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Homebrew edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
>Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 Official free rules
>2014 Official Free Rules

>2024 UA

>2014 Errata

>5etools (2024)
>5etools (2014)

The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>94190774

TQ: What homebrew have you seen that you think would actually add-to and benefit the game if made official?
The first not-completely retarded 2024 Ranger rework (if one doesn't already exist)
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I hate the way most saving throws (don't) scale unless you're a monk or paladin. It's bad design.
For me it's 2d20 >take average
You can just drop the higher or lower for adv/disadv
It's an odd design philosophy to match fighters against a DC 21 wisdom save against fear, while they got +0. Indominable for a reroll? Gee, thanks. At least 2024 gets it right. While you can deal with it in other ways, the odds are so incredibly skewed.
I know nothing about DnD lore outside of a vague recollection of Drizzt books, and whenever I go to read anything about the setting to try and flesh out my character it's just a massive wash of proper nouns. What are some things that are important to know?
Drow breastmilk tastes like mushrooms
It's also obvious that WotC knows it's a problem because after a certain point in the MM every monster of any high challenge rating has proficiency in basically every saving throw to make up for this discrepancy with like one outlier. And that's before getting into legendary resistances.
That officisl lore doesn't matter.
Ask your DM if there's anything you can connect your character to, other than that, just make a man that has a reason to seek fortune/aid the helpless/conquer his foes or whatever.

And for the love of God put some effort into your familial connections.
Just some names and occupations.
Why doesn't 5etools have Tales from the Yawning Portal?
>TQ: Saves being removed entirely and spells with secondary effects just having a percentage chance of working, similar to how status moves in Pokémon have flat chances of working, regardless of the stats of the target. Right now the entire Saves system is just a fucking mess and impossible to balance. The current system isn't fun for players to use, or to have used against them.
I did not mean for that whole thing to be greentext.
So you're saying I can dump my casting stat at your table and still cast Hypnotic Pattern succesfully?
Sure, you're still giving up spells prepared and an attack bonus on your attack spells.

Thanks for reminding me how retarded the idea of "casting stats" are, especially when they're obligatory max-outs on every single caster.
Any ideas on how best to deal with overly-edgy characters for your table?
I'm dm'ing for a group where the campaign (homebrewed) is very rp-heavy, and while this was (I thought) understood by the players, one of them made a combat-centric character.
Now this doesn't matter in the grand scheme imo since good rp has little to do with character sheets, so I didn't see anything wrong with it, but the player behind the character has done nothing but burn bridges and threaten people with physical violence. Now this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, but they have always had very little reason to cooperate with the party or npcs, and I should have nipped this behavior in the bud earlier by talking with them, but it's too late now.
The problem character nearly killed another player's character, even going so far as the problem player declaring it before the session even started, rebuffing all of their potential victim's attempts at reasoning with them out of game.
I have zero intention in allowing unconsented pvp, but is it the right course of action to kill this character in combat?
>inb4 give him a reason to care or w/e
I did. Several times. Character is fundamentally flawed in that their overly edgy, broody, self-flagellating attitude makes social links impossible to cultivate with this narcissistic character/player (they're also a complete coward which makes it impossible for them to stick out their necks to help others with their physical prowess).
I'm in need of some potential solutions here because it's looking like a better and better idea to just take em out back so the player might make a less cringe worthy, sasuke-wannabe. Player will not make the same character twice.
if fixing this kind of behavior was common knowledge, the world would be a better place.
“Hey man, I get that you’re playing a flawed character but it’s really bringing the other players down and not really fitting in this campaign. You can work with me to make a new character that better fits with the party or we’re gonna have to ask you to step away from the table.”
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You can't fix an out-of-game problem through in-game means. You need to sit down with the problem player, tell him he's being a colloidal douchebage, and his character is ruining the campaign for everyone else. From here, if he does not offer to change his ways or make a different character, kick his ass out of the group. Players are a dime a dozen and easily replaced.
Funny thing is, the gap between a good save and a bad save in 5e is the same as it is in 3.5. A good save in 3.5 starts with +2 and scales to +12, while a bad save starts with +0 and scales to +6. The gap between them is always equal to what your proficiency bonus would be in 5e. The only real differences are
>DCs go much higher in 3.5
>5e has six different saving throws to 3.5’s three (but you get proficiency in two saves in 5e, so you’re still covered for a third of them)
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All casters get to pick their casting stat. Want to play a Intelligence Warlock who negotiates their Pact by studying occult lore and the rules of the lower planes? Go ahead. Want to make a Charisma Cleric who's a hellfire preacher with conviction and magnetism that wouldn't be out of place in Warhammer 40k? Great. Want to play a Wisdom Sorcerer who's learned the secret of their magical blood over a lifetime of meditation and pursuing inner harmony? Great, that's really interesting!
The player made a character geared towards combat but is a complete coward? In what regard? Do you mean for a rogueish type or a paladin? And do you mean that the character behaves uncharacteristically when the player senses danger? Because there's nothing inherently wrong with not wanting to die unless what you're describing *is* that the character's behavior is erratic, in which case yeah that's fucking lame. If you plan on killing them you need to consider that the player might just make an equally retarded character if they had even let it get this far with the first. Do you plan on tackling a repeat offender of shit roleplay? And if you kill them make it epic or whatever so they walk away from the session thinking you're a great dm and not equally retarded for letting the oc-donut-steel into your game in the first place.
Have an arch fiend or fey or some other fitting powerful being offer him some secret pact that forces him into changing his behavior willingly in order to work towards some grander selfish goal. I mean it is still very edgy, so he might even like it. ”Damn I’d wish to kill that guy but my devil mistress made me swear I keep my work subtle”. Its so lame it could work.
Martial maneuvers are the big one for me
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>DM had a whole bunch of homebrew weapon upgrades
>DM decided to remove the bloat from the game
>all items revert to standard D&D style items
>exploding dice, increased die sizes, expanded crit ranges all removed for simplicity
>now is the opportunity to shuffle enchantments on weapons/items around
>level 18 conquest paladin (2014) with the following
>Holy Avenger
>Ascendant Dragon's Wrath Weapon
>+2 shield
>game also has magical materials that are not getting removed
>have multiple darkwood (if it's not heavy, it gains the light property)
>have one ignan brass (+1d8 fire once per turn)
>weapon mastery properties to be implemented into our 2014 game
I could have an ignan brass holy avenger shortsword with vex, and a darkwood dragon's wrath battleaxe with topple.
This lets me holy avenger shortsword, trigger vex, dragon's wrath battleaxe during extra attack, BA use either a second time.
Both darkwood, holy avenger longsword, dragon's wrath battleaxe. I trade the 1d8 fire damage and vex for sap because succeeding on topple would give me advantage anyways.
Ignan brass holy avenger scimitar with nick to free the bonus action completely
Prepare for one of the previous setups, but normally wear the shield for +4 AC and just use one weapon.
DMG scan fucking when? Surely some unscrupulous motherfucker has a copy by now. I need those new magic items.
For anyone that has ever made or played with a Prestige class in 5e (that is less that 15 levels long), how should some of the “scaling” (ability scores improvements, multi attack, bonuses to crit chance, movement speed and maximum carry weight) levels look? Should there even be anything besides new, unique features that can’t be gained from “basic” classes?
What about normal classes? Should I make a Class that is intended to function alongside a Prestige Class a full class with 20 levels or should have somewhere around 8? What about subclasses?
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Foundry has darkvision in grayscale and it actually works pretty well.
Am I better off using old sharpshooter builds if I want to do damage? I can't imagine new martials surpass them.
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They're like Wizards but also with really good hand to hand combat and sometimes weapon use. I'd say you could pick a Monk or an Arcane Trickster Rogue or you could play a Wizard (Bladesinger? War Magic? Evoker? Conjurer? Illusionist? Enchanter?)) and find as many spells as you could that would be flavored into Taijutsu and then get as much magic as you can that fits your theme. I'll also mention the 3rd Party Subclass the 'Shinobi' Wizard from Ryoko's Guide to the Yokai Realms. Its basically just a Naruto Ninja- see pic rel.
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>am I supposed to break the rules of a TTRPG if I want to punch numbers in excel instead of roleplaying
>And for the love of God put some effort into your familial connections.
>Just some names and occupations.
Simply no.
I don't need family and I don't want your storyfag ass trying to drag family into the campaign.
IF you chose to bring back the -5/+10 with the new 2024 Mechanics...expect ranged weapons to get even stronger. Hand Crossbows and Shortbows both have the Vex property which generates advantage very easily. Coupled with the archery fighting style still being really strong and even just craftng a +1 or +2 magical weapon its quite easy to make that -5 feel non existent. If you played a Fighter eventually when you hit level 13 you get Studied Attacks- which basically makes those Vex weapons have advantage 100% of the time outside of the first attack you make against the target in combat.

