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Heartfire Hero Edition


The 2025 MagicCon and Pro Tour Schedule:

Odenheimer, Gruul Aggro, Wins Magic Spotlight: Foundations:


>Current meta, complete with deck lists
>Build and share casual decks

>Build and share Cubes

>Search engines
>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
>Play online for free

>What is EDH?


Now that Standard is back, what are you playing?
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Standard and Pioneer as always, both formats have problems but i'm having fun in both. I refuse to play Horizons block.

I will see if i keep playing after the UB shit but first we are going to a race.
wow aids doesn't sound like squidward at all
white is weak
red is too stronk
green is dead
how we fix all this mess?
oh shit new aids just dropped
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>agro kills you turn 2 or 3
>If you don't kill the opponent that quick they can play their beanstalk/ annex/ enduring innocence and just bury you in insurmountable card advantage and value
The absolute state of current standard. But don't worry, I'm sure adding UB and extending rotation for no reason is fixing the format
Is this a "Git gud" moment?
Play pioneer then
it's unsalvageable. everything snowballs these days by either growing or spamming tokens to out value you. if you aren't playing that, it's dead to efficient removal
this makes rogue strats rarer than usual, often manifesting as combo since nothing cute can survive long enough
we would need a major FIRE reduction in powerlevel and start introducing more complexity creep
it's the better of the two evils no matter how many keep yelling textboxes are too long
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Spider-Man is going to be more pushed than LTR so we can watch it ruin 5 formats (plus one "format") at the same time.
Theoretically, I don't think it's a bad thing for standard games to err on the short side, but it does seem like the format is a bit too far up its own ass where the only good plays are fundamentally overpowered and non-good plays get cut down by the overtuned answers.
I think MTG can be fun even if 1 mana means early game creature, 2 mana a mid game creature and 3 mana a bomb. You just have to print fatal push in multiple colours
Power, strength is not an issue here.
>We've looped around to Legacy powerlevel in Standard
>Print superb interaction
>The game devolves into a midrange slop that last 45~mins per match
Yeah... No.
all that matters is death & taxes is back in modern, baby
Nobody cares.
It's just worse boros though
aggrotards/arenababs at its finest lmao
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If Fallen Empires was added to Premodern, what cards, if any, would you can? Hymn to Tourach? Would Goblin Grenade make goblins alittle too strong?
How? Id love to play Thalia again.
I don't think they run Thalia
Just play black with 16+ removal spells
cared enough to reply
maybe, with the current black splash it can at least hold its own again, ive had a good winrate games 2 and 3 after sideboarding
mtgo, i use 1 thalia in sideboard so i can grab it with recruiter of the guard
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Any way to make fair artifact decks work? Like patchwork automaton + portable hole + miko package. I'm trying to brew a deck for pioneer since every other format is too degen but rakdos value engine feels hard to beat.
>I must play Removal.exe or lose all my braincells playing Aggro
Why WotC can't balance shit? In fact Pioneer after Sorin and Amalia bans was in a good the they had to print Annex, Inside out, Leyline and avoid banning Fable and everything went to shit.
>cared enough to reply
What about Azorious Artifact control with Whir invention and all the cool artifacts? Maybe you can have some problema with prowress/Aggro but i dont see that deck losing the valué race
I hadn't considered that but azorious was in my mind. In fact given white is the core I can pivot towards burn/aggro with shrapnel blast + doll, a wider board + enchantments with selesnya or like you said, combo with azorious.

Not sure if any of these strategies will work though.
ensoul is fair and not long ago was playable, i don't think you can compete with rakdos Demons though.
I've had fun with ensoul but I don't think it's very playable anymore. Ensoul itself trades so badly against push it's not even funny and they can annex your ass to grind you out so there's that.
And you know, it kinda fails against Coco decks too. It's too slow and things in it have drawbacks.
Honestly I'm gonna triple post fuck ze rules, they should unban ballista, ban Helios so I can play hardened scales artifacts
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Don't worry anons, Artifacts are raising again soon.
Last time I played was ~17 years ago, is this stuff supposed to be normal now?
In modern 1 mana 4/5 is normal now and if you cast it from your GY it has haste.
>17 years ago
lol, Kird Ape was playable in modern.
modern didn't even exist 17 years ago, it was still just extended
We new extended again, or a new formar at least.
One UB free.
>opponent has 1 card protecting another from everything
>i destroy everything
I know that everything gets destroyed, but my opponent argued that his card has protection, i've let him get through because it was a 2v1 against noobs (literally less than 10 games) and if i didnt they'd lost which would have ruined their fun, but whats the exact ruling for this
Protection only prevents damage and targeting, board wipes (outside stuff like blasphemous act) and nontargeted removal will remove it
what you guess this shit will do?
The Argument was about timing oft destruction
>if protected gets destroyed first it doesnt cuz protection
Its this Kind oft Argument i got into, which is why i let it slip, couldnt argue against and havent hat the rulings next to me plus 2v1
Sry i am stupid and cant read apparently, thank you
If you somehow value first strike, haste and the draw effect (+bonus treasure token because why not) as +1/+1, it still doesn't have the drawback of needing a forest. Also Kird Ape was banned at some point.
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>Artifacts are raising again soon
Hate them
I hate Heroic and Enchantment decks so figure Who IS having a worse time anon.
Make boggles great again
I feel you, would say i love the strategy but its kinda obvious so its rather lame imo
Boggles isnt like very good nowadays? I mean DSK had tons of great auras and the hexproof creatures already exist.
Speaking of Boggles, why was it never reprinted?
How crazy would be Phlage in Pioneer? Would shake the meta?
Unannounced UB is Avatar.
Nah Iron Man UB.
Don't let your memes be dreams. If you want to throw excalibur at people, you should do it

