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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

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should I pay 150 for a deluxe
Transformers: Reactivate better be at the Game Awards
>New threads are made at image limit or at page 9 or 10
It's midnight for me, fuck staying up for that vaporware.
But $5 off with the coupon code anon! You can't afford not to!
I still need him too. I'll finish the new Superion before I finish Menasor at this rate.
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I am still mad about this walmart shit
they tell me online it's $15, I immediately drive out to buy it, it turns to $35 now
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In an ideal world, Sky Garry would be a commander and Grandus would be a titan. In an even more ideal world they'd also make a Commander New Rodimus that could combine with Star Convoy to make Supernova Convoy but that is even more of a never ever than a mainline Grandus
Askin again, does anyone have any archives of all the Takara Legends comics? I haven't been able to find them anywhere.
thank you

this guy's tryin to pretend he's not goanon. "oh if nobody else is doin it.."
He's not? I am and I don't make threads anymore. Not everyone is your boogeyman.
whatever you do don't check the image count of the last thread
not the problem. the missing instruction is the problem. also you literally post this and >>11262872 this in every fucking thread. nobody is buying it
>also you literally post this and >>11262872(You) this in every fucking thread. nobody is buying it
I'll stop posting "I didn't make this thread" when you stop accusing every OP of being me.
Also aren't the missing instructions entirely redundant given your arbitrary rules are being followed?
Who gives a fuck who makes the threads you fucking autists?
He started doing it after he made a failed attempt to doxx someone and then immediately got scared by them hinting that they knew quite a bit, it was a really odd coincidence that probably doesn't mean anything.
yeah.. it's a mess
oh well, back to transformers
which five-ish guys would you bring back from beast wars toy-only guys
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All this Star Convoy news has been great but it's also a painful reminder that I will never find the micromaster Hot Rod to complete this reissue that magically appeared in a comic shop once several years ago.
keep your eye on flea markets, you never know when it'll be at the bottom of a 'generic little figures' pile
do we even know what supernova convoy looks like?
Don't forget you'll have to buy Reprolabels, since the reissue's silver stripes age badly even in box.
Don't. Instead make 5 new guys that follow the design logic of Beast Wars toys (Identifiable but unrealistic animal, exaggerated textures, weapon is made from parts of the body. Ideally there would be a different unique gimmick to each like a missile launcher or biting by pressing down on head, but that probably would be blocked.), but pick unused animals. The question is what kinds to use. Off top of my head Deer, Dolphin, Vulture, Chameleon, Trilobite, but maybe there are better options.
well i'm all for new unused animals, but I feel like you and me have different ideas here
those are at least great beast mode choices. well i think i'd prefer a horseshoe crab to a trilobite, but
I picked it mostly because of the texture seemed more interesting. Horseshoe crab was in consideration for that position, and it is still alive so maybe that would be beneficial.
yeah but i bet we're gonna dig up trilobites any day now
i also really, REALLY want a eurypterid transformer. especially if it's stylized and they cherrypick the best features of different species, like Zoids did with the death stinger.
god all I want is a legacy powerglide why are they making a bunch of primes nobody knows about...
They are working through the mini-bots as deluxes. Probably just waiting until after the Aerialbots are made so they don't have a million planes at once.
No clue, but it's probably a safe bet to say his legs would probably turn into new platform shoes, and hopefully something to bulk up the arms and shoulders(I hate when combiners do platform shoes with nothing for the arms. Looking at you Victory Saber...). I could see Rodimus' spoiler becoming a pretty sweet new chestplate, playing into the star motif. Maybe rip off Fire J-Decker a bit and have the ladder serve as a scabbard for a giant sword... Honestly I don't even know if they were actually planned to combine originally, I just really like the idea of the past and future Convoys coming together to form one big super Convoy
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>re-arranging the stack of MP boxes on my shelf
>once again MP Shockwave's stupid and weirdly oriented box won't fit into place anywhere

I love my MP Shockwave but holy fuck is his box annoying as fuck
My Siege Magnus has a loose thigh swivel in one of the legs, so much so it doesn't even hold a pose well. What do I do?
I like how the Japanese continuity kept Rodimus and even introduced more supreme commanders. Optimus is cool, but I enjoyed seeing others get a chance
Take off the leg and rub a drop of clear super glue on the ball joint.
No, they scanned it on their devices and it came up normal price
Meanwhile, american fans can’t
cope with the idea of rodimus being the leader ever again
Reactivate wasnt at the game awards.... bros is it dead?
'fraid so
>omegalock uk still claiming 86 prime will come in december
>christmas soon
H-he's gonna make it right, anons?
I would've used the opportunity for a good old fashioned chimp out
It's weird how some fans hate Rodimus and blame him for Optimus' death. Yeah Hot Rod messed up but Optimus made the choice to value his team, which fully aligns with his character. Rodimus' whole arc is coming to terms with that and eventually growing out of Optimus' shadow.

He's basically Miles Morales.
>ball joint
Mushroom peg, sorry.
So you mean it didn't activate?
people really are stupid emotional creatures.
>He's basically Miles Morales.
Except that he's not a DEI replacement nigger created by a self-hating jew, which is to say he's actually nothing at all like Morales you stupid shithead.
This, except I have no idea what Miles' character's been like for the past decade. I agree with the other anon but I'm open to the notion that they've improved the character as his own the past however many years he's existed.
Anyway, you can like Optimus and Rodimus based on their own merits.
Miles is an interesting example of how they made someone so inoffensive that you really can't hate him, but ends up a bit bland

if he was made today they'd make him a complete bixnood with nostrils the size of saucers, so that when people hated it they could call them racist.
I don't know what that means, but I am reminded that how the IDW OCs initially sucked ass, and was made pretty human and likable, until the writing as a whole went under.
Think the rule is to just give a new character a few years, until the publishers stop forcing them and start writing them decently.
But then you give C-listers their own comic or spotlight and they're instantly made quite likable, sort of like the Spotlight comics.
or here's an idea, introduce them as a character first, then blindside people with them becoming a big deal, if you're so deadset on full white replacement. let them work their way in naturally.
They could always write a better way to pass the mantle to Hot Rod without making him look bad in an entirely different continuity. Other transformers series shouldn't suffer for the sins of G1.
Optimus was red and so was Rodimus but I get what you mean, establish something and make it likable before pushing it, or else it's a hit-or-miss gimmick. Like weaponizers, comboners, and whatever the ramp guys were.
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Miles is just a worse peter
man this is a good comparison
though technically bruce did wear terry's suit for a while.
I wish Batman Beyond came back but considering the current state of capeshit they would find a way to ruin it
>though technically bruce did wear terry's suit for a while.
Anon, terry's suit IS his
right, so what i mean is
a better comparison would be if miles was wearing the Spider-Man Unlimited suit or something
NTA but Miles just paints black one of Peter's suits in the movie
yeah, so the contrast is super valid
i'm just saying terry didn't technically have "an original take on bruce's costume" it is bruce's costume.
also that scene really made me fucking facepalm and know i didn't wanna watch the sequel. the tranny propaganda clinched it
it was an okay movie, but holy shit do not tell dumb urban kids it's okay to spraypaint their clothes. -they will die.-
If anything i think comparing hot rod to miles is dumb, people shits on hot rod but in all season 3 he had to deal with a different set of problems, different personality from optimus and a different way to deal with them and how he carries himself, hadn't optimus revived he would've get a distinct character arc about him getting to terms with his responsabilities of being the leader
yeah i actually thought the comparison was kinda out of nowhere.
the Terry thing is way more cogent.
He's voiced by the ethnic-looking guy from the Breakfast Club
Armada Hot Shot / Hot Rod did a pretty decent take on the cocky kid learning about the weight of responsibility. I think original Hot Rod would've benefitted a lot from being introduced earlier than the movie in which he becomes Rodimus
Are you mentally challenged?
Weird hair, weird nose. He's not white at the very least. Probably Hispanic.
I've never thought about it before, but I think you're right. there's something else in there. Probably middle eastern

>There once was a man named Judd Nelson
>With nostrils like nobody elson
Yeah, I bet if it was someone like Jazz or even Bumblebee becoming leader in the movie then it would had been better received than Hot Rod. They should had introduced him in season 2 at least
he's just a jewish guy
both is parents are jewish
He looks as white as burgeroids can possibly be
Young Judd looks like Egoraptor
Old Judd looks like Jontron
From the last thread since I couldn't post at work. You can get away with Sky Garry being a commander, while Grandus sits in between Sky Garry and Star Convoybin pricing. Grandus is honestly the biggest issue. Will they bother to make him a full fledged figure, or will they just make him nearly identical to the original toy, only with slightly better arm articulation? It's not like he used his legs much in Battlestars.
>Both haslab for $500
You rike?
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Arise, Bombus Prime
Grandus is perfect for an old-style Titan class considering he's:
>Mostly just a base
>Very simple to transform
Yep, but he'd still be notably smaller than Star, and has a simple transformation. He can be a head and a half taller than Sky Garry and I can't see him being expensive enough even for a moder titan, so he'd be some awkward in between size.
Once I learned that it was going to be some live service slop, I started to root for its eventual shitcanning. One can only hope.
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I managed to get him from Pulse, but the roof hinge was clear plastic which was so tight it snapped in spite of my best efforts to be careful. It works fine in bot and Menasor mode, but the alt mode now has an unsightly hole in the roof. A replacement from Hasbro wasn't possible, nor was I ever able to find him elsewhere for MSRP. I would say don't waste your money paying a big mark up on a toy with high breakage potential and just buy the G2 version for cost.
They're two different characters. Why compare them?
Comparison is often easier between two different things than two of the same thing
Who do you predict will be the Breakdown of the Superion collection?
Well it's guaranteed to be either Skydive or Fireflight now
Since Slingshot and Air Raid are in the first wave of a new line I'm not concerned about missing either of them
Unless they come packed three of one and one of the other
Which knowing Hasbro isn't impossible
>Which knowing Hasbro isn't impossible
At this point, I'd go as far as to call it likely.
And the Breakdown situation was truly inexcusable.
Star Raider collection JUST showed up at my local Wal-Mart. Lockdown and Road Pig have tiny heads.
FYI the Transformers Reactivate socials are being deleted
Just in case you were thinking of hooking up another bottle of copium
Oh well. Five more years of evergreen-design baby games to look forward to. I wish they'd make a third-person action game based on the TF 1986 movie.
Now that Crasher is in Legacy, you think Hasbro and Bandai have decided to get along and allow the actual Gobots in the line?
I'm going to post this for those who never got the Legacy Motormaster mold just so people realize how bad the Superion shoulders can be. The connection the Menasor shoulders used to connect to the torso had several issues. Section with the vents connected to the shoulder joint via pin. This normally wouldn't be a big deal, but the pin actually goes through a gear that interacts with a ring ratchet and due to how simple this connection is, either the pin or gear can spin in place since nothing properly secures either, so there's a risk of one of those parts just sliding off the pin or getting loose enough to make the articulation useless. Most of these issues would have been avoided with a different shoulder design, probably onenusing a CW joint.

Hopefully they did some changes to Superion
That would have been cool, but a bit late. Going to be recolors with names.
you do know that Crasher is a repackage from the velocitron line a couple of years ago right
Man I feel like I lose the lottery everywhere else but clear plastic. I have only had issues with clear plastic that were already clear (heh) and present when I opened the toy like when a pin is fired incorrectly, etc. Even my Sideburn from early 2000s is still hanging in there. There are cracks, but it seems to be holding. I have only seen broken clear plastic on my Animated Bee and that's because the retards manufacturing the figures keep somehow mixing up pins and putting the wrong sizes in certain places.

That sucks it happened on this actual annoying to find figure.
The one used on breakdown seems to be misaligned. I also have two Wildriders and theit hinge works just fine, but I had to undo the torso on Breakdown and shave off parts on the inside to use that hinge.
I really hope that should be get Sky Garry and Grandus that they design them to become armor for Star Convoy. Grandus into limb armor and Sky Garry into a chest plate and wings. Their simple ass transformations would make engineering the combine forms super simple to do without messing up the base designs.

Seriously, look at this fucker, he could easily be designed to fold around Star Convoy's chest, then have his torso unfold into new chest armor and the legs unfold into wings. Grandus is literally a square that stands up and lays down, so chopping him into four or so pieces that attach over Convoy's limbs would be similarly simple.
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Yeah, my Wildrider's hinge works fine. Something was fucked up on Breakdown, which is especially frustrating since he's the most difficult one to get. He's not worth paying scalper prices for.
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They did a perfect job of ruining it themselves while it was still contemporary, so I've been over wanting more for decades now.
Did you preorder Missing Link Streaker?
Tbh, just make him a titan. Sky Garry can be the short scrappy one
Do we have to get Garry and Grandus?

Can we get Armada Jetfire and Overload instead?
Would a modern release of Sky Garry finally correct his silly name?
If Star Convoy is Star Optimus Prime, then who is Sky Garry?
Guy Larry
never gonna happen.
They should all combine into one ridiculous giant mega convoy, it would be the coolest thing ever.
I think Legacy Tigerhawk had this in one of his legs too if I'm reading what you're saying correctly. One day the ratchet in the legs just didn't exist for seemingly no reason. I still haven't taken the metal pin out to see what happened inside bc I'm scared to death of melting the plastic.
So what to? Sky Karrior?
Most likely Sky Carry/Sky Carrier
flametoys need to make more fembots asap
That is both too generic and lacks a replacement for a Ga/Ka wordplay.
Which is why you know Hasbro will use it
Should at least have Autobot prefix attached to pretend it could somehow pass.
Alternatively, Autobot Garry the Sky Carry
We just got "star optimus prime", so
Optimus Prime itself is a good name.
Skyguard or Sky Garrison maybe?
I got Gamer Ed Skywarp today, I never realised Skywarp had a retooled head, it's kind of a sneer like Starscream had in the 86 movie when he chucked Megatron out of Astrotrain.

