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/ERP/ - Erotic Roleplay Thread

4th of July Edition

Previous: >>67107952
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xth for ___!
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Giant tits
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Haughty bimbos.
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GIANT tits
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That's bit bigger on above AND below, but that's good too.
I just went for bigger every way I could
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That is a good way of going about things, bigger is better in many cases.
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Massive, passive scatterpillers consuming my GF up the ass and pooping out her skull bone minutes later.
We write erotic things here.
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This can be arranged if you've got the time today.
remodeling X-Samus' ass when
What's everyone up to today?
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I do have the time today actually! There's this one reeeaaally hot keypose where her prey is gonna have just her head and her feet sticking out of the bug girl's tall perky anus after being swallowed up a whole bunch, and just the thought of writing it is kiiiiilling me over here. Y'know, going up her butt folded over herself sandwhich style, clogging her digestive organ up because her assets are too darn big to swallow. There's no risk of choking, though, considering her preffered method of consumption! There wpuld be plenty of time to beg for a second chance scrunched up like that, all while the only autonomous things she has left are just her head and her ankles. Any chance you you have a favorite prey item between either Raven or Command Grab?
>chun Li if she American
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Remind me, have you ever played Pacifica before? Between those two Raven would be a prime choice but that haughty, stuck-up blonde fat ass is admittedly my kryptonite. Would turn her into a folded tortilla snack made to be hungrily consumed by a beast who's dumber than their cock or asshole combined. Jamming up that prodigious outhole and inadvertently stimulating those abyssal depths of thick, winding intestine in the process.
Any preference on bug? Okay if it's packing some big beefy stud balls that may or may not be influencing Shy's territorial nature?
if she was Americanised (corrected)*
Ougi, your throat.
Did Ougi have a thing forced down it?
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>haughty, stuck-up blonde fat ass is admittedly my kryptonite
Real quick suggestion here, but I could totally do Pacifica even though I've never played her before if you say the word. However, I have this other blonde haughty bubbly OC girl named Pepper if you're down! The funny thing is I bet she'll only be marginally smarter than Shyra. And trust me, her ass is PHAT!!!
Bug nuts and a modestly foreskinned cock would be golden. Think like those scolopede pics where he has both a dumptruck and big, haughty, sagging sweaty nuts, except for instead of purple ,Shyra's would I guess be either tan in color or a pure grass-green? Either way, I'm ready to go if you feel like making the starter.
(Going to see fireworks later but right now just playing Dawntrail. Going to take the day off tomorrow so I can have a long weekend.)
Hopefully she still retains some of her Chinese cultural heritage
One kiss
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>The infamous reputation of the bug preceded her, that much was true, as the rumbly rumbly jiggle-bug made ‘her’ way from the underbrush. No other beast was as foul, as pungent, as *dumb* as a scatterpillar..truly walking asstubes on six stubby legs with only the simplest form of intelligence to the enormously ripe creature, Shyra blank one eye at a time as her tool dug a swath in the dirt. Drool dribbling off exposed tongue whilst that fat backside shook side to side in wide swings, offering glimpses of that massive mocha cakehole so ungodly overused and padded.Despite the triple pair of milky jugs bouncing upon her bust, her backside was unequivocally and exponentially *male*: fatter than a female scatterpillar’s in order to better attract degenerate mates, always active and staining the sac the same color as the bugs shitter. A prominent male mark imprinted on the lime colored cheek as a testament to her genderswap down below; Every single inch of the beast stunk to high hell but the influx of hormones flushing through her weirdly warped breedstud-bottombitch system ensured that anyone who got a small huff of that sour smell would render them woozy ..
>Such as the braces-clad, familiar sounding bimbo blonde, taking selfies when this bus sized bug strolled up behind her. Shooting a small smile at her new ‘guest’ as her dick unknowingly buckled and thrashed about under her soft underbelly and her tire audibly squelched..
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Good morning, /erp/!
Not yet, but soon.
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Spending time with family/friends, helping hand out candy to kids and stuff. Then once everyone’s tired, I’ll probably see if there’s anything fun here or play vidya while we wait for fireworks.
I hope all of you get a great holiday today, and get to enjoy the cosplay thread too.
Nyoo, you can't rape Ougi's throat! It's not faaaaair.
". . . here she comes, this is so cool!"
>The brat's nasally tone of voice could be heard as she was approached. Talking to no one but herself as she wraps around the side of the massive, wobbling insect before her. It was unreal. The size of those udders... each mammary gland was bigger than Pepper's head, and this big momma had 6 of them on her chest! This thing must have weighed a ton, Pepper thought to herself as she circled around the backside (but not before giving a few of those massive udders a full-fisted palm squeeze!) Male, huh. . . circling around, the curious human stood before the bug's backside. No vagina, and a bright-as-day symbol denoting its gender. It was undeniably male back here, haunches that went over Pepper's head swaying gently as he kept himself steady.
>Pepper's next breath was, strengely enough, visible. The blonde had stepped into the humid cloud of rank the wildlife carried around with it, she realized. Her eyes soon drifted together, vision going cross and hazy, sleepiness weighing down on her mind... a dumb smile that had formed on her face quickly faded as she realized she was beginning to knock-out passively back here. Trying to keep her wits about her now, the pacifying air around the bug's haunches wasn't enough to deter this tourist, it seems. Holding her phone up, the pink woman jovially took many photos of Shyra's pucker and huge, muscled male haunches
"Look at you, big guy... wao! Haha, just waow..."
>The air was so hot... she began to strip down to just her birthday suit, in the coming moments.
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I'm going to randomly shoot at things later, and gorge myself on freedom inspired food. Otherwise I'll lurk a bit, but I'm sure most people are gonna be busy today.
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More or less same as>>67116753
Right now it's the quiet before the party.
If there's time and energy by the end of the day, I might swing by with a freedom appropriate face.
Hope you have fun with it Gabu.
(Thanks WHA, hope you have an excellent holiday as well. Appreciate the warm wishes.)
(Have a great time! Try not to eat too much.)
>With a glove on so he doesn't get his fingers bitten.
Cute image
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Same to you, these cans need to be plinked, it's why I always save some cans after I'm done drinking em. Plink, plink, plink~
You too Lappland, hope you have a happy 4th, and that goes out to everyone else too.
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>American flag bikini Revy patriotically mleps you
Have a fun time with your pack, Lappland~
Enjoy your festivities today!! I'm going to light so many things on fireee~
>This is no reason for concern, probably.
Hanging around and avoiding the heat for the day! Then by night setting off homemade and very definitely legal (honest) fireworks with some friends!
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>grabs popcorn, leans back, and enjoys the fireworks. From a safe distance.
Writing captions. Gonna play Civ4 Colonization after lunch.
What kind?
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There's one over here >>67117178
Next in my queue is one with Haruka from Senran Kagura, and then one with Yuyuko from Touhou. Actually I have a lot of Touhou in the queue.
Not my kinda caption, but speed on! Always nice to see someone writing.
Really hot caption, honestly. Older woman being open and interested in your salacious behavior is so good. That class difference too.
Feeling zesty today.
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You named your penis zesty?
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Fireworks woke me up early in the morning so my sleep's all wonky--hopefully my nap fixed things.
Playing SMTV at the moment, but I'll try to write today, hopefully! Probably!

