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Anyone else excited for the new Marvel summer sets? Deadpool and Wolverine (July 26) and Captain America Brave New World got me hyped for MCU again and want sets.
that snow one looks nice. I dont remember getting snowy trees in a regular set.
Looks cool and as a nice car. Gotta see the price first.
Finally a good thread.
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>august t-rex
I'm honestly curious if there will be any alternate Triceratops builds...
We have t-rex and pterodactyl. Needs triceratops to finish the trio of famous dinosaurs.
The only problem is that this set don't have 3 giant horns - just that one drill on t-rex tail to use as a horn.
Hopes for sets? Is DC theme back next year?

I hope we get atleast 3-4 Superman sets and 4-5 Batman TAS sets.
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You tell me
It's a $100 anon.
Remember to kill licensefags. Behead licensefags. Roundhouse kick a licensefag into the concrete. Slam dunk a licensefag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy licensefags. Defecate in a licensefags food. Launch licensefags into the sun. Stir fry licensefags in a wok. Toss licensefags into active volcanoes. Urinate into a licensefags gas tank. Judo throw licensefags into a wood chipper. Twist licensefags heads off. Report licensefags to the IRS. Karate chop licensefags in half. Curb stomp pregnant licensefag whores. Trap licensefags in quicksand. Crush licensefags in the trash compactor. Liquefy licensefags in a vat of acid. Eat licensefags. Dissect licensefags. Exterminate licensefags in the gas chamber. Stomp licensefag skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate licensefags in the oven. Lobotomize licensefags. Mandatory abortions for licensefags. Grind licensefag fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown licensefags in fried chicken grease. Vaporize licensefags with a ray gun. Kick old licensefags down the stairs. Feed licensefags to alligators. Slice licensefags with a katana.
Apparently Hall of Justice is in the film. Would be nice to get a set like it.
Am I the only one that hopes all this DC shit fails so badly that WB goes bankrupt so I don't have to hear about it all the time?
Just ignore it faggot. Don't be a dick about it.

I ignored your mom after I fucked her.
How? She kept trying to cuddle and wanted more dick last time I fucked his mom? I had to toss the bitch back out into the streets where I found her.
Yeah man, she came to me to suck my dick more.

And I am tired of his >>11068675 mom
No, the MCU is shit. I wish they'd make more comic based sets.
Lego Marvel is just MCU now and DC is just Batwank.
I'm hoping for My Adventures with Superman sets, 2025 could mark a new era in Lego DC superheroes.
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I bet it rustles your jimmy’s more when lego sends him advanced sets for free.
I didn't like his pomposity either, but I forgave him because of this video.

At least he’s not a stupid chimahater, and he knows the line, its lore and respects this series.

still it's hilarious how he portrays himsels as klocki billionarie or something.
I also get some weird Crypto-Bro vibes from him

but he's not a chima hater so he's ok
lego dreamzzz looks like lego sets made to appeal to trans parents
Like two dudes dressed like chicks who abuse some poor boy they adopted or some mentally ill brainwashed into thinking he’s a she?
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yeah specifically that /pol/ boogeyman.
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>lego dreamzzz

>makes poltard seethe
>one of the most creative lines
>introducet A TON of new cool molds (crows cauldrons huge macaroni peices and etc)
god i love dreamzzz so much bros...
>it's Jangover
chima is for furry autistic losers who secretly finger their family dogs
>chima is for furry autistic losers
its clearly for rich successful bros who happy with their life and have a good income. See > >>11068719

Only low income white trash hates Chima.
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you're not wrong
kek cope dog fucker
The trans yeti dies so maybe Dreamzzz is secretly based. This scene made RR Troonger seethe, for sure, it was hilarious.
rr despises troonz

Whats behind the curtains?
go back
I think the curtains are his sad attempt at hiding and forgetting the real world. A way for him to ignore real life and it's consequences.
Why are you this obsessed with trannies?
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Blocks your path
The memories of highway 237, west.

Damn nice figure display. i should buy something like that
Lego Ninjago set waves Ranking!

They keep trying to normalize mental illness in an attempt to expose children and society to sexual deviancy meant to groom and gay up more kids so they can warp their minds and sexually assault them.
>many many such cases
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IN new Jang city railway yard EVERYBODY stops,
assuming there was a traffic accident which they cannot be
Are those AFOLS.
all I can think is what happens to all this shit when he dies.
It's so much shit, just sorting through that would be so incredibly overwhelming. Imagine trying to sell it all too as a collection, it would take years if not decades to sell all that crap and it would have to become a full time job just to do that, a lot of work.
I don't think it would be hard to sell it all off at all. For a fee you can come in and take as much as can fit into a provided box. The tier you pay for determines the order, with the one who gets first picks costing around 5-10K and descending from there.
I'm excited for the Surtur set and maybe the Leviathan one. I have enough Milanos and I don't care for the Groot or the AoU sets. I've collected almost every MCU set because I am a big braindead fag who likes those movies.
It's faggot of the century, Huw, CCP owner of Brickset

and the basedboy who founded rebrickable

I hate Huw so fucking much. He's a shriveled lemon of a hobbit and a jerkoff.

I wish /lg/ was coherent enough to brigade brickset with comments with some clever name that's an acronym of FAG or something. Dude has a fetish for lego goats so it wouldn't be hard to put 'fantastic ass goat' or 'fabulous AFOL goat" or some shit like that
Guns lining the walls.
Wait is the dude on the left Huw?
Lots of estates are like that. My dad collected motorcycles and had 50-60 bikes plus a barn full of parts that equated to another 100 or so bikes. Me and my sister kept his favourite 8 bikes and slowly sold off everything else over the course of 4 years. Ended up funding the college funds for our kids, paying off our mortgages and allowing me to take the family on vacations all thanks to grandpa.

I have 6 of the bikes we kept on loan at a museum with his info and local history and me and my sister both kept our favourites to drive.

