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>Foreign edition

In this thread we monkey around with fellow apes that want to see and do like other primates.

It's that simple, don't go bananas over it.

Masterbin: https://rentry.org/O_O_K

Previous threads: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/ook/type/op/
>La mona se viste de seda.
>Y mona se queda.
Need monkey wife badly
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I expected that response.
>Tarzan isn't getting anything done today
Verification not required.
Would you date and potentially marry a monkey girl?
no comprende
Do you even need to ask?
In various Spanish-speaking regions, "mono/mona" can mean cute, monkey or both. There is also a saying that goes "even if the monkey dresses in silk she is still a monkey". >>67017233 alters it a bit so it says the same thing but can also mean "the monkey dresses in silk- and cute she stays".
>last thread died after taking my eyes off it for an hour
yep, it's summer all right
Yup. Better find ways to deal with the heat, if you know what I mean.
We bring up our own.
How do we get kids these days into /ook/?
By drawing curvy or beefy simians
... I'm listening
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Muscular monke is good for the brain! Good for the heart too
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a new monke game is on newgrounds
Oh you meant dudes
I meant both, actually. But you're right, I'm more into dudes
the marketing department is devising a strategy as we speak
Wish Gori was drawn with a cuter face more often, I need more gorilla girls
her moai face has grown on me a lot
I honestly can't imagine her without it
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Big monke chest works onders
Did you not recognize Candy? Even then, how did you not notice her chest? Are you just that much of an "ass man"?
I did but the focus was definitely more on the dudes
So that new Monkey Ball girl huh...
Speaking of, what does everyone think of the new game?
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Muscular monke butt works too
it looks better than those shitty modern remakes but not as good as the original arcade games
>t. never played a monkey ball game in my life
Make ooks that are cradle robbing shotacons
What if ooks roamed in rape gangs?
I'd rather rape whole gangs of ooks
Is that why Lillie is afraid of pokémon?
>anon goes over to new ook best friend's house to hang out but gets seduced by her beautiful monkey mother
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>pedo shit
Great start to the thread guys!
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The "kids these days" post is an obvious joke. The "mommies" are common fantasy/fetish. I find it hard to believe you are serious.
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Best female gorilla I've ever found but it also really bothers me that she's got a sagittal crest
>that character
Isn't her thing being a "hands-on teacher"?
Based and rapistpilled
so THAT's why gorilla heads look like that!
I have an inexplicable urge to rub my hands up and down the shape of their heads
feral gorillas probably wouldn't like it but I'm fairly sure sapient anthro gorillas would be chill enough to let people touch them
>Mogged by a gorilla
I don't envy the Japanese man
>she can easily fight him off but pretends to struggle because she wants it
The Alola forests are so thick and dense that even her shrill screams won't be heard.
Trainers have been noted that be missing for days due to territorial packs of feral passimians
The definitely overpower, crush, then rape shotas
Good night monkey thread, please don't die while I'm away
Goodnight. I promise nothing (I'm very tired myself).

Yeah, her right foot[hand] is a dead giveaway.
>I'm very tired myself
Better get that checked.
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I tried to fix her for you. Consider this a gift to a fellow sexual dimorphism sperg!
Is this how you like them, or at least close to it?

NTA but thanks.
Right character but wrong image.

Might as well post some others too.
>a gift to a fellow sexual dimorphism sperg
Fuck, I meant "a gift from a fellow sexual dimorphism sperg." I should really go to bed
need more of this persons art if there is. they have a really cute art style
Tell them at >>67040236, the thread is still up.
I guess this is enough.
>TFW no rillaboom gf
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>super-powered gorilla

This is how you get kids into ook: Pokemon ook!

Example reasoning: Infernape is just the ook version of Blaziken/Cinderace/Delphox/Incineroar.

Note: we need a Water Type Starter ook

...where are the niggers? niggers are ook!
Planet of the Apes would be a lot more brutal
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>wake up
>"boy I sure hope the thread didn't fucking die while I was asleep!"
>come back to thick gorilla wives
Based thread
So fucking zased
That GIF shouldn't be as funny as it is.
It's that goddamn face that slips in before he starts beating her like a brute again.
He's having a great time
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a gift from /ltg/
Thanks. Is it just a random pic or is there a story behind it?
It's Lisa from Lisa the First/Painful/Joyful, except now she's a monkey
I see.
>Becomes a hit with otaku fucks
>Hikikimori problem worsens
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she personally teaches the young neighborhood boys how to drain all of the banana milk extract from their coconuts
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What I would do to be her student
would monkeys think of humans as their own species in the primate genus or do they just see them as weird hairless lesser apes?
I imagine every species of monkey (including humans) would view each other a little differently since there's a plethora of monkey species out there
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some guy is making his own race of saiyans but more monke-like
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Kino beyond mortal comprehension
Furless, uncanny, creepy cousins
civilizing tribal monkey girls who have never even seen a microwave before
shouldn't it be 'do you like me'?
The artist is from Chile, though I think he is just bad at writing in general.
>Verification not required.
>Monke is inviting you to get closer
He still has good taste, though.
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That doesn't sound so bad. Microwaves aren't that ubiquitous, plenty of people have other commodities despite lacking those.
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*all other commodities, I meant.
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We aren't that bad.

