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Last time on Busou Shinki & Friends, >>11160747

The first PUNIMOFU kit, Mao has arrived! Have you gotten yours yet? What do you think? Was she worth the wait? Are you excited for Tu next month? Do you want more PUNIMOFU kits? How do you feel about her being a recycled Shinki design? Would you like the other ReShinki's redesigned and released like this too?

Read the guide:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

Upcoming Releases & Restocks:
>Megami device:
• Asra Ninja (Reissue)[Oct]
• Asra Archer (Reissue)[Nov]
• BUSTER DOLL Gunner Midnight Fang [Nov]
• Edelweiss Jaeger Repainted Color [Sep] [Kotoshop exclusive]
• BUSTER DOLL Knight Darkness Claw [Dec]
• BUSTER DOLL Tank Midnight Fang [Jan]
• Asra Nine-Tails Matsuri [Jan]
• Asra Tamamo-no-Mae Utage [Feb]
• Nodaka Takahata (Shimon)

>Frame Arms Girl:
• Hand Scale Prime Body (Reissue)[Dec]
• Magatsuki (Cat Armor Ver.) [Jan]
• Izumo [Feb]

>Cross Frame Girl
• Gaofighgar [Dec]

>Fumikane ART WORKS
• Artinia [Jan]
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Op part 2-----

>30 Minutes Sister
• Kogane Tsukioka [Oct]
• Rishetta (Freesia Wear) [Nov]
• Option Parts Set 14 (Spotter Costume) Color B [Nov]
• Option Hair Style & Face Parts Set (Yuika Mitsumine / Kiriko Yukoku) [Nov]
• Option Hair Style & Face Parts Set (Mamimi Tanaka / Sakuya Shirase) [Dec]
• Option Parts Set 15 (Nightmare Costume) Color C [Dec]
• SIS-N00 Sourei (Color B)[Feb]
• 30MS Option Face Parts Expression Set 7 (Color A)[Mar]
• 30MS Option Face Parts Expression Set 8 (Color B)[Mar]
• 30MS Option Hair Style Parts Vol.11 (4 Types)[Mar]

>Dark Advent
• Rania Relax Ver. [Nov]

>Guilty Princess:
• GP-10 Dark Fairy Knight Grimlinde [Jan]

• Charged Particle Cannon General-Purpose Fighter: Cuckoo [Nov]
• Rikka Takarada (Grid Tector Ver.) [May]

• I-hydra [Feb]

• VF-31A Kairos Reina Prowler [Oct]

• White Dragon Knight Galahad [Aug]
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Op part 3-----

In development (now in development!)

>30 Minutes Sisters
BUNBUN Fighter

>Megami Device
Eva Unit 1
Ebikawa designed pair
Tsukuyomi Regalia
Face parts m.s.g. for Bullet Knights/SOL
Garden Spikes
Block 2 Armor sets/new series
R1 M Type
R1 L Type

>Frame Arms Girl
Katsuguchi, Wilber-Nine, Shingen, Rayfalx, Gourai II
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So, Mao is really good. Only tolerance problem is some really oddly tight shoulders, and fortunately it isn't the ball, so a needle file takes care of it super easy. All the joints that were loose or popped out constantly on the BUSTER DOLLS now not only fit just right but also very nicely click in, resulting an a very firm hold in their sockets. She basically brings Block-2 back to the prior Susanowo level of fit. She feels super good in hand.
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Her expressions are great, Blade really knocked it out of the park.

I do really wish they would have included the MD and runner with her, the ones she has are not really adequate for many poses.
Hand runner. There's not really a reason to not just throw it in. She's a unique color too so you can't just use the ones you already have like with the BUSTER DOLLS.
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New Takahata Nodoka kit goes up for pre-order on Wednesday.
>Have you gotten yours yet?
Out for delivery today. I am excited. I see her all over the place online and she looks fantastic.
>Do you want more PUNIMOFU kits?
Yes. Two was not enough when we got 4 buster dolls. I hope they give us a version with skin tone legs and maybe a tan version or new girl.
Cute gay dork
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To anyone that wants this but can't justify it since they have the first version... the normal version can be evil Nodaka.
Update: she arrived! Just finished unpacking the runners and man is she smol. Like, I knew the block 2-S body was the smallest MD to date but she's even smaller than I was expecting. Well, time to start building.
Have fun building her and post progress pictures
Yeah, I can resist this no problem.
I recoiled a bit, in fact. My preorder dry period continues.
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The turbo homicidal lezbo mode in the anime made me actually like her a little, and in the game she's a little bit less annoying.

