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/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky

Post tags, talk about your fetishes, and jerk off.

Come here edition

Previous: >>67731064
sai-core image
Thank you this cum is dedicated to you
hatty-core post
Ive thigh-highs and heels on
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Post something hot for me to censor/caption/edit! :3

Blank/vague replies get memed.
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My wife Misato
Can I edit and censor you?
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love for the gups
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I'm eating cookies.
Darjeeling tea is actually really good and you should drink it
Guppy love
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Erm... I guess 0______0
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but I want to drink Darjeeling's pee
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I want to drink it due to her and my interest in tea. Maybe I'll pick up some next time I shop.
This guy gets it
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I want some Oracle cookies...
Ako, I just wanted the world to know that I love you so much. I love you, always forever
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same, really useful for boss fights
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Yes you're right
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You have fixed it! Mashallah!
Truly Allah's work. Jazakallah my nonny
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I can get a ummmm.... one of the things with the boys and the girls with the... like the talking in the text? One of them please.
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Can I get a pixel censor with a caption telling me to simp and roll for her game
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Piss yourself
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Gimme a bit more to go off of anon? :3
No thanks, I like being clean.
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nonny that pees themselves and shows me...
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That's me on the right.
me on left
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This is such a depressing list of adjectives
Handsex encouragement since I can't ever fuck her
what a comfy day! :3
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Looks good to me plunderbunny <3 *muwah* Now where did I drop that table...
I see through your lies that's not a snuggle invitation I'm going to get fucked silly
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Voluptuous :3

!Dweeb spotted!

Tch~ If you're sure x3
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I haven't been in /trash/ in months and I think I might relapse...
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How are you gonna spend it anon
hi fren!!! <3 enjoying your Friday evening? :3
not sure yet! part of me wants to tug to e-girls but i also could do with some more sleep...
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same, anon
A chick like that probably likes it in the ass and ngl I would
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Egirl tuggies and fagging out then cuddles untill we fall asleep ...
Biga booba
Being super not gay with anon while we make out and rub cocks together.
This isn't fucking 2016 anymore nigger the "im le not gay" meme hasn't been attractive or funny since 5 years ago
Sorry, I live under a rock.
who up reeling dey worm
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I disagree
Thank you for standing up for me anon, we should kiss
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God I need a slutty boy to just sink my fingers, teeth, and cock into tonight
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Don't be too sad anon. Hand pussy is much safer than demon brats anyway :3

>enjoying your Friday evening? :3
It's been alright! Almost over, very sleepy :3
Hope you're having a comfy one too
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t. The biggest faggot

I'm still not gay no matter what I do to feel good with anon
Hehe mwah~
Fag sex with all of these Anons.
good :3 i'm pretty sleepy myself! but i still wanna use my free time....
sounds like my usual friday! though i generally like to sleep on my own :3
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Gimme that fag hole rn

plz and thank
>me but I don't understand computers at all
Me as the cock
How about you gimme that tag whole! Ha ha
See what I did there?
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Looking very handsome anon.
That was not half bad, I'll begrudgingly admit.

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I like to pretend I'm a girl...but fag sex sounds nice too...
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Hi Anons, how are you all~?
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Fag holes definitely welcome at this tag btw
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Anons like this
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In a vulnerable and cock sucking mood other than that Just doing my morning pumpies
Need demon brat pussy even more now, thanks!
Anon what does that even MEAN
i can't think of anything less sexy than this song icl
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Every time I come to this thread I suddenly have the urge to be a fag...
Babe cock anons, anons with big cocks, and anons who like vtuber slop
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I love so much that Marika's porn model has been completely normalized as a canon depiction of the character. The coomers won.
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>Babe cock anons
>anons with big cocks
>anons who like vtuber slop
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please please PLEASE somebody let me worship their fee i need to cum and lose to feet. tag aoi_aoii
I've jerked off with like 5-6 guys on discord but after I nut I end up blocking them and removing all messages.

