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this thread aint surviving edition
smut of pokemon in a mystery dungeon setting
art, writing, discussion, whatever
explain "mystery dungeon"
A series of rogue-like role-playing games developed primarily by Spike Chunsoft. "The premise of most Mystery Dungeon games is [to explore] mysterious dungeons that have randomly generated rooms and never have the same patterns upon entering into it more than once, with the protagonist sometimes accompanied by a group of party members"
roguelite pokemon way before it was cool
>this thread aint surviving
oh dear
>this thread aint surviving edition
it hurts because its true
yeah, there's just not enough to add to it.
its a real cute setting and stuff, but like, what can you really do what pmd porn?
giwtwm/post picture/'erp when'
the piss guys are funny though
That actually sounds really cool
it is cool
i can entirely blame red rescue team for my fondness of dungeon crawlers

idk about pmd specific porn but the setting is genuinely good for rp/tabletop stuff
this was posted here or in the dg thread, http://pmd-tranquility.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ no idea how good it is
I agree that its a great idea for a tt, something im sure would be a great thing to do were one to actually have a group
Having a group is the hard part.
Does seem great for rp/tabletop stuff, though.
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god i wish i was a snea
why so dead
cuz it was kind of just cold dropped by someone who expected a thread to spring up out of thin air without getting the ball rolling themselves, and it kind of started over a slapfight in a general on a different board and its first thread was basically just a series of larger slapfights over said general (that was also the only thread to hit bump limit)
also it's just too niche to make a dedicated thread for a spinoff series (one that hasn't had a game in years either too) when discussion can barely survive on a slower board without heavily relying on discussing fanfic/OC as it's made—and this board is too fast to rely on that, shit takes time (not to mention a dedicated userbase that won't just grow overnight)
there was a slapfight? there were SEVERAL slapfights?
so based on the discussion from before, where does everyone rp?
so same as the pokegoddess thread basically
should make a discord or irc or something
I've been in the last three or four pokemon rp threads and one pmd thread that was unfortunately short lived

too early for that
i would be such a pawslut if i were a pokemon
same probably, but likely wouldnt dare to act on it.
its just like real life, but hotter!
get urself a partner that trusts you and then get into a relationship. not that hard and then you have all the paws you could want
i would probably end up being somebodies gutslut as well
alright wake up
whos your ideal partner and why
treecko or torchic in pmd blue
if you mean for pmd world, yeah probably torchic
how do you think other pokemon would react to you getting visibly aroused?
i imagine it's not uncommon since none of them wear clothes. would they try and comfort you and tell you not to be embarrassed? or would they tease you a little about it?
probably would be heavily discouraged in public, about as weird as a human stripping naked in public. maybe a little less.
how do you think they'd deal with it if they get aroused? go off somewhere private until it passes?
yeah, it's probably just polite to excuse yourself if it happens in an obvious way.
nudity probably isn't considered arousing or a big deal for pokemon that weren't humans.
>Knows you're a human and believes you
tries to comfort.
>Has been told you're a human but does not believe you
>Thinks youre a normal pmd pokemon
Would help you cover it up

Strangers would probably just ignore it or stare for a bit before getting on with their life. I doubt it'd be anything severe as it's just arousal.
why do you think so anon?
Well because I have the hots for talons and cloaca, so torchic would fulfill my fetishes. Although I imagine us like one of those anime where the girl is always hitting the guy for being a pervert
You do know how animals work in the wild, right? All that stuff is hidden away until needed. If the junk was out and about at all times, they'd get roughed up or damaged just by living your normal life. Pokemon are likely not any different, only bringing the stuff out when appropriate.
With that said, I don't think a human turned Pokemon would find any issues. Unless they were either a pokephile to begin with, or the species that they've become's instincts start overriding their human thoughts and consciousness (which is another talking point entirely), then they shouldn't be getting randomly aroused by all the naked Pokemon.

I'd fail that test really hard. If I had to so much as travel behind a Chikorita for more than a second I'd paint the floor white with my sperm.
"funny piss guy" here, what do you think the etiquette around using the bathroom is? are there designated areas in towns? do you just go off and find some bushes, or something else?
how about in a dungeon, what happens if a mon needs to go there?

thinking about this intrigues and arouses me.
>talons and cloaca
hot as fuck
It's a shame that Torchic is one of those mons who's evolutions get progressively less erotic (at least they do to me)
Blaziken's hot, though definitely a different taste compared to Torchic. They're both birds, but have drastically different appeal. Combusken is the odd one out.
yeah, I prefer the smaller, cuter pokemon to the large anthro ones in general (with some exceptions, I like Zoroark, Zeraora, and Cinderace for example).
God look at the cake on that pachirisu.
I'd cum buckets if that Furret was me.
imagine if you became a pokemon but completely sucked at combat no matter how much you practiced
you'd have to find other ways of making yourself useful to your partner...
Yeah, organization, logistics, and finding good jobs both combat and non-combat.
you took all the fun out of my fantasy
why anon?
I'm sure your partner would love you despite your inabilities, anon, and you two can still have fun on the side.
can't decide on a good partner species. it's annoying.
This thread seems cool. OP needs some work, and some content needs to be brought in.

