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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What are your thoughts on Ulgu?
Kawaii Ulgu~
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>GW actually produces custom models for all the Underworlds photos, featuring both different poses for the fighters and new creatures
>won't releas any of them
sunblood aside, I think nurgle minis win here
the two other sauri are not that interesting
The lizards are by no means bad, but yeah these stinkers are absolute bangers.
I don't get how they paint the eyes this cleanly.
I still prefer real art, but it's nice that the model photographers are clearly trying their best.
Poor little braid girl
Anon, the guys paint for at least 40 hours a week
They sure do look sick.
no gor rok
>The Sunblood Kro-Jax the Aegis
better this way honestly
so how many things does this knock off the rumour engine image compilation?
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maybe 2: the rake here >>94234339 and the back of one of the two basic lizards >>94234317, but without a clear view of it we can't confirm it
OOP warband in card photography huh
Honestly, I loved seeing old warbands recurring in art even if they were unavailable but it's annoying to see the same with mini photography
These better be a generic nurgle unit, daemons haven't had anything in ages
they got a lot of stuff with slaanesh
Nurgle daemons...
Fairly conservative selection. Basically just alt sculpts for normal guys, rather than something crazy
Yeh some of the better photos they've been doing, mostly because tgey rarely do close up scenes normally
Sounds like a bald cartoon man with glasses variant
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More pretties

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>Bring out model
>It looks exactly like Gor-Rok.
>It's even posed like some old artwork of him.
>"Nah, it's a different guy"
Ok then GW...
Slann summon starborn based on memories of the fallen. That's why Carnosaur looks like Kroq-Gar despite not being him
That's youngbloods? Pretty impressive for a kid
Diorama & Duel is a separate category from Youngbloods. I've no idea how old the painter is, but the diorama isn't commended under the Youngbloods category.
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Now that it seems every faction is going to get Endless Spells and Terrain, what are you hoping to get for your army?

Terrain piece representing a statue of Morathi-Khaine that gives a better save to those cloe to it and boosts prayers.

New warscrolls for Endless Spells that don't suck ass
>Now that it seems every faction is going to get Endless Spells and Terrain
the flow of spells and terrain has actually mostly dried up

I'll be surprised if warclans finally get theirs
Any endless spells at all. Our faction terrain is good. Leave it alone.
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>Our faction terrain is good. Leave it alone.
seraphon have 3 pyramid configurations, one slann head and one broken arch which could be used as faction terrain and since they're all being sold right now I'm hoping they all get rules and you can choose the one you prefer and/or substitute the endless spells slot for a second piece of terrain
Looks like we can scratch off that Seraphon rumor engine.
Heh, 2 temples would give some serious board control.
Saurus Guard refresh is a dream now.
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slann make dreams into reality
so expect them for their 4th tome anyway
This is why Seraphon need more lizardmen breeds/variants/races and less fucking dinosaurs. Saurus models are amazing, great minis, but are so fucking basic it blows sometimes. Necron boring tier shit
Wasn’t Gor-Rok fucking huge for a saurus >>
the problem isn't that saurus themselves are boring, but that they did nothing interesting with them, not even a different weapon or shield

say for example all 3 had a shield similar to the sunblood, then you have the one charging forward have a robotic prosthetic for his right arm while the one standing by had the jungle swarm slithering on top of his body and head rather than as a separate model

that would have immediately given them a sense of character and value as their own sculpts
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What Terrain and Endless Spells would Warclans get?
I´m hoping for an endless spell of "The Foot of Gork" thats just a big foot that does MW to anything it passes over.

>the flow of spells and terrain has actually mostly dried up
sunblood are fucking huge for a saurus too
>the flow of spells and terrain has actually mostly dried up
Spells maybe, there has been a bunch of faction terrain last year
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>What Terrain and Endless Spells would Warclans get?
both are kind of fruits hanging so low it would he insulting if they didn't do them:
the scenery has to be a totem pole or a non-rogue idol of gorkamorka with the ability to move and attack if it get charged up on enough waaagh energies

the spells have to be various body parts of gork, mork and gorkamorka so if you summon all of them you've essentially summoned an avatar of him
>fist of gork
>hand of mork (with a pointy index finger)
>feet of gorkamorka (a pair of feet, not just one, one stomping, one kicking)
>heads of gorkamorka (one krule-looking with an evil glare, one normal-looking screaming in opposite direction, and somewhat fused together, random effect for whether one or the other is going to act, or both or neither)
Cards like this make me so sad they’re skimping out on art for them. You can so clearly see the image they want to be showing to you, this smug vampire woman effortlessly tossing a horrified ghoul into magma like Gollum, but all the photoshop filters in the world can’t change that it’s just two static models in the photo
>Jaws of Itzl
>No connection at all to Itzl