Collections aren't burdens, they're gifts.
Im so glad im not this retarded
oh so now the mass replying faggot is gonna lecture us
you created your shitty thread for whining.
Why won't you go back
Nobody liked Chima for its story.
I’m a 23 y/o zoomie who was the intended age range when this line released and I hated it for replacing Ninjago.

I respect the line today but the cartoon and characters are still atrocious. The sets and minifigures were also specialized in a way that’s hard to integrate with other lines for original creations

Build the incel helicopter and off to the rescue. Prepare the lifeline, lower the stretcher, and make the rescue. The new incel Collection from Lego City!

(Each set sold separately)
Holy shit this faggot shitting in non stop.

He's either a literal child or the biggest faggot loser.
Forget DuckBrick's house. Look at MandRProduction's house. Made me genuinely sad. White wall. Empty spaces. Everything is IKEA. The only thing in his house is Star Wars related. Holy Shit. Saddest shit I've ever seen.
Bro got the Concorde Dust Collector in his bathroom.
This made me genuinely sad for him.
>see nightmare shark ship on clearance at a store
>won't have the money in my budget for it for a week
why is life so hard
if your actually living paycheck to paycheck like this you really shouldn't be buying toys anon
I'm not paycheck to paycheck, I just have a budget for spending on myself
I ate a weed brownie and started getting paranoid about how fucking cringe it is having lego in your house. Over the last couple years I've now got multiple tables and shelves of the stuff. Just the idea of strangers coming in and seeing little models of shit is fear inducing.
This is exactly why ALL of my lego is contained in a single room. Lego in living room is just embarrassing after a certain age. Unless its like one set. And that one set is probably gonna be a dust collector. So thats embarassing but for a different reason.
Then stop eating weed idiot
I wish I had the self control to budget, I tell myself I shouldn't buy any lego for a bit til I pay off the last big purchases, next thing I know I'm already filling out a cart on Bricklink and can't stop.
Lol that sucks. But idfk I display a handful of stuff and tell them that I got into it during the pandemic. No one cares. Sucks about the paranoia tho. Eat smaller portions next time
It's hard man, believe me. Impulse buys can be absolute murder, especially when you're paying for classes too. Still, keeping things like a spreadsheet, or even just notes on your phone of how much you spend, and adding it up into a calculator while knowing what you need to save for expenses and whatnot is super helpful. it's also why I only do one bricklink purchase a month, and only have like... one actual MoC I work on at a time, tops.
Motorbikes are a bit different from Lego though, most bikers I've met are pretty safe dudes but Lego fans can be some right weirdos.
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>>see nightmare shark ship on clearance at a store
>>won't have the money in my budget for it for a week
>why is life so hard
Idk anon - i would say go for it.
If it won't damage your life - go buy it for that discount price.

Because it's sort of... saving money (as crazy as it sounds).
Because later you will be spending full price + shipping and feeling terrible.

This shark ship is like one of iconic sets already. 5 years later you will be thinking "holy shit i could get this fir that discount price...fuuuuck"
Holy fuck is he having a nervous breakdown?
I feel bad for not getting the overwatch and scooby doo sets
My biggest problem with dreamzzz are unironically the bad guys.

First year had majority of them be fucking tiny lads smaller than a minion. Now they have minifigs and they are clomes of the good guys and I find thst cheap.

If the bad guys were better and I like it more.

I still think the best lego action theme bad guys were nexo lava monsters and ninjago serpentime
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Wtf didnt they do more Tas sets? Literally best idea for evergreen Batman sets
In a way I'm glad new Lego is slop I don't care for because I'm not tempted to buy new releases.
Greetings! I require assistance, as I am uncertain whether I should purchase the dune ornithopter lego set, currently priced at $130. I have long desired to own it, but I am hesitant due to feedback from Reddit about potential issues with the set's wings. Additionally, I am aware that the price will soon return to its original amount.
If you want it and you like dune, go for it
If you don't like the wings, maybe replace them with wing panels
not like you ever have guests over kek
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i had no idea that this giant bone demon has shit ton of gimmicks!
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It seems that at first it's some sort of necromancy temple that can be built into a giant SKELETON
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It separates into 6 pieces.
holy shit this would look PERFECT with skeleton Shark ship fron dreamzzz
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this is so fucking cool...why Monkey kid sets are always so damn AMAZING
i never seen this on shelves...
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i hate modern lego so fucking much
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im not a starwars faggot but i want to buy the right one just because it's cool.

Those details are amazing. Might use hands and legs for other minifig-mocs.
We living through the Golden Age of lego minifigures
What this guy said >>11069956
Nostalgiafag. Both boba fett are cool for different reasons.
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Life is good
Both. Both are good.
>Both. Both are good.
y-yeah sorta. I guess.

but i will be using the one on the right on my ship
Because he looks cool
I wish they would drop the 'nu' helmet a bit
kys tasteless zoomer retard
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suck my DICK
Not a single moc in that room,
What a shame
I like Dreamzzz but every minifigure feels over designed.
Maybe it's intentional because they're a bunch of kids dreaming their ideal forms, but the bright colors and new molds really stand out.
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>every minifigure feels over designed.
nah they are awesome.
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>Maybe it's intentional because they're a bunch of kids dreaming their ideal forms, but the bright colors and new molds really stand out.
I personally think this line is LEGO's huge attempt to bring into the game a lot of new molds and the way they design minifigures.

