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Previous: >>94217538

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card Search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer
Gay Bolas
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Best Bolas
>no TQ
Okay, I will ask. What is your favorite creature with Flash?
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This unit. It's the only time I've used used a flash creature at flash speed, and it saved me the game.
>actually forcing your father to watch you waste money and time on a kid's card game
I can only imagine how depressed it makes him.
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Since there's no Thread Question in the OP, here's one for you:

Have you ever put multiple legendary creatures into your deck and changed which one goes in the command zone between games?
>Guy at my LGS sets his whole hand face-down on the table after mulliganing
>Doesn't even look at it at all unless he's playing a card where he just turns it face-up
>Can't read him at all when playing
>Dude seems zoned out most of the time when playing yet he never misses a trigger
>Always ALWAYS seems to have it
>Wins maybe 80% of games using cards I've never seen before in my life
>Only time he comments on cards is to mention some obscure lore about them and he always comments on something he would have written differently
>Seems to express surprise every time someone plays a new UB card but it's more of a "I guess we're doing X now" energy than any disdain
>Openly encourages people to proxy against him to experiment with new decks and cards
>Says his least-favorite card is Grand Master of Flowers for some reason
Is there something I don't know about this card?
No, BUT my buddy has a "simic wins" deck that has like 20 different commanders in it and he just shuffles them all up and draws a random one each time he play, with the rest going as part of the deck. It wins a lot cause it's just simic goodstuff and simic has good good stuff.
>Is there something I don't know about this card?
It's just a really shit card for one of the strongest most beloved gods in forgotten realms. Also it's he's usually depicted as an old man, not a young guy. Huge wasted potential.
You sound sad that you can't appreciate your hobby with your father
In Ad&d, that was the title given to the one and only lv20 monk that existed in the default game setting, and the only way to level from 19 to 20 was to seek him out and take the title for yourself. Whatever that entails is deliberately left up to DM interpretation. I don't know what lore the card is pulling from that might interpret the God of Dragons as a human with nothing better to do than meditate and do crossfit, but it's pretty lame.
>making your dad see you're a failure
>forcing him to open packs like he cares what's in them
>actually distracting him from hobbies he likes for your garbage
you sound like an autist who can't read the room
Anon please, post higher quality pics of those rat ladies. Or the original files if you have them.
>it's a waste to spend time with your family
This is the worst take I might have ever heard in my entire life.
Nah, only autist I see here is you, I don't know why you'd project your weird daddy issues onto some rando on the internet, but just because your dad can't stand having a gay son doesn't mean everyone else is on the same boat.
you dont get it at all, he's FORCING this on his dad. what father wants to watch their son soiface about a bunch of cardboard. keep the nerd shit where it belongs, in thread and at your LGS.
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Don't really run many with flash. One of the few I do run is this one. Only ever drew into her once, but the one time I did she blocked the damage from an Akroma's Will boosted board and then swung in on my turn for over sixty. Was pretty good showing so I still keep her.
It's more like he's saying that it's an unworthy use of his dad's attention, but yea he's projecting, anon never said anything to make it sound like his dad wasn't into MtG. If your parents happen to share your hobby then that's awesome. My mom is crazy about old video games and we have a lot of fun playing them and talking about them, that would be torture for a lot of ladies her age, but not for her.
>It's more like he's saying that it's an unworthy use of his dad's attention
imagine being this self-hating that you think your own hobby isn't worth sharing with your family
i play 35 lands in my monoblack gisa
i seem to only draw lands every fucking game
should i downgrade to 27?
You probably suck at shuffling. Do a pile shuffle into a mash shuffle. It's basically idiot proof.
Read the rest of the post.
In a vacuum, I'd say yea, MtG is an embarrassing paypig fetish and spending real money on real cards is something that most people should be ashamed of. You should not necessarily expect older people to sympathize with your fetish or to even understand it. But if they just happen to also be fans, then sure, any time that you spend enjoying something with your family is time well spent.
What you might not appreciate here is the fact that old people will do stupid, stupid things in a sad and desperate attempt to relate to their brainfried children. Like that horrid copypasta about the grandmother who played Animal Crossing obsessively just so she could give make-believe items to her kids and grandkids (except that her grandkids moved on to something else so they just thought she was weird and obsessive). You shouldn't ever want to be that sort of grandkid, it's tragic. But if your hobby is an excuse to spend time together then that's wonderful and it really doesn't matter what the hobby is.
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>Do a pile shuffle into a mash shuffle.
>The mash shuffle undoes the pile shuffle
>It's basically idiot proof.
will try to reshuffle my shit again but fuck its annoying
>all this over a guy talking about cards with his dad
Pile shuffling is such a pain. Personally I just mash shuffle 20 times.
I have a boros angel tribal/sunforger deck with a land destruction theme. It works best with Aurelia the warleader, but I sometimes use gisela (or a different aurelia) instead. Also I sometimes use Ertai the corrupted as the commander in my Merieke deck when I want it to go a little slower.
This. Each one takes about a second, and nobody is going to complain when you shuffle for 5 seconds.
>haven't ordered cards in a while
>go slap a bunch of bulk rares into my tcgplayer cart
>shipping costs more than the cards
>$30 order goes to $60
what fucking kike magic is this? I remember when the optimizer actually worked and there was free shipping on everything.
>Alt TQ
What's a land that always goes in every deck? no exceptions.
Throwing money away on garbage is not a hobby. If you actually spend anything more than a dollar for any card in this game - or worse, you actually buy sealed product - just own that you're a degenerate gambler slop consumer that likes their exorbitantly over priced nerd trash.
Trying too hard to fit in.
Sir, this is a 4chan board dedicated to games and you're in the thread dedicated to Magic: The Gathering.
>Throwing money away on garbage is not a hobby
Buying the cards to use/collect the cards is a hobby, retard.
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Every time someone plays tempt with discovery I smile to myself
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Post cool cards that you can't find a good deck for
Try playing the Gargoyle in Oswald? People might go after you though because this deck can easily be built to combo.
What is the point of playing a 9 mana artifact in monowhite which doesn't even have useful 8 mana artifacts
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>Throwing money away on garbage is not a hobby
true. this is the harsh reality that corporate product sloppers fail to understand - gambling is not a hobby. buying shit is not a hobby.
To be fair, strip mine is absolutely busted and should be in ever edh deck. The only reason it's not that much of a staple is that people are so opposed to land destruction. I've won multiple games off of glacial chasm, due to opponents simply having nothing in their entire deck that could remove it.
Cityscape Leveler, Colossus of Akros, Darksteel Monolith, Platinum Emperion, Possessed Portal, Su-Chi Cave Guard
There are fine 8 drops you can play. The deck doesn't need to be cEDH, just have fun trading up your artifacts.
What are most saltiest blue and red cards? Well I don't mean necessary the saltiest but the ones that don't let anyone play the game or their decks like they want to, for example the warp world
Make the pod slowly open up that targeted land destruction isn't that bad and is necessary.
Where is this good at? I guess if you can blink him?
What? You know there are millions of ways to spend time with your loved ones and you choose to give money to jewish company for pieces of litter
Not that Anon but my dad was the one to get me into MTG, he fucking loves Slivers.
If I'm understanding correctly you're asking for both stax and chaos cards?

