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Previous thread: >>11154175

In stores and online currently:
Chucky (Tv series Christmas Edition)
Beetlejuice (Striped Suit & Wedding Suit CC re-release)
Toony Terrors Silver Screen wave (They Live alien, VIncent Price, Vampira, Nosferatu)
Toony Terrors 40th Anniversary Leatherface & Leatherface (Pretty Woman)
Earl Sinclair Tree Pusher (Target exclusive)
Ult. Bon Jovi (Slippery When Wet)
House of a Thousand Corpses Otis, Captain Spaulding
LJN Colors Warduke, Strongheart, & Zarak
Ult. Jigsaw -Black Robe (Saw)
Ben Cooper Kids wave 2 part 1 (Dracula & Witch at Walmart) & part 2 (Phantom, Devil v2, female Vampire showing up at Target)
Universal Monsters x TMNT Black and White 4-pack (Creature Leo & Frankenstein Raph, Invisible Man Donnie, Mummy Mikey)
Hannibal Lecter
Professor Burke (London After Midnight)
Gargoyles Goliath & Demona "Vows" 2-pack
Ult. John Carver (Thanksgiving)
Ult. Alex Murphy (Robocop)
Count Orlok (Nosferatu)
TMNT Last Ronin "Battle Damaged" Ronin, Accessory Pack
TMNT Archie Leatherhead, Bellybomb, Mondo Gecko, Stump Wrestling Turtles 4-pack, Cryin' Houn'
TMNT toon Vacation Bebop & Rocksteady, Ultimate Slash
TMNT Mirage Rat King, Karai in Shredder armor, IDW red Foot Elite Assassin, IDW red Foot Enforcer
TMNT Movie Tatsu
Sesame Street ultimate Bert and Ernie went up for preorder on the usual e-tailer sites.
Is anybody even interested in the Beetlejuice Neca now that the Figuarts is about to go for preorder?
The Neca looks better, so, yes.
Neca looks like it was sculpted out of Play-Doh, Figuarts mogs it HARD.
Honorable mention to the NYCC exclusives that sold real damn fast this year. Hopefully they put them back up during the convention for people.
The Stan Sakai version of the black and white Samurai Usagi is up for order: https://www.stansakai.com/products/pre-order-neca-samurai-usagi-yojimbo-figure?variant=45646086471846
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The Fall Geek Out Target event will have a few Neca figures up and in store at some point soon. Black and white Orlok, M3gan, Gorilla soldier (POTA), and 80s ALF.
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>they’re FINALLY cleaning up the troll and spam threads
Jeez, 14 left but god glad to finally see SOME action be taken against the nimwith with his youtuber obsession
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Any idea why they haven’t shown off the suit version yet? I watched the movie again today and really got me wanting one of the figures. Would make sense to show it off before people give up on waiting and preorder the SHF or Mezco versions. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of the SHF after we saw all the pics, but the Mezco one is kinda tempting but I’m holding off until NECA reveals theirs.
Why not B?
Holy kek some are so delusional its HILARIOUS.
Randy really wants to do Apes again even though the orifinal line was a flop
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Because if you get them all, it spells NECA
It sold well enough to being them back due to fan demand, so...
aww a very cutie concept
>Any idea why they haven’t shown off the suit version yet?
Because they just started showing off this stuff. The sequel being a success means they're going to be able to do a LOT more with the license than originally planned I'd think.

I'm glad they started with the Guide outfit first. Good to see something different for a change. Plus he's in that outfit for almost 90% of his scenes.

Count will come with one, I wonder who's the 4th, and what bonus accessory to replace the letter any future releases will have.
That’s very true, hell I’m pretty sure he’s in the wedding tux longer than the iconic white and black striped suit. Having watched the movie, there’s plenty of variants they could give us if they really want to give us them all.
Tour Guide (shown)
Spiked Tour Guide (shown)
Cowboy Ad outfit
White and striped suit
Wedding tux
Adam’s striped shirt outfit
If I had to guess, we’ll probably just get the striped suit and the wedding tux, but I’d take all of them as long as they all come with different faces and accessories. I really, really hope they give us Adam, Barbara, and Lydia too though.
They might just keep doing the letters or maybe they’ll do numbers.
They were being coy about the fourth figure at the con when asked about it. So they already have him planned, and probably going to show it at NYCC.
I couldn't care less if we get Adam and Barbara or Lydia. Well, wait, if Adam and Barbara come with extra head pieces for their "Scaring faces" I would probably get them. I do kinda hope we get the Cowboy Ad outfit.