You can count how many new big parts they did.
New cauldrons for example or 2 types of macaronic pieces (small transparent ones like Zblob hands and huge orange that are legs of mecha-Dinosaur).

and these parts will be called "Dreamzzz macaronic peice" like people call some pieces "Nexo Knights shield".
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>costs 80+
>39 on discount
should i buyt his? this is an amazing discount and it has many unique pieces
I need some help, please.
Im primarily interested in building stuff, my most important criteria as to how I choose the sets I buy is construction time per €.
How can one estimate how much building time someone gets from a set?
I got it at a Walmart for 1/2-price, too. I did not yet have any of those dreamzzzzz figs, so it was cool to get most of them in one go.

the house is cool. you might not tell from that pic but the side parts are angled out. and lots of colors for MOCS if you wreak it. I guess it depends on if you already have the minifigs, for me it was worth it.
* the little mushroom guys are neat
yeah i will get it. I hope the discount will stay - i wonder how this thing works...
is this huge discount a... "Summer Sale" like on Steam? and it will end soon?
such price for that set is a steal because i wont need any "nature" parts any time soon with this set providing me with all that stuff
a fellow connoisseur of fine art
If there are no tits in it, it is not fine art.
based booba enjoyer
Hey man, some of them have 8 nipples. Beats those nips you posted!
Groot has a lot of nice pieces, I hope I can find 2 more of the fire demons chest after getting his set, and the Milano ship has a lot of those new Speed Champions slopes along with tones of angular plates, so that'll be nice when it goes on sale.
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Phew, I bought it cheaper than that at the store. Closer to this anon's find >>11070228

Feels bad when you find what looks like an amazing clearance price only to discover it's cheaper still from fucking amazon. Yeah, it's a neat enough set. I missed out on the mushroom house, and with the oversized flowers it's a nice fit for Acorn Boy and Mushroom Girl. Got the brickbuilt bugs and flower sets to add to it, it's even better.
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my problem is the silly doll looking guys. also the minifigs are generally ugly and can't be used as parts
I wish they had kept the helmet in the same visual style but made new pieces to have the helmet and jetpack separately like in the zoomer one. The more evenly cylindrical style was perfect for a Mandalore Canderous, but, y'know, who the hell wants to cut and file off the attached jetpack?
Holy Shit Dude. This genuinely scares me. If you ever feel insecure about having no personality, this video can bring you back and let you know it isn't so bad after all.
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he is a poor fag and he is selling his bricks.

new jang city will never be rebuilt.

member when he was king of youtube and his paypigs would pay to get a sigfig in the city.
member when other youtuber where given video tours on the city

all these moments will be lost in time. like tears in the rain
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Imagine if DC got so much love. I really hope Superman 2025 changes things
Christ that's ugly.
Anyway, us GLchads will still be getting screwed no matter what, so you'll forgive me if I don't contribute my optimism.
Eh...atleast we will get kino.

Well I'm somewhat bitterly resigned at this point to them shoving John Stewart into the spotlight at every possible opportunity, but it looks like we'll at least get some Hal kino.
>Nathan Fillion will play a different Green Lantern member, Guy Gardner, in Gunn’s feature “Superman,” which will premiere in July 2025.
They would pick the most unsuitable r*ddit cringe actor to play the second best 2814 Lantern, wouldn't they.
3 new DC sets releasing in January

>Batman TAS: Joker's pursuit $20
>Batman TAS: Batcave assault $100
>Batman TAS: Gotham Bank robbery $45

Also, 3 unknown SUPERMAN sets are releasing in May.
don't do this to me anon............
Number of parts times how long it takes you to put a piece on, maybe 3 seconds? Time yourself building something and divide by the piece count.

1/? Jang's collapse is his own fault and he's in denial about it. He thinks something with the Youtube algorithim is why he's lost views and subscribers, but in reality it was all his own doing. The following is a complete and utter roast of Jangbricks and all of you are gonna listen to it.

1. Even before COPPA Jang rebranded his channel with the weird artwork he uses for his banners and profile picture on YT. They're... odd? I can't explain it, but something about them isn't appealing. The brick artwork banner on his main channel is nonsense. Jang was better when his face wasn't on camera. He's not pleasant to look at, and I don't think he realizes this. Doesn't help he was rocking the WIngsOfRedemption chinstrap beard for a while, which is an old and out of style look. Unsurprisingly, people see that as odd, and we are fickle and vain creatures that do put a preference on looks whether we realize it or not. Jang's denial or inattention to his camera presentation is very much a part of the reason his channel isn't doing well. He's not camera friendly, simple as that. Nobody wants to watch a middle aged loser talk about his Lego collection (This also applies to Slugger), Jang was better off as a soothing voice behind a camera.

2. He shot his own channel in the foot by divesting everything from it. One of the main draws to Jang's channel was his city and updates regarding it. By creating a second channel dedicated to just his city, he effectively killed one of the big draws to his main channel. Now he has like what, six channels dedicated to Lego? They're all listed on his site: https://www.jangbricks.com.
His main one is a disaster these days, with weirdly long video titles and his face shoved in the corner of each thumbnail. There's his review channel, his shorter review channel, his city channel, and two channels just dedicated to builds. I believe his intention behind this way to get more revenue from each channel, but obviously this hasn't worked out. He should have kept everything on his main channel.

3. Streaming. Jang spends way too much time dedicated to that these days. He's slowly turning into a lolcow streamer engaging in ebegging. He still sees this as grinding and working, but it isn't. Streaming is an easy and lazy way of producing content, and frankly I don't see the appeal of his streams. It's just him whining.

4. Jang has weird quirks he does in his videos he thinks are cute but aren't. Examples:
- Doing a Bricklink haul video and saying the word 'Bricklink' ad infinitum. "This is a bricklink order I ordered from Bricklink, I like Bricklink.' Pure sperg.
- Always saying that his city "Isn't done" in every rare city overview channel. He'll spend like a minute saying this per video. We get it man, you're a perfectionist.
- The "angry clone' head bit in every Star Wars review.
5. Jang has gotten too sensitive to criticism these days. Flipping out over minor things and comments people leave on his videos. He overreacts to comments pointing out misaligned tiles or a piece put on wrong, etc. Recently he lost it because a set number had '420' somewhere, and went on a two minute tirade about how that isn't appropriate for a kids toy. He polices his comments and spends too much time reacting to them.

