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Ban New Jersey


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Sets Data:

>General Resources:

Previously on lego:>> 11289992
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No Reddit, Nexoshit, or Youtubers past this point
Also previous thread link since accidentally messed it up
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I'm done with lego. I want to save money so I'll just play pirated minecraft
Try Tekkit classic
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Nexo Knights is kino
For me it's monster fighters
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For me?
It's hero factory
For me it's the unofficial themes I envision and Moc meself
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I just built my first lego set in 20 years and now i somehow find myself here
LEGO Nexo Knights, while divisive, is often praised for its unique qualities.

Here are five serious reasons why it could be considered "kino" (a term suggesting high artistic or entertainment value):

1. Innovative Blend of Medieval and Futuristic Themes
Nexo Knights successfully merges medieval knight tropes with high-tech futuristic elements, creating a distinctive aesthetic. The fusion of traditional castles, knights, and swords with advanced technology, mechs, and holograms gives it a fresh and original appeal.

2. Engaging Worldbuilding
The series builds a rich, imaginative world with its own lore, from the digital wizard Merlok 2.0 to the Book of Monsters. The attention to detail in crafting a society that balances tradition and innovation adds depth and intrigue to the narrative.

3. Interactive Digital Integration
Nexo Knights pioneered a multimedia experience by integrating LEGO sets with an interactive app, allowing players to scan shield powers and unlock abilities in games. This synergy between physical toys and digital play elevated engagement and was ahead of its time.

4. Compelling Villains and Themes
The antagonists, like Jestro and the Book of Monsters, are well-developed, with motivations and arcs that resonate. The themes of corruption, redemption, and the dangers of unchecked ambition give the story emotional weight, making it appealing to audiences of all ages.

5. Stunning Visual Design and Creativity
From the sharp, neon-infused aesthetic of the knights’ armor to the imaginative designs of the vehicles and castles, the visual presentation is striking. The LEGO sets themselves are some of the most innovative, combining playability with display-worthy designs.

While LEGO Nexo Knights might not appeal to everyone, its creativity, worldbuilding, and innovative ideas make it stand out as a bold and ambitious entry in LEGO's lineup.
Go away JerseyFag
What set anon?
Bro really used chat gpt for this shit
>nexotard is so mentally retarded he needs AI to do thinking for him
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I am not from Jersey

Proof its AI? I wrote this using my brain
nexoknights is based
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Dreamzzz comes close
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Everyday LEGO
(A catchy pop song)

[Verse 1]
Woke up this morning, sun in the sky,
Grab my imagination, time to let it fly.
Colors all around me, red, blue, and gold,
Building up a dream that never gets old.

Click, click, stack it high,
Reach the stars, don't ask why.
Piece by piece, we’re making art,
Every block’s a brand-new start.

LEGO, LEGO, LEGO, everyday LEGO!
Building up a world where the fun won’t let go.
LEGO, LEGO, LEGO, let the pieces show,
Imagination’s endless, let it grow, let it grow!

[Verse 2]
Castles and towers, cities that shine,
Every single brick is a moment in time.
Spaceships soaring, adventures begin,
In a world of LEGO, everyone can win.

Click, click, stack it high,
Reach the stars, don’t ask why.
Piece by piece, we’re making art,
Every block’s a brand-new start.

LEGO, LEGO, LEGO, everyday LEGO!
Building up a world where the fun won’t let go.
LEGO, LEGO, LEGO, let the pieces show,
Imagination’s endless, let it grow, let it grow!

Oh, break it down, build it back,
Every dream’s on the right track.
From a house to a rocket ship,
Hold your vision—don’t let it slip.
Together we’ll create, design, and play,
It’s a LEGO life, every single day!

[Final Chorus]
LEGO, LEGO, LEGO, everyday LEGO!
Building up a world where the fun won’t let go.
LEGO, LEGO, LEGO, let the pieces show,
Imagination’s endless, let it grow, let it grow!

LEGO, LEGO, LEGO, everyday LEGO!
Click, stack, dream, and play, let’s go!
LEGO, LEGO, LEGO, let your passion flow,
In the world of LEGO, anything can grow!
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Tell me /lg/, what is better to collect, lego sonic sets or sonic jakks action figures?

And in general, is lego a better value than action figures? Price wise too.
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Am I the only one who hopes Zane stays like this for a while?

Also, why didn't lego do more Axl from nexo knights like minifigs? Thats a cool alternative to bigfigs!
The fuck is that picture? Didnt even realize its a lego general
I've never seen a sonic IP figure which was truly on model and/or doesn't have distractingly large articulation joints. Metal Sonic's probably the closest they get because he's already a robot with intentionally visible joints

Lego's definitely not on model but at least it's part of a modular system
What kind of Chris-chan tier mental impairment drives a human being to shit up a slow thread about danish brick toys on a burmese elephant-riding forum with obscene amounts of samefagging and AI posts?
No sex
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To achieve weight loss and increase your ability to purchase LEGO, consider the following guidelines:
- Consume food once every two days.
- Focus on one high-quality meal during that time.
- Hydrate exclusively with tap water.
By adhering to these practices, you may find yourself with more resources to invest in LEGO, similar to my experience.
This kind.>>11293170
Go buy some bedsheets >>11293107
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This is Dune Buggy Creator 3-in-1 set.
It looks awesome and final result exceeded my expectations.
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This is Sunset Track Racer set, again from Creator 3in1 theme. I am disappointed by this model. It looked better at promo image. Very odd color palette choice makes its silhouette murky; black tinted headlights; each pair of wheels are set on the same axis, which makes it almost impossible to turn the car during play. I do like though clever usage of black cheese window pieces as supports for the spoiler. And from behind car looks like something out of NFS Underground.