What I would REALLY like, and it's probably a long shot, is a figure of Juno
Everyone here is going to throw out the other letters but keep the N for obvious reasons.
In the DVD section Walmart has a two pack Universal monsters Hunchback Rafael / Wolfman Leonardo black and white versions.
FOR $35!!
How can breaka afford to sell two figures for the price of one?
Is an unpainted figure really only half the cost?
I feel like I just double dipped on Randolph for once!
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How come the Bride of Frankenstein figure doesn't have peg holes on her feet? I noticed that all of the Universal Monsters figures in my collection have peg holes on their feet, except the Bride of Frankenstein. Does anybody know why she doesn't have any?
Probably a sculpt thing or having the holes in the feet wouldn't work with the construction of the foot itself, since you have a hole already going in for the ankle peg. If there isn't enough room for both holes to be there, then that'd be a reason to omit it.
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Apparently there’s pics floating around of this ultimates Pamela… it could be fake but it looks very authentic to be fake.
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I really hope this is real, otherwise it’s a very, very convincing fake.
Huh! That does look real! Wow, that would be amazing if they got her likeness rights again. And it's not Jason, so I guess that would skirt the rights issues???
It’s confirmed fake. Take your hopium elsewhere.
And where was it "confirmed" fake?
That looks great! Wonder if Wal-Mart will get it first or what the deal is? Probably a Halloween surprise release.
Does DST still have dibs on the Muppet license?
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Still waiting for Skeksis figures
Anyone but Neca should make these, they’ll be immobile paperweights like Krampus
Krampus isn’t even out yet, so how would you know that?
I just want a Skeksis
Why do you just lie all the time?
Nope. The figuarts has a way better likeness. Only thing neca has going for it would be different outfits but if bandai puts out different outfits they will be better looking too and not to mention the superior articulation.
Nah, the figuarts likeness is definitely the worst of the 3, MAYBE the articulation will be better, but it’s beetlejuice, he doesn’t need to do crazy poses. And you really think Bandai would do different outfits, not in a million years, this is a one off. NECA is the way to go IMO.
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Apparently ultimate M3GAN is already popping up at targets. Looks even better in hand.
Mezco is the way to go, where else will you get all of those accessories
mezslop 1/12 softgoods kino
yeah figuarts looks clunky and like shit
Poorfag hands typed these posts. Imagine not wanting better articulation for your toys.
it looks like shit dude and the mezco costs more. You drones are clowns haha
why is /co/ so obsess with her, every time i view that board there always a story-time thread going on there, is it caz they are furries?
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What stores can I find this guy at? Anyone already have theirs?
>figuarts has a way better likeness
No it doesn't. It has avery cartoony likeness at best.
it's just a shill. Figufarts are bottom tier
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Target is just now getting it
Figuarts are fine, but they rarely manage to capture likenesses. I think their Indy was the only good one they've had in a while.
nah glossy and ugly diaper
You're right, it's not worth it even at half price. I'm returning it now.
Wow that does look good. Already showing up though...damn. I guess I need to keep an eye out for the gorilla and ALF.
Take the accessories first
Can anybody else confirm if this is real or not? Just one guy saying “this is fake” isn’t enough since this looks pretty good
It's too well done to be fake. Even the packaging photography is right. The "it's fake" retard was pretty obviously trolling.
>it’s fake
‘fraid so
Sup troll
I was hopeful about it too, but the official F13 page confirmed it as fake… FUCK.
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Do you have screencaps? Including the other stuff? Also are we SURE it isn’t just cover for misdirection?
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Oh, darn. Wanted that one maybe to start a gialli killer collection but those dreams are dashed
It is fake. The full post with all sides of the box including barcode are on red dit. If you scan the barcode an older, already released figures comes up. Fucking retard.
That post doesn't even say it's a fake. People were doing the same thing about Tatsu trying to claim it was a fake too.
Scan the barcode on the box you retard. You can easily find it.
Sorry you love being wrong all the time. The Ultimate Part 7 Jason's barcode would bring up the old Cult Classic figure too. Must burn you up being wrong, huh?
Bro, the official F13 page said it’s not real. It’s fake. I wanted it to be real too, but it’s not.
Bro, the official F13 page didn't say anything of the sort. They literally don't know what they're talking about. You are wrong. It's very real.
All this arguing and I just wanted a good Pamela figure…
Well you're getting one. Looks like soon, too.
I’ll take my apology now. It was fake.
It's not fake though.
>this is not official
Sounds like they said it was fake to me…
Sounds like you have no reading comprehension.
I forgive you even if you can’t say the words.
I'm sorry you can't live with the fact that it's real.
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No, sorry, it's real.
Based on…? All the evidence points to the contrary.
Actually, all the evidence points to it being real. The only thing you're going by is some lame ass twitter account run by morons who don't know jack shit about their own IP.
The barcode and product code is for an old product too.
Which is the same thing that happens with Ultimate Jason part 7. Sorry, you're still wrong.
Movie could've been pretty good if they didn't PG-13 it so hard by cutting away from all the kills.
Prove that the barcode did that, or shut up.
You can look it up yourself. It isn't that hard.

