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/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky

Post tags, talk about your fetishes, and jerk off.

Safe Boisex Edition

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Why would you wear a condom to frot?
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You guys are weird sometimes
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another gay thread on this shitty nigger board...
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>I just wakaranai the appeal of watching a 3D model glitching out while some very forced voice comes out of it while playing some boring games.

The appeal is simple: Those men are hypocritical camwhore simps who never were into camwhores because of the last bit of dignity they had left inside them, but the moment a girl pretended to be an anime girl for an audience, that last bit of dignity left and they had an excuse to simp for retarded roasties

It's sad
Lmao nice melty, imagine letting women influence your emotions to this degree instead of truly objectifying them
i hope that the good weird is more common than the bad weird
Not here unfortunately
Coca Cola zero sugar tastes like the shit you use to clean your dishes
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>Imagine having standards, emotions, ideas, principles! I can't!
Typical simp
You're a fly in a swarm being attracted to poop, you aren't objectifying them, you're basically an Indian
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Sadly it's the bad weird but sometimes you get lucky
>instant projecton
I never mentioned supporting sluts kek, again letting just the thought of a woman make you seethe this much
I really hope my friends are fucking and they send me logs.
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>about to pump to 2D
>female friend posts thirst traps on instagram just minutes before
why is it always like this
All my friends are fucking dogs and horses
>objectifying them
Nigger, you're simping for them.
>dur hur hurr the cute anime avi (gross, unfunny, white bitch behind it) yelled really LOUDD xDDD
Fucking foam adventure ass faggotry!
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Pretending to have no emotions to be above people just does the opposite
You're a doormat
*clean my shoes off of you*
Good doormat, stay down and silent, be emotionless, lick my shoe!
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Cause it feels good
Somebody is jelous of vtubers
>frot party
Do white people really?
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is it really a good idea for me to abandon 2D for a fat ass white girl anon
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This is why I won't provide any money to my wife or kids because I'm not a simp
Who cares? Just fap.
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>comparing your own wife and kids to a vtuber
What kind of argument is this
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Yes. 100% Yes.
>He never got invited to a frot party
I fap to vtubers and you will seethe about it
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I love it when I'm going the fuck off and anons start backing me up. This must have been what Hitler felt when all of a sudden the judges and cops who threw him in jail sieg heiled him.
Woah woah, that's not what it's like at all. I mean uhhh. This is like when you're in the army and in a tough spot, but reinforcements show up! Friggin bad ass!
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the directness of this post is lewd.
its impossible to resist!
I'm not seething I think that's pretty cool actually
Fapping to them is fine. Watching them and giving them money isn't.
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Holy fucking BASED.
I don't think unemployed people have any say in societal matters and I'm not alone on this opinion
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Who would want to resist, anyway?
Because they are cuter than them...it happened much too often in feminine societies...
Okay mr hands
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>arguments to why vtubers are bad and the spawn of satan

>"b-but muh dick feel good I like being a simpy simpy uwuuuuu vtuber-san

The west has fallen
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she's wearing that kind of outfit too... how did you know...
It's okay, anon. I'd fuck your hand.
>I don't think unemployed people have any say in societal matters and I'm not alone on this opinion
Do you wish you could beat the shit out useless, parasitic scum like me with brass knuckles while I'm bound? Perhaps beat me to death? Imagine how much catharsis you'd feel from doing such an action. You'd being doing society and in fact the whole world a massive favor by stamping out the infestation that is my existence.
>cumming on that belly
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Huge facts right here! Vtubers are inherently better than NEETS!
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You're one man simping for the same vtuber with thousands and thousands of other men
Making you 1/10000 of a man
You diminish your OWN value as a man for some 2.5D model moving around with a woman faking some high pitched voice while laughing like an animal and pretending to be retarded

Don't you feel silly? Don't you feel little? Don't you have dignity?

How do you become like this

Anon, I'm trying to save you
you're so based can we have sex
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Can you beat Battletoads NES (US version) with no continue nor savestates?