I'll check to see if this bitch is still alive by tomorrow.
I imagine a designated spot in your own home, while the outside would just be bushes/wherever private. Dungeons, well, I guess any surface really works.
Rockruff simply because I because I have a preference Lycanroc Dusk. Though I suppose that aside it would be wiser to find a bipedal Pokemon seeing as I'd want to be a Zorua. Maybe a Zangoose.
still can't chose. maybe a porygon? cool funky digital duck.
I wonder what taking a break in a dungeon would be like. would 'mons still want privacy or would it be casual?

imagining the player and partner just chatting away while pissing. erotic.
Or pooping :3
This seems like a cool idea for a general. The OP could use some work though.

What should the next OP have? Links to smutty PMD stories and comics? Links to a downloads of the games?
or meowstic? probably male. neat design with cool powers.
a reason for people to interact would be good. comics and stories if you have them, maybe.
e621 has decent pools for comics, especially for ones that are linked to X.
I'm not familiar with if 4chan allows these links.

Testing: https://e621.net/pools/30448
Seems to have worked.

There's a catalogue of the roms I think on /pmd/ on the /vp/ thread we can add to the next OP.

Perhaps a drawing board?
what would people draw, though?
Throwing out ideas, doubles and smut

Here's some comics I've found:

>Haven Chapter 1: Breaking the Ice
[e621]: https://e621.net/pools/17304
[Inkbunny]: https://inkbunny.net/s/1879582

>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Team Purrfect
[e621]: https://e621.net/pools/30448

>Rodent Powered
[e621]: https://e621.net/pools/40621

>The Curse
[e621]: https://e621.net/pools/13955
[Furaffinity]: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/insomniacovrlrd/folder/477907/The-Curse-colored/

I created this thread of the backs of a couple failed threads of the same topic. The only one that survived until bump limit was the first one, full of squabbling imported from /vp/ that I didn't really care for.
This is my second attempt making this thread and as you can see from the edition title, I didn't really expect much.
So to see people planning out what should be in the next thread's OP, I didn't really expect that.

Continue to workshop the OP and reasons for people to engage with the thread if you want, I have no idea how to do any of that. I just wanted to create a thread based on a series I liked and it looks like people might actually want to post in it this time. Thanks so much, I didn't expect so much activity in here!
Well, it seems we crossed paths when you wanted to give try again and when I had an autistic fit. I love the setting too- have for years.

To be honest? I'm just doing this so other people can share in my autism. I doubt they will, but it's worth trying.

Now. . . What's your favorite part about PMD?
Found some fics to go with the comics but I don't read much. Feel free to suggest some more.

>A Matter of Instinct:
[Archive of Our Own]: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25553599

>Trouble in the Temple
[Archive of Our Own]: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28161138/chapters/69004467
how does one get into the pmds smoothly?

t.someone who's tried playing rrt several times and fell off at or before dungeon 3
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there’s something captivating about a group of creatures with insanely incongruent physiological and social needs coming together to form a society as harmonious as the ones you see in treasure town and pokemon square
obviously, the actual games downplay the differences between pokemon as species to the point that a lot of them are just humans with superpowers and funny shapes, but their different features and needs are showcased enough to capture the imagination. that, and my child brain thought the human and partner in explorers were romantically together by the end even though nothing in the game states that. i’ve never cared about romance and shipping options in anything else i’ve ever consumed, so that combined with /vp/ was my gateway for ending up here
Well, let's start with what made you fall off?

I've started Explorers of Sky and Super multiple times but didn't get very far, but I've finished Rescue Team DX. Is there specific about the games that turns you away?
Found a couple:
Wanderlust is a big one, not sure of its quality.
Snow and IRON, not sure about this one but it came up.
Now and Forever.
9Tales isn't strictly PMD but the setting is very similar

really you could just search e621 with "pokemon_mystery_dungeon comic -wanderlust order:favcount" to find some that would suit posting in the OP
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Superpowers and funny shapes combined with those incongruent physiological and social needs is exactly why I'm enamored with the setting. There's so much that can be explored on an individual level about the character's life and behavior, as well as allowing for cool fights.