He’s getting cucked by sotek in the warband named after him, sad
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>Totem Pole of the body of gorkamorka
>fist of gork
>hand of mork (with a pointy index finger)
>feet of gorkamorka (a pair of feet, not just one, one stomping, one kicking)
>heads of gorkamorka (one krule-looking with an evil glare, one normal-looking screaming in opposite direction, and somewhat fused together, random effect for whether one or the other is going to act, or both or neither)

If you manage to summon them all to the field you can assemble a Gorka-Morka Megazord
Intzel is an old one of what exactly?
eh, itzl got the aggradons already

>itzl: aggradons
>tepok: raptadons
>chotec: salamander
>huanchi: chamaleons
>quetzl: saurus guards (pending)
>tzunki: [forgotten by the battletome]
>tlazcotl: [forgotten by the battletome]
>sotek: bastiladon, I guess
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Sotek got the new kroxigor, tzunki got that section about the idoneth finding a temple-ship landed on the seafloor and getting attacked by mer-seraphon. Tlazcotl gets nothing becuse he was made up just for the dread saurian
why arent they the jaws of quetzl lol, that makes way more sense with how the sunblood looks and their whole fluff sounds
How to make 4e fun?
Unfuck listbuilding. The actual game itself is fun but I hate having to conform to arbitrarily decided restrictions.
Should I get FEC this holiday season or wait for Gitmob to drop sometime next year?
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I thought this was the fleshhound from the old khorne warband, but the feet are completely different and in a different pose. Did they accidentally show us feet pics of an upcoming daemon khorne warband way before it's announced?
>Tlazcotl gets nothing becuse he was made up just for the dread saurian
The fuck you talking about?
no, that's definitely the flesh hound right leg
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I wouldn't let them build around the totem
it would limit the mobility a bit too much and there would be no way to have the feet look good, so better to have just the heads and limbs as disembodied things roughly floating together
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I guess they want to keep the name queztl for the saurus guard redesign

it would be a bit lame if there were both a "jaws of quetzl" and a "scales of quetzl" unit in the roster
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hello anons, need some insight on endless spells
i rly like the idea of endless spells, ive got the forbidden power spells and i want to use them. But im not sure whether it will give me an unfair advantage over my friends i play with whom dont have any endless spells.
If they don't have any, it'll give you an advantage, because endless spells are effectively free units you can recycle. But it wouldn't be difficult to houserule it away in a few ways. For example, you could pay some points for them, or only be able to cast them once, and then it should be fine.
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That one's on the lizard with the spears back, you can see it on one of the rules preview images
Interesting, the 3 man Saurus is basically your generic 3 man Stormcast equivilant. They're nice Saurus but pretty low key.

Gardeners are nice updated sculpts but also pretty low key, but if they don't all those bottles I'm wondering now if the old rumor engine is gonna be for nighthaunt
So the new warbands will still come with decks, just now it's generic rivals decks. I wonder how viable the old rivals decks will be...
I don't real see the gardener bit. Seam more like Fly shepherds
The tick eating all the way through his brain and sticking its tongue out of the guy's mouth is cool
Endless spells are super easy to kitbash or convert, you’ll have an advantage if you’re using them and your friends aren’t but they should probably just use them themselves, they’re free
Garden of Nurgle != botany
That said, there's a plaguebearer with a rake and another with a sack of maggots like they're seeds and the leader has the air of a farmer checking his records on crop health, rotation, etc and applying fertiliser where needed
it's really just this guy >>94234339
The good endless spells aren't easy to convert if you're looking for proper base sizes. A lot of them use the model itself or have weird bases
A big fuck off cogfort for CoS and an endless spells for Humans/City Aelfs/Dispossessed. At the very least they didn't squat them at the edition start, so we know they have something planned. My only hope is my pirates last another edition.
Horticulous is a gardener and he has gardening sheers as a weapon, so there's precedence
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it's fair to say we should already be seeing chorfs
We're gonna make it... After so long, it's coming home...
...because Gor-Rok was the champion of the city of Itzl (Itza) and not the city of Quetzl (Quetza).
Itza being the first temple-city that was built at the arrival of the Old Ones on the world of Warhammer Fantasy.