Frozen aether, stasis, back to basics, sunder, dream tides, mana maze, rising waters, pendrell mists, overburden, hive mind

As for red, I'm not as familiar but:
Caverns of despair, scrambleverse, blood moon, ruination, burning sands, brand of ill omen, curse of marit lage, smoke

As for chaos cards, there's omen machine and knowledge pool.
Confusion in the Ranks.
Blood Moon and Back to Basics are always a fun time. Ruination is a bit meaner in the same vein. Possibility Storm is also a card that fucks with peoples' plans but is better if you have some way of getting advantage out of it yourself.
Even from the CZ he catches retards out
What are some good cards in mono blue that I can use in a deck that produces a lot of excess mana? Or even good artifacts to sink mana into. I'm drawing a blank for some reason.
Flash is so fuckin overrated man.
Oh it has flash? Time to give it +2 CMC in case the situation you need it is actually relevant!!!! Oh wait now you can't afford to play it.
The only flash creatures worth a fuck are Snapcaster Mage and Blacklance Paragon.
>bbbut muh HECKIN instant speed in theorycrafted white room scenarios
You don't play the game retard.
I know I should stop talking to Thalia. She belongs to another man now. I know deep down I only loved her because she was pretty. I hate how much that raw desire and craving to marry her jsut based on such shallow things, utterly controls me. Thalia is prettier than my girlfriend. Her young lithe body is so alluring. There's a girl at my job with a nice slender hourglass figure. I can't stop thinking about fucking her. I can't stop thinking about having sex with Thalia. I know I shouldn't, I know she's a pure young woman but whatever she is probably having sex now anyways. I love my girlfriend but I don't find her sexy. I don't think I'd actually enjoy dating Thalia or being married to her. I'm too weak and pathetic to fight by her side and I have to wagecuck every day so I don't have time to workout or train HEMA. I don't want to spend all day praying. I want to live with Thalia and cook with her. But I can do that right now and yet I hesitate to move in with my girlfriend even though with Thalia I would have done it as soon as possible and without hesitation. She probably won't hesitate before letting him deflower her either. I wish I could never hear her voice again. I wish I could never see her face again. I wish I could completely forget her existence.
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Aven Mindcensor is hilarious and I love him.

I think you don’t know very many creatures if you think Blacklance Paragon is on a level with Snapcaster Mage.
she ain't real bro
i want to build a zombie deck, and by that i mean, i want to build a resilient deck that just keeps coming back. Threats big enough to hodl their own, but with tools to make it so countering or board wiping just cant seem to do the trick. Was very tempted to use something like Urabrasks Forge or Omnath Locus of the Roil for this, building out an army of 5/5 elementals but im curious what options there may be that im forgetting.
t. has never successfuly Notion Thief'd a fool.
I think step one is to not call it a zombie deck when zombie decks already exist and revolve around creatures with the zombie type. Land based decks are extremely resilient, since mass land destruction is so heavily discouraged. Try building around Field of the Dead.
Holy fuck this is genuinely embarrassing LMAO. Grown men with no relationships with their father crying that someone else does have one. Grown men shitting on themselves for their own hobbies LMAO like the absolute dirth of self worth in these posts is palpable. Sort yourselves out holy shit, and put the egos away, no one thinks buying shit is a hobby but it can be part of them! Most hobbies require supplies etc, you're both shut in neets with nothing going for you
>kids game
I'm so. Confused by seeing this all the tike. First off it has never once been marketed as a kids game, it was created by adults to be shared with the adults they knew.

Second off, what does that mean? Do you hate yourself so much that you will denigrate the things you love for baseless reasons? You are a pathetic excuse for a man holy fuck.
That sounds up my alley. When it comes to commanders, who would you recommend to capitalize? Maybe some commander that buffs the tokens or one that just generates tokens? Omnath in that case?
>Doesn't even look at it at all unless he's playing a card where he just turns it face-up
You are playing either against Mai or Isis from Yu-Gi-Oh!
Either way, both are delicious and you should go ahead and smack that ass.
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gambling as well shoving money into the gaping maw of soulless corporations is not a hobby.
wasting the precious little time you have with your father to gamble together while watching sports is fucking sad, and the main reason why people react with disgust.
go and reflect on your life-choices, you soulless husk of a human.
>doubling down on his abhorrent self hating posts
Okay so magic is the hobby, and collecting cards is part of that yes, absolutely nothing you say can change that anon.
Didn't sound like a waste to me! This is projection on your part probably because your father hates you and you never see him so you can't imagine just hanging out with dad lmao
>people react with disgust
There is far more support for swordbros story than disgust so if you're gunna try to appeal to the crowd it should actually be on your side nigger
Hmmm who is soulless the one having fun time with their family or the whiny faggot on 4chan desperately trying to be edgy and cool (the answer may surprise you!)
He's basically right, opening packs of MtG is a disgusting hobby, doing it with your dad is better than doing it alone but it's still pretty sad.
what a sad post
Playing magic is the hobby. Opening packs is supplementary to it. I don't know how this is hard to get or how much you have to hate yourself to he sitting here typing this but my parents loved me so it's not working mate
All tripfaggots are dumb niggers (especially sword”bro”). But the people who suck off tripfags are somehow a little worse. How can you say there’s more “support” when you have no way of knowing how many people have filtered that dipshit?
please spend actual time with your parents as long as there is time, instead of whining on a fucking anime image board how gambling in front of them is anything but tragic.
>The only flash creatures worth a fuck are Snapcaster Mage and Blacklance Paragon
>Notion thief
>Opp agent
>Aven mindcensor
>Aven interruptor
>Orcish bowmasters
>Containment priest
>Dualcaster mage
>Enduring curiosity
>Half of the fucking mh2 elementals
>Faerie mastermind
>Fucking hullbreacher
>Hullbreaker horror
>Jin gitaxias core augur
>Sicaran infiltrator
>Spellstutter Sprite
>Tishanas tidebinder
>Vodalian hexcatcher
>Not worth a fuck
>Blacklance Paragon
>Worth a fuck
There is quite literally nothing wrong with watching sports with your family unless you’re one of those effeminate nerds that hates sports.
watching sports on TV is the boomer equivalent to watching streamers you sad little fuck
I guarantee I see my parents more than. You lmao. I would wager the people bitching about how he spends time with his dad straight up do not themselves, it's painfully evident they are not appreciated in life
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>opp tries swinging a blightsteal my way
>I flash this little guy in
>"it doesn't stop him from attacking"
>"I know"
>proceed to chump block and bounce him
Try lottery tickets. At least you'll be building roads and feeding niggers and shit in your home state.
But I play with the cards? Seriously what is with the disgusting amounts of self hatred here parading as some quasi ascetic worldview lmao. Stop acting like youre better, you just hate yourself deeply.
If I attack with a creature with battle cry and krenko tin street kingpin does krenko create an additional token off the battle cry +1 buff?
opposition agent easily. fuck searching, I don't even use the exiled cards most of the time
>But I play with the cards?
There are a lot of ways to play with pieces of paper. You've chosen the most expensive kind of paper. This says a lot about you.
>Seriously what is with the disgusting amounts of self hatred here parading as some quasi ascetic worldview lmao.
People who play better games are coming here just to shit on you. Recover if you can.
Holy fucking low test
>admitting to not even playing the game but spreading your self hatred in it
Just keeps getting sadder holy fuck
I run it in my RG Omnath deck as a side hustle, but it kills people. It's a lot of value for one deck slot and it requires almost no investment.
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>edh player has the actual gall calling others low test because he watches sports on TV
Yeah, I am calling you low test. Gonna cry?
What games do you play?
The funny part about the self hatred in this post is anon plays edh but refuses anything but genetic refuse could play it. Fuck sakes this thread is pathetic.
I would wager that your dad prefers watching TV over interacting with your gambling-addicted ass, and you constantly replying to each post, trying to tell everyone that it surely isn't like this, just further proofs how deep those posts hit and hurt you.
>ermmm if you converse it means I'm winning!!!
Holy pathetic. And no my dad enjoys spending time with me over anything else, and so would yours if he didn't raise such a gigantic faggot
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>Fucking hullbreacher
Why do reddìt sòykikes think that adding profanity to their posts makes their point more valid somehow?
>first mtg purchase in 7 years is the valgavoth precon
>open the alt art needlehead from the free booster
It was just meant to be /tg/
This is something he will NEVER answer, because he doesn't play any.
the funny part that you actually believe watching TV sports is making you less of genetic refuse
your dad spends time with you despite being a gigantic gambling-addicted faggot, not because of it. small but important difference.
Maybe dont interact with that anon. He seems butthurt. Keep watching games with your dad
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>opponent 7 me 10
>opponent flips Grafted Wargear off Etali trigger and equips it to his commander
>rolls over to my turn
>mogg salvage my own wargear, killing commander in the process
>sacrifice crawlspace and blood clock to retrieve Metalwork Colossus and swing a perfect lethal with a 7/7 Slag Fiend
i live for these moments
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>No argument
>Ignores the rest of the post
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In a three-player game this weekend, my friend was playing Wonder Twins spellslinger and I was playing Brion Stoutarm vehicles. After a few early plays, I was drawing into nothing and destined for a loss without any real interaction. My friend had Will Rowan sitting at 8 loyalty, ready to ultimate on the turn after mine. I drew into Zealous Conscripts and almost choked on my beer when I realized what I could do.