That and buggy above are the last sets I bought last year since joining the LEGO hobby last august.
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I spent a lot of money on LEGO already, so I vowed I will not buy any more sets at least for the first half of 2025. I always wanted to build a tiltrotor, so I started to build a draft. Nevermind dark photos, we have a sudden power outage in my town.
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Hey folks, looking for a bit of advice, I want to put purple pieces into pic related so it's similar to this https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dK4sCqAw5BYwsTfhVDO55bjtvY2DeilK and it should be able to close, any suggestions?
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Looks pretty cool, but I'd definitely have made the plane
>Can't even afford Minecraft
Jesus fuck dude. Just use bing qnd browse a bit and they'll give you enough points to buy it off the windows store.
I hope more Lego Simpsons is real.
those old sets are my white whales. I hope so too it's an instant buy for me
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6609 Race Car 1980

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"Yeah bro, I customize LEGO"

>Uses a sharpie for "detailing"
>Molds accessories with hot glue and random clay
>No cleaning the bricks beforehand
>Paints directly on the plastic with cheap acrylics
>"Krylon spray paint? Nah, I just use my sister's nail polish."
>Glues parts together permanently for "stability"
>Doesn't mask areas before painting
>No sealant, lets it chip "for that authentic battle-damage look"
Nothing wrong with gluing Lego together if you know you're not going to take it apart
Oh God, the clamping power is immense
taking bait but whatever
>successfully merging knight tropes with high tech
40k did it better, and a lot of the colour schemes in the sets are vomit inducing
its not that much deeper than hp
>digital intergration
a shitty mobile game isnt unique nor "ahead of its time". ultra agents, ninjago and space have done it too
>compelling villains and themes
jestro is the typical "corrupted guy" and the book of monsters is just "bad guy"
>visual design and creativity
again, 40k did it first. the neon infused designs are overrated and cant be used outside of nexo (except that one ninjago subtheme)
40k was made obsolete by the Bambu p1/a1
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Ninjago is kino
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>wheelchair in not!middle ages
>for some dipshit peasant trash to boot
Modern DnD-tier
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Yeah the NexoPedo is so mentally braindead he literally cannot do anything creative on his own and uses chatgpt shit, a literal mongoloid is doing ALL the spam shit including the reddit screenshots+captions as “posts”, and is now seething his shitty personal pet didn’t get the thread, and instead Galidor is up, genuinely psychotic and mentally ill behaviour
Anyways I like the Dolphin mold here
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This set is pretty neat.
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Nexo Knights peake lego here ok
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I believe 87% of posts in this thread are not shitposters, I believe we have an AI system that infiltrated here on /lg/. One sent by The Lego Groupd IT team, why you may ask, you simpletons? Because we are valuable, we have true leakers here with company knowledge, shitposting made by AI here is done to keep us away from the truth, the truth that Ninjago is ending in 2026! Think about it, Kramer left because of AI shitposters, this is their master plan.
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What? Focusing on lego saved me

Hear my story:
>be me 20 year old loser
>smoke 5 packs a day
>drunk alcohol every day
>fuck hookers every friday
>one day I come here, to this board, via /tv/
>see lego gen
>see lego fans have fun
>say man I liked lego as a kid
>look at all cool sets now
>decide fuck it, buy a hidden side set (the boat)
>mfw its fun
>want more
>too expensive
>decide to quit smoking
>save up more cash
>then stop drinking
*start to gain weight, too much food*
>decide to go to gym and save up cash for lego by not eating a lot
>stop fuking hookers, meet a noce girl, broke up later
>still buy lego
>now have over 390 sets
>mfw I am more healthy now and smarter
Only thing I need is a new gf but I date someone now

I also have my own home thanks to inheritance. Also, I do work from home in IT. You and I are not the same.

And btw, I work in cybersecurity if so you asked!
why do you keep making those posts
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Mega Bloks Dragons>>>Modern Lego

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Let's talk about lego lilo and stitch and why it is peak lego
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Kill yourself NexoPedo
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the big race is about to happen
post your lego racers NOW

Describe your role and pay
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>hates lego like the plague
>shills chinese endocrine disruptors like crazy

Truly a man on a mission.
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Alright /lg/ I have 5 dragon paladins and I've decided to give them mounts but the question is which mounts.
On the Carnivore side I have
>at least 3 raptors
>Giga (nowhere to mount a seat)
>pyroraptor (can pull a sleigh)
>2 smaller dilphosaurus (can pull a sleigh)
Herbivore side
>2 stigs
>2 triceratops

My other option is to get a couple of the Harry Potter haunted forest sets to stack buckbeaks and give them hawk horses
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Hear you talking shit
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Mega Bloks Dragons is peak
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Why does everyone hate Dreamzzz again? Seems pretty great to me
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Its a symptom of madness, he may have syphilis and is dying while spamming this garbage (hopefully)
What parts/quantities do I need to replace all the clips on the new blacktron renegade?
I hate the ratchet joints and fuck-huge tubes
I don't have much time left, my friends... doctor informed me that I have until Christmas. So, I'm planning to splurge on all the pricey sets I've always dreamed of, as well as some I never got the chance to own. Does anyone know how I can find the Lego Knights Kingdom Morcia Castle in excellent condition? After I'm gone, all my sets will be donated, so I want to collect all the amazing pieces I missed out on.