Her slapping Sitara's tits was pretty decent visual humor even if Nodaka is generally pretty annoying.
Speaking of tits, Eden MD when.
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Not until we get best titty girl
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If you have a spare set of BUSTER DOLL thighs they fit almost perfectly. I had an extra set since I used Susanowo's thighs on Tank, so I put Tank's thighs on Mao after slightly rounding the edges to look more compressed.

Pic related.
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Haven't posted in one of these threads in a while, but it's been literal years since I actually had access to the girls.

Don't know how much the originals are appreciated these days, but I'm happy enough to finally get the band back together I just had to share. I got another dozen or so set up on a shelf, but don't have any pics yet, still working on setting some other stuff up. But they're still fun to mess with, even with their currently outdated tech and articulation.
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>Upcoming Releases & Restocks
there are 3 upcoming megalomaria girls too
>MEGALOMARIA Peridot [Jan]
>MEGALOMARIA Green Glass [Mar]
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I snabbed Klan Klan, looking forward to painting her. I like that she is roughly 1/100 which is unique among musume kits. I don't like how her Armored mode doesn't have a good stand mount point and her tolerances being bad. I got my joint strengthening pen in the mail today which has worked wonders, would recommend one.
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wow it kinda looks... underwhelming.
paint is mandatory huh
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>finally selling the dress MSG seperately
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The expansion set comes with Sousai parts too.
chinese dragon rider girl y/n
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I've been stupid busy, it's killing me not being able to build Mao. I like to build my kits in one session, so I like to set aside time for them. But I may start chipping away at her in small bits because all the pics of her just look so great.
which brand should i get for matte and glossy topcoat?
Dang, thought that was one of those Koto HMM Zoids kits for a second. It looks pretty good. Nice.
The musume parts should have been included in the first place.
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If you guys want Megalomaria in the Op let me know. I will not be putting Mephisto, Ghillie Dhu, or the Hexa Gear collab Governor in for obvious reasons, but it's clear that they are (sometimes) suits.
Looks dead on for a geno breaker
...a girl after midnight, won't somebody help me chase these shadows away!
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Which one?
post the concept art of the cop girl they showed she looked sick
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nice tengu
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Looks like she just rides it? Needs a cool combined form.
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Time to get both version
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DLC hair piece as expected. This better not be kotobukiya shop exclusive.
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Are you sure the Sousai T-whatever girls don't correspond to specific Megalomaria girls?
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I didn't realize someone already posted this pic, but my question remains
wait, are they making big Hexa Gear Pawns?
sick if true
Honestly most excited for the Hexa Gear collab, it be nice to have more anime mecha guys to go with my gals.
Whoa, who is this cutie?
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counter point, they're just color coding them and you can create a headcanon of it
'course if it takes off they might do more integration
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uh oh
Pretty annoying they’re doing this now when the alt hairs used to just be in the base kit. Or am I remembering wrong?
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Her face suck, the dragon look fine though
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Kotobukiya stopped including alternate hair pieces after Emma. They explicitly mentioned that alternate hair pieces will be sold separately starting from Seira. I suspect Kuon might be the most expensive SST release given her scale + engineering that goes into her articulation.
Mine is still sitting in my Private Warehouse. I'd love to get my hands on her now, but I need to wait for some other stuff to come in first so I can bundle them all together...
Girl looks like shit, but the Not!Genobreaker might be worth the purchase.
My god, Green Glass is just a mechanized Ritsuka Saeki, if this pic is evidence.
Its her stand.
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And by the way, the lesbian freak is back with a new coat of paint.
Why she is so costly, in any form?
It's a big kit. Her binders have almost as much mass as the Ganesha's, and prices on everything have gone up 1000-1500 yen. This isn't even counting how Sitara herself was a mostly paid for mold while both Nodaka bodies are new.
Yup. They already did it once with one of the Governors (Bump up Expander, or whatever the weird name was), so it was always really fuckin' weird they never did it with the others. Honestly, Koto should just do full sized kits of all the Governors. Probably sell better than the small ones since many of their designs are hindered by the tiny size.
Bump up expander and rook aren't full 1/12-10th scale.
Man, if they did a "full" size of the one that looks like Arnie
Holy shit there's a lot of girls from Alice Gear yet to receive a MD-grade kit.
We don't even have the main girls in figma or MD yet. Where is Rin?
Speaking of big kits, I'm on the tail end of snapping Big Sitara, and I've gotta say: Good. Fucking. Lord. The chonk on her gear is incredible, I'm not sure where to display her but I'm still glad she's about assembled because her box was devouring shelf space.
>Why she is so costly, in any form?
licensing costs. all the alice gear aegis kits are overpriced compared to equivalent non-mobilegame-tie-in megami device kits
they also have worse designs for the mecha bits compared to the asra/auv kits but that's just my opinion
I need more info on this. Specifically when and how much?
i just realized that the loose flaps on her boob armor is giving them a very scandalous shape. TuT
the Genobreaker bootleg looks good on its own, but yeah i'd change the rider with something else.
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It's a Plamax, and roughly 17cm tall (not sure if that includes the extras.
Everything is TBA.
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It's really not the licenses in this particular case, the Megami Device kits are great advertising for the game and the designers work for both Pyramid and Koto simultaneously. Look at the price of the largest MD, Susanowo Guren/Souen and then the price of Nodaka and Sitara. The later are both larger kits and only have a very minor price difference comparatively.