6. The GNAJBricks fiasco. This channel was a great idea at first, and the first few videos were comedy gold and excellent satires of Lego reviews. His mistake was turning GNAJ into a character and being in this weird denial that the channel wasn't him. Then the channel went off the deep end and he looked like a wannabe terrorist towards the end with the weird beard and glasses.

7. Pride. Why he didn't become an affiliate with Lego like EVERY other review channel is beyond me. Financially it was a beyond stupid move. He could've easily received hundreds of dollars of free Lego sets by sacrificing some pride and independence, but he couldn't do that. He paid out of pocket for every single set he owns. Just a quick look at his collection will show this is tens of thousands of dollars. Perhaps in his mind he thought affiliation would mean he couldn't give valid criticism, but other affiliate channels show this isn't true.

8. Market competition. Jang was the first big Lego youtuber, but you can only be top dog for so long. Other channels with different hosts and personalities ate into his base. MandR was younger, more handsome, and had zoomer edginess. Slugger is a guy you'd want to have a beer with. Tiago was once a Lego designer and provides insider knowledge. Just2Good once appealed to autistics like himself (lost cause these days). By remaining the Lego community 'Dad' people lost interest, especially has he moved away from the core elements that drew people to his channel in the first place.

Jang is slowly turning to a Lego lolcow and I'm all for it. This community needs its own equivalent of Boogie, Wings, or CWC
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>Slugger is a guy you'd want to have a beer with.
there is no way that faggot is not a severe autist irl and would be insufferable to be around.
Congrats on out autisiming us all. Now go and take your meds.
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1) nobody extep 1-2 guys posting actual photos of THEIR lego (I'm not even asking for mocs just - lego) like back then when anons were sharing their stuff
2) Retards just ARGUING about shit
3) Faggot shitposter shitposting and samefagging

but wait we have a MOC-thread right BUT:

The entire MOC-thread is 2 faggot-classicfags that made it their stronghold where they just post shitty "muh childhood :(" stuff.

Ok Jangsimp
>didn't use Lego for pic
>Why he didn't become an affiliate with Lego like EVERY other review channel is beyond me
He got buckbroken from his RC car review days when he was sent a free car to review, criticized it/ talked about it's flaws and the company that provided it didn't like the review. This was the reason why he started buying all the stuff he reviews himself. I think it's on his website/blog somewhere if you go on his RC car review channel/ RC car forum rabbit hole.
>hurr durr you call me autistic, you must b simp for jang

No, you're just an autistic retard.
You make some decent points, like:
>One of the main draws to Jang's channel was his city and updates regarding it. By creating a second channel dedicated to just his city, he effectively killed one of the big draws to his main channel.
You're right, some of his City build videos use to garner millions of views, but now they struggle to get over 50k. Or you're note about him becoming to sensitive to criticism. In fact I'd go further and suggest that he's become a bit of a passive aggressive bitch boy in his comment section.

But then you also say shit like:
>The brick artwork banner on his main channel is nonsense
No one, except a hyper obsessed faggot that's triggered by random stimuli, like yourself, cares about trivial shit like that.
Or whinging about how he says Bricklink during Bricklink haul videos (has he even done one of those in the last 2 years?) or mentions angry clones when reviewing sets with clone troopers.
It's pathetic whinny, grasping at strews, bullshit. Now it would be fair enough if you were just talking about things you dislike that he does, but you're trying to act as if this is something that is a major fault that's killing his channel. As above, only a hyper obsessive autistic tard would care that much about something so fucking trivial.
And none of that is to mention you being dumb enough to think that not being an official paid Lego shill is some how a bad thing. You are a stupid, brain dead cunt if you think that having a small amount of integrity is some how a bad thing.

>MandR was younger, more handsome, and had zoomer edginess
>zoomer edginess
No, he's just an arrogant, entitled whiny bitch boy with a bland personality.
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NTA but there is a science to branding and this one is kinda dumb
When this guy going to make a several post rant about the downfall about Just2Good?
At least Jang gradually faded from relevance, Just2Good committed career suicide, and probably real suicide the way that he's going.
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/jang/ - JANGBRiCKS General

>you're trying to act as if this is something that is a major fault that's killing his channel.

It did.

>And none of that is to mention you being dumb enough to think that not being an official paid Lego shill is some how a bad thing.

It's definitely a reason why is channel isn't doing well, dipshit. There's no such thing as integrity in a capital market. Honor doesn't mean shit to money. Anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded and deserves crumbs.

>When this guy going to make a several post rant about the downfall about Just2Good? At least Jang gradually faded from relevance, Just2Good committed career suicide, and probably real suicide the way that he's going.

No need, that's really all there is to say
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Jang on suicide watch
where the fuck is his gun video
also in which video did he sperg out about 420 in a set?
Glock knife review on his theJang channel
When I see walls of shit like this, much like with people collecting funko pops, I just have a vision of a fire engulfing the place and the collector being drowned by moulten plastic, becoming like a plastic figure themself
thank you
"Angry clone" bit? What is that?
Oh shit I heard about this partnership with asmodee at my job like a year ago. Thought it was fake news.
Nice moc anon.
How's the Mega Construx Drogon??
At least the moc thread, all be it, slow and few posters, at least it stays on topic, and doesn’t have trannys screeching at each other over nonsense and youtubers.
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>1) nobody extep 1-2 guys posting actual photos of THEIR lego (I'm not even asking for mocs just - lego) like back then when anons were sharing their stuff
>2) Retards just ARGUING about shit
>3) Faggot shitposter shitposting and samefagging
You forgot e-celebs.

Incels ruined these threads forever. All they capable of -s screeching about trannies or discussing e-celebs like jang or that rich aisian guy.

