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Welcome to the Lego General, the worst place on the net for any and all LEGO discussion!
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Thread Challenge: Build a MadMax-like car
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Fated Forest
Coming soon !
What went wrong with this general?
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Hope to get these sets before they discontinued.
that brachio will cost a fortune in the future.
If you cant buy ankylosaurus anymore - imagine how painful it will be to see brachio being expensive 3 years later
Trolls, and people being too retarded to realise they're getting trolled.
Oh and jannies not doing their fucking job
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You can stay in your sinking thread if you want, schizo anon.
We hit the road in this thread.
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Was thinking about adding few more figs to Neo Ice Planet but I think it will dilute the setting

>Snow Guardian
>Ice King and Queen
>Child and Ushanka Gramps
>Mr. Freeze

So far only child and Ushanka fit the theme real well. I'd like to keep Flama out since I want it to remain pretty pacifist without villains. And Guardiana and Queen go too much into Castle style...
Holy fuck anons look what i found.
I had no idea this set can actually be found/bought. I thought there was only Mei minifigure available on bricklink for a short time.

>brachiosaurus torso is just one solid piece
What a joke. Look at the audacity to even try and pose this actual brick like that scene from the movie.
I've seen several reviews of it alredy, even some e-bay lists for like 400$ for it.
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>What a joke
Anon...instead of complaining, think.

>brachio is the BIGGEST KLOCKI DINO ever created
>the tree build HAD to be tall so brachiosaurus could eat it
>making separated parts always cost more than doing 1 mold
>if brachio had movable legs it would be more expensive to make
>people already complaining that brachio set being too expensive
>with articulated brachio it will be a lot more expensive

So...basically we have 2 choices
>waah waah i bought set but brachio can't move legs
>waaah waaah i won't buy it because it's too expensive and the tree is too small
City<Space<Pirates<Castle. Castlebros will always win. Seeth more faggot.
Chima > Monke Kid > Lego Movie sets (batman/ninjago) > Galaxy Squad > Jp/Jw sets > Nexo Knights > Ninjago > classic Pirates > Classic Castle > Classic space
We’ve talked about this. Chima is just as gay and trans as ninjago and for furryfags.
Legend of Zelda>>>DnD>>>LotR>>>Castle themes
>that’ll be $300 plus tip.
God you ipslop faggots are the worst.
>Chima is just as gay and trans as ninjago and for furryfags.
holy based
i should look into chima then
You should look into the barrel of a Remington and pull the trigger.
LEGO better make another set with an Ankylosaur soon, because those molds are getting dangerously close to retirement.
idk it's already pretty gay to begin with moclet
looks like shit
New thread???
This is the best you get these days newfriend RIP lego general I hardly knew ye.
When they announced Lego x Transformers I thought people would go nuts for it
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>threads going to the bumplimit within 1.5 days
Bros...we living during the golden age of klocki...
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>I thought people would go nuts for it
if it was something cool - i would
(Cybertrop buildable set + transformers minifigures like those Kreo did)

nobody gives a fuck about adult sets...i still dont understand how are these selling
I assume people who buy these are completely different group than people who actually buy lego (ninjago/city.etc.)
I wait for /lego/ board
Kre-O had so much SOUL
which of you was this?
How do they know its stolen?
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>LEGO better make another set with an Ankylosaur soon, because those molds are getting dangerously close to retirement.
I doubt that.
If not JW, they would never make a triceratops. For a long time trike from that dino line was the only one and overpriced.

We should hope that 2025 Jurassic World movie will be better than shitty dominion so we will get more dinosaurs
Lego is making new fans left and right, expanding in non stop.
At first i hated afols and their overpriced sets. But then...

1) it's a completely different demographic and target group that has nothing to do with other parts of community
2) it will bring more money to LEGO and that means more budget to sets and minifigures
3) more people being brainwashed into lego fans which is good

Please continue like that lego. It's really doing both - quality + quantity

I might find a hot female into lego to call wife
Are there any exclusive deals/things I should be aware of when going to legoland?
idk but please post photos.
Going to legoland was always my dream.
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What the fuck is this shit? Porsche having a higher licensing cost? It's literally the same size and theme, just 33 more pieces for MORE THAN 3X THE PRICE. I mean I'm not gunna buy technic junk anyway but it makes no sense...
Post custom knight factions, I remember a few anons here designing them
The porsche has motors and some fancy app controller.
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looking at the photos, the koenigsegg is a lot smaller while the porsche is bigger and has RC controls and lights. the porsche uses a lot of really large technic panels for its exterior which is why the piece count isn't that much higher (PPP has never been a good gauge of value for technic) even though it's much larger. still pretty overpriced imo but there you have it
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Makes sense I guess. Thanks anons I'm retarded and didn't read into it
It's not exactly clear from the listing page, it's weird how they didn't include something about the Control+ stuff in the name of the porsche set.
Anyway it looks kinda interesting, I wonder how fast it actually is as they're claiming it's the fastest in the Control+ range.
Surprised they used a white boy in their advertising instead of a black child or some mystery meat to be diverse.
Since Lego brought Lego Space back by adding the space banner on a bunch of sets, an entire space minifigures series and promoting it heavily online. What Lego theme should Lego bring back this way next year?
I'd like a Castle wave. Castle in Lego City, Technic Castle, Castle in Lego Friends, Castle in Dreamzzz.
(castle theme won't happen because dungeons and dragons will get cmf)
You'll get another $300 dust collector and preorder it like the good little Castle paypiggy you are.
Possibly. Castle is being overshadowed by LOZ, LOTR, DnD and Harry Potter kinda. It's a pipe dream, but if we can get a year dedicated to space after it was killed by Star Wars and Dune, anything is possible.
I don't even buy those sets, I'm a poorfag. I just think it'd be cool if we got cheap castle sets.
the thing is - modern fantasy looks like those korean MMORPGs and stuff like that.
Only Dungeons and Dragons trying to stick to classic castle theme.
I was hoping there might be something like that old Fantasy theme with orcs and dwarves that we got back then. But those stupid licensed themes eating the castle budget.
>mystery meat
What a fragile little faggot you are
Oy vey, the /toy/im know!
I’ve said this probably six million times anon race swap all mixed race propaganda with the chosen people.
Lego world of warcraft theme wouldve been perfect
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Can someone reupload the leaked piece by piece storyboard please?
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>Lego world of warcraft
ugly ass mmorpg garbage from gaylIizzard
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Take that back
Overwatch is a cool shooter/3d platformer (if you playing as Winston/Wrecking ball)/fighting game (doomfist) - that's other thing completely.
I hope it swaps to 70s Camaro like in the 1st movie.
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>What Lego theme should Lego bring back this way next year?