Anyone else do this?
Boobs! <3
>blacked art
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My waifu has plenty to offer~
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It is? That's fucking obnoxious.
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Cock sucker
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My favorite artist
Cheating is the patrician's fetish, filtered
Of course Golu would like BLACK smega cocks
Avatarfags will never beat the allegations
Me calling my mom
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Those niggas arent even BLACK
BLACK adjacent
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Need me a boy like you frfr
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Posting more of my waifu~
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Take me somewhere nice...
Ugh, where're the anons with wallets as weak as their cocks...
your waifu is hot, would mating press her tits
My bed is pretty nice.
She loves giving those! And I like watching her use them on other nonnies~
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Didn't do a single homosexual thing today, so I got that going for me.
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Is it comfy? What if I start crying?
Maybe if you were a blacked chad...
you thirstposted about looni though? that's pretty homosexual
It's very comfy. Shed your tears on it as much as you need to too.
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That's a bad thing, honeatly.
Ava back on looni!
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Don't worry anon, I'll make sure your "reparations" go to a good cause~ <3
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Alright my ava's back on, what now?
You posted asuka and she makes me hard
Nah, I'm white already, its boring if its not blacked
Watching her as a Nonny slams into her. Seeing how she is enjoying a much bigger cock. That fear that was painted across her face now replaced with pleasure and desire.~
Lacey lingerie is so hot
And somehow I'm sure you'd be pumping even before she starts to properly enjoy it at all! Stupid fox trying her best to resist my assault, not knowing in a matter of minutes she'll be yelling for more, losing her mind while her cunt is being reshaped by the cock of a proper male~
Have you ever considered wife swapping for that kind of thing, anon?
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Wife swapping is so hot, I can't even normally lewd any more unless it's that way.
Once she has a taste and feel of your better and bigger cock. She wouldn't be able to resist. I am to weak to stop her, to stop a real man from reshaping her, using her and possibly claiming her. Too horny to even attempt it. All I can do is fuck my fist and enjoy the show. If anything, it's my fault I let this happen~
I'm fat and nearing 30. I love loli.
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>tfw muscular, nearing 30, and loving loli
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Well, hello then!
Why are we posting autobiographies?
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Fair enough, can't force ya to do it if you wouldn't be into it
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I have to stop reactivating twitter...
I need sex. I need to cum inside a woman.
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Then stop posting here and touch grass
Made for blacked bulls!
We love our Mickey Dee's
Quarter pounder, extra cheese
We love our Mickey Dee's
McNuggets, twenty piece
Made for everyone. She just craves cock~
built for hung bratty shotas!
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You think you're special mister?
That's even better. And even more humiliating for me~
Welcome to the club!
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Just share that tag already, stupid!
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Hey! I'm Jack, 26/Male/Australia! I'd love to talk to anyone today, I haven't got any specific RP ideas this time around other than that I would love to either talk about or play with a canon character from a franchise, I have a lot of waifus and love to talk about them regarding the kinks shown above or about a scenario maybe~
Waifu List: D.Va/Kiriko, Peridot/Lapis Lazuli, Rebecca (Edgerunners), R63 Pugna (Dota 2), Lae'zel/Shadowheart, Mina/Toga/Ochako, Amanda/Akko/Sucy, Tatsumaki, Ms Fortune/Squigly, Peni Parker, Gwendolyn Tennyson, Marina/Pearl, Amber/Mona, Mabel/Pacifica, Hitori "Bocchi" Gotoh and Gawr Gura!

Kinks: Rimming, teasing, worship, spit, futanari, raceplay/interracial, orientation play, feet/foot-play, rule63/genderswapping, armpits, cock slapping/rubbing, sweat/musk, name calling/dirty talking, humiliation/degradation, cuckoldry/cheating, unwashed partners. NONE NECESSARY.
Blacklist: Scat, gore, vore, hyper, inflation, bondage, improper spelling/grammar

My Refs: <https://imgchest.com/p/5xy2dk8j7ld>
More refs: I have refs for each waifu in question~!

