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What’re you guys putting on your lists for Santa?


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

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>Retiring Set Data

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Previous Thread: >>11209449
But i'm definietly getting these two if they get discounted on black friday
(Please lego just 20% is it too much to ask?)
noo not the heckin thread links
I'm going to sneed and cope
New Thread

Isn’t that the old thread?
this is a spam thread
Nah this is the new thread I’m the Op.
When a thread starts to auto-sage, you make a new thread. That's just business. It's standard behavior across literally every single board. Only a select few autists try to turn it into an issue.
next time bake at 200 we might get bumped off the catalog
But but but we got 100 more images to post! Literal fucking retards.
It should be on page one then.
Anyone get this yet?
this set looks cool but its way too expensive
and why does it have 4 (FOUR) plaques? just seems stupid and unnecessary
picked it up at the Lego store but haven't built it yet
Been away from Lego for a long time. Is it true the skeletons are different now?
They have life on mars alien arms now instead of the floppy ones or the droid ones
plaque instantly makes the set cost +100$ because muh large molds
Kill yourself, faggot.
New thread?
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They had skeletons as the bad guys in the 2007 Castle theme and changed the torso to use white battle droid arms so they can hold weapons. A little more recently they made new arms for them and brought back the classic skull print (although it's slightly different). >>11211004 is how all the generic skeletons look now.
Here you go.

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And IDK how long you've been away but during the early 2000s this more evil looking skull was the standard for a while until they brought the classic one back.
>Hasbro laid off John Warden
Pls lego give him a job
These guys fucking rule
Only you do, faggot.
Peppa pig solos
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Ninjago skeletons
My favourite :D
He looks like he survived nagasaki and hiroshima
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>Op is an iToddler stealing my image, and is also the NC underage
Redpill me on the goat. Why were people so fucking obsessed with it? Doesn't seem that useful to have.
Original mould only came in a few sets before the mould was destroyed and thus became a super valuable thing, also because >goatfucking
>stealing my image
What a faggot you are.
came in few sets, mold was destroyed. then people started wanting it because it was rare, rather than to use in a moc/the sets
Respect to the guy a thread or two back that picked up like a dozen bootlego goats for $10 on aliexpress.

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Underrated bug guy from the last CMF.
Literally nowhere else does that, it's just you faggots that like spamming threads cause you're too retarded to find it after it leaves page 1.
The DND set is my Christmas set.

GF going home for christmas, meaning I have 2 sweet weeks to build this baby. Can't wait.
I have him but he does not really fit in anywhere because he is unusual colours compared to the buggoid guys and I also don't have enough of the colours he is to make anything for him
For Christmas I wanted City Of Lanterns but Lego retardedly only put it on their site so it's out of stock there. If it comes back I will have to order it asap but if not I guess I will get nothing. Fuck my lego life
I'm sending some LEGO luck your way my friend.

I'm positive it'll be back before Christmas.
Thanks anon I will send you some back to
imagine building a lego set while your gf is in another town getting railed by another dude
Don't worry I made a lego technic chastity belt and made sure to make her wear it
Finally comic Ultron, wish he was in a set with Antman because the Iron Man rivalry is a MCU creation.
The afol fantasy.
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>Man, I'm blind as fuck, I'll go watch some flowers in a botanical garden!
>Oh fuck I forgot I'm blind lmao
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They put leg printing in these 15$ sets but can't affort prints in their 500$ afol dust collectors?
Other senses are heightened, bet the smells are nice.
Flowers have this secret second thing they do that can be appriciated
Go to a strip club and take a whiff then.
At least it wasn't a movie theatre lol
then people here will accuse me of being a coomer child molester
>coomer child molester
What kind of strip clubs do you have in your area, anon?
Why don't they just do a CMF instead of these sets that only exist to sell minifigs
give me a good movie / youtube videos / tv show to have on while I build the D&D set that will enhance the experience (preferable medieval fantasy or d&d related)
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I only call the Singapori ESL spammer that
army of darkness
a really out of the box pick I know