My answer will always be Pirates, it's my favorite theme. I love the tropical settings and the various forts of different factions are just as cool as Castles. The ships are like mobile bases. And brick built sea creatures make great sea monsters to interact with. And if Pirates return, we get that much closer to a return of the Islanders subtheme which is the absolute best.

I would probably also go nuts for a Western return too, those original Western sets were peak soul. I fear it would be neutered though. Castle would be pretty fun and I'm sure would be more popular with the Lego crowd on a whole than Western, and it has less a chance of sucking. But I think Pirates would be rad no matter what (knock on wood)
Or a bullet hell if you play support
Also why do they put reaper there twice, you also get leg pieces in giblartar set
Spooky/horror would be amazing. But I know it won't happen.
>tentacle monster attacking
>the men are afraid
>the wench looks smug
I've seen enough japanimation...
Wouldn't work very well if based on the MMO.
Lego figures are too simplistic to convey WoW's "big spiky pauldron" aesthetic well, and a big appeal of a WoW line would be players recreating their own characters. Mega had a golden opportunity for this since their figures are customizable, but threw it down the drain(a real shame considering mega's existing lines are pretty good, but are distributed poorly and have awkward instructions.)
Set-wise, there's not much to work with either since most of its interesting builds would be in locales, like capital cities and dungeons, and lego doesn't like to do locales unless they're turbo-expensive $250+ sets that are hard to justify spending on. There a couple exceptions like boats and things like Acherus, but not really enough for a perpetual line.

I think it'd work well only if avoiding the "World" of warcraft, and focused instead on just the Warcraft RTS games, with each faction having their own buildings, and the generic units being much more minifig-friendly. They could easily give it the SW treatment this way, having cheap-o battlebacks with small side builds(guard towers or their equivalents for each faction: moonwell for nelves.) Have a main line of playset-sized stuff in the form of most faction buildings and vehicles. Then have the larger, more expensive playsets as town centers(a necropolis would be awesome), and a couple black box dust collectors of key locations or events throughout WC1, 2, and 3. Could easily get at least 4-5 years out of the line before content dries up.

Problem is that WoW is nowhere near as popular as it used to be, and a lot of people playing it have never touched the RTS games.
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Want to get this for kids. I can get it for $300 used and complete. Is this worth it or are there better STEM kits now? I see it wasn’t updated since 2013?

My kids are elementary school but gifted and love Lego.
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Lego Larceny is on the rise.






Do it but try to hebrew them down to $250. You can probably score a minestorms original set for cheap on fb marketplace and it works just as well.
I’m so shocked.
>tree is shit
>dinosaur figure sucks ass
So nobody won... again... thank you lego!
>I assume people who buy these are completely different group than people who actually buy lego (ninjago/city.etc.)
They 100% are. It's not for lego fans, it's for IP fans that will go "wow what a cute novelty, it's made of lego". For the core audience it ranges from nonsensical to frustrating that this is where they're allocating resources to
>2) it will bring more money to LEGO and that means more budget to sets and minifigures
Blissfully naive to say the least
3) more people being brainwashed into lego fans which is good
Why does lego make molds for long arms and legs, and then not use them where it makes sense? TLG is really in a bubble
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I work in a toy store INSIDE a mall. and once a month we get one of our expensive lego sets stolen. The security at the mall is super useless.
Pirates will return when disney does the reboot of pirates of the caribbean
>Blissfully naive to say the least
The quality and details of the minifigutes have only increased in recent years. With each new series and characters, minifigures become more interesting and detailed.

Shows like Monkie Kid having insane animation.
Better sets.
But feel free to show examples of The opposite
>3) more people being brainwashed into lego fans which is good
More blood to hobby -> always better.
A lot of people who just came for starwars or 300 dollar Tree would buy more sets and slip in.
because 100% of such figures look stupid and ugly with long legs.
Woody and Avatar figures are hilarious - everybody making fun of them
>disney does the reboot of pirates of the caribbean
I would love to see how it will flop.
It's impossible to make a cool genuine action adventure movie anymore.
this figure is so expensive...I bought two for a price of a set i wanted.
I envy people who just went in scanned codes and got multiples of Basils.
Dune 2
Kingdom of the planet of the apes
Fall guy

All kino action films
It would look kino you fag
>It would look kino you fag
Literally fucking nobody likes long lego legs, you stupid ass incel.
It's classic minifig or gtfo
I like long legs and long arms.
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>I like long legs and long arms.
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Did you mom help you with that meme anon? Take like 30 min and grab those stinky disgusting clothes you claim are “still clean” and throw in a load of laundry then grab a trash bag and fill it with the empty Mountain Dew bottles and take that shit out. In the time it took you to huff and puff doing that your clothes will be washed and you can throw them in the dryer and then your mom will give you 200 good boy points.
I want them to use these more. Especially for Star Wars. There is no good reason why Chewbacca doesn't use these legs.
these look goofy and stupid. what a weird-ass opinion
Lol not really. Just more variety. If a character is way taller than a normal sized person, makes sense to use the piece that already exists. Doesn't look goofy to me.
>Accomplice name

That's how they know
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Anon confirms he's retarded
yeah good point just name call your whole life
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Anon confirms he's retarded

How would you guys feel about Transformers as figures, ala the Kreo line? They have made so many Transformers at the scale of their mini Kreo figures, how would you feel about Optimus Prime as a mini figure? I personally would enjoy this, even knowing they wouldn't be able to transform. I just think these $200 + sets would easily rack up to amount to thousands of dollars if we get brick built versions of all the Autobots, Decepticons, and even Maximals that I would like to see. I'd love a mini figure of Arcee, curious how you guys feel about that.
You're right, we do really need to stop and think, so let's think
What can Lego do to off set the production costs of making molds for large parts?