Its colon cancer.
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>american hours
Its always the fucking yankees who ruin this board

Amurica is so incapable they venerate lego but they were never capable of creating something better than lego, a danish european toy. Even Mega Bloks was Canadian ffs.

More so for amurican engineering.
sorry to hear of this friend. I imagine you'd find it on all the usual places if one is going for sale, try bricklink
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I am russian btw

I dab on you muricans

Now, when will lego do russian based theme?
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I wonder how 2025 will look like

I hope there won't be repeats of 2024, and there will be new content
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This thread is nothing but posts from last thread some im gonna try to salvage it.

Wanted to make a platform that raises and lowers to get into my space base. This is insanely difficult. I just keep throwing gears at the situation but I dont know how Im gonna make anything rise and fall with my pieces available. I looked up lift systems online and built one but it's a meme that can't actually have anything attached to it to make up the actual platform.
Almost like we should stop burning through threads and having 10 lego generals on the catalog huh

People are reposting their stuff to get no (You)s again while the thread fills up with shitposts and no lego
Its the same fag who constantly begs “New Thread?” Aka the nexopedo
Most Elevator designs genuinely need stuff like String, spools, and some stability, will be hard to design period but good luck
>Now, when will lego do russian based theme?
2 weeks, no way it stretches to years.
>Have strings and spools but they're for my Technic Mars Rover I just got and am making the space base because of
I was thinking of going crude and just having two bionicle arms in charge of it lmao.
Why do you call him nexopedo?
Its time for lg to go to trash

Who agrees?
I like this tuber's videos, but his use of 'we' is always unnerving. At first I thought there was a team but now I know it's one guy using first person plural. A royal we as it were.
I fucked a thai bros and then build lego

Lego will drop the nukes on february 2nd

TLG will start WWIII
What kind of mental illness is this and why does lego fans have this?
What are you brainstorming? What is your next lego project?
he owns his own toy store.
It's literally one person sperging out
OH now he lost weight! Looks fuckable

But why did he do it bros? Couldnt gym have helped him?

I say a good haircut or beard and go bald with muscle and 6 pack couldve fixed him
Mounjaro has really helped America.
Am I gay if I wanna tap that?
Estrogen is the gift that keeps on giving

I want a new thread guys.

A ninjago thread
Most beautiful woman ever bros I think I am in love
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He isnt a pedo you fsggot

What is wrong with you?
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I want to build Kotor 2 Ebon Hawk but i'm scared people will attack me for it being "licenceshit".
Based mods
Two options here
>just don't post images of it
>stop being a bitch
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Oh my fucking goodness...
Got proof loser?

I am straight male and like japanese milfs
What is happening
Why are lego fans so fuckin weird?
Mental illness?
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Went with stairs for the space base instead.
Personally I'm learning to draw. I just love visual design and lego is just one way to express that
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I want lego one piece when ???
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I assume there's no head piece like this?
I have no idea how i'm gonna do her and Kreia.
You're right, KYS mousecuck.
Monorails are peak soul
I love him
I'm gonna build Ebon Hawk.
Fuck you, bitch!
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What do we think of Jang covering over brands like FunHole and COBI on Jang's 8th new channel, JANG's Other Bricks?

Shitposting aside, I have too much invested in the LEGO system to ever care about another brand, and mixing brands upsets my tism. I guess it's good if the competition causes lego to reduce prices though
Lego will never reduce prices
I got it for $50 on clearance and it’s pretty fuckin sweet and lots of fun little play features. But why in the hell the “chocolate” shit swirl cupcake? How does that fit with the story?
You know no one cares right?
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They have RETVRNED
Please tell me this is the $80 haunted house.
Lego also has no competition whatsoever. None of these meme Chinese poison bricks are even on Lego's radar.
You are nutty if you think that will only be 80 dorrar
It's hard enough getting a lot of kids happy with a megabloks set for Xmas over lego without tantruming
China will eat lego alive.
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The USS eisenhower had to flee the red sea from the houthis.
A man can dream.
Kek! Worlds strongest airforce US Airforce. Worlds second strongest airforce? USNavy. Moving a carrier strategically when you control global seas isn’t the same as being bogged down in a war with a former territory.
Congrats /lg/, this is one of the worst fucking threads I've ever seen.
Dude it fled after getting hit, shut up. It's clear that old style standing militaries are not doing well in the age of computerized war.
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All from one nexosperg having a meltdown he didn’t make it himself, he really needs to be rangebanned man and a lot of problems would be solved for a while
Careful you don’t get conscripted ivan. Go play with your legos while you can!
Isn't there a worm gear that is designed specifically for elevators? I think it's a pretty recent piece.
Where are the studs
Yes, but the ones compatible are pretty limited right now and there aren’t many tutorials for it yet, so it sucks a bit vs the classic string
>sold out
No they haven't
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Nice set!
That's the best chosen submission of that BDP wave. I'll probably get that and Thieves of Tortuga.
I want lego dragon ball z
Cobi is good for the realistic army itch and is also European quality and only has a factory in Poland and not China like LEGO. FunWhole is chinkshit made in dodgy factories with stolen lego molds and toxic plastics by Chinese slaves. Jang should be ashamed.
I ended up with a stair construction im pretty happy with so it all worked out. Have a turret now too.

My plan is to build the ground and first floors and order reddish orange pieces to tie it in to 2024 space and build a second floor foundation out of the reddish orange technic panels and a landing pad/radar on the top.

