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Squats Edition

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>Thread Question
What isn't in the current game that you wish was? Rules, models, whole armies, whatever
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Tau auxillaries. Gue'vesa, Vorgh, Tarellians, etc.
11TH EDITION WILL BE THE AGE OF GROTS! We'll get a new Gretchin kit and new Grot Tanks and an official tournament-legal Red Gobbo
Sternguard look really good on paper now, especially when shooting your Oath target.
Are you lads running more than one squad?
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I really want heavy weapons in my infantry squads
>eldar tau votan alliance
Would they be formidable
Kill team rules on a 2000 point scale.
Firing deck on my model that has fire points modeled on it.
Tau that can use the Webway? Yeah they'd take over the galaxy pretty quick.

Also the Votann would be there
I want Space Marines to get a dedicated Grav weapon squad.
Devastators are probably gonna be gone soon.
I get the Tau and the Votann working together for a particular reason, but why the Aeldari would ever cooperate with them outside of temporary necessity is beyond me. They would rather team up with their own sadistic, traitorous kin than with any of the "good guy" factions.
TQ: Chaos Shielders

Potentially because the Tau might be an Eldar bioweapon. They are almost certainly someone's pet project.
Gonna have to agree with >>94787194, the Tau + Eldar is a potent combination, but the Votann don't actually add much unless they allow the Tau to reverse engineer their technology, which seems unlikely.
I'm planning on getting at least 2 ten dude squads. I just really like how they look, but they seem like a solid choice on paper for an infantry unit
They all distrust eachother but these 3 factions are all aliens who don't have some insane hatred of life or other aliens so they could 100% work with eachother against the imperium/necrons/tyranids/chaos

Dark Eldar are still eldar I guess and they kind of forged an alliance with the whole god of death thing back in 7th

Demiurg (Votann) provide the best auxiliary ships and fill a niche no other Tau vessel can. This is in contrast with the far less useful Kroot sphere and Nicassar dhows.
You posted a votranny, chuddie
Don't forget about lascannons they are also missing from the super special heavy weapons splitting of the devastator squad
'Nids being a suspected Necron bioweapon is bad enough.
Most of the imperial armor stuff.
The only shit i wanted with this guard codex was a plastic macharius since Krieg is supposed to use them more than Baneblades.
Yeah, I'm putting a 10 man squad in a drop pod and planning to use it as a sort of hit squad. Declare an oath target, drop them in and have them blast it off of the table.
Squats are just imperial votann in the current nuCanon?
Not a single squat looks ANYTHING like a votroon. No, not even the new ones
I wish there were rules for fighting in exotic environments, like a low-gravity planet or a planet where chlorine or hydrogen is the predominantly reactive element, instead of oxygen. Even rules for Warp-soaked places like daemon worlds (probably based on what objective markers have been met by what side, and if a faction performs certain actions)
Fuck true LOS. I want assigned unit heights and terrain heights where units have LOS blocked by same size or bigger units being infront of them instead of seeing people through a dreadnoughts legs and specified rules like buildings and terrain having a floorprint that determines where the boundries are and whats covered instead of I saw your dude through a window and make it so you don't need to remove casualties from shooting for models not in LOS so bullets can't make 90 degree turns around corners, melee of course your men are simply moving foward while stabbing people so it wouldn't apply there.
Oh yeah.
So we'll probably get a lascannon gravis squad and grav weapons will probably be gravis too.
And they'll be 3 man squads because fuck you.
Actual psychic powers
The fact that we have 4 plastic Ork fighters and not a single plastic Imperial fighter is criminal
Not full armies but I think the big factions should all have a soup book akin to Imperial Agents. So give Eldar a codex: Ynnari with clowns, exodites, corsairs, etc. and give Chaos a Codex: Lost and the Damned with traitor guard, renegades, Dark Mechanicum, etc.
I think every subfaction should have a generic infantry box akin to the SW box that gives enough bits to adorn the rest of your army. Fuck the "upgrade kit" tax it's exactly why my Noise Marines look like shit.
Don't even make me think about that.
Devastator squad... My beloved...
Btw anyone know how viable it is to run a quad lascannon dev squad nowadays?

There have been scenarios like these from time to time. I remember one where the fight was on some moon without atmosphere. Amusingly, the rules of that particular scenario meant that space marines, and other elite units, were the absolutely worst army due the whole "space suit integrity breach" rule.
Also tons of great parts in there for kit bashing and customization.
Ork player here anon and actually the 4 ork fighters is 1 kit that lets you build any of the 4 not 4 kits but yeah pretty funny how theres no plastic imperium fighters.
Kill Team had rules for time travel
Basically. The Squat origin of them being dudes that became separated from humanity and becoming Space Dwarves (Leagues of Votann) is largely intact. The ones that are seen in Necromunda are a Votann subfaction that convinced the Imperium stationed there to let them mine their planet. The Imperium claims that they bound the Squats to their service, the Squats claim that they pulled a fast one on the Imperium letting them have mining rights to a planet they only just showed up on. Necromunda shenanigans happened, and the Squats diverged from the Votann further like replenishing their numbers the regular way.
Has the new IG codex appeared in pdf yet?
I want the guard to have the ability for a chimera to move and disembark the guardsmen on the same turn during the movement phase if it isn't in the codex.
Or would that be too overpowered?
Eliminators are the lascannon squad
Pretty fucking dope in Anvil Siege Force
Stormhawk anon
An army rule for IA. "Power of the Rosette" or something;
>X times per game (X is changed based on points size of game) when an opponent activates a datasheet or command point ability, Censor them and prevent the activation of that ability for the rest of the turn.
idk just throwing out bullshit, I just want a real army rule. also Inquisitorial Stormtroopers battleline. and two generic Inquisitor models (one male, one female) with an upgrade frame just for them but also compatible with the stormtroopers.

thanks for coming to my tedtalk
thats how all transport work
Really? If true then I'm very happy. And need to get some chimeras.
They're short, have beards, and are purchased by autistic people with bad taste, they're the same as squats
Oh and Nephilim. Also if we're not gonna count the Valkyrie, Corvus, Stormfang chassis, and gunships like the Stormtalon/Raven, the Orks only have one "fighter" (again same kit), but the others are two bombers and a ground attack craft.
Make sure to get one with firing ports
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Behold: Squats
>firing ports
You mean those lasguns on the sides of the Chimera? I can do that.
No beards, and they are purchased by autistic people with GOOD taste.
But skaven are only for those of discerning taste
I want to see the other named Forge of Souls daemon engines (Calamity Engine and Infernal Bombard) and some kind of heretek squad for CSM
Nah, he's talking about Firing Deck (x) where x is the number listed and is how many models on that transport can shoot while embarked (Like Dark Eldar Raiders has Firing Deck 12)
hear me out.. kitbash an army of space skaven and use votann rules when their OP codex comes out
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Post WIP
Can't see it well in this photo because of lighting and need to go over the black again, but I am trying a pseudo sons of malice black/white split on the helmet and shoulder pads.
Oh. Thank you anon.
I guess the cat's out of the bag here. I am new to the Warhammer game, but I have painted some models. I just found out there is an LGS near me that has a cozy Warhammer scene so I am now interested in the game itself.
If you need help on anything just ask away, unless if you get the ire of resident shitposters most people are willing to help.
>just ask away
Concerning the general populace of Warhammer 40k wargamers, how accepting of legends models are they?

I plan to use recast autocannon turrets for the chimeras, and if I'm not allowed to use them then I'll just default back to multilasers.
You ever wonder what Humanity's first encounter with Orks was like? Given it was almost certainly Apollo-style astronauts or Lost in Space Colonists vs 8ft tall slavers that eat humans.
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With proper capitalization, I kneel before the Destinyfags.
cool helmets
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Getting a bunch of hazard stripes set up
Depends on your LGS and players. Most in my experience don't give a rats ass and just want to play. Though, I do know of a group in my area that is super anal with making sure everything is a legit GW product, with that I would say get a feel for the people and their preferences. If it is for autocannon turrets then I don't think many people will care if you don't mention them. As for the legends question, for casual games no one would care.

Those are some smooth ass stripes.
Squats would see others as trade partners but only be in it for $. Eldar would care about survival above all else and gladly sacrifice non-Eldar allies. The Tau would be the only ones remotely selfless.
alright thanks anon.
I'll check if the LGS has a Discord and search if the question has been asked. I just think that the autocannon is cool looking.

I also want to utilize a Leman Russ punisher tank for the same reason that it looks cool. One thing I've noticed is that the Punisher tank is not used that much. Is it bad? Just asking so I can brace for impact.
Any Deathwatch players have Eliminators they can post?
How hard was it to get the Deathwatch pauldron on?
Did you even bother with trying to do chapter symbols on them or do you have them all as blackshields since their right shoulder is covered by the cloaks?
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>The fact that we have 4 plastic Ork fighters and not a single plastic Imperial fighter is criminal
Stormtalon a cute
Does any game or book writer remember marines have suspended animation? It's easy to headcanon on tabletop a number of downed marines are recovered but less when deaths are confirmed in other media.
Skaven are kino though, unlike dwarves of any variety
I wish dakka dakka dakka weapons were better but by math the main cannon only kills on average 1 marine or 5 guardsmen. It fares a little better with orders but those orders are better on other tanks.
If you want to work this out yourself, here is a website for mathing out how strong something is
If a character has an Aura ability, can they benefit from that aura if they have the right keywords?
Aura cannot affect the person with the aura.
>I remember one where the fight was on some moon without atmosphere
Do you have a copy of those rules, perchance
>space marines, and other elite units, were the absolutely worst army due the whole "space suit integrity breach" rule.