...in other words it's Itzl because memberberries
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Chorfband is a nothingburger because we already knew they were coming. The 2nd herald is what we should be looking out for
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Can't be anything GSG if it comes so early next year
He mentioned three heralds
One being the chaos dwarfs, second the daughter of khaine (kerthusa)

The third one a mystery with the three candidates being
>Order of Azyr
> Gitmob
> Kurnothi
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I;m gonna assume Kurnothi leak was a mistake and he ment a Kurnoth hunter hero.
Order of Azyr doesn't relay make sens between how much witch hunters we already have and the fact rumours point to Dispossesed.
Gitmob seams most likely based on the Rumour Engines
herald of khorne for a khorne demons band?
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Another animal to the comparison
nurgle also uses the crow and the toad
I guess i should have specified "bugs" rather than animals.
People pointed out the similarity in the theaming of both armies. They seam to be a "dark mirror" sort of thing where Sylvaneth gets pretty bugs and Nurgle gets gross bugs
Yeah, it was in reference to Dawnbringers
Fun part is that Dawnbringers hype shorts on warcom mentioned actual Kurnothi, so people were probably misled
Centaurs were the only good part anyway
lets be real, the warcry band should have been kurnothi
What other types of lizard guys could they get at this point
That's your opinion? I love the little mohawk guys
If using the correctly sized base isn't possible, is it more agreeable to go for a size smaller, or a size larger? Specifically in regards to 25mm or 32mm in place of 28.5mm.
larger bases are generally safer because the best advantage you might get out of a different base is having a smaller footprint for what concerns the amount of models you can get in contact with the enemy.
the only times where a larger base is a bonus is when the model works a lot by providing auras that buff or debuff surrounding units.
Thanks. I think that I'll keep my metal globadiers on their 32s, then.
>That's your opinion?
No, it's a fact
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still don't get why they made another flies cavalry instead of snail riders
Paririty with Slaanesh and Khorne who both have a demon and mortal version of their signature cavalry
Sex with lamia elf lady monster girl while a dawi eggs you on in the background.
but those were mistakes too
>the fact rumours point to Dispossesed.
might i ask what Dispossessed rumor there are?

also anyone else got hit with a 13 minute captcha?
Well what should be the 2nd Khorne/Slaanehs mount then?
Someone rumoured the 4e CoS releas basically fuses Iornweld and Dispossesed into a menlet focused tech branch.
scorpionwheel for khorne
cobraseeker for slaanesh
spawnfish for tzeentch
Dispossessed are getting a female cogsmith in the cogfort and that's it
Turtles for sure
There’s got to be something fucked that went on with that dawnbringer stuff. The warcom shorts are about kurnothi aelves, the white dwarf tie-in is sort of about kurnothi aelves, and the dawnbringer book has Belthanos’ wild hunt be kurnoth hunters and kurnothi aelves (who’re described in detail like tabletop units).

Then Belthanos’ battle box for dawnbringers has him with one unit of kurnoth hunters and a unit of dragonfly riders, which arent mentioned at all in the book. It’s the only unit in any of those AoRs/RoRs/battle forces that doesn’t get talked about in the actual book itself
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Played a 5000pt game of my Soulblight vs Sylvaneth, bringing more or less all I have.
I had a fun time but lost pretty handily as "all I have" is mostly a LOT of heroes plus 40 grave guard, 40 wolves and 10 blood knights.
You do know GW often talks about stuff to put it in a box to play with later

