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>Upcoming transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

what was with all the gay shit last thread?
>working lights
>in a nu-former
it's a christmas miracle....
That's a nice looking prime. Which figure is this? Last one I bought was the leader class with the trailer.
this thread was made before image limit was hit on previous thread, and does not contain the full intro pastebin
real thread is here >>11089905
SS86. It's out in China.

All the pastebins are there, and it includes the updated one, which yours doesn't. Try again next time, retard.
Optimus is a little underwhelming to me for the price class. It's better than Commander Rodimus, though.
I love him
It's sad how this is the thing I'm most excited for from SDCC.
I hope Pulsecon shows a prototype of some of the constructicons or something

curious to see how much partsforming it will have
looks stupid
Uncle Rukus. No relation.
It is so sad that this is the best looking/implemented of the GI Joe crossovers

When is Pulsecon? September?
Does POTP Optimus Prime have a good axe kit?
You are stupid.
knightrider is stupid
And it still looks so fucking awful. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR FAAAACE?
He's older than dirt.

September 13th.
hahahahaha those humans... man Venture Bros was dead on with their OSI parody weren't they
and those weapons suck in hands.. can they plug in anywhere else?
I just got 86 Bee today and I'm pleasantly surprised by the little guy. It think I still like the alt mode and colors of Netflix more but the new one isn't bad at all.

I do hope they go all in on the retools like with Earthrise, it would be great to get a proper Bumper out of him.

Or Glyph and Tap-Out.
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You, you! Me me Pickle Pee! Me, me Pump-a-rum
luckyy. i still want her sometime.
Filch would make a great Snuggly. though I don't think she'd actually give you anything in return...
Kup has two midget crickets
not even just that, but that they're up on a platform so he can shoot slightly higher
Do people even buy GI Joe anymore?
The Classified toys seem to be selling well.
Cursed date for Pulsecon... Anyone getting Dinoking since it's the real reason the Core Class Dinobots were made? More Victory appreciation is welcome, after all.

And I still want an SS86 Windcharger, hope they are ready to give that to us any time soon before we say goodbye to the Legacy brand and we shift to the next brand.

Yes, I am getting Dinoking. And if we did get 86 Windcharger it'll be in Studio Series, which isn't ending any time soon.
I said SS86, you pleb. That's Studio Series 86. But I understand. There really is no rush for Windcharger, regardless of whether or not we get him in his dead state first before the alive version.
yeah I'll get dinoking since I don't have the molds
Kup always has shit face sculpts
Stallone Returns Kup was fine.
I still like it more than his SS86 face
Even from afar his eyes look so sunken and mortified, like instead of telling cool war stories he’s just traumatized
no it wasn’t
Too bad it’s expensive
shit, how much
is it Party Wallop expensive?
I do wish it had the super mode..
It wasn't accurate to anything, sort of to the G1 toy, so I know most don't like it but it looked good; even with the sort of expression that's generic enough to lend itself to interpretation.
On the other hand, LG made the expression too gentle and SS86 is... SS86.
>POTP Optimus is randomly popping up again
lmao wtf
And now you can by a commander class with a trailer
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? he’s out already thoughever
40th anniversary reissue like ER Prime maybe
Anywhere online? I'd kill for another.
Maybe they will reissue every mainline prime for the 40th anniversary. Get ready for classics Prime
ER Prime, SS RotF Prime, SS DotM Prime, SS BBM Prime, SS GE Prime, SS RotB Prime, and Legacy Laser Prime all got or are getting reissues this year
I noticed Missing Link C-01 went back up for preorder too
I might not have mentioned every one
>SS DotM Prime
this does look okay.
Just Target so far it seems like
Are there still no pictures of him next to Megatron, Soundwave, Shockwave, the Seekers, Astrotrain, ot Blitzwing? That's what I most need to see. He scales great with the Autobots, save Magnus who's stupidly oversized. I wouldn't mind seeing how he scales with Siege/Earthrise Magnus. If they're the same height that would be ideal for me.
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Big Black Car
at least he'll be more worth the price. Is that a tiny David Hasslehoff driving him?
don't even try to make sense of scale, anon. you'll get hurt.
Huh. Looks like Target online shop finally sold those SFxTF ones.
>literally just late-stage G1 trash
>without the charm of actually being a vintage toy or having the gimmick that got him produced in the first place
what's the fucking point? This shit has become so fucking soulless it's unreal.

I dunno how I feel about him. I think he needed beige instead of gray, to match KITT's interior. I know they gave him blue jeans to evoke Hasselhoff, but it just doesn't mesh with the overall deco. I'm also not fond of how they fouled up the alt mode with that fat valance panel with an autobot badge. This mold should have been an easy slam dunk, but it's like they went out of their way to give it flaws.
Really want to get this guy. Ive liked Ruckus since I saw his Marvel Transformers Universe profile where he's one of those rarities among the Decepticons, a loyal and dedicated soldier.
those are valid criticisms..
Shame the toy doesn't look half that cool.
Valid criticisms. All that aside, I like him. I used to watch the old Knight Rider reruns as a kid, so seeing KITT get the ability to transform and be able to do all the things he needed Hasselhoff to do on his behalf before is cool.
I miss when deluxes were this size
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Buzzworthy reissue
>target gets shit ton of PotP leader Optimus
I hope this is world-wide trend
Use 90° alcohol for the yellow paint on it's crouch
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>no wind-sheer
fuck's sake
Shame they are becoming the old scout size over time
That was expected since the shatter glassine is 1 for 1 the minicons deco already
It's just a promo render; unless the guys literally come out and say he's not included, it doesn't confirm anything one way or the other :2
Where are all the new beast wars figures ? We still need a few more show characters, Hasbro
Isn't Windshear gang-molded with the sticks and alt chest+head parts?
>More Victory appreciation is welcome, after all.
Mostly why I got Side Burn and I'll get Dinoking. I'm not entirely happy but I want more of both series so I might as well walk the walk.
There's a chance they made it so you can snip the sticks and the alternate chest and head away from Windsheer.
Lookin a little zesty in those stiletto heels...
Scourge is in that pic and he's about the same size as most of the Decepticons you mentioned.
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He comes with one, it was leaked on tfw.
Next year
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>about the same size
Not good enough I want to see direct comparisons.
>metal dreamcatcher with feathers
I get that junk mail too, lol
I'm so happy Cosmos is getting a package refresh. I love when Hasbro tells scalpers to go fuck themselves
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Hasbro just cannot get Kup's face right
Will they ever do a highway six pack?
same energy
SS86 is pathetic
Never been so excited for a figure I absolutely do not want to buy at full price
I never noticed the sheer lack of decepticons in ss86
/tfg/uys if you could only have three (3) (III) transformers in your collection who are you choosing
Meh. Awkward proportions, the arm paint that's supposed to be on the hips, and I know it's on the original toy too but what the fuck is the point of the springs in the hood of the vehicle mode, and it's only purchasable with a figure I have a negative level of interest in
It's Scourge, Sweep, coronation Starscream, Rumble, Frenzy and that's it right?
>Valid criticisms. All that aside, I like him.
Yeah, I do too. I was a huge knight rider fan and I was actually watching some of my favorite episodes about a month ago and thinking how much I'd love a KITT transformer. Plus I just think the 80s Trans-Am is a timelessly cool looking car.