Love the new Rocket Launcher too, nice big solid thing.

I also got Studio Series Skywarp too in the same package, lovely looking but less notable if you've already got Thundercracker who I think looks nicer.
I just can't bring myself to like that crappy mold
It's visually shiet but as a figure it's pretty solid, I'd probably rate it as one of my favourite WFC GE molds. They really fucked up with that cockpit.
Legacy G1 Prime is fun.
Truck is cute.
Optisus Prime
Sky Galley/Gallion
Sky Galleon would be kino
Whole ep seemed like a terrible fanfic but, its an ending at least...
Does sound cool, even if a bit pirate-y.
jeez, tore him a new one..
sorry to see that
both are idiot executives demanding a hip new kid take over for the beloved decades-old character
one they tried their best to polish the turd, and ended up making something both amazing and justified in-story
the other was focused on not getting their house burned down by peaceful protestors seeking their deserved reparations.
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dude seriously that fixed all of my remaining problems with Batman Beyond. particularly making Terry less of a little pansy.
Granted, his development is implausibly delayed given how he looked as a high school senior, but okay
>Nearly all of the vintage BW toys are still in stock and on discount
do they have shit QC or something, i might order some of them desu
>do they have shit QC or something,
Yes and have inferior plastic
and frequently mispainted and/or misassembled.
who knew, you have to actually do the bare minimum for people to buy your shit.
Nobody wanted them, and they used modern price points which didn't help either
yeah that was particularly goofy
this is fully recycled, you could even have used old stock if you wanted, and you're charging THIS much?
Where are you seeing them? They aren't selling due to issues, but I might be willing to buy so on discount
the modern price points is relatively fine, outside of Rattrap/Terrorsaur they're the same size or bigger than new releases in the sameprice. Not like how they were trying to sell G1 cars for $20-30 in the 2000's when deluxes were $10, THAT was a rip.
>you could even have used old stock if you wanted
...no anon, they wouldn't have nearly 30 year old figures to recycle. That was long liquidated one way or another. In the off chance they still had some,there either wouldn't be enough to ship to stores, and it would possibly need to pass new safety regulations.Frankly with inflation,the deluxes were fairly priced. The Ultras/Leaders were about $10 over, but they're pretty loaded releases.
The other stupid thing they did is they changed the decos. Which now made them neither faithful to the original,nor anymore faithful to the show compared to Kingdom.
yeah I suppose it's just my magical kid brain thinking they just have stockpiles of treasure that I could maybe have if I made friends with them
>new safety regulations
i mean no, they still pass. the only changes made were mold degradation, which makes them less safe than before. So obviously they were still allowed to sell the old ones if they DID have them.
>frankly, with inflation
KIND OF, depending how you look at it. but the fact that they still cost that much compared to modern deluxes which have tons more engineering and AREN'T old recycled molds...
>changed decos
more like left some out. lazy. though i admit i have no idea how you "should" paint Primal's chest. it doesn't feel like something a computer could pull off.
BBTS mostly, and a few ones on amazon
To be fair molds like rattrap had to be redone from scratch as they're fucked beyond recognition
then they should have ended up better
I'm seriously considering getting all the non-show reissues for my post-Kingdom collection.
What are the chances of a CHUG Wolfang or K-9 or non-TM2 Cybershark any time soon?
Probably 0.
You'll get sky-bite at most
TM2 Cybershark is an obvious repaint, but I mean so are Cryotek, Razorclaw and any of the Silverbolt redecos and here we are in a world where none of those exist but we have a bunch of Kingdom Scorponok repaints instead.
i'm sure cryotek will happen eventually
it might be 5 years down the line, but they're not tossing out the mold.
as for razorclaw.. boy you know what would sell him, (and also Windraiser and Universe Silverbolt)
fuckin add the upgrade kit IN the box. or better, pre-install it.

and hey cryotek too maybe (except let him keep the default tm2 megatron face, it suits him)
Legacy Jhiaxus is on sale for $18 on Amazon:

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Going to use the new Superion to try and find a steal on the UW version
It's always fun seeing stuff suddenly getting sold a bunch after new announcements.

So many old star convoys going up for cheap lately lol
Unless the new Star Convoy has Tidal Wave tier QC it's automatically a contender for first or second best titan figure EVER.
I still can't believe we've gotten zero pony transformers.
Wonder how many times that has backfired desu, selling shit only for hasbro to drop the ball and the newer one ends up being shit.
surely someone must have given away their TR quake only to be stuck with the legacy one
Hell yeah.
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Armada Jetfire mentioned the other day finally made me get around to doing this combination, I still think it's wild they made Armada Optimus semi-backwards compatible with the original 20 year old Overload.
I prefer the new one over the TR so I'm glad I skipped it.
>hasbro makes AOTP Overload
>it is also missing the minicon
they'll find a way
>pick up armada line toy on a whim
>ratchets and thick plastic on what was a ten dollar toy
The articulation isn't the greatest for sure but man
we really need to find a new source of plastic, or just do what we're accused of and steal oil from certain belligerent countries.
Who? There's a lot of us who want a Cryotek release - he's cool, and the Legacy TM2 Megatron mold is awesome.
We got Battle Unicorn and Magna Stampede; technically, they're supposed to be unicorns and they're built like warhorses, but they're actually fairly tiny - about the size of a modern Core-class figure, so you can kinda pretend they're ponies. I think there was even talks about them repainting that mold to be one of the characters from The Horse Show as a Botcon exclusive, though it never happened.
>we really need to find a new source of plastic
The price of plastic is tied directly to the price of gasoline - petroleum is the primary component for both, so as gas prices continue to skyrocket, plastic will continue to get more expensive. Which, of course, means more toy companies like Hasbro will continue to jack their prices up while cutting corners to offset the costs.>>11263895
unicorns are bovids! we've been over this..
anyway, i meant actual hasbro-crossover MLP stuff. I mean we got SONIC before we got pony.
You are right though, you can always repurpose. And if >>11262981 gets his way and we get a dolphin, we can reporpoise.
read my post again.
Is there a 3rd Party kit for Legacy United Vector Prime yet, or we wait until his package refresh (and minor tampo variant) in Age of the Primes? Again, the slight change could be in the Cyber Key to add his Prime Master sigil in the empty circle not imprinted with the emblems of the planets with Cyber Planet Keys, especially since every single Artifact should have the Prime's signature emblem.
>Is there a 3rd Party kit for Legacy United Vector Prime yet
DNA Design has one.
It's not done yet.
I would say it's almost perfect but the arm guards are a bit off for my liking.
He's such a great deluxe. Amazing robot and vehicle modes, 4 accessories, and a fun transformation. My only complaint is his forearms shouldn't have been a soft ratchet. They feel oddly resistant that putting too much weight might snap the part that connects the ratchet and hand.
It already had one problems from the way the leg flaps work, no idea if there's more.
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This month is absolute torture for my wallet

>MP super ginrai
>DCS autobot headquarters
>dinoking arrived late
really want galaxy shuttle and tarn (started collecting this year), but guess I'll wait a bit...

that being said, are none of the deluxes coming out in this wave?
Really hoping this Canada Post strike ends before Ginrai ships
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Recommend me some Modern G1 CHUG figures to buy for christmas.

I got the seekers, 86 optimus, the autobot shuttle crew, the big 4 decepticons, and the insecticons for reference.
>G1 Optimus Prime for $40 at Walmart, last week it was $52
>Star raider collection $22 at Walmart, last week it was like $35 or something
S-surly they won't keep going down in price, yes?
I'm so tempted to get Optimus
But you already have Optimus at home
Legacy Gears is really good.
I prefer their older versions, but you could also look into that Generations Select Autobot 5 pack and get Jazz, Hound, Wheeljack, Sunstreaker and Trailbreaker all at once. Good way to boost up your Autobot ranks in one shot.
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Feels a little weird getting Dinoking despite skipping V. saber and Deathsaurus
Based, UW Superion is pretty much the only CW set I still display because it's so good. It's probably hard to find replacement combiner hands and feet nowadays I bet.
By the time I got mine, the only replacement hands and feet available were the KO ones.

Thankfully those are suitable for use. What ISN'T suitable for use is the KO head/chest replacement, which can't actually attach to Superion.
I pulled out my CW Superion the other day. Things certainly have changed.
I liked Legacy Menasor but Wildrider and Breakdown were complete pieces of shit.
I'm hoping the new Aerialbot components are decent.
update on this: he's now even cheaper, at around $11. This went better than expected
Very cost efficient. Wonder why they don't just have 2 guys in the voyager/leader assortments so they aren't massively overstocked like the deluxes though.
Yeah I'm hoping for some cheap UW sets as well so I can complete White Gallant Convoy
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what are you getting bros
>Ferak's price changed just as I'm about to check out.

Are you fucking kidding me?
>was gonna buy a second armada optimus
>suddenly out of stock wherever I look
I think the nearest thing is Omega Prime, but that is months away. Currently in a "do you even like Transformers?" phase, so probably won't buy any more until later 2025.
I ordered all the legacy and ss86 junkions.
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Thanks, he can actually pose again.
it's a weirdly transformerless christmas for me
the closest i'm gonna get is if BBTS finally sends out the upgrade kit so I can make Silverbolt suck less
Optimus/Sky Garry combine to a cybertron style sonic wing mode

Optimus/Grandus combine to give Optimus giant limb armor

Optimus/Rodimus does both but not as well, or just a chestplate and more weapons

You could have the vehicles combine into the standard Battlestar truck pulling extra shit, but the rodimus parts split and hide inside Optimus and Grandus, then have a big combine robot mode that has Sky Garry and part of Rodimus combine into a new chest armor, and grandus and the leftover rodimus parts combine into even bigger limb armor.

Bonus points if Rodimus can use Sky Garry and Grandus himself as a stand in for Star Convoy.
I was thinking something like:
Sky Garry and Grandus split in half to beef up the arms and legs, Garry being arms and Grandus being big stompy boots.
New Rodimus's legs separate to become shoes for the Grandus boots and the rest of him wraps around the torso to form armor and a back pack, turned around so Rod's spoiler becomes a chest plate. A new head would also get revealed.
The ladder can either be a huge cannon, or a scabbard for a giant sword
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Dude, not gonna lie, it feels like Victory as a whole got monkey paw’d so hard in the last few years

>near 300$ limited run star saber
>near 300$ likited run death saurus
>possibly the worst core class release in the history of the scale repurposed, poorly, into dinoking
>astrotrain repurposed, poorly, into galaxy shuttle

I’m glad we at least are getting an awesome looking Star Convoy mainline release, but it stings knowing we couldn’t get a similarity fair shake for Victory stuff
yeah but those expensive limited guys are still pretty good, right
Star Raider Thundertron 3-pack is on sale for $22.48 at Walmart

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He is on sale for $10.08 right now. GO GO GO
86 Ironhide, 86 Hot Rod, Earthrise Wheeljack, 86 Scourge
>"I wanna be raped by the after market", the list
What version of Red Alert is on the right to Dinoking? Looks pretty cool.
He asked for recommendations and he said he already has the seekers so I doubt price is something he cares about
Not Star Saber and his horribly engineered quirks. Deathsaurus has his own issues, but they don't compare.
Star saber could have easily fit into the new Titan price point, i feel
ah shit, for that price you'd think they would have all the kinks worked out.
serves me right, thought scourge was gonna be an issue for an average nibba but if he's got everything-the-fuck-else ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Eh, star saber is fine but i agree him and deathsaurus being exclusives are buttfucking huge kicks in the groin
what a nigga has to do to get a lick of victory reps that don't cost 2 kidneys?
>what a nigga has to do to get a lick of victory reps that don't cost 2 kidneys?
Get on that grind
I'm not paying half a thousand bucks for 2 pieces of plastic, faggot
two really big elaborate pieces of plastic that come with accessories and guys that separate off.. i'm not saying they're worth 300, but 200 seems good. so don't act like this is three times what it should cost.
You asked
Save up nigga.

Though, i kind of agree with the sentiment. I have the money for Star Saber at this point, but I really don’t think a single toy ever justifies that price tag, especially not considering hasbro’s record with quality control.

Still getting star convoy though
I got him for $10, and the Thundertron pack for $22. MAN what a haul! Y'arrr...
i'm glad people can get shit for cheap
i am still kinda tempted on thundertron
How hard is it to find an Origins Jazz at a reasonable price? I didn’t give the slightest iota of a fuck about him back when my local Target had FIVE of him in store, and I’m regretting that HARD now.
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Haslab V Saber is too big for Dinoking, I'd recommend you to track the Robot Masters or their KOs, they're deluxe sized. Deathsaurus got a Kabaya kit, but that might be too hard to track.
Got Cannonball and Ferak earlier on an off chance saw them at a local shop. Have like 3 versions of Lockdown. Almost all the Star Raiders.
I'll elaborate later.
What are the chances the pack goes down to 10 and Ferak down to fucking 5?
I can't help but wonder if they'll go down even further
poor Ferak. Nobody wants him.
He's a literal who that has a ugly color scheme, no matter how good the mold is if it's ugly nobody will buy it
I wont tell you, but...
He doesn't look like the marvel character and they gave him a g1 toy cyclonus head, of course no one want him.
Wish I didnt see that reactivate gameplay. The game actually looks really fun, sucks it's probably never coming out.
Isn't he based on the IDW version?

