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New thread when?
Can we get a new thread already gawd. Oh and if anyone’s confused blame the klocki faggots that keep starting and abandoning threads.
will create in a minute!
Klocki escape and Klocki Monke are 2 of my threads and they were healthy finished threads.
This one is my third thread.

That Chima vulture is not mine. When i say "klocki" i usually use this specific location where No Klocki Clown lives: (bike shop building lego set...i mean Klocki Set)
Who’s getting who fren? >>11055628
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>mixels is hype
>first jurassic world sets
bros...i want to go back...
That's not my comment.
I just post klocki themed stuff. I don't shitpost/troll/act agressive.
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i got this as a gift maybe 15 years ago, dusted the box and swapped the yellow paint to it. it got me excited about bricks again. what set i should buy? affordable 50 eurobux max and preferably a vehicle cause i like cars and stuff.
Remember to kill licensefags. Behead licensefags. Roundhouse kick a licensefag into the concrete. Slam dunk a licensefag baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy licensefags. Defecate in a licensefags food. Launch licensefags into the sun. Stir fry licensefags in a wok. Toss licensefags into active volcanoes. Urinate into a licensefags gas tank. Judo throw licensefags into a wood chipper. Twist licensefags heads off. Report licensefags to the IRS. Karate chop licensefags in half. Curb stomp pregnant licensefag whores. Trap licensefags in quicksand. Crush licensefags in the trash compactor. Liquefy licensefags in a vat of acid. Eat licensefags. Dissect licensefags. Exterminate licensefags in the gas chamber. Stomp licensefag skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate licensefags in the oven. Lobotomize licensefags. Mandatory abortions for licensefags. Grind licensefag fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown licensefags in fried chicken grease. Vaporize licensefags with a ray gun. Kick old licensefags down the stairs. Feed licensefags to alligators. Slice licensefags with a katana.
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technic koenigsegg jesko releases august 1st and will be around 50 eurobux
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Reject modernity
Embrace tradition
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Or don't, I don't really care.
i was building cool licensed LEGO sets before your retarded ass were born BITCH
This set is the ultimate litmus test to see if you have shit taste or not.
Embracing modernity is accepting the fleshies in your heart.
I have 5 of these boxed to sell later.

In the LEGO Movie, "Everything is Awesome" was meant to be criticism of a mindless consumerist society
Yet LEGO Group IRL keep using it unironically
I’ve been meaning to get one, what’s exactly wrong with it?
I don't care if people think you're greedy or whatever, but why not just buy stocks if you want to invest?
>lego takes up a shit ton of room
>will take up a shit ton of room for YEARS
>you have to physically ship it
I just don't get it.
Literally nothing, but retards will tell you it's too big or uses too many colors.
Lego generally does better than stocks. Buy them on a 20% off sale, wait a couple of years then sell them at retail + 20%. You don't see those numbers with stocks.
>accepting the fleshies
I'd rather kms myself
Tlg now is not tlg from 10 years ago even. Most of the old guard is long gone or cucked so hard they just shut up and make creator sets quietly.
Then why does Creator suck ass now with gay dust collector shit like the ukulele, camera and roller skates?
>dude real object but Lego
NTA but I bought one to get the forest hideout GWP and later sold it for a profit.
Corpos love to spout commie propaganda but periodically remember that they are in fact corporations powered by capital
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Have to figure out what to get tomorrow
Poorfaggots seething
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Lmao how?
Which would you rather steal:
A. Giant TV that's bigger than you that's worth $400
B. Lego set half the size that's worth $800
>lego sets worth 800 dollars
Why are they so expensive
To make poorfags seethe.
>Lmao how?
Saw news like this back in 2014.
Lego was always an expensive toy that was easy to flip.
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>see these two sets on ebay
>super cheap despite 2 memorable sets
>new seller. probably some parent - other lots are old clothes books grandma statues and kitchen stuff
Love finds like this.
Just messaged her that what she has is way more expensive than what she asks for.
Stop scamming grandmas you sick fuck.
too bad i already got these sets :)
i didn't tell who it was. Funny that you assumed the gender to make it sound more like a "victim"
to be fair it is a little too big when compared to other recent castle sets. But the set comes with all the parts you'd need to downscale it, plus a lot of extra cool pieces leftover.
The colours thing is retarded, it still has about three main colours, with one or to accent colours, everything else is just more shades of the same colour for texture. It's a decent set, just don't expect it to look good scale-wise next to any other modern castle set.
Ignore the retards, they're the "OLD GOOD NEW BAD" brigade.
unequivocally true
Post your Spyrius team pls its too blurry to make out and I have a bunch of Spyrius in the mail.
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I'd rather download a car
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Fuck ninjago
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Someone should remake this now that castle and space have returned.
>spindly lame builds that fall apart if looked at wrong.
all of that is true except the lame part, they look sick
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>hello guys i'm FILTHY RICH
>just in case you didn't get it - here i am showing off lego while wearing my expensive suit
>hehe did you know that i'm RICH?
fuck this guy
what a pretentious style of showing off, geez
>He says, being a baseplate filler like all nu-Lego "collectors" with their Clone armies or whatever
I’ve talked to him on twitch before he got super popular. He’s a nice guy. I haven’t watched anything really since he blew up and all the Lego masters shit but I harbor no ill will. He’s what we’d all be if we had his resources and you’re a fucking liar if you claim otherwise.
Get yourself some Speed Champions sets.
Scale is smaller than your pic related, it's also bigger than regular minifig cars, but the details are nice.
Just try avoiding the ones spammed with too many stickers.
I hope his house burns down and he melts in his dust collection
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why don't you suck his dick? maybe he'll give you a few studs
>isn't a hoarder
Where are his MOCs then, huh??
He is a text book hoarder.
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>clean skin
>yacht club tier look
>upturned noble snobby nose
>face of a man that don't have insomnia and stress
I know it's just my poorfag cope of a sad guy but still... when i open his videos i feel uncomfortable and close them.
He also mocs up bionicles and 3d prints and sells his own variations and cool colors. But go on… I believe you were seething?
>slurp slurp suck suck sllluuurp
I'm sorry...what...?
>Classic fag is also a poorfag
Brofist! :D
I lifted this from Justin’s last video as Justin.
Poorfag detected.
everyone is a poorfag compared to that guy
even as a Lego fan that level of consumer hoarding is despicable
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>Poorfag detected.
Your point? Being "poor" is just "being normal" in 2024.
>I lifted this from Justin’s last video as Justin.
Jangbricks is more relatable to us - average middle class men.
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based jang
>time goes by
>a fantasy of having sex with Jang is still just a fantasy and probably will stay like that forever
kill me...
>has to settle for mandr
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Back in 2014-15 I used to watch Just2Good and Jangbricks a lot. Just2good was hiding his face and I imagined him as a cute twink. And I used to think that Jang would totally fuck Just2Good.
Because Just2Good used to be very friendly to Jang and talked about him on his videos.
The thing I don't get is when people on here praise him it's almost always "he's better than justtroongood!" or "there aren't any better Lego YouTubers!" What does that have to do with his actual content? And perhaps a better question is, why do you even NEED to watch any YouTubers at all for the products you buy?
if I was a degenerate faggot I'd probably kill myself
something about seeing pictures of this guy's house the other day set something off in me and made me pare down my single lego shelf because even that felt too cluttered. still kept some of my favorites up but still
legos are best off stored in bins for later use, rather than gathering dust anyway I guess. actually on that note what is the best way to store them? Right now I've just got two storage totes but I feel like I should eventually get something like the things you use to hold nuts and screws at a toolbench, if I ever bother properly organizing it all
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The ONLY lego YouTuber worth watching
My point is the same point I made originally people who don’t like chris dont like him because they are jealous and it’s okay just you know calm your tits a bit. Jang hasn’t been the same. Not since that fateful day… on highway 237… west… no one stopped anon… what have we become?
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>And perhaps a better question is, why do you even NEED to watch any YouTubers at all for the products you buy?
I've seen this argument many times on /toy/.
Why the helle people think we watch youtube for the products we want to buy?