Now the Busou Shinki kits on the other hand... Koto has confirmed how much of a pain that license has been.
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>Look at the price of the largest MD, Susanowo Guren/Souen and then the price of Nodaka and Sitara
but now look at the "normal" kits with fewer mecha parts like Kaede and compare them to Buster Doll or MD Regalia kits. they come with less and cost more
Lol, no, the buster doll kits and Regalia are both much smaller than any Aga kit including Ayaka. You aren't factoring in that all the aga kits include two full sets of limbs and multiple weapons. Mao is a TINY kit but only costs 2000 yen less than your example of Kaede.

Sugumi and Tamamo-no-Mae are about the same size plastic wise and they too cost almost the same.
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Finally finished snapping the base body. Didn't have any particular issues, I might get rid of the sticker for her choker and paint it instead since I wrinkled it somehow. I'm really enjoying this faceplate, bless Blade for somehow getting Koto to approve this.
Thanks for the info, I guess the rest we'll just have to wait and see. But she's certainly high on my want list as I love me some 80s anime girls.
Glue the knee caps and waist piece. It'll save you a pain in the ass latter.
well yeah that's how gacha be
zero chance koto could pump out kits faster than the game could make characters
Aga adds about 4 characters a year I think. The major characters and some fan favorites are absolutely possible.

Give me Mari, Rin, and Neo NOW DAMN IT.
Which 30ms sisters body is closest to Mao's size?
How big is the 30ms reaper costume and does it only fit the regular sized ones like Rishetta?
she's just the same size as the bunny sisters from two years ago
Any legs and arms should work with the body, the height of the 30ms girls is mostly determined by the size of the body body and thighs
I was merely playing AGA:CS on switch, and that alone has a ton of kitless, figureless girls.
is there any pictures of Mao next to some of the regular-sized MDs? Curious exactly how much smaller she is
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Excellent. I hope I can have her soon.
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Double license, probably. Since the game treats her as a collab character there's likely some weird shit going on.
They explicit said its themed around her. Goddamned megalo encroachment.
they're starting to get a bit volks-ish with sousai. Bothersome.
They didn't outside kuon, but the guy in charge of megalo seems to be trying to make everything revolve around his line. Which I'd probably hate less if I didn't find the aesthetic far more miss than hit.
I'm much more up on "cute girl that is a robot with cool weapons and armor" than "robot that's kinda girl-shaped".
Still waiting for them to finish sitara's team. Or even get yasuri to pair off with sugumi.
>tfw megahouse will probably be selling dta fatima AN before koto even starts mai or ginny
>harming the blessed chocomelons
Thanks I hate her more now.
I think spending so much time with mecha musume has given me a thing for women with mechanical legs
I want her for the boob squeeze alone. Everything else is just icing on the cake.
Squish bros will eat well, but once again I doubt I'll have interest until a good recolor comes along.
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she's here
Looks pretty cool

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and a new girl.