Do you have a copy of those time travel rules as well?
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>sorry for bad picture quality
not Deathwatch but I've done up one for my GK kill team and the shoulder fits fine, so I'd imagine the DW ones would do fine too. would recommend doing blackshields or maybe include some other chapter iconography elsewhere on the model.
>I wish dakka dakka dakka weapons were better
Would it kill you to not talk like a retard for no reason
Why would you post a picture that doesn't even show the shoulder pad he's asking about anon, what does that achieve
just downloaded a couple hundred gigs of STLs. it's time to bash some kits baby
also question for other printfags, do scans come out looking as melty as the STLs are or is it less noticeable on an actual mini with some paint on?
idk I had that picture on my desktop and I'm kinda high on pain meds right now
My condolences
Thanks anon.
I'll have a gander at that site.
>I wish dakka dakka dakka weapons were better but by math the main cannon only kills on average 1 marine or 5 guardsmen
Alright I'll be ready for the punishers to not perform that well. Still gonna make one because I love the gatling gun turret on the tank.
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Sweeping advance my beloved, making melee armies super scary.
>I'm kinda high on pain meds right now
Stop doing that, take just enough pain meds that you're uncomfortable but not in constant pain. Shit is really not good for you mentally or physically
Writers don't remember half the abilities of marines most of the time.
I'm forever angry at how these retards like to paint some marines black for diversity points, when every (normal) marine has the potential to be either albino white or tar fucking black depending on the battlefield
I wish I knew how to find those channels with the scans.
I have the program for it, I just have managed to not come across the scan channels. Maybe it is just a matter of time.

Good luck on your prints, anon!
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fuck that other dork get litty
man I broke my ankle in two places I think I'm allowed a little extra to help me get to sleep with the pain
sex with yvraine
What sort of hats/helmets would fit the Kroot? How would you kitbash them?
Quar helmets
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My army has a bunch of melee I planned for but it's mostly footslogger marines
Is anvil good for them.
I have this list as a prototype, I might get more marines and more dreads
While neat, that doesn't really help, anon.
I needed to see the left shoulder for the Deathwatch pauldron, and was curious about what people have done with the right shoulders because they're obscured.
Enjoy your drugs, though.
Huh, It used to. Is that one of the things that got thrown out with the bathwater in 10th?
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Making engineers

Do the breacher heads work well on the kasrkin bodies?
>rules, models, whole armies, whatever
I want to see a "homebrew primer book" that essentially is about homebrewing your own secessionist human nationstate in the 40k universe.

Along with some created canon faction "examples" by GW. Each representing a different facet of governance like democracy, feudalism, fascism, "imperium-like", etc.
But that would require for GW to look at online shops like VictoriaMiniatures and go "let's do this but in hard plastic." Which they won't do because third party companies will make compatible bits and GW hates third party shops making sales.

>Victoriaminiatures updated her pickelhelm gas mask heads.
Thank goodness I didn't paint my custom Castellan model yet.

Chaos Marauder shoulders (the ones with the skull) work surprisingly well. They make the Kroot look like Yautjas (Predators).
Do the admech have any dragon themed units? Void dragon this, void dragon that, but I haven't seen anything dragonish for the,
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You have the blue arrow app? Search for a workshop for STLs. Perhaps some sort of STL Workshop, even.
I think it works.
Generally it all comes down to presentation and execution of an idea that makes or breaks a good concept and I think you did well.
Only thing I'd recommend is the WIP meme of drilling your barrel. That's the only "bad" thing I can say about your model.
Given that entire chaos warbands have to survive on scavenging how would you expect a singular planet to survive independent of the Imperium? The Badab War pretty much confirmed it couldn't work in the large-scale so how does a small-scale human secession not get totally fucked by the Imperium or one of its myriad enemies?
What's a good source for night vision googles?
>You have the blue arrow app
I do.
Holy shit thank you anon.
I'd buy you a beer if I could without compromising your anonymity.
I'm going to crack open a cold one for ya.
how many do you need?
Chin seems a little weak, just a consequence of the cadian body vs the breacher body.
I'm not sure how they would manage to survive and hold off the threats like the Imperium barely does.
But I do know that things such as secessionist elements appearing can be the signs of a dying empire.
Melee units get nothing out of Anvil so you'd likely want a stationary core backed up by something fast and something sticky to help you sit on objectives.

Enough for at least some members of a squad to wear them.
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>The Astartes Animations, but the Space Marines are going up against any of the game factions other than Imperial Guard or Lost and the Damned Chaos cultists
How do things go differently?
That just begs the question how ill-run most Chaos places are. I suppose they have no patience for mining, farming, or anything else and just steal shit from others.
Anything besides CSM would be the same because it's simple bolter porn, albeit very nice bolter porn
Vehicles just being regular units with inflated wounds and toughness feels so wrong even though I understand it from a game standpoint. I didn't like the 3rd ed system of 1/6 chance of instantly dying on a glance and more chances of the vehicle being disabled for a turn, but that at least has the itch that 2nd edition left me.
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>That one marine at the end getting ganked by Orks
That's what I like to see. I mean sure he took out two of them first but Orks breed faster than Guardsmen, that ain't a good kill ratio
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Hell yeah. Hope you find something useful
The tragedy of the Imperium in its current state is that it's the only way humanity can survive. The whole secessionist renegade thing to me has always come off as a neutralfag snowflake mentality of being too cool to be a space fascist cog or a deamon-worshipping slave.
Culture among planets is already such that humans planets vary wildly in tech and social structure. Hell, in a lot of cases the Adminitratum doesn't give two shits about how a planet is run as long as it meets its tithe and isn't openly sacrilegious.
>Lamenter jobbing
Yeah shocking
>The tragedy of the Imperium in its current state is that it's the only way humanity can survive.

>The Imperium's cruelty is necessary and the alternative is destruction.
>The Imperium's cruelty is unnecessary and goes beyond necessary evil.
>muh imperium is as cruel as it is because it is necessary
>muh imperium is unnecessarily cruel
If they don't plunder food/munitions/etc. from worlds they conquer they will plunder slaves that can do that shit for them.
That would mean staying on said world rather than going to another for
>muh chaos god favor gonna kill/rape/virusbomb/manipulate more people
How the ATV is still getting hate and this is never mentioned is beyond me, it looks ridiculous. Not to say I don't want one of my own, but it's so much more silly looking by comparison.
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Ultimately despite all its efforts the Imperium is failing its job, as it's continuously declining. If it were the only way humanity could survive, it would at the very least not be a dying empire.
i think third party renegades makes sense. The Imperium is overbearing but Chaos sucks gigadicks. realistically there will be plenty of people who want to try something else. but then there's where the overarching theme of the setting comes back into play in that there is no "something else", there is only war. so they get fucked up too for even trying.
that's the whole point of the setting, it doesn't matter what ideas you have about how you want to live life in the year 40,000 it's going to be horrible no matter what so there's really not any point in coming up with conjecture on why third party humans can or can't survive, everyone is fucked all the time
I like that it looks like a ryukin goldfish. The atv is fine too imo,
Sure is a shame that artist draws like a 12 year old from deviantart, cause this could have been a cool comic if not for the art sucking ass
people say the Imperium is bad at what it does but then the Imperium also includes trillions of humans across a million(s) planets that are spread across 100,000 light years, and we're shown slices of that vast empire on minute scales with individual characters who are vulnerable to plot devices.
realistically speaking the Imperium cannot be as incompetent as everyone says they are because they wouldn't exist otherwise. the logistics required to operate an empire that vast are insane.
they're only "incompetent" because the entire galaxy is falling apart. sure every so often we get stories about Administratum bureaucrats fudging this number or that but if they were doing that all the time everything would've fell apart long ago
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Are there democracies in 40k?
Do armies use supply and logistic trucks in 40k? Are there models of them?
The reason for those inefficiencies is because the Imperium refuses to use a large chunk of the technology from 40,000 years in the future that would make those inefficiencies go away. Of course the Imperium is impressive by today's standards, but they're not operating with today's technology, and it's not inevitable that any empire their size would run into their problems.

In other words, modern problems require modern solutions, but the Imperium is a modern empire LARPing as an ancient empire.
The Imperium
This is a wargame, if the vehicle isn't for transporting troops or shooting at things or both then there is no model of them
It just begs the question of what concept there would be for a neutral human faction that would be less than a footnote in history. Half the time people answer that question with either an
anachronistic noblebright utopia, a self-fellating armchair poli-sci take on the Imperium, or "Real-life amry/culture analogue that totally can't exist under the Imperium because reasons!"
Of course. The Emperor was democratically elected... by himself. And his cabinet was also democratically elected, by the Emperor. After he built them with his bare hands. Democratically
I don't think there's a single example of a true democracy in 40k

The Imperium is basically a post-apocalyptic feudal space empire built on top of the ruins of a much more advanced civilization and surviving on the scrap of what was before.
after painting these goatmen I am starting to wish women were real.
Honestly, a fascist empire would actually be a good neutral faction. The Imperium isn't really fascist, it's too decentralized and too feudalist to be such.
>like a 12 year old from deviantart
Are 12 year olds really good at art these days?
The art is serviceable but I wouldn't say it is bad.

You can transport troops and ammunitions with them.
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I would assume the only way a 3rd party humanity could work in 40k is by being really out of the way and somewhat mobile
A sort of nomadic spacefaring faction off on the edge of the galaxy where the only Imperium factions are Rogue Traders and the occasional inquisition presence probably around for other, more important reasons
I wouldn't buy them as a hyper long lasting faction but if they're constantly on the move they avoid a lot of the major bad guys like nids or orks
genestealer cults have trucks very similar to that in appearance modified to be a sort of technical so they likely exist for the Guard but aren't shown because they're not direct combat things
The Imperium is basically like one of these Mad Max or Fallout settlements where even if they understand how the technology sort off works they have no idea how to build them from scratch and have to survive off scraps. On top of that, you have the whole cargo cult around all technology.
>wouldn't say it is bad
>club foot sonic shoes
>terrible hand anatomy
>The art is serviceable
Utility vehicles and loaders exist in the setting, but given that most armies are shown loading their shit into gunships or landing craft they don't get represented on the table. Same reason why you won't see an Imperial combine harvester or a Tau fisherman model kit.
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Terminator Chaplain WIP, still gotta clean it up a bit.
What should his angry Germanic name be?
>if the vehicle isn't for transporting troops or shooting at things
Reading comprehension at an all time low
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>Do armies use supply and logistic trucks in 40k?
Yes. Several novels mention Imperial military trucks.
>Are there models of them?
No, because they're logictical units. There's some conversions in old WDs of jeeps and armoured cars. And Inferno #13 has art of Roskans using trucks to ferry troops and equipment.
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My idea for a neutral human faction would essentially be:
>Fascist empire
>Centralized government that's better at propaganda than the Imperium
>Not as big as the Imperium and doesn't have as many superweapons, but has higher tech baseline and the common soldier is superior
>Efficient economy and political system compared to the feudal clusterfuck that is the Imperium
>Gradually taking land from the Imperium bit by bit, makes use of AI in a supporting manner to make administration easier, and develops their land so that they're not hellholes like Imperium planets but are actually efficient centers of economic activity and military production, not out of benevolence, though their lives are better than the Imperium, but rather for the sake of efficiency
>More willing to work with aliens for the sake of their empire, basic view of aliens is 'as long as they serve the state, they serve our national interests.'

