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New Year Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

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>Thread question:
Got any hobby goals for the new year?
I'm going all in on Gitmob.

I've tried to fight it for awhile. I have a bunch of models that I should expand into a full army instead of buying a new army. I'm actually pretty close to 2,000 points of Hedonites, and Slaanesh is the guy I most philosophically agree with in the whole faction. So I kept saying I can't do do Gitmob.

But when they showed off the ne kits that is the most I've ever felt "I must have that" since I discovered the concept of femboys
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i've got cash set aside for the gitmob army box, apart from that im kind of in a holding pattern until it comes out.

i am in the process of stripping and repainting about 150 of my grots though, but thats probably going to take me another 6 months to get through to be honest
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Once I have my hobby room set up in my house start resin pouring the rest of my Kruleboyz so I can call the army done
They're a race that is both unique but also with strong roots in folklore, I just think that if GW wanted to have a swampy Destruction faction then Fimir would have been a more interesting choice than "skinny orcs".
thing is they most probably didn't start designing kruleboys with the line
>we want a swampy destruction faction
they most probably started everything by wanting a new faction of orcs, scouring old warhammer stuff for references, then developed the concept until they gave them a somewhat unique look compared to the stereotypical gw orc and then and only then they must have decided that the cunning skinny would look fitting in a swamp environment
I would also say that even if they wanted another Destruction faction in general then Fimir (or really almost any other idea) would've been better than "Skinny Orcs".
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People only care about Fimir because of the rape meme.

Which is childish, because the power of imagination can make any faction the rape faction
Age of Sigmar can you play with skaven or Ogres?
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Ir's actually even more childish than rape=funny. They cling to obscure nonsens most people don't even remember to show off how knowleadgable and unique they are (except the "obscure" nonsens is actually already well known in the age of internet, so you can't even do that).
It's like having some literal who Jedi council member as your favourtite Star Wars character.
Obsesing over Plo Koon stoped making you special back in 2018, give it up
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Take a guess
it's actually the easiest way to do it
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jeez, i have no idea, youll have to check yourself
No it's because it's a genuinely cool race inspired by Gaelic folklore and I even wrote my uni diss on the Fomorians.

If that were true why wouldn't I be going on about zoats or gnomes or some shit like that.
noone ever likes them, outside of a joke here and there
Not obscure anymore after GW made a zoat miniature for blackstone fortress
>noone ever likes them, outside of a joke here and there
So you agree it has nothing to do with being obscure and actually because people like the concept?
>Not obscure anymore after GW made a zoat miniature for blackstone fortress
They made Fimir models around the same time
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>If that were true why wouldn't I be going on about zoats or gnomes or some shit like that.
this is my point, if you were a person of good taste genuinely arguing for the return of a forgotten Warhammer faction, you'd be calling for new Halflings.
They're way cooler than Fimir, and have just as much potential for rape fanfics. If not more!
>Loredrakk for Gordrakk
what do you guys do with your old rulebooks? do they even sell on ebay?
If they didn’t have the rape shit they would’ve been called “soulless nuGW AoSlop”, guaranteed.
When I first started AoS, I wanted to make a CoS army themed around an FEC quarantine. Then they made those rules non-matched play legal and it was impossible to get a game with regulars at my lgs. I could play with my friend, but it gets boring fighting Skaven for the 80th time.

Now with a new year and the Nurgle RoR being legal, it's time to finish this idea. I already had to strip my guys when they removed Wanderers, so it works out alright.
Why'd they even make Kragnos Gordrakk is such a better Destruction leader than him.
You wouldn't have to explicitly retcon it just don't mention it except maybe in some obscure BL novel no-one read, like they do for Skaven and Daughters of Khaine
They put Orruks and Gits on the same line item so presumably the Gitmob box will be launching soon, right?
I miss second edition before they started going full catering to tourneyfags.
You know it’s not illegal to go back and play it? If anyone in your playgroup wants to, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. There were people playing 3e 40K on the other tables during my LGS tournament last month.
Probably this month, yeah. The army boxes always come earlier than you think because there's a gap between them and the full release.
Oh shut the fuck up you pedantic sack of shit
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Why not both, I like Fimir and Halflings and I'm sick of pretending otherwise.

You know what I'm gonna say it: I think the silent people are cool too.
>People only care about Fimir because of the rape meme.
I like the design of their heads, the tusks in particular actually
So I picked up a few bits of old terrain.

Witchfate Tor, Warscryer Citadel, Magewrath Throne, and Numinous Occulum for like 300ish. I reckon I'm set for life, should help with any tabletop roleplaying shit too.
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We've had gordrakk on a quest to reach azyr since forbidden power

when the hell are we getting there!
I just think they look cool anon
The rape just makes them funny in a slightly edgy way
after Kreig release i would guess
He was interrupted by Shitnos stealing his spotlight and his Chekov’s gun being unceremoniously discarded.
Speaking of 2nd edition is there anywhere I can still find the pdfs of the rules for it along with battletomes? I remember back in the day there was a big mega but I assume that got nuked (looking specifically for the stormcast battletome).
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I like all the weird older races that while are associated with chaos are kind of free agents in the grand scheme of things.

I'm shocked we haven't seen one in underworlds maybe under like a shawl or something to hide what it is
GW would obviously abandon that interpretation and all of the original creators have said it was an amateurish mistake.
they still reference it though in official material(at least WFRP) and it even caused enough drama to get people fired over it at C7.
so I think if GW cared to change it they would but they don't so they won't
considering how horribly the whole thing is formatted who knows
WHRP is a third party product. GW have totally abandoned Fimir despite Zoats getting some fanfare
all the RPG have to go through GW to approve everything that goes in them if GW didn't want shit like Fimir, Gnomes orGods of Law in them they wouldn't be in them
which is probably why Soulbound is taking so long to release books now
Gnomes are such a foot note in that book, and I don't even remember the gods of law and I think I have the book they're in. This all just sounds like heavy speculation, considering gnomes got a fucking blood bowl team and all that.

We got any articles or notes about people being fired over rape lore? I don't wanna be a stickler but I hear something like this I figure it would be bigger news.
Will he ever get a unique model? Embarrassing
>‘Mate, I’ve fought gods,’ Gordrakk snorted. ‘You ain’t it.’
Gordrakk being Bestdrakk as always.
What ever happened to picrel's ghost?
>We got any articles or notes about people being fired over rape lore?
no just hearsay from C7 devs talking to people in pubs and the fact that Andy Law left C7 rather suddenly which led to long delays in the release of the WFRP line which wouldn't have happened unless some sort of falling out occurred,
I don't think GW had any say or opinion in this at all by the way it was all in-house at C7
it was talked about in /wfg/ a couple of months back but I can't remember which thread execctly
I'm just going to assume the spore-ghost infected another grot and he essentially possessed a new host
'cuz that big leader model they had made for beastmen needed to be put *somewhere* after they decided to axe the faction.
Interesting, that would explain why some of these books have taken so fucking long to come out. (Not that it matters I can't seem to convince my fuckin friends to stop playing god damn DnD no matter how hard I try.)
But interesting tidbit I suppose.
Zoats showed up in 40k few years back
this was years ago i doubt it has any lingering impact currently
C7 I think have just too many projects on their plate considering they are doing 7 separate game systems for GW along with a bunch of Kickstarter systems that get continues support and other side projects like the Darktide Card game
1) Because Gordrakk was Ironjawz only character and giving him away to everyoen would gut Jawz
2) Having a rival works narratively and makes Gordrakk even more compeling as a character
kragnos isn't a rival, he's nothing, he's been put back into a cage too
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mostly just finish my pile of shame which is all things that I want to paint or plan to sell eventually