To me youtube-lego is just a community. Some person i can listen and enjoy. I watch youtubers when i'm building something sometimes. And it feels like i build stuff with my friends.
It's just an engagement with community.
Sometimes i even watch youtube review of sets i had for YEARS. Because it's fun.

On the other note - there are already tons of yotuubers and this guy >>11064664 just has his own thing as "i'm rich lol".
There are tons of better lego youtubers than him because his "opinions about sets" just as valuable as literally anyone's else opinion on youtube.
And those opinions are not more important than mine because at the end of it i'm spending my own money after all.

So...yeah. Fuck that guy. Having your whole personality as "I'M SO RICH. LOOK AT ALL SHIT I BOUGHT" is fucking stupid.

I'd rather watch Just2Good or Jang - those at leas having a unique personality.
And even besides them there are better smaller channels like Bricks by Mind for example - he really reminds me of early just2good years (minus personal-level opinions): https://youtu.be/VhelawP8c0g
Guys, i'm worried about just2good. He sounds really off in this video. Is he high or drunk? He has a history of abusing drugs but got clean. https://youtu.be/hKnnszbMAnY?si=f0yuG7FbTFqmOLNh
>people who don’t like chris dont like him because they are jealous and it’s okay just you know calm your tits a bit.
That's like being a shitty highschool rich girl and saying "you hate me cause i'm sexy and rich".

Well. Duh. People usually don't like self centered richfags in which there is no modesty (this idiot throws literally thousands of minifigurines in your face at the start of each video and it's fucking cringe. Like ...okay calm down we get it. Your daddy has money.)

Enjoy being shitty cunt i guess?
>imagine listening to some dumb bitch you're not even fucking
post dragons
Guys I'm worried about anon. He has absolutely no friends and thinks he's friends with autistic lego youtubers.
>post dragons
>lesbian dyke modern sidecut on Dr Kelvin
>no hoop earrings

You fuck the fuck off you fucking nigger faggot and never come back.
guarantee this whore doesn't actually care about Lego. she just found her popularity niche and acts accordingly like all women
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anyone got some lego drip
I got the scarf last november and it's pretty comfy in the winter
I sort with plastic baggies to save space. Baggies are in plastic tubs. I dont know if it's the best way though.
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>guarantee this whore doesn't actually care about Lego. she just found her popularity niche and acts accordingly like all women
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If you think this looks good you are bad and should feel bad

Is nothing sacred
that image is missing a lego branded backpack
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But anon, girls can't be both pretty AND smart, they have to choose one or the other.
>If you think this looks good you are
Oh my based taste incel...
im sure your girlfriend/wife will be 11/10...not like all those ugly whores. Right
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your cringe for simping for a Lego minifig
both of these sluts are hotter than anyone who even knows your name.
holy based
>old bad
>new good
Nulego just can’t stop winning.
>that’ll $100 plus tip sir
>that’ll $100 plus tip sir
around $40 for these: >>11064425

Don't be a dum dum. There are like thousands of fun sets available on second market for cheap.
Happiness is not FOMO.
He's just trying way too hard to put on a stereotypical feminine voice.
new 'slug
Why did you post that with the overwatch figures
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i like some of overwatch minifigures and posted that picture as a sub-topic. If anons want to discuss overwatch with me - we could do that.