I'll probably get it and maybe see if the doofy valance they added under the front bumper can just be cut off. I really don't think the robot mode would look all that worse for it. I get the feeling it's only there in the first place because they wanted to stick an autobot badge somewhere, but not on top of KITT's alt mode, for accuracy purposes.
I bought Legends God Ginrai today for a not obscene price and all it's making me want is the Perfect Effect core robot that only goes for obscene prices these days. Maybe that'll go away when I have it in hand but it is a shame it feels incomplete without it.

I would love a proper commander Powermaster Optimus/Super Ginrai along the lines of the MP but I don't think anything is on the leak docket for the next year or two.
It's there for the electronics which were completely unnecessary.
imo we need to count Gnaw as he was one in the OG toy.
Movie did and didn't have a whole lot of decpticons. The 1st appearances was 5, Galavtron, Cyclonus, Armada,Scourge, Sweep. After that it's guys from the prior show or you have to grab quintessons to add to the pile.
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Wait, are they just selling ROTB Nemesis normally now? I remember he was heavily scalped because you could only get him from some kinda ROTB ticket promotion
This is the ROTB Optimus mold, the one from last year was of the Bumblebee Optimus. This one and Starscream also have Pulse import listings so they shouldn't be impossible to get.
Eagerly awaiting someone to redo that Airazor upgrade kit in her colors. It looked kinda goofy on Airazor herself because Peregrine Falcons don't have long tails, but Filch is a Magpie and most definitely needs it.
I wouldn't say "completely unnecessary", as KITT's red sensor bar is one of the most iconic things about him and the entire show. But it's the space year two-thousand-and-twenty-four; could we really not make a simple LED board and power supply any smaller than that?
MP Artfire
LG-EX Magna Convoy
Transmetal Waspinator
I bought Cloudcover from Walmart and he's missing his null rays. Dunno how or why the fuck someone would swipe just the weapons, but they're a massive asshole for doing it.

Can I get suggestions for replacements?
What did Pat Lee design this lol
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Henkei Optimus, Henkei Megatron, and uhhh maybe 2007 Concept Camaro Bumblebee
it's sad that 2006 megatron mold is probably the last mainline full size megatron toy we'll ever get that actually turns into a gun instead of a boring ass tank

the only hope is if takara just does their own studio series 86 mold
You could try returning and getting a replacement
There's also nonnef kits for proper conehead weapons instead of null rays, but that's paying like a 3rd of the figures price for 2 accessories
NGL I prefer him having an actual vehicle mode. The gun never made sense even by the low standards of the G1 cartoon. Though personally I prefer him turning into a helicopter ala Animated.
When it destroys the silhouette of an iconic car it's completely unnecessary. The fact that GM would sign off on their design being raped like that is appalling.
>The fact that GM would sign off on their design being raped like that is appalling
They aren't Ferrari, they don't give a crap lmao
It is free advertising.
Clearly. My first car was a Trans Am, so as someone who is intimately familiar with the silhouette I can't overstate how disgusted I am with what Hasbro did to it. This was a highly anticipated toy for me that I've been wishing for since they started doing the crossovers, and they fucked it up so spectacularly that I won't even end up getting it unless it hits deep clearance, and even then I'll feel forced to keep it in bot mode.
Yeah and the average consumer won't give a crap about the little box under the bumper, they are buying this for Knight Rider not the trans am. A boxy trans am won't affect the trans am sales because it hasn't been made in fucking forever.
It's calling having some integrity and not whoring out your properties if they aren't going to be represented properly.
>There's also nonnef kits for proper conehead weapons instead of null rays, but that's paying like a 3rd of the figures price for 2 accessories
Link? I have other coneheads I wanna get kits for too.
Oh yeah because car companies specially the american ones are so known for their integrity. Get a grip, autist.
I think their best effort was TR Kup. He doesn't look like any previous version of Kup in particular, but he's got an expressive face that looks like a tough old cunt and not just a dying grandpa.

TR was a good time for headsculpts, overall, IMO.
>looks like a tough old cunt
Anyone has the Sly edits?
christ that's bad. I'll be happy to save my money on this, then. I still kinda hate myself for buying party wallop
They needed to make him big in order to fit the electronics.

Is that square on the middle of the hood the button to turn the lights on? Holy fucking shit, they really couldn't have put that anywhere else?
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>got RotF leader battle Damaged Optimus with hooks
>for 65$
I'm hard
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>I still kinda hate myself for buying party wallop
I'm out of the loop, what's wrong with that one?
Post it
I just ordered him, at worst should be in two weeks, maybe sooner. Once I get him I will run down battery in my phone on making photos.