Well they could engage in economies of scale and produce as many of these large parts as possible.
But who would want to buy multiple brachiosaurus, other then dinofags?
Well keep that thinking cap on and ask "why does it have to solely be brachiosaurus?" especially if we're talking about separated it into multiple parts.

If Lego had of done a little bit of preplanning, they could have made the 2021 elephant as a multi-piece design with a separate body and legs. They could have then re-used the body later on to make other animals like rhinos and hippos, therefore of setting the cost of making the elephant and also saving money by not having to make multiple new molds for said rhinos and hippos. Then when they came to make a brachiosaurus for JP/W, they could have used the back legs of said elephant on the brachiosaurus. They could also use most of the new brachiosaurus parts in Star Wars sets to make creatures like a Fambaa (the creatures that carry the Gungan shield generators in Ep.I) or a Ronto, which was actually created by modifying the brachiosaurus CG model.
Look at this dumbass little fag.
He probably thinks that the Frodo and Sam minifigs should have used regular sized legs.
Literally everybody think that long legs look ugly af
Brick built creatures>>>moulded creatures

Only good are the compromise, molded head and brick built body
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You take out the wings and horns and this guy works better as a dinosaur than any jurrasic park ones
>molded head and brick built body

this whoever looks awful. Toddler level
Best T Rex
What $20 set did you have to pass on?
>AliExpress knock off better than the official set
Many such cases.
>I learn Pharell is a big star trek fan
This makes sense why we get a spaceship set.

Heard he is the one who persuaded TLG to bring back space lego this year.

Anyway, lego star trek when?
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Anon confirms he's retarded
>Anyway, lego star trek when?
Probably not soon because they gave the licence to some Lego knockoff.
I'd love a M'ress or T'ana minifigure.
>What $20 set did you have to pass on?
The Jurassic Park anniversary triceratops set on sale ( $28 on sale-not exactly 20 but i could buy this instead 2 knights + head of a knight)
is this the new Ninjago episode?
Are you talking about the playmobil ships? They're not even a lego knockoff
Damn, sorry bro.
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i hate this stupid ass shit
I’m sorry for you. What’s is that like $200 bucks in CMFs after tax when you add in the goat guys you had to buy? To lazily put on a shelf in no attempt at posing on the lego provided dust catcher cmf display piece? What a waste of flesh and oxygen you are.
Wow this is well thought out and smart
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Nah, got several on clearance. The rest were bought when I went to visit a friend like 2 hrs away and stopped at every Kroger and bought the bat knights/goat herders they had. Plus side is Kroger was running a sale on them at the time. I'll spend my money and pose my figures how I see fit. Cope, seethe, dilate.
i ordered 3 boxes for 3eur each.
Last time i got fucked by obviously weighed order (2 imposters and 1 ufo guy) but i love this series so it was ok.

Genuinely curious if i will get trolled this time too. (if i get more imposters i will be totally fine - that's like 9 more alien microfigures)
No, Bluebrixxx
The alien microfigure can fit in ufo guy
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This breaks my heart. Was pic rekated also you? I could hardly find these not ripped open and stolen. I wanted three goat herders so bad. I managed to get two, but really wanted to find a third goat. I managed to get a Vampure Lord, the Detective and a Barbarian. But blows my mind it's this bad. Abd they are impossible to find now too since series 26 launched. Haven't found the same theft problem with series 26
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What set do you feel really bad about not getting? Like, it even had discounts, and you said, "Eh, later," and never got it.

For me, it's the Horizon Tallneck. I had the chance to get it 40% off and passed on it, saying I would get it at some point. The set is no longer in production.
>Star Wars fag
That explains it. Show us you clone army now fleshwaste.
It's the Tallneck for me as well. I ended up getting it second hand at retail price.
So you're just a faggot figure collector?
Posting zoomer twitter memes does not validate your opinion. I have no stake in this debate but you're just making an ass of yourself
>the fag doesn't even know what to do with them all so he lines them up like some retarded YouTubers clone collection
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I wonder if dnd will have a similar problem
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>The alien microfigure can fit in ufo guy
>300 IQ lego ideas
>The set is no longer in production.
do you have lego shops around?
Mine still has these for 70 euros
Look at those injection points
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>I wonder if dnd will have a similar problem
i'm so fucking prepared for these little shits...
I got totally memed during the last 2 cmf series.
As soon as this will be released i will go and grab ones from lego shop - most of them.

Oh yeah baby bring it on - i'm prepared as fuck this time!
(sad this time they don't have the MUSTHAVE minifigure that will be satisfying to get (maybe the dragon knight?).. like Basil or Goat, but literally all these minifigs are 10/10 by torso prints and customizations options)
Nah, I at least bought all of mine. I hit up a lot of Kroger's right after they did their Lego resets, 90% of the cases I picked from were untouched. Bat lords and goat herders were in the same places in every case, grabbed them and weighed to verify.
It was $10, also got this gay ass helmet for $10. I'm not not going to pass that up even if it is star shit.
>even more unopened bat knights in this pic
Nigga you are mad about longer minifigure legs
It's making fun of you not making a point
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>This breaks my heart
I am not. Learn to read, you total imbecile.
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A horder, then.
it could be goat if it had if only he had a coat with a collar. I don't understand why they didn't do it.
But it's lego so it's easy to build your own
The smart lad waits for sets to go down 30%-50% and then buy it.
Arent these prototypes though? Maybe it does have one. Changes to cmf always happen, remember marvel series 2 was going to have Kang before they replaced him because actor went apeshit
That's the case for every product. It's just that some don't make it there, so sometimes if you want something best to grab it.
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>(sad this time they don't have the MUSTHAVE minifigure that will be satisfying to get
For me it's this baby dragon mold. I'm 100% we won't get it outside of this cmf
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>The smart lad waits for sets to go down 30%-50% and then buy it.
Grabbing picrelated for $20 was one of the most happiest experiences in lego to me.
FUCKING HOW? $20????
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>he doesn't know we are getting a full DnD theme with playsets in 2024
Anon, why do you think Drizzt, the icon of DnD, isn't part of the cmf? This is just the beginning.
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>FUCKING HOW? $20????
pre covid pre 2019 lego was kind of like that.
Wild discount prices and stuff.
I got picrelated for $30.
Now that fat bigfig is one of the most expensive bigfigs
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>Anon, why do you think Drizzt, the icon of DnD, isn't part of the cmf? This is just the beginning.
I think it's because this is "random" DnD archetypes series not an actual registered trademark characters series.
I'd love to get retail price DnD sets but i'm totally not thinking we get some.