>that has a ugly color scheme
He's just light grey and red, nothing wrong with that
He also has shades of yellow
that shit's ugly at worst, unappealing at best
i don't see yellow
he's just kinda off-gray in general. it works for me. if I was into vehicle guys, i'd be ecstatic here. and honestly, cool space jets are the kind of thing that I make exceptions for.
Indirectly. He's based on the botcon/funpub version, who was inspired by the IDW version.

What a fuck up of a company
yeah we're aware. you don't have to bring it up outta nowhere
He's literally just white and red. In what world is that ugly as shit?
The same where Nemesis Prime rocks every Optimus body better than Prime himself.
It's a very plain looking grey, the guy just looks boring
Why does he have bling like a rapper?
wait. the Botcon version came first.
why did Botcon just decide to use Cyclonus' mold in a brand new color scheme for this guy?
Anon, fucking tell me if this pallette scheme works on cyclonus
They had a Cyclonus to use for an exclusive.
they've used that mold before.
I mean even if they were determined to use that mold, where did the colors come from? It's certainly not the original Marvel guy
You can read Walky's site like the rest of us did
They should rerelease Cyclonus in 86 already
He was overproduced as shit in kingdom
Found this guy pretty cheap today. Never had any interest in it, but I decided to give it a try. I actually really love this mode and he will be displayed like that despite how much room it takes up. 9 out of 10 would of probably bought at full price.
Bot mode is OK too I suppose
dino centipede
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>Transform Hoist once from robot to truck and back
>plastic already forming stress marks
god fucking dammit, why did they have to make the torso all clear plastic.
i think bot mode is a lot better, but i'm glad you like the dinosaurgy mode, because it sure as hell compromised the other modes.
grumply grumply groo, this practice won't do
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The color matching was also really bad as a result of the painted clear parts. I wish they'd redo him with solid plastic and painted windows like Trailbreaker.
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Damn I saw this guy cheap and kinda wanted to get him
I love how he looks like he came out of the old Devilman OVAs.
right? real classic look.
It's amazing
It just holds together so well and looks ridiculous, I love it.
Very Devilmanesque

I would love a 3rd party fig of Magmatron that delves more into the body horror aspect of the design. Get some melded flash bits, the whole works.
I got the first two, gonna get the 5 pack when it gets restocked for wheeljack and then I never cared much for Scourge but him and the sweeps would be good army builders if I ever want to do a season 3 theme with runamuck and runabout.
Seconding Legacy Gears and the 5-pack. 86 Bumblebee is really good too, and so is Kingdom Cyclonus.
>elbow-less vs knee-less
i guess they do match...
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Yea I probably need more autobots anyway, gonna hold out on the two-pack. Got Cyclonus and Bee too, I am really shit at listing what I have.

Kinda salivating for Legacy Menasor right now, is it worth it for the 250 it goes for on ebay?
And the majority of those are now ruined by photodegradation. A re-release is warranted.
Also, maybe a new head.
The eyes are a bit too chinky on that fig lol.

I feel like it would be a shelf warmer though, same as an 86 blitzwing where everybody that wants it has the old version.
Even before the yellowing, I disliked that washed out shade of purple they used.
>tfw Jhiaxus' hinge parts have yellowed badly
Did you like the gen select version more?
>because it sure as hell compromised the other modes.
They had to get it right, though - it's his primary alt mode. he almost never split up into his individual components on the show - it was always between his Robot mode or his Magmasaurus 'Trisaur' mode.
By the way, spin his back legs around. His knees pointed forward on the show, same as his front legs.
At least hes cheap, my Armada Prime has a discolored crotch half, came like that out of the box, I can't even ask for a replacement cause hes out of stock on bbts.

It isn't noticiable in supermode, but I prefer his small mode.
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>Solus prime
Unless you were expecting her to be a pre-tool for someone else with a lack of options, what were you expecting instead? Seems to be the minimum of a purple female with a hammer that turns into a space thing kind of vehicle.
Contact Hasbro customer support directly. They're REALLY good about handling stuff like this in my experience.
because retards always complain if a TF doesn't have clear windows that let you see how there's nothing interesting inside the car
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She looks like one of the best fembot molds yet, imagine how much worse it could have been.
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That's a third party toy. This is the new Hasbro one.
Still looks good - best female mold we've seen since Kingdom Blackarachnia.
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Still could look better.
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Her best look was on the concept art for the machinima show.
The only thing I can tell you did is make her tits bigger, which honestly, respect. Tits could always be bigger
Also smaller waist and slightly slimmer arms.
Oh, yeah... Desu the arms are such a miniscule change that its borderline a non-factor, and there's some important vehicle mode mass stored there so I'd be concerned about messing with them for so little result. Tits though, I can get behind. The only potential concern there would be ground clearance. but looking at the vehicle mode there seems to be a good amount
Honestly, my biggest issue is her boobs are too high up.
Man, what's up with hasbro and their obsession with making females borderline men?
Man, I wish I wasn't so susceptible to deals or the urge to complete teams. I barely care about some figures, but half off, I get this strong urge to buy. Meanwhile, I want to get Fallen, Star Convoy and Solus and I get this flash of (I'd be neat to buy the 13) when I don't really care about these guys.
I don't see it. If anything, she's not strong enough for a woman who's a blacksmith with a massive hammer. Needs more AutoBEEF.
I did. it doesn't explain shit
gotta placate the women and trannies who can't stand women that look like women
I think it's just that making a robot with a very thin femenine figure and being able to transform into a vehicle is more difficult than just making a male bot since all the kibble can go into the body and wouldn't matter as much how it affects the proportions
Third party have no issues with this
Yeah and they can charge whatever they want for it
We both know this is bullshit, there has been lots of slender bots
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>Chairman visible in the background there
The only figure I really wanted from a Star Raiders line.
Slender =/= female
Am I gay for starscream?
Uh, yes they do. Almost every third party fembot that isn't minerva is some shellforming abomination and often with a made up bullshit alt mode.
Cubes conceal things better than curves, it's a simple fact.
>Cubes conceal things better than curves

That's why beast wars has shit toys, nothing but curves there
Slender = femininity
yeah yeah.. the show..
yeah well he also magically has dino feet instead of robot hands there so
Going back to the issues with Star Saber:

-Saber's knee flaps can break due to the bump on the knee putting too much strain on them, for bonus points that area is painted.
-Star Saber's knee ratchets suck. The flexible plastic on the ratchet is fine, but not only is it not really secure, the teeth placed on the white plastic will bend out of shape almost immidiately, making the ratchet useless, even faster if you move them as Victory Saber.
-thinc clear plastic connection for the blade that can easily snap if you're not careful.
-Not engineering the shoulders so they can move outward, all that space there just goes unused for some reason
Nah, my mom is way fatter than my dad.
slender = youthful
youthful = femininity
So young boys are feminine.
more feminine than adult men, yeah
that's kinda why everybody from greece to japan was getting in between their thighs. it aint right, but it's the best option without women around.
so in animated when starscream got split into his personalities via the seekers why the fuck was one of them a girl???
He was gay coded all along????
that's his feminine side. it's only one-fifth of him
It was his woman moment side.
That's the joke.
It's because he's a bit of a bitch
Every man has a woman somewhere deep deep inside of them, even if you dont know it. That wet dream you had last week? That was actually your inner woman you were smashing
i would smash the fuck out of woman-me.
Anima should kill herself then.
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Starscream is a fag but not a tranny.
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The shoulders annoy me the most. I legitimately have no clue why they’re designed like that. Deathsaurus’ shoulders look similar, but they have no issue moving outward, and it doesn’t help that a lot of artwork depicts star saber moving his shoulders moving farther, like on the packaging
>had to pass on a galaxy convoy this morning because it's bad timing and I have tons of other things I wanna buy at the moment
Ugh... never gonna own this thing...
Botcon can't make new molds from whole cloth. They have to recycle shit and ever since the the character has been reduced to being a Cyclonus repaint
god dammit, I snickered. enjoy your vacation.
Damn, didn't know pipes have always been girls.
>why the fuck was one of them a girl???
For a joke. A shit joke that retards like to uphold like it's sacred or something.
i mean
you wouldn't call them very masculine instruments, would you?
the strings are all hourglassy so they're older women, the flutes are girls, keyboards are nerdy guys, drums are big dumb guys.. uhh and brass instruments have swirls reminiscent of human organs and spinal cord and such, so they can be anyone.
'sides, they were clones, right?
you clone a male mammal, double the X, you get a female. reverse for birds or reptiles with their ZW system.
Yeah its pretty good for a Hasbro mold. I'm excited to see what kinds of upgrade kits people whip up.
Why do you hate Seymour's mom so much
I know that, but my question is why use that obscure character and then paint the mold so it doesn't look like the character at all. It wasn't like they HAD to use the Cyclonus mold, let alone totally miscolor it.
Botcon went retarded near the end. I still never got over how they thought tripredacus was red
That's Agnes
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there was heavy red lighting in that scene, that, for some reason, only spotlights them and a little of their table and chairs, while the rest is non-red! you'd be forgiven for getting confused.
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>Botcon went retarded near the end
They were always retarded
Farquad looks a lot better in person
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>Shattered Glass George Floyd
if'n hasbrony is listening:
i don't need TM1 megatron to be completely show-accurate where his t-rex head just disappears. you could just split it in half and make it sit on his back like shoulderblades, I don't mind. just make one. and for christ's sake, use vac-metal again. just put a coating on it
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Because it's not that deep and they just wanted a name to use
The original ferak was some seeker filler non-character that nobody would even remember if it weren't for funpub reusing the name. Funpub ferak has his own history that's completely unrelated to the original comic and the only, slightest hint of them being connected is the legacy release giving him new tooling to resemble the original comic design that, again, nobody remembers. But people will sure pretend to give a shit all of the sudden!
why does his face look like tinfoil
in other words, what >>11265439 said
Yeah, you right. I do prefer him with the wings covering the gaps on the side though.
Airsaurus just chilling spread eagle. Thank goodness for Landsaurus' skin flap to cover his shame.
Ya that wing orientation is genius, the gap there always annoyed me
Botcon was never good at faces. Notoriously, that was a retooled Armada Blurr toy that already got retooled to have a G1 Blurr head and they used one of their very limited head retool budgets to go "retool the head... into G1 Blurr, but worse!"
Good luck anon.
dumbitude makes me so angry
which sucks because dumbtards do not react well to being yelled at.
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Ferak's colors are based on his appearance in The Smelting Pool where he's just a generic grey spaceship thing.
The colorful robot you posted was another generic that IDW retconned into being Ferak so they could give the plane a robot mode, but made up the color scheme so he'd still turn into a grey jet.
Botcon noticed the similarity to Cyclonus and ran with it and that's how you get the current Ferak design.
>why does his face look like tinfoil
They used "crayola" shimmering silver paint, it adds texture and doesn't really work for faces.
>Ferak's colors are based on his appearance in The Smelting Pool
What colors? that image is as good reference as thinking these guys >>11265442 are solid red bots.
I just saw this go for 7k yen not long ago
>being in utter ecstasy as the middle guy in the dinosaur centipede
It's especially dumb because the whole point of SG was to make the most of available molds as is.
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What went wrong?
for prime? budget
>get a chance to fix RID fuckups
>start by bringing prime back to life
what the dick is this?
galvatron who? the whole point of that show is megatron is giving up on evil.
Looks like this is the fan film titled “megatron’s revenge”
>what the dick is this?
Fanmade clips with rough animation and hilariously badly writen dialogue, everyone tries to de cool and edgy while dumping unnecesary detais, its the transformers version of The room movie.
Galvatron I mean, you get the picture…
oh wow, i used to know a fleshload of DeviantART kiddies who claimed they were doing something along those lines, it's amazing to see one actually get made.
Is a fleshload of people just one person?
there's one who was worse than the rest, obsessed with the Zeta Project. but there's been a lot more. I mean we've all seen the pooh's adventure wiki.
If some miracle happens and G2 Leader Class Snarl repaint comes with the golden painted head and dino legs, how hard would it be to swap it to the G1 version?
Is Side Burn good or bad, I'm considering getting him because I'm just so bored
>I'm just so bored
Worst reason to buy something, more so when its an awful toy, if you're going to waste money buy the original.
I find it funny that prime is so aethetically dull that almost every still of this half-assed project looks like it's actually from the show
Wait, why is it awful, it looked fine from a cursory review
You take issue with IDW but not Funpub? What the fuck is wrong with you.
That car mode is awful
Japanese G1 was once colorful. But after the Selects Special Comic ended, they don't make more unique stories anymore. To be honest, they should promote Age of the Primes as a form of rite of passage for Ginrai to learn about the Thirteen Primes, and why Optimus, as the Thirteenth, chose him as his personal successor all the way back in Masterforce.
It looks okay... certainly not better than the original toy's though
The funpub comics comics had some interesting and fun ideas and combinations of continuities, whereas a lot of the IDW 2005 comics felt very mean-spirited
if you're bored, buy something for a friend
or consider buying a cheap dupe of somebody to custom paint it
A human becoming the leader of the autobots is lame. If G1 must have a sequel then just make it about Optimus and Hot Rod.
My friends don't like Transformers and I'm no good at painting
man don't you hate when you give a good suggestion and the person has perfectly reasonable reasons why it won't work
Yeah, that makes me reasonably annoyed to a very slight level at no one in particular
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>It looks okay.
That angle hides the extremely low roof and lack of ass, bot mode also has a botcon tier oversized mouth.
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It's not. Wait until there's any info of a red version. Maybe they'll add some parts forming stuff to make him look somewhat accurate.
I must have slept through the times when people were talking about the figure after it came out, I know people were unhappy when it was revealed
The roof is rather low and the car looks comparatively plain next the original figure
What the fuck, why did the figure seem fine from the reviews
boy, that is... a downgrade.
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People tried to polish that turn reshelling it, but its a lot of work and it still doesn't look as good as the original. Also almost as expensive as the original if you don't own a printer.