finished my big boy glottkin a few days ago and now i'm working on the two brothers on top. After that it's either some cultists or rotmire creed which seem really cool. then the harbinger of decay or these 7 mk3 imperial fists i got sprayed yellow
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I assume he's just force ghosting around until the plot needs him.
Could use a new model, the possession thing seams like a cool mechanic
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Good to know, any particularly interesting books by them you'd reccomend AoS or Fantasy just for decent reads and lore tidbits? I've got a pretty sizable chunk but am running out of shelf space since my FLGS just had a big ass sale. (Not that i'll get a chance to play it with my fuckin friend group, but I can dream)
>Could use a new model
why? that one is already the best gsg model ever
It's so good you don't want more of the same?
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>FLGS runs a narrative campaign
>Dies out in about three weeks because 40k 10th launches
>No personal interest in 40k so basically can't play with anybody
Alright fair I can see why they'd have to shift priorities to make money off that
>Store acquires 2023 tournament pack
>Does nothing with it, hosts 40k tournament instead
>I know for a fact they still have the box with the trophy sitting around somewhere as of time of writing
Bit of a piss take to have your store down for a pack and then never use it but people still jizzing themselves over 10th and stores gotta make money, right?
>AoS 4th comes out
>Store still focused on a 40k tournament, it takes weeks for anyone to start playing AoS again
I guess people are reluctant to jump games back and forth this quickly, lotta money for plastic toys and all
>40k 10th hype levels out at last
>AoS channel in Discord finally comes back to life
>New year, new talk of narrative campaign
>Seems to be some decent buzz about it with new PtG book announced
>They announce yet another fucking 40k tournament in February
Okay now I'm getting pissed off. I know 40k makes more money for them but this is getting retarded.

Give other games a turn to have something that lasts more than a week holy fuck, not even just AoS I'll take anything that isn't 40k. I'll play fucking Middle-Earth or Halo at this point.

Should I bother just trying to brute force it and run something myself despite an alleged lack of interest? I can't be the only one who would be up for anything besides 40k for eternity.
The most interesting soulbound books are probably Shadows in the Mist and Ruins of the Past
as for WFRP the Salzenmund, Lustria and Sea of Claws books are interesting for the lore
a new model generally replaces the previous one
I don't trust them with making a new model better than that
Anyone ever thought of creating a homebrew region like how the 40k threads will do a homebrew sector.

I mean people do things like custom Free cities why not a whole region
behead the fattest marinefag in a display of strength
Because that model is a generic shaman, not a ghost made of foongus spores
The current one is generic
Some Anon was posting about his custom area with an island that's actually a godbeast egg as a landmark i remember
>No, no. Remember what Mork said at Excelsis.
Wasn't that Gork? I'm pretty sure it was Gork.
Tempting, but there's simply too many of them.
Most of 'em do have some amount of AoS stuff but the FLGS just keeps running 40k events, and any time AoS events get promised it either never materialises or gets pushed off the rails by yet another 40k thing.
I don’t know which one would make me angrier. That or my situation which is 3 nearby LGS’s all “trying” to start a Warhammer scene at all with zero effort besides slapping the words “Warhammer day” on the calendar and nothing else.
Sorta. We have the 'Warpwrought' in the flgs, basically a combined AoS/Warcry/Underworlds region that is a underground demi-realm between Ghur and Chamon – basically a massive expanse of skaven burrows, goblin caves, dwarven holds and assorted other subterranean shit all bunched up and mushed together in the aftermath of the Necroquake and suffused with all manner of magic.
Iirc (and I saw this on /wfg/ so take it with a mound of salt) Andy got into an argument with a guy who tried to add a Fimir character to one of the books that hinted at the rape thing, called him a rape apologist etc.. But this was basically just the catalyst for something bubbling up in that Andy thought that really he should be in charge of WFRP, and at that point old world wasn't a thing so this was his way of being the main writer of all Warhammer (fantasy) lore. While not confirmed, there are signs in that he's talked about how "before he left" he had all these plans for where WFRP would go, and he has tried to make a career out of writing his own warhammer fanfiction so I can believe it.
>It's an "FLGS 'starts' an AOS scene by double booking with MTG night, clogging the store with the most unwashed neckbeards imaginable" episode.
Here's to another year of putting together folding tables in my living room and awkwardly maneuvering around furniture while playing.
Most times I've seen a narrative thing done they've come up with their own region, yeah. My old store before I moved (Cheltenham) had one mid second edition before GW cracked down on campaigns in store.

You'd like Animosity campaigns, they've had a massive storyline that's been going on since 6th edition Fantasy and each year they do a new campaign set in a new area.
Are they fun thou?
Thank you all will look into those. One of my big problems with AOS is so much has no real connection to the rest of the world. Like oh no this city has fallen to enemy.... where is this place?

A consistent map I feel grounds things
That feels like the settings simultaneous greatest strength and weakness. Plenty of room to make your stories, but the canon stories feel like they hardly matter. This could be remedied a bit by linking all the canon realm slices via realmgates imo.
I wouldn't recommend picking up ogres right now. They're pretty much the last Fantasy holdover that's yet to get a big model refresh, so any given kit is in danger of being remade. Skaven, on the other hand, are basically entirely new outside of a few weird stragglers like plague monks.
tbf that could be a decade away
Every place that GW writes about has been charted 2 efitions ago. If you want to cry about something at least check if your issue hasn't been solved already
Its not a question of the setting, its a question of the storytelling execution. Warhammer 40k had the same problem ever since they decided to go with advancing timeline, instead of being a setting filled with smaller, self contained stories scattered over the galaxy and timeline.
Yeah. It's a shame Dawnbringers didn't launch with rules for the two crusades. Broken Realms made the cities the campaign centred around playable which added some attachment to the otherwise irrelevant narrative
AoS has actively moved away from that, with generic abstract subfactions instead those connected to the setting.
Because introducing fluffy rules might upset tourneyfags if it makes it so that a certain unit gives a +0.2% advantage.
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Sell as much stuff from my shelves of shame as possible.
Paint my Khorne Daemons army.
Find a use for three BoC Start Collecting boxes and 2500pts of Sacrosanct still collecting dust.
Pick up steam on my LRL army. That’s about it.
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I asked the question last thread but no one responded, has anyone actually played the new underworlds. How different is it from the last "version" and is it worth dropping the cash if I just have basically all the old shit.
I got into the game with the last starter of the 1st edition. Too soon to swap for me
To their credit my FLGS is generally okay and is a good place to be, it's just they clearly lean on 40k for "Warhammer Night" every week and while other games -are- played, they never get events, tournaments, etc. It's 40k all day every day (On Thursdays anyway).

I think some guys play Star Wars Shatterpoint on Mondays which is nice but I prefer Fantasy stuff these days.
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Sharing a great short story
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TQ: When I get the other SCE spearhead I want to paint up Yndrasta like the angel from MtG. I got Skaventide so with this spearhead I should finally have a full 2000 point army to play with so getting a proper game is my goal.
A few Anon in /gwsg/ played it or at least claim to play it. I haven't had a chance yet but I plan to buy a starter box, sell minis and play with my current bands.
Thanks, anon. Got something to read at lunch.
>Gordrak’s in the eight points causing mayhem
>Hes only there to fight his way to Azyr

Can we get some fucking chaos antagonists Katakros is still in the fucking cuck closet he built
>"This pair are more concerned with winning their endless race across the eight realms than who they’re fighting for"
>look inside
>extremely restricted availability, only usable by other Destruction armies
The Grotsmas RoRs are going to ruin any future GA-specific ones for me
Except all the places that they don't have on the maps or just completely change without telling us they did. The continents are literally different shape and distance from one another with each map of the great parch.