And if we will it will be another adult stuff.
But honestly lego already has more than enough sets to use as DnD sets. And this cmf series will provide an insane amount of pieces for character customization. I'm so hyped
>prices we call cheap today were the full price of a set 4 years ago
i know right. It's fucking ridiculous. The world went to retarded autism mode so fast.

2020 and (despite covid and stuff) suddenly NFT/crypto/Investors crap appeared and prices skyrocketed.
So now not only everything is more expensive but it's also being insta "INVESTED" by an army of normies that grab everything from shelves.

That ship is really cool but for some reason the only over priced play Mobil set I’ve ever seen. I’m usually surprised at how good the price of play Mobil is then this dropped.

I got the Ghostbusters firehouse for $60-70

When does any Lego go down to 50%? Most I have ever seen is 15%, while most stuff disappears, sells out, then doubles when it’s discontinued.
im from europe and pre 2020 we had wild discounts from unpopular online stores.
Usually those were online toy stores made by some buisenessman trying to get rich. And sometimes they got insane sales.
Post 2020 they all died unfortunately.

But yeah official lego (on amazon/shops) probably will never go down to 50% these days
Lego investing is as gay as crypto/nft

Cash rules
>typed by brown hands
But but anon I’m gonna be a thousandare! It’s more valuable than gold!
Retail stores still do 40% off discounts

But you need to be fast and get the set when you can.

Had the chance to get ornithopter for 20% off, but passed to get all animal crossing sets cheaper. Will get it on black friday.

But I also want a nintendo switch.
it's literally investing for brainlets who are afraid of dealing with money directly
>Lego investing is as gay as crypto/nft
it's a bit less gay. Because crypto is speculative.
Lego is always a solid investment.

the problem (i mean the good thing) that 99.9% investorcucks investing in retarded afol sets and starwars sets.
Oh yes, because dreamzzz and ninjago are super valuable!/s
I think we need a lego boardhorses got their own board, so should we!

I propose to have /lego/ !!!

>verification not required
A sign
>ninjago are super valuable!/s
>ninjago is literally one of the biggest lego fanbases
Retarded afolcuck. Don't tell him how much the 70642 costs these days compared on sale prices of second year after release.
>not /klocki/
Bionicle is bigger
It breaks my heart because assholes shoplifted and ripped shit open taking all the cool figures. It breaks my heart they left empty boxes, stupid train boys and dog groomers without any dogs. I don't care about Lego as a corporate entity beyond wanting them to make sets I like and enjoying the ones I buy. I buy knockoffs and alternate brand bricks, I owe Lego no allegiance, they need to earn my Alpha Chad Bucks. But when dickheads steal shit (be it on blind boxes or labeled packages) that's just fucked up and robs OTHER PEOPLE just as much as it does retailers or Lego corporation.
I honestly want ever figure in this set and might try to complete it. I wouldn't mind getting doubles on a few either. I would want yo head swap most of them to Yellows, but it's a fun looking fantasy wave overall. I wish it had at least one overt civilian type figure.

I'm actually a huge fan of the two gender heads. One of my biggest beefs with Lego figures is I have like 70 percent women heads just by virtue of most smaller sets with 1 to 2 figures feature lady heads. I hope they start doing this in other sets so we can choose our character. But I'm sad the bard and druid have those weird skin tones. I like that at least one left eared piece is yellow.
>even more unopened bat knights in this pic

Give me a Bat Knight, Goat Guy and Harpy you lucky bastard
fumbled IP
I open every blind box Lego I see man I’m sorry. Lego won’t learn otherwise.
anyone know what sets these really old green parts are from? I think it's from the 80s
>“If we had scaled it down, I think we would have lost a lot of the charm and detail,” says Jordan. “And it is celebrating 50 years of Dungeons and Dragons, so we really wanted to go big with the first model. Maybe it’s the last model we’ll ever do. Maybe it’s not. We don’t know – we need to see how this is going to perform. But we didn’t want to compromise on the first and potentially only time that we do something.”

>“If this is the only D&D set ever made, we wanted it to be the most LEGO D&D it could possibly be,” adds Mark, before revealing that he effectively put the cart before the horse for 21348 Dungeons & Dragons: Red Dragon’s Tale. “When it was built from the submission idea, I didn’t skimp on anything. I even slightly expanded parts of it to make it the most it could be, and the price for once came afterwards in this case.

>“It was like, ‘This is what it needs to be [and] this is what that’s going to cost us to make.’ That sets the price point.”
>noooo I dont want lego to keep making boxes with acanable codes so I know 100% what fig I get!!!
>I want them to return to plastic bags that are hard to feel and I have smaller chances to get what I want!!!!
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blackthron klocki set
Bad message

I like box cmfs with codes
I've been here since before the Lego Movie. It used to be guaranteed you could get a set for 50% off if you didn't mind waiting a few months and you'd have a good chance at 70% off. I'm kicking myself for buying only 1 mill village raid for 23$ when they had stacks of them at Marshalls
Blacktron Future generation, space police destroyed them in the Server wars. Looks like you found a old boneyard from a forgotten battle.

What solar system is this ?
The “scannable codes” are a joke and so are you. Kindly consider going into your garage turning the car on and just chilling in there for an hour.
>why yes the scannable codes that are 100% working are a joke bruh fuck you

Please, consider suicide. Thank you.
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>December release
Since its releasing close to Christmas

What are the chances we get a full Hprizon theme in 2025? Here is the thing, 1 year ago there was a rumour that the gaming set lists, acbput 5 to 6 sets, were based on Horizon, what if these are based on the Lego Horizon Adventures videogame? And they were delayed and reworked for a release closer to the game, which took more time to make? Thoughts?