PG-13 makes more money, which, it did...so... Did they not make an unrated cut blu ray or something?
R-rated movies have made billions though. With kids, who really shouldn't be watching them, seeing them anyway because parents don't actually care anymore.
Also very true. But most studios still see them as "too risky" if they just want to make a movie to drag in as much cash as possible.
You can post the proof yourself that you keep barking about. But you won't because it doesn't exist.
Also true. They're afraid of risk but also afraid of listening to critiques from the audience at the same time.
Or you could just use Google, but you'd rather be dumb instead.
I just did and nothing came up, because you're lying.
Uh-huh, then I know you're the one lying. Because it's pretty simple to find UPCs for old figures and new.
The neco store delivered the hammer Christoper Lee drac today btw, can’t wait to get Cushing later
Why do you insist on calling it that? And post pics, I’d love to see it.
Even more conclusive proof that it’s indeed, a fake.
people just post reddit links now and nobodys got a problem with it
I’ll take some pics after work; he looks great
Pretty sure he's majorly autistic.
That isn't conclusive proof at all, in fact, the idiots on Reddit did the exact same shit with Tatsu.
>already gets proven it's real in the thread by other redditors
How embarrassing for you
I bet you think the moon landing was fake too
I highly doubt it’s real, maybe a NECA sculptor made it… but I doubt it’s an actual product. The whole rights issue was over the first movie and that guy won the rights to it, I doubt he’d then turn around and give rights to NECA to make a character from it. I’m thinking if it’s not just completely fake, it’s some sort of prototype that’s never going to come out.
>The whole rights issue was over the first movie and that guy won the rights to it, I doubt he’d then turn around and give rights to NECA to make a character from it
No, but he'd probably sell the licensing rights to NECA. That's usually why people fight for the rights to things. So they can make money.
I still don't know if this is fake and until a figure is in my hand it might as well not exist, so for all intents and purposes Tatsu still doesn't exist.
Like this guy. What good is the moon landing being real if I can't go to the moon? It might as well be fake.
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Some digital sculptor for NECA confirmed it was made by another NECA employee
Never heard of him
Marty sculpted some of the DnD figures.
Did he punt the dnd figures to Chi-na for digital articulation cuts??
Him or the other sculptor who's name eludes me right now. I think only Warduke was sent to the factory for articulation cut assistance.
>sent to the factory for articulation cut assistance
Huh? They couldn’t do the articulation themselves?
They do. The sculptor was doing a figure digitally for the first time ever and let the factory handle the armored bits articulation, because those have to be handled a certain way, and he wasn't sure how to do so digitially, yet. But we have retards that don't read and try to make it like it's some abnormal move.
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Chi-na does what necan’t
It isn't unusual at all, honestly. Articulation is something simple in practice but it isn't always easy with physical objects and certain materials. Factories are partners, and this is common practice, they always make suggestions if they think things could be better.
Fuck off and die you racist shitbag
Oh, you really can't read...
Make whatever excuses you want but the sculpter admitted himself to lacking the skill, as most neca sculptors do. Imagine your job being to make toys and you can't even do it properly lmao. Neca breaka suckas for a reason.
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Feel how you want, I was just explaining how these things go sometimes. A lot of KS creators who hire sculptors to make their dream figures real end up having to make changes. It's just a part of the process. It also isn't just China does it for them, the files come back and they work through it on both sides until it's what they want it to be.
Yep, exactly. And you want that, because if you make a mistake when the tooling starts, that costs -more- money. So it makes sense to get that back and forth. Not that any of these dummies know how a toy is made, apparently...geez.
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Who would go to this length just to fake a figure from mold to packaging? Its not like it’s gonna make people happy about it, just didn’t make sense. What if its a factory leak and Neca is covering up for it?
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Bad example anon…lol
neca is really good at making figures from fictional movies, Id love to see their rendition of the apollo mission lol
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>stephen king holding NECA Dracula in recent pic
Ultimate Stephen King coming soon?
Get your eyes checked lol. NECA looks crust as fuck.
>NECA looks crust as fuck
What are you even trying to say? Crusty? And if so, that fits his character.
I wonder how he feels after seeing the cape stain the figure
blud was alive when the only toys available were made of wood and tin, old dude is probably so impressed by how detailed the sculpt is he's writing a story about an actor's soul getting trapped in a toy.
I would much rather a David Lynch figure vs Steven, Lynch is a way better director and figure anyways
Eraserhead when?
He's not autistic like you, needing to come up with weird bullshit things, I'm afraid.
And David Cronenberg is an even better director than David Lynch. I still want a new Brundlefly. And then I want Naked Lunch figs. Come on, you've already got Peter Weller's likeness.
After Brundlefly but before Killer Klowns from Outer Space.
My drac was in storage and the dye turned his hands black so proofs
Why were his hands touching his cape? If the staining even is a thing, he has a block body so it shouldn’t matter much.
I'm gonna say I'm not surprised, but that's because Figma soft goods are notorious for staining the plastic. And several other imports that are supposed to be "high quality."
No I’m talking about getting a figure OF Lynch as well, King is Cringe and shilled up even though his writing is sloppy dogass
Sounds like you did it yourself, dumbass.
I didn’t overdye my Drac softgoods, Randulf did
That is a storage problem, one that you caused. Has nothing to do with the figure.
your not supposed to take neco toy
out of package anon
no fault of randy no fault of neco
you were warned
a lesson you will rememba
You don't buy toys, so why are you even here?
Looks like Ben Cooper wave 3 is starting to ship out
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Why did Neca change the paint apps for the Ultimate Aliens Warrior reissue? The original 2017 release has more of the yellow / mustard highlights and the blue / black combination is more blended. It had similar paint apps to their 1/4 scale figure. How come the rerelease (2020-21?) opted to replicate the colouration from the box art / poster and it just be really heavy gloss blue and black? All the highlighting detail seems to be removed and makes the figure much more blue overall. Anyone have both or either and have their preferred version? I just find it weird how vastly different the Aliens Ultimate Warrior was repainted. I own the 2017 version and personally prefer the colour detailing.
The new one is more accurate.
Any older figures you would recommend?
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More accurate to what? The Xenos were brown in Aliens, but looked blueish due to the lighting and color grading. That's why NECA did them in both blue and brown
Well most people want them to look like they did in the film which is with the blue lighting. Therefore, it’s more accurate.
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Looks like the newest Ben Cooper wave is already showing up at Walmarts
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Tiiight. Guess I'm checking Walmarts this weekend.