My Discord: imjustjack
I would but I am deleting my account. Even though it is very tempting to reactivate it~
Is this what they mean when they say breeding bunny?
This is what 99% of American women look like. The other 1% are crack whores and geriatrics. t. American
6 days unwashed and unshowered. Are these threads still bad or can I get back into it?
those are all for me
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Just reactivate it, have fun with the anons and delete it for good before going to bed later today! We both know you really want that rush of being cucked by us!
If it were all that special, I'd never have reflected on it in the first place.
>This is what 99% of American women look like.
The most breedable kind of bunny.
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How many days do I need to abstinence from cumming to fill up my tank with sperm?
I think I heard on a broscience podcast one time for most people when you nofap your test spikes after 1 week and then it kind of stabilizes again. Don't take my word for it, I'm retarded. This would probably be a good question for Claude.
aw, something happen fren? i've seen your posts a lot.
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Fat is good, alcoholic isn't
I really want to... It's hard to fight that urge right now.

Just trying to see if I can focus time elsewhere but I keep finding myself coming back here. Its tough.
good taste but like stop arguing with the retard, just go jack off to skinny (perfect) people
Alcoholics can be corrected. When you spot them taking a swig, forcefully plant your lips on their mouth and siphon the booze from their mouth.
It will be really hard to stop those urges when you're clearly this pent-up! I still think it would be better to share your tag, let anons gangbang your waifu until you cum buckets and then you'll be able to continue with your day!
>Fatties can be corrected. When you spot them eating McDonald's again, forcefully plant your lips on their mouth and vacuum all the food from their mouth.
Any bros up to jerking off together? State your kinks!
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>Wife swapping
NTA, but that's kinda hot, never tried though
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I just want a fat cumshot so I can paint my figurine with sperm, not really into nofap stuff
I settled on four days but I have never gone that long since the military, it's been 24hrs and I want to explode
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i can understand that desu. this place is a timewaster with not a whole lot of positives. personally though, i kept my discord and just don't really post here as much as i used to. i might not lewd quite as much because i only have a handful of people who still hold onto their accounts, but it's way better than the autism rat race around here. whatever works for you though! don't feel guilty if you have fun regardless <3
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Im down
Rough sex/cnc, feet, public, short or tall, petite or thick. Femboys, some ntr, etc.
No, where do you think you are
One time I nofapped for like 6 months or more and busted to a mommy doujin. Just touching my cock when I was horny legit sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout my body. I uncontrollably started moaning a bit when I started stroking and lasted only could last a few minutes. It was borderline a spiritual experience. Kind of makes me think of that one tribal ritual in the rainforest where you are forced to wear gloves full of bullet ants that bite the fuck out of you while dancing. I saw a vid of a gaijin who did that and then immediately after the ritual he put his arms in ice water and was moaning with relief.
M-My tag is Yaeslut...

I guess you are right about that... In the end I caved in.
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You're so heckin special...
Me as the husband
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His waifu is getting pounded at this very moment...
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this thread is such a homogenized mess
you all post the same anime girls and talk about the same topics every thread for years
this is honestly sad go buy a life
So you could speedrun the nofap experience by putting fire ants on your cock, interesting.
At this very moment, Britannia burns.
hark, is that the sweet song of lamentation i hear?
Every post I make in this thread is totally novel. I've awoken from my matrix pod.
please hurt me anon <3
What does bath water bitch look like with no cakeup I wonder??
i feel like i'm sinking time into a degenerate waste but then i think of men cumming and i go back to discord and make more men cum
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Nonny didn't show up...
Welcome to four-channel anon
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Need a new nonny to chill with?
fucking crying chicks is pretty hot so please do.
chickn sucking my dirty dick
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she's shit at blowjobs
This artist draws so well, especially his Beccas