Horizon franchise has potential, with both a adaptation for tv/movie and a 3rd game in the mainline storyline are planned for the near future and Playstation is very interested to evolve it.
When are we getting another TT Games Lego game? I couldn't care less for Lego 2K Drive, or Lego 2K Goal, or Lego Fortnite or Lego Horizons.
I just want the standard Lego games experience, I miss when they'd release 1 or 2 games per year.
>What are the chances we get a full Hprizon theme in 2025? Here is the thing, 1 year ago there was a rumour that the gaming set lists, acbput 5 to 6 sets, were based on Horizon, what if these are based on the Lego Horizon Adventures videogame? And they were delayed and reworked for a release closer to the game, which took more time to make? Thoughts?
Horizons is wokeshit. The main girl character is ugly and looks like Nikocado Avocado.
Fuck off
No, how about you fuck off.
There's so many Sony games that should have gotten a game or sets before Horizons. Imagine a Lego Sly Cooper game, or Lego Parappa the rapper game, or a Crash Bandicoot game.
>Horizons is wokeshit.
shut the fuck up faggot
Horizons is based
>Lego Sly Cooper game, or Lego Parappa the rapper game
Imagine being this type of cringe retard. Who the fuck cares about your shitty baby games, you nintoddler
Lego World of Warcraft and Halo should happen
Why no Final Fantasy Lego?
>s. Imagine a Lego Sly Cooper game, or Lego Parappa the rapper game
Who cares about this dead meat in 2024 to the point of making a lego game?
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They did this back in the noughties, dinosaurs, elephants, and that alien thing obi wan kenobi rode chasing grevious, all used the same body molds
The dewback and Ogel Killer Whale too
That template was peak Big Lego Animal tbqdesu
Uh yeah they don’t and I’m not standing in the store like an autistic moron scanning codes. I’ll just rip them open and take what I want instead. Also one faggot pointed out when you live in poor ass Eastern Europe or some niggerville they put them in plastic lock boxes to prevent theft making scabbing impossible. CMFs are retarded and so are you. I bet you unironically pay for micro transactions too.
>attack anons who like stuff
>anons attack back
0 cultural impact. Horizon is the definition of astroturfed.
If only there was an identifying logo on them or something…
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>>11025537 #
I live in poor ass Eastern Europe and while they don’t put them in security boxes they are by the checkout register. I have no issues feeling up the bags or scanning codes. The cashier likes me since I always buy LEGO there.
Bricksearchapp works 100% and you are gay for being scared what others think of you

Its less gay scanning them than feeling the bags like a adhd faggot

>cmf are retarded
Then why do you want the figures tou subbuman?
Right I’m not downloading an app faggot. I don’t give a shit what people think. I open them up in front of whoever walks by wageslaves included. Not once has one said anything. I have a right to know what I’m buying without downloading an app and giving it camera permissions on my phone you stupid nigger. And I’m sure not standing there trying to scan barcodes like a retard.
>you just have to obscure the bar code with your thumb anon
Or I can just open them up and fuck you if you don’t like it.
When did I say they were for me?
Reminds me of an old friend. He was a Lego reviewer with a mantis avatar, he made the best Lego reviews, news, and top 10s. But then one day he was killed by an ugly woman named Sarah.
And he was good friend.
based eastern european Chockolate Enjoying bro
Ok Jamal
Take a lego poop piece with you, when in the restaurant you say to the clerk the following exact words when you order food: ''Excuse me, i just pooped my pants, look''. Then you show the lego piece. After you have handed it over, you will be eligible for one free chocolate ice cream. Remember, you have to say the phrase first or it won't work!
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>The alien microfigure can fit in ufo guy
why would you fucking lie?
No it's not... you can't close the ufo thing - the alien is too tall.
i just tried it...anon why would you lie to your bro in hobby...why...
I guess maybe if you have one of the old bell jars with the partial hole (and then cut out the triple bit blocking it like the absolute blackest gorilla gorenigger)?
I hate this general
Lee after losing to Meade in Gettysburg
>2) it will bring more money to LEGO and that means more budget to sets and minifigures
No. AFOL buyers discourage creativity and play functions in sets because Lego knows the sets just have to be consoomable/photographic and not fun toys.
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>the slutty Friends character that has her shirt pulled to the side to reveal her pink bra strap
How did they get a way with this?
Great contribution anon. Way to raise the bar!
Dude, if you think that’s sexy look what this one’s showing off!
Someone post the backstory to this pic please, it makes me laugh.
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Fresh haul. Which set should I build first?
Thank you for helping to create our low trust society, nigger.
You should unwrap your grey baseplates first.
A /lg/ anon got into a conversation about Lego Harry Potter with a woman at a store an may have taken it more seriously than he should have.
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I do hope this anon is doing well these days. Never give up.
>mah scannable code on boxes
You tards do realize that they could put scannable codes on the bags as well? In fact I'm pretty sure they did in the series 1 and 2.
bottom middle
it looks like it has the most unique build out of the lot
Isn't that the one that's suppose to be all shy and reserved and shit, but then turns into an outlandish Lady Gaga type of singer?
There were dots on the bags.
I don’t think Lego did it with the intention of people scanning them I think they did it for internal reasons and second and third parties have figured it out. But is sure isn’t 100 percent and I’ve got some deaf dog bitches to prove it. Tried to do the new ones and not a one would scan. Protip don’t give questionable app developers permissions to your cameras.
Ways to incorporate Lego into my suicide?
Do you want them featured prominently or used in the commission of the act? I don’t know how the healthcare system works in Canada.
>calls crypto gay
>shills cash
What a moron
>anon buys lego set
>cashier says she likes lego harry potter
>anon spergs and tries to marry her and she gets taken aback
>retarded afol sets and starwars sets.
Not mutually exclusive. Even the Star Wars playsets are often just display sets that you can open up and include a couple shooters/launchers: not many actual play features. Take the most recent AT-TE for example; it looks good, both outside and in, but what can you do with it? Not much; the turret has stud shooters that can't aim up or down, and the interior is detailed but rigid in that you can't really customize it or do much without compromising the build integrity. Compare this to the 2008 AT-TE, which still looked nice, was overall bigger, had a lot more space inside of it that was mostly blank and customizable, and those kick-ass giant spring missile launchers out the front. Its turret also fully tilted up and down instead of just the gun barrel. Oh, and it was also compatible with the dropship/AT-OT set, because why not? Also it had a lot fewer stickers: most pieces printed.