Basically the aesthetic Im going for (partially out of necessity since I have bricks from vastly different eras) is scrappy and greebled with elements of white/reddish orange accents to tie it into 2024 and the idea being this structure actually got made off world and not launched to a planet by Lego City. Realistically I've just never made a building before so it's kinda shitty and Im just happy to have something that I can structurally pick up and move around without crumbling to pieces that has actually height to it already.
>to tie it into 2024
2024 space*
Anyone bought any of the new Dreamzzz sets yet?
They're haram because bricklink designer program sets are dust collectors for afols who think studs are unaesthetic and shiet
studs accumulate dust that can get stuck around them and aren't as easy to brush off with my makeup brushes
Memes aside what do you think of nexo knights?
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no racing
Failed theme. Nothing more to discuss.
Sweet use of the Ford mustang I like this
It was a kino theme.
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Have you racist chuds signed the petition yet? Just don’t notice the “diversity” of their team.

so what's gonna be the new cope once everyone gets rid of dei?
I think it was kind of funny how the TV show ended on a cliffhanger
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I think we should delete nexo knights from histroy. Like it never happened.
Why does nexo knights anger chuds so much?
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Hopes for future sets?
>petition from September 2020
>sub-2k signatures
Womanbros... the danish chuds have defeated us...
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>How long do you think will Lego Sonic theme continue?

>How many games characters do you think will we get?

>Do you like the theme?
I want Lego Power Rangers
There will be 2 Marvel Rivals sets in the summer. We also get a Spider Man 2 booknook based on train scene and another Spider Man 1 set of Green Goblin vs Peter.

Batcave will be based on both batman and robin and forever. 6 minifigs.

Arkham Asylum is Schumacher based...
What is Nexo Knights??

Nexo Knights was an okay theme. Not bad, not great. Three waves of a theme is pretty much the average for a decent lego theme

But if it were truly as kino as the fucking autists in this thread believe, the Bricklink and Ebay prices would be higher for MISB or used sets. They arent. I couldnt get that shit to move for years.
We are also getting 4 minifig based lego Transformers sets in october. Like those Kre-o minifigs.

Thats pretty much it for new themes stuff. For now.
Wrong tripcode. Not even a secure tripcode. Embarrassing.
Good larp my friend
>in plural
I lost my old one. I try my best to keep you guys updated.
I guess I found it
Anything new Kramer? Do we know everything cool for summer sets or there is something left?
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Can you say what new characters we get here? Please O-O
Did you give up bro? I loved what you did and wanna say I am sorry for those who wronged you. I hope one day you will leak again. Amen.
We need you

Is monkie kid over???
Lego dbz when
Any Employee only sets coming up? Just need it for documentation, or 2024’s employe only sets
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You could use these on the sides of the shaft and have the gears on the lift climb up them.
Or you could maybe use those hydraulic pieces or standard technic arms in a cherry picker design like picrel.
Ausbros, is the new CMF series scannable here or are they like the last one?
as a lego virgin that got rivendell last birthday, this thing it's dusty as fuck. Can i just take it apart and throw everything into water? probably gonna sell it soon anyway but still
Squeeze duster plus vacuum cleaner
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Why doesn't xe post here anymore?
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made some modifications
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I was unaware of this.
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Post instructions
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I will kill for him and his 3d print files
Oh wait I thought the factory version was a 6 studs wide shitbox. Glad its normal sized
>sigh ... somehow the sea people returned
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Will I have to reverse engineer this if I want to build it?
Fantasy Castle was pretty rad.
Probably ACK'd due to the absolute state of both Halo and Destiny/Bungie
Is there seriously not even ONE Superman set?
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>best castle was not made by lego and was only a limited run of 30000

Kill me.
Jump scare warning please!
t. Ramesses III
pretty lame interior
shit "security" for a castle
I just remove any small bits that are not firmly attached and lightly spray with a shower nozzle in my bath tube. Be sure to block the drain in case anything else comes off. Then lay on its side to dry.
>so many wasted bricks on failed attempt at "SOVL" with the shitty looking winter aesthetic
nah, water will get in crevices and get mildewy
just buy an electric air duster and go to town on it
word of warning, on mine i went full power on the lion knights castle's water wheel, and it spun so fast pieces were flying off it
>Thieves of Tortuga

That set looks KINO
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Why are you applying water to dust? That's awful lmao
Use a soft brush like a makeup brush, wipe over
You can also used compressed air for hard to reach bits
If you do this once a week it's a 10 second job
Nothing in that “set” is exclusive or difficult to acquire just part it out and then use a pdf for instructions

>laptop and donut
Nice . Are the police stickers from another set or made by you?
One of the best sets I own. One of the only things I’m missing set wise from that theme is the accompanying troll fortress.
easy pass unless there's a brothel, complete with wench minifigs
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> Enterprise D 3600 pieces
no self respecting star trek fan is going to buy it if it means will wheaton gets even 1 penny in royalties
There won't be any. It's a "theme" the way Zelda is a "theme", ie not at all.
>self respecting
Damn already stopped reading
>self respecting star trek fan
>been stacking monster minifigs since i got into lego
My body is ready for the Transylvania castle
>>How long do you think will Lego Sonic theme continue?
As long as it keeps people engaged. And it will last if it stops with the more generic shit (though sets like Knuckles' Mech are funny) and lean more into game accurate stuff

>>How many games characters do you think will we get?
Sonic fans are turbo autists and complain even more than Lego Star Wars fans about new characters. Though alternate versions of existing characters that can be achieved easily with a few extra prints (Adventure era upgrades, Riders outfits, Classic versions, Sonic Heroes Rouge outfit, etc) might happen

>>Do you like the theme?
Yes. Its a little rough around the edges, but its fun. A little overpriced, but its not the worst theme out there in that regard

One of those sets better have a new character mold (Big, Cream, Blaze, Silver, whatever)
honestly im half hoping Lego sneaks in a character from the archie comics just fror the potenial fallout.

