some attempt to hate is target into oblivion with no care or concern that he’s probably going to flash-fry himself and his mech in the process.

And neither are particularly popular, one because of the aforementioned “most likely to annihilate itself”, and the other being attached to a dismally written and unfocused trilogy that killed a lot of good faith and enthusiasm for a long-lived and beloved franchise.
You probably should've kept this to yourself.
The charger definitely has its role as a cheap fast distraction with good armor. The 4/6 banshee also works well as a big slab of armor that's hard to kill before it starts clobbering. The cyclops actually has more armor than the Zeus on the Torso, where the most important weapons are.
That’s fair.
It's pretty gay to be obsessed over that so many years after that fanfic queer excuse for episode 7 came out.

This is neither a hot nor cold take because its so irrelevant, more of a schizo take.
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in a shad? lol
Absolutely would work, both tabletop and lorewise. On the tabletop, it's yet another headgame to play, particularly if my opponent knows that I've broken zell in the past and that I may not be bluffing. Lorewise, it's directly out of the playbook for Clans with an opportunistic take on zell, which is almost all of them after Tukayyid.
>maneuver aggressively on an engaged enemy but hold fire
>got my opponents to break zell for me when i was already looking for an excuse to do it myself
>if they win, i'll call it a tainted victory and accuse them of dezgra behavior
>if i win, honorable victory against the cheaters that broke zell

That's peak clanning right there and it makes things more interesting on the tabletop. Also, even prior to Tukayyid most Clans preferred a dishonorable victory to an honorable defeat. The fuckers broke bid all the time during the Invasion. Winning honorably is best, but cheating and winning is perfectly acceptable. You'd better win though.

Yeah, I'd generally prefer the Banshee over the Charger since the Charger is too easy to play around if someone knows its coming.

As for Auto-cannon Zeus vs Cyclops I guess it may be just bad luck. The stock zeus has sometimes done good work as a backup to a brawler. The Cyclops has always just ended up dying pathetically trying to make the AC20 work.

Yeah exactly. Even the clans that were more strict about zell only did so because of strategic concerns. Hell, Star Adder traditionally was heavily into Zell because it meant any losses were small and they could slowly and steadily build up their touman, and the other Clans clowned on them for this.
Light: I think many would begrudgingly admit that the Urbanmech UM-R60 probably goes here for being both lightly armored and embarrassingly slow. And since no one’s autistic enough to play a double-blind match, the Urbanmech’s one winning strategy of “set up a surprise ambush and wait” is foiled by players with perfect battlefield intelligence.

Medium: most people seem to agree that the Shadow Hawk SDH-2D goes here due to having a mismatched weapon loadout that really makes it unclear what its battlefield role is supposed to be.

Heavy: this is more a “me” thing that’s limited by having a finite knowledge of the various mech classes, but I want to put the Archer ARC-2R here because the mech’s one job is to provide fire support with its 2 SRM20s, which it can’t reliably do because it can’t fire both launchers without going into the red. And to me that sounds like a serious design flaw. It’d be fine if it couldn’t fire its missiles and it’s lasers at the same time, but that’s not the case.

Assault: ???
Based secondary
Cyclops or that stupid Victor variant with machineguns and flamer, probably Victor
But cluster 2 does 100% of its damage 40% of the time. On average, it's great; the problem is the unreliability.

Episode 7 was unironically better than any of the prequels. 9 was the true travesty which gets to join 2 as the worst Star Wars films ever.
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>formerly dispossessed, get hired into a merc command as a lance leader
>”here are your lance mates, Lt Anon.”

Your lance has a Quickdraw, an Ostsol, a Hermes II and a Trebuchet.

Which mech do you take and which mechs do each of your lancemates get?
>But it's hard to say it's battletech when every aspect of simulation has been removed to help it play faster.
Disingenuous take, every aspect of BT is there, You just don't like not being able to cheese weapon payloads.
I don't know any of these white women
Every 'concept' is there, kind of, but mechanically it's not even in the same league. Not even close.
The 2H lacks punch, but the 2D lacks punch and has the same amount of armor as a locust. The Clint, Assassin, and Cicada all fill the role of badly armored, fat light with not enough guns and too much BV.

That's your fault for shoving a SPAAG into an ground combat role. The Rifleman in mech fights runs too hot, but it's armored enough and has it's uses. The Jagermech-S has a lighter loadout, 6 armor on the all-important arms, and sprinkles ammunition in all three torsos. It's a badly armed, badly armored, bomb. You also have the Dragon and Champion that are bad.

The Flea-14 has 16 points of total armor. The most armored component is the CT with 3. It has one medium laser. A pristine Flea-14 gets it's legs or head totally blown off with a single ML hit.
Commando with the AC/2
Vulcan with the AC/2
Jagermech with the AC2s
Victor 9A
I sense a longtime disdain for AC/2s.

I mean, its a lot of weight for 2 damage.
The both of you are so much gayer than I thought, you actually finished that disney trash trilogy?!
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is that disney jaguar head thing supposed to be canon?
>and that Battletech never got movies.
Funny you should mention that. I'm penning a screenplay for sale right now.

That tracks with the older games, yeah.
>Battletech never got movies.
Gentlemen, BEHOLD
I never liked 7 because it was very clear that it’s just 4 all over again, but with a worse cast of main characters and no reason to exist, particularly because to even set the stage for the not-empire to build Death Star III, you have to undo everything achieved in the OT and spit on the legacy of the original cast. It just stank of cash-grab memberberries shit from the beginning, but I was at least moderately curious if or how they’d salvage it with another 2 films. Turns out there was no plan.
>6 minutes of please-don't-sue-us
Oh sure jannies will delete movie talk for off-topic, but when assholes are talking about different games, having gay sex or posting their assholes, they won't do shit
Yes. The primary population center on Huntress sits below a massive carving of a smoke jaguar build into the side of the mountain. It and the gene repository are like the only two things on the planet that are allowed to be even mildly ostentatious.
Asshole posting is on-topic here.
Yeah, I meant production capabilities to produce at most six distinct mechs. Full factories would probably be way too much.