Take the Hel Crown event. It was apprently 3 year old city just recently conquered from chaos.... which we never saw despite the fact that it was never said until now to have been conquered which begs the question why didnt they retake embergard if they sent forces even father to take another location... and now is the critical lynch pin to saving all of aqshy...
Wait, when did Gordrakk get to the Eightpoints? I thought he got his arsed kicked at Excelsis, lost half his Big Waggggh! to Kragnos and went to do something else? What have I missed? Kragnos got caught in the Council of Life's plan to keep him in a forever war/fight with infinite Seraphon (which was GW's way of explaining why the Seraphon did absolutely FUCK ALL regarding the Skaven) but I don't remember what Gordrakk did after that.
This is the "something else"
>which was GW's way of explaining why the Seraphon did absolutely FUCK ALL regarding the Skaven
they didn't do fuck all, they were stockpiling aqua ghyranis, sometimes taking it from the reservoirs of dawnbringer crusades, so that they can mend the tears in reality with it now
Oh, but I don't remember him going
>I'm off to Azyr
In that campaign thing. Was it in a book or something? The short story makes mention of Mork saying he gotta be cunnin and brutal, I don't remember Gordrakk having a vision or a chat or anything. The only orc stuff I remember is Kragnos trying to find his race and that named kruleboy shaman guy wiping out evidence they existed to manipulate him.
One of the 1st stories of 3rd edition was about him cathching Fangarhtrak to get access to the Maw Gate, then sending Brodd to cause some mess in order to distrac everyone from Gordrakk's plans (said mess was in Dawnbringer)
He always wanted to get into a fist fight with sigmar
Really? All the 3e tome said was they were stealing the metaliths that carried the aqua ghyranis producing water or the fountains and shit they had been put in and not explaining it. Where was the explanation they were stealing it to steal the rents? I assumed it was going to be used to cleanse the shit that the Skaven were corrupting because it was around that time GW introduced that. But that didn't happen.

Yeah I remember him catching the Godbeast with the Realmgate in it. But I didn't know when he actually went into that.

Yeah I can get that, just don't remember that being mentioned in Siege of Excelsis.
Azyr was always his end goal.
Gordrakk want to reignite Sigmar's warrior spirit by fighting him, hoping that will cause Gorkamorka to manifest in flesh like in the good old days.
Plan was always to go through Eightpoint to Azyr, but after the wurm run away he had to improvise attack on Sigmar's #1 city in Ghur to get a reaction
Speaking of in Soul Wars Sigmar talks about how Azyr literally is calling to him to shed himself and more or less turn into the wind? Merge with the realm? Does that come up ever again
I know it's a bit premature but what do people anticipate as the big bad of 5th edition? There seems to be some kind of pattern of GAs who will be the baddie, so Death are most likely next, but out of all of the Death factions none really seem due an update, unless they make a brand new Death faction which internal leaks say GW is reluctant to do. Hell the only army I can think of that needs an update is Ogres, which could work if they wanted to do a "Gordrakk/Destruction reaches Azyr", and is a good way to explain a new Stormcast Chamber, the guys who stay behind to defend Azyr (or Extremified Sacrosanct now they've been recalled).
Sorry didn't mean to reply to you there
>Hobbo Mongols are insensitive
>so let's make them Gauls instead
>‘Pretty good, boss.’
>Gordrakk’s first instinct, as he retrieved Smasha, was to ignore him. It was to his own surprise that he then turned to the hobgrot.
>‘Not a bad stab, either.’ It was spoken in a grunt, but it still saw Krizz raise an eyebrow. Gordrakk shrugged. ‘How many of you gitz is muckin’ about in dis turf anyway?’
>‘More than ya’d fink, boss. Everyone here needs someone shivvin’.’ Krizz’s grin was a wicked thing. Gordrakk found himself almost mirroring it.
New friends, new friends
Don't pretty much all the evil races rape?
It's not just a firmir thing?
I have a box with all my old rulebooks
It’s really a tough call. If it’s death then OBR could get their range expansion there, or a new faction. Nagash still has some room for more Mortarchs. Chaos again would be Chuardin. Destructions best bet would be an Ogor refresh, which I was thinking about yesterday. They could have a big mawpath end up going through the battlefield Kragnos is trapped in and bust him out, this would get Krondys and Karazai to call for aid from who else but the required Stormcast half of the box. Speaking of which, unless they cull the rest of the fatcast (Vanguards), then they’ll just bloat the range again. The other destruction faction could be Drogurkh survivors coming to help Kragnos, but that’s a much lower chance.
But talking of SCE, I would much rather have them expand CoS with multi race units via a starter box instead of restarting the roster bloat.
A real interesting option could be order vs order.
I have played it. It's fine I guess.
but they do it out of necessity, so it's worse
>>Hobbo Mongols are insensitive
no one said this beyond your hallucinations
>>so let's make them Gauls instead
you are aware that the gauls are not a people anymore right
neither are the mongols
I was thinking the Ogres are part of Gordrakk's forces raiding Azyr, some potential lore I had for it was that the BCR's connection to Azyr through the Everwinter allowed Gordrakk to force the Realmgate open or some shit, but having a Vanguard refresh could work as well (though they can't drag out the 'Gordrakk's going to Azyr" forever surely). While Drogurkh as a whole faction maybe not, I could definitely see some kind of Destruction Beastmen faction being a thing; a few Drogurkh, Destruction Ogroids, Destruction worshipping humans, hell maybe even throw a bone to that one Fimir weirdo and have a couple of those in there.

A new Death faction is an option, I could unironically see them doing a Vampire Coast esque thing, going heavier on the Cthulhu-y aspect having a load of deep sea monsters in there (though I'd rather they gave IDK them). An army of mortal followers of Nagash maybe could work, or maybe doing something completely different looking at other cultures like Haitian Voodoo or Santa Muerte cults (a Baron Samedi mortarch could be fucking sick ngl).

Order vs Order is also a possibility with Malekith's Elves as well, but I can't see GW doing it. Really I can't see them doing any new army, given there was that leaker who said that GW don't want to add any new 'net' armies, which is why the edition they're adding chorfs they got rid of Beastmen, the number of armies (both chaos and overall) stays the same.

This is why atm I've got my money on either an Ogre refresh for 5th or a brand new Destruction army but Ogres get squatted and sent over to Old World.
I'm confused how the fuck are they Gauls.
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Does death have room for a new faction? I feel like Ossiarch or soulblight has room for an expansion to some degree (ghouls would be ideal, vampire coast esque ghouls with shitty garbage muskets would be fucking amazing.) Imagine if ghouls got some of the cities of sigmar runoff, muskets and mortars!
The combination of two people riding one horse and chariots strongly suggest Gauls.

Double damn.
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>Double damn.
The Asiatic Cavalry Division has yet to fulfill their historic mission, yes.
GW has probably given Usoran a monopoly on ghouls. (Vargheists... are totally different, for real, moving on...) Zombie pirates are a staple, but I wonder if that might not be a bit far off from the gravelord's main theme for AOS, things tend to be more focused. Leaning into the Vrykos stuff feels more likely to me. Werewolves?
Ossiarchs could certainly do with some more stuff. Mortek archers could fit the look, dunno if GW wnats them to have much more ranged ability though. Maybe a unit of whatever Mir Kainan is?
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I think Kainan is just a soulreaper in a bigger body... But Ossiarch's with bows would be okay, but Ossiarchs with guns.... You could give them Napoleonic styled bodies with funny big heads, maybe they fire bones out of the guns I don't know.

Soulblight could conceivably do zombie pirates but it'd be another separate thing since we already have so many weird one offs for the Soulblight. Which could work with Soulblight is having no consistency and split into like 5 different kinds of dudes.
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Look at this historical depiction and tell me they don't resemble Gitmob
Frankenstein's monster/promethians.
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I feel like that might work with soulblight, just go full classic monster mash. Flesh golems (maybe a new necromancer model finally) maybe some Fishmen vampires like Idoneth for your creature from the black lagoon, it's new GW so at least one blackula.
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They could try this again, but a little more ambitious — and better...
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But anon, they did. Just uh, for another format.

