Who's That Pokemon? Edition>2024's Best Miniatureshttps://www.warhammer-community.com/en-us/articles/vjddepvh/warhammer-miniature-of-the-year-2024-who-won/>Balance Dataslatehttps://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/chwd2fdd/warhammer-40000-balance-dataslate-deep-strikes-and-ap-in-the-crosshairs/>Community Links:https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/>3rd Party Models Pastebin:https://pastebin.com/Q33bkBUh>Torrent:Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5>10th Edition Rules:https://gofile<dot>io/d/9LvQTLhttps://mega<dot>nz/folder/Em0Rmb7I#4GR-B7y4cu5nCB5QziXM4A>How to make wargames terrainhttps://gofile.io/d/s99zDV>Secret Level animationhttps://gofile.io/d/J7muqs>Previous Thread:>>94748831 >Thread Question:Which models in your army need an update the most?
>>94752586wait page 8, will you?
>>94752586TQ>orksUh... Stormboyz I guess. Ork updates have been about 80% good, vs 50% for other factions, so it's not the worst thing. I guess if an update for a three year old kit counts, a multipose new boys kit wouldn't be out of place either. But that would mean the removal of the old kit probably and I like the solution we have now more.>sistersNothing really. A new Repressor kit?>guardNew Catachan squad but the article probably confirms we're getting a kill team. I guess every other of the million worlds in the imperium must be glad they don't have to send a tithe anymore, because the entire Guard is composed of men from two and some change planets. Those Krieg vats must be working overtime.>DeldarFucking Wracks please JESUS. Nothing else though, don't touch a fucking thing that's already in plastic.>MarinesDon't fucking squat any more of my units.
>>94752312>>94752497>>94752515>>94752595So, Orks or Tau?
>>94752629>MarinesGod, I was so right about you fuckers being the whiniest. You have the biggest range out of every army by far, and you're pissing, bitching, whining, and moaning about units getting squatted. Fuck you. Buy more plastic, pig.
>>94752681keep crying
>>94752681Come on man. Everyone is allowed to want to keep what they have, even if they already have the most. It's not like he was asking for more.
>>94752629DE need grotesques more, at least wracks are in plastic
>>94752656Definitely Orks.
>>94752586>TQUnits with rules but models out of print>Urien Rakarth>Grotesques>Court of the Archon>Beastmaster BeastpackModels stuck perpetually out of stock in Forgeworld resin>TantalusModels removed from the codex>Dais of Destruction/Vect>Kruellagh the Vile>Reaper>Raven FighterElite unit leader and veteran options removed>Trueborn>Bloodbrides>Haemoxytes>Dracon>Sybarite>HQs on skyboards and jetbikesUnits that has rules but no models>Malys>Sliscus>Sythorax>Kheradruakh/Decapitator
>>94752586>Which models in your army need an update the most?Grotesques for Dark EldarBikers for CSMsNot sure about Orks, I think they're in a pretty good spot now; in fact there are a lot of kits I dont want them touching at all
>>94752586>>Thread Question:>Which models in your army need an update the most?I will not get back into tyranids and buy any of the new bugs until GW gives me the plastic bio(knight)titans
What have you been working on? I finished painting this guy today. Only 2 more Kommandos left and I'll finally get to basing them.
Pour one out for IG players who dared to not play Cadian/Krieg/Catachan.Or simply had Heavy Weapon Teams.
>>94752709Anon, they still get heavy weapons teams. Just not being baby sat by 8 ablative wounds.
>>94752681I do feel bad that even in its completely gutted state my book still has more units than the Deldar book but the Deldar are still a more complete army; they have melee oriented units, and bikes still. I have a battleline squad, a heavy weapon squad, an infiltrator squad, two heavy infantry squads, and way too fucking many tanks and flyers. Also my battleline squad can only be led by one named character which requires me to play Salamanders. If you put the Predators together and made the Termie Assault Squad just wargear, it'd probably be pretty close to the number of units in Deldar though. Deldar have 21 units or so in the Index? I think I have 23-25.
>>94752628The fact these gi joe rejects are still available to buy makes me worry they ain't getting replaced any time soon
The true number of marine datasheets is obscured by the fact that 60% of their datasheet options would normally just be wargear
>>94752738Welcome to 10e enjoy your Shrimplification.
>>94752738Tru. I figured it out, barring legends and IA, Marines have 28 units, of which 3 are goofy fliers, 5 are different profiles of the same tank, and 4 are different profiles of the same infantry.
>>94752738it's even worse than that, most shit is just heroes
>>94752586Primaris sized Grey Knights. Now that Terminators finally took the Primaris pill it's time to update the Grey Knights line, it was the only thing holding them back anyway
>>94752738Except when they're distinct datasheets it means they can take more of it. Any other faction would just have a Redemptor Dreadnought with varied arm options. Instead each variant gets its own datasheet so you can now run 9 of the dumb thing.
>>94752755It's not even just 10th.Any other army would say "What is this crusader mental illness? You have a Land Raider and that unit can take these weapons." Same with Rhino/Razorbacks. Same with the NuDreads, they'd just be different loadouts.Reivers/Infiltrators /Incursors would be one phobos unit with wargear that gives anti-scoring terror OR anti deepstrike OR +1 to hit.Gravis Marines stick out the most. You could just make the Jump Chutes wargear and have gravis squads with assault bolters/Meltas/Plasma for 100 points a pop with the chutes adding 20 per 2 unit
>>94752692Oh shit, I honest to God thought Wracks were still in resin. I've never seen a box of them. I probably should get some down the line at least.
>>94752794I think it's silly the Land Raider got to keep its profiles but you can't have a Gunwagon or Bonebreaka anymore. Just say "if this model has hurricane bolters it has a transport capacity of 16" or whatever.
>Catachan confirmed not getting squattedJust put in my order for 200$ worth of Catachan models CATACHAN 4EVER BABY IM GOING ALL IN
>>94752681>You're not allowed to complain about the units you bought, assembled, and painted no longer being playableIt doesn't matter if he plays marines. Nobody likes their shit getting squatted, even if it's an ancient model or has bad rules.I'm sure the undivided daemon players (all 19 of them) are going to bitch hard when their army gets split.
>>94752797The wrack kit was one that got made plastic in their last refresh. Grotesques, urien, beasts and the court if the archin are the semi-squatted resin
>>94752586>TQ>orksmost of the core ork infantry is really old, boyz (monopose proof of concept kit doesn't count), nobz, lootas/burnas, stormboyz, and gretchin are now over 15 years old and the age is starting to show. There's also plenty on the second hand market so I don't see a big issue in them being replaced by newer sculpts, not to mention most ork players are drowning in infantry of every option to begin with. Also whilst they aren't as old, I'd love updated meganobz, they've been scale creeped particularly hard because they're the most faithful 1:1 recreation of their metal counterparts ever, their design is from 1999 and they feel it.
>>94752681Show me where the marines touch you inappropriate.
>>94752815I wish I knew what I was supposed to do with my old metal greater daemons. I already have plenty of daemon prince models so just using them for that isn't a good solution. I think they made new greater daemons too big. 130mm base for the great unclean one is wild and makes it nearly unplayable as it can basically never move around or deep strike effectively.
>>94752781Unironically give me the right side of that
>>94752797>I've never seen a box of themBecause they are online only.
>leave Lucius to us
>>94752771>Bloated with supplement units>Only primaris models even when far as we can tell the Predator and Vindicator aren't going anywhere>Suppressors, which are a discontinued kit
>>94752820There's a 1 out of 3 chance we will get Urien as a pity hero this edition. It's either gonna be him or the Mandrake hero guy who's name I forget OR if GW REALLY wants to troll deldar players they'll give us that Hellion hero character guy who hasn't been in game for a while (and all he'll do is increase OC for hellions :^) )
>>94752586CSM: Bikers, you could argue Defilers but I think the kit is fine even compared to newer daemon engines Eldar:With the recent announcements I’m not sure what really needs a refresh maybe just bring back more phoenix lordsDeldar:Most of the range Nids Carnifex (along with them and SKs sold as single kits)
>>94752797It's unironically a great kit it even comes with extra WRACKS to make your vehicles homoculus themed.
>>94752848It functionally does not because you have to steal half of the unit's legs to make those raider/venom Wracks. So you can use a box to build two decorations and three Wracks. Yippee.
>>94752713Heavy weapon teams in infantry squads have been a thing for decades, I can see why people are annoyed that some of the flavour of the army has been unceremoniously ripped out
>>94752797Yeah, the resin Wracks from 5e got turned to plastic in 7th edition alongside all the generic character models.
>>94752693Any reason, Anon?
>>94752847>Bikers, you could argue Defilers but I think the kit is fine even compared to newer daemon enginesAgreed on the bikes. They're very plain and are clearly from a much older era.I think the defiler could stand to be "massaged" a bit to be more interesting, maybe have some fleshmetal going on. Its scourge could look a whole lot less dopey (or, just remove it and give it extra attacks with its bladed legs as standard)
>>94752872Orks have the most opportunities out of most armies for /yourdudes/. Your dudes can be anywhere, at any time, for any reason and it'll make perfect sense.You can make almost any idea fit into Orks.
>>94752771>>Suppressors, which are a discontinued kitthey aren't, you get them in the vanguard strike force
>>94752847>Deldar:>Most of the rangelol
>>94752885What if I told you I already had the T'au combat patrol?
>>94752886 for >>94752841
>>94752874I agree I recently got a deffy cheap and I was thinking it just needs a bit more of the demonic details like mouths and eyes/fleshmetal. I still think it’s a solid kit. The bikers is really egregious and it’s not like you can repose current legionnaires as they look like they’ve nicked kids bikes if you do
>>94752847>BikersI'm going to argue it would be way better if chaos marines got demon engine steeds instead of plain bikessomething in-between the lord discordant, aos varanguard and the khorne skullcannonor if they get bikes for normal chaos marines then give chosen the demon engine steeds
>>94752889Then why not both?
>>94752905Who do I need to blow for James to release the Zerkers on Juggernauts kit?
>>94752913I gotta start with one.
>>94752915a tad bit too late for that, with demons getting added to the codex completely the khorne lord on juggernaut will now simply lead the bloodletters on juggernauts and there won't be a reason for berserkers on juggernauts
>>94752932>with demons getting added to the codex completelydelusional
Has anyone here used heavy body artists’ acrylics to paint their minis, as like in this video? https://youtu.be/lfOTDOwwko0?si=dDo0dtvhSrqodsawIf so, what was the experience like? What worked well, and what did poorly?
>>94752937lmao, no u
New EC had better have this head, or something equally as fucked-up
>>94752887Tell me what you think still looks good next to modern sculpts of other factions and I will tell you why you are wrong.
Post games?This one didn't go well for me.
>>94752973kabalites and incubi
>>94752937Do you honestly believe Chaos Demons are going to have nine or more detachments with a codex release? They already have five right now.
>>94752874In a just world the Defiler would have been a Forgeworld kit with fully posable legs
>>94752972NOOT NOOT
would Eldar harm an innocent human child, not the Deldar
>>94752984Well, Incubi ARE a modern sculpt and have been updated recently so they're already exempt. Kabalites are janky and don't even fit on their bases and are poorly scaled next to Guardians and other new Eldar infantry. Also have a schizo loadout that GW is trying to eliminate.
>>94752993yes, they've done it before
>>94752993Only if they knew for certain that the kid would go on the kill a bunch of Eldar, and there were no options left to them. Even then they'd try to make it quick and painless.
>>94752993if needed
>>94753003>>94753008I mean at least it's quickanother question, so the Deldar can do crazy shit like weaponizing blackholes, can the Eldar do similar shit?
