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Previous Thread: >>94163047

For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and Greentexts about your game sessions (specify the system you are using)

>DON'T post or ask for "Looking For Group" or "Looking for Players".
>DON'T sperg about Hentai logic, Hentai Artists or NTR. Take your meds.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>94197157
3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

>Official Thread's Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Labyrinthus Random NPC Generator: https://srr5cb2m.play.borogove.io
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ
Lewd Attack, Frameworks for Maptool: https://mega.nz/folder/4ixRTS7K#nSxJQ4BuNcaZYA4slPVPcw
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Rapture World: https://mega.nz/file/PPQxVYIa#EHENwjI-gTxCvJjVTzVEeTj7Y-yl_6Ubra4RM2oZ3ck

>Other Material and Systems (IE: D&D, Pathfinder, Ventangle etc)
So what do you like the most about porn games? Jerking off or smelling the other guys' cum at the table?
>So what do you like the most about porn games? Jerking off or smelling the other guys' cum at the table?
I like making you seethe and mald so much you come in every thread just to whine like the little bitch you are.
Also i like boobs.
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New thread so I'm gonna dump the progress on Noblewomen Dueling And Tearing Apart Each Other's Gowns: Title Not Permanent.

>The game hinges on a rock-paper-scissors system of Cards and a chance system of dice. The stances are High, Middle, and Low. Low beats Middle beats High beats Low.
>Players play with a deck of 9 cards: 3 of each stance are in the deck.
>Both players are given 4-card hands.
>Players both play their stance face-down simultaneously, then roll their 3d6. Once dice are rolled, the stances are revealed.
>The winning stance uses their highest roll, the loser, their lowest.
>In the event of a tie, both players use the middle die.
>After all this, in the event of a tie, both players roll again, and damage this round is doubled.
>Damage is calculated, used stances are moved into the face-down deck, and players start at playing face down stances again.

Stats go from 1 (below average) to 5 (Peak human).
Players get 9 points to spend between the three stats.

>Strength: bodily power. High strength individuals tend to have more dense and powerful musculature. Strength is multiplied by your weapon's Attack value to deal damage.
>Dexterity: Finesse. High dexterity individuals tend to be lean and slender. Dexterity is added before multipliers to deal damage.
>Intellect: Required for certain Perks.

Thus, the damage formula is: (Weapon ATK+ DEX)*STR.

That's all the basic system stuff, all that's left is weapons and perks, which will go in the following post.

>CURRENT ISSUES: Need more weapons and perks. Need a way to simulate cards in, say, discord or other chatbots. Need feedback on simplicity, turn speed, etc. Seeking playtesters and play experiences.
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Example weapons and perks are to follow.

Example weapons:

>Longsword: The most average of all weapons. No inherent Perks.
>> Attack: 5
>> Maximum Dexterity Bonus: 2

>Rapier: An elegant weapon favored by noblewomen.
>>Attack: 3
>> Maximum Dexterity Bonus: 4
>> Inherent Perk: You roll 4 dice instead of 3 before Stances are revealed.

>Greataxe: A dangerous weapon only used in duels thanks to the magical protections all participants enjoy, it is still intimidating, and can break armor.
>>Attack: 6
>>No Dexterity Bonus.
>>Inherent Perk: Deals double damage to Modesty values above 100.

Example Perks (Players start with at most 2):

>>You roll another die before revealing Stance. This stacks with the Rapier bonus.
>>Int: 3

>>Your hand of stances is 5, instead of 4, drawing the final stance card.
>>Int: 4

>>You add your strength instead of your dexterity when calculating damage.
>>Int: 2

>>Stance Dancer
>>Before stances are revealed, but after dice are rolled, you may swap your played stance for another in your hand, or the final undrawn stance card (if available). If this results in a draw, you win the stance.
>>Int: 3

>>Skilled clasher
>>In the event of a dice tie, you may choose to keep the result you tied with instead of rolling. You make this decision after rolling the second time.
>>Int: 4