kooba is back...
And thats a good thing! A thriving kooba means the game is heathy.
boros midrange and jeskai control would see more play
phlage without arena of glory isn't that scary, having haste is the difference between a 6 life swing and a 24 life swing if the board is empty
>24 life swing
18 life*
my bad
Rakdos aggro, ft. this card that’s shit apparently and no one plays
What would it take for equipment to see play in standard?
EtB equip and generate value on equip on the same cheap card
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Equipment was a subtheme of the mice tribe in bloomburrow, and was also a theme of a lot of boros cards back in MoM. There are a handful of good equipment and equipment-matters cards in standard. Kemba is neat. I think the problem is that you're not really faster than gruul, while simultaneously running into a lot of the hate that people are packing for gruul.

Free leyline axe into free leyline axe equip from Kemba is a pretty funny line of play though and I've gotten a few wins off that.
What the fuck is that brightness?
he has poor sight
the guy is unironically disabled
oh shit I saw it too

they just soft-spoiled it through arena, it's gonna be avatar
I forgot Nahiri is even a standard card too bad she will rotate by fall as a payoff and engine for equipment seems necessary
Bending or Smurfs?
well it better be cartoon and not live action then because fuck that shit
Why the FUCK is it UB spiderman instead of UB marvel? Was sony really more wiling to whore out their golden boy than disney was with their shit? Was it just to induce people to buy the SL because they wont expect to see those cards in an upcoming set?
There is going to be a separate UB Marvel set and Spiderman has a more beloved rogues gallery and extended cast
>Was sony really more wiling to whore out their golden boy than disney was with their shit?
Of course they are, what kind of question is that? They're so desperate to whore him out, they made a half dozen movies in the Spider-Man setting without actually being able to use the character himself.
Dipshit Sony doesn't control anything spiderman related besides the movie rights
>Thoughtseize used to be a bad card in grindy MUs
>Now it's just better than straight up removal because ETBs are so strong
It should get the axe from pioneer but Redditors still parrot this old garbage about how it's only good against combo
redditors have no impact on what gets banned or not, the real problem with pioneer is that wotc simply does not care about the format
it would not surprise me if they extinguished the format in 2026 if standard manages to continue growing its competitive scene
What would, in your opinion, be the best eternal format to play just casually with a bunch of friends?

I'm looking for real MTG, so no Commander BS. I'm interested in older formats, maybe block constructed, but then again, which block would be good for this?

I know cubes are a thing but they're a lot of effort to put together and I much prefer constructed formats.

Other suggestions?
>What would, in your opinion, be the best eternal format to play just casually with a bunch of friends?
None of them. Every format is shit right now, and the one that isn't (Premodern) costs thousands of dollars.

>I know cubes are a thing but they're a lot of effort to put together and I much prefer constructed formats.
The best thing to set up to play with friends is a Cube. Just find a good already-built budget cube and smash it together.

>Other suggestions?
Yeah, never play this atrocity of a game. Escape while you still can. Play something that doesn't suck ass, like Scythe or Ticket to Ride.
pauper or cube
you don't have to build your first cube from scratch, you can just copy someone else's and see if you like it
>costs thousands of dollars
This is a non-issue, the whole group is using proxies, forgot to mention that. We have access to every cards ever printed, we just need a fun format, to give us guidelines on how to build our decks so that it doesn't degenerate into Vintage.
>This is a non-issue, the whole group is using proxies, forgot to mention that.
Ah, well in that case you still should get the fuck away from this game as far as you fucking can, it's a pile of shit and even supporting it in theory is a vile act of profane evil.
If your Commander isn't a Planeswalker, you may begin the game with The Aetherspark in the Command Zone attached to your Commander
+2: Assemble a Contraption
-3: Search your library for a Rigger and put it into your hand
-7: Shoop da Woop, then fire ur laz0r
But also, look up CHK-RGD-TSP era Standard decks and rock those.
but you already "got it" with Nowhere to Run?
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High Tide would have to be banned. Mono-Blue Storm is already a good deck without it. Hymn and Grenade I'd have to play with and against before I could make an accurate assessment for Pre-Modern. My gut tells me they're both fine. Would definitely prefer Pre-Modern have FE because FE was such an iconic part of that era. It was one of the last sets to rotate out of Extended when they restructured the format around 2000ish.

I'd also like to see Portal/Starter added. The only problem is availability, but nothing is on the reserved list. Imperial Seal is an automatic ban. Personal Tutor is a maaaybe. We'd get some cool shit though, like Jungle Lion, Plant Elemental, Sea Drake, and horsemanship.

Though I wish WotC would get rid of the errata on Portal cards, especially the sorceries with "flash." Then there's the tap in Main Phase creatures. You already can't activate them as instants, so why put the restriction of making them affected by summoning sickness?