I will only have sex with someone who can do this
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Because I'm right behind you, nonny

Relax man you'll be okay
Chill nigger
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if you're right behind me then why arent you jerking me off over an application known as discord...
One day I will make you proud
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If I can even save 1 Anon from being a simp
if I can even save 1 Anon from not recognizing their own value
If I can even s ave 1 Anon

Then I'll do it! I'll do it again and again!

And I can't wait for that day... But you're just singing sweet lullabies to me... That day is so distant... I don't know if it will ever come...
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dude you suck
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>wasting his time trying to save porn addicted schizos instead of doing actual charity work at a homeless shelter
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If by suck, you mean I suck the evil out of this thread, then I agree!
i would sink my teeth into every part of her plastic bimbo body
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at the very least they could save me the agony of my throbbing erection by helping me spew.

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I worked at a charity that helped lonely old people meet each other and watch movies/participate in event together to have some company
I would cook for them and take care of the planning
And it was dominated by women who only did it for themselves and to control people

Charity work is overrated
>I worked at a charity
No you didn't.
>And it was dominated by women who only did it for themselves and to control people
And you did nothing to change that.
>Charity work is overrated
You didn't do it for charity then.
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You guys are above NEET scum like me; I will always remember that. I understand my place as a useless eater. Feel free to disparage me and abuse me in any way you see fit. Remember that you may have problems in you're life, but you can always find solace in the fact you aren't a loser NEET who lives a totally pointless existence of nothing but aimless, agonizing, atrophy such as myself. Find mirth and laughs while you lie in bed. HAHA I AM NOT THAT LOSER FAGGOT. I hope it brings you great joy, finally my existence will have served some sort of purpose.
this is what i look like
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>you didn't
>okay you did but you didn't change it
>okay you did but you didn't do it for charity
Uh oh someone is mad!

Simp more little vtuber simp!
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pure SEX cosplayer btw
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Is he fapping while writing all this
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T-this post is about me, I know it

I'm becoming shy...

im griping
>avatarfags actually masturbating
lemme do that instead?
Drop your pants whore
I'm a fellow neet loser in a country with cheap alcohol, so I sink even further by begging people online to push me into alcoholism~
tokisex tokisex tokisex tokisex
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Aaaaaaaaaaa I'm so shy after being confessed to in public like this!

My tag is p o u f r a i s a n btw! poufraisan
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uwaaaaaa!!! uwaaaaaa!
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Ava kris tyson
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uwaaawawaawawaawaaw ><
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Huh, okay so I know you do but I don't like this picture and I don't think you should be blasphemous in your confession to me
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You can abolish anonymity on the internet but I won't stop talking about older women and my desire to fuck them
Meh what's with the zoomer e-celeb culture? The other week you were going off about doctor disrespect. At least find funnier or interesting things to sperg about. US politics for example. How about a Kamala avatar!? Now that would be funny and sexy. l0l!
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You didn't commit the ACT of charity, you know, the definition. I don't change stances midway like you, sorry sister!
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I need fat Asian asses for my dicklet
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Sturdy is being raided so i guess i'm stuck here
Hags do be having feet though. They are also willing to be very slutty with them, especially for guys almost half their age.
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>the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need.
I guess I did this
>go to frot party
>they find out i have a vagina
Atleast the dog kept me company
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need to sperm inside
My god...
Did you frot with the dog?
no it doesnt youre just addicted to sugar
Thank you! This makes me way harder.
Why post in discord faggy talky if you don't have a peepee
veri core image
How do you guys have jobs and spend a whole day laying in your bed being hedonistic
after they cum i ask them how their day is and tell them to get a nap
men love me
Porn addicts with small cocks are really cute~ Spending all day inside, dedicating your life to self-pleasure when you have such an inadequate tool~
Its not that deep. No different from watching mindless TV to relax. the working class needs vtubers.
i have a small penis and i dont let it dictate my life like you retards
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>I need to simp to relax
Have some pride
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Hedonism is awesome