Alls to say- I wouldn't suggest making the then best weapon option even better.
OK retard
The game is called Dungeons and Dragons.
I'd suggest you play something else.
Think next Monday is the early release.
But yeah, interesting to see the youtubers aren't allowed to talk about it yet.
Your family is a tool for the DM to use, you sperg
Youtubers have already shown the new magic items
>my character exists from nowhere and has no connections
Retards like you are a blight.
One of my favorite campaigns devolved into political shenanigans born of the players parents (they were brothers in game).
>single city campaign, big metropolis with seedy underbelly controlled by vampires
>father is a council member, mom ded, step-mom trophy wife
>players start to rely on the info network their father has access to, start bringing him interesting info from their various jobs
>father starts using info to maneuver himself into greater political power

It's a shame the campaign ended when one of the players got drunk and threatened someone in my home.
Whenni kicked him it kind of all disintegrated.
Literally none of this required blood relations.
Big number make brain feel good.
I wasn't planning on using the 2024 weapon mechanics for obvious reasons. I might use the 2024 class mechanics though.
Literally all of it happened becase of blood relations
Read how Conjure Minor Elementals scales in 2024 for single target and how Spirit Guardian works in 2024 for aoe damage
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Honestly, if you just take the TCE features, lay them on top of the main class from '14, use mostly the features from the 5.24 subclasses, and make them prepared casters (Similar to whatever confusing "everyone's technically prepared" bullshit they did), that's pretty solid. Why they veered off the widely-liked Tasha's reworks and kept Hunter's Mark concentration will never know. I even wrote this up at one point before 5.24 so it's all in one class page and you don't have to flip around, but I can't be fucked to pull it from the full houserule document individually and make the new adjustments.
>So what did your parents do, anon?
>Don't have any.
>Do you have any other relatives?
>Do you know anybody?
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I'm here to kill monsters and get gold. I've got your back if you've got mine.
The real family is the one you make along the way.
The real friends are the ones you make along the way.
>know anybody
Yeah, the PCs and NPCs I meet along the way.
>btw I'll be playing a 200-year-old elf
Yeah both of those are broken but my DM makes long rests spaced out enough that it may be a problem to use them. Also he might just alpha strike me every fight.
I wouldn't mind this if it wasn't a buff to wizards
I already have to twist the game in knots to bring martials up to par
>he doesn't play a young human fighter
>he doesn't play a character with a family or friends
You don't get to invoke the classic hero and omit the hero's classic motivation and foundations for their morality.
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I absolutely hate that part of making a character. I just want to play and don't care about the backstory of some ranger. He's not special, he just a dude with a bow.
>he just a dude with a bow
That's probably why nobody at the table gives a shit about your character either
Why don’t you play videogames instead if you just want gameplay and not immersion?
built yourself a mind prison. i bet you’re just a nobody nothin special guy in real life too.
I've been playing dnd with my buddies for a year now, and one of them takes way too long with his turns. We're a group of 5, dm included, but his turns take as long as all the others combined. It's not even that he has a complicated class, he's playing a rogue, but he just keeps fucking hesitating about what he is going to do, to the point where we've have started using his turns as bathroom breaks. We've talked to him about it but he claims he doesn't notice how much time passes when he's thinking about his turn.

I'm taking over dm'ing again in a month or 2 when our current campaign is finished. I'm planning to set a 2.5 minute turn timer, which should be MORE than enough for all players to take their turn without being rushed. Anyone else also have something like this?
Give him a chess clock.
What's a cool quote to add to this feat I made?
Going for inspirational, kinda like it's two bros underneath
>I absolutely hate that part of making a character. I just want to play and don't care about the backstory of some ranger. He's not special, he just a dude with a bow.
ya bluh let's just kill 46 goblins in a white room and get some loot
not like I can do that shit better in a video game instead this simplistic system and dice shit
A limit is merely the boundary between what has and has not yet been done.
- Bolsan Arsic
You don't need to know any of those names. Just like real life. Don't believe me? Who's your city's comptroller? They have the authority to sign a slip of paper that reclassifies your home as a garbage dump and force you to move or be homeless. Name all your senators/representatives. Who is the elected sheriff of your county? No googling allowed.

You don't know. Most people are completely ignorant of what's going on within miles of their home, let alone on the other side of the planet. And that's *with* modern information technology and a 24/7 infotainment cycle. You think a world in which the PRINTING PRESS is less than a decade old is going to have widespread information networks? No.

And it doesn't really matter. You don't need to know any of these big names. Doesn't matter. Think local history. Bob down the street found out the local tax collector was ripping folks off and beat him to death with a turnip. That's the kind of lore you need for your character.
Sign the sensitivity/trigger form or I will hyperventilate and make the X sign Chud!!!!
Thats perfect, thank you!
I must break you.
- Ivan Drago
Turn timer is fine.
The problem usually is that some people switch off in between their turns. Not only does this make them bad at using reactions, but they don't use all that time to actually plan their moves.
Of course, 20% of the time you don't get to do what you were planning to do, but 80% of the time it makes your turn take 10 seconds.
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I need pictures, pictures of fey characters!
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For the love of Christ almighty, they made something for this. You don't even have to think about it. Just use the tables in Xanathar's. That's it! That's all you have to do! I go hard on the character/roleplay and still use it. It fills out a lot and helps brainstorm, if nothing else.

Shit, if you don't care about it, just roll it and use it. Between that and the traits in the PHB maybe it'll push something to make your characters more interesting. You can even get extra gold/items from it. It's simple. I can't believe people ignore it so much.

Fuck, here, it's even easier. Just hit the buttons, you don't even have to roll actual dice! Just do it!

>consider myself experienced DM of over 5 years
>only ever played 100% online
>have small group of normie friends
>guy 1 is a regular mainstream gamer, zelda and elden ring are two things I know he's played a lot of
>guy 2: "Is that Mewtwo on your shirt? I'm actually playing through Ruby right now. IPS? The gameboy was a gift actually."
>guy 3: "You like the video games?" (ESL)
>guys 4&5 would recognize pikachu as "pokemon"

I wanna try them out. How do you guys handle physical sheets with normies that don't have everything memorized? Specifically class features and magic items. They're going to have to read them over and over to get them. Spells are covered by hardcodex.ru
If my players don't start talking IMMEDIATELY, they dodge on their turn. It's happened a maximum of once per player. They need to have an immediate relevant question or statement. And after the question, they need to have a response. If there's a pause, they dodge.
>The guy Conan attack comes up for you, Jimbo. He attacks, 21 to hit, 10 damage. Sean, your turn.
>Sean: If I come here can I do thing X?
>no, too far
>Sean: I go here and do thing Y.
I find that turn timers make players not think about what they're doing until their turn waiting for complete information and they "game the timer" by keeping an eye on it and counting and measuring the full duration of the timer.
I'm a very fast player and hate when I do my thing and have to wait for multiple players to THINK about what to do, let alone read their fucking abilities and spells.
Keep their character sheet in front of them at all times. It's not that hard to memorize 2+1
Just run one of the starter adventures with pre-made sheets for them, the #1 thing I've seen kill normie interest was learning how to character build.
I mean the specifics of the features written out.
Do you write all this shit on the actual sheet. Of course I'm going to give them pre-mades.
>Level 1: Second Wind
>You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level.
>Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
>Level 2: Action Surge
>Starting at 2nd level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action.

I solved my thoughts on magic items of just not giving anyone any until I see how they can grok what's happening.
Just write down the rules part, nobody needs the fluff explaining what the ability represents
Not really the thread for it.
They have character art threads you can get loads of images from, especially if you make the next thread and theme it.
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thoughts on the 5.5e dm screen
I don't know how much this will help with completely green fresh players, but here's how I do it on all mine or if I prep something for someone. Shorthand it down to just the purpose of it.

For example, what you used I'd write as:

>Second Wind: Bonus Action, regain 1d10 + Lvl. HP. 1/Rest
>Action Surge: Take additional action, 1/Rest

Or for something more complex from one of my sheets, actually, here's just a snippet of it. You should be able to fit everything in there shorthand.

For newer players, you may want to extend some of it (Bonus Action instead of BA, Short or Long Rest instead of 1/R, etc.). I'd also heavily recommend if not a session zero (Likely too much investment to "try" the game), use a pre-made character or one of the box sets like the other anon suggested, and spend an hour or two just hitting the basic stuff like Action Economy in simpler terms (Everyone gets one Action, can attack, cast a spell, specific things can be a bonus, what resting is, etc.). Just speed run the basic mechanical bits from the book, which may be simpler to get their heads around than character creation, equipment, or the first half of the book otherwise first.

Hope it goes well, though, and it ends up being a good group. Happy playing, anon.
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That I hope that's not it, and if it is, then I am very disappointed.
I put actions the party can take on note cards and pass them out when appropriate
I like it
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How common are monster attacks on settlements? Like I can't imagine being some farmer and having to put up with shit like this every few years.
Handy. They're smart fellas in other terms, just no experience here.
I plan on playing The Fall of Silverpine Watch, which has great pregens. And now that I remember, those sheets are put together really nicely for printing straight off for new players. I've always played with players who wanted (and knew how) to make their own.

This is what local guard are for and why local lords pay knights, adventurers and the militia.