Good! Keep it up!
Thanks. I actually haven't been around in a very long time, trying to get back into writing and playing and all that stuff, I missed it a lot.
I got the idea because this kind of thing actually happened. Americans stationed in Britain were really horny and forward, and English girls loved it. Especially because we just don't have as strong of a class system they didn't realize or notice it, they just saw a pretty girl and went after her.
(That's pretty interesting bit of horny history! Sounds like a fun scenario to RP out as well. To the bold go the spoils and all that. Hope to see more of your captions!)
Owain, you look so desperate replying to everyone
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Tonight I shall ambush my prey.
Giant moms make me the giant horny
If he brings out a pokemon with a fat cock, I'll indulge him.
...as long as it's not a dog.
>Wished people a happy 4th of july
>Complimented someone's caption.
God forbid someone tries to be nice in this awful place
If it is a dog I'd take it.
Mewtwo lover?
"everyone" and it's just two people at most
Wanted to do something today but it's been one of the roughest weeks for me, and I had probably the worst fucking day of it today. I can only hope good news can come to take me out of this shitty mood. I'm sorry since nobody really asked but this is mainly for those who'll be looking for me in the future. I'll be lurking, since I like reading the thread but I don't want to speak much as to not spread my depressing mood. Stay blessed and safe folks, thank you as always for bringing me happiness on days like these. Sorry again for even saying any of this, I don't even know what to do anymore.
Garchomp, male Kirlia, and Mewtwo lover.
I've gotten around.
Sorry to hear that Caren. I'll pray for you.
Cute pokephile.
If you want to share or vent, I'm here for you. 100% no matter what it is. With all the kindness you've given other people, you deserve to feel like you have friends who are there to listen and cheer you on through your hardships. Offering in case you want to, but even without that I want you to know you are cherished and treasured here. I will pray for your burdens to be eased and for your wonderful smile to return, friend.
Being sick with covid :(
Pray the long covid doesn't fuck you up after you recover.
Anon, how can you know if I'm cute if you can't see me?
(I've wanted to dick someone as a Luxray and give light electric shocks to make them spasm and ensure they can never get used to how they're being laid into.)