Feel free to ask any overwatch lego-related stuff anon!
I like everything about it except for that. The CMF remake of her was a good compromise.
You're a disingenuous faggot. The haircut is trendy hipster bullshit and looks stupid. It has nothing to do with how attractive the women are.
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best dragons
is this really the best reddit has to offer? tell them to send stronger soldiers
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>HMPH! is THIS really the best reddit has to offer??? Heh... (teleports behind your back) tell them to send stronger soldiers!
back with you, vermin
you have to be 18 to post here
and you too, fatass
I actually got nearly all the sets for it recently, only one left is el dorado (and wrecking ball but that one is way too overpriced everywhere i look, i'm talking 90$)
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>and wrecking ball but that one is way too overpriced everywhere i look, i'm talking 90$)
I'm talking about my local online stores
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>buying klocki from local online stores
You'd be suprised, i found the giblartar rocket for same price as retail fully sealed and with 0 damages
Same with genji vs hanzo
New SlugKino Dropped!
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Nice try schizos...
the 2024 picture will be fun i guess.
/lg/ still has some months to made it more thicc even
the hardest part is gonna be trying not to include any of the shitposting schizo retard's 8 different personalities
Why did anxiety from inside out 2 spend all the money on cracklink
>cringe and gay
>I like ankles

what did he mean by this
If someone told me there was only 3-4 actually still posting in this thread I think I would believe them.
>makes cheap shit to sell
So a hoarder AND a filthy "investor".
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I'm fighting myself whether to order an aliexpress one right. The lighthouse was incredibly good quality. I want to build.
The quality on these is truly incredible - And imagine how much better they could be if he was able to afford a higher-quality printer! And for only 20 bucks, that's a steal! We need to give him all the support we can to help his business grow.
>but you’re still going to include poop right? Lego has to have poop. Kids love feces.
>truly incredible
these look like shit...
>Get yourself some Speed Champions sets.
those do seem cool, what would you recommend that has very little stickers. (also max aestethic cars ofc)
on the topic of stickers that ferrari set i posted had quite a lot of stickers that literally crumbled when i dabbled with it yesterday. they don't stand the test of time when it comes to several years. especially hate the very long ones.
I need Stegosauruses
We need Dreamzzz hater in there
There's still space for:
Mega Bloks fags
License edit spammers
Dreamzzz anti
Alien Conquest fag
Unikitty connoisseur
A representative of all 2 view YouTuber anons
Agents fag (totally not me haha...)
Don’t forget the fag moc’ers
your eyes are working but your ability to detect sarcasm is a bit lacking
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People talking about the crystals a fair bit but I wanna talk about the gems, any advice on how to get them or some rarer ones? (Sorry image is from r*ddit)
Buy them brick link. Set 3840 is cheap and comes with 72 of those gems. (12 of 6 different colors including Trans neon orange which is a retired color)
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I need to get the parts to build this
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I'll collect lego however I want and you can sit there and seethe, fuckboy.
For a second i thought this was gore magala
I am pretty sure I actually already own that set, maybe even the other one (atlantis) though not sure
Tandbricks is gonna do a tease for 2025 themes soon, the new ones. Keep in mind, new licensed themes usually release in march/april and summer/october.

Also, animal crossing is not over, more in march.
shit anon, that's rad. Been getting a lot into that wave of nexo knights lately, although it hurts that some bits of it are really hard to get a hold of
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in process of collecting all of them
I got my hands on a Mei Minifig (With her god damn backpack. Because for some reason everybody is selling her without Snowball....)
I'm very excited to receive the figure and I will probably try to post pictures here when I get her. I should make a little diorama for her..
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I wanna get some classic lego guns/more interesting ones or stuff like barrels, haven’t gotten many currently
Gonna check to see if the crystals are still in my collection
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Money, who gives a fuck about it. Retard brings up "destroyed molds" bullshit one more time, and I'll put him in the ground.
Then what are you doing here faggot?
Nice comeback, loser. Did you learn that in pre school?
you can only guess what they teach in those classrooms, 'cause you've never stepped foot in one yourself you absolute inbred
Reddish brown.
>more specialized parts
Wouldn't even be surprised.
New 'Jak
>I'm very excited to receive the figure and I will probably try to post pictures here when I get her. I
Please do!

how much did she cost to you? was it bricklink?
What happened to your hand???
He's a sp00py mummy
your brain is not even a soup anymore, it's an empty bowl
don't forget gypsyanon who crawls around the floor of his shithole country looking for dirty free lego
I unironically love that faggot. He hates trannys. He collects legos for free. He makes you faggots seeth. He’s doing gods work and unlike most of you retards he actually touches grass. I’m always on the lookout for lost legos now thanks to that industrious based mother fucker.
>He makes you faggots seeth
Oh don't get me wrong, I love that guy too, he's hilarious. I just like leaning into the meme that he's some disgusting gypsy ratman sniffing the floors of some ex-soviet shithole looking for free klocki
Based Gundam ripoff.

