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Previous: >>94201615

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card Search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

Is blue just the best color?
Gay Bolas
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It is, and the only other color that comes close is green.
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Coming to a table near you!
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Well it has one of my favorite cards of all time
>things that don't interact at all
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Alternatively: attack with Zur, find pic rel, play that demon, sac the enchantment
Anon the Doomaday exiles, and the elixir brings from the graveyard
yeah no shit dude, but you're still gonna have a bunch of stuff in your graveyard so while every one else's decks have 6 cards, yours will have like 20+
God they weren't kidding when they said anons in these threads are fucking stupid.

You mill yourself until you're able to cast Doomsday Excruciator, then you activate Elixir of Immortality, and you still have half a deck while all your opponents have 6 cards.
Wow, amazing. For nine mana, two cards and some setup you have managed to not accomplish anything.
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That's such garbage though
>For nine mana
>play Elixir for 1 on literally any turn
>play Doomsday ~turn 5
>don't have to activate Elixir same turn but you should if you can
>"durrrrrr 9 mana!!!!"
It's not like casting an 8 mana spell. Exiling all your opponents decks on turn 5 is pretty good. They will not likely have ramped into their wincons, and they are going to struggle to do fucking anything with 6 cards in deck.
You could even ramp into it on turn 4 with the right cards. Demonic Counsel is also an incredibly cheap way to tutor into whichever of the 2 pieces you need also.

I'm seriously not sure you've ever played this game.
>people having fun is garbage
Jesus christ you people are insufferable
Yeah right, please tell me how else you intend to knock out all 3 opponents with 2 cards.
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Unban Mana Crypt
>casual friends pod
>bring power matters deck with fling mechanics
>games are short and sweet no matter the outcome and everyone enjoys the intensity
>bring a power matters deck with lifegain
>sit at 100+ life
>can't kill fast enough
>get perceived as threat by entire table and get all permanents removed while watching players drop their 15th creature and they still don't do enough damage to me
>game becomes a colossal drag for everyone involved
>scooped at this point despite having a board wipe ready
I can't go back to anything but speed and power decks. ziatora and orfeo are my favorite so far.
Nta but there are thousands of ways to do this, such as pic related and exquisite blood.
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kek I just wanted to reply to that anon with pic related
lol go easy on him, he must've just started playing and doesn't know how to hardlock the entire table so easily
Is there a more NPC commander than this?
I build a deck with him, goldfished it for a couple of times and then decided to forget about it. I was disgusted.
Yes that is an 8 mana combo and your particular variant of it would require you to either hit someone who doesn't block, or spend another 5 mana on the lifelink.
Congratulations, you have chosen the 10 mana version of the combo. In fact, more than 10 mana because you have no way of doing damage or gaining life to trigger the combo.

Neither of you will be doing either of these as early as the Doomsday Elixir combo

Another tard for the pile. Suggest you see above before acting so smug.
forgot pic
>Suggest you see above before acting so smug.
lol okay dipshit. I'm >>94206687 I *like* your combo because a friend pulled the combo I posted a couple days ago. I just thought you posting >>94206816 was excessively stupid.
>you have no way of doing damage or gaining life to trigger the combo.
wrong pic
>you have no way of doing damage or gaining life to trigger the combo.
My god he just keeps digging himself further in the hole, good lord
Why bother with the elixir? All you need to do is mill everyone a little and they die on draw step. You'd probably just be better off with a mesmeric orb which you can cast well before the Excruciator and will almost certainly kill everyone before it comes back to you. There are probably safer alternatives in mono black but I can't be assed to check right now
>13 mana 3 card combo
What because you thought I didn’t know 2 card combos exist? The point I was making was that Doomsday Elixir is a very good one.
Faggot anon was crying about it being 10 mana total, even though it is vastly easier to set up, and will hit far earlier than other combos
Oh cool so now your 2 card combo is actually a 3 card combo that depends on you having spent even more mana?

Boy I sure am getting schooled today!
I talk about a 2 card combo that can reliably come in on turn 5 and everyone starts telling be about their 10+ mana 3 card combos! Amazing.
The doomsday elixir combo also requires more cards and mana for general setup (the cards you mill beforehand).
>Why bother with the elixir? All you need to do is mill everyone a little and they die on draw step.
Read the fucking card. Doomsday makes you draw on your upkeep specifically so you will die first unless you do something. Elixir is the most reliable way to avoid dying. You could sack Doomsday but then you’re another card down and could be forced to draw
Retard-kun Oloro is in the command zone, it's not a 3 card combo.
Beforehand? Anon, you can only use a combo if you play everything on the exact same turn.
It requires the normal amount of ramp. You will be putting cards into your grave regardless of what you do before Doomsday is out. You will put more cards into the grave if you’re self-milling.
None of that is a combo piece because you don’t need any specific cards to make anything happen
I don’t know what world you’re imagining where you have nothing in the rave by turn 5
You’re the one who said wrong pic.
>he was serious about Oloro
That leaves you wide open to sorcery speed removal of all things.
>It requires the normal amount of ramp.
ah, so it's okay to set up cards in your graveyard for your 2 card combo, but >>94206873 requiring a single card for a faster win than your combo is suddenly a 3 card combo?
interesting, anon. go on.
And I don't know what world you're imagining where a deck built around gain & drain doesn't have sources of lifegain or drain on the board before the combo comes online.

I'm not that anon.
It's not a big deal that it draws you a card. Orb is on the battlefield, you cast Doomsday Excruciator, pass your turn, everyone else mills out to the orb, and dies on their draw step before its ever your upkeep again. Elixir still gives them time to win even if it isn't a lot.
Why do they keep picking such shit names for legendaries
>You will be putting cards into your grave regardless of what you do before Doomsday is out
the lifegain player will have lifegain permanents on the battlefield regardless of what he does before exquisite blood is out tho
After the ban I'll have to take Jew Lotus out of my Borborygmos deck. Anybody have some similar suggestions that aren't Mana Crypt or Orcish Lumberjacks?
Yes I don't know how you're struggling with the fact that when you need 3 specific cards to pull off a combo, that's a 3 card combo.
When you only need 2, it is a 2 card combo.

Please, I beg you anon, please explain what world you are imagining in which you have not played any cards or put anything in your grave by turn 5. I'd love to know.
>inb4 graveyard exile!
Ah ah ah, that wasn't the question. Any hypothetical opponent could have hypothetical answers to any combo. I haven't talked about people obviously countering either of your pieces.

This all starts with 1 retard calling Doomsday Elixir a 9 mana combo and complaining about it for that reason. I don't care if you're that guy or not, that's now the bar he has set.
>b-but actually those combo pieces don't count because the whole deck is built around that mechanic!!!!
You don't need to be playing mill to pull off Doomsday Elixir, it just helps. That's a point in it's favor if we're going to play these retarded games.
Honestly, I think these pieces just work well together. You could run Mesmeric orb and other self-mill effects to load up your graveyard, run reanimator or other graveyard interaction, have Excruciator as a potential wincon, and have Elixir as a fallback.
Multiple ways to pull off a combo isn't exactly a bad thing.
Mesmeric Orb is getting blown up literally the moment someone can remove it. No one is going to waste removal on Elixir of Immortality before they realize Doomsday is the plan. They would just assume you want a safety net for your self mill and probably let you have it.
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If you're going to be defending your Doomsday Elixir combo by saying you don't even need to run mill with it then that's absolutely retarded. Anon, putting your opponents on a 6 turn clock on turn 6 is not actually all that lethal, and it doesn't guarantee a win either. Maybe if they're sniffing glue the whole time sure, but they'll be gunning for you otherwise.

I thought you were defending the combo given the context that it's played in a mill deck. That would at least be reasonable. Either way here's a better combo where one piece is in the command zone, with an easier color requirement.
>you need 3 specific cards
no, you only need 2 cards for the lifegain combo and literally any cheap lifegain permanent that you played beforehand, just like you try to setup your graveyard.
also, your 2 card combo doesn't automatically win the game. the lifegain combo does.
I have no idea why you want to die on this hill while calling everyone a retard, but I guess you are too new to understand how this game works, so I suggest you gather some more experience before acting like a faggot.
why the fuck do you need fast mana in bobo?
Yeah you could also just cast demonic consultation and thassas oracle for 3 mana and win the game
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how many 2 card combos that are more effective than you 2 card combo should I post before you stop behaving like a spoiled little brat?
So who's the commander for this jank? Maralen or one of the necrons are the only mono ones I think would like this.
Yes, sometimes they have it. Nothing is bulletproof but losing it doesn't blow your combo ether since you don't die on your upkeep if it's gone. They still have fuck all for cards in their library and you're in the same situation. Like anon >>94207008 said if your master plan to use elixir to force everyone into a limited time gamestate where you win by default you probably want to be milling yourself ahead of time anyway.
anybody in black who would like self-mill? There's probably 50 good options.
I happened to open a Jew Lotus in a pack and my commander costs 8. Surprise dropping him 3+ turns ahead of schedule scares the shit out of people and puts me in the drivers seat for the rest of the game. I always felt like it was the fairest way to use the Lotus I opened and now I have a slot to fill.
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And there's the problem with non-cedh combos.
Sure, you can spend tons of mana to get a pretty solid lock on the game, but why not run much simpler and cheaper combos that don't have a piece of your combo on the board where it can be removed any time in between when you first cast it all the way until the turn you have enough mana to activate it after doomsday excruciator's effect has resolved?
I was sleeping on this commander until I realized dropping multiple creatures at the same time all proc it's ability despite it being once a turn.
He's so expensive mana doublers are your best acceleration.
>saying you don't even need to run mill with it then that's absolutely retarded
Tell me again what kind of game you've played where black has 0 cards in the grave on turn 5
>putting your opponents on a 6 turn clock
It's not a 6 turn clock, they almost definitely draw more than 1 card per turn.
>but they'll be gunning for you otherwise.
With 6 cards at random from their library. If you can't win that I don't know what the fuck to tell you.