/lg/ is dead. Time to move on and enjoy lego hobby separated from community.
I do mocs (modern nexo knights/monke kid ones so i wont post them in MOC thread) and buy lego but i wont post those in /lg/ because autists could spot me if they see me on eurobricks or reddit
Lego used the exact same head for any clone or stormtrooper fig for a while there in the mid 2010s. It moderately bothered Jang and he would mention it and turn it into a bit where he would do a voice of some kind (annoyed, hyper, etc) whenever it appeared in a SW set
Anyone know the dimensions of lego minifigs including head,torso,legs with exact measurements for printing onto?

I see anything between 14 and 16mm, and I don't have a minifig on hand to measure it with a micrometer right now.
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That dreamzzz polybag is so cool - you can make an army of insect critters with it.
Wanted to buy 2 more but now it's 14euros...
>Mandr constantly complains about Clone helmets having holes and their overall design
What is it about Clones and heads/helmets that brings out the autism.
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Why are classic legos construction kits so comfy and sovlful?
>Why are classic legos construction kits so comfy and sovlful?
ironic shitposting is still shitposting

here is your (you) faggot
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Anons, what do you think about the new Harry Potter sets?
I really want to start collecting them into a big castle. And they are all gradually going off the market, and I understand that later I will have to pay more.
But I've never owned a GP set before (minifigures only), and it pains me to know that I'm joining somewhere in the mid-to-late end of a new line, and will have to act quickly and shell out a ton of money.

Bottom > Top
Should I build the truck or flying version of the shark ship
>Should I build the truck or flying version of the shark ship
I like the flying version more. Truck has 2 turbines/thrusters hanging on top and it looks awkward. But you can just experiment - why not
Thanks m8
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I like them they’re sturdy and modular most of the time and fun to play with.
>i do mocs
>nexo monkeee
>so I won’t post them in the moc thread
Why not? I don’t think there’d be any issues over there and we do tend to stay on topic. I just come here for the lulz now watching this dumpster fire slowly smolder into nothingness. This isn’t the place for community man unless your community is mouth breathing retards arguing about plastic… then welcome brother!
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What theme is this?
Fortnite bus, no?
we love fortnite we love fortnite
can't wait to shove that up my ass
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Looks promising. im no a zoomer and i never played 4tnite but i always kiked its designs and have Mcfarlane action figures.
Will buy this bus depending on what minifigs it has.

And then i will rebuild this bus into a post-apocalyptic Zombie Smasher bus!
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holy fuck
However im happy with what i got this month but this one certainly a good offer.
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holy shit this one is just 5 dollars?!?!?

You can buy like 4 of those and will be set for life with those green and white pieces1!
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Is that fucking Peter Griffin?
My cuckquean fortress arrived today.
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First ever police command vehicle
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>First ever police command vehicle
vs the guy she tells you not to worry about:
Very cute. I wish we still got sets with this aesthetic.
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Is this 3D printed or stolen from a Chinese factory?
too big
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Bionicle/CCBS MOC. Big Cybernetic ice monster controlled by fig inside pod.
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Wires connect to arms and Legs of Fig and go to arms and legs of ice monster.
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*blocks your path*
He's such a retard he got banned from that program because he wanted to show some shitty braille set early. Trust fund babys can (and will) fuck up anything they are allowed to do.
I got the whole line (except for the retail exclusives and gwp) and it is really satisfying to build the giant castle. A lot of the sets are ridiculously prices so try to look for sales on siruis escape, battle of hogwarts, and the room of requirement.
It doesn't outright say lego in the listing so its 99% off brand replica. You can find the exact same replica of lion knight castle on ali express for 110-140.
He got like a six month warning and I’m pretty sure it’s up already plus they suck his lego master cock now just like you wish you could.
hp has always been an honorary unlicensed theme
the sets up to the fourth movie are kino, and also modular with each other
the new ones are pretty good too
*the old sets up to the fourth movie
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Does anyone know where to get this set besides the Lego website?
My friend’s birthday is coming up soon and I wanted to get it for them.
Damn man, end of an era.
I still remember watching his Mall video nearly a decade ago.
Post your favourite OC minifigs
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>57 less pieces
>can fit 2 figs
>has toolbox trunk to fit all the gear
>uses a coherent color scheme
>doesn't pad build with a bunch of useless tiles
how did they fuck up this badly?
Man these Insiders Day deals are so bad. Here in the US at least.
I wish they would bring back that mold with the seats in it or make a new variant of it, I hate how newer vehicles still only have room for one person.
oddly enough the only place I've seen the new Jungle Explorer sets has been the actual Lego Store

if the Lego Stores got a head-start on the distribution, and you don't have one near you, you might want to check Kohl's or the Toys R Us section at a Macy's, I've seen both of those places put out sets early

good luck
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This is functionally pretty similar.
>live in EU country
>want to buy Lego from the official site so I can get discounts, points and promos
>"Sorry, we don't ship to your country"
>sure, I'll just use a proxy in Germany to get it delivered
>"Sorry, we don't deliver to third party logistics companies"
>ask them why
>"To protect your privacy :)"
Why are Lego racist towards eastern europeans?
Because you're all disgusting
Careful, with posts like that police might come to democratically knock on your door to protect your free speech.
Europoors woke up, time to make a new thread and let them shit up this one.
>UK store
are you are roleplaying amerimutt?
Literally every big eu-country has an official store. Like /ger/ /it/ /uk/, etc.
Just buy from german official store.
>reading comprehension
I don't live in Germany. When I tried to order from the europeaan Lego website they told me know. When I tried to order from the German website to a German proxy they told me no. When I asked them how I'm supposed to buy from them they told me to deal with it and just buy from local distributors.
If your country don't have a lego shop then you are fucked.
So much for "Everyone is awesome"...
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What does that even mean.

No official lego shop? Can't buy from lego shop. What's so difficult to understand.