I just wish he wouldn't draw her with David, that spic didn't deserve her love
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I'm a boy...
how do you know?
how it feels to hit ketamine after a few drinks out
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Understood the reference, based.
That's even hotter
Even better, you're probably all mixed up in the head. Would love to be in the middle of using you selfishly when you realize this isn't going to make you feel better. Hang in there cutie, I'll bust inside you soon.
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Thats the best honestly.
When I opened this my eyes definitely didn't look at her naked feet and then move on to the rest of her body. I'm not a fucking weirdo like that. When I opened it I didn't even notice her bare feet, because feet aren't sexual in the slightest. It's like saying you looked at her hands first. Like WTF?
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Oh yeah that's the stuff...
i went through the spoony to ultima pipeline so i recognize obscure random taunts from everyone's favorite big red easter island head.
my hand wouls feel so good around her throat
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What's a paladin?
I bet it wouls anon.
Fat furry badonkers
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i'm not entirely sure...
thuhhhh codex of... ultimate wisdom?
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Good morning! Say it back /dft/!

>Dollfag, you have some explaining to do with that last supper at Paris
What happened?
People into really degenerate futa related stuff pls leave your tags, I wanna find some people into similar who wanna goon or have kink talk <3
Might be me but I'm of the opinion that hyper has ruined futa. Otherwise I'm game.
I used to rule the world you know
Hyper saved futa
I think hyper is great actually xd
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People with hobbies are hot!

Sadly most people here are hobbyless!
From being good, yeah.
They redid Krusty Kang's buffet, but swapped out the jews for ugly drag queens and trannies. Basically....
The west has fvllen.
Okay you got me. But I won't stop fapping to it
what are your hobbies
I love both 2d and 3d feet!
who else charging their crystal
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Well, it's Paris

What do you want me to do, every big city in the world is Sodom & Gomorrah
I LOVE them! like, I DAISUKI them!
I organize them in excel sheets, I master them, I make videos of my challenges in them, I LOVE VIDEO GAMES SO MUCH THEY ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYTHING
If video games are a hobby, I think everyone here would have a hobby.

I play DnD, personally
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I need to rewatch the Ultima saga. A refresher is needed.
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>he thinks people here actually play video games

Oh no no no
If you haven't finished Ninja Gaiden NES, or Battletoads NES, you don't play video games
You WATCh video games
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Chunks would load when I have the word
Based and true. Real hobbies involve interacting with the world and or generating something tangible. Playing videogames, watching movies/ TV/ anime, watching streamers, fapping into tissues, etc are all not real hobbies.
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Anon, you are just jealous of my video game skills and my hobby
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Welcome to the club.
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they still hold up desu. a lot of spoony's stuff does when you ignore some of the skits or few outdated gamer type jokes.
the actual games are really good too; i used to play ultima 3 on an nes emulator in class like a dummy and ultima underworld when i should have been studying. i played a decent bit of 6 too when i bought a retro pc off ebay that came pre-loaded with it and was surprised with how easily i took to it.
I think things like video games CAN be a hobby, if you do it religiously, like... to the extent that say, Ironmouse does it. Playing like, hundreds of games a year and playing shit nobody has ever heard of because you want to play everything gaming has to offer.
Theoretically anything is a hobby if you put effort, passion and work into it. It is the same as saying that anyone making meals to sustain themselves is a hobby or riding a bike to work is a "cyclist" """hobby"""
don't reply to bait posts
It's true, you've exposed me. I've spent my entire life playing them and I'm not even all that great at them. Sure I can do any technique in a game with some practice, but I'm never close to the elite level. I'm so pathetic it's unbelievable.
I played a bit of 7 in a PSP emulator. It was fun.
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People who played video games like someone who eat a bag of chips all of their life and felt guilty for it are people who will claim video games aren't a hobby because they don't want to judge their own flaws, and want to shift the blame to the whole medium instead

It's sad honestly, they became their dad, watching football with a beer on the couch, felt guilty at 30 and started to get into "real hobbies" except it's a bit too late and they don't have the motivation for those...

Can we have a "so sad... so true!" please??