I just described the Tau.
That's a very large crozius and a very small head
So I'm forever condemned to use gladius if I want a mix or guns and melee?
Jump pack assault and bladeguard are cool, even if the rest of my guys are mostly shooty
>realistically speaking the Imperium cannot be as incompetent as everyone says they are because they wouldn't exist otherwise.
>realistically speaking
It's a fictional setting, realism doesn't apply.
Bros got the crozius she tells you not to worry about
Source for that image?
It's really cool
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Taurox should've been a gun truck and Scions should've gotten their own Rhino/Razorback instead.
>realistically speaking the Imperium cannot be as incompetent as everyone says they are because they wouldn't exist otherwise. the logistics required to operate an empire that vast are insane
Almost like it's all make believe and requires some suspension of disbelief. It all falls apart if you start trying to make sense of every little thing like rainman
Brother it's built into 4chan now, figure it out
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>he doesn't know
okay, and what I said still makes the most sense. realistically speaking the space marines walk on two legs. realistically speaking the humans of the imperium eat food. just because it's fiction doesn't mean it doesn't follow basic logic lol
Filename has an artist bro
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>I might get more marines and more dreads
You should do one of those things. I'll give you a hint it's not getting more marines
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the kasrkin kit comes with 2

The Imperium is surviving thanks to bureaucratic and institutional inertia that lost its vitality long ago plus vast stockpiles of assets. Most people dont get how vast a galactic empier would be. Evene the Imperium is grossly underpopulated compared what it should be.
>Hetza art spotted
Man I want that guy to draw some sororitas girls in combat.
I hope he's doing well.
I can't come up with a good artist handle name and yet I want to draw and post 40k art so badly.
It is, but maybe one day you'll get there
based and dreadpilled
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>girthy crozius
How delightfully decadent
What units are going to be optimal depend heavily on your detachment choice. Peppering units in that don't entirely synergize is usually limited to shoring up an obvious weakness. That or fielding cheap mobile-ish infantry for objectives.
Generalist detachments aren't usually that good because they only benefit some of your units some of the time, as opposed to the core of your units all of the time.
It follows what ever logic they want. Space Marines look human because they wouldn't sell if they looked like chickens. Nothing in 40k follows any rules beyond what the board of GW thinks is healthiest for their stock valuation. Especially now. Nothing in 40k is sacred. Nothing is immune to cynical rewrites. It's basically Star Wars.
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>NTA but
Ahh...Fuukaposter...my old nemesis.
Good to see you're still kicking around in /40kg/.
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>Are there models of them?
Need a bit of advice here. I recently got one of those foam carrying cases as a gift from the holidays. I've taken out the inserts and cut stuff away as appropriate to fit my minis, but it's a lot of foam removed. Is there anything I can do with all the excess? Seems wasteful to dump it.
Keep it for sponge weathering
You could make some terrain and use it for bushes and trees
>it's yet another guro/abuse artist
You people deserve the rope
DreadKING rises
Anyone ever paint Japan style dark elf/Nadia brown flesh? Wanted to do a couple of my Sisters' heads that way
Generic chapter master. He doesn’t need a model, just needs to be an upgrade to the generic captains.
Gravis LT and librarian. Pare the Phobos LT down to one datasheet (the cool lone operator one gets my vote).
Drop pods that don’t suck.
A fast vehicle for CSM. The closest thing they have is the Daemon Prince with wings which isn’t really it.
Thick ropes blasted from you?
I've not yet played with my marines as I've been unable to finish them, so I still don't know how units behave or interact beyond reading the rules and thinking "shit that sounds strong!" Which I know from experience with my other armies is a mistake
Kinda strange having a skull without the flesh be the same size as his head + flesh + a helmet, I like his big crozius tho
Sometimes I will slip the foam back in for padding, to protect models that are only taller due to a raised weapon or flagpole, as examples.
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How brown is that?
Of course the marine's head is smaller than the skull. Marines don't have bones, after all.
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Gorthor brown + a dark wash is a good start for milk chocolate skintones. That's what I did for top left and just highlighted gorthor after, but it wouldn't hurt to do one more highlight of 50:50 gorthor + a bright bone
>What should his angry Germanic name be?
Eucalyptus Crozius
Would be funny if it was bought by someone who can scan it
Nadia is mid brown but I'm looking for a bit more. I misplaced the chart unfortunately, either the /a/ version or the /tg/ version.
I'll keep that in mind, it looks nice. I have Catachan Flesh and while I think it's a nice color, the box schemes I've seen, especially for AoS, for darker skin tones look very dull and kind of sooty, I want something a bit warmer, more russet.
Please consult the guide, even if you don't follow all of it, following some of it will improve your pictures to a state where we can actually provide feedback
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Is this the best girl thread?
If it was the best girl thread we would be posting link, cloud, and astfolo.
Gonna have to go replay that flash game
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>Would be funny if it was bought by someone who can scan it
Same energy as pic related
Found the /a/ version. Anyone have the /tg/ one? Think it has like Biel-tan Bronze or something on it
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>Youtuber said everything in the krieg box is sub-S tier
Damn, wasted my money for plastic slop...
I'm honestly surprised he didn't keep it for himself. I get he's probably not a DG player but it'd make a cool painting project and conversation starter.
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>Youtuber said
Rules is the worst metric
Buy shit because you like the aesthetics
The nice thing about the SM codex is you have a lot of options. Sadly one of their biggest combos (Aggressors + Biologis) got nerfed recently but Infiltrators, Scouts, Jump Intercessors, (primaris) Dreads, and tanks still all perform well.
All said if you're dead set on running a little of everything then Gladius is the way to go, unless you pick a non-codex chapter.
>people buying astra milicum stuff
You don’t actually do that…right anons?
It wouldn't start any conversation once it releases tho, and he could sell it for more than double the price of msrp and buy a fresh one when it drops, and have some money in his pocket for a few beers or whatever autistic people spend their spare change on that isn't beers
>meet stranger at lgs for pickup game
nice to meet you anon, did you know this model was sent to me early?
>o-oh that model? Isn't there one of those on the shelf right behind you
yeah but I got mine before that came out
>c-cool I guess
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My main want is to be majority infantry because I despise vehicle spam.
Guess I could go full shooting and hope to god I can shoot down anything before I have to engage in melee
You don't buy any models regardless of their faction
>I despise vehicle spam.
Then don't spam vehicles?
Post better looking comics or I'll have to
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It is a LOT of excess foam. I'll be sure to keep some, but I don't think there will be enough use cases for the majority of it.

Yeah, I've got a few models in now and am currently testing more. I can already tell I'm not using this thing for spikier models, I'd rather use the tried and true method of a cardboard box with bubble wrap. Hell, might as well use this extra foam as the equivalent of packing peanuts.

>melee special character is fucking D1
>cavalry, an already unwanted and rarely used unit, is worse in every sense than existing cavalry (slower, less damage, shittier rule)
>artillery piece as expensive as cadian artillery despite it being 2 pieces which do more damage
>special edition codex has a cover that's shittier than normal codex cover
>datacards already inaccurate and out of date from the start lmao

Yeahhhhh they might be onto something here chief. The only thing in that box that isn't awful is the Engineers and they're simply okay rather than terrible. 70pts for a small Scouting unit that can dump MWs is...okay, I guess. Taking 10 makes them live longer but at that point you could just get Kasrkin.
I've seen other marine armies in my club and they seem hellbent on vehicle spam for shooting and melee infantry.
I don't want to do that so I need to think how to compensate some lack of shooting and durability
Darn I saw the pile of foam and scrolled up wondering if you could tell me how much those cases cost.
dew it
>melee special character is fucking D1
Frankly, shit like this makes me wonder if 40k should return back to 1W infantry models, with elite and character models having extra wounds as appropriate. It's ridiculous how essential multidamage is nowadays, especially as 2D is practically standard in some armies.
As someone who sponges a lot, I would recommend keeping as much as possible so you don't have to go out and shamefully buy a sponge to chip with when you want. Throw it in a plastic bag and toss it in your attic or garage for now. Or if you want you can shred it up small as possible and throw it in a small throw cushion pillow case for your couch
i'm sorry you can't recognize soul, anon
Imo marine armies do best when they include one or two melee units, usually led by characters.
Jump intercessors can deep strike to a table corner to do objectives or stay in cover and be on tap for heroic intervention against enemy melee.
Terminators are similar, though more expensive and slower, so are better suited for dropping on an objective and being unmovable.
I have like 300 points of thousand sons.
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It was a gift, and a receipt wasn't provided. Still, after a brief look online, I think this is the item

60 bucks msrp by the looks of it. Never bothered with one of these before, but hey, it was a gift.
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Taste issue
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I was thinking of making a stack of 10 terminators with an ancient and a captain to sit on an objective and never move
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>especially as 2D is practically standard in some armies

This is true but it creates a really shitty situation when some armies just don't get it. Guard codex is especially cursed with shit like that. Not a single melee enhancement among them. Lord Commissar has a worse statline than a normal Commissar for some reason. A special character that is melee-focused on melee has a D1 sword. The Preacher that nobody ever takes somehow has a worse special rule than the other 2 versions of it in other codices.