>>94752993they tried to kill several of the primarchs as infants
>>94752586>TQChaos could do with having their own versions of the rhino chassis kits and the land raider, the latter especially annoys me since you have imperial aquilas on the treads that can't be covered up and look worse if you shave them off, so you either have to resculpt or recast entire tread sections that are very visible.
>>94752996>Kabalites are janky and are poorly scaledwrong
>>94753023Yes. Wraithcannons and Distortion Weapons are essentially the same mechanically but on a different scale; creating a point in space so incredubly dense that it rips a hole into the Warp which sucks in the target.It's also considered by Craftworlders to be an abhorrent practice, which is why living soldiers aren't allowed to carry Wraithcannons and D-Cannons aren't man-portable.
I'm getting back in the hobby after 15 years just for the Emperor's Children release
>>94753062he'd have to be good at fighting to be able to do that
>>94753051makes sense, I think it's safe to say that the Eldar can create these with minimal psychic help just like the Deldar should they choose to or when needed since at the end of the day they are both or at one point used to be the same?
>>94753069He is just bored
>>94753080how can he be bored when he's never won anything in his life
>>94753064It’s gonna be a good time.
>>94752980Been a while since I got a game but here's a pic from my last one. Breaka Boyz were very fun to use.
>>94753064You were never in the hobby in the first place
>>94752708Good lookin rokkit boy! I just finished a battlewagon>>94752872Because orks is best
>primary and secondary base coat done>clean up done>clean up clean up doneNow the good part.
what's the bolter equivalent in the other factions?as in iconic weapon you immediately associate the faction with
>>94753135Great Target Practice
>>94752980Played some taktikal brigade against dark angels. Threw away 20 boyz to some inner circle companions but my flash gits locked down one side of the board for two turns. Very close 90-87 victory
>>94753073Not really. Craftworld weapons are predominately made from Wraithbone, which Dark Eldar can't really make. Dark Eldar instead utilize a myriad of other weapons and practices inherited from the Fall of the Eldar,
>>94753124>HHsloperebus is such a dogshit fighter he couldn't even get a single hit in on kharn in the ring, that's not anything of note
>>94753155I mean basically get the same result but without using Wraithbone or warp aid, oh wait fall of the eldar, they can't rise again to that level of tech right?
>>94753073If I understand your question correctly. Creating a wraithcannon requires a specialized psychic eldar known as a Bonesinger to materialize the wraithbone into existence. Technically, yes Deldar could revert back to being psychic and develop the skill.
>>94753106What a delightfully garish knight, good heavens
>>94753148taupulse riflesnecronsgauss rifles
>>94752708I finished up some Yeagirs over the weekend. LGS is doing a terrain painting day tonight so I'll be doing that.Not sure what to work on next, though. I might try and kitbash some more Breaka Boyz.
>>94753148shootas, shuriken pistols, dark lances, pulse rifles, gauss rifles
>>94752980Illegal placement on those Nurglings. Bases are not allowed to overhang like that.
>>94753158Duh cuz that CHIMP EREBUS KILLED ARGEL TAL
>>94752586I think 40k would really benefit from making guard and marines into a single army like in SPACE MARINE 2, my favourite game. In SPACE MARINE 2 the two factions are nicely intertwined, there are teh marines hitting things hard and the guardsmen getting hit hard. Following the SPACE MARINE 2 formula would really help streamline the imperials which is what everyone has been asking for.
>>94753180The Nurglings were the least of my issues compared to the 10-man Blightlord mob out of frame to the left, and the two War Dogs out of frame to the right, as well as Mortarion and the Deathshrouds in the back.
>>94753106Blue ork anon, how come your squigs aren't blue
>>94752794I think anything affecting transport capacity meant spinning off into a different unit pretty much every time. I can't think of any vehicles from that era that could change transport capacity based on wargear (in non-FW books, anyway) but you did also have non-Marine stuff like the Fire Prism/Falcon/Wave Serpent that were separate units that could potentially have been one unit with different wargear as they share the same hull.Also back in the day having different variants of the same thing listed as unique unit entries didn't actually affect anything thanks to being limited by the FOC rather than multiples of each unique unit entry.
Going to LVO. Working on my oops all Wraith Host. I think they're neat. Any of you anons know what to expect at a convention like this?
>>94753177>shootasYou mean sluggas
>>94753195As a DG player, Blightlords are garbage. Why he would blow over 300 points on 10 of them is beyond me.
>>94753225they look cool
>>94753164>they can't rise again to that level of tech right?Technically the Craftworlders can, but they refuse to. Eldar Empire tech was esoteric psychic bullshit to the highest order. Using it broadly would not only get Slaanesh's attention, but would potentially fuck up reality. Same principle as the Necron's Celestial Orrery. Some things are too dangerous for even thwir creators to use.Dark Eldar can't take full advantage of old tech either due to intentionally gimping their psychic powers.
Found a loose gorkamorka torso, it's amazing how much of a step up that release was, even now orks are hardly changed beyond upscaling.
>>94752840>multiple power weapons>combi-plasma>4++ bubbleFallen running scared
Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
>>94752708Finished off my emperors champion a few days ago. Then I got some heavy intercessors and centurions devastator to work on but I’ll probably work on CSM to avoid burn out.
>>94753200Squigs come in all sorts of colors.
>Be inqusitor >Rescue a lone space marine, ala Caisus Thorn >Decide he would have better combat efficiency if he was a servitor >Have a limited edition Astartes Servitor Problem, Astartes?
>>94753315>>94753200Some warbosses even have to paint their Squigs blue.
>>94753302Yeah it’s been obvious since they canned the Ynnari idea and squatted more deldar models. I think they’ll push them into the regular Eldar more and maybe even reduce them to a detachment in the Eldar line.
>>94753316A particularly vengeful chapter might find a way to get back at you for that.Hope you check every vehicle you ever use for melta charges.
>>94752704We already have enough big models, quit being a baby and get a mawloc
>>94753316marines aren't beholden to inquisitioncuck authority, they only respect it out of conveniencethat inquisitor would get disappeared with zero investigation into what happened
>>94753171no meant the opposite, like if the Dark eldar can create cool shit(not the vaulted stuff) with limited to no psychic influence, then the regular eldar can theoretically do that too >>94753185bros being bros?
>>94753148Guard: lasgunTempestus:hotshot lasgun.
>>94753316If you're Ordo Xenos wouldn't it be better to send him to the Deathwatch? Maybe as a Black Shield but still.
>>94752980I've got a tournament on Saturday, I'll take photos to post games. It won't go well for me either, but my doubles partner is a big gamer man, so we might squeak out a win or two.
>>94752656I don't think you have the inherent creativity and individuality required for orks. Your compulsive need to stay within the lines and conform to popular opinion makes me think you might in fact flourish in the safe, restrictive confines of tau doctrine.
>TQ>CSMRaptors and bikes>NidsWarriors, Tyrant and Raveners
>>94753195>sloptubers say theyre bad so badTheir value lies within their ability to be an anvil which is often overlooked. Combine them w a daemon prince’s FNP and they’re gonna be close to impossible to shift. Damage dealing is not their strong suit.
Iron Cage II Electric Boogaloo
>>94752656Orks every time
>>94752586Lucius is gonna look so good. That whip looks like it’s gonna be fun to paint.
>>94752656Tau do not exist
>armageddonfags>mordianfags>valhallanfags>vostroyanfags>elysianfags>tallarnfags>praetorianfagsso....does your regiment count as catachan, cadian or krieg now?
>>94753440vostroyans are just krieg if they looked good
>>94753440My mordians have been cadians for 2 editions anyway.
>>94753440Elysianfags should just play them as scions anyway.
>>94753436>>94753434I mean, you're right, but also...>>94753417This guy fucking murdered me.
>>94752714>it's not enough space marines have the most units we also need jetbikes and mutants and dark eldar ravagers with space marines crewing themBasedAnd female marines too.
>>94753440My kriegs play like cadians, my cadians play like catachans, and my catachans play like catachans as well.
>>94752629>Fucking Wracks please JESUS. Nothing else though, don't touch a fucking thing that's already in plastic.>nothing else??What about Grotesques, Beastmaster, his beasts etc?
If a group of Orks started worshipping Slaanesh, would they finally stop being gay and start lusting after women?
>>94753483No, they'd want better beer and better battles.
>>94752842You forgot>hellions will never be in stock
>>94753483>Kult of Speed>Flash GitzThere you go, there's you're slanneshi orks
Lorehammer is king
>>94753440>PraetoriansKrieg for that last stand goodness
>>94753499Will lorehammer let me have an eldar wife?
>>94753417>>94752656DA BOYZ
>>94753177>shuriken pistolsEldar calling their weapons shuriken anything will always be extremely gayWhich fits I guess
>>94752698>>94752699>>94752692>>94752629>>94752847Lots of deldarians today.
>>94753440I don't understand why everyone was crying about this last thread. If you're an x-fag, just choose the one with rules you like the best and say all your dudes are that. Since everything all three are getting parity with an infantry, command and heavy weapons squad, there's no friction to doing this.
>>94753440What about Atalanfags?
>>94753440>traitor guardKrieg or Catachan I guess. Probably Krieg so I can make some heavy flamer teams.
>>94753372That would result in something like what happened with the Celestial Lions getting assassinated by inquisitorial temple assassins.
>>94753341>>94753524They're always here in the cracks, they just scatter when the light comes on
>>94753440>>94753546>traitor guardGasmask models will be Krieg. Spiky generic guard will be Cadian. Beatmen will be Catachan.
>>94753358They're not big enough!
>>94753023>another question, so the Deldar can do crazy shit like weaponizing blackholes, can the Eldar do similar shit?Deldar and Eldar (you probably meant craftworlders) are like Decepticons and Autobots, their form function and origin is totally different.The Dark City is more like many planets/planet-sized realms slapped together in a ginormous city of trillions, a genuine power in the galaxy created by the elite of the elite to have private armies and palaces and laboratories to indulge their worst pains and pleasures. The craftworlds are relics of the age in which moon-sized spaceships were used as trade vessels on thousand year galactic voyages by the Eldar Empire. They are not the same.
>>94752980I’ve got one tomorrow. Hopefully he won’t be greytide so I can take a pic or two and have it be worthwhile. Here’s one of my last games against Librarius Conclave. I just fed his scary termy blob some scouts while clearing up the other side of board with my other units. Highlight was sandblasting Tiggy and some bladeguard to death with my impulsor and a squad of Infernus marines.
>>94752586>SlaaneshMost lesser daemons are showing their age, but I' still gonna say Seekers>SWI'm scared to see GW try and primaris their units and I'd rather them leave it as an intercessors box loaded with bits akin to the current Blood Claws/Grey Hunters box.>BTThey're all good but I'm going to cop out and ask for a new CastellanAlso excited for EC and kinda hope they bring a new chaos biker model with them.
>>94753526Because now your army is "Cadian" or "DKoK" or "Catachan" officially and whatever you want to be unofficially.
>>94753358>Nid player complaining about not enough giant models
>>94753585And? Every other army works that way, even codex marinesyou play salamanders/white scars/iron hands? You get the ultramarines codex
>>94753585that's how it works with 90% of factions in the gameThat's how the entire successor chapter system works
>>94752586>TQDeathguard - they're all fine with though I would like that Lord of Contagion to be rereleased.AdMech - just redo the electro priest or add an armored variant Dark Eldar - Vect as the named Archon would be nice since we lack one, though Malys or Sliscus would be cool too
>>94753599>>94753610SM were already capable of being 100% your own, the change to IG removes the most basic of units and tells you to pick one regiment and that’s it. It’s just a general dumbing down of the game and it irritates me.