I know how lucky am I.
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Enough schizobabble. Post your childhood OC minifigs. You DID hang onto them, right?
My man's just breathing in that fresh air while strutting with a pimp cane, he's not blind.
They are in an attic somewhere
>my amazing Star Wars Lego ocs are imprisoned in dad’s attic
I must rescue them…
obviously cause hero mechs sell
Do kids even like CMF sets? Pretty sure they'd prefer an actual set with their Lego man.
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Yeah I have a few, this guy I made with some tinkering but my OC figs are intact
Iron Man got 2 mechs already. It should have been Ultron in the mech, fights are more fun when the good guy is the underdog
I lost them all... It's over...
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>lego made a sniffing head
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I decided to disassemble all my licensed sets for parts and keep unlicensed sets assembled and focus on those themes more. Any good boxes for parts and minifigs?

I like monkie kid, ninjago and dreamzzz.

I wish I could buy LotR but the sets are too much and right now I buy lego on a budget since I'm a student and don't have a job yet.
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im getting 75337 LEGO Star Wars AT-TE Walker and LEGO Star Wars Clone Trooper & Battle Droid Battle Pack 75372 from my gran (im 29)
you good there, mate? too much corn syrup in your wonderbread?
wtf is gran loaded? can she be my gran?
Based gran. I dislike the weird battle droid minifigs myself, but if you're happy then gran and I are happy.
Are we gonna get official pics for all january sets in november or not?
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which way yellow man?
why did the blue roof changed to red
extra soul
>the head with eyes closed on both sides
>holding a blind cane
wHy dO cHuDs tHiNk hE's bLiNd?????one??
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Fine, made my final sets wishlist.

I plan to get Monkie Kid truck this Tuesday, after I will get the dreamzzz set. Fortnite battle bus is for Christmas, many others I want on black friday.
>ninjago big drum set
Kind of crap but it could be ok
>dreamzzz bird
Gay as hell
>monkie kid truck
>Ninjago sensei dragon
>Monkie kid bird
>Sonic drill
>fortnite battle bus
extra gay unless you are little girl
hopefully bait
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Kek Powerizer
any pics of the new tumbler?
Genuinely the best set to get honestly

I'm working on parting out some of the Lego Mode stuff myself
>LITERALLY an ugly brick with wings
>Yass Girl Boss team

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Set of the year. There I said it
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My shaman has survived a long long time
Only bad thing about it is the bright light green
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Red pumpkin
why is the fence yellow? white existed back then
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the gloves are still white
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>be lego
>create a people pack subline of city solely dedicated to adding normal lego citizens to your lego city
>make five of these sets in total over the course of 2-3 years
>does financially well
>never do it again
Based gran
Grans got some money, i get a £100(130usd) budget for xmas. She also gets 25% off at a department store for (retired) staff discount. The store had a 20% off slae on some lego last month and gran gets 25% on top double discount so i was able to get both for £87, £13 under budget!
Wow those cops are such faggots. Tons of them and a bunch of horses and they all fall over like bowling pins trying to get one guy. Pathetic...
Damn you were lucky, enjoy those sets anon
I just haven’t picked it up but this is on my list.
I wanted the other big Castle/Fort set and missed it
So now it's insane price
Why?, it’s a shit set.
A shame the torso never made it to PAB.
I don’t have a proper wizard in my setup. I like how it opens up and I’ve never understood why people say it’s a shit set. I just haven’t gotten it because I haven’t seen it and had other things higher up on the list.