Someone just decided to make Guard as bad at melee as possible for some fucking reason.
Oh nice, that's not too bad. It'd help me consolidate some of my dudes. Thanks for digging around for it anon
I wish we got more looks into the fuedal/medieval worlds of the Imperium.
Why don't they just get forcefully uplifted into a more typical imperium hive world and stripped of resources like other worlds?
Vanguard is your friend in that case. Infiltrators and scouts for objectives, Centurions to shoot at hordes, Eradicators to shoot tanks, and a smattering of Jump Intercessors and/or Inceptors to go fast.
Only tricky thing is that Ultramarines generally have the best named characters for codex marines.
I don't think it's a bad thing for armies to have weaknesses. Guard's power is mainly lots of weak shots, big tanks and indirect fire, and they're one of the best factions in the game.
Feudal worlds can make fine recruitment worlds for marines in lack of deathworlds and such. Better to keep the planet shitty to grow hardy people.
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If every inhabited planet in the Imperium were orbiting, individually, an existing G-class (sun-like) star, in a contiguous volume centered on the sun with no uninhabited G-class systems, the entire Imperium would fit in a volume a few hundred light years across, or less than 0.01% of the volume of the galaxy.
What you can do is have mixed use vehicles.
For example, you can have a bunch of Bladeguard inside a Repulsor Executioner and use it as a way to move around. Throw in some Scouts and regular Intercessors for objectives, then you're free to do whatever with the rest of your points. Vanguard is really useful for infantry armies, there are Jump Pack intercessors as a fantastic generalist unit, Inceptors are funny to use in Vanguard and so on.
Sometimes those planets aren't worth the effort or are too far away. But it's still better for them to be populated by humans rather than xeno
How many of those planets would have taxes
Thanks neil de grasse tyson
Imperium is too busy fighting wars and fighting its own internal logistics to organise something as complex as that, think of how ghettos exist in rich countries. Same thing
No you dont
Happy to help. I will say though, this case seems more designed for 25-28mm models. Even basic intercessors are somewhat of a squeeze to get in, and melee weapons especially tend to stick out. Still serviceable, but something to take under advisement.
If you like terminators then Space Wolves just got a solid detachment for them. The entire army gets a counter-charge on the enemy's turn and all their termies get +1OC.
Even funnier is they have cheap terminator characters that can lead their battleline units to create 180 point melee blobs with 32 OC.
Yeah we didn't really need you to tell us that space is big okay chief?
A better question is how many of those planets would have fat asses and why we would bother keeping the ones without them
I'm gonna have carcharadons as my chapter so I don't feel like using a chapter detachment
Am I shooting myself in the foot by using codex marines? Yes.
But that's what I want to do.
I'm seeing that I will be stuck with gladius until I see what detachment really works with my minis, I don't buy or build for rules but for looks.
My only big vehicle is a Spartan tank
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What you're describing is basically the Dark Angel strat with deathwing knights. Captain isn't gonna do much, and with ten terminators, you don't REALLY need the ancient either. Might as well save on the cost and leave them leaderless.
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This looks so ass
>tau godess
You think any of the other chaos gods would take her like Nurgle did Isha?
Hum... Maybe I change the captain for a chaplain.
Cry about it
I'll look at your ass
Post art that doesn't look like a 12 year olds doodles. It's not my fault you're either ind or tasteless
>Typing ind instead of blind
Seething phoneposter detected
>collection army
oh no no no no
If you want to use what you like you should pick an overall favorite unit and go all-in on it.
You can also use whatever chapter rules you want for your space marines, as long as you aren't mixing faction keywords. There are plenty of BT or BA lists that still use the vanilla book detachments, and nothing requires you to use a chapter's special units.
As for characters just convert your own stand-in. As long as it's obvious who it's supposed to be and fits the scale and gear of the model then no one gives a shit.
No thats not how it works, Isha was taken by Nurgle to save her from Slaanesh since she represented the same aspect as he did. Thats why Khorne saved Khaine, and why Cegorach is just chilling in the BL due to some tzeentch shenanigins
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You have no argument, just bitchmade crying about art from your phone because you're terrified of getting another three day vacation lmao
Do note that ancients cannot be taken with chaplains, in fact most supporting units like apothecaries or lieutenants can't be taken if there's a chaplain present instead of a captain. Dunno if GW did that intentionally or if they just forgot.
I don't know who you think I am, but I haven't gotten banned in months and months. You really can't argue that art is good, and just claiming that I have no argument doesn't actually mean you have an argument besides being buttblasted that someone didn't like your doodles
>I'm not mad and actually I have great arguments in fact you're mad and have no arguments!!!
Are you twelve years old? Genuine question
I'll stick to codex marines.
I really don't like most chapter characters really.
Although I have already converted a Tigurius model into my chief librarian
Why wouldn't I want to sit on the couch and post while in a comfortable position while watching tv if given the option? I haven't posted from my pc in years
Do different parts of the empire have different accents or is it English all the way down?
You're aware someone can say something looks like shit without being mad right. You can look at a passing car or some dudes wacky outfit and go damn that shit looks terrible, all without getting mad about it. This is no different
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Don't suppose you've ever listened to a Black Library audiobook featuring White Scars?
Is blue stuff going to fuck up whatever I heat it up in when making molds? When I say "fuck up", I mean in a way that I shouldn't use that cup for coffee ever again even after washing (due to residue, muh microplastics, whatever)
Technically low gothic is (you)r language wherever you are but they do have different accents and slang yes.
I don't think so, I'm pretty sure it's a similar thermoplastic to cheap hockey mouth guards and I don't think anything has come out about them. If you're really really nervous about it, you could probably get away with throwing it in a paper cup and pouring boiling water over it, or cutting the top off a drink can with a can opener(shit will be sharp don't be a dumbass)
>What isn't in the current game that you wish was?
Two things. Space Skaven, and the ability for factions to use captured/salvaged vehicles belonging to other factions. Like why must GSC rebel forces be limited to civilian/mining vehicles outside of the dedicated Brood Brother detachments?
>>Thread Question
>What isn't in the current game that you wish was? Rules, models, whole armies, whatever
grot revolutionaries
>can't attach apothecary to primaris crusader squad
>tfw unironically bought the pariah nexus deck and a set of objective markers

I feel like a fucking idiot. Granted I've spent money on dumber shit before but this has to take the cake
Nvm i'm retarded
Could be worse, there's a guy at our store who buys every single dice set and measuring tape gw has released since the early 2000s. He brings them all in a giant tackle box the size of his army case and makes a big show of picking his dice and tape measure while stroking his 8 chin hairs and saying things like
>Hmmm which of my beauties will I bring out today
>You've given me such luck in the past but I fear today is not your day my dears
>Ahh such fond memories these gems have brought me
>Of course! Why have I been ignoring you my sweets?! Surely you will be the ones to bring me to victory
Sometimes this monolog will go on for 5 full minutes, and the whole time he's looking around to see whose paying attention to him
That's fanwank
I might just buy a dedicated craft mug to use for blue stuff and paint water. Not that I don't trust GSW's Chinesium thermoplastics, but I'd rather not get super cancer just because I wanted to reproduce some plastic legs and torsos for my own use.
My LGS has a bunch of printed off mission decks they let people borrow but it turns out they all had a bunch of glaring mistakes and we'd all been playing the missions wrong for months lmao
Literal Chris Chan levels of consumerism
This really is the best 40k comic in terms of art quality. Damnation crusade comes close but falls flat in some panels. I do think The Visitors have an unfair advantage only being 4 pages though
Then I would still recommend the vanguard detachment.
Gladius is goodstuff but still wants to field tanks
Ironstorm wants tanks AND techmarines as a majority of your forces
Firestorm is fun but you kind of want land raiders to ferry your units around
The rest of the detachments don't see much play. Librarius Conclave is new to try and plays similar to Gladius, but you basically need to load every unit with a librarian to make use of it.
Just use a paper cup m8, just go reach dunkin/starbutts/tims and cop one. Pretty common to ask for a double cup in the drivethru so you don't hurt your hand
Try typing this without crying next time
As long as everyone had fun I don't think it's an issue if you guys were playing them wrong
>You've given me such luck in the past but I fear today is not your day my dears

You mean to say you've never become convinced some dice are especially lucky for good or bad? Because dice superstition is a core part of the game. The other shit is cringe but this is fair.
Wow you're really doing a great job at showing you aren't upset lmao, keep up the good work!
I said WITHOUT crying
I've got some lucky dice, but I'm not whispering to them in public like they're the one ring lol. I do kiss them when making risky rolls tho
>L-l-look at how not mad I am

My personal autism is to always refer to enemy weapons as "missiles" where fitting and my own as "rockets" out of a belief it makes them more accurate because it doesn't contain the word 'miss'.
>Resorting to spamming due to no rebuttal left
Every time, another simple win
Space King
Of the 40,000th variety?
As a Knight player, do I pop Rotate Ion Shields on my first oathed big knight or do I understand that it's a lost cause and wait for it to die so I can use it on the second one after he's expended most of his firepower?
Do you think the 40k writers will claim the emperor used to be Trump as well? The personality doesn't quite fit but as far relevant world leaders in the 21st century go he might be the only one
The Voltann tithes should have a provision about having some qt shortstacks into the mix.
Only if grots get shortstacks with fat asses as well
QT commissars when?
40k needs centaur abhumans with fat horse pussy
last page is so sick
A terminator squad of 10 can have 2 different heavy weapons right?
I thing new recruit is not realising that
Point costs for equipment
Army composition charts
Alternate army lists like in fantasy/tow
An actual reason to play the game
All of these shitty board game ideas are terrible and we're lucky the designers don't listen to retards like (you) who want them back in 40k
They got rid of 4 out of 5 of those things and the game skyrocketed in popularity. What does that tell you?
>An actual reason to play the game
The game is just an excuse to use your cool painted models for something and always has been
Nah we definitely need wargear points back. Not only am I tired of units being balanced around the most powerful/minmaxed loadouts but I'd rather change weapons around to fit points limits rather than taking shit enhancements to spend extra points. It's very easy in this edition to be 10-40 points under as opposed to 1-5.
New recruit isn't perfect, it's just the best option among a sea of much worse options
Use the +/- buttons on the screen to change the number of heavy weapon models in the unit.
I think killa kans should have baggy pants and sneakers
Why do people put up with printed rules that are out of date by the time they actually come out?
>It's a handy physical reference
Physical yes, handy is a no.
>I like the fluff
I always will say that if rules are to be changed as often as they do, codex should be fluff only and the actual army rules should be free so that it is easily updatable.
>It doesn't matter with that, opponent and I will agree on using RAW from the codex
You still don't have to sink your money to do that.
How can you justify paying a horrendously high price for rules that are no longer valid?