>>94753615>SM were already capable of being 100% your ownretard, not reading the rest
>>94753559Has it ever been said what happens to the Eldar consumed by Slaanesh? Is it just a blanket statement of 'infinite torment'?
>>94753473I don't want jet bikes, I just want our bikes back.
>>94753615look man if i have to run shmalgar for command point generation or Rowbote The Gildman to get access to a second oath in my successor chapter, i gotta do what I gotta do
>>94753320>the purposefully sloppy blue paint>labeling which side of the squig is whichDAT'S ZOGGIN SOVL, BOSS
>Cadian VETERAN Command Squad>Kreig CONSCRIPT Infantry Squad>Catachan PENAL LEGION Heavy Weapons SquadDid I fix the guardkek melty?
>>94753615>>94753585>no guys you don't get it the datasheet says cadian that means /yoududes/ are impossible and GW is actively mocking my elysians
>>94753659>Catachan PENAL LEGIONWhy would catachand be penal legion?
>>94753597the size category of the vast majority of nid monsters is overcrowded I'd gladly give up half of them to have one plastic biotitan kitthe psychophage too had no right to be in that same size category, it should have been in the same size as the biovore
How many of Vulkan’s cock gobbling dick riders are in these threads now? Jesus fuck.
>>94753680Toxicrene should also just be fucking squatted, no one runs that shit.
>>94753684I’ve identified 3 so far. The Sallyfag, and two others. One with really old dudes painted in a flat scheme, and another who hates basing models. Also really flat.
>>94753679Those are the bad catachans. The ones who break too Many laws or wear sleeves.
>>94753684uh oh nomodels melty
>>94753679Because I spitballed with existing terms and Catachan are characterized as rugged scoundrels.Point is that if you differentiated the names beyond saying which planet they're from people wouldn't bitch as hard.
>>94753615Anon, this isn't dumbed down. There are more options than the sovl of older editions in unit choice.
>>94753626AoS describes being within Slaanesh as a crushing darkness that overwhelms all sense and erases the memories and minds of those trapped within until the soul only knows that they're in agony.
>>94753686toxi/ceptor kit is definitely the ugliest of the monster kitswhich is dumb because they were the latest, but they really fumbled with the lack of details and weightless poses
>>94753715>Point is that if you differentiated the names beyond saying which planet they're from people wouldn't bitch as hard.I guess? The names suck though.Just call them krieg or catachan, no need for extra wording.
>>94753473nah, if SoB will always remain just girls, same should be with marines for balance, too bad there is no balance in the custards and SoS for now>>94753564yes but are they equally as capable of inventing the same shit without psychic shenanigans?
>>94753767>yes but are they equally as capable of inventing the same shit without psychic shenanigans?They lack the industrial base to do so.
>>94753767Custards and SoS can achieve balance by making them both nonplayable
>>94753772and if they had said base?
>>94753792>and if they had said base?It are belong to us
What's the point of playing Guard, if you can't go to a tournament with 300 models and a dream?
>>94752708Circled back to start doubling up my assorted weirdos squad for agents>it’s too bad they’ll all end up with the same loadouts
>>94753440Listen dude, I sympathize with you but none of them have existed in any way or form ingame since fucking 4th edition. You have to let go.
>>94753842Ok Elsa
>>94753842I think it was a legitimate question anon. I think he was wanting to discuss which ones fit best into which doctrine BECAUSE he knows they're never coming back.
>that guy in the facebook and discord groups that posts unpainted and sometimes unassembled boxes videos with phonk music over it and has never had a 2000 points army despite "starting" in 8th edition
>>94753792-lack the technology-lack the scientists-lack the industrial expertiseYou are basically trying to say "they're the same species so they can do it" and I want to inform you that if most of humanity disappeared tomorrow but merchant mariners on seagoing vessels survived and then somehow New York and New Jersey survived to become Megacity 1, the merchant mariners would not be able to do what Megacity 1/New York-Jersey megaconurbation can do simply because they are both americans.
>>94753838This has those vibes of that one comic where the wych is explaining how she's going to mutilate a bunch of servitors who already look fucked up.
>>94753440I wouldn't be surprised if some of these came out as kill teams without any attached wave of modelsif attilan rough riders can exist without an attilan infantry squad, command squad, heavy weapon squad and artillery piece, then so can elysian drop troopers and vostroyan veteransthe others don't matter
>>94753874>take some heckin attilan bits>smack them on some cadians>now you have attilan infantrymenAnd wallah!
>>94753849Oh ok my bad lol
Will the new Fulgrim model look good surrounded by completely nude male slaves
>>94753874They won't though, Elysians got squatted for Scions and Vostroyans don't have any niche to fill since it seems GW wants most KT kits to either fill in for something missing or refresh something old.
>>94753901Least gay EC fan
>>94753901>male slavesAre you scared of being labelled as an incel chud if you make it female slaves?
>>94753517Did you prime gray or are you painting over bare plastic?
>>94753901>assuming their gender
>>94753920nta but that's definitely bare plastic
my local i only found out about a few weeks ago is doing a leaguewish me luck at the badmoon league
>>94753906>Elysians got squatted for Scionswe used to say the same about kaserkin
How canon are White Dwarf articles?
>>94753972third tierso if any codex or black library conflicts with a white dwarf story the WD story is not canon
>>94753853Dunno anyone like that. We did have one guy complain that one of the painting channels was as a “stressful competition” because people tracked points for completed models.
>>94752708just finished this guy
>>94753991He looks great, Anon.I don't even want to think about how long it takes to get decent-looking rubrics.
>>94753853>that guy who has to play music during his turn>that guy who mumbles to himself while playing.>that guy who is always on his phone.>that guy who always has to go to the bathroom every five minutes.>that guy who has a stink that rivals MTG players.>that guy who always has to check the rules to remember them.
>>94753715Catachans aren't scoundrels, they're professionals. The reason none of those fit is because the regiments had too much differentiation to be fit into boxes like that.
>>94754011>TFW when I have my army memorized but someone asks me a question and I start doubting so I have to look it up in the middle of my turn.
Is there ever going to be an edition of 40k so well received that it gets a shelf life like DnD 5e?
>>94754011>that guy who named all of his models
>>94754011>all me
>>94754029he sounds exceedingly based
>>94754011>that guy who asks about an army rule, you read it straight from the codex/datacard/phone but then he asks to see it
>>9475402840k fans hate rules bloat and GW hates not selling new models so there is no room for long-term support in the same way.
>>94754038Yeah>>94754029What the fuck is your problem?>>94754039Ngl I do this too. I’ve had people straight up lie or misread things.
Tallarnfag here. I dont care what GW says anymore suck my balls.
What's a good basing scheme for blue models?
>>94754065post your models larper
>>94754039aka waacfags they also clutch their pearls when you ask them
>>94754071Iron rich sand
>>94754011>that guy who audibly narrates the battles like a DM for a TTRPG>>94754039I always do that to make sure it is legitimate.
>>94754071ochre desertred lava rockorange-y autumn grass
>>94754009Appreciated anon. I don't know exactly how much this guy took to paint, I think it was like 10-15 hours. I airbrushed the initial volumes on the turquoise though, that probably saved a couple hours.
>>94754081Sounds dope, thanks anon.
>>94754011>>that guy who always has to go to the bathroom every five minutes.listen buddy I had a kidney stone scare once and I've been overcorrecting by drinking copious amounts of water since
Jr>>94754011>That guy who can never remember what he's wounding onThe most annoying this in this entire fucking game. My Ork Boyz were T5 during the last 3 weapon profiles you attacked with, you dumb nigger. It hasn't changed for the 4th
>>94754079Here's some of my grey/silvertide that I've been trying not to look at.
>>94754083>that guy who audibly narrates the battles like a DM for a TTRPGsounds exceedingly based
>>94754104Did someone cut your hands off? Why are you afraid do pint brushes?
>>94754081>>94754090Wait, ironsand like black or iron oxide sand like >>94754087
>>94754105I miss the old demos that GW employees would give back when they cared.
>>94754110>do pint brushes?
>>94754110I am a lazy ass that likes to sleep.
>>94753991Crispy as usual tsonanon
>>94752722GW will literally sell rulebooks right up until the launch of a new edition knowing that it will all be invalidated in weeks. They will do anything for money, even forcing people to buy models that they know will be replaced soon.
If you could have your local game store be locked into played any edition what edition would you have them play.
>>94754134>forcing people to buy modelshow do they do that exactly
>>94754140Whatever the current one is at any given time as I'd like to actually have people playing there
>>94754113Either but I meant Black. Oxide is just as neat tho.
>>94754161Yeah I was thinking black too. They're Sisters with white robes and candy blue armor.
>>947541404th edition Armor Facings and Old Glance Pen rules please. Add Glancing out though imo.
>>94754011>>that guy who always has to go to the bathroom every five minutes.Me and my narrow prostate.
>>94754147James broke into my house and put a .45 in my mouth while spitting threats at me to buy models about to be phased out. I'm still traumatized.
>>94752722They're ancient and scuffed models yes but the paint job makes them look significantly worse.
>>94754179you probably just masturbate too much
>>94754011>that guy who has an army that is about 60 percent semi-passable 40k looking proxies.
>>94754029I dont agree with doing this because some of your dudes will be killed in a battle. You do squad leaders and HQs/characters. Maybe some special weapon/heavy weapon user if they get an amazing kill.
>>94754029>that guy who named all of his models
>>94754210I don't masturbate at all but I drink a lot of caffeine which overstimulates my bladder.
>>94753853>>94754011>that guy who asks chatGPT for painting advice and plans selling his models for 20-30€ a model because "she" suggested so
>>94754011>that guy who spends all his hobby time researching painting techniques and painting test models (models not by GW for practice) but barely paints any 40k models
>Take a scanned box of minis>Mirror it>Suddenly double the variety>Twice the amount of options>Do the same with other scans>Add custom new 3rd party sculpts>Mirror them tooThe Plague God's gifts are many
What faction do you always forget the name of and need to look up? For me it's Ravenguard. I always think Black Ravens and Raven Lords first
>>94754224You should do it in tiny elite armies like Custodes or Knights but doing it in Guard or GSC is borderline unhinged(but still cool).
>>94754243It's not going to amount to much unless you also swap the arms to not have identically mirrored models
>>94754243I messaged an etsy seller about 3D printing some minis, after sending the gofile link to print minis he has been quiet for a day despite responding back to my first text in an hour. I'm worried he might be ghosting me. Does he not want my 40k bucks to print proxies? Or are my miniature requests so small that he won't even bother?
>>94754245Raven Lords don't even seem to be a 40k thing
>>94753874>kill teamsCatachans will 100% get a kill team, Elysians and Harakoni are a never ever since Aquilons
About to print 2000 points of dreadnaughts
I am jealous of factions with chunky figures, whether you be orcs, dorfs, space marines et.cYou must have such a sense of safety in that your figures will never break off or stand uneasily on their bases.
>>94754011>that guy whose space marine "army" is 8000 points of half painted dusty ebay rescues/test models
>>94754262That's why I am stuck with chunky heroic scale miniatures by third party manufacturers. I also like the cartoony proportions.
>>94754260King shit
The fact that only psykers and eldar have confirmed afterlives feels very cheap and not grimdark enough. Every human and sentient being should be at risk of "going to hell" after death if they're not saved by other means
>>94754262Lychguard are why I pin my models. And why I enjoy chaos knights.