I think most people just forget Portal exists.
Premodern isn't fun
Motherfucker you're playing MTG. This is a no fun zone.
If you want fun, go backflip off a diving board. We're here for autistic combat math and getting fucked by topdecks.
To elaborate, they did a daily deal vaguely themed around all the 2025 sets, and then the last one had four cards with Fire, Water, Earth and Air and then two cards with 'bender' at the end of their names. It's a hint, if anything, so it might be nothing, but I guess it'd work as a full set especially if you use both Airbender and Korra and maybe some past Avatar pulls or some shit.
>doesn't suck ass
>Ticket to Ride
You make trains go choo choo.
A good man needs no more in life.
It's that or a future Secret Lair with Avatar
It was 20 years ago
Considering the prior ones were all related to the next 5 sets, it'd be weird to do one just for a Secret Lair.
Also, all we knew beforehand was that Chris Mooney was the set lead, and is a big fan of the IP. Chris has been a vocal fan of MANY things, but Avatar was apparently quite high up even on that list, so.
>I attack with Prince Zuko, Uncle Ben and Minwu
Looking forward to 2026 Standard lmao.
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This shit will be the fucking end.
Now people is telling Avatar will be the last UB set, so you will have Sephirot, Korra and Mary Jane all in Standard by 2026.
What an absolute disaster. More than the Foundations era, this is the Armageddon era.
I, for one, can't wait for Episode 4.
If playing Fortnite skins can make mono white tier one in standard, then I’ll play it. I’ll gladly play Dab to Exile
So many retarded consumers kept using the cope of "At least it doesn't affect MY format!"
/ "Standard is safe from it!" for UB's existence.

What will the new cope be?

I genuinely can't imagine myself playing any format with UB in it. They have completely, totally slaughtered any interest I had in Standard, Pioneer, limited etc. all in a single act. It's insane how braindead a move this shit is.
>If playing Fortnite skins can make mono white tier one in standard, then I’ll play it. I’ll gladly play Dab to Exile
They're not skins anon. They're new cards.
You won't have the option to not play skins if a UB card is T1. You will HAVE to play that version of the card, there be no universes within variant of Legendary Instant, "The Holdo Maneuver"
what's the deal with bolas's citadel, you hold priority when tutoring or casting a draw spell?
I mean, they will probably want to so a "bigger" announcement with something like Avatar even if it is further down the line of 2025. Spoiling it on a daily deal in Arena's store seems too much but not for an unannounced Secret Lair
Triggers get put on the stack, Jerry
>excalibur in assassin's creed
dafuq? what happened to alt-history?
Is all worse than that, close your eyes for a moment and imagine the MTG world tournament for 2025.

Now you will have to assume that the winner deck of that year will 100% be a deck that will play Spiderman, FF or Avatar related cards or what's worse all at once to the point the whole winner set will be an amalgam of pop references. This timeline truly is gruesome if you ask me.
Whatever they are, I don’t care anymore. If it’s a white card and it can finally win, the art and IP source are irrelevant at this point. Slap a picture of nosewater’s nostrils on a white card and I’d play it to win. It’s not like any competitive players care about the colors or lore as long as the deck wins them shekels.
Wew this is another level of White schizoid copium.
>Now you will have to assume that the winner deck of that year will 100% be a deck that will play Spiderman, FF or Avatar related cards or what's worse all at once to the point the whole winner set will be an amalgam of pop references. This timeline truly is gruesome if you ask me.
Enshitification is fucking crazy man. Braindead, skullfucked-by-dollars corpo cockgobblers ruin everything. They're not even human.
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I will not buy the product.
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My man over here spittin' facts.
Same honestly.
I will have fun with Aetherdrift but i literally refuse to play any UB card and i will not play with anyone casting a Dr. Octopus or a Masamune against me.
In paper I only play limited. I will avoid UB. Constructed on Arena. I will also attempt to avoid UB as much as you can.
That's that.
ThrabenU is getting roasted in the comments for this legacy video
personally i'm like eh, but you know. Drama
how would they even match colors for the avatar characters? it's not like everyone can just be red.
I got a few of the fallout decks and warhammer decks because I like those games, and I got the Lara Croft secret lair because I like those games too.

If the opportunity were to ever arise in the future, I would make a Luke Skywalker deck.

Universes Beyond are based when they are things I enjoy, and they are cringe when they are things I don't enjoy. Simple as.
My uncle works at Nintendo and he says it's going to be Friends.
i have a better take.
ub is always trash and shit and dilutes the ip
fuck ub.
Blue Water Navi
Red Navi from the new film
Green Original Navi
Black White Humans
i think you are on the wrong avatar thing, bozo.
No, I just missed the year.
>Luke Skywalker
You will get your desire, but she will be a proud black woman
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Can we get Phyrexians back? They were kinda hot.
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Hey frens,
Where is the best place to buy foreign language cards? I want to acquire some spanish cards
Nice deck!
How is it going anon? Specially against the Rakdos menace.
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>here's your luke, bro
I want more mechs/prototypes.
You know my friend, Bob Sacamano? He used the stack once.
I want more prototype in general, that mechanic was great and can be expanded upon greatly.
Your insults mean nothing to me. All that matters is getting white cards that win. The image or name on the card doesn’t matter anymore.
Traditionally, red gets fire and earth, blue gets air and water.
In this set I'd make water blue, air white, earth green and fire red. Green earth is a slight stretch but it totally works in avatar because the earthbenders are all so green. White could have historical airbenders or it could just be Aang and some goodguys and some spirit stuff. And then every element can also be black, black is corruption, that's how you pentagon the square. So fire nation stuff is mostly black, red, or black/red.
Phil is a low skill retard that only plays Magic for his channel, preferring to play EDH in his own time. It's about time someone dogpiled him, just need Coval to receive the same treatment. I've heard that the latter is an angle shooting asshole to play IRL from multiple sources.
>Coval to receive the same treatment. I've heard that the latter is an angle shooting asshole to play IRL