(Understand if that's not your cup of tea, though.)
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Buttfucking the fattest babe at the BBQ like a proper ‘merican
Huh, I think I recognize one of those
NTA, but definitely cute
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I will pray for you.
Prayers are always welcomed. Thank you for even considering it. I know the Lord will be by my side at least throughout this, and I have the support of people like you.
I have friends at least who've offered kind words already so I know I have no shortage of those. It's a lot of stuff really happening all at once, making me depressed, frustrated, angry and overall not feeling good things, I'm human so it happens. I'll get over it, hopefully. It's that mixture of terrible things, situations, tragic events, all taking too much of a toll on me. You folks are also way too kind to me, like genuinely. Thank you for the prayers, I hope this terrible time passes and my mood is good enough to write something because I really want to, I just doubt I'll be at my best.
Thank you Revs. Appreciated as always.
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>Huggo and smoochu
I’m sorry to hear it dear, sending lots of love energy your way.
Get well soon, Caren. Hope to see you back and kicking again.
Caren you treasure, don't worry! Pain, sorrow and powerlessness are part of the human condition. What you cannot overcome, do not try to carry on your shoulders alone. Take these moments to expel your excess anxiety and smile. My wife!
I’ll include you in my prayers. <3
>Accepts all the huggo and smoochu she can get.
Thanks Lapis, the T posing Sharky really brings a bit of joy back to my soul. Maybe I can watch some Gura clips and the such to keep my mind off things.
Heh I am only married to Lord there bucko, I suppose you I can permit you to think that way at a price fufu.
The kind words are appreciated as well, I'll be better than ever after this perhaps, life is giving me some character development is all, my story is just picking up.
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Oh mine GOD, I accidentally hath sent thou a picture of mine phallus... prithee delete it! 'Lest. ..thou desire to look? Haha, I jest... Delete it. ..Should thee crave...? Haha nay, Banish it...'Lest?
What we need right now is some eagle girls to fuck.
Breed the rat
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I finally installed mods on my elden ring. Now I want to wash Malenia
Guoooh, when the sows get back from their parties there'll be so many wombs to fill
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I’m happy to help! I don’t know the specifics of your situation but I’ve been dealin with some real BS lately, and the kindness of thread friends helps me out a lot. Happy to return the favor however I can~
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this but making an already burning star burn even brighter (a woman still in her prime)
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god I hope it fucking rains so they can't set off their stupid fireworks
Got done with my post-work nap and now I just have to get rid of the metal taste in my mouth and recover. If the person that said they'd be down to play Uraraka off another of the MHA girls getting dick is in the thread, leave me a (You) and we can chat things through as promised. I'll respond as soon as I notice the tag since I'll be trying out ZZZ in the meantime.
What's the matter party pooper? Someone annoying you with their fun?
My body is ready.
Sorry to hear that, Caren.
Get better.
I will give you all the positive energy I can.
Hey!~ I should be around. Have a nice nap!
Be gentle on yourself and know that it's okay to be sad. There's no rush to immediately jump back into things and suddenly "be better". If you need time to work through those emotions, take all of the time you need. But don't think you have to hide yourself and that you aren't worthy of being comforted or being around just because you are sad. Sometimes just having a distraction is enough.

