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no funhaters allowed edition

previous: >>11067719
Not a lot of merch for the squirrel Green Lanterns. I even think the movie Lantern aliens were underrated because they werent the same bipedal guys
Most of them had fragile joints
the movie toys? ok. I only ever bought the fish anyway, and its only flaw is that it only looks good in that box pose
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We've been infiltrated by some one who wants dc dead. this is an organized attack
4 years too late anon.
Really want watchmen figures
imaginex dr.manhattan with giant florescent penis when
Weren’t there comic versions in the movie waves? Have Comedian, Nite Owl, and Rorschach in storage at my parents. The stands they came with are amazing, I’ve using them to display back row characters for over a decade.
How about a Kubrick?
Nice troll thread faggot. Glad to know the asspained babyman has been the shitposting OP.
completely forgot these even exist
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They made a few, don't know if they are good tho.
Damn, these look pretty nice. Silk doesnt look as good as the other though, but the transparent dress is a nice touch. Bet they dont pose very well at all.
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This is what the collectors editions should be. Characters you have to make new sculpts for then you trickle the new parts to regular releases.
>Trigger fingers
When will mcfartland learn bros
>trigger fingers
>questioned on Jonah Hex
>comes with 2 magnums and a rifle
are you dumb?

I've seen those knees somewhere before, pilgrim
>Phantom Lady and Silk Spectre on the same shelf
that is a really shitty looking coat
I told you when the doll capes started that it was unacceptable. Get ready for Rorschach in a jedi robe and Question in a blue bathrobe.
Wait til you see the price on that. It won't be 30.
>Question in a blue bathrobe
kek, you know they're just going to reuse boomerang's stupid thick ass coat.
No shit it'll be $75 like all the other 2 packs
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I like fun
This is cool and I don't blame or shame anyone spending their money on it.
Thats ridiculous and i cant believe people will pay it
I'll never forgive Mattel for buying this company and sucking the soul out of if.
Are you ages 3-8?
Damn that looks so fucking cool
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Looks like green arrow or one of those princess figures
Wait this looks sick
Now those are what I’m talking about.
The ones that came packaged inside the boxes were really nice. They are hard to find in the secondary market so thankfully it's not something I am interested in collecting.

It would really be nice if WB would let someone make NEW figures of any of the current on-going animated material. There will be a new Watchmen two-part animated movie (probably approved before Gunn and Safran got control) and I doubt anyone will make figures for it, just like they haven't for the HQ animated series, or for My Adventures With Superman. Or anything else.

They'll likely make Creature Commando figures but based on the live action characters most likely.
>t.DC Super Powers enjoyer
Is he gonna have a chase version?
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What's your favorite Batman figure?

>faggot who buys baby toys acting like a baby
I mean this unironically, not joking, etc. You are pathetic.
Mafex Black Hush personally
It's summerfags being summerfags.
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Cheap bitches BE QUIET! lmao
>an affordable base that just needs a custom Arthur Morgan head
We are so fucking BACK.
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Guessing that one anon was partially right about how it's allowed to have guns. Store Exclusive and NOT A TOY.
You're poor, you're a casual, and you play with literal baby toys. Your opinion is less than zero. In fact, this thread should do the exact opposite of literally anything you say.
You know, at least we don't deal with imaginext babies in the Marvel threads.
>yay more dolls
Just collect Barbie if all you want are fabric clothes. Why do many tasteless faggots infest this general

Now that’s a proper goddamn toy
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Jesus look at the size of that diaper
With enough love anything is a toy.
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New spin master DC figures are coming out. I got single carded black manta last night
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bane is the best figure of the year probably and a mafex must have
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A comedian posted yesterday, broad daylight. His jokes were heard by all, but laughter came from none.
He was a living parody of us all, a man who became the joke. His clown acts fail to find audience. Bankrupting himself and those around him psychologically. Still he persists.

