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>How to make wargames terrain

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>Thread Question:
Create a new lesser chaos god with its greater demon, lesser demon, beast and steed
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Finished up some trucks today.
buff death company
what if the first votann were a monkey space program instead of humans?
In the grim darkness of the far future, there are only JLTVs
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How much Imperial Guard is too much Imperial Guard?
I am planning on three platoons of 1 command squad and 3 infantry squads and a number of HWTs each, but I really want DKoK but I feel it would be weird to only have one platoon of them, but six platoons of such a size seems nuts.

Cool! That's a lot of Taurus! Can we see close up deets?

That would be dope.
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According to the latest Kin lore, they started out as clones being shipped off on generation ships to space from Terra.

Why were the humans sending ships filled with supercomputers and clones into the galaxy?
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Managed to make some progress on the Dunecrawler. Gloss varnish messes up the picture a bit, sorry about that
Because they were in the old lore too, STCs were super computers to some extent
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Questions about the Eldar
>Good for an beginner?
>Ynnari worth it? If yes, do the Drukhari have to be the same paint job as the Eldar or can they clash?
>Wraithknight worth it? Love me some Evangelion.
Autist anon, so I am looking more into the genestealer broodmind(s) anything yall think I should look into in particular
What were you thinking?
To do the heavy lifting before the arrival of true humans (men of gold)
the whole votann/cloneskein setup is just a self perpetuating fire and forget mining rig.

the old DAoT humans could just blast one of those prefabs out, it would set up and maintain itself all on its own, and then ship resources back to the core worlds.

problem is they let them run so long that the machines in charge of it all got senile and lost the plot, and the clones started getting crazy ideas like "free will" and "an empire of our own", exacerbated by losing contact with central humanity during its many collapses
>got terrain files totally legitimately
>printing up entire collection
>not really paying much mind to how much I have printed, just yanking off the plate and tossing in the box because it all looks so nice
>finish the collection
>so much terrain it literally doesn't fit on my 6x4 gaming table
I may have gone too far in some places
anyone order any of the rereleased sector imperialis terrain? kinda want to get the objectives but made to order sounds like ass. also want some of the ruins and the basilicanum but it's ridiculously expensive lol
>>Good for an beginner?
Not really. It's not because they're tough to paint but because they're a glass cannon army. New players often dislike the trade-oriented playstyle of it.
>>Ynnari worth it? If yes, do the Drukhari have to be the same paint job as the Eldar or can they clash?
Ynnari are NOT worth it. It just introduces redundancy into the roster of units you can bring and requires you bring Yvraine.
>>Wraithknight worth it? Love me some Evangelion.
It's fine. Bigger models can be more daunting painting projects though.
>Maybe. They don't all have to be the same color scheme but having one common color they all share certainly helps. Red is the canonical one.
>It's okay, but not good currently. If you like the model though you should get it anyway because it's really cool.
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i love this army, but they desperately need some more dedicated heavy melee units, like an assault terminator version of their hearthguard, and a dreadnought equivalent, and maybe a squad of those jetpack guys with plasma axes
>Why were the humans sending ships filled with supercomputers and clones into the galaxy?
It connects with the men of stone lore

mankind hadn't yet refined protective measures for warp travel so normal soulled individuals (let alone the more gifted men of gold) would suffer when using warp travel, so the first attempts at exploring the galaxy with warp capable ships were done by the men of stone, artificial humans with a "half soul" of some sort, some people speculated they were synthetics or cyborg proto-servitors, but apparently at some point they were clones genetically engineered to have lessened souls

then time passed, protective measures for warp travel was created, the rest of mankind could traverse the stars, the men of stone created the men of iron and the rest is history
Just an FYI, any questions about Eldar are all going to be rendered irrelevant in 2 months anyway when they get a brand new Codex. Unit balance and Ynnari especially are all going to work completely differently.
They're not that short
>Yes. Very flexible and diverse roster of units, many of which are very strong. It takes just half a brain to play Eldar right once you go over their stuff.
>Not really. Yvraine's a weird model and is mandatory to run DEldar. Also paintjobs don't particularly matter too much as long as you do them, but it's good to keep consistency.
>It literally broke the game earlier this edition and led to several core rules being changed. It's still monstrous if you keep the double Wraithcannons, but the melee variant is somewhat lacking in comparison. At >500p not a good model for beginners making a first army though.
That shit will hold its value better than anything in today's economy, anon.
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Yup. Beep beep mother fucker.

I was thinking I like the models and have a dozen of them from my 6e days.

Sure thing anon, here you go. They're very much just battle ready, but I'm really happy with how they've come out.
Looking good, anon, really clean, and the gradient on the body looks really good. I feel like the major edges could use a little more edge highlighting, but I know varnish can make that hard to tell in a photo. It would really make the edges of the main body pop.
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make one platoon of kriegers, one platoon of cadians and reserve the third platoon for the catachan release

except those 3 infantry squads of each group will have a different scheme: for the cadians one classic green, one urban grey and one snow white
for kriegers one classic blueish, one as steel legion, and one as martian red
and finally for catachans you have jungle attire, ork hunters, and one group in prisoner orange
This fucking sucks
yeah the varnish kinda messes up the picture but I only did first pass of the highlights, I'm going to do at least one more with a more orange red
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Nice trucks. Progress on the black armour. Very tedious work.
This fucking sucks
Ever messed with oil washes? I feel like, if you hit them with a bit of edge highlighting, some sponge chipping, and an oil wash (nothing too time consuming), they'd really look great, and the wash would pull it all together. Nice work though, they're looking good so far.

NTA, but I'd like to hear your reasoning as to why. It looks like good work to me.