>skinko volans


>turtle lizards
That feels like kind of a stretch, it’d be weird to give a nonsense name as a reference that’s like two layers removed from the model itself. Though it did make me remember that Kroak’s personal temple-ship, and the largest of the Seraphon fleets, is just Itza and they don’t particuarly hide it which is nice
Nah the heralds thing came out way after the long hunt book was released. The tease for belthanos was saying that the kurnothi were getting something, but that fans of them might be dissapointed
They do, but not in this way. It’d be like if the Ionus book for dawnbringers was exactly the same but then the battlebox had a stardrake hero in it instead and they just didn’t give Ionus a model
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Tbh if the refresh wave is anything to go by they seem decently willing to to more thematic sub-breeds, if only to differentiate skink/saurus/krox models in ways that little bits of armor alone can't. The chotec-blessed 'sun' crested skinks and sotek's croco-krox are pretty decent showings of that, but the actual tome itself for 3e goes out of its way to talk about how blessed spawnings for all the different old ones have their own aesthetic quirks, like proto-feaths on tepok blessed priests or almost triceratops-y wide + boney head crests on quetzl's favored saurus
Various rules resources say I'm supposed to use a 32mm base for chaos sorcerer lords, but that recent LE commemorative dude comes with a 40mm base. Which one is the right one? James isn't planning on changing the size and I'm safe to put it on a 32mm, right?
Just look at what is officially ran as i.e. if Gdubs says somewhere its a Chaos Lord, then run it as such including the standard base. Just make sure you actually reference the actual standard Chaos Lord (pic, not just text)
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Just give us an armoured Sauropod damnit
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too cool for gw, sorry.
It's always okay to run a model with the base it came with.
>sunblood (plastic)
I'll take it. Good model. Spearman is excellent just because he looks like a guard and I like those kinds of poses. Club guy and swarm are whatever but that's fine.
Anybody got Dawnbringer book 6 scan to share?
Yeah sure. Check d/9sxmQ0 on gofile. Have something to read in the absence of new battletome scans.
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>>turtle lizards
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He's just a little guy.
Ta. Much love
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So a few questions on Death stuff:

So I finished soul wars, do they ever explain why Nagash is suffering from Alzheimers? Is it just because he's splitting himself all over for his god related shit?

Do the Ossiarch's have personality? They seem like a relatively neutral party that basixally just runs a protection racket paid for in bones. Do the rank and file and heroes actually talk or interact with regular people?

Are the Mortarchs actively doing snything or just out there to job? I heard Arkhan's dead again which sucks.

And finally what's everyone's least favorite of the death quartet and why.
>Do the Ossiarch's have personality?
It's not mentioned much but yes they all have individual personalities that are influenced by the souls used to make them. If you're into the AoS fiction I would strongly recommend reading The Vulture Lord since it gives you up close detail on actual Ossiarch society outside of just taking bones.
>And finally what's everyone's least favorite of the death quartet and why.
they suck

zombie neckromancers independence when?
Vampires can keep the zombies
They need a Promethian themed army in death.
>Do the Ossiarch's have personality?
Yes, they're sentient brings.
Some are just normal people upgraded, others are new constructs. Depends how many souls are a part of them (Katakros is Katakros, but the average Mortek isn't anyone specific who contributed to his soul).
Note that they're stil hand crafted, so therevarevsome limitations as to wgat personality they can have. Assuming Soulmason knows wtf he's doing.
>they suck
I see what you did there
Nuh uh, see that's a myth. Vampires scrape with their fangs and lick up the blood.
>white dwarf tie-in is sort of about kurnothi aelves
Anyone have the scans of all the Dawnbringers WD segments?
>Are the Mortarchs actively doing snything or just out there to job?
Depends which ones. Manfred and Nef never did anything
It's implied Nagash lost himself with the incorporation of all the other death gods, but in AoS I think it's more a consequence of his defeats. Nagash the Undying, Soul Wars, etc all present different versions of him from before his defeats - the benevolent emperor, the hero god companion of Sigmar. Sigmar himself comments on how much of him is lost in Soul Wars conclusion.
Mortarchs have personalities and can be divergent from Nagash's aims entirely when he's weak. Mannfred was a hero of order prior to his return; essentially being everything he wanted to be in WHF. If you read Soul Wars you'd know, only Arkhan is different but even he isn't an automaton.
Dawnbringers details Ushorans triumphs and elaborates on the chaotic independence of Neferata and Katakros in Nagash's absence but I'm guessing all the Death ascendancy hype is about his return. Nagash can just summon the Mortarchs back to life? Re-read Soul Wars mate.
>And finally what's everyone's least favorite of the death quartet and why
Soulblight is probably the most boring

It's like gacha but the jaypegs are 3DPD and won't say they love you.