France/Germany/Italy/UK have lego shops because it's financially positive to get official shops in those countries.
You can't open such buiseness in...uh...Romania or... Latvia or something because it won't be profitable.
>You can't open such buiseness in...uh...Romania or... Latvia
They literally have official Lego shops...
Just say what shithole country you're from instead of being cagey about it, dumbfuck.
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>They literally have official Lego shops...
so you living in a country LOWER than Romania?
>Just say what shithole country you're from instead of being cagey about it, dumbfuck.
fucking this
Why would that even matter in the first place? It's in the fucking European Union, it doesn't matter if it ships out from Germany, Sweden or fucking Bulgaria. Only the cost might be affected, in which case just charge me more for it. Or at least let me buy it from an official shop from a neighbouring country if it's a matter of warehouse delivery distance. And all of this wouldn't even matter anyway if they actually let me use a third party delivery service. "We are concerned about your privacy". Nigger, what? I am giving you my consent for my data and package to be delivered to said address, what happens after that is MY responsibility.
Also this >>11071806
Are gypsies really such big fans of Lego they need a full paycheck to afford?
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JUST SAY WHAT SHITHOLE YOU ARE FROM ALREADY instead of going on a "betrayed" incel rant.
He's probably russian and butthurt that he can't buy klocki despite being "eastern europe" kek.
It's in the post - Bulgaria.
>haha, you're le poor :DD
Doesn't stop Greece, Estonia or Romania from having one. Even fucking Ukraine.
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>haha, you're le poor :DD
Only ameritards saying stuff like that. I'm from europe as well. A lot of smaller eu-countries are beautiful and cool.

I see this in google. But you don't have an online shop?
uh...i guess just wait for it. They will probably open one in the future.

Nowadays you have to be super secure so big companies are not "open" like they used to be.
Yes, that's the one "certified" store that recently opened. But it doesn't offer insider points, promos and only does sales whenever it feels like it. So if there is a cool GWP I wan't I'll have to suck scalper cock and pay twice the required amount for it. And no points to make up for the already ridiculous prices of some sets.
>Nowadays you have to be super secure so big companies are not "open" like they used to be
I'm fine with them not putting in the resources or taking risks opening a Bulgarian online shop but they also cockblock me when I try to buy their products and make use of their deals through other legitimate means.
Why are eastern "europeans" so obsessed with male genetalia?
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Cool, more wasted shelf space.
Getting pic releated for $110

Did I get a great deal?
Forgot pic
What I've found with the scannable series is that the most popular ones are hard to find at first (unless you get to a box early) but on about 3 weeks or so they're no-longer as hard to find. And I'd be happy to grab a lot of the D&D boxes blind as I like them all a lot, and all would be good to have multiples of.

I have gotten into D&D over the past 6 years. But even if I hadn't the series would still be right up my alley with it being medieval high fantasy with a diverse selection of species ( i.e beyond Humans, or beyond just Humans Elves and Dwarves) though DESU a just humans or just Humans Elves and Dwarves series would still have tickled my fancy just not as much.

Ranked in order of least to most massable

12 - The Lady of Pain

11 - Szass Tam

10 - Tasha

9 - Strahd

8 - the Tiefling Sorcerer

7 - Aarakocra Ranger

6 - Githyanki Warlock

5 - Half elf bard

4 - Halfling Druid

3 - Dwarf Barbarian

2 - Mind flayer

1 - Dragonborn Paladin

Also I wonder if like the set that the alternative gender options will be a while second head rather than just a double sided one.
If Russians want klocki so badly they should kill putin
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Finished my ali lighthouse. Flawless set. Props to lego for the design as its super satisfying to build. Probably one of the comfiest ever.
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Median income in Russia is $600. They'd have to spend 1/6th their paycheck for a decent Lego set.
Don’t exaggerate anon the average ruskie makes $9,500 a year. That’s enough to keep you in vodka cabbages and klocki for days and days.
Captcha related for Russian shills.
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Gotta go fast!
Deal with it, Ruina.
I did the math and you’re right it’s like $688 a month after taxes. Jesus Christ Russia fix your shit.
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I love science!

Mocs go in their own thread retard
Start checking walmart and target around the first or 2nd week of August
Actually scratch that last week of July the lego trendpod/endcap at most walmarts should be changing out to mostly new product, it's just a matter of lucking up and finding a store that resets their mods on time.
>mfw killed the JW Chaos Theory trendpod to turn it into the new Disney Jr trendpod last night
Getting kind of tired and people complaining about prove per piece, mini figure printing pr show accuracy, it's such a souless way to view lego
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I used to be the kinda person that valued their video game purchases by "did I get at least $1 per hour of gameplay" but I realized that was a really fucking stupid way to live considering I've hated some free titles I put a hundred hours in while adoring some $60 10-hour experiences. combine that with modern sets being downright bloated with piece count due to so many 1x1s and plates hiding studs, and honestly while I still think it's something valuable to consider it should be a tertiary factor compared to whether you just think it's a cool set and/or if you actually like the pieces included if you're buying it for parts
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Full list
>Superman mech
Well, at least is a new Superman set
>Dark Knight tumbler
Nice, didn't get the Begins one so I'll probably catch this one, hope it includes Two Faces or Ledger's Joker.
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> ... ITS the Summer of Slug ...
(female vocal)
iiits the summer of sluuug!
>4+ Batmobile
>Superman mech
Finally a new Superman set after years, my hope is a Mystery Adventures with Superman set and it comes with tomboy Lois Lane.
>Dark Knight Tumbler
Sigh. Let another remake.
Reminder that RR Nigger is the same cuck that got mad at the crossdressing yeti joke in Dreamzzz and complained that the Adventurers themed glorified white colonization.
so? who cares i still like him
>got mad at the crossdressing yeti joke in Dreamzzz and complained that the Adventurers themed glorified white colonization.
He's right tho
Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot
Shut up, RR Troonger, go fuck your wife. Anyway, we know you're only a music teacher is to get closer to underage girls.
You're tryna strike a cord and it's probably A minor.
imagine seething so hard over such a sovlful yt channel
He's a liberal.
>He's a liberal.
holy based.
So as i am
He's right tho.
You are minority in this opinion.
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how does jang get sadder and sadder every day?
Literally who? Man I love all your guys lego eceleb arguing garbage. Really raising the bar fellas.
It might just be. I looked through all the Fortnite skins.
He can't get over the fact that the days of him raking in the money with youtube are over when google changed stuff. He is now spending almost his whole time on pumping out enough youtube videos and twitch livestreams just to get by. i don't think anyone can keep going like this and not burn out or become turn insane. But there is no end in sight for him, because he wants to stay relevant.
He will troon out soon to remain relevant, as a last resort. He's already made several hints regarding this.
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Unveiling Fate in the Enchanted Realm: A Lego Castle Adventure"
Join us in the mystical "Fated Forest" where a thrilling Lego castle movie comes to life. Brace yourself for epic battles, enchanting characters, and unexpected alliances. Get ready to experience a world where every brick has a story to tell. Coming soon!
I'm gonna kiss YOUR sister.
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they should do a modern one but with the old color scheme like in the old logo
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I can't imagine Jang saying stuff like that.

