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one piece is for retard faggots
It's what South Americans watch in between skinning the faces of their gang rivals and killing off-duty cops.
"Hey Lego! You really outta change that set number. 450 is 30 away from a 'haha funny' number and that's not cool for kids! Do better!"
I’m sure the designers are having a chuckle somewhere.
how fucking distasteful of them don't they know children buy these?
Why is lego so soulless now? I had a big collection as a kid and was feeling nostalgic and looked at some of the newer sets to maybe buy. But none seem worth it.

The minifigures look bad now. There's too much printing on them and they're trying too hard to make them look realistic which just makes them look ugly. They also seem to avoid using fabric and just print everything on which is one of my biggest gripes. And of course the sets themselves have low piece counts and bad designs but are getting more and more expensive.

What happened? I don't really get it because lego is a huge company that I imagine brings in a lot of money. Even normies have gotten into lego now and it might be more popular than ever. So why do they have to cut costs on things like fabric?
>Why is lego so soulless now?
They've found a system that makes money.
And they aren't advertising mainly toward children, they're going after 20-40 "failed to launch" types who are willing to drop hundreds of dollars on plastic out of desparation to feel something akin to joy.
We're already 12 posts in. New thread when?
>Why is lego so soulless now? I had a big collection as a kid and was feeling nostalgic
FUCK OFF you faggot boomer retard with your "DURR HURR I MISS OLD TIMES :("

nobody fucking cares. lego is at it's peak now
Will create it in a minute
slurp up more disneyslop anon
Hurry up. This thread is getting stale.
I love old Legos and have been playing with them for 25+ years and I am not a tranny and I promise you Dreamzzz are so fucking fun to build and play with. Easily the best theme Lego has right now I wish I had all of them. They all have alternate builds and some of the colors are sick as fuck.
Thought it was Dragonball.
Remember to kill licensefags. Behead licensefags. Roundhouse kick a licensefag into the concrete. Slam dunk a licensefag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy licensefags. Defecate in a licensefags food. Launch licensefags into the sun. Stir fry licensefags in a wok. Toss licensefags into active volcanoes. Urinate into a licensefags gas tank. Judo throw licensefags into a wood chipper. Twist licensefags heads off. Report licensefags to the IRS. Karate chop licensefags in half. Curb stomp pregnant licensefag whores. Trap licensefags in quicksand. Crush licensefags in the trash compactor. Liquefy licensefags in a vat of acid. Eat licensefags. Dissect licensefags. Exterminate licensefags in the gas chamber. Stomp licensefag skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate licensefags in the oven. Lobotomize licensefags. Mandatory abortions for licensefags. Grind licensefag fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown licensefags in fried chicken grease. Vaporize licensefags with a ray gun. Kick old licensefags down the stairs. Feed licensefags to alligators. Slice licensefags with a katana.
>They all have alternate builds

that's amazing
death to st*r w*rs
>dood muh heckin pretentious mpreg crackhead weeb game
Who are you quoting?
He doesn’t know and is probably a dreamzzztard.
Honestly, it feels like Lego Original themes are going through a bit of a resurgence at the moment, between lego's current offerings, and Bricklink Program sets there's no shortage of castle and pirate related sets, Space is back whether you like the direction or not, and the CMF line seems to always be bringing back updated vintage minifig designs. The main thing lacking are smaller cheaper castle and pirate sets, but I wouldn't be surprised if we see a whole year dedicated to those themes shortly too. Westrernchads are not getting much beyond BDP sets but Lego Western was always a smaller and much shorter lived theme than people seem to remember.

The new space theme is missing some soul though, it's hard to pin down exactly what I dislike about it, perhaps the colour choices and theming but space as a theme was always a bit hit or miss.

If you ignore all liscenseslop (you should) there's more than enough crap to be spending your money on throughout the year. if you only care about original lego themes.
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Kotor 1
—Taris Sith Base: Bastila vs Sith Trooper and Sith Officer
—Taris Sewers: Mission and Zaalbar vs Gamorrean x2 and Rakghoul
—Dantooine: Carth and Canderous vs Neo Crusader Mandalorian x2 (Blue and Red)
—Kashyyyk: Jolee and T3 vs Terentatek monster
—Tatooine: Juhani and HK-47 vs Tusken Raider x2, plus Jawa x1

—Neo Crusader x4 (Blue x2, Red x1, Gold x1)
—Sith Trooper x2, Dark Jedi x2
—Revan x4 (Good Male Revan / Davik’s Armor) (Evil Male Revan / Red Jedi Robes) (Good Female Revan / Brown Jedi Robes) (Evil Female Revan / Black Jedi Robes)