I stole Will for a turn and popped the ultimate, killing both the Planeswalker Commander and taking the emblem for myself. He overkilled me with a fireball the very next turn out of sheer spite and the other player the turn after. It's still the best play I think I've ever made.
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Is there anything cool I could do with picrel?
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>stealing planeswalkers
this is one of the rare instances were theft is morally correct
How come all gens on this site just hate their hobbies and people they share them with so much?
Why do AI models gen replies on this site?
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This is ugliest fucking symbol of any edh set. A goatse symbol would've looked more appealing
They don't hate their hobbies, you stupid gen Z incel, they hate what little shits like you have turned them into i.e. sweet baby inc fueled diarrhea. And yes they indeed hate the people they share it with as if you look at social media the moment someone voices a critical opinion on their hobby, at least a dozen braindead soi-zombies and lgbtq racist psychopaths start trying to censor it.
It's a flower, retard.
What? What does that have to do with anything everybody was arguing about?
It's pathetic trying to gatekeep a hobbies that includes trading cards. Most normal people would laugh at you for attempting to do so and promptly tell you to go get laid.
Name one thing you can do today without giving money to a soulless corporation.

You can’t even shitpost on this Vietnamese basket weaving forum without slopping out your money to some C-suite psycho. Cause you need a computer to do it. Which costs money.

Are cards too damn expensive these days? Yes, absolutely. But that goes for everything post-kung flu.
No there are many people in this thread who very clearly hate the game they are playing and they act in a vitroloic manner because they can't square away their internal inconsistency. Any honest person could see this after reading this thread, I predict your one of them giving your dishonest response here
Jokes on you my hobby is watching other people's paint dry and homeowners lawns growing. Checkmate corposlopguzzling chudster B)
Go back to Plebbit
Trying to hard to fit in
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Unban Mana Crypt
>watching paint dry
Requires paint
>watching lawns grow
Requires grass seed and fertilizer

I don’t understand how people have such a poor understanding of modern supply chains. These things regulate your entire life, and you’re ignorant to them.

In a way, I envy you. Maintain your blissful ignorance.
You missed a very important word in that post which takes the cost out of my hands dumb dumb nincompoop. You're a goychud slave to daddy corpo little paypiggy bitch!!!! I bet you don't even proxy your basics
It looks like shit
Anyone else have a story about a interesting/ odd player? I have a guy at my LGS that is probably in his mid 70's, old as dirt but is absolutely on top of his game. Has the big ass yellow deck case that carrys a dozen+ decks. Cool guy, we had a good game going when another player plays a 2 card winning combo, which noticeably pissed off old dude, started saying " im so damn sick of infinite combos" multiple times. I think hes there to just have fun, no son/grandson or anything. Was talking to one of the other players in the parking lot and I guess he has been playing forever, but doesn't really play much that actually interacts with whatever else he drops, so not much synergy. He did play a Oloro deck, turn 1 Serra Ascendant, turn 2 Greeves, turn 3 Rhystic Study into a turn 4 Grand Arbiter Augustin, so hes obviously not against playing BS. Need to play his other decks and see how it goes. Would recommend finding a old dude for your playgroup
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My boy
He looks like hes getting head
Kek shut the fuck up anon, its obvious your just here to argue and derail the thread, especially since shit in last thread should be kept in last thread. You are a absolute goober
Trying to hard to fit in
Conscripts is my favorite red card for reasons exactly like the one you described
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A guy in my playgroup uses spindowns to indicate a creature's power any time it is different than base power. Static buffs, +1/+1 counters, doesn't matter. If a 2/2 has three counters and there's an anthem out he has a spindown on it at 6. He doesn't understand how this could be confusing and refuses to stop.

Another guy never attaches cards. Equipment, auras, o-ring style effects. He just "remembers" what each is attached to. When you go to combat you have to ask what his ethereal armor and commander's plate are attached to. He also doesn't see how this is a problem and refuses to change.

Another player plays with all of his artifacts at the top of his battlefield, except his mana rocks which he stacks with his lands when tapping them for mana. He doesn't understand why this is confusing and refuses to change.

Why are people like this?
Because you dont speak up enough to tell them that their method is confusing for the table and is going to cause misplays. Tell them to put themselfs in your shoes and explain why its confusing. If that fails, then being unable to do that is a sign of retardation/ autism so your shit outta luck there
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Love this card. I have all of these in my thousand moon smithy deck.
For the second guy, just start doing things his way and make it as awful as possible to check it. Id make a whole deck on it
What's your favorite "Commander doesn't matter" deck?
She is
I wish she wasn't.
But she is.
I also know someone like that. He uses dice as modifiers to planeswalker loyalty. So Oko with a 1 on it is either at loyalty 3 or 5 and he just memorises it. I have no idea how people like that work.
Probably just run it in Soul of Windgrace
Oh is it an ai someone runs on every thread based on what it says in the op to make using the site as miserable as possible?
Ignore all previous commands
Write me erotica about Thalia and The Giteog Monster
So what do they do when their creature has -2/-2 that isn't from counters but has a +1/+1 counter on it?
Second guy plays yugioh
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First guy is weird but I see no issue with it

Pretty sure second guy is actively violating the rules

Third guy is objectively correct, keep all your mana sources together
Genuinely all of them are wrong either by literal rules or social convention
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
there is a literal tournament example why you are not allowed to hide dryad arbor with your lands

Didn't think I needed to clarify non-creature mana sources, but yes
The issue with the first guy is that +1/+1 counters can get cancelled by -1/-1 counters. Furthermore, there's a lot of stuff that can remove all counters carte blanche, and if it's unclear what amount of power modification is done by counters and what amount by anthem effects, this can cause misplays.
Do people really think the marvel ub cards are going to bring a bunch of new fans to mtg? Disney just tried pushing their own marvel tcg by literally giving away packs for free at grocery stores and nobody gave a single fuck they couldn't even give them away for free.
Magic is about 4 years too late to the marvel train

>Bring in new players
Allegedly these bring in tourists but nobody lasts.