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Some good updates on the Hobby Show site
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>design by Z-ton
My disappointment is immeasurable
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The fuck? That seems blatant enough that SST will shift to a darker theme from now on. >>11192010 seems to be further evidence.

And by the way, remember Magatsuki, the one stuck in development hell for over a decade? She's here now.
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It's been 3000 years....
>design by Z-ton
My satisfaction is immeasurable
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New 30ms Sestie. She's bigger than all the prior girls.
>Color C
fuck yes
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Summer Styko.
Lets fucking goooooooooooo, shes bigger than the Neverlia body?? What show is going on rn?
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Sol Raptor Beast Mode.
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Blade Liger girl base body
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Amaterasu Eclipse Regalia and Ame-no-Uzume Regalia.
Cute, cute!
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The MD blanks are now named as B1R Chassis Kit M&L.

They are developing a proper upper torso to make the block 1 chest plates fit them.
Finally, a body positive FAG!
I truly just want these for the neutral face masks.
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New Dears is named Charmed apparently. She has definitely got that shounen anime protag look.
How do you like your bananas?
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Arcanadea is going to put out animal enemies for the girls, I'll bet they can become armor.
>How do you like your bananas?
Round. It looks like someone checked him a little this time. Good, though I'm still not sure I'm in for this one. the alternating fat segments really mess with the look.
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That would be this actually.

Katsu is just strong fat.
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Meltina does look a little lumpy, but I do think it looks more organic than having strait pieces. I was actually specifically worried about that, but it works.
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That is some shin armor looking ass tentacles...
The rounding off is sort of necessary so there aren't huge gaps when the tail is posed, right? I can't really imagine a design where the tail is super straight/sleek AND able to pose dynamically with ease (unless a different material were used).
Top of the head is a pair of heels, too.
And in the mouth is a crown.
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This one looks a whole lot more involved.
It's funny that the ones actually interacting with a Dears are all just bullying Vilretta.
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Pic dropped.
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Finished snapping.
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Kinda annoying that we still haven't seen Amaterasu AUV, but we do have an evil recolor.
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Is liking bocchi cool now?
Also, don't remove the lowest neck peice, B4(2), as it shows in the instructions, to change the chest plate. Split it the next joint up. Mine didn't want to come out and when it did it flew off into space and I can't find it. I had to cannibalize one from a Buster doll kit, after much cursing and moving of furniture.
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Rufus is getting a qipao version
Yes please. These all look like instant POs.
Neat. Is she still going to be brown? The shoulder pieces in the proto look light
Yeah, I'm getting this one.
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That's just her normal skin tone.
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Giant Gourai is getting released, as is a fully painted and modeled version of her standard kit.
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Shingen prototype.
>Arcanadea is going to put out animal enemies for the girls, I'll bet they can become armor.
They can.
great color scheme on her

they forgot to update her on the website https://www.kotobukiya-hobbyshow.com/hobbyshow2024/plastic_model_kits/12629/
i thought she was still in development hell, good think i checked the thread
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they are doing 3 sets of face decals for SSTs
They are called Xeno Alma (more on the idiotic L/R switching). You know what their purpose is anyway.
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the furry kemopla girls have prototypes
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plamatea ryza
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and plamatea toki
I hope they make the twins some day.
Now we're talking. Still not buying into the line though.
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face looks off
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I like this Anon
I dont like this Anon
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No idea why Kotobukiya thinks including a socket to hold the weight of the umbrella is good idea. The afterschool set released earlier did not require a stand so I'm perplexed by the decision to include this feature.
Couple of bonified designs we got going on here for a coomer display.
The afterschool umbrella weighted a fair bit, it's fairly clunky to get a decent grip on it. If the socket is optional it won't be a bad thing anyway.
Clunky? I'd says it's chunky looking how big it's getting.
Always was.
Good meat!
>Another Regalia
>And yet ANOTHER Regalia
>And STILL no amaterasu SUV
>amaterasu SUV
damn i wish I had one of those hexa gear jeeps now; i could turn it into a go-kart for her.
I'm not gonna quote everything but holy shit, that is an incredible line up of upcoming figs to be hyped for.
Is she going to be a regular release? Her other iterations were limited.
Need to pick up those delicious Dark Advent money
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Now that we know she's real, I'm excited to see how they do the other variants, like the Extend Booster
Another Ms general model kit in Koto's store.