he angle shot a doomsday player once which was morally fucked up but not against the rules
Everything that isn't mechanical is the skin.
>45~mins per match
thats magic at it's best though
turboFog vs Lantern Control my beloved
anon you don't understand
back with War of the Spark they introduced FIRE design, which made every card Fun, Interesting, Retarded, and Engaging the players' credit card. Every creature is now both an engine and a pay-off AND protection for itself.
SCARs to Plowshares in Standard.
>Last time I played was ~17 years ago, is this stuff supposed to be normal now?
No, they made a mistake with that card . It was supposed to be a 3/2.
>new Thalia art is a man faced tranny build like a fridge
lmao, one might say
I already haven't bought product for the past few years, I just play Arena nowadays.
coval is a bitch and looks like one
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Checked and add it to the list.
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I swear the guy who does mastectomies on Avishkar (nee Kaladesh) must be the richest motherfucker in the multiverse.

Him and the dude who gave Daretti back his legs, except the new legs still don't work. That guy's a fucking hero.
Now make a list of the ones that are the same or bigger.
Quads of sadness.
Why the hell this faggots must ruin everything?
>turning Thalia into a methhead Karen in football shoulder pads with greasy noodle hair
These noses really hate white women huh
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No that's Magali.
>Random colors with zero cohesion
>Focal point and highest value range contrast of the image is some random fucking hallway
Magali is proof that mere practise does a great artist make.
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pic related is magali
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Prototype was a stroke of genius even if it was just reverse kicker
>Prototype was a stroke of genius even if it was just reverse kicker
Prototype and Kicker are awful mechanics. Cards ought to have inherent risk. High cost cards carry power, but risk not being able to play them on low mana.

Cop-out mechanics are awful. Go big are go home. Invest or get fucked. The only set that did something like this right was RoE.
Literally shaped like a dude this will be the only Thalia I don't collect
Nah modular cards are cool all mechanics that help prevent non-games are master class
The issue is that high cost cards are rarely ever viable without enablers, even at extreme high power. Look at every eternal format, as time goes on the mana curves get lower and lower outside of combo or stuff that cheats on mana like delve or dredge.
heroic male proportions, shoulders are 3+ heads wide, at least 9 heads tall if not more, no appreciable hips or bustline. the artist didnt fuck it up they were told to do this.
>The issue is that high cost cards are rarely ever viable without enablers
Up to 7cmc is perfectly viable in slower limited formats.
Also, print enablers then. RoE noted.

>Nah modular cards are cool all mechanics that help prevent non-games are master class
Non games are the price you pay for bad deckbuilding.
Every deck should include a baseline of card seleciton. Cards should never be so powerful that card selection needs to be excluded because losing tempo is to devastating.
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gaea's blessing shuffle in two ichorids and a dredger was pretty solid, card has some hardcast applications
I want more Hindu demons
>Non games are the price you pay for bad deckbuilding.
Listen buddy I'm not running craw wurm at your kitchen table unless it has cycling
You do you, satan.
It's kind of sad that big creatures are for reanimator or commander
she's just wrapped up for the winter. look around her, she in a snowy place.
Okay, that doesn't explain the horrible face or hand.
It's just a horrible drawing
Women aren't shaped like men when they wear layers
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I don't like it.

Reverse grip on the saber is fine, but the hilt is not at the correct angle to be held by her hand. It goes through the hand. Her wrist and palm would need to be tilted at a different angle to hold that hilt.

The face lacks detail. Her skin is too smooth and there's no shadowing. She looks like a smug pixar character, when she has always been serious in her previous art.

Magali's Thalias have always been great, both Guardian and Heretic she did. I'm sad they didn't get her again. This new one is probably the worst Thalia art. Which is a real shame, because I tend to buy full art cards for decks I care about, and I'm even running Heretic Cathar in legacy, modern, and vintage right now so I see this one a lot. I think I'm more likely to commission an alter for an artist to extend the borders of Magali's Heretic Cathar rather than use this new one. Magali's is beautiful.
>he can't recognize an obviously photoshopped dude
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She is not holding the sword. She is standing there making a fist. Behind her is a body with a sword stabbed into it, but that is behind her fist.
It's very rare for the mtg reddit to do openly shit on anything nowadays, but sure fucking hate this art which at least shows they do have some sense of taste
She uses a saber and that's a saber, and your supposition includes her being unarmed in this battle since her saber is not on her belt or in her other hand, which makes no sense.

The artist messed up the hand and the face, and it's really unfortunate that one of the fan favorite characters that is famous for having lots of good art variants got one that is sub-par.

It's also unfortunate because the only other full art Heretic Cathar is the zoomed out secret lair one, which I don't really like.
Hopefully someone on etsy or some site like that will paint the Magali to be borderless/full art for me.
Why make claims that are easily fact checked?
I thought we were all making shit up today
>white is weak
It's supposed to be
>red is too stronk
>how we fix
Card bans
>green is dead
Green on its own is rarely a winner.
Oh no, now they are going to drag in all the retarded onionboys from reddit that grew up with nikelodeon and never moved past that age.