This is mine and I say yours looks good. I'd like to see what the other anon's models look like, for him to shit on yours without any useful advice
This fucking sucks
Give me loli cherubs, gw
Thanks anon, yours is really fucking nice, I liked it from the moment you first posted that. That guy sometimes posts this reply to every model/wip post, you should ignore him
What's your process like?
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Didn't realize there was a new thread.
I finished the new Breaka Boyz unit on Christmas day. They'll be on the table for a game this Saturday.
nta but black basecoat with grey edge highlights doesn't exactly feel like rocket science
How bad would a Gravis only army be? I liked the thought of doing something like that. Just squads of the fattest boys in the codex rolling in and taking ground.
Are you fucking serious
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How the hell do you paint these guys so quick lol. They look very nice, too
no, it doesn't
Hey /tg/
I've spent about two hours scouring the internet for a specific picture of a space marine in white armor, without his gauntlets, blindfolded and holding what looks like a purple rose.
I don't know if it's just something I've imagined existing, but I am certain I've come across it a few times the last few years, but I can't fucking find it now.
Anyone happen to have that picture lying around?
I'm on break so I've had a lot of time for painting. These guys actually took me longer than it normally would due to me putting more effort into the skin than I normally would (kill team's gotta look nice). The skin's very visible with the current angles in the camera, though.
I know you’re shitposting, but I’m curious as to what kind of buffs you’d want for death company. They seem fine at the moment, despite their wargear being a mess.
closest thing I remember being a thing is pic related
When is the emperor fucking dying?
when you have sex
end of the 13th edition
How many of you still play older editions? I've been dying to try out RT and 2nd but all everyone wants to do is play 10th, which is fine, but I do want to see where this game came from.
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Then consider a better way.
I used/stole this recipe for my carnosaur, it looks very nice when drybrushed as well
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I've brought three models and a small amount of paints to the old country to do some test schemes in the downtime between Christmas and new year's
I use green edged black for my emperors children. Don’t won’t them looking too much the same.
This looks great mechanicanon
Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
What I meant by a better way is less the colors themselves but doing the highlighting in reverse, from bright to dark. It's not only a lot faster but also way easier to get it smooth.
This looks awful. Your brush control is embarrassingly bad
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that model already got refreshed in plastic
This actually sucks
Ignore the faggot anon, he's just mad noone gave him bumpats for his low effort death company and emperors children
For someone who uses edge highlights as often as you do, you sure aren't very good at them
>nerf the anti-tank weapons of the GSC line
>release a new character with 12str brain shock
bravo James
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>don't wont
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I was just playing, he replies with that to every model
thanks bud, still a lot of work left to do
These fucking suck
Lamentersanon, seek help.
Their black edge highlights are tidier than yours are though?
>exactly 2 mins apart
Slaaneshi samefagging in action
what other thread are you shitposting in?
You seem very upset that people didn't like your death company lol
I paint a Wraithguard tonight
I paint my Spiritseer tonight
I paint a Storm Guardian or two
Uhoh slaaneshfag melty lmaooo
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I like space wolves
I don't usually, but I like yours orange wolfanon
post your progress on your spiritseer later, anon
I don't much care for them but yours look cool
Rent free kek
That cape and your yellow is really smooth wolfanon
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Couple Quick question about barrel drilling:
A. Whats the best technique/process to not fuck anything up?
B. Do I drill both the big and small circle or just the big one?
I like drilling a small divet with a hobby knife first and then getting that as centered as possible, then attacking it with the drill so it's aligned properly
use a tack or fancy hole driver or hobby knife to make a pilot hole that's centered on the barrel
drill a few twists slowly and evenly so your pin vise doesn't wobble
check hole, drill further if good, adjust with hobby knife if needed
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Necron bros, the Destroyer detachment actually having a use for Lokhust feels good man.
I dunno why they forgot about them in the first place.
Don’t scrape off the mold line, use it as part of a guide. Take hobby knife point or snippets point and drill small hole in centre, paint black.
I didnt clean the moldlines, there was a moldconnection right on that spot that I had to clean up.

I see thanks, well heres hoping.
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Who's the most powerful necromancer/lich in 40k?
>Don’t scrape off the mold line, use it as part of a guide
Nta but that's actually a great idea.
who does the angel theme better, dark angels or blood angels?
the lower one is just a knob, not an opening.
Bangels have actual angel themed units. Dark angels are just knights which are still cool but less angelly
All of these are really smooth anon but I think I like the verdigris dude the most
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Why do the metal dark eldar (2001) look significantly worse than the metal dark elves (2000)?
Mortis dreads are the ones with dual auto cannons right? Or can there be other ones with dual auto cannons (dual twin linked, so quad I guess)
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I think I did okay for a first time. it seems nice and centered.

Not sure if Im supposed to dig deeper or what.
I'll eventually edge highlight them, but for now they're sorted. They actually do have a strong low-light wash on them, but it's hard to make out in photos because it's brown wash on red paint.
nice and centered
I would go just a bit deeper
Custodians have “old” proportions right? Reading about them and I think they’re neat with their gun blades, but something about their models ain’t right.
yeah they're still very much heroic scale
I gave it another pass. Too lazy to take a third pic though. Looks pretty sweet.
Thanks for the help anons.
A smell like a fart appears. It is this
I see, I like them conceptually, but I’ll hold back on any model buying since they seem like a prime candidate for a refresh if there ever was one.
you could always buy bikers they are probably the safest option
This fucking sucks
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Dark Angels don't actually have Angelically-themed units. Blood Angels used to have multiple. Now they only have one.
Dark Angels have a lot of decorations that feature robed, hooded angels but no actual theming.
are there genestealer hybrids with other races, I know one of the white dwarfs had ork genestealers but what about eldar or tau
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They've got a bunch of different loadouts that are all oop but you can find them on recaster sites pretty easily
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>Create a new lesser chaos god with its greater demon, lesser demon, beast and steed
Hey, my stuff didn't get called sucky, I must be doing something wrong.
>8 (you)s
>same words and pictures
>somehow doesn’t feel organic
Thanks anons
The ultramarines I got in a killteam box are already blue and the death guard in it are already green, does that mean I don't have to prime and base coat them?
if you're fine with them looking like boardgame pieces yeah
you should still prime and paint your models
This post fucking sucks
resident schizo must've missed your wolves
Didn't post wolves.
Anyone have a good link to some alternate Armiger legs? The poses are fine but when you're gonna have 6-8 of them for an army you kinda want them in more than two poses.
unironically convert them into helicopters
Malice, the Ouroboros, Chaos Destroying Itself
>Greater/Lesser Daemons
Some daemons are corrupted daemons of the other four gods, given ironic twists. A khorne daemon with blunted horns and broken sword, an unclean one so thin it wears its stretched skin like a robe, a slaaneshi daemonette with calloused and unfeeling flesh, a lord of change blinded and defeathered. Those who fell into the cycle of self-destruction and now are unable to escape. The ones made in Malice's domain are emaciated beastly things, devouring Chaos endlessly without satisfaction
>Create a new lesser chaos god with its greater demon, lesser demon, beast and steed

Borbor is the lesser chaos god of passivity and inaction. His ultimate goal is to put an end to all action; thankfully, his laziness usually prevents him from enforcing his agenda. At the worst, he usually decides to do something later, and then quickly forgets about it. That might explain his unfamiliarity to most of the Galaxy.

>Greater Daemon
The ever-drowsy Sluggards usually take the shape of a gigantic disembodied head lying on one of its fat cheeks. One of their eyes is permanently shut, as they're too lazy to open it when one eye is perfectly adequate to see the world with. They only ever open the second eye when something really piques their interest, and everything the gaze of this eye falls upon is frozen in stasis, so that they could take a good look without the object of their attention running away. If they find it displeasing, which they usually do, they roll over it like gigantic boulder of flesh, crushing it under their massive weight.

>Lesser Daemon
Don't let their name fool you, the Nincompoops are formidable combatants - when they bother to attack you, that is. From the waist up, they look like ugly, pudgy toddlers the size of a sow, snot and saliva running slowly down their faces. From the waist down, they turn into giant jellyfishes with translucent, wobbly tentacles ripe with paralysing poison. They spend their time making elaborate plans and harebrained schemes, never to really act upon any of them.