Seems gay
>how common is thing in my imagination
Ok timer it is then.
>The problem usually is that some people switch off in between their turns.
I think only me and one other player really prepare our next turn in advance, I'll try to make it a point at the start of the session.
>I find that turn timers make players not think about what they're doing until their turn waiting for complete information and they "game the timer" by keeping an eye on it and counting and measuring the full duration of the timer.
Yes that's something to look out for, maybe I should just keep the timer only for myself so they can't see how much time they have left. Like I said, it's mostly to prevent him from taking 5+ minutes per turn and killing the flow.
one thing you can also try is reminding people when they’re up next.
for example
>dm: And that finishes your turn bob?
>bob: yeah thats all i got
>dm: okay fred you’re up, stacy you’re on deck

this way stacy gets a reminder to start thinking about her turn while fred takes his
finish the set
>goblins, kobolds, and
>mind flayers, beholders, and
>bugbears, hobgoblins, and
>nothic, gargoyle, and
>Big titty wolf girls
You are forgetting to sanitize your files and leave some personal data in, Tim.
So, is cleric mostly unchanged per the 2024 rules? Thanks, guys
>Subclass at lv. 3
>Changes to Intervention
>Able to select Armor/Weapons vs. Cantrip with any subclass.
This and several other small quirks, but yeah.
That sheet came from a pdf from AngryGM's starter adventure path, actually.
Oh wow I'm actually blind I see now haha, amazing.
This is why WotC doesn't release high level adventures because 5e is a shit bastardized version of 4e which was already shit.
And don't forget that 5e is balanced around the assumption the DM never gives out magic items.
I know that what matters is what's written but damn it if the artwork from everything 5.5 I've seen so far makes it so incredibly unappealing.
This. I can probably pull better with some basic prompt slop. If AI can come up with better designs, their paid diversity hires have no excuse. At least there are no Wizards&Wheelchairs shenanigans going on with that picture.
Not a single white man in sight, beautiful. :)
What about the goliath? His skin is very pale.
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Want to make a /comfymaxxing/ halfling character who is the designated party cook. Not sure if he should be a sniper-hunter to go with the cook theme for big Game and also as hobbits historically get the rogue/hunter job or make him a rogue because I love Bilbo/Frodo. Or some kind of bard or wizard. I basically just want a character who is all about being chill. They are only along for the adventure and not at home because they wanted an excuse to cook exotic comfort food.
Sounds like a gay idea. Did your gay boyfriend write it? I like paladins btw
Nah, Rogue. Get Sneak Attacks on ranged shots from stealth to drop game.
He is body-positivity transman coded, clearly.
Go back to /foxnews/, transphobe. This is proper LGBT ally clay.
Utility wizard. Focus on rituals so you have an excuse to hang out for ten minutes, smoking a pipe as you cast tiny hut so you have a safe place to cook. Comprehend Languages so you can read all the recipes in exotic tongues. Prestigitation in case you fuck up the food. Prof in herbalism kits so you know what spices to use.
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Fey is basicallly one trillion different beings, what are yu looking for specifically?
Far darrig.
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Bastion niggas, we are implementing bastion rules next week, currently at lv6. Don't you guys think that it's way too easy to craft powerful magic items with this system? winged boots, gauntlets of ogre power and other stuff being so easily accessible to everyone will quickly feel boring imo. instead of magical treasure we get now gold grind and planned crafting, i think it's a downgrade overall.
What are the options to be able to see in magical Darkness?
The armorer's handbook is pretty good. It lets you upgrade your weapons. I think the best homebrew I've found though is what I attached with sane magic item price. It amazes me that they decided to just not give things prices. Lazy incompetent retards work at WOTC
>lol just make it up ur the dm
Sane magic item prices is basically mandatory
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>2024 ranger with the following changes
>spread out expertise gained to 2nd, 6th, and 9th level instead of one at 2nd and two at 9th
>hunter's mark actually becomes more powerful at 5th, 13th, 17th, and 20
>without increasing its damage

DM empowering lol
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My group really wants to name our Party IC and we all need to come up with some names for next session, could you guys help me out in picking something/general advice on something to throw out?

We're a group that comes from pretty much all the varying nations of the continent with a young idealistic hedge-knight as the leader because of high charisma and everyone likes the guy. Pretty much being formed as a group to serve as an intermediate faction between all the big countries, and to pursue justice where armies couldn't cross borders without causing incidents. If it helps at all, the Knight in charge just won a tourny and was given the moniker 'The Young Hawk'
The Tit Monglers
i'd rather complain about slop posters
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Reminder a LIMITED number of Turks, Ottomans, Egyptians or Saudis in a European fantasy setting is fine so long as they are present as being from a far off land
We waz elvez n sheet is not fine
I don't know if my DM will allow multiclassing for this module, but whether or not he does will change my starting build at level 3. Should I just come prepared with two character sheets?

The Band of the Hawk you baiting fucker.
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Want to say "Band of Hawks" but that might be a little too on-the-nose.

I suppose if you're an intermediate faction between all the countries you need a name that doesn't suggest you may be biased towards one, so something every country has or none of them do. Could make it star related since "we all share the same sky" or some shit, unless one kingdom in particular really loves astronomy anyway.
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How's your campaign going, /5eg/? On my last session:
>The party faced a elemental storm serpent
>The serpent's very existence causes a huge thunderstorm, so they're fighting in the rain and in the eye of the storm
>The Barbarian attempted to shout it out of the sky with an animal handling check
>He crit fails the check
>Serpent picks him up and chucks him into the storm
>Hits the party with a lightning breath
>The DMPC just barely gets a containment spell around the eye in time
>The storm has completely stopped now; it's still storming, but everything has frozen in place, even the lightning
>mfw I only have a vague idea of where to go from here
>He crit fails the check
Yes, I allow crit failing checks when I feel like it adds to the thrill of rolling. My players know this and he was undeterred, as a good Barbarian should be.
Wait, is the Barbarian still in the storm and trapped with the rest of it?

Isn't looking great in my campaign, we went to save a friend of my character and now one party member is dead after it turned out another party member was hiding their lycanthropy and butchered them before we managed to deal with the illusory moon that somehow generated real moonlight, and when we finally reached my friend another party member ended up killing him (they were possessed but they were also messing around with an obviously cursed item so not a great look).
So yeah, net negative in people saved, we are terrible adventurers.
Cult is rather explicitly not a European fantasy setting.
Goddamn autocorrect. Fixed it 3 times and it still got me.
Isn't it literally just the old system except that you have lackeys to take your Downtime for you so you don't have to ever stop adventuring?
The Barbarian fell out of the sky when the storm's winds stopped, so he fell about a hundred feet. So now I have to figure out what's gonna happen.
>Isn't looking great in my campaign, we went to save a friend of my character and now one party member is dead after it turned out another party member was hiding their lycanthropy and butchered them before we managed to deal with the illusory moon that somehow generated real moonlight, and when we finally reached my friend another party member ended up killing him (they were possessed but they were also messing around with an obviously cursed item so not a great look).
PCs come and PCs go, the point is to have cool moments. You guys might be crappy adventurers but it's a cool story at least.
The problem with critical failures is that players roll more attacks as they get stronger. So the 20th level fighter is dropping his sword and cutting himself all over the place. The simple solution is to make it only for the first attack but most fags who want to use garbage like a critical failure deck wouldn’t because muh realism or some dumbass shit.
What if Yakub was slain in my setting before he could create white people?
>Goblins and kobolds
Both originally based on the same creature...
>Mindflayer beholder
Schemey aberrations, gotta be Aboleths.
>Bugbear, hobgoblin
The obvious answer here would be the third goblinoid Goblin. But you already have them here. So I'm going to say Feywild native medium races and say Elves.
>Nothic, gargoyle
This is actually a pretty hard one. At first blush they share almost nothing other than being ugly. But I think "lurk in arcane ruins" is probably the commonality, so probably like Spectators?
Survives the fall unconscious and gets taken in by sexy merfolk.
It could happen!
Okay, but my campaign isn't set in a European fantasy setting.
Oh fuck I forgot to answer pair 1.

There's several answers, but the most accurate is given the D&D context is probably Gnome.
sounds fucking terrible
>noooo I am playing in the savage lands for furries
I don't mind tarzan/heart of africa stories having black tribes. In fact, white people killing africans is on of my favorite film genera with zulu and siege at jadotville
Well, I'd imagine they probably balance around it hitting about half the party. Hitting half means the party is weakened and threatened, but can still take actions to shift the balance back in their favor.

At low levels, it hits half the party because bonuses aren't very different and you need top half of die to pass.

And at late levels, the people that are proficient have a great bonus and will likely pass, while the people who aren't might as well not roll.
So it's still half the party that gets hit, it's just more deterministic.

But since big boss monsters aren't a party, this have no party members to stay active and maybe save them, they can't be allowed to have a weak save.
Look, if Simon is a black half-elf with Elminster as an ancient ancestor, there's pretty much only one continent on Toril with proper negroid black people.

How did the family end up in Fantasy Europe? Because they've got big dick wizard blood. Literally the biggest dick wizard the setting has to offer, he's basically an author self-insert. Furthermore the character is literally looking for information about said Big Dick Wizard because he's hoping it will tell him more about his own magical ability.