Something made him not quit, perhaps, someone. Hrrmm...
I had a batman thing similar to these but he had elbow joints and ball hinges and was actually fun to pose but i cant find any pictures of it now. his cowl could come off too
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this guy
I'm surprised they still make these things desu. Even the modern ones look and feel like toys from 1998
Yes, I'm phoneposting because I'm at work.
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thanks man, never had the patience to put together the batmobile he came with since i just had other shit i liked more at the time (mainly bionicles) i also had an azreal guy
Those are so cool. You could have an entire Gotham city block on a shelf
Holy shit, that's like a year of tons of fun for a kid. Top notch if you ask me. Must be 300 bucks
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Super powers now need to be crowd funded.
Assuming it's because it isn't strong enough at retailers, I'd be happy if I was collecting these and they're continuing the line this way, so many companies start making things, do a couple characters, then just stop. And they're still asking for the same prices as far as I'm aware, so it's functionally just a preorder.
Mcfarlane shouldn't hold the license if they can't keep these low cost toys at retail stores. Mattel would be better suited.
My thriftshop keeps getting batcaves from the last few years and it makes me wonder if anyone's collected all of them and made a big display
Surprisingly only like $120
Maybe, maybe not, but what does that matter? "Shouldn't" is an incredibly naive thing to say.
how does this shit even work. am i expected to throw money endlessly until he makes it? dick move if so just makem online exclusive then
They shouldn't because they're too small to handle the I.P. at their size and they continue to sign on for more shit without scaling.
This is the future of all domestic toy lines.
I hope this is how he decides to keep or kill lines, because no way this kiddie shit makes it that far.
I'm glad it's finally dying. So fucking tired of seeing that dollar store boomer nostalgia shit pegwarming at stores I visit. My Walmart is selling those things for five bucks a pop and somehow managed to get rid of all their Vampire Nightwings and didn't replace the spot with anything new.
Tell DC I guess, and maybe they won't renew/extend the license again? Not sure what to tell you, they've been going 4 years now, so something must be going right for McF and DC.
It's a box set with four figures and two vehicles, I doubt a single retailer showed any interest in putting this thing on shelves after losing their ass on previous Super Powers toys.
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You could buy so many Imaginext figures for $120 instead.
Who says I haven't?
based fellow big dick imaginext haver
>main DC toyline besides spin master figure i was collecting is on its death throes
Its ogre
I hope this is a sign that mcfarlane will finally lose the dc license, maybe jims kids will finally be free.
Fischer Price fucking won
Can't wait to get mine in.
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based brotha, im kinda disappointed in the batman
I'm still seething that I have to wait another month and half to get my Bane because I mistakenly changed my shipping method when I was scrolling on my tablet to pay for him.
Gonna shove that Bane so far up my ass.
>Mafex pre popper
>Mcfarlane post poppers
God I hope he breaks me uwu.
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welp glad i got what i wanted while it lasted. im a bit disappointed.

guess ill point out the new capes in that pic are kinda nice with the black on the inside, just salt in the wound
They locked two tone capes behind crowd funding along with a dick Robin they didn't even bother making a new face for. Super powers is done.
We've got maybe two more waves before the full shift into a strictly collectors line. It makes no sense considering mcfarlane himself said they were making bank on them.
So glad this toddler shit is dead
>pics me out of all the literal toddler shit
stay salty plastic boy
hess also the guy who keeps thing nft shit is working so take his word with salt. a lot of salt
thinking* ops
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Todd, pls
>Marvel toys get Galactus, Sentinel, and Ant-Man
>We get this
Bro we don't even get to have Power Girl or Zatanna
neat look for supes
its not ai is it
no it's from a new event
This could be a testing of waters to see if they could get away with crowd funding a playset. For what it's worth it's reasonably priced.
I also appreciate we're getting obscure Super Friends vehicles.
What about Batman dont you like? For me, it's that he seems just a tad too scrawny. Maybe its his neck, or how low his shoulders look..I also feel like the grey and blue are too light. I dont know, something about him just feels off, could also be due to a lack of shading on him. Hush bats looks fine.. and i imagine this guy is just reuse of that mold, so its odd.
The look was fine - the problem was the default pose was ass. Don't pretend it wasn't son.


>I'd be happy
$600K happy?

>For what it's worth it's reasonably priced.
You are right if you are interested in the four figures AND both vehicles. Plus this anon has a fair point >>11074112.