Scallywags resemble elongated mole rats with three pairs of short, stubby legs reminiscent of dachshunds and eyes on stalks where mole rats have none. While they're capable of reaching considerable speed on the battlefield, they're notoriously cowardly and cannot be steered into the fray by even the most tenacious of handlers. The solution? Their riders mount them backwards. Truly, laziness is the father of invention.
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I hope they get a kill team release
This is a really fun idea, Anon
im not trolling, revert their nerfs
Assuming that Malal/Malice was allowed to come back properly and not vaguely canon because of Sons of Malice, how would you stat his daemons?
Anti-Daemon 2+, Daemon invuln save deletion aura, Kill Daemons, Behead Daemons, Roundhouse Kick Daemons into the immaterium, Curbstomp Daemons, Tell Daemons their god is gay, Crush Daemons, can advance and charge
Can we have something good like Hashut or Horned Rat instead?
>Can we have something good like Hashut
Yeah you can, it's called Vashtorr
Malice is already in.
Malice and Malal aren't the same thing.
>spend entire thread calling everyone's models shit
>hrmm I wonder why everyone isn't glazing my death company wip
He's an epitome of what nu-40k is and everything that is wrong with it.
Pick again.
>He's an epitome of what nu-40k is and everything that is wrong with it.

He was set up in 4th
Anyone got any homebrew rulesets or codecies?
Lol No. He's just as lame as Be'lakor. Hashut would be better.
>He was set up in 4th
No he wasn't. Stop lying.
yes he was, go read the page for soulgrinders in chaos daemons
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If there was a 40k fighting game, what picks would you have in the roster?
Drazhar or just a regular Incubus would be a fun pick.
>If there was a 40k fighting game, what picks would you have in the roster?
All primarchs and nothing else.
And yes, daemon primarchs count as a separate character.
>IWcuck thinks he's anywhere near the kino of chorves
>go rea-
No. Show pic of your claim.
>It's a "Tau Crisis battlesuit main zoning for the entire match in the corner" episode
no, they've got the same proportions as primaris marines, and those are the ones they are meant to have.
What style of fighting game? 2D? 3D?
I was thinking 2d but 3d could work better for crazy shenanigans.
There are only 2D fighting games. 3D """"fighting"""" games are not.
they are manlet scale still
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What if they start getting homebrew melee suits?
Remember when the Khan called Morty smelly?
That was funny
>tekken isnt a fighting game
dunno, ask /hhg/
He's literally Hashut
Female orks with fat asses and big titties
I refuse to acknowledge the existence of any "fighting game" that has Clive.
>excited for new project
>off to a horrible start
it's over bros
no, theyre two seperate daemons who both try to rule the soulforge
Your loss.
I once read a visual novel where the main character is like that. It was disappointing because you couldn't rape all the villains even though the writer put highly rapeable Reinhards there.
no the fuck they dont lmao
giant heads
giant hands
giant weapons
short arms
skinny legs
they're heroic scale
>off to a horrible start
let us partake in your misery
They're just like me fr
I despise this finger fiddling shit, it's the spiritual opposite to painting.
Push through anon. There's a reason that the early steps are called the ugly phase. Everything gets better as you put more time into it
>two separate dameons
Two Daemons of entire different classes; one is a Daemon-Prince on par with the likes of Be'lakor, whilst the other is a (minor) Chaos God.
One of the biggest problems about XVI's plot is Clive's always the center of attention even when he shouldn't. It could work but Clive is way too boring to be the center of attention.

This could work out pretty well though if Clive was actually charismatic, interesting, aggressive, charming, visionary, or had some other kind of extraordinary feature to his persona. He's not a bard, he's not a poet or a Casanova. He's not that angry, he's not that dangerous. He takes 50 hours to touch and kiss Jill. Basically, he fucking sucks. Dumbo, doesn't know shit about fuck, led around by everyone else who actually has a clue about the world conveniently handing him the plot through dialogue. If he was half as cool or fun as Dante was, or half as pissed off and vengeful as Kratos, it wouldn't be such a problem for him to suck the air out of the room. Because his big personality will carry the show forward. But no. Ifrit is kind of a pushover all things considered. Opening made it seem like Ifrit had agency, but that plot point basically vanishes whenever he "accepts the truth". Being 'Mythos' doesn't mean anything, it's Dragonborn-tier slop. 'Mythos' is just the late-game excuse for why there's no controllable party members. Because Clive has to become duh bestest evar and eat the other more interesting characters' Eidolons to become level 99 and punch "god" in the face. His entire character arc is basically finished as soon as he accepts the truth, and that happens too early into the game. Afterward he doesn't really have an interesting character hook.
There's no reason why he can't be manifested to different degrees in 40k and AoS. In 40k, Slaanesh was "born" with catastrophic consequences, whereas in WHFB he has always been there.
Female mandrake with a big butt and thighs
Which chaos knight configuration has the gun lots of shots? I want to have a look at the assembly before I buy one.
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The model we have for vashtorr is really just how he manifested for abaddon, he should have a myriad of different forms.

Chaos is and always has been shared with vashtorr competing with other beings for rule of the soul forge
Battle ready points are big gay, and not giving them makes you a shitty opponent. And I have several fully painted armies.
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Had some post-christmas free time today so I spent it all "building" this one guy.

I really do wonder sometimes how people paint models when they build them without subassemblies. I cant even begin to imagine painting this cape on the inside if I already stuck it to the model.
Nothing wrong with variety
My list:
>Ultramarine Assault marine
>Sanguinary Guard
>Howling Banshee (Or striking Scorpion, one of those)
>Skorpekh Destroyer
>Purestrain genestealer
>Eversor Assassin
>Khorne Berserker
Dunno who to put in as a rep for Squats or clowns. Not even sure the kroot would be a good enough rep for tau.
Each shit XIIIfag
That's a very kooky crazy chainsword, I like it
The nemesis claw is definintely one of my favorite kits ive seen. I cant wait to build and paint the rest-of em.
It's barry, the resident sitewide schizo who hates yoshida's works
>I have several fully painted armies.
No you dont
>In 40k, Slaanesh was "born" with catastrophic consequences, whereas in WHFB he has always been there.
A poor example, I think. Slannesh's creation in WHFB is the exact same as 40k's. She & the other Chaos Gods are in WHFB world because they had found the Old Ones, who had escaped from the 40k universe.
Yet nevertheless, be it in AoS, WFB or 40K, Slannesh is still a Chaos God and is always presented as such.
Damn thats a lot of words that have nothing to do with warhammer 40k a tabletop miniatures game
>>I really do wonder sometimes how people paint models when they build them without subassemblies.
The secret is if I can't see it, I don't paint it.
i'll show my travesties off soon enough anon dont worry

i've done pretty good so far following tutorials with a few of my own variations here and there, this is first time i've done something entirely on my own.
Escher girl(male) with fat thighs
Yeah but for example that cape, you can definitely see the inside of it cause there's space between it and the model's back, its just it's not possible to angle your brush to reach certain areas.
some deldar do it for fun
Trying to get this ridgerunner ready-enough to play, then I'll clean it up after my road trip. I don't think it'll quite be where I want it to, but as long as the broad strokes are there, it'll at least look good enough to get blown off the board.