Themed Idea: Blood Spirit Remnants
Crimson Langur, Blood Kite, Stooping Hawk, Epona Pursuit Tank, Onuris VTOL, Vandal, Elemental III.
After scooping up some old clanner technicians from a defeated clan, we decided to rely on some of the most practical clan tech mechs in existence. All three mechs are easy to maintain, rugged, or both. With epona tanks for speedy elemental delivery with some indirect fire and Onuris VTOLs for scouting and fire support, our forces will be well prepared to deal with most eventualities, although the higher costs of clan tech will mean we'll often be outnumbered. Our periphery state is becoming a magnet for clanners without a home and inner sphere pilots with a taste for Sea Fox goods.
> the poor Nova shouldn't be compared
What? Is the Nova more popular than >>94181410 gives it credit for?
Actually, I have a… well it feels serious question to me:

But between the Vindicator VND-1R and the Griffin GRF-1N, what’s the advantage of taking the Griffin over the vindicator?

- both have a PPC and LRM5
- but the vindicator also has a medium and light laser
- and the Vindicator can fire both the PPC and LRM5 and remain heat neutral
- and the vindicator is 1024 BV, while the Griffin is 1272 BV

Since it seems like both fill the same, or very similar, niche, what does the GRF-1N bring to the table to make it worth considering over the VND-1R?
>t. prequel zoom-zoom

Sure, I'll honor the dragon... is a Clan ER laser honorable enough for you?
the griffin has a lrm 10 and 5/8/5 movement
Griffin is 10 tons heavier and moves faster.
The griffin has more armor and internals, and in ppc range, the tiny lasers might not make any difference at all. It's also faster and can jump farther, but it's your call as to whether that's actually worth extra BV.

>you have to undo everything achieved in the OT and spit on the legacy of the original cast.
So you're saying you never read the EU novels which did all that but worse
If I remember right the bears handle the military end of things. By ilclan I'd be amazed if there was actually a functional distinction in their military, probably some confusing mess of freeborn and trueborn with overlapping command structures that only make sense to them.
EU stuff was always
>pick and choose what you want and ignore the rest
People shit on most of it pretty consistently but you have some stuff pop up, like Thrawn, that got kinda popular.

The trick with the Sequels is that they're mainline installments from the Mouse. All the new stuff coming out revolves around them, and they just kinda suck. They don't feel sincere like the OT and they don't even have the visual flair of the PT. They're cynical and disjointed and at their worst they're below the depths of all the other movies.

The Nova is just badly minmaxed for dueling. It's like the Hunchback IIC but with lasers instead of cannons.
You would probably need a couple Firestarters just to keep the entire stadium from killing each other.
>did the clanners who build mechs in tge shape of animals carve giant monuments to their fursona's
That a rhetorical question?
>an Elemental with a beer hat that's actually two whole kegs just duct taped to his head
>eight Freeborn (just as drunk as he is) are trying to pull him down unsuccessfully
>one of the kegs is smashed flat from an earlier fall
>no one is sure who's rooting for which team. Mid-fight it turns out half the Freeborn are actually confused clan warriors who got lost trying to wrestle someone else
>melee devolves further
Sounds like a fun time.
You're a fucking retard.
Those are command mechs, and that AC20 is more a "oh shit get the fuck back" gun than a offensive weapon.
>you'll never get drunk with the lads and try to pick up elemental women as your pub crawl eventually turns into two trials of grievance and one trial of ownership
What’s the story about clan Wolverine/Minnesota Tribe?
>pick up a elemental woman
Bruh she picks YOU up.
>posting this on the chatterweb
This is how you get a Watch deathsquad sent to you.
No such clan exists. Minnesota Rribe were a group who just kind of showed up in drac space and fucked off.
Wolverine tried not being part of the clan system and got genocided. Survivors made their way to drac space then fucked off.
Too bad i'm into that.
Jesus wept, what a shitshow.
*Smooth Criminal starts playing*
>The Flea-14 has 16 points of total armor
Lmao, these things are hilarious for that reason.
>be doing a monster vs bug battle
>unending waves of bug mechs until a pair of munchkin-y clan assaults get swept over in a tide of carcasses
>flea-14 gets gets clipped by an AC/20
>leg immediately gone, damage transfer rips off the side torso, more damage transfer destroys the entire CT with more damage to spare
Was hilarious to see that shitbox get totally cored. Of all the mechs to die pathetically, that was the funniest.
No, stupid, Twycross.
For being almost 20 years old, and a school project, not bad. Obviously not great either, but the high water mark will forever be the MechCommander intro.
I like the viper.

A lot.
What you running with it?
Thanks for sharing.

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>trial of ownership
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>Preta edition

Honestly after doing a lot of melee combat in my group's campaign, I now think the celestials should have come with vibroblades and not retractable blades.
What makes you say that?
Maybe try to learn some game dev instead of spouting retarded gamer theories because your rig can't run every game with max settings in 4K.

Also kill yourself, namefag.
Clanners out there who have fought IS in an equal BV match, have you ever actually won?
I swear I never seen it happen in my experience.
If you just want to play a game to pass the time, Alpha Strike is "fine", but so is literally any other game, including cee-lo or yahtzee. The only thing it really has in common with Battletech are the models.
Do you want to get married?
Swap out the LRM and the ammo to upgrade the SRM2 into two SRM-4's instead. Done.
Ostsol is mine
Left pilots the Quickdraw, middle the Hermes II, right the Trebuchet
I lost to clanners in a BV balanced match.
Put up an Urbanmech against any two bug 'mechs of it's era and the Urbanmech will pull through. It's absolutely not the worst light 'mech for Introtech by a longshot.