Thanks! I'll make sure to look these over and put them in the OP. It should be good to go- I just need to work on the little welcome snippet. Never good with those.
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It's isekai time boys! Roll for your new body: https://randompokemon.com

Let's see what I get-

Fucking hell man. What am I suppose to do with these stubby legs? I might as well take Toxtricity's Low Key form, looks cooler anyhow.
As a different anon, I think that's a good explanation of most of why it's so interesting. Pokemon aren't human, even and especially the ones who were, so it appeals to my xenofictional interests to think of how society can incorporate them.
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could be worse i guess
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Aww, who's a cute little guy?
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I mirror basically the same views of everyone else who has answered, I feel that the PMD setting is a more interesting setting for Pokemon than just the main series where they are basically pets.
I enjoy the relationship between the hero and partner, I ship them.

I've seen people dislike the gameplay, I think it's fine. And with it being handheld it's a good game to play while just grinding through dungeons doing something else, like watching a show.

Considering how many Pokemon there are, I'm very okay with smeargle. Upright and with arms to grip things with, that's about the best you could hope for.
Smeargle is a great pokemon to roll. A humanoid shape is ideal and the move Sketch can be pretty interesting from a story perspective.
For example, you could write a character who's searching for specific moves to copy for some goal, and attribute a story to each one.

I personally love to create characters. Maybe I'll write something for here.
Would be interested in seeing it, anon.
I forgot all about Sketch. That does make for some interesting stories, true.

I'd love to see your writing if you decide to post it here.

I like to do a little bit of art, but I'm not that good at it. I've done a few things for the Pokemon drawthread here, but I've never really felt I have the ability to draw many of the requests there.
Maybe I could do some doodles for here, if I feel like it.
autism and attention span issues mostly
I've only ever tried the first gba game so that may also be contributing
Idk if the ds version is much better or not

This feels illegal but I'm not gonna argue too much
Mewtwo Y is cute
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can i at least do surskit hands are overrated but i at least wanna sit
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Pokedom soon
Where the boypussy isn't worth being subjugated by evil sluts
nice, sad there's hardly any art of them.
oh wow i didn't even notice that he's laying on the earth, guess it was a giant fetish piece kek
OP from /vp/ /pmdg/ I don't mind having my megas added here
Now that people are bringing up /vp/, I think the real issue about this thread is that it's redundant. You can use /vp/ to discuss the game and other trash threads for NSFW stuff. There is not much incentive to keep this one up.
While that's true, I don't like /vp/ or /pmdg/
people in /vp/ tend to be very anal and gatekeep things especially when it's relating to furrymons for whatever reason
I literally only post on trash
True bottonfeeder action
they hide away kiyo like a princess when he should be passed around freely
Well, the author doesn't want that
Are you taking about that alolan vulpix with the vest and hat?

I don't anything about the character but I despise him. Alolan Vulpix is prime bait, the author should've known.
Yeah there's some AI gen porn of him already a couple months ago
the author doesn't mind as long as it's not posted in /pmdg/
Oh didnt know that
If that's the case then post Kiyo
>more /vp/ drama
this is the real reason this thread won't stay up.
What do Pokémon find attractive? While they can mate with their own species, they're also able to mate with other species in the same egg group. Is this a rare thing or do they find certain features beyond those found in their own species attractive?

Pokémon must find strength attractive. They love to see a pokemon who can hold their own in a battle.
I know right? This general should take a page from the pokeverse thread once they migrated here to /trash/. We're our own thing. /vp/ and the baggage from there should not be carried over here.
Noted for the next OP.
nobody cares about pmd except to make porn of the OC's of the /pmdg/, dumb fucks
If this was the case, no one would have brought up the above concern. You're clearly incorrect.
Another thread ruined from retards that want to make "their own thing xd"
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>nobody cares about pmd except to make porn of the OC's of the /pmdg/
cope harder coomer
i just want cute critter rps
Ignore him, I've seen this guy bitch and moan on every PMD thread. He's just some schizo.
there is hundreds of discords for that, and trash is mostly a porn board
Take your "coomers btfo" reddit bullshit to /vp/ which also bans roleplay, so get fucked
Ok ignore schizo
Keep talking to roleplay schizo and your schizo no porn pls schizo group
nta but why not just go to pmdg or pokeverse for that?
What's Pokeverse?
there's a difference between porn being allowed and being a satellite of an unrelated group on an unrelated board.
Cool cope, porn is not allowed in their thread and board, and nobody wants to have those cunts here. You anti porn and anti drama cunts are likely from that thread, trying to kill off this one before it actually produces stuff.
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And we have our first OC ladies and gentlemen
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lol it's very clearly the ESL guy who constantly spergs out and replies to every post with a non-sequitur from the first thread, ignore him
That's hot, is this from a larger comic?
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personally a bit too much for me, but I find the concept interesting anyway
I think this image came first but that's it
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Spent some time on this, hopefully with the right presentation we can get this place off the ground.
its a pokemon rp thread i think >>66960457
that looks nice. very tropical theme.
might be hard to keep updating an image every time.
Shouldn't be too hard. This only took me less than an hour and redrawing the number isn't that big a deal.
This is probably the only place I can ask this besides the actual /pmdg/.