I really wish I got more of TR figures, Kup being prime example.
>I've pissed in my pants, and there IS something someone can do about it!
>They needed to make him big in order to fit the electronics
>also needed to give him a massive tumor under the hood to fit the electronics
Um... maybe don't give it electronics if it requires compromises which are going to turn off buyers? No one would have ever expected them in the first place.
i feel like the nose should be flush with the bottom of the cab.
you can make incredibly small LED flashers, dude. have been able to for ages.
He's just meh. Too much of a panel-former; the entire alt mode is basically hanging off of the robot mode limbs, and the front of the van is a dopey, parts-forming "shield" that you're probably just going to toss aside instead of actually using. It's not the worst toy, but I'm definitely aware I only bought it because it was a crossover, and not because it was a good toy. And it was pricey.
Wake me up when he gets a KARR redeco
You make it sound like absolutely zero people will buy it due to the led box lol
i dont get why they can't simply make the altmode INTO the robot mode limbs.. i want robot limbs MADE of vehicle-chunks. why is that so hard?
>No one would have ever expected them in the first place.
the flashing lights are like the most iconic part of the show. If they hadn't done it, a good number of people would be saying, "shame it's got no lights, tho".

I don't really get your whole angle of, "they were only ever going to do it wrong, so it's stupid that they tried, and nobody would have cared if they didn't". You sound like a really negative and tiresome person to be around.
that said, lines SIMILAR to anon's lines are often the case. many times it is stupid to try and better not to.
Why shouldn't they try making the most iconic feature of the car? It looks good from the front which is what matters in a KITT model
Well, like I said, for marketability reasons, they needed the robot mode to actually look like a ninja turtle. Which meant not using vehicle parts.

They have this obsession with making the robot modes of all these crossover things look like a character from the same crossover property. It's the same reason KITT has those ugly blue jeans that clash with his whole deco.

So? Then complain about their incompetence instead of attempting to malign the gimmick that they failed to integrate properly. It's that kind of mindset that leads to all the retards in these threads who are scared of transparent plastic.
Scourge is nemesis prime btw
that's why i said similar to
anon is wrong this time, but the basic sentiment is often right.
what is it about the robot mode limbs that looks like a ninja turtle to you, while a that-limb-shaped-piece-of-van would not? random metal shapes.
they didn't even get the hands right, they recycled someone's human hands (pretool I assume)
both are black convoy, yes
The blue doesn't clash at all though
I thought Scourge was Thundercracker
Scourge is Frenzy
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ITT: arguing with someone who complains for sport and does not buy anything, thus is a spectator in the sport(s) of buying and playing with Transformers toys
Its like an athlete arguing with a fan on the sidelines
There are certainly people who won't buy it because of that, and there are people who won't buy it because it won't scale with the other crossovers. I have to imagine the market for a KITT Transformer is already pretty niche, so maybe it's,not the best idea to give people legitimate reasons not to buy it.
None of the crossovers scale as it is
>everyone complaining about the front end
Its not even that bad. Looks like a ground effects kit, I guess. The rear end is where they really butchered the flow of the car. Its all hideously squared off for seemingly no reason whatsoever, at all. Was this designed with the possibility that it may not get Pontiac (GM) approval or what?
This is the only one that is completely totally out of scale with the mainline. None of the others come close to MP scale. This was definitely a choice, seems they aimed this guy at the MP crowd after every previous crossover was left to rot and hit clearance and liquidation.
>If they hadn't done it, a good number of people would be saying, "shame it's got no lights, tho".
What people buying Transformers in 2024 would have said such a thing? When was the last time a non-kids gimmick Transfomer had any lights?

>Why shouldn't they try making the most iconic feature of the car?
Because they weren't willing to do it in a way that didn't completely ruin the aesthetics of it, or allow it to be in scale with the other crossovers at the very least.

>It looks good from the front
No, it most fucking certainly does not.
Despite my criticisms, Im for sure getting Agent Knight. Im a huge Knight Rider fan and he is the easiest crossover to head-cannon into the collection yet. Turns out KITT was simply a Transformer all along
>I don't really get your whole angle of, "they were only ever going to do it wrong, so it's stupid that they tried, and nobody would have cared if they didn't". You sound like a really negative and tiresome person to be around.
We're not talking about hypotheticals here. Hasbro did it, and they did it badly. If you're. Knight Rider fan, it doesn't look like the KITT you know and love. If you're a car guy it, doesn't look like a Pontiac Firebird. I initially thought they didn't get the licensing for it and had to intentionally make something off-model. That's how bad it is. If that is the result of your best efforts to include lights and sounds, simply don't include lights and sounds.
>What people buying Transformers in 2024 would have said such a thing?
>When was the last time a non-kids gimmick Transfomer had any lights?
when was the last time they released a crossover with a car whose main feature is a red light

i wonder if it's really expensive because they have to license both the show and the car manufacturer
WRONG! No one would have thought anything of it, because modern Transformers haven't had electronics in ages.

>when was the last time they released a crossover with a car whose main feature is a red light
They make hot wheels and larger scale KITT models without lights all the time, and nobody batts an eye. It is a cool car design, that's enough.
Y’know who's nemesis prime? Scourge. That's right, scourge from the Deceptive Robotic Constructs from the planet Cybertron.
>Scourge isn't Nemesis prime! Nooooo!
Literally has the same story and design philosophy as the Nemesis Prime.
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Black Convoy
hot wheels get a pass but honestly i wouldn't buy a hot wheels kitt without the light either. and i'm pretty sure i've seen light up hotwheels cars.
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Ectotron was literally sold alongside a Ghostbusters color MP10.
wait does this mold have underneath-parts that could be molded in clear red, or did they simply cast the entire pelvis and forearms in clear red and then paint them silver and white
He's a retool of Hot Spot of all things
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i like all of these designs. who's the top two?
Scourge/Armada Nemesis Prime and Grand Scourge: the dark duplicate of Optimus Prime aka Nemesis Prime (btw)
Actual name brand Armada Nemesis Prime
Unite Warriors Grand Scourge
I think you are vastly overestimating just how many TF buyers are big enough Knight Rider fans to care that much about the light.