Though yes I feel like Soulblight could use a bit of a... SPARK.
I love the "zombie" that's just a pair of legs with a scarecrow attached so much
>with soulblight
fuck soulblight

necromancers with zombies and flesh golems should be their own faction
lady of all flesh for 5th edition!
I don't think that they should share space with soulblight. Soulblight can keep classic zombies, but the promethian (Or Skaab if you like MTG) style should be their own book with their own mechanics. Maybe something electricity themed where certain units provide buff auras and others can act as conduits for those buffs.
Yllurai Xhen is literally Western Europe
They took pity on human misery and allowed humans to settle in developed elf cities on condition that they integrate
Instead they immediately started to rape elven girls
It's hard to say, since I'd be fine with it if we got Legions of Nagash back. But with how GW wants to run shit, I dunno how I'd feel about another faction basically being added with a starting box to rot outside of a warcry or underworlds team and foot hero once every few years. (See Kruelboyz, Idoneth, Fyreslayers, etc etc)

But I understand your point on not wanting it to just get lumped in with the rest of undead since they stand out quite nicely.
>A real interesting option could be order vs order.
I find this the least interesting honestly. Aos is refreshing to me because it literally isn’t a retard rumble with everyone trying to kill each other
I mean, it's still Warhammer. There's lore justification for any faction fighting any other faction or even themselves. Maybe not necessarily enough to justify an edition launch event, but there's still plenty of retard in this rumble.
Anon's right about there being less retardation.
Sure you can find excuses for conflict between any 2 factions, but ultimatly a lot more of them can coexist in one place
If the mountain will not go to Mohammed, Mohammed will go to the mountain. If you want an AoS community, it seems you must work to make that happen
Why limit yourself to the evil ones?

I'd bet some Steelhelms have sampled the occasional captive Blissbarb Archer
In the process making a new hedonite.
i dont care for CoS much but the ordinary blokes like this dude are great

I think the Soulblight range still feels a bit cobbled together aesthetically. I think FEC should have more minis, like at least more troop variants. They could definitely add bunch of stuff to the Ossiarch range
I'm fine if soulblight is a bit cobbled together, it's the followup to the old vampire counts which was a bit cobbled together. Ghouls I'd genuinly like to see some sort of guns or something, a musket line of ghouls would be fucking gold. Ossiarch has infinite range since they can keep skeefing old historical military types and call it a day.

I mean, it makes sense. Lots of dudes to to Thailand. But they're not straight despite their protestation
Nice paints! I hadn't noticed the little handholds on the back of one of those horns. Loving their practicality.
jesus christ these look so boring. not that they're bad. a common problem with modern sculpting is that consoomers tend to think detail = quality.

but these are terrible in the sense that you know james is gonna charge like 45 USD for these little twigs. why not just get poxwalkers?

thanks. I think a nurgling is meant to grab onto one of them but I'm saving all of my "decorative" nurglings that come in most Nurgle kits. trying to scrounge together enough for free nurglings
reminds me of a less interesting version of the cephalyx from warmachine
How well would gnomes fit into AoS? would they work better as a full faction, or a subfaction for something existing already like CoS having a unit of gnomes
i think they could do a full faction. it would be fun to essentially get an order version of gloomspite, with a kind of grot-ish swarm army with lots of critters and contraptions, but generally good aligned and in cooperation with healthy forest foliage. as much as we need non order factions, i think this would be a good addition to the game. make them whimsical, like they come to the cities and interact with order but always dissapear back into their knockhole hollows and hidden forest villages.
So has Warhammer Community just stopped doing rumor engines now? It's been forever since I've seen one, unless they hid it on their god awful website somewhere.
They likely put them on pause during December for Grotsmas. We'll see if they'll be back by next Tuesday.
Huh, you’re right. I haven’t even noticed them missing until you brought it up.
Happens every year during the holidays, they'll come back.
>but these are terrible in the sense that you know james is gonna charge like 45 USD for these little twigs
So it isn't anything about the sculpts themselves, you just felt you needed a head start on telling yourself those grapes are so very, very sour.

>why not just get poxwalkers?
Go up a few steps in the reply chain to see what the context is and that should become painfully obvious.
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I hope Gitmob sell well enough to get more support in the future. More warmachines would be awesome. TOW and BB have Snotling Pump Wagons, I want an AoS Snotling Pump Wagon!
Ammunition for artillery
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there's room for another kit or two even without axing anything.

people bitch about gloomspite having a lot of kits and too many different elements but they still have less of both than skaven and are tied with soulblight even with all the new wolf stuff
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I would like to see them as an expansion to Cities. Because I want Cities to continue to have a heterogenous mix of stuff even after the last Fantasy models are removed, and I think we've got about as many Battletomes as can be reasonably supported.

I do want to see gnomes in AoS though. Ideally with some fun cavalry

I wouldn't add gnomes as a full faction when there are bunch of ranges that still either need updating and/or new units altogether.
DoK, IDK, FS and KO combined wouldn't have as many kits as any one of those factions
SBGL has NINE fucking named characters, without counting ones that have generic analogues like VLOZD or the centaur. That's garbage. Skaven has more total kits, and only three. Gits also only have three. So both of those armies still effectively have more than SBGL. Fuck named characters.
SBGL is THE named character faction. without its named characters the whole army would cease to function

and you know what?

they have always been like that. even in whfb vampire counts army was cuck to the von carstiens and you saw at least 1 of them in pretty much every army, and there were at least 4 or 5 of them that had miniatures. it has always been the named character faction, thats its whole shtick. the rest of the undead legions crumble without their vampire overlords.
The skellies and vampires still don't mix well for me, that's my biggest problem with Soulblight
that might just be a you problem. there isnt a more classic combo than skeletons and vampires, its literally draculas castle: the army
Since both my favourite Order units (Dispossessed) and my favourite Chaos units (Thunderscorn) were kicked out to TOW – I guess my goal is to switch to TOW as well.
If I understand correctly, Knight Arcanum is going to go to Legends. Is there a point to even get manifestations for SCEs? Or are they going to refresh with a new basic foot hero SCE wizzard?
nobody knows. no one can say whats going to happen with the SCE range since they seemed to just scattershot squat half its range out of nowhere, some of which was only a few editions old.

if you dont already collect them, frankly i would just avoid SCE until 5th, see how this whole thing shakes out
Lord Arcanum gets legends, Knight Arcanum is his replacement
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working on this Otto Glott. I am having trouble finding a color for his intestine-hose thingy. I feel like the whole model is a bit too red. The scythe, skin, and skirt all have red in them but I can't think of anything that would fit. Would a dark and saturated purple work? I find the off whit on the helmet looks lovely so I tried a similar off white on the intestine.

Tried the method where you paint a rusty weapon in brown then drybrush the metal on but I messed it up. The mail, cloth and weapon are getting streaking grime. is the armor too dark for streaking grime?

I think they could fit into CoS as the mechnical/invention faction alongside dwarves similar to WoW.

Do they have a pre-established identity in Whfb or AoS? All the factions in AoS seem to be too powerful for tiny little nature midgets to contend with. I could see it two ways:

CoS aligned gnomes who have forsaken their woodsy homes and kind of act how grots do for 40k orks. Loading guns, operating the cramped confines of tanks, scouting or healing the wounded.

Or magic-reliant forest dwellers and protectors. They use nature magic to awaken treants and create boulder elementals or something. they call on critters and beasts to aid them such as bears, stags, hawks, and wolves. kind of like Gitz who live above ground in forests. Now that i think about it, that seems like my dream faction. I already like gitz but I want something more fairy-tale and natural. Don't know how they would work in terms of rules tho

I remember seeing these for the first time and being surprised they were a GW kit seeing as I've never seen gnomes before in their IP's. awesome kit and awesome color scheme
kind of related but is Warhammer: Underworlds Harrowdeep any good? I like Calthia Xandire
Ohh, okay. Got bamboozled by the title and looked at Lord Arcanum battle profile. Yeah, that makes sense, it would have been weird if the newcast armor Knight Arcanum got thrown to legends.
You could do a more organ-y color with flecks of white/yellow on it, maybe? It'd be visceral fat on the organ, adding some grossness to it.
I would buy that. Andy law left c7 back in 2019 so not relevant to anything going on in the last half decade, when all the good shit has come out, and he’s spent recent years just kind of talking about his lore headcanons and treating that like there’s some kind of authority to it. It’s kind of funny if it’s true because there is a fimir matriarch in some recent WFRP stuff and she’s played sort of sympathetically, being the last of her tribe and both desperate for some power to make her life meaningful, as well as terribly lonely, in a way the book advises to treat as like a cartoon villain- someone who might just involve herself in the party’s life because she wants some companionship and sees being their nemesis as a way to get that.