>AI be like
>I put a gun on this chikun walker for every man, woman and child in Zion
>And then I maek one of these for every man, woman and child in Zion
>And they will all have hazard stripes at the moving parts because I don't want no industrial accidents.
LEAN af.
I disagree. I once seen a video where she listed her 10 favorite castle sets and in that video she had a wholesome VHS clip of her unboxing a castle during christmas as a 5 year old. She's legit.
good one retard
>simp loser
Did you mean
>simp loVer?
are you stupid?
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Count Dooku is probably the only sw stuff i want but holy fuck.....fuuuuuuuck
>that price
I remember seeing this set for 35eur on clearance back then but didnt buy it.
I was like "Yeah Count Dooku is cool but this set has tons of stuff i don't want".
Now he costs more than this whole set on retail...
Just be patient. They're shitting out Star Wars sets like crazy, one of them is bound to have a Dooku.
Why do shills get angry when you tell them they can't just advertise shitty new products and not get called faggots for it?
>waah pay attention to me
>one of them is bound to have a Dooku.
I would buy Dooku in 1 second. Most of his stuff was kino
I wonder when they will do that.
And i hope it wont be an expensive afol set.

+ i dont see that many Clonewars sets per year
if they will add those genosian insect-like aliens with Dooky it will be a super KINO set
For the price bootleg lego is usually worth it. I've bought and built loads and I've never been disappointed with them.
wonder if Lego will ever do a collab with Overwatch again, or they have Blizzard completely blacklisted
Does anyone even still play overwatch?
I do sometimes out of boredom, but they really killed the point of playing it by completely removing gameplay rewards.

Even when there were no updates, at least people grinded for lootboxes to unlock the skins they wanted.

Now its all just "buy buy buy" not realizing people only buy stuff in games they enjoy, not when they are forced to
>wonder if Lego will ever do a collab with Overwatch again, or they have Blizzard completely blacklisted
I'm 100% it will NEVER happen again.
i play overwatch most of the time since 2016 and even i agree that Overwatch Hype is over (the game is doing fine though - it's pretty popular and full of players but there is no hype so normies think it's dead - we having Transformers collab right now for example: https://x.com/PlayOverwatch/status/1810343258880442458)

But yeah there is no reason for lego to do sets of out nowhere.
The main reason was that scandal with harassement and lego didnt want to be associated with such thing.
I play it as a casual gamer, and the tranformers "collab" is solely consists of "BUY 4 SKINS FOR THE PRICE OF A COMPLETE GAME FROM ANY OTHER DEVELOPER"

It's pretty dead, and this is what killed the hype.

there is no reason to be hyped about a collab or an event, if that just means another pricetag i can't afford, and a LOT of people are this way.

Mind, even though OW1 was VERY rewarding, and gave a lot of free stuff for gameplay, I still supported it with lootbox purchases, because I wanted the game to be succesful.

This. I actively boycott purchasing anything in it, not just because there are no rewards but because the prices are stupidly overpriced.

It takes less than a month for a 3D artist to create skin, and blizz 3D artists are paid 40 000 usd or something a month.

Now add that skin to the game where it can be sold as many times, without any additional cost to as many players as the game has.

There are 20 million active players according to some stats at minimum. Why does a skin needs to break even at 2 000 players buying it? That's a 0,01% of the complete playerbase. So that means that if 1% of players buy the skin, that's a profit of nearly 4 million usd ONE ONE SINGLE SKIN's sale.

Oh, and they claim they have 100 million players, so 1% buying skins actually would be near 20 million for every single skin.

That's an insane profit margin, no other industry operates with this profit margin. Blizzard kills its own game because they don't price their stuff reasonably despite that they absolutely could.

The fact that in the entire first 3 months of the game they happily said that they made 100 million means that on avarage less than 0,3% players bought 1 skin.
Literally this, every. Single. Time.
>But she likes X theme
And? She knows a little more about lego than the average person.
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I just got this shitty knockoff Lego set at Five Below. You can watch the video I made for a better look if you like

>No rockets with sattelite top
Shit like this would have been nice for NEXO Knights. Instead we got rocks.
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>normies distracted from Nexo Bros
>durr hurr bad line. durrr bad rocks/vampires
>meanwhile me- sipping every cheap shot i can find
I fucking LOVE hunting for cheap nexo knights lots.
Sometimes you can get their sets for really cheap. and most of nexo minifigures and sets give you shit ton of cool peices
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welp...im fucked.
Picrelated discount sents disappeared from european Amazon and now this set costs 40+ eur.
That night hunter alone costs 10-20(!!!)EUR
what the fuck....
Dreamzzz has an insane problem - mixed sets like it was said last thread.

I really wanted the nighthunter minifigure but that cat-owl is a stupid-ass retarded fuckfaced Friends-like build i don't even want to keep...

fuck dreamzz...im not a dreamzzz hater but now im stuck with this expensive minifiure i will never get because i dont want to pay 10+eur for a tiny ass toy

i wanted just 1 minifigure and as soon as it got on discount-everybody bought it probably for that Night Hunter minifigure
Buy the magazine he's getting released in one.
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Somebody (probably you) told this few threads ago but i dont see him anywhere - there are no news/info about that online as well...