At that point is better to just buy the original. The new turd is a waste of money.
deep respect for the effort but I hope they throw some wide tires on there cause it's sad
it's insulting. at least with like, 86 Jazz you can tell they tried to make it close
i do know disappointing downgrades
and not even just like scorponok and inferno, but kingdom primal is lacking in just two ways that still bug me despite the rest of it working.
I did, and I'm shocked at how good it is. I bought X-Brawn not long afterwards.

I WANT RiD-Prowl to complete the set but I know I'd just break his car door hip skirts.
Worst recent purchase? For me kingdom rat trap. No redeeming qualities. Just bought a retro now to fix that mistake. What were they thinking?
BW Torca. Not because he's bad, far from it, but because he's survived this long without succumbing to GPS that now I can't actually play with him since it would suck if his previous owner took care of him and then I broke him straight away. The side panels have gotten really tight, meaning the gold plastic won't hold up to being moved too many times.
i mean it's still better than the retro. what's your problem with it? my only issue is too smol.
he has to just stay in one mode and stoically advise others
Nah retro is perfect. New trap is finicky and doesn't close together very well in beast mode. I'm going to drop him off at some toy for kids location in the morning
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They're not bad, but they lack the charm from the originals.
I'd like to get them but I already have OG warpath
I want them but am waiting for a discount. Same for Xaaron
aw that's the best thing to do with unwanted toys
i sold mine when i got an extra.
i will agree he doesn't close that well, but given how you want him to look like the show, and the show cheats, eh.
>it stares back
>mocking me
Anyone else waiting on just under the wire, pre-christmas deliveries?
Snarl mercifully uses screws not rivets, so the head and legs can be easily removed.
>I must have slept through the times when people were talking about the figure after it came out
You didn't sleep through anything, there was no discussion. Everyone knew Sideburn would be shit from the moment Shadow Striker was revealed. There was nothing more to say by the time Sideburn was released.

Get the deluxe G1 Optimus, that's a fun little toy.
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Ruckus is absolute dogshit. I have nothing positive to say about him. Considering selling him. I like Bludgeon, don't have any other versions of this mold so it's nice to discover what people liked about Tarn. Not really into Bludgeon, though, I'm gonna pretend he's the G1 version of Sparkcrusher. Similarly, I'm calling Prime Breakdown "Teardown" since G1 Breakdown is someone else.
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Transformers are sooooo last century!
You guys need to up your game to Metal Cardbot!
You'll get more girls, cause chicks dig Metal Cardbot!
If they have epic villains then I'm sold. I saw their prices and what I can get for 50$ mogs hasblo.
A f1ish car that turns into a bot with rollberblades?! I'm in!
I'm can't afford Korean robots.
i kinda wanna get the evil trailer guy and the pirate ship ones desu
No Optimus Prime, don't care.
They have an Optimus at home.
more vaporware?
that looks awful
Evergreen has been the worst disaster in the history of this brand
Eh, what the hell is this? More mobile slop? And why does that quote kinda read like it was written by an ESL?
>Everyone knew Sideburn would be shit from the moment Shadow Striker was revealed. There was nothing more to say by the time Sideburn was released.
>deluxe G1 Optimus
I've never seen it listed or put in stock, it's over
holy shit this is the first time bumblebee has ever looked cool
though, with legs and arms like that, he REALLY needs a wider chest. like, an inch wider on each side. or it ruins it.
oh hey that works
well i guess this isn't unique then, either way, YES PLEASE keep modifying the typical transformer body, in ways that are cool.
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>holy shit this is the first time bumblebee has ever looked cool
I actually thought his ReActivate design was pretty cool. Too bad it's a dead line for actual vaporware.
>I'm gonna pretend he's the G1 version of Sparkcrusher.
Wouldn't the G1 version of Sparkcrusher just be Gutcruncher? That's the guy Sparkcrusher was based on, and what he would've been named if Hasbro hadn't lost the rights to the name. So there already is a G1 version of Sparkcrusher: Gutcruncher.
It's a shame, the toy just sucks at a fundamental level:

-Wrong alt mode
-Proportions are fucked
-That fucking face, people should be fired over that
-The shitshow with the weapons
-Worse deco

Why would anyone buy it?
The Reactivate design is pretty cool, tho I think he'd work better as Cliffjumper or Hot Shot. Still makes me sad that Reactivate is never ever gonna happen, I wanted more figures. Wasn't there some listing for a Lifeline in SSGE? Did I hallucinate that?
I like the name Sparkcrusher
it's insane to me that they had the balls to release this figure twice. also insane many people thought the gamer rerelease was a whole new toy because the reactivate line was so dead on arrival.
Will it be just as insane to you when they do it three more times with the other Reactivate toys?
So one of the Primes is a combiner?
Does that mean he's going to be released with a frame without any characters in lore to connect with?
Hopefully the altmode and face aren't as bad in person
>weapons and deco
Well... yeah...
It depends.
Nexus has 2 jet limbs, a helicopter limb, and a tank limb.
This month they revealed Silverbolt and 2 jet limbs, a helicopter limb (vortex) comfirming bruticus, who has a tank limb.

He's probably gonna be a commander release that's a whole new bot, but a repurposed frame. Most likely whatever Onslaught comes with next year.
I could see them do Optimus if the game ever comes out. He's at least a good figure.
For what it's worth, Evan said all the Primes except Vector would get new molds. I don't know what that means for Nexus but I'm assuming he won't just be a wholesale reuse of Bruticus or Superion's components.
Well, if Nexus comes out BEFORE bruticus, he's technically new.

Another option would be make a leader class figure that's a deluxe torso and 4 core class limbs.
I *reeeeeally* don't see them releasing them as individual bots, cause we are getting rescue bots heatwave this year, another heatwave next would be confusing for some, since it's so obscure.

*another* possibility is him being a weaponizer leader class and his 5 parts can be mix and matched.
>Except Vector
That hurts to hear, even on clearance I just can't buy it. My original is showing his age, and buying another is out of the question since the toy is so old that I could only leave it up as a statue due to age.
>(except Vector)
Probably the first or second most well known member of the 13 gets shafted for literally no reason while the rest of the literally whos get unique molds.
just because they're new molds doesn't mean they will be specific to the the 13 primes. They could be other characters who are getting new molds and also getting used for the Primes like ShadowStriker/Side Burn or Overlord/Black Shadow
I would pin him as third, behind Megatronus and Trion.
Maybe fourth depending on your mood on Sentinel.
I genuinely have no clue why they thought they had to use Jhiaxus for Vector. Why not any other member of the 13? I honestly would have used Prima if they absolutely had to retool it.
Nah, Vector would still be the most relevant, being a main character in a 50 show does a lot foe rep and getting a toy did help. Megatronus comes second due to also getting more recent animated appearances and with Trion only tying due to One finally making him relevant in animated medium since G1.
Why are so many headsculpts... off? Human action figures rarely struggle with capturing actor's or characters' likenesses these days, so why do Transformers' faces always end up wonky in some way? If anything you'd think it would be easier, most Transformer faces are the angular, basic planes of the face that artists use as a template.
In some cases it seems to be related to changes in the factory. I remember back when they posted cad models that certain figures would have much better heads and faces in cad, but then turned out significantly worse when produced.

Back when TMII Megatron released, they mentioned the factory had some issue with the pointy teeth being visible enough after painting so they literally just added a pointy teeth tampo over that detail as a last minute fix. I can only imagine similar issues crop up, leading to these messes.
>Human action figures rarely struggle with capturing actor's or characters' likenesses these days,
sorry to burst your otherwise good comparison, but they absolutely do
i agree though transformers should be easier.
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What's your favorite Optimus Prime toy?
OG g1
Yeah, it just occurred to me how often human figures have uncanny faces as well. But my point still stands. Even Masterpiece, regarded as the highest-quality official Transformers figures, struggles to depict any character that does not have a visor or battle mask. I don't think premium, collectors' statues/figures of superheroes equivalent to Masterpiece often have bad face sculpts, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
Nah I can't agree with that. G1 is a staple anyone knows while Cybertron itself is way behind the list, with Animated, BW, and Prime being ahead of it.
Like I'm willing to say everyone know who is The Fallen because of ROTF alone.
i actually feel like these days the issue with human figures is more how dull and generic they are
well if we're talking normal figures. now if we're in the super high-end collectors' shit that costs 200 each whether it's 1:6 or 1:12, then they range from 'fucking dead on' to 'you didn't know how to do that guy's unique eyelids but you went ahead anyway'
OG laser optimus prime to this day is untouchable, it's insane no toy has managed to come close to it's quality
Earthrise. Other good ones include the Reveal the Shield Legends one and the Core one.
Currently the legacy armada one, used to be the cybertron toy more so, but mostly because the old armada toy while cool, lookee really weird.
While I love how Star Convoy turned out, I'll alway be mad that Star Convoy's first mainline toy is nearly perfect, meanwhile Laser Prime's gotten several toys and most are bad for one reason or another.
>Road Pig refuses to go down to 16
Come on, do it so I can buy.
Just buy it now. It'll be out of stock and you'll kick yourself. It always happens to me.
ROTF leader class Optimus
Legacy Armada
If we count Hasbro renames, it's probably going to be the HasLab RiD Prime coming next year. Currently, it's a toss-up between Legacy Armada and the original G2 Laser Prime.
Star convoy is a titan
I don't get how they fuck it out so much, laser prime was so simple it's almost quaint, you could make a big deluxe out of him but no they have to over engineer the fuck out of him every single fucking time
And your point is? Most Titans aren't that accurate to their original toys or animation either.
do i have to get vectgor prime to complete the new 13th series?
>Most Titans aren't that accurate to their original toys or animation either.
>Omega supreme and scorponok
What's the best BB toy that isn't bay trash?
What's this shit?
The Zodiac? That's the magical orb that makes normal Convoy turn into Star Convoy. Not sure how they're gonna try to tie it into the 13 Primes stuff though.
The Zodiac, it revived Convoy in Battlestars. Apparently it's the 13th Prime's relic now.