Shadow Hawk Davion model
Crusader's basic model
Banshee's basic model
>Every aspect of BT is there
You can't even fall down bro.
I take it back, the worst assault is Capellan charger with large lasers and 2 mediums.
He's british he was born with a disability go easy on him
>Banshee's basic model
Put a BNC-3E up against a VTR-9A.
Honestly would be fun to field a list of nothing but bug mechs and light tanks. A shitty Irregular Light Cavalry Regiment great at fighting pirates and shit, but when fighting someone with medium and heavy mechs their only hope is to throw the entire regiment at a narrow front and hope to drown the enemy in corpses.
>general consensus that mechs with little armor are the worst
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As a Finn, I fail to see what's gay about this

See, these questions are great because I hadn't even realized that the Victor had an absolutely horrible variant like that. Holy shit, that's bad.
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I'm watching Baradul's first impression of Mechwarrior 5: Clans now. First thoughts are:
1. Everyone talks too much. It's CLOSE to the old feel of mechwarrior 2, but I feel like an editor needed to try and chop every other sentence out.
2. Voice acting is poor to wooden.
3. Ibrahim's faux-gunny sergeant impression isn't very believable.
4. Establishing shots are actually pretty nice and the soundtrack isn't bad. I feel old Homeworld DNA especially as it panned over wind generators.
5. MAN these facial reactions are... not good. Worse than 2014-2016 era games. Only Ibrahim's are decent but half his face has been put together. The later star colonel Wimmer looks fuckass miserable, her lower mouth looks comically stretched. The girl in your point looks like she's trying to talk with a broken jaw.
6. Nasir actually wanting to be a scientist could be interesting for a subplot, but it doesn't exactly FEEL like the Smoke Jags. Makes Jayden's character feel somewhat out of place; but perhaps they want to do that just to drag all of them down (LOL NEVERMIND).
7. The kits all look like they have eyeliner on, it's kind of funny.
8. Graphically it looks like a tighter Mechwarrior 5, but even Baradul's machine is stuttering randomly.
9. The scripted defeat of Jayden Smoke Jaguar is throwaway, and like Baradul says you just have no connection at all because it's so fast and uncontrolled.
10. Leo Showers and SaKhan Sarah Weaver look FUCKING GREAT. Compared to the player characters they look a decade further along and like real people- but they suffer from poor dialogue. Leo was supposed to be a great speaker and charismatic orator, and neither of them are.

I still haven't bought MW:5, probably won't buy this either yet. I'm surprised they're still failing when it comes to story and dialogue.
Maybe play videogames yourself instead of watching some fag play them.
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>Capellans in 3050s use Home Guard formations to mask buildup of new regiments
>do basically the same thing 70 years later and no one catches on

The Republic of the Sphere and the Hasek-Davions deserve everything they got
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The 9Bs managed to win while the As got wiped.
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Showers looks like a potato.
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It's a good time. The two assaults were standing back-to-back in the middle of the map just piling corpses like that battle from the matrix. The turkina finally got knocked over when 5 wasps DFA'ed it simultaneously and then others kicked it to death.
Would a clanner really be bad at fencing? They're physically quicker and stronger thanks to eugenics. They would just need to read up on the rules and maybe run some practice duels before the actual trial.

At that point I guess you'd have to ask if your skill at fencing would be better than their physical prowess.
But I have a secret plan. I am going to shoot the Clanner with a gun.
I chuckled, audibly.
>Clanners out there who have fought IS in an equal BV match, have you ever actually won?
> survives a full clan onslaught
> dunks on IS
> takes off to parts unknown where they’re left alone to live their best lives.

Sounds like Clan Wolverine won.

Unless they’re out there battling some undiscovered alien civilization, then theirs may well be the greatest story never told in all of Battletech!
I hope it stays that way, CGL couldn't tell it without ruining it.
As long as you don't play like a Clanner, it's not hard. Have a decent respect for you opponent and you'll do fine. Clans are used as a crutch by a lot of newer players, so IS players that know what they're doing stand a good chance of winning. But if you aren't retarded, it isn't hard.

Never tried playing with zellbrigen though
Now play the Urbanmech pilot yourself insead of a semi-retarded AI running to generate a shit modifier for itself.
>IE goin full innawoods as they do
>run into some backwater a bajillion miles from home as they do
>locals surprisingly have their shit together, idyllic farming community, limited but respectable production, and even some pretty nice mechs (that haven't been converted into agrimechs of course)
>chat with them about the immediate area, points of interest, how the IS has been
>on hearing about the clans the chief gets really interested
>oblige her
>says she's not surprised they ate themselves alive, but gets a dry laugh out of the star league collapsing a second time
>IE finishes probin and scannin and goes on their merry way, another irrelevant blip on their deep periphery charts, says bye to the little dream land
>odd thing, they had to have been invasion refugees since they knew about the clans, but all their mechs were star league vintage, with an emblem no one recognized
>must've found a cache on there way here
>weeks later a clan spec virus scrambles their records, shifting the planet they found to an unrelated system and corrupting their nav history rendering it once more unfound
and then you never broach the topic again, especially before Young is beheaded for his crimes
Are autocannons supposed to get outclassed by lasers from clans onward?

Even with ultras and RACs they seem to drop off rapidly compared to gauss. Especially the AC 2.
It's neat that they're giving you a reason for Smoke Jag's bombardment of Edo. In the books you have the prison break and then the glassing, and it makes the Jags look like hair trigger retards. In the game they show the clan actually having a hard and thoroughly frustrating time trying to take out the guerilla forces.
Formal fencing has lots of right of way stuff in the scoring system. Unless the clanner really committed to memorizing the rule book and practicing within the system they will get crushed.

Why is everyone here a Finn, a Canadian or from the Midwest.

Do you need to live somewhere frozen to appreciate giant robots?
Supposed to?