Damn, a whole second apart
surprised they selling it in the US and Europe first before Japan or China since those are the markets that really like Blind Box Gatcha stuff
guess we could expect these guys to become a start set warband in five years like those Space Marine heroes one did
Wait this isn't a Japan only thing?
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so what do we think about this diverse cast of heroes?
>They’ll be available to buy from selected retailers in Europe and the US from tomorrow and will come to Australia and New Zealand, China, and Japan later in the year.
It might just be an infrastructure thing it's not like US or EU/UK Warband players wouldn't want to play these guys
Nice to have some variant sculpts for the units, I suppose. Kinda wish they did that for fatcast, though. The cornrow hair is kind of a neat thing, it's difficult to get that looking right with plastic injection moulds.
I think the reason series 5 is stormcast and not space marines is because someone threw a massive fucking hissyfit in a room full of white people about not having female sculpts, so sigmarines was a concession, and that led to a furher convo of "but they're all going to be Wakandan stormcasts, right? Why not? Are you racist?".
>but they're all going to be Wakandan stormcasts, right? Why not? Are you racist?".
shouldn't the obvious response be "no but the main demographic buying these blind boxes i.e. far east Asian markets are 100% racist against black people"
you sound absolutely mind broken, take some time off the internet buddy
Why? Are you actually unironically racist or something?
>hobbylet tourist
Me when I’m schizophrenic at 9 in the morning
This is the guy going on GW's facebook and leaving comments about how proud he is of GW under releases like this
>Verification not required.
How do you justify whining so much about every release while continuing to support GW and playing their games?
Duscord spamers aren't the ones buying stuff. That's why GW doesn't take their opinions into consideration when planing what products to sell
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ayyy lmao

GW really knows how to milk their paypiggies don't they. Shame the rest of us have to play by their rules as well.
This is unlike every other blindbox I've seen, for anything. Actual scum. It'd be fine if the sprues had options ig but we've only seen one build
They have helmet options that's all iirc
>This is unlike every other blindbox I've seen, for anything.
You haven't seen many blind boxes
what do they have against hair? do they know stormcasts aren't actually space marines
Age of Nigmar was right there to be used and you blew it.
Name one like that
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How does this get greenlit by someone interested in sales, absolutely astounding.
>generic stormcast sculpts, not even hero models
>one extra guy you can’t use in a squad because squad sizes are fixed!
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>There is no guarantee you will get all seven miniatures if you buy a full unit of eight.
>Put your faith in Sigmar

Al the funko shit tends to be rigged to never get you a full set in a box.
At least them having Warcry rules might be kind of interesting, they’re so easy to convert or proxy it’s basically a meaningless product for that purpose
GW trying to be scummy as Gacha generally is I see
I genuinely cannot tell if these are any different from the ones you can get out of the normal units
Halberd guy is pretty cool, and I can see some people wanting the female head with the dreadlocks. Otherwise I guess it's for the hordes of dedicated stormcast fans who are frothing at the mouth for alternate poses.
New warband plaguebearers are basically the same design wise as the old ones, so thta one guy who wanted a major change can go fuck himself
I'll miss art
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holy shit look what I got from my eight blind boxes gacha pull
Average influancer luck
Why can’t dok have a foot sorcerer or a dragon bimbo riding an elf when it’s in the cities of Sigmar range? 40k was more friendly to generic shared units between factions.
Because those were the fantasy days
Because GW removed the cross faction cities from the game. DoK wasn't the only one
AoS rules for the Skryre UW team when?
Maybe never, we'll have to see how GW treats this stuff now
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Reminds me of someone
Generic unique please great horned rat!
Arch Warhammer
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Fuck rats across allegiances
but kritza loves rats
Yes, you see it in the mirror every morning
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Will GW try to throw Vashtor into AoS after he failed to find place in 40k?
Slaanesh is licking his ear just like my Japanese comics!
>after he failed to find place in 40k?
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>after he failed to find place in 40k?
Says who?
I can see it happening, GW would get off on cucking the last three living Chaos Dwarf players mumbling about Hashut.
>rat getting used like a flashlight.gif
Dark Mechanicum 40k plans aborted and faction is relegated to a Legiones Imperialis afterthought.
Oh okay you're just schizoposting
>Dark Mechanicum 40k plans aborted
again, says who?
Despite only being 5% of britain, blacks make up 60% of the stormie population
he will probably be replaced by Hashut in AoS
Isn't he tangentially a thing in AoS due to the Forge of Souls and Soul Grinders being there? Doesn't that mean it was Vash whom Syll was working for for a bit?
aos is set in london.
who asked for this?
that doesn't seem right, it has women with uncovered hair
Yeh, if he's actually in charge of all the ulgy engines then he sort of is in AoS, just not in person
>The chud unironically thinks his tastes represent the broader audiance
are these your tastes?
If they want these to sell in Japan or China they can only have 3 of them on the cover
Most people don't care if it's just something organic
But when it's blatant pandering most people do care
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Has GW featured a Soul Grinder in any army phots made this decade or are they righfully ashamed of it?
I don't know what melee weapons I want to model my Kurnoth with. It's not a matter of rules. I like the way they hold the scythe but the blade looks silly to me. I'm considering replacing it with a Tree Revenant sword and making them into spears but then the Kurnoth would be holding the spears the wrong way. Guh!
Scyths are definietly a more flavourful weapon
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>Dark Mechanicum 40k plans aborted
there's art of the the soulgrinder in the soulforged warpack detachment for CSM
>but then the Kurnoth would be holding the spears the wrong way. Guh!
have you considered gluing the head facing the other way?
these guys would have been cool in 1999, thanks Obama.
Pan-alliance pest control, I like it.