>and literally any cheap lifegain permanent that you played beforehand
Yes this is a 3rd piece of the combo. Just because there are a lot of options for what the 3rd card COULD be does not mean it is not a specific card. You need a specific card that will do a specific thing. This is not the case in the Doomsday Elixir. Just playing the game fills your grave.
>I have no idea why you want to die on this hill while calling everyone a retard
It's you that's dying on the hill.
>say it's a good combo
>"nah uh 9 mana!"
>you could reliably get it out on turn 5 tho
>"it's still garbage!"
>okay show me better 2 card combos
>proceeds to post 10+ mana 3 card combos

Orb pisses people off, it will be a target.

What this guy said >>94207075 but personally I've been looking at Firja. Ideally you don't cast her at all, but if you can cast her cost and haven't found a piece of the combo, playing her with some cantrips would be a fast way to rip through the deck while ensuring that the pieces go to hand rather than needing recovery, all while setting up the grave
untrue, but almost
That definitely does not work.
Imagination is not this threads strong suit
Stop arguing with retards here. This is the thread that called MULTIPLE MH3 Modern all stars "bad" during preview, and said TOR would be a dollar bin mythic. People here are brain dead.

Imagine saying a card is bad and then a few months later it has a 50% deck inclusion rate in a format.
>Yes this is a 3rd piece of the combo
you don't need the 3rd piece to win tho.
your combo doesn't automatically win on it's own tho.
>"nah uh 9 mana!"
wasn't me
>okay show me better 2 card combos
see >>94207060 you angry child
>you don't need the 3rd piece to win tho.
You have to trigger your sanguine loop somehow tho
>your combo doesn't automatically win on it's own tho.
If you can't win with card advantage when your opponents only have 6 random cards in their library you should probably just quit card games entirely tho
>okay show me better 2 card combos
>You have to trigger your sanguine loop somehow tho
with any card I played beforehand. ez win, ez life
>The most common source of confusion is around, "Do this only once each turn". This restriction applies to the resolution of the Discover trigger, not how often it triggers. You will stop generating Discover triggers from Pantlaza once one of Pantlaza's Discover triggers actually resolves. However, Pantlaza will create a Discover trigger for each Dinosaur that enters a battlefield until this occurs and you do not have to resolve any of those triggers because of the "may" in Pantlaza's text.
>they almost definitely draw more than 1 card per turn
Why? They could also simply not be doing that, and if your library is so small then they likely won't be doing that. I've also played plenty of games where black doesn't have cards in GY on turn 5. e.g games that go:
>t1 land
>t2 ramp
>t3 some creature
>t4 commander
>t5 some enchantment
It's not even uncommon. Furthermore, 3 opponents with 6 cards in library (but more importantly, with cards left in hand) can very very likely put the hurt on you. And they will attempt to do that as you just exiled their libraries.
I love how this general always fights over the most benign shit, but it literally will go on for like 500 posts and 6 hours. I respect the autism over topics barely worth talking about.
So..... you can only Discover once...
got it
>with any card I played beforehand.
Not any card. A specific card with a specific effect. You may have many of those types of card in your deck, but you still need those ones specifically.
The Doomsday Elixir does not care what cards you played before turn 5, it only cares that there are cards in your graveyard.

Literally the difference that makes it a 2 card combo unlike your 3 card combo.

>Why? They could also simply not be doing that,
Oh you play at super casual tables? That explains a lot.
>it only cares that there are cards in your graveyard
so, like cards that can *specifically* go into your graveyard early?
You're revealing that you're playing at casual tables lol. Are your opponents playing phyrexian arenas? With a huge amount of card draw options the draw is optional. Furthermore, at higher power table you'll see more instant and sorcery-based draw, as opposed to enchantments that don't give you a choice. Not to mention shit like necropotence which removes your draw step. Once your opponents have had their decks exiled, they will try to not draw cards, and will therefore very likely not be drawing more than 1 card per turn. This is not difficult to understand.
>Oh you play at super casual tables?
lmao the gall of this newbie
>You're revealing that you're playing at casual tables lol.
NTA but acting like 99.99999999999999999999999999% of players aren't playing casual is precious
The way the card is worded, the effect stops triggering once it's resolved once, but any triggers still on the stack resolve as normal.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Entomb Protean Hulk, Necromancy
He's the one claiming that non-casual tables will have each opponent being forced to draw more than 1 card per turn "almost definitely", which is bullshit.
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I can do it with one (tooth and nail works too)
Yeah you'll never see a howling mine at a casual table. CEDH card
Where does this green text come from?
So uh...why not use the altar of dementia you were using to mill yourself to instead hit your opponents after you cast Doomsday Demon? He himself kills one person
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Check the rulings for Nykthos Paragon.
>If multiple instances of the ability are on the stack, you will be able to put +1/+1 counters for only one of those instances. Once you do that, other instances will do nothing as they resolve.
You only discover once.
Why did Doomsday Excavator become Duskmourns Deluge?
Do we have tier lists for the cards yet?
>Once your opponents have had their decks exiled, they will try to not draw cards, and will therefore very likely not be drawing more than 1 card per turn.
This is hilarious because you're just saying that the situation is unwinnable
>"ummmmmm the combo doesn't actually win you the game sweaty, they still have 6 cards to draw!!"
>okay, so they'll probably deck-out faster than 6 turns because their decks have draw power
>"ummmmmmm akshually everyone magically plays *may* draw effects and *tooootally* don't use commanders, instants and sorceries that have mandatory draw effects attached, so actually they'll only draw once per turn!!"
>okay, so they'll have to beat me with whatever they have on the field and in hand, meanwhile I have access to almost as many cards as they all have combined

Its hilarious that you're fighting this hard for the combo to be bad. Exiling 3 people's decks, leaving them with 6 cards at random from their deck is basically game over. If you want to tell the thread that you are confident that you could lose to that game state, go off.

Unnecessary combo piece. You don't need it. If you have been milling for 5 turns (counting the 5th assuming you mill before playing the combo) you could easily have more cards to work with than the whole table combined. Literally sit your fat ass down and wait, instead of searching up an additional card to trying killing just 1 of them quicker. Unless you're suggesting that you swap Elixir out for Altar, in which case you are wide open. If someone can force you to draw and you didn't refresh your library, you're out. It's completely unneccesary risk
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Anons I hate the marvel cards. I don't want them to exist. I can't cope.
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You'll likely never face one because less than 10k copies of each will exist.
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Cracked Myrel was thinking of making a budget soldier deck, you guys got any spicy tech recommendations? So far I'm thinkin Cathars Crusade, Hanweir Militia Captain type shit.
Anointed Procession is expensive maybe I'll proxy it
Can't believe wizards would make this card. Don't they know hanging is racist? Thank God they're making heckin' wholesome marvel cards instead. I can't wait to see Spider-Man!
Hey buddy, the D&D thread is two doors down.
Sorry, why did they rename "totem armor"?
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I'm missing the axe wound for step 3 but I'll try seething
That's nonsense. They'll be everywhere in the millions and I have to look at their shitty art
Why are you roleplaying?
Horn of Valhalla
Goldnight Commander
>That's nonsense. They'll be everywhere in the millions and I have to look at their shitty art
You mean the planned sets that you have known about for over a year?
But you had no problem with Miku cards?
Nice anon thanks was lookin at the horn other two are good suggestions
Super hero comics regularly dip into Terrifier 3 levels of gore and violence.
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I'm a weeb, not a faggot
I only learned of them last week.
>their decks have draw power so they will deck out faster than 6 turns
Are you fucking retarded? Who in their right mind is gonna go and draw more cards when they have a library of 6 cards? Furthermore, you just spent turn 6 not advancing your board state at all (because you're getting rid of the demon), they will likely be ahead on board. You mention instants and sorceries where the draw isn't optional? Why would they cast them, retard? The bottom line is that at least some of your opponents will be ahead on board compared to you, and they're going to try and take you out because of what you just did. Whether they succeed is another matter, but you did just likely tap out on turn 6, and everyone gets multiple turns to try and make your life miserable.
You know, this card is pretty good for mill decks because a.) it prevents feeding graveyard decks and b) you only gotta mill 18 cards instead of 250+.
>I'm a weeb, not a faggot
How the fuck does that answer my question?
Reminder that Arcane Denial is trash
Anon, every weeb loves miku. She's beautiful and perfect.
like 2 of the miku cards are playable vs 2 full 200 card sets, 8 commander decks and a shit ton of SLs. you probably wont see many miku cards but you will very much see Marvel at every LGS table. Like the walking dead was just as fucking shit flavor wise but i've never seen a walking dead card ever played at tables ive been at since they are ass and only 2 of them are playable.
not when it hits your combo piece to win :^)
So he is the most cancerous of UB fags? The one who is fine when his IP is included but not when ones he dislikes is.
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Is this a troll post or are you actually that bad at this game?
>Too degenerate for casual
>Too bad to play in any of my cedh decks
Feels bad, it has one of my favorite pieces of Guay art too.
Luv miku
Luv fallout