Thanks, anon. Tried to put everything I've learned into it. It's finally gonna get some table time in a few days. Been too busy to get games in.
>Dark Eldar: Lore accurate Lelith
>Eldar: warlock w/ spear
>SM: phobos marine w/ combat knife
>Tau: Aun'Shi
>IG: deathworld Veteran/catachan
>Orks: Kommando nob
>CSM: NL raptor w/ chain sword
>Nids: tyrant Guard
>GSC: locus
>Sisters: repentia
>Admech: electro Priest
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I'm sure it'll come together in the end anon, I believe in you
Is this the one with the cute playing card freehand? Looks good so far fren
> She & the other Chaos Gods are in WHFB world because they had found the Old Ones, who had escaped from the 40k universe.
I have more painted models than you. It's cute that you think otherwise.
>Not even sure the kroot would be a good enough rep for tau.
Just need to use a bigger kroot. What are those gorilla dudes called again?
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Does anyone have the guide for colorful nurgle daemon skin? Here's my wip dark admech btw
His chocolate starfish.
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Should I nix the Objective Markers and get a second one of any of them?
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you should empty that entire cart lmao
I will when I press "Checkout"
>490$ for that
You cannot be serious. For the love of god, please look for a 3D printing service in your area.
a fool and his money
$500 isn't a lot of money.
it is when you get shit in return
You can support yourself for 25 years in Ukraine with this amount. Could be more but you're dragged to the trenches at 25.
$500 was a lot of money in the west, but not any more. You let the ruling class walk over you and that's what you get. In the Dark Imperium of course.
Brother listen to me find a 3d printing service you can get like 4x that terrain for less and unlike with minis even fdm printing isn't awful for terrain with a small nozzle
>don't pay for GW stuff
>pay some pajeet for poison resin shit instead
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Chaos gods arrived in wfb when Polar Gates broke, leading to great cataclysm, then left after End Times removed most of soul having life. Then came back once population rebounded enough to sustain them, but needed additional cataclysms to actually function in the world.
Slaanesh wasn't born in 40k, it entered it for the 1st time then
Or so you're a poo, understood
You do know what "in your area" means right?
You understand the concept of leaving your home and going to a local store, right?
So if Slaanesh exists backwards in time from the moment of his creation, why does he have no control or influence over the souls of Eldar in the warp for 65 million years before the fall?
did they add the vanguard invader keywords to the trygon and mawloc after the codex was released?

im playing around with final day GSC in new recruit and it says you can take vanguard invader keyword units including the mawloc and trygon, but when i open up my tyranids codex they dont have the vanguard invader keywords on their datasheets, but in the new recruit app they do

whats going on here? was it added after the fact? or am i looking in the wrong place?
What he said are educated guessing, with the texts intentionally left vague. The Old Ones did come to the Warhammer planet on silver ships. They began terraforming the planet and created new species. Yet at some point ill omens started to appear, and malignant beings from the immaterium started stirring near the Old Ones' portals, at the planet's poles. (8th Ed. Lizardmen, pg.7-8)
The Old Ones, with some hastiness created other species half-assed, like the halfling and the ogres. For some reason, either from a flaw or attacks, the Portal was broken and Chaos started pouring into the Warhammer world. The Old Ones tried to hold the tide but it wasn't enough, and so escaped once again. (6thEd. Beasts of Chaos pg.6).
Surely you can find more bits and pieces of the fluff, across the armies books, and piece them together yourself.
>Dollar sign
UK surely is ruled out
He could also be a fucking leaf like me, except I can go to a 3d printing guy in my town of sub 5k residents and get printed terrain
Poor and dumb.
Yeah they added it in.
because the slaanesh hadnt existed yet, in chaos daemon books its explained that once slaanesh existed they had always existed.
Man Arcane S2 was such a dissapointment, it was League of Legends quality
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>ficitonal media IP exists and we 40k-ize it or shit on it or make 40k references to it in comment sections
Did we become the new bronies of science fiction fantasy media?
>Dude what if we threw away all the character drama and conflict built up over these past two seasons for a big avengers team up where they all fight Noxus!!!
Truly sad
So Slaanesh always existed but didn't do anything with that existence for 13.8 billion years?
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Uhh, yeah.
40k fans have been doing that long before mlp
We've always had the exact same autism, 40k has just been growing more steadily, rather than exploding in popularity and internet presence all at once like mlp:fim did.
We are only reviled less because the frog less notices the slow boiling.
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>always existed
I like how people stick to that part and ignore the part that says he has never existed. Because selective reading.
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>Engages you in diplomacy.
Urien Rakarth and it's not even close.
Bellathonis put in good work with El-Uriac but he's a one-hit wonder.
Slaanesh is beyond duality so it makes sense

"All the warp is contradiction, for the nature it is to melt reality until the impossible cannot help but exist. His master is impossibility at its purest, the harmony and uniting of X and not-X, making of them symmetries that flower like a Mandelbrot set, each petal breaking into its own beautiful and recursive contradictions down to infinity." -Planetkill
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Because the Eldar were not yet so connected to Slaanesh. Just because Slaanesh retroactively existed, it did not retroactively change the nature of eldar, they've still got to go through the chronological motions until both the material and warp come into resonance over the matter.
There is no source for this, purely attempt to make sense of something that GW has put less thought into than I have.
Now that reivers aren't TOTAL dogdoo should I get the Wolves combat patrol to make as generic muhreens
>inb4 "there's an invictor"
I like it. Sue me.
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They may be poor, but seriously buying GW terrain is borderline retarded. FDM printers print in PLA mostly (the same stuff found in a bunch of stuff you already buy) and are about as harmful to you as the paints and glue you are using. Even if you don't want to 3D print yourself, you can literally buy terrain just as good on Etsy for a fraction of the price.
Just because someone can afford something, doesn't mean it isn't stupid to buy lol.
>shoots filthy xenos whore in the head
Do you think the box is cool?
If you answer yes then buy it
>it doesn't make sense
>thus it makes sense
>because Warp
Or it's just bad writing by hacks.
I'm not sure if any combat patrol is worth getting unless you want to use every model in there, including the characters. In the case of the Tau and DE you'll probably use all of them, but in the case of most others I'm not so sure.
Reddit calling someone else retarded is always a treat
What are beastwomen like in 40k?
If we are doing all generics -