It doesn't conflict with the setting. It's not an unreasonable storyline. There are much, much bigger offenders to hoist tiki torches and pitchforks over when it comes to Hasbro forcing Wokisms into D&D.
You sound like a faggot.
Thay is explicitly settled by the descendants of actual bona fide Egyptians from actual Egypt, and that shit is canon.
Is that why they're racist, supremacist necromancers?
you sound like you use a wire to try to fool god, faggot. egyptions aren't black. egyptions never were black.
pic related is literally an egyption. also why would there be a bunch of thayans just out and about all over the place? those fuckers are in thay, so either they would be exotic in limited numbers or you are in thay.
also weird they cast a white woman in the DND movie for egyptions
chris pratt's wife was black. like half the people in neverwinter were black. that gay guy playing simon was far from the only black in the film
No they're racist supremacist necromancers because they wanted to turn the red wizards into jews.
They were magic supremacists prior to that because they were the bad magocracy contrasted with Rashemen which was the good magocracy.
They are Egyptian because putting cool shit you like in your game was standard back in the TSR days, and Scott Bennie thought Egypt was cool
>Fighter1/Warlock5 5.5e bladepact archfey patron
>rapier & shield + medium armor
>took warcaster
>taking defensive duelist (DEX14) at warlock8
What's next? Thinking my best bet is to just take +2 CHA ASI to cap but Inspiring Leader looks good too.
Unforunately, I'm the bruiser/tank because the rest of my party consists of ranged or spellcasters. At least the Light Cleric throws warding flares my way and now at cleric6, it'll help sustain my armor of agathys
>you sound like you use a wire to try to fool god, faggot. egyptions aren't black. egyptions never were black.
Anon what the fuck does being black have to do with anything you gigantic retard? You literally fucking mentioned Egyptians as being a thing that shouldn't be in your game?
Were you dropped as a child? Maybe they stepped on your head when they were at it?
Actual Egyptians, ethnic egyptians, have been a canonical and notable part of the most popular D&D setting since before you were fucking born.

but why?
Because it's the highest damage of the finesse weapons to satisfy defensive duelist
There should be a two handed finesse weapon.
holy shit you can't fucking read you fucking ESL retard. stop eating human shit for 2 seconds and reread my post. I explicitly said egyptians, arabs and turks were fine in setting if exotic. thayans are fine in setting and exotic.
you literally can't read and you are gay
holy shit, what a fucking retard you are.
There should be a feat that allows you to do so, but there should not be anyone 2 handed weapon that is finesse.
>Loses argument
>Resorts to "ESL" (For a post that's better written than your own) and actual incoherence
Sure bud.
There's only Sun Blade that is Versatile but also is Finesse when the blade is active. It's trapped to Rare tier so there's nothing to scale
I like that the lightsaber doesn't have finesse when it's not turned on, like they don't stipulate that it doesn't deal damage when it's not turned on. Rather it's just not finesse-y.
holy shit, absolutely malding and btfo
And in fact, there is one. Though it only directly deals "more" damage in the same way as 1d12 vs 2d6, upping the floor and introducing a bell curve. Double-Bladed Scimitar from the Eberron book is a 2d4 Slashing weapon that's two handed, and if you're an Elf you can take the Revenant Blade Feat to make it Finesse for you. Also grants a back end attack like with Polearm Master for 1d4
They removed bastion points, and now at lv9+ you can basically craft any common or uncommon magic items.
The lightsaber is just cool but mechanically, it won't benefit me much since blade pact already lets me deal radiant, psychic, or necrotic vs sun blade's radiant
And going two-handed with sun blade means I lose out on the damage bonus from the dueling fighting style which 1d8+2 is better than 1d10
Still wonder if the bit about the Sanctuary option letting you cast Healing Word as a 10th level spell made it past the UA. Like, it's just Healing Word, it won't break anything, but spells above 9th level are supposed to be a pretty big deal
>literally post that egyptions are explicitly fine in setting because egyptions, turks and arabians have always been in european fantasy since they interacted so much with greece and rome
>no you are wrong, egyptions are fine in setting since they are thayans
you literally can't read and strawmanned something I didn't say and then tried to do the
>you mad
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Yea, sunblade exsists, but its a magic item but its gets a pass

and Double bladed scimitar requires a feat. That sounds perfectly fine if it were more expanded rather than how focused revenant blade feat is about a single weapon


>Spear Dancer
+1 Dex or CON
>You may treat any glaive, quarterstaff, halberd, spear, pike, or trident (or similar weapon with GM approval) you wield as though it had the finesse weapon property.
>You may treat the glaive, halberd, or pike’s two-handed property as if it were the versatile property. Using these weapons in one hand reduces the damage die by one step (1d12 becomes 1d10, 1d10 becomes 1d8, 1d8 becomes 1d6).
Do you think Mystra gives anyone who uses it the stink-eye?
Anon try as you might, you can't come back from your double barreled spergout here. You already abandoned all dignity.
>Heavy weapon with finesse
I'm surprisingly fine with this idea.
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>doubles down on being a seething retard
lmao, keep going
Yea for me at least, weapons are pretty basic tools, and you should invest to do cool things with them

>pick a martial class or take a feat for weapon mastery
>pick a feat to make more attacks (pam, DW)
>pick a feat to remove weaknesses (CBE, SS, etc.)

If they make a single weapon that that has finesse, everyone is going to just use that single weapon.

kinda wish 5.5e went the PF route and removed ASI bonuses from feats and let us take a feat every even level to customize our characters more.
>heavy melee requires 13STR in 5.5e to not suffer disadvantage
DEXbros...we lose again
That's one of the reasons why I'm okay with it, it self balances.
While I agree with your stated goal, aren't you also just saying you want people to take several feats in "Sword" or "Stick"?
>hard ESL a post
>continue to samefag and act retarded when the whole issue is that you can't read
isn't that just because they wanted a distinction between heavy and not heavy weapons and didn't want to make the
>manlets can't use heavy weapons
rules again, because of troons demanding gnomes and halfings be as strong as half orcs because somehow fantasy races having different attributes is racist against blacks irl even though a black in setting would just have the same +stats as a normal human
Anon, why do you insist on the ESL vector when you literally post incomprehensible gooblydegook involving the word "Egyption"?
What compels you to self own?
>if I keep sperging, I won't look like a retard
this is great
again, you are just intentionally acting retarded and samefagging to hide the fact you started seething because you have ZERO reading comprehension skills
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>aren't you also just saying you want people to take several feats in "Sword" or "Stick"?

yes, but also no
I don't want a feat in stick, and super stick, and mega stick
but I think if you want something cool, you should have to pay for it in some way. The previous Spear dancer + PAM + defensive duelist is a cool idea for a dex based polearm enjoyer. One is to let you use a weapon in a new way, another is to give you more damage, and the last is a defensive buff realted to your weapon. Thats neat AF.

I'm a fan of the nerfs to SS, CBE, and PAM They were so good and everything else was meh. I'm also a big supporter of the buffs to charger, defensive duelist, DW, grappler etc. kinda wish charger was 2d6 but thats just me