How do you know? Proof??

btw amazon has picrelated set on discount as well - 30 eur.
outside of amazon this set has insane prices holy fuck...WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH DREAMZZZ
i thought dreamzzz sucked/nobody wanted it right?
why it's disappearing from shelves and figures cost so much???

might grab the crocodile car. i just (again like with lots of dreamzzz) hate how it has yellow red and blue at the same time.
Because I buy the magazines from the store and it says what comes out in the next issue. Leave your room once in a while.
I gave you a dislike
>Leave your room once in a while.
what kind of stupid faggot argument is that
Why would i buy every dreamzz magazine to know what will be the next.

fuck off. Btw you still didn't post any proofs
You can literally buy all the night hunter parts on PAB. You just need to buy a bunch of other bricks you need to make the shipping cost worthwhile.
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>You can literally buy all the night hunter parts on PAB.
it won't be cheaper than buying it from Bricklink.

Anyways i decided to get the crocodile car.
I forgot that it's a Cooper set (cooper colors) so it will fit with that upcoming august Dinosaur Robot.
So i will get a ton of spare parts to upgrade the dinosaur/make alternate builds/etc.
kek i feel like Picrelated set will be the same thing as this: >>11066286
Lots of cool minifigures that will grow up in price.
At least this time the build and colors are awesome.
I just had a look at the prices, didn't realise the hat and cape were so expensive. Big yikes.
>I just had a look at the prices, didn't realise the hat and cape were so expensive. Big yikes.
yeah a lot of dreamzzz stuff like that.
Lots of new molded minifigure parts that add dollars.
The mental gymnastics dreamzzz fags go through to justify buying a set while claiming to love the line is boggling to me. I have yet to see anyone make jack shit with them other than some terrible noodle arm mechs or a zblob alien head… brave. They can’t be discounted fast enough here and if the leaks are to be believed six sets for 2025 when they cranked out what? Two dozen in the first and second waves? Yeah it’s doing stellar.
>Somebody (probably you) told this few threads ago but i dont see him anywhere - there are no news/info about that online as well...
Actually that was me. Apparently he's coming out in Germany tomorrow, and my country (UK) on the 31st. Just be patient, okay. You can either wait a few weeks, because I don't know what country you're from, or bite the bullet and buy the set.

Anyway, new lore just dropped.
According to the Lego City magazine, the Lego City aliens are from Planet X named after the hypothetical 9th planet.
Also similar to classic space, colours designate roles. Blue astronauts are explorers, yellow astronauts are engineers and green astronauts are scientists.
>Hypothetical 9th planet
What’s it like to not remember 9/11?
It feels great, Ninjago was my childhood.
>Planet X named after the hypothetical 9th planet
that's not how roman numerals work dipshit
>dreamzzz fag
>ninjago fag
This all checks out.
>that’s not how Roman numerals work dipshit
He’s scratching his broccoli hair wondering why we’re laughing.
I'm still sad that nexo knights was during my dark age, there's a lot of cool shit there, and a few of the rock sets have been hard to find
i recommend you to buy this (last? i think it was the last boxed set?) one if you planning to get some stuff.
It's so unique and looks like some cool space thing.
Also those pale faced vampires getting expensive because it was just a few minifigures that appeared during the last line

First season sets still can be found being sold by parents that don't care for the actual price.

Some "rock gargoyles" minifigures are rare (the female one and that horned helmet villain) and etc
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not him but I was also looking around on bricklink after it came up earlier and that and pic related are the ones that stand out the most to me. not sure if i'll pick either up but they're both pretty sick.
You’re crazy anon that’s like $50-60 and you could just go buy this monstrosity for $40 more!
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>You’re crazy anon that’s like $50-60
around 20 dollars in 2019 as i remember
I love those pale torso vampire minifigure so much - you can build many weird dark cyperkpunk characters using it
I think this is one of the few wave one sets I didn't get. I may pick it up at some point, since it uses the medieval/mechanical theming really well.
yeah, the horned one being well over $80 has been a huge pain in the ass, since he looks cool and I want his full set. I'll probably pick up that set eventually too, that and the twinfector both look really good. I've got some of the knight side of things from that wave, but not a lot of the vamps. Still amazed I got the fortrex for a decent price
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I know ebay is much more expensive but because /lg/ was cool with healing my depression - here is a hint: When searching for sets - think like you are a boomer mom or dad that don't know anything about technology or toys.

Write weird stuff like "black nexo lego LOT" or "black Ninjago SHIP" some stuff like that.
Sometimes you could get mixed cheap lots with unique stuff inside thrown inside because parents wanted to get rid of it.
I was just going off eBay. This is still relatively cheap and about the price to PAB the nightmare fag.
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>hello anon..you should pay the Waifu Tax to obtain us..
6 sets in january and 4 sets in august 2025
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Doth thou desire the clutch power? My fist is the divine breath! Blossom, o fallen seed, and draw upon thy hidden powers!! Grant unto thee the power of the glorious 'Mother of Destruction'!"
How many Harry Potter sets? Can’t wait for the dreamzzz advent calendar.
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You are all retarded nigger faggots and I hope you die in your sleep.