Since no one mentioned it, first is specifically Hasbro's toy deco and not the show/Takara deco.
ahh having looked them up, they're not as cool as these illustrations.
Let's ne honest, is there any difference between this guy and Optimus Prime?
you've proven my point, anon. these people are mostly NOT huge KR fans to the point that they would take anything resembling kitt
they are surface-level fans. and what surface-level fans look for is the scrolling light. it's literally the first and only thing I thought of when I heard about this.
So whats the schedule for stuff being available for order this week?
Where can I get this scourge figgy wiggy?
This. I'm a huge Knight Rider fan and I don't care about the boxy front. A transformer KITT is a dream come true.
i still say the front of this toy and the original car are both too extreme in opposite ways.
Is this Nemesis Prime’s/Scourge’s new alt mode?
I only wish it was the canon case for RotB. Those script leaks had a more interesting idea for him and Unicron.
(That being the Beasties and Unicron's herald being from a future/ universe that the Big-U had destroyed)
Those were fake leeks. Like a Miku doll.
She's real to me, about as real as scourge/NP are
you mean Black Convoy. Nemesis Prime is just western imperialism.
i like that idea.
aw i should have known that was too good an idea for these movies.
Hasbro can't use 'Convoy'. I forget why.
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This is a listing from the upcoming Transformers Expo in Tokyo this September. The exclusives are "meh" compared to 10 years ago.

I live in Japan so despite the exchange rate being good for the US dollar it's still shitty that a figure costs ¥7000 'cause ¥7000 is like $70 to me.
(A coronation seat for ¥2500, da fuq?)
I thought it was funny they re-releaseed Megatron to look like a colorful nerfgun
>tags: [size difference], [small penis humiliation],
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>Coomercon detected
You mean a GUNship? :D
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Now that's an upgrade kit.
Dogshit design, I can already envision the robot kibble
>The gun never made sense
Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares Nobody cares
Why a handgun instead of an M-16 or AK-47?
You obviously do if me saying I don't like gun Megs upsets you that much.
>tfw they make megatron an actual real firearm that requires permit and registration like any other gun
Megatron can never be a gun again fags btfo
>a spoiler made of piss
Does it matter? We're never getting a gun Megs toy again, so why bother designing one?
Being a working gun is an extreme gimmick. Like only some motorization ones might be more of a hassle.
Its not that complex. Many guns on the shelf for sale as we speak break down into multiple parts. In fact, G1 Megatron actually looks like it was unironically designed to remain functional
A reminder it's cheaper to buy an actual gun than a MP megatron
Akchually I forgot about how his slide splits apart so thats a no-go but my point still stands
Almost like guns are practical to own while Megatron is a hobbyist thing.
Made you reply :)
>The gun never made sense even by the low standards of the G1 cartoon.
He was basically the first Targetmaster, just with mass-shifting capabilities as well as the ability to fire himself if needed. Considering what came later, it's really not so unusual in retrospect.
for fun.. and just do it anyway
permit or registration or just buying one from a guy's trunk, which renders the first two kinda pointless until the third becomes illegal
>guns are practical
Only to shoot people like you.
>tfw I spent 2020-2023 buying guns instead of Transformers
It was fun while I was actually shooting them on a regular basis but it wasnt very cheap haha. You could for sure get a Kel Tec cheaper than MP36 tho haha.
Piss and vigor*
It's him being the leader that's dumb. If he had a sidekick who turned into a gun for him, sure, but as the Big Bad, his alt mode being something he needs his underlings to hold him to be effective is just silly. The example always given is if Darth Vader turned into his own lightsaber for a random Stormtrooper to wield, which I think sums it up.
>tfw a misunderstood youth goes on a crime spree with Studio Series Megatron purchased on the black market
Its not dumb if the blast from his gun is the strongest thing around. I always looked at him turning into gun mode as “oh shit the Autobots are about to get fucked up”.
Also most people who dont like gun Megs just cant come to grips with mass shifting more than anything else, despite it being part of the lore from day 1
The targetmasters that came later were human-sized so they turned into guns for robots to use normally without extreme mass-shifting. Megatron turns into a gun that humans can use at times.
Darth Vader isn't the leader of the Empire.
Why doesn't Megatron simply become 300 meters tall and step on the Autobots?
>Also most people who dont like gun Megs just cant come to grips with mass shifting more than anything else, despite it being part of the lore from day 1
I mean it IS super dumb, but even then I can cope with Soundwave being a cassette player or Shockwave being a raygun (even if I'd rather they had real alt modes). Megatron being a literal handgun is just daft.
You know what I meant. He's the iconic big bad.
Shockwave's gun mode is treated like a turret. He's only held as a gun by Bruticus.
>Megatron being a literal handgun is just daft
Its not, its the meanest, most hardcore thing he could possibly become. Even moreso than a tank or jet because a pistol is a personal killing tool. The only thing more brutal he could possibly have become is a dagger. You are not metal enough to understand the base level of Transformers and where it came from.
Yeah, an alt mode that can't move or be effective in the slightest on its own. Real metal.
>G1 Megatron actually looks like it was unironically designed to remain functional
Well he does shoot pellets
Its not so much as a disguise like everyone else has. Its more of a statement in brutality. Also, he shoots purple laser beams so hes not a real gun. He’s obviously super powered in gun mode. Furthermore anon above gave a perfect explanation how hes the first targetmaster. Its like his power was too great to be harnessed alone and he was able to augment any of his minions into the strongest bot. His blast wrecked anyone it hit. You seem to forget that too. Hes like a buster cannon
Hard disagree. TF 2007 handled it appropriately. He can converge parts of himself to form a self-operated fusion canon.
Moving the goalposts. Also what you described is just the Bayverse version of the cannon on his arm. Youre grasping at straws to continue arguing now
Guns arent complicated at all. There are DOTM Mechtech figures with more complex internal mechanisms. In fact aim surprised no hobbyists have ever made a working megatron
Don't pretty much every human use guns that shoots lasers to begin with in that world?
Guns may not be complex but it's that simplicity that allows them to work
You really think a gun that's designed with solid blocks of metal would be able to survive if you suddenly split all that shit into smaller parts? It'd probably explode after one round
you realize you just proved our point, right
because you can't get rid of bad guys with guns via law changes. so it's practical to have one to shoot those guys.
the phrase is usually 'vinegar' but
yeah I definitely think it should have been soundwave as the leader with megs as his loyal right hand man, but whatever
anyone have the jp link to rhinox on amazon?
And Soundwave in Skybound. He even shrank.
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Since we already know how big all these toys are, it was easy to put this compilation together and show them side by side.
That is from 2024. Far from the material being discussed.
>Bootily blasts you
Notice how that Shockwave is holding a gun instead of being that gun at that time.
he's his own targetmaster!
>SS86 Prime dwarfs Galvatron
Shockwave's ray gun mode is shown to fly in Marvel, Dreamwave and IDW comics. I think it may have flown a couple of times on Sunbow as well.
They look like roughly the same height to me.