Like how fucking uncultured do you have to be to think Avatar is the best show ever made? Or even best cartoon. It's basic bitch shonen but western.
You're an enterprising new planar government making your first strides into interplane diplomacy. Do you throw your lot in with Ravnica, or the pajeets?
What are their policies?
>Like how fucking uncultured do you have to be to think Avatar is the best show ever made? Or even best cartoon. It's basic bitch shonen but western.
It's definitely not the best show ever made but it's definitely above the vast majority of shonen because it actually has stakes, the characters are generally well written and bounce around each other well, and the setting is very distinctive and has a lot of staying power. It is very simple in its worldbuilding and power system but sometimes simple is best. The only actual fault of Avatar is the genuinely stupid ending, but even then it's not stupid enough that it irrevocably shits the bed forever a la Game of Thrones or Mirai Nikki.
Avatar is just good. Very good, very polished, well-animated, fun to watch and easy to get into. That's why it's so popular, it's just fucking good.
>standard is so fun and varied
>let's just ignore the play patterns completely
Why did they do a 180 on this? Is it because people were up in arms they were banning too much before so now they fucking do nothing instead and pretend the game is fine?
>Is it because people were up in arms they were banning too much before so now they fucking do nothing instead and pretend the game is fine?
Pretty much.
Their solution to having to ban too much was not fixing their design process, but rather simply not banning anything anymore.

Always remember: To narcissistic social vampires, saving face is more important than doing right.
There's something wrong with your eyes if you think women gain the physique of a man if they put on armor
I want a plane that militantly hates omenpaths and blockades all the ones that exist on it. WotC would try to make the omenpath haters the villains but accidentally make them more likeable than anyone else in the set
Kaladesh seems to have a society
with reasonable laws were ravnica has a caste system where you're human garbage if you aren't apart of a guild. So I'd have to side with my kalas
I mean the current prominent Omenpath haters are Jace and Vraska who're ostensibly antagonists I guess but the worst things they've actually done are clonk Proft over the head and Jace regretfully leaving Kaito to an uncertain fate to try and save Vraska and Loot (that Kaito then easily escaped from).
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I am 100% confident that MTG Goldfish is artificially single decklists into arbitrarily different ones in order to skew format statistics so that it looks better than it is.

Gruul Prowess is the #1 deck in Standard with 17.3% total meta share, but it's split into three decks for no fucking reason.

Rakdos Prowess in Pioneer totals ~21.1% after gathering all its fractured lists back up.

Why are they doing this?
Probably at the behest of WotC.

There is no reason to part BR Aggro from BR Prowess in Pioneer, they have THE SAME DECKLISTS. The only difference between them is one runs 2 Reckless Rage and 4 SSS, and the other runs 3 SSS and 3 Reckless Rage like fuck off lmfao yeah those are totally different decks.
Radical planar isolationism is just Nahiri's thing by this point.
>Welcome to Zendikar, now fuck off.
Given that Zendikar was a shit place to be even pre-apocalypse she shouldn't have a hard time fufilling her wish. On paper.
>remastered set
>uses the normal art instead of the voss promo art
for what purpose
They already have Jace and Vraska. Plus villains tend to be frontrunners in likeability in a lot of stories.
>Urabrask is still alive
>Phyrexians within a short range of him are still functional
>Urabrask actively resents being the savior of his people
>he's trying to mutate the glistening oil again, to undo Elesh Norn's meddling
>as a side effect of his work, Phyrexians elsewhere are waking up, horrified to discover they have free will
Oh, also be careful with your Phyrexian waifu, oil-based lube breaks condoms
I hate it too. Not because she looks like a man, but because the doublet in your pic is so much more iconic for her
Valgavoth seems to generally stick with his deals, I bet we can get ahead of them both by sacrificing a few thousand political rivals to him. And bonus, it makes our new ally more powerful to ensure we come out on top.
I'm still going to laugh if we return to Lorwyn and they retcon the genocidal racist elves and the general fact that the entire play is filled with racial supremacists
Gruul Prowess has a couple different deck builds with the winner playing leyline why the other decks were just mice
Why do you guys keep saying shit like this? None of the Ixalan tribes stopped being racist, none of the Innistrad tribes stopped trying to kill each other, why do you insist on trying to make yourself angry over nothing?
You probably like superheros lmao get over it.
wtf there was an scg atl?
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>Winona Nelson
What happened?
Incompetent narcissists in leadership positions.
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T-there will be an anime alt r-right?
Cloud of Darkness better give us a foot fetish card finally in MTG
Is this real?!?

Male Thalia?
Reckless Lackey is from Outlaws of Thunder Junction
>now they are going to drag in all the retarded onionboys from reddit that grew up with nikelodeon and never moved past that age.
Dude, you're playing a game with lotr, marvel, fortnite, doctor who and where a whole plane is filled with people dressed as cow-boys; you have no right to judge what people like or don't like
i hate it when dredge decks don't include loam
Tokens should've been a more prominent mechanic from the start, but tokens should only be weak 1/1 and 2/2 creatures. Most removal should only affect tokens and removal that works on actual creatures be more expensive or only be damage dealt or -X/-X. Basically make a clear division between removal against chaff and removal against "hero" creatures.
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The standard meta at my LGS is dominated by dimir aggro and mice aggro

My current deck is the golgari aggro which dominates mice but gets outpaced hard by dimir. Would a playset of axebane ferox to get around floodpit/kaito make sense?
>which makes no sense.
She stabbed the goblin. Left the sword in the goblin as it fell over dead. Then posed with her fist out. The hand isn't messed up just the framing of the picture with the sword behind her isn't the clearest.
Oh boy
Can I play her in a premodern deck of some kind?She's my favorite creature
>She's my favorite creature
Nostalgia and she's by far the coolest Weatherlight crew member
Wait the middle and bottom ones aren't dudes? Lmao the absolute state of current MTG art
evens: buy pyrogoyf now
odds: wait
No, premodern is just trying to do unfair shit so why would a creature like her do anything
I should explain it better.
It's like old vintage and legacy where decks besides goblins run almost no creatures and some run zero
Premodern is a format that will never be super popular because it ends at scourge.
If you weren't playing the damn game in the 90s it has not real appeal.
My friends made me play and were shocked the I who didn't play until Kamigawa didn't have nostalgia for the cards I don't care about.