Side thoughts: If cards can be implemented in a chat context, what about using another hand of cards for powers and special abilities? Too slowing? Too complex? Should Magic Spells be another weapon (Based on STR and DEX instead of DEX and STR) or specific Perks? What about character advancement, should it even be a consideration, or should characters remain static?
Definitely eating cum. our last ses was all our characters getting raped by wolves and me taking GMs knot dildo up my ass
How's your sessions going, Anon, tell us more.
Also since it's the Spooky Month, any spooky sessions in mind?
Just started a new Scarlet Heroes campaign tonight (Posted about it in the solo games general.)
>Rolled up a fighter
>Went into town got some rumors about a dungeon to the west
>Got directions and headed out
>Immediately upon arrival he got attacked by a giant crab monster
>Killed it and managed to get some treasure (Some gemstones and gold, but not much.)
>Explored around some more and found a room full of undead skeleton warriors
>Despite making really good attacks, just barely killed them an made it out alive
>Headed back to town and rented a room for a few days while I rest up
>Trying to lay low, but also trying to accumulate "Lewdness" and not lose "Control" (Randy Encounters rules for lewd content.)
>Decide to spend a bit of money on a cheap harlot
>This little village in the middle of some distant mountains doesn't even have any, it seems
>It takes three days for me to find that a local drunk woman will give me head if I buy her a couple drinks. Better than nothing and I'll acquire 1 Lewdness
>Now I have to roll on the Scarlet Heroes Heat tables to see if I need to lie low for a while...
Do you actually play lewd games with other people, or just solo? Wouldn't it be ludicrously awkward? Or is it more like ERP with rules?
It's literally just ERP with rules. It's not like you're doing this at a table unless you've got some really freaky and openminded mixed company.
There are various couples who also enjoy this type of games, but most of the players here play the Solo games so they don't have to be bothered with awkward situations or to have to deal with weirdos or those who don't like handholding and sex in the missionary position.
what's scarlet heroes?
I run a game with multiple people. We don't use rules for the ERP part, but they can be used to facilitate it in certain parts of the game.
For example, I made rules for non-con during combat or lewd conditions for spells. I wouldn't make or use rules for The Deed, those tend to be way too autistic, and are pointless rolls (save for maybe prostitution to earn gold, but there are already rules for professions)
Do you have an example for autistic sex rules you have always seen?
>Need more weapons
I gotchu senpai

>Sword & Shield
> - Attack: 3
> - Max Dex Bonus: 3
> - Inherent Perk: Nullifies damage when Stances are matching

> - Attack: 2
> - Max Dex Bonus: 5
> - Inherent Perk: When matching stances, take the highest die (the opponent still takes their middle die, unless also a spear user)

> - Attack: 4
> - Max Dex Bonus: 3
> - Inherent Perk: Return winning stances back to your hand if you have less than 4 cards.

> - Attack: 5
> - Max Dex Bonus: 1
> - Inherent Perk: Take the middle die with losing stances; take the lowest die upon matching stances.