Lapis goin' hot WILD at the BBQ!
i mean yeah
I already broke one of those glasses by just looking at its general direction and she keeps her feet on it?
Naps already finished, don't you worry none about that! Might be delayed in some replies but don't worry, I'll be here instead of ghosting or anything like that.

First thing first just planning stuff out for a beginning. There's several ways to wing the whole thing. Hero Thots gagging on dick in a gloryhole for funsies. Infiltrating a Villain hideout as strippers / casino bunnies. Fucked-up corruption. Casting Couch porno. Depends a lot on what kind of thematic you're itching for and what kind of fetishes you've got so lay it on me, what got your interest for those two.
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>gives you a big smooch
those big asses between that big bulge is so hot
>that big bulge
That's Froppy's head
>give light electric shocks to make them spasm and ensure they can never get used to how they're being laid into
but that's literally a pavlovian conditioning technique
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That scene I did a few weeks ago with Gura plapping her BBW hairdresser (pic related) was amazingly fun. Would love to do somethin like that again~

Gura is a notoriously light and delicate girlie (pic unrelated)
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Ah, okay, I misread. No worries on delays.

Anyway! I had a bit of an idea about an underground club where pro hero girls go to blow off steam by being fucked anonymously by civilians. I'm up for taking things in any direction you want tho, I'm flexible.~
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Not yet.
Oooh, fuck yeah, definitely into that. It scratches a whore itch really good for me. Prim and proper pure Heroes on duty for the 'cameras' so they stay as little beacons of justice and whatever but they've got a whole fucking network of studs to blow their backs out and fuck them up to let out some steam and properly relax.

Even better if it involves wearing some silly little masks that don't really hide shit as far as identities go but they're still 'required' just for that small little fake veneer of 'hidden identity' while they've got the physical peak of civil society ready to make them squirt. If you're into NTR stuff can also make it so its only for the Hero Girls because God knows the boys have a weak as fuck dick game so this is the safest way to make sure they don't get corrupted into Hench girls for Villains.
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I could really go for a handjob this afternoon~
Big booty chick bruising my thighs and pelvis with relentless hotdogging
Doesn't have to be C.C. either
That'd take time, not in one sex session and if the shocks have no rhyme or reason to them they'll be dreading/anticipating it making them more tense.
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I'm not that cute. Just like the eyeposting from last night.
Hmmm!! I have a girlcrush on Hidori Rose, if you don't mind her as an alternative(that I could play)? I need to see if the image sets I had saved are still around. I just checked multiple USBs and can't seem to find them! Otherwise I can try to find some other irl cutie to play instead! Unless it has to be the reference you provided? But would it be possible to have you play as a fella? Or even just a dick plapping her holes is fine. I just don't wanna play opposite against feminine-types! And obviously you are allowed to say NO WAY and shoo me away if you wouldn't be excited by that! I know I'm asking for alot! Heh.
Go away Milky
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Lurking for the moment
Would you ever sit on someone's face not to kill them, but just to teach them respect and humility?
I'm neutral on NTR so sure I'd be up for working that in. And yeah, underground but the kind of secret that everybody knows about. Helps keep the Hero girls on the straight and narrow, reminding them just how fun it is to 'serve the public good'. Plus, it lets civilians who might be upset that some Hero smashed up their car fighting this week's villain work out their resentment by giving the Hero's girlfriend a proper hard fucking.
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Also wouldn’t mind getting a face full of cock..
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Things are finally starting to slow down, which is really nice.
She’s not half bad, though I’d be curious to see if there’s any other BBW type options you’ve got! And sure, what kind of male would you be into? Playing a literal floating dick could be silly fun, but I don’t know if that’s what you meant. But yeah, I could play some type of fella, definitely happy to plap some lovely large lady’s wonderful fat butt this glorious patriotic day!

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