My guess Koto share the same factory as Ms General?
Were there any shops on Taobao selling small size MD bodies (or even just the lower torso tummy) like sized similar to Aika or Mao?
I love one piece swimsuits like you wouldn't believe.
>fully painted and modeled
Well, I'm out.
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Guess it's better than buying a second 'dea to fix the asymmetry autism these all have
Double jointed elbows. She could be released early.
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Can't wait for her release
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I remember reading one of the Sousai Shoujo Teien girls is an actress starring in the in universe Megalomaria show.
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Gourai II when?
Stilett II when?
For some reason Kotobukiya is the only mecha musume brand who could done face right, every other companies just look off in comparison
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Hold your breath.
Pretty sure the msg exceed booster will just fit out of box.
I don't like the red
I want more SST gunslingers
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nidy-2d posted some of the concept art for the necromancerish tsukuyomi regalia MD
under the mask she's a gloomy one-eyed NEET. very gap moe.
is that giant thing supposed to become armor too? I can't tell
cute, wish they got a AUV for her though instead of Regalia
never was a fan of Regalia in the first place, it was a cope product because Amaterasu AUV was in dev hell and now they're throwing out 3 more
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oh, maybe it's for Elena? I could potentially see it, with the hooves and all
also, here's the other alma as armor
that's a sad ass
It's a FAG ass.
I mean, Dark Advent stuff is super nice too. Most other lines still have plenty of catching up to Koto to do though, yeah.
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They had plenty of practice at Konami.

Like Benio or not, she ugly as hellllll.
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That's just a repost from when she was first revealed.
never saw the first reveal posted ITT
what's the appeal of the gourai?
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Her boobs look different on the prototype
I don't want to see that "underwear" Durga and Magatsuki has.
>big boobed stone cold masked killer is a shy girl behind the mask
Senran kits fucking when?
They'll definitely be releasing multiple other versions of her
There are some things that work, but this just doesn’t.
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Closest we'll ever get
Emma piloting an Agni Rage in-universe WHEN
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Little Armory stuff at the hobby show
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more new 30ms next month
Well yeah I doubt there's many job openings for six inch tall "toy" robot girls.
To bad it can't fix the shit knees.
>tfw wanted soffi but then the faggot who caused the bad knees forced them into her battle mode legs too
>tfw obvious that'll be the case for everyone going forward so I may as well ignore the line
The otsu pair'd prolly just be new shoulder pads, leg armor, and weapons. And goggles.
The type 3 with the booster...
Prolly just not happen as a variant. Just buy a booster and have her straddle it.
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you can kitbash your own, if you weren't aware they have SSTxLittleArmory gun hands (both gloved and gloveless). sure the scales are slightly wrong (sst 1/10 vs la 1/12) but it works well enough
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Get used to it, cause the shitty drawer knees are coming to FAG soon too.
the leg armor will cover up the knees at least...
At least non-humanoids (the real stars of the line) are free of those knees
I like Illshana with an axe.
No so much those legs
why are they still doing this after literally everyone has done nothing but complain about it
How interchangeable are the bodies for frame arms girls? I got Cornix and want to switch out the swimsuit for body armor
Not very.
You pretty much can only swap the head, limbs and whatever's attached with the 3mm pegs, and sometimes chest armor on the c-clip and back armor on the big square peg.
I'm aware but I wanted more older/bigger girls, it's only so funny having the younger/smaller girls carry large anti material rifles.
Now it's time for the armor
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Fuck forgot my image
A tiny, cute, blonde autistic gf who can also blow shit up? Works for me.
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Brother the shy neet could easily be converted to Murasaki or Murakomo. Murasaki has the theme more with black and purple Lolita neet. I'd kill to see her properly done. Gimme her or my Awakened Snow Queen Yuki from PBS please. I'm already a Life and Hometown buyfag