also, I understand new GWM is better than the old one in terms of averages, but I liked the flavor the old one hand, putting everything you had into a heavy hitting attack at the cost of accuracy was cool.
I don't think that means what you think it means. You should lurk moar. Or keep acting like a seething retard. Either is fine with me. This shit is hilarious.
so tired of my fucking players who need to constantly be proded for anything to happen
I said very clearly at the beginning of campaign your characters need a motivation, a goal, a reason for adventuring. They came up with them and then promptly forgot them
they just sit in mostly silence until i make something happen, they never initiate anything. I dont understand why the fuck they even play a roleplaying game if they're not gonna play the role of a character wanting to accomplish something. They're like monopoly players waiting for their turn around the table
It isn't like samefags aren't super easy to fake or anything
>LA time
no wonder you are gay, retarded, unable to read, post like a faggot pretending to win an argument and have no dick
>most utilize items require dex
>wanted to STRmaxx
>limited to chains
its either that or bombing my CON
+1 to CON as a fighter ain't too bad if i rock heavy armor right?
So when other people invariably stop responding to you because they grow weary of your mental retardation, do you count that as a victory?
Maybe you and your players are playing the wrong style of game. Or rather, what you want isn't what they want.
How is your campaign structured? I find that type of player is usually happy with old school style of play
>person in town heard about monster causing problem or dungeon
>go to dungeon/monster hideout, sometimes skipping the wilderness
>play out a full adventuring day or two
>kill their boss
>get treasure and magic items
>go home and count your gold
>talk about how sweet the new magic item is
>use magic item on the next monster
This might not be your players. But it sounds to me that you're not putting the engaging content in front of them. I much prefer games with linear story and dungeon style combat/treasure structure and get bored if we're creating a rolodex of NPCs that we need to personally be invested in.
Have three NPCs ask them for help directly
>helpless innocent NPC doesn't realize he's in danger and needs to be helped (innocent shopkeep getting in a gang, kid being tricked by a hag, lulu in avernus)
>local lord is an asshole, but will pay adventurers to take care of local monsters
>magic user asks the players to procure difficult to gather ingredients for ???
you realize you just need to press a button on your browser right, retardo?
you are clearly one guy who can't read who is samefagging and acting like a commie faggot from reddit after you get caught being unable to read to try to save face
Anon you just shouldn't keep harping on the literacy thing at this point.
>he's still going
I love schizo spergouts. They just keep going and going and going. He's like the energizer bunny. I bet he doesn't even know what he was mad about to begin with.
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Which one of you did this?
I just read it. It's written better and more interesting than most official BGs
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Hey DM, here's my character. Names Boblin, Boblin the robbin goblin. I picked ranger because my brother said that there was overlap with goblin and rogue.
Sorry I run a game with a more serious tone because that's what I enjoy and makes it worth it for me to invest all this prep time. I hope you find a game that's a better match for you.
Damien, I banned monstrous races. I told you already a party must:
>at least two humans
>any number of hobbits
>no more than one of the following; dwarf, elf, gnome, fairy, centaur (large)
wow, you are still at it with samefagging as a gay tranny retard who can't read
4 am and he's still fucking mad! Holy shit! How long can he go?
>mfw the illiterate admitted to being brazilian near me
there is no city in the USA where it was 4am when I posted that. hell its not 4 am in the US now. for it to be 4 am you would need to be from a country that doesn't speak english, like brazil or canada
in 2014, if i cast sanctuary on myself before grappling, it breaks it
but if i grapple and THEN cast sanctuary, it shouldn't break it, right?
Correct. Always after your grapple.
Ah! The gazillion modules man is back.
I'm so glad that Foundry v13 finally fixes the UI not be so intrusive.
Wondering if anyone knows the deal with this extra, outdated toolbar on the right in Roll20. It doesn't do anything and I'm wondering if there's a way to get rid of it. Is it coming from the VTT Enhancement Suite or betteR20?
I was meaning to write up a homebrew Chef Artificer subclass at some point, you could carry the torch.
I like this thought - how about The North Star?
Just get foundry tbqhfam
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I'm putting teleporters in my dungeon. What happens if homie rolls a super good arcana check on one of them; I don't plan on letting them use the one at the top level until later; do I basically just say you infer its function but can't make it work? Should I maybe do Cave Story rules where no destinations are online yet?
Lots of ways. Say it's powered by crystals, and they need one. Or that destinations are scrambled, and they need to do the equivelant of turning it off and on again somewhere. If you need them to teleport somewhere, tell them that one destination works. Etc, etc.
>tons of ideas in my head for a session
>player does one thing unexpected
>my brain turns into windows millenium
>uhh, heres someone with a funny voice who knows everything you need to know

mad respect to all dms. shits hard.
Actually 1.5 sessions, but:
>lvl 1; shifter bard gypsy, thri-kreen fighter bounty hunter, wood elf ranger soldier, yuan-ti barbarian savage
>war in South, party decides to flee NW to nearby eld-controlled country to avoid conscription
>convince gypsy caravan it's time to skidaddle, get to travel in style as a result
>break an axel, fight some obviously diseased? wolves
>bards Awakened Hawk bro (met during char creation skill challenge) passes a 23DC check to spot the naaglooshii driving them, which slinks away after the fight
>make it to elf border, refugee camp has sprung up at checkpoint
>try to bluster through, but the border is under special guard by some sort of extra-governmental force called the wardens
>apparently a "disaster in the shape of a man" is in the area and the wardens aren't allowing anyone near until he fucks off
>party currently trying to decide whether they want to to double back and try another country, or try and sneak across border

DM skill issue
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Has anyone used this in play? I like the idea because obviously the prices/listing in the DMG is a bit wonky and ephemeral, but some of these prices seem extreme. That may be because this is written under the understanding that a DM will actually hand them out and players will craft/sell them, and not the typical "lol who gives out gold or items" ways of most tables. But like I said, some of these seem high. Especially for Artificers to use effectively.
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>5.5 Blade Pact so hitting with Cha
>Took a Fighter level
>Using a rapier
>Medium armor
>Level 6 total
>Will be 9 by the time Defensive Duelist comes into play

I'm not sure if I'm missing something that requires medium armor but this seems like a silly build with a wasted Fighter level the way you are doing it. What Fighting Style did you take? If you're the tank, my biggest suggestions would be to go as fast as you can for some sort of heavy armor. Maybe get a longsword but it's no difference if you keep using a shield. If you took the Defense style and get heavy armor, and the party needs more damage, switch to a two-hand weapon. If you really, really need the AC maybe get DD, but I'd generally recommend getting better armor and then the ASI or a more interesting feat. IL would up your Cha and give you more survivability.

DD isn't bad, but there's other more effective things you could do. The Fighter level is a befuddling choice the way it sounds like you're building it currently.
What's your favorite build that "doesn't come online" until too late in the campaign to be viable?
2014? Ranger.
2024? Ranger.
I played at a table that used it and didn't really give out ANY magic items. It sucked. The items anyone would want were way too expensive.
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Does anyone know of some fun homebrew skeleton race pdfs? I am going to be playing a game with some buddies soon and was thinking of playing an undead knight. A kobold pdf would be nice as well, i just find the one they did to fix them a mixed bag.
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Pay what you want.
Is there a way to try or review Foundry before spending $50 on it? I love the idea and it really, really seems the standard, but the demo on their website is confusing dogshit. Even on the Trove it seems like you can get content for it but not the program.
Borrow someone's key. Or tell your group you are thinking about it, would everyone pitch in $10 to try it so that nobody's out much?
Would somebody care to explain the meme about people making goblin girl characters? Is it just that nobody wants to entertain their thinly veiled fetish, or that they tend to make them act like cutesy kemonomimi instead of goblins?
It's a popular meme because Critical Role did it and is very popular. People playing manic pixie short girls of other races has been a long meme as old as the game itself though.
Ah, you see, it’s actually rather simple.

I want to FUCK a shameless, horny green shortstack.
Oh I specifically meant the part about DMs apparently not liking or allowing goblin girl characters.
Is that just because Critical Role made everybody do it so it got annoying?
goblin girls are a binary phenomenon:
neither of these are fun to play with, unless you're also one
Yeah, but Sam Riegel was playing a middle-aged woman with a family and a serious drinking problem caused by the trauma of being transformed into a monstrous race and using it as liquid courage.

She was also basically acting as an adoptive parent to Caleb, and there wasn't really any fetish interaction with her and the party.
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made this a while back
You don't need a backstory, you just need an schtick, the backstory is implied.

If you're a bitter ex-cop private detective, you don't need to come up with all the corruption in the force, the chief who took your gun and your badge (because you were a loose cannon and/or out of line), or the buddy you can still call in a favor from, but this is the LAST TIME, McGarnagle.

All this is implied when you're a Bitter Ex-Cop Private Detective.
One of my players said she wanted to play a goblin next campaign. Guess I know now where she got the idea.
See, that was my worry the idea's solid, but most of it looks so overtuned to the point it's worthless because you'd have to edit all the numbers anyways. It seems like one of those "in play vs. in theory" things like Warlocks/Monks and short rests, where theoretically, everything should be fine with them, but parties so infrequently end up taking them that it severely undertunes them. Least of all on pre-written adventures, which applies for both here, where often there's a timer/circumstance where you want to keep going instead of taking an hour, or loot and magic items are so infrequent as to make character creation critical because you ain't getting much otherwise.

DMs just generally seem stingy as a point in 5e for some reason. I've played since 2014 and only gotten Plate twice, and not for lack of fucking trying. I almost understand why they went for "rarity pricing" in a sense because something like this will always have quirks and holes instead of a blanket solution, shit it may be.
It fucking baffles me that, rather than incentivizing short rests to make them more attractive—which would have buffed martials, monks, and warlocks and cleaned up several aspects of the system—WotC decided to lean harder to PB per long rest abilities and tackle those issues individually.
My solution has always been to hand out lots of Consumable magic items. Lets players feel clever using their resources, helps with power creep as the magic items accrue.

One campaign I ran, the PCs had access to a special store run by the Artifact Cartel; for a mission from these guys, they'd give the party a budget of X Tokens, or whatever, and the PCs could pick up consumables or magic items with an expiration date on them.
I need some advice.

Running a gritty realism campaign (8 hour short rests, 7 day long rests), which seems at least better balanced than the regular rest version, but fucks the barbarian out of his rages.

I'd like to implement a solution, but I don't want to overdue it, would regaining 1 rage on a short rest be good?
Give him a potion or two of re-gain-rage (it's just alcohol) that only works once per short rest; gives him something to spend gold on, buying more rages.
What culture is it that has those veils that women wear while doing seductive dances, and what would the forgotten realms equivalent be for the country?
I've narrowed it down to either Amn, Calimshan, Mulhorand, and Zakhara.
>weapon of warning
>80,000 gp
Stop posting sharing this retard's dribblings
It's also a monstrous race that is the most common fodder enemy. I HATE HATE HATE people who play goblins, and I DESPISE those that play them as retarded children.
I make my permanent magic items have a cost. Your +2 Flaming Sword? You only get the +2 bonus and extra d8 damage if you spend a hit die when you attack (counts for attack and damage, not separate costs). Ring of protection? Burns away a hit die every time it was the deciding factor between the enemy hitting and missing. Fighters can also spend Second Winds and Superiority Dice instead, wizards can sacrifice their spell slots, monks their Discipline Points, class resources are all fairly interchangeable.
You should be having 6-8 encounters per long rest, with 2 or 3 short rests. This works for me. It's in the DMG. Gritty Realism does nothing.
So if you are having games that have like 2 encounters per day, then a good night's sleep (short rest), then your party takes a week off in the inn and restocks arrows, sounds ok. Your barb shouldn't have 100% uptime with rage. He's gotta meter it out for himself. Your barb has watched too much critical role.
Your casters should be making combats easier with web, hypnotic pattern, wall of force, scatter, etc. Cutting them in half to make an encounter easy so that the barb doesn't even need to rage. And they should communicate.