>>94754274I avoid pinning sort of out of spite, because I feel you should not "need" to do that for the figures to be stable.
>>94754272>be born with special powers that can destroy you or lead to higher status>soul is going to hell Seems fair, plus if everyone went to hell it would take away from the drawback of being a psyker
>>94754029>Always like /dudes/>Go to a GW store to play, closest shop to my house>Nobody else there even does custom paint schemes. Many will run named characters rampantly and without consideration. Like 90% of the people play some variant of Marines.>Nobody talks about /their dudes/, never get to really say anything about mine since it's clear nobody cares>Ideas about /my dudes/ stagnate since every game is played against people either playing safe lists and not taking any real narrative chances, or it's against people who THINK they're playing safe lists and do their best to not take any chances>Try to just work with my own dudes, things just fizzles outMaybe I should try to find a different store.
>>94754262Only fiddly skinny models I like are aos skeletons. Everything else I'd rather have something chunky
>>94754258Well CSM got Legionnaire KT and then a Night Lords Legionnaire KT so maybe they could do something to differentiate say Elysians and Aquilons. I don't think we'll ever see something like Harakoni though.
I'm not going to sleep tonight. I have blue horrors to painstakingly kitbash and paint
>>94754295didn't you already not sleep yesterday?
>>94754300No I slept
>>94754242Literally me. Seriously bros don't fall into the test model trap. You'll be less serious about improving your brush control because "OH ITS JUST A TEST MODEL." And you will have less fun because you're not pushing towards your goal of making a painted 40k army. And you'll regret the money spent afterwards that could have been spent on making your 40k army.It is perfectly fine to get a cheap model that isn't by GW if you're starting in the miniature painting hobby and want to get into 40k but you're not sure if you'll like the painting aspect of it, after that start your army.
>>94754283>Nobody talks about /their dudes/, never get to really say anything about mine since it's clear nobody caresThis is every store. /yourdudes/ lore is intended as a way to make you like your guys more than you already do. It's not really intended to make others like your guys more. It's generally too long winded/complicated for it to be palatable while you're focusing on playing a game
>>94754284I think the models looks great, but they could at least have a wide solid stance, instead of retarded "sprinting with half a foot touching the ground barely without a central point of gravity"
>>94754283I remember looking at an older guy's forest green and brown camo models that were Tallarn models supplemented by Victoriaminiatures desert scorpions for variety. His eyes kind of lit up when I asked him about the "backstory" of his army and he happily told me them. He even corrected me on preferring to use the phrase "fluff" so he might be one of us.
>>94754262>From the moment I understood the weakness of plastic, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Monopose Miniature. Your kind cling to your resin, as though it will not fall and fail you. One day the crude injection plastic you call a kit will break, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Metal is immortal…
>>94754326What was the backstory? Was it based being about killing orks and eldar or cringe being friends with eldar and tau?
>>94754295I keep having this strange dream where I'm kitbashing horrors by filling in noses on ork heads and gluing on arms and legs
>>94754326>He even corrected me on preferring to use the phrase "fluff" so he might be one of us.Oof, sounds like a fag.
>>94754252That's exactly the point. I suddenly have access to bits that were previously only restricted to either right hand or left hand. I can put those on both mirrored and an original version of a body of that Plague Marine. It's stupid how powerful it is given it's simplicity and only magnifies it's potential with the size of a box and it's modularity. In sets where Torso and Legs are separate like Tau Fire Warriors, Kabalites and old Tacticals, I can put normal Torso Y on a mirrored Legs X even, vice versa and then do a normal full Torso Y + Legs Y and Torso X + Legs X versions. Kitbasher's paradise.>>94754255No idea, never ordered 3d prints, I have my own Saturn 2.
>>94754369You could probably make horrors out of squigs
>>94754316It's not even that there's not backstories, nobody ever even really talks about their armies. There's not 'Yeah this model did X in a previous game'. Even during a Crusade the owner tried to get going people just ran their normal lists with Primarchs and named characters, and it barely lasted like two weeks since people just started dropping the Crusade rules to play normally which meant the Crusade players didn't have space.
>>94754369I think that's the universe telling you to make it reality.
Airbrush anons, do I need such a thing to not die of lung cancer?
>>94754382Squig bodies are pretty large
>>94754409No but they are useful. At least a spare cardboard box.
>>94754345His Woodland camo Tallarn models from what I can recall are from a forest frontier world that's populace was saved from a chaos invasion by the Tallarn. The regiment mimics the Desert Raiders' dress and tactics except in adopting woodland camo to blend in with the forests of their world.The world was meant to be a forest to allow for "wood harvesting" during the DOAT, but that plan fell apart for obvious reasons because of Old Night.>>94754373Are we not all fags here?
>>94754381where might one get such good scans in minecraft?
>>94754409if you're spraying in a room you're going to be in when not spraying it's really nice to have
>>94754381>No idea, never ordered 3d prints, I have my own Saturn 2.I don't have the space for a printer which is why I am ordering proonts. I hope the seller isn't ghosting me.
>>94754260Fuck yeahMy Saturn 4 Ultra just got here today. My resin doesn't get here until Friday though so it's just sitting there taunting me
Game needs more spiders
>>94754468play darkmek
>>94754381Prooners be like>Surely this will kill GWlmao
>>94754425Telegram. You need to use it. Once you find one group it's easier to find more groups since they often forward minis posted in one group to another
If I used one of the old oop lord commissar models to represent creed, do you think people would mind?
I'm new to tabletop. Does GW have a habit of rotating certain models out of the game like in card games?
>>94754409Start smoking so you can blame Big Tobacco. Telling the doctor you got cancer because 'OSHA codes are a spook' looks even worse for some reason.
>>94754498yes and its as retarded as you think
>>94754468>CSM get a spider daemon engine>it's called the Venomcrawler>has neither poisoned weapons nor the ability to crawl over models or even terrain>has no webber weaponstill mystifies me why they even made it a spider in the first place
>>94754409If all you're spraying is acrylics all you need is a carboard box behind your mini and an open window. For solvent based paints you need both that booth and a proper mask
>>94754498Yes but it's not as frequent as people here make it seem. There's models from the 90s still being used for some xenos armies lol. But then Warhammer players also complain when you squat their old outdated retarded chunky pieces of shit and replace them with modern sculpts. So just ignore the community and do what looks cool to you
>>94754409Don't fall for the scam!
>>94754535>me after trying to prime with high winds
>>94754507why is it sitting on the spider in such a gay way?
>>94754557>me high
>>94754557Turn your body so that the model is in the path of the wind and not your face, you frickin dummy.
>>94753062Lucius unironically made me not start an EC army
>>94754586who are you, who can divine the path of the wind?
>>94754029Uhh.. based????
>>94754477Why the FUCK did they name her "lickies"
>>94754482The small scale darkmech stuff stands on 50mm or 60mm bases, and the legs don't really need to occupy the whole base if one wanted them to stand on a smaller base, meaning they're perfect as lower parts for some spidercentaur conversions to count as chaos units or characters.
>>94754608Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?
>>94754626Problem is that the legs are the most uninteresting parts of the models and their biggest failing
>>94754038>>94754064>>94754200>>94754224>>94754225>>94754283>>94754611You fools. You absolute dinguses. I AM that guy, and I've just indirectly secured several weeks' worth of validation for my autism. Get owned.
>>94754039>read rule>flip book over to quickly show himHe shouldn't need to ask, it's called honesty and decency.
>>94754642>I AM that guyOh so you're that guy? name every model
>>94753860that's what am asking, do the Eldar have what it takes to make that stuff or is their reliance on the warp for their tech too potent?
>>94753860craftworld eldar prepared in advance to be fully independent and self sufficient in every aspect of their cultureit's not an apt analogy
>>94754642The plural of dingus is dingodes
>>94754690so they can?
>>94754642This can't be happening, I'm in charge here
>>94754642I wish I had the autism for namingI struggled to even name my chapter let alone my HQs, I can't imagine doing every model
>Imperial Guard Update>Removes Infantry from the iconic infantry army. Amazin.
If Eldar came into control of a human world what would they do? Go "don’t need it / not worth it" and leave? Dispose of the population is some way that confers a benefit before leaving? Or is it one of these things where it entirely depends on which group of Eldar it is?
>>94754758it didn't though you faggoty whiner
>>94754758So thats why the Krieg box only contains rough riders.
>>94754759I don't know but something tells me if I had to pick one faction/race to rule humanity, the Eldar seem finelike I bet if they were the same as they used to at their peak they would act less arrogant and more like a guiding mentor provided humans don't create the Imperium
>>94754646>anno domini 2025>still buying instantly-outdated rulebooks instead of using Wahapedia
>>9475478380% of players don't use the digi-update rules
>>94754787I've been to 3 different pub locals, 2 major london cafes, and a bunch of north england circuits and everyone there used digi update rules
>>94754787Imagine if I did...>Going to McDonalds>Image implying you are retarded...and you went>Billions of people go to McDonaldsI know, I am calling you and all of them retarded.
How would Jenny Wakeman fare in 40K?
>>94754809robot sex
>>94754783>Implying I've ever played a game or bought a model
>>94754702maybe, who knows, in at least one occasion they were shown to use psychically activated doomsday devices they can use to scour planets clean of life.They do have distortion cannons which essentially create small black holes, although they are technically wormholes into the warp.
>>94754811most invested /40kg/ poster
If the primary threats to the Imperium ere defeated / went away, would the AdMech take over? Like, who’s going to stop them? They’d just have to get some Navigator houses on-board.
>>94754817>Like, who’s going to stop them?The rest of the imperium
>>94754817>Like, who’s going to stop them?The fucking Ecclesiarchy, the actual power in the Imperium. Dumbass.
>>94754809she tends to be as weak or as strong as the scene wants her to be (because cartoon duh) but she's more or less just a walking armory she would fair well against the Orks, most of the Imperium even psykers and maybe even the nids but chaos, both Eldar and the Necrons and hell maybe even the Tau could be too much>>94754812we are talking about the Eldar not Deldar here right? because aren't those controlled by psychic powers?
>>94754817everyone else would dogwalk the Admech including the other sects of the Admech
How fucking hard is it to put 9 dreadnaughts in a box and sell it at a 30% discount
>>94754863>never againJust find a retailer that sells at a discount.
>>94754863Facebook marketplace is your friend
>>94754759Depends on a lot of factors.Most Eldar wouldn't consider an average planet to be worth the trouble of staying on and would just leave.If it's a Maiden World in a salvageable condition they would likely tell the humans to leave or be wiped out.If it's a Maiden World that's beyond repair due to the humans they'd likely conduct a vengeful purge.If the humans aren't Imperials and the planet's intact they might be allowed to stay and some Eldar might remain there to establish an outpost.
>>94754311These things are literally mandatory. They are $20 at hobby town. I'm 100% serious these increase your painting ability two fold instantly.
>>94754885>Non-box dreadnoughtsAbsolutely Haram
>>94754941nobody gives a fuck, larper
>>94754910I’d imagine Eldar would turn the humans on a salvageable world into a workforce to conduct the salvage operation.
>>94754880Hopefully GW reboots Apocalypse again and we get some good boxes
>>94754863C'mon anon boxnoughts are dirt cheap, just buy 10 assault on black reach ones for next to nothing.
>>94754944Oh oh, little jimmys upset.
>>94754968Why make good value boxes, when you can make good rules and people just buy the models at full price? Then nerf the units in favour of other units to boost those sales. Remember to axe a few units now and then to keep the plebs on their feet.
>>94754977no thanks I don't want dreadnoughts that are as small as the 2023 terminators
>>94754980I do hate it. Remember when we got army boxes that had an actual army in it instead of a random collection of what ever wasn't selling well enough?