>Xeno Lego
I'd buy every fucking set
>people across the internet are suddenly interested in Nexo stuff and etc
I wonder how much people will be wanting Dreamzzz minifigures 6 years later.
They will be more butthurt that they didn't get Night Hunter because those are more expensive than nexo figures.

damn i should get that crocodile set and magazines when they will be released.
I learned this lesson from nexo knights.

You observe sets on shelves and on clearance but refuse to buy them because "oh well may be later lol".
Few years later you go insane after seeing how expensive they become
>BDSM Porn Lego
I'd buy every fucking set
just another person shitting on a successful set... the worst thing people can say that isn't just nitpicks is it is oversized for minifigures.
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its finally here
Animal crossing chads...are we getting more sets next year? Dont tell me Sanic and Bing Bing Wahoo sell better...
7 in january, 8 in june
DC chads...Lego DC will be reborn in 2025
I agree, sidecuts are cringe
God I hope so. I really want Fortress of Solitude and Watchtower playsets. I'm trying to figure out how to MOC the former on the old Ogel ice base baseplate but it's tough and none of the attempts I've looked up have left me particularly inspired.
Just a reminder that this thing will never be topped in terms of mechs
>comes out
>sets a golden standard for titan mechs 2 years before the title is even a thing or an overarching thing
>does not have the technic rotating ratchet joints that every mech nowdays uses since they were made a year later, yet still makes it work on that scale while remaining highly posable
Ninjago showrunner confirmed the series continues in 2026.

Is Ninjago now too big to fail?
You could just give them a speech bubble with eight different sentences.
I still think this and nya's samurai x are the best of the titan mechs so far. Jay's has really limited leg articulation, which sucks. I hope Cole's is good.
It really is
But i still think the overall design and color scheme go to zane's
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>anon, you did pick up some new dark bley goats on Lego Pick a Brick Bestseller®, didn't you?
Dreamzzz is the best theme right now but zthere are too many good locensed sets therefore I cannot buy dreamzzz sets.
get over it loser
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>build lego set
>mechanical functions work great
>leave set on a shelf for a few months
>mechanical functions suddenly don't work anymore
what is the cause of this? this happens to both system and technic sets
it's all gunked up with your disgusting dust
Stop shouting
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Yes it was Bricklink (Through custom items).
And she was less expensive than what people on ebay are asking for her. That's all I'm gonna say.
>Scroll through bricklink
>"Oh that set looks cool, I wish I had that."
>Have to pay the FOMO tax, or just deal with the missing that set
>Already have limited shelf space
Why am I like this?
Why so triggered?
your the one bringing back dumb shit from a day ago talk about Lego or go be a fag somewhere else
fuck yeah finally my most waited 2024 set review. + alternate builds
Im seriously curions what kind of alternate builds could be done wth this epic fatass

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What did you think of the Spongebob theme?
Eternally seething we never got more Avatar The Last Airbender sets because of him
The opposite happens to me.

>I need to buy that now!
>No I will not fall for FOMO ill go back and get it later
>goes back
>its sold
>should have bought it
Micromagnets in your bloodstream
Yeah there was this and a town hall with kkk slider
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I found it on japanese twitter somehow

Now eat your beans totally not made of people
I just want some fucking Lantern sets. Seems like it's the title most suited for Lego and would give us a shitton of good transparent recolours, but I think we all know the upcoming line will be at lesst 75% batwanking as usual.
They should do something for Justice League Animated to go with BTAS. We could get deepcuts if they do Unlimited characters too.
Underrated and I hope it comes back someday.
How common do you find Lego at thrift stores and such?
I’ve been thinking of hitting up a couple local ones since I always hear about people finding old sets and things at them.
Patrick’s house is just two BURPS
that’s so lazy
Based Xeno-Lego. Those Xenogears Mechs would look insane in Lego form. Bionis would be cool too.
Places like Goodwill generally know what things are worth, and take out any rare/sealed lego to sell on their website. You can definitely get lucky at small local thrift stores though. I got the Construct-a-Buzz (very weird set) for only 8 dollars about a year ago. Definitely a good way to go if there are many thrift stores near you, especially in rural areas.
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Story time boys.

There's an old Japanese guy who lives in the unit next to me in a condo association. Nice guy, though he has a super strong accent. It takes a bit to understand what he's saying.

Over the weekend I get a call from him:

It takes like two minutes for of a back and forth like that where he's say "DU RIGUS" for me to figure out that he's talking about the black kids trying to play football in the lawn across the street. Our condo association has no black families to my knowledge, so I get why he's freaking out.

He calls the cops, they show up and make the kids leave. They're like 10 so not full negroids yet, but sure enough they come back the next day. This time though Japanese bro goes out to them with a bunch of Klocki and somehow that makes them leave. I talk to him about it later and basically the jist was the black kids were scared of an old Asian guy ranting about klocki in front of them and that's why they left.

"DU RIGUS DRONT BRUILD" was the takeaway line
I don't follow Ninjago at all but I want to get this. That dragon is too damn cool.
you guys are all such fags
The avatar line was really, really bad
Though it would have been funny to get that awful Korra mech
I've got a commercial print business, and our pad printing side has slowed to a crawl thanks to china. We used to padprint on the typical shit, but one of our employees and loves lego and brought it to my attention.