Seems like gathering the primes will be a bother if PotP is anything to go by, and PotP's were just funny headmasters.
it looks like a messianic christmas ornament
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If Star Saber and Requiem Blaster are now Prime relics, then wouldn't that mean the Armada Minicon versions were Unicron's KOs of them?
They apparently turned that into his artifact. All members of the 13 include at least one, but Fallen has two so some might come with multiple.
The Apex Armor exists. Though I heard this was originally Liege Maximo's in the Aligned timeline, it's more likely Solus Prime's blueprints in the Japanese G1 timeline and the Pretenders somehow gave said blueprints to Lightfoot so that his company can develop it with modern tech. Anyway, it's probably to tie with how America took in God Bomber and call it the Apex Armor before making it a Thirteen artifact.
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Would god bomber’s alt mode be improved if the wheels were replaced with treads? It just looks so funny lol
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Legacy Armada, though RID 2001 comes close (he was my first and he's still an awesome toy).
I wish they made figures more of the quality of Legacy Armada Prime. QC issues I had aside, he is probably my favorite mainline figure of the last decade. Made me go from certified Armada hater to lover.
Is Venom still happening in AotP?
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I'm wondering what it means for Star convoy. Like,if the Zodiac is the 13th prime's artifact, does that mean Star Convoy is like Optimus going full Avatar State? And what's with that weird symbol on the other side of the Zodiac? it's not something we've seen before but it's obviously meant to be important since it's shown on the front of the box
Another case where, even if it happens, the OG toy will completely mog the hell out of whatever Hasbro manages to shit out. I swear, some of you would buy a literal turd if they advertised enough points of articulation on it.
>does that mean Star Convoy is like Optimus going full Avatar State?
That's kind of how I'm playing it
Star Convoy was already the ultimate final form of G1 Prime
Why not also just have it be him wielding the power of his previous life
Go tell someone who cares, loser.
Evan said Mark wanted to use the "optimus" symbol from power of the primes (they originally had 12 prime symbols, plus an optimus, a rodimus, and a "thirteenth" which is the classic symbol we know, but they scrapped the optimus and rodimus symbol, but it's still on some art work)
and someone informed him that no, in this scenario, Optimus is the 13th prime.
The box art was made before the clarification was made apparently
>/tfg/ doesn't care about toy quality
lmao, no shit, sherlock.
Laser Optimus never getting a G1 colored release remains one of the saddest missed opportunities ever. The old mold is probably cheese by now.
I can't tell which part of that post you would offended by
The fuck version of the Skyboom is that?
Both the shield and sword got multiple different color releases
>The old mold is probably cheese by now.
They did put out a ultra magnus redeco that didn't suffered of mold degradation
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I finally assembled Dinoking's nemesis, Rock Caesar from Transformers Victory. Can't believe they bundled one leg with Thundertron in a Walmart line!
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It's like he came straight out from the anime
i love armorizer combiners
I'm not offended I'm just tired of fucking losers poking in with their shitty blogs. I dunno what kind of narcissistic twat thinks what we care about their "le ebin nostalgia :) :) :) XD new stuff bad btw :^)" It serves nothing and nobody. With that attitude unless something changed with Transformers drastically in the last year or so, why the fuck are you in here lmao? And before you cry echo chamber, it's fine not to like something, but this dude is out here arguing with his own schizophrenia because someone asked if a figure is coming out.
are we just never getting a good recolor of VNR Optimus? I really like the look of that mold but the Christmas one is hideous and I want a more interesting deco than standard Prime
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Reimagine it as an auto driving freight truck, and have the chest windows/cockpits get revealed during transformation instead of always being visible.
Also streamline the color blocking
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Might be unpopular but Energon Optimus is genuinely one of the most fun TF toys ever. Once you get over the base robot being a fat fuck(which I personally just think is funny) he's a great toy. The trailer turning into a little deployment base for his support drones is a lot of fun, and his super mode is one big reference to classic Sentai robots, the biggest drawback being the helmet kinda sucks. And his combinations with Wing Saber and Omega Supreme are some of my favorite super modes ever. Literally all I'd want out of a new one is to make the base robot less chunky and make the super mode helmet more cohesive. Maybe just make it a fully separate head that stores inside the torso
this is bumblebee?
see this is much worse. the wheels look like shopping cart wheels
here they fit into recesses so it looks natural. what the hell why did they change that
You asked for BB
Well, filch went down to 16, but not Road Pig. So annoying.
since the amazon one fell through, at most you can hope we get the usual nemesis recolor.
either that or wait and see if they use it for other seasonal repaints.
Guessing they wanted the trailer bits to dissapear, and that cut for the wheels would mess with that illusion.
ahahaha so his name is something else that is BB
that's clever.
well fuckdedoo, they fucked it up.
I can understand that frustration
Energon prime is overhated, he is like a modern version of the g1 toy when it comes to. Looks, also him being unintentionally fat fits hik because hes a “grumpy old man” in this series after the events of armada, also the combination gimmick is cool
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While I think the toy is a little bit TOO fat, the model they used in the show is just about the perfect level of chunky. It's not too cumbersome, but he's still clearly got a dad bod that fits the stern, belligerent, and slightly insane drill sergeant vibe he gave off.
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The thing that really kills it toy wise is how scrawny the arms and legs are, the model works because they were thickened up just a little bit more.
I know the show version is a little better, but I still hope a modern version manages to make the torso better.... but I'm 100% that the only changes will be:

-No electronics
-Torso proportions closer to the show
-flip section on the grill area to mimic the colors there changing when Prime went to Super mode
It was one of 2 unused POTP symbols, so far it was shown on early promotional materials there https://news.tfw2005.com/2017/09/13/power-primes-characters-art-348982

Source? Because those 2 unused symbol looks kinda ass for being their true symbols
>Nonnef making kits for Legacy Bludgeon and Slipstream
>Both kits lack new heads, which is weird because Slipstraeam has 3 chest options.
Honestly I loved this design as a kid, the truck headlights look really cool
Yeah its a shame. I'm tempted to get the animated slipstream head off ebay instead.
many such cases
What would the powerlinx optimus look like combined with another powerlinx optimus? Would he look like a complete almost normal looking optimus?
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Nevermind, I found my answer. Disappointed it's not as cool as I imagined but this is hilarious
>Ransack, Barrage and Chop Shop all turned out pretty nice
>but nah let's assume Venom will automatically be total shit
What exactly are you basing this on? Or are you just one of those miserable faggots who is only happy when you're complaining all the time?
Honestly, none of them do it for me. One just looks blocky, the other is too TF One inspired. I just want something like the LG head.
Lack of heads also means he can't take advantage and sell a red conversion kit for Windblade
I assume you haven't seen this one yet.


Its the one I'm considering.
I did, the head looks too blocky.
IDW designed a new robot mode for Ferak and it was very similar to Cyclonus. Then Botcon decided to use the Cyclonus mold because of their inherent similarities to make an official figure of him, albeit in the wrong colors. Then Hasbro made their version based on that version in the wrong colors.

Funnily enough, when Ferak appeared in a flashback in IDW, the colorist for that issue was more familiar with the Botcon version, solidifying the continuation of Ferak in the wrong colors.
What was your first encounter with Gold Plastic Syndrome? Mine was the Star Wars crossover Han Solo & Chewbacca / Millennium Falcon.
TM1 Megatron. Was playing with him after dreaming about him and then his leg fell off. Over the coming days his waste snapped in half and his arms fell off etc.
that was such a decent idea, with such bad execution.
actually the ol Milfalc would probably be best as just a single transformer, the front nacelles would make good pauldrons.
the japanese one has no such problems
technically not GPS, it's a different kind of weak plastic. the gold parts are fine.
Considering the requirements, I think the execution is pretty ok. They have to squeeze in lights and sounds on both figures, cockpits, and still create a proper Aluminum Falcon. They're not amazing but by the standards of Star Wars TFs they're homeruns.
oh yeah, lights and sounds are a huge handicap.
BW Grimlock. He was the Woody to my Andy; may he rest in peace...
or so we hope, anyway
toy story never DID explore how, or if, a toy can die
come to think of it, i wonder how CR chambers actually work.
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>They did put out a ultra magnus redeco
that was like 20 years ago anon, only a few after RiD Scourge.
It's swan song, seemingly, was this piece of shit no one wanted
soundwave i... think you're on the wrong side
TS3 basically did, they get incinerated or otherwise complete annihilated, and they're dead.
anon that is clearly a goat. Look at it! it couldn't be goatier.
someone on TFW messaged him about it last week, it's in one of the threads, I just don't remember what
i completely forgot about this one
god these redecos really are so fucking hideous
so it's a Cell situation
what about an army guy being melted by a magnifying glass?
bafflingly so
and in their entire like.. what, 7-year streak of doing "year of the" the only beast one was a damn beast machines optimus. which isn't even the kind of ape in the zodiac anyway, it's supposed to be a monkey.
I just realized like half the Transformers I have out have their arms with the shoulders slightly out and forearms at 45 degrees forward. I need to have more interesting poses than just standing there.
He's on the offensive. His Microchange soul is burning.
>talking shit about horsetimus
Yes, it also looks like shit, all these great molds fucked over by these gaudy af redecos
The only good one was Omega Supreme
that gold suits him, but I feel like the gray should also be changed to bronze or that doesn't work
at least you could generously call that a snake. like it's SOMEthing.
He just looks like you left it out in the sun for months
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>tasteless "muh gaudy colors" fags when something isn't colored in black and red
zased . . . so fuckin zazed
I'm willing to tolerate even the most eye-bleeding shit from Late G1-G2. these redecos are just that buttfuckingly ugly
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i got a big guy in the mail today (he's actually very small)
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I once saw someone swap the gold chrome onto Nemesis Prime
That looked pretty neat
He's the same size as the original, right?
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i think so, but i never owned one. shame it's styled after the japanese release, i would've liked the new head and paint apps
I see WFC Studio Series voyager Ratchet is $24 on amazon. Does he suck?
has no mouth and must scream.
You got that backwards, the show accurate head is from a Japanese 2004 release, the missing link one is styled after the original mold.
Naw, Amazon's just price-matching a clearance sale Walmart's having. A few other toys are also on huge discount, like Legacy Armada Galvatron (Powerlinx Megatron).
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>After 7 years, Hasbro makes a Year of the Dragon
>No news about a Year of the Snake for next year
I'm going to assume it's dead again.
frustratingly close to awesome, this guy
would have loved him as a kid. hell i would have loved the original version of the mold.
Did they make a rabbit?
they skipped a fuckbunch of years, which is super dumb because now they'll have to wait years and years before they can make more at the right time
almost got this when it was the cheapest way to get MP-10.
Old Chinese New Year decos and those Platinum Edition box sets were by Hasbro Asia in Hongkong and they stopped after the "brand unification" thing during Prime Wars.

This recent Dragon one is by Hasbro China so it'll depend on them. Still early for an announcement.
i'll never understand why that's even allowed
china is the enemy. politically and economically.
And yet almost everything is made in China
Except for Transformers, those are made in Vietnam
that's different. that's them working for us. it's like a mexican gardener.
Because money. Why do you think Hollywood catered to china within the last decade? MONEY!
>being mad about Crimson Flame, a Hasbro project
Can you imagine anon learning about JD Red Knight?
Every dollar we pay them for their work is proof our way is right.
They don't have money. That is, again, the point. And I doubt "Hasbro China" is paying the real Hasbro money to exist. They're giving them a percentage of their funny money.
>My year+ old preorder for SS86 Frenzy finally gets fulfilled and arrived today,
>But my preorder for SS86 Rumble got cancelled.
This feels worse than not getting either lmfao. What're my options if I want Rumble for not stupid prices?
Any reason you're not getting the Leader SW pack?
i hate when preordles take so long that the shit is ungettable by the time they cancel on you. criminal. they should be forced to buy one thirdparty for you.
Holding out for a new mold SS86 Soundwave, and prefer the cartoon colors for Rumble over toy colors.
Agreed. At least bother to fulfill the orders you already got, man.
like you'd think it would fall under raincheck laws, but EVEN MORESO.
like i didn't buy this elsewhere, because of you
then again, the reverse.. they can't stop you from canceling your preorder, so I guess they feel it's only fair?
are there any good earthspark toys
the owl is okay
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Aftermath is pretty neat.
that is a pretty cool robut mode to be sure.
hate how the one i saw got instantly scalped and put back up at double price
Main reason I never order from Entertainment EarthThey once charged me for an order they cancelled and I was livid.
She got legs
She know how to use em
No, he's in fact the best one.
Surprisingly, 10th anniversary Dinobot. I owned him for about 4 years before parts of him started snapping off during transformation. I ended up replacing him with a vintage one but keeping the sword of the 10th version.

I have a TM Megatron and I'm terrified to even play with him after hearing he has GPS issues as well.
I know it's a transformer with a large backpack and skinny limbs that hide away inside a shell, but that is in fact a dude and not a fembot.
>those shapely gams
You will not stop the fembot customs
I like this figure and I'm keen for the Powerlinx deco, but it's weird that he has two knees on each leg
>Render had an extra hand
>Nowhere to be found
Those fuckers, I really wanted that extra hand.
>Ransack, Barrage and Chop Shop all turned out pretty nice
lol. The standards are at rock bottom here in /tfg/, christ.
>I dunno what kind of narcissistic twat thinks what we care about their "le ebin nostalgia :) :) :)
It's not about nostalgia. i didn't even like Transformers until 10 years ago or so. Never owned a single G1 toy. But G1 toys have actual alt modes, so they're generally better than 90% of the shit we get today.
He looks really cute and fun. Can't wait for mine to come in. How sturdy are his joints? For some reason I had a fear that these little guys would be a bit wibbly.

I kinda want one of the lambos, but I don't know which. I usually go for Diaclone crap because I'm a hipster, but at the same time I'm trying to think of color variety and maybe a yellow guy would be better in the long run. Like, even taking into account diaclone variants, there aren't many yellow autobots in his size range, but I can think of several other whiteys. Fuckin choice paralysis, man.
Genuinely would like to see this guy in the Legacy Bulkhead mold, just replace the canopy with a tow hook and add some spike accessories that can partsform between the front and shoulders. Even better if they can also be equipped as claws.
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I really dig this mold but I would rather own literally any other recolor than the main 2 (3 if you count goldbug)
I legitimately can't think of a redeco I wouldn't prefer to the obvious picks
I'm only getting Sunstreaker in the absence of an actual reissue. I hope they'll do more of the broken mold autobots for ML, like Wheeljack or the Dinobots.
I too am interested in how sturdy the joints are. It was the only concern that kept me from pre-ordering.
>Takara dedicated TWO stock photos to going "look, you can pretend it's the G1 toy!" because even they couldn't find a good condition vintage one for comparison
Transformers Toys Swapticons Ravage and Shadow Panther Action Figures, 5+

Swapticons toys are fidgety fun mini action figures that twist to combine together into unique alt modes!
TWIST INTO BEAST MODE: Press the figures’ heads together and twist to combine them into panther beast mode! Untwist to separate them
COMBINE WITH OTHER SWAPTICONS TOYS: The fidget toy fun doesn’t stop there! Ravage and Shadow Panther action figures can be combined with any Swapticons figure (sold separately, subject to availability)
IMAGINATION POSSIBILITIES: With additional Swapticons sets, kids can combine 2 favorite bots and imagine a super-powered alt mode, or create wacky match-ups between Autobots and Decepticons
GIFTS FOR KIDS 5 AND UP: Transformers toys like Swapticons figures make a great gift for boys and girls who love fidget toys, robot toys, and toy cars

$8 + tip. Sneed it or chuck it?
Glyph maybe? I could see them making a Goldbug out of this mold, his little hood flap is already there. I think the limbs are too spindly though, they would need a remold, which I think has room to be done.
What's next, Missing Link Megatron?
ROTF Stratosphere
Euro G1 Stalker

Got him for Christmas as a kid, the handle on his gun broke off almost immediately
>great gift for boys and girls who love fidget toys, robot toys, and toy cars
i.e. autists
It suffers for the same reason as the gold plastic, a powder mixed into the plastic to give it a metallic coloration effect at the cost of effecting the plastic's integrity.