But otherwise, they are retail priced, plus shipping. Only the people that really want to spend more than $75 are getting anything worthwhile. I can afford that but have no interest in more batwank and not enough interest in the Aquaman stuff to shell it out. Not when I can get booze instead.
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i hope we get the Oa playset
They could at very least give us a good look at those vehicles. Different angles, how they open, what are action features. People are real supposed to get enticed by those from one picture?
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I find it pretty hilarious that the guy playing with baby toys threw a temper tantrum like this. It's been going on for days now. All because I asked if he was an actual child or a mentally deficient manbaby.
i think its taking a disturbing direction where more people are pretending they eat shit now and throw diapers to "own" you, like their retardation and pretending to buy toddler toys is owning you somehow.
the crimson tripfag is being unironic though, he proudly buys baby toys and watches baby cartoons in a couple generals here at least. very excited for new baby toy launches.
toddler toddler bababy
TODDLER??? TODDLER BABY TODDLER?????? retard todd babby!!!!
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>Scott Snyder says it's DC's biggest initiative they have done in decades, which probably means since the New 52 in 2011, kicking off with Absolute Batman and the DC All In Special in October.
>And it is Darkseid's energy that creates the Absolute Universe, founded by his own energy, which sees the superheroes of that planet emerge as underdogs. "They have to be tough, more resourceful, two universes, one prophecy, they're badass.
So they gave Scott Snyder a whole earth to make edgy superheroes. The designs are ok tho,
Fischer Price toys are literally for toddlers though. How are you winning in this argument?
what is that faggy fucking shit on the left
New SC universe they're making alongside the main continuity. Similar to New 52. Try to keep up.
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i really dont like how the plastic part of the cape just mesh with the figure,

hush batman got a clean transition and look awesome in every pose with it, while knightfall you need to work your ass around it to not look goofy on the shoulders
>Try to keep up.
Not a tranny, no thanks.
That doesn't make any sense lol
>What is this
>Oh I don't really care, I'm trans btw
Go away now.
>sub 1min reply
>Comes into thread about comic book characters he doesn't even read
>Throws a tantrum when told to keep up slowpoke
Fuckin casuals man.
I meant to quote the tranny >>11074341 here
Stop throwing your tantrum already. Jeez.
So I saw the first reviews for Darkseid and I find it rather telling that was the best Mattel guy and the team could do. He barely moves at all, no bicep cut, no swivel at the elbow, the hips can barely go forward due to the diaper being thick plastic. So many flaws after talking about this was such a high priority figure for him at one of the earlier cons.
This post is doing nothing but proving you're a big fat baby.
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oh yeah
thats the worst looking batman ive ever seen
God, this is going to be the new bit for the next couple months, isn't it?
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It's just the Snyder movies costume but black, and every pic of Superman I've seen he has some grumpy expression so if Todd makes a toy he'd have some hideous pants shitting expression
Uhh gay
Can some one please buy the zombie figures they've been clogging the shelves of every store i go to
Only thing I don't really like are Batman's "trunks".