Do they?
Kind of I guess. ACs are always going to be lacking compared to energy weapons but taking their heat costs into account might equalize the cost a bit. AC-2s though are always bad even in introtech though.
That also works.
From a logistics standpoint I figure that would always be the case, even more so when double heat sinks became normalized.
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Most people I've talked to agree that the Lyrans are right - bigger mechs are more important generally than pilot levels.

But I'm curious - if you were like a Periphery state who could only really get your hands on lights and mediums, but we presume you have badass pilots, what mechs would you gravitate towards? I figure you'd want a lot of big fun carriers like Hunchbacks.

And a further question would be, could you plug that gap with tanks? what sort of tanks would you be looking for? Manticores n shit?
Like giant robots, the people who appreciate them are cool.
Cold places are where a lot of wargaming happens, long winter months and whatnot.
>what sort of tanks would you be looking for? Manticores n shit?
Depends on the budget. Fusion tanks are probably a little expensive for a periphery state that are already struggling to get one(1) mech. Saladins and Bulldogs are pretty cheap and would put up a decent fight to any invading force or work as antipirates.
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wonder mrm got the same reaction as well
I hated that mission
MRMs and MMLs should both have made clanners angry since they're halfway between two existing weapons. They hate everything else that tries to be one thing and also another thing, why not missiles? It's like if a LAM was a gun, or a pilot also had a civilian job, or a word was made of two other words with an apostrophe in it. Barbaric.
But ATMs exist.
Like most clan hypocrisy, they get around that by saying it's just one missile with different modes and not two missiles put together.
The MML is a poor imitation of an ATM, which they don't seem to have a problem with before it was put to use by the chalcas.
>But I'm curious - if you were like a Periphery state who could only really get your hands on lights and mediums, but we presume you have badass pilots, what mechs would you gravitate towards? I figure you'd want a lot of big fun carriers like Hunchbacks.

Phoenix Hawks. Pirates will have bug mechs and other lights, and you need a bug hunter.
Hunchbacks are fine.
Agreed, but also Enforcers because I like Enforcers.
If that small Periphery state got its hands on something like a Wolverine factory line, it's probably going to win like 90% of the time against pirates, the Wolverine slaps.

> “They say if you’re ever on Earth, head to this London Tavern called “The White Hart” supposedly been around for over a thousand years, anyway, go there, get yourself a pint, and listen to the patrons’ stories. You will hear all kinds of crazy tales from the Inner Sphere and beyond. Now which are true and which are wild yarns I will never know…”
>Agreed, but also Enforcers because I like Enforcers.
Could be good; 10 point shots to the CT rear kill most 20 tonners in a single shot and you're 4/6/4. But I think Griffins would be better if they could possibly get them.
I'm an American living in Ecuador.
Speak for yourself, I live in SoCal.

How it has an AC5

I think its more a thought experiment if you were gimped to just picking mediums, lights and conventionals in a list, what would be the strategy.
I only did the trial of position so far, but I had fun with MW5C. I was not used to mechwarrior games having so many cutscenes.
He should ask Jade Falcons about that.
The only thing I remember from NEA on zell is the post no one likes because it's about how to make winning the game harder on yourself. That's not what people want out of playing Clans.
Serious answer: villain protagonists are cool, and framing Operation Revival as this doomed blitzkrieg masterminded by ill-informed fanatics is accurate. Also, Battletech games have leaned into the morally grey/dark parts of the setting over the years. MW5 has you burning down settlements in some missions and working for the Kuritas after they open fire on protestors, and the HBS game has you accidentally party to a massacre and can also wind up sending you to blow up camps full of POWs. While it's not quite Grimdark, the Jags fit into this theme as protagonists.
>As a Finn, I fail to see what's gay about this

That's because your people have been so thoroughly cucked by the Swedes that your perspectives on gayness are thrown off.

I was going to ask where there are Finns in BT, but I actually know the answer - in the Finnmark, which was part of the RWR and is now in Timbuktu Province of the LyrCom.
If I were building a list myself, I'd see what light/mediums I would have first, then build the conventionals around that to cover their weaknesses. Mostly 4/6s? I'd take some Vedettes or Pegasuses. Got something faster? Use Bulldogs and LRM carriers.
Too slow for the race to Dobrev
>Always enjoyed putting myself in situations in the MW games to prove I was a skilled Mechwarrior
Blood of Kerensky apparently runs deep in my veins. I liked dueling Assaults in my Kit Fox.
What the fuck kind of Annihilator is that?
>How it has an AC5
Just use a large laser variant, it's not even that major of a refit.
Probably just an ANH-1A, the one with 4 AC-10s.
The real question one should be asking is:

“Why the hell did the Draconis Combine design a mech to resemble Godzilla!?”
If any faction would make a mech that looks like Godzilla, it'd be the Combine those weebs.
It looks really weird, it my point; not some comment about the configuration.
So the only upside to using stock AC10 post Clans is special ammo? Is crit ammo the best one?
The Annihilator is a wolf goon exclusive that later got given to the Lyran Commonwealth via good relations with the Kell Hounds. It has nothing to do with the Combine.
Just because it has a giant Wolf's Dragoons logo on it doesn't mean it can't be a Combine Mech.
Sure but at that point you could say that about any faction with salvage changing hands multiple times over the years. Doesn't change the fact the Draconis Combine had nothing to do with the Annihilator's development.
I think precision is generally considered the best one. -2 on TMM is pretty awesome.
AC/2s have their place, typically on large battlefields in the hands of VTOLs or hovertanks. They can plink nonstop and it does add up. AC2s are also useful for getting rid of VTOLs and crippling the movement of ground based vees.
LRMs still do that better. Every mech gets 10 free cooling and vehicles don't need cooling for missiles at all. You can spam plenty of them to make up for the small difference in range.
LRMs don't get precision ammo. If you're always shooting at long range, having your target standing still helps.
If we're not talking about introtech anymore then let me introduce the LB-5X and the Semi-Guided LRM.