Not quite. He's still an eye height or two smaller.
That actually matches well with the Optimus and Galvatron scale we saw in Return of Optimus Prime.

Yep. And with SS86 Megatron likely getting a height bump, that leave Rodimus the odd man out this time as being shorter than the others. Maybe they can do a partial retool of the Kingdom cab figure and release him as a taller leader class that's still compatible with the Kingdom trailer.
>The only thing more brutal he could possibly have become is a dagger.
I'd say a hatchet or machete would be more brutal. Both require you to get just as up-close-and-personal, but unlike a dagger where it's 'stab a vital and you're done', the former two require you to repeatedly hack at your target.
>Yep. And with SS86 Megatron likely getting a height bump, that leave Rodimus the odd man out this time as being shorter than the others. Maybe they can do a partial retool of the Kingdom cab figure and release him as a taller leader class that's still compatible with the Kingdom trailer.

I think it's possible that the 2026 Studio Series Commander is another Rodimus but they do something else with it to differentiate it from Kingdom Rodimus. Maybe do what DX9 did and make him an all in one while making his bot mode taller to match Optimus and Galvatron.
I don't think Hasbro has the budget to compact a trailer that large into a Leader sized figure and price. That DX9 Rodimus's vehicle mode was kind of small. Plus, Rodimus' trailer isn't part of his body so they wouldn't do that with no basis for it.
Are people really going to re-buy the cast through SS 86 because of scale?

Like prime and Megatron I can understand but shockwave and soundwave? Will 86 even have them in the line??
Megatron I'll buy for sure because I hate the Siege mold but I'm perfectly happy with DCS Shockwave and Soundwave.

If anything I feel a SS86 Soundwave will look worse because they'll probably make the tape window shitty solid light blue color just to autistically match the cartoon.
i bet you like classics
Who doesn't
Blue windows aren't a standard in SS86 regular line. Only Brawn has blue windows, and then you have the the Buzzworthy Cliffjumper and the attack on the shuttle variants.
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Making a slightly bigger Megatron would actually correct his scale with Shockwave, Soundwave, and Starscream. He's actually a bit taller
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Ectotron is taller than he should be because he was retooled from a pre-Siege figure, but he still looks more proportional to other chug bots than Masterpiece. Also keep in mind that Caddy is a big fuckin car, so he should be one of the taller Autobots. He was made to scale with MP10 in alt mode. They look grossly out of scale with each other in bot mode because MP10's alt mode scales with chug cars, but Prime's bot mode in the show didn't properly reflect how tall he would be in relation to the other characters.
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The Trans Am is a larger car than the Delorean, so the scaling might not look that bad actually. That Cliffjumper car is kind of small so it's not a great comparison.
that's still al ittle big isn't it.. shouldn't their rims be of comparable size. or is it perspective throwing me off.
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when we getting preorders?
Man, we really have you in a box
>tfw the lights come on and you realize you're the last one left at the party
Not one single classics figure remains in my collection. Almost every last one of them is outdated and obsolete, objectively. Some, multiple times over again by now. I bet your collection has an inch thick layer of dust on it.
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>inb4 “you just arbitrarily buy the newest thing”
Nope. Pic rel Had these for 36 years and did not replace them with inferior Siege versions. Classics is just jank now
Scale's just one factor; mainly, I want 86 molds of Soundwave, Shockwave, and the Seekers because their Siege/ER equivalents are really ugly to me lmao. I like greeble, but Siege/ER wayyy overdid it. Plus they have other issues like Soundwave's weird proportions and being poorly compatible with 86 Rumble/Frenzy, Shockwave's big backpack, or ER Seekers being ER Seekers.
God I wish they’d make a Titan-Class Armada Unicron
I wish they'd made a core class unicron
I’m just gonna come out and say it, I like the ER Seekers and the Siege ones suck also and the Cybertronian tetra jet is one of the worst and ugliest altmodes ever made
i don't see that working out well
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>hello darkness my old friend

Tidal wave is starting to come out in the US, please be careful /toy/
I like the ER seekers too, I love my coronation Starscream. I wish they reissued Skywarp and Thundercracker.
SS86 Screamer fills my niche of that look for him pretty well. Helps that I got him and Legacy Galvatron the same day. Plus that whole business of getting the cape and crown for MP-52 fuckin SUCKS
Ok make him a deluxe so he's vaguely still bigger than Core, call THAT the "Core" class C:
[toyler]And to replicate that one gag episode from Super Link, where the victors had to fight a tiny Unicron[/toyler]
>wanted Tidal Wave
>oh it's a titan so scale with Jetfire is gone from later episodes
>it partsforms unlike original
>no minicon
>half assed combination with Megatron
>altmode 1/3 holds together purely on strong faith
>gaping hole in the back
>knees explode
Yeah, maybe Energon deco won't suck this much. I don't care about toy one.
All they had to do was let the mini Tidal Wave be fully-functional as a mini Tidal Wave.
This or just make him a commander class.
DNA needs to make knee kit + others problems but right now he is worth less than 100$.
There's no real fix for the knees. The engineering there is too flimsy to do anything about it. The only real fix is hasbro changing the design in a later batch or new version sold later (toy or energon wave).
all the people who had one up til now imported it?
Some online stores got esrly batches, but he's been out for a while in Asia and Europe.
oh okay so he's starting to come out -on schedule- in the US.
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And give him that whacky base mode I've seen concept art of.
Then do the same for Primus, and make his ship mode a bit more Treky.
The alt mode is literally the only good thing about the ER mold, so I understand
Hold on. It partsform?
Why? Fucking how? The OG toy is simple as it gets and would not interfere with modern joints. Why the fuck does it need to parts form?
>TT exclusive missing link sentinel prime pre order opens
>$100 usd