Fuck off retard, rule 2
post in /a/buyfag so anons can laugh at the broken panties
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Bros, I'm new to mecha musume. Any thoughts on Pinkle? Really liking the look of the Polynian figures overall, but Pinkle seems to be up for pre-order right now.
Get her - she's one of the better designs out there. This is actually her long-awaited reissue; she got a single run back when she was first released, then became completely unobtainable for years until now, so if you pass her up, you may not get another chance.
Thanks! Pinkle's coming home. :)
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A bit of a suggestion - if you can find a cheap Clover or Torifoly, grab her, too. They act as 'nude' bodies that you can swap Pinkle's head or limbs onto, which is ideal if you want to dress her up in different outfits (only Pinkle's hip and thigh armor is removable, and her shoulder pads and chestplate make squeezing her into 1/12 sized clothes a bit difficult as-is). Torifoly is newer and may be cheaper/easier to get a hold of at normal retail price, while the normal Clover is in much higher demand. there's also a Clover Bikini version if you aren't comfortable with the full nudity but still want bare limbs and a chest that's going to fit into doll clothes.
>almost an hour to introduce a handful of products
Why are bandai streams like these?
I skimmed through and they're not even new announcements just showing off stuff they announced a few months ago
They chopped out the portion for MS and MF.
always warms my heart to see shinkis in the friends thread
Apparently the eyes are movable using the "gun".
You think that's bad, I just clicked the channel and the next vid is 45 mins of the discussing a single Space Battleship Yamato model
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Typical Japanese work culture. Gotta milk the clock for all it's worth.
"Not that you would. But you could."
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To be fair these 3 requires custom parts that is not available in the market to be reproduced.
I always wondered how Japs make such detailed custom parts. Last time I tried bending polystyrene sheets, they would all return to default shape if heated with boiling water and heating with flame would either burn them or leave too small window for shaping (they cool down rapidly and lose related elasticity). So I assume they use something different.
It's just their 3D printer and lots of sanding sponges.
Autism. Lots and lots of autism.
So we got a Centaur and now a Snake, the only question i have is when are we getting the Arachne
Not until after the fish at least. Maybe after the bird.
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you might also like this channel https://www.youtube.com/@boxsailor
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Looks like they are using some sort of putty. Interesting. I tried making hair with green stuff year ago, didn't really work in the end.
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the text is too blurry for my ocr to work so i'm not sure what the middle word is but it say's tamiya [something] putty
from the colour i gather it's just tamiya's 2 part epoxy putty
Read the text on the bottom.
They tell you all the stuff they used and are easily available.
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Polynian isn't mecha musume, it's pure mecha. As far as how they are, they're typically nice solid well painted figures with decent poseing. Only real consistent problem is that the joints can sometimes not support the weight of all that pvc, and the pvc can warp if care isn't taken not to flex some parts wrong.
Is there a difference between tamiya putty and things like this?
100% different shit. One is for smoothing surfaces and making small details, the other is for full on sculpting and resculpting parts.

Tldr don't buy tamiya putty if your trying to use it for large structural pieces. It's for finishing.
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>it's pure mecha
anon, THIS is pure mecha.
THAT still looks like an anime girl
Aye, it's Tamiya 2-part Epoxy (quick type, specifically). I work with the stuff daily. You could point that color out at the drop of a dime after working with it a little bit.
Yes. It might be a putty, but it's specifically an epoxy putty. It's incredibly strong once cured and holds detail fairly well, and so long as there's something else adding structural integrity to it (metal wire in thinner parts, connected to an actual base structure, etc) then it holds up against physical trauma well too. I use it almost daily for my little ladies and other plamo. The only thing it's not good for is filling in large gaps or making entire large things from scratch as it's expensive for how much you get and is simply better used on top of things or for smaller parts. I reshape entire bodies with it to make them meatier, but I'd never make said bodies from scratch, for example. If you're heavily into plamo the stuff is invaluable and worth learning to use. You can buy it relatively cheaply from VOLKS USA (assuming you're in the US). The western equivalent would be Green Stuff (Kneadatite) mixed 50/50 with Miliput standard.
Also, as a small addon to this, if you ever see Japanese models with weird yellow'ish sculpting material on it it's always one of two things- Tamiya two part epoxy putty (quick type), or Tamiya polyester putty (fucking impossible to get outside of Japan and nearby countries for a good price, but it's one of the best gap/seam/imperfection filler out there. Shit's magical).
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Would something like this work for sculpting as well? Getting the Tamiya brand is impossible in my country
You mean this putty tub is better for filling small gap and seam?
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Forgot my pic
Not that anon but yes, this is more on the liquid side (not exactly water, it's more like mud) and it solidifies after exposure, you use this for filling small gaps and seams.
you're on a weeaboo board, so you're going to get weeaboo suggestions depsite there being a hundred different alternatives, some of which are equal or better than tamiya.