Also, for the last couple of posts while I am typing, why do people seem to hate old rules and always justify it as "It is more popular now"? More popular doesn't necessarily mean better, I thought anons on a mongolian basket weaving forum discussing toy soldiers would understand that.
I've been doing that, but it doesn't let me have two different weapons, just two of the same
I still can't get over how fucked the 2nd and 3rd ed repos are. At least the 7th, 8th and 9th are just clones of the Battlescribe repos.
There should just be set lists of what goes into an army for each faction to take away the uncertainty of lost building. That way no one can find an exploit to over power every other faction
>Granted I've spent money on dumber shit before but this has to take the cake
We are adults in a miniature hobby. We are spending money on dumb shit.
I mumble to myself and need to stop. This is a wake up call for me.
Sometimes I sit back and wonder if I am consuming too much Warhammer. Do people who validate the "consoom product" meme ever ask themselves such a question?
In my experience people tend to understand why certain rules were cut (it's almost always to reduce game times, learning curve, or rules/tools bloat).
On the other hand people rarely explain why they want certain rules back beyond OLD GOOD NEW BAD
>What does that tell you?
That their main target are teenagers who don't like to think and use their moms' money
One on hand I've seen that a lot myself so that's a fair response.
But on the other hand I doubt that is everyone that wants old rules back, especially for stuff that seems obvious like war gear costs. Sure, you had your min-maxer faggots that squeezed every point to get their desired meta list, but now you got a problem that punishes not using the war gear costs being in built to the unit to get the best shit. Worst part? When nerfs happen to the unit, it doesn't matter if you didn't use the meta loadout, you get punished as well. I get why blast markers went the way of the dodo, I don't like it because I liked the flavour they brought, but I understand it. There are other rules being removed that I cannot justify.

I guess this is also a matter of perspective since I see the game more like how historical players play their games instead of strictly a competitive format.
With the new creation of bile rules do you roll for enhancements separately for each eligible unit or do you just roll once and the results apply to the entire army? I checked on wahapedia and the wording is not clear
Armies are too hard. We need a handful of dice in 3 different colors, 1 set for damage, 1 equal amount for saves, and 1 smaller set for healing. Just roll the dice 5 time and whoever has more hp wins the match
Sounds like you just want to play chess. The fun in wargames come from having a a variety of different opponents playing in different ways. Hell if you want to stick to 40k, combat patrol is pretty much what you're asking for
you want fixed lists?
There's a lot that can be inferred as a positive for the old rules, but in what way would templates, FOCs, or vehicle damage charts be an improvement?
Based on
and this sentence:
>At the start of the battle, select which
augmentations are active for Heretic
Astartes Infantry models (excluding
Damned models) from your army
until the end of the battle. To do so,
either select one from the list below,
or randomly determine two by
rolling two D6.
I would interpret it as army wide.
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Cain doesn't have a model, sadly.
I really cant wait for that thing in plastic.
Most of those are flavour based arguments which upon reflection is more of a mindset on how you see the game and how would you want to approach it. Templates and Vehicle damage charts make for a more "real" simulation which is what I enjoy from the game itself, but I recognize that it isn't for everyone. Guess I'll just be a grumbling grog with my friend group and shut up.
Have you considered not playing with waacfags? Even when we paid points for weapon options we had people taking Oops all eldar jetbikes, or stuffing as much grav and plastic into their lists as possible.
I did say I recognize that was a flaw with the old system, but I cannot for the life of me ever say the way to fix that is to get rid of costs all together.
Low key kinda widh she was posed with her dual pistols instead of two melee weapons or at least had the option in the box to build her with pistols instead of her current loadout
40k should be played on a square board divided into a grid of 64 squares (eight-by-eight) of alternating color (similar to the board used in draughts). Regardless of the actual colors of the board, the lighter-colored squares are called "light" or "white", and the darker-colored squares are called "dark" or "black". Sixteen "white" and sixteen "black" pieces are placed on the board at the beginning of the game. The board is placed so that a white square is in each player's near-right corner. Horizontal rows are called ranks, and vertical columns are called files. At the beginning of the game, the pieces are arranged for each side one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. The pieces are placed, one per square, as follows:
>Rooks are placed on the outside corners, right and left edge.
>Knights are placed immediately inside of the rooks.
>Bishops are placed immediately inside of the knights.
>The queen is placed on the central square of the same color of that of the piece: white queen on the white square and black queen on the black square.
>The king takes the vacant spot next to the queen.
>Pawns are placed one square in front of all of the other pieces.
The player controlling the white pieces is named "White"; the player controlling the black pieces is named "Black". White moves first, then players alternate moves. Making a move is required; it is not legal to skip a move, even when having to move is detrimental. Play continues until a king is checkmated, a player resigns, or a draw is declared, as explained below. In addition, if the game is being played under a time control, a player who exceeds the time limit loses the game unless they cannot be checkmated.
That sounds boring tho
FOC force you to build at least part of your army in a somewhat similar way across all armies and need to build around reinforcing such core, making it so that the list as a whole is more balanced within itself

Templates, armor facing and armor penetration charts are tactical improvements that reward positioning, timing and the use of terrain. Without templates and the fact that now any model can be wounded on a 6 it simply means that whoever goes first will shoot its biggest gun at whatever it sees immediately score a win of it hits.
What's the middle ground between "This plays like a game" and "this plays like a simulation"? Because these arguments seem to start with two opposing view points
>I don't mind the game being slower if it means I can recreate battles better with rules to simulate such things
>I don't mind the game being more simple if it means that I can play it without frustrating rules and arguments
Is chess just kill team but lamer and gayer?
>Have you considered not playing with waacfags?
Only waacfags play this game because anyone who wants to play casually gets destroyed repeatedly until they lose interest in the game
The middle ground will be found when GW realises that simplification of rules does not mean removing said rules entirely. There is a difference between simplification and nullification but GW is just as retarded and allergic to thinking as their customers
GW should make my kitbashes into real models
Honestly if 40k just adopted list building rules and limitations from ToW wholesale it would already become a much better game
Let's brainstorm some ideas of what shrimplefied versions of rules that GW killed could be because that sounds like a fun idea. Vehicle tables might be a hard one because they kinda sorta have that with degrading profiles.
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You mean something like this?
I wish I could work up the energy to learn how to paint faces. I've only ever painted one I liked and it took way too much effort
I've had a dreadnought sitting on my desk for months now. How long should it take to paint this guy? I'm concerned it's gonna just become a half assed paint job because I get burnt out towards the end
Here is my pitch
Templates are back but do not automatically hit. It just scores a number of attacks equal to the number of models completely under the template, ignoring partially covered ones. This is to exemplify the fact that when shelled enemy models would still try to scamper away or dive in cover. Template weapons get a BS value, indirect fire has a chance to scatter.
Armor value are reintroduced. When you hit a vehicle you need to roll on a chart to see how much penetration you get based on your weapon's S. If you roll bad you glance, if you roll good you cripple or pop the vehicle entirely. Weapons with a lower S than the armor AV cannot pierce it. If you engage a vehicle in melee and you have grenades or high S weapons like a thunder hammer you autopen and roll on the chart. Some weapons like chainfists and meltas get bonuses against AV
You don't get a tax unit to buy but a minimum amount of points you need to spend on the battleline of your army, plus a max amount of points you can spend on elites or support or whatever. HQ and special units have a limitation of 1 per army or 1 every 1000 pts on the list
You're in luck, anon. Here's an easy tutorial for noobs straight out of the latest White Dwarf from December
FOCs provide alternate rules for army comp.
For example normally a Chaos Sorcerer would be a 1 every 1000 pts in an army but if you run a Sorcerer Cabal list the limit is removed, but you cannot take a Chaos Lord and one of your Sorcerers must be the army's warlord
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>Go to a official GW store and pay 100%
>Or go to a third party store that just sells everything GW at a flat discount across the board
Honestly I never understood it, is it just to fleece newcomers that don't know any better?
>tfw making sure every model I build is wearing a face covering
I'm afraid
I like to go every once in a while to get a single box and the free mini of the month for kitbashing bits
Still me
>Templates vs. AV
Templates weapons follow the same rules as hitting and penetration but always count as hitting the side armor. If a template weapon's S is not enough to pierce the vehicle's AV it deals no damage but automatically gets a 'crew stunned' result applying a -1 to hit to the tank for the next round to simulate the fire blinding the tank's optics or the shaking caused by artillery spoiling the crew's aim
Have you considered acquiring friends who aren't shit
Being a competitive shit has become a requirement in the wargaming community. The only casuals left are the 12 year old who don't know how to play and have no money so they just field whatever their mom buys them
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>NTA but
I hate how correct you are. I just hate it and I want it to be wrong.
You could do it in a week if it's a firstborn maybe 2 if it's a redemptor. If it's a firstborn just keep the shin panels and arms off and do the metallic frame first, if it's a redmptor chassis do the frame first and all your colored panels last and you'll breeze through it
That's objectively untrue. If you find a friend who also just want sto run cool stuff then you can just run cool stuff. You aren't a unique individual for wanting to run the kits you think look cool. They're out there, you just have to talk to people and you'll find them
have you considered just writing the name of the unit on a circular piece of paper and saving like $1200
I mean I got tabletop simulator (forgot if it was on sale or not) and played some 40k games to see if the game was for me, then I bought some cheap DnD preprimed minis to see if the hobby was for me. I liked both.
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so for a long time tau had an established trend of "prototype weapon in one codex becomes mass produced in the next"

i really liked this, it actually made it feel like the society was doing the whole rapid tech advance thing they talk about in the lore.

but then they made a bunch of prototype melee weapons and....??? where did they go? where is the mass produced onager gauntlet or fusion blades? the fact that they killed one of the coolest things about the tau with their prototype systems just to keep them from having a melee suit is fucking stupid.

look at a melee army. whats the most melee army you can think of? lets say world eaters. world eaters can still take triple plasma forgefiends, landraiders, predator annihilators and destructors, as well as allied knights. just because they are THE melee army, doesnt mean they get locked out of the shooting phase.