'Ate Mavel
'Ate Ass creed
'Ate doctor literally who
>I am a zoomer
Got it
>Are you fucking retarded? Who in their right mind is gonna go and draw more cards
Here's the secret: they might not have a fucking choice
No one builds a 100 card deck expecting a deck-out to be a real possibility. There's a fucking shit ton of commanders with triggers that make a draw mandatory. And aside from that, there's an absolute fuck ton of instants and sorceries that have "draw a card" tacked on to the end of another effect. Usually that's free value, do the thing you wanted to do and remain net-neutral in card advantage. Now it's a curse.
In your world, suddenly everyone is going to just stop drawing. That may not be an option, and where it is an option it may mean not playing cards they otherwise would have.

>because you're getting rid of the demon
No? Where have I said this?
Other people have suggested sacking the demon to prevent the upkeep draw, or using Altar of Dementia to deck someone out immediately. I have explicitly argued against this. In my view, using Elixir to put your grave back into your deck is more than enough to win from that board state. You're not going to deck out, and you're the only one who has an reasonable possibility of advancing your own board state.

>The bottom line is that at least some of your opponents will be ahead on board compared to you
In your imaginary fiction land.
I've been pretty clear that for the turns leading up to playing Doomsday, as long as shit is hitting your graveyard in one way or another you can pretty much play as normal. There's nothing fucking wrong with your board state but ooooo boy do you wish there was, you're clutching at straws.

>they're going to try and take you out because of what you just did.
Kek good luck.
I'll say again, if you can lose to players who only have access to 6 random cards in their deck while you have several times that, quit card games.
I'm nearly 30years old..
mavel is for fat faggots
>letting your opponent draw two cards
Do you want to lose? Letting your opponent draw cards is the worst thing you could do in this game.
I've probably cast Arcane Denial as much on my own cards as I have on my opponent's cards. The times I did cast it on my opponent's helped me win the game.
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>letting your opponent draw is the worst thing you could do
I never pay rhystic study or esper sentinel
I bet you run howling mine or kami of the crescent moon
Don't own them
In the vast majority of cases people have control over how many cards they draw in a turn. You are severely overstating how often people are in situations where they couldn't just choose to draw 1 card per turn. I don't know what lobotomized players you go up against, but 3 people out for your ass with 6 turns to do so and drawing 1 card per turn is not a trivial obstacle. If you go and actually try it out you'll see that. 6 turns is a long time.
Excavator+Forced fruition is my wincon. No cap.
>Unnecessary combo piece.
Elixir is the unnecessary combo piece.

>instead of searching up an additional card to trying killing just 1 of them quicker.
So by the time you cast Doomsday Excruciator you won't have another 12 power of creatures on the board?

>Unless you're suggesting that you swap Elixir out for Altar, in which case you are wide open.
I am suggesting this, but you don't seem to get what I'm saying you should do instead. Why would you possibly give your opponents any turns after this, when you can instead win the game right there?

1) Have altar of dementia on the board and 12 power worth of creatures (that can be split into groups of 6) on board by the time you cast Doomsday Excruciator
2) Cast doomsday excruciator, exiling all but top 6 from everyone
3) MIll opponent one 6 cards with Doomsday Demon with Altar
4) Mill opponents two and three with Altar
5) End turn
6) They lose on draw step

You don't even necessarily have to mill your deck at all in this case if you don't want...instead you just play a normal game putting cardboard on the table. You are way less protected if you just are milling yourself normally for 5 turns before you pop Doomsday Demon and Elixir and then leave them with 6 turns to play the game.

Before you say "that's not a 2 card combo" because it requires other creatures on the board...Doomsday Demon + Elixir is also not a 2 card combo, as you need to be milling yourself (which requires other cards)
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Howd you know anon
>how to lose 100% of your games
you may have won the game of mtg nerd but I won the game of life
That game sucks. Real men play monopoly.
>posts a pic including arcane lab but not forbid
God, normies have made me play monopoly so many times. I've hated that game for decades.
Cut me some slack I'm still slowly putting the deck together
It's a lot like casual commander tho
Anon, you cast it BECAUSE your opponent is trying to win the game
and then he draws some shit to win anyway
The difference is you can't gain multiple instances of life at the same time like you can have creatures entering at the same time.
I know it's not the best metric, but it's how the card works in Arena at least.
Am I in Groundhog Day?
The likelihood of them drawing a better card than what they were trying to cast is pretty low unless you are countering stuff that's really not worth countering.
Anon just doesn't realize that stopping your opponent's combo and getting to untap with an extra card is worth giving someone two cards after their turn is done.
I am just mocking the thread because its main attack line against group hug is the idea allowing free draws is the same as throwing the game. :)
I may let you have lots of cards but I sure as fuck am not gonna let you cast them
Here's my list if it helps out:
Lifelink instances are separate and simultaneous.
Mines way more budget but I'll save this for future upgrades thanks
Yes you are
>split second
Good luck casting
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The oracle ruling for Nykthos Paragon specifically refers to his ability, not multiple instances of life gain. Also, you can have multiple instances of life gain through lifelink. See rulings for Archangel of Thune.
>Each creature with lifelink dealing combat damage causes a separate life-gaining event. For example, if two creatures you control with lifelink deal combat damage at the same time, the ability will trigger twice. However, if a single creature you control with lifelink deals combat damage to multiple creatures, players, and/or planeswalkers at the same time (perhaps because it has trample or was blocked by more than one creature), the ability will trigger only once.
So if you have two lifelink creatures triggering Nykthos Paragon's ability, only one trigger will resolve and you will only place +1/+1 counters once. However, Archangel of Thune's ability will trigger multiple times and there are no restrictions on the resolution of those triggers.
This but Catan
Group hug isn't stopping anything, it's enabling it.
Catan isn't a normie game
If you are considering any card that's more on the expensive side you should prioritize mind over matter. Besides the infinite combos, the sheer value of discarding some trash to untap sol ring multiple times, or always being able to discard cards to untap lands and have counterspells, is insane.
It absolutely is now, you can find that shit on the shelf of any walmart or target in the US. The expansions not so much and frankly I actually like some of them. But it's always base Catan and it drives me to drink.
>1) Have altar of dementia on the board and 12 power worth of creatures (that can be split into groups of 6) on board by the time you cast Doomsday Excruciator
Yeah that’s not happening turn 5

>Before you say "that's not a 2 card combo" because it requires other creatures on the board...Doomsday Demon + Elixir is also not a 2 card combo, as you need to be milling yourself (which requires other cards)
For the 100th fucking time, you are playing black, you should have absolutely no fucking problem filling your grave by turn 5 just by playing the game normally

This shit is like saying
>ummm akshually to play your combo you would have to play lands and ramp so it’s not really a 2 card combo!!!
It is in 2024.
>Catan is now in closets alongside Monopoly, Life, and Scrabble
I'm okay with this
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I like UNO
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it was on my list but not in my 100 so Ill keep that in mind after testing some games and looking to upgrade
Which houserules do you play to enjoy it?
UNO flip with jump in, draw to match, force play and +cards can be stacked.
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>people still dont understand how card advantage works
Classic /edhg/. Reminder: a 2 in 99 chance is infinitely higher than 0 in 99
>Yeah that’s not happening turn 5

So don't do it on turn or 7? It's not hard to get 12 power on the board in commander, and if you go the Elixir route you're probably not winning for another 3-6 turns, which still puts your further behind?
Fair enough then.
>deck 90% complete, rest still in mail transit
>playtest deck with 10 filler goodstuff cards
>deck plays exceptionally well above expectations
>10 cards in mail now seem like extras and no longer needed
Holy shit I love this deck, so splashable and generic because legends and enchantments is such a broad open ended building availability
Also I think Amphibian Downpour is an insanely slept on card, it's an OTK card that might be banned soon
Yes, it is very very good. No, it isnt an otk (we call that a combo round these parts).
>Amphibian Downpour is an insanely slept on card, it's an OTK card that might be banned soon

I also like Amphibian Downpour but please explain how it is an OTK
The whole fucking point of the combo is that it’s possible earlier than most wincons. If you’re going to wait til turn 7 you might as well be playing 8 mana wincon cards
>inb4 you don’t actually win that turn tho!!!!
You essentially do. Again, if you can lose a game where you have more cards in your deck than all your opponents combined, just quit games
>discovers soft combo
Good for you anon, you just got a little better at the game.
The fuck are you talking about?
>opened 5 trillion packs of RTR block back in the day
>need one uncommon
>somehow don't have it
Every time
what card is this? it feels like something from theros but I don't recognize it
>It's possible earlier than most wincons. If you’re going to wait til turn 7 you might as well be playing 8 mana wincon cards

If you play doomsday turn 5 and don't have mana to Elixir, any player with removal will just hit the Elixir and then you're no longer winning, and until you lose the Excruciator you're the one with the incidental card draw. If you're going to play Doomsday Excruciator and crack the elixir in the same turn then you're literally playing an 8 mana wincon, so your point seems moot.