Also Hammer Drac is wonderful.
Got the Beetlejuice, Alien, and Christmas Chucky at Target today. They also got in the b&w They Live! Toony Terror figs but none of the other ones.
>it sold well enough
No, Randy said the line was a flop
It's a really good custom. There are images of the UPC code on the bottom, and it's for a Ninja Turtle figure.
It's already been confirmed real, and the UPC does not go to a Ninja Turtle figure. You are incredibly bad at shitposting, especially since this has already been talked about.
Nope, it's fake. Sorry NECanon, you're going to have to stick with the old Pamela figure.
The sculptor already confirmed it's real. You are such a shitty troll.
Nta but then why did the official Friday the 13th account say it was fake?
They never said it was fake. And why would a twitter account know anything about that? They don't even know what part of the license they fucking hold.
>this is not official
Yes it’s a real thing, but it was a custom through and through. If you want to argue the semantics of the meaning of fake we can, but it’s not an official NECA figure coming out.
It's not a custom. It is an official figure coming out, how are you this dumb?
>It is an official figure coming out
But how could you possibly know this?
Because the sculptor already said it. Because that's a production figure. It's not even a test shot or package sample. It's a complete toy.
Nope, it's a fake. Cope necanon
The only coping is coming from you after you got proven wrong.
Can you post that source?
If you have to ask, you’ll never know
Is beetlejuice baby in stores yet?
I know I shouldn't judge since I'm posting on a board about toys....but what kind of grown man buys sesame street action figures?
I simply prefer those puppets you see beat each other up with sticks in those travel stalls, but to answer: Some guys like puppets lol
The same kind that buy Muppets.
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Also speaking of puppets, is there a general on this board for them, or was there but the autosage rule killed it like a potential 1/6th gen? Just asking
Really need bbts to ship this guy ASAP. None of the target's near me have him.
First M3gan reviews are going up. Seems nice looking, but basically a brick. Still buying her whenever she goes up on Target.
Wow, she really came out looking good. And articulation is pretty much what's expected. Still looking for her at my Target.
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Forgot pic
I get the leg articulation was always gonna be hindered from the dress, but why’d they make the arms so limited?
I’ll wait for the mafex
Nah, the Mafex sucks
but it is not bricka product
the mafex m3gan do not
articulate like brick as neco do
it wise to wait for mafex
until neco 2.0 m2gan release
Anyone speak AI bot? It's weird they let this kind of gibberish post here.
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Found Ben Cooper wave 3 at Target yesterday. They're lovely.
Good idea, much better than the nondurable good figure.
Are the masks removable? I haven’t bought any of them yet.
Why do you post here? You don't buy toys.
saw good amount of deep clearance neca at walmart tonight. i'm thinking dinosaurs is probably dead.
Walmart is only clearancing out the Bloody Disgusting setup. Has nothing to do with Dinosaurs.
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uh huh
Why do they both say dinobaby?
But damn, I’d pick them both up at that price and I don’t even like dinosaurs
dunno, the shelf tags only ever said that too. probably just lazy. haven't seen deep neca clearance like this since hastings died, but walmart seems dead set on trying to get close lately.
Wait is Walmart closing? I went to one a few days ago out in the middle of the country and it had good toy stocks, didn’t check on neca because it was late but it had some somewhat older toys on shelf (and I bought some of them lol), just wondering since this news is a bit sudden
>Wait is Walmart closing?
>Wait is Walmart closing?
‘fraid so. The Neca exclusivity deal finally did them in but let that be a lesson to everyone: if you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas
>tfw just found out today I have fleas
Not even trolling just funny coincidence
You do know that doesn't mean the line is dead, right? That means Walmart is making space for more shit. Because that's what Walmart does, they clearance out everything. New and old.
Fall Geek Out NECA stuff is up and in stock for shipping (and in store pick up in some instances):