Seriously though why is it a shit set?
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It’s a terrible remake of a classic set,
Something that can be easily built with pieces from your own collection. The minifigs are bland and the knights armor looks ridiculous. The doors ar non functional, also stickers
The forest men one was well designed but they dropped the ball on this one
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>so battle scarred that the sword's power is fully exposed
Based. Mine became infomaniac of the realm.
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Yooooo hype!
I kind of want Lego to cycle through classic themes like they did Space this past year, but considering the aesthetic of many of the Space sets it’d feel like a Monkey’s Paw request.
how can you tell where a poster from in a thread that isnt on /pol/
Knowledge on a poster’s patterns
>It’s a terrible remake of a classic set,
I disagree, considering legos track record of late it could have been a lot worse.
>Something that can be easily built with pieces from your own collection.
If I wanted to moc up a wizard shack I would. I also am sure I would be missing the roof parts so not my collection.
>The minifigs are bland and the knights armor looks ridiculous.
I like the armor and like the other guys said it’s a bummer it never made it to PaB.
>The doors ar non functional
That I CAN easily fix with a couple spare parts.
>also stickers
It’s not a $300 xmansion what are you 12?
>The forest men one was well designed but they dropped the ball on this one
Only thing I can agree with but I don’t think they dropped the ball on majisto I think a lot of people just seeth about a chick as a knight and “it ain’t exactly like the one I had as a kid! Grrrrrrrr!”
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The extra goats, the dragon and the redesigned Dragon Master shields came out to $6
This is the Lego thread, bud. Not the Chinese knockoff thread. Kindly fuck off.
You can't. It's a mental illness.
Bricks are bricks bud, they all click together
LEGO thread, not "brick" thread. Make your own bootleg thread or fuck off.
You bring up some good points, but with regards to the door and the roof, if you’re ok with MODing the doors, might as well MOD the roof. Use what you have, and make it your own.
And something about the Majisto fig feels off to me. I have no problem with the female knight and female figs, I just don’t like the armor they slapped in there
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no they dont, your shitty bricks get mixed with lego and damage them, this is a lego thread.
This, you don't see anyone else shitting up the thread over and over with cheap aliexpress shit.
"Lego" means brick in Danish.
Aight I can see your point of view. And I agree majisto is bland and needs something else. I appreciate the respectful dialogue.
I don’t see you posting jack shit of your own. Eat shit retardo I like that guy and his legos and bootlegos. How broken are you?
The thread started with nigger cock. It was shit from the start. Let's not act like this is sacred ground.
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I bought it
What do I think of it?
You don't know yet because you haven't built it.
I hope you have the rest of the cmf not just the mindflayer because the set is kinda
sad without the whole gang
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Ridley Scott's Legend
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.
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Brick Broken
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I always wish I'd picked one of these up back when they were on rock-bottom clearance. My pet collection of Lego abominations just isn't complete without the crown jewel of shitty sets.
Galidor is such a funny theme, too bad a lot of colors died with it, while it also birthed a lot of them
175 for the holy grail
Exclusive set as gift for lego designers
Every set I want ends up as retarded shit like this or GWPs.
Exclusive prints...
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Just built 2 bags and this set is pretty cool so far
It's nice that you get lego beer

Yeah I have 1 of each of the series
This thing is for sale for 45% off in amazon canada if anyone cares. I bought one as my first Sanic set
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>New Majisto has actual prints but the one everyone can get is in an expensive set or gwp and has no fucking prints whatsoever

>new version of the Fright Night witch is a DreamZzz repaint and an exclusive to some fucking seminar
>New Basil from rhe CMF set will be forever alone for most people and cucked by Majisto
Dropped picture oops

Wait is it supposed to be a character from Ninjago dressed up as Majisto? He's wearing weeb robes and a weeb beard. And it matches the Dreamzzz grandma as a fright knight witch.
Sensei Wu is Majisto

And Mrs Castillo is Fright Knight Witch
Only that rubber blue cape is good - otherwise you can still find Merlock for fairly cheap because there are still nexo knights books with this figure on Amazon
(also that other blue wizard that was on Build a Minifig on lego store in september)
this is fucking amazing.
I liked that granny new body mold from Dreamzzz and this is also cool.
i wonder how much this figure will cost on bricklink...
>The Design Seminar is an event held exclusively for members of LEGO’s Design Team [...]

>These LEGO Design Seminar sets are incredibly rare as you have to be part of LEGO’s Design team to attend the Design Seminar, so it’s an step above your typical Employee Exclusive sets.

>That said, some of these sets do eventually make it out to the public. I know of one copy of the 2023 Design Seminar set, Cosmic Daydreams, that was auctioned off at Skaerbaek Fan Weekend with proceeds going towards charity. As these sets have special significance for LEGO Designers, don’t expect them to pop up on the secondary market outside of exceptionally rare occasions.