Essentially winning and winning aren't the same thing. Your opponents still have plenty of time to develop their board state and drop their game-winning bombs, even if they have less cards. Maybe you should play against opponents with half decent deck before you suggest I can't convert your bad combo into a win, anon
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Why arcane denial is bad.
I can easily list more than 20 actually game-winning combos that come out earlier than your shitty combo, or can easily be tutored through cards like protean hulk or tooth and nail. All this effort and ranting for a combo that only reliably works in monoblack that results in putting your opponents on a 7 turn clock.
This dude is obviously a troll. Any person who has actually played Arcane Denial can tell you that it's based.
Nah. It's a storm card, not a viable counterspell, especially considering the numerous better options available.
>Target your own "can't be countered" spell
>Draw three cards at the beginning of the next upkeep
Well for me at least at mid range game when I have 7 mana I can just cast 2 or 3 1 cmc or 2 cmc auras and then follow up with Amphibian Downpour to essentially nullify my opponent's field and then swing with my Wonder boosted flying commander for the last commander damage to hit 21 when he could have had a giant flyer or something to block my commander with
Maybe not OTK but it is a win condition to just plow a bunch of damage to shift the tempo and force your opponent to play defensively afterwards
How does one achieve such levels of wisdom?
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>Went to three All Will Be One prereleases on launch weekend
>Kept all my shit
>A year later I need a Myr Convert for a new deck
>Trawl through my prerelease ONE shit for an hour
>mfw I somehow didn't pull a single one
Letting your opponents draw cards means you lose. It's not like you are in blue and could offset this with counterspells.
Ah I gotcha. That's a neat play, but I don't think it's going to be banned anytime soon. Overloaded cyclonic rift is a similar tempo play and that's been legal for over a decade.
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Post your secret rarely played tech
>used to be a standard ace in USA Lightning Angel control decks back in the day. Now I rarely see it played in edh
How much pissing and shitting is there when you name someone's commander?
Me every time and it's always the one uncommon the blows up for $5+. If i buy a box or more of a set with a chase uncommon I'm seeking, i will not open a single copy of it. I stopped buying sealed product 7 years ago
It's not really secret tech but Dress Down should be played way more than it is
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In a similar vein, I never see other people play this. I like throwing it at people playing red or black because they'll typically have very little they can do about it. Once threw it down on turn 3 naming Zada, and that player was just praying to draw the 1 out in his deck for the whole game. He didn't draw it.
If you flicker it it resets the once a turn thing right
The person I name gets pissed, everyone else usually laughs and sometimes use their own protection magic to keep it alive if I'm locking out a bomb power level commander. It's drannith magistrate but slightly less dickish. You can also name stuff like thassa's oracle, farewell, ad naus or other combo pieces you know your opponents run
Yes. You can play nothing lower cmc than her except for flicker spells or creatures that flicker and eldritch evolution to blink her until you hit eldritch evolution and grab Etali. Etali comes in and you naturally flip into more flickers on your own deck while casting everyone else's.
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I play casually and budget, so it might also not be strong enough for your group, but here it is nonetheless.
Cause we aren't sweaty tryhards dropping hundreds on a two-card combo the deck isn't built around.
>then just build around it
Refer to 90% of my first point.
Yes, but only in Nekusar.
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I'm not seeing the synergy
This but Second Doctor
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But have you considered shoebox catan?
Scourge of fleets. One the few one-sided boardwipes in blue.
Most people wrry about synergy in their decks, so they're rather have a card that synergises with what they are doing rather than a stax piece or hatebear removal bait.
There are plenty of ways nevermore can synergize with what you're doing. Firstly, it can massively destabilize an opponent's gameplan, which can give you more time. Secondly, it's an enchantment which obviously synergizes with any enchantment matters themes, of which white has many.

Besides that it simply functions as removal/protection. Opponents will be forced to get rid of it. It holds a similar position as cards like lignify or imprisoned in the moon. It shouldn't be your entire deck but it's good to have interaction.
I ain't watchin all that.

Maybe if it didn't cause me to have ebin 4chan recs in my youtube feed for the next 5 years
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He he he :3
What do you guys think? Trying be make an izzet deck that isn't spellslinger or wheel or artifact since I have all of those already in not-izzet / I don't like playing spellslinger. Pretty sure I need to cut Might Make Right cause I won't be hitting it moat of the time, but other than that, how's it look?
>is the strongest color in the game whose only weakness is ramp which is effortlessly fixed by splashing the second strongest color in the game the strongest color in the game?

Gee, maybe not?
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Or don't splash it and just run rocks.
Did you just start playing MTG recently? Not trying to be condescending, just genuinely curious because the game being broken and unbalanced rocket tag is generally one of its most well known aspects by now.
Now do it for less than a dollar
>swing for lethal on the guy with a "untap and win" board
>third party saves the guy solely out of pity

playing combat in this format is hellish man
catan has been popular with normies for a few years now
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we were playing at the LGS and the new guy was playing a rooms deck and halfway into the game he tried to unlock hustle

funniest shit ever
Here's my land drop bro
I would have died if I walked past an EDH table and saw that laying on the board.
put the little locked token on it and everything
Creatures will always be less concerning than other card types.
>no self protection
Yeah, exactly.
dies to doom blade
>doomsday elixir combo
cringe and retarded
>worldfire kroxa combo
based and fun
What ever happened to just worldfire and thragtusk?
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A couple of days ago I posted here asking for help with my Minthara deck. I took as much advice as I could and plugged the cards I could afford/proxy into one deck.

Now I need some help with cutting the cards down to 100.

If anyone has any advice I would be quite grateful as a newer EDH player just learning what I need.

Thragtusk can't be be a 2 drop commander and Rakdos is a far more enjoyable color combo than shitty Gruul
>remove a reanimation target
>peek at an opponents hand and deck
>fuck up their top deck tutors and manipulation
>and you can do it for FREE
Yeah, loved playing this card in Modern. Look on Tron's face when you pop their land and exile them all is priceless.
>too cowardly to reply directly to the post he's whining about
>too butthurt and disingenuous to consider the argument of a cheap splashable counterspell with 0 restrictions for protecting a winning combo or stopping a winning combo
Get better bait or get a better brain
Was fun in my Johnathan Harker deck
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This costs sixty cents and half the combo is in the command zone.
In what way do these combo?
Disregard me, I'm retarded and the actual combo piece is $10
bravo anon. Bravo.
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Got back into the game recently and built Caesar. Deck is absolutely disgusting. I've been winning way more than any other deck I've had before even through multiple board wipes, and my deck doesn't even have that much protection. No infinite combo bullshit either, just human tribal and tokens which is great. Now that I'm finished mostly optimizing it, I'm going to put together Gev as soon as I get some much needed artifacts and enchantments for it. Always wanted a lizard tribal deck and Bloomburrow finally gave me one which is great.
I wish I could play more Commander. I've forgotten how fun this format is. Unfortunately, there's no decent simulator to my knowledge. All I know of is untap.in and Magic Online but I don't like either of them.
A lot of people apparently use table top sim. There's also spelltable if you want to do webcam games.
I use Cockatrice and it's usually good, but I did just get disconnected. lmao
Tribal does indeed just work.
A few weeks ago I jist threw all the elves I had into a deck. Didn't buy a single card for it. The mana base in particular was awful. Still stomps.