b/w Nosferatu:

Gorilla Soldier:


80s ALF:
This stuff is gonna rot on the shelves. No turtle no buy.
Oh thanks, saves me hunting
Got megan
>That means Walmart is making space for more shit.
wouldn't have to do that if the stuff sitting there had already sold.
I guess you better talk to every single other thing Walmart puts on clearance all the time too.
why would i talk to clearanced items? do you often talk to your toys? do you have an indian in the cupboard situation going on over there? would explain a lot about you actually.
Says the wackjob that doesn't seem to understand Walmart clearance.
Why is it always stacks of neco product that gets clearanced
It isn't
you said so yourself, it's taking up space that would be better served with different product. we're both saying the same thing here. get a grip.
they want you to get the most bang for your buck possible. walmart is truly a company who cares about the customer. the deep clearance on turtles i saw was pretty tempting.
That isn't what's being said at all dumbass. They cycle out product like this before the Christmas season starts.
walmart is making space for more shit.
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Why is always stacks of Lego product that gets clearanced? Why is it always stacks of Hasbro product that gets clearanced? Why is it always stacks of Mattel product that gets clearanced? Why is it always stacks of McFarlane product that gets clearanced? Why is it always stacks of Playmates product that gets clearanced?
we agree
we agree
all of us agree
this doesn’t indicate trouble at neco inc
or exclusivity deal with walmart
that nondurable good is slashed to nine dollar
Oh good, the bot is here to repeat nonsense again.
I’d buy that junk merely for the high chair to use with my babby turts
you don't need it. it will not improve your life. set yourself free from this burdensome urge, anon.
Sounds like you don't enjoy toys at all. Why are you here?
You’re right, thanks for talking me off the ledge, anon
Why would Wal-Mart be closing…?
if you think telling someone they don't need something they literally referred to as "junk" means i don't like toys, you may have your own set of burdensome urges.
No I am just legit retarded and thought they were, as stated before, don’t mind me.
its a buyers market!
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Thanks to those links from earlier, I was able to find the figures at a local Target. Looks like they're being shipped directly to the store at 4 per case? Seemingly, anyway. I thiiiink I want the black and white Orlok, but I didn't want to ship him yet.