Balls of steel if lego dropped Scourge on us triggering Ken Penders sue happy autism that finally forces Sega to counter sue for him trying to claim rights to a Sonic clone
Remember that shitty tall haunted house they tried selling a couple of years ago? That one was so boring after they released the monster fighter mansion. Hope this one is better.
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Brothel right here
Yeah and it wasn’t sturdy.

I am excited about the 3-1 and the new 3-1 castle. Wonder how Lego will fuck it up?

I was excited about the malfoy manor and then the four stud deep dollhouse and $150 price tag made me nope right out.

But hey they made sure to fit in a shitter!
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This set rocks, worth every penny
Plus the cute girl behind the lego store counter gave me a free year of the snake build too, didn't even drop the required $70. Great day fellas
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Space Base progress
Very nice!
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Unironically soon. Just not the way you want it to happen
This is over a year old homie. Get with the program.
those pieces look pretty old, what kind of clamping power do they have? describe it in detail
I was going to call you a faggot until I saw your Z-Blob. You're alright.
did you ask her out?
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>One piece molds leak
>Dragon Ball rumors
These threads are going to be a nightmare the next few months.

where's my
"I don't hunt rabbits with a cannon" guy
Pieces are old as shit ranging from 1999 to 2008 or so and then some 2015-2018 or so bricks. I don't believe any of my modern run (2020+) are in the loose bin so literally no new bricks involved yet.

I am planning to make a big dick bricklink order of reddish orange bricks for the second floor/landing pad. Gonna make the second floor with technic panels.
when you lay a flat 1x4 piece on top of another brick, can you rotate them on both lengthwise and from the side? do you feel the lower brick sucking it in? does it feel like a quick snap or like a soft melding of both halves?
I cant put em on either way. I think it's not snapping into place? I haven't really been paying attention
These leaks are a few months old. Goku and Demo still haven't gotten their LEGO styles yet. I think the other two have
>lego dragon ball is happening
Meme magic man

We manifest themes into existence. The source of dbz was right of one piece and leaked molds.

Wonder if we get a Icons Kame House? Or it's a fall lego store exclusive theme, like 4 sets? Maybe.

Also, I will manifest a Power Rangers theme myself. With lego one piece and now dbz, I am gonna keep lego collecting because I considered to leave this hobby until this but now I stay!
Jang lost his wang cuz his YouTube went bang. “Dang” said Jang, “I’ve let down the gang.” He went to the closet, prepared to hang, but then came a pang - like a fang. Clang clang! A new idea for Jang! “I’ll bang Andrew Yang. I’ll hawk tuah, and spit on his thang,” sang Jang. But then the doorbell rang - it was Aang - “No Jang, we must first try mukbang.”
The chinese user who leaked the one piece theme before leakers confirmed it described the one piece minifig molds which leaked now and descriptions are perfect, he now leaked dragon ball. It's happening.
Now that Lego One Piece is happening I predict next themes:

>lego magic the gathering
>lego power rangers
>lego bleach
>lego castlevania (based on the games not anime)
>lego naruto

Let's manifest them together! Gosh I have to save up lots of money! No more eating for me I guess.
Lego x Anime is heaven

I also predict sets based on Studio Ghibli films

Lego Monsterverse and Toho

And Lego Pokemon is gonna happen in the next 2 years!
Take this with a grain of salt for now!
This source labels his rumors as dreams! He posts in Chinese.

I dreamed about some specific minifigures that might come out. In my dream, I saw all the details of characters like Luffy, Shanks, Buggy, Zoro, etc. There were quite a few molds, with some parts made of soft plastic. The colors were pretty accurate, and the legs had dual printing. The hats were well-made.

Then after it was publicly rumored:

Today, a LEGO fan account further confirmed my dream. Anyway, in my dream, it didn’t take long for the announcement to happen. Tonight, I’ll dream again, this time about LEGO One Piece minifigures. After that, maybe I’ll dream about Dragon Ball.

Then now:

I went to dream about Dragon Ball, and so far I only dreamed about Goku with black hair, two-color printing on his legs, and a normal top.

Its notable that the molds that have leaked match his descriptions. Note the soft plastic comment and then look at the Buggy mold.
>names a source
>”I dreamed it”

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This source calls his leaks and rumours as dreams.

He was right.

Lego one piece and dbz are now allowed on lego ideas and now we get a full one pieec theme so dbz is not far away.
Didn’t the Boxer Rebellion or something kill a few million people because a Chinese guy dreamt he was Jesus? That’s the kind of schizophrenia these posts remind me of
>6 fucking separate /lg/ threads open
fucking hell
Lego DBZ coming is not a dream or leak anymore...it's a FACT

This is the reality we live in. Mexico demands it. We demand it. I demand it.

Lego DBZ is real.
Its possible. I will do some digging.
The goat has spoken.