Everyone ITT is an absolute specimen (aside from me, I'm a dysgenic freak). They all have 6+ inch cocks, have dozens of bitches on their dicks, have great paying jobs and still somehow have time for all of this. This thread is like if took Melonpan and cloned him dozens of times.
Basedbasedbased *barkbarkbark ruffruffruff*
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this is some kroni tier bait anon
Absolutely based. Good girls
Now I'm incredibly jealous...
Hi there~ Was anything I said earlier familiar to you~?
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What's the bait? I gave you guys multiple argument to why simping for camwhores is pathetic
Hell, it was considered pathetic 10 years ago, but the meta changed with vtubers

You guys are pathetic, this is pathetic, you need some pride
>work 7,5h 5 days a week
>commute is 10min per direction
Do you know how much time that leaves for me to be a perv online [not-a-functional-spoiler]a lot[/not-a-functional-spoiler]
I come from work have a nap until anon is online and then erp until I'm exhausted then sleep until I work again. The work-gay cycle basically.
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what's wrong nonny?
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Anal sex is disgusting, you're putting your genital in someone's po*p hole
Just frot if you want actual gay sex, anal sex is prison gay
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>discord member since
>from:tag in:meetups
I'm just working with what I got
if that's true then why does the prostate exist, huh?
I wish I had a fat Asian sluts gf
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Maybe read some biology book
You have a penis to feel pleasure through
A mouth to make someone else feel pleasure with
And yet you choose a hole with po*p in it to pleasure yourself in or feel pleasure, reconsider your life
And what do you have, anon~?
You sound like me. Or my fappy friend
so true
>work 7,5h 5 days a week
>commute is 10min per direction
Same and anyone who commutes more than that is insane, that's precious time you could be sucking cock/having your cock sucked.
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Sucks to be you
But pee comes from the peepee
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But you aren't penetrating the penis, aren't you?
You have p*op on your dick
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Total toki takeover
I need to rely on loli art to go hard enough for my girlfriend otherwise my cock remains only half hard
Sounding my peehole
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Three high IQ individuals, or two if I actually am your fappy friend.
I want to stick my dicklet in a pink pussy
Not much, but I'd like to think it's kind of cute
I want do dive face first into that and tongue it for an hour straight.

This is me
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it is! Smaller anons are always the cutest and sweetest~
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Weeby boys and their silly tribs <3
Its not called a frot party its called stroke cartels
*Wakes up*
*Makes up both breakfast*
*Gives you lots of hugs and kisses*
I love you.
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Do I stroke my tiny cock to an obui doujin or to 3D sluts
What the heck...
I want to make YOU breakfast because I love you so much. Don't worry about it, stay in bed and rest. I'll take care of everything.
im laughing so hard at this
hehe thank you, I really appreciate it <3
My First Jack Off Party In Dallas
July 25, 2024
Circle Jerk
Hand job
Jacking Off
Mutual Masturbation
Share with Buddies!
Submitted by RyanH

Buddy told me about this site last week and been reading all the posts since. Great seeing the jack off community still going strong!

I’m 57, straight and married. Been a bator since college. Buddy got me into it. Jacked with so many awesome dudes over the years and made so many cocks nut.

My first real jack off party was in 1999. I met a guy cruising for hand jobs in a Dallas restroom and after we made each other nut he told me about a group that was getting together every few weeks.

Never went to a party like that before. I couldn’t believe there were groups like that where it was just all about men enjoying their cocks in their hands. Until then my bator life was just cruising and sometimes going to a theater where guys could help a dude out with his dick. I didn’t like that so much because most of them wanted to suck and I wasn’t so into that.
There was one business still open and a couple guys outside smoking but they didn’t seem to care what was going on. They must have noticed something was going down.

You couldn’t tell from outside what was going on in this run down building. I went around the side and there was a dude at the door checking everyone. Just told him the guys name who invited me and he let me in.

Walked down a corridor and got to a bigger room. At least 30 dudes in there just enjoying themselves.

There was no porn or anything. Cell phones weren’t as much of a thing back then and streaming porn definitely wasn’t. No one needed porn though. Everyone was just enjoying all the penises around them.

I got my cock out and dived right in. Met so many awesome dudes at that first party. I think I stroked every cock in the room.