Yeah I'd argue the AC5 is actually worse than the AC2 for what you're getting per tonnage.
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If you're going full alpha retard with the prime, you're doing it wrong. The original lacked a torso twist and the prime kept the torso clear of weapons so as not to interfere with hauling Elementals. If you shoot one arm or the other, it runs perfectly cool even while jumping and still puts down the damage roughly equivalent to a pair of LRM20's, which is totally adequate for a fifty tonner. Because the intended armament is mounted on either arm, you can target something in nearly any direction regardless of the lack of a torso twist. Letting her rip with all twelve is for emergencies only. It's not popular today not because it overheats (because, when used properly, it can't), but because it was designed before BV and BV punished the everliving dogshit out of it. It's decent, but not ~2600BV + pilot upgrades decent. You used to see a lot of these 35 years ago. (Along with the Firemoth D, another one that got cornholed into uselesness by the introduction of BV.) Basically, what I'm saying is that the Nova Prime was popular once, but Kylo Ren never was.

The S isn't bad, although that says more about jumping pulseboats than the Nova really. And FWIW a 50-ton 5/8/5 with max armor doesn't suck, but BV on the prime and schizophrenic loadouts on most of the other variants that don't account for the fixed heat sinks ensures that it's not great either.

Yes, but not with zell and with plenty of melee attacks. I'm also generally not using Omnis (besides Kingfishers) so the BV cost is less painful.
I've gotten a surprising amount of work out of Pikes. They're a little expensive for what they are, but they can really fuck over other vehicles. Also the sea fox one with three plasma cannons is hilarious
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Where were you when the Robes outmooked the Panther?


Question - what tanks would be most common among periphery forces? e.g. the MoC is said to grind down enemies with tanks and infantry before sending in its (originally, very lightweight , as discussed here) mech forces.

But what kind of tanks would those be in the late succ war era? The closest I can find is mentioning the Magistracy mainly has "older" models, but that could mean a lot of stuff.
Would the Shadow Hawk 2D be better if you replaced one or both of the SRM2s with more armor?
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>what tanks would be most common among periphery forces?

MoC has a literal Quikcell factory. That's their most common boys. Thankfully, that piece of lovable shit makes Manticores along the usual ICE stuff.
Vedette, Scorpion, Manticores, etc.
Generic star league vehicles + a handful of new things like the aforementioned Pike.
After the Reunification Wars, the periphery was "allowed" to build average star league designs as nominal members, and so those are what they'd be carrying forward into the succession wars.
Wouldn't that just make it the original variant?

Okay then where are the Midwesterners and Canadians?
Hopefully they never made it off earth.
Not him but you still get the bonus ML which is a nice upgrade.

Canadians are in Coventry, along with the New Zealanders, Aussies and South Efricans. Or in the Grey Death legion after they take Glengarry.

No, I don't know why all the Commonwealth countries are with the Germans instead of in the FedSuns. I'm guessing they all went to Skye first, then bailed for Coventry to avoid being Dracced?
>to avoid being Dracced?
The amount of Irish Dracs supports this presumption.

>Could play with an Aussie themed BT unit
>The Coventry Jaegers exist for 6 fucking years, and Coventry never gets Guard regiments.

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A good breakdown, but the only thing that I'd add is that it depends on the Clan, the era, the opponent, the unit, who's watching...basically there is no easy answer. When I'm playing with zell, I discuss it before the game with my opponent, mention what my interpretation is *in this case* and why, and what common situations might cause me to break it. I don't bother with dezgra points or any of that shit if he's trying to get over on me. He might get three warnings, he might get infinite warnings, or he might get no warning - again, it depends on a lot of variables, but I'm always able to explain why afterwards in a lore-friendly way.
>in my defense, i don't recall ever breaking zell on someone that didn't earn it
Proper technique and the muscle memory from many hours of practice are going to trump pure physicality easily. EASILY. In fact physically strong beginners often do worse than regular beginners because they are using the wrong muscles in the wrong way, and this actually reduces their reach and reaction speed. Think of it like this: a body builder with gigantic muscles will have amazing lifting/pushing power, but give him a golf club and have him try to drive a ball and that power is not going to benefit him at all. It's the same with fencing. A weakshit freebirth with even a few weeks of training will style all over a trueborn who has never done it before.
But it begs the question: why wouldn't a warrior have spent time training with classical martial games growing up as part of his education? I don't think it would be safe to assume a Clanner wouldn't be familiar with all kinds of dueling games, including fencing.
In this Trinary, Cordera Perez is a Smoke Jaguar hero! End of discussion!
Not him but clanners tend to nerd out on one kind of historical martial autism. If somebody issued a challenge for fencing, the Galaxy Commander would be like "Mechwarrior George, your time to gain glory for the clan has come." and George would gifttake all over his foil.
It might vary by clan but they most definitely would be familiar with those kinds of games. We all know about the Ghost Bear football team after all.

I was just about to say, with Anon's luck he might just get the one fencing autist in the entire clan as his opponent.
MW5 Clans has been really great. When the game isn't fucking crashing! My computer can handle any new game just fine, but when it comes to a PGI game, all of the sudden these random resets and crashes start popping up. I've seen other people on the Steam forums reporting the same problem. No wonder this game is retailing for $50 with quality like this.
I'm actually fine with the story and want to see where it goes. My trial of position battle was actually pretty cool and intense. The sound effects also pop up in a way they just didn't in MW5:Mercenaries. I thought the weapons sounded fine in Mercs, but in clans, they're just great. I love the way the machine gun sounds.
Yet none of this fucking matters because the game doesn't want to run past the first real mission for me! Fuck. PGI, hire some competent people to make your game.
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>I finally became no longer a nogaems and played my first game.
Congratulations Shinji!
That was my original point. Fencing is sport, not combat. The Ghost Bears accepted the Sheliak bid not because they were compelled to, but because they love football and wanted to see the looks on their faces when a team of Elementals walked off the DropShip kitted to go.