Tau Crisis Suit (Zoning, ranged damage)
Khornate Eightbound (Hyper armour attacks, no defense, always offense)
Daemonette (Grappler with crab claw)
Drukhari Succubus (Fragile and with a venom gimmick that gives better properties to venomed enemies)
Striking Scorpion (Fast, mobile, lots of mix)
Ork Warboss (Deals more chip and more regular damage the longer he goes without blocking)
Space Marine Chaplain with Crozius Arcanum and Bolt Pistol (Gimmick is chanting holy words when opponent is spaced out/knocked down to buff himself)
Space Marine Captain with Power Fist and Plasma Pistol (Shoto)
Tyranid Warrior (Whip to space people out or drag them in and mix, think GBVSR Ferry)
Genestealer Patriarch (Close range rushdown with psychic grabs that functions like Makoto's choke)
Lychguard (Slow, tanky, gimmick is that he's paired with a Deathmark and it takes potshots once the Lychguard immobilizes it)
Thousand Sons Sorcerer (Powerful long-ranged magic and zoning, no slouch in close combat but casting spells can leave him open)
Nurgle Daemon Prince (Short, fat, acrofatic like Rufus from SFIV. Plague aura deals damage when he's not blocking and closeby)
Archmagos with Axe (Lots of mechadendrites for close range attacks at any angle, lots of standing lows and crouching overheads)
Sister of Silence with Flamer and Looted Custodes Spear (Can remove special abilities of others, lots of fire)
Living Saint with Inferno Pistol and Power Sword (If they have full meter when they die, revive ala Dark Phoenix. Short range Melta unblockables)
Deathwing Knight (Big body close quarters)
Sanguinary Guard (Mobile Jump Pack guy with spear)
RunePriest with Rune Axe (Librarian function, lots of fire, ice and lightning)
Catachan fighter (Close quarters fighting, can call for 'reinforcements' which are artillery shells or tank shots)
I don't
he looks rad though
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Made a standard bearer for my aggressor squad. It was a very quick job, the banner isn’t perfectly aligned, but I can’t be bothered desu
Neato! Whatcha gonna paint on it?
Just had another fun TTS game. My strategy of using 6 Inceptors and Vanguard Spearhead to buff them up, threaten a ton of things with oath, then teleport them out and drop down again is really fun. Great objective control and I'm even killing huge Tyranid bioforms like Tyrannofexes with a single round of shooting. They're causing a lot of decision paralysis in my opponents because it's nearly impossible to screen against them fully AND avoid LoS on everything else.
Get a kill when they drop down, deal a ton of damage on overwatch thanks to the second oath letting me fish for 6's, and then pick them up and redeploy.
Well worth it. Guilliman giving me a second oath and a good CP economy is fundamental, and he's surprisingly kind of a badass in close quarters too. His revive comes in clutch but I'm gonna be so mad when it inevitably fails.

I'm really coming to like this gimmick list.
How well does it do against vehicle heavy guard, asking for a friend . . .
Paint some models and play a TABLETOP GAME on /tg/, not a SIMULATOR.
I dunnu, there's some cool artwork in the helwinter gate collector edition so maybe that
The blob of inceptors can down a Leman Russ pretty consistently unless it pops smoke., but even then you've gotten out a defensive stratagem and the rest of your AT (Lancers and the like) can go nuts.
You also get to kill like an average of 14 guard models on Overwatch which is nice.

It's the christmas period, nobody's playing IRL until early Jan
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True enough
And it doesn't fill the table as ludicrously once dryfit and assembled
Did GW say something about another super quick balance pass in January or something after all the new Detachments were out for a bit it did I just imagine that?
youve been drinking again
Sure but did they?
I went back and checked for myself. Yeah they did say a review and some updates would occur in January.
yeah they said they would nerf that armies you play
thats..... not what that says lol
Thank God I don't play any armies in this godforsaken game.
Will Beast Boss on a Squigasaur having Infiltrate survive january
Wouldn't you have to pop both Oath of Moments and Supercharge them to do that? Feels like most people would pop smoke on that since Oath only targets one thing and you would end up with two less Inceptors due to Hazardous right? I haven't played much in 10th so I could be oversimplifying it, it is just I am working towards a list with five LR and a Rogal Dorn so it seems like that isn't that great of a trade.
Please don't murder my oops all scions.
Why shouldn't I give plasma to every dude I can as a dark angel player? Is it ever a bad choice
You should.
The bolt inceptors don't have hazardous but have sustained 2. If you take a 6 blob, you can get something in the realm of 26 hits per 18 shorts on an oath'd target, and strats in Vanguard let you get AP +1 and BS+1.Buffed oath gives you wounding on 5's with rerolls to wound, so even on the tankiest units in the game, you're hitting them with 14-16 damage
Smoke helps a little on the AP side of things, but even then you're making people take a lot of powerful saves. That was just my experience against guard and nid players with lots of high toughness things - I could drown them in dice and force them to take strategems to try and save something that more than likely falls anyway. Anything less than t10 just gets instantly obliterated
plasma guns arent as cool as bolters
Duh, they get hot.
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Is anyone exceptionally pleased with the new Fulgrim? Like who's actually really exited to get their hands on that model?
You take that back
I am.
I don't care for EC but it's a pretty good model
i like the hh one more, but i don't collect ec, so it don't care
Sounds like it could be interesting, hope I don't run into it very often :)
Been watching a few intro videos showing actual games to get a feel for how this game flows. I gotta ask... do Tyranids just suck? It feels like they have a hard time doing things in the videos I've watched. Not gonna change my mind on building the army, but I'd like to know what I should expect going in, at least. Maybe the Nid players in these videos are just not good? Or the Leviathan set specifically is poorly balanced?
The leviathan set was originally like 1kpts marines vs 800pts nids
What the fuck, why would they design it like that? If you're making a starter box to get people into your game, wouldn't you want the game to be somewhat balanced and not "marines win lol"?
because more marine points means that Marines players (The overwhelmingly largest population of players) buy more sets, especially to get the new models
i am. i plan on converting the face a bit to make it more snakey but i do like the rest of the model
Fuck, that's devious. And hooking new players into buying the "totally strong" Marines also gets them on the constant new model drip-feed. So Nids are alright in actual games then, just hamstrung by the Leviathan box?
I must apologize, I have been reading books and I might buy a Gulliman model now and build a list around that….
Yeah they're pretty strong if you build it right. They're hovering above 50% which puts them at like, top 10?
I'm sick of you faggots ruining the hobby with your painted models and gameplay. That's not what 40k is about
Oh, I'm certain I won't build them right. I have no proper idea how to play, and even if I did, I have preferences toward particular aesthetics that mean that a unit is going to be in my army, regardless of effectiveness. But a fighting chance is appreciated. Thanks for your responses, friend.
Have you tried slamming your balls in a car door? I heard that helps.
wow this ushoran is better than the original
wrong thread
I hope the rumor about the balance update for Combat Patrol is true, solely because I have a Combat Patrol box already but my List is still a ways off from being completed.
I am exceptionally pleased and impressed with the new model. I prefer it to the 30k one, for make much more interesting design choices. I am also intending to start an EC army.
That said I'm overall not a fan of primarchs or taking named characters in my armies, so I still might not get his model.
I'm building some orks and I need something big to take up space, what's the good one, the morka or the gorkanaut?
What is the custom for terrain? As a newfag, should I be bringing terrain along, or is leaning on more experienced players for that understood at first? Basically, should I be buying terrain now while I'm still working on my army so I don't waste my own time?
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Oh, is just bringing along whatever appropriately-scaled junk acceptable, then? As opposed to thematically-appropriate, properly painted terrain? I can definitely do that.
If you’re lucky, your LGS might have terrain’d tables for use.
When you're starting out, sure.
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Picture ain't pretty, but he's not just primer white now. Lots left to do.
What will save Warhammer
i'm havin fun
I play Bangels and orks but I like it. Angron is my favorite primarch though
No you dont
Why can't big meks issue taktiks?
What’s the best way to get into poorhammer? I want to play craftworlds preferably with a lot of kitbashing to save money and make my guys unique.
Eldar are one of the least kitbash friendly armies in terms of unit profiles due to most of their units being specialists which all use the dame guns per squad. The models themselves are decent enough to mix and match stuff, but they absolutely aren't the army for easy unit mixing.
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>What’s the best way to get into poorhammer
printin', look up telegram groups for scans and custom stls, if your resources are low enough, you can set an fdm printer to the right settings and get decent results for dirt cheap, otherwise resin is the standard for quality infantry.
>I'm building some orks and I need something big to take up space, what's the good one, the morka or the gorkanaut?
think the gorka is a little better right now, but I still use my morka
Too buzy finkin of meks and not enuf finkin of planz.
In a casual lgs game outside of a tournament setting nobody's going to mind your buildings being made if tupperware and cut up boxes
Hobbyism is a core part of the game
I have more than 6000 points of a single army fully painted and based anon, almost 7000. I have more painted models than you.
NTA but post one dude.
I've already posted in this thread. Right at the start. See >>94671059