You can use Cockatrice. It's primitive, but it works.
try xmage? it's fully automatic and free
>doesn't give uncounterable
are you even trying?
Did no one have commander damage as an option? Kind of thought that was what it was there for. Regardless, the ability to speed up games that attack doublers like Mr. Orfeo or direct damage dealers like Ziatora have in speeding up a game is impossible to ignore. The amount of games my group has been able to get in a game night on the weeks I being Ziatora is nearly double that which we get on days I bring anything else. A good experience and got me thinking of trying it in a similar fashion with something like Wick The Whorl Mind. Feels like he could be fun.
Cap life gain to sixty (60).
>Did no one have commander damage as an option?
I killed that guy first. he was then forced to watch us durdle forever before I scooped. I felt sorry for him.
> The amount of games my group has been able to get in a game night on the weeks I being Ziatora is nearly double
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I can live with Marvel cards if there's going to be more Capcom cards other than Street Fighter. Perfect excuse to build Marvel vs Capcom themed deck.
Thanks for the kek
>finally managed to notion thief a players midnight clock

I've peaked
Any wheel is peak, yeah.
yes that's why you bitch about ward every thread and why the worst match up for control is gruul beat down
>anon finds a decent but ultimately unoppressive synergy
>calls others noobs for not hyping up babbies first combo
>doesn't realize all the best draw permanents are generally MAY DRAW
The combo IS bad. It doesn't win you the game and all it does is put a big mark on your back. It's literally just a tossup and not even a funking combo. COMBOS WIN REFUTABLY THIS DOES NOT.
Combo just means a combination of card effects. You don't have to win with it for it to be a combo. This puts the game into a state where you are likely to win, that's all. At very worst it puts a nice timer on the game, which is pretty cool.
No combo means a game winning interaction of pieces. "Comboing out". What you are looking for is base synergy
>likely to win
It absolutely does not do that. It's more akin to flipping a coin lol
Well that's a stupid term then. People should find a better one.
And yes, at most tables it absolutely will do that.
>No combo means a game winning interaction of pieces. "Comboing out"
I think you mean that “comboing out” is a game winning combo. A couple of cards working in unison is by definition a combo, whether it wins you the game or not
>Combo just means a combination of card effects
no, it does not.
No it really won't. Maybe if you combined it with a board wipe to clear their states but otherwise all you're doing is giving your opponents each 3-6 turns to kill you lol.
>it will cause..... cause I said it would xd
No that's a synergy. I think you should learn how terminology functions within the game before talking
>Well that's a stupid term then
no, it is not. just because you are too new to understand basic terminology of a hobby doesn't mean that hobby has to change for you. you either deal with it, or you fuck off, you retarded marxist.
you forgot the best part
>claims that another combo is a 3 piece because it needs the most basic trigger imaginable
>but vehemently claims his combo is 2 piece despite him needing to fill his graveyard beforehand
>isn't even a guaranteed win
>when this was pointed out to him, he just stopped replying
it was so much fun, I really hope he comes back for more
A combo deck uses game winning combos to win. From you own source, what a combo is.
I mean if the rest of your deck is already filling your graveyard, I'd hardly consider those as a card in the combo.
From that very same wiki
>Card combination: Any combination of two or more cards which produces a beneficial effect, designed to gain an advantage over the opponent
>Combo deck: A deck or archetype which uses a combo as its victory condition. The deck is designed entirely for the purpose of setting up and protecting the combo
>(verb) to use the effects of multiple cards to create an advantage or game winning state. Also: "combo off"
>uses a combo as its victory condition
>create an advantage OR game winning state
way to BTFO yourself
>too new
Been here for a long time, just don't do competitive stuff. Combo decks use combos to win, and I've known that for a long time, but to me that didn't mean all combos win, because that's not what the term combo usually means.
>still crying 12 hours later
It’s not hard to understand, if your combo needs a 3rd card with a specific effect, that is a 3 card combo. If your 2 card combo doesn’t care how you play the game as long as things are hitting the grave, it is a 2 card combo
>wiki very clearly delineated a difference in understanding between combo and combination (synergy).
>retarded eslanon doesn't understand this
>ignores the "USES A COMBO AS ITS WINCON" part
Yep it's retarded and full of ego
t. the retard who cried about 5c eldrazi the other thread
you keep making a complete retard of yourself. The words are right there in plain English and you're STILL trying to gaslight? just kill yourself
So the only thing we are refer to here is as a noun, and not as an archetype, so
>Card combination: Any combination of two or more cards which produces a beneficial effect, designed to gain an advantage over the opponent
Is the only relevant bit. I just 'capped the whole thing so people wouldn't think I was hiding something.
Seething Song, Ironcrag Feat

Surprising MVP for this for me was Goldnight Commander. The huge dump of tokens on attack mean big buffs every combat. Cathars' is stronger, but fucking hell does it shit me off when I have multiple triggers on different steps.
Dude. Use your eyes, read it again. It clearly differentiates combo (deck archetype, noun), combo (comboing, comboing off, verb), and the one we are talking about, combo (combination, noun).
>esl doubles down and projects
Huh? Sorry but I'm actually gooder at English than you dumbfuck so I can see why that post does not support you at all
Correct a card combination (not a combo a synergy) is cards working together for benefit. A combo is a game winning type of these. Very simple. The post I responded to LITERALLY STATES THIS IN PLAIN FUCKING ENGLISH. But you tards are either ESL or just ego filled zoomies
It really is something to see, isnt it? Remember the debate about Mill a few threads ago? That was something else
So you’re just being a silly bitch for no reason, or what exactly? You’ve lost all credibility at this point, not that you had much to start with
stop obviously false flagging me as a retard
So the hang up is that you think combos are called “synergies” even though basically nobody uses that nomenclature? Seems like a you problem
Words matter. If you use CARD COMBINATION (synergy) for one thing and COMBO for another then you have intentionally chosen those words because they MEAN DIFFERENT THINGS. There is a reason every fucking example on the linked page is a GAME WINNING COMBO
>zooming yet again reveals he is an underage no games
Synergy is a very very common word in this game lmfao
Read again. This is all under the definition of combo. They don't mention synergy at all, not once. Each example refers to a different meaning for the word combo: combo as in a combination of cards, combo as in the archetype, and combo as in the verb. The latter two refer game-winning combos, but the former doesn't, which the the only thing were are discussing: the noun, combo with regards to magic.

I don't even card about the source, to be clear, if you just said the source is wrong I'd be fine with it, but there's no arguing your way out of your source clearly stating that a combo isn't gamewinning.
No that was me and you're still a retarded faggot.
Mirror Entity to close out the game
so you're mentally ill
luckily for us facts don't care about your feelings
All three are definitions for the word combo used in magic according to that source, ie. That source says "combo" means what you keep calling synergy.

Why the fuck have you spend most of a calendar day trying to relitigate the deeply mediocre card pairing you found into being Secretly Genius Actually? This is an anonymous forum. You don't have a name or a reputation to protect here. In the time you spent doubling down on being off the mark once you could have done anything else with your life, including probably identifying a half-dozen genuinely excellent card pairs. Or just walk the fuck away from having made one more mediocre post on a mediocre thread.

Why have you chosen the world's least interesting hill to die on?
>err fuck the definition I posted ruined my own argument
>I know I'll make up my own definition and pretend I'm right when the wiki is right there
this is so pathetic lmao how does a human being become so bereft of morals that he tries to lie in the face of his own contradictory evidence
are you a sociopath?

And you. Why the fuck are you still arguing with someone who clearly doesn't care that they are wrong and expects to win by attrition? Just accurately note they are a moron, say it out loud if you need the satisfaction, and find something else to do. You can't make someone change their mind when they are perversely convinced that doing so means they lose somehow.
You really are stupid.
>draw cards
>deck out faster
>don’t draw
>less able to do anything about the situation
Literally lose-lose
It’s astonishing that you’re seriously proposing NOT drawing cards as some kind of advantage
You wanna continue your autistic fit in this thread too? The fact that you even brought it up shows I'm still living in your head rent-free. I'll keep enjoying my monobrown deck while you seethe at the sheer thought of someone else enjoying themselves.
>changes to tier shit in commander
>now marvel ub shit
Who else taking a break here?
All of the upcoming sets sound like ass until the return to Lorwyn
I remember around 3-4 years ago the threads were better. Far less bitching and arguing about stupid shit like combos in the current thread
Not him, and I like the combo, but it is. He is right, it's a coin flip. Games don't usually end by turn 6, but it's not uncommon at all for them to end by turn 12, so it is sort of a coin flip of what cards people have in their hands and the rest of their deck.
Drawing less cards means you have an extra turn, and I don't know about you, but that's a good trade for me.
Regardless, I still like the combo and was already using it in my black deck before I saw it brought up here.
Is there rumours they're going to fuck up Tarkir or something?
I just don’t care about Tarkir because I’m not a fucking boomer
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>whole rant
Just put one of these in your decks with all tutors. Now make sure you play at the moment they want to combo off.
How is that relevant, its not that old of a set anon
yeah, you're mad
Boomers fucking rave about Tarkir
This card should be a auto include in any deck that can run white for the reason you said, shuts down basically all combos for the turn
Because it was good. Whats the issue with that
there are a lot of combos who can kill you in the next stand by phase, it's not an auto include at all
hey isn't it time to get excited about new product?
Im sure there is far more that it does shut down anon. Even outside of combos it will save your ass 9 times outta 10
Lmao at the willingness of people ITT to say “yeah I would probably lose to opponents who only have 6 cards in deck turn 5”
Found the boomer
I only care about Tarkir if they go back to wedges instead of duo color. It was a more interesting theme for the plane. Give us three color dragon leaders. Plot wise I guess I don’t care. Maybe humans and dragons have started to live a more unified existence like some How to Train Your Dragon shit? I couldn’t care less I just want the wedge colors back
Eh, your not wrong, but neither am I
>outing yourself as a boomer
HAHHAHHA opinion discarded
tarkir was shit not only because it had the worst standard in ages thanks to fetches that would continue to shit the game even today but also lorewise with the cringy 2 color nu-"elder dragons"
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Is he based?
You're the one who brought it up again, it's clear as day that you're upset. Go make some tea anon.
They already fucked up Tarkir with dragons. Why would you trust them to not fuck it up again?
This guy >>94211570 ain’t me
I just don’t have any attachment to Tarkir like boomers seem to
you're so mad
I'm not even that upset about UB any more, I think in 2024 I'm more upset about ridiculously pushed commanders that do more and more at a lower and lower mana.cost.
I still fail to see the issue anon. >>94211593
Fair enough.
You very clearly do not understand actual card advantage, and it seems like you probably play at craw wurm tables where the average game goes for 15+ turns. Cards in your deck are only potential advantage. They become real advantage when you draw them and moreso when you play them. This is also why mill is typically not very disruptive, because it doesn't translate directly into real advantage. Also, where do you get this idea that you're doing this turn 5 consistently? You need 8 mana for the combo, and 6 black for the demon. What ramp in monoblack are you running where this is consistent?
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I'd much rather run pic related. Far more flexible, and losing split second is not actually that big of a deal.
>brings up his own autistic fit from previous thread
>"you're the one who's mad! I'm living in your head rent-free!"
we had eldraine 5 years ago releasing chulane, you can pinpoint the time where magic went to shit, being FIRE DESIGN.
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Honestly reminds me of this.
now you're crying
> Be me, playing simic goodstuff
> Landfall player has a warstorm surge and just wiped the entire board with scute swarm
> Landfall player is outtapped and no more landdrops, attacks the equipment player for exact lethal
> Have a rapid hybridization in hand, I ask equipment player: If you can deal with the warstorm surge, I can save you
> Equipment player: Oh yeah, I can do that
> Destroy a scute swarm
> Equipment player survives and untaps with 1 life
> Equipment player searches a lifelink equipment and plays some creature that equips everything and now kills landfall player for 20+ trample double strike lifelink