GWs adherence to this melee ban for tau suits ruined one of their coolest cross codex gimmicks, and doesnt even make sense within the overall design of the game as even all the other melee or psychic armies still have access to the shooting phase.

and no, nobody wants kroot to be the thing you have to take instead of a potential melee suit. no one wants to have to choose a bird gorilla for the melee option when twin beam sabers or a giant mecha gauntlet were on the table

also while we're complaining, what the fuck happened to the entire rank of shas'el or the shas'vre bodyguards?

what the fuck happened to this army? its like they were going in the right direction and then got steered off a cliff into a pit of kroot no one asked for and lost half their military ranks along the way.

hell, you cant even customize the battlesuits anymore which was their E N T I R E shtick

jesus fucking christ whoevers in charge of this army at GW get em out of there
No, I like painting minis and the game is just icing on the cake for me and let's me run the stuff I think is cool around a table with other people's stuff that they think is cool
only if you dont have friends that can cultivate an understanding of the level of power you want to play at.

if you're only playing against randos in matched play pickup games then yeah, race to the bottom competitive cheese lists are what you're going to get, but if you play with a friend group or in a narrative campaign those things quickly fall by the wayside and people tone down their lists to match the vibe of the group
That's not how LOS works tourist
>waacfags toning down their power creep for any reason ever
There is no "casual mode" for people who have fun only if they win and you know it
The point is not to play with waacfags
The counterpoint is there is nothing but waacfags know this game
10th still probably has the smallest gap between optimized and unoptimized lists thanks to its simplified list building and people still complain lmao

the gap between two non agents is leagues smaller than the gap between, say, an optimized 7e eldar list and a casual list
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Nah because I don't give a shit about the game, I just like painting cool plastic miniatures
>but then they made a bunch of prototype melee weapons and....??? where did they go?
not every prototype goes into mass production
my group has several regular tournament top 3 placers (not me, im not that good) and they tone it down appropriately when the group is coming down to a narrative level or just want to play a friendly game. when we want to go balls out we usually use a phrase to the effect of "testing a list" or "play a game with some teeth" and the expectation of tournament level performance is then on the table, but otherwise everyone plays at sort of a medium level.

what you're speaking to sounds like you either dont play and you're just parroting online talking points, or you have no friends and got stuck in an extremely autistic scene with people who dont care about you as a person. because if you show up to a game with a casual list and they absolutely STOMP your face in with some waac cheese shit, that only has to happen once or twice before they learn "oh, i better tone it down against this guy, he's not playing at that level". and if they dont, if they repeatedly smash your face in and table you early game with no consideration for the level you're willing to play at, then why are you even playing against them?
>established trend of "prototype weapon in one codex becomes mass produced in the next"
not really, no
i just want to play against people that want to have FUN, is that so much to ask for?

my local scene looks fairly chill, but theres one dude who does intro games for new players but he runs his tournament list every time, surely thats the moment when the experienced player brings out the shit that no one else plays from that army
Especially with medics now respawning troopers
>is that so much to ask for?
from randos? yes, they don't have a gaming group of friends for a reason
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I do hope so
Who is this semen demon?
I like these, they are cool.
I really like that one tank with the broken tread on it, it's peak ork.
My friend used to do this, would print out space marines and glue them to a cardboard base so he could have games with us. His parents deprived him of everything just about, and was forced to spend most of his summer playing competitive tennis, which he fucking hated. Really talented sportsman but couldn't stand it
It was fucking stupid that they decided to squat all of that shit, dread mob could've been so much more, a full army of grots
You will take your sniggers and you will like them
its so weird to me as a primarily age of sigmar player that 40k doesnt have its own grot army.

feels like such a missed opportunity. so weird that 40k only has 1 army of greenskins but they can always find time for another space marine spinoff codex
Thank God GW doesn't listen to your kind anymore and is pulling away from the absolute cancer of battlesuit faggotry.
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What about fire warrior cancer. I want upsaled Fire warriors with options for longer curved helms, like alien heads
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>pulling away from battlesuit faggotry
>just released a battleforce thats nothing but battlesuits

>rewrote the crisis suit rules so you can now include 3x the amount of crisis suit units

you're joking right?
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This is what Tau need but won't get.
why dont fire warriors have a melee unit come to think of it? they have a whole culture around samurai swords, honor duels and ritual knives. kinda feels like they should have a sword unit
just run your favourite HG gundam as a riptide dude
why are this mechs thrusters on the front? so it can run away at maximum velocity? i guess thats kind of tau like
i wish they'd do more of this color scheme in a box shit. P3 used to do this for warmachine back in the day, good way to get a cohesive scheme in a single buy
Isn't the in universe reason is that the tau, even the fire caste that are the biggest and toughest, are too small and weak and so they'd lose any and every melee fight?
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But why would you want to take battlesuits and Tau when you can take Kroot instead?
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>have to buy and build new guardsman for my 6 infantry squads because I gave all of them missile launchers (that they can't take now)
A tau firewarrior is at best as strong as an average guardsman.
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So they can duel to distract a khorne berserker and live, duel and win aganist a genestealer patriarch like a certain commissar
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i think they're short,l ike 4.5-5ft tall, but every piece of art i've seen of a fire warrior they are built like brick shithouses

if fucking votann can have effective melee units, no reason tau cant, especially when they can also supplement the melee with bionics or tech like laser swords

not to mention ethereals, who arent even the warrior caste, used to straight up go into battle with glaives and melee honour guard
not all armies should be good at everything
Warhammer baby's first deal with option removal and crippling of imagination
Welcome to warhammer newfriend
>your average FW can do these things, just like the greatest hero the Imperium has ever known
>no ap 6+ save shitters that need 20 detachment bandaids just to make them work

no thanks
>Ultimately despite all its efforts the Imperium is failing its job
Damn is this what taufags tell themselves to cope?
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>implying the average IG is half as capable as Gaunt
i honestly dont mind just the beast snaggas and a beastboss, surprisingly strong in an army, particularly if that beastboss gets a charge off on a monster or vehicle. everything else is quite meme worthy though, whoever designed the hunta/kill rig was taking the piss for sure
>art i've seen of a fire warrior they are built like brick shithouses
They should at least be able to kick a human in the head and knock them out
Oh right how could I forget hes the Imperiums greatest saviour
>not all armies should be good at everything
except every other army in the game is
jeez that bottom right image is bringing back memories, when my friend first got the 3rd / 4th edition battleforce or whatever it was called back then along with the codex. thats some sort of bonding knife ritual isnt it?
most armies have a pretty solid theme and have weaknesses based around that
The eldar factions have very hard hitting stuff that's incredibly mobile but are low toughness and low wounds to compensate.
IG struggle to get good melee units but make up for it with massed fire, orders and good tanks
Marine armies struggle to get cheap infantry with even basic units being expensive, but have high toughness infantry and tanks
yeah, the tau would go through a whole warrior culture bonding ceremony where they would drink a scalding hot brew and then carve i believe their septs symbol into their chest with the bonding knife. and then they reciprocate the ritual back into the other participants.

the old lore had it badly translated by the imperials as "marriage" but its basically a death oath, those warriors who participate (it can be a pair or a larger group) swear to fight with and protect each other for the rest of their lives until death
>Fire warriors used to be the Sacred Band of Thebes in space
damn thats cool
>The eldar factions have very hard hitting stuff that's incredibly mobile but are low toughness and low wounds to compensate.

yeaaaahhhhh....except all those wraith units

>Marine armies struggle to get cheap infantry with even basic units being expensive
arent intercessors like 80 points for 10 wounds? and scouts are what, 70? how cheap do you need em exactly? 70 for 10 wounds is almost cultist cheap

>IG struggle to get good melee units but make up for it with massed fire, orders and good tanks
yeah its a shame they dont have some T6 4+inv save melee unit with a club that hits like an autocannon. absolute shame, that.
No, but having at least one dedicated melee unit would not be a problem, and it would not make the army as a whole good at melee.
Painfully obvious this is just one anon talking to himself.
But they have - Kroot
You already have that and it's the Kroot and kroot variations
Which nobody uses because they don't synergise well with the rest of the army
No one asked you, fat boy
there are 9 kroot datasheets and their own detachment
thats like telling a thousand sons player to just play birds

unrealistic and not what we're here for.
>Do you have a copy of those time travel rules as well?
no, they were in a White Dwarf. It was for the season of Kill Team that was on a Space Hulk, the gimmick was that time was getting all fucked up because of Warp shenanigans
the whole thing about the Tau empire is that they're an amalgamation of races that use auxillaries to make up for the weaknesses of the actual Tau race, shown by them having melee aliens (kroot) and very mobile aliens (Vespids)
fuck off destinyfag
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>tau melee
I explained this in a past thread already but melee basically goes against the entire principle of tau warfare of hit and run tactics.
Also there is no reason for tau or their battle suits to use melee weapons when their rifles also work point blank and probably do more damage than a sword without sacrificing range.
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fuck on destinyfag
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>tau warfare of hit and run tactics.
Late reply, but there's a button to split stacks that you need to push. Looks like two boxes stacked on top of each other with the top one having a + sign.
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I would like to add I don't want to go back to the days when my dudes finally hit the Tau lines after dodging and eating railguns and cyclion ion blasters only for a commander with full rerolls to hit and wound and a S12 D6 melee weapon to counter-charge. Fuck all y'all!
fuck off destinyfag
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Catachans should use short barreled or sawn off lasguns.
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>make up for the weaknesses of the actual Tau race

if tau dont melee because other people do it for them then explain why the ethereals, the most rare and valuable members of their command, are charging into melee combat with glaives
They were meant to be Psykers, but got retconned
something something Homeric archetypes of leadership and heroism something something
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For some reason they seem stuck on the idea of the Gretchin Revolutionary Committee being the only kind of all-Grot force, and also only being a joke.
why did they remove all nazi imagery/motifs from orks but kept this commie shit?
Gretchin Revolutionary Committee needs an Ork lenin, a true believer in grot freedom showing ork society can treat gorts equally
See >>94789315
Wash your ass
Sawn off RPDs are so sex
nazis are the wests enemy and the foundational evil for the current neoliberal world order.
Commies were allies turned proto enemies for US imperalist competition, so they're not as pure evil and okay to have a faction stand in for
>but kept this commie shit
They didn't, they turned it into a symbol of capitalistic shit