Haters btfo
>lego one piece is real
>now lego dbz might be real
Holy fucking shit this is gold

What timeline is this? Lmao
>lego ends monkie kid this year
>mk is dbz knockoff
>they replace it with a legit licensed dbz theme
Did we win?
And I am the only non Jerseyshitter one, pretty wack

I will now make a list of themes I predict to happen in the next 5 years, I include those that return:
>Lego Bleach
>Lego One Punch Man
>Lego X Files
>Lego Magic the Gathering
>Lego Power Rangers
>Lego Naruto
>Lego Castlevania (videogame only)
>Lego Pokemon
>Lego Spongebob
>Lego Avatar The Last Airbender
>Lego Warcraft
can someone confirm this is real kramer before I shit my pants
It is real Kramer, its the right tripcode
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>leave thread
>come back later after a good sleep
>lego dbz is real
What timeline did I enter?
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A bizarre one, still can’t really believe it myself either but thats life
>Lego Jojo's Bizarre Adventure never ever
>Lego Watamote never ever
Jojo is actually allowed on ideas...
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>we will never get a monkey child rape playset
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>lego gets all anime licenses to go against chinese factories knockoffs
Only explanation

They saw money potential so they do it.

I am curious how many mental gymnastics did they have to do it.
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Mexico will be very happy with lego dragon ball z

I hope they do a lego dbz videogame
Name one thing common outside of journey of the west interpretation
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MK and Mei preform the choreography of a Fusion Dance. The screen freezes and takes on a comic-like appearance similar to the scene transitions of Dragon Ball Z. MK blasts through Azure Lion similarly to how Goku defeated King Piccolo. Monkey King and Macaque wear clothes that resemble outfits worn by Goku and Vegeta.
Weebs can't be worse than nexo knights posters
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Please tell me she's getting another set.
The one with the flying machine (she's a fucking bat) and Knuckles mecha one was such ass.
Yes they can
Nexo Knight posters have never done anything wrong, weebs are out here thirstposting over animals >>11294239
Just buy the fig separately
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Projecting much, sweety?
I'm just a lego enjoyer and i'm about to start making my Ebon Hawk. Nice moc btw :)
Sometimes minifig alone can be close to set price so whats the point then? Just get the fucking set. In thid case getting Rouge alone is a bad move when I put 2 more dollars in and can buy the whole set.
Theme is getting better and better but it still feels expensive for what you get.
I just want Big Cat and the Crocodile guy
It's way worse because /dbz/ spics and to a greater or lesser extent other shounenshitters are as retarded and mentally ill as nexopedo except there are hundreds of them
Dragon ball general is already one of the most active threads on /toy/
Official ones will at least look a lot better, there was always something off about the faces of these knockoff anime figs to me.
I’m the guy who called out the “weight loss by starving yourself for legos” guy was full of shit. >>11293201
I’m afraid you’re right. This DBZ spam has been happening for months and months now.
Mexicans and the rest are truly delusional if they think Lego gives a shit about spics, slopes, nips, or fags.
Lego just cares about money and will go where they think they can make a buck.
Just go walk down the Lego isle at a Walmart in a predominantly Mexican area and tell me they’re buying plastic building blocks.
Those are references and eaatwr eggs dummy
so where do people get rebrickable instructions for free from?
or do you just pay for them?
Ask around what you looking for homie.

Lego dbz is happening
I make my own
DBZ is coming! Source:
>I saw it in a dream
>~some chink
Yeah, I’m the one coping.
I feel Paramount doing that is more likely than Lego. They pussied out when the Maori sued them, and I don't think anything's changed
Retard, he calls rumours as dreams to not be attacked by lego group.

Even Kramer admitted it might be true.
Okay kiddo just like that skin from Fortnite means it’s happening too? You spics have been ranting about this for 6 months. Didn’t they release a retarded cheeseburger already and yet still nothing in game or out. Cope harder fags.
>even Kramer
This niggers been posting for like 3 months and you act like he’s a god. Odds are he’s just one of the spammers changed who personas to continue to data mine you tards.

Kramer is super legit and how can he data mine us? Are you nuts?
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Anyone else like lego duplo? Like legit they did some cool things back then for duplo like castle and cavemen vs dinosaurs
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Look how cool this is
Are are things in the region of verdun this time of year?
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If lego was more like this now
>want to make my own vidya related minifig
>cant find all parts in a single seller's shop
I'd have to pay for shipping at least 3 times on top of getting the wrong color accessories and having to spray paint them. Why is the world so gay and stupid autismbros?
First off, I live in Koichi, I'm not french so cope.

Second, no.
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This set is peak bros
Boy we sure changed the subject fast… hmm wonder why?
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Absolute unit of a set
I dunno about the sets but the figures should be really cheap. Last I saw them you can pretty much get a whole series 1 and 2 for around $100 each. If you ever get a set I recommend the Kwil-E-Mart over the Simpsons house.
I am french, J'habite à Toulouse, je crois que tu suces des bites.

Anyway, I do believe lego dbz is happening. Its multiple fans of this IP here.
peak shit
Damn I want this.
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My suggestion is to build it at ground level and build it so it goes up instead of that floating design you have going. Let's start with the floor base, who should be a square just to start. Try finding these kind of long teeth pieces and working with them on walls.
Don’t listen to these cucks.
It’s an incredible build, try get one or part it out. You won’t regret it.
Sorry I don’t speak pussy.
>multiple fans
I’m so shocked.
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Because lego dbz is real and lego group want to stop the leaks
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Like I said. Been on this shit for six months and that skin imagine existed in December of 2023. In the time DBZ has been rumored they leaked and released a Pharrell movie and big black dick spaceship with rainbow dildo and balls.
The process of development requires a significant amount of time, and the announcement regarding Lego DBZ is poised to be monumental.