This was not what I had in mind with 'dealing with the warstorm surge'. Ended up losing cause of it.
You seem to be pissing and shitting your pants in rage anon
Yeah I was actually thinking about this the other day, I was playing in a pod against Baylen, Optimus Prime, and RB Valvagoth and I was just thinking that Korvold/Chulane don't even feel like power outliers any more.
Thats why multiplayer MTG is fun, tons of unexpected plays
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>friend started playing commander and mtg a few months ago
>says he build a deck and wants me to rate it
>sends me pic related
what do I tell him?
yeah, you're frothing in rage
Well, what are your thoughts on it? He wanted you to rate it, not /tg/
its the most uninspired izzet good stuff slop i've seen in a long time
Hmm and now besides the pissing and shitting yourself you're also ejaculating in rage. Curious.
welcome back autist-kin, your combo is a 3 piece btw because you need to fill your graveyard with specific cards :^)
When you play cards, they go to the graveyard. As long as you don’t play the demon on turn 1, the combo will work.
>33 lands
only instants and sorceries go to your graveyard tho. the lifegain combo just needs someone to lose life, which can be easily achieved with cards that the lifegain deck has anyways - a single 1/1 flyer, or sac, or burn, or tap to gain 1 life etc.
your combo doesn't win the game when you play it btw. your opponents have 6 turns time to kick you out of the game.
I conclude, you combo is a 3 piece combo, because you need at least 1 sorcery or instant, and even then, you are not guaranteed a win, making the lifeloss combo superior to yours :^)
Stop it both of you before urog the cum guzzler guzzles your cum
I accept your concession
>hmm today I will argue that only having 6 cards in your library is not a colossal disadvantage
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Alright anon, you make a good point.
you give up way too early anon, I'm greatly enjoying this
Not if 5 of those cards are the pieces of exodia the forbidden one
Anon a 7 turn clock is dogshit. I kill tables on turn 7 at times. Your combo doesn't stop them from slapping your shit with the cards in their hand and on their board, and you become archenemy. Your combo is like a cartoon character announcing they're gonna charge up their supermove for the next 7 minutes. It's not practical.
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So it's iconic?
Promises are best only upheld technically when playing EDH. It's why I love playing cards that gain or swap control of permanents.
>7 turn clock
Lmao I love how now the number is actually fucking going up.

One off the wildest things I notice about these threads that I don’t see happen anywhere else is that some of you are so fucking comfortable just lying about the way the game is played. I don’t know, maybe it’s all just the same totally sociopathic guy.

Today you’re saying that actually no one plays mandatory draw effects and will simply choose not to draw when they have 6 cards in deck, whilst still somehow miraculously beating you in that game state
A month ago I watched you retards arguing that no one overhand shuffles in this game and you actually riffle shuffle 7 times every time you search your library, when it was pointed out that overhand shuffling is not mathematically random

Absolutely bananas. Whatever you need to say to not concede the point, that’s how the game has actually always been played- until the next argument where that’s no longer convenient of course
not him, but
>maybe it’s all just the same totally sociopathic guy
from autist to schizo, those anons really get to you, huh?
btw, your combo is still a 3 piece combo because you cannot win by just playing those 2 cards
It is a 7 turn clock dumbass, 6 cards in deck means they need 7 draws to lose, which is 7 turns. You said that in the overwhelming majority of cases people will be drawing more than one card a turn. This is demonstrably wrong, the majority of draw people play (especially at higher power tables) is optional.

And yes, 3 opponents with 7 turns each are very likely beating your ass when you've been wasting your time making yourself archenemy through your shitty combo.
Each player, so you're at the same disadvantage and IF they have mandatory draw effects it will kill them faster than 7 turns.
It's a "disadvantage" if I was relying on drawing my good cards but if they're already in my hand I have 6 turns to play them and all you've got to show for it is a 6/6 flying demon that will draw you extra cards on top of it.
kino, but why two black areas?
it's the thread schizo, he samefags to start a fight every thread because he's a nogames who plays magic vicariously by arguing with anons here
>I'm not him
uh huh
I'm him
he's HIM
alright, I admit it. I am behind all the replies to you. also, I will never stop. every time you post, it will be me who replies to you. I am watching you, anon.
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>I'm the thread schizo
>I was drinking all weekend and nursing a hangover so I didnt post at all
>about to crush a couple beers and eat a handful of edibles so I probably wont post much today
Your detective skills need some work.
>you cannot win by just playing those 2 cards
Cool, so there are no 2 card combos because you need to play lands and play cards until you cast can them? Got it.
Yeah you also post that exact same fucking image nearly every thread
no, you literally haven't won yet if you play those 2 cards. there is plenty of time for your opponents to kill you. this is not a winning combo on its own, and it is worse than a lot of actual 2 card win combos.
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the fuck are you talking about, I'm the thread schizo, and I have the reaction image to prove it
I refuse to play combos
Learn what card advantage is bro, you're embarassing yourself. Having cards in deck doesn't help you at all in the moment, until you spend resources to draw them. All you have is a shitty 7 turn clock.
Convenient how you stopped replying to altar of dementia anon after you got BTFO by him

Like altar of dementia + Doomsday Excruciator is a bad combo too but it's still better than yours
dude. you haven't won yet if you play those 2 cards. you still have to endure 6 rounds against 3 people.
the best 2 card combos win you the game on your turn. no matter how much you scream about it, reality won't bend for you.
Can someone give me a tldr on whats going on with these arguments
Yes, but not since maybe wednesday since I've been busy.

We can both be the schizo together! I support that.
>I-I’m not bad okay??? It’s just everyone else is really good and can win with 6 cards in deck!!
>heh heh you stopped replying so you lose!
Very telling of your mindset.
Its just objectively wrong. Swapping out Elixir for Altar is retarded. You kill ONE person ahead of time and leave yourself completely defenceless. And then he goes
>nah uh!!! Cos actually you also set up your who board unimpeded to kill everyone with the altar!!!
Uh huh. And when they interrupt you, and you’re left in the exact same position as everyone else, having 6 cards in your deck? How do you propose to win?

Meanwhile with Elixir, not only have you put answers back into your deck, all you have to do is wait it out

Your goon-fried receptors overvalue instant gratification

Didn’t we already do this one?
start here >>94206661 + >>94206816
>newbie thinks there are no 2 piece combos that can knock out all opponents at once
>people post various better combos
>newbie actually goes insane and goes from calling his combo better than anyone else's combo to full-on schizo mode, accusing people replying to him as being the same person
this >>94212617 is the newbie
yes, easily. I force you to mill 20 cards. your move? oh sorry, you just lost. hm, strange. how could that happen to you?
>>newbie thinks there are no 2 piece combos that can knock out all opponents at once
Yeah that isn’t what was said.
You bitched about it being 9 mana total, it was explained that you can play it turn 5 unlike most wincing, your response was that it was garbage, and the response to that was show us your 2 card combo, to which you showed a 10 mana 3 card combo