ALF's great, it's ALF, figure is great, yadda yadda. The accessories are very, very good. I think the rubik's cube is going to end up with the movie turtles.

The Gorilla soldier is a good update as far as paint is concerned. Much cleaner, more precise. The body is still the old hips, ball ankles, ball wrists style, so that's a bummer. Still nice to have. I never got the 2-pack when it was out.
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>Thanks for the free TV ugly dude!
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I went to a target before school this morning and they had the new target con neca figures. I picked up the gorilla soldier i wasnt interested in 80s memberberries alf
Will it come with a Blue and Yellow Dildo?
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Baby Beetlejuice is already shipping out apparently
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Might have to pick one up, he looks really good and a reasonable price
This feels like something the Living Dead doll collectors would absolutely love
Doll, please post toys only
Yep, that's what he did, post a toy.
Nice trips
Don't you mean "Nice fuckin' trips!" *honk honk*
Does it play a large role in the movie? I haven’t seen it yet
Whats with the shfaggot shitting up threads lately
It's a gag in the movie for only a couple scenes, but it's there enough that it made sense to make it.
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Some new stuff at my Target
That’s way more organized than I’ve ever seen my target collectors spot
Kinda wish that this one was the exclusive. Of course the sketch works for what it's representing, but in general I'd think them being colored is the one that would sell better at general retail.
All I want from Neca is either toon Lydia or live-action Lydia. Had a crush on Winona Ryder as a kid when I first watched the movie back in '89.
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Saw Jessica Fletcher at a Walmart today. So, that's out. Looked really good honestly, but nothing I need.

I think.

It would be kinda funny to have her among all the other horror icons in the line...hm.
>>Americans: walk into retail stores, roll their eyes at $10 NECA clearance
>>Rest of us: Scour the depths of the internet, pay $50-$100 for NECA clearance

I hate you cunts like you wouldn't believe
Sounds like you need to go back jealous troll
burdensome urges at work.
She’s $34?
No, was just in the wrong place. I don't think they had a proper tag location for it.
We're the land of opportunity for a reason
Nope, it's a doll. Wrong thread, buddy.
Dolls are by definition toys.
I bet you think statues are toys too. Take it to the doll thread, bud.
For the clicks baby
For the clicks
This is the doll thread.
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>statueschizo is trolling through here
Oh great, more pain
I want the not-mego. But that's tempting.
Seems slow with reveals lately…
NYCC is October 17th.
What's the best Ghostface? Specifically his look from the first two films.
Probably the NYCC figure. Which, supposedly they were going to release a version of it to retail that didn't include some stuff from the NYCC exclusive...