Allow me to share a personal reflection, my child. During my youth, I believed that the creation of Lego DBZ was unattainable, as it seemed implausible.

However, we have now witnessed what was once deemed impossible; we have seen the emergence of Lego Super Mario, Lego Dune, Lego One Piece, Lego Fortnite, and soon, Lego One Piece again.

Lego DBZ is no longer merely a speculation; it has become a tangible reality.

With the recent news, I am even more determined to advocate for this cause with unwavering commitment.
The LEGO Monkie Kid theme blends Chinese mythology with modern elements, reflecting China’s growing influence in global markets. Some might interpret this as promoting pro-China capitalism, given its portrayal of high-tech gadgets and large-scale industrial projects. The series also emphasizes teamwork and community, which could be seen as aligning with socialist or collectivist ideals. While connections to figures like George Soros or communism can be drawn through its themes of challenging authority and promoting freedom, these interpretations are more symbolic than intentional. Overall, the series focuses on adventure rather than explicitly promoting political ideologies.
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I hate it because I'm an autist who wants all of the characters in a sentai-esque team to match with 'minor' differences, and also I feel like it's Lego trying to pigeonhole someone into being the Ninjago version of Axel out of spite for Nexo Knights flopping.
Would a sailor moon theme be minidoll based?
What youtuber should i follow for lego news and reviews?
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Nexo Knights was truly ahead of its time.

If it released in 2020 it would be a hit.

A Axl like body would be good for Venom, Mr Incredible Thing, Hulk etc etc.

These are holy trinity
I kinda wished I picked up some sets. Basically just space x castle. It was better than Chima and way fucking better than Ninjago.
New thread when?
I am not intellectually challenged; I hold a well-paying position as an engineer at a prominent European company, Bosch. It is incorrect to label me as mentally ill simply because I assert my belief that a Lego Dragon Ball Z theme is forthcoming, which I consider to be the current reality.
Ashnflash speculates we might get marvel rivals sets by summer 2026 to early 2027
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I'm just happy that we're finally getting an official Rontu set. She was FAR more likeable than Egalt, and it seems stupid that they made us wait this long.
Same. I hope we get a new one soon, this one is boring. Didn't laugh once!
Lego dragon ball z confirmation:
Will we get more info on the black pearl soon? Every other big leak is getting updates but not that one
Occam’s razor man. You can continue to “hope” things into existence but don’t then sit there and claim to be sane.
Says the hater.
>source- I dreamed it
better than kramer the faggot tripfag


Shut up man

When lego dbz is revealed, you should eat a brick
I want lego naruto

Then we talk


>no new thread yet
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This is reality we live in right now lads. Lego dbz is real.
>I am not intellectually challenged
>It is incorrect to label me as mentally ill
...and other jokes you can tell yourself
With Anime Lego we're never getting Exoforce again are we?
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We will get lego gundam and you will like it!
ok but only the RX-78-2
That gun looks too realistic, no lego for gundam.
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Only true lego fans will get the first batch of dbz sets. Rest will have to wait for them.
For me its lego castlevania
*Lego game mumble* JONATHAN
*Lego game mumble* CHARLOTTE
*Lego game mumble* JONATHAN
*Lego game mumble* CHARLOTTE
*Lego game mumble* JONATHAN
*Lego game mumble* CHARLOTTE
It is possible to engage in denial for as long as one wishes; however, the truth remains unchanged. I am a rational individual who maintains a regular sexual life, has two beautiful daughters, and intends to purchase all Dragon Ball Z LEGO sets on their release day.
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>now allowed on ideas
I think we are back
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>still no new thread
Wonder how long it takes
You shit up and endlessly samefag lego threads on an anime forum because you're a retarded fucking loser, even more so than everyone else ITT combined
It is absurd to suggest that I am the sole individual repeatedly sharing the same content; such an assertion is indicative of a lack of rationality. Your behavior raises concerns about your mental state. I assure you, I am not engaging in disruptive posting; rather, I am an ordinary person who is enthusiastic about Lego and Dragon Ball Z.
peak design.

You may not like it, but this is what peak lego design looks like.
shut up nerd
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Nice dubs
It appears that you may be experiencing some mental instability, my friend, and I feel a sense of compassion for your situation. It is indeed unfortunate.
If we got one set from each part what would you want?
>part 1
Obviously the final fight with DIO and Jonathan in the burning mansion
>part 2
Pillar men awakening scene
>part 3
Giant road roller with implied road/bridge scene with jotaro, DIO and their stands
>part 4
Town of Morioh, a few building facades and lots of small references and preferably a shitton of minifigs
>part 5
There's a few good choices here but my ideal choice is the train from the beach boys and grateful dead fight, can include aged faces for the characters
That or king crimson vs sticky fingers or the final fight in the collesium
>part 6
I imagine we would just get the prison with a small outside section, likely where weather report did all the poison frog shenanigans
>part 7
So many great choices but I want the Mountainside village where they fought scary monsters. Include a few Raptors and it'd be an all timer set
>part 8
It will never happen but I want Jobins room to recreate the Beatle fight
>part 9
Fuckin uhhhh.. Rohans villa? Too early to tell. I want my howler minifigure though.
You have SEVEN generals still on the board. Pick one and use it until it's actually dead, moron.
LEGO dbz would be so retarded, lego focuses on buildings, while dbz focuses on... I hesitate to call them that, but "characters."
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We have lots of vehicles and buildings though and monsters to build.