C7 in the last couple years being run in a dogshit way and bleeding a lot of its best talent for no reason is a completely seperate beast, though, basically kneecapping soulbound by investing very little in its advertisement despite it selling fairly well through word of mouth alone.
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Honestly, if he got fired for that, i'd sooner expect he made the "rape apologies" after talking to a female coworker rather than during writing of some monster.
who left C7 recently?
I agree they have basically fumbled all their Warhammer games except WFRP and WANG for some reason but I didn't know if that was due to being badly run or just GW getting more hands-on in the development of these game lines
Man Orruks just annihilated in this battletome what the hell.
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did most of the skin and covered the metal in streaking grime. testing it on the green armor too but i don't expect much to come of it.

I'm going to try and highlight the intestine up to a weak ice yellow-ish color and see how it goes. mostly trying to differentiate it from the skin while making it look gross

qrd? I heard brutes are squishy and big ardboyz birck is their gimmick
What happend? What is with my Kruleboyz??!!
Over the last year or two they lost most of the names on soulbound in prominent roles like emmet, to the point it wasn't clear who was in charge of that system even internally. They apparently still have a bunch of shit from those people sitting around half-finished and expect to have a release or two a year from that, though
Is it out? Gofile soon(tm)?
>wolf chariot
That's a nice model. Even if the lore is retarded, Age of Sigmar always has some swank models.
I liked them because they were a rare and weird thing and then I sold the two I had back in 2015 for beer money and now I wish I hadn't.
It leaked a week ago. There's vids of people flipping through early copies.
Beastmen also have very few beastwomen and rape to reproduce. The orcs don't because they are swamp spores. Fimir were not canceled 30 years ago because of le rape but because GW is retarded and gave them shitty stats.
Lol, lmao even. I have 5 of them at this point, never paid more than 3eur for any. Same is true for Knight-Arcanum - I like her body so much I bought 10 at some point to simply toy with kitbashing for different armies and games.
Volupus Pink is my go-to for organs. It's a nice reddish purple that looks gross but doesn't pop too much to pull focus from the key areas of the model.

Don't worry about too much red. You've got those big patches of dark green, and the whole thing is broken up by those straps. You're nowhere near too much red. I assume you'll be throwing some Agrax Earthshade on the cloth, so that'll cut the red there too.
Warclans, STD, SC, Skaven, and probably the next couple battletomes would have all been finished and sent to printers before 4E was even released so none of them take into account feedback from people actually playing the game.

It's why getting an early edition tome is always considered a curse.
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Beastmen don't rape.
Venturela keeps saying that when combined with Battlescroll changes Ironjawz are stealthily going to be great and you shouldn't doom, but refuses to elaborate further.
Got 3 of those too, but i think GW assumes new players exist and don't have everything yet
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i feel sorry for any new player that falls for that
The GW's prices are simply atrocious. I can't imagine buying a fucking Hero for 32eur when you can simply kitbash a better one for a few bucks. It was a good decision to go balls deep into Chaos.
lol you think thats bad go look at what they're charging for a 35 point pyrovore in 40k these days
No context for 40kek, but after looking up it doesn't seem bad? You get a big 80mm centerpiece and 3 tokens for 41€. In terms of pure hobbying that's way better than most mid-sized AoS heroes like Lady Olynder (more expensive, smaller centerpiece for bigger price).
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I would never play a game of 10e40k bigger than 1000pts. It's a nightmare, I tried it maybe twice since the current edition release and I wish to never do it again.
the worst part is, shit like pyrovore, biovores, and lictors are meta, they're some of the best units in the army.

you could spend $400 on tyranids and not get 500 points these days
With most of the AOS players always whining about how their units cost too much and how they can't play enough models with 2000p (while putting giant 500+ points centerpiece as the first thing in their lists), AOS will also slowly but surely devolve into that.
The problem with 40k is that you need to buy like 3 AoS armies worth of shit just to have a barebones 2000 point list and the per box price is generally higher than AoS too. 40K is a money and time and space incinerator.
Sometimes i want to, i open battlescribe to figure out a list, assamble something i think would be fun to build and paint, and then i look at points and i need to get like 3 times more shit
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>kruleboyz not only a slot machine but one that isn’t even good anymore
I too am ALL IN
I have been buying snarlfang like crazy.
Hilariously the snarlfang sold so bad in NA they were snapped up by some eBay reseller and they are DIRT CHEAP.
This is what annoys me about spearhead, combat patrols, starter sets, as well as the Christmas boxes.
>you can buy a £70 minimum box that is meant to start your army
>it doesn’t even equal 1000pts which is the bare minimum anyone plays
>but you can play a shitter version of each game!
They are a business they are there to make money not cater to your bullshit.
Either you put in the effort or it's not going to happen
We've decided with my group of friends to go back to 3rd ed. Where can I get archives of point profiles at, say, the last battlescroll of each season? I know I can easily have access to Andtor through wahapedia but I was wondering about previous ones
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anyone got the sce book? wanna look at it before I decide on an army
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I feel like SCEs missed a massive slam-dunk with the Ruination Chamber. These minis are the best the faction ever had and honestly beat Slaves to Darkness in terms of "wow, cool armor" energy. But marketing department shat the bed with "muh sigmar lied" and a cinematic where the new style is hardly accented or given proper introduction that it deserves, instead focusing more on Skaven and updated Liberator models.

All they had to do was "hey nerds, remember how cool Warcraft's Lich King and Death Knights were? We now have that in Stormcast form and its better than Chaos Warriors". But they flunked it.
Table of contents

Play with your StDs and fluff your warcrap copies with your brainrot headcanon, leave the rest of us out of that bland shit. The faction is already suffering from catering to secondary fags that won't ever even play it with these bland ass redesigns.
>All they had to do was "hey nerds, remember how cool Warcraft's Lich King and Death Knights were? We now have that in Stormcast form and its better than Chaos Warriors"
If they had then then we'd have three people here now instead telling us how they shat the bed by leaning into the WoW angle.
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Only people who didnt like the fatacsts are the same retards GW is now catering with the mudcore aesthetic, which is lame, boring and sucks ass.

The loss of retributors is a tragedy, and i personally mourn the old Vexilor
Well, I picked up the new models out of pure greed because I found a discounted Skaventide. I liked basic SCEs because they are big and bulky from what I saw at LGS, but what I actually found with Ruination guys left me amazed and wanting for more.

It would have been more accurate to what the product was and probably gotten me to pick them up earlier. Also the new Battletome lore mentions Morrda about as much as Sigmar, so the Death theme is likely to stay.
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It's borderline identical
Hey, I also fucking hate mudcore shit and love that AoS isn't Grimdark like 40k, but the new armor is better and the Ruination Chamber is metal as fuck. My only worry now is that they are giving too many W's to chaos in the new fluff.
I cant bring myself to like the new shields, weapons, and bald helmets. Annihilators shields and grandhammers are cool tho
Chaos is supposed to be the 4e main antagonist force, would be weird if they started by jobbing.
Even then we got lukewarm rat victory where he breaks a city Sigmarites didn't even take yet and i gues phoenicium got axed
>The loss of retributors is a tragedy
This one stings because the kit had so many cool bits in it.
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New shields are shit, they come with no extra flat space for decals. New kits come with next to no extra bits as well. Just compare the old Liberator kit to ANY of the new SCE kits, they are a disaster. It's even worse than the Tactical Squad vs Intercessors comparison.
I can see it with the hammers - old ones were a bit less plain, but I specifically love the new shields. To me they fit better the theme of SCEs being beautifully forged. Old shields look too basic in comparison.
Yeah, extra bits suck on certain models. Libs at least get a lot of hammers or shields due to the equipment option. But this seems more of an overall GW policy with less spares on new kits.

