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/Chic-Fil-A/ General #73
"Hey you! Wanna fuck my ass?" edition.
/Chic-Fil-A/ is a thread dedicated to posting fox women, bible study, and personal chicken sandwich reviews.
/hmofa/ fox women are preferred, but solo fox women are more than appreciated.
>No furbois.
>No NTR/cuckshit.
>If you can't post anything nice don't post at all.

Please post green texts and stories as well. /hmofa/ stories that feature vixens are welcome.

By somethingaboutsharks
>Where Kitsune Wait (Ch. 19)

By Nightblade53
>Humies (Ch. 7)

By Anonymous
>An Egg In Trying Times
>MILF fox smut story

By TypicalFloof

By Trashbinlid
>Trixi The Clown

By LanguidWing

By Dergman
>Lemonade Sky
>Dergman Shorts Pt 1

By MiataAnon
>Dejah's Trap
>A Very Vixen Christmas

By Digiridoguy
>Mean Motherfucker (AKA The Dyke Vixen Story)

By Doublespace
>Autumn in Autumn

[ Masterbin ]: https://rentry.org/chic-fil-a
[ Image Collection ]: https://mega.nz/folder/oj0jhChK#XyhCcKuPpQ2eZrU5jDNk9Q
[ Aggie Drawing (Read-only) ] https://aggie.io/cfatw279pr

Previous thread:
Missed a thread or two?:
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finally, the real thread
kill pissfags, behead pissfags, roundhouse kick a gasnigger into the concrete
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She arrives on Fridays.
I've been waiting
>no one likes sun chips
From my experience I've seen many people like them. They are like better doritos.
smol fox cute fox
i want to be one of them so bad
I think my ass has something to say about that.
Yeah, I ate a lot of those.
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Someone say beans?
Hot take
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oh, i forgot there were two threads going on
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Fox bunny.
I am building a fox oc, I know what fur pattern she is going to have but I havent decided on a colour palette. I was thinking purple with pink highlights or something. You know, your generic fox oc but I dont want to go sparkledog tier. Any suggestions?
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The dream
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How do you feel about light pink and dark brown markings? Seems like a nice contrast
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The things I would do to this little shit
Fake ass thread got feral in the OP

God bless your soul.
kek I remember seeing this request ages ago on the /co/ drawthreads, good for that Anon for finally getting a great delivery.
The other one also has feral and it isn't even a fox geg
im late why are there two threads
Thought cub was banned
IIRC that character is a mom.
oh you going to play that route, I'm not going to judge too hard
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she needs corrections
lolibabas are so fucking hot
/ic/ thread
Remember to post your Averi art
Have a skunk fox hybrid.
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Braixen wife
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Sorry the heat wave is frying my brain.

Delphox wife
Why are there two?
It's just a shame he already has a boyfriend.
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There is not way these two did not canonnicly fucked at some point.
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Never said I'd marry her, the bf got cucked
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she is the /g/ fox
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Averi IRL
Jeez you chuds still haven't let Averi go? She's gone and will never return. Let her be free.
I see that the shitty one survived.
Nothing stopping us from making this one better.
If anyone had shit to reply to.
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No u.
Anyone have the picture of the focks eating ALL the eggs?
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I have it on my fox phone but it's currently being used to run a casino strategy simulation that looks promising so give me a minute
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I've somehow found every image except for that one. Gotta do something but give me a couple hours and I'll find it
Maybe I need to watch this movie, those animators knew exactly what they were doing
I'm not sure that's how blackmail works unless she's talking about an unrelated video.
Thank you friend, I appreciate all the work
It's too damn HOT outside 'fricken sauna out there man
That fox is actually from a movie and not just the internet like Averi.
A thread full of great beauty. Nice postings, anons.
Don't forget Pepper.
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Glad to be of service. Is the guy that made this still around? His stuff always got a laugh out of me
so no one bothered to complete the sentence.
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It simply is. What else is there to say
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False peepor
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Primed for corrective treatment,
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I always take extra care to brush my canines. I'm probably like, 8% autistic overall.
What happened to the original thread???
Off schedule so it went to page 10
Will you PLEASE stop spamming averi on e621 without linking the actual source to the art??? PLEASE? The source to this is NOT some fucking trash thread. The source comes from her fucking twitter account you lazy negro. Just go find it. Youve posted like 300 Averi drawings here sourcing all of it to your shitty general. That is NOT the source to these fucking drawings just GO FIND THEM JESUS CHRIST
how to fuck your life up forever 101