I also use Angry's Tension Pool.
tl;dr, every time your party does something time consuming, add a die. Every time they do something reckless, roll the pool. One or more 1s on the d6s is a complication.
When the pool gets to six dice, roll it and clear it.
This. I homebrewed a potion a while back that takes one day per level to brew.
>Some sort of stamina regenerating root (Talk to your DM)
>One day to cook per level of character using it.
>If you use one too powerful, you get sick / Too weak nothing happens
>Gives you the immediate benefits of a short rest.
>Could also give back rages/focus points/channels/single day use powers.

I call it greenroot potion.
>DMs just generally seem stingy as a point in 5e for some reason.
Because it becomes difficult to create compelling encounters with even just a few magic items. Every magic item the party gets will be used until the end of the game, and most parties will entertain discussion on who should get what item, which can easily lead to loot stacking whether or not you use treasure tables or bespoke drops.
>t. DM who is extremely unstingy
Wouldn't know, I cut goblins out of my setting entirely. There's a thousand other short-races and variations of cannon fodder. Everyone just includes them because hurr-durr tolkein, I found a better option for 'horrible little blights against nature that people don't feel bad about slaughtering'.
Indian belly dancing and Calimshan, I think works
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Beast Kin:
>Size: Medium
>Speed: 30ft
>Home in Nature: You gain proficiency in Survival Checks
>Nature's Stride: You ignore all difficult terrain in forest environments
>Nocturnal Sight: 60ft Darkvision if any at all moonlight is present.
>Beast Form: As "Wild Shape" Druid ability with max CR 1/4. (1/Long Rest)
Language: Common and Sylvan
A consumable seems like a great idea, there's an NPC with herbalism traveling with the party, could make a natural introduction.

>feature not a bug
Yeah, but early levels that were at make it pretty harsh.

>tension dice
Pretty interesting, but honestly theres mo more room on my table (literally) for this.
I do something kind of similar, mostly in my head.
I just visibly set a timer on my phone and don't tell the players what it's for when I'm feeling mischievous lol
Shifter is already a race, homie
India? Damn I was looking in the wrong places. I thought it was either Egypt turkey, Assyria, or persia. Will stick with Calimshan though
Figure it's different enough. This allows wild shape. Shifter just has a few buffs in normal form.

This is good advice
Greenroot anon here. Just wanted to warn you that after doing some math, at higher levels this gets too broken if you don't ratchet up the cost of the potion.
Seriously. I don't even dislike the PB/Lr. stuff necessarily, or some of the other "replenishing" stopgaps from TCE and 5.24. But short rests were clearly a very important part of the game design, at least for a few classes, and very underrated. They really needed to push them harder and failed to do that.

I just thing not enough replenishes on them for most classes to realize, and a lot of people either don't know they exist, or are confused on how they work from houserules or whatever. I find myself constantly having to try and beg other players to take a short rest when needed and most of them don't even consider it otherwise, kek. Oddly, I think BG3 did a good job at promoting it by putting a lot of weapon/item/additional feature interactions on short rests, so their replenishing was a more present idea, and something you wanted to do more often.

I agree with that. Hell, I can count on one hand how many scrolls I've been given over the years, albeit the RAW for them is a bit stupid. But I'm much more giving as a DM than I've experienced while trying to still keep it harsh/grounded. Consumables are a great part of that.

That is fair, but can be compensated for since you're setting both. Which, I know, more

>DM figure it out lol
In 5e is frustrating, but there's a balance. Fuck, I barely even get gold in games or can afford potions.l or diamonds. Which can be nice and gritty, but after a while, once again, really just ends up feeling like I need to optimize well at creation otherwise you ain't getting shit. This isn't a specific DM complaint, mind you, I've had 6+ DMs over the years, and this seems oddly consistent, especially compared to my own more limited experience as one. That's why it always sticks out to me so much because it doesn't seem like something inherent to the system at first.

Just out of curiosity, what did you use as the alternative little blights? Kobolds? An idea would be nice for variety.
As long as there's still a shortstack race of second class citizens I don't care what they are. They'll all end up looking like anime girls anyway.
the reason you dont get plate in the first session is because the books have 20 different armor types and we wanna build up to it so when you get the plate or can afford to buy it's a fun milestone

in terms you can understand as a player: if video game give loot at start, you not play video game
I like PB/Lr. stuff on classes with a core mechanic that refreshes on a short rest and 1/Sr. stuff on classes with a core mechanic that refreshes on a long rest. So wizard subclass features should be 1/Sr., while warlock subclass features should be PB/Lr. Keeps all rests relevant for everyone.
>the books have 20 different armor types
They have like 10, tops.
>pick a light armor class
>get the 2nd best armor at character creation
I'll probably make it poisonous if consumed more than once a day
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I'd get a second opinion on that because I'm old and forgetful, I very well could be wrong, friend
It's also a consequence of DMs playing solely from the Bestiary since most enemies don't carry magic items. It's also even more cumbersome for the DM to run enemies with magic items because it's one more thing on the pile to remember. I'm built different and have my enemies carry and use magic items which the party can subsequently loot if they get the kill, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a lot of extra work for the payoff of the party becoming even harder to impede in any way.
Personally, I like custom-building magic items for my players and bestowing them on them over the course of the campaign, rather than having random enemies carrying legendary weapons or—worse—a Wal-Mart shopping center. I probably overturn what I give them, but it’s still good fun.
NTA, but I am at the stage where I must make the choice on item assignation, and am monitoring this thread regarding this subject.
Deal with it, you picked the 'warlock casts two spells per day' option like an idiot. If it were 'better balanced' you wouldn't be trying to opt out of the consequences.
For real is there actually a good scan of the '24 PHB? The one posted is such shit.
for what? The pdf, or the art? 5etools has the art
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Well I'm planning on playing a fairy at some point so fairy casters or paladins would be noice.

I tried Google but it's 99% AI sloppa these days.
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Posting some other stuff I have. I have some other goth Tinkerbell that I'd post if this was /tg/ from 10 years ago.
>Neutral Good God: God of the forest and harvest.
>Neutral Evil God: God of the hunt and consumption.

Good protects life, Evil will take from the weak to make themselves stronger.

Am I naive or is this evil vs good idea valid and complete enough?
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Even Pixiv is pretty low on stuff that isn't blatant loli porn.
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How many magic items should be cursed? Should cursed magic items be telegraphed? I want to produce a mild chilling effect on magic item hoarding, but not to the point where my PCs swear off the things. I just don't want the reveal to be cheap
>Low end: 1/100
>Middle ground: 5/100
>High end: 10-15/100
The hunt is actually incredibly important for the preservation of the ecosystem, and trotting this out at your table could end with at least one person lecturing you about wolves and Yellowstone.

You could do an Athena/Ares thing, though. Make neutral good the harvest, true neutral the hunt, and neutral evil the trophy hunter.
what's wrong with 5etools?
>I want to produce a mild chilling effect on magic item hoarding
Establish cursed items as the result of interference between too many magic items in close proximity, rather than some items just having been cursed. When a magic item becomes cursed, the change is permanent, but there are warning signs as the different enhancements begin to interact. This also has the advantage of explaining why so many cursed items have almost the exact same appearance as non-cursed items: they used to be those selfsame items.
>Neutral Good God: God of the hunt and consumption.
>Neutral Evil God: God of the forest and harvest.

Good helps the weak fend for themselves and survive. Evil will send down a plague of abyssal ergot for teh lulz unless sufficient sacrifices are made.
I've uh... I've been doing a bit more than that. I'll take that as a sign to hold off a bit
Fair. I'll have to think on this.
Consider if your curses are fun.
Looks like Nightwing in the thumbnail!
If your items have downsides or even just high costs could fit the same bill as a cursed item. It's just being thrown for a loop with a curse literally 20% of the time gets annoying at best.
The ones I've used so far
>Berserker's Axe for the rowdy barbarian
>Sword of Life Stealing for the Fighter, 1d4 bonus Necrotic damage is given to the player as temporary HP, but after every long rest the player's max HP is reduced by 1d4
>Pipes of Haunting, but they're haunted, each charge expended releases a poltergeist that annoys the user
>Bag of Tricks but you have to roll a DC15 Animal Handling check or the creature turns on you
I think I'll cool off for the next few; I had some excuses for the first batch being 3/4 cursed (they were a reward from taking part in gang warfare, along with a huge sum of gold, the gang was playing them for fools by offloading their dangerous swag), and the sword was carried by a werewolf.
Evil = selfish
Good = cooperation

Anyone that tells you otherwise hasn't done thorough study of the subject.
It took me a good long while to realize the motivations of an evil character. Before it was always "They just like to kill." which is valid in some cases, but lazy. It wasn't until I embraced evil that I felt true sympathy for my villains.
Definitely looks like Paladin or Cleric Dick Grayson yeah, I agree
>Just out of curiosity, what did you use as the alternative little blights?
Kobolds take on the role of Yuan-Ti, Deep Ones, and Mind Flayers in my setting, so they're a little more than 'little blights'. You can play one, but you'll always be seen as a monster.