If you thought you were right you wouldn’t lie
>schizo gets called out for samefagging
>doubles down and just makes himself look even more unhinged
can't make this shit up
>Yeah that isn’t what was said.
>You bitched about it being 9 mana total
wasn't me tho, that's what makes this even funnier. your rage has blinded you. btw, did you know that paranoia is a form of schizophrenia?
see >>94206816
>please tell me how else you intend to knock out all 3 opponents with 2 cards
I'm sorry that you lost face in such an embarrassing way, but as long as you keep going, you entertain the whole thread, so I won't stop you.
Unless they somehow don't reprint the ally fetchlands there and make the set all about Mounting dragons therefore being unplayable I don't know how they could mess up such a slam dunk
the retards who frequent this thread literally lose to precons, what do you expect? they can't grasp the concept that magic is a game of attrition and even combo decks need a contingency
>We can both be the schizo together! I support that.
you are the nicest schizo I have met in a long time, thanks anon.
what a stupid argument
nta but even precons these days come with combos so I wouldn't really call them weak anymore
I honestly can't tell if you're baiting or not
But I didnt samefag? In fact I dont even know what's going on. I'm waiting for things to die down a bit before I ask some questions.
No, but it's certainly better than this durdleshit.
all I'm saying is that losing to precon is nothing special today because they just combo outta nowhere and since they are new cards not many are ready to keep up interaction
doesn't matter, most tables don't even approach cedh you retard everyone is durdling
if that were true you wouldn't been compelled to reply
but you did because you felt called out
Precons from the last 2 years are vastly stronger on average than precons in the past, yes.
And some precons do come with 2 card infinite combos (intentional or not, idk), yes. I think Miracle Worker and Family Matters are the most recent examples.
> they can't grasp the concept that magic is a game of attrition and even combo decks need a contingency
that's rich that you reply with this to the newbie who is unable to graps that his combo win relies on contingency
You called me by name, twice. I'm just chillin' drinking a beer and watching some commentary on youtube. Cheer up bud, you can still have a great day if you apply yourself.

No problem buddy. Today is fantastic.
okay, you caught me again. fuck. but you know that I'm right. I'm only samefagging because I have no friends who would 100% support my argument. what that argument is, I forgot, but that's beside the point.
>proving my point
you claim to understand the game yet you can't conceptualize a scenario where someone wins gradually instead of instantly wiping the table. If you're playing against half decent players you will very rarely just combo out and kill everyone because they'll interact which is why you wear them down and clean up. Try playing the game sometime instead of goldfishing and talking out your ass
I know it's pathetic, I wonder if he ever leaves
There are hundreds of 2 card combos that actually win the game and are too slow for cedh, that would still be better than the guy's shitty monoblack combo.
I think at the majority of tables at least one player will have a stronger and more effective combo in his deck than this nonsense.
Your opponents having 6 cards in their library is obviously a drawback but by the time you would tend to get the "combo" off and have a graveyard worth shuffling in that *might* actually make a difference the game is established, board states are established and that is largely what you're fighting against. Excruciator is 6 mana and elixir is 2 to shuffle so this likely isn't happening before turn 5, being generous and will likely happen 7/8+. Their libraries matter but by this point, if they aren't dogshit players, their hands and board states matter more! This is why the combo is shit because it does nothing to deal with the already crafted problems on hand and you are just hoping that their boards and hands suck and you can sit there for ~6 turns while they do nothing and die.
it's always so baffling to me when a player, clearly playing at a lower power table shares their deck and people go
but you're so obsessed with being "right" you've completely lost the plot. Obviously it's not gonna be the best combo, but you play to your group. Seriously, use your head for 5 seconds.
Also you're really bad for pretending your combo happens in a vacuum and you wouldn't have pre existing issues to deal with when pulling off this "combo".
The anon arguing in favour of the shitty doomsday combo accused people of being too casual to understand it so not a very good defense of his position anon lmao
>If you're playing against half decent players you will very rarely just combo out
you are absolutely missing the point. this discussion is about newbie claiming that a combo giving your opponents 6 turns times to kill you is better than all other 2 piece combos and going insane every time someone reminds him of that.
and you, like an intelligent person and presumably a better player should have been able to understand the intent behind the deck and realized what kind of table he was playing at instead of going through this autistic shitflinging competition. Combos do not have to kill the whole table instantly, attrition is more practical and a better way of learning magic.
Let it go
>will likely happen 7/8
most combos kill the table around t4-6 tho without having to wait 6 additional turns
It's actually kind of neat not being a key contributor in these endless arguments for once. Is this how regular anons feel every day?
huh? this entire discussion started because the guy with the shitty combo claims there are no better 2 piece combos
This doesn't make sense even remotely lmao
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I will happily play a mill card that exiles ~70 cards from each player's library, and pair it with cards that make the effect asymmetrical.
t. doomsday elixir samefag
Yes I am explaining why the combo is not good in a way that's easy to understand.
Why not mesmeric orb like an adult?
if you put your mana rocks in the SAME row as your lands you are a fucking cheater and a fag
I'd also play him in a mill deck, but anon said you don't even need a mill deck for this
What about dryad arbor? What about lands in front of your dudes? What about displaying your graveyard all spread out.
I do what I want negro
yes, you did a good job. need more schizos like you ITT, the other ones are too busy funposting.
the schizo is really fucking mad today lmao
Best looking islands on a budget? I kinda like Tempest
He always gets offended when he gets called out
unironically worse than the one in /5eg/
>keep telling bro to just make 3 lines so he won't get confused
>1) creatures
>2) enchantments and artifacts
>3) lands
>friends say it doesn't matter, there is no rule like this
>watch as bro attacks and kills friends with an indestructible god who lacked the devotion to be a creature
>say nothing out of spite and let bro kill friends
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There are a lot of good ones. This is best island, it's been reprinted a bunch too.
Why not both? If you have Orb out and you resolve Demon, you win on the spot.
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cards for everybody attacks, no blocks, everything goes to face boros deck?
this is the shell I got so far.
Bolas stop posting.
Eh I dont like the big demon as much, like do you reanimate him? Do you hard cast him? Seems like too many hoops for me.
>fellow tropical island enjoyer
ma nigga
invasion ones even come with classic borders
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wrong pic, same difference
literally me
At first glance when I opened that image, I thought it was pic related as the art of Oracle en-Vee
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Great taste. It's teferi's rum drinking island; a great place to chill under stasis on a beach. I like onslaught islands as well.
>Vi sit oracle en-Vee och spelar lite MtGa
I hear you man
I make new rat, then cash them in for beeg deeman
here are a few goad cards that I liked to use in my kardur deck
Taunting Kobold
Bloodthirsty Blade
Bothersome Quasit
Laser Screwdriver
Vengeful Ancestor
Geode Rager
and my favorites from the deck
Death Kiss
Hot Pursuit
I wonder if the new one in foundations will be the missing white one in the "deck can have any number of" cycle
Is getting humiliated like this your fetish?
templar knight exists
The thing that gets me is the people acting like you can't just put all of these in a deck, as though Elixir and Altar are somehow mutually exclusive and you can't just run multiple overlapping combos of varying effectiveness.