Just google that brand, and others you can find in your area, to see what people say about it.
having tried sculpting stuff out of similar stuff, you are gonna have a hard time but its doable. the general repair stuff is crazy (haha) tacky and hard to work with, plus it dries too fast

what id recommend is using air dry clay to create a general shape, let it dry and then smooth out the surface using the epoxy putty
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> paint for stockings
>Tamiya polyester putty (fucking impossible to get outside of Japan and nearby countries for a good price, but it's one of the best gap/seam/imperfection filler out there. Shit's magical
What make it different than the normal Tamiya putty?
Air dry clay is very brittle when it actually dries, personally I would recommend Green Stuff mixed with Milliput in 50-50 ratio. GS is pretty rubbery and hard to work with but trauma resistant while Milliput is easy to work with and cheap but brittle and grainy when dries, mix get best of both worlds. Check https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Green_Stuff for information on alternatives (from mini perspective but useful).
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Just placed an order for her she will be my first. I hope I'm not entering a weird hole and start buying more girls.
>I hope I'm not entering a weird hole and start buying more girls.
I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you Anon.
Strange dragon dildoes
Why 30MS Angel girl is noticeably more expensive than others? She don't seems to have more stuff with her than others.
im pretty sure it's only meant as filler, for seams and holes. it's not some sculpting type.
But this is a filler for seams and holes too >>11196918 ?
Milliput is already great for that. What more do you need.
Swimsuit Styko goes up for pre-order tomorrow, I guess she's the first for this wave. She gets cat ears, too. I wish they'd include the animal ear parts more often, it's cute.
After my Styko broke in half I swore I would never another, then the high cut swimsuit version appeared
>my Styko broke in half

Holy shit, what happened?
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A2 broke on the connection where the peg from A1 is supposed to go. I did a messy job trying to fix it but it kinda sorta worked, I just don't want to move it anymore. If I get the swimsuit Styko I'll sand all connections a bit
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is 'beast mode' raptor new parts or is she just a red recolor?
for me its cyanoacrylate and accelerator. i've heard you can use sodium bicarbinate instead of accelerator? but a bottle of accelerator will last forever anyway, just unscrew the spray top and use the stem to apply it like a brush instead of spraying it. spraying it is meant for gluing big objects together and you only need a few drops for anything in modelling.
milliput works but i haven't found a way to store it long term yet, it dries up and hardens after like a year. cyano and accelerator keep forever
Oh that. These internal parts are very fragile, sorry to hear that happened to you. Had something similar with Nuke Matrix fox girl, in the end I glued it and hoped for the best. She endured photo sessions so I guess it's okay.

Odd, I have at least two years old Milliput and it still works. Green Stuff blue part, at the other hand tend to dry on its own, which sucks.

>sodium/accelerator + CA glue
Recently I was gluing metal minis again and used just soda dissolved in water to speed up glue working but sometimes it would leave behind white, solid mass. Not very welcoming addition in my case but I guess it works well with filling small gaps.
The answer is milliput.
She sort of does, she includes a whole joint runner and has iridescent plastic.
Baking soda and super glue is a great way to extend edges of parts when sharpening them.
Those missile pods under her wings; regular Raptor doesn't have those.
S Styko is up on hlj
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Why am I doing this? We all know Koto will announce a version with a new hat on release day
Any non godhand single blade nipper brands you guys would recommend? my $5 nipper just doesn't cut it, Even when I do the 2 cut method it pushes the gate inside so the blemishes is still visible after sanding
3 peaks.
It's actually easier to use than godhands because of the way the blades are aligned.
>pure mecha
Polynians aren't even robots. They're organic aliens, despite their appearance. The Motoroids are the robots in the lore.
>non godhand single blade nipper
dspiae st-a 3.0
I hope those orange parts are properly colour separated.
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I wouldn't bank on it
But the sensor on her long gun is a new piece.
Any chink single bladed nipper will perform about 80% as good as an SPN-120 at less than half the price
This is the only shilling I'm okay with, I think I've used my god hands only twice in the past 6 months since getting one.
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HLJ has a 10% off shipping right now, should I do it or wait after holidays? Im shipping a soffiera and some SHF along with some gacha box bs.
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New thread!

depends what you are waiting for, if it's too much it may be worth to just wait for it to arrive and then ship everything at once.

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