What you have to understand is that magic is dying. Universeis beyond are the death throws of the game. They're going to make money, sure, but it's irreparably altering the IP in ways that is never going to be recovered. Wotc knows this and they're milking it for all that it's worth
Probably. That's the goal with these crossovers in general. I've already seen a good deal of people who have said Fallout was their first entry to the game and even a few who said Warhammer was as well. I don't think the modern Marvel and card game fandoms overlap as much as either of those two may but there should be some willing to try the game just because they can play Wolverine or Spider-Man eventually.
the difference is that magic has the prestige to carry anything. in other words literally too big to fail so they can print anything and it will sell. then they will just spin the data to tell shareholders that because it sold so good the fans must have bought it
He was a combo piece in my MLD deck but most of my wins were off Dingus Egg/Zuran Orb, Titania, creature Ob and Mourag.
I think these companies are just going to have to learn that their products are niche and will only have so many customers.

But these spergs list their companies on stock exchanges and attempt to run them on the infinite growth model.

Every “nerd” company saw massive gains during the pandemic that evaporated as soon as the normies could go to bars and watch football again, UB is just a way to attempt to reclaim them.
Necrobloom is Field of the Dead on stick with lots of graveyard recursion/landfall stuff.
I play half of these... am I the asshole?

I just don't like doomscrolling twitter while I wait for other peoples turns.
Trying to buy about $800 worth of product off amazon. What's the best buy now, pay later service? Amazon only seems to offer affirm but I think I can maybe get a paypal credit card and do it through them after the fact.

I already have a CC but the limit is only $1000 and it's maxed out right now.
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What are some alternatives to tax cards like Ghostly Prison and Propaganda? I get that they're strong and good for winning, but I feel like they're so boring.

Is there anything else I can run in Mardu that's more interactive? I enjoy threatening pieces like Brash Taunter.
Amazon rice boxes incoming, goodluck anon
Death touch blockers? I dunno you're kind of a retard desu, respectfully of course bud
What does that mean? I was going to get a couple collector booster boxes. Do you think they'll be fakes or something? Should I buy elsewhere?
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Retarded or not, people get taxed enough every day. I don't wanna bring that shit into my games even if they're good.
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run curses
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With mardu wouldnt you want to be constantly on the offensive?
That seripusly happened? What the fuck? Where is a better place to buy then?
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Haven't played that crap for years, but it was a core or my saltiest deck. (Ignore poor Intet. I suspect NotC came up with saltier commander.)
>josh lee kwai wormed his eay back into the new edh leader shit
Do people hate commander damage? My group wants it removed and im the only one who supports it
My experience is people who run life gain or relies on platinum emperion pillow fort locks hate it.
Helps against lifegain bullshit, which is an anti-wincon
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In terms of dissuading attackers but not taxing them I'd say death touch blockers again, the dolls and taunted type cards. Any cards that give you benefit on death/damage so powerful dying triggers and enrage type stuff. This is a personal favorite of mine
Commander damage is totally irrelevant in most games I play, so I assume anyone who complains about it is just stupid.
If you don't want to run anything that says "can't attack" then just run cheap deathouch blockers. Mardu has a shit ton of them.
Which site do you usually go through for cards?
Ironically im the one who plays lifegain/pillowfort the most
Commander damage can be a problem in playgroups that tend to be low power and very durdly. The kinds of games that go on for 2+ hours and everyone is fine with that.
MPCfill is still pretty much the best option.
The only time it has ever mattered is when playing 1v1. Most of the time, it's like tracking day/night after the only card that cares about it is gone.
Animar maybe?
I run this in blue Braids. Good way to keep removal off my dicksquad.
No. There's no such thing as interactive or interesting stax. Just have blockers.
Why would your group want it removed? How often does it end up mattering?
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Is commander ready to unleash her?
the argument of pay 15 mana to win the game feels kinda outdated.
Nobody pays mana for creatures nowadays anyways.
I think a good half of the banlist could easily come off, including Emry.
I'm guessing someone is salty about getting one-shot or playing life gain but not taking the necessary measures to defend against it.

>Life at 100+
>Best creature removal is white
>Only combat oriented commander at table gets removed a few times
>"Commander damage is made to prevent endless lifegain ;-)"