Don't expect these to be balanced or make any real sense; I'm just throwing out mechanical ideas.
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DCs for sex moves. This is Pathfinder Vices, there are other books that have similar rules that stat out segs. It's funny to read, but I reckon is impractical and far too detailed for something you're supposed to have fun with
honestly I think these types of autistic sex rules would be great for solo
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It may be, I do not play solo, so my playstyle is to lean away from overhead. In a situation you want he outcome to be decided by dice, it makes sense
Here is a screencap from Pathfinder Perils of Perversion (p.s. i play PF)
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>That doesn't seem neither impractical or autisitc, especially considering you play PATHFINDER which is know for it's complexity.
You seem to have mixed feelings towards the system you play since you probably enjoy complex mechanics for combat but a table for a DC about sex is too hard?
I never said I didn't enjoy complexity, I said it was pointless. I hope you are not playing with a GM that tells you that you're not allowed to deepthroat a werewolf's knot because your throat circumference is too narrow and increased the DC by 5 -- the culmination of which means you... don't do it? Take damage?
It's like rolling to see how quickly you can eat your food in a tavern. I don't care unless it's relevant, like you were participating in an eating contest.
On the other hand, rolling to scarf down puppyknot mid-combat might be relevant, which is why I made rules for it.
(deleted by mistake)
That doesn't seem neither impractical or autisitc, especially considering you play PATHFINDER which is know for it's complexity.
You seem to have mixed feelings towards the system you play since you probably enjoy complex mechanics for combat but a table for a DC about sex is too hard?
>I said it was pointless. I hope you are not playing with a GM that tells you that you're not allowed to deepthroat a werewolf's knot because your throat circumference is too narrow and increased the DC by 5 -- the culmination of which means you... don't do it? Take damage?
If rolling for sex is pointles then why rolling for skill checks? or combat? maybe because there is always a chance to fail or do soemthing wrong, yes even with sex. Nobody is born perfect and it could occur that something goes wrong. Maybe when you get deepthroated by a werewolf you weren't ready and you almost choke, rather than having your mouth magically engulfe a dick with ease. These tables are rather simple for those who want to use them, it's just that you prefer to go full freeform
Ultimately, it is preference, but I think it takes away more than it adds. It's why you don't roll for everything that can go wrong and only for things that you/GM may deem important to the story.
There are certain rolls you choose to forgo because they do not add to the story. I could make you roll to search the contents of a chest, but this won't add to the story in any way, other than the possibility you do not get your hard-earned loot. If there was a secret compartment in the chest that contains plot-relevant information then you may want to have the player roll to search.
I could see the argument in a solo game, but I don't think most players would find this level of detail to be engaging. If your players do, more power to you, I prefer free form as you said.
>If there was a secret compartment in the chest that contains plot-relevant information then you may want to have the player roll to search.
But if they fail the roll then they don't get that plot relevant thing and thus it won't add to the story.
It's an example, I wouldn't put anything important behind a check unless it were optional. It could be the difference between a direct path or a secondary secret path.
If you don't understand the point I am making, I won't harp on it any longer.
Yeah. How putting a plot item behind a roll adds to a story is beyond me. You better stop.
>Ultimately, it is preference
Yes is preference, it's jsut that if you are someone who like to use them they are not that complex.
Also i'm not >>94256754

I think you are either missing the point or doing it on purpose.
Having stuff hidden behind check is not necessarily bad, it depends on how you play things out. let say there is a hidden compartment and they fails to find it. That doesn't mean is just game over and if you think so you have almost no imagination at all. maybe they find the door locked where the key they missed, players could decide to backtrack to see if they missed it OR maybe more people could check or you could add an information about the key later on.
>why rolling
You only roll if failure is interesting. Sex in itself is interesting
To paraphrase:
>Fraiser says, "...don't use sex to get what they want, sex is what they want"
Yes, actually never did solo. It's more like you play an actual game then do lewd scenes here and there as part of them, almost always via PBP. Sometimes you might play something like Cypher where sex can have meaningful impacts like rolls that deal damage (basically fatigue) but those are more the exception. You'll find a number of living world servers on places like disboard for lewd games.
My girls have been stuck in this fucking 9 level wizardy dungeon for a few weeks
Tell us more. Did she got captured?
Also 9 Levels seems a good depth to reach by yourself
I've read girl instead of "girls", my bad
If they are captive or imprisoned you can always cause an unexpected event to have them escape
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I have this pic solely for this occasion.

Lewd Attack updated to 0.77, and with that comes the entirely new region: Realm of the Blood Moon!
So grab your whip, put on the ninth remix of Bloody Tears and get into the mood for hunting some vampires! Or do you want to join them? Maybe you even suffer the curse of the werewolves, transforming into a furry beast every few days. Don't worry, there are ways to cleanse yourself from these curses.
I hate a lot of fun designing this area, and may return to it soon to add more scenarios. Especially in the Vampire Castle. The bestiary is somewhat light and focused more on undead. Could add a few more encounters in the future. Restrained myself from going full monster-mash, wanted it to stay focused.

Aside from that, some minor tweaks here and there:
>Inner Kingdoms
I2.2: Difficulty changed to Hard
Easy Mission 4: Resistance test randomized (1d4)
A6-2 (5): Now everyone rolls one less die each round.