What are you guy's opinions on the 3 and a quarter NSFW fan-comics going on? Any specific characters or other things you like about them?

I dunno. Basically nobody in either general talks about fancomics despite them being the most popular thing in the fanbase besides fics. I just want someone to talk to about them...
Oh wow, this is really good!

I agree that this place should be its own thing, One of the things that turned me off from /pmdg/ was that it had a clear thread culture and it felt a little difficult and rude to just squeeze in as someone new who didn't know about the years of lore and rules and rituals.
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I haven't read any of the comics here except for Team Purrfect and one of the Wanderlust spin-offs.

Team Purrfect is a treat to read. The art style is sketchy, but that doesn't detract from it. The main appeal are the characters and I love them all, Decidueye and Skitty in particular. I wish I could be the head of an entire guild and get head from the entire guild like him.
It's an odd decision to include a beta design as an actual pokemon, but she's cute.

I've seen some stuff from the artist that draws Pokephile's Paradise, Rodent Power. What is this one about? Twinks?

For my last note on Wanderlust, as I have no familiarity with Decadence Odyssey to make any comments- I haven't looked into it because it seemed like a mess to follow and I heard somewhere that one of the main guys left the group, so I didn't care to look into it.
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Wanderlust is more of a drama (not drama-drama, just drama as in the genera) than anything else, very little actuae PMD stuff. It has really cute and sexy characters though. From what I heard the group working on it IS continuing the story in their own Discord server thing, they just don't have a replacement artist after Delta quit.

Pokephile's Paradise seems to be a more "standard" PMD story, hitting all the usual beats the games due but with a clear lewd edge. More focus on chubsters than twinks, cutely. It updates slow as hell compared to Rodent Pweredd for some reason despite the whole thing supposedly being finished, just not uploaded yet.

Decadence Odyssey only has it's prologue right now. It looks more like a 'hyper-sexual' kinda of story in the same vein as Rodent Power. It has ambitious ideas but the artist is a REAL novice when it comes to writing a comic and it shows. It's not bad - not even mediocre (yet). It's a least worth checking out due to it's ambition alone.
Also, be warned, the D.O. artist makes a lot of spelling mistakes. Sperged out about it on one post. Might be an ESL.
Is Wanderlust worth reading? It always gave me a funky feeling of dysfunctional characters.

I know that the author of Pokephile's Paradise likes to finish chapters ahead and drip feed the pages out to the public, so it's likely that's what he's doing with Pokephile's Paradise.

Hyper-Sexual is such a weird setting. A lack of self-confidence blocks me from really inserting myself in the sexual fantasy, but it can be fun in it's absurdity.
Do you have a link to the comic? I'll add it in the next OP
Decadence Odyssey has good art, but the premise seems uninspired. I feel like I've seen it done better in another comic.
Not sure if it's worth being an OP. I personally prefer the cute stuff, but you do you, Anon.
Garden of Eden or Sands of Iron?
I'm just collecting material for the OP, but if that's your recommendation, I'll leave it out.

Currently working on that greentext and falling into the usual issue of over planning and overthinking. So, quick question: do you prefer your stories set in the standard PMD setting or do you add something to it?
Eden sounds right. I might be looking at it with rose-colored glasses, though, since it's been a while.
Personally speaking, if you're going to use the PMD name you might as well stick close to the actual setting. Remixing things is fine but always be aware of what your fanfiction is based on. Fans come to PMD for PMD, not someone's Pokemon fiction that's related to the source material in name only.

Also it's fine to put the comic in the OP. Might as well prop up the good material since this general is kinda on life support, and it'll differentiate us from the /vp/ general.
wanderlust is the most dysfunctional guild i have ever seen.
I think mystery dungeons, not PMD itself but the Mystery Dungeon itself is stupid.
We are just starved for pokemon only content like Rumble, PMD obviously, and Pokepark we cling to PMD due to it having a narrative and therefore more tangible characters.
I would honestly prefer something different, like a Mario and Luigi or Paper Mario style RPG game with pokemon, in the same art styles too.
Pokemon in Paper Mario art style would print Nintendo money
For stories I feel like PMD needs more towns to explore. Whether larger civilization or society or exists is a bigger ask, but as long as it's not industrial I'm fine with it.