I use Xvarts and Grung as the pest-races.
trying to setup game/campaign with online randos
already got one guy asking about using homebrew for his super special character
jesus christ
Tell us about his character
What stats should I focus on as a Paladin defender build? I want to build a sword and shield Paladin and my group i just found out doesnt really have any other frontline defender types. So after maxing out Strength should I focus on building up CON or CHA instead?
CHA. Boosts your saves and the saves of everyone around you.
HP is an asset like anything else. As long as you have more than 1, you're at full power. No need to focus CON if you never drop below half.
One of my friends is playing a goblin and she knows nothing about Critical Role.
Thinking of a D&D or general fantasy tattoo. Like the idea of a divine warhammer.

Location: Lower Forearm
Budget: Don't worry about it
I have one martial character, a barbarian, and his greataxe is gradually upgrading itself thematically based on the challenges he overcomes and in particular the enemies he duels one-on-one.
There's also the paladin, but he's boxing and board and focuses on AC. Should give him a shield/armour buff soon too.
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i´m trying to ai-slop generate a profile pic for my barbarian shifter and the stupid thing just fucks up descriptions like crazy. it has massive trouble simply adopting a animal that it could find in the worldwide web.
i tried to be very precise when it didn´t recognize "honeybadger", it just kept using default badger fur pattern no matter what so i typed in "african honey badger" and it just gave it dreads and huge lips. fucking hell.
You can try either drawing yourself, commissioning someone else, or killing yourself.
>>94220939 here: I try not to make all of the things players get actual magic items but some things just become innate to the character. Examples:
>Barbarian wins a grappling tournament with a clan of ice giants, besting the giants' favorite to win and royally fucking up the bets made by the chieftain and his clique
>They don't use gold, and when the Barb complains they imbue him with some of their magic as a consolation prize
>Now he can punch things for cold damage and add 1d6 additional cold damage [level] times per day
>Party captures a pirate ship that attempted to board them
>Druid turns into a bear and intimidates one of the remaining crew
>Crewmate shits himself in terror and offers to teach them how the magical figurehead of the ship works (it was a parrot that absorbs and redirects magic)
>Party Warlock uses his hexblade as a magical lightning rod to shield himself from a magical storm
>Now his Eldritch Blast can be tuned to lightning damage
I'll give you 2 bucks to draw it
2 dollars is enough for a pencil and paper or a rope anon, get working.
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You should really check that book about the feywild and shadowfell, they changed the names because of copyright i think, but it's a nice source of feywild for d&d, book of ebon tides
>Evil = selfish
>Good = selfless
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V13 already? i just updated to v12, i was waiting for a better CPR, etc.. Last battle versus the zombie beholder was nice, they used pillar on the room for cover and i added some floating eyes to scare them, and ofc tentacles from another dimensions sprouting from the corners
But that's what I'm paying you for wagie. What did you think commission meant?
>i typed in "african honey badger" and it just gave it dreads and huge lips
Would you recommend Foundry? I'm sick to the teeth of Roll20 and its random-ass updates breaking every script for no discernable reason or benefit.
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I understand the nerdy interest in making the most insanely realistic vtt shit, but as a player is it really fun to play what is basically a video game at that point

t. dm who puts a single background jpg on screen for most of the session
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>Is it fun to play a video game
I mean, yes? Automating attack rolls/saving throws and damage tracking means the DM can spend more time being descriptive and doing narrative stuff in combats without having to pause to get all of the token numbers sorted.
Actually good and evil aren't opposite they're on a continuum.

A good action is only good in context, same with evil. Main difference is honestly that one is smart and the other is dumb.
not going to but it's a lot of
"i have this character who's a necromancer and he's gonna find a book that explains how to resurect his family" etc
i mean what's the point of answering an ad for a new campaign with a character whose story you have already written?
like even if the dm somehow played along with this shit, what fun would it be for the player to already know what's gonna happen?
You can also just use dice. Solves the whole problem nicely.
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Are Dex Fighters still strong in 5.5e?
>t. dm who puts a single background jpg on screen for most of the session
I do mostly that, but maps for dungeons and clicking to quickly roll more than a couple of dice at once, like group rolling initiative or big AoE spell damage it's very nice. We play the same way as in person, just with digital dice and some visual representations to complement.
I only really automate DM stuff.
That's not so bad, he's just handing you a quest hook for his personal story arch, if you get to it.

Now, if he's got fifteen of those and he's already accomplished half of them, then you've got a problem.
They have mroe tools than they did before, and dex is strong, so yes.
i like it, the automations make it possible for me to make fights and exploration with extra elements that would not be as smooth if i had to roll every dice myself and describe things for my players. it also accepts webm for anything from maps to tokens, with sounds and everything. for automated combat foundry and fantasy grounds are the best, but foundry ha also the 5etool integration with so much stuff.
Level 0 anon here. I now understand exactly the kind of person who posts in these threads and why you were sperging out the last few times I posted. I ran my game yesterday (players are up to level 1 now) and there was this guy sitting in watching. He was beyond autistic. Glasses, lisp, quiet, the whole package. The first time I talked to him, he just wanted to talk about his shitty power game level 20 theory crafted characters. When I asked if he wanted to play, he said "I'm not interested in level 1 combat" and it finally clicked. He is the kind of person who doesn't care about the roleplay or story and just wants to power-wank because of how shit and lonely his life is.

He spent the entire time sitting on a table, picking his nose, and rubbing the boogers on the table. When we were running out of time I began trying to quickly wrap up the session, he suddenly wanted to interject and start asking if anyone wanted to be his friend.

If you are literally in this thread (I wouldn't be surprised) I'm not going to do it, I spend too much of my time tard wrangling already, sorry.
not your blog, retard
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Looking for a class/subclass that specializes in curses or curse-like debuffs and spells, charms and poisons. What are my options in the new version of 5e?
You're right, I now understand this is a place to discuss competitive level 20 5e and complain about wotc. I'm sorry for stirring the pot so much because I came looking for DMing tips.
Ignore him
>came for tips
>ignored literally every piece of advice
>claims their made-up strawman story is proof that people who said it was a bad idea are just powerwank autists
2/10 apply yourself.
I don't care why you post here, just don't blogpost like a retard and start crying when you get called a blogposting retard.
I often blog here in a way. No one ever says crap to me about it. I'm rarely complaining, however
What a dumbass, everyone knows you build for level 5, that's usually the point you get kicked out for being insufferable.
>claims their made-up strawman story is proof that people who said it was a bad idea are just powerwank autists
Because you are, none of the """advice""" was relevant. A handful of people just said "it will be boring" which just wasn't because everyone was smiling, laughing and having a good time. Some people said "railroading and god complex" which it also wasn't because the players got to do basically anything they wanted besides skip the major combat encounter.

No I get it, I will stop posting about 5e in 5eg
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Race: dorf
background: member of the INTERGALATIC defense committee against alien invasions
>I will stop posting
please do
>5.5e goliath elements monk
>exclusively unarmed and grapples
>not actually monk but a pro wrestler in DM's own setting
>elements are used for theatrics during matches
>steel chairs as improvised weapons
What else can I do to add to the pro wrestler theme?
The idea started from looking at Belt of Dwarvenkind, reflavoring it as a potential wrestling championship belt, and connecting it with my DM's setting's main and largest city which is run by Dwarves.
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>16+ str, 14+ con, 20 cha
Cha is priority. Focus on that sweet +5 aura to all saves.
Wrathful Smite and Command are broken. They can break down encounters, especially with fewer stronger enemies.
I love conquest. Frightening an enemy, knocking them prone and trapping them 10ft away from me. They have 0 speed in my aura and can't touch me, or any of my friends.

Also, the role of tank is a myth. Everyone has HP and as anon said, effectiveness isn't reduced until you're dead. (conc is a consideration, but not the health)
>play twilight cleric
>fighter, rogue & artificer in party
>me and fighter in melee with spirit guardians and THP
>rogue & artificer staying way outta combat
>enemies getting through me and fighter's THP and eating into real HP
>fighter and I are at like half health after a fight
>rogue and artificer are at full
>we spend time taking a short rest to recover
>next fight same thing
>ask rogue and artificer to please not hide because them taking 0 damage is putting all the damage on me and fighter
>if they were taking damage, the THP from twilight sanctuary would cover nearly all the damage we're taking
>they still don't understand

Another game
>party of "squishy" ranged characters, including a wizard
>they ask me to make a tin can because their paladin is leaving the group
>paladin ends up not leaving
>I make a wizard (I saw the other wizard's spellbook, nearly 100% damage and not even shield)
>use web and hypnotic pattern (party was Lv6 at the time) to make encounters cakewalks
>tell party to start kiting enemies and not engaging
>paladin is frustrated I'm asking him (the only melee character) to not walk into melee
>"I can't SMITE at ranged"
>everyone starts surviving with hit dice remaining
>even paladin has plenty of slots left for when he wants to drop smite damage on the baddest enemies
>someone says that the DM has gone easier on us
>DM says no, anon is cutting the encounters in half and not permitting monsters to get to melee range
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isnt the conquest paladin channel divinity deprecated in 5.5e?
since it overlaps with the 10something feature?
>didn't know you were playing 5.5
Dunno, haven't read 5.5 because my group's not interested.

