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"Sue is in dire need of correction" edition

comic: https://bcb.cat
co thread: >>>/co/144671586
nsfw booru: https://bcbnsfw.space and probably e6 idk
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(full version)
Bring on some Sandy, people!
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Been a while since someone drew smut of her. No surprise there, she's basically a placeholder for Mike's relationship status until Lucy throws herself at him again.
She needs more attention.
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She's getting plenty of attention. Maybe she needs a little less instead.
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Here are some sketches of Lucy for the USB
is there any bcb porn that's not just absolutely over the top smutty or is this just a general of coomers
What are you looking for?
Here we can see Lucy getting punched
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Some Daisy
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>Holding her by her head
Good shit
You must eat all the Yashy eggs
Why do you come in a trash thread and just bitch everytime that people aren't making things exactly to your liking
Learn to draw yourself or fuck off
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Some Jessica, using a reference of another image.
ill take that as a resounding negative
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Madison getting LGD'd by Mike
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Do they make Madison watch?
Lucy getting milked. Gotta fix the hand holding the bottle, but fuck it. Good enough
Please refer to the post above you.
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BCB has some very nice background characters.
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Not sure if I posted these, but here's some Stacey
This is very well done, do you know the artist?
damn, must've been jealous of her girlfriend
hot. what character is that?
would blackmail into sex with pictures of her cosplay outfit
tagged as "unknown artist"
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Here's Jasmine in a Jar... Wonder what will happen to her?
Seems like Abbey found her. What is he gonna do to her?
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The only logical thing to do is...
Hope she can swim!
oh never mind
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This one.
Ok, I have some other goofy shit I've drawn, but I don't think I should post them or whatever. The jar one was fucking funny, so I did it for laughs.
I got one with Jasmine and her friends, but it's not complete. Most of these were quick sketches anyway... I'll try to "finish" the ones not posted later
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Oh, her! I thought it was Jasmine's friend.
I really like the top row of the first pic you drew of her, that cheerleader will be very popular with the boys.
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Yeah Jasmine has a friend with puffy hair like that, but she's a black cat I think. I got one in the works, but it's not complete. Here's a snippet
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holy fuck, can't wait for the full version. the jasmine friend club is four wild foursomes
I'll draw some gay stuff when I got some time later.
Rapey is good.
Francis making Mike part of his harem when
Damn she's a squirter
Finally the anon with taste
Tell people what you are looking for specifically then, or check booru as it's probably there. Most of nsfw requests I've gotten from threads were either silly or adorable lewds like setup for cute Jessica+Mike stuff for example

Looks like Familyanon's art, would make sense if it's part of his AU / series as that pic is a valid reason to divorce Sandy, keep custody of Porsche and choose superior, loyal and hotter tabby
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>goofy ones
You know what, fuck it, it's funny. Here it is.
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Ah thanks for the info.
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That girl can piss
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Lucas, Finn and Felix breaking in Mike before his date wth James or Abbey sexually assaulting Jay while everyone else was at the pep rally and threatening that if he doesn't apologize to Tess Abbey'll tell everyone Jay got raped by a freshman.
Anyone got that design of Francis as a cat with a fluffy neck? I like that one.
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This one? I think that's supposed to be a coat.
Can Matt be raped corrected into becoming straight by a girl?
>the one fat guy in a world of twinks
Who'd want to... oh, of course. Daisy! She ran out of other options so corrective rape for the 'gay' guy who won't try for anything more than nursing a hopless crush on the simp seems like the safe bet!
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Raped? I don't think so.
Figure out he's bi through experimentation? It's certainly possible.
Augustus fucking Jordan while Lucy seethes
Matt should rape Jordan into becoming his girl.
Shit, should've posted my stuff slow, now it's going to deeper pages. Oh well.
He could 100% make Jordan wear one of Lucy's dresses to school
Matt could probably manipulate him into doing anything, his family is so hyperfixated on Lucy that they wouldn't even notice he's being blackmailed and abused into a gay relationship.
Angry bitches fucking to see who is the angriest
Stacy sucking a pair of nuts and Lucy eating her own creampie are now my two favorites you've drawn
>Yashy eggs
Maybe the reason she's cranky is because she's lacking this diet now.
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This was that thing from last time the thread died before I could post here, then jannies decided lewd catbox links aren't k anymore in the /co/ threads.
god i wish that were me
Where’s the gay shit?
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I got a commission to work on first...
god i wish that were me
It's not your fault you're the only nsfw artist for bcb kek
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Careful, the slut will go after your dad in revenge.
Who drew all these?

And this.
Wasn't there another few drawings of him that suggested it was actually fluff?

>Anon blows his load too early and kills the thread's mood.
Sketches are me. Amaya is another Anon
>Sketches are me.
I like em, lots of different poses. Do you have any blog?
>Amaya is another Anon
Guess you dont know who they are?
No blog, I move around anonymously (until I feel like I'm good enough I guess). There's a name on the booru, but it's random and temporary.
You should look at this. (First image in the set is the bottom one. Donno why the booru doesn't order it right)
It's this guy, it's not tagged for some reason as BCB
The Amaya art is by kizuanon, they got more work on the nsfw booru
Nice find Anon. The lines are pretty good
Do you draw for other fandoms or just this one?
Do you take any requests?