>>94754979Couldn't help but notice you didn't post your very existent boxnaughts
>>94754991I prefer not to remember. I was so hoping HH 2.0 would give us vehicle squadron boxes at least for a limited time. But no.
Does every unit in a veteran company need to use the veteran role designation? I know all the terminators, leaders, sternguard, etc use it. But if it's not a specialized one such as a simple intercessors squad, am I gonna get yelled at for using the regular battle line insignia on them? Barring the squad leader as an exception.
>>94755017Remember what they took away from you
>>94754880I can't imagine how long that would fucking take to put together good lord.
>>94754863rate my listbjorn x1murderfang x1SW Dread x3Wulfen Dread x3ballistus x3brutalis x1redemptor x1
>>9475502813 models is bad juju
>>94754759> encounter Biel Tan> they use D-Cannons because fuck anything that isn’t EldarDepends, but mostly only if it’s Biel Tan or not. Everyone else seems like they wouldn’t be attempting to control a planet unless there was some future prophecy that deemed it necessary.
>>94755014Don't recall every saying I had them schizoGuard all day
>>94755068>third party >also a nomodels>thinking anybody gives a fuck about xir opinions on dreads
>>94755072you clearly do since you're so upset for no reason
chinaman finally shipped my order of recasts from a month ago. let's goi just got a 3d printer today though so hopefully i shouldn't need his services any longer
>>94755075So, you got a resin printer then? Because if not, you’re not going to be printing models
I'm gonna do it. I just ordered these paints and I will use them, so help me god.
>>94755074>y-you're replying y-you care and also u mad!!!
>>94755072>Make lighthearted comment>Goes in to maximum butthurtBet you're a fun guy to play at tournaments
>>94755083of course
>>94755088I'm NTA, you're just being super asspained for literally no reason lol
>>94755026Everyday I'm suffering.
>>94755123Fucking read that as Canadian Battle Force
>>94755018No one cares. The codex is gay anyway. None of my dudes use codex offical unit marks.
Why is the orange and tealfag spamming blue archive pedo images
I'm thinking of putting these camo cloaks on scion models to count as kasrkin. Will they look like turbo ass?
>>94755147literal schizo
>>94755134Statehood soon.
>>94755158Kill yourself burger. I escaped your hellhole and I’m never going back.
>>94755164You realize you're still a burger even if you leave right retard
>>94755156He spammed them in defense of his slop before, I doubt there are multiple off-topic pedos like him here
Who the fuck is orange and tealfag
>>94755192A guy with quartered orange and teal marines. He triggers people for reasons I don’t know.
In the Grim Darkness of the 41st millennium we respect the rules of war, even as dozens of Daemons over run three Guardsmen, you may not shoot your artillery at them
>>94755199>peopleit's literally only one schizo, highly likely the slaneesh throoder
>>94755203That’s like saying it’s only one guy who hates Sallyfag.
>>94755192Guy with ugly primaris marines in garish bright orange and teal slopped all over the model with no care about codex paint scheming
>>94754011>that guy who makes vroom vroom noises whenever he moves a vehicle
>>94755203>highly likely the slaneesh throoderThat's confirmed >>94734373
>>94755219that's based as hell though
>>94755214Why is he living rent free in your head? That scheme is not even bad and they're painted fairly well. You should really chill out lmao
>>94754243High detail scanning is a game changer for printing minis. GW can get fucked they get what they deserve.
>>94754621Because I want to licky licky that Spider-Elf.
>>94755158>Trump annexes Canada and Mexico>buys Greenland>Becomes the first president of the Republic of C.U.M.Land (Elon was allowed to name it)>the GW writers realize nothing is too absurd anymore and start writing outlandish stories again
>>94755223that would be particularly funny because those orange/teal marines are miles ahead of the dc sloppa that faggot has been spamming for I think weeks at this point
>>94755199I don't remember them being quartered.
>>94754621You know why.
Why can't my homebrew chapter be named Gay Niggers from Outer Space
>>94755253Because Dark Angels already exist.
>>94754621she gon be lesbo in lore
>>94755206that's also correct, it's the same guy
>>94755259it's two guys and they play all your favourite characters of 40kg
>>94755253Because that’s stupid and you’re a faggot.
>>94755257That only makes her hotter
>>94755158I want to rape Nate and Nora.
>>94755257False, she only hangs around warp spiders who are all men
>>94755266I'm not going to entertain your schizopost.
>>94755232>CanadaIs that the country which got their president raped to death?
>>94755271Not all members of a given aspect are the same gender.
>>94755253It would be cool if GW incorporated nigger into some unit or faction name because in the far future nobody remembers the original meaning and they take them for some sort of mythical creature because they found tapes of ancient chants referencing them over and over.
>>94755268>resetting lesbians to factory settingsmy fetish right there
>>94755257She's a sentient suit of armor, anon.The only thing she lusts for is battle.
>>94755291My dick's name is battle
>>94755291the phoenix lords are flesh and blood
>>94755294When Jain Zar got cut up by a Keeper of Secrets all that leaked out was dust and light.
>>94755293Because it’s unpleasant?
>>94755253You can do that though. Only your own cowardice stands between you and the gaynigger marines.
>>94755293your dick didn't battle a single female though
>>94755253Because you lack the scrotal fortitude to name them that.
>>94755291>The only thing she lusts for is battle.Works for me
>>94755294>>94755291The contents of Phoenix Lord armour is disputed canon, with sources depicting both alternatives. Choose your favourite, or headcanon a compromise, such as that a gradual process of de-corporealization occurs the longer one eldar is in the suit.
>>94755309because it's hard won
I'm so annoyed with all these new kits for guard.The new direction for the army is probably the most uninteresting thing they could have ever done. How bad is the support for custom regiments going to be in this codex? I think its going to be awful and its only going to get worse. This is the shittiest way to add unit diversity i've ever seen.
>>94755228>>94755242>No mine-UH I mean his models are painted fine you're just mad
>>94755257>Implying they're going to give her loreBlack Library's going straight from Guard to EC, anon. Best the Eldar will get is a footnote saying she suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
>>94755329this is how it is for almost every single other army in the game including the spoiled posterchildren marines, shut the fuck up
>>94752722Why the FUCK are they even updating these. I will never believe they're more popular than vostroyans, valhallans, or steel legion.
>>94755326Eldar women are smoking hot cougars that fuck humans the same way human women fuck their dogs and nobody will convince me otherwise, not even this canon fella.
>>94752980Got to try out my now complete 1k Ravenguard army (I have never played a 2k point game in my life and I never will) and it was great. I'll never take advice from sloptubers and people online in general ever again, the Speeders were so good, the moment they came in from reserve it was basically ogre for the Necron midboard push.
How would Kenshiro fare in 40K?
>>94755343catachans are insanely popularsteel legion are just proto-kriegvalhallans and vostroyans are unknown to 90% of guardfags because they were two kits 20 years ago and nothing else
>>94755345>implying that only white women are humankinda racist bro
>>94755347first ravenguard I've seen here, based
>>94755253because it's too low gothic convert it to high gothic as >necrosolemnes astartesand you've got a perfectly viable name
>>94755347Where'd you get the files for that terrain?
>>94755347nice Raven Lords, very clean paintjob
>>94755291That's why I'm thinkin' some struggle snuggle. Some battle breedin'. Some war whoopie. Some interdictin' intercourse. Some grapple couple. Some truculent twister.
>>94755329How much support do you want? Basic infantry, heavy weapons teams and command squads will have 3 datasheets to choose from, allowing you to pick whichever rules best fit your custom regiment.If you can get over your own autism about the incidental names on the datasheets, this new system in fact constitutes three (3) times more support for /yourdudes/ than any other army in the game. Ork clans, eldar craftworlds, CSM warbands, admech forgeworlds, SoB orders, or any other equivalent do not get any sort of choice at all like this. Even marines don't really get this same layer of variation.
>>94755345>dogs and horsesftfy
>Terra full of “techno barbarians”>Not mad max>Actually closer to Venture Bros Villains running city states
man Eldars wearing their masks makes them look way cooler and even more mysterious than just looking like space elves
>>94755347Very clean. Am I seeing things or are the infiltrators painted in more of a navy-gray than plain gray like the speeders?If so, on top of the fact that you went with that charcoal gray instead of a near-black, I think it looks good and gives RG a lot more personality, frankly, than I normally credit them for.
>>94755155They won't fit.I have those and they're made for slim bodies.
I wonder what motivated GW to make Catachan the first plastic Guard anyway, why them first instead of the more generic Cadians?
>>94755362>>94755373Thanks, here's the entire army. I know>phobosbut I wanted to keep it thematic (and honestly, I think Phobos are cool)>>94755371Its Sacrus Mundus Tomb World IIRC, it's pretty good, I recommend it.
Skavenblight dinge or mechanicus standard for Salamander skin?
>>94755407catachans are cooler
>>94755408Fucking shit, those are clean. Those faces are superb. Goddamn.
>>94755412>Liberia Umber
>>94755257all Eldar women are lesbians until proven otherwise.
Magnus has the largest penis
>>94755430yes, in his red buttcheeksmine!
>>94755426I will prove ALL of them wrong.
>>94755380No retard. We used to have robust rules for custom regiments. Now we have 9 units that are the same thing but with different special weapon loadouts.We could have gotten actually interesting infantry units like every other faction.
How is the vindicator to assemble? Is it very dated? Should I grab the HH one instead?
>>94755439>Should I grab the HH one instead?yes
>>94755397Yes I varied the levels of near-black so that they didn't all just appear as one giant washed out black blob like a lot of other RG players do.
>>94755407Someone at GW was a fanboy.They must still be there too. Fucking lamest range they've ever come out with.
>>94755437>bawww we don't have special treatment anymore BAWWW
>>94755347vanilla marines are broken at 1k/below rn
>>94755405Really? They don't fit the old cadians either then?
>>94755377Do you really think you can handle a 10,000 year old elf woman who literally has 'Spider' in one of her titles?
>>94755437>used to have robust rules for custom Xwelcome to every other faction
>>94755449Sorry for saying a mean thing abour gw you fucking faggot.
>>94755448>Fucking lamest range they've ever come out with.no that would be cadians
>>94755355correct. all eldar are white, too
very funny that Guard players, despite being one of the least popular armies, are complaining that they're not getting more depth than marines
>>94755457>>94755462IGfags really not beating the allegations of being as whiny as eldarfags lmao
>>94755435fact: if you fuck an eldar man hard enough he will turn into a woman and get pregnant
Who is this schizo trying to force the Guard is Unpopular meme
>>94755469Counterfact: there ARE no Eldar men. All Eldar are women.
>>94755435only if you're mon-keigh
>>94755469he will identify as one, but he won't get pregnant. just like in real life
>>94755466Oh no. Am I not being a good consumer anon? Oh no that's so terrible. How could I be so ungrateful.
>>94755472guard IS unpopular with actual model owners
>>94755454I think she got hag ovaries. And you know what they say about hag ovaries. You keep pounding them until they reactivate and go into overdrive.
>>94755472He has it out for anyone who complains about anything at any given moment.
>>94755454Maybe not. But there are worse ways to go than death by snu-snu in between the mighty thighs of a cute elf girl.
>>94755479>guard is unpopular with goonhammer readersftfy
>>94755472I'm going out on a leg and say that it's the same guy with a hateboner for eldar, but where he hates eldar because he made his faction's fluff his own personality, he hates the guard because he associates its players with politics he's got an agenda against.