its ok
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Good morning
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if you care that much go find it yourself and edit the post
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tagfags btfo
You're giving him what he wants.
It's literally designed to drive traffic here and shit this place up
He bragged about it on the discord
Too old
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this is like that Monty Python sketch with sexy girl and the milkman, isn't it? you just know this fox has a room full of human men in varying states of pelvic injury.

also: best vixen
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How much brainrot have I accumulated for ferals to make my dick hard
Think I'll play this soon
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Don't feel bad, should pokemon exist in heaven and they're smart enough to consent I bet it'd be ethically fine. I think about this a lot; considering pokemon is the largest media franchise in the world millions upon millions (billions?) of people's dreams center around them, I'd bet that type of personal heaven exists.
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Looks cute. Let us know how it goes
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What is your opinion on this fox
If you walk like that you're going to trip.
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Caught wind of someone wanting these two to scissor. That's hot af so I had to draw it.
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She is fine
Top quality man
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always love to see more averi lesbian action
beautiful work
Cute tummy
It's such a good pairing. Makes me wish I could join in.
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Fox fiancee
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not a fan of lesbo foxes but while we're at it...
reverse searched this because i didn't see it anywhere online
it was deleted over furry drama or something, idk i just want everything that fiddleafox made to satisfy my ocd
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Are you storing it all locally or online?
locally but it's just https://archive.org/details/fiddleafox-archive and >>67061837 >>67061105 >>67061903
And this apparently
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if I remember correctly, she belongs to her brother.
>if you car that much just go and edit the 500 posts
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Would that stop you?
arguably she's not a nudist she's just a fox, i mean averi is naked 90% of the time
did she shoot milk into the other's pussy?
Who's the snow fox?
Hot cream injection
This and the straight pokephilia threads are the only decent threads on this cesspool of a board.
Well also the bunday thread, the toon thread, and the pokemon mystery dungeon thread. But that's absolutely it, these are the only good threads on the entire board.
the habits thread used to be okay until it turned into gfur/discord faggotry several years ago
I like her very much.

But there is still alot of art of her doing it with other boys and girls.
Also another hot vixen who belongs to her brother.
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I love how it's been unanimously decided Rita loves anal. Something about her really does scream she's the type to love butt stuff
do you happen to be a glaceon fucker?
>fox milk
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Why is /hmofa/ obsessed with nigger dick?
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Supposedly picrel is from a game called St. Maria Village.
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Wrong, they're obsessed with white cock.
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This artstyles real neat. Who's the artist?
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Was that a mistake for her or for """them"""?
They're not, you are the one posting that shit geg
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Not me posting it, but I mean it's the bait that works every time
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>Claw marks on the bedboard
Did you enjoy the ai generated music that the webm is base off in?
>artist decided that unwritten rule about no sex with her fox is lifted
>dozens of sex porn sprung up
It hurt felt wrong for some reason
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Jesus fuck man I can't fucking stand it
I'm gonna fucking die I just fucking know it within the next few months I'm gonna be dead fuck me
Been following this "" "shit since day 1 fucking 030522 all my energy is fucking gone I'm fucking rotting I can barely even maintain my own consciousness anymore I tried to Wark you fucker u k ow? Fuckin cunt was on to something can't tell if his ass,,, Afflicted his damn undoing bullshit through condemned altar whore
S and now I'm actually okay with going but I must defeat
Bitch is gonna famine my ass I'm not Asian so the Asian tricks don't work on my I hope???.
I enjoyed u ppl I could talk to,,
Juas t want hlp.. Nowfuck
who is she banging?
Me ofc.
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you are loved anon everything will be okay
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other anthro (and human) girls
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I get told exactly that every single fuckin time right before I lose consciousness and I have shit to work on and shit to prepare for and you might say sleep and calorie deprivation is bad for me but I'm still getting over 370% of my daily reccomended B12 intake so I know I'm fine in fact I feel extremely alive and I will for the rest of the week