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So who's that blue banner behind Ghost Bear?
I don't think you meant to reply to me bro.
Ice Hellions
Ice Hellion I think? Looks like the corner of their icon.
come on man they're not THAT irrelevant
Left to right, foremost to backmost

Diamond Sharks
Cloud Cobras
Hell's Horses
Goliath Scorpion
Don't know
Ice Hellions
Nova Cats
Don't know who's on the extended flanks
Is the turret on the Pike that important, or is the AC/2 carrier a good replacement?
Aff, I failed my gunnery roll while targeting the post above you.
>blood spirit got blocked out
As expected.

2:15:30 for TOTAL DRAC DEATH
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Galaxy Commander Perez did nothing wrong.
Which one? Between the Scorpions and the Cobras?
Turrets are usually pretty good since it's like torso twisting except you can fully rotate to any direction. It's not always super impactful for long range weapons like AC/2s, but it does allow the vehicle to keep moving while firing if it's not sniping at max range. AC/2 Carriers are 3/5, so shooting at anything that's not straight in their front arc is pretty much out of the question unless they remain almost completely still. The Pike is also a 3/5, but it can rotate the turret 360 degrees in the same turn it fires.

I get they want to have the Nova Cats and Diamond Sharks peeking out, but did they flub in showing Cobras instead of Vipers?
Also odd there being no Raven.
I'll wager that one White banner in the very back right is Raven.

Oh I mean they're all probably there, and it makes sense which 4 they put front and center, its just which ones they choose to tease that is a bit odd.
guy took like 33% of the lecture on framing and foreshadowing then phoned in the rest

Well its just a still frame. Where's part 1 of that livestream, we could check what you actually see.
Eh I'm not too surprised. Snow Raven isn't all that important except for early Clan history with the Not-Named-Clan and then they wouldn't do much until they formed the Raven Alliance. I'm not up to speed on all lore post Dark Age but it seems like they don't do much more there either.
It actually makes me wonder why it was chosen that way in universe, like the ilkhan's own clan isn't even center and the wolves were literally dragged into the invasion. Now top foreshadowing should have had Star Adder in the center between Wolf and Ghost Bear.
Anon, your Hell's Horses are Coyotes.

That's not Hell's Horses in brown and gold, that's Coyote.

Actually, the Hell's Horses one is probably just behind and to the left of the Cobras, because we know they have a Hexagon symbol and you can see the corner.

As for the furthest left one... there's not enough to really guess, but judging the odd patern and the colors, maybe Fire Mandrill? They do have that like flaring sun effect thing on their emblem.
How could you forget about Appalachia like that?
The Scorpion Light Tank. I love that thing. Not because it's good, but because it's crap. It's the jobber of tanks and it does that job well. It tends to draw some enemy fire before it dies though, so even then its still useful in letting your real dudes get closer.
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>they're not THAT irrelevant
Oh shit you're right how did I not see that

Kill them now
Erawise, how long would SLDF Royal mechs be viable to play? Clan Invasion? Civil War? Jihad?
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>QC makes a 200XL WiGE scout/interdictor with heavy ferro and modular weapons
what in the fuck, this is like hi-point releasing the XM8
Jihad is probably where they really start falling off, though in-universe the latest designs are rarely ever in universal supply, so they still have plenty of things to bully around at that point.
I can't find any of the usual complaints about missing or damaged components about it either. Which implies that they could make a quality product, they just don't.
>Quikscell also designed the weapon bays to be modular in design, reducing maintenance time and support requirements while allowing the Nisos to perform extended deployments.
In Quikscelltongue, this says here that it's delivered unassembled and missing significant parts.
>Jihad is probably where they really start falling off
Which is ironically when they became widely available.
It was a cheap trash rifle too. Like literally every other asssalt rifle there ever was.
SLDF royals are basically evergreens. Lots of them are still viable in the ilClan era.
>Like literally every other asssalt rifle there ever was.
ok fudd
>bombard drac world

It's not like he killed actual people.
>cobras front-and-center
>ravens blocked

Feels bad mang

I assume that the Ravens are the white with black all the way at the back right.

I never quite got how "person who actually uses their gun on a regular basis for something useful" is an insult.
I don’t like that all that much to be honest, part of the reason Turtle Bay is compelling from a narrative standpoint is *because* it was so unjustified. And why would other clans bid away their warships following it if it was justified? Would rather it be an outright massacre, regardless if that is uncomfortable for the player.
Agreed. Turtle Bay was supposed to show that the Jags are impatient and Perez got frustrated and decided to kill a few million civilians for no compelling reason.

Hell, the Bears had a lot of trouble with insurgencies and even though their khan was a naval officer they somehow managed to avoid it.
The Wolves would have bid away their warships for anything short of an IS warship fleet showing up for a pitched battle, they were just looking for an excuse to hobble the other crusaders and the jags handed it to them on a silver platter.
Because Elmer Fudd is an incompetent retard. More generally, it's the gun version of "boomer", denoting someone who is stuck in fanatic belief to outdated information, such as "bigger boolit more better" or the supposed value of aftermarket firearms.
Did, did you mentally block out the part where he’s an incompetent hunter who is regularly bested by a rabbit or duck to a hilarious degree?
because of all the retarded baggage that comes with it
e.g. >assault rifle bad
now it occurs to me there's a resident retard who gets off on spamming stupid bait every day, and I might let it slip past because it's not /k/ and I'm guarded against BT bait, so no more freebies
Not just outdated ideas, but nonsensical ones like the external furniture of a rifle making it unsuitable for certain uses or that it's improper for any purpose to fire more than one round per second (or ten seconds, or minute in some very extreme cases). And not even for sportsmanship reasons, they insist that their slow ass pace should also be upheld at ranges where you're just shooting targets for fun. Fudds are delusional.
>per ten seconds
nigger what
a fucking zulu war breech loader can shoot faster than that
And they didn't hit nothin', either! You're sprayin' lead all over the range, sonny, yer liable to shoot someone!
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I don't remember Bob Sapp having a mohawk.
UAC/10 or UAC/20 for an Atlas II?
I've won both sides of the match up. The IS side is easier for a newer player, since you have so much more tonnage on the field, mistakes are less punishing and a 'bumrush into point blank range' strategy is legitimately viable with the right composition. On the Clan side, it's about staying favorable range brackets, IS weapons universally have worse range so abuse that and you'll take a lot less punishment but it takes a bit more finesse with your movement. Otherwise, as other anons have said, fighting without zell of any degree and optimized mechs will make it a lot easier.
i would prefer the 10 since closing with a 3/5 can get tough
ACs were clearly always meant to play third fiddle to energy weapons and missiles.
Are there rules for a BV discount for playing as rigid zell follower? As in, you have to intentionally play half-retarded to be allowed to bring higher BV.
It's a Greenburg's Godzillas body kit.