And lego can also make stuff up.

Not him but why so mean? Maybe lego is THAT popular and it is. Is no 1 toy ever.

I think lego deserves its own board.
>Original themes dying left and right
>Monkie Kid is probably going to be replaced by DBZ
>Ninjago driven into the ground, recycling old ideas
>Lego city is now just racing slop
>Fans couldn't care less, because "Look at all the new licenced themes!"
So this is how Lego dies, with thunderous applause.
no. Adults will save LEGO
KYS Licensefag.
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>lego city carshit
*licensed too!
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>January 13th, 2025
>I am forgotten
>If you are over 30, you must own this set
i only need 30000 more roubles for this
Still rather get this. I got ocarina new from ToysRUs.
>George Floyd tree
>nintendo tax
No thanks.
So, new bread?
Bake it
No, fuck off
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I can't
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>have good partnership with Universal
>don't make Universal Monsters theme
Why not? There are like 7 images left

Like I get it before when we had 50 images left, but now I dont see why you are so angry, you only want to own the chuds or?
Thoughts? Is lego classic good to build an island like this for AC? Pic is from r/lego
We'd have more of them if you weren't shitting up the thread with random worthless images
This is good. First time I've looked at the AC theme and said damn I want that
>all this shitposting about a feak DBZ leak
>not a single post about Lego Bluey, actual legitimate gamechanging Lego news
this "general" is a fucking joke.
I'm should tell my retarded furfag friend about these sets so that he takes loans just to consoom more bluey
Captcha: poyHRT
this "general" is two autists replying to each other
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Roger Roger
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Will Bad Batch get more sets ?
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Only two bad batch sets, (marauder and justifier) ships
both of which appeared earlier in TCW
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Are you an yellow purist?
i would like a trend line on that data graph and
I've come back after a couple years and i have no idea what's going on. why was a new thread made yesterday and now a new one is being made, it looks like you've gained a schizo
Image limit reached! Woohoo!

Let's A Goooo!
Ok, now someone make a new bread
Why is image limit 150 anyway?
Why is this gen so dead?
New therad?
Nexo and dbz spammers. Also it’s Sunday and the shills take the weekends off.
Threads got shat up by the schizo so hard people don't feel like posting anymore
Agree, other boards it's just a 500 post bump limit with no image limit.
My wife loves this set.
No such thing schizo
Next thread should be a lego atlantis edition

Someone make it
The term "building techniques" annoys me to no end. It's very pretentious
Yeah, sorry... it's gonna be Nexo. You brats are getting a little too cocky. Need to be reminded who runs /lg/. Hint - it's Nexochads.
Glad to hear her boyfriend got her a nice present
So now the black guy is buying gifts for the cucks and their wives? That doesn't track with their inability to hold jobs.
They get money from president duh
Nice ESL.
Why is no new thread up yet
The afol is giving money to Tyrone as reparations for the lack of representation of PoC among lego minifigs
The pol fag is too busy opining about his desire to engage in cuck fantasies.
Nexothreads take time. They aren't made lightly like stupid meme threads.
I can't bring myself to post anymore until there's a new thread
Let’s keep this thread going in that case
Then we should have a nexo thread by now

Next you tell me he does it for free
Thank fucking god
I enjoy the few sets I own. Keep flip-flopping on other sets, still feeling it out.
Any other Monkie Kid owners, speak up if any of these are worth it.
>Nine-headed beast
>Megapolis City
>Dragon of the East Palace
>Mighty Azure Lion
>Monkie Kid's Team Hideout
>Monkie Kid's Team Van
>City of Lanterns
>Chang'e Moon Cake Factory
>The Bone Demon
>Pigsy's Noodle Tank
>Flaming Foundry
>Demon Bull King
>go to reddit because this thread is shit
>every single "this is my first lego set!" is a lie but they're posted every day
>pictures of 18+ adult sets in boxes
>pictures of 18+ adult sets lined up on reddit shelves
>tuxedo cats next to the big adult tuxedo cat set
>the bionicle reddits are all trannies

They're so boring and retarded it makes me want to screAM AND DONT YOU DARE TELL ME TO GO BACK IM STAYING HERE FOREVER AND NEVER LEAVING AGAIN
>bought two Ninjago sets
>decide I'm only gonna open them once I watch the entire show
>it's fucking mind-numbing slog even when played on higher speeds
>and I'm only on season 2 out of 17
I'm not even sure if I'll manage to finish it before the next season starts airing
God I'm tempted to just read the synopses on wikipedia
/lg/ is always best

Shitposters are a tradition

I wish we had a new thread though

Im starved
I love this little side bit of schizophrenia in between all the anime schizophrenia
This gen makes me laugh

I am actuslly glad we have these shitposters
Yes, and if they’re not yellow I swap them out.
Yellow replacement is a far right conspiracy theory.
I think I used to know some people who were involved with this
how old is mei?
>noone is talking about this one-off set that came out ages ago
Seriously, how retarded are you?
id on her torso?
Which set?
I like this! Pretty cool technique, anon..
Honestly such a good set. I got this for Christmas two years ago and I'm absolutely elated by the play value and overall design of this set to this day.
What happened to the anon that scavenged the flea market grounds for lego parts? I miss that guys posts
hopefully he got some disease and died
These are the best Seatron aliens we have right now but they're still a total scam. $45 and the plastic is so thin you can see light through it.

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