But that one has the improved cloak and mask system, plus a more accurate Scream 1 mask. I think the aftermarket is totally bonkers on it now, though.
None of the neco offerings are from the films, so avoid those. They are unlicensed third party bootlegs.
Does anyone know if Neca Vincent Price is indeed releasing in October? I have it pre-ordered at BBTS and I'm planning to combine it with other times but it's gonna fuck me over if they delay it to November.
Should, though if you want it before Halloween, it's probably not going to be at BBTS before then. I think. Best Buy has it for an October 21st release date, so I'd say that's likely. BB has been pretty good about getting things on their dates.
Thank you. Fingers crossed for late october instead of November.
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Coming soon…
That’s okay, I already have the 3 in 1 mezco figure
Could you post some pics of it? All the pictures I’ve seen, the clothes look bulky and I’m wondering if it’s the same in hand.
In this thread? Sure, okay.
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They’re not super bulky but anons who don’t like softgoods should buy the Neca
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Too bad the Mezco sucks shit.
Or if they just like good figures, they should buy the NECA. The Mezco isn't even accurate to the costume.
Really it just boils down to what scale you collect. 1/12 or the Neca scale.
The light plays off of the clothing in a more realistic fashion than plastic, which has this odd way of diffusing light because of the oil. I like it but it’s too expensive for me.
>The light plays off of the clothing in a more realistic fashion than plastic,
It really doesn't. That's making some weird excuses for the cheap material Mezco used.
Only a cuck would want to dress up their dolly instead of having all the looks on display at once
Where do you think we are, anon? This is the dedicated doll thread. It began with babyjuice and will continue from there.
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>T-Series Muscle Man T01A & T01B
Some chink made 7-inch (17 cm?) figures of "Nice night for a walk" version of T-800 Ahnude. Scale seems to be based on NECA figures' scale, but not sure if the head is swap-compatible. Thinking of getting the T01B (damaged ver.) since I have the Tech Noir Ultimate from NECA.
Hmm it seems like it’s missing something
No guns allowed during time travel.
Wheres his penors and ballz
Inside his fat Mexican maid.
too veiny. The thighs and back look fucking disgusting, like he has worms under his skin.
Apparently some people are already getting their Friday the 13th accessory set reissues, I haven’t gotten any notice on mine but I also didn’t order it immediately. Anyone here get there’s?
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>Muscle Man
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Guess the Bloody Disgusting area at Walmart is getting new product already, including Christmas Chucky.
once again can't believe how hard neca has slacked on doing an art the clown. maybe by the time terrifier 4 comes out
What are you even talking about?
He is saying that he wants NECA to make Art the Clown, the antagonist of the Terrifier movie series. He is saying this because NECA is known for making horror movie action figures, and he is also lamenting that they haven't made the character yet because the first movie came out 8 years ago, and he hopes that NECA will make the character by the time the fourth movie comes out.
I’m personally not a huge fan of those movies, way too generic and over the top gory for no reason. I don’t ever really see Art becoming an iconic horror icon either. It makes sense why they wouldn’t make him.
>over the top gory for no reason
Yeah, that's like 99% of the entire fucking slasher genre. Almost like that's the main appeal of the genre. Do you think I'm watching 10 Jason movies because they are modern Shakespeare?
Those had class
Think there's a chance we'll see more Gremlins 2 figures down the line? I got into NECA too late for the original run and I'd love to have Lightning and Gremlin George to go with my Mogwai version. It'd be awesome to finally see them do a vegetable Gremlin too.
It's not the same. Jason is a part of that era where slashers were really defined, they were laying groundwork. Terrifier is coming late to the party, and feels like it brings nothing new to the table, it's not an innovator in the genre and it's not particularly special or entertaining to me, so why should I care? To me it feels like people are really trying hard to push it, to make it seem "iconic" but really it's just mid.
>I don’t ever really see Art becoming an iconic horror icon either.
maybe more cult classic status now than iconic, but the amount of merchandise and tattoos ive seen on people makes me think he's quickly approaching icon-status.

you could try re-reading the post, maybe. it's not complicated.
I honestly was/am expecting them to re-release the main Grem2 grems with updated paints. They'd be easy Ultimates to sell, and lots of people missed out on them.
So it looks like there's some Wal-Mart collector con stuff happening this Friday. They're doing another live video on Friday, which means there's going to be more NECA stuff released with the con. Though this stuff seems to just be first releases.

Wonder what'll go up.
When is the collector con?
This Friday
Here's hoping. Maybe tweak their articulation to allow for torso movement like Stripe and the other part one Gremlins too. I was a little disappointed that Brain didn't have that or a posable jaw.
They've pretty much abandoned Gargoyles, haven't they? Last new character came out what, over a year ago? We're not getting Macbeth or Cold Stone, are we?
They literally said they’re announcing Gargoyles stuff at NYCC. Just be patient.
New thread for NYCC?
Yeah, I'll set one up here tomorrow. We'll probably start getting glimpses of new stuff at the booth tomorrow evening.

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