But those aren't included in either of my massive armies, this is a new project.
What do Tau women smell like?
Neat, thanks.
You're right.
It's about complaining.
You ever smell a camel?
No you dont satan
Those aren't your models those are my models you fag
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Those are my models, and so are these.
Stop posting pics of my armies
why no ushoran, morbeghs, guard?
How did you get this picture of my army
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Hey anons how's my dreadnought that I definitely painted myself
Army is from before those models existed. All of my hobby money has been going into 40k stuff, because my local has much more of a scene for it. That said I'm also working on some CoS for a spearhead league that's starting up in the new year.
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hey thats my army
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hey anons this is my army there are many like it but this one is mine
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You guys like my army?
>n-no those are my models
>I j-just have them saved as a different filename because...
>just because okay!
Try harder next time nomodels
nice bro
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these are also my models

I collect them many years

these are the Waven Gawd
this was very clever, I giggled

your stuff looks way better on a gaming table vs your moms dining room table

this is my first time seeing this
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Kindly. Get. Fucked.
>resaved filename
Try again
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Post with timestamp, faggot.
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Sick models anon
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That's clearly not the same army, ghoulanon has grey drybrushed bases while that is just bare texture paint. Also you write like an actual retard
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Get even more fucked anon.
>writes like a retard
>stores minis like a retard
>posts other people's army shots
0/10 bait
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I am but one of four

it is genuinely cool that you've painted up round base vampire counts. However this is 40kg and those are not 40k. They are the abomination that rose from the corpse of WHFB.
Yikes dude
I don't think I know how paint works
I'll get fucked when you learn to store your minis like an adult and learn to write like an adult kek
>ratlings snipers are barely pistol sized
Ok that's funny, who thought it was a good idea to give out competition pistols to the dwarves' dwarves?
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3 years
2 years
Noone does and anyone claiming they do is a liar who likes fellating men
Post fully painted and based armies anons. I'm waiting. 5000 points minimum.
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>They are the abomination that rose from the corpse
well yeah, vampires
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There may be a grand total of 6-10 people here that have a 5k+ fully painted army that post here. Guard anons, sallyfag, GSC guy, blue orks, and a bunch of bug players
Very strange to be mad about painting styles when you've never painted
just have fun with it
Paint with your heart, not your hands.

Your hard cock works too.
I'm waiting. This place is supposedly full of hobbyanons who don't care about the game, so why would they have small collections of models? Why stop at 2000 points of a collection you love so much?

It's because they're not really hobby anons at all isn't it.
But you have no models anon, why should we acknowledge your temper tantrum?
I've only got 2k+ on my armies, but I have a few of those
Post models anon. I'm waiting.
You too. I already posted my subpar Jackal Alphus.
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Here, have another of my models anon.
Man, black templar is so good for trimming bases.
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But that's my model. I'll even timestamp it for proof
is this what the threads have become?
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this isn't even most of my orks but the last time I had a lot laid out together. I have a lot of mooks like boys and grots painted
Sick Jackal Alphus, anon. I wanted one but my dad beat me when I asked for it instead of a Reiver Squad.
You didn't even do that tho, those ghouls are maybe 3500-4000pts but you're a good bit away from 5k
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very nice
6900 points anon.
I always love seeing your stuff blue ork anon. Makes me want to paint up more of mine. They're brown tho, not blue. Blue is a better color.
No shot
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Maybe in made up fairy tale Christmas land
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I need to do a real army shot soon. I haven't painted any of those new beast snagga stuff, I should do that too.

your stuff is crisp as always. I'm inspired by those breakaz you did. Can't wait to convert up some rokkit pistol nobs for my tank bustas
Flesh-eater Courts

Abhorrant Archregent (180)
- 3 x Crypt Flayers (150)
- 3 x Crypt Flayers (150)
- 3 x Crypt Flayers (150)

Abhorrant Archregent (180)
- 3 x Crypt Flayers (150)
- 3 x Crypt Flayers (150)
- 20 x Crypt Ghouls (160)

Abhorrant Ghoul King (120)
- 20 x Crypt Ghouls (160)
- 20 x Crypt Ghouls (160)
- 20 x Crypt Ghouls (160)

Abhorrant Ghoul King (120)
- 20 x Crypt Ghouls (160)
- 20 x Crypt Ghouls (160)
- 20 x Crypt Ghouls (160)

Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (340)
- 20 x Crypt Ghouls (160)
- 20 x Crypt Ghouls (160)
- 20 x Crypt Ghouls (160)

Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon (340)
- 20 x Crypt Ghouls (160)
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)

Crypt Haunter Courtier (120)
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)

Crypt Haunter Courtier (120)
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)

Crypt Infernal Courtier (140)

Royal Decapitator (100)

Royal Decapitator (100)

Varghulf Courtier (160)
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)

Abhorrant Archregent (180)
- 3 x Crypt Horrors (140)
- 1 x Royal Terrorgheist (240)
- 1 x Royal Zombie Dragon (250)

Charnel Throne

13 drops

Generated by Listbot 4.0
Eager to see em. Your conversions are quite nice.
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This is what I finished tonight. What are you anons painting on before the new year?
showing up to play without a fully painted army makes you a shitty opponent
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I cranked this guy out in 3 days for my buddy's mega battle. Last thing I painted sadly and it was at the start of the month
Damn, TWO blue ork anons? This is actually pretty sick. You two should meet up and fight it out. Loser has to repaint to yellow.
SOVL titan. And sick paint scheme. 5/7
All those points are incorrect
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Fiddled with this plasma a bit more
can't tell if I like it better or not, think at tabletop distance it reads as glowing better now
Probably won't touch it anymore, paint's already thick from covering up the earlier attempt at ink + speedpaint reactivating and chunking up the ribs
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I've got more than this now, I need to take some new photos, havent cracked 5k though
Kino and based
Slop. Drill your barrels
There are like 5 blork anons who regularly post here at this point lmao
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What's this about female custodes getting re-retconned to never existing again? Did I miss something?
Hey, someone called my models slop! That means they're good. Drilled barrels look like ass.
Pretty sure there's 4 here, though Pompadork anon has been on hiatus from his Orks for a while. If you count blue and yellow as a blue ork anon, then Thunda Crunchaz anon is another.
Blue Orks are the best Orks.
I always thought you two were the same mf and assumed you just had like 12kpts in orks and couldn't show them all in one photo
>Drilled barrels look like ass.
genuine skill issue on your part
Post good looking drilled barrels.
not a thing
stop believing everything you hear on loretuber discords
Well that isn't happening and if you genuinely thought it was and aren't shitstirring then you are mentally weak
Well damn, I guess I gotta change my orks to blue orks. That said my 40k orks are just a kill team, so shouldn't take long.
You're too cute anon.
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Your models look like ass so you arent the best person to judge modeling decisions, drilled barrels look great
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nah, the other guy gets way more games than me and is a cleaner painter. I'm just an old grog who likes building shit. here's a trukk from like 13 years ago
I said good looking, not ass looking anon.
post more wash-drenched slop models lmao
Someone called my models slop, that means they're good.