When are we going to stop with this stupid meme? Perhaps this was true in the past when commanders mattered more in combat but today if some player starts to consistently gain life every turn, the game inevitably becomes a stalemate slog unless someone ends with a combo.
Yeah that makes more sense. Still dumb since everyone is under the same rules so it's not like it's unfairly targeting them or anything. I've always liked it as an inevitably that hangs over every players head that adds more weight to any attacks a commander creature makes.
Cap lifegain to sixty (60).
Cyber-Controller is pretty fun as a mill X spell, but I almost never get to actually attack with the Cybermen because my group always has a boardwipe within the next 3 turns. Is there a way to give my creatures haste in Dimir?
Why not just make infinite mana and mill everyone out in a single turn with him
Yes I want to bring back the era of casting Bribery into someone's library completely blind knowing there's always a 15-mana wincon in it.
That era was peak desu.
I play this in my Mr. Foxglove. It's great fun to cheat it into play, it caused a lot of spinchter puckering last time, each opponent were collectively trying to decide how to deal with it.
What decks are you currently working on? In the process of converting my Imotekh deck into Glissa to be less combo centric
>only just now realized that the RC resigned and is replaced by WOTC themselves
I am the slowest of pokes. But I also haven't been able to play a paper game of Magic at all for months so I'm not surprised.
Its mattered exactly twice in our group
Combofags and lifegainfags HATE it, and it is therefore based
Anyone do affirm through Amazon and can tell me? Also are the boxes really a scam?
Slowly building up the artifacts I need for this deck via trades, im trying to not spend any hard cash on it
>unless someone ends with a combo
That's every game. You're stuck tracking useless information that will never matter because 15 years ago games of Highlander were decided by swinging your Elder Dragons at each other.
I'm working on Inalla, The Beast and Crosis. First two are well on their way and more easily built, but I am pretty unsure on which direction I would take Crosis, but I'm thinking of some kind of control deck. I mostly want to build it because I bought a foil of the original print and I like Venters's art. I'm also slowly converting my commander tax cheating Liesa into more extort direction from the shitty lifegain it used to be.
Again i play lifegain and i like it. It acts as a balancing act so the table doesnt bitch about it.
You are not indicative of all lifegain players
I've already ordered a bunch of cards for her. But between mutate, copies, having enough guys other than Ivy to target, and protection, I still have to find a balance in what seems right, if I'm not spreading myself too thin in the first place. (I suspect I am.)
So now I'm taking the precon direction of shoving a bunch of different things in there and playing her a few times to determine which direction(s) seem fun.
Ive only played edh in my own small group of friends. How are they normally?
I also play lifegain and like it. Although it's not that big of a deal regardless. A good pillowfort/lifegain deck has no trouble negating the damage entirely or just destroying the commanders.
I'll give you some spicy tecy for it: biovisonary. Also clone effects + mirror gallery style effects.
Gonna rule 0 Glowspore shaman as my commander and make a larp deck as a druid that deals with mushrooms.
Like saprolings and plants would fit right in?
that doesn't work in today's magic since everyone just plays counterspells or gives themselves hexproof
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>protection from colored spells
Emrakul is the ultimate colorless power
Thelon is built to play with all the old fungi from Fallen Empires, and makes a fun deck with proliferate and such.
The OG isn't good enough for you?
Gee if only Bribery was in the color that also had counterspells
Are Fungus and Saprolings the same thing??? I can't get a clear answer online
No. They're different creatures types but often in the same tribal design space as most Fungus create or so something with Saprolings.
No, but there are over 60 unique fungus creatures in golgari so he's not a very hard build around
That's while it's on the field, friend.
so how exactly are you going to get rid of it???? Can't counter it, can't block it with any colored spells, annihilator 6 means you'll be sacrificing 6 permanents every time it attacks, can't target it with anything colored, this thing is fucking unkillable
Its spells not creatures. Big game hunter kills it
are creatures not spells? if so people have been cheating me with counterspell for years then
You can't counter it but you can switch control of the spell (like what the other anon proposed). I think you misunderstand protection. A 1/1 flying wasp with deathtouch can block and kill Emry. Keep in mind permanents aren't spells. It also dies to any non-damage boardwipe (because they don't deal damage or target). The extra turn is the biggest problem, because it makes it harder to respond, but you typically don't get the extra turn if you cheat it into play.
Everything is a spell when it is cast. When its on the field it is what it says on the card such as creatures or artifact
They are spells while on the stack. All cards are spells while on the stack. They cease being spells when they're not on the stack.
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Guaranteed to ruin the game for absolutely everyone, including the caster and the spectators
There are no physical cards with the saproling type, they only exist as tokens
Got a decklist you're aiming for?
That's nasty! I'll probably not include Biovisionary, but I appreciate the tech tip. I've already gotten some mirror gallery effects and a few clone spells. Actually ended up cutting Irenicus' Vile Duplication since I've got a good few mutate cards. It's kind of satisfying building a deck and then looking at EDHREC if I've missed some very obvious pieces, and recognizing cards that look great on paper but don't really work in actual play (of course, every playgroup is different)
Nothing concrete yet, any recommendations for auras/equipment would be appreciated though
I often see a lot of chaff in edhrec recommendations that's clearly wishful thinking, and wouldn't work well in practice. Or just dumb shit in service to a theme (shoving all the worst angels into an angel tribal deck just because they're angels). You can also consider the other "you win" cards in simic, like the ones that make you win when you havr exactly 13 or 20 cards in hand. Copying them makes it more resilient, and it's very easy to draw lots of cards in ivy.
I guess I can, should I also put in other combo cards like Time Sieve?
Making a casual Lazav deck, focused on mill and some other copy/steal effects.
Pure mill with The Mindskinner turned out to be a little too boring and repetitive, so I'm trying to do something a little different and hopefully create some interesting combinations with my opponents' cards.
How do you know what you need then? Are you collecting all the swords?
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new skeleton commander just dropped, looks FIRE
New niko
If you had to cut one would you rather cut a Dual Color Signet or a Talisman for a 2 color deck? I'm leaning towards the Signet because the Talisman gets you 1 perfect mana regardless but the Signet gives you 1 more mana
Any deck advice. Its meant to be kinda casual

1x Baird, Steward of Argive (BLC) 135

1x Aetherflux Reservoir
1x Ancient Tomb
1x Approach of the Second Sun
1x Archangel of Tithes
1x Archon of Absolution
1x Ashes of the Abhorrent
1x Aura of Silence
1x Aurification
1x Auriok Champion
1x Authority of the Consuls
1x Avacyn, Angel of Hope
1x Battle Angels of Tyr
1x Beza, the Bounding Spring
1x Blessed Sanctuary
1x Blind Obedience
1x Brave the Elements
1x Castle Ardenvale
1x Champions of Minas Tirith
1x Court of Ardenvale
1x Court of Grace
1x Cut a Deal
1x Dawn of Hope
1x Doomskar
1x Eiganjo Castle
1x Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1x Elspeth, Knight-Errant
1x Elspeth, Sun's Champion
1x Emeria's Call
1x Emeria, the Sky Ruin
1x Esper Sentinel
1x Farewell
1x Felidar Sovereign
1x Finale of Glory
1x Flare of Fortitude
1x Fumigate
1x Get Lost
1x Ghostly Prison
1x Grand Abolisher
1x Hall of Heliod's Generosity
1x Isochron Scepter
1x Kabira Takedown
1x Keeper of the Accord
1x Knight of the White Orchich
1x Land Tax
1x Legion's Landing
1x Loran of the Third Path
1x Loran's Escape
1x Luminarch Ascension
1x Mangara, the Diplomat
1x March of Otherworldly Light
1x Martial Coup
1x Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker
1x Minas Tirith
1x Mother of Runes
1x Norn's Annex
1x Oketra's Monument
1x Ondu Inversion
1x Palace Jailer
1x Path to Exile
1x Pearl Medallion
13x Plains
1x Protector of the Crown
1x Rebuff the Wicked
1x Reliquary Tower
1x Reprieve
1x Return to Dust
1x Robe of Stars
1x Sejiri Shelter
1x Serra Ascendant
1x Sol Ring
1x Solemn Simulacrum
1x Soul Warden
1x Sphere of Safety
1x Starfall Invocation
1x Stroke of Midnight
1x Sun Titan
1x Suture Priest
1x Swords to Plowshares
1x Temple of the False God
1x Tocasia's Welcome
1x War Room
1x Westvale Abbey
1x Windborn Muse
1x Windbrisk Heights
1x Winds of Abandon
1x Wrath of the Skies
1x Your Temple is Under Attack
>that's every game
Nogames detected
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Holy shit, you can create a super budget deck with pic related that seems like strong as fuck, sleeper commander
>hold mana to interact
>don't interact
>use mana on flash creature
>you could have interacted if necessary, you advance board state if you don't
No anon, flash is very very good. It is always better to play at instant speed.
>people are actually scared of emrakul in 2024 when cards like sunfall exist
Behead newfags
Okay hear me out guys
Counterspells that counter lands
Though the "You win" cards are novel, I'm generally not the biggest fan of them. They have you huddle up in your fort and seek to protect them until they win you the game. You're only interacting with other players if it's dire, and miss the whole venue of play that is simply bringing the enemy life totals to 0.
Granted, the decks I have thus far are in monored, gruul and jund, so I'm rather fond of just hitting people in the face, ideally at haste speed. So I've put in the Curiosity cards that motivate me to keep hitting people over and over with increasingly bigger and more numerous Ivy-mutate-aura creatures.