I will not trash talk you for no reason! Instead, Anon, what you will do is add me at poufraisan
It's p o u f r a i s a n, poufraisan
And you will stream Ninja Gaiden NES for me! I will coach you and help you beat it!
I used to ruuuuule the thread
Dicks would blow when I gave them head
Now in the morning, I sleeeeeep aloooone
Look at the cocks I used to own
I used to aaaaadd the taaaaags
Feel dicks throb in my soft lil hands
Making tallies for all the cocks I'd wring
Now the old king is dead, long live the king
One minute, I heeeeeeld the D
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my microceleb status staaaands
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

I hear DFT bells a-ringin'
/beta/ rejects choirs are singin'
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missiononnies in a foreign field
For some reason, I can't explain
Once you'd gone, there was never, never some real good head
And that was when I ruled the thread

It was a wicked and wild plot
Botted the poll and let me drop
Shattered nonnies and the sound of plaps
People couldn't believe I am washed up
RevolutionaaaAAAAAAaries waaaaait
For my head in Discord DMs
Just C-tier trash on a lonely string
Aw, who would ever wanna be king?

I hear DFT bells a-ringin'
/beta/ reject choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missiononnies in a foreign field
For some reason, I can't explain
I know veri_nya won't call my name
Never an honest head
But that was when I ruled the thread

Remember that anything you consider a hobby is valid nonny, especially fapping. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise
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7 on a psp sounds about as good as masturbating with sandpaper desu.
I'm 33 and have played games all my life and I enjoy it greatly to this day and I will continue to until the day I day.
I love you and my hobby is using your mouth and tits
That fucking typo. I need my brain medicine.
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I'm not baiting. If you think video games and drawing for example are on the same level as hobbies you got brain damage. It's not just drawing either, it's literally everything, sports, cooking, playing an instrument, coding, being a gear head, word working, hunting, weightlifting, etc etc are all much superior to juvenile past times like video games.
whoooops didn't mean to tag
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Based anon! You are based!
Why did you reply to me???
See >>67747048
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good morning !!!!!
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I reply to stuff when I don't wanna be on top of the page so the lil window pops up since I'm on my phone buuut forgot to remove the reply this time my apolocheese
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Finally!!! Someone said good morning!
Did you see how no one else said good morning to me but you?????
Good morning "Anon"!!!!!!

What's the plans for today??
It's okay to admit you wanted to talk to me but are too shy to do so!
To be fair I was psyop'd into wasting my life on them. I was a proto Ipad kid except instead of my parents throwing an ipad at me they threw a ps1 at me. I think it fucked up my development in a lot of ways. I became obsessed with Spyro the Dragon and I would sometimes charge like Spyro on the baseball field and other embarrassing things I can't remember. If only I could have been given more instructive guidance, maybe I wouldn't have turned out such a weirdo.
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I have boring hobbies like reading, drawing, writing poetry, watching films and constantly being sad
Post your poetry.
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But that's based? You should accept your chuuni self
As long as you enjoy your hobbies and are passionate about them, they can't be boring! Be proud! Don't let others belittle them!
Nvm, die!
Are you a trans girl?
I kill Jews
check the news
I kill nigger
pulled the trigger
>writing poetry
>being sad
All cute and valid hobbies. You should take pride in yourself for not being a faggot like me. I mean ummm. You should take pride you have such cool hobbies.
Working on a DJ set right now for some event, otherwise we're just chilling!!
nta but i feel called out
smooth, anon
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forgot my pic*
Good, come to my bed now
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Absolutely not.