I don't miss the era of shitty creatures nor do I enjoy purposely making a format with a shitty manabase
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So what are the cool treatments that should appeal to my lizard brain to preorder a collector display? Surely it can't be only this movie poster crap which looks nothing like a magic card?
it has an aesthetic appeal plebs can't understand
This entire set seems to be doing the opposite and is instead replacing art people like with new art that everyone hates
If you don't like stuff that "looks nothing like a magic card" then I don't think there is any cool treatment for you
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I liked RVR, both the alt arts and the cards with retro borders
She is 50% doing a dreamworks face too.
I don't like Magali that much, she is hit or miss for me, and very much same face 80% of the time. Canon Thalia is the Johaness Voss one with high cheekbones.
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But when Magali hits, she hits hard.
Fuck I didn't know about that version it's so good
Try pawpatch recruit, at 3 mana it's the single best green card against targeted removal spam.
That does not help if all my creatures get stunned or bounced back to my hand
You need the scarecrow, friendo.
I have mana one, I am gonna counter the next spell casted ITT
i scoop, gg
Counter this!
*Grabs dick*
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>we need to make an easy set for some pick up and play fun
>I know, let's include an archetype that creates dozens of double sided tokens!
>that sounds a bit confusing, can you include a token in the pack so people can visualize it better?
>fuck you!
First mtg product I've bought in 5 years and it's this trash. Didn't even make it through one full game with the wife. How isn't this company dead yet?
You could not have chosen a worse time to get back into thw game.
>dozens of tokens with varying amounts of counters
Forgot to mention. Who is this made for? Am I the retard for thinking a sit and play format shouldn't have a bunch of bullshit new mechanics?
Are you talking about Incubate?
Yes. Why have a set that's meant to be shuffled together and played but require dozens of different double sided tokens with different counters and not even have the courtesy to include the token in the pack? But instead have the name of the deck card? Wizards doesn't respect you guys.
>Why have a set that's meant to be shuffled together and played but require dozens of different double sided tokens with different counters and not even have the courtesy to include the token in the pack?
Do incubator tokens really need to be double faced? I just use a 0/0 phyrexian token and move it from the artifact area of the board to the creature area. But yeah they should have packaged some incubator tokens with the deck. Maybe make the deck face an incubator token in the back, too?
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I can't believe /ccg/ is dead
Either way, a deck that generates a bunch of tokens isn't very conducive to a sit and play format. Especially when every color does it. Thankfully I only paid $5 each but now I know why no one was buying them.
I didn't play Incubator much; what was the actual deck? White control?
Wtf is goin on with that sword hand?
It was in white and green at least. Of the 4 packs, we got 2 white incubator garbage, 1 green incubator garbage, and 1 blue that created its own kind of token. The box says shuffle and play, not shuffle and have a shitload of tokens and counters on-hand. Who thought this worked as a concept?
You mean
>1 mana win the game
>2 mana win the game
>3 mana unplayble
Checked. Both Phil/Coval and that other retard they do a podcast with are faggy tryhards. Unbearable numales that have shit opinions and hard to watch with grating voices. Even MagicAids who has a shit voice isn't a faggot.
He is a massive faggot
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I've been having a wonderful time on Arena Historic with this:

4 Yidaro, Wandering Monster
11 Mountain
4 Faithless Looting
4 Cathartic Pyre
4 Forgotten Cave
4 Pyroclasm
4 Mazemind Tome
2 A-Circuit Mender
4 Irencrag Pyromancer
4 Fiery Temper
3 Shatterskull Smashing
1 Valakut Awakening
4 Radiant Fountain
4 Ivora, Insatiable Heir
3 Shredded Sails

Are there any good additions that I've missed? I've been pulling Circuit Menders as I find better things to put in the deck, I originally had 4 just for the slowdown.
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>own two pauper decks that have never seen action because I can't convince any of my friends to play anything but Commander
>Modern red prison deck hasn't seen action in a decade
>Haven't worked on my 10 ravnica guild decks in years
Closest I've had to old magic was taking a booster box of jumpstart to my older brother's bachelor party get away and that was 2 years ago
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It's time to do some based shit anons
I said It's time to do some based shit anons
Unban some broken cards anons
Unban KCI
Unban Artifact lands
Unban Golgari Grave-Troll
Unban Dread Return
Unban Bridge from Below
Unban shit cards
Unban Glimpse of Nature
Unban Dread Return
Unban Uro
Punishing fire unbanned in modern pls
>Unban the father of FIRE
I will pipe bomb the Wotc office if they unban uro
That's because people love the game as it is now: its art, its balance, its lore and feel; there is nothing to gain for seeing a bunch of custom cards.
>Unban KCI
Wish granted, but WotC simplifies the rules again and you can't use mana abilities after beginning to cast a spell, only before
Yeah, ofc anon it was included in the "bad cards" section. Uro is exactly fine. It's a great card and it creates a UGx deck control/midrange deck which is sweet.
IDK what you just said but I cast Consign to Memory.
>IDK what you just said
this nigga wants KCI back and doesn't even know how to abuse it right
Yeah the art is just INCREDIBLE right now. The real reason is people just aren't obsessed with magic anymore
If anything we need something like 50 more bans to make modern playable again.
The last thing magic needs is more cards that are the engine and the pay off at the same time. Uro unbanned never ever
>Uro is exactly fine
you have no clue of what you are talking about
I've been working on this deck for a few days now. My goal is to use as many of the meme mechanics like Monarch, Initiative, Investigate, Venture Into the Dungeon, etc as I can while still being somewhere in the realm of competitive. This is where I'm at currently. Any fun meme mechanics I forgot? I love love to include a Battle somehow too but I haven't found one I really like, and I just looked at every card with Clash and didn't fine one there either. Best way to cut a few cards since I'm at 65 currently? Sideboard isn't final either.