Not sure about decals - old ones also had ornaments in the middle that you would have to remove to get custom heraldry design.
>old ones also had ornaments in the middle that you would have to remove to get custom heraldry design
Hardly, there is a lot of space there. I bought like 5 CoS transfer sheets just to pimp out my old SCEs.
Hmm, you could try adding decals to the legplates, they should fit the smaller ones. Also maybe on the chest could be a good place? It would be less heraldry and more personalized armor.
My singular Stormcast opinion as someone who doesn't play them is that the original Knight Questor is so much cooler than the new one
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I appreciate your attempts of finding a solution here but I specifically mentioned shields being a downgrade because, well, I find them to be a downgrade.
I think the only thing fatcast libs have over thunderstrikes is the pteruges and chain tabard to help separate them from Vindictors.
They just dont look like shields to me, except the annihilator ones, but those are fucking perfect.
But main offender is the helmets imo, fatcsts had spiky halos and crests specifically to avoid looking bald, and thats the problem with the new ones
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Chorfs when, GW?
Can't imagin them earlier than 2026
What's the point? Given how Squats were reimagined as Votann in 40k I can only hope Chorfs shall remain a rumour forever.
Tree Revs would look so much better as aelves wearing wooden armour instead of ghosts popping out of the side of vaguely humanoid shaped trees
Was the !purity seal scrolls too 40k?
Votann were practically made from nothing, chorfs already have a modern deisgn, in forgeworld and blood bowl designs
designing armor takes effort
If only they didn't come pre-painted in the box making you unable to customize their appearnace in any way
They put it on the shield, so no.
It was just too cluttered when stuff hanged from him.
Barely. Oldhammer Gnome lore seems to be ripped off D&D (distant cousins of Dorfs, are into illusion magick, notoriously clannish and isolationist; Emperor of the Empire has a Gnome jester). The only moderately interesting hook is that Gnomes are infused by the essence of Ulgu. If you want a subfaction of CoS, cosmopolitan Halflings would be a better choice (but it seems GW wants to turn Cities of Sigmar into a human faction anyway). If you want a separate faction, then natives of Ulgu whose wizards use illusions in battle... Do we really need it?
Went ahead and ordered ten Snarlfangs. Now I just need to figure out how I want to do the wolves. I know I want more variation than the official GW job has, but how much variation is too much?
>white wolf
>grey wolf
>black wolf
>brown wolf
>fox wolf
>hyena wolf
>tasmanian tiger wolf
>red panda wolf
>racoon wolf
>german shepherd wolf
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I painted each UW guy differently, but there's only 3 of them
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See that's the thing, I'm gonna do a whole army but since it's a low model count elite army I absolutely could do every wolf different.

And I kinda want to
ooh, I really like the scheme on the one in the middle
>skunk wolf
>panda wolf
>lemur wolf
>mandrill wolf
>sun bear wolf
>genemaster goat wolf
>blackbuck antelope wolf
>belted galloway cow wolf
>calico dog wolf
>indian palm squirrel
Is underworlds cooked now with the new gundam game
>>indian palm squirrel
not a wolf?
Underworld was cooked the moment they released a new edition, replacing the cards with art to cards with photos.
Seriously, person who came up with that should have been fired immedietly
>sun bear wolf
ooh that's definitely happening
If Underworlds has survived this long, it won't be Gundam that kills it.

Battletech on the other hand, is in real trouble. If I was the CEO of Battletech I wouldn't buy that yacht any time soon.
>is [warhammer] cooked now with the new [not warhammer] game
Neither are lemurs, goats, antelopes, foxes or hyenas for that matter, ust interesting fur patterns
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>random jap robots
>directly impacting GW's sells
They have absolutely nothing in common except hexes and miniatures what are you even talking about.

Oh boy though, this will lead to one gorillion YouTube grifter videos about how "GW is FINISHED".
Let's be honest, we'd get those videos no matter what, this only tells us what next few month's worth of them will tend to claim is the cause.
There's really not that much variation in wolves that's actually interesting. Most have a brown undercoat with a grey overcoat
No shit.
But the store only really has room for wargames on Thursdays, which inevitably becomes 40k night because they keep doing 40k events almost back to back. So trying to get people to NOT participate in the 40k tournament or campaign and do something on that night feels pretty difficult.

Sometimes I'll see a game of Old World or Shatterpoint but never more than one table at a time.
But I am getting irritated enough that I might just try to headbutt my way into a less populated day and force something to happen, dunno if it'll do much good though as most only want to play once a week, usually on thursday, in which case see above.
As it stands the only vague promise (again) is that we might get something "short" before the next 40k tournament, a weird bastardisation of PtG+Spearhead or something.
Find a different place to host the games?
Open your own compeaitng store and drive exisint one out of busines
Has anyone converted a vengorian lord into a dragon ogre shaggoth
I mean, maybe? I don't know. Lots of people have converted lots of things. I would assume so tho, the Vengorian lord lower body seems a lot thinner and slinkier than I'd want for a dragon ogre shaggoth
Holy fuck the mawpit is fucking gigantic
I thought it would be like half the size
I want to do one but I dunno what to use for the upper half of it.
I' not sure if the size would match up, but my immediate instinct is Ogroid Theridons. Cut off the back fur frill, maybe move the head up a bit, green stuff scales to cover up what you've changed, bingo bango.
are the wolf heads on the Snarlfang Riders kit interchangeable?
Doesn't seem so from the instructions
Why do people keep saying this. It isn't rocket science. If its fat it goes splat, simple as that.
>scattershot squat
>Everything thats not Thunderstrike, Vanguard, or Extremis
Tbh if you're dumb enough to buy straight from GW, you deserve the idiot tax. Outside of stuff you *cannot* get elsewhere, I see zero reason to go direct.
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No but you could probably swap them around with some simple greenstuffing
This is purely my own conspiracy theory but part of me wonders if GW is intentionally ignoring and nerfing Kruleboyz simply because of how ridiculously cheap it is to get into them thanks to all the unsold Dominion boxes. Can't have potential customers, especially tourney ones who spend a lot of money ignoring other new releases for cheapo ebay models.
Because GW has such a stellar track record with balance that surely they can't have made a mistake here, right?
Also keep in mind that we're still supposedly on the battletomes written before 4th ed released, so they had fuck and all actual data to help them there.
You would think the reverse. Make them meta so everyone buys them and it makes it look like there's high demand for everything
No GW just has no idea how to handle Destruction
Some knucklehead thinks that excessive randomness and swingy profiles is funny and fun
it's a little funny.

and it's fun if you win
Not really. It's funny when you roll poorly and shit blows up like with Skaven. It's not funny when you roll poorly and nothing happens.
unlikely, one of the units they nerfed the hardest is the mandatory sludgeraker that you cant get from any of the starter boxes. if that held true the vulcha boss/grobsprakk would also be much better so people would have to pick up the $150 kit, but its been so mediocre or bad that most people have skipped it entirely.

i really think the writers just dont know what to do with the army. the changes from index to tome strike me as one of the writers finally correcting some mechanics they found onerous to play around as an opponent in testing but didnt get the time to rewrite before the edition indexes had to launch. it looks like a very targeted and deliberate scuttling of their 2 strongest mechanics. it almost seems personal, not in a "we dont want to sell models" business kind of way but in a "man i hated playing against this in playtesting" kind of way.
I hate that reinforcing is essentially mandatory to have a decent unit. What could GW even do to make base sized units better/more viable?
>it's consensual forced sex
I bought a Warpsmith new for 28 bucks when I could have gotten a used one for 20, but I wanted the Iron Warrior looking head and the other one had the other head.
>. it almost seems personal,

A lot of the rules writing feels shitty like that. Why does Tzeentch and Lumineth have such baked in bonkers shit? Rules writers like them. Nighthaunt? Rules writers like them.