Back then it was basically JANG or nothing.
We had some random channels. Speed builds and stuff.
The only other channel with unique lovable character was Just2Good.
(the other two were that creepy Leia-costume female reviewer and...some guy the name i forgot).

Now Just2good also says stuff like "back in the day when i was much more into lego".

Bricks by Mind is the only channel i watch these days. He literally posting every day
it has both of them (Ledger's Joker and Eckhart's Two-Face), and also it has the same amount of pieces but costs 10 usd more, so they are adding a tax for having popular characters
why is johnny's shirt closed now
The matriarchy forces men to cover their bodies.
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I have no interest in whatever eceleb faggotronics are involved here, I have a problem with this fuckwit spamming his retarded obnoxious frogpost every thread.
It's not "cute", it's not clever, you're just a fucking moron.
I just got this set recently, and I dig it, but it does feel a bit cramped, despite the piece count.
According to @Brick Clicker:

76307 Iron Man Mech vs. Ultron / $14.99
76308 Spider-Man Mech vs. Anti-Venom / $14.99
76309 Spider-Man vs. Venom's Venomized Car / $29.99
76310 Iron Man Cars and Black Panther vs. Red Hulk / $34.99
76311 Spider-Verse: Miles Morales vs. The Spot / $39.99
76313 Buildable Marvel Logo / $99.99
76314 Civil War Airport Battle / $99.99
More like
Brick Licker
>Spider-Man vs. Venom's Venomized Car
>Buildable Marvel Logo / $99.99
>Iron Man Cars and Black Panther vs. Red Hulk
lmao, slopgroids actually get excited for this shit?
>76311 Spider-Verse: Miles Morales vs. The Spot / $39.99
It begins
>time traveller
that is the coolest fucking design I have ever seen in one of these fan CMF rosters
>new superman movie next year
>3 dc sets in january
>only one of them is superman related
I know superman is boring as hell and the film is probably gonna be shit but you think they'd be getting ready instead of releasing more batman sets.
I like brick clit licker cuz you know he’s a faggot.
>clit licker
You really didn't think this one through, did you?
Why the hell would superman need a mech
I anticipate the arrival of Superman sets in either April or May. The film is scheduled for release in July, and movie tie-in sets typically hit the market 1-2 months before the film's premiere. I believe we can expect 3 impressive sets for Superman, such as Mr. Terrific's ship, a Daily Planet set, and possibly a stadium for the climactic battle, as well as the Fortress or another exciting location. Additionally, we may see characters like Hawk Girl, Metamorpho, and Guy Gardner.
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Its the Ash effect of guns in medieval stuff being cool as fuck
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The Factions of classic castle 1979-1983
If they did a $500 evil dead set I’d buy it. Hopefully they’ll realize the market value in horror sets someday and drop the arbitrary bullshit but they won’t despite promoting violence in every marvel, dc, Star Wars, and fuck I think there’s even a stranger things set. Horror themed CMF line. Nightmare on elm street house? Camp Crystal Lake sets? Evil Dead Cabin and then Army of Darkness castle? Nah that all sounds lame.
Do you think if he kills himself his body will instantly fall apart into all the lego pieces he said should have been included in various sets he reviewed?
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Cool set, distracting choice of model
Nothing makes faggots seeth more than pussy… I guess we know which camp you’re in. Also that’s the faggot behind all the YouTube e celeb bullshit now. He comes here looking for actual leaks. I trolled him in a video and he used a shitty image I cropped from a leaked box art pic in one of his videos. That faggot is here, helps drive the leaks and product placement trends, and has been a main source of the divide. Source I made it up.
>(the other two were that creepy Leia-costume female reviewer and...some guy the name i forgot).

brickqueen and mandrproductions or the brickshow? i remember brickqueen and mandrproductions had youtube drama with each other.
it's over...
Twenty bucks says it happens in September. The waves of grief will come crashing back and after his chunky Asian girlfriend just left him and his wife dying added with the end of his relevance and having to sell off his collection to pay bills Im pretty sure he’s gonna end it.
Chunky asian gf? Wife dead??? Whaaaaat???
Jangs wife died. He consoled himself with a big tiddy Asian gf but she dumped his ass because he’s poor now.
the jang circlejerk is insane
People lying? On the internet? Unthinkable!
it's all true
He looks like one of the natives Indy would be fighting through to get to the artifact
Some Harry Potter 2025 january sets:
>Hagrid’s Motorcycle
>Malfoy Manor
>Charms Class & Flying Lessons
Imma put belatrix in the dungeons and do stuff with her and hermonie and Luna and Draco’s mom. Then I’ll kill dobby.
>Hagrid’s Motorcycle
day 1 buy. I don't own any HP sets (just polybags) but Hagrid's Motorcycle sounds kino.
Hagrid is one of my favorite characters.
>Malfoy Manor
oh...this sounds like bullshit.