>You can bring ingredients to an Alchemist to create a potion, double the price
>Additional books added to the Bookseller
> Each time you get defeated and end up in the temple, increase your Reputation by 1

>High North
Attack and Parry of the Great Frost Bear reduced

>Main Rulebook
Regular Skill Ability "Intimidating Presence" added
Cannot increase Attributes from advancing skills, can instead add additional die for that particular skill

The latter one is actually kinda big, and one part of reigning in the balance in this game. You can still get extra dice this way, but it's not the same snowballing effect compared to increasing attributes. Yes, this makes your decisions during character creation more impactful, though I doubt many here play characters for that long. "Expert" still exist as a big powerspike.
But that's a succubus not a vampire
>Lewd Attack updated to 0.77
Nice, thanks for the hard work

A new setting, based. I also like the addition of Reputation for defeated heroines, particularly since it makes the high Reputation events more likely.
Yeah, that's something I want to add a lot more in the future, making Reputation and Vigilance more important.
Also, I focused a lot on Masochism and Sadism in this particular region, as these two tend to be somewhat underrepresented in scenarios. And of course, it's appropriate.
Furthermore, thanks to the anon that made the sewers scenarios, I stole a little bit for the Mermen.
>can't even play with low attributes temporarily anymore
Not captured, it's just a slog through the levels and the only real safe places to rest are imp grimoriums, and then you have horny imps all over you. Delve for a day or so, come across imps and then rest for a few days
You can also find shelter in those room where you can block the doors and just sleep in safety, since you are playing with multiple characters they can even take turns tos tay awake and guard. yes bare floor is uncomfortable but you can also try to find bedrolls or craft them yourself
No, it's a Homonculus.
These are pretty cool changes. Thanks, anon.

One thing that could be added in the future: On the sex partners and customers table, if you get a dominant partner, submissive characters get a bonus seggs die. Happened to have this exact scenario and houseruled that in because submissive and sadistic partners have that correspondence while dominant doesn't.
So in the last thread, I mentioned a friend telling me about a game called Demeo that i think would work as a base for a taimanin dungeon crawler or skirmish game.

These are some general rules based on that game. A player will choose 1 character if playing with multiple other players, or more than one character if there are not enough players to have a full party. So long as the number of characters in a squad of Taimanin is no less than three and no more than maybe four or five.

The characters will have a basic attack. Perhaps players can do a ranged attack with weaker damage, or some have a ranged attack and do weaker melee damage. I’m still working on that.

Stronger attacks, abilities and items will use cards drawn from a deck that is personalized based on each character. This might allow newer characters to be added easily I believe.

The decks are a mix of abilities and general items that would be found in the dungeon. So, the player would take their ability decks and mix in the cards appropriate for the dungeon. The number of which would depend on the number of floors.

The player starts with five cards and only draws another card when a number of enemies are defeated, or they find a lootable container.
Taimanin go through a number of floors, to be determined by the GM, until they complete their Mission Objective.

Attacks use a d20. Where a 1 is a critical failure and a 20 is critical damage and all other faces are a basic attack.

Enemies can sometimes have special abilities, with stronger enemies having multiple abilities available. Monsters will always use an ability when it's available and has a chance to succeed.

Players have two actions, where they can either move, use an ability, or attack. Some items can be used freely without using an action.
Demeo is quite a boring videogame, and i'm someone who likes dungeoncrawl
>solely for this occasion.
For Evil Hags, the Hag Warding spell is incomplete. Haven’t noticed any other errors yet, still reading through it all, but this new region is great. Time to be a Belmont!
>>You can bring ingredients to an Alchemist to create a potion, double the price
Should that be half price? Doesn't make sense that they would charge you more for literally giving them the ingredients to make it. Otherwise you'd just throw the ingredients away and buy two potions instead of having the Alchemist make one for you.
Could you be more specific?
I plyed it months ago and i recall i finished the tutorial but barely managed to get halfway through the first adventure before deciding to just quit and play something else. I can't recall very well but it was probably too much of a slog or something else. I basically removed it from my memory and only playing it again wold probably remind me of why i didn't liked it much
Ah, okay. I'll just keep working with it as a base for now. But I'll look more into if it has an issue with pacing.
I need one with beefcake himbos fit for a trashy romance novel cover. Anyone have any recs?
There's such a thing as winning in randy encounters right? Ive always wondered how'd you translate that in the normal part of solo play. Do you still use the scoring system of randy encounters?
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what would be the best system on the OP if I wanted to play as a warrior who fights monsters and fuck bitches. Some times at the same time.
one what? reference?
if so, you never go wrong with Fabio

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