The one thing I despise is when people draw pokemon off model. Give them accessories or even haircuts, but don't give them weird special snowflake designs.

Any examples? I know that the previous leadership basically ran off with all the savings.

Mystery Dungeons are always difficult to explain and justify, but the larger setting of a world of only pokemon is super interesting.
Does anybody have that somewhat recently posted "Perception Check" animation with PMD characters? Grovyle and some combination of player character and partner from Explorers.

It stopped around the "I rolled a 1" "I rolled a 1" "FUCK"; trying to find it for a friend who likes the song and I'm trying to get into PMD.
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holy shit
No one is circumcised in the PMD world. The bestial genitals everyone has would make that kind of practice barbaric and debilitating, not to mention quadrapedal pokemon need their junk tucked away safely.

It's a utopia of healthy and natural sensitive dicks.
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Kinda wanna hastily draw a short comic, but there's a lot of projects I kinda wanna do

>ywn be in a pmd tabletop group where the characters have cute relationships and light lewd is encouraged because everyone's kinks line up, but it never devolves to the point of being too distracting, so you keep things moving and still get to play an engaging game besides that
(art not me btw, just realized that might potentially cause confusion, since I remember the artist posting on this board as well)
this post makes me want to be a cut pokemon
>be circumcised eeveelution
>dick dangles and dries out from lack of narural mucous membranes
>exposure to the elements and battle causes untold damage to it
>chansey says they'll have to amputate
I don't imagine it quite as gory, but yes, lots of discomfort and some pain was the point :3
Keep your red rocket in your crotch pocket.
Only if you put some sand in it to make me squirm as we walk around town, anon~
Life as a scyther sounds like pure hell.
This thread is creatively bankrupt. No one will ever post any OC of any merit, much less lewds of the brat you are obsessed with.
If you're a scyther then your best bet to manipulate stuff is with your mouth, or attaching some tool to the tips of your scythes perhaps?
Either you go hyper dom and have a servant for all that stuff
Or you go hyper sub and become completely dependant on your partner
The stark dichotomy between barking orders at some mienfoo henchmen to do your bidding or being some Machoke's battle slave.
Just roll again, Garados is an ass pokemon to end up as.
Not sure why being seen as the "pet" of a mythical/legendary is seen as odd.

Just means the "Gods" favor you as their latest plaything; hell I wouldn't be surprised if some legendaries and mythicals have harems and entire legions of cult like followers.
Again imagine a group of druid water and grass and maybe ground type druids that follow A Skymin.
Or an almost beat for beat reappraisal of Team Magma and Aqua, except they literally follow Groudon and Kyogre.
Bird pokemon test their strength to join the Loyal Legionnaire for Articuno Zapdos or Moltres.
Devoted followers and doters love struck like Aphrodite of old... but for Cresselia.

I mean all of this basically writes itself.
So go ahead envision that stuff it ain't cringe really.
oh, I'm currently envisioning myself devoted to that skymin you posted, alright >.>
Ya know I just got done watching an anime like this, complete with dungeon crawling adventures.
Ever heard of ~Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon~
Wouldn't take much imagination to change the Idea into a PMD idea but instead of Gods and Goddesses for Familias it would be Legendaries and Mythicals.
Pokephile's Paradise is fine. Hard to rate it right now because it updates one page a week.
However the author is also going to publish a M/F Snivy x Chikorita comic after it which I am frankly more interested in reading.
Nice. Huge upgrade. Umbreon is great for both male and females.
>the author is also going to publish a M/F Snivy x Chikorita comic after it
Gawd DAMN, Softpuffness works fast!
Why, because Probopass has a lot of work for you?
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Public arousal (ie. boners) be seen as embarrassing as a loud fart in a world where 99% of the population is butt naked. Uncivilized, but everyone understands it's a natural part of life.

The real question is: HOW publicly common is it to see a dick peak out or even a lady-mon' show some wetness between the legs? Not just for Hu-Mons, but everyone in general.