>>94755412Base with Corvus black, paint raised areas with super thin The Fang. Shade with drakenhoff nightshade. Drybrush or highlight with mechanicus standard.
>>94755502>eldarfag still trying to force the meme of there being a single person who dislikes them herelollmao
>>94755479>necronsAre those all tourneyfags?
>>94755472guard has generally been unpopular for quite a while. It's less popular than the major xenos factions (Orks, Eldar, Necrons) and the main Chaos factions (CSM), and of course less popular than Space Marines.When your army is, as a whole, about as popular as GSC despite having one of the largest and most diverse ranges in the game, it's a huge waste of potential. It's the reason there aren't 50 different regiments like Vostrayans - nobody would buy them. Guard can't even get the cope that 'oh they just don't give guard enough units' because they get a ton and they're STILL unpopular.Guard existed to appeal to historical wargamers but that group no longer exists so they're just sitting as the second least popular Imperium faction and is only just barely squeaking out over Admech becuase Admech is a gorillion dollars and 20,000 hours to paint
>>94755498better indication of player popularity than you going N-NUH UH!!!
>>94755408your guys are very nice but that fedora tipping guy will never cease to be funny to me
>>94755437>We used to have robust rules for custom regimentsEvery other fucking army had that! It sure is a shame for guard that they're the only ones who lost theirs. Oh wait, everyone else lost that as well!You absolute crybaby bitch.>>94755466These last hours has got me thinking they're worse. Eldarfags cry about a lot of arbitrary bullshit and have absurd expectations about balance, but they don't receive entire extra subsystems worth of support and then cry that they didn't get even more.
>>94755476>he doesn't know
Can someone explain the fascination with space marines? Deldar has a better range, tau has great minis, guard too
>>94755534have you tried not being a hipster?
How would an Inquisitor know I summoned a 1000 year old daemon loli bound to my hab pod for sex
>>94755534babbys first faction, sunk cost fallacy, most supported by gw
>>94755541Because you just told us, heretic.
>>94755533>he does but he is also literate
>>94755534Buff dudes are cool.
>>94755534space knight monks are cooler than spiky elves and gundam knockoffs and colonial marines
>>94755534I like Terminators
>>94755523Oh its ok that guard lost their interesting rules because no one else has interesting rules either? You fucking lobotomite nigger retard. Guard don't even get extra infantry to compensate, they just get the same units copy pasted over eachother in place of a system that actually worked.
>>94755533>Trusting a Dark Eldar on the subject of natural biology
>>94755560>Oh its ok that guard lost their interesting rules because no one else has interesting rules either?yes, why should your ancillary faction get special treatment?
>>94755533What a bizarre and poorly written aside.
>>94755534>poster boys>get real support from gw>like a million well fleshed out sub-factions, even random chapters you've never heard of get full book trilogies>look cool in just about any colour-scheme>big man with big gun smash thing is funit's really not that hard to explain
>>94755560Have you tried crying about it?
>>94755479absolutely shit poll when you have have marines bundled together
>>94755566Literal crab bucket retardation. Kill yourself.
>>94755569The weirdest thing is that it's in an Ork book.
>>94755534human but better, relatable yet not pathetic unlike guardsmen, tragic heroes, able and morally justified to enact genocide, the dream of every sane man on this planet
>>94752586>TQhonestly the only models that needed an update badly from orks were tankbustas, and gw did an amazing job on that so im pretty well satisfied now. maybe replace the last remaining resin models like the weirdboy, the model itself is fine its the resin shit that pisses me off
>>94755569Guess who wrote it.
>>94755534most of the lore is based on them, majority of the computer games is based on them, the first thing people think of when talking about 40k is space marines
>>94755584Kill Team is doing such heavy lifting for 40k.
>>94755564I definitely trust them more on how degenerate and perverse the Eldar species is when they're not trying to hide it all in the infinity closet.
>>94755502It is.Regardless of what faction it is he'll roll out some kind of reason why they're ungrateful and disloyal for complaining. Its the only way he can cope with even mild criticism of GW.
>>94755584boys still need a real update
>>94754039I did that during a tournament a while ago. I'd played a few games against a friend with the same unit+detachment and it worked differently. I asked him to show me the rule, not because I didn't believe him but so I could show my friend the real (and better) way it worked beyond "a guy at the shop said so". You can absolutely learn a rule wrong if other people insist it works a certain way until shown "no, it actually works like this", meaning you can correct the others when you meet them again.
do we know if eldar and humans are interbreedable? there must have been some examples of guard commanders and planetary governors having their way with eldar pow
>>94755502>>94755608>all these posts before the post timer expires are all the same dude and he just unfairly hates me personally and also is a GW shillthis is just pathetic
>>94755585How the FUCK did he write good ork books but an absolute garbage can of a lelith novel?
>>94755616I wasn't aware of picrel, so I will concede this point
>>94755621You are.
>>94755618used to be in RTaren't anymore
>>94755618sure, they get sent to serve in the ultramarines
>>94755618Oh yea there must be examples of sex, and even rape happening in 40k. Are you retarded?
>>94755621Post timers are irrelevant with 'ecker technology.
>>94755633>sure, they get sent to serve in the ultramarines>Gillenman happens to have an eldar lover
>>94755534Listen dude I absolutely love Eldar and everything about them but they have not gotten any cool art since 4th edition and it doesn't matter how cool the actual models are, it's a very hard sell when GW hires the most dog shit digital art slop slingers to put shit like pic related in the very first pages a new player will be looking at.Imagine you're little timmy opening the rulebook for the first time, which one do you think he'll pick? The giant armored space soldier guy or the poorly drawn gaudy stupid looking space elf?
>>94755621You do protest a bit too much here.It's like you're feeling called out.
>>94755618Eldar biology is completely alien to humans, no interbreeding is possible in the current fluff. In RT era there were half-bloods like Illiyan Nastase, but those are no longer canon.
>>94755618It's one of those never explicitly stated yes or no and probably non-canon things, though it used to be canon in the old rogue trader days.
>>94755609i suppose, but ive loved that kit for decades and im not too fussed if that update it. if they do, great, if not, oh well. i guess if they made them a little bigger and more detail (like the monopose ones) that would make for a good update
>>94755621The DC slopper has already admitted to using his phone and computer at the same time to dodge post timers. You're either him or someone else doing the same thing, both are equally likely and equally annoying
>>94755644please elaborate
>>94755653No, I'm just laughing at this pathetic crying about how heckin persecuted you feel because your army has been brought in line with the rest of the game
>>94755660>You're all one person and also you're edgecoc!!!This is beyond sad
>>94755651Jesus thats terrible. Who the fuck is gonna pick the left?
>>94755666satan confirms
>>94755533Does this break the flow of the scene as bad as it looks like it does? Just dropping a paragraph of blatant exposition on some random background detail.
>>94755645Why are underage posters obsessed with apostrophes now?
>>94755648https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z71Il_jSzxYGuilliman making a new generation of half-eldar super soldiers...
>>94755661As far as you should be concerned, no one in 40k even has genitals.
>>94755668This is literally the picture they use to represent Eldar for new players in the rule book btw
>>94755674That's literally what it's called.
>>94755660>DC slopperWhats this mean?
>>94755677I still laugh at the fact that Yvraine had her book series cancelled and her whole character has been reduced into Guillimans cock holster. Eldar bros keep collecting L's
>>94755666Post ur stinky DC so I can lol
>>94755694The schizo who spams his horribly painted death company every time he paints a single highlightNotorious for shitting on peoples models when they get more attentionNow he's being used as a scapegoat for this fragile guard fag to ignore the entire thread laughing at his temper tantrum
>>94755677Guilliman is too good for that Commorite whore.Get him a nice Craftworld lady who knows how to cook and shoot a Fusion Gun.
>>94755684that would be rather implausible, why would you believe that?
>>94755694Slaanesh fag has been working on some death company with dogass highlights and posting them twice a day since christmas with one extra edge highlight per post.
>>94755677Reminds me of mlp comics where they act like theres a joke but its obvious the only purpose is to push their ship.Fuck I hate shippers.To this day you'll look at unrelated solo images and the comments will be filled with "damn "my preferred ship* is so lucky" Its so insanely mentally ill AND pushy, but everyone acts like its normal.
>>94755530Awww is poor space marine timmy sad his faction isn't getting constantly attention? There there little Timmy i am sure GW will give you more slop soon
>>94755713Yea no.>>94755721Thanks
>>94755701>Eldar bros keep collecting L'sYvraine's a Dark Eldar character, anon. Hand of Darkness proves it, and Laevenir shows what the rest of the Eldar think of her.
>>94755723Post your guard models
>>94755720Idk why I have to be this explicit.GW never depicts sex, they want to keep everything as child friendly as possible.
>>94755738>Yea no.Nigger I said the same exact thing as the other anon you quoted
>>94755723>>94755737gee just over a minute apart I wonder why
>>94755739>Noooo! My flavor of space elves are totally different from these other space elvesSorry still an Eldar
>>94755655>Eldar biology is completely alien to humans, no interbreeding is possible in the current fluffI'll argue that the differences in DNA and reproduction highlighted in xenology only mean that conventional interbreeding, as we would theorise it working based on how we know biology works, is ruled outBut not interbreeding that calls into action biological mechanisms unknown to us, which we cannot rule out because involved in the act is an alien biology with a strongly psychic nature AND a DNA explicitly mentioned as being very responsive and flexible to psychic stimuli.I do not like half-races, but I cannot logically rule out a potential rare crossbreeding here.
>>94755750Yea but you added some bullshit.
>>94755694Some fag who shit on my very first models and multiple other anons first models. He spams the same models for weeks but will add a single highlight every day and utterly meltdown any time he receives criticism, going so far to run to the jannies and delete anything bad anyone says about his stuff/behaviour. He maybe paints 6 models a year
>>94755701Actual Eldar bro here. Actually its a win because literally noone liked Yvraine and Ynnari except for tourneyfags who don't even actually like Eldar.The thought of Dark Eldar saying>"yeah we're gonna still torture and murder for fun but sure we'll join hands with you Craftworld bros (btw we hate you)">"yeah sounds good to me despite literally millions of years worth of animosity and disgust towards you" On top of>Yvraine: "Yeah let me just rape your Craftworlds ancestors bro I promise it'll all work out probably uhhh don't worry about what'll happen to your Craftworld afterwards"Is a complete and utter joke and slap to the face to all Eldar enjoyers.
>>94755748I'm afraid I still don't quite follow. Sex absolutely happens in 40k, and so does rape.
>>94755664>NoI doubt it.I will be more prone to believe you if the next thread isn't made before page 8 by the usual suspect.
>>94755764>Some bullshitThe guy throwing a fit about guard right now is literally claiming it's all one person and also the DC sloppa fag>>94755660
>>94755762so, no models?
>>94755701not completely forgottenshe shows up in the Lelith book but then her and the ynnari get promptly ignored in favour of Lelith having a turf war with a succubus childhood friend that turns into a steamy tsundere lesbian romance
Why arent orks more popular? Easy to paint. Cheap as all fuck on the secondary market. You can be retarded and play them
>>94755742No point in asking for something that doesn't exist anon, he doesnt have any models, he's just a sperg
>>94755782So, no models?
>>94755791That ass is fucking riddickulous
>>94755793Mainly because the boyz are ancient models not counting the monopose ones you posted
>>94755791god, they did her dirty
>>94755793I'm not willing to spends hundreds of hours on a joke.
>>94755793They ARE popular.But their rules are shit.
>>94755793You have to be a special kind of retarded to play Orks. Ever wonder why cheerful and fun people play them? Because anyone serious or careful or shy or quiet isn't into it.