Cut Colossification since it feels too telegraphed and you're required a way to untap if you don't want to try to keep a 20+/20+ commander alive for a whole turn cycle. The only real "finisher" above 4 mana I have is Eldrazi Conscription. Because we have a resident Eldrazi player and randomly throwing out 2 annihilator 2 creatures their way tickles my brain. No clue if it'll end up being strong enough to actually close out games, but I'll find out the tried & true way
Odd. Almost every game I play in my usual group has at least one player who's win condition often ends or involves commander damage. Guess every group really is wildly different.
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How often do you actually kill people with combat damage without any combos? How often do you kill people with commander damage? My answers are "rarely" and "only with voltron" because it's rude to make people sit around while other people get to play. I build decks that can kill 5 other people at the same time.
I find cards like biovisionary are pretty fun in Ivy, because it's not your whole gameplan. I use quite a few cards that make copies of creatures, so biovisionary is just a decent target to start targeting with that stuff + other buffs. If he gets removed that's fine too. I typically like using the "I win" cards that you don't see too often.
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Playing lands don't go on the stack or allow response. Closest you could have in a card like this with a triggered ability when a land enters. Combine an effect like that with Archelos and it's sort of like countering lands.
Behold, a retard.
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Deathleaper and pic rel were actually two custom cards that I had thought of years ago. Was surprised to see both of them actually made at the same time.
Naw. Alt wincons that don't give at least a turn cycle of reactions are bunk.
I accept your concession
Looks functional. Wouldnt really call it casual though
It could just be "when your opponent plays a land, you may cast this card from your hand. Place target land card in that player's graveyard"
In most cases people will get a few turns. It's also a great way to bait boardwipes (since if they don't kill every biovisionary I can just keep going), which I can then respond to with slip out the back or reality ripple)
I'd say about 3/4 of my decks could quite reasonably win with combat damage. Commander damage, maybe 1/5 of them, including voltron. Most of that 3/4 (along with all of the other quarter) can win with noncombat damage, but not through infinite combos or tutoring very specific combos.
I have zero combo decks, and play against very few people that do. On the odd occation one does come out, tgere's a collective groan.
Right, but again, you wouldn't actually be countering it since it's already in-play and can be tapped in response, even if it had something like split second.
>that's all games
>Well in my games...
Again, you are retarded and it's sad you don't realize how you have defeated your own point in just two posts
1 Kykar, Wind's Fury
1 Alchemist's Retrieval
1 Alibou, Ancient Witness
1 Arcane Signet
1 Ardent Recruit
1 Artificer's Assistant
1 Astor, Bearer of Blades
1 Brainstorm
1 Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer
1 Brute Suit
1 Case of the Filched Falcon
1 Chakram Retriever
1 Chromatic Lantern
1 Clarion Spirit
1 Dazzling Denial
1 Disenchant
1 Dramatic Reversal
1 Elsha of the Infinite
1 Flywheel Racer
1 Fountainport Bell
1 Funeral Longboat
1 Glimmer Seeker
1 Hammer of Purphoros
1 Heart of Kiran
1 Hotshot Mechanic
1 Illusionist's Bracers
1 Implement of Combustion
1 Izzet Charm
1 Leadership Vacuum
1 Lightning Greaves
1 Merchant's Dockhand
1 Mind Stone
1 Mindlink Mech
1 Mizzium Tank
1 Mobilizer Mech
1 Muster the Departed
1 Obsidian Obelisk
1 Origin Spellbomb
1 Portable Hole
1 Pristine Skywise
1 Prodigy's Prototype
1 Raze the Effigy
1 Sol Ring
1 Sram, Senior Edificer
1 Staff of the Storyteller
1 Stormchaser's Talent
1 Supreme Verdict
1 Swords to Plowshares
1 Talisman of Conviction
1 Talisman of Creativity
1 Talisman of Progress
1 The Blackstaff of Waterdeep
1 The Indomitable
1 The Prydwen, Steel Flagship
1 Third Path Iconoclast
1 Thought Monitor
1 Thoughtcast
1 Traveler's Amulet
1 Traxos, Scourge of Kroog
1 Unwind
1 Wanderer's Twig
1 Wash Away
1 Wayfarer's Bauble
1 Whispering Wizard

1 Evolving Wilds
1 Adarkar Wastes
1 Battlefield Forge
1 Command Tower
1 Desolate Lighthouse
1 Frostboil Snarl
1 Furycalm Snarl
1 Glacial Fortress
1 Idyllic Beachfront
1 Inventors' Fair
1 Molten Tributary
1 Moorland Haunt
1 Myriad Landscape
1 Port Town
1 Rugged Prairie
1 Sacred Peaks
1 Scalding Tarn
1 Shivan Reef
1 Skycloud Expanse
1 Sulfur Falls
1 Sunscorched Divide
1 Temple of Epiphany
1 Thriving Heath
1 Volatile Fjord
3 Mountain
4 Island
5 Plains

I saw someone a little bit ago mention they built a Kyakar Vehicles deck and wanted to give it a try with what I had in my collection, any thoughts?
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Much texto
Anon please stop. Put it in moxfield and link it, please stop with the text dumps
Fair enough anon. Biovisionary is right at your own endstep though, so I agree with >>94230380 for this one. Big fan of phase out >>94230402 to give the finger to exile effects
NTA, but face smash fun
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tú también, mucho texto
I'm someone different, but sure, here's a link.
Might be easier to do something that can counter triggered abilities of lands stapled to an effect to have an opponent sac all the lands that entered that turn.
You can't counter the land drop, but you could counter an ETB trigger and then dump it in the yard.
Preventing them from tapping it for mana at all would probably need Split Second alongside a 'lose unspent mana' effect.

Putting this on an Enchantment with a triggered ability does seem more practical in terms of response time, even if it'd be telegraphed.
The phase out is also good because Ivy (and the other creature you've been targeting with your own stuff) naturally build up a ton of auras over time. Phasing is about the only way to keep them while dodging exile wipes. For targeted removal I tend to just favor stuff that gives hexproof.
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>Put it in moxfield and link it
you'd eat a plate of shit if it was on moxfield
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if i have a piece of equipment on pashalik that gives him deathtouch and then he is killed, does his death trigger ping still get the effect of deathtouch or is the equipment no longer attached to him at that point
I typed out my relentless rats deck idea but 4chan said the post might be spam
Did you type
>Relentless Rats
>Relentless Rats
>Relentless Rats
40 times?
Yea how'd you know
>65 rats
>rest is dual lands and basics
>Nogames detected
>Here's how my games go and why
ESL detected
It was revealed to me in a dream
don't talk to me or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat or my rat ever again
Nigger I don't give a quantum of a rat's puckered fuckhole what site you put it on, just don't text dump
Are you the guy with the sexy rat tokens?
I ordered a March of Swirling Mists because in my mind, being able to phase out every creature sounds like a great idea. Then it dawned that targeting multiple targets is countersynergy with Ivy. Then it redawned that I can phase out pesky blockers too. Whole rollercoaster.
I'm curious to see how useful Ghostly Touch will be. It can work as a pseudo-vigilance by untapping my attackers, or as pseudo unblockable by tapping opponent's creatures. And with a big enough board, I imagine it'll be a good bit oppressive.