Per Jay's Brick Blog
Oh shit Johnny Quest as forestman?

Thats cute fuck Lego
OK seriously fuck you Lego spyrius droid was my favourite minifig as a kid and Ill never own this
Lego is so fucking insanely cooperate now jesus christ
just buy a droid head off bricklink and put on top of a knight body retard.
>be a classicfag
>don't already have enough knights and space minifigs
I guess you dont like spirius doid that much lmao
I think I just heard a cat and also a schoolbus full of kids better run catkiller
That guy you're replying too wasn't me. I just wanted the updated droid head in black.

You fucking cocksucking faggot.
>its ok for minorities to culturally appropriate western culture
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>its ok for minorities to culturally appropriate western culture
>wojak posting
>spirius doid

Please get a test to see if you have extra chromosomes because this thread suddenly got more retarded than usual.
it's catkiller
It's welsh culture which is even more of a "minority" than blacks asians vitiligoids and whatever other minority lego is going to feature but that doesn't matter because they are le white so they don't count
it's that polfag
I think that head print is actually exclusive. It's not the original Spyrius droid but the later robot head print inspired by it, but I think all sets with that print that have been available to the public have the head either cast in transparent plastic or use a different color for the print than the Spyrius droid did.
snacking on some black bricks rn
Just looks like the cyber droid head
Does any of you have decent custom guns in Minifig scale?
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christian moc i made in stud.io
>christian MOC
As a fan of Fantasy Castle i approve!
>Black Friday is coming
what are the chances of getting sets for super cheap?

My hopes:
>sip Dreamzzz sets for discounts (i want to get that lunar car and old Zblob for cheap - i need those peices but i wont buy it for retail)
>Sonic sets
>Harry Potter Aragog for 15 or cheaper
For me its monkie kid sets
Lego dragon ball update: Lego dragon ball is being delayed because they are not sure if they can use the word demon in marketing and the dragon ball translation team are slow in talking to lego
25% discount for the DnD tower, making it $270
the day dragon ball becomes real lego is the day i will ejaculate to death, i need to hot glue lego bulma until there isn't even a shred of blue visible mark my words
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Bullshit, they use word demon in monkie kid
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fuck off
What the fuck does this have to do with anything
Lego are fine with using the word demon, it's the english dub they are not sure are going to use the word demon
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I heard they might take the joker out of the set because of the new joker film, sad
Redpill me on "Nexo Powers". What the fuck are they?
On planet nexo there are nexo crystals and by harnessing their power they can make great technology and manipulate elements and enhance their physical capabilities etc
is he playing the lute like a violin with the sword as a violin bow?
Brown people don't know what a lute is, give him a break
Nobody is buying your horsecrap.
Lego dragon ball will probably sell really well though
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im not that guy but Speeda Demon is a super kino set.

i got it off some mom for 7euros in 2016
Imagine how much cooler it would be if it had Bionicle parts instead of the limited hero factory and remaining technic pieces...
man gay parades in KLOCKI TOWN are wild these days
Im not bionicle/hero fan - i just liked the build and colors.
Bionicle always looked "unfinished" to me because it had holes and spikes and technic stuff all over them.

Hero factory looks more finished because they using armor pieces.
But i understand if you are bionicle fan - you prefer that og-look
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we heard ya love stupid animal suits so we got 2
this time
For me it's the other way around, hero factory has no detail on it, just big flat pieces that look unfinished
pterodactyl you might be able to use the body to make an alien if you swap the head but the hamster one is useless. where would you even use this in city or anything
>everything has to be castle or space slop
fuck off, costumes are kino
pterodactyl is based fuck you