Would definitely read a book about a dwarf, vampire and ork stuck together by circumstance and forced to cooperate in slaughtering a horde of rats
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Probably people who don't miss the good old days of the Tom kirby era, when 40k was at one step of being the setting in which all blacks came from sector "Unga Bunga" , all asians from sector "Cho'p Su Ey" ( ruled by the planet governor Bruce jackie Khan liu, from planet Kunfu Pan'dah), women having their own imperial guard regiment from sector "Amazonia" ruled by the world of "Vulvath prime Period" and everybody else amongst the 99 cuadrillion people being white, british, male and bald.
>Most people don't care if it's just something organic
Vegetable people? You mean like orcs?
so... no one?
Also still ugly as fuck
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Everyone? This is the fifth set
Please please play Age of Sigmar!!!
Why was Realms of Ruin such a huge failure?
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>made for console
>small roster of factions
>micromanagement gameplay
Dead genre more than anything
>Dead genre
no such thing.
Dead genre, small roster, didn't have any of the meme appeal factions. Total war secondaries love rats and lizards
Well, not including the derivatives that have overtaken it - mobas.
Number of releases, number of releases that aren't regurgitated existing games, etc. They've stated the game bombed so hard they won't experiment outside the themepark games that usually pull a profit for them.
I've browsed some reviews and there are a few throughlines between them. They talk about mismarketing, like how they went into it expecting DoW2 and were thrown off when it wasn't quite like that. That seems to have been one of the most common impressions. Others made some stretched comparisons to Total War, which is understandable, but they're not quite in the same genre.

Another takeaway is that the push for the game seemed very frontloaded. The game launched, failed to immediately secure a sizable player base, and was then given a few QoL updates before being dropped. There was a DLC pack as well, but I assume that that was already finished before release. In part it seems the studio's own circumstances were at play here. Frontier had been trying to diversify its range for years and never really succeeded at it. RoR appears to have been something of a failed hail Mary that forced them to reconsider their attempts at branching into new genres and instead return to what had worked in the past. Of course it couldn't have helped that they were trying to branch into a genre that tends to not be very lucrative these days.

Also, fuck Denuvo.
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Was the OG design of the fiend better or worse than what we got?
Tempest rising, stormgate, age of mythology and ratten reich are all coming out. There are no dead genres only bad games.
>age of mythology
remake with ai slop. Very encouraging.
Niche genre, bland premise and marketing. Could easily see it will be flop and be abandoned like Stormground from miles away. It was more like a ad to lure newbs to buy Stormcast™ Eternals© Citadel® miniatures. Which ofc didnt help it because lets be real here they are not Space Marines despite GW trying so god damn hard
I saw a lot of complaints, besides gameplay, that it was doing very little to explain itself lore wise so the peeps coming from 40k and FB were very confused. I especially felt this myself when I played the 3 mission demo.
>Niche genre, bland premise
>It was more like a ad
didn't hurt space marine 2
They also have never sold well ever no matter how many years or how much they try.

Dominion can still be found at 50% off *three* years on and even Skaventide seemed to bomb considering it can be found for 45% off just from its release in June.

The Stormcast Eternals™ starter sets also collect dust and rountinely hit prices that mean stores are giving them away at a loss just to get the shelf space back.
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Could you go back to r/games if you don't want to talk about /tg/ stuff?
I'd rather hear about you sniffing glue, that at least is slightly related
Space marines have brand awareness built in. The fact they suck doesn't get in the way of their success
That might be the case. It might have been good to have something like a mini-wiki in the game. But really I'd recommend that to almost any RTS. It was a cool feature back in Age of Mythology. Even if it told me nothing useful, I would actually take breaks to read the text entries in there instead of just blowing through the campaign.
Yes because they are Space Marines
yawn, vanguard palladors are sold out us nationwide, longstrikes are almost sold out.
Is space marine 2 an rts?
This is better. The actual model barely, if at all, conveys that it's a mutated tribesman.
I’ve literally never heard of any of these and I’m a gaymer. I bet these compete with fighting games in terms of player populations.
ngl I was very put off by my local store's build/paint session. I could smell those fumes as soon as I walked in, almost no ventilation in there and no one seemed bothered
Must be easier to sell unnecessary products to retards
Does anyone have the pdf for the Stormcast faction pack? Not the tome, the free pdf that was still up a few days ago.
Seams like a health hazard.