Like, either give him trunks or not, don't try to do something in the middle that nobody will like
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i fixed it
Imagine being the lucky little fuck whose rich uncle buys him this
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With a repaint they would be really cool backdrops for shelf displays
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I want that Azrael so bad.
Those were designed to be McFarlane figgers.
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Damn straight!
Maybe twenty years ago when McFarlane could still afford paint on his toys. NECA took over as the company known for highly detailed adult figures, McFarlane is a pathetic dollar store toy company on crowd funding life support.
The level of detail in the GL movie costume was insane. People who hate on it are fucking retarded, those were some cool ass toys
It being horribly done glowing CGI is what people hated.
they probably just used the same 3d model the movie uses, rebuild evas do the same thing. since most figures today are made using 3d sculpting programs you can get grab a movie assets and make them dual purpose
Green Lantern's uniform is supposed to glow
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This is a good looking Dick head.
>uniform is supposed to glow
He's a Green Lantern, lanterns glow. Read a comic, faggot.
Comic books are woke and lgbt
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>dumb faggot doesn't even know green lanterns glow
>wants to continue the conversation with asinine bullshit
No wonder this is the Imaginext general.
I'm actually kind of tempted to get him even though I don't usually get McFs. They actually did a good job of capturing Quitely's style. It's also my favorite era ever of Batman so I'm kinda biased.
I have. The suits don't fucking glow. They have a glow around them sometimes when flying because the ring is lifting them but the suits itself don't emit light.
Technically some Lanterns emblem will light up in addition to projecting the Lantern logo in front of them. I wanna say Geoff Johns introduced this during his run. I think it's supposed to evoke police lights and sirens.
>The suits don't fucking glow. They have a glow around them
Your autism is making you look retarded again, anon.
>It's also my favorite era ever of Batman
It was actually something fresh with a new dynamic without some gay alt what if earth excuse. Dick and Damien should've been the new status quo. Bruce should've stayed dead.
>sometimes when flying because the ring is lifting them but the suits itself don't emit light.
That whole era in comics was like that. You had post Final Crisis DC where Dick was Batman, and Barry Allen was back to life. Meanwhile over in Marvel, Cap was dead, Dark Reign was kicking off. Man, what a fun time for comics. Legit the last time they were actually good before it started going really downhill in like 2015 post Secret Wars, DC before that, in 2011 with New 52.
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Man your fucking stupid
No one cares about Batman if it isn't Bruce. Same with other Supermans besides Clark.
DC is dead when those characters become public domain and we have alternatives besides this retarded ass garbage >>11074332
>No one cares about Batman if it isn't Bruce.
Cancelled and irrelevant to everyone except 30 year old manbabies.
>No one cares about Batman if it isn't Bruce
I'd agree with you but dick and damian as batman and robin was something really refreshing and new to the batmythos.
Dick has taken over the role a hundred times and Damian is the worst character in the Bat Family.
And yet the run was fucking great
Damien is worse than Batwoman? Really? What about the ol batmite?
let me guess, you're a tim fan?
You knew what you were doing
i think dicks head could use some polishing
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>this man is a homosexual
Not that anon, but at least they aren't a teenage assassin trained by the best of the best ninjas ever with an obnoxious edgelord attitude.
The run fixes that
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These look a lot better than spin master crap
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when does this guy come out
What are those?
Preorders 25th
4 inch batmen with better articulation
Nip quicks Foreskin stuffers
By who?
Fischer Price
>translucent goggles
I want to go back.
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never even noticed that, neat
Isn't the pointing man too?
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Yes anon, we all got it.
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why dont you just get the lgends of batman one, same poa and doesnt look like doodoo. hes also cheaper
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embrace the pointy shoulders
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I like the card art on the imaginext figure more
They expanded to Target and preorders for new waves are selling out on all sites the day they're posted. Some of the figures from past waves (like Hal Jordan) are also now going for more money from people jumping on late. The big issue with this line is that the first wave was dogshit and it killed any interest. Especially from the autists that collect the original line since the new figures at first didn't scale with it (Though this was kind of fixed). It seems to be climbing back from death's door but vehicles are clearance shitters and this is the only way those are probably happening in the future.
You guys know OP is the Imaginextfag from the DC thread false flagging right?
>mib imaginext collectors
Just when I thought we had seen everything in pussyless collectors...
oh shit thats weirdly good, to bad it doesnt match at all
i dont get it
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What do you collect? Rows of dolls? Fuck off with this elitist attitude, it's a board for playing with toys.

Their packaging is really nice, especially if you prefer displaying mint boxes.
They mentioned they want to produce the Darkseid playset if the interest is there and I could see this being a test. Though I think they'd be better off doing a fresh Legion of Doom playset. There was just a third party Darkseid Tower set and the playset never looked that great in the first place so I don't think it'd do well.
I don't collect toys meant for literal toddlers. Let the girl out of your mom's basement.
It doesn't go for that much on eBay anon. You can just grab one.
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idk how i feel about this, boxart should depict whats inside, otherwise its a travesty by definition.

how about this guy
At least he gets girls
Those do look pretty spicy.
you make me laugh out loud dude keep on keeping on
Probably where he gets the toddler toys
These imaginext figures look cool. Going to buy some blind bags for me and my kid.
I already have a chase blue McFarlane Azbats and don't need another figure like that, I just think the Imaginext aesthetic is cool and like collecting them. It's a fun scale.
>Getting things that make you happy from the girl you love
Sounds so nice.
>trying to play off his pedophilia so he doesn't look owned
Next time you're considering it, do it. Joke all you want, you know what I'm talking about.
You sound schizophrenic
Take your meds
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I'm not even the anon you're arguing with. I'm just here to post about cool toys.
Batwoman looks really hot with shorter hair.
You aren't clever
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mods, please
Yea that for sure is something that screwed up KF bats. Too bad.
Stop being such a faggot, he didnt want to waste his time reading your post and asked for a TLDR, go read your faggot dc shit. Dumb bitch.
Which WB exec is responsible for this shit "no guns" mandate in the first place
i wish they invested a bit more tech into the cape neck shit