Would people complain about someone running both Aetherflux and Test of Endurance in the same deck?
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Here's what I found on the Magic Spoiler website. It seems overtuned for white, but everything is pushed these days.
>whites gets another reason to not be attacked
holy shit when will this OP color finally be banned
I'm bored, share your favorite casual commander for those simple game nights
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you already posted him, but here's another
Tasha or Jon Irenicus. Dimir feels pretty weak, but it's certified fun with its unique identity.
>2 cmc commander
incredibly sexy. what's your general gameplan for the first few turns?
it's a budget deck so you slam down hapatra and swing her in for the early -1/-1 and board presence, then you just run other -1/-1 synergy while amassing a token army
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This card is fucking broken in Nashi
>yeah he's got hexproof
>oh yeah, you boardwiped him? I get 2 cards
>also I can bring this enchantment back and reequip him so more free value for me lol
I'm surprised this uncommon isn't a couple more dollars to be honest but there's just so many niche cards that all of a sudden become god tier in the right build
>Dimir feels pretty weak
it kinda is if you play without combo. I feel like its biggest strength in casual games comes from stealing creatures
>then you just run other -1/-1 synergy
I never tried a -1/-1 deck, and never met one before, may I see an example for a synergy?
I really like the pharao+snakes theme, very biblical
>simple game nights
kek anon
the deck costs less than lunch anon
i've yet to win with her, and im constantly upgrading, but i like it everytime
she is definitely a cute one
basically just jamming all bulk commons and uncommons that have -1/-1 on them. ends up being decently strong despite how cheap it is since all the synergy in the deck is around the -1/-1 counters so its stuffed with removal
oh sweet. I'm gonna try this, I wanted to build another token since forever. maybe I can jam some fun cards like the snake basket in there
Give me your favorite mono white card that can be jammed into any white deck. Hard mode, it cannot cost over $10 and it can't have been in a precon
Larger player group means larger island and more deserts and robbers.
Hard mode is a catch-22. If it’s both good and cheap, they put it in precons.
That is fair. Ill just cut the cheap part
I loved my hapatra deck, cheap oppressive and quick but in my experience if you don't set yourself up for victory quick you will be hated out of Token: The Gathering. It is fun though and with all the cheapest -1/-1 cards there's even a few infinites
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Excluding swords and path, this is the only thing in my white deck that would go in pretty much every white deck.
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There's nothing I can think of outside of removal, so here's all my white removal.
Bro I'm really excited for the upcoming Hyena Rogue card in Foundations can't wait to see how cool he is, too bad he isn't a legendary so he can't be a Commander
Hyenas are cats, so it can go in whatever cat deck you're building.
He's cool. Simple, but cool
Helm Fumiko instead you gay coward.
That is the one thing I hate above all else in this fucking game. How the fuck did this game last so long without designated zones for each card type? It's ridiculous.
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3 mana, guarantees you a land drop, sets up a value engine and lets you untap creatures without even targetting them.
Yea but even budget ass cards have you spending forever creating hundreds of tokens and counters lol half the time I play hapatra on mtgo I crash the client
>guarantees you a land drop
On first ETB, granted you haven’t done any Venturing. Still a great card though.
Were Stroke of Midnight or Generous Gift in any precons?
Stroke, no. Gift, tons.
Both are meh to me. 2 mana to destroy (not exile) one permabent and give them a creature? Eh. Same with Beast Within.
Sorry, 3 mana.
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been in a precon, but it just works.
its my go-to wrath
Post cards that just get better and better as the game becomes more token centric
This thing has saved my ass so many times and will for many more.
Maelstrom Pulse
Legion's End
Wake of Destruction
Massacre Wurm
Anzrag's Rampage
Virulent Plague
Leyline of Singularity
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spicy tech coming through
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I do not think 88% of Daretti, Scrap Savant decks have this
I mean it cost less than $1, why wouldn't they?
A great deal of the decks analyzed by edhrec are either "theoretical" decks or decks that people use on cockatrice or tabletop sim. It's not to be taken seriously for real play.
This should be Special Guest/Zendikar Expeditions levels of pull rates instead of just outright Reserve List
Imagine if they could just do that, they could, but they won't
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Well daretti has almost 3000 decks and that's only 88% of ~300 decks so you would be correct, it would seem not even 10% of daretti decks have it
Why does it only consider 283 decks when looking at workshop? It's not like it's a new card.
If I had to guess you had another card in as a filter so it was showing you the 283 decks with the filtered card in it
Oh you are right, not sure why it was showing me so few until i refreshed
Why wouldn't you run it?
I think maybe it's just some tag that eliminated it, like Daretti stax specifically.
>gets bait countered
interesting commander for those juicy white X creature token spells? had some good experiences with norin in mono red and kinda want to branch out
fuck you mandate of peace is great. Who cares if it came in a precon.
if you really care about making tokens
Jinnie is fun, especially with cards balanced around making temporary tokens
huh, didn't realize before that both of these would actually work with non-creature tokens. my friends still have ptsd from my food token deck.
>especially with cards balanced around making temporary tokens
interesting, I could actually bring a lot of my norin deck with her
Baylen can use them to fuel each other and use them for card draw.
I need help with this commander, I'm trying to do something incredibly janky.

I don't want to run mill, instead I want to run countering his triggered ability and just throwing him at people like a retard. What's the best way to have as much rebound/recursion so I can just keep playing cards like stifle
Tempted to build her to cast big artifacts, but I feel like her best build involves playing a bunch of 2 drops and recurring them, which I don't want to do.
It's not a triggered ability, it's a replacement effect. You won't be able to counter it with stuff like stifle, or really with anything that I know of.
I have a UW Ellen deck it's a lot of fun. I wanna make more Ellen decks
Reeeeeee learn the fucking game
background legends are so underrated
It is a triggered ability. Every time any source you control would deal damage, Mindskinner puts a damage prevention and mill trigger on the stack. This is why Mindskinner doesn't work with damage doublers, since no damage gets delt. >>94215348 has the right idea, since you still get to mill if the damage isn't prevented.
Agreed I hope we get more backgrounds and commanders. Maybe even some 2 colour backgrounds as long as there was never 2 colour background commanders
I think it would be a bad idea to create multi color backgrounds, but I might be able to get behind a character whose only ability is that you can choose two backgrounds.
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Wrong. Triggered abilities use "when", "whenever" or "at". This is a replacement effect. Learn the rules.
Is correct. The Mindskinner's ability is a replacement effect.
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fuck da bant frog
Why wouldn't I mug you in the parking lot?
Weird, I thought a replacement effect had to use the word "instead"
Used to play this deck. Felt like a real 200iq goblin. The deck was too solitaire though and my friends did not enjoy me playing it.
I think if you want to get technical it's actually a continuous effect, with a function similar to a replacement effect. It doesn't quite replace it (it adds two effects continuously: preventing damage from your creatures and then making opponents mill equal to the damage that would have been dealt). If it was a replacement effect it would be worded like: "if one of your creatures would deal combat damage to an opponent, instead that opponent mills that many cards". The result is the same though, as long as there's nothing messing with damage prevention. Either way it's not a triggered ability.
The fuck were they thinking calling these "cases"??? That word only makes sense in the context of a detective agency or police force. The people who take on cases are detectives and police officers.
They should have called them Mysteries. Every world, time, and setting has mysteries to solve. Anybody can solve a mystery. The mechanics of the thing are a great execution of quests, why would they not want this to be as adaptable as possible?
It's like if Sagas were called "Dominaria Histories", locking them to one setting forever. The fuck were they thinking?
>The fuck were they thinking?
No thought went into making MKM
Probably WotC's obsession with using shorter words and phrasing so that they can cram even more words into a card.
Even then though, Mystery would have been a much better fit for a subtype. And in most Cases (heh) they either don't use the subtype at all in the card text, or they have enough lines as is that using Case instead of Mystery probably wouldn't alter things too much.
And really, if changing Case to Mystery is what ruins the readability of a card's text, that's a sign the card has too much text in the first place.
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Yeong is an awesome artist. Glad he made a sol ring and deluge.
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Should I cut anything for some if these?
tens of dollars destroyed
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>need to cut 36 cards
>deck has 36 lands
I made this joke originally but it might be more soon because I am getting my Badlands signed by Rob Alexander. That might be more than tens
cut sol ring >:)
>The Gak is legal
>All Dredge tools legal
>13 B/G cards with Dredge
Dare I build manaless Dredge in Commander?
If you do, post your list.
>Karlov Manor
It’s a shame it might never make a comeback because I actually like this mechanic a lot. It’s basically Saga with a benefit and a unique activation for further benefit. I’m thinking of working Case of the Locked Hothouse and Case of the Shattered Pact into my Marina Vendrell deck for ramp and a pretty easy to activate solve condition.
>Cabal Partriarch
>Blood Artist
The ugly old man will stay with his wife
Based pulls
I got the foil Crypt Ghast and foil movie poster Living Death from my nightmare bundle
How will you pay for the B/G?
One must fully read the card to play the Gak
Hey retard, Hogaak is one of my favourite commanders. Familiarize yourself with the kind of mana Dredge gives you.
Then don't add Archon instead. It's boring as fuck.
Dredge doesn't give mana, it puts a card back in your hand instead of drawing in exchange for milling a certain number of cards :^)
By Dredge I meant Delve, but with that mouth agape response I guess I can't expect you to infer or use your brain.
Read the fucking card niggerbitchfaggot
Hey dipshit, I really hope you're trying to bait, because without creatures to convoke you aren't casting Hogaak once.
Guess you're gonna get some creatures out if you want to cast him!
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I can see Hothouse going up in time. I've played with it in multiple EDH decks and it's great.
>Basking Rootwalla
>Allosaurus Rider
>Vine Dryad
>Nether Shadow
Wowee! 2% to have any of these. Build this deck you retarded fuck, don't sulk like I know you do when you don't get to "do the thing!"
>bad player is bad and angry and also bad at math
>He doesn't think he will be using mulligans aggressively
Definitely retarded or baiting, you're too boring to press it regardless.
I don't know how I feel about this board
I don't think you can do a true manaless dredge deck with the singleton problem and key cards sucking dick in multi-player but you can do charbelcher manaless with the mdfc lands from zendikar rising and mh3. Either way post what you build I'm curious to see if it can be done.
Craterhoof Behemoth gives the extra power on etb so cards with effects like Terror of the Peak would only do 5 damage to a target right? TotP would only see the extra power on things that enter with +1/+1 counters?
Godspeed anon. He's pretty cool. If you do build him be sure to share how it goes.
Mana rocks are common enough and efficient enough in eternal formats to make U's only real weakness irrelevant

Also these retards saying G is the next best are retarded, its clearly B.
Ramp is essentially I can do more later while B is I'll do slightly less now.
It only seems powerful in this format because the average EDH player is brain dead and just "I make new rat" for the first 6 turns of the game.
The other cards you describe are also ETB triggered abilities (Terror of the Peaks, Warstorm Surge). You can choose the order the triggered abilities go on the stack so that the power modification resolves before the damage.
I don't think you can build it without narcomoeba and with only one dread return. Not to mention only one of each of the few alternatives to narcomoeba. Getting even a single decent creature out sounds like a huge task
U > B >> R (carried hard by Breach) > W > G
Marvel lairs got revealed and we are already at a point where we need to explain what a triggered ability is.
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R is equal to B because it has the best counters to U. :)
File: reb.jpg (145 KB, 672x936)
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145 KB JPG
we hate U
File: 1708484085142298.png (11 KB, 95x138)
11 KB


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