Jesus Christ
This is like 30% more than the none trailer missing link prime
It was designed under the team that fucked cliffjumpers, bee and gears simple ass transformation by adding extra steps, checky designers wanting to be cool, so glad Warden is back.
surprisingly no preorders that set just drops July 30th
But it's G1 so it's okay if it's overpriced. Please enjoy playing 45 bucks for a single core-sized minibot!
I don't get the complaint? That's less than Convoy with trailer was, but still comes with the all trailer and accessories.
More that it shows ML toy convoy was overpriced for no reason
Funny how people complain about hasbro not making worthwhile product, but when takara does it it's all standards out the window, wallet open like naked dogeza
I need this and then this again with a yellow face. Then I will have all the Blasters I want.
Has there ever been a story in which Starscream or whoever crushes Megatron in gun mode to kill or trap him? As a kid this always seemed like the obvious way for Starscream to dispose of Megatron.
You ever tried to crush a metal gun relative to your size?
pretty sure there's erotic fanfiction of Starscream sticking the barrel of Megatron up his butthole
Sort of. IDW had a bit where Optimus hit Megatron with a city block using some geo weapon. Megatron was in gun mode when this happened, and he ended up mode locked for two years.
Don’t trust them new wreckers over there
my opinion of this set is still
>cheese and capsicum
So, anything going up for order today?
Returned Tidal Waves with broken knees
>Skybound gets two Eisner awards, first Transformers comic to get them
IDW bongs must be seething at this
>The virgin "Autobots are le evil, Optimus is sad all the time, Megatron is nicest guy isn't that subversive" James Roberts
>the chad "Optimus just wants to do the right thing and the Decepticons are bad guys" Daniel Johnson
>the chad "Optimus just wants to do the right thing
Wanting to do the right thing yet still messing up, have you read the latest few?
The DeLorean is shooped into that photo.
The actual tragedy is the fact that despite Optimus getting a million different iterations, not only do we have to deal with that same shitty Siege Mold from 5 years ago, but we'll probably never get the G2 Commander Megatron to round off that whole set of figures.
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>first Transformers comic to get them
>IDW bongs must be seething at this
forget them, Scioli was robbed
Put the chug figures in altmode to see how stupid you are.
Now with warden back an board we probably won't see euro g1 or g2 getting any attention for another 10 years at least
>Warden gimmicks but not terrible, g1 fest
>Mark terrible gimmicks, boring oc's and not g1 fest
Hard to say, at least I prefer Warden's quality.
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Post Decepticon road teams, bros
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>>but he still looks more proportional to other chug bots than Masterpiece
>posts a picture of a car robot towering over two semi trucks
You are the worst liar ever.
Damn I don't really have a dedicated road team. I only have two car-cons
Yeah, a Hearse ambulance is a giant car
wow what shit ass art.
Did you draw it? lmao
sorry it's not tumblrbots, I know you prefer gay robot sex
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Are you blind to how awkwardly long Ectotron's legs are? You can make him shorter than chug bots by simply retracting them. These figures don't look out of scale with each other because the proportions are chug. Granted, we're talking toon scale bot modes. Prime would be a behemoth next to the other autobots if he retained the real world scale of his alt mode.
Flat nosed trucks aren't that big
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This on the other hand, does not look like two figures in scale with each other. MP10's proportions are a massive devation. His head is like three times the size of Ectotron. Again, when taking toon bot modes into account where Prime isn't a hulking monster.
Cool, a bootleg
Comic book scale for reference. Note how Prime is taller, but his proportions aren't enormous in comparison. Their heads are the same size.
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>Flat nosed trucks aren't that big
Fuck, so jealous you got Cannonball, fucking walmart canceled mine
What's so bad about this? Ectotron isn't a big guy anyway
What is perspective? It also looks way bigger with the trailer
too bad skybound has already killed 90% of the cast
Still more alive than dead so far
This, the other fag needs to jump off a clip ASAP.
UK Pulse got me, had him preordered since march
>Flat nosed trucks aren't that big
>Prime's wheels are nearly as tall as a Porsche
>meanwhile chug Primes be like...
haven't bought a transformer in a while, what are the best things I can get at a regular big box store in the US?
Legacy Cybertron Starscream is on stores right now, I'm not sure what waves are on shelves since Hasbro's distribution is shit
The rocks
The junkions
Tasmania Kid
Third Party it is
At least I get minicons
The wheels might be big but the whole truck isn't that much bigger.
Anybody here own Legacy Cybertron/GF Hot Shot yet? I still wanna know if his Cyber Key fits inside Nitro Convoy/Override's blaster; I know for a fact Starscream's doesn't, but Hot Shot's is shaped a bit differently after all, so I dunno?
What version of scourge/NP is that
Ah, the Puerto Rican KO one.
>alt mode scale, ever
I'm waiting for him to be available on amazon
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Runamuck and roundabout double pack when? it feels hasbro doesn't like money
Speedia 500 Override's gun fits a classic cyber key
Starscream and Hot Shot's nu-keys are way too small
Same time as when they finally rerelease Earth Mode Prowl and Sideswipe. And SS86 Ironhide & Ratchet with better color-matching that aren't dying corpses.
Big prime.
gotta love having fists sticking out of the front that aren't even fists
I've seen /tfg/ shit on it, but I don't mind this design for Main Character A
are we finally at the point where that shit is seen as old hat
I love this bird. Also, I just realized she's got new shins - they actually fold up against her thighs a lot better than either Airazor's or Terrorsaur's, making it look less like she's taking a squat. Still needs a new tail, but she's definitely the best use of the mold to date.
>I get that junk mail too, lol
Lol, yeah, almost nothing in that shot actually has any value - it's all busted costume jewelry, crap that comes in the mail, and a bunch of marbles/glass beads that are usually used for potted plants, with a few real coins scattered around the top for effect. Not that Filch would care - she never had any sense of monetary value and only cared about how shiny and pretty the junk she stole looked in her nest.
man i love this kinda character.
i hope she goes on sale soon. I didn't know she had new shins
i love how they clumsily sculpted feathers into her new wings so the old pattern would look like it just splays out into a pot leaf
except that part has a break in it
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I have Netflix Bumblebee, but I am enjoying SS86 much more than I thought I would. He feels a lot more complete than the Netflix. Now gimme Cliff, Glyph and Tap-Out.
Why are you posting pictures that show the opposite of what you're trying to say?
Now we're doing Beast Wars 2nd figures they could make Megastorm out of him.

just wish they would give bumblebee a fuckin happy face, jfc
he looks happy in that one.
>Effect pieces and axe on 86 prime are rubbery.
Fuck, that means you can never leave the axe on or risk having it damage the arm.
Just got in Legacy Cliffjumper. The mismatched reds are a little disappointing but otherwise I love this horny little bastard. He's so cool.