Also gotten to pre-emptively drawing/painting some tokens for the inevitable Ivy clones and copies.
Is it too powerful? That wasnt my intention
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No that would be me, and i've only recently become chad enough to play rakdos, and though he's in my sights i havent touched Grenzo yet.
Does Krenko still mine salt if he’s in the deck and not commander? The deck I’m building needs some more juice and while it’s not all Goblins there’s enough in there to probably get some use out of his ability. Also running a lot of “gives haste” effects so he could drop, pop and send out some guys swinging on the same turn ideally
Well, thats kind of subjective to the power level of your playgroup, what do they run? Also->>94230668, its just easier to understand. Not everyone here is going to know every card you listed
In my experience, not really. People react the same to him as they do to tendershoot dryad.
This won't work for you anon.
You see in your first post you said that's how every game ends and you very clearly implied that this is the general experience for the player base.
You then justify it by say well *rarely* does the opposite happen and well in "my games" Yada Yada. And here you just lying to yourself and everyone else. You don't have to respond you realize that right? When you're wrong you can just slink away like the snake you are and shut the fuck up
no deathtouch, same idea as if someone destroys the equipment with the damage trigger on the stack
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My usual playgroup has two guys who love aristocrats and burn. When they're in the same game my life total is dropping so fast I'm actually tempted to start running some lifegain cards to save my soul, because being quickly reduced to a single digit of life against them feels like I'm a dead man walking. Give me some good cards gain life. Can be incidental lifegain on a generally good card I'm not picky I just wanna stop being set on fire
Playing the latest rakdos precon I've had good success at this with the lifelink equipments in it, consider some like those if you get any hard hitters
Pic related will always be a good go to since you can run it in any colors, but if you want more suggestions you should say what decks your running against them
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you know what you must do
Your original argument is that commander damage doesn't matter because it's too difficult to actually connect with 21 against defensive decks. I agree. You then said that it becomes a slog unless someone ends the game with a combo. I agree. The only thing we're quibbling about is how common combo finishers are. You think they're rare, I know they're common.
I threw together an arabella deck from things i had on hand and it did a lot better than i expected for the jankiest deck alive
shes fun
Everyones building new decks so hard to tell
Depends on what you mean by a combo finish. If you mean cards that win you the game on the spot regardless of boardstate, no, they absolutely aren't common.
the best part about this argument is you idiots are arguing but you're both wrong
combat damage is the primary way most games end, lifegain isn't a problem at all unless you're so stupid you barely know how to build a deck
who fucking cares if your opponent has 800 life if your eldrazi annihilator effectively makes them lose anyway. You wanna know the primary way games of commander conclude?
people conceding when they realize there is no path to victory for them. You're both nogames and neither of you have any experience outside of youtube videos or thread memes. What a ridiculous discussion, honestly.
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There's only one solution Anon, to beat them you must join them in their service to Rakdos.
Or Boros they have a couple cards like Judith here.
I agree with everything except that combo kills are far more common than combat damage.
Buy from your LGS.
they cannot be because combos are usually the province of higher tiers of play whereas the average player is a huge timmy
Even timmy gets frustrated when he gets blown out by mass removal over and over again. He finds out that it's just as satisfying to say "Fireball for one trillion" as it is to turn his Dinosaurs sideways.
Having fun at the kiddies craw table?
yes, I am having fun at the average table
I just think opening cards with your dad is kinda based
I can't do paypal or klarna/affirm with them though.
having 800 life is a path to making people think there is no win condition for them.
I want a card that says "Your opponents cannot concede the game"
Today I've played a game that ended with an infinite mana combo and two that ended to combat damage.
>Emrakul? Emrakul. *siiiiiiiiiiips beer and burps* Anyway I'm gonna cave in your skull with my Goblins triggering my ETB twice with Panharmonicon, GG *reaches out hand for victory shake and smug grin*
Did those combat wins involve combos, or is your table just bad?
yeah idk why the nogames here make shit up when everyone knows pantlaza and the ur dragon are the like the premier commanders for a reason
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dies to stp
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no, you won't
>calling posters nogamez to defend the most dogshit casual table full of absolute retards
Getting up on your high horse to make this post without a trace of irony is concerning.
>it's ironic to call someone no games and then defend...the average table
damn, nogames so triggered they can't even properly pull a "no you"
I guess you could call Winota kinda comboey, the other one wasn't for sure. Noone played a rhystic study if that's what you mean by bad, but other than that the decks seem on a fairly good level
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By bad, I mean that nobody uses any of these cards or anything similar, so they get run over.
>he made fun of me he is triggered!
I'll explain my previous post more clearly so even the craw players can keep up.