Magali still has the booba pass (and hips / thighs, god damn).
this should've always been the case
You're saying it like Rakdos wasn't the absolute highlight of Thunder Junction
Hot and smart take: Uro would be fine in fucking Modern and even fine in Pioneer.
Uro wouldn't even see play in standard
Too obvious
And it's a fail because it didn't have a hat.
RIp in pisces.
I do kind of want to get my scifi set finished before Edge of Eternities, for something to compare to. But the bar of quality is so low these days, it's not even a competition. Zero motivation to do better, when all you have to do better than is repulsive globohomo septic spew designed by talentless hack narcissists.
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Jesus fuck i finally finished now i sit back and get mad vault progress and figure out if i should draft pioqueer or wait for aetherdicked.
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Everyone point and laugh at this loser who actually wasted that much time.
What else are you gonna do? It was fun.
It's unironically true. Uro is WAY too slow to compete with aggro right now.
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>It was fun.
Yeah youre right im a loser i should go design some custom cards or argue about lore or some other mundane shit. Fucking niggers.
I'm glad you could become sapient today. Carry on.
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>this is the only alternative thing to do with your time
It would be fine in Modern, the format has completely moved past beyond the point where slow grindy games could be a problem
It would not be fine in Pioneer, not because it would be too strong, but it would be a step in the wrong direction to fixing the format, Midrange as an archtype doesn't need help, the answer to Rakdos Midrange shouldn't be making Sultai/Temur, 4c and 5c Midrange piles stronger, which are undoubtedly the color combinations that would abuse Uro the most.

Pioneer needs to support more decks like Azorious Humans, decks that don't cheat on mana, care about the board and you don't need 3 different answers to deal with one of their cards.
Name three
Perhaps you should awaken to the fact that, the only alternatives you could think about are different things involving MTG.

Go outside, anon. Touch grass, actually. Improve yourself.
Yeah fuck me for talking about magic in the magic thread fucking autistic retards go take a bath or something.
>Playing Magic
>Coming to the Magic thread to discuss the game of Magic.
Post about brews. Discuss the state of the game. Dunk on WotC's retardation. Posting about Magic is fine.

But grinding on the paypiggy platform is not an accomplishment. Nobody cares. Do something cool and productive with your time, my guy.
Checked. Sorry. You were saying so many things and I couldn't hear you over me tapping my mana for Meltdown. You know, after I countered your KCI.
Wrong. Modern is better when it's more broken which is why it is better when Opal and Looting are legal.
Yeah dude that's a great argument about Morphling... oh wait you were talking about Uro? Oh, WOW I feel so silly. Yeah dude I bet Uro will really take over the format. Oh, wait, it's slow, color intensive and doesn't do anything till turn five plus. Haha are we still talking about Morphling or a card that get's cucked by Tormod's Crypt? KEK.
No argument sophist easily ignored.
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I feel bad for people like you. You think paper magic is an accomplishment? Its a game to be played for fun you dont learn gain or accomplish anything playing games.

Next youre gonna say this is a waste of time too? Yeah right whatever pal.
>I feel bad for people like you. You think paper magic is an accomplishment?
No. Why is your every response fixated on the idea that MTG is the literal only thing you can do?
>why are you still talking about magic in the magic thread?
What else am i gonna do in the magic thread? Wanna see some stuff ive cooked? The car im working on? The livestock i tend? Whats your fucking problem buddy why are you trying to make people unhappy by being a littl asshole?
>Whats your fucking problem buddy why are you trying to make people unhappy by being a littl asshole?
You seem to already be unhappy and using Magic as an ego escape from having to deal with your own personal struggles. This is unhealthy behavior.
It's fine to have pastimes and to self-medicate but, brother, hombre, muchacho, relax. Live life for yourself and your loved ones first. Touch grass, unironically. Leave this game and never return, you evidently can't handle it.
Projecting so hard. Im not even mad im just surprised you sperging out about nagic in the magic thread its unreal. Maybe you should kill yourself have you ever thought of that?
Ignore them they are bitter faggots who despite not playing the game anymore need to cry 24/7 about the game
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>Im not even mad
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My favorite planeswalker is ajani what is yours? I would like to share some of my very favorite ajani artworks for you today!
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>tfw planeswalkers died because marvelisation is more marketable
I like Bo Levar though. The only man chad enough to call out Urza's bullshit to his face.
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Wow ive never seen that one before cool! He looks neat but i still think i prefer ajani. Here look at what i drew!
Ajani doesn't have a cool moustache so I don't think I could ever like him ore than Bo Levar to be honest.
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I love it here. Easy fishin. What are the odds we get a Earthbound set? Woyldnt that be swell?
I see your point but does Bo have a barbed cock? I didnt think so! Its cool he smokes cigars though just like my dad used to.
>I see your point but does Bo have a barbed cock?
You do make a strong argument...
Funny how you get mad about a mobile game like magic and every other hasbro game isnt the most paypig shit ever invented like buying singles or sealed product is better lmao fucking retards.
Goad in 1v1 still forces the creature to attack which could be good. I also generally enjoy tribal decks so I came up with this. ub are not normally my colors but every gamer should branch out sometimes.
Once you own the expensive spells you can make a bunch of decks with different combinations of other cards for cheap.
Any advice on this one?