There are other such incidents if GPS in not actually gold plastics, but GPS is used as a catch all term because it was most common in gold colored plastics.
>i.e. autists
i.e. people who post about transformers on 4chan
>Haslab Star Saber yellows
It's joever
small company, please understand
And it will happen to Omega Prime as well. Hasbro cannot be trusted anymore.
>posts thing with no pic
>immediately 2 replies already buying into the panic

I dunno man, I tried looking for a pic of someone having this happen to them and came up with nothing. Plethora of other issues but not this.
How much would you all say you spend on transformers a month?
Around 350
Is core Energon Megatron any good, and is the Galvatron one superior? Any running issues that existed and got fixed in the recolor?
still waiting for the battle master.
On Hasbro? 0-100 a month. This month was Magmatron.
Third-party? 200-400>>11267955
I lot of people love him but personally, I'm not a fan. Everything about his shoulders is annoying, from the cannons that love to pop off to his armpit tabs and the fact that they can only go outward like 10 degrees. His knees look terrible when bent, and his transformation is especially poor and mushy and nothing tabs or locks in satisfyingly. He looks nice when standing there and that's about it.
Tasmania kid and the rock turd were infinitely better cores from the same wave.
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I like him, bothe decos are the same.
Gimmick sounds fun, just like Micromaster combiners. They're not meant to be any sort of crazy complicated action figure, as long as they're solid and deliver on the gimmick barring some major design fuckup I think they could be neat little toys. Some of the character choices have me interested, like Clench, a pretty deep cut. If he even remotely looks like his original design I'll probably pick him up, gimmick toy or not
My only major complaint is that he has these two tabs coming out of his sides that seriously get in the way of his arm movement. They're supposed to keep his arms in place when his in his alt mode, but frankly they're entirely unnecessary. Other than that, he's a fun little guy, but this design flaw is still annoying. As for which version is superior, it's all down to personal preference of which deco you like better.
I picked up a Gravitybot back during RotF and it just was fun watching the parts move on their own when you changed it back and forth.
>Vector Prime and Armada Galvatron on sale.
>No need for either, but have the urge to buy because they're on sale

I hate this.
normal people enjoy doing fun things with their hands
that's basically a guy thing mostly.
ah yes. that is true.
just pointing out that he HAD gold (or kinda copper) plastic too, and IT didn't crumble.
it's been zero for a good long time
let's put it this way, if a new wave of like six beast wars guys came out, I would buy them. and then wait for the next wave.
that'd be awesome if it wasn't terrible.
Many such cases
Close to zero.

I pretty much only collect G1 these days and I'm at a point in my collecting where I can't really think of any "must have" figures to actively hunt either so I'm just on the lookout for any good deals.
Overcharge has a fucking mold line right on the visor. I thought we were past this shit after POTP Volcanicus
Same, but now I have those.
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I think she's very beautiful, actually, unusually beautiful!
>Fallen might go on sale like most leaders this year.
>I'm afraid of another Tarn situation
Man, if only I wouldn't get super annoyed when something I buy ends up going on deep discount later.
I hope, though the odds of him happening are slim thanks to being a gun. I just hope we get some Decepticons next - Starscream seems most likely.
I love this guy. Best use of the mold, and fixes pretty much every issue with the original Steel and and Skeletron except for the unavoidable exposed robot feet. So glad I nabbed him when he came out.
I know commander repaints are rare, but when the hell are we getting Anime colors Powerlinx Optimus Prime? We already have Galvatron, at least repaint the guy!
Could be worse.
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im still confused why the hell they molded his head split down the middle like that unlike literally every other TF head in existence
well, split down the middle SIDEwise is common, but frontwise, no.
Yeah, he doesn't look as articulate as Tasmania Kid, whom I like despite not liking the character, I think I still ordered him but hoping for the best. I just want any form of Galvatron, and a cheap Energon homage hopefully looks nice
>why didn't you get the purple one
For some reason, he looks too black, even though Megatron has the same black bits. Think it might be the shade of black. Also maybe Galvatron will go on sale, while I might miss the older Megatron.
Oh, I saw those as well. Is it possible to cut them, or is it the type of thick plastic that'll make it look miserable if you try?
I also wish I could sharpie his tank/cannon weapon, but I think it might be unpaintable plastic.
>Could be worse
That is truly a worthless statement.
Speaking of GPS, if anyone owned a Black Zarak, I have a hilarious idea of just trying to punch onto the Zarak head and creating the cross-shaped scar of the Generations Selects figure. I know nobody would ever want to display the damn thing, but considering this is among the rarest pieces of Transformers history many are fortunate enough to get its modern retake, it somehow makes me want to match the new version for its fragile gold plastic.

The all-gold Star Saber made me think of Ryukendo for some reason. Maybe I watched too much tokusatsu in my childhood.
If you're thinking about that, don't. We'll only get stuff like this in sets with bigger Transformers, but that has come and passed, and I have no confidence we'll see the Armada Ultimate Weapons again that can combine.
Man, I'm messing with the black Diaclone ER Ironhide (DK-2 Guard?) again, and honestly if it weren't for the kinda awkward shield and the feet, he'd be peak. He's honestly still a fun figure, majorly overhated IMO.
It's a good figure. Some people get triggered by the shield partsforming and write-off the whole toy.
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the joints are fine and can hold poses well. i was transforming him back and forth yesterday with no issues

the only thing i noticed is that his left ankle tilt tends to want to go back to its original position, so i can't always have him flat footed, but other than that he's great

going to get the convoy reissue this month, hopefully he's good too
It is cute, but idk if it's 40 dollars cute. I'm hoping like ML Optimus they release the budget version in the mainline.
I think it's more like mold reuse.Chromia with Prowl's mold, etc.
I don't think the mold is unfun to mess with, it's just ugly in multiple ways
>Shoulders and feet horribly clash with the rest of the vehicld sculpt
>Can't color the rear windows or else they'll show up on the legs
>Feet and wheels lazily reused and unfitting with the new tooling (common ER laziness)
>Partsforming shield is significantly less cool than rocket hammer
Guard manages to hide it by being a sea of black, he's probably the only good use of it
I gave mine Studio Series Ironhide's weapons. Works perfectly as a G1-ified stand in.
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What are the best 3 here?
Refraktor, Motormaster and probably either Jetfire or the Dinobots.
Menasor might be missing a limb but good choice. I think I'll go with Jetfire and Reflector to round out the Season 1 con cast. I'll try to squeeze the Rainmakers in.
Middle row down
Jetfire, Dinobots, Motormaster
Ur the best
I only recommend getting the reflector trio if it's the diaclone deco
That would be difficult to find, though, especially since it's a Pulse exclusive, and they don't restock as often as more standard items.

Say, are the cross-molds of the PotP Optimus Prime mold shares cross-compatible with each other? I have a strange feeling this would be a better Powermaster Prime/Super Ginrai with that kind of mold, but they could be better. Like, say, putting the small Prime of the GS Star Convoy onto the PotP Prime trailer in its Optimus Prime body state.
Compared to other exclusives of the era? Definitely not. You can still find the recon team on BBTS, and outside of that it usually isn't like 10 bucks more than retail. I'd kill to be able to find many wfc-era gen selects so easily
I still need a Reflector. I'd actually vote the Rainmakers just 'cuz the Siege Seeker mold is that good.
Jetfire and the dinobots are definitely the top 2 for me, it’s a tossup for the third one imo
Including the Red Cog and Append Set?
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I think I'm gonna go with Jetfire Thrust and Menasor.
Menasor? The full combiner?
Still waiting on giant purple griffin from Skylynx..
some awsomeness cannot be converted to a mere toy
I think the early 2000s were the best transformers stuff.
RID 2001 and the Unicron trilogy to be specific
Yea fuck it.
would be perfect if energon didn't exist desu
>he wants to get rid of the good Energon toys
>inb4 there are none
Megatron, Divebomb, Starscream, Landmine, Optimus(with DLC), and I'm sure other anons would opt to keep others
All the basics are great. Bulkhead is cool too. Shockblast would be cool if his body wasn't held together by a single hinge and whilst he's a fiddly son of a bitch Mirage is cool as fuck.
Honestly a shame the anime was mediocre (and the dub was a trainwreck) because the robot designs are all awesome, even the ones that didn't translate into great toys.
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The only truly bad Energon toys are the Powerlinx Autobots, and even a few of those weren't terrible. I think Energon had a lot really good designs that would make for great modern toys and it's unfortunate that the stigma surrounding the series means we'll likely never get anything beyond that core Megatron/Galvatron.
that head is the coolest transformers head in history.
Don't forget Rodimus. He has the coolest alt mode ever
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Energon Rodimus is best Rodimus, he was just another victim of a bad gimmick ruining his toy. I'd buy the fuck out of a voyager that ditched powerlinx and looked like this.
This! Most of the Energon Decepticons were great! I'd love to see an updated versions of Snowcat and Slugslinger, but the original toys for some of 'em, like Megatron/Galvatron and even Sharkticon, hold up pretty well without updates. I'm sure new versions would have more articulation, like ankle tilts, but they'd also probably be so hollow feeling and have such compromises for remolding options that I don't know if it'd be worth making that monkey paw wish.
I got Side Burn, he's pretty fun!
The head looks alright in person, I don't greatly mind the shorter roof, the colour scheme's a bit muffled but that would be one of the easier things for someone to fix.
True, all the dubs should die. Super Link was great.
I wouldn't say it was great, but it was far better than whatever the hell Energon was
Energon Rodimus looks like that because of the gimmick, same for the rest. I'd rather they keep the gimmick than half ass an update.
Energon is great, and gave me this. PEAK insecticon design. Anyone saying this should be gone should floss with my pubes.
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Clicked in the head of grapple before flipping it, i think it actually looks kinda cool, almost like he's been empurata'd
it has a lot going for it
but it needs to be de-toy-ified by a good 50%
it almost works, but the boxy base looks more like the head instead of the crane
that's actually the part i imagined being the head, it looks featureless and functional with a hole for the eye.
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Actually, emergon rodimus doesn't look like that at all. The art takes liberties and gives him more anime proportions to make him look cooler.
The ACTUAL energon rodimus looks dumpy and retarded, no thanks to energon's gimmick of combining two dumpy retards into one large, kibbly, dumpy retard.
Even the show scanned models changed proportions to make them look less dumb
Any luck for some of the older studio series to get reissued or am I out of luck and need to hit up ebay? Stuff like AOE Grimlock, ROTF Megatron, etc?
Are the KOs any good?
I haven't collected transformers in years and the TF1 has reignited my Autistic fixation.
>ROTF Megatron
The baiwei one is pretty good and the silver paint looks great
it's quite a good transformation scheme. just needs a tweak.
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Im over here lighting my darkest hour i got the matrix and shit im killing unicron and shit im a fucking prime man
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This, or recolor Scraphook with new arms.
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I hate that nonsense. It's like IDW had to answer a question nobody was asking.
Gross (You)
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>er prime
not a real twink
We have to destroy whatever disease it is that makes writers feel the compulsion to answer questions nobody was asking, like why some robots look have monoeyes and claw hands and some look like cute girls.
Okay but can I hold you in my arms and squeeze you while you be a prime? (male)
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Shockwave's been running around since 1984, nobody was confused.
hey i cant get him jusstt yet

i dont see why not
Is he good? He's like 15 bucks and I'm gonna buy him.
Do you have any other good figs at least?
i have masterpiece Optimus primal bc i just love that dumbass monkey, and my 2 recent favorites are legacy Vector Prime and cybertron Hot Shot
Did they ever fix his problem with the pegs?
The taillights? Yea they're still fucked and I'm probably gonna get a pin pusher for it.
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I like it for the body horror aspect and not much else desu, just the idea that featureless funcional robots are actually deformed freaks is neat.
He's really fun, i got it for a similar price and he's a blast to pose, just remember to sand the pegs down before transforming it, they are stupidly oversized and if you force them in you can either break them inside the legs or permanently deform the holes.
Why is a shaved man in a bunnysuit holding Optimus? Did Prime consent to this?
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>I hate that nonsense. It's like IDW had to answer a question nobody was asking.