Most of the guys seemed to know each other. I found a couple familiar dudes I’d jacked it with before. It was a smaller scene back then and I guess most bators just naturally found each other. I was welcomed into the gang and had loads of guys wanting to stroke me.
I read on The Daily Stormer that JD vance fucking his couch doesn't actually happen in the book. I don't know who to believe because I have zero desire to crack open his stupid memoir. It's funny though and I want it to be true.
I love you.
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Sturdy is being raided, what to do now?
If only looni was around back in the day
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Wait, is it actually true that Kamala Harris slept her way to the top?

What is it with American politic lol
This isn't even the first time a cop sleep around at work
>nothing but loli and blacked
>nothing but avatarfags and literal fags
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I just went to check what sturdy was
Deviantart tier, 3D, blacked, pedo stuff and so on

I think all the vtubers/3D/blacked/etc people here should go there so we can save this thread
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Anime website, maybe reddit is more your speed?
How about you post anime then, retard? Your shitty dolls aren't anime
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It's anime-coded
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Or what? What can you do? What will you do?
You have no power
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i'm hungover and horny, i desperately need some cutie making out with my cock
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Any Arizona anons?
Tag is nonud
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Good morning to any and all porn addicted autists
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Good morning! Sorry but vtubers are banned here after /dft/ had a talk and an official meeting about it
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I hope (You) have a lovely day of spraying cum all over your tummy <3
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How can you have a top and a bottom with gay sex since you only frot? Aren't you both mid instead?
Maybe put some effort into your post instead of some begging textonly lol
Dammit why are there no bottoms in arizona
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NEED a cosplaying gf.
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If any anons would like to assist me or maybe join too in my quest to become as retarded as possible from endless substance assisted gooning
if you'd have typed "desperate to make out with anons cock" you've have gotten 6 replies.
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My tag is poufraisan
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Is there any way to DM someone if they're not accepting friend requests? We're in the same server but I can't find them on the user list since they're set to invisible or offline.
Add poopraisin if you wanna go retarded
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Sorry but I don't accept DMs from vtuber simps!
how big is your cock?
You really like giving me (You)s sillu
youre so fucking ugly irl
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Do I know you? And are (you)s supposed to be some kind of currency?
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Y-you don't mean it...
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Is Cuddlesl*t okay? Why does he add me from time to time randomly?
ive cum lots to both of these anons
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Stroking my small dick to furshit first thing in the morning!
5 inches.
We are not acquainted, it was just a remark. And not really, but it's amusing to pretend that they have value. There's even an extension that keeps track of how many you've gotten, I believe.
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>There's even an extension that keeps track of how many you've gotten, I believe.
What the heck
I would be so rich with those...
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Just worship the Queen instead
It's pretty sad how she got pushed by society into doing porn
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*slit wrists*
*slashes your throat*
I bet she's so sad being set for life after taking a few pictures.
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You can't really bring your money to hell with you, you know
>I can never have a partner or if I do get one, he'll be a cuck
>I can never have children or if I do have them, they'll be bullied
>I can never half self respect (there is no or)
>My only worth in life is and was giving lonely men boners
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library of Ruina dft ebf?
This thread was so much better when the ugly doll was gone.
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Only if you play Battletoads!
Sounds like /dft/
She can always stop at any point and have enough. She wants more so that's why she's still going. She could also look to go out with someone in the same industry as her so they would understand her perspective if she wants to continue working.
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I tried that game but there was a lot to learn so It wasn't easy for me to get into. I do know someone who's into those games though and they usually lurk this thread.
Cmon let's goon eachother brains out n talk im fuckin 3rd day in no sleeping mething i wanna get someone to cook my brains just fuck my shir up senpai and lets goooooon
that's big...
first you gotta tell me your top 5 favorite things in porn!
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does any other anon's libido go in fully swing and your cock gets incredibly sensitive in the morning
Misato san...
Mine does that 24/7!
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I nutted and it felt nice.