Or should I say, that *bald*?
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This. We are all primates in the end.
I love buff gorilla daddies
How do you feel about the literal gorilla dad from Sing?
Not a big fan honestly
Oh, why not?
I dunno man, something about his design just puts me off
Huh... I expected he would be right up your alley. It goes to show that one can't just assume these things.
As for me, I respect their brute strength and imposing figures but have always been fascinated by the concept of brainy/soulful gorillas.
I know this is a gorilla-bear, so it's not the best *gorilla* example, but I really wanted to use that image.
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I think it's a bit too much to say that...
But they are indeed awesome. Thanks for sharing these.

A downgrade, to be honest.
Another sexual dimorphism sperg! Sweet edit!
>Gorillas are wise philosophers
>Monkeys are eccentric, sporty, and edgy
>Chimpanzees are warmongering, wrathful, and territorial
It's not nice to make generalizations.

t. guy about to chimp out and eat your face
chimps definitely seem like the primates with the most potential to be schizo
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imagine peeling off carol's sweaty overalls after a long day of gaming
>She gets sweaty but it still doesn't matter because she still sucks at video games
Getting sweaty playing….. Animal Crossing
She's one of those bitches that run their village like a dictatorship and obsessed over Raymond.
>Yandere chimpanzee that threatens to deglove you if you say no
I really want to know what baboons and mandrills are like now
the youtube man says it's mid :(
return fast
>Schizo chimp gf
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I bet she walks around shirtless, confident that everyone around her thinks she's a boy because of her flatness
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Just found out about this thread and I am very glad it exists. Have a monkey
>"Rematch! Best 3 out of 5!"
>"I'm gonna beat you this time for sure, Anon!"
>"Eh? If I lose again?"
>"Fine, I'll peel another banana for you with my feethands."
>"Those other bananas felt thicker and longer and more wiggly than usual, and I could hear you groaning from how slippery they got from my s-sweaty palms, but I peeled them no problem!"
>"And you thought I couldn't do it blindfolded!"
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I get what you wanted to imply but, honestly, the idea is pretty forced.
A good monkey. Thank you.

Hope you like this one.
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I've seen flatter.
What is she peeling? Your foreskin??
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I wanna bully her and make her cry
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pretty good looking for a mankey
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>she degloved his dick
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>black upper lip
Fucking nice

Pettanko monkeys are my weakness

Do that, and I'll liquefy your skull
There are many animals and fictional creatures I would prefer over another human beeing.
/v/ complained that we don't post enough of these.
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>Pettanko monkeys are my weakness
Telling her that could make things go very wrong... and very right.
>/v/ becoming an /ook/ colony
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...tears of joy?
>goatboy posts on /v/
>redus posts in the /trash/
this says a lot about society
No. She's made for ryona.
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I need to draw Tiny again
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Never ask a simian couple how they first met.
Monkeys look like this?
yes but more lanky
Turns out 2Banana was actually 2Eekeekook. 9Simian gonna freak!
Wish I had monkey pics to bump with.
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Grilling banana burgers on the bar b with patriotic latina ook wife for America Day!
you NEED to be drawing picrel
do monkeys go into heat?
pretty sure they don't have a mating season like other animals
either way i think they would be more horny overall, even compared to humans
>during the day she makes noise by banging on her drumset
>at night she makes noise from having bed breaking snu snu with you
Primate pride worldwide
Sounds like a terrible neighbor.
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>that Candy
more artists should draw the female Kongs built like actual gorillas
Don't get greedy. Let the kongs be cartoons. What there really should be is more gorilla characters in general.
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>thread made it to 4th of July
>Ape males had evolved to have tiny dicks
>Because only the tiny dick males escaped having their dicks ripped off when two males fought.
>Meaning that a human male would totally destroy a ape female.
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imagine being an ape girl having her first time with a human and expecting a < 3 inch dong but then he pulls out something that looks the same size and shape as your favorite food
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OOKdependence day
Dixie > Tiny

Don't debate me

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