>peak British males
bald 'people' aren't people
>Von Nguyen is off to do a 40k Tau book
I expect if they sell at all you will be seeing the common ones on ebay for dirt cheap and the rare ones mega expensive. I really hope they DON'T do this with the armies I like to play and paint.
why? low impulse control?
Nice sculpts, but am I the only one who noticed bottom left has a RAGING CLUE?
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Damn you, now I've got a raging clue too!
>I was so infested I got my Nurgoo all over Schlop.
What annoys me about these models is that the equipment and armour is obviously standardised and mass produced but at the same time, the poses, genders, and variety of body shapes and sizes make them look like irregular militia type troops

What are they meant to be? they look like retards in expensive costumes

Seriously, there's no way this wasn't intentional. AIN'T NO FUCKIN' WAY, BOY.
Hard pass, but I'm not the target demographic.
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Any cool metal realm ideas for basing this dude that isn't just lava?
Frozen tundra
Rust-red soil and thorns growing from the earth
Glassy obsidian floor
Burning empire or bretonnian village (flattened wheat-coloured flock with scorched areas)
anyone have any examples of like, souls fused to armor or something? like a screaming soul trying to break out of something it's fused to, how some 40k chaos vehicles have
There's a 40k character named Lucius The Eternal whose armor is like that and probably plenty of art examples of it.
im looking for how people did it with greenstuff
Wouldn't you want your army's models to be affordable?
>metal realm
Rusted scraps
Mars soil
Well I know Nagash can bring people back but I' just going off of what some anon mentioned in a thread about Arkhan being thrown into a black hole by a gjost elf or some shit. And Soul Wars was nice but the Nagash aspects in it were pretty minimal, more of a good pov of rank and file undead.

But Nagash having multiple parts from the other gods explains quite a bit why he's all over the place.
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Could do those cool hexagonal cliffs from Iceland in a dark metallic
Thank you anon. <3
Anon, they are retards in expensive costumes. Dawners are either fanatics frothing at the mouth at the chance to die for Sigmar, or stooges dumb enough to believe they can secure a plot of land somewhere and settle down on a farm in the mortal realms.
>stooges dumb enough to believe they can secure a plot of land somewhere and settle down on a farm in the mortal realms.
imagine not trying this
>other than the geriatric wizard, they are all black or women
Who is the target audience? Blacks do not buy nerd stuff.
>people only buy shit that looks exactl like them
Majority of GW products like xenos or monsters would have been unsellable accoridng to your brainlet take.
You know who buys this? Rich white guys with IT or enertainment jobs
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I don't get it
>get the nurgle scented candle
>smells like pine
it's very nice but i feel like i've been conned
>he doens't know what else smells like pine
Save your innocence Anon
>xenos or monsters
but those are cool
But they don't buy nerd suff.
When was the last time you saw an orc in your LGS?
>But they don't buy nerd suff.
of course they do, you xenophobic prick
It's not you anyway so just go back
you will not be missed
NTA but now I gotta know, please enlighten me brother
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Are battletome scans a thing of the past? I thought things would be different when the core book got completely scanned within days of release.
People don't have the SCE book yet. I ordered the novels preordering the same day and they've just shipped.
We got Skaven scans ages ago.
We had the core ages ago and i'm not sure is SCE is even out yet.
Skavenfags were lazy
>We got Skaven scans ages ago.
No we didn't. There are photo compilations of the rules, but nobody actually scanned the thing.
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I love the irl irony of Skaven players being unwilling to share, fucking over other Skaven players in the proces
>photo compilation
If you're being that pissy then buy it yourself
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It's a reference to an idiom in certain languages (ie, French), where "it smells like pine" implies a doomed endeavour as coffins tended to be made with pine planks.
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Oh right, does anyone have an epub of the new anthology? I'm interested in what Tchaikovsky wrote for it, but not so much that I'd pay full price for an anthology that's mostly old short stories I already read.
Aesthetically FEC is probably my least favorite, don't really care for cannibals, but Ushoran & the Morbhegs look cool. If it weren't for deathrattle & direwolves I would say soulblight.