IDW derangement syndrome. Many such cases.
So I like the new scorponok but his bee claw doesn't close that well. Other than that definitely worth 10 bucks.
Yeah, they shortened the pegs compared to Inferno
oh the reissue?
yeah the original had lots of problems there, i wouldn't trust this one
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So I recently bought Studio series Sludge and boy oh boy do I hate him.
Loose floppy shell wings, stupidly tight transformation, can't peg in one spot withought unpegging another nd what do I get when I'm done?
A frumpy little long neck with a fat ass tail.
God damn, I am very disappointed.
I think the anon is referring to the design philosophy rather than the design itself at face value. If you look at all the Energon Autobots that combine together shirt and pants style, all of them have predominately lanky to average sized arms and gigantic legs that would make Hajime Katoki blush. And the reason for that is deep-rooted in the combining gimmick where the legs have to serve as either the combined mode legs or the arms so it has to be bigger to make it less awkward. Otherwise yeah the anime did modifications to the CAD designs which made them look nicer, especially Optimus going from his obese toy to the buff yet slightly fat dad bod in the anime.
yeah the only good way to change that is if 'mid-thigh' there's a bend that buries part of the arm and gives it pauldrons so now it's shorter
you got the shitty first run bro..
I didn't know eitherr until AFTER I bought him
i dont get why everyone doesn't wait a super long time before buying anything
it's all always gonna be available unless it's exclusive
depends on what they are getting, some stuff just flies off the shelves
examples? if they got refreshed soon after, that doesn't count.
Most combiner teams get scooped up pretty quickly, menasor if you need a recent example
Concept studio series megatron ran out pretty fast
Any halfway decent optimus, most recent example being the commander class studio series one.
when's the last time we got a combiner team, aside from the ridiculous volcanicus/dinoking we got
SS rotf Devastator
wasn't that ages and ages ago? that's the one who can't hunch down at all, even worse than the previous
It came out in 2020 so like... what? 6 months ago? I'm surprised we are getting the 86 one so soon
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>Energon Autobots get new toys
>but they're all blatant pretools of an upcoming Multiforce and Landcross
Anon there's only like, 4 molds of rotf devastator and only one of them is actually designed to be hunched over; the fucking legion class. Frankly, SS is the only actual attempt they've ever given it
I must have thought it was older because I initially confused it with the actual older one, and by the time I sorted it out, their dates had shifted in my head. Alright then that is a good point.
wait what's the fourth one? I remember the legion one, and the one that looks a lot like SS and its individual parts didn't have robot modes I think? oh fuckin brain..
Menasor, and a lot of people are still missing Breakdown to complete him.
In general I'm with you that there little need to rush and buy retail toys but combiners are the exception. All it takes is bad distribution on one to ruin the whole thing.
Updated pastebins
>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
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lol fallen is tiny
anon... the megatrons an oversized KO
manlet gymcel genetics
>some look like cute girls.
Because boys like robots and pretty ladies, so if you make a robot look like a pretty lady we'll probably buy it. It doesn't need to be more complicated than that, I'm fine with it.
And Galvatron has height kit.
You obviously don't own Galvatron if you think that. I hope Megatronus is as much of a chonker as him.

My first Transformer toy (well, a KO).
Based retard.
Even as a young child I was able to understand that Transformers are robots and can just look like whatever, somehow. I never needed an in-depth lore explanation as to why Shockwave has one eye, or why Arcee looks like more feminine than the other bots. Somehow some of the TF writers managed to go through their entire childhood and adult lives without figuring that out.
Same kind of brain disease that makes grown adults feel the need to criticize children's fairy tales for not having proper magic systems or worldbuilding or whatever. I'd really like to know what makes people like this
Nobody's ever bothered to try explaining what the fuck Skylynx is and nobody cares, it's fine. He's just like that, don't worry about it. Comparatively bots like Arcee are totally normal.
He's very fun and bulky, definitely feels like someone who could be a heavy bruiser or hero, rather than just a friendly blue collar fella. You absolutely have to sand or file his pegs though, do it bits at a time and gently test how well they go in.
He's good enough that he sort of makes up for having Hoist, which has some weaknesses. If a figure's good enough to make a completely different figure, I'd say it's a damn good one.
>Nobody's ever bothered to try explaining what the fuck Skylynx is and nobody cares, it's fine.
But that's also what IDW says about Skylynx. I'm confused now; should I be mad at this or not?
>God named him Sky Lynx
>he turns into a sky, and a lynx
It's self-evident, there's nothing for the comics to explain
>should I be mad at this or not?
There is no need to be upset.
>>he turns into a sky
Yes, yes I see now
And sometimes he turns into a smaller one!
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>Nexus Prime intensifies
>funpubtard copium intensifies
No relation to Sky Garry?
I'd take funpub over alignedslop any day. Too bad that's not what we're getting.
You know what, I'll maybe dig Sky Lynx up and play with him again, felt bummed out about missing Jetfire, a nice and giant robot, but two large animals with a free base mode is still something to be thankful for. (and I got it from covidbucks which makes it basically free)
And Rodimus can come too I guess
>his name is Garry
>so presumably his family name is Sky
>he turns into something that flies in the sky
He's basically his son, even if it's not outright confirmed.
Lucky, there's still a bit Skylynx-shaped hole in my collection that has yet to be filled.
Well, I hope you're able to find the commander somehow. Much like the character himself, the toy's pretty much flawless.
The part of his torso that opens up for base mode would fit only loosely, but applying a slight amount of superglue and leaving it to dry on the tab did wonders.
>a pretty bulky box on top of a space shuttle, that doesn't make it seem as swooshable as a jet
>After the solid rockets are jettisoned, the main engines provide thrust which accelerates the Shuttle from 4,828 kilometers per hour (3,000 mph) to over 27,358 kilometers per hour (17,000 mph) in just six minutes to reach orbit. They create a combined maximum thrust of more than 1.2 million pounds.
Uhhh where can I plug in Sideburn's gun, it looks like it's meant to plug into something.
>inb4 on the roof you dolt
More specifically
>the back of his gun has a key-shaped peg
>one side of his gun has maybe a 3mm peg
>only know I can put the gun on the roof or in his hands, and can plug the car's back bit into his gun barrel
>Somehow some of the TF writers managed to go through their entire childhood and adult lives without figuring that out.
>Same kind of brain disease that makes grown adults feel the need to criticize children's fairy tales for not having proper magic systems or worldbuilding or whatever.
There's nothing wrong with trying to come up with in-universe explanations and make things make sense, but the problem is that most TF fiction is made by hacks who are incredibly bad at it.
Shockwave just looks like that because that's his design and not "muh empurata" or whatever slop IDW came up with. Arcee looks like a girl because she IS a girl, because Cybertronians do have genders, though not all female TFs have to look like Arcee.
And Sky Lynx? He's just a fuck-huge dragon, because there are different classes or "races" of Cybertronian and not all of them are humanoid shaped.
There. Simple, no fuss, no muss. My explanations might sound dismissive to some lorefags, but what I did was make the Cybes MORE interesting and diverse, not less so.
Doesn't look like the Menasor arm is actually attached.
The "dismissive" explanation works best for me too. Why are there groups of cybertronians who become one big guy? That's just what they do, some of them are like that, big whoop. Why's Trypticon a Godzilla? Why wouldn't he be, quit asking. Why is Arcee pink? She likes that color and some robots are girls, simple as. I like that weird unique bots like Reflector exist without any extraneous lore trying to explain why there's three of one guy. It's more interesting to wonder about the whys than it is to be given answers to every question. It's like that in most fiction imo.
What's with the stupid hollow legs?
If you had to write the Autobots, what would you do?
>Optimus Prime tries to be a good leader but suffers from some kind of imposter syndrome and is afraid he's letting everyone down, despite his experience and successes. He struggles with his men
>Bumblebee is a young, immature sonuvabitch but to quote some guy "There's some darkness in that boy." He's got severe feelings of inadequacy and believes he needs to earn the approval of Optimus, leading to him taking insane risks.
>There's an entire dynamic where Optimus feels he's enabling Bumblebee's behavior
Swap Bumblebee for Hotrod so Hotrod finally becomes an interesting character.
>Nonnef Slipstream Kit has pics posted
>He shows off the kit in red.
Them why the hell isn't he including a new head. Man, this is annoying.
galvatron is literally a voyager sold at leader
Even worse, I'll barely use paint and you need stickers to complete the kit.
>>Optimus Prime tries to be a good leader but suffers from some kind of imposter syndrome and is afraid he's letting everyone down, despite his experience and successes. He struggles with his men
You just described Ultra Magnus.
you absolute nunhammer, this is not complicated
you get made fun of as a kid for liking kids stuff
you show them, by paying careful attention to it and studying it as seriously as any subject
you find SOME of what you like actually stands up to that, while some of it really is fluffy shit for kids, so you ditch that
then you become such a great scholar of media that you're able to create your own on par with it.
nitpicking shit and trying to make sense of it is what an active mind DOES with the thing it likes. it's the difference between "i'm interested in train engineering and I know how the axle linkages work and why the Lac-Mégantic disaster happened" and "YAY TRAINS! AGAIN AGAIN!" with flaccid hand-clapping.
I had a nervous breakdown mid-post.
A voyager from 15+ years ago, sure. Legacy Galvatron thing has actual mass and mogs any modern voyager in weight (and also in size in most cases). The point is that Galvatron isn't an small toy so Megatronus isn't small either.

I knew it. The connectors looked the same.

Have you never seen legacy Menasor before or what?
>nitpicking shit and trying to make sense of it is what an active mind DOES with the thing it likes.
Well then the average TF comic or cartoon writer, let alone fan doesn't have very "active minds" then. Because the "explanations" most of them come up with are horrible.
>you get made fun of as a kid for liking kids stuff
Come again?
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>Leo the cat has finally taken over and found out what Battlebeasts are and might be spending the entire companies budget on creating his own armor...

He's literally spending the money he could have used on a new slipstream head on making a custom toy of his cat. I kind of respect it.
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Anon that got that 3d printed jetfire upgrade for legacy armada prime, I still absolutely recommend getting it if anyone has armada prime.

An update though. I got the 3d printed overload and... cant really recommend it. On its own it is actually kinda cool. But like, it's overload so you know what you're getting into. Has a sort of vehicle mode. Robot mode isn't exactly accurate but looks fine enough and poses okay.

So if you like that then get it, but if you wanna combine it with your now jetfire optimus? I can't even go into it because I can't even figure out how to combine it. Spent over 30 mins messing with it and all I did was almost knock my prime over multiple times. Cant put this thing on at all like in the pictures they showed.