Why are Ogors so garbage (until massive rewrites) or Orruks? Rules writers just don't like them.

It feels that way because literally ANY even semi-intelligent AoS player can look at the rules and think "damn, these seem really anemic and/or bad... so what were they thinking?" I have to believe the rules writers aren't complete fucking retards, so then the only conclusion is that they intentionally write this shit this way because of personal reasons.
Rules writers must have really liked beasts of chaos and sacrosanct
Or it's just that GW has issues with undervaluing "tricksy" stuff, which is good for the armies they feel are fluff appropriate to have such things (those you listed) and bad news for those they feel don't (destro).
Also I'm reminded of the 5th edition HE book. Apparently Pirinen was the office tournament monster at the time, and it seems they balanced it base don him having piloted it through almost all of the play-testing...
What are the chances they announce goblins today for next week's pre-order?
I don't care about the wolves, I just want the rules for my true gloomspite and if it's another std situation or complete index reprint.
We are in the era of the fomo box being the only way to get the tome for a few months at which point it'll receive errata. There hadn't been a single release in almost 4 years now where this wasn't the case
well from what i've heard, and this comes with half a bag of salt grains and a loooot of dude trust me, the age of sigmar rules writing/design team is extremely bare bones.

its like matt rose, those other 2 or 3 guys in the 4e release interviews, and thats about it. apparently the whole department including playtesters and editors and everything is like less than 10 people. from what i've heard they are just ludicrously understaffed

but again, i dont have a reliable source on that, so make of it what you will. its a "heard it from a guy who heard it from a guy who knows a guy" level of source
Reducing the overall amount of damage that is being thrown around is the first fix. They could also directly nerf reinforced or buff unreinforced units. Finally, they can try to tweak controll mechanics to incentivize having more units.
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What the fuck is going on with this horse?
Riged armor is distorting his natural shape with man made angularity, making you confused becuase it's both alive and synthetic
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nothing, the horse is fine, its just a funny camera angle
All 4e battletomes have uninspiring so far with minimal changes from indexes.
We had more changes from battlescrolls than battletomes.
gw's decisions start making sense when you realize they're just genuinely retarded. they never make decisions that are logical for selling products beyond making good looking models
The head is comically small
Something I've noticed with other horse models as well.
I'm not laughing
Its really weird how small Warhammer mounts are relative to their riders, oldsacts ironically were the only ones with a reasonable rider/mount size ratio, even the horses are significantly smaller than they should be.
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another win for the Gobbos
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you guys are fucking tilting at windmills, the horses are fine, near 1 to 1 with an actual horse, probably closer than the fucking riders as far as proportions go
Yeah it's super complicated and hard to figure out anon, some real detective work needed to understand what is staying or going
>Fat models will get replaced
ah yeah, very astute.

except god damn half of them didnt and a good chunk of the ones that got squatted (sacrosanct) got no replacement
I think the boxy freeguild armor might throw people off.
>except god damn half of them didnt
They will
>and a good chunk of the ones that got squatted (sacrosanct) got no replacement
They squatted models will get replaced with no models, not necessarily the same ones
>replaced with new models, I mean. Not necessarily copies of the existing models, just new models in general.
>a good chunk of the ones that got squatted (sacrosanct) got no replacement

Sacrosant models were already the 1.5 replacement of all the base Stormcast units. It's already a miracle that the 1.0 versions survived until the 2.0 versions, and I bet that if Sacrosant proved to be more popular they would have squatted those already.
would anyone have a link to a pdf of the slaves to darkness book?
The typical conversion is the karakdrak lord with an ogroid thamaturge or the shield spear hero
I've seen a cool one with king brodd and mawcrusha
Search the previous threads, it's still there.>>94737405
Wouldn't that be way too fucking big for a dragon ogre?
Honestly the current shaggoth is too small anyway
Fluffwise no crunchwise yes
Fluffwise Brodd wouldn't fit on a Crusha
Man how is this general so dead? Did 4e just kill every ones interest?
since 2021 /tg/ has been on a death spiral for some reason. I have no idea what happened in 2021.
4chan in general isn't very fun to post on anymore. The vibe went from a snarky and lively sort of grumpiness to a stagnant and insipid pessimism.
>for some reason
despite popular belief, 4chan was populated by normies and only a few autists and edgy kids which stirred the pot enough for the others to organically get an idea, share it and build on it, those migrated onto other forums and media
now 4chan is populated mostly by autists and edgelords who, due to politics, split between opposing schizos
skub used to be a joke
now it isn't
but what happened in 2021?
Friends, I'm looking to get into AoS again. Since I last played my entire Stormcast army is obsolete at this point and I think most of my models are not in the game anymore. So I want to start a new army.

I'm thinking Dwarves. How are they in game now? I haven't played in like 5 years.
/qa/ was banned and it removed the beating heart of 4cuck
You can use pretty much every model you have as something similar.
Unless your whole army was balistas
>I'm thinking Dwarves. How are they in game now? I haven't played in like 5 years.
Last I checked Fyreslayers are still solid, they're squishier in 4th than they used to be but still choppy.

KO are struggling, they got nerfed too hard in their index.

Dispossessed are in TOW so basically dead even though technically you can still play them.

None of the dwarf armies have gotten any significant model updates yet, though I think there's a good chance for Fyreslayers this edition.
Both of them are bad-mediocre at best. KO is all-around terribly designed with jank-ass transport shenanigans and fragile gunlines that'd be busted if they were good and FS are a melee army that only moves 4 inches and isn't tough enough or has enough charge/control tricks to compensate.
I'll have to give it a deep look, I'm already pretty sad about my Stormcasts, but I'll see what I can salvage.

hmm. Last question for now. How are Lizardmen? I've also been thinking about getting one of them going since I've been playing a lot of them in Total Warhammer 3
sharteens are what's killing 4chan
Solid, they play into the cav meta quite well and can lean into spell-heavy, oops all Krox, or Saurus anvil builds as well. Unfortunately monster mash is still bad but who knows what their battletome will bring.
Teens are too busy colonising X and making world leaders post bald cartoon men with glasses to thing about 4chan though
Maybe 2021 is when the last thread on this board that didn't mention trans people once ended
Covid exacerbated basically every societal issue terribly, which reflected almost everywhere.
Literally every place on the internet is better for warhammer discussion and modelposting, even fucking reddit at this point. No matter how much you try to deny it the negativity of this place sooner or later will start to impact your enjoyment of the hobby and you will look to other places where you can actually have fun
I prefer honesty over fake forced positivity
There is honesty and there is being a killjoy.
Doesn't change the fact that there's no one left on this board worth having a conversation with.
There's a difference between honesty and depressive misanthropy
wow you guys are being a little toxic and too negative for our community. I'm gonna have to ask you to town that down or I'm gonna have to ban you. posi vibes only.
Past horse models were huge ponies regarding proportions. That's why the new more realistic sculpts feel odd.
See, perfect example. Humorless, tedious, pointless, literally a trash human who's not worth talking to. You could have a better conversation about AoS with a random homeless man.
if you said that anywhere else you'd be banned
Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. And the end result is this barren desert of no posters left we're both observing right now. No one likes heavy handed moderation but it still beats out striking up a casual hobby conversation in a back alley crackhouse full of gibbering psychos.
Once you grow up a little you'll realise that forced negativity is no better than forced positivity and is absolutely not more close to "honesty".
where is this forced negativity? what moderated community enables negativity over positivity?
none, that's the point. An unmoderated community, like the one we're in now, allows unpleasant people free reign. Over time that drives people away until only the most miserable folks are left
You don't need to have moderation to have forced -tivity. All you need is enough bad actors to gang up constantly on everyone that doesn't show the approved mindset. And the reason for why there are no communities were forced negativity is enforced by moderation is because those that do die extremely fast
>unpleasant people
people you don't like
>bad actors
people you don't like