Thank you, I could not place their name. Their art looked familiar.
Yea other things sometimes. And yes. For now, I do it for free.jpg
What is your request? I don't promise anything though.
Sandy getting fucked by a dog while talking to Mike on the phone.
Bcb dog or feral? Pose?
>What is your request? I don't promise anything though.
Are you somewhat selective on the ones you take, or just have a long que? Are you mainly looking for porn focused ideas, or something more sfw?
Oh, other anon sneaked in there I wasnt this one
BCB dog, maybe like a pit bull or something, from the side so you can see she's on the phone but also there's a dick inside her
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Quick sketch before bed. I like the neck fluff cause it doubles as a makeshift gag.
I like a nice challenge.
There are some on my backlog, but the reason I delay is because I find something specifically weird, and do other things until I get good enough to tackle the problem. Unless it's paid or something? None paid so far, so just building things up.
SFW is harder in my opinion, and kinda boring sometimes. But I've made some sfw. Depends what the ask is.
You can request something, but like, since it's gonna be kinda quick, I might not fully render it. Though, gotta try to build that experience, you know
Are there any pitbull characters in this comic for reference? I know there's this one drawing by the author where Paulo's in prison or something and there's dogs barking at him?
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Not that I've seen, this sort of looks like a pitbull but without the cropped ears, which is really the "pitbull" look
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Mike and Lucy's child grows up to be fucking HIDEOUS
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Sorry, it kinda looks off in certain places, I'll have to redo it to make it look better
Still noice, I like how annoyed Sandy looks having to divide her attention between Mike and dog dicked kek
could you give Sandy a collar and a leash the dog can tug on?
Same drawing, or another pose?
Another pose, like Sandy's wearing a dog collar and a leash and looking back while the dog behind her is calling her a bitch and making her bark like a dog while she gets fucked in the ass
thank you for drawing <3
someone should upload all this new drawings to the booru before the thread gets pruned
I can do that later, but I feel like since they're a bit too sketchy, it'd be like spam? Some of these Lucies for the USB for example were mostly practice, but perhaps I can refine some of them and then upload them.
POV or we get to see the doggy?
We get to see the doggy, pumping inside sandy's kitty butthole
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While I'm drawing that, here's a Sandy in a cavewoman costume mad at her caveman husband
Sandy telling her caveman husband he needs a bigger cave because there's a lot of cavemen who would love to drag her by the hair back to THEIR big caves if he doesn't
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How's this? Or were you imagining it differently? We don't see the penetration, but I guess you can assume perhaps.
What did you have in mind, Anon?
I was imagining kinda from behind at an angle, with Sandy looking back, but I like your angle too, thanks!
>She's wearing her Maishul ribbon
Yeah I'm wondering how we can see the dog's face that way, but perhaps not his face, but the back of his head?
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Yeah, like the back of his head at kind of an angle so you also see the side of his face, whatever this angle is
Nice, I can do that. I usually don't draw anal, but I'll try to make it grip hard
That's second kiddo of theirs, not that grey girl with bowl white hair from all the art, as Taeshi had plans for the two to have theoretical triplets but lost their early designs (third one we only know as "boy, with baseball cap, as energetic as sister with ponytail")

It's all floof yes, confirmed by that design's author. Probably the most amazing fur to touch a hairdresser can grow

Kizunanon here, you wanted to ask for art requests of something? Can try and sketch and if thread dies before me finishing it - will just upload it to booru as usual
It just looks like a grown up ugly version of the OG baby, got the same color pattern and shit
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Can I request Daisy getting slipped the knot?
Yeah, even Taeshi admitted that white hair girl was best design out of three. Still matches written description of how her sister would look like and she drew the white hair girl separately for birthday cards too

Any specific guy like David, or a knotted dildo for anime nerd, or she manages to score a random dog guy?
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She gets the backstage pass and scores her favorite canine member of the band. Mask included.
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Cute Daisy. Wonder how long she'll be able to stick to her "we cannot have babies" guns when she's surrounded by her favorite band members.
Paulo gonna receive very "fun" selfies from Daisy about her favourite part of the concert...
>Paulo's heart breaking as Daisy obliviously tells him about losing her virginity by getting fucked like a groupie slut
Sorry Anon, got distracted by something. I'll continue the piece soon.
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Nevermind, here it is. It's kinda weird, but hey.
Great art anon. If you’re still taking requests, I would love to see Matt getting dicked like this.
I'm gonna go to bed, perhaps later
Are there any LORA for BCB stuff? Nothing in civitai? If there isn't, should I make one?
I posted a Lucy one that other anons managed to get a few good Mikes out of, but rhe only good LORA is one an anon in the co threads is training.
Do you still have the dataset you trained on?
Lucy only?

Sounds like a small project to do. Personally I would like to do SuexPaulo but if I would do a Lora I might as well try to train all the characters.I tried to do one before but it didn't end up as I expected. Maybe this time it'll work out.
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Here: https://files.catbox.moe/2hypmx.xz
Save as .tar.xz because catbox stripped the .tar part for some reason

I tried to do one with Lucy and Sue. It did not work out well.
For me it's BCB bondage (males)
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That's why I stopped looking at this stuff and am patiently waiting for AI anon to finish his model so I can beg him for it. His generated stuff actually looks acceptable.
It's perfect, thank you, you do anal good fwiw
Those Lucys were on the old model, unless that's your point kek
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The Lucy model is acceptable (though I can't replicate the quality you produce), but the Sue+Lucy model is absolutely cursed
This cursed skinwalker Sue is fun, she would probably be nicer than normal one while only Mike and Amaya would show concern about replacement
Can you post a catbox of your gen with the old Lucy model so I can see the prompt, I can help with it
Skinwalker Sue actually gets good grades instead of just acting like she does
I don't have SD set up right now

>instead of just acting like she does
She does get good grades! She just needs to crawl under the teachers' desks every now and then, but she's a smart girl!

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