Think about it. Everyone's already nude - so just seeing some fine ass probably isn't the most eye-catching thing in the world; Pokemon would have to do something *extra* to get a passerby's blood pumpin'~.
just remember to pay your respects to the cocksleeve who started it all
there's no reason to post that in catbox unless it's something really bad. i'm not clicking that.
I clicked it
It's a suggestive, non-explicit vulpit character I don't recognize
It is kiyo slop
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Is there really art for that character
Must we stoop so low and slop
>I think mystery dungeons, not PMD itself but the Mystery Dungeon itself is stupid.
Why? Literally why? Exploration is, like, one of the biggest draw-ins of PMD. Mystery Dungeons allow for a lot of world building and fantastic setpieces when authors aren't making them square mazes. I blame the fandom for sleeping on them so much when you could have some damn good Lit-RPG/Dungeon Crawler stories centered around them.
(Different anon) I totally agree with you there. Freed from gameplay constraints, dungeons provide some really interesting worldbuilding opportunities.
Its art
>you wake up as a pokemon
>eventually you find that you have also become gay and your instincts scream at you to submit to a cute boy every time you meet one
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i already have those without being a pokemon so it would be an upgrade
What pokemon do you want to fuck and what pokemon are you fucking them as?
Ghosts (actual, not like the situation with decidueye)
And I want it to get Fucking Weird.
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I'm in the same boat as the other anon. All that would be is an upgrade.
Describe how weird, ghostfucker. For research purposes.

>Ghosts (Actual)
Well, there could be a few reasons 'mons why show arousal.
Maybe seeing a 'mon in a compromising position, like with their legs spread open would be different.
Maybe, like humans, 'mons could have specific fetishes, some that could be aroused by things considered mundane by others. Paws, piss, I'm sure there's other examples.
And finally, Pokemon could go through heat or rut, making them aroused often.

Also, for a lot of Pokemon, the telltale sign would be the smell of arousal before seeing some hardness or wetness. Maybe that smell would be enough to get some others going.
Yeah, I imagine pheromones would be a huge thing for Pokemon.
Possession, hypnoshit, curses, vore (inc spirit slurpin.) Those kinda things.
You ever consider having your soul fucked, anon? I have. It sounds hot.
I like ghosts. They can do some fun shit.

>ywn have a ghost bust all over your face
so sad
Oh I forgot voodoo stuff (portal sex basically, plus anything else fun you can think of) and like. Taking you out of your body and putting you in like, plushies and things. And then having your own body (them) fuck you.
god I'd love having a ghost partner that just screws with me constantly
>vore (inc spirit slurpin.)
Elaborate on both.
You should write something about it, sounds hot.
He means soul vore.
So, I like uh, middle tier vore, not into the hard stuff. And I suck at explaining things, But basically imagine getting eaten, the usual process, and then you're.. nowhere. Floating in some void. But the void IS them. There's just some paranormal hammerspace where their guts should be, and they have full control over it. So, they could conjure up some tentacles, or like, a copy of themselves to mess with you, or just run the normal stomach scenario in there for you.
Soul vore I would say is similar but even more like, intimate? Say you're kissing them and then they start drawing your essence out of you as it happens, then they use your energy to like, boost some aspect of themselves while you're in there, like their dick or something, and you can feel everything they feel through it.

or they could just swirl you around their mouth like a spooky gumball. Maybe chew on ya a bit. idk if it makes sense sexually but I fuck with it Heavy.

I am just about the furthest thing from a writer as you can get. Just horny for spooks.
>So, I like uh, middle tier vore
> they could just swirl you around their mouth like a spooky gumball. Maybe chew on ya a bit.

Sounds like soft vore, with a bit of macro/micro in it. I vibe with it, sounds hot. The hammerspace voit thing is cool too
Yeahhhh, soft is my favorite. I also just like mouth stuff a lot.
But I do also like uhhh, absorption vore I think it's called? Where they eat you and you get converted into more mass for their body and stuff. It's just the dying part I'm not really into so I prefer they get horked out eventually.
different anon
mawplay is nice
Needs more rape
thats what mystery dungeons are for
Defeatslutting is a favorite pastime
If you could choose what Pokemon (MALE) you'd get raped by, which would it be? You can't get out of being raped, the only choice you have is the kind of 'mon who does it.
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My man
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Arcanine's scorching hot red rocket.
being turned into a plush version of yourself and then fucked sounds hot
Why do you faggots keep instigating this shit posting AI garbage of this character you know nothing about. This thread is always going to be a 3rd degree retard asylum for Clover Guild coomers.
I just want a cute Pokemon to fart on me.
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>transported to PMD universe
>wake up in Amp Plains
>surrounded by a tribe of Luxray and Luxio
They'll go easy on me, right?
Why you responding to a day old post everyone has moved on from? Take your meds freak.
There's also this. Shame that there isn't more
incredibly based
sylveons good enough, whichever would fuck me up the most
Is this Mawhile a sadist?
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Never tried nsfw for pmd but I can try. Have some OC fren
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It's all I have for now. If it's unreadable I can go back and put proper type for the dialogue. Mostly just shitting thing out in between work as I go along.

Gonna add more pages once I get another break at work.
Holy kino batman! I love the artwork!