Lore wise vampires are so fucking vanilla. NH isn't necessarily a new concept but Nagash's dickery for each unit is hilarious.
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It's kind of a deep cut, to the point where it's one of those jokes I struggle to explain, yet understood *immediately* when I first saw it. Anyway, there's this series of books called the Hardy Boys that arose from the time between the world wars. Ostensibly, the books are mystery novels for young adults, and while I don't know if anyone has ever actually read one, they were absolutely ubiquitous in school libraries from the 70s into the early 00s; if you were a kid growing up in those decades there's a sort of familiarity to those neglected volumes, pages turned dark yellow by the inexorable, merciless passage of time.

Anyway, that should be adequate for context, let's go back to October of 2006. The leaves were starting to change, that cozy fall feeling was settling in, Twilight Princess was barely a month away from release, and the dominion of pumpkin spice was still in it's infancy. Around this time, an episode of South Park called "The Mystery of the Urinal Deuce" debuted on Comedy Central, wherein an unknown prankster takes a shit in one of the school urinals, and, in the kind of overreaction typical of schools of that day, the administration enlists the services of the Hardly Boys, two freelance gumshoes (and obvious parodies of the aforementioned Hardy Boys) to find the culprit. The Hardly Boys had an investigative process rife with homoerotic, borderline incestuous subtext, and more importantly... they had perpetually clinched teeth, which is fucking hilarious to anyone familiar with those books, because one unifying experience shared by all of us, an experience that transcends cultural, spiritual, and racial boundaries is this: we all, at some point, saw one of those books in the school library, looked at the cover art, and thought to ourselves "why the fuck do their faces look like that?"

That's the joke, and whatever absolute legend sculpted that plaguebearer knew exactly what they were doing.
Are mono Darkoath lists viable? Wouldn't mind running a block of Chaos Warriors with a cheap hero ig but mostly Darkoath
Is there a reason all the new Stormcast models are black people and/or bald lesbians? Who is this for? Who gets excited about these models?
Take not the bait, anon. Sigmar hath blessed thee with a strong resolve. Prove it so.
Thanks anons, Godspeed
only the faithful
>almost an entire unit of black people
>no guarantee you even get the whole unit if you buy the whole box
>monopose push fit models so not even very good bit fodder if you get multiples of the same guy
Who the fuck are these for?
I’m going to paint my elves as asians
Now post 1st edition map and tell us where they're from.
And then a picture of his selenium.
Humbly requesting gloomspite gitz tomes from earlier editions, I want to read about mushrooms.
muchos gracias
These are just boring. If you're gonna do this kind of blind box shit, you have to go all-out and include special details like sculpted magic or unique equipment.
Yeah like the last four that were just bland space marines
Before I respond, I need to ask: Are you going to engage in good faith, or are you going to dismiss any details that I point out as "looking the same"?
The previous set included these
This unit has unironically caused way more seething than female custodes.
Its called not having a monopose. Classic Toy Soldiers were just the same.
Has anyone purchased Anvils of the Heldenhammer: The Ancients? I added Godsbane when it came out, but that put me off Lucas's books. Is it any good or is it trash?
Okay. I don't like those. I liked the Death Guard ones.
White, black, I don't care. They are all Imperial scum that must be put down lest they blow up the galaxy with their retarded antics.
t. Xenos Armies enjoyer
Oi lads here's the new book by Dale Lucas. I bit the bullet and figured if you guys can vouch for him, I'll give one last try.

why has aos slowly become infested with DEI bullshit?
go back /V/igger
If you dislike it then you should've bailed three years ago retard
Why do you guys bother to post in a general for a game that’s designed to onboard people into 40k? Just skip the middle step and play 40k already. Rules wise it isn’t that far from AoS and the only thing you have to get used to is the less trannified lore.
go back /v/irgin
But AoS is a better game than 40k
You can actually tie the direct moment warhammer became shit once fags who say 'lore' instead of 'fluff' took over
AoS is superior to 40gay in ever possible respect.
New thread

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Only digestible part of 40k lore and fluff is the absolute surface stuff. Any deeper and it becomes utterly garbage, with BL slop being at the very bottom. No wonder 40kg is so fucking trash if it's filled with tasteless lorefags and secondaries like yourself

See if you can find some Spirit Hosts and greenstuff their faces onto the armor. If you need a lot of them buy some oyumaru and make casts of them.

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