The communism allegory left in warhammer is genestealer cults
it's mostly a symbolic weapon
the one tau ethereal who kicks ass in melee is an exception
because GW respects the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism.
want me to show you what the vorgh looks like
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>The progressive historical role of WAAGH may be summed up in two brief propositions: increase in the productive forces of greenskin (da boyz) labour, and the socialisation of that labour (The mistreatment of grots). But both these facts manifest themselves in extremely diverse processes in different branches of the national economy (who gets the most dakka and loot)
-Ork Lenin
nah, already know
That's just another krootox
oh shit, it's that Leatherback toy. I really wanted to buy it and repaint it but I've got too much shit on my project list already.
I'm happy to see that the sculpt really is that nice and takes paint as well as I thought
>the one tau ethereal who kicks ass in melee is an exception

They did my boy Aun'shi dirty. Shit they got rid of Straken too from Guard now I think about it. They really do NOT want you having melee dudes in shooty armies AT ALL.
Well I think they're shaggy mammals and not reptiles and rather than a gorilla/gorbeast body type of big forarms they're more slug like in the body so wrong
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Communist Gobbos are peak sovl
you could give any ethereal either paired close combat weapons or an honor blade, and neither were for show. the paired blades gave them 4 attacks, and the honor blade gave them +2 strength

for 50 points they were actually not bad in a scrap.
>for 50 points they were actually not bad in a scrap.
They're worse than a chaos marine with a chainsword.
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not very interesting looking or with the ideal anatomy to throw punches at other superheavies
At times I wonder how many SM randomly ded in a space battle or because someone blew up their drop pod in mid air.
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btw, I think jes shamelessly copied these guys for his eldar jets
I never imagined them punching a mech, more grappling and wrestling them to the ground
>chaos space marine
>1 attack at S4, +1 attack for CCwpn and pistol
>3 attacks at S5

just factually wrong
Probably. He certainly copied pic related for his classic boxnough design
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This is Wayne Barlowe art right? They should take more from him, or better yet comission the man
When's the next event?
literally this week
Oh sick
Can't wait for new levels of disappointment
You guys are wrong. There is a class of Ethereals who are called Seekers. They are very skilled fighters with reflexes that match Aeldari.
so this will be the EC event?
Stop expecting full range reveals, cretin
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GW has made an animation of a SOB being skinned alive by EC to celebrate their release as their own army though. So get hype
but I play SoB....
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Watching your dudes get slaughtered by their enemies is half the fun of 40k, no one has plot armour eveyones fucked
>stop expecting GW to do the bare minimum when introducing a new army
Lucius will have his model previewed bare minimum.
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Or it's convergent.
the Gitmob stuff at the last event was so fire. But this time we're getting some more skeletons and shit. boring.

They did take from him for the ossiarchs in aos, but I don't think they took enough or did a very good job on many models.
Why can't they just make more skeletons like the Deathrattle where they're just like... skeletons? Why do they focus on those goofy ass looking bone golem shit
hey, skeletons are cools, a new zombie dragon is also coming.
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> no one has plot armor

well, almost no one
Because Warhammer is wacky and weird and over the top (even though for 30 years a skeleton with a sword was Warhammer). Now it's about skeletons in bone power armour and if you don't like that you will not be missed.
>no one has plot armour
unless you're a named space marine / loyalist primarch ;)
that's what they're doing, there's nothing on the horizon for the skelegolems
they literally do. The current Deathwalker kit is relatively new, and the rumor is that they're going to add a bunch of new just skeletons kits
The bone golems are a different army from the skeletons. The skeletons are in the vampire army, the bone golems are in the bone golem army
>and the rumor is that they're going to add a bunch of new just skeletons kits
They fucking better. God I love skeletons
Imagine fucking up your scale this much.
god how I wish that was true. I don't get GW neglecting orks and especially grot armies so much. the setting only exists for and because of orks. everything else is set dressing and fluff
has fallen and will probably continue so
will probably be doomed by chaos sooner or later
there is no way that they will reunite so they are probably going to skimmed until forced to bring their best tech ever to fuck off or slumber again
is falling slowly but suraly, Emperor is hanging by a thread
sooner or later will be annihilated
probably would survive a bit longer only to die too
will remain but never become Krorks again
has a very high chance of consuming everyone, and probably already did to other galaxies
no signs of stopping, they will probably plunge the material world in eternal darkness

what's the point man? This is grim
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This is the 40k general and we already have our own skeleton faction, fuck off to the AoS thread.
why did you post a tranny necron
>>rewrote the crisis suit rules so you can now include 3x the amount of crisis suit units
But each unit can now only take 3 crisis suits. With the rule of three that's 3*3*3 for a total of 27.
Previously crisis suits could come in units of 6. With the rule of three that's 6*2*3 for a total of 36.
And the previous suits were more customisable.
the small skeletons are the Grave Guard, which is the kit rumored to be replaced.
The guy on the right is a bone golem, so his size doesn't actually matter that much because he's a completely artificial creation

I don't understand why 40k fans have so much trouble understanding that the bone golem guys are golems made of bones, not just very thick skeletons
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I post whatever the fuck I want, but it's always about 40k
It's a sailor moon reference
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Back in the good old days Forge World made a bunch of conversion kits for logistical vehicles.
>fucking zoomer doesn't know about Sailor Moon
the last decades of pedo anime have been a disaster, baka
>so his size doesn't actually matter that much because he's a completely artificial creation
it makes no sense that it would be made smaller, or that the skeletons are taller than humans and zombies
>it makes no sense that it would be made smaller
saves bone, innit?
all tranime is garbage, sister
>posts grave guard, one of the most hideously disproportionate kits still sold by GW
I shit on the grave of Forge World
>why can't they make more of this army instead of this different army
yep it's a /40kg/ poster alright
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Is Carcosa in 40k
>t. seething poorfag who got rolled by a Land Raider Achilles once and never got over it
civic nationalism is gay and retarded. if the t'au wouldn't constantly psychically repress their population it wouldn't be feasible in the slightest. I mean, what really unites a human, a t'au and a vespid?
Resin is a blight upon humanity and I will happily shit on its grave
>what really unites a human, a t'au and a vespid?
The greater good!
>I mean, what really unites a human, a t'au and a vespid?
A utopian ideal that actually exists and everyone is actively strived towards, which is something hard to imagine because we don't have one IRL.
i was semi-recently cleaning and refurbishing an old forgeworld hive tyrant i found in an ancient bits box i had from 20 years ago, and while i was cleaning the head my brush pressed in and i found i giant bubble in the resin the size of a jellybean.

luckily it was the underside of the back of the head, kind of the bulbous dome on the underside of a tyranid head if you know what im referring to, so it was easy enough to fill with greenstuff and smooth over and its in a low visibility smooth area so it didnt destroy any detail

but yeah, i dont enjoy working with resin. and considering it cost $100 in 2005 money, thats pretty shit quality for the price
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40k's omonym "king in yellow" has his own headquarters in the city of dust, a place in its own pocket dimension

otherwise you might consider your equivalent of carcosa any sort of destroyed eldar city in the webway
It's not canon
I know, but I assumed anon was asking about that specifically
wait till you hear half the elements abnett uses have been in Fantasy and 40k for a decade before abnett ever put them together
but that's the point isn't it? utopia looks very different on a human to human basis so how different do you think a vespid's idea of a perfect world would be compared to a human's? and just think about the other fundamentally different species the t'au employ like the kroot. does their utopia even remotely resemble anything a human would consider as such? I'd strongly disagree
Abnett is the direct cause of the marvelization of 40k
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...but I thought the purpose of 40k was for everyone to be retarded. Everyone in the MCU is retarded, so really isn't that just a return to form?
what does that even mean?
what if Marvel got de-marvelised?
if you didn't have marvel in the file name I would have assumed this was some bollywood movie
Marvel was the most popular thing in the world, 4chan contrarianism requires it to be the worse thing in the world, any material change in reality is irrelevant to them.
oh so because abnett is widely considered to be one of the better authors we have to pretend he sucks. Got it
The bar for 40k authors is so damn low that Abnett is considered "good"
And now it's so far in the dumps that it looks like it never reached that height in the first place.
oh we're still doing the meme? isn't it less funny in a thread where we all know its a dumb meme?
>Marvel was the most popular thing in the world
Was. If you hadn't noticed it's now not popular and widely regarded as dogshit.
Despite all this whining, Tau statistically are the most balanced army in 10th. They’ve remained around a 49-51% winrate throughout their codex’s drop. Hell, the dataslate gives them no changes directly to their faction.
shouldn't we then say its good, because contrarianism?
Hi Dan!
No, because the contrarianism thing is just a bad take.
>point out that contrarianism exists
>suddenly anyone who doesn't like every popular thing is a contrarian
Why is every thing always the most extreme version of itself possible on this god forsaken website, where are all the moderate takes in the world?
...and on the other hand contrarianism doesn't exist. OF COURSE!
>Why is every thing always the most extreme version
>contrarianism doesn't exist.
Look into the mirror.
How can you be saying this after Marvel Rivals just came out?
Deadpoool and Wolverine just made over a billion dollars? Marvel is still undeniably popular.
because you can get banned if you push back against the contrarian narrative too much
Are you:
1. Borderline illiterate
2. So autistic you are borderline non-verbal
3. Acting in bad faith
There is no way you posted what you just posted and aren't at least one of the three.
>How can you be saying this after Marvel Rivals just came out?
>Deadpoool and Wolverine just made over a billion dollars? Marvel is still undeniably popular.
2 nuggets gold in a mountain of shit doesn't suddenly mean it's not a mountain of shit.
how many years until FDM printing is viable
We aren't talking about quality we are talking about popularity.
If you want to be a true contrarian, yes.
Specifically I mean if you want to be a contrarian on 4chan, the real counter culture here is to like the popular stuff without a hint of irony.
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>built all my infantry squads without heavy weapons to save on points
>heavy weapons become free, I feel bad for missing out on heavy weapons
>heavy weapons in inf squads now gone, I don't have to feel bad anymore
>We aren't talking about quality we are talking about popularity.
And mountains of shit attract flies, this is a known fact.
>I'm not extreme posting!
I thought anime was the most popular thing?
wasnt thousand sons supposed to get a codex last year?
No? Did you think it was the year of Chaos or something ahahah.
They filled a vacuum left behind by blizzard detonating catastrophically. That being said, Marvel has a huge cast of characters to pull from compared to other hero shooter type things.
The 40kg contrarians declared Phoenix Lords and Dark Eldar the most popular 40k things previously
noone did but your strawman
>no this never happened!
found the aeldari poster
what the hell is sticky objective
if it did happen you would post a screenshot instead of a claim
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I initially assumed that it was on the down and out but I think they managed to capture a pretty good audience with the game, especially with the direction they took it even if the comics and movies might not be doing as well as they used to.
>Marvel Comics
>Not doing as well as they used to
That's one way to put it.
oh my army apparently doesnt have that
why would I be keeping screenshots of aeldari fans acting like scum? its a daily occurrence on 40kg
You are the type who would claim eldar fans didn't complain about the new dark reapers/banshees/striking scorpions even though every regular to these threads saw it non-stop when they were revealed/released.
is thousand sons still decent if my rubric marines have bolters instead of warpflamers? or am i just fucked?
What are the "Sisters of the Omnissiah"?
people with moderate takes who can behave themselves don't stay on this website
Damn, they look like AoS characters.
why is her bulge bigger than his?
>Warhammer 40,000 General
How do you explain Sony's Miles Morales movies doing well if people don't want to see black super heroes. Falcon has always been black and he was a core avenger during the second best period (sales wise) in comic book history.
Have you ever considered that modern Marvel comics don't sell because they are poorly written and politically preachy?
i only watched the first movie for B spiderman
Why is it that the Jetbike Autarch can not join a unit of Shining Spears? He even has their iconic Laser Lance as his default loadout. Shining Spears also don’t have a Phoenix lord to boost them either.
>Have you ever considered that modern Marvel comics don't sell because they are poorly written and politically preachy?
So infected by DEI shit? Good, glad you agree.
what is my anti tank option as thousand sons
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Where did the xenoscum touch you again? point it on the model.
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I love (loyalist) Vindicators, but I want to "future-proof" mine a bit. Are there any printers who produce a simple "upsacled"/"primaris-scaled" Vindicator?