legit they where so close to make a great figure but just quit
It's just some retarded shit Todd does. No other toy company bans guns.
No its WB. Todd talked about it in an interview, and Mezco has commented on the ban as well.
is target becoming the new toysus? seems like they get all the good shit
What are you referring to exactly? Walmart only wants 2 exclusives per quarter, while Target is richer and so can afford more. Action figures aren't really a priority for Walmart, they know their audience has to use them for their prices, while Target isnt as cheap and needs more luxury good appeal to get people in
>luxury goods
It’s the same shit as Walmart just three dollars more expensive
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Based. The better Miles Morales.
Luxury good appeal=action figures, anon. A luxury good is a good that is not necessary, it just so happens that rich people tend to spend a lot of money on such goods.
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>bitter Miles Morales.
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I bought those last year. The Booster was mint in box ($10 plus shipping, which was combined with three other things I bought), and I ended up with a second one (PIC REL) from a different auction ($9.99). I only spent a bit more on Ted (I think $15-20?), but he was a purchase from someone selling a bunch of DCU Mattels so I got 15 figures all in the same box, so the shipping/tax ended up being about $1.50-2 per figure.

Totally worth it since I like the grapple gun Ted comes with better than the one Todd provides:

I will admit I would love to have extra hands for both Ted and Michael and I did like that little scarab, but Todd's version of the beetle gun sucks ass.
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Up on mcfarlane toy store rn
Can they sculpt any figure with proper proportions? Holy fuck. His torso is so god damn long.
The weapons all look surprisingly good, at first glance. Someone else who cares can parse if the weapons are true for whatever something like say a Colt 45 in western days should look like, but to someone like me who wouldn't know one gun from another, they look decent to good.

Everything else - and especially that cloth coat AND this >>11076059: classic Todd Dogshit.
I am gonna guess this is priced at 69.99, fig+"megafig" horse price. Time to see if I'm right
Nailed it. I can read Todd's mind.
Is Todd really charitn import prices now? Holy shit, and people think Hasbro is bad.
>Todd hears the legs are too long
>makes the torso longer to compensate
Thanks Todd. Also two belts? You're spoiling us.
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SDCC leaks starting
Not pictured Black Canary that comes with him in a 2 pack
Damn, who was invited the poorfags?
I wondered into a Game Stop yesterday afternoon in Hollywood, it used to be my roommates go to vidya store when we both lived in that part of the county, they had five mega figs on sales, admittedly three of those were from the Mamoaman movie but they also had the two pack biz/batzarro marked down, and that same nekron that's been pegwarming everywhere.

Even Todd's Warhammer crap was marked down.
Todd upped the warhammer prices from 20 to 30 in an extremely dumb move. I don't see how that line will sell
Better than faggot joytoy crap in midget 1/18 scale
>Ah, yes - the non sequitur reply
I'm not interested in WH. I'd go see the movie and I'd be curious to hang out one evening as long as there was plenty of booze and watch people really into it play an actual army battle/game night.

That Warhammer megafig was stuck with the DC megas so I looked around at the other, regular Warhammer toys, I had no clue Todd also had this license. Everything was marked down. I knew he did Witcher and Disney since I had seen those at Ross and elsewhere.

Todd's WH all look like badly lacking paint crap.
Joytoy is faggot 1/18 crap
Any leaks from the Imaginext booth yet?
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Cell shading btas again
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unironically yes
goddamn 9/11 made my toys cost more auubhg
holy fucking based
pattinson batman sucked so bad they can only sell him in figure packs
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Imaginext chads keep eating good
The sonic suit being different colors looks better than the McFarlane version.
its not the sonar suit its cloneys suit
His costume translates well to Imaginext, though. He'll look really cool on a shelf.
My dream pack is a Superman set I can display with the Batman set and mint Azrael.
Damn, I completely forgot about that suit.
its shows up for like 1 minute in the movie. i used to love the shit out of the micromatchines renditions of these guys
Now THAT'S a solid Arthur Morgan base
Any sites sharing this pics ? Instagram or a forum?
I was excited when I heard they were doing Hex, but this looks wonky and $70 is way too much for the quality you get with most McFarlane figures these days.
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>$70 for one figure
what figure
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excuse me??
perhaps this is his way if getting around the "no guns with toys" thing
thats so stupid it might be true
removing the belt from the base fig and counting it as an accessory? genius, todd.
Dear literally any toy brand. i want more RC stuff. sincerely -me
There is one for the axe/knife/sword (the one in the figure in this pic >>11076041 and the other to hold the guns. I can't wait to put the two at the same time
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>classic green arrow
I'm literally creaming rn
thank fuck i didn't buy the ugly ass longbow hunters fig, for $15 more i could get this and Black Canary