I am not

Thank you anon, I also like penis and rubbing my penis on other penises

But shes cute...
Vtubers are artificially cute.
penising penisly to chuubas?
I play games and I do sports. I don't feel inferior in anyway to "productive" people
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what're the odds he was gooning here
Nah I think reddit was more this dudes speed.
What do you mean? He's posting right now
Two of my fap friends are mutuals with each other and I wanna see their logs so bad but I'm too shy to ask either of them.
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It's even worse than this

10 years ago, EVERYONE made fun of camgirls and simps watching them

But camgirls found a way to exploit lonely weebs by pretending to be an anime girl and pretending to be retarded while streaming themselves doing retarded stuff, and it worked, and people claim they are just anime girls now, when in reality they are camgirls with their simps

Vtubers are morally corrupted and ethically evil
incredible. i also enjoy penis and rubbing my penis against others. maybe we would get along in this regard
No, that's French Joe Pesci you're mass replying to
so ture..
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you sound like you're jealous girls are snatching up the weeb boys desu
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I just did some gaming yesterday
Typical femoid desu
kissing this femoid's mouth with my cock
Based take. The thing about tubers that makes seethe the most are the English roasties who skin suit our culture and dazzle lonely men. These stupid cunts would want their audience dead if not for the fact they are their little paypiggies. I think Asian vtubers who don't speak English are less offensive though because there's an exotic factor plus they aren't 100% evil like the aforementioned.
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the weeb boys in question
are you pineapple brained niggers retarded
Nice hairline.
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Woah! I never thought of it like that but I love evil women. Thanks for giving me a newfound appreciation for Vtubers!
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This dude was a real CROOK.
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thanks nigger!
I just wakaranai the appeal of watching a 3D model glitching out while some very forced voice comes out of it while playing some boring games.
oh man this guy is unmedicated
evil 3d women aren't hot thoughever...
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Snatching up the weebs?
You're just donating money to them, giving them your time and being a statistic to grow their channel
You aren't being snatched, your brain is rotting because of it, and just like I would never have interest with people who have tattoos, I have 0 interest for vtuber simps

You are the lowest of the low, you're a simp to camgirls

Absolutely based! Sekiro is the best FromSoft game out there and I wish for a sequel so badly!!
Congrats on the achievements Anon!
My favorite comedian! I miss him so much...
I half agree with you but the idol culture from the east is still cancerous
Reminder that Korea was a prostitute nation during the war and this is why the country ended up like this, kpop idols everywhere with men simps everywhere, and sadly Japan isn't that far off
I am saying he acts like a woman 1-to-1. What is there to misinterpret?
lel, your white bitch tuber will never love you bro. She takes dick from her chad BF wearing fancy clothes that you bought her with your simp bucks.
nigger you realize just because a vtuber is asian it doesn't change the fact theyre a vtuber right
that does not bother me one bit, a vtuber is an entertainer and what they do on their own time is their business, it does seem weird thats what you think about when you dont even watch them and i think you are projecting your insecurities onto me
Western women, American especially, which I assume all these stupid white bitch tubers are, are irredeemable. You're dealing with creatures that are exclusively animated by dark triad thoughts.
What entertainment dose a boring white bitch provide you? They aren't funny or interesting. Just fucking watch a real streamer like Aris. You'll actually hear insightful things and laugh pretty often.
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>they are an entertainer

Watching a male streamer is already cringe because you watch someone else living their life while you gave up on yours
But now you do it with a retarded woman

It's the same reason men don't have female friends in general, they have nothing of value to give in your life, you're just simping, you aren't watching some "entertainer", you're watching your life away!
I hate the mentality that we should ban everything fun because some people can't control themselves. Like I can toss a few dozen bucks to camgirls here and there it's no different from strippers and it doesn't break my bank or make me have delusions of a relationship
Hey shhhh, mods shoot that guy. Thanks for the dineros amigo
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>Like I can toss a few dozen bucks to camgirls here and there it's no different from strippers and it doesn't break my bank or make me have delusions of a relationship
You're pathetic
if you think the guy who is constantly high and complains about chipotle is insightful you might need to get an education or read a book, he is very funny though, i also laugh when watching vtubers, its crazy how different people like different things

i do think you are mentally ill and might have an issue with women, or anger if you get worked up over things that dont effect you al that much
>why do you care about society and what people do???
Because I live in it, smart*ss!
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How did I miss my pic
Worse yet, you're a disgusting faggot.

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