What's some custom pieces people actually buy? We figure less than $500 to get up and running since we've already got an Inkcups 150-6 and have experience.
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I could have called you a lonely, fat, brownoid neckbeard loser, but I chose not to and just tried to be random. I guess...
Not like I give a fuck about your opinions anyway. I just expressed mine and tried to support it with what I saw. Her videos are bland and boring, but then again, so is every single other lego youtuber.
You put them on to have some background noise while you clean your bricks with a toothbrush or sort through your latest haul.
>picrel is a kid who likes lego.
Also the only video I can be bothered to recall from that channel and only because it struck my nostalgic nerve.
TLDR: Idgaf about your opinions, that chick likes lego, her video proved it to me.
>What's some custom pieces people actually buy?
anything minifigures
it's not really a "line" if it's only two sets and it came out so early that they had like... maybe half of the first season (at best) to work with
I can't even say I especially want to see them try TLA again, but if they did they'd probably give it a fair shake with at least 6-8 sets that could cover the entire series.
>Not like I give a fuck about your opinions anyway

If you don't care about his opinions shut the fuck up about cunts on youtube you stupid nigger faggot
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They make a korra set and i'm eating it tf up
>I don't follow Ninjago at all but I want to get this. That dragon is too damn cool.
Mega Bloks Dragons is dead
Long live Mega Bloks Dragons
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Cloth wings>>>>>>>>> plastic wings
Too bad they barely do them
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How would you make this with Lego in minifigure scale?
Lego are fools if they wait for 2207 to do more minions/despicable me sets.

This franchise is as evergreen as it gets.

>Minions 3’ Set for (June 30, 2027) as ‘Despicable Me’ Franchise Nears $5 Billion at Box Office

dome piece + minifigure head on top
half cone + printend 2x2 dome with grass element on top
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Happy that i got this for 30eur.
This thing is the last chance to get the value and one of the most valuable dreamzzz sets parts/minifigures/price(on sale) wise i think.

1) cool car
2) basically you getting shit ton of spare pieces to upgrade the Robot Dinosaur that will be released next month, because it has the same colors
3) best minifigure + best minion mediumfigure

This is pretty much buy it now or NEVER.
there is no fucking way im buying this for 40-60eur

Wish i wasnt slow and bought that Zblob robot for 12EUR - it was sipped off shelves as soon as it was on discount.
With 2 zblobs you getting tons of cool white pieces and those neat transparent tube parts to make cool as fuck mocs
That's later this year.
It's fine, Animal Crossing just doesn't seem to be getting as many waves as other lines, we're only getting 2 this year in the end.
I imagine the 3rd wave will be in later leaks as we get closer to 2025.
dream bros...im so excite

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Lmao! Oof. For like fifty bucks just go get this off eBay.
she ain't gonna fuck you bro
nah this ain't that
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>nah this ain't that
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There's a Santa gift sack element, I'd have it cast in lime green then print the eyes on it.
print some Hitlers
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probably not the best place to ask this, but does anyone know if one can repair warping plastic wings, the soft vinyl like pieces. Recently noticed one of the wings from pic related was curling on the tips of the wings
Just squish it under a bunch of heavy books for a couple of days and it should be fine. You could heat it up with a hair drier first too.
careful with the hairdryer you can fuck them up pretty easily with too much heat
I'm kind of pissed off about this set because i can clearly see an amazing base design for a titan mech, but they had to add a gimmick with the baby carriage for the smaller mech and waste pieces and looks
There are exposed technic pins and studs all over, it looks undercooked.
Pic related for $130

Should I buy it? I love dune but heard the wing pieces are bad, should I?
I bought it day 1. Mine were fine right out of the box so it depends how unlucky you get I suppose. However by now the rubbery wings have started to sag a little. I'll probably remove them soon to straighten them out using a method similar to this one >>11067420
I love it, it's great. I don't get all the complaints about the miscoloured technic pieces, they really aren't that visible in person. The most obvious ones are the red ball joints. Only case I wouldn't recommend it is if you really hate technic for some reason. Most of the build is the wing mechanism. This is one of the few 18+ sets that actually has play features and you can play around with.
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Luv me some big transparent green tubes
This looks like something my five year old would make then get bored with and toss to the side. Do better.
thank you
Target had 20% off all lego so I used the omgbicks app to get a handful of space tourists and the new city bus
Cool. Does it come in hetero?
>lololol I put my tourist alien on the tourist bus aren't I such a hilarious faggot!?N?
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>I'm kind of pissed off about this set because i can clearly see an amazing base design for a titan mech, but they had to add a gimmick with the baby carriage for the smaller mech and waste pieces and looks
>There are exposed technic pins and studs all over, it looks undercooked.
sigh... i know right...if only Lego was a buildable toy that you could re-build and mod the way you want...
if only it was possibru.......
>I don't get all the complaints about the miscoloured technic pieces, they really aren't that visible in person.

the colored pins are inexcusable in a display set for adults. i would not buy this set without ordering replacement pins first.
>reeeee my toy looks like a toy, it HAS to be an all grey blob!
Total Afool Death
The idea that the shitters in this thread that do nothing but complain about trannies, niggers, faggots, talk about youtubers all day, goon to bionicles and minifigs and shit on everyone all day have 5 year old ipad zoomer babies is absolutely fucking terrifying.
Please start with yourself. Unless you're admitting you're 12?
>responding to redditbait
>unironically getting mad at a toy
hopeless and embarrassing
Fuck off, retard.
You're like one of those apologist faggots who copes about a shitty game being good because "muh mods".
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>You're like one of those apologist faggots who copes about a shitty game being good because "muh mods".
what kind of stupid argument is that.