The dialogue sounds a little weird, ESL?

<~< I should really get started on that story for this place
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Nah, my dialogue is always a bit scuffed on roughs before I go over it again. I'll probably fix that before adding more rough pages.

I need to fix Sneasler's dialogue as well since she's a bit too wordy for my liking. At least for the personality type she seems to have. Either way thanks for the catch!

>I should really get started on that story for this place

Hope you do anon, be sure to post it in here
Oh I will, just working out the ideas and details before I start making rough drafts. Can't decide whether to write a fight scene or go straight into smut.

I've already save the pages you posted, but if you post them somewhere I can link them in the next OP :3

Here's a link to the OP I've been working on, just in case I'm not able to post it myself (pic replied to related).

Just add /pmdt_OP to the rentry URL.
That's some nice gremlin energy and very fun dynamic ation.
I love how the umbreon seems to have been thrown up by the sheer force of the horny rampage and is just sorta bouncing away instead of running properly
Very good job
This is some good stuff. Poor oblivious boy
you wake up as a pokemon in heat and your paws are useless for doing anything about it wdyd
The practical answer is to learn moves like Hone Claws or Rock Climb to grow some claws that you can manipulate things with. Alternatively, you can use your mouth to grab things.

The horny answer is relying on your partner to do everything and then giving them a paw job as a thank you.
Love it, no notes, 10/10
claws? yeouch!
imagine your partner teasing you in public and you have to work hard to keep it hidden
I'm not actually sure what a heat feels like, but it sounds like a good chance to be a whore for a while
The natives must have some sort of medicine to help deal with it, I figure.
Figured out the rentry link issue- 4chan doesn't like the .co extension.

Here's a link to the OP paste I've been working on: https://rentry.org/pmdt_op
Good work, anon. That looks nice.
I'm personally biased against rolling, but it's fine to include.
>partner knows you used to be human
>knows you aren't used to casual, constant public nudity
>knows that if you aren't a pokephile already, your new instincts will make you into one shortly
>they decide the best way to help you adapt to your new life would be to both desensitize you to the nudity and cultivate those new instincts, so that you don't have to struggle with conflicted feelings for so long
>they start teasing you constantly so that you have to learn that arousal is nothing to be embarrassed about
>their teasing also makes your new mating instincts develop much faster
>eventually you're a lot less embarrassed about having your genitals on display in public, and have accepted that getting visibly aroused sometimes is just natural and part of life
>you also can no longer remember what you found attractive about humans; when you try to think sexy thoughts about humans you just get uncomfortable and kind of grossed out
>meanwhile your relationship with your partner has grown to become both sexual and romantic, and even if you could find a way to become human again you wouldn't want to, because you can't imagine a life that's any better than what you have right now
It would be weird for a Pokemon to be attracted to humans, so it makes sense you wouldn't be.
Yeah, but presumably it would take a little while for your human instincts to fade away. Thankfully your partner is more than happy to help them fade faster and show you how much sexier Pokemon are than boring old humans.
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> Decide to make a quick visit to Kangaskhan Storage to drop off some items from your latest mission.
> Walk over to her hut and as soon as Kangaskhan spots you, she smiles and leans over the counter to ask you a barrage of questions.
> Where you've been? How you are? Do you need anything?
> Can barely answer her first question before she asks the next. She's always like this, so sweet and motherly-even insists you call her auntie.
> Explain that you just need to make some space in your bag and hand her some spare berries to store.
> She nods and takes them off your paws.
> This should be quick. Since you visit so often, your storage is placed right behind the counter on the bottom shelf. All she has to do is turn and bend over-
> Your entire view is absorbed by a pair of plump, puffy pussy lips nestled between two mounds of big, round ass cheeks.

> Before you can even look away, a strong, musky scent hits your nose and you freeze.
> The smell clouds your mind. A buzzing, warmth steadily spreads out from your groin as your cock slides out of its sheath.
> Her cunt looks so inviting... You wonder what it would feel like to just climb over the counter, wrap your arms around her wide, childrearing hips and thrust your throbbing dick into her sopping wet pussy-
>"Is something wrong dear?"

>Her voice breaks you out of your pheromone induced trance. Only now do you realize you're standing in front of her with a full erection twitching and glistening with dollops of precum.
> A hot blush spreads across your face as you stumble over your words trying to apologize but auntie stops you.

>"Oh, did I do that?" she asks, a claw over her mouth.
>"I'm so sorry sweetie, let me help with that."

>She leans down and you try to protest, but the words die in your throat, turning into soft moans as she gingerly wraps her claws around and gently stroke your cock. Her digits are dull and smooth, her palms soft against your sensitive member.