Lego SW needs a return to that "Why not? It's cool and fun." Philosophy it had pre-2010's, when sets would have things built into them for added play even if they weren't lore accurate to the vehicle. Too many things designed to look good on a shelf, and not enough things designed to feel good to play around with.

The criminal thing is almost no one in the lego SW side of things is saying anything about this. All it seems a lot of them care about is minifigure details and big expensive dust collectors. There's also so much other things in SW to explore or even come up with, but nah, we clearly need yet another rehash of a big gray ship we've seen a billion times already. I am sick and tired of tie fighters, star destroyers, and cl*ne nigger shit.
Stfu sperg
Based silver and bullets investor
This mason knows how to invest and kill Lycans.
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Fuck yes.
swallow a bunch of 1x1 round bricks and studs
>Lego SW needs a return to that "Why not? It's cool and fun.
you mean like the star wars mechs?
Honestly I was expecting Lego to just take over the whole Kreo thing with articulated morphers so that we could finally have an adequate replacement for Bionicle instead of multi-hundred dollar, near static display pieces. At least they can transform without being taken apart I guess.
Yeah those are neat. The recent x-wing one is very good. Great pieces with it to re-use later as well.
>Too many things designed to look good on a shelf, and not enough things designed to feel good to play around with.

Amen my black brother.
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I don't think any of that will happen.

StarWars lego is insanely popular and brings a lot of money exactly because it;s "adult collector" stuff.
- investorcucks investing in it and flipping it
- adults collecting it
- kids who into SW think it's cool because there is hype around it
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>Kids dont care about star wars
>no nazgul
>disappointing sauron
>reused frodder and sidekick altho they were never in barad dure
>random orcs

They cheaped out on this one and it shows and they knew people would gobble up anything after riverdoll
>that’ll be half a grand… plus tip.
I can’t wait for all the new leaks to drop today. Get hype faggots!
>I don't think any of that will happen.
Call me high on copium, but I think it might with the whole "rebuild the galaxy" thing. Seems like a perfect opportunity for a return to more creative designs. I'm sure there will always be an abundance of dust collector black box sets, but it'd be nice for the playscale sets to have a more "return to creativity" style. Would make sense considering they're expanding their sub-$100 display set line with the starship collection, so budget collectors don't have to be considered on the actual toy side of things, given that the biggest gripe of a lot of adult "collectors" is that the display sets are too big/too expensive. I can only imagine this is because designers of SW sets themselves are fatigued with basically just making big gray models, but lego can't just give up the brand because it makes them so much money(honestly I'd easily see cobi becoming more popular if not for licensed themes. Their piece quality and library is often outright better than lego; they just have very limited themes.)

I'd probably just buy the old sets if they weren't so stupidly expensive now.
the entire franchise is marketed towards children now
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Anons just because some of you are alright and brought fun experience, i will reveal some secret i know.

Remember the upcoming hype of DnD CMF? it will have lots of customizable minfigirues to make your oun fantasy characters?
And one of musthave ones will be that dragon knight (i forgot how their race was called...drakes?)

Hear me out.
Don't sleep on this Vidyo set.
It's on sale. It basically gives you an option to make a red knight dragon variant.(+ adds tons of cool music prints and super cool torso and legs)
it's dragonborns

there are couple more dragonos
>Dragon Suit Guy, Series 18 col318
>Green Dragon Costume, Series 23 col409

The vidyo one is bit expensive but survivable
i also forgot Dragon Guitarist vid046
based. I wish they also had those "molded legs" in red like aien Beetlezoid and Harpy
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>The vidyo one is bit expensive but survivable
it's on sale for $12 in my country which close to minifig alone in my country. And i always wanted to have that display piece to put my most expensive minifig inside.
Also those fun looking prints.
Damn i can't wait to build something interesting with that series. so many options
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You can try to combine it with this bottom piece to make a demonic dragon summoned by evil wizard!
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holy shit this is great. to mak 2 red dragons and make them look different from each other
>There is literally none
literally the best cmf in a long while.
everybody is waiting.
But youtube is not showing any videos because Lego deleting channels with leaks. So it's not that known for now because normies dont see it on youtube
>everybody is waiting
Not even in the slightest but I’ll go open them up and grab some of those baby dragons and squid heads desu.
I mean i know you trolling but sure, go for it, incel.

This is literally CASTLE: THE CMF nobody cares that it's DnD. this is basically long wanted castle/fantasy series
>but I’ll go open them up and grab some of those baby dragons and squid heads desu.
Amerimutt hands typed this.
Im a huge castlefag and a dndfag since ‘91 and no I won’t be getting these and am not excited for them.
btw I'm also a lying faggot
any good site Coe custom lego brickheadz instructions?
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here's the original post
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Last time I ordered these online and got memed - 2 imposters and 1 Ufo guy...
but I kinda liked getting tons of microalines so I decided to do an experiment. Will they meme me this time as well?

let's see...but damn i hope i wont get scammed.
If i will - at least i hope to get more alien microfigs
Yeah it was probably more like 92 or 93?
>it's on sale
Where and how, the line's been dead for years now
...a powerlifting belt?
It’s lego so think more along the lines of shit and piss anon.
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>astronaut with lots of cool parts
>vintage heroine with neat robodog
>more alien microfigs
Fucking sweeet. Best cmf since...the last one?
Yeah these days minifigures are 20/10.
I remember back then lego had cmf with a lot of characters i didn't want. Nowadays they making collections where almost everybody is cgreat
>Where and how, the line's been dead for years now
my european amazon has like 2-3 of random vidyo for $9-12eur.
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>imagine how painful it will be to see brachio being expensive 3 years later
It won't be at all.
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I have one goat herder and he is enough for me. I am happy with him.
>It won't be at all.
literally every unique dino mold or color variant went expensive day 1 after the set being discontinued.
That's totally going to happen to the biggest dinosaur mold lego did ONCE for 30 year anniversary