looting was never broken you clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Close the door on your way out digi fag take your fuckness to the /vg/ thread where you belong
Nah i like it here and i love the way you whine like a little pussy boy baby. What else you got to say there sport?
I love the uncensored version of this too, anon!
>Post about a video game in a /tg/ thread
>Gets mad when he's told to fuck off
>Copes and seethes on his way out
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>"Im not even mad"
sorry no one is answering your on topic questions. most of us don't play legacy and this is apparently a shitposting only thread. maybe ask again next thread
It's true though. Nobody plays Legacy anymore, sadly. Frog fucking MURDERED that format.
I would kill for a good Tzzeret.
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Anon, why are you quibbling over the degrees when the arrows are the same? Yeah, Looting is or isn't the most broken card in Modern. It doesn't matter. That's not what I was saying. Can you please keep up? I'd like it if only 100+ IQ anons respond instead. Remember anon, you're arguing with me not the retarded mongoloid in your head.
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Im the best drafter in this entire bord
You fags deserve the shithole ypu created here i hope we never meet at an lgs if you act like this in real life id beat the fuck out of you and no one could stop me
>tfw no events
>tfw store stopped selling mtg singles
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>You fags deserve the shithole ypu created here i hope we never meet at an lgs if you act like this in real life id beat the fuck out of you and no one could stop me
Final fantasy will save us
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Yes because those of us that actually respect ourselves will leave this dumpster of a game finally and forever.

Finally freedom.
Cut the Wastelands or Cavern of souls, 1 Snapcaster and the flares. Your blue creature count is too low to support the latter. I'm assuming this is a budget build and that you don't have (proxies of) Tundras, so it might be better to have a single hallowed fountain and several copies of Prismatic Vista and a back to basics and/or Harbinger of the seas somewhere. You should have a playset of stp MD. I would also cut meddling mage and minamo, the latter doesn't have synergy with anything in the deck. Aim to have 20 lands for legacy blue control-ish decks and use a ratio of n fetches to n-2 fetchables (e.g 8 fetches for 6 fetchables). Obviously this differs based on a number of factors but is the starting point I always use for blue decks.

Sideboard you need to lower the curve; linvala -> cursed totem, bribery too slow, firewalker and sanctifier don't really do anything. Go up on consigns. Consider more copies of containment priest and maybe 1 path to exile or another verdict. Try to fit a spell pierce or two in the 75 and maybe a spell snare or Stern scolding.

Sorry for the horribly formatted post, I'm on holiday.
based. only wish they would go back and rebalance the shittier decks, namely BG and RW
fucked up how the UG deck does everything besides lifegain
Oh word? I liked the BG deck i thought it was one of the best behind ramp and fearies. UG is complete bullshit i hate playing against it and got bored playing it. And RW is so bad i cant believe thats what they went with too many themes and the tap four angel feels so so bad to discover.
What starter deck did you like?
modern on arena when?
are they so afraid of scam arenababs with the most popular format?
>no retro faithless looting spoiled
it's coming tomorrow right
you mean like this? but with the original art?
>thrabenu deleting comments calling him out on being a dick to his opponent
>complains that his opponent is playing badly while misplaying himself, then loses
The old frames really do always look better than the new frames.
What gay drama am I missing?
It's really a nothingburger but just highlights that YouTubers are bottom feeders.
What an absolutely idiotic waste of time these last few posts have been great job man.
they do, even though they fucked up the colors and look disgusting compared to the original old frame
Not as hot as Bolas honestly.
It's really bizarre that they could fuck up doing something they've done before so badly. For a lot of these, it's like they faithfully recreated it and then someone said "make it POP more" so they cranked up the contrast sliders.
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I guess but have you seen Jacked Rabbit? Not even a planeswalker yet...
The left looks fine though. Its probably some accesibility issue for some retard thats color blind or some other made up illness.
>they do, even though they fucked up the colors and look disgusting compared to the original old frame
I will never forgive t hem fucking up the set symbol foiling. Attention to detail matters.
My favorite is the UR one, drawing cards is just too fun. BR can be fun if the cards align just right, and UG is way more consistent than any other deck.
The point is that it looks dramatically different than the card it's supposed to imitate. The coloring washes out the details in the frame, and the image is cropped for no reason, since they didn't do their awful extended art shit.
it's weird, like they downloaded jpgs from gatherer and just slapped it together
if they were all on their own, sure, but when you have them right next to each other on the field or your hand, it sticks out like a sore thumb
Yeah it's disappointing. I'll probably just stick with my Russian ones.
If they actually did just slap it together off Gatherer, it would look closer to the original.
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What's the mechanical implication about what's going on with this card? Is he making tokens because he's a jacked breeding stud that fucks bunnies and makes more when he attacks?
He goes out on raids and rapes everything with holes, so his power directly correlates to the number of things he can pin down and inseminate.
welcome to 27 years ago, Anon.


For that one specific card because the art is similar to the new boarder you fucking spaz. I think the cropping is fine for this it brings the eye more towards the dude absorbing and what was cropped was just blue shit and stone.
So pay up you little slut and get them all in the same style you dirty little pig give them more money because its an "investment" you can cash in one day. Lol. Lmao.

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