looks alright sculptwise from what i see but the colors do look like ass though, but maybe it's a shitty picture.
Really hoping this isn't just a custom, which it looks like
At this point mcfarlane is so far gone most of their figures look like customs cobbled together from older parts and repainted.
>No shoulder pads
>Laces not coloured black
>Arms coloured wrong
also that collar thing.
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How's the Spawn?
basically the best spawn if your a fan of the giant boot design
>giant boot
Have we gotten one for those of us that aren't tards?
i have no idea what youre even asking
Is there a good version of the figure without the giant boot (guessing you're a giant boot fan LOL)
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ah, im not a big spawn guy but the only options that come to mind are the todd2pack one and old 90s line ones. unless your ok with a figure thats kinda its own thing
This. That one's head won't even be usable since they reused plasticmans torso.
Arms limited, to be expected due to the cape. The diaper looks rather bad. There are some inaccuracies compared to the comic but the suit changes a lot depending on artist. Not as good as MK11 Spawn in the rest of the figure but its serviceable if red MK11 is too expensive now.
Doesn't matter, since it comes with Black Canary it will sell out. Mcfarlane Toys has now long identified that the quality of the figure doesn't matter, only the character and look chosen.
Does anyone think Todd will ever make a full cowl version of the Red Robin costume for Tim. I wouldn't mind that full body costume that Jorge Jimenez drew in 2022 but with black trunks either but I doubt will get that. And I don't want to buy the Alex Ross version, since those are so stiff even when they have some articulation.

The New 52 version with the feathers looks like ass, has anyone bought it and taken the wings off and added a cape, cloth or otherwise? I have some spare Superman capes from a fodder lot I could paint and re-use I suspect. They might not be long enough for a 2022 DCMV figure.
If Mcfarlane can reuse the original buck to make the version you want with just a new head and maybe a few new pieces like arms, it is possible. If they can't, it's less likely.
I was looking through his site and if he reused the Demon Spawn's hooded cape he's almost there. I have no idea why the Gold Collection version had that weird plastic design/stuff on the torso/chest but that's also usable with paint changes and the hooded cape from elsewhere.

Hell, I'll go the cloth good version, I just don't want to do that much painting myself.
best comic book spawn
the batman fig kinda sucks since it's just another repainted 3 Jokers fig with a butt ugly headsculpt, but if you can find an extra Hush head to swap onto it then it looks pretty okay
is this reusing the blue beetle buck with the custom plastic man torso? why do the arms and legs have seamlines?

i kind of feel this is fake, why does it look painted? where's all the gloss? it looks matte as fuck as if someone repainted a plastic man fig with cheap paint. mcfarlane figs are 90% colored plastic and 10% paint but here it looks like 100% paint.
He's been reusing sculpts regardless of whether or not they have appropriate seamlines for years, anon
I don't buy hasblow or mcfarts
So guns are totally ok, guys.
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I see Todd convinced someone at Disney to let him make "posed figures," screwing Diamond Select and everyone else who does these and using even cheaper PVC material.
Was Diamond select currently doing Marvel statues? I thought they only did the 1/10 scale collector action figures -- Marvel Selects?
And soon he'll be shitting out posable figures. If I was diamond select I'd be pissed.
Sweet. Thanks for getting that ready for us.
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>$30 diamond select
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>$30 mcfarlane
Not even at the bump limit you sperg.
Disney would not allow two companies to compete in the same space, McFarlane would not get into retail with 7 inch Marvel posable figures--just like Diamond Select can't.
>figures--just like Diamond Select can't
But they do
DS does not have Marvel Selects at retail, anon. Unless you think LCS count as retail.

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