Also fucking lol that castleminifigure set.
He looks like he being fucked in the ass.
and yet castlefags will eat it up and buy them by the truckload
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like...what the fuck is this supposed to be LMAO
whistle. you know, to call the wolf
he's howling

he's a wolf beastmaster after all
the anon who made that gay club moc is gonna love this face
>is he playing the lute like a violin with the sword as a violin bow?
Made me remember the CMF keytar has upside down keys.
Literally mentioned city in my post retard.
You're right. I love stupid animal suits. Cry more.
Rhe dino suits guys are cool
You can make them mascots for jurrasic park
>fully capable of making good sets
>won't release them to the public
Good god, I hate Lego so much
I miss Constraction, mechs are such a sad replacement
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>what are the chances of getting sets for super cheap?
I really hope to find this set for cheap.
i want it to MOC into a demonic lava dragon for 1st season nexo villains to ride.
It looks perfect and i already have pieces of needed color to mos him.
>Nexo shit
This set kind of sucks as a build but it got plenty of great pieces
Why are certain minifigs from expensive sets so cheap? Are they fake or something? I want to buy that Kramer minifig from the $100 Seinfeld set, how is he only two bucks? That's cheaper than a random DND fig.
give us an update/review when its fully built
he's obsessed with cuckoldry
>I'm not an expensive fig. That's what's so crazy about all this!
>>everything has to be castle or space KINO
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this is sovl
If castle and space are so great, why do you guys never post any castle or space builds? Or even just sets you've built?
People here don’t play with or own legos… you must be relatively new.
Doesn’t it get exhausting being a negative nancy all the time? Next time you’re triggered by a toy just I don’t know don’t be?
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what do you mean, I do have sets
>This set kind of sucks as a build but it got plenty of great pieces
yeah i wouldnt buy it just for this set. But the idea of modding it into a black/lava/red dragon is neat.
>why do you guys never post any castle or space builds? Or even just sets you've built?
If i will post my nexo knights stuff the poltard would just shit on it and spam "catkiller"/etc.
We have plenty of trolls lurking that hate ninjago/dreamzz/nexo/chima (basically everything that is not an old-ass 80s set that is BASED and "so much better than the new stuff")

So yeah...not worth it.
You probably don't even have any Nexo stuff. Just another fake fan.
>you HAVE to buy overpriced retired sets or else youre a FAKE FAN
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>ou probably don't even have any Nexo stuff. Just another fake fan.
I literally posted my own stuff many times
If his head was red/blonde, this would make an amazing new face for my boyfriend's sigfig
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I'm a Pirate fag that also likes Castle and City. I post pics often enough. But people here are weird and spaz out when they see stuff they don't like.

I don't like lots of themes that get posted, but I just shrug and move on. No idea about the guy talking about cat killing or the shrieking about poltards, both are equally dumb and part of me thinks its one guy arguing with himself. we should all get along, we all like bricks. Why else would we be here?
>bows and swords against skeletons
>Black Falcons proving yet again they are the most inept Castle faction
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Welp, I finally got pics of the bohrok eyes, its a bit hard to see but I guess they count for being regular transparent orange instead of neon orange. Also darn me and not checking my email earlier lmao shows you how new to bricklink I am. Going to buy them by the end of october I feel
Looks more like they are bootlegs trying to imitate the trans-neon orange bohrok eyes than actual trans-orange official lego bohrok eyes
There is no good reason to share anything of your own here.
I’m willing to spend 9 dollars on shipping for them to see if theres the lego logo on em. May as well make my first bricklink order something interesting
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And I’ve already made rash financial decisions with lego in the past, for example getting this, so this is in character for me
>that head
its in my list too.
The seller has shit ton of these so im not nervious.

I wish that Brachiosaur head was available too.
how that guy even got these heads?
Did he stole those from factory?
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Stole them from the factory or something else, I’m on a bit of a scrounge for odd lego colors and getting the eye pair seems like a cheaper start vs going after some of the more odd stuff. Also will have to be on the lookout for trans neon yellow studs because I need two
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these pieces will look nice with Piss Nexo Knights - Sir Urinal.
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Nexo’s yellow axe blades would work as a futuristic ski sled blade but thats neither here nor there, I’m getting weird colors for a reason (I think)
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this transparent blue is also kinda "weird" - i never seen this color in lego in transparent form
(armor-helmet piece-swords)
Nexo Knights really was sickening. No wonder the theme crashed and burned.
based anon telling it how it is.
Just give me the parts list
I'll do it myself
In which cases would you get a bootleg lego? I've checked a few brands and the prices can be very similar to lego, and several of them are in china so I guess the shipping adds a lot.
>Justifying $9 shipping for a handful of parts