I need more Cliffs of all kinds, immediately.
You mean Earthrise Cliffjumper or Buzzworthy Studio Series Cliffjumper?
is the autobot 5 pack worth it?
By the price they would be sold individually? Yes.
By being mostly less detailed recolors of guys you would already have? No.
Sauce, since in one vidoe I could hear solid plastic sound when they were placed into storage.
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No I mean the new Prime Universe Cliffjumper from the Legacy four pack.
The bull horns were such an odd design choice.
The original Cliffjumper has horns and muscle cars get them, so seem to match.
MP Ironhide is only a head shorter than MP10, and a 59 Caddy hearse is a much bigger car than a Nissan Vanette. The Vanette is about a 158 inches in length compared to the Caddy's 251 inches. The Caddy is also wider, at 80 inches compared to the Vanette's 63. The Vanette only gets a slight edge in height, at 70 inches compared to 66 for the Caddy (if you don't include all the extra gear on the roof rack).

Now that you know the dimensions of the real world cars, the idea of the Ectotron toy being Masterpiece scaled is laughable. He would easily be taller than Ironhide.
MP uses robot mode sizes as the frame of reference.
Only shitty muscle cars get them.
Cliffjumper died in the pilot, so he might be one.
New model sheets for the G1 cartoon got found and uploaded to here. https://sunbowmarvelarchive.blogspot.com/p/briefingreference-binder-galleries.html
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>is the autobot 5 pack worth it?
are we gonna get SS86 versions of Sunstreaker, Hound and Trailbreaker?
I already have a Jazz and Wheeljack but if we dont see individual releases in the next year or 2 then this is the only option it seems.
So what's supposed to be the deal with Beachcomber's tyres again? I just checked mine and don't see any issues with it.
if you leave them in contact with painted detail of another transformer, say in storage, it'll destroy the paint
Only way to get an Earthmode Hound eight now. Also a away to get non-transparent plastic version of these guys if you're worried about cracking or breaking the transparent plastic on the current versions (I did on my Wheeljack).
So it's something like what happened with ROTF Bludgeon's treads? Any other recent TFs suffering from this issue or is it just Beachcomber?
>Any other recent TFs suffering from this issue or is it just Beachcomber?
Sandstorm can actively ruin his own paint if left in his helicopter mode since his tires are in contact with paint.
pretty much any recent transformer with those rubber tires will do it, and from the looks of things they're not gonna change it so the same goes for any future transformers with them.
I don't care for ruckus but that's a pretty damn extensive retool. only parts I recognize from beachcomber are the shoulders and pelvis
Seems like the rising cab effect might be hard, but images show the blast effect pieces bent and pliable. The axe seems to be made of the same material as the blast effects.
Man, I really want this two pack but I fucking hate those tires.
Should I worry about those tires in my missing link Prime?

Or they used the old G1 formula so it won't be a issue?
they look good to me, what's the prob?
people are saying this is because of rubber, but isn't it because of not-rubber? like they're using non-rubber for these parts and that's the problem. real rubber doesn't? that's how I heard it.
Why couldn't they just use normal ass hard plastic wheels? I fucking hate muh soft wheels fags for making them use those kinds of wheels and fucking up the figure.
Better safe than sorry but I can't say with certainty.
Don't have Missing Link OP myself so haven't heard anything about him but knowing Hasbro, I doubt they'd go out of their way to have a different set of tires to the mainline stuff.

I heard that the upcoming Deluxe G1 Optimus might have rubber tires so anyone looking forward to that should be cautious with him too.
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Something seems missing
Rubber tires are used for real-world ones. Hasbro was just cheap with materials.
>people are saying this is because of rubber, but isn't it because of not-rubber? like they're using non-rubber for these parts and that's the problem. real rubber doesn't? that's how I heard it.
True, I just say rubber since that's what they're trying to emulate so people who own a figure with them will know what I mean.
ultimately it comes down to Hasbro being too cheap to go with real rubber and not bothering to test their shit, much like the yellowing plastic.
It would almost be funny if it weren't for the fact people are really eating this shit up so eagerly.
Damn. Now I'm wondering if SS86 Optimus is gonna have this problem.
people who prefer wheels to be rubber are not at fault for them using shitty rubberized plastic
Even real rubber tires degrade over time and become brittle. That doesn't happen with superior plastic wheels.
true... but plastic wheels.. eesh.. there must be a better way
what did g1 optimus use, are those old ones still okay tirewise?
The MagmaThrone
Don't worry

The leak reviews shown the tires are hard plastic. All of them

>Missing link and old G1

To be fair, the so called rubber stuff that people having problem with all have the issue of direct contact with other plastic.

The old G1 and missing link all got chromed tire rims so they are more or less avoided of the problem. Another good thing is none of the wheel touches other parts of the figure beside the chrome wheels.

I probably have to remove the wheel from the new deluxe prime when it comes out.
looks downright comfy. I never realized before but Seasaur looks like what they killed and skinned to make Chairry. Seasaur is also how a british person would say see-saw.
this actually looks better than thrones they put out for general toylines these days.
so we need to bring back the lost art of chroming to protect our transformers.
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He's out in China already, so I've been looking at threads where people already have him inhand.
The question's been asked but I haven't come across the answer yet.