>>94755758There is no need to theorize, haemonculi can and do turn eldar into humans through their advanced bullshit torture science. They do that as a punishment and use the subjects as spies.No reason they can't make an eldar womb accept human seed or vice versa.
>>94755805You got him. He literally always does this routine when he gets rightfully ignored.
>>94755811T. Eldarfag (who's army is also a joke in the lore
>>94755811You are in a Warhammer 40,000 general. You are the joke.
>>94755819>cheerful and funYou can just say retarded
>>94755785That fact that you're so tilted at the mention of the DC slopper says a lot, especially given your inability to provide any model pics due to the fact that would confirm what we all know already
>>94755824I don't even post here regularly he's easy to spot.
>>94755793I don’t think they’ve had a major push since Space Marine 1. If the Secret Level episode had Titus fighting Orks instead of cultists and Tzangors they might be harder to come by to like Bladeguard have become
>>94755819Everytime i ask an ork player their occupationIts fast food or retailEverytime i ask an eldar player their occupation theyre a lawyer or doctor
>>94755842the hilarious cope of the seething eldarfag
>>94755804Typical slaaneshi throoder spergout.
>>94755822Could Eldar have saved the Necrontyr?
>>94755628What good book has he written
>>94755837>Posts no models>Demands modelsYou can just admit you're not even the original whiner and just a shitstirrer jumping into the conversation again
>>94755805>dc slopper confirmedHe always does this when he knows he's lost
ew a schizo replied to me
Geez, if I was so bad at painting death company I'd move to Canada and healthcare myself out of shame.
>>94755853the one where ghazkull is non-binary, I suppose
>>94755822That's an artificial method, I don't count it, I'm talking about a natural union between loving partners.
>>94755852Current day haemonculi probably could have, but they haven't yet advanced to the current day level at the time.
>>94755869I have never had this. I'm 41
>>94755866Why wouldn't you want to go there and rape? They encourage it. it's what they do to American tourists.
>>94755868I think Orks spend too much time foightin' and not enough time discussing each others' preferred pronouns and fungi gender identity.
>>94755869I'm confident if you try hard enough, it will work eventually.
>>94755852Could?ProbablyWould?Fuck no. Necrontyr weren't refused by the Old Ones because the Old Ones couldn't do it, it was because the Necrontyr were fucking awful and didn't deserve it.
>>94755852The sickness of the necrontyr came from their very souls, they needed to accept the meaning of life, but instead they chose to act as dicks.Which is why the cancer in their souls will forever haunt them.
>>94755842Every time i ask eldar player their occupation they say they are an unemployed troon
>>94755857>oh God he asked me to post my models>but if I do that they'll know I'm the DC slopper>I know what I'll do hehe>I'll post no u0/10 DC slopper bait
So what’s the deal with boarding actions
>>94755900a version of the game without vehicles (it's vastly improved as a result)
Not enough iron hands died in the dropsite massacre
Guys, what do I do here. Whats a good way to fix a hole this bad?
>>94755900dead on arrival
>>94755909Green stuff. Stuff it with foil first so you save money
>>94755909What the fuckis this a recast?use milliput and greenstuff 1:1
>>94755909That is the worst recast slip I've ever seen
>>94755842This.As kids we're told not to judge a book by its cover.But doing so pretty much never leads you wrong.
>>94755909my brother in christ, what happened? get some modelling putty, that area is not difficult to resculpt. Do it in two or three layers if you are struggling.
>>94755909If this is a recast or a print - greenstuff into a roughly correct shape and then hide with mud or blood effects during painting.If this is an official mini - contact customer support with your receipts and get a free box of minis as a compensation.
>>94755844>slopold superman is kinoKINO!
>>94755909I'd throw it out.
>>94755793Big model count.Mostly melee playstyle.Unga bunga npc lore.They aren't that easy to paint, definitely harder than marines.
>>94755900I think it’s gonna get replaced by Combat Patrol, or at least mashed together with how the recent Combat Patrols have been
>>94755909Yeah this is a recast I got. Been testing different china dudes. This seller is hit or miss but this one is definitely the worst lolI'll use green stuff then and see what happens. I've never used it before so I'll buy some tomorrw
>live in antarctica >too cold to paint outside>caretaker wont let me spray paint insidegetting this box of intercessors took months and I want to prime it before painting, what should I do
>>94755943they literally just released a full boarding actions supplemental
>>94755842I play EldarI'm a technician at a bankIt's a fucking abhorrently boring job
>>94755900GW made some overpriced kill team terrain and tried to sell it to 40k players with the guise of an alternative game mode.Unfortunately their rules for it were shit, the support was dropped immediately, and they went from promising compatibility with the new edition to making an overpriced new rulebook for the game mode.if they want to overhaul the game mode they should make more boarding patrols, a cheaper gaming board with cardboard terrain, and free rules that take inspiration from the success with aos spearhead
>>94755948buy a set of colour shapers, too.
Here's your Eldar Wife, bros.
>>94755883I'm not Indian.
>>94755949Brush on primer.
>>94755949Brush primer
>>94755949brush-on primer is a thingyou can also paint without primer, it's mostly fine
>>94755961I dig her
>>94755951I work at a bankI pretty much have to think about 40k to stay sane
>>94755949Fuck it we ball and prime outside anyways
>>94755969Why is that Amazoness tormenting Markiplier?
>>94755961Better than official T'au art and the femstode I guess.
>>94755961Rogue Trader objectively proved Eldar slags are absolute dogshit compared to navigator princesses and voidborn gothfus
>>94755955Why was spearhead so successful? Why didnt they replicate it with combat patrol
>>94755987spearhead's good rules came after combat patrol is why
>>94755981Markiplier is climaxing violently, which is why I had to crop it
>>94755987>spearhead so successful?decks of card simplify the game while making the interactions freshpurists of "the warhammer gameplay" may not like it, but it simply works
>>94755844man old superman had some fun shit
>>94755987You're in luck. Just wait until late June for the new combat patrol, that is literally just spearhead. It's a lot of fun.
>>94755986Yrliet's not a normal Eldar, she's an autistic one.
>>94756015I'm half tempted to just keep him with the hole and say he got wounded.
>>94756026Aren't they all autistic? The whole Path system is there to prevent them from hyper fixating on a thing too hard, right?
>>94756026she is also deformed like anya taylor joy
>>94756042Yes, normal Eldar are autistic by Human standards.Now imagine what an autist by Eldar standards is like.
>>9475600140k should have had cards. Having to access to +18 strategems at any time was a mistake
>>94756022I think it’d be neat if they really gave it a push. I don’t wanna lug around 1000 points around to game stores, let alone 2000 lmao.
>>94756056It's getting a total overhaul, you'll probably like it. Takes like 40 minutes to finish a game if you're slow.
>>94756001Cards sell, everyone knows. Imagine each squad had nice stat card with rare foil artwork you'd only get in one in a thousand booster packs. And new boosters for each edition. How have they not done this yet?
>>94755909find a cadaver, use sprue goo to cover the hole, then uhu glue for sticky strands of ichor and paint the foot a gory messpictured is an ork, but a nid or nurgling shit will probably work best
>>94756086Not him but based idea
>>94756086I am him, definitely a great idea
>>94755909stop biting your nails holy fuck
>>94756086That would look awful
Is there room in ____ for there to be chaos cults that are restrained and civilized, at least for a few decades before delving fully into the full degenerative aspects of their Chaos god?...or is it over for you the moment you summon a deamon/the chaos gods won't send deamons unless it is already over for your chance to have a semi-functional society?I have an image of a chaos cult who through a fuck up by the Imperium, 3-5 relatively populated planets turned slanesshi including most of the Imperial Guard regiment stationed there, but everything gets better at first, but over the course of 20-30 years everything slowly crumbles, until it suddenly collapses everyone is too busy getting high while sticking their dick in somebody's exposed intestine.
>>94756022Got any more info on it? Id love to read about it
>>94756121I'm anxious.
Oh shit, page 7. We could throod any minute.
>>94756121How do you bite your nails down to a perfect triangle point? I agree he's over-trimming, though.
>>94756127Chaos is not exactly subtle, no.
>>94756127Slaanesh is like the least likely chaos god to improve things in any civilized way.
>>94756129I can't post the materials without doxing myself and getting into trouble, but I've been lurking here and talking about it. Small board, two sided, each has 5 objectives on it. Draw cards to get objectives to do, but ever card has a stratagem on them that are all stupidly powerful. If you use the strat, you can't do the objective, unless you're space marines.
>>94756127That's a lot of words but the one word I saw is slaanesh so I assume you are sharing whatever dumbfuck fetish you have with us and it's not worth reading the rest.
>>94756148Based thanks for letting us know. I had a lot of fun with spearhead.
>>94752708Just finished up the terrain painting day that I mentioned here >>94753176. Bunch of the guys at the LGS got together and assembly lined some DoW inspired terrain. Owner bought us pizza as a thanks.Turned out pretty good. Still quite a bit to do but I'll come in on another day and churn that out.
>>94756156Another angle.
>>94756155A follow up to this, the board isn't a 1 to 1 mirror of spearhead, which is pretty neat. You could in theory get a spearhead board and play the 40k missions for more options.
>>94756137You bit one side and then peel it off.
>>94756156Looks really good
>>94756156>>94756167That's some cool shit, Anon.
>>94756185I do this with my toenails and I look forward to it every time
>>94756193>>94756191Yeah I'm certainly happy with it. It took us way too long to get the hazard stripes done so we ended up not getting as much done as I thought we would. No complaints though, it was a fun night shooting the shit with the guys while not playing the game for a change.
>>94756177If it’s not true I’m snitching to James Workshop to come get you
>>94756148Hey anons, James Workshop here. This guy is now fired and being buried out in the firepit where Peachy, Suggs, and Duncan's remains are scattered but I will reveal that the real new game mode is coming in June for the scale McFarlane figures where you can smash them against your friend's to pretend they are fighting.... or kissing! It's the 41st millennium, we won't judge! Now I won't post anything to substantiate my claims, but just, like, trust me bro.
>>94754863You can only take three Dreadnoughts anon
>>94756220James, is there sex and rape in 40k?
>>947562243 of each type
>>94756138...but why not. How did chaos get anyone if they aren't able to slow boil the frog. Other than the desperate and the insane. How did half of half of the Space Marines fall?>>94756144The rebelion leaders who are playing the fool and dooming their civilization would improve things, then they and especially the populace would start to delve further and further into chaos. By the time the normal non-insane people, distracted by constant war with Imperium, noticed how bad the rot they invited in had gotten it was too late.
>>94756208Same.When you get the whole thing off in one piece that's amazing.
>>94756127Depends so heavily on the society. Feral worlds could get away with khorne or nurgle for a bit. A pleasure or market world would get their golden age style era if you do Slaanesh. Tzeentch is just too Chaotic unless it a forge world and it's isolated or very culturally weird. Chaos is just too damning and society needs some order to work. If a cult got +90% of society they'll just destroy that balance. You can only through so many feasts or kill so many people.
>>94756229Because Spess Muhreens are a bunch of fucking autistic gigaretards.
>>94756219Do it. >>94756220James no please, nooooooooooo!
>>94756225No, but there was when you stayed over at your Uncle's house when you were 9. Not any since then though.
>>94756156I was thinking of picking up some of the not!IG DoW terrain. Looks pretty good.
>>94756239how could you allow this, James?
>>94756220James, where is the eldar cheesecake? Either pics or food.
>>94756239How did you know he raped his uncle with his first erection? Are you a psyker?
Why does the taurox not have firing deck, despite having fire ports modeled, while the chimera has no such ports modeled but has firing deck?