>how that guy even got these heads?
>Did he stole those from factory?
Holy ESL
Its not even a handful its just 2, so my addiction is worse than your comprehension, I’m thinking of at least adding a few more bricks from there but I just have to find the ones I desire from his shop besides the orange
he's just asian.
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I only buy bootlego minifigs, not actual sets. I only do this under two conditions. It's either something Lego has not made (possibly something they'll never make) or if buying it secondhand is going to go over $10. While I could easily afford a figure over $10, I don't value it above that price, so in my head, I can't justify spending that much for a tiny figure.
>star of a lego animation
>does not have an official minifig
It's just bizarre
>old ron hairpiece recolored
Nice, feels like 2008-9 era sort of figure besides the duel mold legs and the ring itself
Realistically, how much longer does Jang have before it is 100% over?
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I was livid when I saw the figure that came with thar DVD was Batzarro. I get it. Batman is apparently all that sells when it comes to merch, apparently. However, he's my favorite Lantern.
The legs aren't dual molded on that figure. They're printed like that.

Also I did make a Young Justice version from a spare Simon Baz figure. I've also bought a number of GL bodies as well as Sinestro Corps. bodies to make a sizable group of them to fight one another.
>legs aren’t duel molded
Even better, I like the not very detailed faces style for licensed stuff, prefer that over the hyperrealistic sort of approach modern lego tried
>Holy ESL
Lego is a european company. A literal ESL company, retard.
The English language comes from Europe retard
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Reminder extending the color pallet was a huge mistake
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Bought one of the last 3 in One Creator Dinosaur sets still on shelves mostlikely, funny looking back on it its long shelf life, and people’s excitement to this original sharing from all the way back in 2016, time somewhat flies but I’m getting it for a cousin of mine for Christmas
Skullcastle anon here >>11212240
completely off topic but I thought you might appreciate this. My brothers headed to a tournament and got a new card mat. Keep fighting the good fight and I look forward to that Halloween video!
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I would never buy bootleg set. Fit just doesn’t seem important to them. You can actually see it on the box art. I do admit I have seen some nice looking sets but the always turn out better when I build them with real Lego bricks.
danish is not english, fren
Both look like shit
I don't think so, the plane on the right looks like a romanian-russian plane
is pic related? if so, nice
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! ! ! ! !
It’s the Xingbao Gambling Hall, set XB-01030 but built with used Lego bricks and some small changes.
Amazon has a guaranteed 20% discount eventually so keep waiting
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Anon is retarded
I’m getting a few more parts so far, final order should be 12 or 13 dollars total. Still just new to bricklink but this is the best starting buyers thing
>The English language comes from Europe retard
amerimutt thinks he's european
Ahahaha oh wow.
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It's bittersweet that this the closest we'll ever get to fantasy era castle ever again.
>everyone who speaks english is american
>English comes from America
Most intelligent thirdie
Some Bootleg guy should make some parts only available in original gray in the Blays just for the freaks who prefer the new colors, that would likely make a bit of money and be easier than using the old gray formula
Like making the rakshi in stud.io but without the old colors, a weird desire I know but I wanna see how much worse they would look then, biggest hit one would be Panrahk due to him being almost entirely old colors (aka turned reddish brown and gray only, because the pearl colors are out of dumb modern lego’s wheelhouse), and also see how a “Yellow” one would look using the og 3cp0 pearl gold color. Is that weird?
the opposite of this, actually. just make old greys again. thanks
Yeah, I agree just I was having a weird thought while bored and hungry lol
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$300 for a fucking moustache tree
...but it's 2 in 1!
how much is the bowl next to it
3 dollar
$600 if you wanna have both models at the same time. such a bargain
its a new gwp for vips, you need to spend $350 to get it for free :)
This probably sounded intelligible in your head.
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Will you be spending $130 to get this amazing gwp? dont you wanna display your passion for books?
I wish it had a "books are my passion" tile.