Lego's whole point is literally BUILDING/CONSTRUCTION/CREATIVITY

fucking faggot
you genuinely made me mad you dipshit.
Same. It's not technically a titan mech, but it shares a lot of the design philosophies behind them. The design itself is really cool and unique, but that stupid smaller mech sucks.
I just checked and couldn't see a sale like that
guess no klocki for me
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Fantasy LEGO is best LEGO

Post your party:
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Lol I think I have every Nexo Knight set. What a cool theme.

Picrel, an old suit of armor MOC I did.
Holy crap anon this is unironically awesome and looks like real in-lore thing.
Like a power armor for knights that guard the palace hall or something. Or being elite warriors - middle link between knights and mechs.
Anything can be modified with right skills and resources. Doesn't mean people can't judge the product initially sold, regardless of how easy it is to mod. Don't know why one would feel the need to try inducing a heart attack over the such composed criticism. It's so easy to find even more hyperbolic vitriol against not just official models but also against the models' respective fans, but it's that post that got chosen. No one's gonna survive long in this general being that reactionary, unless you're just posting that way outta boredom.
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Bros...im so excited for this seires.
I will be buying this in non stop and not caring about getting doubles.
this is a goldmine if you like building original characters. Holy shit im excited ...bros...

we won...
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Thanks, anon. I tried to make a matching greater demon monster satyr looking thing, but never got around to making a face sticker for it.
I really wish Nexo Knights had kept going to this day. It would benefit a lot from modern mech and creature building pieces and techniques.
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Fantasy wins again
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>Anything can be modified with right skills and resources. Doesn't mean people can't judge the product initially sold, regardless of how easy it is to mod. Don't know why one would feel the need to try inducing a heart attack over the such composed criticism. It's so easy to find even more hyperbolic vitriol against not just official models but also against the models' respective fans, but it's that post that got chosen. No one's gonna survive long in this general being that reactionary, unless you're just posting that way outta boredom.
Didn't read lol.

gotta mod some sets
can't even tell what's going on in that image
dreamzzz is so nausea inducing
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I like bigfigs
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I tried making a show-accurate rock monster guy with more beefa
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>I like bigfigs
(oh it's you lol...I remember your posts from around 2017 - good stuff. it actually inspired me to modify my bigfigs)
>I really wish Nexo Knights had kept going to this day. It would benefit a lot from modern mech and creature building pieces and techniques.
literally this...
i'm so disappointed that we finally got super cool aestetics after that grey rock monster season.

We got some cyberpunk vampires with hacking/virus theme. In some cool black+neon green colors.
Imagine all those sets we could get.
Like their techno-necro-vampire castle or something...
it hurts so much
Yeah, I was very active during the early to mid 2010's. Mostly Mobile Frame Zero shit.

I don't really make crap anymore.
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>I don't really make crap anymore.
Sad. 2017 was kino /lg/ times.
>thornraxx, they took my fucking legs, i can't walk anymore
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>looking for royals for my slowly growing black falcons
>see her
damn, these older lego set ladies got big tiddies drawn on.
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You could just get this one from the lego movie sets
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For me, it's lamia
Lego has elected, of their own volition, to create sets that discourage creative building. It is in fact their sole intention that you build it once in its default form and put it on a shelf forever, and their marketing reflects this. In the context of their intended product being that exact default form rather than its potential user-side permutations or modifications, it is entirely appropriate to criticize a set regardless of whether one intends to fix it.
What baffles me is that you feel the need to minimize and dismiss poor design choices on the poor defenseless multinational corporation's part.
>you genuinely made me mad
That makes me feel a lot better, thank you.
My weed dealer used to buy Lego sets with cash, sit on the Lego sets until the prices went up, sell them for a profit. Infinite money glitch.
Your five year old still shits his pants. Do better.
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if i was you i'd make a cool display case for them
I've made over 100k the past 3 years doing it. The only problem is storage. Right now I've got 2 closets and 2 6ftx10ft shelves full of them. That shit skyrockets once it retires, and the BrinkLink specialty ones basically double the moment they get released.
How about.... no?
I will engage in this thread the way I want to and you can do nothing to stop me, you pathetic, seething loser.

At the end of the day it's just another bump to another glorious /lg/ thread and you can go kys on livestream

Of course she won't, she's probably in the USA which means we are at least an ocean apart. Also, I have a family so there goes that crazy plan.
>from shithole country
>worships some rich white american bitch
ahh if all makes sense now
New thread

ignore the shitposter

I hope these themed series's do well as this and the space cmf series are the only ones I've ever actually been interested in.
You should talk to someone about your constant need for control.
>>shithole country
lol, lmao even.
It's okay to be wrong, anon. You don't have to try this hard.
In a lego thread, neverthelesss.
You need to stop shouting.
>I will be buying this in non stop and not caring about getting doubles.
same bro. I'll have to try to resell the gross fleshie heads on Bricklink or something, but for custom castle stuff this series will be a gold mine.
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>tfw no sexy alien blacktron minifig
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I use that torso and legs for my Black Falcon qween, but I gave her the hair of the forest maiden and picrel head. Works pretty well 2bh
It came out back when I was a wee babby
I was always a bit confused by it and thought it didn't look too pleasant, I honestly feel similarly about stuff like Simpsons minifigs and Disney ones with the detailed heads.

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