You typically use Zell + special pilot abilities or use it for a scenario balanced in other ways. "Clans use Zell while IS use forced withdrawal" is good for Invasion era battles and reasonably balanced.
No, because it's mainly about bragging rights.
In order to create the toughtest, meanest and most psychotic shortie possible, generations of scientists worked hard to create a face that is made to be bullied.

Then a bitch came along and made a Steiner-Davion trueborn.
Apparently. I live in the mid south, and the pickings are slim.
You're forgetting that there was an ongoing political conflict within the Clans too, so it really didn't matter whether turning the city into a Venetian suburb was justified as the Wardens wanted to cut back the firepower available to the invasion anyway.
>Hell, the Bears had a lot of trouble with insurgencies and even though their khan was a naval officer they somehow managed to avoid it.
I think we could just fill a book of "retarded things other clans did that the Bears managed to avoid".
Somebody got the Clan Invasion box booklet? Kind of interested in zellbrigen rules and such that I heard are in there
Because nobody and nothing that matters is in Appalachia.
Looks like donkey ass
Gun toting righties getting owned by a pansexual crossdresser is pretty on brand, actually. The left wins again.
It's because in the context of the cutscene the pan to the flags immediately has the logos on the front banners leap off the flags and cuts the suspended logos into a space backdrop that has 4 space fleets that each logo settles over. It's an easy visual shorthand to tell a viewer that "these 4 Clans are the vanguard of the invasion" in 10 seconds. The banner choice isn't a literal depiction of how they'd be hung, it's a visual storytelling device meant to avoid the need to exposition dump.
To be absolutely clear - you jump straight from Shower's speech to the Invasion fleet hurtling towards the first Inner Sphere periphery world and that's where the next act of the game after the prologue starts. It skips all of the backroom dealing and assembling of the Invasion (something like a year or so timeskip) to drop you right into the action, which I feel is an acceptable choice for a video game.
Doesn't expains why Cloud Cobra and Coyote banner stands before Nova Cat
>Urbanmech UM-R60 probably goes here for being both lightly armored
Is there any another introtech light that comes with 6 tons or more of armor?
IIRC Task Force Serpent actually demolishes the carved Jaguar head with explosives as part of the demilitarization of the Smoke Jags at the end of the novel Shadows of War.
I'm pretty sure that's mostly a case of colour theory and colour balancing from the artist for a given cinematic frame rather than a careful consideration of Clan hierarchy.
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Not horrible for an evenings work. From assembly to varnished in 5 hours, so they'll be ready for Saturday's game.

Thanks to the anons who recommended a Viper STL. This print wasn't terrible.
>someday I'll find a camera setting that makes it so my eye isn't instantly drawn to all the fuckups. That day isn't today, though.
It also wouldn't really make sense since none of the main cast would be present for that kind of discussion.
Bold assumption, but I'm in Texas.
C comes before N.
Game dev was part of my college courses and I'm old enough to remember when game devs did this thing called "optimisation" and "bug fixing" prior to release, because back then games came on these things we called cd's which where firmware, so there was no "day x hotfix patch" or "letting the mod community fix it". Game devs had to actually finish the job they started, instead of smugly asserting "well your machines just too weak :^)" when their game turned out to be a buggy, unoptimised, memory leaking mess, despite using a tried and tested decade old engine. I don't despise you. Zoom-zoom, I just feel sad that you don't know the joys of functional on release games.
Based and properly playtested before release-pilled
>I'm old enough to remember when game devs did this thing called "optimisation" and "bug fixing" prior to release
You're too old to post here then. Leave.
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Looks like the 2-ton JJ start at 90 tons after rechecking.
See, reason I think of them as comparable is that while the Quickdraw brings two front-facing ML, the Shad can hit at least semi-reliably with the AC5 at shorter ranges. The QKD on the other hand can only really come close to a sweet spot for all its forward weapons at six hexes, same as with a Shadow hawk, though the Shad is less likely to suffer heat issues as a result.

The other point is that Shads do pack an extra ton and a half of armor, at least. 24 points across all the locations isn't much, but it can make a difference. I hadn't considered the C-bill difference just because I didn't imagine it'd be significant.

Personally, I'd imagine the Shad the better choice on flatter, hotter worlds, while the Quickdraw would do better in cooler places that it can take advantage of the extra jump and decapitating kicks.
I'll have you know we have optimised our game, have you tried upgrading your PC?
Those are beautiful man, I wish I could paint half as fast as you. Any tips to the backlogged-under? Also, sauce on the Viper? Headshot (Legless after Monday) owes me for some tank slippers and I'm having a hard time picking stl's.

As I said laddy, I dinnae dislike you, I'm sorry for you, knowing how unlikely you are to experience what I did.

Good point, I need more storage and maybe it's time for a new graphics card. Cyber Monday is about a month away right? As for MW5 Clans, I'm waiting for the sales. It should be partially fixed by then.
There was also a scrapped project by Mainframe Entertainment where they were going to make a direct-to-video Dark Age animation. I can find articles but I either didn't save images or they got lost somewhere.