here is your (you) shitposter
>brickqueen and mandrproductions or the brickshow?
Yeah them.
Brickshow was the only option of big lego channel with reviews if you didnt like jang or just2good.
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>Never liked/owned Ninjago ninja cars
>every time i see a Monke Kid car it's fucking KINO
oh god why i see this one just now... Monkey kid has so many sets hidden from our eyes
post proof then
I wouldn't rule out malfoy manor just on the note that lego can only resell Hogwarts in pieces so many times.
On that note I'm kinda amazed they haven't done any bridge scenes from Deafly Holes 2.
>backdoor bridge where the kids blow it up along with all the dirty jugglers
>main bridge with trolls vs Stone knights
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They look even better than the previous leaked list.
Stop being dumb, buddy.
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When are we getting ackolite kits?
Trust me, be careful. The Monkie Kid rabbit hole runs DEEP
I've only picked up a few but I'm struggling with dumping the cash to get more since they're so expensive.
This is unofficially CMF series 14, part 2 for me.
Lot of great spooky potential.
That dragon knight has the coolest armor ever
looking like some pretty chungy wungy extra chunky kinorino
>evil looking witch with red hair
goddamn lego, I can only get so erect
We are living through the BEST lego timeline.
how tf they doing it bros. First that top tier space line. Now this.
we eating good
>Trust me, be careful. The Monkie Kid rabbit hole runs DEEP
yeah i bought the Yellow Tusk elephant and it's one of my favorite sets. so cool.
i was going to buy it for 100+ dollars but suddenly found a ton of MK sets in official lego shop. (elephant was $60 in it)
I had no idea they selling MK stuff in official shops
>lego dune
>lego lotr
>lego zelda
>lego dungeons and dragons
>lego space
im fucking the chunky asian ex. jang really makes an embarrassing amount these days. they broke up because he wouldn't stop doing YouTube shit and get an actual job. also his wife died of cancer that's why he's so obsessed with cancer fundraising now.
Tusk elephant was my first as well actually. Incredible set
I wish they still sold it in the actual Lego stores, but gotta make room for fuck huge IP sets I guess
>lego space
i want another space line.
This one they added too many references. Mtron/Blacktron and so.
I want space line with more original themes. Like space trucker/etc.
i understand that space if more of a nostalgic normie line but still
>Tusk elephant was my first as well actually. Incredible set
I went through tv-show just to see what kind of a villain he is
i could never found him. Is he even an important vilalin?
all i saw is him sitting with other gods. Or just standing. not being a part of story... and i never see the actual giant elephant either
top 3 cmf for me and I've never touched the IP in any shape or form
The whole good vibe this series gets is great, I think lego should commit to a full DnD line in 2025
What's your best LEGO set of the last 5 years? Mine is 10316
licensefags as far as the eye can see
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>What's your best LEGO set of the last 5 years?
Ez win:
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>zamn y'all got shit taste
go away classicfag
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legos need to make a kit for this ship
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make one yourself

there was a time when it seemed like the "official" Lego version was the best version, and if you made your own X-Wing, it was lame because it's different than the one Lego made.

But Lego has re-done the X-Wing dozens of times, and each one is different. Everytime they do it, it matters less and less if you made your own version

The only reason to get ANY SW set is for the minifigs, and even with those you might be able to make up your own versions of sorts
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eat my nutz
This is gonna be their best selling series yet simply from Castle fans buying it by the case for that paladin’s armor.
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D&D set was fun too
Why do you say "Kits" instead of sets?
Something about this one really tickled me the just the right way. It's the perfect size, the minifigures are just what they need to be, the car is just the right size and absolutely everything fits inside. It's also a smaller set which I feel like is something we're seeing less of nowadays. I haven't had this much fun playing with a set since I was a kid.

The Ninjago Sora mechs also come close but they don't have the same charm as the Anglia.
Same brother what a simultaneously elitist/shit eating lego “ally”. Him and his cronies always preempt fair criticism and belittle people for being judicious with their money and praise while themselves slapping up article after article in support of whatever lego decides to do in any direction.
Can’t stand that pic police asshole
Btw brickset sucks, why were there no kid accounts allowed and no swearing fun of any kind? Why if you don’t sign in does brickset blast you with 3-5 big ads? WANKER
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Saw this in a lego store the other week, looked really awesome!
I wish I had not missed out on this one but it was just too expensive and I don't really have the space.
For smaller sets I really enjoyed that new green Sci-fi Lamborghini and the forest hideout.
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We are so back
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What are the chances we get more dune sets? Perhaps with dune 3 in 2026?
Practically 0 unless the Ornithopter is the best selling set of the decade for some reason.
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Ok but like
I know there are some news for 6th movie but that is still a long while before we get it.
There's a vacuum of pirates in the entire Lego line-up. It fills that gap while also appealing to nostalgiafags, PotC fags and feeding into the movie hype. It's a no-brainer.
New thread?
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Is this worth 500 insider points?
don't the mercy fig was notoriously awful... the only good ones were the cheaper sets.
I just bought the ladey bone from PaB... never looked back
my only gripe is that there are only a few that seem like you would want multiples... like the dragonborn and mindflayer. Everything else just appears to be a one and done. Also wish they stuck with yellow for human figs... nothing more annoying than getting special pieces that can only fit with specific parts
you didn't even link to the last thread, what the hell is going on?
Quit with the caps lock.
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but anon they did bring it back (:
I don't think that's a dragonborn, look at those short legs, probably supposed to be a kobold.
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No. That piece/element is extremely more complex to use and needs a lot of pieces in order to also look aesthetic.
I bought it because of that piece but got amazed the truck sits 4 minifigs inside

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