Post models.
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the adorable cope of the dogshit hobbyist
You have no idea what good looking models look like though
Over sprayed with an airbrush, looks rough and unbalanced. Dripping ooze is a poor choice of color and doesn't blend smoothly, and the leather doesn't crack naturally on the belts. Terrible model.

Also, probably not yours.
none of that's accurate
but I accept your concession nonetheless
You can't accept anything that isn't offered anon. But whatever is going to make you feel better about your trash looking model.

Post army.
>throws a bunch of words he's heard in relation to painting hoping to sound like he knows what he's talking about
go post more wash-soaked models in poor lighting to hide you flagrant mistakes lmao
>fingernails packed with human shit
Not the anon you were squabbling with, but you should fix that. Cool space marine tho
Post army.
>didn't clean moldlines
>didn't drill barrels
>can't even keep paint where it's supposed to be
>splotchy coverage everywhere
>coffee staining on the banners
>every base is the same dark grey as the models with a single splot of low quality snow paste
You need to simmer down speedpaintanon. You want to shit on nomodels tourists then by all means, but if you're going to shit on other people's painted stuff then the thread is going to turn on you
Post army anon.
Hey, he's the one who didn't post army friendlyanon. My armies are painted and get played with. I'd love to see his fully painted army on a table some day. But I don't think that's his model, and even if it was, he doesn't have an army of em.
Uncalled for anon, post fingernails.
>p-p-post army!!!
Ooh ooh, now do the one about accepting concessions again anon, while still somehow not posting a picture of an army. Timestamped if you please.
Keep stammering out your desperations while you spit gobfulls of wash onto your models and call them painted
I'm waiting noarmy anon. Please, post army.
>But I don't think that's his model, and even if it was, he doesn't have an army of em.
That doesn't give you the pass to shit on them. To do so just makes you the asshole as well. You need to relax
I'll indulge you when you learn to paint better than 12 year olds from 30 years ago
Fair point. I'm quite relaxed however. I'm just still waiting on his own models to be posted. An army of them.
Yup, confirmed you're a noarmy anon. You're more than welcome to stay and join in the conversation about armies. Which one are you thinking of starting?
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>the nomodels piss-babies are squabbling on my Proto-Mongolian Bilgewater Enema Geocity again
>That model is well painted unlike mine, obviously nobody else could own that model
Post model with timestamp anon. Then, when you're done with that, post the rest of the army of it with timestamp. But you won't, because it's not your model.
>everybody laughing at my retardation is the same person
Fair point, sorry I accused you of being that noarmy anon. Which anon are you? Got any cool models to post?
Nta but why exactly does one need a full sized army to prove drilled barrels look good? Feels like you lost sight of the road there anon
>I bragged about being lazy and claimed it actually made models look better how could this have backfired on me like this?
Noones going to post models for you as you've already demonstrated you're just going to lash out nonsensically over them because...you don't like drilling barrels?
I’m going to give my Scout Sergeant a chainsword because it looks cool.
The anon is trying to say his opinion is more valid because of his better painted models. Which, in addition to being an appeal to authority, he attempted to support with an image of a model that he's supposedly painted to prove his status. If he wants to prove that he is, in fact, the person who painted that model, I'd like him to show his work on said point by showing off his entire army painted to that scale, hopefully with drilled barrels.

I don't believe that he is the person who painted that model, and I'd like to see some evidence of his claim.

Once again, post your fully painted and based army. I paint my armies to look decent from across the table, so that's the scale I paint them to. If someone wants to be critical of them, they're welcome to, but they'd better be ready to have criticism returned to them.

I've been very kind to models posted by anons who have posted armies. Like the blork anons. Post army anon, I'm still waiting.
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>Be Horus
>Decide you should rule the Empire you claimed, not beurocrats
>Decide to solo a renegade mutant and get BTFO by a guy that is literally falling apart and breaking his bones during the fight
>Get shown a vision of the future where there's no statue of you and it makes you angry
>Find out you're a clone, not the Emperor's actual son and it makes you angry
>Get told with literally no evidence Emperor made a deal with evil gods to create you.
>Your brother shows up in your vision to warn you its all lies.
>Cull the disloyal from your army with an exterminatus weapon
>It doesn't work and the survivors manage to kill 50% of the entire World Eaters legion in the aftermath.
>Unleash slaughter campaign upon your reclaimed worlds
>Destroy hundreds of irreplaceable STCs, preventing the mass rollout of volkite weapons.
>Hereteks don't really care even though Kelbor Hal joined your crusade in exchange for a single STC.
>Do irreparable damage to the Imperium
>Even if you won, you'd have ruled over a dying corpse.
Is Horus genuinely the dumbest major character in the setting?
I love chainswords and I won't deny it any longer. Chain axes are better tho.
you made a bunch of nonsensical criticism up because you couldn't stand that somebody who drilled barrels was a better painter than you
and now you're schizoing out accusing everybody of even questioning you of being him and demanding they oblige you
if your poor painting skills hadn't already indicated otherwise I'd assume you were the dude with that grey dreadnought who threw a temper tantrum when people jokingly started reposting it calling it theirs
Last for the orks!
>accuses someone of being schizo
>says they're another anon from weeks ago
Anon, friend. I'm not grey dreadnaught anon. And I'm totally fine with people painting better than me. I'm not a good painter. But my models are painted and based, and put on a gaming table. And I post my models, despite the fact they're not very good, because I'm happy they're painted and based.

It's really simple, I want people to post the models they painted and that they play with. I'm fairly certain that anon didn't paint that model, and if he did, he likely doesn't have an army of them to that quality that he plays with. Quantity is a quality.

Post your army anon. Let's see it, fully painted and based. I've got more than one fully painted and based army, even if they aren't award winning. (Aside from the one time I won armies on parade with my ironjawz by just putting 200 models in a 2x2 and winning on pure shock factor.)
>what is reading comprehension
No wonder you're so desperate for people to clap for your bad paintjobs, it's all you have going for you
You need to chill, you're moving your goalposts while shitting on people's work that supports their point because you're upset people criticized your models. Once again I'm suggesting you drop it here or people are going to remember your meltdown every time you post and are going to chew you out for it every time.
>I'm fairly certain that anon didn't paint that model, and if he did, he likely doesn't have an army of them to that quality that he plays with
What does that have to do with drilling your barrels, I don't get it
Anon, why are you so angry?