stroking my they/them cock to they/them pussy
Yes siiirrr that would be oral that's my all time favorite then huge tits big ass vtubers gachas lolium futa ahm yeah something like that i guess
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You wouldn't happen to be az too...?
no :( sorry, i just post end up posting like that to gas up anons idk
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Why not try the meetup board for meetups?
White beauty and power<3
i'll just fap and then game dev after
I just came and I am no longer gay, goodbye.
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Hello PLEASE ANY COMPANY WOULD BE GREAT BEFORE I GO ok im chill with anyone please anons before my heart gives out àaaaaaaa i need someone to pump with like crazy for the time being or yea as long as my body is able to i will keep at it aaaa maybe i done a lil too much now impatient sori
Ate my burger and now I'm going to watch anime
>Sharkcutie didn't nut with me..
Why live..
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Don't worry you didn't miss out, I'm annoying :3
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Sorry anon, I only date total schizo girls who want to ruin me (they will lose)
(I gladly welcome the new era of pretty boys within Limbus)
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But Veri is a big cutie and nutting together with him feels like heaven <3 I wanna kiss you, you dork
If you are the same sharkcutie who bakes threads often, I can safely say - You are not! You are cute and precious and I wish I could get clingy and cuddly with u..
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Nyooo I'm not, although you're right that he's a big cutie <3
Thank you thank youuuu <3 we can have oneeeeee little kiss right as we're both spilling on our tummies, okie? <333
All of our sticky neet cum on our tummies when we have a small little kill and moan in our mouths :3
I don't want to reply to you. I don't want to make small talk. I don't want to return the favor. I simply want you to make me cum and then ignore you until I'm horny again. Fuck you
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I’m addicted to being horny with other anons. I like when I get to be cozy lewd with a fellow virgin hentai addict.
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Oh, it's you Veve, I wasn't aware you would be awake by now, but I hope you are doing alright, still a bit bitter for you ditching me out of nowhere, but I still like you, dorky
why are you angry bwo
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Yeah, it's a weird spiral..I just can't fap normally anymore, getting with anons, to either fap to something together or making anon larp as a cutie and then making him e-pregnant is just...heaven
Because fuck trying to accommodate others I want to CUM
nvm I am horny again.
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First half I agree, not so much the second half. I only like being gay when it’s frotting at most.
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Post tag!
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I've broken free of it mostly, but it's still super nice...
Frotting is gayer than fucking an AGP anon...
What happened now?
Lappy cutie...
Pumping my cock to furry NTR~
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>Only like frotting because it's the only level of gay I can handle
I saw what you did there, fren. But it's okay, it's the internet, we can be gay as we want.
White woman moment
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Anon... the results of your blood work are... concerning to say the least...
I don't want to go on stains... I here the side effects feel terrible.
Why is my doctor naked?
Blood work? But I am not a blood bender..I don't work with blood
Like, by the FBI or some shitposters
grab and anal full nelson in front of mona
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>making anon larp as a cutie and then making him e-pregnant is just...heaven
Anon is very hot
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What was that website that let you look up people's username and find their activity in public servers? Anyone remember?
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I am? Why do you think so, Toki cutie?
I think you know the answer yourself already silly
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Looking for bull anons that are into furry NTR~
Tag: cuckedbyknots
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OH, I get....

..Now you are making me blush
Now that is not too dom from you anon, maybe you are also just a cutie too
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A bit of both, mood swings get nasty when I am balls deep into someone. Never said I was a extra domineering dom though
Do the mood swings range from extra cutie to extra mean? Or just cutie to teasing
Anon from a few weeks ago who posted his Big Fat Cock jerking to that fat strider bitch. Hard for PAWGS and dumptruck asses. Add discord custosvitae
Post it again
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I am not a cartoon dom if that's what you are thinking of. I like to get naughty, tease , amd I will get pushy if anons gives me room to do so and I will try to make him moan silly if I am in the mood.

But sometimes, I will be as you say, extra cute, perhaps I just want to hug a cutie and share sweet nothings with him, talk about silly situations of my day or just share some cutsy stuff here and there.

The partner is what makes the big change here
I see, perhaps I want anon to treat me like nothing but a cumdump too often in comparison

Hard to get in just cute mood like you
Forgot to mention!
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I mean with an anon with such a strong cocklust like yours, I bet my wild side would be brought more often, doesn't hurt to try of you want to.
Sure, what's your tag then non?
It's jhonnu_ !

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