It never is okay anon it never fucking is I don't want to relive the past how many years of my fucking life every time I play into that shit but that's all that fucking happens and then I wake up a day or two later and I feel like I'm dying and I have to fight to get up and keep myself alive. And I don't like that kind of alive that I feel when I'm out cold because of the few things that fuck my priorities and then I can't think logically.

I know where it is because I always fade out there. The question is how do I sort that shit out if I'm being struck just for the hell of it

And is it really love if its just stealing your fucking energy???
I cant
please don't reply to resident schizo.
Kitsune Youkai, or Kitsuneyoukai.
Her name is Firecat and she often has safe-sex with her brother.
There nigger nurse in hospital about to fucking stick this thing up my penis hole to figure out why I'm peeing bloody shit or whatever Jesus fuck my life

Some kind of fucked up precautionary tale

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I do not know enough to form an opinion on that fox

What is your opinion on this fox?
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senko tho
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Good morning.
She bad
everyone is like "yo blender is so good" but till this day i have seen a realistic rendered video like Hors3, he uses Maya Arnold and that shit never dissapoints.
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space focks
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take your meds schizo
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take care sironii
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Yep. Unfortunately, Senty has also deleted pretty much all Averi pics he drew after the incident. Though, from what I heard, the faggot pretty much knew Fiddle's racism before the callout, and he instantly broke up with her just to save face.
They weren't friends for like a year or so before the callout from what I was able to see, but that does seem very likely.
I also heard it was actually Fiddle that ended the friendship due to being fed up with Senty's whiny bullshit and not being cool with his questionable shit such as showing minors his hypnotist and coiling fetishes. Saw that in the desuarchives and that one flightless bird forum.
space focks gas
she CUTE

She frumpy
BHC only
S A U C E ...?
emmpyfour on twitter
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Fox teasing bunny nipples.
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what is she making
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I love cute fox women so much bros
I don't even care about fox sex much
If I could draw I would be drawing cute anthro foxes all day
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Even though yours is understandable sentiment, I stll want sex though, although I want cuddles even more. And who is she and why is she so nice?
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Now you're making me imagine the absolute bliss of having an anthro's fluffy warm body press up against me, and now I'm sad because it's literally impossible
She's a nameless anthro drawn by an anonymous drawfag on /v/, the only way I was able to find more images of her was by reverse searching the archive
>why is she so nice
She is NOT nice, she likes to bully anon (because she likes him)
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Man explores foreign lands and finds a kitsune.
Goodness that sounds like a nightmare, I think I’d rather fucking kms than have that needle thing (or anything really) getting sticked into my weener for any reason whatsoever, just thinking about it turns my fukcing stomach…
wish you well schizo bro
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Built x bwc
About time Senty gets comeuppance for throwing Averi under the bus, they used to be pretty darn close friends based on the art they drew each other.
why is she on a golf course dressed like a baptist girl??? i know you're going for the trad thing but adult (key word adult) white women never dressed like that and only jews golf.

funny enough the stupid niggurse just stuck it in me drew blood straight from my peepee and then made me stay overnight. never treated me or told me whats wrong with me and now i owe them life changing amounts of money that i frankly don't have.

it all feels like mockery bro its like everyone knows and they're in on it. life is pain but i must fix this shit

if thats senty's fursona he is guaranteed a retarded pussy faggot and i wish i couldve bullied him into suicide in my teenage years.