Friendly anon, my point still stands. I'm still waiting for someone with a fully painted and based army to comment on their stance.

The anon is using the well painted model as an appeal to authority on his stance. I'm simply asking him to validate that it is in fact his model, and if it is to validate he has an entire army of those models. He wants to establish his status as an authority on how models look, I'm simply asking him to provide suitable credentials.
Yeah see this is why no one posts models anymore. Spiteful anonymous shits just looking for an excuse to sling insults and criticism is all you tend to get anymore on this general
So someone needs a full army of well painted models with drilled barrels in order to criticize your models being undrilled, but you get to criticize other people's painting despite showing that you don't paint to that level? That seems a little unfair anon
Oh no, he's perfectly welcome to criticize my models anon. This isn't about my models being bad, because they are and I know it. This is about him trying to establish himself an authority on how models look, and me setting an expectation.
I just say "nice models bro"
How overpowered can a Custodes OC be before hes a Mary Sue?
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I find it hard to believe that every single firewarrior squad has an assigned Orca transports with turrets ready to be deployed for them. Then, again this thing is too large to be carried by a single soldier unless it is just a bunch of empty space inside.
Any amount is too much. But tell us about yourdudes. Mary Sue's are cool in bolterporn.
That greek-stylish eldar ship is amazing
>Imperial guard would steamroll every modern military
>Imperial guard in the lore:
>WW1-2 everything
>Except one gun
Remember that every crisis suit is deployed from an off table manta. I actually miss more off table nonsense, like back in the old days tau had a terrain feature that targeted off table seeker missiles.

Man, remember when forge world was cool?
I think I just broke a fucking tooth while chewing on a paintbrush trying to focus on dotting a lens. Someone kill me now.
As long as the ass is fat people will deal with a lot
I like orks :)
How many Trukks do you need for a decent Ork list? 2 or so?
You're a dingus, don't chew on things that hard
Horus was the most ambitious. There's whole libraries of works about ambitious people that ruin everything around them and become kings of ash and ruin.
Horus' ego literally couldn't take the possibility of a future where he wasn't revered at the same level as his father.
Yeah, clearly. Fuck man. I guess I'm calling my dentist tomorrow. Which fucking sucks, I need this time to get more shitty painting done to be fucking battle ready.
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I like dreadnoughts
2-3 is nice, battlewagons also an option
Damn, based army anon. Is the stormtalon any good? I never see any aircraft anymore and I've got a bunch of flyers to run while playing fortunate son.
She cute
He's a Blade Champion Custodes. He's one of the original 10,000, back when Big E still used Thunder Warriors. One of his name's Perseus, because hes the abducted son of a king Big E killed. He's got a pale silver sword, a robotic cape that can shapeshift to a limited degree, as well as the Armor Blade Champions usually wear. His personality is slightly bipolar, switching between robotic efficiency to emotional outrage in unpredictable patterns.
He was on the Vengful Spirit during the siege of Terra, getting two (2) swings on Horus before getting Gut-checked and smashing through several layers of the ship. Im not much of a writer, but I imagined a scenario where he was soloing an Eldar force before getting jumped by an Avatar of Khaine, where he almost gets his arm bitten off.
Thats all I've got so far.
Totally mary sue, but also badass. Fuck Horus, he's a bitch. Glad you got your licks in before he clobbered you anon.
Custodes muscle mommy grappling character with a giant ass and j cup tits

Well, it is basically a sentry gun that can be deployed once on the battlefield. Just imagine that the firewarriors carry a homing beacon with them.
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>based army anon
Thanks fren
>Is the stormtalon any good?
It's not amazing but the typhoon missiles get 48in range and 2d6 s4 shots on 3+ with blast which is pretty fun. It usually crashes and explodes before killing anything but I've always found that funny too
I'll get a wagon next then, that model is sick.
>black flightstand
Combat patrol 2nd editoin is fucking awesome. Custodes have a special rule that lets them split their terminators into 3 heroes that all get lone op by discarding an objective card.
holy FUCK i hate painting. i wish someone would just come out with a ~66% faithful 40k tt video game.
Lmao I tried masking it but the tape I used left a film of adhesive, that I then tried cleaning off with alcohol, which caused the whole thing to fog up so I just said fuck it and bascoated it black
What are you having issues with anon, we might have some insight that could help you push through
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They should be deployed by Drone Harbingers with railgun catapult-like devices instead, desu.
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i literally just don't like doing it. it's degenerated into a chore for me and on the other hand i can't fucking stand fielding unpainted models.
They should replace all drones with tau girls with fat asses and big rice hats and jetpacks
Maybe try switching the style up? Have you given oils a try? Or airbrushing? Maybe lots of drybrushing and glazes? If you have tried those maybe try combining them in a way you haven't tried before?
there's room for a fifth under that apron
Will the death guard kill team (the old dg heroes) be purchasable as standalone in the future? Or is it limited?
yeah its a fun kit, lots of spare parts too
Ive literally never painted a model before. Should I paint every individual piece, then assemble? Or assemble the model, then paint?
For your first model I'd suggest painting it fully assembled. If yiu want to try sub assemblies later down the line then that's an option, but I think it's important to try things out in the simplest way possible
Do the drones that follow commanders around act like gundam fin funnels?
Assemble and paint, if the model has parts that will cover other parts (like the classic arm over chest) you can use blutack so you can attach and remove at your convenience.
even when doing sub-assembly you don't have to paint every single piece individually, so I would suggest painting fully assembled models first to get a feel for what is annoying to paint
Translation for those without mecha brainrot
Futa Sisters character with wide hips and small tits
I would frick the blue lady
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>be big fatty Wargamer validating stereotype
>do 30 minute running on treadmill
>sit down to paint minis
>too tired to paint minis
Any fit /40kg/ users here? Is this normal and does this tiredness go away so I can paint minis right after exercises?
yeah. once you start getting used to it you'll actually feel invigorated after exercise, like a good kind of tiredness but alert and in the mood to do stuff
>be out of shape
>go do strenuous cardio my body is not used to
>wonder why I'm tired

It gets better. Stick through the suck, your body will adapt.
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You are a massive nigger, that's not yours that's mine you fucking cunt.
This image has the original name, not the downloaded one.
Fucking kill yourself.
Fair enough then. I should have expected this.
I am motivated because I don't want to be fat at the LGS And I want to be physically prepared to beat up any dumbass that gets angry enough to damage my models if that ever happens.
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Godspeed, anon. I wish you the best on your journey.
Thanks anon!
do swimming. it's extremely tiring but very easy on your body
>b-but it's too cold
all the more reason
Did any faction in 40k manage to weaponize black holes? (Shoot a black hole at enemy planet – or star – and watch it disappear completely.)
Sounds like something the Dark Eldar might do
Yeah, Dark Eldar have enough control of Black Holes to put one in a box and deliver it to a rival just for a joke
You know people are gonna save it with the original filename just cause you make such a fuss every time
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The Necrons probably

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