But how could a vintagecuck like you would know.
>since...the last one
Fuck are you talking about? Last one was pure shit and then one good fig that everyone hoarded.
>Last one was pure shit
>vampire knight
>literally everything else
Anon hold your autistic screeching, don't be a fag.
Once I was getting some technic trucks on clearance at Target and the cute cashier was like "Some little boy is gonna be really happy" and I said "yeah, ME!" and she covered her face to laugh. I like to think she was laughing with me.
I wouldn't entirely rule out the Brachiosaur nor anky coming back when they eventually get around to Jp3 sets.
The spinosaur and raptors are the main stars of 3 but as far as herbivores they were the main 2.
Eventual TLW sets are gonna be the real wildcard
>1 big set with 2 distinct trex figures
>2 medium sets 1 of Buck, 1 of Doe
>will Jr get a figure
>brown and tiger stripe raptors
Sure she was anon sure she was.
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>buy 12 BROWN studs for 10$ USD on Bricklink
>receive 12 Reddish Brown Studs that are worth 0.01$ each.
I love Bricklink.
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LEGO Yellow Delivery Truck Collection 1964-2024

In Denmark on mid summers day they kill all elderly over a certain age , please understand
at what age do you have to stop being a AFOL ?
as its too hard
leave negative feedback with no chance for the seller to correct their actions
More like makes me embrace the toilet BOWL, this doesn't even crack the top 5 furry themes
I wish. But sadly I have a feeling I will have to fight to get my money back. I should have looked at the guy's feedback before buying.
Ia the "white bricks turn yellow from sunlight exposure" thing a meme?
I've had white sets near sun for like 10 years and thwy are good as new
Sanic, Chima, Ninjago, Fabuland, and, uh CMF. I don't know what other Anon was thinking, I'm definitely not an expert
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Here's an idea

Let's make some six stud reimagines of the old lego racers cars complete with the nostalgic characters

Maybe just have it a a sub-theme of speed champions? You could even throw in rocket racer and veronica as chase pieces and have six sets with legs, torso and head in separate sets.
vidyo probably counts as one too
DnD kinda counts because it has beastfolk races, I'd count Ninjago because of all the snakes and Ras, Mickey Mouse (Seriously, where's my Goof Troop sets), SpongeBob and Dreamzzz (not because of anthro furries, but because of the brightly colored animals that seem like furrybait).
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>Nobody cares duh
Well i created this remembering those 2018 year days - we used to have a thread challenge and people were actually building their stuff actively..

But yeah in 2024 /lg/ is more incel/trolls driven so i assume trying to have "le heckin wholesome" thread is a silly idea.
>Sanic, Ninjago, Fabuland
I can understand Chima and some of CMF sets but calling ninjago/fabuland furry is a total schizo faggot take.
Incels these days don't even know what furry is.
Ninjago has anthro characters but those are not gay-ish furry like characters
Is it just me, or is entire 4chan like that now?
It used to have crative threads with anons capable of polite discussion and humour.
Now it's just a contest who gets angrier or who can whine the loudest. I know the last part is not exclusive to today, but back then the negativity was just a part of something greater.
I don't know what happened in the last 4 years, but this site basically became twitter.
It's a general generational shift. That's just what the younger people bring to the table nowadays.
Try adding the challenge the moc thread. >>11011911
People actually build in there
>I don't know what happened in the last 4 years, but this site basically became twitter.
COVID fucked up everything because Twitter tards migrated to 4chan because they had plenty of time on their hands because of quarantine and they never left. Now it's just ragebait and dog whistles, but I'd say /lg/ has been possibly the worst hit, nobody MOCs anymore and it's all posts about how Lego has gone woke now, or not as good as it used to be.
After all... why not? Why shouldn't I?
Eh, it started before that even. Election tourists from 2016 started the trend, and the pandemic fucked things beyond return.
Double points starts June 12. Shouldn't you wait for that? No idea if it is on all sets, but they reference other high priced sets like dnd and avengers tower in the email.
Colonoscopy bag?
Gross if true
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oh no why is she hot
It’s true she’s got a scar and everything… if those things fart I bet you they’d have put one of those sound bricks in it.
>so brave
>scat fetish
idk i'm pretty happy lego is so inclusive these days.
You whine like it's the end of this world just because you are stupid and arrogant. This is literally not a problem.
>Eh, it started before that even. Election tourists from 2016 started the trend, and the pandemic fucked things beyond return.
Also this.
2016 spawned overly /pol/itically active teenagers. Twitter drama became trendy and after that everybody became a snowflake trying to outseethe the guy next to him. Short attention spawn/tiktok/AI/etc.etc.= less empathy.
Also movies and media made everybody be ironic and less genuine because it was also a trend
And so on.

this timeline is sure shitty
I assume you fit into this category.
Normalization of abhorrent behavior and lifestyles perpetuates the degeneracy. You’re kidding yourself if you think this isn’t some purple haired lego designers piss and shit joke. I assume to be a faggot you also have to love shit.
does anyone know any good paints to replicate old dark grey/brown? id be interested in newer pieces with classic colours but i havent found anything
The last really good CMF was Series 21, but I agree, this is really cool. The astronaut is not at all a disappointment like some people said. I got the Ice Planet lady, and she's pretty cool -- I want the alien cook and the M-Tron guy next.
Given what Dreamzzz is like, I fear those "rebuild the galaxy" sets will just be more colourful dust collectors with very few play functions and creativity-tickling stuff.
>vampire knight
Yeah I said one good fig.
>muh goatfucker
Overhyped and overrated.
I though that weird skyline drawing was some sort of chink moonrunes at first glance tbdesu.
Yeah I was pleasantly surprised with NASAslop Bitch, she's got some useful pieces/prints. Impostor too, basically a microarmybuilder plus the antenna is a pinhole attachment instead of dual-moulded with the hair (which would be gay and lame) so it's versatile as fuck.
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>polacks cant stop talking about lgbt
>its a lego thread

how? I dont think ive been in a single thread where they cannot help themselves
did you pay via paypal? file a complaint with them too
>entire franchise is marketed towards children now