If someone does happen to know how, please educate me.
>Come again?
Yeah I got the impression you had somehow avoided that. Not sure where you grew up, but the rest of us, you got fucking slammed by your peers, parents, authorities, for liking -anything- other than sports. Torn apart. Your maturity questioned.
Back of the waist has two 5mm pegs, you plug them into small OP's arms.
Oh so its insecurity that makes people like that
Oh for real?? Its like 4 in a row and something like that seemed so simple it went over my head lmao. I was completely over thinking it.
i never thought i'd have to EXPLAIN that. nerds are massively insecure. This is what happens when people get treated like shit and, rather than let it turn them into a shitty person, instead try to defiantly PROVE how great they are. which itself CAN be kind of shitty, but at least you're not embracing your criticism and becoming the worst of it like some people.
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Well now that I know what's up, I like it a bit more. It's also great to have a use for prime's super legs again instead of letting them just stand on their own. This actually looks pretty nice.
>still mentally enslaved to your grade school bullies
do you stop caring about wrong people being wrong just because they're shitty and in the past?
I want to be hated by people who hate the thing I am, and I'm going to be the most of it I can. If that's enslavement, I'd rather be an employer.
it's always weird when a guy's altmode looks like it drove into him
like there's a lot of beast head chests but none of them give you that impression
I think it was around $500 the most in a month. It varies heavily since sometimes I go half a year without buying any. I think would even out to about $40 a month.
In Overload's case, it kind of did.
>We have to destroy whatever disease it is that makes writers feel the compulsion to answer questions nobody was asking,
It's autism
help me out, what do you mean
>There. Simple, no fuss, no muss.
So, like the majority of most TF media? because you make it seem like it's an epidemic amongst TF writers when it really isn't.
I guess that's neat. I guess I won't get Slipstream. Using stickers for the cockpit and no head options just kills the kit for me. Guess my LG Slipstream will be thr only one I'll ever own.
86 Springer's transformation is tighter than my ex-girlfriend.
Does anyone know how big the balljoint in Kingdom Cyclonus/Legacy Ferak's head is? I'm planning a custom.
Alright, here's a rewrite without a nervous breakdown
>Optimus is a dad figure. Leads by example, strong, kind, seemingly ideal leader. Secretly harbors immense grudge against Megatron and feels he's leading his team to ruin. Turns into a cabover with a car carrier trailer like he did in Energon/Super Link. The trailer itself also turns into a jetpack. Eventually hands off the Matrix to Bumblebee.
>Bumblebee. Starts out as a simple scout. Evolves into a commander figure, proves worthy of Matrix through his maturity and lack of doubt. Turns into modern day beetle and when he becomes the next Matrix bearer he turns into a cool RV.
>Arcee. Crazy bitch. Whatever.
>Ratchet. Just the medic. Also whatever.
>Hot Rod is a rookie with something to prove and takes insane risks to compensate for his insecurity.
Gary Chaulk has stage 4 lymphoma
Schizo Optimus Prime. The Megatron he fights against is no better, but he is less obvious because the Decepticons are all batshit insane.
I'm not saying it
... well that's just prime
At least we got the Boss Monkey for a while. Hope it goes quickly,
>Turns into modern day beetle
There is no modern day beetle
They ended it years ago.
It's a treatable kind, his friend said he's doing well, but lymphoma means nearly anything else can kill you cause it wrecks your ability to fight off other diseases, moreso than just chemo already does.
They made one in 2019
nah they did a new one. we all saw the ads.
stage 4 is treatable? well okay then, If anybody can fight it, it's Big Bot.
I have just been vacillating these past few decades between "the pain of loss reminds you of how good something was" and "what's the point of ever having something if the loss is that bad"
I think you're a little off.
Make Optimus be an injured, older soldier, who's been tasked with chosing and training his replacement. None of them are ready, but he's not getting any better, so he has to send them on missions and see how they can handle stuff without him, which often leaves him wracked with fear.
Before he can make his decision, they all find out what's going on. They become competitive with each other, which disappoints Optimus, so he pulls himself out of semi retirement, only to get caught by megs.
The rest of the team has to decide a pecking order themselves to mount a rescue.
"New beetle" stopped being made 14 years ago
Then they returned to just calling it "beetle" and stopped THAT just over 5 years ago now.
i kinda dig the hell outta that.
but you know the way they would actually do it is have Kup be the broken down guy, and his replacement is the sprightly, executives-thing-kids-love-him child optimus.
evidently not
>stage 4 is treatable?
Stage 4 means incurable
Incurable doesn't always mean untreatable.
Sometimes it means treatment is designed to let you live long enough that something else will get you.
He's 72, and Canadian, so if he gets a few more years he's doing better than most.
Unless they decide to stop his treatment.
But he can likely raise the money for US treatments if need be.
Overload's vehicle mode is a minicon truck pulling a large trailer. His full size transformation involves the trailer becoming the main body, then the minicon inserts into the chest and deploys the head.
yeah I was gonna say
one way or another he's not gonna see the 40s
but we will always love him
okay, but my post was
>it's always weird when a guy's altmode looks like it drove into him (like the post I've just replied to, the 3d printed guy)
>like there's a lot of beast head chests, but none of them give you that impression (that an animal has burst through their body or crashed into them)
so your reply "kind of did" doesn't really track.
>none of them give you that impression
I wouldn't say NONE
I kind of like the idea of a from-the-start arc for Optimus. Not like Animated or One, something a little different.
>Autobots flat-out lost the war due to a lack of preparation/organization and fled while the 'Cons pursue them across the stars. Been 10 years since this happened.
>Prime, a soft-spoken, extremely optimistic, strong-willed, yet somewhat naïve member of a motely crew of 5, finds Matrix, it chooses him as a vessel to protect it while it finds someone more "Worthy" to lead.
>Initially tries to just protect it, but after gathering enough Autobots and getting more experience, decides to gather the rest of the 'bots and take Cybertron back from Megs.
>As the story goes on he slowly becomes more and more worthy of not just being a vessel of the Matrix, but it's true bearer, and as a result is allowed more and more of it's power. He continues to show new abilities like the bestowal of powers (New gimmicks for himself and the others?)
>People follow him not because of military rank or experience, but because they actually believe in his ideals and he forms legitimate bonds with them. It's less
>I'll follow you because you're a leader and have wisdom.
And more
>I'll follow you because you actually inspired, protected, helped, and befriended me. EX he recruits the Dinobots by backing them up in a rescue mission for Grimlock.
And as he learns from the people around him, he grows into a proper leader and by the end, he's fucking Optimus Prime
And also since the Autobots are constantly on the run, we’d open on Prime and his allies doing picrel.
The question is who should his crew be? I feel like Prime did the roster perfectly at the start
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VNR optimus always gave me strong "naive young leader" vibes desu.
think it works nicely if you go by the animated angle again.
NTA but it might work to go for c-listers for the starting roster, to kinda show how much of a skeleton crew these guys really are.
He’s not even the leader of his crew in the scenario I described. They’re more like a ragtag gang of roommates on the run from actual militaristic lunatics.
I meant more “Who feels like they could be his friends?”
Also, Optimus’ nature as a never-give-up kind of guy is shown early on.
>Decepticon scout shows up, catches crew.
>Optimus buys time for them to get the ship meager cannon running.
>Gets sadistically beaten down by the Con despite his best efforts. Con literally toying with him.
>Refuses to stay down and keeps fighting despite his injuries
>Friends get ship running, blow Con open. Force them to salvage the corpse because that’s how fucked they are
>Optimus gets chewed out for how injured he is
>They relocate to a new asteroid/planet
>Optimus walks off and finds Matrix
>It begins
I always hated he doesn't get the recognition he deserves. He voiced Primal and Optimus Primes before Peter was brought back to be the definite Optimus. He even got ignored for Primal in ROTB because the dumbass director thought only Ron Perlman was the og Primal. Hope he does well
that one looks more like he killed a lion and mounted the trophy in place of the matrix because he gave that to somebody
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I had him on the desk lol
but actual plot reason, maybe could be a way to show how bad the war is if even the stubborn soldier guy ends up getting convinced to get into the evacuation ship instead of staying to die in a lost war, and we do need a veteran soldier like character.
that isn't the absolute best version that concept could be, but boy is it the one most likely for Hasbro to approve it. Nice pitch.
where would he have gotten ron perlman from
surely the issue is he's non-union. also the movies always fuck up and neglect to properly consider the old actors.
>I have passed on the Matrix, my time as leader is over
>But now I have a giant hole in my chest cavity
So it’s Prime, Hardhead, Red Alert, Bumblebee, and probably some 5th guy
>so your reply "kind of did" doesn't really track.
That wasn't my reply. The other guy didn't answer you so I answered for him. You gotta remember that anyone can reply to a post.
Probably Arcee. Gotta have the chick
and YOU gotta remember that in that context, anyone would assume it's the same person, unless you append "NTA but..."

and anyway that just pushes the problem over. why do YOU think that was an explanation for his post? Why would he bring that up out of nowhere just because it matches the first thing I established, before pivoting "what if same thing, but different?"
you could do chromia too
>Ironhide is about to board the civilians into the ship with chromia backing them up
>She's about to get shot and he instead takes the shot, he gets hurt since it was a bad spot
>Chromia tries to stay behind to help but he knows he's done for and doesn't wanna drag her to death so instead he shuts the doors and now she's part of the crew
5 man band
Opti leader
Need brains, brawn, heart, and foil
Do bumblebee for heart, but make him more like the guy that pumps everyone up. He's never broken, even when he's missing limbs. Indomitable spirit.
Nautica is the brains. She's like wheeljack, goofy but smart, but the main thing here is she hates fighting, but loves fixing.
The brawn is trailbreaker. Tough as nails and can run for much longer on less energon than the rest

Lastly, the foil character. Metalhawk. Being the only flyer in the group, he often feels like he's in a different vantage point, second guesses the boss, talks back, but has a healthy respect for the chain of command.
His yearly Christmas song parody on YouTube mentioned it
No, he’s not the leader
since you're insistent on that, do you see someone being the leader for a while till prime grows into his role or you are thinking of having a clear leader figure that dies at the start so the role can get moved into OP
Not really. Prime doesn’t become a leader via military rank or anything, he becomes a leader by actually earning the trust and friendship of those around him.
Just go watch rid 2015 then
The original post commented on a picture of Overload with
>it's always weird when a guy's altmode looks like it drove into him
and then brought up how beast-formers with face chests don't look like that in order to elaborate on the oddity of the first statement.
Then >>11270348 explains that's basically what happens with Overload. You asked for an explanation to what that means, so I explained that part of his transformation is essentially his truck portion inserting into the rest of his body like it drove into him.
I'm not sure how it was hard to follow. The conversation was basically
>that guy looks weird because it looks like a car drove into his chest
>that's because it basically did
>it's part of his transformation
Where's the confusion coming from?
meant to reply to >>11270485
How do we feel about the latest thing to recognize and clap for?
I think the cape is nifty
the base being the cape is a nice trick desu, it's a pretty alright look but it's a bit plain.
hopefully nothing important is made out of clear plastic.
Overload is a pmop style supermodel
Rollout has a normal robot mode too.
That's why it looks like a guy in the chest of another
I hate what Star Wars has become and do not want to give disney money, but I do think he looks pretty cool. The shield, lance, cape, and helmet all make him look very knightly. One of the better collab figures, I'd consider picking him up on a discount at least
>Then >>11270348 explains that's basically what happens with Overload
that's not how words work though.
>Man A looks so weird, it's funny how B doesn't
>"Yeah but in A1's case, it is!"
that sentence would only make sense if that was an example of B. the beast guys.
Looks fucking awesome. are they gonna do Slave-1?
Best site atm for discounts?
they all match each other
Any good target discount codes?
Starting team
>Red Alert
>Hot Rod
BBTS got a bunch of shit on deep discount, some of it might be worth picking up
When anon brought up how Overload works, it was simply a clarifying response to explain why Overload looks weird, because that was what the original comment seemed to primarily be about. The whole bit about beast-formers looks like a secondary statement meant to complement the first, not the main point itself, so anon was responding to that.
how does "Yeah but (in this other case), it did" clarify why Overload looks weird? not that i was asking why Overload looks weird anyway. Seriously I'm not following you at all.
Anon's statement was a 'but.' it was one of contradiction. So me saying Overload looks like his altmode crashed through his chest does not lead to "but this other guy did too"
They already did Slave 1 and it sucked.
oh back in the old 'han and chewie become the millennium falcon' days i suppose

they should have split the death star into a vader and palpatine bot, since hemisphere transformers are a lot easier than spheres.
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10 dollar fig, he’s alright as filler.
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I bought QQT's Armada Jetfire kit too, but I was quite disappointed. It's my fourth or fifth kit from her so I thought I knew what to expect, but I've never got one this large with these many joints.

Firstly, mine broke in two areas during transit and had more white glue/print residue than usual so that already soured my mood.
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The joints are mostly mushroom pegs, tightened by what looks like white sticky tac. It works but there's a chance of working the sticky tac out of the joints if you move them too often. The hip joints on mine are already starting to come loose.
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There seems to be some big calculation error with the location of the slots meant for tabbing in the wings in the alt mode. They are off by a full inch and at an weird angle.
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You can still form the jet mode by sliding the wings off their mushroom pegs. The resulting jet mode though is very broken. It's also too big and floppy to swoosh around or have OP use as a surfboard. Just makes you ask "why bother".

I think Jetfire is still worth it if you're going to combine it with OP and have it look great on a shelf. Problem is that OP is one of those toys I pick up and play, so this printed Jetfire isn't the right Jetfire for me.
Ok, but what does that have to with what we were talking about?
Being made fun of for liking TFs is what encourages bad writing and goofy (official or otherwise) explanations? And no, no one has ever made fun of me for liking TFs as an adult.

If stuff like "empurata" and long winded explanations for why female TFs should exist (but males are perfectly ok) are borne out of insecurity of all things then it's all the more reason for normal fans to reject these concepts and not take them seriously.
What was wrong with Legacy Slipstream's head? The only thing she needed that I can see was the "lipstick".
Almost too cool for a stormtrooper like that.
Is this an OC or is it supposed to be Din if he transformer?
It's the Mandalorian collab
I like the idea of Optimus becoming more powerful as he ages with the matrix
Do they kill off Primes if they become too powerful?
I know, but is the figure an OC like Ecto-1, Gigawatt, etc. or is it literally the Mandalorian as a robot like the Street Fighter collab?
I love the idea of completing old toys by printing up new pieces for them.
I guess I got lucky with mine then because it's still working pretty well. Haven't had any problems. Really sucks yours was broken.
That's hot. Sauce?
It's more the Matrix "Trusting" him more and more
>Not Hotshot
I recently got my hands on legacy Windblade. She's a great little toy.
We have look at commander two pack for Devastator.
kind of a shame she's so ugly cause as a toy she seems okay.
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He was always where the extra parts were dumped anyway. This new one looks a lot more gracefully done than the last attempt
>commander class
jesus christ just how much is the boxset gonna cost at this rate
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>treads are part of the torso and not the arms again
>All the combiner stuff is just a separate chunk of crap on wheels.
>still can't make Long haul into a functional dump truck
Long Haul looks pretty good I think actually. I like that he's fatter than the others to a point, but not to the extent of CW where he was like twice the size. So far Bonecrusher is the only really iffy looking one (for me).
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I like her too, her and Slipstream both.
that's easy when he doesn't actually do the combining stuff. Instead that's a separate kibble piece you get the privilege of paying extra for.
You know what? I don't hate the trailer. They're a construction crew; I've seen real life crews dragging around extra shit like that with far less grace - you could always pretend it's the trailer most construction companies these days use as their on-site HQ while on the job.
Long Haul's bucket still not functioning like an actual dumptruck's is unforgivable, though. We're going into 2025 now - there's no excuse for each of these guys not to have functional buckets, scoops, cranes, and so on.
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>two deluxes and a combiner chunk
>Devastator parts should be free if they're not part of a robot
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UW Long Haul was more sovlful
two deluxes and a block of kibble that doesn't do anything else shouldn't be a commander price tag.
Should the block of kibble be free? It's still part of Devastator.
If you're expecting all of him to be born out of the 6 constructicons with no extra pieces, it's not gonna happen, ever. TFs, let alone combiners, transform and combine in the cartoons and comics with mass shifting, subspace, and all kinds of other cheats. Our toy technology isn't quite there yet, hate to tell you.
Devy has worked this way since 1985 so I don't know what you were expecting.
Do you know if this seller has posted the STL on anything I can buy it off of? I got a .2mm nozzle and I wanted to try it out on my X1C with this.
Fat fuck
Should I even bother with devestator? I don't have any and I doubt I still have my G1 version.
Probably not since they are selling the prints themselves, and if they did you'll need a Baidu account due to Chinese internet

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