>>94755329There is no support for custom regiments in the new codex.
>>94755351The Emperor was Kenshiro
>>94756247Before I founded my workshop, I worked for Jess Phillips. British "people" will enjoy this remark.>>94756250For all the psychic might of their galaxy spanning empire, the Eldar never invented cheese and, therefore, did not get to enjoy the delights of cheesecake before the fall of their empire. This is official lore now.>>94756255Whatever helps you cope.
Should I try to squeeze primaris psykers into my 2k oops all scions list? They seem like they'd be pretty good, but they're expensive.
>>94756279I'm sitting pretty dude, I play Catachans. I'm just sad for everyone else. Nobody should be forced to play Cadians and only Redditors like Krieg.
>>94756314every other army has had that be their only option for 20 yearseven marines outside of an awful stint in 7th ed
>>94756312take assassins instead
>>94756226There's only one type now, they got rid of vens and ironclads.
>>94756312What would you give up for it?
>>94756148>but I've been lurking hereDid you guys receive the 20 so letters anon wrote by hand asking for an added sprue of wings and other bits for the sanguinary guard kit?
>>94756320Guard were the same way, they only got this different troops bullshit in 9th.
>>94756323dun loike it
>>94756325he's been awfully quiet since...
>>94756274>despite having fire ports modeledwhere?and what do you think the lasguns sticking out of the chimera's side are for?
>>94756323a solid paintjob for an unfortunate sculpt
>>94756326Just spitting fax anon
>>94756324I'd be dropping like 5 guys off of a unit to take the psyker.
>>94756325I don't work for GW, I'm just a tester. All of their shit just gets emailed to me with a big watermark, so if I post it I'll lose my privileges. I do get free models tho which is pretty nice.
>>94756345He probably discovered you can download compatible winged jump packs off cults for, like, $2. Or his pen ran out of ink.
>>94756358lemme smash
>>94756314>I play CatachansGay
>>94756347There are holes in the doors and side of the transport specifically to be fire points. The lasguns sticking out of the chimera are no longer fire points, but a weapon the transport is armed with.
>>94756325That guy did post a response letter from GW in here after a while. It was the standard boilerplate "thanks for reaching out to us" template response letter that didn't answer anything. If I remember right, he sent the letters to GW's corporate headquarters in Nottingham and got his response letter from their US offices in like Texas or some shit.
>>94756314Whats the difference between cadians and krieg now tabletop wise?
>>94756374Maybe. Buff, sweaty men are pretty gay
>>94756384Instead of just being a troops squad they're basically completely bespoke units akin to Rubric Marines or Death Company.
>>94756376>specifically to be fire pointsthose are for looking outside, not shooting outside.
>>94756374>>94756386Next you’ll all be saying that liking gachi is gay. Surprised nobody made a gachi edit for the dark tide musics.
>>94756362>GW still has testersI thought you all got fired when nearly the entire release schedule of 9th edition got leaked.
>>94756323Wheels on a taurox look terrible. The treads are way better. They're sovl and exactly as insane as a 40k model should be.
>>94756400They're specifically reinforced to be fire points. The old codex even says so, and the old rules it had fire points on either side to be those reinforced plated areas.
>>94755609orks achieved perfection in 1997>>94756323you shoulda kept the threads in the back
>>94756403Gachi is gay in the same way God's love is gay
>>94756407We're not paid by them, and not on the payroll. All of the testing is done by like 30 total people, and it's only ever for sidegame nonsense. I tested spearhead a bunch, but also the new KT edition and now the new CP edition.
>>94756416>They're specifically reinforced to be fire pointsno, they aren't
>>94756434>ignores the rest of the postAlright, you have a good one friend. Hope you have a nice night.
>>94756288>For all the psychic might of their galaxy spanning empire, the Eldar never invented cheese and, therefore, did not get to enjoy the delights of cheesecake before the fall of their empire. This is official lore nowSo if we feed an Eldar cheesecake will they become docile?
>>94756374They're not gay. How can strong men and women in tank tops covered in tattoos and scars be gay?
>>94756459no, they'll fart due to lactose intolerance
>>94756403>immortal imperium plays>suddenly all beats are ass claps>vocals are the manly groansI’ve noticed that a lot of “right version” musics have a lot of Russian comments on them oddly enough.
>>94756418based and half-trackpilledfor the Taurox they should have embraced the world war aesthetic instead of giving it those retarded double minitreads
>>94756421So not gay?
>>94756459Wait, is this a fetish thing?
>>94756323the wheel wells being that spacious never looks great. It's a problem with every conversion I've seen. Bad as the vanilla taurox is having that much open space under the body of the car looks weird in miniature scale.
>>94756481>God created man in His own image>loves themDepends on if you find that gay or not
>>94756475Half-track my beloved...
>>94756279I hope she sees this bro
>>94756510You're so assblasted over an army you don't even play lmao
>>94756323Still looks bad. The tracks aren't the problem. The problem is the whole model.
>>94756491No.I just like cake and elves.
>>94756496such cool vehiclesshame that other than Klovis the Redeemer's rolling cathedral half-track I don't think there are any half-tracks in 40k, at least none that I can remember
>>94756519get a job you fucking spastic
>>94756233I mean, how does the corruption of Chaos work? Is it just that you summoned a deamon you're insane now? Do you have to be insane already to get a deamon in front of you?
>>94756528the old ork warbike was a half-track, so was the wartrakk. I think battlewagons are also half-tracks.Orks borrowed a lot of ww2 stuff, really.
>>94756323Looks like a Safari car from Jurassic Park 2.
>>94756544Sorry you got exposed so easily :(
>>9475654950% brainwashing evil-radiations50% devilish promises of power50% paradoxical horror madness
>>94756558Ironic as fuck from someone literally everyone can recognize.I'm not responding to your accusations either. You're a subhuman and this isn't a dialogue.
>>94756573>nomodels turns into a schizo immediatelya tale as old as time
>>94756347>and what do you think the lasguns sticking out of the chimera's side are for?They're fixed weapons separate from fire points. Fire points is where a passenger can fire a weapon they're equipped with. Passenger firing a lasgun from the array has to fire a lasgun.
>>94756127the cult and traitor guard in darktide are very organized.
>>94756577Maybe if you weren't so blaringly autistic you wouldn't be called out so much.
>>94756549Each one corrupts in a different way. Nurgle’s corruption can be passed by on by parasites and disease, whether conventional or supernatural. You just sick and sicker until you can’t take it anymore and just seek release, but instead of death it’s being Nurgle’s servant.
>>94756587>doubles downWhy are you so afraid of posting your imperial guard models? It's not like you crying about losing regimental support is some embarrassing take
>>94756127Short answer: Yes totally. A Chaos world can be as productive and organised to pump out chaos armies and their equipment and machines as sustinably as any Imperium world.There are CSM warbands based off of Daemon Worlds. Meaning Daemon worlds, which are a more extreme version of chaos worlds has a stable enough society to produce starships and power armour and recruits. Slanneshi blood pact, tanks, aircraft, starships and food and medical supplies for an army totally fits 40k
>>94756606You're not going to see my models subhuman.This is your response to every conflict.You just want to see people jump through hoops for you. Subhuman.You don't even have models yourself. If you did you would post them.
My last Venomthrope! Genuinely psyched with how I improved on these dudes over the three models. They were a ton of fun to paint, too. Getting to play with that darker green was nice. Next up: Zoanthropes.To Do (T-9 days):-6x Zoanthropes (actually 4x Zoans and 2x Neuros)-1x Neurotyrant + Neuroloids-1x Haruspex
>>94756579those are 5 fire points on the side of that hull
>>94756621>You don't even have models yourself. If you did you would post them.You could've asked nicerYour turn
>>94756645I didn't say I'd post anything retard subhuman.Looks like shit by the way.You're not a human worthy of actual consideration, you're a consumer pig who aggressively attacks other people on the suspicion that they might not be consumer pigs too.
>>94756659I accept your concession, nomodels
>>94756549Take their aspect and increase their desire and intensity. It's like a living addiction. Khorne wants blood. First you hunt deer, then more deer, then large elephants, soon you join hunting groups, then militas, next you join the army then become a soldier of fortune, then you start hunting criminals, then just start killing. You can also get tricked. Worship your god with a stone turns to flowers then shiny metals and it gets more rare till you have the virgin ovaries of sisters. You could also get turned from pure warp but that's cheap. If a demon is summoned most will kill you or control you. Some will trick you and if you're really crazy strong you dominate it and make it your bitch.
>>94756664Post an army subhuman. If you're such a good consumer show us.
How are Dominions?
>>94756659>>94756671You need a lesson in subtlety, shitstirrer-kun
94756671>Refused to post a single modelNah, I'm done engaging with your poor bait
You know, you guys could engage with discussion instead of shadowboxing each other
>>94756671>proonter doesn't even have models to showwe live in strange times
>>94756680>>94756681>No army at allYou are a bad consumer. I bet you even complain about what GW gives you.
>>94752586Will having good paint jobs on my models attract a gf?
>>94756696Absolutely, good painters receive a fat-assed xeno gf.
>>94756696absolutely, women like competence.
Creed (played by a commissar for theme)Psyker 3 Scion command squads with some enhancements 3 10 man scions units3 5 man scion units5 taurox primeValkyrie 2000 on the money.Is it good? Probably okay, it's guard and they can't be bad rn. Is it gonna look sweet? Probably if someone else painted it, but my models are only ever okay. Will it be fun? Hell yes, pushing trucks around and dropping dudes to their death is tight.What do you think anons?
>>94756711Drop tauroxes for chimeras.
>>94756698>>94756699>>94756706I didn't think this through, now I'm putting even more pressure on myself to paint well.>>947567003v1 say you're wrong.
>>94756711I'm a fucking idiot and forgot to mention the 20 kasrkin and 20 aquilons.
>>94756696If you're attractive to her she will like it and use it to rationalize her like of you. But it won't make her like you.
>learning how to paint has helped me hone my skills to hands free cum
>>94756715Why? They're worse, not on theme, and look like dog shit.
>>94756725Like this? https://twitter.com/HonomuraAyase/status/1779792313272996297
New thread:>>94756735>>94756735>>94756735
>>94756730There's absolutely no reason why scion style troops need to use mraps. Btw you're a dumb faggot for thinking chimeras look worse than tauroxes.
>>94756743Uh oh, no models melty
>>94756696My wife said it was one of my green flags. She appreciates the work and detail I put in and likes that I have a passion for something. But she couldn't care less about the setting and lore of 40k and the topic bores her.Right now I am trying to "speed paint" this Death Company guy but the amount of mistakes I am noticing makes me want to put more time in than I really want to. I have to keep reminding myself fhat he isn't a special character.
>>94756606>Why are you so afraid of posting your imperial guard models?He doesn't have any and posting his DC sloppa wouldn't make him seem cool
>tfw my LGS just has a bunch of autists and no qts for me to peacock my army
>>94756696It does give you an excuse to leave the house, enter painting competitions or conventions and meet people. Instead of “haha I like it but I haven’t done anything yet,” you can actually show something you’ve done.
>>94756797That's every LGS, you retard. Girls don't play tabletop games.
>>94756871Am I supposed to just set up my army at the local grocery store, as if I'm selling girl scout cookies, and hope some qt takes notice?
>>94756904Of course not. You kidnap random women off the street and take them to your basement. Is this your first time or something, you virgin?
>>94756919You must understand, he is not from Kazakhstan
>>94756919>Is this your first time or something, you virgin?Yeah, sorry
>>94756156>>94756167Love it