>community allows people to speak their mind
>this is somehow a bad thing
btw all of that has absolutely nothing to do with why /tg/ is dying. if that were true it would have been dying since it began. nothing changed in regards to how people here talked in 2021.
This shit always comes up and it pisses me off so much. Just because you're not being forced to be "positive" doesn't instantly mean you're going to be honest. There's plenty of people here that are negative just for the sake of being assholes and making everyone around them just as bitter
You can keep trying to tell yourself that while the room gets emptier day after day.
then ignore them
I am curious what you think it's the reason then
>then ignore them
People ignore them by going somewhere else entirely, which is what happened here. AoS discussion is thriving elsewhere, it's just this cesspit that has fallen
it's due to the fact that Reddit communities and others are more well known and "safer" to talk about for companies and influencers and general hobbyists etc. You google how to get into this hobby and it links you to Reddit. someone asks you where to talk about your hobby what are you gonna say? go to 4chan? no you're gonna say go to Reddit so you don't look weird.
it's thriving elsewhere (on Reddit) because that's what's safe for people to talk about.
You think that the problem is exclusively no new blood getting in instead of people leaving en masse?
Sure, but when you start ignoring bait and shitpost and you realise that you are ignoring eight out of ten poster you start to ask yourself if the remaining posters are worth it. And if you go away then the other guys then ask themselves if one out of ten are worth it. And so on.
All this drama is gonna be turned around when the Gitmob kits come out. Everybody will be so happy building and painting their own Gitmobs, and posting them and talking about each other's Gitmobs.

It will be a golden age
I want more news too
no, it's because the internet has been completely commercialized. people youtube hobbyists for paint guides and where do they link you to? Reddit and discord. companies engage with their own discords and subreddits. the communities that are the safest for companies and organizers are the communities that thrive because they are the ones that get promoted by everyone. it's about what gets exposure.
Will Rohan House kit be good for AoS or is it too small for AoS sized models?
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I don't think anyone cares about houses not being perfectly to scale when the average model is already one and a half time taller than a normal human for one reason or another
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I can't imagine it would look obviously too small on the table, unless you literally put a Cities Steelhelm right next to a door. And even then, who cares that the door will be slightly too small?
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Anon I absolutely guarantee you that there is also a big problem of people leaving and searching for other places because the extremely large majority of posts here are bait or assholes being assholes to each other.
I never understood this behaviour where a poster pretends to be a parody of a kind of person he dislikes instead of actually engaging with a disagreement
people are leaving because the other communities that are being exposed are growing and being promoted
Probably right
For example /40kg/ has turned into this bizarre circus of boogeymen and pseudo-namefags yelling at other boogeymen and pseudo-namefags
bro, 4chan isn't a secret club. Everyone on Reddit or TGA or wherever knows about 4chan. Exposure is not the issue.
Joining a new community doesn't stop you from staying in the old one too. And joining a new community doesn't make you automatically engage with it more than your old ones. People leave a community when they don't like it anymore or when they like the new one better.
That's usually when the general picks up anyways. We've got largely jack shit to talk about right now.
4chan isn't secret but it has a reputation that pushes people away and it's not being promoted by anyone so why would anyone come here over Reddit or discord?
it doesn't, but then what's the point when everyone else in the community is on Reddit/discord? especially the well known people?
Who the fuck cares about "the well known people" and everyone else. As long as there are few good people a community is enjoyable. Now everyone else is in other places because the good people that were here got pushed away and left.
About a week and a half until the next preview, if nothing else.
It kind of does when schizos on the old community flip their lids and rabidly reverse image search your models as a weird purity test
I think the only people who stayed here are people who can't stand the heavy handed moderation of other places.
Do you think that 4chan reputation now is somehow worse than during the whole Trump presidency?
people go where everyone else is
no 4chan's reputation has stayed the same since chanology - a place for weird people to talk about and post about weird things
That's bullshit, the Internet is becoming more insular every day. There is not a single Reddit or a single Discords, there are dozens of subeddits and hundreds of servers. Compare it to a single board with a few generals.
if asmongold started posting on /v/ with a trip /v/ would explode in popularity.
so you're suggesting forums died because personality cults arose?
Because Asmongold has hundred of thousand of followers. People would go there for him, not for all the other followers.
partially yes, but the bigger issue is the commercialization of the internet and what's deemed as "safe" and what isn't.
this is the biggest reason why there are barely any really good painters on this board
then what did this guy mean by "who cares about the well known people" >>94739072
How does one read up on Path to Glory? Is it only the newest book that's coming out soon-ish?
All tomes and core has a section on it, new book just expands it
The people that want to engage in a community because of the argument of the community are different from people that want to engage with a celebrity and only engage with a community as a way to do that. Of course Johnny Deep fans are going to go on the platform that has Johnny Deep in it.
Yep, used to post models. Don't because: aside from the insane schizos who should probably kill themselves, there's no constructive criticism anymore, nothing is ever positive, it's just trolling bullshit. People who care to post models moved on.

It's not about being a safe space, it's about wanting to have fucking discussions that aren't room temperature IQ.
So no free option, oh well. Not gonna pay GW for rules, that's for sure.
>4chan isn't secret but it has a reputation that pushes people away and it's not being promoted by anyone so why would anyone come here over Reddit or discord?
For me it's a whole board /d/edicated to Slaanesh.
LotR is wrong scale, you'd have more luck with actual 3rd party.
Unless you don't care about that
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Of fucking corse, 4chan is a castrated laughing stock.
You'll get bans here for stuff large accounts on X and TikTok post without issues.
Hey anon thanks for posting these.
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hundreds of years in azyr has made you a goddamn pussy
I've seen more actual constructive criticism on Reddit than on here. Outside of /wip/ all that you get is milquetoast praise or some "schizo" calls you a faggot to bait you into derailing the thread with them.
surely tzeench will get something other than another hero. right?
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Yeah it's insane.
You won't believe some of the innocuous stuff that people cops bans for.
The price of GW is starting to get to me personally. Just to get the new Skaven stuff (not in the Skaventide) would cost hundreds of dollars and I only get a handful of models I'd have painted up in a month or so. Just doesn't seem worth it. I don't know if thats a 4e problem or not. Ebay has dried up for cheap "used" models now too so I don't have any options available. I might as well just play a different game.
I personally am not so much over GW, but army games. Have been enjoying skirmish games far more, really enjoying Warcry and Necromunda as they're two ends of the scale and both really enjoyable.
I missed a used unpainted warstomper mega yesterday for just over 100$ with shipping. They’re out there- just gotta be vigilant.
Facebook marketplace and local classifieds are where all the people who are desperate for fast cash post their shit. Ebay has too much shit you have to do to list, sell and ship if you need money quick, so the only people using it are those who know they can take it easy and make their sale for the price the want
Speaking of Har Kuron, what are their coues if I wanted to paint my CoS as from there?
I love the greenskin species and subspecies so much I hope we get more
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>Ya know,’ Krizz said, the Slittaboss rummaging through the trinkets hung from his belt. ‘Once did business wiv a wizard who said he had a “Foldin’ Fortress”. Might still have it. Could cut you a good deal.’
i like how absolutely dickish the kruel boys are in lore, there aught to be more of it
>first time playing aos, try 1k
>play slaanesh
>buddy plays obr
>katakros and 30 morteks with some boneshapers
>cant kill any of his guys because he brings back like 90% of them with healing, cant kill katakros and slowly die to him
so like whats the deal how do i do damage as slaanesh. or does this get better at 2k cuz i know certainly “oops all mortek” cant be good
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Where are the Orruk battletome leaks?
Anyone have the pdf?
This Flashpoint stuff is quite cool, didnt pay any attention to it previously, do we have all the previous ones saved somewhere?

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