He looks good, though someone mentioned a paint QC issue with the blue on his crotch.
looks like it goes too far upwards maybe?
But people hated it when they brought it back...
Imagine if the Decepticons were allowed to destroy cities or use nuclear weapons.
I still want a Commander Lugnut that turns into a WWII bomber and comes with a minicon/battle master who turns into a 50's atom bomb.
What kind of bomber was the half-movie one?
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>NOOO stop making up this boogeyman!!! PVC is PERFECTLY FINE m-most of the t-time...
>It ONLY melts paint when its touching it silly!!!
man these niggers are crazy
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>Devastation joining gamer edition
It's too bad 2/3 of the current molds they would use for the generic troops are dogshit
So as long as Hasbro doesn't bother painting, it is okay.
What would the car soldiers be? generic stunticons?
that'd be kinda neat to make an alternate menasor.
Presumably Runa-types.
i was not aware of this
who complained? it looks pretty good
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>No upwards head movement
Well that sucks
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Age of Extinction figures had chrome on them for some reason
By your own logic Wheeljack and Bumblebee in that very picture aren't Masterpiece scale since a Lancia Stratos is smaller than a Volkswagon Beetle.
>Presumably Runa-types
Cool, as long as they reissue them too
Curious which Optimus they'd use for Devastation deco, most likely the ER I imagine.
Soundwave will probably look the best out of all of them if they bother getting that far.
>Megatron Devastation deco
one more use for the Siege mold coming right up
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Chrome looks nice, but it could flake or go bad once it starts getting prints from touching it. It's just a hassle to maintain despite how cool it looks, I'd ratther they use metallic paints (at worse it fades, but the fading can look really cool on occasion, so not all bad.
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Matrix is pretty small in his hands
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gorgeous. i flat-out did not know about this. the smaller dinobots sure didn't.
everything gets prints from touching it, they wipe right off
the flaking.. yeah, that can happen. it should get a protective coating at the factory, dagnabbit.
kek it's basically phone-sized for him.
oh holy haversham, you can see those accessories are rubbery by how cloudy they are instead of the usual translucent.
if they dont paint theyll just go back to yellowed plastic
you cant win with hasbro
Would covering the rim section with future prevent the melting issue?
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86 Prime looks so cool. I want it.
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I love the look of 86 bee's car mode. those recolors can't come soon enough
Are there any other mainline transformer figures that are licensed vehicles? I'm looking at Volvo Prime and Netflix Bumblebee. Are there others like that?
>kek it's basically phone-sized for him.
Funny enough the only Matrix large enough for all the toys that have Matrixes is MP01's... which was under-sized in his hands, so you just can't win.
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>Damn. Now I'm wondering if SS86 Optimus is gonna have this problem.
Oh, I did finally see an answer to the question.
Fortunately, SS86 Prime has hard plastic wheels so nothing to worry about, like >>11092878 said.

>I love the look of 86 bee's car mode. those recolors can't come soon enough
He does look nice, don't have him yet myself.
Its bizarre seeing Hasbro's indecisiveness in full display here >>11092962 with Jazz's translucent plastic windscreen, to Brawn's painted blue windscreen, to Bumblebee's black paint then going back to the blue with OP
Man that backpack sucks. I just can't ignore it.
The plastic on the figure looks good which is the one thing I can praise about it.
>unpainted matrix chamber
I wish they windows were a darker blue but I guess that's what they are going for now.
>>unpainted matrix chamber
Unpaintable plastic.
And they couldn't insert another plastic piece that could be painted on top of that? The motherfucker has like 2 cm of backpack, there's plenty of room that could had been better used.
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I thought there would be an even bigger height difference to ER, but I do prefer SS86's overall beefier appearance.
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>No. in bold text
oh the windows are actually transparent but there's paint behind them? that's not a bad look.
i think it should be a rule that all large backpacks on transformers have to explicitly be jetpacks.
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With Warden coming back and next year looking like Combiner Wars 3, do think they'll redo some of the OC combiners like Orthia or Victorion?
Orthia no. Victorion depends on how they do the later teams, but since blunder of the century colors maybe it would be Megatronia instead.
They should have used more of the green and waited until there were more molds available.
Because Repaint Wars, you only outright lose the Sky-Lynx and Brawl molds, and the Onslaught and Swindle retools.
I hope not
That would be a stupid idea, so of course they'll do that.
Will they be able to if they're not all Scrambleable like the CW ones are?
You can't arm/limb, but you can left/right.
>When a colorblind person chooses the deco
For Menasor yeah, but we don't know if the Aerialbots and Combaticons will be compatible with Motormaster's torso.
File: Grey Victorion.jpg (158 KB, 600x601)
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That makes it worse! No use of light and dark colors to make things distinct.
Colorblind people don't see the world in grayscale, anon.
that's not the point, slightlydunce. the most common form of colorblindness is the red-green kind, where the two look like the same color. so someone who is all red and green is gonna look pretty monochrome.
So what do they see if there are no hues?
Why would you want a monochrome combiner? Boring. Every member should feel distinct.
i'm sorry, did reading comprehension itself eat a bunch of lead or something? because i feel like i'm speaking chinese in every thread right now.
the guy who did the grey image didn't do so to say "I want a monochrome combiner"
quite the opposite. He opposed the idea. And was saying that the suggestion that the initial red-green color scheme was by a colorblind guy is dumb because to a colorblind guy, it would look even worse than it does to us. No part of his post, which you thought I made because I replied to your reply, suggests he wants it.
>melts Beachbomber plastic around tire
Fucking retard
Thanks, so into the blast effect bag it goes.
I asked one reviewer on yt, hard plastic.
what do you mean by rising cab effect btw. like the front of the truck elongating to make his torso longer?
No blast effects that are seen in the movie when he jumps into air.
One of my oldest friends is colorblind. It's way more nuanced than that.

Anyways, it was just a joke comment about how shitty Victorion's color scheme is. You guys are reading too much I to it.
wut is blud yappin about?
Check Beachcomber threads on tfw, someone posted pics showing that tire melts and combines with plastic, making it "feel weird".
I'd like a new Megatronia
Damn yeah saw those pics.
Curious if it's just his copy had some overspray of the paint that went under the tires that melted and bonded the plastic and tire.
What's funny is the latest posts have already come up with replacement LEGO tires complete with part numbers.

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