Liberace gay.
You… have gay thoughts?
>Female Revan
I see no reason to indulge the troons. And frankly any minifig outfit variants for him besides maybe Star Forge Robes are pointless.
>no Ebon Hawk
>see Lego minifigure
>inspired to build my own
>order parts to build in new color
>$250 on bricklink later

why am i like this, why is it so addictive
>All Battle packs
>Same as the sets

10 minutes of thought:

>Ebon Hawk
Play scale version of the Ebon Hawk
Revan (Scout), Bastila Shen, Carth Onasi, Davik Kang and Calo Nord

Play scale version of the Sith ship 'Leviathan'
Darth Malak, Saul Karath, Sith Officer and Sith Trooper (x2)

>Endar Spire
Play scale version of the Republic ship 'Enar Spire'
Revan (Soldier), Trask Ulgot, Republic Soldier (x2), Darth Bandon, Sith Trooper

>Tusken Camp
Tusken Tent and barricade
HK47, Tusken Chieftain, Tusken Storyteller, Tusken Warrior and Griff Vao

>Sith Starfighter
A Sith Starfighter
Sith Trooper

>Swoop Bike
A Swoop bike
Revan (Scoundrel)

>Republic Battle Pack
Republic Solider (x2), Republic Commander, Jedi Knight

>Sith Battle Pack
Sith Trooper (x2), [Red] Sith Commander, Dark Jedi/Sith Apprentice

>Mandalorian Battle Pack
[Blue] Neo Crusader (x3), [Red] Neo-Crusader Rally Master (x1)

>UCS Ebon Hawk
UCS/"Minifig scale" version of the Ebon Hawk
Revan (Jedi Robes), Bastila Shen, Carth Onasi, Mission Vao, Zaalbar, Canderous Ordo, Juhani, Jolee Bindo, HK47 and T3-M4

Also, cheap Dantooine set with Juhani, a Kashyyyk set with Jolee Bindo and Taris sets with Mission, Zaalbar Canderous and T3-M4
Would HK-47 be a minifig droid or a bar-and-clip droid? Presumably his head wpuld be moulded either way.
Probably bar and clip. I'd in-vision him as being similar to skeletons. And yeah, unique molded head.
>Just2good harrassing /lg/ general users with his obnoxious loud fake laughing.


/lg/ bro's it's over..
Surely it would be easier to have one male revan and one female, and give them both dual-sided faces yes?
One side normal, one side that comically evil grey zombie thing
Also Krayt Dragon is a must especially after the mandalorian series made it marketable again
wait fuck that just give me an Ebon Hawk with all the party members and a cheaper korriban set with Sion Nihilus and Kreia + Exile
>Krayt Dragon is a must
I agree, it would make a good se--
>especially after muh heckin soidalorianerino series waowie zowie!!!
Eat shit.
He's not wrong nor a Lego paid shill.
Who is more reddit? The faggot or the faggot who replies to him?
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That thing is hideous. No way in hell he can keep up the exaggerated 'girly' look well into his 30s before he ropes himself.
>And they aren't advertising mainly toward children, they're going after 20-40 "failed to launch" types who are willing to drop hundreds of dollars on plastic out of desparation to feel something akin to joy.
As pathetic as this is, what else are they to do?
>many kids want to play fortnite or watch streamers instead of building lego blocks
>this is also way cheaper for the parents who are content to buy a Youtube Premium subscription and let their kids experience mindrot at age 8
>meanwhile your former target demographic has grown up alongside the product and still wants it
Right now the business model makes sense. It will be interesting to see what happens 30 years later when the manchildren are now grandpas and gen alpha kids who didnt want to play with legos are looking for something to entertain their own children (lol as if) with.
Maybe Lego will pivot back to making toys for kids again. Or maybe physical toys are too quaint for this mouse utopia experiment we call home
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god damn this thing was huge
>The new space theme is missing some soul though, it's hard to pin down exactly what I dislike about it
Old space was way more sci-fi and seemed way more gritty due to the brick limitations back then. Now they've gone for a more NASApunk aesthetic.
I dunno, seems like a regular sized cat to me.
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He's a big boy.
Handsome little lad
That the bricklink shed? How is it?
Post a pic of the inside, and pet your cat for me
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Easy build with a lot of detail, and nice and stable.
Just really really REALLY big. I had to move stuff around to fit it in. The sad part is that it's still a bit too small to fit most locomotives. The emerald night can't fit and it's sort of set up to be something for a cute little train. So I'll need to build that.
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Honeslty its a good monkeys paw that shitknee has a 99% chance of not doing stuff like this, they would fuck it up (we were lucky to get the force unleashed set when we did)
>that other thread: everybody discussing their favorite sets and stuff they like and post their lego