Other than that I might make a moc version of it
they should do a bricks are my passion set
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I can't believe this isn't an edit
Only if lego gets City of Lanterns back in stock
Also this is a downgrade from the ideas version
It's more diverse, so it's automatically better.
Maybe, been considering the A-frame cabin and I have $100 in gift cards. The series 2 bricklink designer program just hit my credit card so I should have the points from that as well.
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Hell yeah dude that's sick. Did your brother like that Godzilla comic you got him?

That card mat uses art from the Godzilla X Magic the Gathering set. I snagged and framed the land cards, which that Mothra piece is from. Hella sick score on his part, super legit.

I'm actually hoping to have one more Lego builds video out before Halloween. With luck, I'll finish the D&D MOC by tomorrow morning and have a video review/overview of it up.
Didn't ask.
>dont you wanna display your passion for books?
I display my passion for books by having an entire library room with my walls completely filled from corner to corner with shelves crammed with books. Your literally literary retarded if you need that set to show a "love" of books.
it should have weighted bricks on the back of the bookshelf so you can use it as a bookend
The globe head piece confuses me since they still sell orbs with a stud connection, the Gith Warlock has one for their eyeball staff piece.
small richest toy company, please understand
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a 360 degree print is expensive. it's a lot cheaper to do a front and back head print as like a standard miniface
Exposed studs is really becoming a “soul vs souless” thing for me at this point. Getting rid of many of the few exposed studs the Ideas version had left seems very limiting when trying to fit or display it with other sets. It’s like they’re ashamed it’s Lego.
>English comes from America
Danish doesn't come from england either you absolute fucking amerimutt
Jang will usher a revolution of alternative building block brands becoming normalized and lego's monopoly will crumble as more and more people are outraged at the exorbitant prices and decaying quality of the brand
both versions feature women
omg my taste totally changed when I started hrt, really got into castle and a city build afterwards. Before hrt I liked star wars and marvel. mtf btw
I still believe this cmf series being as successful as it was will lead them to renegotiate the partnership and keep things going
I have the big globe piece somewhere in my pirates box
>it should have weighted bricks
Lego really needs to bring back those ballast bricks.
What metal was inside those weighted bricks anyways? Not lead right? Does it rust?
finally klocki for femcels
fake, we dont have $130 to spend
Can’t post the pic but still the best prices set on the market right now
Every source I’ve seen has said it’s galvanized steel. Seeing photos of people cracking one open to get the metal out and it does look the part.
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I dont read. I don't buy new lego.
tis time

There is galvanized steel inside like the boat pieces so it doesnt rust. Lego are super rich now and could probably get tungsten weights but they would still probably cheap out and give us something like china poop metal inside if they did them today
Aw hell yeah! I didn’t even realize they did a MTG Godzilla! I kinda tuned out on magic a decade or so ago after getting back into for a brief stint. I was around for the beginning and my older cousin gave me his cards that had a bunch of second gens. I gave all those and mine to him a while back and he’s been getting into sealed tournaments and winning.

He loved the comic and I’m starting to get him to come around to comics and legos in general now. He’s young and that generation doesn’t appreciate the good stuff. I look forward to your videos… with blackjack and hookers!
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A lot of mine were meant as halo characters but I since dissassembled them. A lot of other OCs are gone but this dwarf, who was probably my favourite mini overall (as told by his unusually worn helmet from me picking him up and moving him around so much as a kid) is still around
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Take time, Find parts you're looking for, Sort carts and shit
It can be tricky to figure out but I have a habit of padding orders with stuff like this

>Comes with a single book
This is insultingly bad
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Metallic green is my favourite weird colot
Women are smart and funny
Kill yourself, fag.
Gonna reply next thread about stuff
Also this is my first order still so yeah
I thought you only made threads when people ask for them? Was that a lie and you're actually just a spammer?
>early QuiGonJin
>Classic castle wizard without a hat
I approve

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