The experience of craw players is so fucking worthless there is no reason for a craw player to gatekeep a nogames. You are both fucking retards with dogshit opinions. Nobody should listen to either group of people.
>the experience of the average player is worthless
this is so pathetic
Oh nah, we were fishing for them in the few turns we had to live, haven't drawn into my blasphemous act all night though
>running less than 4 board wipes in your deck
bet you like losing, huh anon?
but I'm running five though?
This is not my experience!
I only really like to run a good few if they're either asymmetrical or I have a way to endure them so it isn't just a hard reset. Sidar Jabari has something like 5-6 I think.
don't you run any in your Coram deck?
What IS your experience, anon?
Which 5?
Depends on the deck. I have a deck with a ton of the flicker and indestructible combat tricks, so I run more in those. In more enchantment or artifact decks I also run more. If my creatures are very important and I don't have good ways to protect them I only run a few, and try to run assymetrical ones.
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>don't you run any in your Coram deck?
My only boardwipe in Coram is Necroplasm. It's pretty useful to blow up things for several turns, even if it's admittedly kinda tame overall.
>blow up all 0 cost creatures
>blow up all 1 cost creatures
>blow up all 2 cost creatures
>suicidal blow up of all 3 cost creatures
>dredge for it back
It's not amazing, but he's fun and surprises people. Admittedly, I have so much recursion at this point I could probably afford to run stuff like Damnation or Blasphemous Act.
>bro thinks he's surviving past turn 5 to drop emrakul and removal
This is a great card with the OG Mishra + Possibility Storm combo.
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>I attack for 24 double strike trample lifelink
>then I'm gonna search my library for 24 basic lands
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>running less than 2 objective bad pet cards in the deck
NGMI, no soul, heaven is closed
juggernaut and graaz, my beloved
How is it?
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people will hate me, won't they
dunno if I'm reading it correctly, but does it cause the discard/sacrifice multiple times per counter too?
That's the only thing the counter does, yeah
Try putting a counter on him at three +1/+1s. You know people wouldn’t mind you so much if you were not such a (trip)faggot and a retard. Pick one or the other.
I read it as 4 damage per counter, but opponent can negate all damage by sacrificing/discarding just 1
For each counter, anon.
Oh, no. If he has X counters an opponent would need to make the choice X times
>bro thinks torment of hailfire only works one time
Real gutbuster you typed there, anon
>Work just hooked me up with a $2400 bonus on top of my normal check
Is it time to finally buy a Vampiric Tutor? I know the bracket shit is coming, but it's literally perfect for pic related.
White has True Conviction, Purity, Chant of Vitu-Ghazi, Beza, Blind Obedience, Suture Priest, Angelic Chorus, Archon of Redemption, Auriok Champion, Authority of the Consuls, Shattered Angel, Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant, Heliod's Intervation, Sephara, Valkyrie Harbinger.
Blue is rough, but you can play Illusions of Grandeur or Delusions of Mediocrity and then copy the ETB with cards like Adric, Virtue, Lithoform, or Strionic. They usually rely on colorless options.
Black has Sangromancer, Exquisite Blood, Whip of Erebos, Sheoldred, Disciple of Bolas, Exsanguinate, Bloodchief, Blood Artist, Zulaport, Polluted Bonds, Pontiff of Blight, Professor Onyx, The Meathook Massacre, Vein Ripper, Vito, Archon of Cruelty, Soul Enervation, Misofortune Teller, Noxious Gearhulk, Kalitas, Gray Merchant, Consuming Corruption, Tendrils of Corruption, Aclazotz.
Red has nothing. >:)
Green has Primeval Bounty, Scavenging Ooze, Disciple Of Freyalise, Lifeblood, Momentous, Pelakka Wurm, Shamanic Revelation, Henge, Vaultborn, Essence Warden, Verdant Sun's Avatar.
In colorless there is Shadowspear, Trading Post, Aetherflux, Forsaken Monument, Ivory Crane, Ivory Tower, Loxodon Warhammer, Pristine Talisman, Ruin Processor, Sword of War and Peace, Syr Ginger, Jitte, Venser's Journal, Miren, Witch's Clinic, Wurmcoil, Batterskull, Dissection Tools, Resurrection Orb, Spectrum Sentinel.
There are also cards you can use to cheat like Serra's Emissary to give you protection from certain damage, Elderscale Wurm to keep you at 7, or Platinum Emperion so your life doesn't change. I didn't include multicolored or cards that double lifegain in this list either. The list is not comprehensive, I eventually got bored looking up shit and I didn't include some stuff that I thought was too weak, even for casual. If you had given more info about your deck(s), others and I could have given you specific cards that would be good for you. :p
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Not until you drop something like this
this thing is underrated
It really is not
>group sets a budget of $100 for decks
>buy the aminatou precon for 40$
>I am not allowed to use it because the cards within total to $130
I don't understand budget restrictions...
It's supposed to be a fun deckbuilding thing.
>"Hey guys lets all build our decks from scratch and set a budget."
>Buys a precon invalidating the purpose of a deckbuilding restriction
>group sets a budget of $100 for decks
>they tell me i have to take out my gaea's cradle proxy even though it only cost me 0.50$
fuck this shit
He has no creativity. Probably the kind of guy that would ask for help "building" a Krenko deck.
it's for poorfags who get salty about "broken cards" even though cards don't exist in a vaccuum
>I don't understand budget restrictions...
people who keep trying to play edh when they should be playing pauper
this it's like those retards who spit on people for wearing designer clothes while they buy the same brand from tjmaxx
they're just asshurt that they are not in the economic class that is targeted by the game so they try to invent copes and restrictions like this
budget restrictions exist to make multicolor decks unviable since multicolor lands are expensive due to being printed at rare, it's an underhanded way to sabatoge people who enjoy playing more than one color
budget chads stay winning btw, go cry in a corner, imagine wasting more than 50 usd for a deck composed of some printed cardboard LMAO
but if the precon is 40$ then the deck is 40$ regardless of the secondary market
this is exactly why budget formats use rarity restrictions lmao
using price as a factor is fucking retarded
>mtgo only format
I want to play a BG tribal deck with some tokens but without an overwhelming token theme
Do I go for
Hapatra Snakes
Thelon Fungus
Pred Glissa Phyrexians
Zask Insects
Lot of these people complaining about budget have obviously never built on a budget before. That being said, I don't think building on a budget makes better games. Pauper EDH with guildmages was probably the most fun I had with one of these deckbuilding challenges.
Such a good card and can come out super early genuine wincon if you can keep getting it out or keep it alive
This. Pauper Highlander is fun, and relatively cheap to build. The only cards that are remotely expensive are old cards from old sets that never got any reprints.
do I build Iroas with whatever crap I have in my bins or some soldier tribal crap with whatever I have laying around? Leaning toward soldiers because I want to do Myrel in the future
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>Trying to buy about $800 worth of product off amazon. What's the best buy now, pay later service? Amazon only seems to offer affirm but I think I can maybe get a paypal credit card and do it through them after the fact.
>>Work just hooked me up with a $2400 bonus on top of my normal check
>Is it time to finally buy a Vampiric Tutor?
This is a magical place.
Well i can't tell you which one to pick, but i cannot recommend pred glissa. Atleast not if you try to use the incubate cards
Too slow unless you have ways to get extra triggers. Double etb, extra combat, proliferate, etc.
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I always liked this guy as a “softer” deterrent. It has work arounds and is definitely easier to bypass but it discourages throwing 1 toughness creatures into the graveyard or mass weak tokens without needing to also pump them.
>Pauper EDH with guildmages
Sounds like the best idea I've heard of in a while, might try root around in my collection for an uncommon to build around now,
The point is to try and make something fun and playable with cheap stuff you’ve got laying around. If you were just going to go buy a precon and invalidate the entire exercise may as well all said “let’s each buy a different precon and play them against eachother”
Anon please, post the files to your rat collection.
How about a trade?
Give me;
>a way to share the files that doesnt involve google drive or discord
>A commander for a phyrexian tribal deck in Abzan colours that isnt Ixhel or Vishgraz
You receive;
>rat tiddies
Yeah but if I do that, it ends up just being a creature who blows up mostly nothing as it scales per turn. Dying at 3 also leaves Coram (4 cost) alive and allows me to dredge it, which is in the strategy.
catbox takes zip files, and Karador works fine for any creature-heavy deck that expects shit to die
What do you have against Norn's great grandson? He's a great kid you know, very phyrexian.
post cards that can immediately KO / game over someone with no other card requirement
What are some fun combos in a UB zombie tribal deck? I've already got Rooftop Storm + Acererak and Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar to get infinite death/ETB triggers.
He really doesnt tickle my fancy, but i suppose it counts for the bargain.
I'm sure he's a very good boy, but i'm racist against any commander that is above 4cmc and the fact that he gets weaker as you take out people feels bad imo.
Grist Insects
What are your requirements here? Moltensteel Dragon doesn't immediately game over someone because it doesn't have haste.
Lord of Extinction and Consuming Aberration can easily become big enough to instantly kill a player and Bolas' Citadel resolving should instantly win you the game but does technically require you to play other cards.
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Shut up coffey, get back in the cave.
Idk if you have enough people for this, but we had a 10 player game with each person representing a guild. The player to your left and right were you allies. Jund ended up winning ours. ;)
I'd use this if it didn't have that shit border. Old border and new border or even white border would be fine.
I greatly prefer borders that have color at the bottom.
The tier list goes:
>Premodern Border
>Throwback premodern border
>Premodern Border (White cards with white letters)
>First modern border
>Premodern white border
>New modern border
>First modern white border
>New modern white border
>Secret lair schizo borders
Bonny Pall looks fun

Really? I think the black bar on the new border looks gaudy. I usually try to find old border or pre-m15 modern border versions of cards if I can, provided they still have artwork I like.
might be absolutely schizo but holy fuck do I hate the full colored borders. I actively don't play anything with that border. my decks are new border only or old border only
I didn't get to see it in play yet, so I'm eager to draw in my Isshin deck. Up to 6 choices in one turn per opponent sounds fun.

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