>Level 10: Aura of Courage
>Starting at 10th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you can't be frightened while you are conscious.
>At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

>Level 10: Aura of Courage
>You and your allies have Immunity to the Frightened condition while in your Aura of Protection. If a Frightened ally enters the aura, that condition has no effect on that ally while there.

Have you READ conquest, numpty? It frightens enemies.

>Conquering Presence. You can use your Channel Divinity to exude a terrifying presence. As an action, you force each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature becomes frightened of you for 1 minute. The frightened creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
>Level 7: Aura of Conquest
>Starting at 7th level, you constantly emanate a menacing aura while you're not incapacitated. The aura extends 10 feet from you in every direction, but not through total cover.
>If a creature is frightened of you, its speed is reduced to 0 while in the aura, and that creature takes psychic damage equal to half your paladin level if it starts its turn there.

Wrathful Smite is nerfed in 5.5, signifcantly. 2014's Wrathful Smite is permanent fear or they spend their actions failing because the check is at disadvantage. Take that as you will, but command and the +2 to all saves is better than +2 to hit. (comparing 16 str, 20 cha to 20 str, 16 cha)
fucking look your shit up and don't waste my time
>Level 9: Abjure Foes
>PHB'24 p111
>As a Magic action, you can expend one use of this class's Channel Divinity to overwhelm foes with awe. As you present your Holy Symbol or weapon, you can target a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature) that you can see within 60 feet of yourself. Each target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or have the Frightened condition for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. While Frightened in this way, a target can do only one of the following on its turns: move, take an action, or take a Bonus Action.

I wouldn't say it depreciates the whole subclass. You could still get +10 to hit and any other uses of CD, like recovering spell slots if allowed. This is also at level 9. If you want to play levels 3-8, you can't AoE frighten anyone. It's comparable to Conquest's CD, but only if you're starting at a level close to or higher than 9.
This new feature also doesn't lock frightened, prone enemies in place unable to do anything.
Conquest's spells outside of command and fear aren't something I've used very much. Armor of Agathys and Dominate Person are the only subclass spells I've cast outside of command and fear. Conquest isn't a 2024 subclass by default. So measure the benefits for yourself against what else is allowed.
>dont waste my time
was a quick post while working, sorry about that

>deprecating class
meant more of a feature, since the overlap with abjure is relatively minor i think there should be a quick tweak made to make it feel less shit when you get a feature that overlaps
deprecate was a bad word to use
maybe just add on it to use a bonus action for abjure and the class should get ported with minimal pain
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I'm not familiar enough with 2024, but I'd play a conquest in '24. 2014's paladin got 3rd level spells only at 9th. So any more features is a buff.
It does "nerf" conquest, but not by much. You could play a watchers or whatever paladins are in 2024 and use this feature too.
None of it undermines getting that +5 aura to all saves or having a good command save DC. Actually, ALL paladins getting this increases the desire for higher CHA because it's another useful feature that uses CHA.

RAW, 2014's paladin's aura stacked. In 2024 it doesn't. But you don't usually have multiple paladins. And if you did, AND knew about aura stacking your DM probably shut it down and house ruled it to be whichever is stronger/your choice like 2024. So that's not even really a nerf.

My boy wrathful smite makes me sad in 2024 and makes me glad to continue playing 2014.
its why i suggested "exception" rules to port it over to 24, since its one of the better subclasses imo

im just glad they fixed paladin into a supportive role so i can avoid the "le ebin smite nova round XDD muh trillion damag!!!!" shitters and the (alleged) removal of shit like hexadin

i so far i like 2024, will be testing it out with some buddies and will not run 2014 because most of my players are brainrotted from "optimized builds and cheeses"
the powerlevel of the edition is higher and the classes i play feel smoother
except ranger, fuck wotc
I’ve used it before mostly for potions etc. seems fine. I give out a lot of magic items in my 5e games. Rarity honestly means jack shit in the game. It’s hard to break 5e with magic items because of attunement. Here is another list of prices too https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11-45kA6qWTFV_rDYkD49B_EQfF0kPrW2tXwQcNs1jVM/edit
My game uses rarity and most of the time players, even when given the choice, don't pick broom of flying and try to cheese encounters. The fun most of the time is the fighting.
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Anons, what's the 5.5e/PHB '24 version of XBE/SS Gloomstalker?
I don't care about race, class or other abilities. I just want to do biggest damage.
>biggest damage
lmao go fighter
5e gloomstalker gets
>a free attack at the start of each combat
>free invisibility in darkness
>pass without trace
>rope trick
You don't bother with hunter's mark if that's what you're thinking.
Tell me the 5.5 version of XBE/SS without power attacks and what weapon masteries one would take since you know so much about how fighter is the best.
>champion fighter
>dual hand crossbows
>elven accuracy if allowed
wa la its workable
How do I be a better storyteller, generally?
Why champion?
>details are only needed when asked for
>focus on what interests the players
>convey the gist, they will ask for more if relevant
>its not canon until its said at the table
>seriously, rule of cool exists for a reason
Practice speaking, as in your presentation voice. Read more stories. Steal everything. And for the sake of the hobby, have your players matter. Otherwise write a book instead.
>increased crit range
>free reroll per turn to start blender
>advantage on initative
>more feats
hand crossbow gives advantage on hit, so if you secure one hit you can fishing for crits with Elven accuracy

it doesn't have the bells and whistles of ranger, but if "biggest damage" is your concern it should offer good mileage

or replace the elven accuracy angle with the retarded bugbear +2d6 on hit damage and take alert so you can abuse it more
Pls ignore that I accidentally linked the thread in the thread itself ty
I have a question regarding the revised 5th edition
I am a relative new DM and I have only run games on 5e, and my players now want to switch to the new edition which is fine I like how more classes get more options.
But idk how strong the new classes are compared to the old ones, is there any real difference in balancing encounters? Do I need to keep anyting in mind or is it similar enough to keep doing what I have been doing?
They're stronger, not that it should matter.
I don't want to use them, as it further burdens game balance, but in the end I allow them because the players think it matters (it doesn't because I'm God)
Keep doing what you were doing. Use whatever monsters until the monster manual comes out. Ginny Di said
>what you end up with is a system that assumes characters are much, much more powerful than in 2014. With the last DMG, if you wanted
to throw a deadly encounter at your party of four level 20 characters, you would've done the math and ended up with say, a mating pair of adult green dragons. According to the 2024 table, you're gonna need those dragons to have welcomed another five adult green dragons into their polycule in order to be considered a high difficulty encounter.

I suggest reading Flee, Mortals! (available on 5e.tools. Utilities->Homebrew Manager->Get Homebrew) and these Angry articles

I also suggest aiming for most or all of your party to have one or fewer hit dice at the end of a day. Pay attention to remaining hit dice. You can always add more monsters. Like >>94227255 said, you can make every enemy an ancient dragon with at-will wish. Or something less extreme. More encounters, more monsters if your days are too easy.
As someone in a group that's not adding new 5.5 content, I haven't read anything and don't want to watch youtubers either.
Can you highlight the differences that make 5.5 classes so much stronger?
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A minor thing that kinda bugs me with the new 2024 Rules on character generation: You are locked into getting Common and two other STANDARD Languages. You cannot learn Abyssal, Celestial, Deep Speech, Druidic, Infernal, Primordial, Sylvan, Thieves' Cant, and Undercommon via your Species or Background. There's also no Origin Feat that gives you extra languages. The only way you can get more languages is by being a Rogue (Thieves Cant gives Thieves Cant + Any one Language), Ranger (Deft Explorer for 2 Languages), and Druid (Druidic) but thats it! No feat exists for them and you cannot start with any of those at character gen unless you specifically play one of those classes. Clerics can't learn Celestial or Infernal. Warlocks can't learn Deep Speech or Infernal or Sylvan or Celestial. This even means if you're a Wizard or Warlock who likes summoning Fey or Fiends or Elementals or Aberrants you can't understand what they're saying.
Strange choice to make it so you can't say "Yeah my PC learned how to speak X language(s) from their background or family or studies." Like, I was thinking it'd be cool to make an old scholarly lore/eloquence/creations Bard who doesn't perform, dance or sing or use instruments, but instead is all about knowledge, lore hunting, and built heavily off of the Words of Creation idea. So it'd make sense to have a large spectrum of languages especially Draconic & Celestial from their travels and studies, but I can only get Draconic...
I'll add a homebrew rule that you can trade two standard languages for an exotic.

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