where were you in 2008 and 1999 and 1983 and 1977? Your mother's womb?
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>that post is a year old this month
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anon is a fossil
Lego is openly gay and promotes pedophilia by advocating for and trying children to be gays.
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>count to 3s in head
>clock moves 5s
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Is it a good set?
It's good if you like Star Wars and clones in particular. It's the best AT-TE to date.
if you like star wars, its good, works well as a play set and a dust collector. the figs are fine if you dont suffer from clonebrain
it's good if you mod the legs to be poseable like I did
I'm sorry, what the fuck? The legs don't fucking move? On a WALKer? Were the old AT-TEs like this too, or did they just get lazy at some point? I know Lego completely gave up on AT-ST legs like 15 years ago and kept shitting out the same exact design, but I can somewhat excuse crippling a two-legged walker for stability, what's the fucking excuse with six legs?
the middle big legs can be decently posed, the the 4 smaller ones only move when lifted
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This taste in porn explains most opinions here.
You forgot Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Bowser Jr., the Koopalings, Piranha Plant, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Steve, Alex, Zombie and Enderman.
You’re a fag and that’s why it sucks. What’re you adding except more splitting?
>no arkham
I don’t think anyone is getting on /toy/ at 2am, or 3am, or 4am and spamming… what I can only describe as fetishized porn but what fetish you have other than being a faggot is beyond me.
>Triggered britbong complaining about how the general sucks and people keep shitposting.
>spends upwards of and hour uploading porn here and the moc thread
Yeah anon this isn’t a you issue at all.
The children Lego uses for playtesting eat lead chips, so they concluded that kids don't care about articulation and, in fact, get frustrated about toys not just standing up on their own after playing with them.
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JANGBRiCKS pictured after the homoification of his beloved LEGO
You’d break too if you saw what he saw that day on highway 237 west. Plus be nice his wife just anheroed.
>shy and reserved and shit
They are they worst anon
Lego did an accurate representation of them
>cant pay for legos
>kill yourself
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>highway 237 west.
Nobody else stopped.
He had things to do anon HE stopped. How cold have we gotten? #calmadult
they move they're just not poseable, as in you can't move them and have them stay in place because they just hang loosely until you set it down
Why the Lego Batman imagine brickhead get deleted? That wasn't porn.
Anyway, it's retarded you can't build all of them, so most of the parts go to waste.
Brickheads fucking suck anyway, they're just Lego Funko pops.
You can build all of them, just not at once. Build one, and when you're tired of it rebuild it. What's the point of having them all stand around?
New thread???
We've got 50 images left, we should let the other two not quite full threads 404 before trying to make a 4th. 6th if you count the MOC and bonk threads. We really need to be better about too many threads.

Unfortunately someone bumped both of them like a day ago with basically the same exact post.
Pretty sure thats one of the threadshitting pedophiles you replied to, or an ironyshitter.
simpbros our lightskin baddie milf spellbinding bricks doesn't wear a ring on her ring finger anymore....its our time
Youre right, anon. I let my desire to shitpost overwhelm my good sense. Fabuland are anthropomorphic animals with a quiet dignity all their own and they shouldn't be lumped in with pervs.
>this timeline is sure shitty
This is how every getting old person thinks about the previous decade. Congratulations on making it.
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The final solution is the elimination of roads from new Jang city.
They say time heal all wounds... but how can time heal a lost soul...?
>This is how every getting old person thinks about the previous decade. Congratulations on making it.
it really is shitty, zoom zoom.
You need to have at least 2 digit IQ to put a couple of bricks together to have a clear view on what happened during last years and how fucked current economy is.
Do you even pay bills by yourself
45 year old greatest generation here, I wasn't making fun of you. Anyway we were discussing why the lego generals went to shit, if you're going to drag the current economy into it I'm out.
>Anyway we were discussing why the lego generals went to shit, if you're going to drag the current economy into it I'm out.
holy shit what a brainlet
He's like one of those guys who becomes a serial killer after seeing someone die to try to recapture the moment.
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The great debate that broke lg!
For me, it's left, as it can be basically directly made exactly in Lego Creator, the best video game of all time.
If you stop buying avocado toast, maybe you could afford some nice dreamzz sets. You'd still be a fag, though.
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miss these joggers
Kek this afol went full butthurt
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Anyways what the fuck happened a thread or two ago, I was looking through the archives and just see some fag get completely mindbroken, weird shit
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Get the fuck out of my base
they're invading for those precious crystals
Lego has become a storage nightmare. There is fundamentaly not enough room in my room for lego, my bed, and a computer desk.
Got about 5000 of those VIP points expiring soon, are any rewards worth getting, or should I just use them for a discount?
They have a nice modern equivalent.
I have two bathrooms so I store Lego in the shower I don't use.
Just ordered 4 of these.
I'm a huge castle nigger but for some reason find this set a bit underwhelming. Hope you have fun with 4 of them though.
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Gonna build this, I have no imagination.
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At least you are building something comfy. You could be the cuck building this.
What is your favorite LEGO car, /lg/?

I like 4 wide cars myself.
I like the 50's style cars.
That dude's neck doesn't look natural.
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>That dude's neck doesn't look natural.

Lego has odd taste in models. That, or they're trying to appeal to every demographic?
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How to get bf into legos?
The nose knows
>make a tutorial video sped up for no reason and with your fingers covering most parts so that it can barely be followed
>still link in rebrickable instructions and sell them for 4$
Honestly, i'm impressed.
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>best cmf since the last one?
I think so, I've not had a series so far where I've wanted over half of the figures until this one

The city space rover is a recent favourite of mine, but one of my favourites from when I was a kid is johnny thunders little jeep
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i got a glock in my space buggy
Left because its from roughly the era of when I got into Lego so its good memories :3
Objectively though maybe right, good baseplates and a more solid building structure.
Left has a better helicopter but right is better in almost every other way (except maybe value, don't know the prices)
I have four but only two made. Best Lego in years. Enjoy anon it’s well worth it.
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Which was the GOAT lego space mini fig pack?
but only cause it has an astronaut doing the splits for literally no reason
>Fake thread at sub-120 image count
Absolutely nigger-tier.
Don't use nigger acronyms.

It won't be painful, not it won't be expensive.
You're a big guy.
For (You)


>I like 4 wide cars myself
Thats ok if you cant afford any bigger cars but you cant load a whole minifig family + luggage in anything smaller than 8 studs wide cars

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