Is the HH version of the besttank that same size as the 40k model?
Vindicators, predators
Because the Foot Autarch can't join Aspect Warriors and the Wayleaper can't join Hawks or Spiders.
Primarily the former, because Aspects with access to free stratagems would be considered 'too strong' even though current Eldar stratagems suck ass except for Phantasm and Lightning Fast Reactions.
I probably would like the Tau if they were all as cool as commander farsight. My man has the coolest battlesuit with a fuckin sword and shield ready to cut a bitch, but tau can't have nice things so no melee battlesuit detachment
How do Bladeguard Vets tend to perform? I'm thinking of sticking 6 in a Repulsor Executioner with Titus
Haha, you’re a crazy person.
Just run the old one, you don't need to future proof anything.
The Impulsors are roughly the same size as a vindicator anyway.
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Take a look at a Skitarii Marshal next to a regular Skitarii. (not my models)
They’re okay. Salamanders get the most out of them but have to add 2 characters.
you guys know that people can be different heights right
Anon you don’t understand, he HAS to complain about gays and browns. If he doesn’t his balls will explode.
>I love (loyalist) Vindicators, but I want to "future-proof" mine a bit.
Print the extra pieces needed to turn a land raider into an ares pattern one
>every normal skitarii is 5'8"
>they only make marshals out of people who are 6'10"
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Don't be a size queen, anon. The 40k and HH vindicators have the same footprint.
> "future-proof"

Also, you can always go with his big bother, the Typhon Siege Tank
limb lengthening surgery but with robotics
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Fair warning, the typhon is 400 points of shelf warmer.
Sorry Skitarii, manlets do not possess the mantle of leadership
>implying the Mechanicum wouldn't make the marshals bigger for reasons
depends on your chapter. generic CSM probably struggle to find a better general purpose combat beatstick, especially with judiciar. other chapters like black templars, dark angels or blood angels probably have better options
Are its 40k rules so bad?
yeah why is cawl so much bigger than a skitarii too, hes just a human aswell
Well it gets bonuses against fortifications as its ability and only has 2 more wounds than a land raider while double the price.
generic SM*

excuse me. force of habbit
Cawl is clearly the Void Dragon, he increased the amount of Space Marines in the world by and order of magnitude.
Naw he just stabilized them. A lot of chapters got wiped out or went traitor after the great rift.
I'm running generic Ultras, I just didn't have anything to put in my Repulsor Executioner. I've decided that for the games where I take a Gladiator Lancer I'll put something something anti-infantry in the RepEx and in games where I take a Reaper I'll put in some Eradicators. But finding a nice melee unit has proven difficult.
cawl singlehandedly saved the imperium, you better kneel to admech chads when you see them
You joke but the next Cawl book will probably involve him going beneath Mars and capturing the Void Dragon shards locked beneath it because "he's just that smart"
I tried to cope with this, the thing that broke that illusion is that when you are trying to make someone seem deliberately bigger than someone else in the context of a miniature, you need to do more than just adjust the scale slider up 15%. They need to be given more bulk, to make the difference in size read more clearly, but the marshal has basically identical proportions to the regular skitarii. It's plain someone just didn't bother to reference the scale.

This retard understands and doesn't understand at the same time.
>all the skeletons just so happen to be taller than all of the humans and all of the zombies
>that's how normal height variability works
>implying the void dragon isn't the friends we made along the way
the void dragon is going to be fake and it turns out its just the most powerful necron tomb world thats been there all this time
>using already available materials and blue prints made by their better
>given to him by Guilliman express approval to jump over all bureaucracy involved in the AM structure
>took ten thousand years even with everything laid down for him already
It's just proof of how shit they actually are though.
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thank you for the guidance my brothers.
Because they're also on the back and sides, not just the front; probably wanna get your eyes checked.
You understand nearly his entire body is rebuilt, right? Mechanicus changes shit like this all the time. You don't think Cawl was always a robot snail thing, do you?
why do you guys do this thing where someone says "sometimes X is Y" and then you smarmily respond with
>X is always Y
stupid people do not get nuance. All is the best or the worst for them
Use a normal vindicator, lavishly decorate it, perhaps even shove onto it a dreadnought's sarcophagus to say it's piloted by an ancient half dead marine.

then keep it as your army's relic tank, everything else will be advanced, change and be upgraded, the vindicator will endure as a battle fossil.
This guy is right, we deserve respect
>future proof
If they want a new primaris vindicator tank variant no future proofing will save you, get the Vindicator and enjoy the ride.
why is it smarmly to point out that the kits do not in fact align with the "sometimes X is Y" comment? isn't it smarmly to make that comment when the argument is about scale differences of units, and not individual models, in the first place?
The miniature representing a thing, doesn't represent an individual, it represents the average found across all cases of the group that individual represents. Ergo, if one mini is bigger than the other, then on average, all examples in setting of what they are meant to represent can be assumed to be bigger than the other.

You're the one missing the nuance. I'm not here complaining why every Ogryn model is the exact same height when they should realistically be a little bit bigger or a little bit smaller than each other.
Move over
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More like a proof how perfected marines were already as a concept.
Only thing Cawl could figure out to make marines better was just to make them taller and stronger and then give them an organ what basically amounts to a massive adrealine boost, which heals some damage if the marine is about to die, and after it the organ needs to "recharge".

People and even GW just over blow Cawl's achievements by many magnitudes.
Even his technology advancements are just bolting 2 things together like an ork or to make it bigger.
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No, you don't
wow 3 models look bad out of an entire range.
not on page 10 you dumb retard
they're good.

in my opinion there are 2 good choices to lead them. either a judiciar, because strikes first on a melee unit is just genuinely useful and makes them not a pushover if they end up recieving charges or the opponent is playing activation games, and a chaplain who's +1 to wound puts them on a 2+ into marines, a 3+ into terminators, and a 4+ into basically anything that isnt a land raider or a knight, which makes them able to swing successfully into a wider range of targets, which combined with their ap-2 and D2 with 4A makes them legit blenders

a captain also works, but i think i prefer one of the two first options myself, and you dont have room in your transport to squeeze in a lieutenant
Never gonna defend stiltman, or the bird plane, but there's nothing inherently wrong with pteraxii. The wings are not new to 40k, there is even another even more technologically advanced faction that has winged jump troops and those don't even have the sensibility of design the pteraxii do which is that the wings are not for propulsion, they have jets on their back for that. They steer with the wings.

Secondly this general wailed and beat its chest for weeks over the loss of a set of non-functional, gigantic drag-increasing ornamental wings on Sanguinary Guard. Get entirely fucked with your retarded double standard on the aesthetic merits of wings on jump troops.
I own 2 of those and I like them. What now buddy
does enhancements not cost points anymore?
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more than that
Why didn't you post the glorified Tupperware?
oh no those look great
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I bet you wait until there's mold in your room before cleaning it.
because the alternative build is a tank, not a transport
bizarre question. do you not read the rules?
they cost points last time i read them, but now i cant find the point cost
both versions still looks like shit though.
why does it look like it's missing parts from the kit?
they are in the munitorum field manual (points document) and in the detachment rules for your army
oh okay thanks
These guys belong together in one army.
the 40k design team sucks ass
All 4 look cool though?
they went to shit when Jes Goodwin and others at GW decided to rebrand themselves as a "toy designers" because it sounded better to smug artsy hipsters.
Hence abandoning any pretense of realism and going full retard with Gi Joe style vehicles since 5th.
your assertion is not valid
If he were any good, he wouldn't be in an IP's stable.
>if i slap bunch of words into a post certainly i will hit couple of stray shots and be correct
nuh uh
Number 1 Dunerider hater here:
There is literally nothing stopping you from proxying either of these models
archaeopter and pteraxii would have been cool with big turbines instead of wings
skatros would have been cool if his legs were angled (like a tall bird) instead of straight stilts
>archaeopter and pteraxii would have been cool with big turbines instead of wings
man i wish it was like that holy shit i wish
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Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
2 more weeks sister!!!
I know what you're talking about
>it's been 13 years
>gandhi deleted
Sure love how the horde army has like 10 models in a $280 box.
Centurion mention
what a strange loss, heretical even
Really I could probably have taken the shrimplification in stride if all the Crisis Suits could at least choose between a WSS, BSS or Shield Generator.

I also find the fact you can't make a Fusion-Flamer loadout to be fucking insulting.
I too crave the holy might of fusion gun and flamer in accord.
Crozius from a statue? Fucking based
>he works out at the library

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