There was also word of the rights to a hollywood movie being sold in the early noughts, but if it hadn't been vaporware it probably would have been hotter garbage still, since it was to get the same director as "Eight legged freaks"
The AC/5 has an incredibly specific niche of needing a long range gun with a minimum of heat, IMO. It pairs with PPCs and sometimes large lasers (like in the SW Emperor) and not much else.
>Cyber Monday is about a month away right? As for MW5 Clans, I'm waiting for the sales. It should be partially fixed by then.
Honestly, I'm in the same boat. Also in part because I started another MW5 story campaign in the summer that I'm still pecking at, this time with all the DLC active compared to my first pre-DLC playthrough, when it was still PC only without sweet sweet console monies (ergo they didn't really seem to give much of a shit past 'randomly generated maps'). I'm not really getting any surprises but they definitely made some changes from when it was released.

Clans will probably see a GOG release eventually but I'm not holding my breath, but I'll see whether Steam or Epic will offer a better sale price.
>As for MW5 Clans, I'm waiting for the sales. It should be partially fixed by then.

I figure in a year there will be enough patches and mods to get it in good shape.

Still, I can't wait to cut off the heads of everyone on Turtle Bay with a sword. That was a thing, right?
Reading reviews:

>The mechlab is a lot more complicated but so are the mechs. Some equipment on Omnimechs is fixed; those jump jets you always removed in Mercs to free up tonnage? Yeah, you might be stuck with those. On the plus side Omnipods allow for a MUCH greater level of customization. Want to turn you starting Viper into a missile boat? Go for it. All lasers? Yeah, you can do that too. They stuck close to the lore on this one and, depending on your tastes, this is either a very good of a very bad thing.

>They’ve removed the ability to rearrange the armor values which takes away a lot of granularity which allowed for builds to work.

So it sounds like your customization is actually what OmniMechs are supposed to allow. I know that people will hate the restrictions, but I'm pretty happy with how much they've been trying to stick to lore here.
Honestly the more i read about 5 Clans the better it seems.
Sure, until you try and play it and it decides to just crash on you. Game is great when it decides to actually work.
I miss 25 years ago when games actually worked out of the box.

Universal Internet access was a mistake.
Anyone want a megamek game?

galahad777 on discord
I miss playing the Teutons and being able to delete my Town Center and build a new one right next to the enemy's that they had no chance of dealing with.
We all do anon. We all do.
have anyone tried new vydia yet?
It does feel like someone high up actually cared about the source material. The warships and omnimechs being as accurate as they are isn't a fluke when they could have just used generic whatever ships and the same old vidya mechlab. Even using the Jags as the protagonists isn't a result you'd get from market research or weirdo political choices, someone had to at least do some research, if not already be a fan.
Ac10's pair better with LL's, they have identical range bands and the damage increase for the 10 offsets the slight decrease from the laser. 5's originally paired with PPC's and later became a main gun of sorts for medium mechs, which sort of made sense as 5 damage was the average back then, the range was good, and the heat negligible. PPC's are still better though, if you have tonnage for more sinks.
Again, the 5 really shines in the Duelling rules where it out shoots the PPC by 50%, but good luck finding someone to play them.

Honestly, I never buy games on release these days, they usually don't work and need a dozen fixes, and cost an arm and a leg. Better to wait for sales for the better prices and enough time for early patches to fix the glaring issues. They still don't like to optimise though.

You and me both anon, you and me both.
both ac5s and large lasers suck unless you are talking purely about 3025.

AC5s having a minimum range kind of kill them as weapons and large lasers are pretty much worthless once ERLL and ERMLs come into play.

Precision ammo helps ac5s but i'd still usually go with a light gauss
Yeah, things to note are; UACs don't have a ready rack, you can just spam the fire button til they jam. Overheating only disables your weapons and doesn't force a shutdown. LBX's are ass, losing your mech doesn't result in a game over and you could probably complete the latter half of the game with nothing but timber wolves with ER PPCs
>Overheating only disables your weapons and doesn't force a shutdown.
Excuse? But that's half the fun of riding the redline in the video games! Knowing that if you miscalculate how much heat you're generating you're a sitting duck.
new thread

>both ac5s and large lasers suck unless you are talking purely about 3025.
Not as much as you would think, large lasers still hit pretty hard and their heat is manageable, especially once DHS come into play. The 5s, again, need the Duelling rules to shine, but loading AP or Precision into them (or Flak) can make them work, especially on cheap vehicles.
>Precision ammo helps ac5s but i'd still usually go with a light gauss
Personally, I find the 5 useful for aa work in later eras, it's a flak gun that can, if there is a spare bin, be repurposed for mid range support.
Removing armor customization is a Good Thing™. A large part of the mechs personalities were defined by their armor coverage and whether they were fragile glass cannons or mobile walls.

Is there not a modular armor item in the final release? The previews had those, and that I think would be the best compromise for wanting to have extra armor on a location.
There is, it comes in 0.25t, 0.5t and 1t variants and takes up an equipment slot
If I recall, I remember a post on here saying that Ravens can’t really do much in the setting because they have a big-ass navy and produce warships, and since warships slap the crap out of everything and basically win you every conflict, any campaign involving them would have to go to the Ravens or just feel like a total asspull. If you win at space every single time, there’s no reason to ever go to ground, which is where all the mechs are, and despite what some anons will tell you, this IS a mech-focused setting. So until something happens to the Ravens’ warships, they just get to be a spectator since there’s no reasonable way to get them into mech-focused battles.
He's also too young to remember Wing Commander
Having to program for retards with dogshit builds is annoying.

Timmy with his 128gb of ram mixing 5 different kits and his 8 yearold gpu and a cpu never heard of outside of Argentina before is gunna give you a 1 star review because you've exposed 15 edge cases in his build.

That looks like FlashDesigns´s Viper. His models are pretty nice.

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