>this thread: a bunch of retards and incels whining

Good. Stay in your reservation thread.
How much cock did he suck? I find it wierd he is into men now when he had a gf before
That too.
I might just be going senile, but isn't the top of the Mouldy Crow's cockpit supposed to be slanted forward a bit?
Anyway, I'm honestly surprised that we got a Malak fig. I guess there's no real reason why yidsney can't make money off of EU stuff, as long as they put a big stupid "lEgEnDs" label on it so they can keep pretending their gay fanfiction is real, but they've still seemed fairly hesitant about doing so. Maybe they're getting more desperate.
What's much more insulting is when they "canonize" random shit out of context and lump it into their horrible horseshit, like nuThrawn.
Those grapes are tasting a bit sour, I see.
When can we expect new set of minifigures gatcha?
I missed the previous one, wanted the shroom boy, and current one is boring.
Nigger it's one of the best series for what it is, and unlike the last one doesn't come with three separate cripplefaggots. If you don't like Space just say so.
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I heard the next one will be in September and be dnd based.
You can probably still find the previous series in some places.
Tell sir prince he’s a good boy
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>Darth Maul doesn't come with the Darth Maul set
Fucking schizophrenic.
At least Nien Nunb makes it in the ballpark of the same movie.
You grew up. Your adult brain isn't capable of escapism in the same way that your baby brain is. Nothing will be able to recapture the feeling of whatever you enjoyed as a child
Anyone else hyped for mcu sets? Deapool 3 and Cap 4 got me back
>even more overpriced slop than SW
mmm yum yum
Actual new thread.

incel free
shitpost free

The big battle packs would be cool if they weren't massively overpriced.
>One Piece lego set
>include multiple lege pieces
There is a sith infiltrator set with Darth maul this year too. They just did the Darth maul with the visual dictionary as it's also TPM anniversary
How can it be incel free if you made it? Typical dreamfag screaming into the darkness again. Enjoy your klocki faggot.
Who’s stoked about the DnD CMF?
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Blocks your path
>Why is lego so soulless now?
The focus has gone from children to basedjaks in their 30s who finally have enough money to buy expensive licensed LEGO and to keep it on a shelf forever to brag to Redditards
Me too.
>The focus has gone from children to basedjaks in their 30s
Zoomers should get the rope
What do we call the phenotype on the left?
I'm leaning towards "central european pedophile wasting away from AIDS".
I call him a lemon shriveled hobbit.

I really want to brigade the Brickset site and roast the fuck out of Huw for deleting comments on articles, but /lg/ is too retarded to do that
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is r2d2 worth getting just for malak
No, but it's honestly not a bad set, so it's worth getting if we include Malak. Just pretend it's a giant R2 unit in minifig scale instead of a dust collector model. It even has a space inside for a "pilot".
Just buy the fig on BL desu
Is this image just a fan imagination, or an actual leak?
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Yeah, I had the computer set my thoughts to "gay" AND disable the safety protocols, come at me.
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what do you think dumbass?

Fuck off, retard.
You were saying…
Kill yourself
...That you are a retard, and that you should fuck off. Which part of that was unclear
You’re just mad my threads are better.
All of these threads are garbage.
malak is probably going to be worth the whole sets price on the aftermarket, so you basically get a free nice r2d2 model with your minifigure.
Correct. Source- I started them both. I also wrote nigger in the links making them all dead and no one noticed a thing.
If you think that's even remotely clever, the fact that no one noticed and you had to point it out proves exactly the opposite.
No it points out the pointless arguing over which thread is best and “vandalism” is bullshit. Just like you and your opinions.
Should I bite the bullet and pay $200 for the Bad Batch set or should I hold for a re-do of that set?
It really doesn't because I said all of these threads are garbage, regardless of who made the thread.
The series is over. They won't make another.
That’s been my whole point all along.
Congrats you "made a point" on a shitty forum. Your life is fulfilled.
I noticed
Too little too late
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Guys, I have a very important and deeply sensitive question. I ordered 2 copies of the Lamborghini Countach 76908 set. I'm going to leave one of the boxes packed. I'm not a reseller, but it's important for me to choose exactly the box that I don't mind unpacking. One of them has 3 wrinkles and a little squashed corners, the second has ok corners and only 1 wrinkle, BUT there are small paint chips throughout the box. Important question, take it seriously.

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