lmao wtf is this based off the school shooter fox


anon that shits bruised and inflamed
she has pinworm anon and youre hurting her

it fuckimng hurtsd bro its a sharp pain deep in there and yess still pissing blodd
the ride never ends

lmao wtf is that word
anon i cant take you seriously if you keep using harvard university words from 400 years ago like i agree with you but you just sound out of touch, go make me a greasy oatmeal raisin cookie or some powdered mostly dust and cobwebs tiddy milk grandma
You dont know what comeuppance is?
Same thing as navy
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Really hope vr & ai gets to the point that we can at least simulate a virtual focks wife to come home to to pet and hug and brush her tail and fuck and cuddle
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so its gay???
I think we all are in one way or another
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>be american
>wake up at 4 in the morning
>drink coffee-infused high fructose cornsyrup
>gain another chin
>open door to leave
>dodge bullets from startled police officer
>thank him for his service
>get in pick-up truck
>wait in traffic for 5 hours, only poors take public transit
>clock strikes 11 past 9
>everyone gets out of their car and faces towards new york
>salute the twin towers. never forget
>get to work
>see a job creator pass by
>prostrate before him and ask if you can work longer and for less
>he tells you that that you're going places
>the entire office begins clapping, thanking him for being so generous
>take lunch break (unpaid)
>eat a super size bowl of ranch sauce with a topping of salad
>body roll back to work
>finally head home after working unpaid overtime
>get pulled over by the cops
>they ask for licence and registration
>"Problem, officer?"
>get shot
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kitsune magic compelling me to jack off every time I see this image
Who is this fox??
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>Eat a super size bowl of ranch sauce with a topping of salad

Im guilty of this
You're not even American.
how can you tell lmao
what from the way he types?
Is that the navys new motto???

>be in America
Diet consists nostly of 4c energy, vodka, bread and whatever meat I can afford
>phase in and out of mental consciousness regularly, can't even remember the place I am currently walking in
>wake up for the fifth time to piss
>feel like I'm being held down and coddled at the same time
>drink retard juice so my lungs can hydrate and breathe enough
>piss a fucking slurry again
>"Blood in either urine or feces could be a sign of something serious, including infection, disease or even cancer," Dr. Halari says. "So it's very important that you monitor what's going on with your body and talk to your doctor about any of these changes you might see."
>in my piss
>drink more retard fluids and continue to shitpost on my favotire thread
>drive to the hospital under the influence of the american lifestyle
>nigger asks me *lip smack* "mm now what's yo issu"
>tell her I'm pissing blood
>"yeah alright now you go sit down right there imma call u up in a little"
>fill out debt clipboard
>get called up and then taken to some office
>more insurance bullshit
>they then look at my dick
>the whole time her and this other nigger nurse are watching on the TV that AFV thing but hosted by knockoff tony hawk and talking about unrelated shit
>blood dripping out of penis still.wma
>they then bring me to room with bed they want me to lay on
>"Yeah so we gotta stick this in yo penis and you gonna have to hold still"
>brace myself
>pass out as it goes in from sheer pain
>wake up in different room
>get discharged
>never told wtf is wrong but ok
>go home
>try to discharge
>distract myself on here
>purchase more ordinance to discharge this 07.04
>check bank acc
>realize most buckshot is less than $.40/rnd
>God Bless America

Anon please... Don't fall for that shit

Well who else is gonna drink my homemade gatorade

Real americans don't eat salad.
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S-sure I am! Every morning I ride the trolley to work it feels like I'm in call of duty from all the bullets I have to avoid
san francisco?
idk where else there would be trolleys in the us
actually is that even a thing anymore or is it just for tourists
why do you guys have no public transport
like what is there besides the metro in nyc or trains sometimes maybe
Foxtism https://files.catbox.moe/svzq1j.mp4
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The japs sure love their furry scale charts

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