>"It's alright dear," she coos in her motherly voice.

>Her claws milk you so painfully slow, from the base to the tip. Your hips start to move on their own, trying to rut her palms.

>"Everyone gets stiffies now and again~ It's my fault for not being careful," she reassures you.

>Your breath hitches as your cock bounces in her soft palms. The building pleasure if the only thing you can think about. It's too much.

>"Go ahead sweetie~ Let it all out~"

>You don't need anymore encouragement as your balls hitch and your cock spasms, shooting long ropes of cum without a care in the world for where they land. You just let your head hang back, eyes closed and mouth left ajar while she massages the last of your seed out of your cock.

>"There there. . ." she coos as he lets go of your shrinking member and picks up a towel from the counter to wipe up the mess.

>"You must've been backed up dear, that was a lot you shoot out," she says as if consoling you over a bruise.
>She finishes cleaning up the last of your spunk and smiles warmly.

>"Remember, if you ever need help with another stiffy, you can come to auntie."
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I would love something like this again but without the rape angle personally, a pokephile becoming a Pokemon in PMD is interesting to me
I wonder how the mons themselves would view this kinda stuff.

Is it different by continent? City? If you get defeated is it just natural to get your bussy busted?
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This is giving me MGQ vibes, someone should make an MGQ ripoff game where you play as a human getting stronger as they fight against different mons.

Of course getting raped and bad ending'd whenever you get defeated, you start against something like a bellsprout or something and work up to Arceus.
Oops meant to say
*Isekai'd human turned into a mon
posts like these remind me i'm not fully a faggot. good job anon
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Here's a much better version of that image.
Camping in a dungeon would be fun
New Thread: >>67089353
why so early? we havent even hit bump limit yet
I love the idea that casual sex is common in the Pokemon world.
Everyone just has sex with everyobe else all the time or is jerking off.
>in heat
Would pokemon do that though? Since it seems they're always capable of having children.
Consider this, though: it would be hotter if they did.
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No, no, he’s got a point
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It's a dungeon but mysterious
If you were isekai'd and had the option would you go as a boy or a girl?

I can't see why you'd give up the chance to have your dick milked by hundreds of different mons just for a second hole.
yeah but i want to lay eggs >:(
go for something that could be either, or both
partner sexo
kiyo sexo
I would go as a boy, because then I could evolve into something big and strong and have an entire harem of tight holes to fuck.

Who's on your harem?
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I would go as a boy to experience getting my balls completely drained by like a bellsprout, while also being able to take it up the ass until I'm too exhausted to so much as stand
a boy because all the things I dislike about being male (ugly masculinized body, societal expectations of strength and stoicism, etc) would not apply in the pokemon world.
would definitely take an everstone to prevent this happening though, assuming I end up as a mon that can evolve into something ugly (like if I was a Litten I would use an everstone as Torracat because Incineroar disgusts me)
Probably as a girl not for trans reasons but to maximize how different the experience is, since I'm already experiencing a new body, and since I'm a pokemon I'm probably not going to have to deal with the worse parts of being female like periods and cramps because humans are atypical that way in the animal kingdom.

And also because oviposition is pretty based.
Both of you just want your backs blown out. Disgusting.

Into the harem you go, and you gay boy, I'm going to have fun with you.
Turning into a pokemon and then instantly becoming part of another pokemon's harem sounds pretty hot
I like my dick so male. I'd probably go gay though. I'm weird. With humans, I prefer female but furries I prefer male
I would only join the harem of a cute Pokemon (male or female), not one that's big and strong.
How do pokemon mate with other pokemon of different sizes? Are their genitals elastic? Can a small and large 'mon fuck the same bitch and her pussy remain tight?
They use oran berry juice for lube
Do they use herbs for fertility and contraceptives then?

What kind of effects do berries have on a pokemon's sex life?
You raise some good points, anon.
Nanab berries for erectile dysfunction
If you have an erection lasting longer than four hours, seek a brothel.
Since you can breed a parent and its offspring in the games without consequences, it must mean that incest causes no genetic disorders and there's often daughters who mate with their father.
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It doesn't just not cause genetic disorders, it actually makes them stronger.

Breeding for IVs is all about taking the offspring with the best IVs and pairing them together until you get the perfect ones.
I imagine you wouldn't really 'battle' much in a city?... Then again, explorers in a dungeon are probably free game for the wilds
A Pokemon's family tree would make those old royalty family trees look normal
Imagine creating a harem of various beauties and adding the prettiest of your daughters to it.

Of course, the sons are good for dick worshipping and eating you out while you fuck their sisters.
there is literally nothing bad about this. The sons that dislike the family dynamic can then just go make their own harem

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